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Agamben Criticism

1. Links
a. Struggles for rights and liberties only situate the individual more
deeply within the folds of sovereign power.
i. this dominance of biopower makes options within the biopolitical
horizon increasingly meaningless as power comes to operate
through all forms of management.
b. Human rights enforce the authority of the sovereign by delineating
citizenry throughout humanity
i. The entire idea that the government has the ability to tell you
what rights you do and do not have furthers the state of
c. Their softening of capitalism increases the state of exception
i. Critique of capitalism functions not merely on the concrete
allocation of resources but becomes disparate and violent due to
linguistic patterns creating identity. This critique of the universal
imposition of identity is mutually exclusive from conventional
concrete analysis of political economy in that the actors within
economies are actively constituted by their representations.
2. Impact
a. The State of exception makes everybody expendable.
i. This inscription within biopolitics is at the heart of violence
allowing every citizen to be devalued and eliminated in the
name of sovereign management.
b. Bare life impact of bio-politics causes extermination to be justified
i. Bio-politics and the state of exception create justifications to
exterminate individuals at will to justify security.
c. The state of exception is a prior question
i. The state of exception makes the impacts of the affirmative
3. Alternative
a. Vote NEG to utilize the PMCs politics of biopolitical crisis as an
impetus for radical transformation.
b. Solvency
i. Abandoning institutions in favor of collective resistance to
political monopolization through a repoliticization of bare life
allows for a re-structuring of sovereign power.
ii. We control uniqueness --- structures of biopolitical control have
emptied themselves of positive content, possible of only
inflicting death or doing nothing --- we should desert biopolitical
apparatuses rather than reform them.

Senate DA
1. Uniqueness
a. Democrats will take the senate now but its close
i. Democrats have 65 percent chance of taking back the senate
b. Republican support is stable
i. Support for republican senate election is trailing behind
democrat, but the support for the GOP is stable right now.
c. Republican will take the senate with a little more support
i. If the republicans gain inertia in the election, the republicans will
continue to keep the senate.
2. Links
a. The plan is perceived as a win for the democrats
i. The repeal of Citizens United would look like a campaign win for
the democrats, which would seem like dems would win for
3. Internal Links
a. Repeal of Citizens United causes GOP to gain inertia.
i. Losers Win in this situation. The loss in the supreme court
decision causes the GOP senate to gain the inertia it needs to be
out the senate. Just like in sports, a loss pushes people to try
b. Democratic senate is key to Hillary agenda
i. Hillary will not be able to pursue her agenda with a republican
senate, so the democrat senate is her only chance
c. Republican senate will block Hillary agenda
i. Republican senate will block Hillarys agenda for climate control.
4. There are 2 Impacts

Scenario one.

a. Hillary Clinton agenda is key to solve warming

i. Clinton has vowed to curb emissions and stop global warming in
the early stages of her presidency.
b. Hillary solves warming, which causes extinction
i. Absent Hillary Clintons agenda, humanity is doomed to
extinction because of climate change and warming. Hillary is our
only hope
5. Scenario two.
a. Democratic senate is key to immigration policy
i. Immigration policy reform will only happen under the democratic
senate, republican will block.
b. Immigration reform is key to agriculture
i. High-skilled labor immigrants are key to farming and agriculture
sector which is getting worse.
c. Agriculture sector prevents extinction
i. The agriculture sector will collapse, and only skilled immigrants
can stop this.

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