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A PPLICATIONS by De Norrre’s Thearem (ae O tian )o = cose Or isnso, Buk by tee binomial Chere (cos O Fi sine) = (cs 0)"+ 5€o5 0)! (sin 6) + (0€s0)*( sine) + (o(C260)* (C sen OY +s(cxs0)Cisin 6)4 + (i sno)” CO —e—=—r—C———C— == +5 cesO snl + LW o =) = [eeF 0 —(o ces @ aw + S cs 6 sin O_] + [so cre'O sin 0 ~ joe O iw + WO] i ---@) Eqpating tha veal ant rncainary pets of (1) anda); CSO = FO 10 CoS O sin O + S c08O an O Sn SO = FeH Osun —(ocos Oui O + on'O , These can also be prob in ewe eee ere ees 8 = WFO — jo ces OC- Deksee as OY = cee" @ - 10 cop O(l- OHO) + & co8O (1-2.c08°O + cas @) = 16 co O-20 oS O+5 cH 0. aes A PPUICK TIONS. By De Moirrets Theorem (cos O +i sin 0)” = 2s Z0+isn3O, ---- Buk by Khe binomiah theorem, (cop O + i Sm ©) = (ces6)° + 3es0) (i sn @) +3 Ceo )(iscn @)* + (C sin )* cP O + Bl coo Oaine — 30050 WO — L6WO Cees 0-3 ces in ®) + (Bee OsinO— sin’ O)i_ ---@) Equating reak and nag inary parts 6 () anh): C830 = COSC — 3 cee O Hn? 6 OM 30 = BCS Ooin & — Sin? O which can be po® dn more Nomogonsens fering: c2n30 = cof O32 ws O((- co) = YU OS O -3 oe, and aol: . . Sin3O = 3 (I- UO) nO — nO = 3 inO — YH si, Thin gle ce 0 —i nO Ce coe€0) +6 sere) 2S Zte =2c8 0 z-z'=a2lone@ > ce @= ztz!' anl a= z-z' x Ze Sembee , ans coe kOe lonkO . ant Za cos kO — Lon kO@ C= cos Cho Yt sn C6) > ceskO = zite* and sin kO = 2h— Zz 2b ee Af 2taceeeser ze) = f2e+e e aCeerty? oa — ties +3 zee} = gimen nef Be EEE) Ener ok (2-z')(ztz")(etz'7 = ety = Zz?) (zee ene) = gts way 1 -2YV(2tz*) +2(2-z “yf a = ziiz 7a — ; =$f =F +2 “= “} = FMM +E sm 20 Reels of Unity Cmusder ths vqralion t ze oo ——-—rr— Chom ont eS Z =(coszkt + isinzkw)® = cop 2k + i stm alo for ka01,2,> ME iS ix 6 or and conse cutive = (os 2+ om ar)* Bens. : w h L&é we coat + isn at, Then, 2 =1w, 0% Ww vee, oh! So there are pr Listen ch nth roots ol wacky, ho Key oy hae For a poltneniah with red PE) = (x-«K,)Cx-%) .... Cx-%n) ee fe ee ee OS of, 0,- “20 The cum of the rests = — coefhaf x Produk A, poots aly constant Aarm. So for the fora remiok Z-1, the sum of the poke CS bE WED Lee ° prec’ (we wr. rote eel, Eg. Consider Zr=1 L& w= cesar + ictal s > Sum of vets ic wr pwlt i +wtw =o) & wrt) +(witw)tl=o ee ZS VW t 2-2 + Wo 'ew)ti= o & (wltw)y-24Wwiiw)tize & K+u-l=0 (hore x = a" & Ks ts a New x= w bw=2 Re lw) =200872" 90 “. 2872" = Hite Zz > cs72 = eed | From (\) wo tu = -1- tw) =~] —(-1tet) po rls (NB. This is tke 2nd Zz . soln af (2)) Bob wi ?+ wr = D+ w= 2Re(w*)a-2 cosse oo 2% 36 = —(-NE 2 > ceac= Itns , 4 | | | \ Eage The method con he used for other nich reeks Solve we —6N2 +2NTE Sob r= 36K2t4KE = 72t24= U6 =32xK3 = A[32*3 _ . Se, a? = af22%3 (=en= + ane i) N32KS N32K3 =Naexs (A + 3 :) -N axe (<8 + isn gr) ~ Aas (copkrear) + isabhresr)) 2 d(szud | *] cas (akeg are isin (2k «zr (32x #)* [eek kreyr+ (sae Gkts\r | we oN Fats Mou a = Beak [ese etyrec sulk + dr / CL = feo [ces Cam} é som Cor) | y a2? LemCem) tomer) Z = 3°2*T coe TE tiswe| = sta fae el = B09 [cas Lat isin ke] to a 238th eos ahr + i sin ag | Z, The ew wth, There rocks Bee are S na mt ean precet on the cick, ae the poems Zz (6Nz +2He ¢) 6 racliuas ie 2 oir ee, PonyNoMALS Thesrew | Tf « is a ree% of, the petynomiak PG) =a ta, Ce ea ete, arth real coefficients, Then Z vs also a rest Croef Suppose, OU aw rook, Thaw, PO = . > ae pa, epee ta kta, =o w nl a — > a, & + a % tree ta “+4, =O a 4 - rhe. > ae tae tee ta, 7. frre 5 Con, SET 4E WL tT KR +H m0 er (eee is nt — A'S are >a, K+axe tree ta Kta =o oe ok POLYNORN ALS Coons’) QOkDRATICS | R& = asCraxta, fo) Any apodietric has 2 voots C posobly “ett nee These com be obhained from pedrte formuke, CABS PL @© =a, tax ta, xt+a,, (4,40) Frm analysis it com be sheun thd PG) kas a peal rev, say x, So P.&)= a(- d [a + @,xta)x + (a,eta, ura,)f The quadritic can he on HK obtain tive roots tn C Se 2ve arbric. has Hhypree Fe ——™—— Dak qrortics, ank quntics re rots Ce io The general result is as fetlews. jac newiak. Fyostewodlal Th Theorem of, Maple eet ii ee rowicl of degree hy wn C Cc Tit rey atte im C, _[ Semo recta mo ha repeated |, C.F Geuss. Cow x pirmhors hane rover nents cations din a ynecy, Physses, The, fhe Aw poeage anh resutt te 2 = cs Otisn®, This com be frowed using fewer Se res. fon hepglication Eig. Cowsiler the recirrence Ai =23 ie a Lr —————. ° So, frown the recmrrenc: et obitiaan C—O oe ee a, = —l45- Tes there en explictt formuke for a? Tt @ is known thar there are aloays gerweteic ‘Series seas et, recappence (I) bie. colus of, the w fer Og = Kp wee ta 4 Se thar requ es oS? oo of og y* : > a7 22K -S > <72K+5 = 0 SS kK = tl te2e Tt com be verifiad thet 1, of eo. s the rectrsuce(s | with m= tot or K= (- 26 sotispre To bkein a Solution with the ven Karting hoe solittiens : oe =A Cue BG e Tt with be found = &=( gres Dk skorkong velues « So solw Lo o a, = 420)" + Cl-20)*. Thats is on oxplicde ®@ lermke fer ane =o a,=l(tl=2 a, =Ciei) + CbL20 =2 a, =(1+Hi-4 Je -Hi-4) =—-6 a, =(-7-24¢)+ (7H 24i) =— (4

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