Over Sea Casing

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SAP Customer Success Story

Consumer Products Food

SAP Business One Brings
Real-Time Data and Lot Tracking
to Food Company
Quick facts
SAP Business One has completely Company Why SAP
Name: Oversea Casing Company LLC Functionality for lot tracking
lived up to our expectations. We Headquarters: Seattle Comprehensive financial software
would definitely recommend it to Industry: Consumer products food Complete functionality for customer
Products and services: Sausage casings relationship management for sales people
anyone in our industry. Employees: 16 Affordable licensing cost
Web site: www.overseacasing.com SAPs superior reputation and references
Michael Mayo, President, Oversea Casing
Implementation partner: Orchestra Team
Company LLC
(Seattle) Benefits
Achieved USDA-compliant lot tracking
Challenges and Opportunities Automated reporting
Implement lot tracking per USDA Provided executives with a daily view into
requirements transactions, margins, costs, sales, and
Automate daily reporting for managers budgets
and executives Enabled sales people to see previous
Give sales and warehouse workers easy days sales and monthly total
access to current, role-based information
Existing Environment
Objectives Sage Peachtree accounting software
Quickly install a software solution to enable
USDA-compliant lot tracking Third-Party Integration
Database: Microsoft SQL Server
SAP Solutions and Services Hardware: Dell servers
SAP Business One application Operating System: Microsoft Windows

Implementation Highlights
Rapid 6 weeks
Partner proof-of-concept demo
Thorough training
It used to take Oversea Casing Company LLC a lot of time to get
information. In 1932 the founder of the Seattle-based company
boarded a boat to New Zealand; stopped in Hawaii, several islands
in the South Seas, and Australia; and arrived three weeks later to
talk with suppliers. Today, with the SAP Business One application,
Oversea Casing has real-time news at its fingertips.

Sales people, while on the phone with Mayo, president of Oversea Casing. Control Points program which is a
customers, can view inventory availabil- We also have much more confidence management system for food safety
ity for the companys sausage casings in the information. that addresses hazards preventively,
and browse prior customer interactions. rather than during final product
Warehouse workers have real-time visi- That helps the company identify issues inspection.
bility into inventory, including each lots early. Now, with every user able to
source supplier and the warehouse and see the information that pertains to We need to track finished product
bin location. their position and responsibility, we back to the raw material source, Moore
can ensure that operations run more says. SAP Business One allows us to
Managers and executives stay on top smoothly and without incident, says do that. We can go to a master data file
of key metrics via daily, automated re- Tina Moore, controller at Oversea for a business partner and drill down to
ports. First thing each morning, users Casing. With SAP Business One, the invoice, the delivery note, the lot in-
view the previous days transactions, we now monitor the business on a formation, the receiving date, and where
gross profit margin, costs, sales by daily, even hourly, basis. the lot came from. This is done through
sales person, and the details of each simple point-and-click navigation. The
invoice. They can access daily budget SAP Software Helps Company other software programs we evaluated
snapshots on a monthly or yearly ba- Meet USDA Mandates could handle accounting but not lot
sis and view comparisons to previous tracking.
months and years. Sales people can Visibility of a different kind into the
review their previous days sales and audit trail was the primary reason why Additionally, says Moore, SAP Business
totals for the month. Warehouse workers the company selected SAP Business One provided all the accounting functions
get reports that show new orders and One. Oversea Casing sells thousands we required; it is a complete financial
what must ship that day. of stock-keeping units (SKUs) of quality solution. It had functionality for customer
natural casings to hundreds of customers relationship management to support
Previously this had been done manually worldwide and procures its raw materials our sales people effectively. And it
taking too much time, like the boat to from numerous vendors in the United had the multicurrency capabilities we
New Zealand. A six-week rapid rollout States, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, required for our global business.
of SAP Business One changed all that. and around the world. It has to maintain
These reports are now generated a detailed audit trail across its supply Oversea Casing also liked doing busi-
automatically, much more quickly and chain to comply with USDA regulations, ness with a successful vendor. SAP
efficiently than before, says Michael such as the Hazard Analysis & Critical has a good reputation and superior
With SAP Business One, we now monitor the business on a daily, even
hourly, basis.

Tina Moore, Controller, Oversea Casing Company


references, Mayo says. Its SAP trained our personnel, even after hours Oversea Casing plans to do the same.
Business One application also came over dinner. They created You Tube With the upgrade to the latest version
in within our budget. We could have clips, where employees could go if of SAP Business One, it wants to take
chosen customized software, but that they had a question like how to key advantage of the built-in SAP Crystal
would have been way out of our price in a sales order to view simulations Reports family of offerings for more
range. Besides, we saw that everything of our business transactions. advanced reporting and business intelli-
we needed to do, we could do with gence. The company also plans to
SAP Business One. Thats the kind of attentiveness small- leverage the softwares functionality
to-midsize companies like to see from for material requirements planning to
Consultants Listen to Customers partners. Our business is fast paced; support production forecasting and
Needs we cant afford any slowdown, Moore planning.
says. The consultants were always
For the implementation, Oversea Casing available to us and responded quickly These initiatives will help the company
worked with a group of consultants who to any issues we had. build upon the benefits to date. SAP
eventually formed its current partner, Business One has helped us make
Orchestra Team which recently up- People Use Software When Its our operations much more efficient,
graded the company to the newest Easy to Use Mayo says. We accomplished our
version of SAP Business One. The primary objective, lot tracking, and that
consultants listened to what we needed, The companys users rave about the was a huge benefit. The second most
particularly around lot tracking, Moore softwares ease of use. The sales appreciated outcome stems from the
says. They paid careful attention to people are constantly using the func- softwares functionality for customer
relationship management. The auto
mated reporting gives me and the sales
Weve only just begun to realize the potential of SAP Business One. Not a managers the ability to track our sales
day goes by where we dont come up with another idea of how we can take force on a daily basis and where
we are in the sales cycle for each
advantage of the software. account.
Michael Mayo, President, Oversea Casing Company LLC
For Oversea Casing, the future with
SAP Business One looks bright.
our procedures, from purchase of raw tionality for customer relationship man- Weve only just begun to realize the
material to final product. They built a agement, Moore says. They drill down potential of SAP Business One, Mayo
demo proof of concept that showed to check on customer orders and invoice says. Not a day goes by where we
us how SAP Business One could fully status. Salespeople also record their dont come up with another idea of
meet our requirements. activities every conversation with how we can take advantage of the
the customer and schedule alerts software. SAP Business One has
Oversea Casing gives high marks to to make callbacks. All our business completely lived up to our expectations.
the consultants for the on-time, on- users are very enthusiastic about We would definitely recommend it to
budget rollout. Says Moore, We had SAP Business One and are constantly anyone in our industry.
absolutely no hiccups. The consultants finding new ways to use the software.
www.sap.com /contactsap


Picture Credits
2: David Trites, New York, NY, USA

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