Basic Japanese Ingredients

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Basic Japanese Ingredients with any short or medium grain

Abura-age or deep-fried tofu
pouches are found in the
refrigerated or frozen sections of
Asian supermarkets. They should Japanese sesame oil is milder
be blanched for 30 seconds in a than Chinese sesame oil. If not
small amount of boiling water to available, you may substitute with
soften and remove excess oil. Chinese sesame oil by diluting 1
part sesame oil with 1 part
Bonito flakes are the shavings of vegetable oil.
dried, smoked, and cured bonito
fish, sold in fine or coarse flakes in Mirin is a sweet liquid made by
small plastic packs. Fine flakes are mixing and fermenting steamed
used as a garnish while coarse glutinous rice with shoju (a distilled
flakes are used to make dashi fish spirit similar to vodka). It adds a
stock. Store unused portions in an lovely glaze to grilled foods and is
airtight container or plastic bag. used to flavor soup stocks,
marinades, and dressings.
Dashi powder is the equivalent of
Western soup stock powder. It is Miso is a fermented paste made
used to make dashi fish stock and from soybeans and wheat. Red
as a basic seasoning in many miso paste is red to brown in
Japanese recipes including soups color, high in protein and tastes
and salad dressings. more salty than white miso
paste, which is sweeter and milder
Garlic chives or Chinese chives than red miso. Miso is used to
have very long, thin, and flat green enhance the flavor of soups,
leaves that form a very flat shoot stocks, and dressings, and as a
at the bottom. They have a grilling baste for meat and fish.
relatively short shelf life. Never allow miso paste to boil as it
loses its flavor and digestive
Japanese cucumbers are smaller properties. Store in a refrigerator
and thinner than normal after opening.
cucumbers, similar to baby
cucumbers or pickling gherkins, Mushrooms are a vital ingredient
which are a good substitute. in Japanese cuisine. Shiitake
Japanese cucumbers taste sweeter mushrooms are large and meaty,
and do not have the coarse seeds and used in soups, stir-fries, and
of large cucumbers. side dishes, or as a meat
substitute. Shimeji mushrooms
Japanese rice is a short grain are thin, light brown mushrooms
variety that is slightly more starchy that grow in a cluster. The thick
than Thai or Chinese long grain root section should be removed
rice. Available from most and the cluster broken apart before
supermarkets, it can be substituted cooking. They can be substituted
with shiitake or Chinese wood ear in vinegar. This pickling process gives
mushrooms. Enoki mushrooms are the ginger its distinctive color. It is
clusters of slender, cream-colored sold in jars and used as a garnish.
stalks with tiny cps, and are available
fresh or in cans. The tough ends of Rice wine vinegar is slightly
the enoki mushroom should be sweeter and milder than cider or wine
discarded before use. vinegars. It is used in making sushi
rice, in dressings and as a basic

Noodles come in many different Sake is a brewed alcoholic beverage

sizes and shapes. Udon noodles are also known as a Japanese rice wine.
made from wheat, and are either flat Chinese rice wine or sherry may be
or round but generally quite thick. used as a substitute.
Packets of whitish-beige dried udon
are available in Japanese stores. Sansho pepper is a mildly hot and
Potato starch noodles are about 20 aromatic seed (also known as
cm (8 in) long, very brittle when dried Japanese prickly ash). It is the main
and clear to opaque in color. Mung ingredient in Japanese seven-spice
bean noodles or tang hoon are chili mix (shichimi), and tastes similar
thin, transparent noodles that are to Chinese Sichuan pepper, which
often used in soups. Dried rice may be used as a substitute.
vermicelli or bee hoon should be
soaked in hot water until they Seven-spice chili mix or shichimi
become soft, then blanched in boiling togarashi is a blend of ground chili
water for 1-3 minutes and rinsed. and other seasonings, including
mustard, sansho, and black sesame
Nori is a type of seaweed pressed seeds.
into very thin sheets and baked (yaki
nori) or seasoned with sweetened soy Shiso leaves are large, flat green
sauce (ajitesuke nori). It is sold in 23 leaves that a flavor similar to basil,
x 17 cm (9 x 7 in) sheets and usually mint, and spearmint. Fresh basil, or a
packed in bundles of 10. Yaki nori is mix of fresh basil and spearmint are
used for making sushi rolls, while the closest substitutes.
ajitsuke nori is served with rice or
crisps as an appetizer. Before use, Soy sauce is brewed from wheat,
hold a nori sheet over an open flame salt, and soy beans. Dark soy sauce
for a few seconds so that it becomes gives a slightly smoky flavor to a
lightly toasted, or toast it in a toaster dish, while light soy sauce is thinner
oven. and saltier. If unavailable, use
Chinese soy sauce.
Potato starch is similar to cornflour
but is more readily dissolved in liquid Wasabi is a pungent root similar in
without becoming lumpy. Cornflour is taste to ginger and hot mustard. It is
a good substitute. sold fresh, as a prepared pate, or in
dried powdered form. Fresh wasabi
Red pickled ginger is made by root should be peeled and finely
pickling ginger slices first in salt, then grated from the stem top down and
should be used within 1-2 days of with mustard added. Wasabi paste
cutting as it loses its freshness and can be the powdered form made into
pungency very quickly. The powdered a paste, or real wasabi made into a
variety is cheaper, but it is actually paste. Real wasabi is more expensive,
powdered horseradish colored green but has a more distinctive flavor.

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