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SAP Customer Success Story

Consumer Products

Food Manufacturer Uses SAP
Business One to Drive Fact-Based
Quick facts
SAP Business One was reasonably Company Why SAP
Name: Daves Gourmet Inc. Full-function solution at a competitive cost
priced and offered full functionality, Headquarters: San Francisco Flexible, stable, and scalable functionality
great flexibility, and excellent stability. Industry: Consumer products Preconfigured to support best practices
Products and services: Specialty foods,
Dave Hirschkop, Owner and President, with a focus on sauces and spices Benefits
Daves Gourmet Inc. Employees: 9 Accelerated order flow and shipping times
Web site: by 35%
Implementation partner: Apollo Consulting Reduced inventory by 15%
LLC (San Francisco) Lowered incidence of out-of-stock items
by 75%
Challenges and Opportunities Improved order accuracy
Automatically generate reports for fact- Improved visibility into customer
based business decisions and sales calls profitability
Manage growth and increase in revenue Achieved transparency of promotion
while maintaining a lean staff to keep effectiveness
costs low Provided salespeople with information to
increase sales
Objectives Realized good corporate governance
Install business management solution to through role-based user authorizations
improve information visibility and support
growth Existing Environment
Non-SAP accounting software
SAP Solutions and Services
SAP Business One application Third-Party Integration
Database: Microsoft SQL Server
Implementation Highlights Hardware: Dell
Rapid, 6-week implementation Operating system: Microsoft Windows
Full reexamination of business processes
Automated data migration from legacy
Daves Gourmet Inc. likes it hot: witness product names like Daves The company will be able to handle
that growth without dramatically increas-
Insanity Salsa and Olives in Pain. Dave Hirschkop, owner and presi- ing its administrative expenses. Today,
dent or chief spice meister as he is often called likes his infor- nine people run an operation that sells
65 products and manages hundreds of
mation hot as well. Hot, in this case, means current and incisive, inventory items like packaging, labels,
which allows him and his staff to make good business decisions and and ingredients. The lean staff develops
the product recipes, orchestrates a
convincing sales calls. Thats why he selected the SAP Business supply chain of global outsource part-
One application. ners for ingredients and finished goods,
and distributes products across the
United States, Australia, Canada,
SAP Business One lets us set up then checks customer information and England, Germany, Japan, and Korea.
automated alerts and e-mail reports so product availability; if all requirements are
we can be proactive, says Hirschkop. met, the order with customer-specific We have very high revenue per
A service log report shows us all cus- pricing is packed and shipped. Integra- employee, Hirschkop says. Using SAP
tomer issues, including status and res- tion of SAP Business One with UPS Business One, were confident that we
olution. An open-items report lets us WorldShip software enables automated can meet our goal of quintupling sales
see if something is hung up somewhere e-mail notification of shipment along revenue in the next five years with only
and needs attention. With SAP Business with a tracking number for customer self- 14 people.
One, we know where orders are at all service; invoices go out the next morn-
times. We know if the orders are profit- ing. Daves Gourmet configured the Growth Demands Better Software
able or not. We can predict cash flow. softwares flexible role-based authoriza-
We can see whats selling and whats not, tions so only approved personnel access That wasnt possible with the previous
so we know where to change pricing the software, ensuring good corporate software. As the company got bigger,
and promotions or adjust inventory. governance. we were challenged by system instability
and data corruption; we didnt know if
San Franciscobased Daves Gourmet The benefits are hot, too. We acceler- we could trust the numbers, Hirschkop
implemented SAP Business One in ated order flow and shipping times by says. We didnt have the tools to sup-
only six weeks. The SAP software is 35%, Hirschkop says. We reduced port integrated contact management,
an affordable and integrated business- inventory by 15%. We lowered the inci- which made it almost impossible to track
management solution designed specifi- dence of out-of-stock items by 75%, our sales pipeline. We also couldnt
cally for small and midsize businesses. which boosted sales, profits, and cus- track ingredients and packaging in the
Daves Gourmet uses SAP Business tomer satisfaction. Product cost and cus- supply chain. The system lacked features
One across its operations for financials, tomer profitability information enables and flexibility. Personnel were always
sales, purchasing, inventory control, and us to optimize pricing and meet our putting out fires in operational areas;
logistics and for service management, margin targets. We can see which pro- that affected morale and distracted us
corporate governance, customer rela- motions are driving volume and which from focusing on growth. And reporting
tionship management, and reporting. are a waste of time. Previously, we had was less than ideal. Because we couldnt
no way to get salespeople information on get the information we needed, we
Customer orders come in via e-mail, the best prospects and strategies. Now couldnt sell intelligently, and we couldnt
phone, mail, or from the Web shop and we do, and that will be the difference sell as much.
are entered as quotes. An employee between doubling and almost quadrupling
our business over the next three years.
With SAP Business One, we know where orders are at all times. We know
if the orders are profitable or not. We can predict cash flow. We can see
whats selling and whats not, so we know where to change pricing and
promotions or adjust inventory.

Dave Hirschkop, Owner and President, Daves Gourmet Inc.

Intelligent, fact-based selling is now a Consulting has offices throughout North financial accounting and reporting and
hallmark of Daves Gourmet. Business and South America and is focused on helped us set up preconfigured best
is not just about selling a lot of stuff implementations of SAP Business One. practices to improve our business.
its about selling a lot of stuff to the right The service providers methodology
people at a price that makes money, enables clients to see total project Next Initiatives Will Sharpen
Hirschkop says. We need to track expenditures up front to control costs. Operations
profit and loss to see if we are making
or losing money on a customer. Before, We were very focused on cost, Daves Gourmet next plans to integrate
we couldnt do this effectively. With SAP Hirschkop says. We set incredibly tight its Web shop with SAP Business One
Business One, we can now say, with time and budget targets. We came in so online orders will flow quickly and
customer X, we make this much money. way below where we would have been seamlessly into the software. It wants
So do we need to raise prices? Do we had we tried to implement another solu- to take advantage of SAP Business One
need to reduce promotions? Do we need tion. Were very happy with the results. and Microsoft Outlook integration to
to stop doing business with that cus- Were growing rapidly; this year is going synchronize calendars, meetings, and
tomer? This helps us focus our resources to take us to another level. We didnt reminders. Says Hirschkop, I also want
on areas where we make money or see want to be distracted for too long by integration with handheld devices, so if
growth. the implementation. Im traveling in Vietnam, China, or some-
where else in the world, I can log in and
Hirschkop says the software selection Apollo Consulting helped speed things check reports to see what orders have
process was straightforward. When up; for example, with data migration. gone out, what payments have come
we looked at the market for full-featured Apollo was able to automate the migra- in, and other key business updates.
business solutions, other software tion of our legacy data customer and
Hirschkop also seeks more sophisti
cated reporting. We want to use the
Using SAP Business One, were confident that we can meet our goal of pipeline management functionality in
SAP Business One to help us predict
quintupling sales revenue in the next five years with only 14 people. where our business is going, so we
Dave Hirschkop, Owner and President, Daves Gourmet Inc. know what to order from our suppliers
and when. We want to understand what
information our sales network needs
packages cost as much as five times vendor lists, contact and inventory infor- and get that information out faster.
what SAP Business One cost. SAP mation, and notes so there was very
Business One was reasonably priced little manual effort involved, Hirschkop Thats the kind of intelligence that will
and offered full functionality, great flexi- says. help the company thrive in todays busi-
bility, and excellent stability. It is also ness environment. In our industry, and
scalable. We know that our software The rollout also enabled Daves Gourmet indeed in others, there is a movement
is not going to hinder our growth. to reexamine its business. We started from relationship-based to fact-based
from scratch, so we got to look at the selling, Hirschkop says. We need
Cost Focus Drives Rapid Rollout way we were doing things, Hirschkop more information on products their
says. We simplified our chart of turnover, their profitability, the effective-
Daves Gourmet worked with Apollo accounts and made it more intuitive. We ness of promotions. This will allow us
Consulting LLC (San Francisco), an reengineered the shipping process to to go to a customer and say, your com-
SAP gold partner and value-added get orders out faster. Apollos project petitors are doing well with our product;
reseller, to install the solution. Apollo manager gave us a lot of insight into we can then show them the data and /contactsap

the promotional support program that The company president then mentions
we know is effective. At the same time, critical features like automated e-mail
behind the scenes, we will have a clear reports: In an age of fact-based selling,
view of our profitability and know how if you dont understand your margins,
much room we have to negotiate. youre likely to go out of business. SAP
Business One gets you the information
Software Positions Growing you need when you need it.
Companies for Success
Thats what allows Daves Gourmet to
For a growing company like Daves innovate at a fast rate, which is at the
Gourmet, SAP Business One is the core of its business strategy. Says
right choice. If youre just getting into Hirschkop, Well be creating products
business and youre a one-man band, that are game changers. But if we cant
simple accounting software works fine, produce profitable, high-quality products,
Hirschkop says. But as you get to a and if we cant get them out to market
certain stage, you keep bumping up on time, its all for naught. SAP Business
against roadblocks. SAP Business One, One is the linchpin of our operational
however, provides the right combination success; it enables us to compete
of affordability and functionality and more effectively.
supports you along the way.

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