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Teacher Resource 4: Striking and Fielding Skills and Strategies Rubric

Movement Competence, Active Living
Introduction to Striking and Fielding
Long Ball (Page 1 of 3)


Overall Expectations
A3 - demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities
B1 - perform movement skills, demonstrating an understanding of the basic requirements of the skills and applying movement
concepts as appropriate, as they engage in a variety of physical activities
B2 - apply movement strategies appropriately, demonstrating an understanding of the components of a variety of physical activities,
in order to enhance their ability to participate successfully in those activities

Specific Expectations
A3.1, B1.4, B2.3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Success Criteria
(Limited) (Some) (Considerable) (High Degree)
Application Safety A3.1 The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
monitors their own knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
actions to ensure safety familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
applies safety rules and limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
safety procedures effectiveness. effectiveness.

Application Striking with The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
an Implement B1.4 knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
Preparation: Stands familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
facing home plate with limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
feet slightly wider than effectiveness. effectiveness.
shoulder width apart and
with most of body weight
on back foot. Hands and
implement are toward the
back of their body (away
from pitcher)
Execution: Moves body

weight forward towards

incoming object by
pushing back hip toward
the pitcher and swing
the implement forward
toward the object and
parallel to the ground or
with a slight upswing

Continues swing of
implement until it is
pointing toward the
target area of the ball

Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 4: Striking and Fielding Skills and Strategies Rubric
Movement Competence, Active Living
Introduction to Striking and Fielding
Long Ball (Page 2 of 3)

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Success Criteria
(Limited) (Some) (Considerable) (High Degree)
Application Catching/ The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
Fielding B1.4 knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
Preparation: Starts from familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
ready position, with a limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
wide base of support, effectiveness. effectiveness.
keep eyes on the object
until it is caught/trapped
Execution: Moves body

directly in the path of

the ball, moves hands or
feet to meet the object,
creates large reception
surface for the object. If
the object is below waist
holds little fingers close
together. If the object
is above waist holds
thumbs close together
Follow-Through: Absorbs

the object toward the


Application Overhand The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
Throw B1.4 knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
Preparation: Stands familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
sideways to target with limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
arms outstretched effectiveness. effectiveness.
(throwing arm farthest
from target). Keeps eyes
on the target. Throwing
arm circles downward
and backward and up to a
bent elbow position (big
J) at shoulder height
with elbow pointing
backward. Keeps weight
on back leg
Execution: Steps forward

with front foot. Transfers

weight from back foot
to front foot. Twists
hips toward the target.
Releases ball in front of
Follow-Through: Points

throwing hand toward

the target. Throwing hand
drops toward the opposite

Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 4: Striking and Fielding Skills and Strategies Rubric
Movement Competence, Active Living
Introduction to Striking and Fielding
Long Ball (Page 3 of 3)

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Success Criteria
(Limited) (Some) (Considerable) (High Degree)
Application Underhand The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
Throw B1.4 knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
Preparation: Stands facing familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
target, Keep eyes on limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
the target. Swings arm effectiveness. effectiveness.
backward. Completes
a Windmill Throw -
throwing arm circles in
full arm swing
Execution: Steps forward

with opposite foot.

Transfers weight from
back foot to front foot,
Releases the ball in front
of body, at waist height.
Follow-Through: Points

throwing hand toward the


Application Tactical The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
Solutions B2.3 knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
accurately hits the ball familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
places ball away from limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
fielders into open space effectiveness. effectiveness.

Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource

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