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13.1 Introduction
13.2 Theories of Evolution
Darwin and Natural Selection
Human Evolution
Primate Heritage
13.3 Evidences of Evolution
Palaeontological Evidencc
Archaeological Evidence
Anthropological Evidence
Biochemical Evidence
Dating the Past
13.4 Summary
13.5 Terminal Questions
13.6 Answers

In the previous unit, we discussed how the first primitive organisms arose within a few
hundred million years of the planet becoming cool enough to support life. In the
present unit, we would discuss the theory of evolution. We would particularly lay
emphasis on the evolution of man; many of whose characteristics, such as very high
degree of intelligence, upright walking and marked sociability, distinguish him from
other mammals like monkeys and apes.

Here, we have tried to reconstruct the origin of man by putting together the traditional
study of fossils, the study of mankind, especially of its societies, customs and structure
or what we call anthropology and the evolution of man as an animal through studies of
cellular and biological macro-molecules.

.. .
After you have studied this unit, you should be able to:
describe Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection,
list various stages of human evolution,
state evidences from different sources for the processes of human evolution like
palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology and biochemistry,
explain how the age of fossils of plants and animals etc. is determined.


Towards the beginning of the nineteenth century, scientists had already started
Fig. 13.1: Larnarck was a
doubting the theory of special creation and various attempts were made to explain how French naturalist and
different life forms could have evolved. Lamarck, a French naturalist (Fig. 13.1), for predecessor ( 1744- 1829) of
instance, believed that all living things adapted to their environment, by using and Darwin. Lamarck belicved
in evolutionary change, but
developing their organs and characteristics that suit their environment best. If thought that such changes
environment changed, their organs too changed accordingly to suit the needs and these were brought on as an
changes were passed on from one generation to another. animal strugglcd to adapt to
its environment, and then
these changes were passed
Accordingly, as the giraffe lived in an environment of high trees and had to stretch its on by inhcritance.
neck to eat the leaves, its neck became long and this trait was inherited by its
descendants. This theory has won little support with the scientists. As we can see, there
is no evidence that a dog trained to d o certain things would pass on the ability to the
next generation, or a scientist's skill is passed on to his children.
Universe and I.ife:
The Beginnings
13.2.1 Darwin and Natural Selection
The English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882, Fig. 13.2) explained how biological
evolution took place, in his remarkable "The Origin of Species" in 1859. Darwin
began his observations at the age of 22, as a naturalist on H.M.S. Beagle, which was a
sail ship (Fig. 13.3) going round the world. He spent five advent~irousyears on the
voyagc. During this period, he visited may islands of the Atlantic Ocean, some parts of
the coasts of South America, and some islands of the South Pacific, of which the
Galapagos is the most important. This journey gave Darwin a prolonged exposure to an
area of the world, radically different in its plant and animal life from his native place.
He collected and preserved a lot of material and took extensive notes throughout the

Fig. 13.2: Charles Darwin:

his active pursuit of varied
scientific interests brought
him famein 1859 as the
author of the "Origin of

Fig. 13.3: Route of H.M.S. Beagle surveying trip around the world (1831-1836). Dashed lines indicate the
return journey of Charles Darwin.

Once back in England, he spent nearly 22 years examining his collection and
pondering over the question of how evolution of species could have taken place. He
drew the evidence from three important areas: the record of the rocks, in which he
discovered fossils and imprints of creatures of the past ages; the distribution of animals
and plants in the world; and finally from the study of the breeding experiments that
were going on in the nineteenth century to improve life stock or to breed dogs and

Darwin's great innovative step was to introduce the theory of 'natural selection' as the
mechanism for evolution. Though the credit for giving this theory*is generally given to
Darwin, another English naturalist-Alfred Russel Wallace had conceived the theory of
evolution independently at'the same time. The work of the two scientists was presented
'jointly at the meeting of the Linnean Society in London in 1858. The theory began
with two observations. First. more organisms are born than can survive t o reproduce:
themselves, because the environment has limited means of subsistence. This
overproduction results in a struggle for existence and ultimate survival o f the fittest.
Plant and animal species compete within and among themselves for food, water, air,
light-everything that enables organisms to survive and reproduce. The second
observation is that offsprings, i.e, children differ slightly from their parents and from
each other in characteristics which they inherit. This we now call genetic variation.
Darwin held the view that these variations are a source of evolutionary change.
According to him in any group, individuals with characteristics which enable them t o
adapt best to their environment survive and reproduce, while those who lack these
characteristics have a poor chance of survival. Thus, Nature selects and preserves the
useful variations in a changing environment, Darwin called this natural selection.

Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection is a scientific theory. Darwin

developed it taking into account his own observations as well as the other existing
information. Through his analysis, he not only postulated the theory of evolution, but
was able to give us a mechanism for evolutionary change. However, like all scientific
theories, Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection has been enriched and
extended as more facts have been discovered about living beings.
In his own time, Darwin's Theory of biological evolution was unacceptable to most Evolution of Man
people, especially the Church; as it spoke against special creation. In fact, Darwin was
very severely criticised for his views. However, he got support from scientific circles.
The debate went on for quite a few years, and continues even today between the men
of science and those of religion.

13.2.2 Human Evolution

Charles Darwin in the 'Origin of Species' gave a lilechanism for the evolution of plants
and animals in general, even though he had speculated about the origin of man. Four
years later, he published the "Descent of Man", in which he speculated that like other
animals, man too had evolved form pre-existing living forms.

Darwin was greatly impressed by the similarities in the bodily structure of man and the
great African apes, the Chimpanzee and the Gorilla. From this, he speculated on the
location of man's origins. In his own words, "In each great region of the world, the
living mammals are closely related to the extinct species of the same region. It is,
therefore, probable that Africa was formerly inhabited by extinct apes, closely allied to
the gorilla and chimpanzee; and as these two species are now man's nearest allies, it is
somewhat more than probable, that our early ancestors lived on the African continent
than elsewhere".

Darwin had noted that embryos, i.e. early unborn young ones, of different organisms
pass through very similar stages (Fig. 13.4). However, small alterations in the timings
of events in early development might produce a substantial change in the mature
organism; for example in many ways adult humans are like juvenile apes, their small
faces and globular cranium bones enclosing the brain are indicative of this. A crucial
step in human evolution, enlargement of the brain, can be seen as a result of the
slowing down of development in the embryo of an ape-like ancestor. Instead of
stopping at birth, brain growth continues well into childhood, eventually producing a
much larger and more complicated piece of mental machinery.

13.2.3 Primate Heritage

Man belongs to a group of animals called mammals which are different from other
animal groups in possessing hair, and milk producing mammary glands, among other
things. Mammals can be further divided into smaller groups or 'orders' on the basis of
4fferences within the group. 'Primates', the order to which man belongs, alongwith
apes and monkeys, were active during the night, that is, they were nocturnal in the
beginning of their evolution. These animals were insect-eaters and lived on trees (Fig.
13.5). This combination of feeding on insects, while being suspended on branches and

Fig, 13.4: Similarities

between monkeys and man
during embryonic

Fig. 13.5: A tree shrew (a) and some representatives of modern pr~mateslemur (b) tarsier (c) macaque
monkey (d) gibbon (e) chimpanzee (f) Gorilla (g)
L:niverse and 1.ife: twigs, led the primates to develop some important adaptations. The hand, underwent
T h e Beginnings several changes. The thumb became opposable, that is, it closes to meet the finger tips
which aided in holding the prey. Sensitive fingers developed, having nails rather than
claws. Eye sockets were shifted to the front of the head, providing the primates a better
vision and keen ability for judging distance.

These striking adaptations in the primates gave rise to large sized forms, which adopted
a diurnal life style, i.e. they were active during the day. Their diet included plant food
like leaves and fruits. The origin of monkeys and apes took these adaptations to even
higher levels. Possession of sensitive finger tips became of even greater importance, as
the ripeness of fruits could be judged better by touch than by sight.

Apes move beneath the branches, suspended by long agile arms rather than walking
along them (Fig. 13.5 (e)). This involves a relatively upright posture, and their hips
became a part of this kind of movement. Even when they move on the ground, apes
ockasionally walk as bipeds, i.e., on two feet. It may be an awkward walk with short
steps and swaying motion, but it is two footed. nonetheless. Changes in the skull and
back~bonehelp in the upright posture (Fig. 13.6). And the way the heart, lungs and
other body organs are suspended in the abdomen differs from that of conventionally
four footed animals.


Fig, 13.6: Comparison of skull, back bone and hip bone of man and gorilla.

a) Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
i) Lamarck noted that embryos of different organisms pass through very similar
stages and as such seem to indicate that like other life forms, man too could
have descended from the animals like monkeys and apes.
ii) The need for a keen ability for judging distance, produced'relocation of the
( >
eye sockets in early primates to the front of the head. ( )
bj Give very brief answers to the following questions in the space provided.
i) What sort of informations were collected by Darwin during his voyage oh
ii) How can mammals be distinguished from other animals? Evolution of Man

iii) Which animals were insect eaters?

iv) Name the mammals that move beneath the branches of trees.


We have described above, the various adaptations associated with bipedal locomotion
in the early primates. Many more changes were yet to take place before the first human
forms were to emerge. You may like to know, what were these various changes, what
evidences we have in support of the evolution of modern man-'Homo sepiens'. You
would appreciate that, whenever a theory is postulated, we look for evidences which
support that line of thinking. This is true for the general theory of evolution and also I
for the evolution of our own species. Let us try to reconstruct this theory from the
evidences that are provided from different sources, such as the fossil records of animals
which lived in the past, similarities found in the developing embryos of primates and of
other animals about which we have talked above, the archaeological remains of the past
and their dating and more recently from biochemical studies. Cave paintings and other
artefacts left by the early human beings speak of their social and cultural life.

13.3.1 Palaeontological Evidence

Palaeontology is a branch of earth sciences, which is essentially a study of plant and
animal life in the past geological periods, millions of years ago. It deals with the
successive plants and animals which have inhabited the earth since the earliest times,
Evidence of their existence is left in the form of skeletons and bones buried in the
rocks. These are known as fossils. Crucial evidence of human evolution is provided by
the study of these fossils.

Sometimes, the buried body and the skeleton of an animal disintegrate entirely. If the
surrounding material is sufficiently firm, a cavity may remain, having the exact outlines
of the structures that disappeared. Such a cavity is called mold, Similar to molds are
the impressions. These are left by extinct objects or parts of the body upon the
~urroundingmaterial. The impression is made while the surrounding material is soft,
like footprints in clay or lava. Footprints of extinct animals are also impressions
affording valuable information about the animals that made them.

It is important to mention here, that early human fossils that have been found are
generally fragmentary and incomplete. This is because only during the last 50,000 years
or so, man started burying his dead. These later fossils are better preserved and,
therefore, give us more information. For the earlier period, parts of bones are often the
basis of imagining the re-construction of the whole skeleton. The finding of fossils
deposits is both a matter of chance and of deliberate excavation in certain regions of
the earth.

The First Hominids: The First Human Fossil

The earliest human like or hominid (Fig. 13.7) remains come from two separate East
African sites. Ethiopia has yielded several hundred fossil fragments of individuals that
lived and died between 3.0 and 3.6 million years ago. The second site is in Tanzania
where three hominids left a 20m trail of footprints some 3.75 million years ago. It is
concluded that these earliest h o e i d s were built with an ape's head on top of a
man-like body. They show hominid characteristics to place them firmly within human
ancestry. There is evidence that they walked on two feet. However, enough primitive
features still remained, so as to put them close to an ape-like ancestor with tree
climbing habits.
I'niverse and 1,ile:
The Beginnings

Evolution of Man

Fumkrms \ t r r k l o n ~ c , ~
and Krorndraa,

Fig. 13.7: (a) Map of early

honiinld sites in East and
South Afnca (b) the partla1
skeleton of a 20 years old
hom~nidwho lived more
than thrcc mlll~onyears
ago was found by Dr.
Donald Johanson in
Ethiopia. The fossil
remains, are .known as
Evolution of Man
Australopithecus-The Transitional Human Forms
By about two million years ago, there were several well established hominid ancestors
in Africa. One of the earliest of these is Australopithecus (Fig. 13.8). Fossils of
Australopithecus, which have been recovered from South and East Africa, show that
their brains were relatively small, the bones enclosing the brain, therefore, were rather
ape like, but the face was shorter than in apes. The enamel of the teeth indicated that
Australopithecus ate essentially fruits. The evidence for two-footed posture in
Australopithecus is strong as the back bone shows the typical hominid curvature. Also
the hip bone, which is the skeletal frame to which the legs are attached is shorter than
in apes, although it is not as short as in modem humans.

'Homo Habilis-The First Tool Makers

One of the most important developments in human evolution was the dramatic
expansion in brain size which, according to the fossil data available so far, began about
two million years ago. Certain specimens recovered from deposits in East Africa
apparently have brain capacities in excess of 650 cm" and close to 800 cm3. These
specimens were taken to represent the first appearance of our o m kind and were
termed Homo habilis. The species name Homo habilis, means, literally, handy man.
Homo habilis walked upright. The bones of the hand, while displaying many
characteristics of modern humans, are somewhat curved in places and more robust
than in modern man, i.e. Homo sapiens. The leg and foot bones have characteristics
that are both ape-like and human-like, but overall, they are much closer to those of
,nodern humans than to apes. The leg and foot were those of a habitual two-footed
animal. The simultaneous occurrence of Homo habilis fossils and crude flakes and
stone tools indicate that they used tools. There is no evidence that this early form of
, homonids ate meat. habil

Homo ereclur
Neanderthal Man

Fig. 13.8: Artist's reconstruction of the appearance of the Early Man.

Homo Erectus
Homo erectus or the erect man first arose at least 1.6 million years ago and continued
to five for more than a million years before the transition to Homo sapiens occured.
Homo erectus had a large brain (Fig. 13.9) measuring 800 to 900 cm" Fossils of
Homo erectus have been discovered throughout Africa, Europe and Asia. Signs that
Homo erectus hunted animals and ate meat, are available from the stone tools he used
and the marks which these tools left on the bones of animals which have been
recovered near their own dwelling areas.
fniverse and Life: There is evidence, that the life of Homo erectus must have been fairly complex;
The Beginnings
placing great demands on these individuals as intelligent, socially interacting beings.
One can even imagine that a relatively complex spoken language may have evolved.
The prehistoric record is, of course, silent on this point.

The Neanderthals
These were the first human like fossils found. The Neanderthals existed throughout
western Europe and across into the near east and central Asia from about 100,000
years ago LO 40,000 or 35,000 years ago, depending on the precise locality. There are,
striking structural distinctions between Neanderthals and modern humans. Although,
the posture, range of movements and manipulation skills were the same in
Neanderthals as in modem humans, the skeleton was substantially more robust.
Neanderthal's brain (Fig. 13.9) was on average slightly larger than normal for modern
humans, measuring about 1400 cm3. The large brain size could be corrasponding to the
more robust musculature. Neanderthals (Fig. 13.8) were proficient hunters, skilled tool
makers and they used hides for protecting their bodies. For the first time in human
history, ritual burial became common.

Homo erectus

Neanderthal man

Homo sapiens -
Fig. 13.9: Comparison of Neanderthal man with H o m o erectus a n d H o m o sapiens shows it t o have some
features of both. T h e very large brain of the Neanderthals, which slightly exceeds that of Homo sapiens is
seen as a modem feature.

Homo Sapiens-Modern Human Beings

Discoveries of number of fossils of Homo sapiens suggest that modern humans (Figs.
13.8, 13.9) arose in Africa and migrated to the rest of the old world via the Middle
East. It should be noted that these modern humans of the early upper stone age,
40,000 years ago, were distinctly more robust or sturdy as compared with the
population today.

13.3.2 Archaeological Evidence

The study of human antiquities, especially of prehistoric period is known as
archaeology. The biological and cultural evolution of man proceeded side by side and
the two influenced each other. Like the physical remains of man, his cultural remains
also lie buried in the ancient deposits. Often, the two categories of evidence are found
together in the same layers of the rock. With the passage of time, and the increasing
capacity of his brain and development in other bodily organs, man's culture became
more and more varied and complex. He learnt the use of new materials for making
tools and developed new techniques for improving them. The use of tools had a
tremendous impact on increased access to food and therefore on cooperative living in Evolution of Man
colonies. In many areas, archaeological remains show reindeer to be the principal
source of meat they ate.

13.3.3 Anthropological Evidence

Modern humans arose at a time when the Earth was going through a very cold and icy
period called the Ice Age, which began about 75,000 years ago and ended about
10,000 years ago. The Ice Age was at its most severe about 18,000 years ago, a point
which coincides with the development of prehistoric art, represented by colourful
h images painted on cave walls and rock shelters, Many thousands of carved and
engraved pieces of bone and ivory have been discovered from the same period. A great
majority of images are, indeed, of animals we can recognize, especially images of
reindeer and bisons are plentiful; while paintings of people are strangely absent.

The general view about agriculture is that, at the end of the last Ice Age, i.e. about
10,000 years ago, there was a dramatic global shift in the human pattern of living from
nomadic hunting and food gathering to settlements producing food. The discovery that
sprinkling of grain could lead to crops and hence to lot of food, must have had a big
impact on social living. Settled living probably led to increase of population, as also to
development of music and dance to occupy the leisure. Language and communication
must have developed, as also a capacity to wonder and to reflect about nature.

13.3.4 Biochemical Evidence


As we had said earlier in section 13.2, Darwin had recognized that humans and the
great apes shared many physical characteristics. This led him to conclude, that humans
and apes descended from a common stock. Darwin's conclusions were based on the
study of fossils and the physical similarities that he had observed. Now, a century later
biochemical studies of proteins and the genetic material-DNA show how good his
guess was,

Biochemical studies show us that, as evolution proceeds and the species get
differentiated, they accumulate changes in the structure of their proteins and DNA.
Longer the separation time, greater the changes. These changes are expressed in terms
of percent genetic distance which indicates the proportional difference between the
DNA of the two species. Comparative studies of the proteins of the African apes and
humans showed that chimpanzees, gorillas and humans are closely related to one
another, while the Asian apes, i.e. the gibbon and orangutan were the more distant
cousins of this trio .(Fig. 13.10).

/ PCrcCni FWilc distance 1.2 percent geneuc dlrtancc\

2.2 Pcrceni r k i c distance

Fig. 13.10: A chart to show hereditary distancc between humans anxthe apes.
I'niverse and I.ife: Once the Asian and African apes were considered to be closely related and it was
The Beginnings thought that the hominids developed from apes prior to 15 million years ago.
Biochemical evidence, however, indicates that the ape-human divergence may have
been much closer to five million years and that thc gorilla split off first, leaving the
chimpanzees and the human-like creatures to share a common ancestor briefly before
separating. Ramapithecus (Fig. 13.8)-a fossil specimen found in Asia, Europe and
Africa was at one time thought to be closely related to the species of modem man.
However, on the basis of biochemical evidence, it has now been shown that it cannot
be considered a homonid, because it lived before the Asian apes diverged from
hominids. Same is true for Sivapithecus indicus, a fine fossil specimen of which was
discovered in 1980 from the foothills of the western Himalayas in Pakistan.

Match the type df evidence given in favour of evolution in column 1 with the statement
given in column 2.

1 2
-- -----
Biochemical i) With the passage of time and the increasing capacity
of man's brain and development in other bodily
organs, his culture became more and more varied and
Palaeontological ii) The earlier assumption rcgal-ding human evolution is
supported by chemical studies on the nature of
proteins and DNA, which show chimpanzees, gorillas
and humans to be closely related to eachothcr.
Anthropological iii) 'Lucy', a partial fossil skcleton, recovered from a site
in Ethiopia showcd that bipedal locomotion had
already dcvrloped to an advanced stage, cvcn
though the brain size was modest.
Archaeological iv) Thousands of carved and engraved pieces of bone
and ivory have been discovered from thc prehistoric

13.3.5 Dating the Past

You would be wondering how we can tell, today, that a particular rock is a million
ycars old, or a fossil is 5 0 thousand ycars old. For instance, how do we estimate the
duration of various geological periods on a time scale of billions of years? Initially, such
estimates were based on the rate at which geological processes such as depositions of
stones and rocks occur. Many layers of rock originated as deposits in the sca~andat the
mouths of rivers. Therefore. one way to get an idea of the length of time required to
produce a deposit of a given thickness, is to measure the rate at which rivers arc
depositing sediments in thc sca today.

With the dcvcloping knowlcdgc of radioactivity. more accurate dating o f fossils and
certain types of rocks has become possible. Radioactive substances can be easily
detected using certain instruments. They have built-in "clocks" in the form of
'radioactive isotopes' that change or decay at a constant rate into non-radioactive form.
If this rate is known, the length of time since the fossil or the rock was formed can be
estimated by measuring the quantities in the rock, of the radioactive isotopes arid the
non-radioactive ones into which they have changed. For example, Uranium is
transformed into certain isotopes of lead which are not radioactive. So, the age of
uranium-containing rocks can be determined by comparison of the proportions of
undecayed Uranium and that of the corresponding lead isotopes present in the rock.
see Fig. 13.11.

The method most commonly used, now, for estimating the age of fossils is radio-carbon
dating. Radioactive isotope of carbon is commonly known as carbon- 14. Since
carbon- 14 is chemically the same as ordinary carbon, both arc absorbed by plant and
animal tissues in the same proportion as they arc present in the atmosphere as carbor.
dioxide. Plants use this carbon dioxide in making their food. Animals eat the plants.
Hence, the proportion of carbon- 14 in the tissues o f plants and animals is the same as
in the atmosphere, as long as the plant or the animal is living. But as soon as it dies, no
Evolution of Man

A number of stages, in.wh~ch small
parucles are given off, and energy is evolve


Fig. 13.11: Radioactive atoms have unstable atomic nuclei. When these nuclei break down or decay,
they emit characteristic particles o r rays. The end result of this radioactive decay is that another kind of
atom is formed.

more carbon can enter its body as photosynthesis or food intake stops. Following
death, the carbon-14, already present in the body, decays steadily into ordinary carbon.
So the smaller the number of carbon-14 atoms remaining, the older is the fossil. Thus,
if we take a piece of ancient wood or bone and measure the amount of carbon-14
present in it, we can estimate the age of the material. This technique has been applied
to materials of known age, and thus its accuracy was tested giving confidence in the age
determinations of unknown samples.

The carbon-14 method is applicable only to organic materials which still contain
carbon. It cannot be used for fossils in which all organic matter has decayed. In that
case the age of the fossil can be estimated by determining the presence of other
radioactive elements like flourine, or phosphorus.

Complete the following statements.
i) Accurate dating of fossils and certain types of rock is possible with the
development of the knowledge of ...........................
ii) The rate of decay of radioactive isotopes into non-radioactive forms helps in
estimating the age of ...........................
iii) Radio-carbon dating is used for organic materials that still possess ..........................
iv) Age of the fossil in which all organic matter has decayed is estimated with the help
of radioactive isotopes of ...........................

In the present unit you have studied:
a That Darwin's theory of natural selection postulates the survival of the best adapted
1 forms with the inheritance of the distinctive characters in which their fitness lies.
a The evidences from palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology as well as the study
of proteins and genetic material of present day apes and human beings indicate a
common ancestry till about five million years ago.
a That the age of rocks, fossils and archaeological remains is estimated by measuring
the quantities of radioactive and non-radioactive isotopes of different elements.


1 What does Darwin's theory speak about?

2 State the difference between palaeontology and archaeology.

llniverse and I.iIe: .................................................................................................................................................
The Beginnings
3 How is the age of a fossil determined?

4 How is the age of the remains of ancient plants, animals, men, and their belongings

5 Study the diagrams in part (a) and (b) of Fig. 13.12 showing two theories about
evolution and give short answers to the following questions.

Early giraffes probably had short necks Early giraffes probably had necks of
which they stretched to reach food. various lengths.

Their offspring had longer necks which ~ o n i ~ c t i t i oand

n natural selection led to
they stretched to reach food. survival of the longer-necked giraffes and
their offspring.

Eventually the continued stretching of the Eventually only long necked giraffes
neck resulted in today's giraffe. survived the competition.

i) Name the two scientists who proposed these two theories.

ii) Which of two theories is.supported by the current data and evidence about
Evolution of Man
Self Assessment Questions
1) a ) i ) Falsc ii) True
b) i) During his voyage Darwin collected and preserved a variety of plants and
animals and took extensive notes on them.
ii) Mammals have mammary glands and hair on the body while other animals
do not possess these characters.
iii) early primates
iv) apes
2) i) Archaeological ii) Biochemical iii) Palaeontological iv) Anthropological
3) i) radioactivity ii) fossil iii) carbon iv) flourine or phosphorus

Terminal Questions
1) The survival of the forms best adapted to environment with the inheritance of
those distinctive characteristics in which theii' fitness lies.
2) Palaeontology deals with the fossil remains of prehistoric anirnzls or plants whereas
archaeology is the study of human antiquities especially of prehistoric period.
3) The carbon- 14 method is applicable KOorganic materials still containing carbon, it
can not be used for fossils in which all organic matter has decayed. Therefore, in
case of these fossils, the'rate at which flourine becomes incorporated into bones
during fossilization is utilized for estimating the age.
4) Age of ancient wood, bone antiques etc. can be determined by using carbon-14.
5) i) a) Lamarck
b) Darwin
ii) Only Darwin's theory of natural selection is supported by existing data.

asteroid: a small body orbiting the Sun; a minor planet
astrology: a study of the supposed influence of the positions of the Sun, Moon,
planets and stars upon human affairs
astronomy: the science which describes objects in space according to their location,
motion, size, composition, and appearance
astrophysics: the branch of astronomy that applies the methods and tools of
physics to the study of heavenly objects
atom: the smallest particle of an element, which retains its properties
aurora: the display of lights in nature, usually in the polar regions
binary star: a double-star system in which the two stars revolve around each other
biochemistry: chemistry of living organisms
biomolecule: molecules of substances like sugar, fats & proteins present in living
biped: twb-footed animal e.g. man or a bird.
black dwarf. thought to be the final stage in the evolution of a white dwarf
black hole: thought to be the final stage in the evolution of a massive star
cell: microscopic unit of living matter enclosing s e ~ f - ~ r o d d cgenes
compound: 3 substance made up of two or more elements
constellation: a definite region of the sky defined by a group of stars
core: the central portion of a planet or any heavenly body
cosmology: the study of the organisation and structure of the universe and its
cranium: bony part of the head enclosing the brain
crater: a depression in the surface of the Earth, Moon, or other such bodies
crescent: that phase of the Moon, which shows it less than half full
crust: the outer layer of the Earth, Moon, or other such bodies
cybernetics: the science of communication and control in machines and animals
density: the mass of an object divided by its volume
deoxyribo nucleic acid (DNA): complex biomolecules responsible for storing and
transfer of genetic material
Universe and Life: electromagnetic radiation: a special kind of energy that can propagate through
The Beginnings vacuum, like light
electromagnetic spectrum: the full range of electromagnetic radiation
element: simplest substance like oxygen, carbon etc. which cannot be broken down
into simpler forms by chemical processes
environment: collective term for the conditions in which an organism lives e.g.
temperature, light, water, other organisms
evolution: development of more complicated forms of life (plants and animals)
from earlier and simpler forms
focus: the point at which the converging rays of light meet after passing through a
lens or a mirror
fossils: recognisable part, trace, or imprint of a prehistoric animal or plant once buried
in earth, now hardened like rock
galaxy: a collection of millions to hundreds of billions of stars, and clouds of gas and
genetic: the ways in which characteristics are passed on from parents to offspring
gibbous: that phase of the Moon or a planet during which it appears more than half
full but less than full
hormone: internal secretion that passes into the blood and stimulates the body organs
or endocrine glands
intergalactic: space between the galaxies
interstellar: space between the stars
isotope: atom of an element e.g. heavy hydrogen, having a nuclear mass different from
that of other atoms of the same element, although chemically identical
light year: the distance light travels in one year
mass: a measure of the amount of material in an object
molecule: a combination of two or more atoms
nebulae: a cloud of dust in space
nova: a star that suddenly brightens and then fades again
nucleus (of an atom): the central part of the atom, containing protons and neutrons
nucleus (of a cell): body containing the chromosomes present in nearly all cells of
plants and animals. It is essential for continued life of most cells
nucleic acids: two complex compounds (DNA, RNA) which occur in all living cells
orbit: a closed path along which a body moves as it revolves around a point in space
organic molecules: molecules which have carbon and hydrogen atoms as their
constituents or molecules derived from these.
parallax (stellar): the apparent shift of a star against the background of more distant
stars due to the motion of the Earth around the Sun
period (of rotation or revolution): the time taken to complete one rotation or one
revolution, respectively
phase (of the Moon or a planet): changes in the portion of their illuminated 'face'
is visible from the Earth
photosynthesis: process in which energy of sunlight is used by green plants to build up
complex substances, like carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water
primate: one of the highest order of mammals including men, apes, monkeys and
primordial: existing at or from the beginning
prism: a solid of glass or other transparent material shaped like a wedge and used to
disperse light into its spectrum of seven colours
proteins: body building substances essential to good health, prcscnt in such food as
milk, egg, meat etc.
protostar: the mass of material in the process of forming a star
pulsar: an object that emits brief pulses of radiowaves; possibly a very rapidly spinning
neutron star
quasar: a star-like object at a great distance; it emits huge amounts of energy
radiation: the sending out of energy, heat etc. as waves
radio active substance: atoms of some elements such as radium and uranium break up
spontaneously with the emission of radiations or electrically charged particles c q a b l e
of penetrating even opaque bodies and producing electrical effects
.red giant: a very large, cool star
red shift: the shifting of spectral lines to4ards the rt '1 cnd of the spectrum due to the
source moving away from the observer
spores: germ, single celled or many celled body by which plants specially moss, ferns,
fungi etc. reproduce themselves
stellar evolution: the life cycle of a star Evolution of Man
terrestrial: living on the earth or land
UV-rays (ultra-violet rays): invisible rays having wave lengths shorter than that of
violet colour (in sun light, light from mercury vapour lamp, etc.)
wavelength: the distance between two successive crests or two successive troughs r)f a
white dwarf: a very hot, dense, small star
zodiac: a band in the sky containing the twelve constellations usually associated with


1 Cosmos, Carl Sagan, Ballantine Books, New York, 1985.

2 Physics, Part I & II, A text book for class X, NCERT, 1985, Chapter 1.
3 Essays about the Universe, Boris A. Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov, Mir Publishers,
Moscow, 1985.
4 Basic Biology, Part II, A Text book for class X(ed.) by R.N. Kapil, NCERT,
5 The Ascent o f Man, J . Bronowski, BBC, London, 1976.
6 New Guide to Science, Isaac Asimov, Penguin, 1987.
Block 1 : History of Science
Unit 1 Science as a Human Endeavour
Unit 2 Science in the Ancient World
Unit 3 Iron Age
Unit 4 The Golden Age of Science in India
Block 2 : Emergence of Modern Science
Unit 5 Science in the Medieval Times
Unit 6 Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution and After
Unit 7 Science in Colonial and Modem India
Unit 8 The Method of Science and the Nature of Scientific Knowledge
Block 3 : Universe and Life -The Beginning
Unit 9 Universe as a System
Unit 10 Exploring the Universe
Unit 11 Solar System
Unit 12 Origin and Evolution of Life
Unit 13 Evolution of Man
Block 4 : Environment and Resources
Unit 14 Ecosystem
Unit 15 Components of Environment
Unit 16 The Changing Environment
Unit 17 Natural Resources
Unit 18 Resource Utilisation, Planning and Management
Block 5 : Agriculture, Nutrition and Health
Unit 19 Food and Agriculture
Unit 20 Scientific Possibilities and Social Realities
Unit 2 1 Food and Nutrition
Unit 22 Health and Disease
Block 6 : Information, Knowledge, Insight
Unit 23 Mind and Body
Unit 24 Psychological Aspect of Behaviour
Unit 25 Information and Communication
Unit 26 Modes of Communication
Block 7 : Science, Technology and Development
Unit 27 Science and Technology in Industry
Unit 28 Technology and Economic Bevelopment
Unit 29 Modem Development In Science and Technology - I
Unit 30 Modem Development in Science and Technology - 11
Block 8 : New Perspectives
Unit 3 1 Perceptions and Aspirations
Unit 32 Science -The Road to Development
AudioNideo Programmes
Audio : 1) Science and Society (Block 1)
2 ) Astronomical Bevelopment in India (Block 3)
3) Measuring Astronomical Distances (Block 3)
4) Evolution of Man (Block 3)
5) The Forest Ecosystem (Block 4)
6) Population Pressure (Block 4)
7) Common Misconceptions about Health (Block 5)
8) Human Factors in Engineering (Block 6)
9) New Information Order (Block 6)
10) Technology and Self-Reliance (Block 7) .
, 11) Nuclear Disarmament (Block 7)
Video : 1) Method of Science (Block 2)
2 ) A Window to the Universe (Block 3.)
3) The Story of a River (Block 4)
4) Green Revolution (Block 5)
5) lnfectious Diseases (Block 5)
6) Jean Piaget Development Stages of a Child (Block 6)
7) INSAT (Block 6)

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