LWBK836 Ch135 p1460-1473

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CHAPTER Carlo Bellabarba

Thomas A. Schildhauer

135 M.L. Chip Routt

Jens R. Chapman

Management and Surgical Treatment

of Fractures of the Lumbosacral
Region and the Sacrum

INTRODUCTION techniques and implants, however, have opened the door for
a more standardized and biomechanically advantageous oper-
Injuries to the sacrum and lumbosacral junction have histori- ative approach for patients afflicted with these potentially dev-
cally been a largely overlooked entity within the realm of spine astating injuries.
trauma. Reasons for this are multifactorial, ranging from defi- Sacral fractures with functional instability of the lum-
ciencies of diagnostic modalities available to the more limited bosacral junction occur commonly in two variants. In the first
territorial interests of surgical subspecialties and the relatively scenario, a unilateral vertical sacral fracture, which constitutes
infrequent occurrence paired with a highly pleomorphic injury the posterior component of a pelvic ring injury, extends ros-
presentation. trally into or medial to the S1 superior facet, therefore disar-
Fractures and fracturedislocations at the lumbosacral ticulating the L5-S1 facet from the stable sacral fracture frag-
region comprise injuries to the L5 vertebra as well as the ment. In the second circumstance, a multiplanar sacral
sacrum and pelvic ring. The evaluation and treatment of these fracture composed of bilateral, often transforaminal, longitu-
injuries must therefore take into consideration a number of dinal fractures, and a transverse sacral fracture component
factors beyond those specific to the lumbar spine or the pelvic separates the upper central sacrum and remainder of the
ring. This includes concern for the anatomic complexity, chal- spine from the peripheral sacrum and attached pelvis. The
lenges associated with fixation of the sacrum and posterior end result of this fracture pattern and its variants is dissocia-
pelvic ring, and the considerable biomechanical forces acting tion of the lumbar spine from the pelvic ring and functional
upon this region to achieve and maintain a normal physio- lumbosacral instability. These injuries are usually the result of
logic relationship across the lumbosacral junction. In the past, high-energy trauma, but may also occur with low-energy
a possible need for comprehensive neural element decom- mechanisms or insufficiency fractures in osteoporotic bone.
pression was frequently overshadowed by concern for removal They are frequently associated with neurologic deficits rang-
of bone and thus iatrogenic destabilization. Historically, there ing from lower extremity monoradiculopathies to complete
was also a paucity of implants readily applicable for lum- cauda equina deficits. Spinal canal or neuroforaminal com-
bosacral stabilization. Instead, devices primarily designed for pression may be severe due to displacement of major fracture
thoracolumbar deformity surgery or for extremity trauma fragments and the presence of loose bony fragments within
found rather improvisational applications to this complex the spinal canal and neuroforamina. Depending upon the
region. Not surprisingly, many of these constructs were unable onset of neural element compression, deficits of the lum-
to counteract the multidirectional instabilities, which charac- bosacral or sacral plexus may occur acutely or in subacute
terize so many lumbosacral fracturedislocations. In review- manifestation. From a structural perspective, these fractures
ing the medical literature of past decades, there appeared to may also be associated with major pelvic ring disruption and
be a somewhat resigned approach toward these challenges in multidirectional instabilities. In addition to structural and
light of very unclear neurologic outcomes of sacral injury neurologic perspectives, general patient physiology and integ-
patients. The combination of unsatisfactory stabilization rity of the very thin posterior integument have to be pondered
methods and uncertainty about neural injury management prior to arriving at any definitive treatment recommendation.
commonly resulted in a nonoperative treatment approach Consequently, therefore, treatment of sacral injuries ideally is
along with need for long-term patient immobilization, conducted with a symbiotic utilization of conventional con-
acceptance of residual sacral deformity, chronic pain, and cepts of spinal and pelvic surgery. In the following a rational
either unchanged or only mildly improved neurologic symp- approach toward assessment and decision making combining
toms. Advances in imaging as well as operative stabilization elements of traumatology and spine surgery is offered.


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Chapter 135 Management and Surgical Treatment of Fractures of the Lumbosacral Region and the Sacrum 1461

SURGICAL ANATOMY Although a healthy sacrum provides excellent protection to

the neural elements crossing through and around it, disruption
The sacrum forms the interconnection between the spinal col- of the bony sacrum can lead to a perplexing variety of injury
umn and the posterior pelvic ring based on well-developed patterns. Understanding neural anatomy in its spatial relations
ligamentous connections and an intricate osseous architecture. to its surrounding bony elements is a prerequisite to injury
Its integrity assures a physiologically functional lumbopelvic assessment and surgical management. The sacral spinal canal
alignment. The kyphotic sagittal sacral shape provides the basis changes in cross-section from a capacious triangular shape at
for physiologic lumbar lordosis with a 45 slope on average of the S1 segment to a flat and narrow structure at the lower sacral
the S1 superior end plate with respect to the horizontal plane segments. The lumbosacral plexus, with its L4, L5, and S1 roots
(see Fig. 135.1). With its central location of this anatomic and mainly provides lower extremity motor and sensory function,
biomechanical transition zone, the angles of lumbar lordosis whereas the sacral plexus (with its S2-5 roots) controls bowel
and sacral inclination as well as integrity of the lumbosacral and bladder function, contributes to sexual function, and sup-
facet joints are critical in determining the amount of shear plies pudendal sensation.7,8 Sacral roots are encased by the
force acting upon the lumbosacral junction.11 bony sacrum itself without the benefit of ligamentous cushion-
Knowledge of the anatomy of the posterior elements of the ing, whereas the L5 root shoulders the sacral ala in an oblique
lower lumbar spine and of the ilia is essential for accurate pedi- trajectory from its emergence through the L5/S1 foramen
cle and iliac screw placement in lumbopelvic fixation tech- toward its lateral ventral surface. The cerebrospinal fluid-
niques. The typical medial angulation of the pedicle axis containing dural sac usually ends at the S2 segment.
increases from the rostral to the caudal lumbar vertebra, Sacral motor roots emerge through the ventral foramina to
increasing from approximately 15 at L3 to more than 20 at their target organs. A relatively narrow channel is available for
L5. The average minimal pedicle diameter usually measures passage of the S1 roots, which occupy approximately 30 to more
8.5 mm at L3 compared with 10 mm at L5. There are usually than 50% of their foramina. Each lower sacral root is of pro-
four large ventral neuroforamina at the junction of the sacral gressively smaller size and occupies a proportionally smaller
body to the sacral ala and four associated smaller dorsal foram- space within its foramen, with the S4 root occupying one sixth
inae.11 In 10% to 15% of patients consideration for transitional of its ventral foraminal space.18 The cutaneous posterior rami
vertebra formation, either in form of lumbarization of the of the sacral roots pass through the posterior sacral foramina
upper sacral segment, or with assimilation of the caudal most prior to contributing to the cluneal nerves. The ventral rami of
lumbar segment (sacralization) may be associated with altered the S2-S5 roots, with S3 as the main neural branch of the so-
bony anatomy and anomalous level counts. Incomplete assimi- called pudendal plexus, comprise the pelvic splanchnic nerves,
lations, such as large L5 transverse processes may distort radio- which provide parasympathetic control to the bladder and the
graphic landmarks further. The ilium, which articulates bilater- rectum. Sympathetic input to the inferior hypogastric plexus is
ally with the lateral portions of S1, S2, and partially S3, provides mainly derived from the sympathetic ganglia that are located
a continuous bony canal that extends between the posterior on the anterolateral aspect of the L5 and S1 vertebral bodies
superior iliac spine (PSIS) and the anterior inferior iliac spine and which run caudally along the ventral surface of the sacrum
(AIIS). just medial to the ventral S2-S4 foramina.


As in any systematic patient evaluation, a patient history is the
desirable starting point. Lumbosacral fracturedislocations and
fractures at the lumbosacral junction with functional instability
result from high-energy trauma as in motor vehicle or motor-
cycle accidents, falls from a height, or industrial accidents with
crushing mechanism (see Fig. 135.2). In these injuries, the spi-
nal column typically creates a flexion or extension moment
arm on the posterior pelvic ring, often with associated axial
loading vector added. In contrast, complex insufficiency frac-
tures of the sacrum may occur in patients suffering from
osteopenic bone disorders as a result of low-impact or chronic
forces, or in presence of lumbosacral spinal instrumentation.
Physical examination follows the advanced trauma life sup-
port (ATLS) protocol with recording of vital signs and cogni-
tive status. During the initial sideways turning of patient with
formal logrolling allows for inspection and palpation of the
Figure 135.1. (A and B) Sacral anatomy. The sacrum forms the posterior integument. Sentinel examination findings include
foundation for the spinal column. Its inclination and balanced com- tenderness, swelling, ballottable fluid, overt soft tissue disrup-
position have profound impact on alignment and force vectors of the tion, crepitus, and atypical bony prominences or step-offs (see
spinal column. Fig. 135.2). Formal neurologic function testing is preferably

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1462 Section XII Trauma

TABLE 135.1 Evaluation Checklists
General Evaluation Checklist
Initial evaluation of trauma patients includes an anteroposte-
Hemodynamic stability rior (AP) pelvic radiograph according to ATLS standard proto-
Neurocognitive status cols. This view may be helpful in identifying major fractures
Pelvic ring disruption and fracturedislocations at the lumbosacral junction but offers
Obvious signs of SCI a limited view of the sacrum due to its normal sagittal plane
Dorsal soft tissue injury inclination. Pelvic inlet and outlet views offer a meaningful
Posterior pelvic ring/lower lumbar disruption structural assessment of the posterior pelvic ring in case of sus-
Specific Evaluation Checklist pected posterior pelvic ring injury. Presence of any fracture
CT pelvis with sagittal/coronal reformats lines on any of these three radiographs, even as trivial as an L5
CT L-spine with reformats transverse process fracture should be taken seriously as a pos-
Dedicated XRs/composite images: inlet/outlet/iliac oblique/ sible indicator of greater underlying trauma to this usually well-
obturator oblique/sacrum lateral
protected area. Difficulty of visualizing the sacrum on an AP
Focused examination: palpation/mechanical stability/
neurologic status/anal sphincter (vaginal examination)
pelvis view (paradoxical inlet) may imply presence of a com-
Urogenital pathway disruption plex multiplanar sacral fracture (Figs. 135.3A and B). A lateral
(Electrodiagnostic assessment) radiograph of the sacrum (Fig. 135.3C) can be used as a rela-
tively simple method to identify transverse sacral fractures and
Note: These checklists are provided as a general reference tool fracturedislocations otherwise not visible on the three stan-
only and do not attempt to identify specific diagnostic/treatment dard pelvis plain radiographs.
pathways. It is incumbent upon the specific treating provider to The shortcomings of plain pelvic radiographs in identifying
assess and treat a patient to the best of their knowledge under lumbosacral injuries have been reported repeatedly.3,10
recognition of the circumstances at hand.
Computed tomography (CT), increasingly deployed as a rapid
CT, computed tomography; SCI, spinal cord injury.
acquisition helical torso scan for routine assessment of high-
grade trauma, has commonly supplanted plain radiographs as
the preferred method of imaging acute pelvic ring injuries.
performed and documented according to the principles sug- Review of sagittal and coronal reformatted CT scan images adds
gested by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) important elements to the understanding of the injury distribu-
group.1 This includes rectal examination with specific assess- tion. Three-dimensional reformats as a routine measure can be
ment of motor, reflex, and sensory components of the lum- visually compelling but have not been shown to be of general
bosacral and sacral plexus, as well as screening for overt or relevance. Key parameters for sacral radiographic assessment
occult blood in meatus, rectal vault, and (in females) the vagi- have been identified to consist of the following measures: sacral
nal vault. inclination, alar vertical and sagittal distraction, midsagittal and
midcoronal spinal canal occlusion, as well as foraminal
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays secondary role in
acute lumbosacral injury assessment. However, presence of
unclear neurologic deficits or discrepancies of skeletal and
neurologic level of injury may merit further investigation with
MRI to identify occult spinal pathology, the level of spinal cord
injury, or the presence of spinal canal hematoma. Also, MRI
neurography sequences may aid in visualization of acute or
chronic lumbosacral plexus injuries. MRI has been recom-
mended for detection of insufficiency-type fractures. As an
alternative to MRI, technetium-99 bone scans have remained a
mainstay for the diagnosis of occult and pathologic fractures.
To the present date, the relative sensitivity and specificity of
either diagnostic modality for the assessment of insufficiency
fractures remains in dispute.
Other radiographic examinations to consider in lumbosacral
fracturedislocations and pelvic ring fractures with associated
spinal instability are plain AP radiographs with bladder contrast
to identify associated bladder and urethral disruptions (retro-
grade cystourethrogram), as well as a hypaque enema in case
an associated rectal injury is suspected.2

Figure 135.2. Soft tissue bruising and deglovement (Morel ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION
Lavalle lesion). Systematic evaluation of patients with sacral fracture
is essential to assess overall injury severity and heavily influences treat- Aside from conventional electromyography (EMG) and soma-
ment decisions. Dorsal soft tissue contusion, ballotable fluid collec- tosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) for assessment of the L5
tion, and crepitus are all important clinical findings reflective of and S1 roots, pudendal SSEP and anal sphincter EMG allow for
injury severity. evaluation of the sacral roots caudal to the S1 level. This can

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Chapter 135 Management and Surgical Treatment of Fractures of the Lumbosacral Region and the Sacrum 1463

Figure 135.3. (A) Pseudoinlet view on anteroposterior

(AP) pelvis radiograph. Note the visualization of the S1 seg-
ment in an axial plane on this level AP pelvis radiograph.
This image is nonphysiologic and only possible if the upper
sacrum has been disconnected from the remainder of the
pelvic ring. (B) Straight lateral cross table pelvis radio-
graphs are a simple and often overlooked modality to assess
for sagittal plane fracture displacement. (C) The sagittally
reformatted computed tomography of the patient depicted
under A and B shows a severely displaced fracture with
kyphotic fracture dislocation between S2 and S3 segments.

be useful in the diagnosis and management of cognitively CLASSIFICATIONS

impaired patients with lumbosacral fractures and for intraop-
erative monitoring.4 Furthermore, electrophysiological Lumbosacral fracturedislocations and fractures at the lum-
recordings, in concert with the clinical examination, allow a bosacral junction with functional instability are most often
prognostic assessment of functional outcome and the objective referred to in separate and dedicated sacral and pelvic ring
assessment of neurologic recovery. Electrodiagnostic evalua- fracture classifications. In more descriptive terms, these are
tion can be also used to identify upper motor neuron lesions either longitudinal sacral fractures, which extend into or medial
or spinal cord injury concurrent with sacral trauma or in dif- to the L5/S1 facet joint or bilateral vertical sacral fractures con-
ferentiating neurologic from visceral causes of bowel and blad- nected by a transverse fracture line. This fracture pattern results
der dysfunction. Urodynamic evaluations, including postvoid in a U-type fracture, or, if the vertical fracture lines extend and
residuals and cystometry, have been recommended for long- exit caudal to the sacroiliac joint, in an H-type (bilateral pelvic
term evaluation of patients with incomplete neurologic injury instability) and Y-type (unilateral pelvic instability) fracture. H-
and can help assess sacral root recovery. For patients with more and Y-type fracture patterns result in a disrupted posterior pel-
involved questions surrounding bladder function cystometry vic ring and an unstable pelvis. They are typically associated
can be performed in conjunction with bladder sphincter EMG. with an anterior pelvic ring injury as well. Less commonly
Possible abnormal findings on sphincter EMG may include encountered fracture patterns include L, T, and lambda types.
detrusor areflexia, uninhibited sphincter relaxation, or out- These informal classifications continue to provide a simple
right denervation.7 but not clearly delineated conversation basis for care of these

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1464 Section XII Trauma

fractures but are not suitable as a foundation for more formal account the mechanism of injury, nor the type, magnitude, or
analysis of any sort.13 direction of displacement. Roy-Camille et al14 have added a
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Osteosynthesefragen and helpful subclassification system of Denis zone III injuries and
the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) have pro- lumbosacral fracturedislocations, describing three types of
vided the probably most encompassing fracture classification transverse sacral fractures that are classified according to injury
system to date, which is the most commonly used fracture severity and presumed likelihood of neurologic injury. In this
classification in orthopedic and trauma surgery, describes ver- subclassification, type 1 injuries consist of a simple flexion
tical sacral fractures as 61-C1.3, C2.3, C3.2, and C3.3 fractures deformity of the sacrum and are thought to be the result of
depending on overall pelvic ring stability in the horizontal axial loading injury with the spine in flexion; type 2 injuries are
and vertical planes.6,12 The Denis classification of sacral frac- characterized by flexion and posterior translation of the upper
tures correlates anatomic factors with neurologic injury risk sacrum, also presumably caused by axial loading injury with a
in a progressive severity scale (see Fig. 135.4).5 It differenti- flexed spine; and type 3 injuries demonstrate complete ante-
ates between alar fractures (zone I; 5.9% incidence of pre- rior translation of the upper sacrum, typically caused by an
dominately L5 root injuries), transforaminal fractures (zone axial loading force in extension. A type 4 injury was later added
II; 28.4% incidence of mainly L5/S1 root injuries), and cen- by Strange-Vognsen and Lebech,21 consisting of a segmental
tral fractures, which include any fracture extending into the comminuted S1 vertebral body caused by axial implosion of the
spinal canal (zone III; 56.7% incidence of neurologic injury lumbar spine into the upper sacrum. These injury types are
mostly consisting of sacral plexus dysfunction). However, this caused by indirect force acting upon the lumbosacral junction.
classification system fails to take injury displacement or lum- A direct impact force as in impalement or gunshot injuries can
bosacral stability into account. Isler9 provided the most result in a completely disrupted sacrum with lumbosacral
insightful lumbosacral injury classification to date. He differ- instability. These injuries may be classified as type 5 injuries
entiated vertical sacral fractures, which extend lateral to, (Fig. 135.5). Unfortunately, the level of the transverse compo-
through, or medial to the L5-S1 facet. Fractures that involve nent of the sacral body fracture is not specified by this, or most
or extend medial to the L5/S1 facet result in lumbosacral other sacral classification systems. The added information of
instability. the sacral segment involved (high equaling S1-S2, low equal-
U- and H-type fracturedislocations at the lumbosacral ing S3-5 and coccyx) may add to the understanding of the type
junction are summarized in AO/OTA type 61-C3.3 pelvic of neurologic injury commonly involved in these complex inju-
fractures. According to the Denis classification, these fracture ries. Isolated low injuries can also usually be considered as
dislocations are zone III injuries, since they all involve the sacral biomechanically stable.20,22
canal. Unfortunately, these classifications do not take into The high likelihood and variable grade of neurologic
impairment in lumbosacral fractures are not accounted for in
any of the above classification systems. In light of an absence of
any spinal cord injury classification system (such as the one
proposed by the ASIA group) addressing the sacral plexus
injuries, Gibbons suggested a differentiation based on motor,
sensory, and bowel/bladder control. He subdivided patients
into those having no injury, lower extremity paresthesias only,
II lower extremity motor deficit with intact bowel and bladder
function, or impaired bowel and/or bladder control.7 This
classification systemwhile simpleunfortunately does not
address incomplete injuries or takes sexual function into con-
sideration. Despite its imperfections it remains the most useful
tool to date to describe neurologic injury in a sacral fracture

Lumbosacral fracturedislocations are characterized by a mul-
tidirectional instability, although they mainly fail acutely as well
as secondarily in flexion/extension, anterior translation, and
vertical shortening, as described in Roy-Camille fracture types
1, 2, and 3.17 The center of rotation for the flexion deformity
(being the major deforming force) is located in the anterior
part of the S1/S2 vertebral bodies, which is important to be
realized for the understanding of failure modes of various
Figure 135.4. Classification according to Denis et al.5 This simple
operative stabilization techniques. In addition, the forces gen-
three-zone classification is grouped according to the most medial
excursion of the fracture. Zone I injuries are basically posterior pelvic
erated by the upper body are transferred across the fracture
ring injuries, zone II injuries are transforaminal and have an increased site toward the pelvic wings and lower extremities. Based on
lumbosacral plexus injury risk, and zone III injuries extend into the largely anecdotal experiences from oncologic surgery it can
spinal canal and have been reported to have a risk of bowel and usually be expected that an intact S1 segment with intact sur-
bladder compromise in more than 50% of patients. rounding ligamentous structures is capable of adequate stress

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Chapter 135 Management and Surgical Treatment of Fractures of the Lumbosacral Region and the Sacrum 1465

Figure 135.5. The Roy-Camille

subclassification of zone III injuries
allows for some further differentiation
of injury severity by description of
injury type and displacement.14 Type 1
injuries have a simple compressive flex-
ion deformity, type 2 injuries are flexed
and translated, and type 3 injuries are
dislocated and extended. Type 4 inju-
ries were added later by Strange-
Vognsen and Lebech21 and are
segmentally comminuted; type 5
injures are segmental fractures
described by Schildhauer et al.15

transfer of the trunk to the lower extremities.8 An operative plate osteosynthesis techniques with small fragment plates
fixation of such fractures compromising this area, therefore, across the sacrum are anchored only in sacral cancellous bone
needs to counteract all these multiple directed forces and and provide weak fracture stabilization in highly unstable
requires a bony anchor stable enough to allow immediate situations as well as in insufficiency fractures with osteoporotic
patient mobilization and early full weight bearing. Within the bone. Bridging plate osteosynthesis with a horizontally ori-
sacrum itself, biomechanically effective screw fixation is usually ented plate across the bilateral PSISs applies mainly a compres-
limited to the S1 segment. The sacrum from S2 through S4 and sion force on the posterior pelvic ring and poorly withstands
the sacral alae allow for very limited fixation due to thin sur- the high flexion forces caused by upper body motion and
rounding osseous shell referred to as compacta and poor can- weight. Bilateral iliosacral screw fixation techniques, as they
cellous bone core even in patients with healthy bone metabolism. are described for Roy-Camille type 1 lumbosacral fractures
Unfortunately, the S1 segment itself is commonly frequently without neurologic symptoms, provide mainly a horizontal
fractured and subject to toggle loosening even with perfect compression force on the posterior pelvic ring.12,13 In addi-
bicortical screw placement due to the very high biomechanical tion, the horizontally placed screws within the S1 vertebral
forces acting upon it. body are positioned close to the center of rotation for second-
The considerable flexion forces acting upon a sacral frac- ary fracture displacement in a flexion direction. External fixa-
ture can be most reliably counteracted mechanically by a tion techniques for injuries involving the posterior pelvic ring
strong vertically oriented fixation, as offered by lumbopelvic are commonly insufficient for achieving meaningful neutral-
stabilization techniques. This stabilization technique was pio- ization of this anatomy and therefore mainly serve in an emer-
neered in spinal deformity surgery in form of the Galveston- gent splinting technique or in an adjunct capacity to posterior
technique with bent rods pushed into the iliac intertable internal fixation techniques.
space. Screw fixation in the intact pedicle of L4 or L5 as well as
long screws across the ilium between the PSIS and the AIIS
provides a biomechanically much stronger and far more versa-
tile anchor between cortical bone densities. In such a con-
struct, the fixed-angle connection between the longitudinal
connecting rods and the anchor screws counteract the flexion
deformity. The long ilium screw provides a strong anchor away Treatment options must be tailored to two distinct patient
from the center of rotation for flexion.17 Thus the weight and groups. Priorities and treatment challenges differ considerably
moment arm of the upper body are directly transferred to the between patients with high-energy injuries, patients present
pelvic ring bypassing the fracture through the lumbopelvic either with vertical sacral fractures and involvement of the L5/
implants. However, a two-point-fixation between the L5 pedicle S1 facet joint or with acute lumbosacral fracturedislocations as
and the ilium alone could allow for splaying of the fracture compared to patients with a chronic metabolic bone disorder
site. Therefore, such a fixation assembly may require addi- who ultimately will suffer from a sacral insufficiency U- or
tional horizontal fixation, for instance, in the form of bilateral H-type fracturedislocation.
iliosacral screws or a crossconnector system connecting the For acutely traumatized patients, emergent resuscitation is
bilateral longitudinal connecting rods. A third point of vertical the indisputable initial priority. The Advanced Trauma Live
fixation, for example, in the pedicle of L4 may achieve the Support (ATLS) algorithm provides a well-tested and reproduc-
same goal. ible blue print. Patients with lumbosacral fracturedislocations
Other stabilization techniques present with a variety of and associated AP compression-type pelvic ring injuries or
mechanical shortcomings in comparison, however, may be indi- patients with vertically unstable sacral fractures with involve-
cated for other reasons, such as soft tissue impairment. Local ment of the lumbosacral junction may benefit from urgent

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1466 Section XII Trauma

TABLE 135.2 Decision-Making and Checklists

General Decision-Making Checklist
Primarily bony injury/ligamentous injury/mixed
Boney displacement?
Stability prediction: stable/unstable/unclear
Neurologic status: intact/incomplete/complete/unclear
Dorsal soft tissues: Intact/contused degloved/open
General Treatment Pathways
Hemodynamically unstable?
Open book pelvissheet/C-clamp/external fixateur to close pelvic ring  resuscitation  angiography (embolization)
Lumbosacral dislocation: consider for early open reduction internal fixation
Vertically displaced hemipelvis: closed reduction with skeletal traction, external fixateur
Open sacral fractures: consider colostomy, Ob-Gyn consult, throughandthrough washout, temporary anterior external fixation or
minimally invasive internal fixation, antibiotic bead spacers, planned second washout, definitive stabilization when circumstances permit,
appropriate IV antibiotics
Nonoperative (simple)
Closed single-system injury
Stable injury pattern
Neurologically intact
Braceable (body habitus/soft tissues)
Pain after mobilization
Nonoperative (complex)
Complex primarily bony injury
No major trunk trauma
Intact soft tissue continuity
Suitable for
chemical anticoagulation
skeletal traction or restrictive bracing (pantaloon, hip spica, etc.)
Surgical Treatment Options
Laminotomy/foraminotomy/ventral disimpaction  ORIF)
Anterior ring fixation: plate, screws, temporary external fixateur
Percutaneous posterior fixation: SI screw (single, double, bilateral, compression, static)
Open reduction, lumbopelvic fixation (SI arthrodesis)
Classification Based on General Treatment Algorithm
Isler I: nonoperative simple or complex, percutaneous SI-screws
Isler II: nonoperative complex, or segmental lumbopelvic fixation
Isler III: likely segmental lumbopelvic fixation  SI screws
Denis zone I: nonoperative (simple/complex) or SI screws
Denis zone II: nonoperative (complex), SI screws*/lumbopelvic fixation  decompression for neural compromise
Denis III: nonoperative (complex), SI screws (minimally displaced, neuro intact), segmental lumbopelvic fixation  SI screw fixation 
decompression for neural compromise

*Less preferable for vertically displaced subtype.

Note: These checklists are provided as a general reference tool only and do not attempt to identify specific diagnostic/treatment pathways.
It is incumbent upon the specific treating provider to assess and treat a patient to the best of their knowledge under recognition of the
circumstances at hand.
ORIF, open reduction internal fixation; SI, sacroiliac.

intervention during the intervention phase. Application of a plan. It requires added emphasis on addressing any causative
circumferential pelvic antishock sheet or anterior external fix- or preexisting pathologic condition. Again patients with a pre-
ator can reduce the volume of the lesser pelvic cavity and pro- cipitous onset of a dense cauda equina deficit may benefit from
vide provisional pelvic stability as well as aid resuscitation efforts urgent surgical intervention.10
by containing blood loss in the retroperitoneal peripelvic space Goals of treatment include union of the fracture in physio-
(see Fig. 135.6).19 Detailed examination of the patient and doc- logic alignment while optimizing the potential for recovery of
umentation is an essential component of the secondary survey neurologic deficits and minimizing potential complications
since cauda equina deficits, presence of an open or highly dis- associated with prolonged recumbence. Pursuit of these goals
placed fracture, and severe soft tissue injury are important fac- may require any combination of open fracture reduction,
tors in the decision-making process as to influencing decisions neural decompression, fracture stabilization with instrumenta-
toward emergent or urgent intervention. tion, and possibly early mobilization and weight bearing.
The chronic nature of pathologic insufficiency fractures Conversely, nonoperative treatment may be selected as the
allows a more deliberate approach to formulating a treatment most favorable method, as long as an acceptable alignment can

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Chapter 135 Management and Surgical Treatment of Fractures of the Lumbosacral Region and the Sacrum 1467

Figure 135.6. Temporary fixation in polytrauma. This 34-year-old

woman was severely injured in a high-speed car crash. She sustained
bilateral femur fractures, a right zone II, left zone sacral fracture,
along with a number of other abdominal injuries. (A and B) She
received closed reduction of the posterior pelvic ring in the operating
room before undergoing intramedullary rod fixation of her femur
fractures and later received bilateral sacroiliac screw fixation of her
posterior pelvic ring and sacrum fractures. (C) External fixation for
C the pelvic ring usually has a supplemental temporizing role at best but
serves a valuable role as reduction aid of the pelvic ring.

be achieved and long-term immobilization appears physiologi- was not reported. Persistent pelvic instability was not consid-
cally tolerable.6 ered. Surgical technique and timing of intervention were highly
Neurologic improvement after sacral fracturedislocations variable and frequently not outlined. Adequacy of decompres-
has been reported to approach 80%, regardless of operative or sion and quality of reduction were not evaluated with postop-
nonoperative treatment. In one of the rare comparison studies, erative imaging, and the type of pelvic stabilization was not con-
a 73% incidence of neurologic improvement with nonopera- sistently described. Furthermore, widely heterogeneous Denis
tive care in patients with sacral fractures and neurologic defi- zones I to III injuries were often collectively evaluated as a sin-
cits, compared with an 87% incidence of improvement with gle group.
surgical care.7,15 However, a wide variability in injury types, sur- Adding to the complexity of predicting neural recovery,
gical treatments, and inconsistent reporting of improvement patients with predominantly neuropraxic-type single root
and outcome criteria has lessened the significance and reliabil- lesions without significant bony encroachment of neural ele-
ity of reported recovery rates. Several series with small cohorts ments can be expected to experience spontaneous neurologic
have described better neurologic outcome with surgical treat- improvement over time. Conversely, surgical intervention for
ment, particularly in patients with bowel and bladder impair- neurologic improvement may be futile in patients with trau-
ment. These studies, however, have significant shortcomings. matically transected sacral roots or in patients whose neural ele-
Aside from small cohort sizes and selection bias, type and sever- ments have been exposed to significant traction or shear injury.
ity of neural encroachment in nonoperatively treated patients Schildhauer et al15 identified 18 patients with high-grade sacral

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1468 Section XII Trauma

fractures and impaired bowel and bladder control who had In general terms, nonsurgical care of sacral fractures can be
undergone comprehensive neural element decompression and grouped into simple and complex care categories. The prior
structural realignment and stabilization with segmental lum- usually consists of some form of protected mobilization with or
bopelvic fixation. The authors noted an overall neurologic without brace, the other requires some degree of bed rest with
improvement rate of 83%. The recovery rate was significantly attempt at postural reduction and injury healing while address-
higher for patients with incomplete lumbosacral injury com- ing cardiopulmonary, thromboembolic, and integumentary con-
pared to patients with an established complete injury. Also, cerns associated with prolonged recumbence. Nonoperative
complete recovery of cauda equina function was more likely in treatment usually attempts to minimize bed rest by providing
patients with continuity of all sacral roots (86% vs. 0%) and some meaningful external immobilization with protected weight
incomplete deficits (100% vs. 20%). bearing of the injured side in unilateral sacral fractures. More
Because of the violent nature of sacral trauma with substan- complex nonsurgical treatment, however, includes skeletal trac-
tial initial fracture displacement and resulting large zone of tion, suspension slings, and external immobilization afforded by
injury, surgical root end-to-end repair or reconstruction with a brace or spica cast. Of course, this treatment category requires
interposition graft is rarely feasible. In general, traction injuries application of comprehensive thromboembolic and respiratory
to peripheral nerves have a worse prognosis than do compres- preventative measures over a period of typically 3 to 12 weeks
sion injuries. Traction injuries to the lumbosacral plexus and depending upon the type of injury encountered. Because of the
sacral roots in the presence of trauma generally occur in con- complexities and expenses of prolonged recumbent nonsurgical
junction with significant posterior pelvic ring disruption. care most nonsurgical care is rendered in the form of a short
Surgical intervention under such circumstances is primarily period of bed rest followed by early mobilization with or without
aimed at establishing a stable fracture reduction for structural an orthosis. This scenario usually has been recommended in
purposes, with the hope for neurologic recovery being a more acute trauma patients with intact neurologic function and mini-
secondary goal. Unfortunately, current neuroimaging and elec- mally displaced or angulated fractures without major ligamen-
trophysiological tests do not allow for conclusive preoperative tous component and with predominately single-system injuries.
identification of sacral root transection or avulsion. Preoperative A reliable indicator of adequacy of this treatment is recurrence
determination of the type of neurologic injury remains a mat- of increased lumbosacral pain with mobilization. Usually patients
ter of clinical judgment paired with consideration of available with sufficient pelvic stability will not complain of significant
studies. An important argument in favor of aggressive interven- increase in pain with mobilization. Obviously repeat radiographs
tion to maximize patient outcome can be made by the observa- with postmobilization images, including lateral sacral images are
tion that restoration of even unilateral sacral root function may helpful in assessing maintenance of an acceptable alignment.
lead to a return of voluntary continence.
Timing of surgical intervention should be determined
according to the patients traumatic and medical comorbidities
with an effort made at balancing the overall injury burden and Historically, surgical treatment consisted of sacral laminectomy
expected physiologic tolerances.2 Although patients are and neural/nerve root decompression with and without
thought to benefit from the concept of early mobilization/ fracture reduction procedures. Challenges of surgical care
weight bearing and decompression of compromised neural commonly revolved around blood loss, exposure-related soft
elements provided by early surgical intervention, these benefits tissue compromise, and traditionally inadequate fixation options
must be weighed against the considerable risk factors associ- for the sacrum, due to factors such as severe comminution,
ated with surgery. Emergent operative intervention is clearly regional osteopenia of the sacral alae, and instrumentation not
recommended for patients with open fractures, lumbodorsal well suited to this region. Other factors include obesity, atypical
presacral soft tissue compromise caused by displaced fracture anatomy, and common comorbidities typically found in a multi-
fragments, and patients with a deteriorating neurologic exami- ply injured patient. These factors may have influenced general
nation. Late surgical intervention, arbitrarily defined as taking preference for nonoperative care over many years.
place later than 14 days following injury, seems to result in The evolution of pelvic osteosynthesis techniques, with con-
decreased neurologic recovery and increased occurrence of cepts such as transiliac bolts, bridging plate fixation, local plat-
permanent radicular pain and dysesthesia in presence of con- ing, and iliosacral screw placement for posterior pelvic ring insta-
current bony encroachment and concordant neurologic defi- bilities lead to increasing reports on their use in treating
cit. Other than in cases requiring emergent intervention, the lumbosacral fractures (see Fig. 135.7).12 However, these fracture
timing of surgical intervention should be optimized to the stabilization techniques did not address the combined nature of
patients physiologic status and is preferably performed between injuries affecting both spinal column and pelvic ring and, there-
48 hours and 2 weeks after injury. fore, were not stable enough to prevent secondary loss of reduc-
tion or to allow early mobilization with early weight bearing. An
approach addressing spinal and posterior pelvic ring injury using
lumbosacral fixation techniques allows a more selective treat-
There are two major outcomes that can be expected from non- ment approach, including neural decompression, fracture
operative treatment of sacral fractures in a majority of cases: reduction, and stable lumbopelvic fracture fixation with the
(1) fracture union with potential for tolerable bony deformity ready potential for early mobilization with full weight bearing.
and (2) unchanged or partially improved neurologic deficits. Some degree of neural element decompression can usually
Analysis of long-term functional outcomes of sacral fractures, be accomplished by indirect fracture reduction, provided inter-
though, has shown a high frequency of fair and poor results, vention is applied before the fracture hematoma fully congeals
which are thought to be unrelated to the quality of reduction and fibrous contractions take place. Direct neural decompres-
and are largely due to pain and persistent neurologic deficits. sion can be performed through anterior or posterior approaches.

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Chapter 135 Management and Surgical Treatment of Fractures of the Lumbosacral Region and the Sacrum 1469


Figure 135.7. This 28-year-old woman was injured in a motorcycle crash and sustained a Denis III, Roy-
Camille type 1 injury with American Spinal Injury Association grade E, Motor score of 100 neurologic status.
Despite encroachment of the right S1 foramen by 50% she had no radicular symptoms on either leg (A and
B). She received best possible closed reduction and percutaneous fixation with bilateral sacroiliac screws
(C and D). She was mobilized with a reclining back wheelchair for 6 weeks and placed on toe-touch weight
bearing. She maintained an acceptable alignment and achieved solid fracture healing. (E) Closed reduction
and percutaneous reduction remain a very appealing option for surgical stabilization of sacral fractures but is
limited in reduction capacity.

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1470 Section XII Trauma

The anterior approach is rarely indicated with exception of ante- grade and retrograde superior pubic ramus screw fixation.13 If
rior sacral ala fragments impinging on the L5 nerve root. In an acceptable posterior pelvic ring reduction can be achieved
these rare circumstances, an ilioinguinal approach, described as in the initial treatment phase and if the first sacral vertebral
Olerud window may allow for repositioning of the elevated alar body is intact, then percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation can
fragment and direct decompression of the L5 root. Otherwise, be performed. This has the advantage of providing early pelvic
neural decompression for the entire sacral plexus can be ring stabilization, an important factor in the initial resuscita-
achieved through a posterior midline approach. Single bony tion of the patient. Iliosacral screw fixation can be augmented
fragments that encroach on a nerve root can be removed by with lumbopelvic fixation if there is considerable fracture insta-
focal laminotomy. For complex sacral fractures with complex dis- bility or unfavorable biomechanical loading circumstances are
ruption of the sacral spinal canal, a comprehensive sacral lamine- anticipated once an affected patients overall condition allows
ctomy is necessary. Ventral canal decompression can be accom- for a more extensive open posterior pelvic ring surgery. This
plished by freeing the sacral roots in the injury zone from their surgery is carried out with the patient prone on a radiolucent
epidural venous cuff and then proceeding with ventral disimpac- operating table through a relatively atraumatic straight midline
tion or direct removal of protruding bone fragments. Ventral exposure. Prior to neural decompression, lumbopelvic fixation
disimpaction may also be facilitated by placing an elevator into is prepared with insertion of pedicle screws in L5, as well as
the fracture as a lever or by using an impactor to directly manipu- long (up to 130 mm) 7- or 8-mm iliac screws inserted between
late the dorsal wall of the injured sacral vertebral bodies and thus the medial part of the PSIS and the AIIS. Ilium screw applica-
correct the neural impingement. It is helpful to perform sacral tion is performed under C-arm visualization, using primarily
decompression surgery under lateral C-arm control for orienta- the lateral pelvic view and the combined obturator oblique-
tion purposes and to help assess sacral alignment and confirm outlet view (see Fig. 135.8). With greater degrees of instability,
decompression of the spinal canal. supplementary S1 pedicle screw fixation should be considered.
In the case of associated pelvic ring involvement, it is gener- In highly unstable situations, lumbopelvic fixation may have to
ally preferable to stabilize the anterior pelvic ring first. Anterior be extended to the L4 pedicles and may have to include two
pelvic ring fixation aids in indirect reduction of the posterior long iliac screws bilaterally. After the application of lumbopel-
pelvic ring and provides partial pelvic stability. Anterior pelvic vic fixation, the vertical connecting rods should be compressed
stabilization may involve plating of the symphysis or antero- toward each other by one or two transversely placed rods for


Figure 135.8. Segmental lumbopelvic fixation technique. (A) Insertion of segmental lumbopelvic fixation
can be accomplished from a straight midline incision under identification of the posterior superior iliac
spinous processes. Drilling from the posterior superior iliac spinous process to the anterior inferior iliac
spinous process in plane with the outer iliac table can allow for safe screw placement of up to 130 mm in
men and 120 mm in women. (B) Final assembly of a segmental lumbopelvic construct allows for immediate
full weight bearing without brace. For unstable sacral fractures two-point fixation above the lesion, in exam-
ple at L5, S1 (if intact)or L4 and L5is recommended to assure adequate stability. Single or double iliac
screws on either side can be chosen based on bone quality.

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Chapter 135 Management and Surgical Treatment of Fractures of the Lumbosacral Region and the Sacrum 1471

better overall stability and to reestablish posterior pelvic ring COMPLICATIONS

alignment. Care should be taken to ensure that this horizontal
compression does not compromise the sacral neuroforamina. Fractures and fracturedislocations at the lumbosacral junction
Since soft tissue coverage and viability is a constant concern in are severe injuries, which are often associated with compro-
these injuries, care should be taken to ensure to avoid promi- mised soft tissue, expansile hematoma, MorelLavalle lesions,
nence of the iliac screws in particular. It is advisable to recessing or open wounds. Extensive surgery in this area of physiologi-
the iliac screws by preparing a bony window at the insertion cally thin soft tissue coverage over the bony prominences of the
point selected over the posterior superior iliac spinous process. posterior pelvic ring may bear an increased risk of postopera-
Figure 135.8 presents variations of lumbopelvic fixation tive infection and wound healing problems. A retrospective
technique in an acute fracture dislocation as well as in a patho- analysis of patients with high-grade sacral fracturedislocations
logic insufficiency fracture. treated with lumbopelvic stabilization techniques, revealed a
In unilateral sacral fractures with rostral extension into and 16% incidence of postoperative class 2 infections. Such patients
medial to the L5/S1 facet, the so-called triangular osteosynthe- may require surgical wound debridement, placement of antibi-
sis, consisting of lumbopelvic fixation between the pedicle of otic beads, and adjuvant intravenous antibiotics for 6 weeks.
L5 and the ilium associated with ipsilateral iliosacral screw fixa- Supplemental nutritional support and minimization of supine
tion, has been shown to result in stable fracture fixation allow- positioning should be pursued.3,24
ing early weight bearing.16 Development of a decubitus ulcer may be related to a prom-
Local bone graft from the sacral laminectomy and the medial inent iliac screw at the PSIS. Cachexia may contribute to that
wall of the rostral upper end of the ilium is then applied to the problem. Therefore, precautions, such as appropriate skin care
decorticated posterolateral elements of the most rostral instru- measures and recessed screw positioning at the PSIS are help-
mented lumbar vertebra to the sacral ala. The pelvis and poste- ful considerations. Should hardware around the posterior pel-
rior ilium, however, are not included in the arthrodesis. Usually, vic ring become symptomatic despite best efforts, selective
no formal attempt at iliosacral joint arthrodesis is made with this hardware removal on an elective basis may be necessary after
technique to minimize the risk of further traumatizing the iliac healing of the injury site.
crest with decortication attempts necessary for an arthrodesis. Seroma and pseudomeningocele formation has been
Segmental lumbopelvic fixation holds the potential for full described in operatively treated high-grade sacral fracture
weight bearing without brace wear unless precluded by other dislocations. Typically, this complication occurs in situations
injuries. Elective lumbopelvic hardware removal between 6 to with concurrent traumatic dural tears. Timely surgical reex-
12 months postoperatively has been recommended in case of ploration is recommended to diminish the risk of sinus tract
local hardware prominence or if hardware breakage, most likely formation or complex infection.
induced by micromotion across the nonfused iliosacral joints, is Neurological deterioration following surgical treatment is a
a concern.16 To date, the question of adding a formal arthrode- known complication in any severe trauma to the spine. It may
sis of the sacroiliac joint at the cost of longer operating time and also occur following sacral laminectomy, foraminotomy, indi-
greater blood loss, or bridging the sacroiliac joints without a for- rect fracture reduction, and direct removal of bony fragments
mal arthrodesis at the expense of an occasional hardware break- but has fortunately been an infrequent occurrence. Aside from
age and possible elective hardware removal has not been intraoperative manipulation of traumatically compromised
addressed and remains a matter of individual preference.3 neural elements postprimary deterioration may result from
postoperative fluid collections, such as postoperative epidural
hematoma, meningocele, or infection, as well as due to loss of
PEDIATRIC INJURIES fracture reduction or implant dislodgement. In general sacral
decompression surgery may indeed benefit from intraoperative
Fortunately, pediatric posterior pelvic injuries are a rare occur- use of a C-arm as well as intraoperative EMG and SSEP moni-
rence. Most of these fractures are treated nonoperatively. How- toring. In case of postoperative neurological deterioration,
ever, in case of neurologic involvement or severe disruption of neuroimaging such as CT or MRI can be helpful in identifying
the posterior pelvic ring and lumbosacral junction, the same underlying reasons and to discuss and plan revision surgery.
measures and indications for surgery apply as in the adult Absence of posttraumatic neurologic recovery is most com-
patient. Because of the age-dependant smaller scale of anat- monly due to sacral root transection. Presence of even unilat-
omy, implant dimensions may have to be adjusted accordingly. eral sacral root transection has been associated with meaning-
Size-appropriate pedicle and cannulated percutaneous sacroil- ful neurologic recovery, thus reinforcing the suggestion to
iac screws have become available. Placement of long iliac maximize chances for recovery by surgical exploration, decom-
anchoring screws following the intertable course between the pression where necessary, and stabilization even if in doubt.
PSIS and the AIIS may not be possible due to pelvic fossa Hardware failure may occur before fracture healing or at a
curvature and greater bone density. Even presence of a more later follow-up examination. Hardware failure has been
modest-sized iliac screw with purchase in the iliac cortex is of described in up to 30% of patients. In that study, broken hard-
no problem in a skeletally immature population due to the ware was always found after fracture healing and was related to
much greater bone density. Care has to be taken, however, to persistent toggle motion of the iliosacral articulation in case
avoid excessive screw penetrationespecially of the medial there was no bridging callus formation of the posterolateral
kindto avoid iatrogenic injury to adjacent structures. arthrodesis mass to the ilium. Rod breakage was not associated
For skeletally immature patients with lumbopelvic instability with clinical complaints and was identified incidentally on rou-
and subsequent internal fixation hardware removal after solid tine follow-up radiographs. Nevertheless, early hardware
bony healing is generally recommended to minimize risk of removal after fracture healing at 6 to 12 months may be
bony overgrowth. indicated to prevent late hardware failure and to preclude

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1472 Section XII Trauma

symptoms caused by prominent hardware under the skin. compensatory lumbar lordosis. Malreduction and increased
Development of a fracture pseudarthrosis and premature hard- sacral forward tilting or buckling after fracture healing may
ware failure was not described in that study. cause chronic low back pain due to muscular imbalance at the
Loss of reduction has so far not been observed with segmen- lumbopelvic junction.
tal lumbopelvic stabilization techniques in lumbopelvic Persistent pain after healing of the fracture is predominantly
fracturedislocations. Malreduction, however, does occur in revolving around persistent neurologic deficits (see Fig.
these severe injuries. It may be the reason for persistent neuro- 135.9).22,23 A Visual Analog Score (VAS) analysis of patients
logic symptoms, if bone at the fracture site still encroaches on with lumbopelvic stabilization techniques after lumbosacral
neural elements. Also, reduction of the lumbar spine to the pel- fracturedislocations demonstrated without exception the
vis, and thereby restoration of the sacral kyphosis, is determining worst results in patients with persistent sexual dysfunction or


Figure 135.9. (A) Pelvis anteroposterior image of a 48-year-old man status post high-speed motor vehicle
crash. He had sustained zone III sacral fracture with complex bilateral pelvic fractures and initially unknown
neurologic status. After resuscitation the patient received combined open reduction and internal fixation
with open reduction of posterior iliac wing fractures and open reduction of the sacral fracture using lum-
bopelvic fixation. (B) Final image 1 year postoperative. The patient is fully weight bearing without major
pain. He had maintained erectile function and bowelbladder control. (C and D) Final postoperative com-
puted tomography-myelogram 1 year postoperative. This study confirmed anatomic healing of the sacrum,
but identified new onset spinal stenosis at the L4/5 segment. This condition is being treated nonsurgically.

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Chapter 135 Management and Surgical Treatment of Fractures of the Lumbosacral Region and the Sacrum 1473

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