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Charles University in Prague

Faculty of Arts

Courses in Foreign Languages

2009/2010 Winter Term

Dear students,

This brochure should contain all the courses offered in foreign languages at the Faculty of Arts
in the winter term 2009/2010. However, as the schedules are changing all the time and are
never definite, always believe the Lecturers and the departmental coordinators if you receive
two different pieces of information. There are different types of courses included in this
brochure from different departments, institutes and tuition programmes:

For all the regular courses (in foreign languages as well as in Czech) offered by the Faculty of
Arts, you have to SIGN UP ELECTRONICALLY. This is a rule you have to follow in order to have
the course on your Transcript of Records at the end of your studies here.

1) In the Information and Advisory Centre (Celetn Street no. 13), where you will get your
ID card, you will also receive your password to the electronical system. This is only the
password to activate your account, valid for 10 days.
2) Within 10 days you should login at https://ldap.cuni.cz/en/index.php (You use the same
login as for computers and the password you received in the Information and Advisory
Centre; your birth code suffix is most likely 11X9, if that doesnt work, ask in the
International Relations Office (main building, room 128) and your faculty coordinators
will help you.) There you can change your password and then use the electronical
system normally.
3) You can sign up for courses at the address https://is.cuni.cz/eng/studium/index.php.
4) Signing up for the courses in winter term will be open from 29th September 10am to
30th October 6pm. During this period you can sign up for the courses and cancel them
but this will not be possible after the 30th October 6pm.
5) At the end of the term, you will use the same system for signing up for the exams. Your
Lecturer should put your grade into the system as well.

ECES courses are part of the American programme. There are places left for the Erasmus
students as well but the capacity is limited. The system will allow you to sign up only for the
courses included in this brochure. Starting from the 21st September you can sign up for these
courses. You first need to register at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz/registrace.php using your name,
surname and birthdate; then you can sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, after logging in. The last
day to sign up (or out) is the 11th October. If any problem with registration occurs, ask in the
International Relations Office (main building, room 128) and your faculty coordinators will fix it.

For the sports, you have to register in the electronical system as well as in the own system of
the Department of Physical Education this is specified in the chapter Sports.

At some departments you also need to register in the own system of that Department, as well as
in the faculty electronical system. Ask your department coordinator about it.

If you have any further questions about the courses, always contact the department
coordinators first - they are responsible for the study programmes. The International Relations
Office is mainly the administrative part of the Erasmus programme.

Most of the courses (those offered by the Faculty of Arts as well as the ECES courses) begin in
the week Tuesday 29th September Friday 2nd October (Monday 28th September is a holiday)
some of them may however start one week later.

Wishing all the best


Marcela Boukov, LLP Erasmus Coordinator at the Faculty of Arts

(incoming students responsible)

3,2 Musicology..................................................................................... 8
Collegium musicum I ........................................................................................................ 8
Japanese Traditional Music ............................................................................................... 8
Playing Ethnic Instruments I............................................................................................... 8
Theories and Methods for Popular Music Studies .................................................................. 8
3,3 Theatre Studies............................................................................... 9
Highlights of the Czech Theatre.......................................................................................... 9
3,4 Cinema Studies............................................................................. 10
Circulating within the Modern Cinematic Image (F.A.M.U.-International) .................................. 10
Eroticism, Power and Fate in the Cinema of Central Europe .................................................. 10
Central European Film: Search for Identity ......................................................................... 11
Cinema of the Other Europe ............................................................................................ 11
3,6 Art History.................................................................................... 12
Czech and European Art and Architecture Section I .......................................................... 12
Czech and European Art and Architecture Section II.......................................................... 12
Czech and European Art and Architecture Section III......................................................... 13
5,5 Adult Education ............................................................................ 14
Active citizenship and adult education in a multicultural society .............................................. 14
Theory of Organization.................................................................................................... 14
8,1 Aesthetics .................................................................................... 15
Aesthetic Experience: The XXth Century Conceptual Overview.............................................. 15
Analytic Aesthetics ......................................................................................................... 15
8,1 Philosophy.................................................................................... 16
Analytik des Erhabenen .................................................................................................. 16
Analytic Philosophy of Religion and Religious Pluralism........................................................ 16
Ancient Ethics - Socrates and Plato................................................................................... 16
Mister Eckhart and New Phenomenology ........................................................................... 17
Philosophy of Mind I (The Concept of Mind in Early-Modern Philosophy) ................................. 17
Responsability and Evil ................................................................................................... 17
Histoire et historicit, au fil du dialogue entre Heidegger et Patoka........................................ 18
Philosophie et phnomnologie du corps : la dcouverte du corps propre ............................. 18
Seminar ber Ethik M. Schelers........................................................................................ 19
Seminar Phnomenologische Texte ber Europa ................................................................ 19
Vorlesung Europa als Thema der Philosophie ..................................................................... 19
Leiblichkeit und Perspektive............................................................................................. 19
Interkulturalitt des Leibes ............................................................................................... 20
8,3 History......................................................................................... 21
Sminaire historique franco-tcheque ................................................................................. 21
Atelier en sciences historiques ......................................................................................... 21
Zivilgesellschaft, Modernisierung und Nationalismus in Mitteleuropa I ..................................... 22
Czech and Central European History................................................................................. 22
Czech and European History............................................................................................ 22
Jewish History in Central and Eastern Europe..................................................................... 23
MITTELEUROPA Germany and East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Century ................. 23
8,9 Cultural Studies ............................................................................ 24
Alternative Literature, Music, and Lifestyles ........................................................................ 24
Interculturalism in the Czech Context................................................................................. 24
Language, Culture and Social Cognition ............................................................................ 24
Reading Prague: Literature-Architecture-Cultural History ...................................................... 25
9,1 English and American Studies ........................................................ 26
Phonetics and Phonology ................................................................................................ 26
Introduction to English Linguistics ..................................................................................... 27
British history ................................................................................................................ 27
History of the USA.......................................................................................................... 27
Introduction to British and American culture ........................................................................ 27
Introduction to Literary Studies / for Erasmus students ......................................................... 27
Morphology ................................................................................................................... 27
American Literature 2 - II ................................................................................................. 27
English literature 2: 18th Cent. ......................................................................................... 27
History of the USA.......................................................................................................... 27
History of the English Language ....................................................................................... 28
Lexical and textual level .................................................................................................. 28
Syntax.......................................................................................................................... 28
English Literature 4: 20th Cent. ........................................................................................ 28
Reading Medieval and Early Modern Texts......................................................................... 28
American Literature: Limits of Reality................................................................................. 28
Irish Literature: An Introduction......................................................................................... 28
Literary Minorities........................................................................................................... 28
Scotland, Identity and Film............................................................................................... 28
Anglo-Irish Writing from Swift to Shaw ............................................................................... 28
Irish Language............................................................................................................... 29
Scottish Literature .......................................................................................................... 29
The Short Story: The Genre and its Contexts ...................................................................... 29
An Introduction to English Lexicology I............................................................................... 29
An Introduction to English Pragmatics ............................................................................... 29
History of the English Language II..................................................................................... 29
Reading Medieval and Early Modern Texts......................................................................... 29
Recent and Contemporary Trends in Linguistics.................................................................. 29
Selected Problems in English Linguistics............................................................................ 29
Syntax II ....................................................................................................................... 29
Anglo-Irish Writing from Swift to Shaw ............................................................................... 30
Circulating within the Modern Cinematic Image ................................................................... 30
Experience, Commodity Culture, Spectacle Society: From James to Stein ............................... 30
Introduction to Canadian Studies ...................................................................................... 30
Literary Theories ............................................................................................................ 30
Literature of the Late Victorian Period I .............................................................................. 30
Modern Irish Literature I: Fiction ....................................................................................... 30
Modernism and Modernity ............................................................................................... 30
Modernist American Poetry.............................................................................................. 30
Old English Riddles ........................................................................................................ 30
Post-War American Art: From Duchamp To Basquiat ........................................................... 30
Problems in British and Irish Cultural History....................................................................... 31
Reading Faulkner........................................................................................................... 31
Reading Shakespeare: Languge as Performance (Sonnnets) ................................................ 31
Scottish Literature .......................................................................................................... 31
Social Theory, Pynchon's Inherent Vice (2009) & the Philosophical ........................................ 31
The Poetry of W.B. Yeats ................................................................................................ 31
The Short Story: The Genre and its Contexts ...................................................................... 31
Women in English Literature 1660-1800............................................................................. 31
Irish Language............................................................................................................... 31
Literary Translation......................................................................................................... 32
Literary Translation Workshop (Drama and Prose)............................................................... 32
9,1 Spanish Studies ............................................................................ 33
Seminario lingstico lexical I ........................................................................................... 33
Seminario lingstico lexical II .......................................................................................... 34
Gramtica normativa espaola ......................................................................................... 34
Introduccin a la literatura y la cultura hispanoamericana...................................................... 34
Seminario lingstico lexical III.......................................................................................... 35
Historia de la lengua espaola ......................................................................................... 35
Anlisis de textos medievales (seminario) .......................................................................... 36
Literatura hispanoamericana I .......................................................................................... 36
Seminario de Literatura hispanoamericana I ....................................................................... 36
Sintaxis del espaol contemporneo ................................................................................. 37
Seminario de sintaxis del espaol contemporneo............................................................... 37

Literatura espaola II ...................................................................................................... 37
Literatura hispanoamericana II ......................................................................................... 38
Relaciones de Europa Central y el Mundo Hispnico ........................................................... 38
Literatura espaola I ....................................................................................................... 38
Literatura espaola del siglo XX ....................................................................................... 38
El espaol de Amrica (Introduccin a la dialectologa hispanoamericana .............................. 39
9,1 French Studies.............................................................................. 40
Littrature I-II+ Travaux pratiques de Littrature .................................................................. 40
Littrature III-IV+ Travaux pratiques de Littrature ............................................................... 40
Littrature III-IV + Travaux pratiques de Littrature .............................................................. 40
Littrature francophone de Belgique .................................................................................. 40
Civilisation belge ............................................................................................................ 40
Civilisation francaise contemporaineVII, VIII ....................................................................... 41
Syntaxe + Travaux pratiqes de Syntaxe ............................................................................. 41
L Introduction a la linguistique textuelle.............................................................................. 41
volution de la langue..................................................................................................... 41
Mentalit et culture de la France contemporaine.................................................................. 41
Lexikologie.................................................................................................................... 41
Littrature belge............................................................................................................. 41
La communication verbale et le texte................................................................................. 42
Franais actuelle- lexikologie ........................................................................................... 42
9,1 Italian Studies ............................................................................... 43
Corso de la lingua italiana V, VI ........................................................................................ 43
Conversazione in italiano III, IV ........................................................................................ 43
Scrittura in italiano.......................................................................................................... 43
Capitoli del cinema italiano (+proiezione) ........................................................................... 43
Seminario lessicale I....................................................................................................... 43
Seminario lessicale III ..................................................................................................... 43
9,1 Portuguese Studies ....................................................................... 44
Lngua Portuguesa-curso de Lingua V, .............................................................................. 44
Lngua Portuguesa-conversao V, VI ............................................................................... 44
Lngua Portuguesa-curso de Lingua VII, VIII ....................................................................... 44
Syntaxe do portugues ..................................................................................................... 44
9,1 German Studies ............................................................................ 45
Geschichte und Realien des deutschen Sprachraums .......................................................... 45
Grammatisches Seminar ................................................................................................. 45
Seminar zur deutschen literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts .......................................................... 45
Kommunikative Fhigkeiten ............................................................................................. 46
Film und kreatives Schreiben ........................................................................................... 46
Zweifelsflle der deutschen Gegenwartssprache I ............................................................... 46
Textarbeit Leseverstehen.............................................................................................. 46
Grammatische Modelle der Sprachanalyse......................................................................... 46
Deutsche Sprachgeschichte............................................................................................. 46
Spezialisierungsseminar - Einfhrung in die Soziolinguistik ................................................... 47
Literatur der deutschsprachigen Schweiz seit 1968 .............................................................. 47
Darwinismus und Literatur ............................................................................................... 47
Migrationsliteratur .......................................................................................................... 47
Spezialisierungsseminar - Einfhrung in die Soziolinguistik ................................................... 47
Spezialisierungsseminar- Lexikalisch-syntaktisches Kontinuum ............................................. 48
SpezialisierungsseminarLiteraturkritik in Theorie und Praxis ................................................ 48
Spezialisierungsseminar - dn von Horvth...................................................................... 48
Stilistik ......................................................................................................................... 48
9,1 Czech Studies............................................................................... 49
B1 Grammar course (zkladn kurz) .................................................................................. 49
B2 Grammar course ....................................................................................................... 49
B2 Text analysis (prce s textem) ..................................................................................... 49
B2 Oral and Written Performance (stn vyjadovn) ........................................................... 49
B 1,2 Vocabulary Development (voliteln kurz - rozvjen slovn zsoby) ................................. 50
C Morphology and syntax (morfologick a syntaktick cvien) .............................................. 50
C Authentic Texts Analysis (analza autentickch text) ....................................................... 50
C Oral and Written Performance (stn a psemn vyjadovn) ............................................. 50
D Authentic Texts Analysis (analza autentickch text) ....................................................... 50
D Oral and Written Performance (stn a psemn vyjadovn) ............................................. 50
D Word-formation and Syntax (syntaktick cvien a tvoen slov) .......................................... 51
E Grammar - selected issues (vybran kapitoly z esk gramatiky) ........................................ 51
E Oral and Written Performance (stn a psemn vyjadovn).............................................. 51
E Lexical Exercises (lexikln cvien) ............................................................................... 51
C-E Czech History and Culture (kapitoly z es. historie a kultury) ........................................... 51
C-E Contemporary Czech Life and Institutions (souasn esk relie)................................... 51
C-E Spoken Czech (mluven etina) ............................................................................... 52
C-E Development of Vocabulary (rozvoj slovnku)................................................................ 52
C-E Language Norms and Orthography (kurs normy,grafiky a pravopisu) ................................ 52
9,1 Norwegian Studies ........................................................................ 53
Phonetics and Phonology of Norwegian ............................................................................. 53
Language practice Norwegian ....................................................................................... 53
Norwegian Litterature A................................................................................................... 53
9,2 Literature ..................................................................................... 54
Czech Surrealism........................................................................................................... 54
Deep Recessions: American Literature from European Perspectives ...................................... 54
From Kafka to Kundera: The Self within the World in Czech and Central European Fiction and
Cultural History .............................................................................................................. 55
From Modernity to Avantgarde: A Survey of Modern Poetry................................................... 55
Czech Short Stories (Literature: Czech Short Stories) .......................................................... 55
Snapshots of a Changing Landscape: Currents in Contemporary Czech Literature.................... 56
American and Czech Literature from European Perspective: Identity and Role Play .................. 56
9,4 Translation Studies........................................................................ 57
John Miltons Paradise Lost textual subtleties and anxieties................................................ 57
Fiction and Style: Selected 20th-century British writers ......................................................... 57
Conversation franaise ................................................................................................... 58
La France contemporaine................................................................................................ 58
Kontrastive Linguistik III, Lexikologie ................................................................................. 58
Fachtextbersetzung ...................................................................................................... 58
9,6 Slavonic and East European Studies................................................ 59
14,1 Political Science .......................................................................... 60
Memory and Trauma ...................................................................................................... 60
Contemporary Central European Politics: Transformation of Czechoslovakia and the Czech
Republic in Comparative Perspective ................................................................................ 60
National Memories of the Holocaust .................................................................................. 60
Contemporary Central-European Politics............................................................................ 61
14,2 Sociology ................................................................................... 62
Social Problems in the Post-WWII Era: The Czech Experience .............................................. 62
Globalization ................................................................................................................. 62
Recent Economic Development........................................................................................ 63
14,4 Psychology................................................................................. 64
Introduction to Czech Psychology ..................................................................................... 64
Intercultural Training ....................................................................................................... 64
Psychosocial Intervention ................................................................................................ 64
Selected Topics of Educational Psychology ........................................................................ 65
Selected Topics of Forensic Psychology ............................................................................ 65
Selected Topics in Educational Psychology ........................................................................ 65
Selected Topics of Forensic Psychology ............................................................................ 66
14,5 Social Work ................................................................................ 67
Introduction to Social Work and Social Policy in the Czech Republic ....................................... 67
15,4 Information Studies and Librarianship ............................................ 68
Preservation of modern library collections from the 19th - 21st century.................................... 68
History and current developments in the European Union information and communication policy. 68
Information Seeking Behaviour......................................................................................... 68
The Baroque Aristocratic and Bourgeois Libraries................................................................ 68
Information Economy...................................................................................................... 69
Introduction to Internetworking ......................................................................................... 69
Sports ................................................................................................. 70

3,2 Musicology
Following courses are offered by the Department of Musicology, situated on the 4th floor of the
main building. If you are interested in joining these courses its recommended to meet the
departmental co-ordinator PhDr. Lenka Mrkov, PhD. Please contact her on
lenka.mrackova@ff.cuni.cz or during her office hours in room 404. During the Orientation
Week she is willing to answer your questions on Wednesday, 23rd September, at 10am in room
404. If you are able to join the courses offered in Czech you can check the shedule at

Collegium musicum I
Course ID Code: AHV110054
Teacher: Lenka Mrkov

Tuesday 14.10 15.45, room 404, main building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Performance practice of choir and vocal chamber music from the Middle Ages untill the 20th
Century. Experience with singing and reading vocal scores required.

Japanese Traditional Music

Course ID Code: AHV110101
Teacher: Vlastislav Matouek

Monday 14.10 15.45, room 405, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

One semester lasting lecture giving basic information about historical aspects of Japanese
traditional music, social background, aesthetic and its main genres. The course is finalized by

Playing Ethnic Instruments I

Course ID Code: AHV110058
Teacher: Vlastislav Matouek

Monday 17.30 19.05, room 404, main building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Theories and Methods for Popular Music Studies

Course ID Code: AHV 100210
Teacher: Daphne Carr

Monday 12.30 14.05, room 405, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The course introduces the student to the key theories and methods within the
field of Popular Music Studies. It is based on reading and discussion of
selected scholarly texts from the field.

3,3 Theatre Studies

Following course is offered by the Department of Theatre Studies, situated on the 4th floor of
the main building. If you are interested in joining this course its recommended to meet the
departmental co-ordinator Veronika tefanov. You can contact her at
veronikastefanova@seznam.cz. Students accepted at the Department of Theatre Studies should
meet Veronika tefanov on Monday 21st September at 14:00 in room 408. If you are able to
join the courses offered in Czech you can check the shedule at http://dv.ff.cuni.cz. Other
courses related to drama or theatre are offered by Institute of English and American Studies.

Highlights of the Czech Theatre

Course ID Code: ADIVV0015
Lecturers: Mgr. Petr Christov, Ph.D. and Mgr. Honza Petruela

Wednesday 14:10 15:40, room 408, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The course intends to introduce visiting students to remarkable history of theatre and drama
produced and written within the territory called Czech Republic. Students will be required to read
Czech plays (in English translation) and attend productions currently staged in Prague (opera,
drama, alternative theatre scene, puppet theatre etc.), which will be then discussed and
analyzed during the meetings.

3,4 Cinema Studies
Following courses in the field of Cinema studies are offered either by the Department of Cinema
Studies, situated on the 4th floor of the main building, or are part of a East and Central
European Studies programme. More information find always below particular course. If you have
more questions please contact departmental co-ordinator Kevin Johnson, M. A. during his office
hours in room 406 or on Kevij7af@ff.cuni.cz. If you are able to join the courses offered in
Czech you can check the shedule at http://film.ff.cuni.cz.

Circulating within the Modern Cinematic Image (F.A.M.U.-International)

Lecturer: Erik S. Roraback (D. Phil, Oxford) / erik.roraback@gmail.com
Course is open under ECES programme in cooperation with FAMU (Film and Tv School of Academy of
Performing Arts in Prague). 5 places are guaranteed for Erasmus students. Sign up at

Tuesday 9:15 12:15, room 3 (2nd floor), FAMU, Laansk palace, Smetanovo nbe 2

This inter-disciplinary seminar is modeled on the epistemological notion of a U.S.-American-

informed postmodernity/globalization, which for worse or for ill informs our contemporaneity, and
which by extension for us as such produces our class that pedagogically engages a select
examination of global films from the following twentieth-century world-directors: Sergei Eisenstein,
Carl Theodor Dreyer, D.W. Griffith, Buster Keaton, Fritz Lang, Friedrich Murnau, Dziga Vertov, and
Orson Welles (i.e., pre-1947 Occidental and Soviet cinema) with special focus given to those
cinematic moments that teach and that train us in new non-dominatory viewing strategies, in new
creative ways of circulating (our term for moving), and so by extension in new nonsadistic ways of
engaging with the most essential element of the cinema: the aesthetic unit of the image. The rle
of silence and of the unconscious in film culture will also be given special coverage. Film criticism
and film philosophy from Walter Benjamin, Leo Bersani-Ulysse Dutoit, David A. Cook, Gilles Deleuze,
Siegfried Kracauer, Niklas Luhmann, Todd McGowan, Edgar Morin, Jacques Rancire, Erik S.
Roraback, Steven Shaviro and Franois Truffaut, will be our principal textual objects of focus. All
films are either in English or have English inter-titles or sub-titles. Clips and special features from
the DVDs will also be shown. The course is conducted in English and consists of three clock hour long
sessions (i.e., four academic hours) to allow sufficient time for both the screenings and for seminar
lecture/discussion. Strategically, we shall engage our target pictures in a non-orthodox counter
chronological way in order to undercut over facile teleological ways of thinking and of reasoning; it
will also provide us with a different perspective on the evolutionary development of arguably one of
the more important and influential cultural forms of the twentieth-century.

Eroticism, Power and Fate in the Cinema of Central Europe

Lecturer: Kevin Johnson
Course is open under ECES programme in cooperation with teachers from the Department of Cinema
Studies. 6 places are guaranteed for Erasmus students, priority is given to students accepted at the
Department of Cinema Studies. Sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz.

Tuesday 13:30 15:30, room 326, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Wedenesday 13:30 14:30, room 326, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

This course will look at a series of films from Central Europe (including present day Czech Republic,
Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia) from the silent era until the present day. The
primary areas of focus are the various New Waves of the 1960s and 1970s, although some
attention is paid to pre-WWII film culture and developments since 1989. The course should provide
an overview of the cinematic traditions in Central Europe in historical and political context, with
specific focus on the themes of eroticism, power, and fate in these films. Beginning with the
assumption that all three of these concepts are somehow interrelated, we will discuss how each
film approaches this thematic constellation and how cinematic treatment of these themes has
developed over time and throughout the region. In this analysis, we will always keep in mind the
political-economical conditions (both nationally and between nations) in which the films were made
and consider the significance of these films within Central Europe. Since no previous experience
in film studies is assumed, the first few sessions will also function as an introduction to reading and
interpreting films. To this end the course reader is also supplemented with recommended texts that
offer an overview of relevant aspects of film theory and analysis. Throughout the course we will
also touch on various elements of film theory and modes of film analysis.

Films will be screened during the Tuesday sessions of the course, while the Wednesday sessions will
be comprised of lecture, discussion, and analysis. Screening sessions are a mandatory part of the
NOTE: Due to the length of the films, on a few occasions the screening sessions will run longer than
the designated two hours of class time. Longer screenings will always be announced prior to class.

Central European Film: Search for Identity

Lecturer: Ivana Dolealov
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 4 places available, priority is given to students
accepted at the Department of Cinema Studies

Tuesday 10:00 13:00, room 326, Mail Building (Palachovo nm. 2))

This unique course is designed to discuss and question the identity of specific nations in European
space, which has always been a fascinating crossroad of ideas and ideologies as well as the
birthplace of wars and totalitarian systems. The course will cover masterpieces of Russian,
Hungarian, German, Polish and Czech cinematography, focusing on several crucial periods of
history, in particular WWII. and its aftermath, showing moral dilemmas of individuals and nations
under Nazi regime as well as revealing the bitter truth of the Stalinist years.

Cinema of the Other Europe

Lecturer: Petra Dominkov
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 5 places available, priority is given to students
accepted at the Department of Cinema Studies

Thursday 11:00 14:00, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The aim of the course is to show the most important trends and movements in the history of post
war East European cinematography and also to put the films within their historical (political and
cultural) context. However, we will also focus on the "filmic" quality of the movies, talking for
instance about narration, feminist film theory, off-screen space etc.
The topics are not in a chronological order; each lecture is focused on a particular national
cinematography. During the course students will watch selected feature films in their entirety.

3,6 Art History

The Institute of art history has no regular lectures and seminars in the foreign languagues. We
accept students in frames of Erasmus/Socrates programmes (or some other ones) and, finally,
give them the credits on the basis of both consultations and essays. Our Lecturers are ready for
the individual consultations. The foreign students obtain advices according to their study plans.
Resulting essay is written in the language which is common to the student and the related
Lecturer. The essays are completed by students on the basis of literature in the main languages
which is available in both our and other art historical libraries in Prague). Our general study
program is flexible enough to cover the individual needs of the foreign students.

For our programmes in coming school years, we publish updated schedule each summer. The
foreign students who stay longer or know Czech can effectively attend lectures and seminars.
The scale of topics of our study program ranges from ancient art & architecture to the 2nd half
of the 20th century. It includes both the international & the local art history (Czech lands &
former Czechoslovakia).

Contact person: Josef Zruba, joszaruba@seznam.cz

Following courses also belong to the study field of Art History but those are part of a East and
Central European Studies programme, designed mainly for the American students. However, the
free places are offered for free to the European students. The capacity is very limited, working
on a basis who registers first.

Czech and European Art and Architecture Section I

Lecturer: Josef Zruba
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 5 places available

Wednesday 13:00 16:00, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The course gives a general overview of the Fine Arts development in Europe with a special focus on
Central Europe and monuments of Prague. The teacher presents a few particular pieces of art that
represent well the poque or style. We analyze the details, historical context, iconography and
formal qualities that represent the individual style. By detailed information on particular piece the
student gets a good insight to the History of Fine Arts as an academic discipline. The facts on
important artists and movements are selective. They illustrate typical features of a certain time
period. The first half of the lecture is usually held in the classroom. Students get information on a
certain problem or poque. The second half of the lecture is usually spent on the field trip, or in
some of the numerous collections of Fine Arts in Prague.
The course covers the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque times, up to Modernism and the
Contemporary art scene. Special attention will be paid to the unique characteristics and
developments of art (e.g. Prague Castle, Baroque churches, Czech cubism) and to the most glorious
periods in the history of Czech Lands (era of Charles IV, Rudolf II).

Czech and European Art and Architecture Section II

Lecturer: Josef Zruba
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 3 places available

Wednesday 9:00 12:00, room 1, Jindisk Street 27

This course has the same syllabus as the course above (Czech and European Art and Architecture
Section I); Section I and Section II is the same course, just different groups.
Czech and European Art and Architecture Section III
Lecturer: Ivona Raimanov
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 3 places available

Wednesday 10:00 13:00, room 2, Jindisk Street 27

The course is an introductory survey of styles, trends and movements focusing on the fine arts and
architecture in Prague and Czech Lands against the background of European influences. It covers
the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque times, up to Modernism and the Contemporary art scene.
Special attention will be paid to the unique characteristics and developments of art (e.g. Prague
Castle, Baroque churches, Czech cubism) and to the most glorious periods in the history of Czech
Lands (era of Charles IV, Rudolf II). Tours, field trips and visits to museums and galleries are a
substantial part of the course.

5,5 Adult Education

Following courses are offered by the Department of Adult Education and Personnel
Management, situated on the 3rd floor of the building in Celetn street 20. If you are interested
in joining these courses its recommended to meet the departmental co-ordinator PhDr. Martin
Kopeck, PhD. During the orientation week, he is willing to answer your questions during his
office hours (Celetn street 20, room 301). You can also write an email to Martin Kopeck at
kopecky.mart@volny.cz If you are able to join the courses offered in Czech you can check the
shedule at http://andragogika.ff.cuni.cz.

Active citizenship and adult education in a multicultural society

Course ID code: AAN300084
Lecturers: PhDr. Martin Kopeck, Ph.D. /martin.kopecky@ff.cuni.cz/ and Mgr. Jaroslav Faltn

Monday 17:30 19:00, room 331, Celetn Street 20

The course starts 12th October

The course examines the problems of a multicultural society and focuses on the sphere of adult
education. Non-formal and informal ways of learning connected with participation in activities of
civil society and social movements are the main subject of this course. The role of the state is
analysed too. The problems of minorities are stressed in this context. The course covers debates
over the current change of a social and political life. Further information will be provided during
the first meeting. Grading will be based on active participation in the lectures and seminars
(reading and discussions over short texts) and also on writing of a short (3 pages) paper a summary
and critique of one of a chosen article (paper) that will be distributed during the course. The exam
has a form of a discussion over this paper. Submission of the paper is supposed 10 days before the
term of the exam.

Theory of Organization
Lecturers: PhDr. Michaela Tureckiov, CSc. /micheala.tureckiova@ff.cuni.cz/ and Mgr. Kamila
Novkov /kamila.novakova@bmct.cz/

Celetn 20, room 301 for consultations, room 138 for presentations

Shedule to be decided, depending on number of students. Contact the Lecturer Michaela

Tureckiov if you want to take the course.

This lecture will trace the history of the theoretical paradigm in organization studies from its
foundations in positivist sociology and evolutionary philosophy, through its theoretical and empirical
development under structural-functionalism, to its recent deconstruction by postmodernists. An
important part of the theory of organization is management science (theory of management).
Therefore the course will be focused on the development of those theories and its brief description.
Finally, the contemporary issues of management theory and practice will be discussed as well.

8,1 Aesthetics
Following courses are offered by the Department of Aesthetics, situated in Celetn Street 20. If
you are interested to join these courses its recommended to meet the department coordinator
Ondej Dadejk. You can contact him at ondrej.dadejik@ff.cuni.cz.

Aesthetic Experience: The XXth Century Conceptual Overview

Course ID Code: AESV00007
Lecturer: Ondej Dadejk, PhD.

Monday 10:50 12:25

(Course starts on Monday 12.10.2009)

This course is designed to introduce the student to one of the key concepts of the 20th Century
aesthetics: aesthetic experience. We will study theories of aesthetic experience by several
philosophers belonging to, primarily, phenomenological (Ingarden), and hermeneutical (Ricoeur)
traditions, and compare them with theories of aesthetic experience initiated by Deweys Art as
Experience (Pepper, Beardsley, Goodman, Berleant). The second part of this series of lectures will
be organized around the discussion of current state of the main concept, and its prospects mainly
so-called "The End of Aesthetic Experience" (Shusterman).

Analytic Aesthetics
Course ID Code: AES100041
Lecturer: Tom Kulka, PhD.

Monday 15:50-17:25

Introduction to analytic aesthetics through seminal writings of the tradition, with emphasis upon the
philosophy of Nelson Goodman, his critics and followers. The exact contents will be specified in due

The visiting students can also benefit from consulting their theses with the faculty, i.e.

Ondej Dadejk, PhD.

Main interests: Aesthetic experience, Aesthetics of nature, John Dewey, Stephen C. Pepper

Roman Dykast, PhD.

Main interests: Aesthetics of music. Consulting in German only.

Tom Kulka , PhD.

Main interests: Analytic aesthetics, Nelson Goodman, kitch, forgery

Milo evk, PhD.

Main interests: French aesthetics, Jan Patoka, visual arts

8,1 Philosophy

Following courses are offered by the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies, situated on
the 2nd floor of the main building. If you are interested in joining these courses its
recommended to meet the departmental co-ordinator Jakub Jirsa PhD. You can contact him at
jakub.jirsa@ff.cuni.cz. Students accepted at Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies should
meet Jakub Jirsa onTuesday 22nd September at 16:00 in Celetn street 20, room 220. If you
are able to follow the courses in Czech you can also check the website of the Institute of
Philosophy and Religious Studies http://ufar.ff.cuni.cz.

Analytik des Erhabenen

Course ID Code: AFS100517
Lecturer: Jindich Karsek

Thursday 12:30 14:05, room 208, Celetn Street 20

Analytic Philosophy of Religion and Religious Pluralism

Course ID Code: ARL100174
Lecturer: Janusz Salamon

Tuesday 10:50 12:25, room 208, Celetn Street 20

The philosophical consequences of religious diversity (both inter-religious and intra-religious) is

today the most hotly debated issue among the analytic philosophers of religion. The growing
prominence of this topic is no doubt due to the recent realization (after the bankruptcy of the
colonial enterprise) that cultural and religious pluralism is apparently an irreducible phenomenon.
As such it seems to call into question the viability of the old style Western philosophy of religion
that was based on the presumption that the defence of rationality of any religious beliefs
presupposes the truth of only one set of beliefs. The goal of the present set of lectures is to explore
not just the various philosophical arguments of the enthusiasts and foes of the pluralistic
interpretations of religion, but also to see how religious diversity taken seriously affects the
philosophical reflection of other central topics of philosophy of religion. 3 areas of philosophy of
religion seem to be especially challenged by religious diversity, namely philosophies of religious
language, religious experience, and the problems of the undeserved suffering and horrendous evil.
As all these issues are today in the centre of attention of the analytic philosophers of religion, the
present lectures may be seen as an opportunity to join the lively debate which is taking place
mainly in the English speaking countries. For this reason, while the classes will in most part have a
character of lectures, considerable amount of time will be given to discussion based both on the
content of the lectures and on students' own study of short selected texts provided by the lecturer.

Ancient Ethics - Socrates and Plato

Course ID Code: AFS100355
Lecturer: Jakub Jirsa, PhD.

Thursday 15:50 17:25, room 218, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The aim of the course is to explain and discuss basic ethical problems on the examples from Platos
dialogues. We will proceed from the so-called Socratic dialogues to the Republic and other writings

that are usually considered to be later or more mature. One question will be besides ethical
issues how these different dialogues belong together and what the common link between them is.

Each dialogue (or its selected part) will be accompanied by an article introducing the problem.
These articles will be presented (by participants), presentations of the passages from the dialogues
are possible as well. The readings (both primary and listed secondary sources) are obligatory.

All texts will be accessible in the library (course reader) and posted on web on Moodle.

Mister Eckhart and New Phenomenology

Course ID Code: AFS100538
Lecturer: Petr Kouba

Monday 15:50 17:25, room 217, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Philosophy of Mind I (The Concept of Mind in Early-Modern Philosophy)

Course ID code: AFS100448
Lecturer: James Hill Ph.D.

Monday 17:30 19:05, room 225V, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Course Aims:
This course aims to introduce and discuss the main concepts of mind that were advanced in early-
modern philosophy, starting with Descartes. We will be particularly interested in how philosophers
have addressed the questions of what the essence of mind consists in, and to what extent the
nature of mind can be known. In particular we will look at the concepts of mind in the following
philosophers: Ren Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Nicholas Malebranche, George Berkeley,
Gottfried Leibniz, Baruch Spinoza, and David Hume.

Course Requirements:
Each week there will be a short reading available in the library (and on Moodle) which will then be
the subject of our discussion in these seminars.
Our course will be graded according to two criteria: attendance and written work. Students who
have not had more than three absences will be eligible for the grade. The written work will be a
short essay, of at least 2,000 words (hardcopy please), on one subject from the course. This essay
should show knowledge of the philosopher(s) in question, as well as the students own argued
Those who meet the two course requirements will be graded with an examination (zkouka) for four
points in the old Czech system, or with 6 credits in the international Erasmus system.

Responsability and Evil

Course ID Code: AFS100530
Lecturers: Mgr. Tijana Milosavljevi-ajetinac, Marina Barabas, Ph.D.

Tuesday 12:30 14:05, room 208, Celetn Street 20

The question of evil is not new but its problematization is. After holocaust (but also after Rwanda,
Cambodia, Bosnia), there is a need for rethinking and reconstructing this problem in its essentially
political dimension, independently of the traditional contexts of theodicy or any other similar
attempt of univerzalization.
One effect of the universalization might be recognizable in a part of contemporary political
discourse in which evil is not the product of human intentions but of psychological and historical

forces that lay beyond human control. One of the most discussed phenomena which results from this
universalization and which identifies causal rationalization with moral justification and projects
evil to something or someone Other-than-us, is denying holocaust and genocides.
The topics will be structured around three important problems: 1. The essence of evil and the
possibility to recognize and define it; 2. The identity of human agents who perpetrate the evil
deeds. Are they insane?; 3. The problem of responsibility.

Following courses are offered by the Faculty of Humanities, Department of General

Anthropology, situated at U Ke 8/661, Praha 5. For more details contact the teacher. To sign
up in the electronical system contact the faculty coordinator.

Histoire et historicit, au fil du dialogue entre Heidegger et Patoka

Course ID Code: YMFPR049
Lecturers: A. Glonec and K. Novotn / novotnykcz@yahoo.de

Wednesday 15:30 16:50, room 6022, Faculty of Humanities

Il sagira dabord, dans ce cours deux voix, de saisir le sens de la dconstruction heideggrienne
des philosophies de lhistoire. Dconstruction opre ds ses premiers travaux sur le concept de
temps, et sur laquelle slve le projet esquiss dans Sein und Zeit dune ontologie fondamentale
en rupture avec toute la tradition mtaphysique, puisque dgage depuis une analytique
existentiale du Dasein une phnomnologie de lhomme axe sur son rapport ltre.
Patoka hrite avant tout de ce que Heidegger dvoile chemin faisant comme lhistoricit du
Dasein, en-de de toute saisie abstraite et globale des prtendus schmas de lhistoire. Mais la
vise propre lauteur tchque, celle de la praxis humaine et de son thtre politique, de moins en
moins prsentes dans luvre de Heidegger, nous invitent rpter en une guise radicalement
neuve , non seulement la tentative dune philosophie de lhistoire, mais aussi et partant celle
dune philosophie de laction. Ici senracine linoue richesse des crits de Patoka sur lEurope et
ce quil est convenu dappeler la mondialisation , quil est un des premiers penser. Cest vers
ces crits politiques quil nous faudra nous acheminer, en mme temps que vers lhistoire de notre

Philosophie et phnomnologie du corps : la dcouverte du corps propre

Course ID Code: YMFPR048
Lecturer: A. Glonec

Tuesday 14:00 15:20, room 6022, Faculty of Humanities

Il faut attendre la Modernit, la rvolution cartsienne et la dcouverte de la subjectivit, pour le

corps propre, cest--dire le corps vivant et vcu, souvre la pense. Pour lAntiquit, comme
pour les sicles qui lui succderont, le corps est en effet pens, non comme propre, mais comme
Microcosme, cest--dire comme limage rduite, lanalogon, dun Macrocosme nomm Nature. Si
le corps est dcrit dans ses mouvements, cest donc en quelque sorte la troisime personne, sous
lil du spectateur tranger scrutant la physis.
Ce cours tentera dabord de rvler en quoi Descartes rend impensable cette harmonie, en
dcouvrant le corps propre comme problme. Mais il ne le dcouvre que pour aussitt le recouvrir,
en lui apposant la caduque union de lme et du corps. Derrire cette union, qui deviendra un des
thmes les plus chers de la philosophie classique, tout particulirement franaise, se cache en
somme un refus du corps, dont une grande tradition de pense reste encore tributaire.
Il faudra attendre Maine de Biran pour que le problme du corps franchisse nouveau les bornes du
mcanisme et du finalisme. De ce penseur trop mconnu hrite toute la phnomnologie franaise,
et ses prcurseurs, tel Bergson. Nul doute que le thme du corps y trouve sa plus grande place, et

que Michel Henry, comme Merleau-Ponty, ouvrent tous deux des voies essentielles au dpassement
du dualisme.
Cest tout particulirement la tentative merleau-pontienne qui retiendra ici nos efforts, car elle a
lincomparable mrite de stre heurte aux sciences naturelles et humaines, et den avoir discut
dans le dtail les mthodes et les conclusions quant au problme qui nous occupe ce que nous
tenterons aussi de faire. Depuis cette pense, il nous deviendra enfin possible dlargir le dialogue
avec dautres phnomnologues, tels Husserl et Patoka.

Seminar ber Ethik M. Schelers

Course ID Code: YMFPR052
Lecturer: Kristina Montagov / montagova@web.de

Tuesday 11:00 12:20

Seminar Phnomenologische Texte ber Europa

Course ID Code: YMFPR051
Lecturer: Doc. Hans Rainer Sepp, Dr.

Termine: Insgesamt 6 Doppel-Veranstaltungen, Samstags, jeweils am 17. und 24. Oktober, am 14.,
21. und 28. November sowie am 5. Dezember 2009. Jeweils 14:00 17:00, raum B5023, Faculty of

Das Seminar begleitet das Thema der Vorlesung und stellt ausgewhlte Texte zum Europa-Gedanken
vor allem aus dem Umkreis phnomenologischen Denkens zur Diskussion: Husserl, Scheler, Ortega y
Gasset, Heidegger, Lwith, Sartre, Patocka.

Vorlesung Europa als Thema der Philosophie

Course ID Code: YMFPR050
Lecturer: Doc. Hans Rainer Sepp, Dr.

Termine: Insgesamt 6 Doppel-Veranstaltungen, Samstags, jeweils am 17. und 24. Oktober, am 14.,
21. und 28. November sowie am 5. Dezember 2009. Jeweils 10:00 13:00, raum B5023, Faculty of

Die Vorlesung fragt, was Philosophie zur Klrung des Sinns von Europa beitragen kann. Dabei werden
in einem ersten Teil nicht nur Gemeinsamkeiten und Spannungen im Verhltnis von (Selbst-)
Bestimmungen Europas und europischem Philosophieren aufzuzeigen sein, sondern vor allem
versucht werden, im Kontext europischer Orte den Ort der Philosophie zu bestimmen. Es wird sich
zeigen, dass ein besonderes Merkmal von europischer Philosophie und von Europa selbst in einem
bestimmten Umgang mit Alteritt besteht. Ein zweiter Teil wird entfalten, wie heute eine
Philosophische Europa-Forschung konkret mglich ist wie sie ansetzen kann, welche Ziele sie
verfolgt und welche Ergebnisse von ihr zu erwarten sind.

Leiblichkeit und Perspektive

Course ID code: AFS100488
Lecturer: Doc. Sepp Hans Rainer, Dr.

Samstag 10:00 - 13:00, Jinonice (U ke 8/661), Raum 5023

Die Vorlesung untersucht mit phnomenologischen Mitteln das perspektivische Sehen als eine
fundamentale uerungsform menschlicher Leiblichkeit. Indem auf Bildwerke von der
prhistorischen Hhlenmalerei bis zum Kubismus Bezug genommen wird, soll die Perspektive nicht
nur als Leibphnomen analysiert, sondern auch die grundlegende Leibdisposition des
Richtungsleibs herausgearbeitet werden.

Interkulturalitt des Leibes

Course ID code: AFS100489
Lecturer: Doc. Sepp Hans Rainer, Dr.

Samstag 15:00 - 18:00, Jinonice (U ke 8/661), Raum 5023

Mit systematischen berlegungen zu einer Phnomenologie des Leibes in interkultureller Hinsicht

versucht das Seminar einen neuen Forschungshorizont zu erffnen: Wenn das ursprngliche
Verhltnis zwischen der Natur und dem menschlichen Subjekt leiblich ist und wenn jede Kultur je
eine Ausdrucksgestalt dieses tief verborgenen Verhltnisses ist, kann der Zugang dazu nicht nur
ein einziger sein. Es wird darauf ankommen, die Reichhaltigkeit dieser Zugnge an westlichen und
fernstlichen Beispielen freizulegen.

8,3 History

History departments and library are located on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the main building at
Jana Palacha square 2, and there are also to be found the rooms of your lecturers.

Departmental coordinators:
PhDr. Ondej Vojtchovsk, room 302b (Institute of General History) ondrej.vojtech@seznam.cz
Doc. PhDr. Martin Nejedl, Dr., room 211 (Institute of Czech History) martin.nejedly@ff.cuni.cz
PhDr. Michal Pullmann, PhD., Celetna 20, room 108 or Main Building, room 302b (Institute of
Economic and Social History) michal.pullmann@ff.cuni.cz

Francophone students can meet Mr. Nejedl on Tuesday, 29th September, 8:00-10:00 in room
211, main buildig.

Sminaire historique franco-tcheque

quipe dorganisation: Doc. PhDr. Martin Nejedl, Dr. (contact: Martin.Nejedly@ff.cuni.cz) en
collaboration avec Nicolas Richard, Jaroslav Svtek et Vclav rek (doctorants en co-tutelle -
lInstitut dhistoire tchque)

Sminaire - Jeudi 9:10 10:40, salle 201 (batiment sur Palachovo Nm. 2) ou au Cefres (couvent
Emauzy, Vyehradsk 49, 3eme tage)

Faisant intervenir de historiens franais, ce cours propose des confrences sur des sujets historiques
varis. Le but est la fois de faire connatre auprs du public estudiantin tchque des personnalits
franaises importantes en histoire et en sciences sociales, et de familiariser les tudiants franais
lhistoire tchque.
En mlant tudiants trangers et tchques, ce cours favorise la discussion, lchange notamment
sur des questions de mthode. Cela permet galement une plus grande intgration des tudiants
Erasmus dans le systme universitaire tchque.
Les tudiants de Mastre travaillent en binmes associant un Tchque et un tudiant tranger afin
de donner aux tudiants trangers ne matrisant pas encore le tchque dexploiter au mieux la
matire de leur sujet.
Ce cours inclut la possibilit dentretiens individuels avec chaque tudiant afin de suivre lvolution
de son intgration et de ses travaux.

Il est recommend quon suit ce cours en mme temps quon suit le cours Atelier en sciences

Atelier en sciences historiques

quipe dorganisation: Doc. PhDr. Martin Nejedl, Dr. (contact: Martin.Nejedly@ff.cuni.cz) en
collaboration avec Nicolas Richard, Jaroslav Svtek et Vclav rek (doctorants en co-tutelle -
lInstitut dhistoire tchque)
Atelier - jeudi 11:00 12:30, salle 201 (batiment sur Palachovo Nm. 2) ou au Cefres (couvent
Emauzy, Vyehradsk 49, 3eme tage)

Depuis 2007, lactivit du sminaire sest enrichie dune collaboration avec le Centre Franais de
Recherche en Sciences Sociales (CEFRES). Ceci permet aux tudiants tchques et franais de
profiter des confrences donnes par des personnalits minentes dans le domaine de la recherche
historique, rgulirement invites dans les locaux du CEFRES. En mme temps, les membres du
sminaire ont pu et peuvent dbattre sur le choix de leurs thmes de mmoire portant pour
lessentiel sur lhistoire tchque, franaise ou sur les relations mutuelles entre les deux pays.

Il est recommend quon suit ce cours en mme temps quon suit le cours Sminaire historique

Le programme concret sera toujours prcis et affich temps; les tudiants le recevront lors du
premier cours du premier semestre le jeudi 1 octobre 9:10, salle 201.

Zivilgesellschaft, Modernisierung und Nationalismus in Mitteleuropa I

Lehrer: Prof. PhDr. Milan Hlavaka, CSc., PhDr. Jan Randk, PhD., Mgr. Zbyek Stodlka

Donnerstag 14:10 15:45, Raum 200, Hauptgebude (Palachovo nmst 2)

Anfang der national liberalen ra in Bhmen im Jahre 1848, Die Anfnge der liberalen
parlamentarischen politischen Kultur in den bhmischen Lndern, Schauplatz Budapest: ungarische
Revolution 1848/49, Zentralismus versus Fderalismus in der revolutionren Zeit 1848/49, Die
Revolution 1848 und die Frage der wirtschaftlichen Union Bhmens mit Deutschland, Konservative
Reaktion in der Revolution 1848/49: Hof, Adel, Brokratie und Heer, Bhmen und
Habsburgermonarchie im Revolutionsjahr 1848/49 aus historisch-anthropologischer Sicht, Kollektives
Verhalten in der Revolution 1848/49, Formierung der politischen und nationalen Identitt, Totenkult
der Revolution Prag, Wien, Berlin 1848/49, Robert Blum: Opfer, Mrtyrer und mythischer Held der
deutschen Revolution 1848/49

Following courses also belong to the study field of History but those are part of a East and
Central European Studies programme, designed mainly for the American students. However, the
free places are offered for free to the European students. The capacity is very limited, working
on a basis who registers first.

Czech and Central European History

Lecturer: Petr Svobodn
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 8 places available

Monday 9:00 10:30, room 326, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Thursday 9:00 10:30, room 326, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

History of Bohemia and Moravia (historically the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, today the Czech
Republic) since primeval times till present, history of the peoples in this territory (ancient cultures,
Celts, Germanic tribes, Slavonic tribes, Czechs, Germans, Jews, Slovaks, Gypsies, other
minorities). Broad geographical context (the Czech Lands Central Europe Europe), broad
thematic context (political, social, cultural history). By the end of the course the student will gain
insight in medieval, early modern, modern and contemporary history of what is now the Czech
Republic, understand the position of Czechs and their state within the European context on a
diachronic scale, describe and analyze roots of present-day Czech politics and culture.

Czech and European History

Lecturer: Jan Paez
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 56 places available

Monday 14:30 16:00, room 3, Jindisk Street 27

Wednesday 14:30 16:00, room 3, Jindisk Street 27

History of what is now the Czech Republic (Bohemia and Moravia) since primeval times till present
(prehistoric times, medieval Czech state, Early Modern Ages, Bohemian Crownlands under the
Habsburg Monarchy, Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic) considering historical-geographical
context. Although the course focuses on modern period, for perfect and proper understanding of our
present it is necessary to deal with the complete history of the Lands of Bohemian Crown. History of
the inhabitants of this territory (ancient prehistoric cultures, Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic tribes,
Czechs, Germans, Jews, Slovaks and others) as well as a description of general features of their
political, social and cultural life.

Jewish History in Central and Eastern Europe

Lecturer: Gaelle Vassogne
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 4 places available

Monday 14:15 15:45, room 2, Jindisk Street 27

Wednesday 14:15 15:45, room 2, Jindisk Street 27
The course focuses on Jewish history in Central and Eastern Europe with an emphasis on the 19th
and 20th century. The primary goals of the course are to study the political, cultural and economic
situation of the Jews in Central and Eastern Europe and analyze the different forms of Jewish
cultural and political identity. In the analysis, special attention will be paid to the history of Central
and Eastern European countries at the beginning of the 20th century.

MITTELEUROPA Germany and East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th
Lecturer: Gaelle Vassogne
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 4 places available

Monday 16:15 17:45, room 2, Jindisk Street 27

Wednesday 16:15 17:45, room 2, Jindisk Street 27

The course will focus on the history of the entity known as Mitteleuropa in the last two hundred
years, the different definitions and ideological uses of this concept and the analysis of its moving
boundaries, sometimes including Germany, sometimes not. The aim of the course is to achieve an
understanding of the history of the different national entities that now constitute Germany, Poland,
Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and of their complex interaction.

8,9 Cultural Studies
The Department of Cultural Studies has no regular classes. If you require some consultations or
if you are able to study in Czech, you should contact the departmental coordinator PhDr. Karel
Hnilica, CSc. (khnilica@hotmail.com). To see the shedule of courses in Czech, check the website
http://www.kulturologie.cz. You can also find related courses in the chapter of English and
American Studies and others.

Following courses also belong to the study field of Cultural Studies but those are part of a East
and Central European Studies programme, designed mainly for the American students.
However, the free places are offered for free to the European students. The capacity is very
limited, working on a basis who registers first.

Alternative Literature, Music, and Lifestyles

Lecturer: Pavla Jonssonova
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 3 places available

Monday 13:00 16:00, room 326, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Students will survey the semiotic battle in contemporary Czech culture and society. The course is
based on field observations, discussed with theoretical tools of Frankfurt, Birmingham and other
culture studies schools. Starting with the Czech specific avant-garde rhizomes the program focuses
on current events in literature, music, theatre, film, and art. Various subcultures are studied in
their transformations. Recent proliferation of the postmodern topics of ecology, multiculturalism,
gender, and queer studies is analyzed together with everyday culture of Czech advertising and the
reading of streets. Cultural activism in its many forms, including squatting, punk rock, anarchist and
sprayer subcultures are traced as well as the influence of expatriate communities.
Discussions exploring new directions in Czech literature, based on works of the hottest and hippest
writers, film and rock music and visits to topic-related literary and music events are an essential
part of the course.

Interculturalism in the Czech Context

Lecturer: Eva Janebov
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 5 places available

Tuesday 16:00 19:00, room 326, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The course will introduce issues related to intercultural diversity in the Czech Republic. The course
will focus on the real life aspects in terms of the manifestations of Czech nationalism, as well as
very current problems connected to migration: e.g. forced labor of immigrants and human
trafficking. We will visit International Organization for Migration in Prague to learn about projects
fighting discrimination of minorities in the CR. Students will understand the situation of Roma in the
Czech Republic not only through theory, but will have a first-hand experience of a Roma settlement
in Dobra voda during their field trip. Students will also develop their intercultural competencies and
intercultural sensitivity through practical activities. Students will improve their comparative and
critical thinking skills. Students will learn the difference between the emic and etic perspective in
their research and literature analysis.

Language, Culture and Social Cognition

Lecturer: Eva Filippov
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 5 places available

Tuesday 11:30 14:30, room 1, Jindisk Street 27

The course introduces students to selected topics centered on the relationship among social
cognition (i.e., folk psychology, theory of mind), language and culture. In spite of its cross-
disciplinary scope, its chief focus is on questions of human development. It is designed both for
students in arts and the sciences and will be run as a combination of lectures and seminars. The
lectures will be closely tied to the readings but will often go beyond them. The seminars offer an
opportunity to discuss the readings in detail and to raise questions arising from both the readings
and lectures.

Reading Prague: Literature-Architecture-Cultural History

Lecturer: Hynek Zykmund
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 2 places available

Monday 9:00 12:00, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The course will survey Pragues history, focusing on the lives and aspirations of its multinational
inhabitants as they metamorphosed in the course of the last twelve centuries. It proposes to read
the city as a text and to treat literature and architecture as both expressions and symptoms of its
evolution. Throughout the course, literature and architecture will be explored through a critical
reading of the motivations, techniques and achievements which are at play therein.

9,1 English and American Studies
Following courses are offered by the Institute of English and American Studies, recently divided
into Department of English Language and ELT Methodology (AJD) and Department of
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (UALK).
You can contact the UALK department coordinator Martin Prochzka at
martin.prochazka@ff.cuni.cz for more information about the literary courses. You can also
check the website http://www.english-department-prague.cz/ to get the updated information
about the courses. Students accepted at the Department of Anglophone Literatures and
Cultures should meet with Martin Prochzka on Tuesday 22nd September at 14:00 in room
219a, Main Building (nmst Jana Palacha 2).
You can contact the UAJD department coordinator Pavlna aldov at pavlina.saldova@ff.cuni.cz
for more information about the linguistic courses. You can also check the website
http://uajd.ff.cuni.cz/en/node/8 for to get the updated information about the courses. Students
accepted at the Department of English Language and ELT Methodology should meet with the
department coordinator Pavlna aldov during her office hours.

!IMPORTANT! Note that subscribing for these courses is necessary both using the SIS electronical
system (the same as for all other courses) and the system on the websites of Institute of English
and American Studies (Department of English Language and ELT Methodology (AJD) and
Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (UALK)).
registration starts on 22/9
see departmental websites:
linguistic courses: http: //uajd.ff.cuni.cz/zapis
literary/cultural studies courses: http: //ualk.ff.cuni.cz/student

You need to be FAST because these courses are getting full very quickly :)

PXXX - Palachovo nm. 2. (Main building )
CXXX - Celetn 16, Go in through the main entrance (20 Celetn), up the stairs at the far left end of
the lobby to the first floor, turn right, walk past the Classics Dept. and Language Centre and down
the stairs on your left.
KXXX - Kaprova 13, To enter the building at 13 Kaprova Street, please enter the code 408 at the
entrance and wait for the buzzer. The office is located on the 3rd floor turn right from the lift, go
through the door and then right again; proceed to the far end of the corridor.


Students can not be accepted if their level of English if not sufficient

Course Name / Nzev kurzu

Lecturer Day Time, Room lect/sem type of study code lectures/seminars-

1. year, BA / 1. ronk, bakalsk studium

Phonetics and Phonology

Voln Wed 14:10 - 14:55, P104 lecture single AAA130020 1. s.: 1/1 Z, 2. s.: 1/1 Z+Zk
Skarnitzl Thu 14:10 - 14:55, P016 seminar double AAA230020 1. s.: 1/1 Z, 2. s.: 1/1 Z
Skarnitzl Thu 15:00 - 15:45, P016 seminar
Skarnitzl Thu 15:50 - 16:35, P016 seminar
Skarnitzl Thu 16:40 - 17:25, P016 seminar
Skarnitzl Thu 17:30 - 18:15, P016 seminar
Skarnitzl Thu 18:20 - 19:05, P016 seminar

Introduction to English Linguistics
single AAA130030 1/2 Z
Brhov Tue 10:00 - 11:35, K408 seminar double AAA230030 0/2 Z
Brhov Thu 10:50 - 12:25, K408 seminar
Mal Tue 08:20 - 09:55, K408 seminar
Tich Wed 12:30 - 14:05, K408 seminar
Tich Wed 15:50 - 17:25, K408 seminar
Tich Wed 17:30 - 19:05, K408 seminar

British history
Clark Mon 12:30 - 14:05, P104 lecture single AAA130130 2/0 Zk

History of the USA

Fojtek Wed 19:10 - 20:45, P131 lecture single AAA130140 2/0 Zk

Introduction to British and American culture

Prochzka Tue 15:50 - 17:25, P104 lecture single AAA130120 2/0 Z
double AAA230120 2/0 Z

Introduction to Literary Studies / for Erasmus students

Piln Mon 09:10 - 09:55, P104 lecture single AAA130110 1. s.: 1/2 Z, 2. s.: 1/2 Z+Zk
Clark Thu 09:10 - 10:45, C049 seminar double AAA230110 1. s.: 1/2 Z, 2. s.: 1/2 Z+Zk
Piln Mon 10:50 - 12:25, P001 seminar erasmus AAAE0004A 1/0 Z
Wallace Tue 09:10 - 10:45, P111 seminar
Znojemsk Thu 12:30 - 14:05, P111 seminar

2. year, BA / 2. ronk, bakalsk studium


Brhov Wed 09:10 - 10:45, K408 seminar double AAA220080 1. s.: 1/2 Z, 2. s.: 1/2 Z
Brhov Wed 10:50 - 12:25, K408 seminar
Mal Wed 09:10 - 10:45, P034 seminar
Srchov Wed 10:50 - 12:25, P111 seminar
Srchov Thu 14:10 - 15:45, P001 seminar

American Literature 2 - II
Prochzka Wed 12:30 - 13:15, P104 lecture single AAA100211 1/2 Z+Zk
Quinn Fri 09:10 - 10:45, P001 seminar double AAA220211 1/2 Z
Roraback Mon 10:00 - 11:35, P104 seminar
Ulmanov Thu 09:10 - 10:45, P218 seminar
Vesel Mon 09:10 - 10:45, P111 seminar

English literature 2: 18th Cent.

Novkov Tue 11:40 - 12:25, P104 lecture single AAA100120 1/2 Z
Kolinsk Mon 12:30 - 14:05, P001 seminar double AAA220120 1/2 Z
Kolinsk Mon 14:10 - 15:45, P001 seminar
Novkov Tue 09:10 - 10:45, P001 seminar
Novkov Wed 09:10 - 10:45, P111 seminar

History of the USA

Fojtek Wed 19:10 - 20:45, P131 lecture single AAA100072 2/0 Zk
3. year, BA / 3. ronk, bakalsk studium
History of the English Language
ermk Tue 10:00 - 11:35, P104 lecture single AAA100300 1. s.: 2/2 Z, 2. s.: 2/2 Z+Zk
ermk Thu 09:10 - 10:45, P001 seminar double AAA220300 1. s.: 2/0 ----, 2. s.: 2/0 Z
ermk Thu 10:50 - 12:25, P001 seminar erasmus AAAE0030A 2/2 Z+Zk
Tich Thu 15:50 - 17:25, P001 seminar
Tich Thu 17:30 - 19:05, P001 seminar

Lexical and textual level

Mal Fri 08:20 - 09:55, P034 seminar single AAA110091 0/2 Z
Mal Fri 12:30 - 14:05, P001 seminar
aldov Mon 11:40 - 13:15, K408 seminar
aldov Mon 14:10 - 15:45, K408 seminar

Brhov Tue 13:20 - 14:55, K408 seminar single AAA11009B 0/2 Z+Zk
Brhov Thu 09:10 - 10:45, K408 seminar double AAA22009B 0/2 Z+Zk
Mal Tue 12:30 - 14:05, P034 seminar erasmus AAAE0009B 0/2 Z+Zk
Mal Fri 10:00 - 11:35, P034 seminar
aldov Mon 10:00 - 11:35, K408 seminar

English Literature 4: 20th Cent.
Hilsk Tue 14:10 - 15:45, P104 lecture single AAA100140 2/2 Z+Zk
Armand Tue 15:50 - 17:25, P111 seminar double AAA220140 2/2 Z+Zk
Beran Tue 08:20 - 09:55, P104 seminar
Beran Tue 12:30 - 14:05, P104 seminar
Beran Thu 10:50 - 12:25, P111 seminar

elective courses, BA
Reading Medieval and Early Modern Texts
ermk Wed 10:50 - 12:25, P104 seminar single AAA111021 0/2 Z

American Literature: Limits of Reality
Quinn Fri 10:50 - 12:25, P001 seminar single AAA111010 0/2 Z

Irish Literature: An Introduction

Piln Wed 12:30 - 14:05, C049 seminar single AAA111003 0/2 Z

Literary Minorities
Vesel Wed 09:10 - 10:45, P111 seminar single AAA111020 0/2 Z

Scotland, Identity and Film

Clark Mon 10:50 - 13:15, P111 seminar single AAA111006 0/2 Z

optional courses, BA
Anglo-Irish Writing from Swift to Shaw
Wallace Wed 15:00 - 16:35, P034 seminar any AAA500712 0/2 Z

Irish Language
Mon 17:30 - 19:05, P001 seminar any AAAV00730 0/2 Z
Mon 17:30 - 19:05, P034 seminar any AAAV00732 0/2 Z
Mon 19:10 - 20:45, P034 seminar
Tue 17:30 - 19:05, P001 seminar
Tue 17:30 - 19:05, P034 seminar
Wed 16:40 - 18:15, P001 seminar
Wed 18:20 - 19:55, P001 seminar
Wed 19:10 - 20:45, P034 seminar

Scottish Literature
Clark Mon 09:10 - 10:45, P001 seminar any AAA500220 0/2 Z

The Short Story: The Genre and its Contexts

Wallace Mon 14:10 - 15:45, P034 seminar any AAA500419 0/2 Z

An Introduction to English Lexicology I
Klgr Tue 15:50 - 17:25, P001 seminar single AAA300103 0/2 Z
double AAA400103 0/2 Z
single AAA500103 0/2 Z

An Introduction to English Pragmatics

Klgr Tue 12:30 - 14:05, P421 seminar single AAA300104 0/2 Z
double AAA400104 0/2 Z
single AAA500104 0/2 Z

History of the English Language II

ermk Wed 09:10 - 10:45, P104 seminar single AAA300108 1. s.: 0/2 Z, 2. s.: 0/2 Z
double AAA400108 1. s.: 0/2 Z, 2. s.: 0/2 Z
single AAA500108 1. s.: 0/2 Z, 2. s.: 0/2 Z

Reading Medieval and Early Modern Texts

ermk Wed 10:50 - 12:25, P104 seminar single AAA300111 0/2 Z
double AAA400115 0/2 Z
single AAA500111 0/2 Z

Recent and Contemporary Trends in Linguistics

Hajiov Wed 09:10 - 10:45, P001 seminar single AAA300005 0/2 Z+Zk
double AAA400100 0/2 Z
single AAA500005 0/2 Z+Zk
double AAA520005 0/2 Z
Selected Problems in English Linguistics
Dukov Wed 12:30 - 14:05, P001 seminar single AAA300002 1/1 Zk
double AAA400002 1/1 Z
single AAA500002 1/1 Zk
double AAA520002 1/1 Z

Syntax II
Dukov Tue 10:50 - 12:25, P111 seminar single AAA300102 0/2 Z
double AAA400102 0/2 Z
single AAA500102 0/2 Z


Anglo-Irish Writing from Swift to Shaw
Wallace Wed 15:00 - 16:35, P034 seminar single AAA300712 0/2 Z
double AAA400712 0/2 Z
single AAA500712 0/2 Z

Circulating within the Modern Cinematic Image

Roraback Tue 09:10 - 11:35, seminar single AAA300422 0/3 Z
double AAA400422 0/3 Z
single AAA500422 0/3 Z

Experience, Commodity Culture, Spectacle Society: From James to Stein

Roraback Mon 14:10 - 15:45, P104 seminar single AAA300345 0/2 Z
double AAA400345 0/2 Z
single AAA500345 0/2 Z

Introduction to Canadian Studies

Kolinsk Mon 10:50 - 12:25, P034 seminar single AAA300501 0/2 Z
double AAA400504 0/2 Z
single AAA500501 0/2 Z

Literary Theories
Prochzka Wed 17:30 - 19:05, P034 seminar single AAA300407 0/2 Z
double AAA400407 0/2 Z
single AAA500407 0/2 Z

Literature of the Late Victorian Period I

Beran Thu 09:10 - 10:45, P034 seminar single AAA300201 0/2 Z
double AAA400201 0/2 Z
single AAA500201 0/2 Z

Modern Irish Literature I: Fiction

Wallace Tue 10:50 - 12:25, P001 seminar single AAA300706 0/2 Z
double AAA400706 0/2 Z
single AAA500706 0/2 Z

Modernism and Modernity

Armand Thu 17:30 - 19:05, P111 seminar single AAA300414 0/2 Z
double AAA400424 0/2 Z
single AAA500424 0/2 Z

Modernist American Poetry

Quinn Wed 12:30 - 14:05, P034 seminar single AAA300313 0/2 Z
double AAA400313 0/2 Z
single AAA500313 0/2 Z

Old English Riddles

Znojemsk Thu 10:50 - 12:25, P034 seminar single AAA300241 0/2 Z
double AAA400241 0/2 Z
single AAA500241 0/2 Z

Post-War American Art: From Duchamp To Basquiat

Armand Thu 15:50 - 17:25, P111 seminar any AAA300347 0/2 Z
any AAA400347 0/2 Z
any AAA500347 0/2 Z

Problems in British and Irish Cultural History
Prochzka Tue 12:30 - 14:05, P111 seminar single AAA300003 1/1 Zk
double AAA400200 1/1 Z
single AAA500003 1/1 Zk
double AAA520003 1/1 Z

Reading Faulkner
Ulmanov Tue 09:10 - 10:45, P034 seminar single AAA300306 0/2 Z
double AAA400306 0/2 Z
single AAA500306 0/2 Z

Reading Shakespeare: Languge as Performance (Sonnnets)

Hilsk Mon 13:20 - 14:55, P111 seminar single AAA300208 0/2 Z
double AAA400208 0/2 Z
single AAA500208 0/2 Z

Scottish Literature
Clark Mon 09:10 - 10:45, P001 seminar single AAA300220 0/2 Z
double AAA400221 0/2 Z
single AAA500220 0/2 Z

Social Theory, Pynchon's Inherent Vice (2009) & the Philosophical

Roraback Mon 15:50 - 17:25, P104 seminar single AAA300346 0/2 Z
double AAA400346 0/2 Z
single AAA500346 0/2 Z

The Poetry of W.B. Yeats

Quinn Fri 13:20 - 14:55, P111 seminar single AAA300709 0/2 Z
double AAA400709 0/2 Z
single AAA500709 0/2 Z

The Short Story: The Genre and its Contexts

Wallace Mon 14:10 - 15:45, P034 seminar any AAA300419 0/2 Z
any AAA400419 0/2 Z
any AAA500419 0/2 Z

Women in English Literature 1660-1800

Novkov Thu 10:50 - 12:25, P218 seminar single AAA300212 0/2 Z
double AAA400212 0/2 Z
single AAA500212 0/2 Z

optional courses

Irish Language
Mon 17:30 - 19:05, P001 seminar any AAAV00730 0/2 Z
Mon 17:30 - 19:05, P034 seminar any AAAV00732 0/2 Z
Mon 19:10 - 20:45, P034 seminar
Tue 17:30 - 19:05, P001 seminar
Tue 17:30 - 19:05, P034 seminar
Wed 16:40 - 18:15, P001 seminar
Wed 18:20 - 19:55, P001 seminar
Wed 19:10 - 20:45, P034 seminar

Literary Translation
Beran Tue 10:50 - 12:25, P034 seminar single AAA300801 0/2 Z
Beran Thu 13:20 - 14:55, P218 seminar double AAA400801 0/2 Z
single AAA500801 0/2 Z

Literary Translation Workshop (Drama and Prose)

Piln Wed 10:50 - 12:25, C049 seminar single AAA300802 0/2 Z
double AAA400802 0/2 Z
single AAA500802 0/2 Z

9,1 Spanish Studies
Following courses are offered by the Institute of Romance Studies Spanish Section, situated on
the 1st floor of the main building. http://urs.ff.cuni.cz/
If you are interested in joining these courses should meet the departmental co-ordinator Dr.
Juan A. Snchez Fernndez. You can contact him at juan.sanchez@ff.cuni.cz. During the
Orientation Week he is willing to answer your questions on Tuesday, 22nd September, at 12am
in room 115.

We can not assure that you would be able to follow these courses without any knowledge of
Czech, so please DO CONTACT the teacher beforehand.

Universidad Carolina de Praga ha adoptado el sistema de clasificacin ECTS, los nmeros de los
crditos que aparecen en la lista de asignaturas siguiente presentan la NICA forma de
evaluacin posible (p. ej., 3 crditos = asistencia regular al seminario/1 semestre + otros
requisitos determinados por el profesor, 6 crditos = examen aprobado + otros requisitos
determinados por el profesor), adems de la nota que corresponde al resultado del examen.

Cada profesor se reserva derecho a sustituir las clases por la forma individual de enseanza.

Universidad Carolina de Praga ha adoptado el sistema de clasificacin ECTS, los nmeros de los
crditos que aparecen en la lista de asignaturas siguiente presentan la NICA forma de
evaluacin posible (p. ej., 3 crditos = asistencia regular al seminario/1 semestre + otros
requisitos determinados por el profesor, 6 crditos = examen aprobado + otros requisitos
determinados por el profesor), adems de la nota que corresponde al resultado del examen.
Fjese bien en la evaluacin de cada curso/semestre!
Los estudiantes que quieran pasar el examen despus de un semestre, tienen que consultar
este hecho antes del comienzo del curso con el profesor docente.

Cada profesor se reserva derecho a sustituir las clases por la forma individual de enseanza.

Horario 2009/2010 en http://urs.ff.cuni.cz/

Vyuujc / Profesor
Pedmt / Asignatura
as / Horario (po / lunes, t / martes, st / mircoles, t / jueves, p / viernes)
Mstnost / Aula
Coordinador departamental: Juan A. Snchez, E-mail: juan.sanchez@ff.cuni.cz

Seminario lingstico lexical I

Cdigo ID: ASP14003
Duracin: 2 semestres / 4 horas semanales
Prof.: Vargas Gmez
Crditos 1er semestre: 3; Crditos 2do semestre: 6

Viernes 10:50 12:25; aula 301, Hybernsk 3; grupo B

Viernes 12:30 14:05, aula 301, Hybernsk 3; grupo A

Contenidos del curso: El curso est dedicado al profundizacin del lxico. Temas: Hombre
(crecimiento, formacin, empleo, familia, sociedad, cuerpo, salud); Viajes (hotel, medios de
transporte, productos de alimentacin).

Estudiantes Erasmus hablantes nativos de espaol:

Este seminario no est pensado para hablantes nativos de espaol. En el caso de que algunos
decidiesen asistir, sera necesaria una evaluacin personalizada de los contenidos, ya que estas
clases estn enfocadas como una clase de E/LE, con lo que tendran que ponerse de acuerdo con el
profesor de la asignatura.

Seminario lingstico lexical II

Cdigo ID: ASP300045
Duracin: 2 semestres / 4 horas semanales; contina del semestre de invierno
Prof.: Vargas Gmez
Crditos 1er semestre: 3; Crditos 2do semestre: 6

Contenidos del curso: El curso est dedicado al profundizacin del lxico. Temas: Las compras
(libros, peridicos, artesana, relojes, tabaco, cmaras de fotos, cadenas de msica, televisores,
vdeos, ordenadores, electrodomsticos, sastrera, ropa, calzado); Cultura (teatro, cine, msica,
ballet, pintura, museos, arquitectura, fiestas, religin, toros, historia).

Estudiantes Erasmus hablantes nativos de espaol:

Este seminario no est pensado para hablantes nativos de espaol. En el caso de que algunos
decidiesen asistir, sera necesaria una evaluacin personalizada de los contenidos, ya que estas
clases estn enfocadas como una clase de E/LE, con lo que tendran que ponerse de acuerdo con el
profesor de la asignatura.

Gramtica normativa espaola

Cdigo ID: ASP24014; ASP14014; ASP14015
Duracin: 2 semestres, curso y seminario / 2 + 1 horas semanales
Prof.: ermk
Crditos 1er semestre: seminario 3; Crditos 2do semestre: seminario 3, curso 6

Martes 9:10 11:35; aula 116

Contenidos del curso: En este curso se estudia la normativa gramatical y ortogrfica del espaol
actual. La explicacin terica est vinculada con el curso de fontica, pero abandona el plano
acstico y se dedica sobre todo a la morfemtica y la morfologa del espaol. La explicacin
comprende todas las partes del discurso, aunque se centra en el verbo. La explicacin se realiza
segn la secuencia forma-significado (funcin), es decir, primero se describe detalladamente la
forma de un elemento dado (incluidas las excepciones), y slo despus se analiza su uso. El
estudiante debera dominar la normativa terica y prcticamente, conocer la terminologa bsica, y
debera ser capaz de explicar tericamente los fenmenos gramaticales.
Temas: La terminologa bsica: gramtica, norma, codificacin, manuales que codifican la norma.
Las partes del discurso; Los sustantivos, sus tipos y categoras. Gnero, nmero; La sustantivacin y
el artculo; Los adjetivos, sus categoras; La colocacin del adjetivo en la oracin, la gradacin de
los adjetivos; Los pronombres, su clasificacin (segn la tradicin espaola y la checa); Pronombres
personales, reflexivos, posesivos, relativos, interrogativos, demostrativos e indeterminados; Los
numerales, su clasificacin; El verbo, las categoras verbales, los tipos verbales. Clasificacin; El
plano formal del verbo espaol, los tipos de conjugacin, irregularidades; La categora del tiempo
verbal; La categora del modo verbal; Las formas verbales y sus funciones; El imperativo; La
concordancia de los tiempos en indicativo y subjuntivo; Las formas verbales infinitivas; Los
adverbios, su clasificacin; Las preposiciones; Las conjunciones, su clasificacin.

Introduccin a la literatura y la cultura hispanoamericana

Cdigo ID: (ASP300018) (ASP14019), (ASP14033)
Duracin: 2 semestres, curso y seminario / 2 + 1 horas semanales; contina del semestre de invierno
Prof.: Vydrov
Crditos 1er semestre: seminario 3; Crditos 2do semestre: seminario 3, curso 6

Jueves 15:00 17:25; aula 116

El curso constituye una primera aproximacin a la literatura hispanoamericana desde el
descubrimiento hasta la poca actual. Est introducido por un breve esbozo de las literaturas
prehispnicas. Se analiza la actividad literaria dentro de un cuadro ms extenso de las relaciones
culturales, sociales e histricas, y profundiza sobre los rasgos especficos de la literatura
hispanoamericana por comparacin con el desarrollo literario espaol y el europeo. Hace hincapi
en el perodo colonial y su expresin artstica tan especfica, despus se centra en el siglo
diecinueve (la formacin de las literaturas nacionales, los problemas de la configuracin de los
gneros literarios, la formacin de una nueva conciencia americana). Dibuja a grandes rasgos la
poliforme creacin literaria del siglo veinte. En general, se constituye como el punto de partida
para el estudio posterior de la literatura hispanoamericana.
En el seminario se han comentado las siguientes obras, cuya lectura es obligatoria: Domingo
Faustino Sarmiento: Facundo; Cirilo Villaverde: Cecilia Valds; Jorge Isaacs: Mara; Alberto Blest
Gana: Martn Rivas; Mariano Azuela: Los de abajo; Rmulo Gallegos: Dona Brbara; Jos Eustacio
Rivera: La vorgine; Ricardo Guiraldes: Don Segundo Sombra; Miguel ngel Asturias: El seor
presidente; Alejo Carpentier: Los pasos perdidos; Juan Rulfo: Pedro Pramo; Julio Cortzar:
Rayuela; Carlos Fuentes: La muerte de Artemio Cruz

Seminario lingstico lexical III

Cdigo ID: ASP300049
Duracin: 2 semestres / 2 horas semanales; contina del semestre de invierno
Prof.: Vargas Gmez
Crditos 1er semestre: 3; Crditos 2do semestre: 6

Mircoles 17:30 19:05, aula 301, Hybernsk 3

Contenidos del curso: El curso est dedicado al profundizacin del lxico. Temas: Naturaleza
(universo, clima, tiempo, geografa, medio ambiente, animales, plantas); Economa (banca, dinero,
correo, telfono, bolsa, impuestos, seguro, poltica, ejrcito, industria)
Estudiantes Erasmus hablantes nativos de espaol:
Este seminario no est pensado para hablantes nativos de espaol. En el caso de que algunos
decidiesen asistir, sera necesaria una evaluacin personalizada de los contenidos, ya que estas
clases estn enfocadas como una clase de E/LE, con lo que tendran que ponerse de acuerdo con el
profesor de la asignatura.

Historia de la lengua espaola

Cdigo ID: ASP300023, ASP400006
Duracin: 2 horas semanales
Prof.: Zavadil
Crditos 2do semestre: 6

Jueves 14:10 15:45, aula 117

Contenidos del curso: El curso pretende familiarizar a los estudiantes con los principios del
desarrollo de la lengua, con los perodos de desarrollo del espaol, con la historia del castellano,
con las reglas del desarrollo consonntico, voclico y morfolgico, y con brevedad, tambin con el
desarrollo sintctico y el del lxico espaol. El curso hace un especial hincapi en la reconstruccin
de los perodos no documentados del desarrollo, mostrando a los estudiantes el mtodo y los
conocimientos necesarios para deducir la etimologa de las palabras espaolas, a partir de las bases
latinas (u otras).
Temas: Los principios generales del desarrollo de la lengua; Los romanos en la Pennsula Ibrica; La
periodificacin y la caracterizacin de la transicin del latn en espaol; La historia del espaol; La
evolucin de las vocales acentuadas; La evolucin de las vocales no acentuadas; La metafona
castellana; La evolucin de las consonantes; La evolucin de los grupos consonnticos; La
etimologa; Introduccin a la evolucin morfolgica; La evolucin de los subsistemas nominal y
verbal; La evolucin de los sustantivos; La evolucin de los adjetivos; La evolucin de los
pronombres personales y de los artculos; la evolucin de los pronombres demostrativos y posesivos;

La evolucin de los pronombres interrogativos, relativos, delimitativos e indefinidos; La evolucin
de los numerales; La evolucin del verbo; Las formas sintticas del indicativo; Las formas sintticas
del subjuntivo e imperativo; Las formas verbales finitas analticas; Las formas verbales infinitas; La
evolucin de las formas del pasivo; La evolucin de los adverbios; La evolucin de las clases de
palabras invariables; La evolucin sintctica y del lxico; El desarrollo de los dialectos.

Anlisis de textos medievales (seminario)

Cdigo ID: ASP300023
Duracin: 2 horas semanales
Prof.: Snchez
Crditos: 3

Jueves 14:10 15:45; aula 117

Contenidos del curso: Por medio de lectura y anlisis de los textos, familiarizar a los estudiantes
con la pronunciacin, la gramtica y el lxico del castellano antiguo.
Temas: Informacin sobre las ediciones de los textos medievales, pronunciacin del castellano
antiguo; Cantar de mio Cid; Gonzalo de Berceo: Milagros de Nuestra Seora; Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste
de Hita: Libro de Buen Amor; Pero Lpez de Ayala: Rimado de palacio.

Literatura hispanoamericana I
Cdigo ID: (ASP300027, ASP400010; ASP300020)
Duracin: 2 + 2 horas semanales (curso + seminario)
Prof: Houskov
Crditos: 6 (curso)

Mircoles 10:00 12:25; aula 117 (curso + seminario)

Contenidos del curso: El ensayo hispanoamericano. El punto de partida es el problema del gnero
ensaystico y su lugar especfico en la jerarqua de gneros literarios en Hispanoamrica. El curso se
centra en dos temas del pensamiento hispanoamericano: la concepcin de la literatura y la
identidad cultural hispanoamericana (multiculturalidad, cuestin de las naciones, literatura y
cultura oral, teora del barroco, utopa, confrontacin con los Estados Unidos). Comenta la idea de
Amrica a lo largo de los siglos XIX y XX - Bolvar, Bello, Sarmiento, Mart, Rod, Gonzlez Prada,
Henrquez Urea, Reyes, Borges, Carpentier, Roa Bastos, Paz, Fuentes y otros. Los tipos de
enfoques ensaysticos los relaciona con una tipologa de la novela hispanoamericana

Seminario de Literatura hispanoamericana I

Cdigo ID: ASP300020
Duracin: 2 semestres/1 hora semanal
Prof: Houskov

Mircoles 10:00 12:25; aula 117 (curso + semaninario)

Contenidos del curso: El ensayo hispanoamericano. Presentaciones de los estudiantes y la discusin.

Los estudiantes preparan dos trabajos escritos y los leen en el seminario. En el primer semestre se
centran en los ensayos clsicos sobre la identidad cultural hispanoamericana (Sarmiento, Mart,
Daro, Rod, Gonzlez Prada, Reyes, Henrquez Urea, Maritegui, Martnez Estrada), en el segundo
semestre en los ensayos ms nuevos (Borges, Macedonio Fernndez, Carpentier, Paz, Arguedas, Roa
Bastos, Cortzar, Sbato, Vargas Llosa, Fuentes y otros). El programa del seminario propone
relacionar un aspecto del ensayo estudiado con una novela, cuentos o poesa. Se supone el estudio
de crttica literaria al respecto, citado en las presentaciones (ver tambin bibliografa del curso

Sintaxis del espaol contemporneo
Cdigo ID: ASP14026
Duracin: 2 semestres / 2 horas semanales; contina del semestre de invierno
Prof.: Zavadil
Crditos 1er semestre: 0; Crditos 2do semestre: 6

Viernes 13:20 14:55, aula 116

Contenidos del curso: El curso est dedicado a familiarizar a los estudiantes con los principios y
problemas de la Sintaxis de las Dependencias, con la aplicacin de los mtodos de representacin
planimtrica de las relaciones sintcticas, creado y practicado por la bohemstica checa, haciendo
referencias tambin a la Sintaxis de las Valencias y a la Sintaxis Generativa. Temas: Objeto de la
sintaxis; Enunciado; Modalidad del enunciado; Estructuracin funcional del enunciado (EFE);
Oracin; Los elementos de la oracin: Sujeto (S); Predicado verbal (P); Predicado verbonominal
(PVN); Complemento adnominal (CAdn); Objeto (O); Complemento circunstancial (CC);
Complemento predicativo (CP); Clusulas construcciones semipredicativas; Adordinacin;
Coordinacin y ordenamiento de enunciados (perodo coordinado); Perodo subordinado; Oraciones
subordinadas sustantivas (OSS); Oraciones subordinadas adjetivas (OSAdj); Oraciones subordinadas
adverbiales (OSAdv); Particularidades morfosintcticas del espaol hablado; Confrontacin de la
sintaxis de las dependencias con la generativa.

Seminario de sintaxis del espaol contemporneo

Cdigo ID: ASP14026
Duracin: 2 semestres / 2 horas semanales; contina del semestre de invierno
Prof.: ermk
Crditos 1er semestre: 3; Crditos 2do semestre: 3

Jueves 10:50 12:25; aula 116

La representacin planimtrica de las relaciones sintcticas, sus ventajas y desventajas. La

representacin generativa por medio de los marcadores frasales: su fuerza explicativa, su enfoque
de los distintos elementos de la oracin, su valor cientfico.
Temas: 1. Sujeto (S); 2. Predicado verbal (P); 3. Predicado verbonominal (PVN); 4. Complemento
adnominal (CAdn); 5. Objeto (O); 6. Complemento circunstancial (CC); 7. Complemento predicativo
(CP); 8. Clusulas construcciones semipredicativas; 9. Adordinacin; 10. Perodo coordinado; 11.
Perodo subordinado; 12. Oraciones subordinadas sustantivas (OSS); 13. Oraciones subordinadas
adjetivas (OSAdj); 14. Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales (OSAdv).

Literatura espaola II
Cdigo ID: ASP300026 ASP400009
Duracin: 2 semestres, curso y seminario / 1 + 1 horas semanales; contina del semestre de invierno
Prof.: Snchez
Crditos 1er semestre: 0; Crditos 2do semestre: 8

Jueves 12:30 14:55; aula 116

El siglo inquieto. Literatura y crtica en la Espaa del XVI. Desde finales del siglo XV, y a causa de
los cambios sociales y polticos operados a partir del reinado de los Reyes Catlicos, puede seguirse
la pista a un tipo de literatura crtica con las normas sociales establecidas, una literatura que
podramos llamar de protesta o heterodoxa aunque esos trminos sean problemticos. El siglo XVI
es, en este sentido, muy crtico, como si respondiera a unas fuerzas sociales en movimiento. En el
XVII parece que esas fuerzas alcanzan estabilidad y la tendencia crtica remite. Teniendo en cuenta
que en gran parte el problema depende de la Reforma, e, institucionalmente, de la Inquisicin, se
prestar un especial inters al cristianismo y la historia de la Iglesia.

Literatura hispanoamericana II
Cdigo ID: ASP300028, ASP400011
Duracin: 2 semestres, curso y seminario / 2 + 1 horas semanales; contina del semestre de invierno
Prof.: Vydrov
Crditos 1er semestre: 3 (seminario); Crditos 2do semestre: 3 (seminario), 6 (curso)

Mircoles 17:30 19:55; aula 117

Curso monogrfico de dos semestres dedicado a diferentes temas de literatura hispanoamericana .

El tema concreto se anuncia al inicio del ao acadmico. Su enfoque metodolgico puede variar
(histrico-cultural, comparativo, estructural, tipolgico, etc.). El curso consta de tres horas
semanales que se reparten entre la exposicin del tema por parte del profesor (en espaol) y el
seminario donde se leen, analizan y comentan los textos seleccionados y se presentan y debaten los
trabajos escritos por los alumnos (en espaol o en checo).

Relaciones de Europa Central y el Mundo Hispnico

Duracin: 1 semestre / 2 horas semanales
Prof.: Opatrn, Binkov
Crditos 1er semestre: 3; Crditos 2do semestre: 6

Contenidos del curso: El curso ofrece un panorama de las relaciones entre Europa Central y el
mundo hispnico desde la Edad media hasta los principios del siglo XXI. En cuanto a la Edad media,
subraya los contactos dinsticos (los primos Pemysl Otakar II y Alfonso X El Sabio), culturales
(astrlogos espaoles en las cortes de los reyes de Bohemia) y diplomticos. En lo referente a la
poca del descubrimiento de Amrica, se centra en las informaciones sobre este evento en el
ambiente checo y en los contactos entre las familias nobles espaolas y checas de los siglos XVI y
XVII. La segunda mitad del siglo XVII y una parte del XVIII los cubre el anlisis de las actividades de
los misioneros checos en Amrica Latina. Una atencin especial est dedicada a las actividades de
Tadeo Haenke, considerado en Bolivia como fundador de las ciencias naturales modernas. Los siglos
XIX y XX vienen caracterizados por la emigracin checa a Amrica Latina y por el comercio mutuo
(las materias primas, por parte de Amrica Latina, y maquinaria y armas, por la parte checa). Se
presentar tambin la imagen del mundo hispano en las obras de los viajeros checos.

Literatura espaola I
Cdigo ID: ASP300025; ASP400008; ASP300050
Duracin: 2 semestres, curso y seminario / 2 + 1 horas semanales
Prof.: Snchez
Crditos Trabajo escrito: 3 crditos. Exposicin en clase: 3 crditos

Viernes 10:50 13:15, aula 116

Contenidos del curso: El curso est dedicado al perodo desde la actividad de la generacin 98 hasta
la literatura espaola actual. Se repasarn los gneros y temas ms importantes a fin de que el
alumno tenga una visin tanto amplia como profunda de la tradicin moderna de las bellas letras en
Espaa. El curso dedica atencin al contexto de la literatura mundial moderna y tambin a la
cuestin del contexto extraliterario..

Literatura espaola del siglo XX

Cdigo ID: ASP14028
Duracin: 1 semestre, curso y seminario / 1 + 1 horas semanales
Prof.: Snchez
Exmen: 3 crditos. Exposicin en clase: 3 crditos

Mircoles 17:30 19:05, aula 118, edificio Oettingen (Josefsk 6, 1er piso, puerta 111)

Contenidos del curso: El curso es semejante al anterior, pero dura slo un semestre, por pertenecer
al programa de diplomatura. Por tanto, el estudio de los temas ser ms superficial y ms rpido,
pero el objetivo de alcanzar la mayor amplitud y, dentro de los lmites, examen de los temas
bsicos de la tradicin moderna espaola sigue en pie.

El espaol de Amrica (Introduccin a la dialectologa hispanoamericana

Cdigo ID: ASP400019
Duracin: 2 semestres / 2 horas semanales
Prof.: Mitinov
Exmen: 3 crditos

Contenidos del curso: El curso tiene como objetivo dar a conocer a los estudiantes la evolucin
histrica del castellano en el continente americano, la problemtica lingstica de su pronunciacin,
morfosintaxis y lxico, as como las diferencias principales entre el espaol de Amrica y el
peninsular. La atencin se dedica tambin a las cuestiones bsicas de la investigacin del castellano
en el Nuevo Mundo, a sus aspectos histrico-polticos, geogrficos y sociolingsticos, y a los rasgos
caractersticos de las diferentes variedades, tanto diatpicas como diastrticas, del espaol de

9,1 French Studies
The following courses are offered by the Institute of Romance Studies French Department,
situated on the 1st floor of the main building. http://urs.ff.cuni.cz/
If you are interested in joining these courses should meet the departmental coordinator Mgr.
Lucie Tukov. Information meeting for foreign students with the Department coordinator Mgr.
Lucie Tukov is on Thursday, 24th September (16:00 17:00 room 109, main building) You
can also contact her at lucietuc@seznam.cz

We can not assure that you would be able to follow these courses without any knowledge of
Czech, so please DO CONTACT the teacher beforehand.

Littrature I-II+ Travaux pratiques de Littrature

ID CODE: AFR300026
2 semestres
Prof.: Ale Pohorsk

Lundi 13 :20 15 :45, salle 116

Littrature III-IV+ Travaux pratiques de Littrature

ID CODE: AFR300033 + AFR300027
2 semestres
Prof.: Ale Pohorsk

Lundi 9 :10 11 :35, salle 117

Littrature III-IV + Travaux pratiques de Littrature

ID CODE: AFR300110; AFR400033; AFR300075
2 semestres
Prof.: Vclav Jamek
ECTS: 12

Lundi 13 :20 15 :45 11 :35, salle 117

Littrature francophone de Belgique

ID CODE: AFR300019
2 semestres
Prof.: Lobet

Jeudi 17:20 19:05, salle 117

Civilisation belge
ID CODE: AFR300030
2 semestres;
Prof.: Lobet

Civilisation francaise contemporaineVII, VIII
2 semestres;
Prof.: Biet

Lundi 11:40 13:15, salle 117

Syntaxe + Travaux pratiqes de Syntaxe

ID CODE: AFR300032
2 semestres
Prof.: Dubda

Lundi 15:50 18:15, salle 116

L Introduction a la linguistique textuelle

2 semestres
Prof.: Hana Louck

Jeudi 9:10 10:45, salle 117

volution de la langue
2 semestres
Prof.: tichauer, J.

Jeudi 10 :50 - 12 :25, salle 117

Mentalit et culture de la France contemporaine

2 semestres
Prof.: Biet

Mercredi 9:10 10:45, salle 301 , Hyberns

ID CODE: AFR100028
2 semestres
Prof.: tichauer, J.

Jeudi 12:30 14:05, salle 177

Littrature belge
ID CODE: AFR110012
1 semestre
Prof.: Lobet

Jeudi 17:30 19:05, salle 177

La communication verbale et le texte

1 semestre
Prof.: Louck

Jeudi 9:10 10:45, salle 177

Franais actuelle- lexikologie

1 semestre
Prof.: tichauer, J.

Mercredi 15:00 16:35, salle 177

9,1 Italian Studies
Following courses are offered by the Institute of Romance Studies Italian Section.
http://urs.ff.cuni.cz/If you are interested in joining these courses should meet the
departmental co-ordinator Mgr. Alice Flemrov, PhD. You can contact her at
We can not assure that you would be able to follow these courses without any knowledge of
Czech, so please DO CONTACT the teacher beforehand.

Corso de la lingua italiana V, VI

ID CODE: AIT400027
2 semesters
Prof.: Tiburtini

Tuesday 14:10 15:45, room 117

Conversazione in italiano III, IV

ID CODE: AIT400034
2 semesters
Prof.: Tiburtini

Friday 10:50 12:25, room 117

Scrittura in italiano
Prof.: Giulia Tiburtini
ECTS: 4 Tuesday

Friday 12:30 14:05, room 116

Capitoli del cinema italiano (+proiezione)

ID CODE: AIT400046
Prof.: Alice Flemrov

Wednesday 16:40 19:55, room 116

Seminario lessicale I
ID CODE: AIT100001
Prof.: Tiburtini

Wednesday, 8:20 9:55, room 116

Seminario lessicale III

ID CODE: AIT100007
Prof.: Tiburtini

Tuesday 15:50 17:25, room 117

9,1 Portuguese Studies
Following courses are offered by the Institute of Romance Studies Portuguese Section, situated
on the 1st floor of the main building. http://urs.ff.cuni.cz/
If you are interested in joining these courses should meet the departmental co-ordinator PhDr.
Jaroslava Jindrov in her office hours. You can contact her at jaroslava.jindrova@ff.cuni.cz.
We can not assure that you would be able to follow these courses without any knowledge of
Czech, so please DO CONTACT the teacher beforehand!

Lngua Portuguesa-curso de Lingua V,

ID CODE: APG300019; APG400072
Prof.: Kronka

Tuesday 14:10 15:45, room 114 in the Oettingen Building (Josefsk str 6, 1st floor, entrance 111)

Lngua Portuguesa-conversao V, VI
ID CODE: APG300060
Prof.: Kronka
ECTS: 10

Thursday 10:50 12:25, room 114 in the Oettingen Building (Josefsk str 6, 1st floor, entrance 111)

Lngua Portuguesa-curso de Lingua VII, VIII

ID CODE: APG300027, APG400074
Prof.: Hricsina

Thursday 9:10 10:45, room 114 in the Oettingen Building (Josefsk str 6, 1st floor, entrance 111)

Syntaxe do portugues
ID CODE: APG300030
Prof.: Jindrov
ECTS: 10

Friday 12:30 14:05, room 114 in the Oettingen Building (Josefsk str 6, 1st floor, entrance 111)

9,1 German Studies
Following courses are offered by the Institute of Germanic Studes German Section, If you are
interested in joining these courses its recommended to meet the departmental co-ordinator
Boris Blahak. You can contact him at boris.blahak@ff.cuni.cz
Kontaktperson fr deutschsprachige Kurse: Dr. Stepan Zbytovsky (stepan.zbytovsky@ff.cuni.cz),
ab Oktober Boris Blahak (DAAD-Lektor am Institut).

Eine Sprechstunde fr auslndische Studierende wird in der ersten Semesterwoche stattfinden,

Termin und sonstige Informationen sind auf dem Web des Instituts zu finden:

Angebot der deutschsprachigen Kurse fr Erasmus-Studierende

(alle Kurse finden am Hauptgebude der Fakultt statt Palachovo nmst 2)


Geschichte und Realien des deutschen Sprachraums

Kode: ADE200005
Lehrer: doc. PhDr. Tvrdk Milan, CSc.
PhDr. Vodrkov Lenka, Ph.D.

Donnerstag 15:5017:25

Die Problematik des deutschen Sprachraums von der Ankunft der Germanen bis zur Grndung des
zweiten deutschen Kaiserreichs 1871 anhand von historischen, geographischen und kulturellen
Realien. Besonderer Fokus auf deutsche Staaten, sterreich und die Schweiz im mitteleuropischen
Kontext des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Vorlesung ist die Rolle der
bhmischen Lnder in den Entwicklungen Mitteleuropas.

Grammatisches Seminar
Kode: ADE100055
Lehrer: PhDr. Doleal Ji

Donnerstag 10:0011:35

Ziel des Kurses: passive und aktive Bewltigung von komplexen Strukturen der Sprache, die
verschiedenste Verbformen beinhalten. Akzentuiert werden verbale Kategorien Tempus, Genus und
Modus. Die normative Korrektheit der einzelnen Verbformen wird jeweils mit ihren Funktionen
errtert. Den grundlegenden Rahmen bildet jeweils die deutsch-tschechische konfrontative Sicht.

Seminar zur deutschen literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts

Kode: ADE100035
Lehrer: Zbytovsk tpn, Ph.D

Freitag 10:5012:25, Raum 317

Das Ziel des Seminars es, das in der parallelen Vorlesung erworbene Wissen auf die Analyse der fr
den Zeitraum 18801945 (und Epochen bzw. Richtungen dieser Zeitspanne) ennzeichnenden Texte.
Belletristische Texte werden durch Manifeste, Polemiken, Zeitdokumente ergnzt. Es werden
weiterhin Bezge zu politischen und allgemein kulturellen Kontexten aufgezeigt, Wandel in

sthetischen Paradigmen sowie Anknpfungs- und Konkurrenzbeziehungen zwischen den
Programmen und Strmungen besprochen.

Kommunikative Fhigkeiten
Kode: ADE100059
Lehrer: Blahak Boris

Freitag 9:1010:45

Film und kreatives Schreiben

Kode: ADE100060
Lehrer: Julia Hadwiger

Montag 13:2014:55, Raum 317

Zweifelsflle der deutschen Gegenwartssprache I

Kode: ADE100052
Lehrer: Julia Hadwiger

Dienstag 10:5012:25, Raum 317

Textarbeit Leseverstehen
Kode: ADE100057
Lehrer: Julia Hadwiger

Mittwoch 10:0011:35, Raum 317

Magister-Studium (5.-10. Semester):

Grammatische Modelle der Sprachanalyse

Kode: ADE100027
Lehrer: Doleal Ji

Mittwoch 15:0016:35, Raum 317

Der Kurs will zeigen, wie man die Probleme der Topologie in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache mit
Hilfe einiger neuerer Grammatikmodelle angehen kann. Die in der Vorlesung aufgeworfenen
Probleme werden im Seminar diskutiert und an Textbeispielen errtert.

Deutsche Sprachgeschichte
Kode: ADE300028
Lehrer: PhDr. Vodrkov Lenka, Ph.D.

Donnerstag 13:20-15:45

Die Vorlesung bietet einen berblick der Epochen der deutschen Sprachgeschichte, im begleitenden
Seminar werden frhneuhochdeutsche und neuhochdeutsche Texte des 14. bis 21. Jhs. erarbeitet
und bersetzt. Die ausgewhlten Quellentexte dienen der Veranschaulichung und Vertiefung des in
der Vorlesung Erlernten. Ein Groteil der Quellentexte ist enthalten in: Johana Gallupov, Alena
imekov: Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Arbeitstexte.- Praha: Univerzita v Praze 1999. 66 S.
(in Institutsbibliothek mehrfach in Kopien vorhanden) In jeder Stunde wird ein Quellentext
angegeben, dessen bersetzung fr die jeweils darauf folgende Stunde vorbereitet werden muss.

Spezialisierungsseminar - Einfhrung in die Soziolinguistik

Kode: ADE300374
Lehrer: PhDr. Dovalil Vt, Ph.D.

Montag 11:4013:15, Raum 317

Literatur der deutschsprachigen Schweiz seit 1968

Kode: ADE300229
Lehrer: doc. PhDr. Tvrdk Milan, CSc.

Dienstag 14:10-16:35, Raum 317

Darwinismus und Literatur

Kode: ADE300232
Lehrer: Prof. Dr. Weinberg Manfred

Montag 15:00-16:35

Das 1859 verffentlichte Hauptwerk Charles Darwins "On the origin of species by means of
natural selection?, "das vielleicht folgenreichste naturwissenschaftliche Werk des 19.
Jahrhunderts" (W. Preisendanz), wird nicht nur bereits ein Jahr spter ins Deutsche
bersetzt, sondern findet - als Folge einer insgesamt vehementen Diskussion - bald auch
einen Widerhall in der deutschen Literatur. Dies gilt bereits fr den Realismus; fr den
Naturalismus gehrt Darwins Abstammungslehre dann schon zum Grundbestand seiner
Programmatik. Das Seminar folgt der Auseinandersetzung mit Darwin von der zweiten
Hlfte des 19. Jahrhunderts (u.a. in Gottfried Kellers "Sinngedicht") bis ins zwanzigste
Jahrhundert (etwa Robert Mllers "Tropen", Thomas Manns "Felix Krull" oder Max Frischs
"Der Mensch erscheint im Holozn").

Lehrer:Prof. Dr. Weinberg Manfrd

Dienstag 16:4018:15

Spezialisierungsseminar - Einfhrung in die Soziolinguistik

Lehrer:PhDr. Dovalil Vt, Ph.D.

Montag 11:4013:15

Spezialisierungsseminar- Lexikalisch-syntaktisches Kontinuum

Lehrer: PhDr, Vachkov Marie, Ph.D.


SpezialisierungsseminarLiteraturkritik in Theorie und Praxis

Kode: ADE300230
Lehrer: Zbytovsk tpn, Ph.D.

Donnerstag 15:5017:25

Spezialisierungsseminar - dn von Horvth

Kode: ADE300208
Lehrer: Hadwiger Julia

Montag 16:4018:15

Kode: ADE300126
Lehrer: PhDr. Berglov, Eva

Mittwoch 11:4013:15, Raum 317

9,1 Czech Studies
Students who are accepted at the Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication
should meet the departmental coordinator Jan Chrom on Wednesday 23rd September at 13:00
room 24. You can contact him at jan.chromy@gmail.com

Students who are accepted at the Institute of Czech Studies should discuss their study plans
with the departmental coordinator PhDr. Jana Bischofov jana.bischofova@ff.cuni.cz

Students who are accepted at the Institute of Czech and Comparative Literature and Literary
Theory should discuss their study plans with the departmental coordinator PhDr. Libue
Heckov you can contact her at libuse.heczkova@ff.cuni.cz.

Most of the courses belonging to Czech Studies are to be found at http://ubs.ff.cuni.cz.

!!!!The students will be placed into levels and courses according to the results of the entrance
test, which is taking place 24. 9. 2009 at 4.00 p.m. in the room No. 300 and 1. 10. 2009 at 2.00
p.m. in the room No. 200 in the main building.!!!!

According to this test you will be devided into groups A E and will be able to choose subjects
for your language level.

B1 Grammar course (zkladn kurz)

Course ID code: ACCE00002
Lecturer: PaedDr. Konov Ilona

Wednesday: 17.30 19.05 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

Thursday: 10.50 12.25 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134
Friday: 9.10 - 10.45- Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 303

B2 Grammar course
Course ID code: ACCE00004
Lecturer: Ivanovov Darina

Thursday: 15.50 17.25 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 303
Friday: 9.10 10.45 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

B2 Text analysis (prce s textem)

Course ID code: ACCE00005
Lecturer: PhDr. Kramov Jitka

Monday: 17:30 19:05- Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 423

B2 Oral and Written Performance (stn vyjadovn)

Course ID code: ACCE00007
Lecturer: PhDr. Kramov Jitka

Wednesday 7:30 9:05 - Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

B 1,2 Vocabulary Development (voliteln kurz - rozvjen slovn zsoby)
Course ID code: ACCE00008
Lecturer: Ivanovov Darina

Thursday: 17:30 19:05 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 304

C Morphology and syntax (morfologick a syntaktick cvien)

Course ID code: - ACCE00009
Lecturer: PhDr. Adamoviov Ana

Monday 10:50 12:25 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

Friday 12:30 14:05 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 304

C Authentic Texts Analysis (analza autentickch text)

Course ID code: ACCE00010

Group A
Lecturer: Ivanovov Darina
Wednesday 10.50 12.25 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

Group B
Lecturer: PhDr. Kramov Jitka
Wednesday 9:10 10:45 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

C Oral and Written Performance (stn a psemn vyjadovn)

Course ID code: ACCE00011
Lecturer: PhDr. Kramov Jitka

Thursday 12:30 14:05 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

D Authentic Texts Analysis (analza autentickch text)

Course ID code: ACCE00013

Group A
Lecturer: Mgr. Gebhartov Markta
Friday 9.10 10.45 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 304

Group B
Lecturer: Ivanovov Darina
Friday 12.30 14.05 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

D Oral and Written Performance (stn a psemn vyjadovn)

Course ID code: ACCE00014

Group B
Lecturer: PhDr. Kramov Jitka
Thursday 14.10 15.45 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

Group A
Lecturer: PhDr. PhDr. Bischofov Jana
Tuesday 15.50 17.25 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 423

D Word-formation and Syntax (syntaktick cvien a tvoen slov)

Course ID code: ACCE00012
Lecturer: PaedDr. Konov Ilona

Friday - 10.50 12.25 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 303

E Grammar - selected issues (vybran kapitoly z esk gramatiky)

Course ID code: ACCE00015
Lecturer: Mgr. Gebhartov Markta

Monday - 7:30 9:05 - Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 423

E Oral and Written Performance (stn a psemn vyjadovn)

Course ID code: ACCE00016
Lecturer: Mgr. Gebhartov Markta

Monday - 7.30 9.05- Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 423

E Lexical Exercises (lexikln cvien)

Course ID code: ACCE00017
Lecturer: PhDr. PhDr. Bischofov Jana

Tuesday 14.10 15.45 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 423

C-E Czech History and Culture (kapitoly z es. historie a kultury)

Course ID code: ACCE00023
Lecturer: PhDr. Hasil Ji

Tuesday 9.10 10.45 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 304

C-E Contemporary Czech Life and Institutions (souasn esk relie)

Course ID code: ACCE00021
Lecturer: PhDr. Kramov Jitka

Monday 14.10 15.45 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 423

C-E Spoken Czech (mluven etina)
Course ID code: ACCE00031
Lecturer: PhDr. Adamoviov Ana

Friday 15.50 17.25 Main Building (Nmst Jana Palacha 2), room 304

C-E Development of Vocabulary (rozvoj slovnku)

Course ID code: - ACCE00019
Lecturer: PhDr. Kramov Jitka

Wednesday 10.50 12.25 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

C-E Language Norms and Orthography (kurs normy,grafiky a pravopisu)

Course ID code: - ACCE00018
Lecturer: PaedDr. Konov Ilona

Thursday 07:30 09:05 Celetn str. No.20 Room 134

9,1 Norwegian Studies
Following courses are offered by the Institute of Germanic Studes Nordic Section, situated on
the 3rd floor of the main building. The courses are going to be taught in Norwegian. If you are
interested in joining these courses its recommended to meet the departmental co-ordinator
Thor Henrik Svevad. You can contact him at thsvevad@gmail.com.

Phonetics and Phonology of Norwegian

Lecturer: Thor Henrik Svevad

Language practice Norwegian

Lecturer: Thor Henrik Svevad

Norwegian Litterature A
Lecturer: Martin Humpl

9,2 Literature
At the Faculty of Arts, studying literature is always connected with studying the foreign
language. It means you have to follow the courses at the English and American Studies, Spanish
Studies, French Studies etc. The Czech literature is mostly taught in Czech, you can also read
the chapter Czech Studies.

Following courses also belong to the study field of Literature but those are part of the East and
Central European Studies programme, designed mainly for the American students. However, the
free places are offered for free to the European students. The capacity is very limited, working
on a basis who registers first.

Czech Surrealism
Lecturer: Bruno Solak
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 8 places available

Thursday 14:00 17:00, room 1, Jindisk Street 27

The course is focused on Czech Surrealism from its beginnings in the 1930s when it was in touch
with Andr Breton, to its later phases in the second half of the 20th century. In the context of
European avant-garde, Czech Surrealism was an important movement during its entire existence. Its
main areas were visual arts and poetry. The names of Nezval, Toyen and trsk or later Jan
vankmajer became well-known.

Deep Recessions: American Literature from European Perspectives

Lecturer: Pavel ernovsk
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz , 5 places available

Tuesday 16:30 18:00, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Thursday 16:30 18:00, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Over the history of modern literature authors have repeatedly been attracted to vice, crime,
insanity, depression, addiction, nightmares and existential anxiety, as if expecting that it was here
we should look for the secrets of being. And yet, instead of shiny secrets and mysterious revelations
often only an even greater misery is encountered Covering a selection of canonical authors of both
American and Czech cultures whose texts all deal with the dark or repressed material, the principal
question of the seminar will be not only literary, i.e. how is the theme of the dark dealt with, but
also theoretical or philosophical why is it dealt with at all. Covering a wide variety of styles in our
discussions from stories of pure horror to social critique, from the theme of capitalist exploitation
by others to the dread of ones own imagination, writing both traditional and experimental
students will be provided with an insight into the stylistic differences between individual
approaches employed by the selected writers. This comparative approach, supported by necessary
historical background, will be combined with exploring the question of what it is that attracts
authors to the dark sides of human psyche. Studying the relevant theoretical texts will provide us
with a wider context necessary if this attraction, that goes well beyond mere sensationalist
fascination, is to acknowledge the importance of facing that what is usually carefully kept hidden
and avoided as a dangerously deep recession. Thus the course should serve both as an introduction
into a choice of key literary figures as well as an introduction to the meaning of the repulsive

From Kafka to Kundera: The Self within the World in Czech and Central
European Fiction and Cultural History
Lecturer: Petr Blek
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz , 6 places available

Tuesday 12:30 14:00, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Wednesday 10:50 12:20, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The course will cover the development of Czech and Central European literature in the modern era.
As a central issue, it will focus on the notion of identity and its transformations through the 20th
century historical context:
1) The notion of the collective national identity in the 19th century and its shifts into local, ethical,
or religious modifications (National Revival writings, Jirasek, Neruda, Meyrink);
2) The appearance of "men without qualities" after the turn of the century as a specific product of
Central European modernism (Kafka, Hasek);
3) The era of building up the state: identification with a state-based society construct (Capek);
4) Void identity as an enforced totalitarian effect: Holocaust writings and texts responding to the
first phase of building up Communism (Pavel, Margolius-Kovaly);
5) Artificial identity as a social/cultural product (Havel, Hrabal, Kundera);
6) Postmodern identity as a palimpsest-like construct (Topol).

From Modernity to Avantgarde: A Survey of Modern Poetry

Lecturer: Ondej Skovajsa
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz , 7 places available

Monday 16:30 18:00, room 3, Jindisk Street 27

Wednesday 16:30 18:00, room 3, Jindisk Street 27

Leaping from a broader discussion of Whitman's "Yes!" and Poe-Baudelairian "No!" in modern poetry,
the course will further interpret works of Arthur Rimbaud, Czech fin de sicle poetry, T. S. Eliot,
Ezra Pound, D. H. Lawrence, Guillaume, Apollinaire, Velemir Xlebnikov, Vladimir Mayakovsky,
Marina Tsvetaeva, Henry Miller, Bob Dylan and more. Through detailed analyses of the poetic form
and broader discussions of the literary and cultural contexts, the course will focus on the shifting
role and quality of the lyrical voice, transformation of philosophical / prophetic /apocalyptic
impulses into modern poetry (Cf. Whitman and Lorca's beards with butterflies, Apollinaire's flying
Jesus, Rimbauds and Xlebnikovs romantic search for the Universal Language that "talks from heart
to heart", Mayakovsky and Fedorovs secular eschatology of ressurecting the Dead after the speed
of light is reached, Rimbaud's and Dylan's "I am not there" etc.) Thus, to the disappointment of
Oskar Wilde, the the course is to see how modern and avantgarde poetics also adopt various non-
aestethetic functions: religious, moral, noetic, propagandistic, prophetic...

Czech Short Stories (Literature: Czech Short Stories)

Lecturer: Clarice Cloutier
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz , 10 places available

Wednesday 10:00 13:00, room 326, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

This short course will familiarize students with a broad range of Czech 19th and 20th Century short
stories by both male and female authors.

Snapshots of a Changing Landscape: Currents in Contemporary Czech Literature
Lecturer: Bernie Higgins
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz , 6 places available

Tuesday 11:00 14:00, room 2, Jindisk Street 27

This course aims to explore some of the diverse currents and personalities on the contemporary
Czech literary scene, focusing solely on post-1989 literature. Whilst not aiming to provide a
complete overview of contemporary literature it offers the opportunity to read and discuss some of
the most interesting of those authors whose work is available in English. The course will focus on a
number of genres - short stories, novel extracts, poetry, performance poetry, song lyrics and the
graphic novel and will look at popular literary forms, e.g. science fiction and the work of best-
selling Czech authors as well as more experimental, post-modern literature. The showing of films of
some of the studied literature will also be a part of the course.
The course will also offer students the opportunity to meet and discuss with some of the authors
whose works are studied, and also the chance to experience live literary events.
The overall aim of the course will be to offer an insight into post-1989 Czech society through its

American and Czech Literature from European Perspective: Identity and Role
Lecturer: Blanka Maderov
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz , 7 places available

Tuesday 14:45 16:15, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Thursday 14:45 16:15 room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The term identity" is essential for any exploration of society, the self and its various roles in
literature and culture. However, it is difficult to pin down exactly what we mean by "identity." As a
way of tackling this tricky problem, we will question various conceptions of identity in connection
with the selected literary examples. We will examine the way in which identity is construed in the
20th and 21st century. Is identity only a performance or role play? Or is there an authentic, inner
core to which we can refer? How do we approach the Other? In the course, we will contrast the
European obsession with construction, structuring, preserving and the American focus on
transformation, movement and change. Among the specific topics that will be covered are:
formations of identity, power, confidence, racial and gender stereotypes, minority vs.
mainstream literature in Czech and American societies.

9,4 Translation Studies
Following courses are offered by the Institute of Translation Studies. If you were accepted to
this department you should discuss your shedule with the departmental coordinator PhDr.
Stanislav Rub, PhD.. During the orientation week, he is ready to meet you on Tuesday 22nd
10:00 in the room 212 (Hybernsk street 3).

If you are able to follow courses in Czech, you should also check the shedule at

John Miltons Paradise Lost textual subtleties and anxieties

English-Department students are welcome to join this seminar, which will be held at the Institute of
Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, 3 Hybernska, Prague 1. The seminar is intended for 2nd- or 3rd-
year undergraduates.

Lecturer: rka Khnov, D.Phil.

3 ECTS: Students will be required to read about 500 to 1,000 lines per week and participate in
seminar discussions. You may obtain 4 ECTSin return for written work.

Introductory meeting: Thursday, 1 October, 15.50, Hybernsk 3, room 204

This is a close-reading seminar. It aims to illuminate Miltons Paradise Lost and show how
innovative Milton is in his use of language and poetic form, as well as in his treatment of the simple
Genesis story. We shall analyse selected passages and discuss the problems that the text raises in
the presentation of Satan, the Father and the Son, and in the treatment of Adam and Eves union
and sexuality.
The seminar may mostly attract poetry lovers, but it is intended for anyone who wishes to
discover how intricate Miltons poetry is, and for all those who want to learn more about the
greatest epic poet in the English language a controversial figure whose example and ideas have not
ceased to inspire poets, writers and thinkers even four hundred years after his birth.
Students interested in Czech literature or translation will also be able to learn about Josef
Jungmanns 1811 translation.
Please note that this is a literature seminar, not a course in religious studies!

Fiction and Style: Selected 20th-century British writers

Lecturer: rka Khnov, D.Phil.

Time: Monday, Tuesday or Thursday pm (to be discussed at the introductory meeting)

Introductory meeting: Thursday, 1 October, 15.00, room 2004

This optional seminar is supplementary to courses in British literature and stylistics (Literature I and
Contrastive linguistics IV in particular). It is intended for 2nd and 3rd year undergraduates. It aims
to introduce them to some of the best British writers of the 20th century and of the contemporary
literary scene, especially those not covered by the compulsory classes (Literature I). We shall have a
look at a variety of short stories, essays and extracts from novels. Special attention will be paid to
the use of language and differences in style, and hence to identifying the problems that the texts
pose for translation.

Conversation franaise
Lecturer: Aude Brunel - aude.brunel@ff.cuni.cz

Horaire du cours : chaque semaine (mardi ou jeudi) dterminer avec les tudiants intresss.

Ce sminaire est consacr l'expression orale en franais. Nous travaillerons partir de diffrents
documents afin d'apprendre les analyser, en discuter et plus largement, d'apprendre dbattre.
Le sminaire permettra donc aux tudiants d'amliorer leurs capacits s'exprimer, prsenter un
sujet par le biais d'un discours construit et logique.
Le cours sera divis en deux parties : exposs des tudiants sur des thmes au choix ; tude de
textes ou dautres documents, discussion. Le sminaire se fera en franais.

La France contemporaine
Lecturer: Aude Brunel - aude.brunel@ff.cuni.cz

Horaire du cours : chaque semaine (mardi ou jeudi), dterminer avec les tudiants intresss.

Lobjectif de ce sminaire est de prsenter un tableau, le plus complet possible, de la France

daujourdhui. Nous aborderons en cours plusieurs thmes majeurs sur la vie et la socit
franaises. Ce sminaire permettra aux tudiants de devenir encore plus familiers avec le pays dont
ils parlent la langue, de le connatre toujours davantage afin de progresser aussi linguistiquement.
Le cours sera divis en deux parties : exposs des tudiants sur des thmes spcifis ; tude de
textes ou dautres documents, discussion. Le sminaire se fera en franais.
Ce cours est destin aux tudiants du IIe cycle ; les tudiants du Ie cycle pourront y participer dans
la limite des places disponibles (max. 20 personnes).

Kontrastive Linguistik III, Lexikologie

Lehrer: Dr. Astrid Winter / Mgr. rsk Monika

Der Kurs ergnzt die Vorlesung zur Lexikologie und befasst sich aus kontrastiver Sicht mit den
lexikalischen Systemen des Deutschen und Tschechischen, wobei vor allem der Gebrauch der
lexikalischen Mittel bei der bersetzung in beide Sprachen und der Aspekt der Interferenz eine
besondere Rolle spielen. Anhand praktischer bungen und vertiefender Lektre theoretischer Texte
werden die Grundbegriffe der Lexikologie, die Gliederung des Wortschatzes in seiner stilistischen
Differenzierung (funktional, territorial, sozial), Wortgeschichte, Phraseologie, Fremdwrter,
Sprachvarietten und Sprachwandel sowie die Wrterbuchbenutzung behandelt. Von den
Teilnehmern wird die aktive Mitarbeit durch bernahme von Kurzreferaten erwartet.

Lehrer: Dr. Astrid Winter / PhDr. Tom Svoboda, PhD
Kode: ATN400023

Der Kurs ist Teil eines sich ber zwei Semester erstreckenden Seminars, in dem die Kompetenzen
des Fachtextbersetzens vor allem auf unterschiedliche Textsorten aus den Gebieten Wirtschaft,
Verwaltung und Recht angewandt werden sollen. Voraussetzung fr den Besuch ist das Absolvieren
der Seminare Einfhrung in die Fachtextbersetzung und bersetzungsmethodik. Die dort
erworbenen Fhigkeiten und Kenntnisse werden in diesem Seminar anhand komplexer Texte

9,6 Slavonic and East European Studies

The Institute of Slavonic and East European Studies offeres a plenty of courses in Czech and
other Slavonic languages. You can browse the shedules at http://usvs.cis.cz. Students accepted
at the Institute of Slavonic and East European Studies should meet the departmental
coordinator Dobromir Grigorov, PhD on Tuesday 22nd September at 10:00 in room 23, Main
Building (nm. J. Palacha 2).

14,1 Political Science
Following courses are offered by the Institute of Political Science, situated in the Jinonice
building (U ke 8, Praha 5). If you are accepted at this Institute you should discuss your study
plan with the departmental coordinator PhDr. Radek Buben (radek.buben@ff.cuni.cz,
radekbuben@email.cz). If you are able to join the courses offered in Czech you can check the
shedule at http://upol.ff.cuni.cz.

Memory and Trauma

Lecturer: Prof. Pavel Bara, PhD.

Wednesday 15:50 17:25, room 123, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Contemporary Central European Politics: Transformation of Czechoslovakia and

the Czech Republic in Comparative Perspective
Lecturer: Ji Koubek

Wednesday 09:10 12:25, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The course is offered also as an ECES course, but Erasmus students need to sign in in the normal
faculty electronical system.
The transformation of Czechoslovakia and later of the Czech Republic from a communist satellite
state into a European Union member state is an exciting story, but it is also an intellectual
challenge. It encompassed a profound change of political, social, cultural and economic structures
while at the same time meant a radical change in peoples lives. The course will start with a short
survey of communist rule concentrating on the role of the party, propaganda and political life,
looking also at the daily life under communism. Next two radical political changes will be discussed:
The Velvet Revolution of 1989 and the Velvet Divorce of 1992-1993; these will be taken as models
of change with much larger implications for the whole Central and Eastern Europe. The focus will be
on the discussion of key political institutions and parties in comparative perspective.

National Memories of the Holocaust

Lecturer: Prof. Pavel Bara, PhD.

Wednesday 17.30-19.05, room 123, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

In the aftermath of World War II, the destruction of European Jews was not perceived as
something exceptional in relation to other Nazi atrocities. Neither the event itself, nor its
victims were given a special status vis--vis other events and victims of the war. Rather, the
suffering of Jewish civilians was superseded by an apotheosis of heroism of antifascist
fighters. This situation radically changed in the last quarter of the 20th century, when the mass
murder of Jews by the Nazis became an emblematic event that symbolized not only Nazism or
WWII, but the radical evil itself. As the genocide of the Jews began to be called the
Holocaust, it gained a pre-eminence not only in the discourses of the nationalities that were
part of it (as victims, perpetrators or bystanders) but also in those of other groups and societies
of the western world. Was it due to a return of the repressed that, according to Freud,
characterizes a traumatic experience, or, rather, to conscious efforts of various groups to
appropriate the memory of the Nazi genocide for their own purposes? This and related
questions will be asked with regard to the specific national contexts of Israel, Germany,
Poland, France and the USA.

Following courses also belong to the study field of Political Science but this one is a part of a
East and Central European Studies programme, designed mainly for the American students.
However, the free places are offered for free to the European students. The capacity is very
limited, working on a basis who registers first.

Contemporary Central-European Politics

Lecturer: Ji Holub
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz, 5 places available

Tuesday 17:00 20:00, room 2, Jindisk Street 27

This course is meant for students with different academic backgrounds but with strong interest in
Central European developments during and after the democratic revolutions 1989. To understand
Central European developments since 1989 it is necessary - according to our many years teaching
experience - to get acquainted with main turning points off modern political history of respective
countries of Central European geopolitical space on one hand and to undertake some comparative
research into similarities and differences of such developments on the other hand. Lectures and
discussions focus on the democratic revolutions 1989, the institutional and international framework
of the transition process and specific problems of democratization in Central Europe.
Special attention will be paid to the effects of the enlargement of the European Union towards
Central European countries after May 2004.

14,2 Sociology
Following course is offered by the the Department of Sociology, situated in Celetn street 20.
If you are able to follow the lessons in Czech, you should check the website
http.//sociologie.ff.cuni.cz. For consultations you can also contact the departmental
coordinator Mgr. Dana Kittnerov, PhD. (danakitt@centrum.cz).

Social Problems in the Post-WWII Era: The Czech Experience

Lecturers: Petr Lupa (petr.lupac@gmail.com), Jan Sldek (sladek.jan@ff.cuni.cz), Zuzana Podan
(zuzana.podana@email.cz), Jan Urban (jan.urban@czp.cuni.cz)
First Information meeting with Petr Lupa is on Wednesday 7th September (Celetn 20, room

Wednesday 17:30 19:10 Celetn 20, room 17

The course is designed for students interested in selected social problems of the post-WWII world
and the specific form these problems took in the social development of the Czech Republic. The
number of students in this course is limited to 16.
The course will have four main parts each consisting of two lectures on selected topic followed by
discussion. Students will be encouraged to present their own ideas, experience, and papers during
the classes. The respective social problems in question will be urbanization and the current urban
problems (Mgr. Jan Sldek), criminality and social deviation (Mgr. Zuzana Podan), society and new
media of communication (Mgr. Petr Lupa), and the environmental problems (Mgr. Jan Urban).

Following courses also belong to the study field of Sociology but those are part of a East and
Central European Studies programme, designed mainly for the American students. However, the
free places are offered for free to the European students. The capacity is very limited, working
on a basis who registers first.

Lecturer: Veronika Suov
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz,

Monday 18:15 19:45, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

Tuesday 18:15 19:45, room 129, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

The course concentrates on following issues connected with globalization:1. Globalization and Social
Sciences: Modernization Theory & Globalization and Sociology, Political and Historical Science:
Definitions, Concepts and Approaches.2. Ways to Global World: Views of the World in the past,
ethnocentrism, creating of global map.3. Globalization and its historical dynamics: historical waves
of globalization, its periodization, origin of global empires, colonialism & ethnocentrism, origin of
modern capitalism and world-system, industrialization.4. Main Factors of Globalization Process:4.a)
Global Empires, Nation-States, institutions of international order, multinational and transnational
corporations.4.b) Communication: From Gutenberg to Electronic media4.c) Transport and
Technology: From Horse Power to Oil-based Motor & Nuclear Energy4.d) Interconnections: Time-
Space compression, Communication & Transport Revolutions, Empire and Communication,
Capitalism and Nation-states, Capitalism and Technological Development.5. Main Impacts of
Globalization: interdependency, uneven development, global inequality, political and social
consequences, ecological impacts, cultural impacts of globalization.

Recent Economic Development
Lecturer: Pavel Hnt
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz , 5 places available

Thursday 17:15 20:15, room 326, Main Building (Palachovo nmst 2)

There are 3 main blocks in the course:

1. Transition reform from the CPE to the market oriented economy (the CR like the other
transitional countries seems to be a sort of laboratory where the very basic issues of the main
fundamentals have been verified.)
2. Integration into the EU and present economic situation (This might be understood also as a
special period of the transition reform but it illustrates economic aspects of the European
integration, too).
3. History, economy and policies of the European Union (comprehensive information about the
history and current problems of the European Integration Process).
Form of the course are lectures combined with discussions and both individual and group projects.

14,4 Psychology
Information meeting for foreign students at the Department of Psychology with the Department
coordinator Simona Hoskovcov is on Thursday 24th September 10:00 room 328, Celetn Street
20. Your attendance is necessary, you get all information about the availability of lecturers,
studies at this department and changes in your learning agreements. Admission to the courses
cannot be guaranteed in case that you are not accepted at the Department of Psychology.

As Erasmus student you can join psychology lectures in English (and other languages).
As a psychology student you can also have a individual study program here with individual
consultations with the teachers (in English, some teachers speak German, French a.o.).
Students choose a lecture, get literature (English, other world languages) to study and after that
they do the examination. Look at the list of lectures in Czech and contact as soon as possible
the teacher of the subject you are interested in. The very actual list is available in the
Integrated study system http://is.ff.cuni.cz/

Introduction to Czech Psychology

Course ID code: APS300295
Teacher/guaranteed by: Simona Hoskovcov / simona.hoskovcova@ff.cuni.cz

Monday 12:30 14:05, room 338, Celetn Street 20

Introduction to traditional fields of Czech psychology and presentation of authorities from the
university and practice.

Intercultural Training
Course ID Code: APS300145
Teacher/guaranteed by: Simona Hoskovcov / simona.hoskovcova@ff.cuni.cz

In two intensive blocks: 30.10. 9:00 15:30 and 6.11. 9:00 14:00, room 338, Celetn Street 20

The training introduces the students to the principals and issues of intercultural communication. It
proposes to increase the students' knowledge about intercultural issues and improve their
intercultural sensitivity. The training is a systematically planned program, which affects the group
processes and group behaviors. It develops self-knowledge and knowledge of others, the
interpersonal relationship, teamwork, and active communication skills and prepares for effective
prevention of conflicts and stress management in the intercultural context. We will try to increase
the students' intercultural communication skills and to enhance analytical skills regarding
communication between people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds in both national and
international settings.

Psychosocial Intervention
Course ID code: APS300042
Teacher: PhDr. Simona Hoskovcov / simona.hoskovcova@ff.cuni.cz
NOTE: only psychology students

Term and room by appointment with the teacher

Annotation: focus on traditional fields of psychosocial intervention; try to find new fields of
psychological intervention in practice; find psychological programs for the everyday problem of
small psychology; connect the knowledge from other psychological subjects; support heuristic
thinking; support teamwork; train presentation and discussion
Course abstract: basis information about psychosocial intervention; definition of intervention;
methodology and interdisciplinarity of psychosocial intervention; most known fields of intervention
(medicine, social care, pedagogy, viktimology, intercultural life, globalization, chicane); mapping
the situation of civic activities and non-profit organizations (foundations); new fields for
psychosocial intervention

Selected Topics of Educational Psychology

Course ID code: APSV00001
Teacher: PhDr. Lenka Krejov / lenka.krejcova@ff.cuni.cz
NOTE: only psychology and pedagogy students

Term and room will be anounced at the end of September, classes start in the week from October
12th. For more details ask the teacher

The course will focus on psychological aspects of educational process. Students will get familiar
with the most crucial links between educational psychology and both developmental psychology and
psychology of personality (e.g. motivation, learning, cognitive styles, family interactions). However,
main part of the subject will concentrate on specific educational problems as they are viewed from
psychological point of view. Students will learn about psychological processes within schools, which
are influenced by teachers, students, their parents, and also external institutions that cooperate
with schools. Apart from theoretical background lectures will include brief introduction into
interaction training and excursions into several educational institutions, which offer psychological

Selected Topics of Forensic Psychology

Course ID code: APS300293
Teacher: PhDr. Hedvika Boukalov / hedvika@bouska.cz
NOTE: only psychology students

Term and room by appointment with the teacher

Students will be acquainted with the basic resources of the forensic psychology. They will also learn
about the different applications, e.g. psychological investigative support - consultation, video-
analysis, psychological profiling, crime scene analysis and others. They will learn to pose and
answer the questions connected to the criminal investigation.

Following course also belong to the study field of Psychology but this one is a part of a East and
Central European Studies programme, designed mainly for the American students. However, the
free places are offered for free to the European students. The capacity is very limited, working
on a basis who registers first.

Selected Topics in Educational Psychology

Lecturer: PhDr. Lenka Krejov
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz , 7 places available
NOTE: only psychology and pedagogy student

The course will focus on psychological aspects of educational process. Students will get familiar
with the most crucial links between educational psychology and both developmental psychology and
psychology of personality (e.g. motivation, learning, cognitive styles, family interactions). However,
main part of the subject will concentrate on specific educational problems as they are viewed from
psychological point of view. Students will learn about psychological processes within schools, which
are influenced by teachers, students, their parents, and also external institutions that cooperate
with schools. Apart from theoretical background lectures will include brief introduction into
interaction training and excursions into several educational institutions, which offer psychological

Students will get a basic overview of educational psychology as a theoretical discipline.

Furthermore, they will also learn about its applications, e.g. counselling, assessment, individual and
group work with students, integration of students with SEN, training for teachers, class
management, educational processes within families and schools etc.

In the course of the school term students will prepare a presentation concerning a topic from the
educational psychology, write an essay on the same topic.

Students will be required to attend the lectures (maximum accepted absence will be 20%).

The course will include a midterm test and a final test.

Selected Topics of Forensic Psychology

Lecturer: PhDr.Boukalov Hedvika
ECES course sign up at http://eces.ff.cuni.cz , 20 places available
NOTE: good knowledge of english and Forensic Psychology needed

Students will be acquainted with the basic resources of the forensic psychology. They will also learn
about the different applications, e.g. psychological investigative support - consultation, video-
analysis, psychological profiling, crime scene analysis and others. They will learn to pose and
answer the questions connected to the criminal investigation.

14,5 Social Work
Following course is offered by the Department of Social Work, situated in Jinonice, U Ke 8,
Praha 5, metro station Jinonice, on the 4th floor. http://socp.ff.cuni.cz/o-katedre/english
If you are interested in joining this course its recomended to meet the departmental co-
ordinator Hana Pazlarov. Her email address is pazlhaff@ff.cuni.cz.

Introduction to Social Work and Social Policy in the Czech Republic

Lecturers: Tome, Matouek, Pazlarov, tastn

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basics of social policy in the Czech Republic
and working methods with selected target groups.

15,4 Information Studies and Librarianship
Following courses are offerd by the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship (IISL),
situated U Ke 8, Praha 5 Jinonice, building B, 2nd floor. Information meeting with IISL
department Erasmus coordinator Petra Slukov (petra.slukova@ff.cuni.cz) is on the 29th of
September, 1pm (in room 2011B Jinonice).

Preservation of modern library collections from the 19th - 21st century

Instructors: Jan Huta / jan.hutar@gmail.com / and Andrea Fojt

Tuesday, 5pm (in room 2014B Jinonice)

The course deals with all aspects of library collections preservation, starting with the 19th century
paper documents (books, journals) printed after the middle of the 19th century and ending with the
modern document carriers like optical discs, magnetic tapes etc. Important part of the course will
be devoted to the digital-born and digitized documents and their preservation. Student will get
information on how and where to store such documents, how to treat them and as well as
information about digital documents in libraries.

History and current developments in the European Union information and

communication policy
Instructor: Jitka Hradilova / jitka.hradilova@ff.cuni.cz

Thursday, 10am (in room 2014B Jinonice)

The course starts with basic information on the process of the European integration after the
Second World War and continues with the development of information and communication policy
of the European Communities/European Union which has been implemented along three lines:
communicating European Union to citizens, building information society and research and
development in information and communication technologies.

Information Seeking Behaviour

Instructor: Ivanka Pribramska / pribrami@gmail.com

Monday, 5.30pm (in room 2014B Jinonice)

The main goal of the course is to become familiar with the principles and research related to
information seeking. The course has to introduce the concepts and models of information seeking
behavior with respect to the role of the information professionals in the searching process.

The Baroque Aristocratic and Bourgeois Libraries

Instructor: Richard pek / richardsipek@seznam.cz

Monday, 4pm (in National Museum, www.nm.cz)

In the beginning, the lecture will introduce the general cultural background of aristocracy and
bourgeoisie of baroque Europe and formal as well as effectual position of the library in the system.
Emphasis will be put on finding common signs of both the libraries of aristocracy and of bourgeoisie
as well as their individual differences.
In case of the aristocratic milieu the representative importance of the family libraries and
realization of the renaissance concept of bibliotheca universalis will be focused on. The bourgeois
libraries will be presented with special respect to their exploitation in the owners profession and
thence the differences in the topical structure of the profession libraries.
Ways of acquisition, possessors records and marks and their importance as a research source for
the history of libraries will be discussed with respect to both the aristocratic and bourgeois
As an appendix to the lecture the baroque passion for collections and collecting (Sammellust) and
the phenomena of cabinet of curiosities (cabinet de curiosits, Kunstkammer) will be described
together with relations and bounds between the art collections and the libraries themselves.

Information Economy
Instructor: Petr Oko / petr.ocko@ff.cuni.cz

Thursday 16:00 - ???, room 2014B Jinonice

The core aim of this course is to suggest comprehensive definition of the information economy and
delineate the range of economic problems it deals with, paying particular attention to its
connections to the economics of information. The major subjects concerned
include: information asymmetries, revelation principle, network effects and externalities,
economies of scale, standard wars, switching costs and lock-ins, multiple competitive equilibria,
characteristics of online markets, impact of information technology on productivity, implications for
governmental policies.

Introduction to Internetworking
Instructor: Ondej erno / cernoso@gmail.com

Wednesday, 8 11am (in room 2014B Jinonice) 11.11., 25.11., 9.12., 16.12., 6.1

The course is designed to be a catch-all kind of course whose purpose is to provide the student the
elementary undestanding of various technologies and concepts that can be found in the foundations
of contemporary internet, such as local networks, IP, TCP, various routing and application
protocols, the DNS and others. The course starts with history overview and the OSI networking
model, the lectures then follow the OSI schema from bottom to up. After attending, an ideal
student should understand the basic principles of LAN topologies, switches and routers, IP
addressing, autonomous systems and Internet structure, HTTP protocol and cooperation between
the adjuscent layers of the networking model. The course requires the student is able to solve high
school level mathematical problems, such as transfering numbers between numeral systems.

For all the sports courses, you have to sign up at https://ktv.ff.cuni.cz/is/ you use the same
login and password that you receive for the computers. Signing up is possible from 16th
September to 31th October.If you have some more detailed questions, you should ask at the
Department of Physical Education (situated on the mezzanine by the stairs between the ground
and first floor of the main building, on the left side), PhDr Eva teflov, every Monday 14:00
16:00. There are no ECTS given for the sports.

Timetables and more guidelines regarding Sports you shall receive by email.

!!! Make sure you only sign up for the courses you really attend regularly. There is a limited
capacity in the courses so if you miss the course too often, you may be replaced by another
student !!!


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