JTTB (L5) - Satan's Plot and Man's Fall

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SLIDE 2 - 1 PETER 5:8

I. Satan plotted to frustrate God's purpose with man

- God planned to express and represent God
- But Satan plotted, to usurp and damage the uesse
A. Satan, the devil, is the slanderer
-slandering is always a lie
B. God's intention was to get into man to be one with man but Satan schemed to
get into man before God could
C. Satan had the evil intention to corrupt and destroy man's vessel so that it would
be ruined for God's plan
-even today satan is still working to young people, ex. abuse of drugs and
alcohol, etc.
II.Satan carried out his plot by deceiving Eve
A. He appeared to Eve as a serpent
-pretending to be what he was not
-He is the tempter (Matt. 4:3) and the liar (John 8:44)
B. He lied to Eve and caused Eve to misunderstand God's love, doubt God's heart
and ignore God's word-Gen
-Do they feel God loves them?
-young people misconception(deceived by the evil one) of God's heart toward
III. Man fell by acting independently from God
A. Eve assumed the headship instead of depending on her husband
B. Adam and Eve used their soul instead of their spirit
- Suppose yaur friends urge you to follow them...
- What will my friends think of me if I say I need to ask my parents?
C. Adam and Eve acted with their body to take in the poisonous fruit of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil
-Whenever the soul takes the lead, it directs the body to do
things that offend God.
IV. Man's vessel was damaged
A. Man's body was changed in nature to become the flesh
B. Man's soul was polluted, corrupted, and occupied
C. Man's spirit was deadened
D. The damage to man's vessel was passed on to all mankind, constituting man a
sinner under God's condemnation
V. Man was driven out of the garden of Eden and kept away from the tree of life

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