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MEEN 431: Advanced System Dynamics and Controls

Solutions HW #1

Question 1:
1. Degrees of freedom
# of bodies: 4
# of pin pairs: 4
# of constraints due to rolling without slipping: 2
# of overconstraint by the center bar: 1
DOF = 3 4 2 4 2 2 1 1
2. Coordinates
x : Displacement of disks and the bar
( x1 , y1 ) : Coordinate of side rod
: Rotation angle of disks
3. Kinematic relations
No slip:
R x
Taking time derivative, we have
R& x&
& &
x& (1)
Coordinates of the side rod:
x1 x r sin

y1 r cos
Taking time derivative, we have

x&1 x& r&cos

y&1 r&sin

& & & & &2

1 x r cos r sin
x& &
y& r&
&sin r&2 cos

4. Free body diagrams


Side rod:

5. EOM
F1 y F2 y N1 Mg 0

F1x F2 x Ff 1 Mx&
& (3)

F2 y r sin F2 x r cos F f 1R I&

& (4)
Disk 2:
F3 y F4 y N 2 Mg 0

F3 x F4 x Ff 2 Mx&
& (5)

F4 y r sin F4 x r cos F f 2 R I&

& (6)
F1 y F3 y mg 0 (7)
F1x F3 x mx&
& (8)
Side rod:
F2 y F4 y mg my&
&1 (9)
F2 x F4 x mx&
1 (10)
where I MR 2 is the moment of inertia of the disk.
Adding (4) to (6),
( F2 y F4 y )r sin ( F2 x F4 x )r cos ( F f 1 Ff 2 ) R 2 I&
From (9), we have
F2 y F4 y mg my&
&1 (12)
From (10), we have
F2 y F4 y mx&
From (3) and (5), we have
Ff 1 F f 2 2 Mx&
& F1x F3 x F2 x F4 x
Adding (8) and (10), we have
F1x F3 x F2 x F4 x mx&
& mx&
1 (15)
Plugging (12)-(15) into (11),
(mg my&1 ) r sin mx1r cos (2 Mx mx mx1 ) R 2 I
& && &
& & & & & (16)
Substituting (1) and (2) into (16) to get the EOM as of ,
mgr sin mr 2&
&sin 2 mr 2&2 sin cos 2mRr& &cos mr 2&
&cos 2 mr 2&2 sin cos
2 MR 2&& 2mR 2& & mRr&2 sin 2 I& &
Thus, the EOM is
((3M m) R 2 m( R r cos ) 2 mr 2 sin 2 )&
& mrR sin &2 mgr sin 0

6. Natural frequency
Taking small angle assumption, the linearized EOM around 0 = 0 is:
((3M m) R 2 m( R r ) 2 )&
& mgr 0 (17)
Thus the natural frequency is
(3M m) R 2 m( R r ) 2
Question 2:
1. Degrees of freedom
# of bodies: 1
# of constraints due to rolling without slipping: 2
DOF = 3 1 1 2 1
2. Coordinates
: Rotation angle of the line through the cylindrical surface
: Rotation angle of the rotor w.r.t. ground
3. Kinematic relations
No slip:
r& ( R r )&
Taking time derivative, we have
r& ( R r )&

& ( R r )&

4. Free body diagram

5. Equation of motion
Ff Mg sin Ma M ( R r )&
& (2)

Ff r I&
& (3)
Substituting (1) and (3) into (2), we have the governing equation of the system
( 2
M )( R r )&
& Mg sin 0 (4)
6. Natural frequency
Using small angle assumption, the linearized EOM is
( M )( R r )&
& Mg 0 (5)
Thus the natural frequency around the static equilibrium position is
( M )( R r )
Question 3:
1. Degrees of freedom
Apparently the bar has only 1-DOF of longitudinal motion.
2. Coordinates
x : Displacement of the bar with the origin located at the center of the two bearings
3. Free body diagram

4. Equation of motion
N1 (a x) N 2 (a x) (1)
N1 N 2 Mg 0 (2)
Ff 1 Ff 2 Mx&
& (3)
Substituting the following constitutive relations for the friction
Ff 1 fN1

Ff 2 fN 2

into (3),
& f ( N1 N 2 )
Mx& (4)
Solving for N1 and N2 with (1) and (2) and plugging them into (4), the governing
equation of motion is:
& gfx 0
ax& ( x l 2 a)
5. Natural frequency
The natural frequency is
Question 4:
1. Degrees of freedom
# of bodies: 2
# of pins: 2
DOF = 3 2 2 2 2
2. Coordinates
1 : Rotation angle of bar1
2 : Rotation angle of bar2
3. Free body diagrams
Bar 1: Bar 2:

4. Equation of motion
Bar 1:

& M mg l sin
I& (1)
1 1
Bar 2:

& M mg l sin
I& (2)
2 2
where I m is the moment of inertia of the bars; M k (1 2 ) is the reaction
moment exerted by a torsional spring.
Substituting the external moments, and taking small angle assumption, we have the
EOMs in matrix form:
l2 l
3m 0 && k mg k
1 2 1 0

2 & & (3)
l l 2 0
0 m 2 k k mg
3 2
6. Natural frequencies
Using the Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) condition and the singularity condition,
l2 l
m3 0 k mg k
Denoting M ,K then solve det(K 2 M ) 0 to
0 m k k mg
3 2
obtain the natural frequencies
3g 3 g 6k
n1 , n 2
2l 2l ml 2
Question 5:
1. Degrees of freedom
This is a 2 DOF spring-mass system.
2. Coordinates
x1 : Displacement of mass1

x2 : Displacement of mass2
3. Free body diagrams

Note: The origins are taken to be located at each static equilibrium positions to simplify
the computation without the need to take weight into consideration.

4. Equation of motion
m1&1 ( k1 k 2 k3 ) x1 ( k 2 k3 ) x2 0
m2 &2 ( k 2 k3 ) x1 ( k 2 k3 ) x2 0
In matrix form,
m 0 & 1 3k 2k x1 0
0 m &
x& 2 2k 2 k x2 0 (1)
6. Natural frequencies and mode shapes
Using the Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) condition and the singularity condition,
m 0 3k 2k
Denoting 0 m , 2k 2k , then solve the characteristic function
det(K 2 M ) 0 to obtain the natural frequencies,
k k
n1 0.6622 , n 2 2.136
m m

A 1 0
(K 2 M )

Substitute n1 and n 2 into A 2 0 ,
Then the corresponding mode shapes are:

A 1 1 A 1 1
A 2 1.2808 A 2 0.7808

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