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Focus : Grammar
Theme : World of Self, Family &
Monday Unit : 3- My Cousins, My REFLECTION:
Neighbour Attendance : ___ / ____
1 Budiman Content Standard :
5.1 ___ / ___ of the pupils
9.00 Learning Standard : are able to achieve the
10.00 5.1.2 able to use pronouns correctly objectives.
a) personal
English Objectives :
Language By the end of the lesson, pupils will be Teachers actions:
able to : 1) identify the correct use of
personal pronouns by circling 8
pictures correctly
2) fill in the 8 blanks with the correct
personal pronouns
1) Teacher brings few cut outs pictures
of boys and girls.
2) Explain to pupils about personal
3) Paste the pictures on the board and
explain the grammar rules to pupils
(eg: picture of a boy= he, picture of
a girl= she)
4) Guide pupils in reading the text on
page 23 of textbook. Highlights on
the pronouns.
5) Distributes task sheets to pupils and
they have to circle the correct
pronouns based on the pictures
6) Pupils copy down the questions on
page 23 and fill in the blanks with
the correct pronouns.
7) Play quiz.
Teaching Aids:
Few cut outs of boys and girls,
textbook, task sheets
Educational Emphases:
Linguistic intelligences, knowledge
acquisition, CCTS
Pupils are able to circle and fill in at
least 6 blanks with the personal
pronouns correctly.
Circle the correct personal pronouns.

1) 2)

he she he she

3) 4)

we they
we they

5) 6)

he she
he she

7) 8)

we they
we they

Answer sheet.
Circle the correct personal pronouns.

1) 2)

he she he she

3) 4)

we they
we they

5) 6)

he she
he she

7) 8)

we they
Focus : Grammar
Theme : World of Self, Family &
Monday Unit : 3- My Cousins, My REFLECTION:
Neighbour Attendance : ___ / ____
1 Budiman Content Standard :
5.1 ___ / ___ of the pupils
9.00 Learning Standard : are able to achieve the
10.00 5.1.2 able to use pronouns correctly objectives.
a) personal
English Objectives :
Language By the end of the lesson, pupils will be Teachers actions:
able to : 1) write down 6/9 personal
pronouns for each picture given
2) change 5/7 underline phrases into
personal pronouns correctly
1) Pupils recall on yesterdays lesson.
2) Explain to pupils the personal
pronouns of I, you and it.
3) Teacher distributes grammar notes
to each pair of pupils.
4) Read each sentences together with
the pupils whilst explaining the
grammar rules.
5) Distributes task sheet to pupils.
6) Pupils choose the correct personal
7) Pupils change the underline phrases
into the correct personal pronouns.
Teaching Aids:
Grammar note for each pair of pupils,
textbook, task sheets
Educational Emphases:
Linguistic intelligences, knowledge
acquisition, CCTS
Grammar Notes.


We use pronouns to replace the names of people, animals or things.

I You We

I am Azmi. You are Anita. We are boys.

I am nine years old. You are a pretty girl. We have same hobby.

I am a good boy. You are a good girl. We are good friends.

They He She It

They are girls. That is Mr. John. That is Miss Juli. This is a bird.

They play dolls. He is a doctor. She is a teacher. It has wings.

They are sisters. He works in a clinic. She teaches English. It has a beak.

Name : _________________________ Class : _________________

A) Choose the correct personal pronouns for each pictures shown.

he she it they we

B) Change the underlined phrases into the correct personal pronouns.

1. Suzy and Tina are good dancers. -> __________________________

2. Pak Mat is my closest neighbour. -> __________________________

3. Hasif and I are best friends. -> __________________________

4. My sister is twelve years old. -> __________________________

5. Mr. Maniam is a strict headmaster. -> __________________________

6. The bicycle is new and red. -> __________________________

7. The table is rectangle. -> __________________________

8. My brother and I go to school together. -> ________________________

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