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Air and Weather Name:

Be a Meteorologist!
Describe the weather at the Science Museum of
Minnesota right now:

Todays date is:

The wind speed is:

The temperature is: 3 Grade

Is it sunny? Overcast?
Draw what the clouds look like: Museum of

Precipitation? If so, what type?

DECEMBER 6, 2016
Explorations: Journey on the River Human Body Gallery
From where you are standing, find a part of the
The Mississippi River begins at Lake Itasca and so human body you see in the gallery. Draw a picture
does this museum gallery. Describe 3 animals in and write its name here:
the Lake Itasca diorama to complete this chart:

Animal How does it Where are

move? they?
Walk, fly, swim,
or? (circle one)
In the water
On the water Now walk 15-30 steps in another direction. Whats
Under the water a different part of the body you see from where
Near the water you are now? Draw and write it here:
In the water
On the water
Under the water
Near the water
In the water
On the water
Under the water
Make a chart comparing the two parts of the body
Near the water
above. What do they do? How are they the

Draw one animal in the Lake Itasca diorama (remember to

label your drawing):

Math Moves! Journey Down the River
Shadow Fractions
1. Use the shapes on the table to make What are ways that people use the river?
shadows. Compare the size of the shape to
its shadow.
*Try different places and different shapes.

Draw and label one thing you tried.

Draw a picture of one way that people use the


2. Place two of the bunnies so their shadows

are the same size.

Describe where you put the bunnies in words

and/or a drawing. What exhibit about the Mississippi River do you
like the best? And why?

Measurement The Hand Challenge
The Great Fish Challenge Human Body Gallery

Mississippi River Gallery (Fish Tales section near Locate the large hand. Find the length and width
the windows) of the fingernails using the standard
measurements. (there is a centimeter and inch
The aunt of one of your classmates loves to fish.
ruler printed on the back of the booklet).
She recently caught (and released) a huge Lake
Sturgeon in a Canadian lake. She wants to know if Length Length Width Length
she would have been the new record holder if she cm in cm in
had caught her fish in Minnesota. Her fish was 46 Thumb
kg and 1.8 m.
Weigh the Lake Sturgeon using the rope and scale. er
What is the weight of the Lake Sturgeon in Middle
pounds? (hint: 1 pound=0.45 kg) Finger
Would you award her the Minnesota record for
Lake Sturgeon? Why or why not?

Which nail would need the most nail polish?

Did her fish weigh more than the one you just
weighed? How do you know?

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