LWBK836 Ch129 p1390-1398

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Ronald A. Lehman, Jr.

129 Jason T. Bessey

Alexander R. Vaccaro

Classification of Thoracic
and Lumbar Fractures

INTRODUCTION defined spinal stability as the absence of deformity or neuro-

logic deficit increasing over time.1 Similarly, Kelly and Whitesides
Several spinal trauma classification systems have been proposed called a spine unstable if progressive deformity resulted in
to aid surgeons in identifying patterns of injury; however, a increasing neurologic compromise.11 Perhaps White and
majority of them do not provide surgeons with enough useful Panjabi devised the most comprehensive definition:
clinical information. An ideal classification system would not be Clinical instability is defined as a loss in the ability of the spine under
based on anecdotal surgeon experience and retrospective physiologic loads to maintain relationships between vertebrae in such
descriptive measures, but rather provide a systematic approach a way that there is neither damage nor subsequent irritation to the
to treatment while predicting clinical outcomes. Historically, spinal cord or nerve roots. In addition there is no development of
the classification of thoracolumbar fractures has been based on incapacitating deformity or pain due to structural changes.27
the mechanism of injury, but applying this type of classification The difficulty in defining stability despite many previous
does not provide reliable guidance toward treatment and attempts led to establishing different categories of instability
expected outcome. Bucholz and Gill, more than 20 years ago, rather than degrees of instability. The Spine Trauma Study
published a critique of the existing thoracolumbar classifica- Group, a coalition of international spinal traumatologists dedi-
tion systems, arguing that the current systems at that time did cated to the study of spinal trauma, has defined these catego-
not represent the complex mechanisms associated with the ries to include the following:
injury nor did they take into account the variable neurologic
injury.3 Several attempts have been made at improving the clas- Immediate mechanical stability (suggested by the morphol-
sification of thoracolumbar injuries, yet historically there had ogy of injury)
been a lack of consensus on the optimal classification sys- Long-term stability (indicated by integrity of the posterior
tem.7,14,17,18 This overall lack of consensus likely stemmed from ligamentous complex [PLC])
a variety of factors, of which, the most important being the ease Neurologic stability (indicated by the presence or absence of
of clinical application. Generally, surgeons are unwilling to a deficit)
accept a classification system that burdens the user. In addition,
the anatomy associated with thoracolumbar injuries is very
complex, and previous attempts at simplifying the injury mech- VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY
anism have reduced their clinical utility. Creating a system,
which is complex enough to incorporate the intricate thora- One of the main purposes of a classification system is to create
columbar anatomy yet simple enough to be clinically applica- a useable, reproducible system with language common to those
tion has thus far evaded surgeons. who treat thoracolumbar spinal trauma, thereby promoting
efficient and reliable communication. This requires a reason-
able degree of intraobserver and interobserver reliability, which
have been problematic in previous systems. In the case of a
DEFINING INSTABILITY spinal fracture classification system, it is presumed that the
interaction of various forces with the spinal column creates
The continuing effort to classify thoracolumbar spinal fractures some basic repetitive injury patterns. The difficulty lies in the
reflects the contemporary difficulties encountered in defining interaction of innumerable variables that go on to produce a
or predicting the stability of these injuries. Presumed spinal traumatic lesion. It must also compress available information
instability following trauma has been traditionally based on an into reproducible categories without loss of informational con-
assessment of routine plain radiographs, computed tomogra- tent (i.e., an algorithmic compression process). Such a process
phy (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These stud- inevitably leads to two pitfalls: (1) either there is a loss of infor-
ies capture only an isolated moment in time, providing a static mation content in favor of simplicity and thus higher reproduc-
perspective of the injury, not necessarily correlating with ibility or (2) there is a loss of simplicity and reproducibility in
dynamic deformation occurring at the time of incident. Nicoll favor of higher informational content.

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Chapter 129 Classification of Thoracic and Lumbar Fractures 1391

Most of the previous classification systems are based on The AO classification system, by using complex subclassifica-
image pattern recognition. However, this does not necessarily tions, preserves the detail and complexity inherent to most
lead to a better understanding of prognosis. A classification sys- fractures. However, it is this complexity that has prevented its
tem, in its truest form, is only useful if it actually and accurately widespread use and applicability to everyday practice. On the
predicts outcome more accurately than random chance. A clin- other end of the spectrum is the Denis classification system,
ically useful spine trauma classification scheme should not only which has taken a very simplistic approach, making it easily
provide a mental construct or model of a complex biomechani- applicable yet not detailed enough to classify all fractures.
cal system, but should also be instructive as to the severity of Wood et al evaluated both the Denis and the AO systems and
injury and possible clinical consequences. found that they both had only moderate reliability and repeat-
Vaccaro et al have described a novel classification system in ability.26 The authors were concerned about the tendency for
an attempt to accommodate the difficulties in adoption of pre- even well-trained spine surgeons to classify the same fracture
vious thoracolumbar classification schemes.22 This system was differently on repeat testing.26
based on several principles felt to be important to any classifica- The creation of a new thoracolumbar classification and scor-
tion system. First, it was intended to provide a universal lan- ing system, the TLICS, by Vaccaro et al was done so keeping in
guage that could be used in clinical practice and to allow mind the previously mentioned limitations of the AO and Denis
researchers to prospectively collect data, analyze it, and report classification schemes.22 The TLICS system used three individ-
outcomes in an organized and methodical manner. It was also ual yet related aspects of an injury; morphology, PLC integrity,
designed to allow stratification of severity and guidance toward and neurologic status. Prior to the TLICS, Vaccaro et al
prognosis and outcome of any thoracolumbar spinal injury. attempted to score injuries using the Thoracolumbar Injury
In this chapter, we will review the historical development of Severity Score (TLISS) based on the mechanism of injury.24
thoracolumbar classification systems and offer insight into the However, with follow-up validation surveys to outside spine sur-
creation of the Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and geons, it became clear that surgeons would rather describe the
Severity Score (TLICS). appearance of the injury (morphometry) rather than the sus-
pected injury mechanism. Subsequently, the classification sys-
tem was revised to meet these demands and changed into what
HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF is currently known as the TLICS system.
THORACOLUMBAR CLASSIFICATION For any new classification scheme, validation studies,
SYSTEMS including intraobserver and interobserver reliability, are a
necessity. Several validation studies have been completed ana-
Historically, the most commonly used classification systems for lyzing the utility of the TLICS and older TLISS system. Vaccaro
thoracolumbar fractures have been the Denis and Arbeitsge- et al evaluated 71 injuries among five attending spine sur-
meinschaft fr Osteosynthesefragen (AO) classifications. These geons and compared the reliability of determining the TLISS
classification systems became universally used and accepted for each patient.21 They found reliability when analyzing intra-
despite a lack of appropriate follow-up or validity testing. Con- and interobserver variability, which compared favorably to
sequently, these systems have not been modified or improved other thoracolumbar classification systems. In addition, Patel
with further understanding of the natural history of thora- et al evaluated the time-dependent changes of implementa-
columbar injuries. Several independent studies have ques- tion of the TLISS system.20 They initially evaluated a series of
tioned the reliability and reproducibility of these classification consecutive patients using the TLISS classification and scor-
systems. Blauth et al performed a multicenter study on the ing system. Seven months later they again evaluated the same
interobserver reliability of the AO classification system with series of patients assessing intraobserver reliability. They
imaging studies from 14 fractures of the lumbar spine. Plain found significant improvements in interobserver reliability
radiographs and CT scans were reviewed by 22 institutions with over time suggesting that the TLISS system can be reproduc-
experience in spinal trauma.1 The mean interobserver agree- ibly taught and applied in a clinical setting. Harrop et al
ment for the 14 fractures was 67% when simply using the three reported on the work of 48 spine surgeons who evaluated 56
main categories (A, B, C) to classify the spinal injuries. The clinical scenarios (thoracolumbar injuries) and classified
interobserver reliability corresponding to this evaluation was them according to the TLISS system.8 More than 90% of
0.33, representing only fair reliability. The reliability decreased reviewers agreed with the systems treatment recommenda-
with increasing the number of injury categories. Oner evalu- tion. They concluded that the TLISS met acceptable reliabil-
ated the Denis and AO systems reproducibility using plain ity but suggested replacing injury mechanism with a descrip-
radiographs, CT, and MRI in 53 patients.19 They found fair tion of injury morphology and to better define PLC disruption
reproducibility ( 0.34) with CT scans using the main AO to improve system reliability.
fracture categories to describe the injury. Using MRI, reproduc-
ibility increased to moderate levels ( 0.42). There was fur-
ther improvement in the reproducibility with subclassification
of type A injuries. Intraobserver kappa values were moderate. FACTORS CRITICAL TO CLINICAL
Compared with the AO classification system, interobserver and DECISION MAKING
intraobserver agreement was better with the Denis classifica-
tion for the major fracture types (CT, 0.60; MRI, 0.52), The basis of the TLICS system focuses on three key features of
although this decreased for the entire classification system (CT, a thoracolumbar spinal injury. The first is the morphology of
0.45; MRI, 0.39). Variance, however, was worse due to the injury as determined using available imaging studies. The
an increased difficulty in subclassifying some injury patterns second is the integrity of the PLC. The final key feature is the
into a specific injury category. patients neurologic function. Subgroups are used within each

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1392 Section XII Trauma

category to better identify and categorize the injuries. A scoring Distraction

system is then used to determine the severity of injury and assist
in injury management. The distraction fracture pattern is the result of severe forces
causing discontinuity of the spinal column. Distraction forces
can result in disruption of the ligamentous and bony ele-
INJURY SEVERITY SCORE ments both anteriorly and posteriorly. The key to applying
A scoring system is assigned to each of the three categorical this morphologic descriptor is the ability to recognize the
features, defined as the Injury Severity Score (ISS) and is used lack of continuity between the cephalad components and the
to guide fracture management. For each category, one to three caudal components at the level of injury. With the forces
or four points are assigned representing the severity of the required to cause such disruption, the spinal column is very
injury with one being the least severe and four being the most. unstable. In addition, angulation within the sagittal or coro-
An increasing point value represents increased instability and nal plane is common at the fracture site. Again, the distrac-
the likelihood the patient may benefit from surgical interven- tion descriptor can be combined with the previously
tion. If there are multiple levels injured, then only the highest mentioned morphologic descriptors as needed to describe a
scored level is used as the ISS. complex pattern. Because of the instability associated with
the forces required to create a distraction pattern, these frac-
tures are assigned 4 points.
MORPHOLOGY: FRACTURE PATTERN It is important to remember that any one of the morphologic
descriptors can be combined with another to describe a complex
Fracture patterns are divided into three morphologic descrip- fracture pattern. For example, with a severe flexiondistraction
tors: (1) compression, (2) translation/rotation, and (3) distrac- injury, there may be an associated compressive and translational
tion. This is determined by reviewing all available imaging pattern. If this is the case, the fracture would be best described as
studies, including plain radiographs, CT, and MRI. a distraction translational compression injury.
In summary, the following points are assigned for morphol-
ogy: compression fracture1 point (1 for burst fracture 2
points); translational/rotational3 points; distraction4
Axial spinal loading results in a compression deformity with points. If a combined morphology is determined, then the high-
two distinct fracture patterns. The least severe is isolated buck- est scoring morphologic descriptor score is used. For example,
ling of the anterior vertebral body wall (compression fracture). in a classic flexion distraction injury in which there is evidence
The more significant injury is the burst fracture, which involves of compression anteriorly and distraction posteriorly, the
failure of the posterior cortex of the vertebral body associated morphologic score would be 4 based solely on the distraction
with varying degrees of fragment retropulsion. Points are component.
assigned to this morphologic injury based on the degree of ver-
tebral body disruption with a compression fracture given
1 point and a burst component given 2 points.22 INTEGRITY OF THE POSTERIOR
Components of the PLC include the supraspinous ligament,
interspinous ligament, ligamentum flavum, and the facet joint
The rotational or translational morphologic descriptor is used capsules, which protect against flexion, rotation, translation,
when spinal column failure is due to torsional or shear forces. and distraction. One of the primary roles of the PLC is as a
The greatest range of motion within the thoracolumbar spine posterior tension band serving to restrict tension forces between
is in flexion and extension with the discoligamentous complex the posterior elements of the spinal column. Because of its liga-
and facets oriented to resist axial rotation and translational mentous structure, the PLC does not heal well in the adult
forces. Therefore, failure in rotation or translation requires sig- compared with the contiguous osseous structures in the spine,
nificantly more force and usually results in considerably more and therefore, frequently requires surgical intervention. Within
instability than compressive failure.13 Clues for a rotational pat- the TLICS system, the integrity of the PLC is categorized as
tern on plain radiography include horizontal separation of the intact, indeterminate, or disrupted. Again, similar to the mor-
spinous processes or disruption of pedicle alignment compared phologic categorization, the use of all available imaging modal-
with adjacent levels on an anteroposterior (AP) plain radio- ities including plain films, CT, and MRI is crucial to an accurate
graphic image. Currently, with the routine use of CT scans and assessment. In addition, a clinical examination in which there
their reconstructive software, this fracture pattern can be easily is palpable ligamentous gap between the spinous processes can
identified compared with the time periods when previous clas- indicate PLC disruption. With a thorough radiologic assess-
sification systems were developed. For translational injuries, a ment, splaying of the spinous processes (widening of the inter-
shift in the midline across the injury site can be seen on con- spinous space), diastasis of the facet joints, and facet perch or
secutive axial images. Sagittal reconstructions provide further subluxation are signs to PLC disruption. Another indirect sign
information and may be necessary to accurately identify dislo- includes rotation or translation of one vertebral body on
cated facets representing a translational injury. As discussed, another, which requires disruption of the PLC. In cases in
these injuries are the result of greater forces and more instabil- which the clinical and radiographic assessment fails to deter-
ity than compressive patterns and are therefore assigned mine the integrity of the ligaments the PLC is labeled as inde-
3 points for fracture morphology. The term dislocation can be terminate. If the PLC is intact, 0 points are assigned. If
interchanged for translation/rotation if the facet joint(s) are indeterminate 2 points are assigned, and if disrupted, 3 points
intact but dislocated. are assigned.

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Chapter 129 Classification of Thoracic and Lumbar Fractures 1393

NEUROLOGIC STATUS Identify fracture mechanism

Compression1 point Burst1 point
Although not included in previous classification systems, neu-
Assign points Translational/rotation injuries3 points
rologic status has long been recognized as an important indica-
Distraction injuries4 points
tor of the severity of spinal column injury as well as the need Integrity of posterior ligamentous
for surgical intervention.16,23. In the TLICS systems, neurologic complex
No injury0 points
status is classified according to the increasing order of surgical
Assign points Indeterminate injury2 points
urgency as follows: neurologically intact, nerve root injury,
complete (ASIA A) spinal cord, and incomplete (ASIA B/C/D) Definite injury3 points
Neurologic status of patient
spinal cord or cauda equina injury. Neurologically intact Intact0 points
patients are given 0 points. An associated nerve root injury or a Root injury2 points
Assign points Spinal cord injury (complete)2 points
complete spinal cord injury is assigned 2 points. Patients with Spinal cord injury (incomplete)3 points
Cauda equina3 points
an incomplete spinal cord injury or cauda equina syndrome Total points determines injury
are assigned 3 points, representing the surgical urgency associ- severity score
ated with these cases.
Using all three major categories within the TLICS system,
thoracolumbar injuries can be adequately and accurately Account for any clinical qualifiers
described. For example, an injury may be described as a flexion
burst fracture in a neurologically intact patient with a disrupted
Provide treatment

QUALIFIERS Figure 129.1. Schematic depicting point assignment based upon

the TLICS classification to determine treatment methods.
While the TLICS system attempts to be inclusive and describe
the spectrum of thoracolumbar injuries, it is also designed to
be simple and user friendly to allow for universal usage. In
doing so, it does not include all potential patient variables that neurologic injury with obvious anterior thecal sac compression.
may be used to determine the indications for specific treat- When there is both an incomplete neurologic injury in the set-
ment. An individual surgeon may feel that surgery is indicated ting of anterior thecal sac compression and PLC disruption,
when a severe deformity is present regardless of how it scores then a combined anterior posterior may be the optimal surgi-
or may avoid surgical intervention when doing so is of high risk cal approach.25
to the patient. For example, cases of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal
Hyperostosis (DISH), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and other
metabolic disorders must be given special consideration on an CONCLUSION
individual basis when treatment decisions are considered.
Clearly, to incorporate all items that have a role in the treat- While there are several classification systems in the thoracolum-
ment decision process would be prohibitive to any classification bar spine, previously the AO and Denis classification schemes
system. These qualifiers may sway the final treatment decision have been the most popular.1,2,46,913,15,26 The excessive number
once all morphologic and neurologic factors are considered.22 of classification systems is related to the inability of one indi-
vidual system to provide reliable and validated results, which
SCORING SIGNIFICANCE (Fig. 129.1) are clinically useful. At the same time, these systems have caused
an unnecessary confusion within the already complex arena of
A total or comprehensive ISS less than 3 advocates nonopera- spine surgery. The new TLICS system appears to provide a rea-
tive treatment and a score greater than 5 would suggest strong sonable alternative to the many previous attempts at classifying
consideration for surgical treatment. Injuries with a score of 4 thoracolumbar injuries.
are difficult to assign into surgical or nonsurgical treatment but The TLICS draws from a large breadth of clinical experi-
must be considered on an individual basis. This is often modi- ence and applies anticipated outcomes to recognized fracture
fied by associated qualifiers. patterns through its numerical weighting system. It accommo-
dates an injury with a severe morphology, a disrupted PLC, and
a compromised neurologic picture, and translates it to a high-
SURGICAL APPROACH risk clinical situation most likely requiring surgical interven-
tion. The TLICS has been validated several times to determine
Another advantage of the TLICS system, compared with the pre- if the scoring system is reliable and reproducible. The result of
viously mentioned AO and Denis classifications, is potential this validation process led to modification of the final TLICS
insight into a preferred surgical approach if surgical interven- system, which undoubtedly will be modified in the future as our
tion is deemed appropriate. Admittedly, this is a complex topic, understanding of thoracolumbar trauma continues to evolve.
but by placing emphasis on the PLC integrity and the neurologic Controversy remains in the area of thoracolumbar trauma
status, the TLICS system values two key characteristics in deter- diagnosis, treatment, and management. We think that a sim-
mining an anterior versus posterior approach. In general, a pos- pler classification system, which takes into account factors rele-
terior approach is often favored with disruption of the PLC, and vant to decision making, is needed. Because this system is based
an anterior approach is often preferred in an incomplete on carefully chosen, objective clinical indicators linked to

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1394 Section XII Trauma

patient outcome, it should facilitate communication about posterior ligamentous integrity, the clinician is forced to con-
injuries and help in making treatment decisions. Finally, sider additional facets of instability and severity. The numerical
because injury severity is weighted by a point system, the TLICS scores generated by this process help the treating physician
system is amenable to modification if factors not yet understood more appropriately weigh their relative contribution in the
come to light. assessment of the spinal injury. As a direct result, the classifica-
The TLICS describes not only the morphology of thora- tion scheme and ISS can be used to guide clinical management
columbar spinal trauma, but also serves to rank the degree of and surgical approach.
instability. By including components of neurologic status and


CASE STUDY 129.1 Compression Fracture

A 21-year-old male restrained driver injured in a motor in a patient who is neurologically intact with an intact PLC.
vehicle collision presents without any neurologic symptoms, This injury is assigned 1 point for injury morphology (com-
but with complaints of back pain. Imaging studies reveal pression) and 0 points for PLC integrity and neurologic sta-
the presence of an L2 compression fracture (Fig. 129.2). tus. The total score is 1 point, which supports nonoperative
His injury would be classified as an L2 compression fracture treatment.


Figure 129.2. (A) Axial. (B) Sagittal.

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Chapter 129 Classification of Thoracic and Lumbar Fractures 1395

CASE STUDY 129.2 Burst Fracture with an Intact PLC

A 32-year-old male passenger injured in a motor vehicle col- points for injury morphology (1 for a compressive type
lision and presents with symptoms consistent with cauda injury and an additional point for the burst component).
equina syndrome and imaging studies consistent with an L3 The status of the PLC appears to be intact (0 points). Three
burst fracture (Fig. 129.3). This injury is classified as an L3 points are assigned for a neurologic examination consistent
burst fracture in a patient with an intact PLC in the setting with cauda equina, giving a total of 5 points. This patient
of a cauda equina injury. This patient would be assigned 2 would be considered a surgical candidate.

Figure 129.3. (A) Axial. (B) Sagittal.

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1396 Section XII Trauma

CASE STUDY 129.3 Burst Fracture with

Disrupted PLC

A 44-year-old man who fell from a horse presents with

symptoms of severe back pain and is neurologically intact.
Imaging studies are consistent with an L1 burst fracture
(Fig. 129.4). This patient has an L1 burst fracture
(2 points) with a disrupted PLC (3 points) and a normal
neurologic examination for a total of 5 points. He would
be a surgical candidate.


Figure 129.4. (A) Axial. (B) Sagittal.

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Chapter 129 Classification of Thoracic and Lumbar Fractures 1397

CASE STUDY 129.4 Translational Injury with PLC Disruption and Cauda Equina Syndrome

A 19-year-old female passenger injured in a multiple motor injury (3 points). She is assigned a point total of 9, and is
vehicle collision and presents with symptoms consistent with deemed to be a surgical candidate. Postoperative AP and
cauda equina syndrome and imaging studies consistent with lateral films after reduction and posterior spinal fusion
a translational fracture dislocation of T12, L1 (Figs. 129.5A with segmental pedicle screw instrumentation (Figs.
and B). This patient has a translational injury (3 points) 129.5C and D).
with disruption of the PLC (3 points) and a cauda equina

Figure 129.5. (A) Axial. (B) Sagittal. (C and D), Postoperative D


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1398 Section XII Trauma

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