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Date: Febru ary tr-3, ZOLT


BSE Lirnited
De.partment of Corporate
Phjroze Jeejeebhoy
25'n Floor Dalal
Mumbai- 400001

the quarter ended on

ilfi#";HLTJJIT';ff;:-'ror 31,rDecember, 2016
Scrip Code: 523g40

Dear SirA,

In terms of the provisions

of Regulation 33 of sEBr (Listing
Requirements) Regulations' oblrgations and Disclosure
20L5, ir'," eouro of Directors
held today' have inter of the cornpany at
aria, approved and their meeting
taken on record the
i.. Unaudited Standafone
financial r esults of
Decemben 31, 2016. the Company for the
euarter ended on
2' Limited Review Report
for the quarter ended
on December 31., 2016.
You are requested
to kindry take on record
of the same.

Thanking you
Your Sincerely,
For Innovative Tech

Vishesh Cha
(Company Secretary)

rnrrc)rra.tive Tech pacl< Ltd_


corp' office : g01-g05. a{r r_r.oo1 Tower-2, Assotech Business cresterra, plot No.-22,
Secto.r-1 35, Noida-2o1'301,
ptr., rif ZO_Zi
E-mail :inpack@der2.vsnlnet,in, website,***
Regd office: ptot No-5.1. noz ra'veo lnousiiliil;: L74999HR198 gpLco32412
Plant 1: Ptot No - 32, secror-4, re sidcur, pani."* _Sohna, oi.ii, India
Plant 2: Kamrup paper Miil comprex, ciouro
ir"""i i'lj! rlr.s.
G;, Hfirlpur _ zosr+5 Uttarakhand
r.rn_sr , nmlng;;.; b-r*"r,'"ti, Kamrup
Plant 3: (Unit ll)' Khasra No' rz,'rrrearAsnot Assam 7g1031 rndia
r-"r)il'io, virrug" Ch"Grpliiii.ii-'^u.s. Nggar,
Plant 4: Plot No - 14,'15"17 to zi, npsiot, Rudrapur - 263153 uttarakhand
i;il'"i;i';iAr"u,b""ni e;[Jibj-J.- sor"n, pin code-1i+r01
Branch office : Innovative recn pair<limitJ g6"diiz, iinnachar pradesh
Branch office - 22' Ground Floor, Prabhad""iilJrriii"r 51
Fr9"t i,ri. Eii"te..p"* Lane, Secundrabad 500003 India
estate,'+oz, veJi"u"rk",- Marg, opp - siddivinayak
remple Mumbai - 4ooo2s
Regd. Office: 51, Roz-Ka-Meo, Industrial Area, Sohna, Gurgaon (Haryana)
Un-Audited Financial Results
of Una Results
S.No, 3 months ended 3 months ended 3 months ended 9 months ended 9 months ended Current
3lsf Dec 2016 30th Sep 2016 3lst Dec 2015 3lst Dec 2016 31st Dec 2015 accounting
UnAudited UnAuditd UnAudited Unaudited Unaudited yea.r endd

(Rs. In Lacs) (Rs. In Lacs) (Rs, In Lacs) (Rs. In Lacs) (Rs, In Lacs) (Rs. In Lacs)
I lncome lrom operatrons
Net Sales 2,776.51 I ,850. I 3 1,749.24 6,528.94 s,221.26 9,012.15
Other Operating Income I t.88 48.34 22.26 93.71 s5.73 87.99
l'otal Income from oDerations 2,788.39 1.898,47 1,771.50 6.622.65 s,276.99 9,100.15
(lncrease)/Decrease in stock in trade & work in progresi (s9.23 (36.25 J6.JJ (e5.48 (60.37) (69.79
Consumption of raw nraterial/packing material 1,662.93 1,006.80 854.80 3,656.03 2,847.90 5,464.35
Employees eost 190.69 88.80
I 182.24 544.01 517.15 672.16
Depreciation 203.80 205.19 143.65 585.50 416.82 588.00
Power and fuel 198.30 165.04 157.16 539. l9 475.23 672.70
Other expenditure t40.23 l73.ll 489.52 464.35 697.35

I OtAl eXpenses 2.415.60 r.669.82 1.549.30 5,718.78 4,661.09 8,024.77

3 Profit from operation before other income, interest , 372.79 228.65 222.19 903.87 6 I 5.89 1,075.37
and exceptional items ( l-2)
Oaher Income I t.5) I t.5J
f, Profit before interest and exceptional Items 372.79 306.00 222.r9 981.22 615.89 1,075.37
6 Finance costs i 78.87 143.03 t34.99 450.34 274.75 397.54
7 Profit after interest but before exceptional items 193.92 r62.96 87,20 530.88 341,14 6?7.84
8 Prior Period Income( [xpense)(net)
9 Exceptional Income/(Expense)
fiz.96 fi2.96\ (216.40
l0 193 92 162.96 74.24 s30.88 328.19
ll 461,44
Earlier Year
Det'erred Tax
l2 Xet erontl+yt-oss (-) from ordinary activities after tax
328 19 34r.44
13 Extraordin4ry items
t4 L\er frott(+)/Loss (-) lrom the period (12-13) 193.92 762.96 74.24 s30.88 328.t9 341,44
15 Paid up equity share capital (Face Value ofRs. l/- each) 218.6s 218.6s 2r8.65 218.65 218.65 218.65
t6 Resewe per balance sheet ol previous accounting year

t7 Earning per share (EPS) 0.89 0.75 0.34 z.+J 1.50 1.56
a) Basic and diluted EPS before and after Extraordinary items for the
period, for the year to date and for the previous year (not to be

Basic and diluted EPS after Extraordinary iterns for the period, for
the year to date and for the previous year (not to be annualized)
0.89 0.75 0.34 z.q) r.50 ,.ral

I Theaboveresultswerereviewedbytheauditcommitteeandapprovedbytheboard-ofdirectorsattheirmeetingheldonFeb13,20
2 The figures for the corresponding previous period have been restated/
regrouped wherever necessary, to make them comparable.
e tigures ortne current quarter are
20t6-t7 financialyear

3 Provision for Income Tax will be made at year end after considering various deductions
u/s 80IC and 80IE as units of company are in exempted zone
and it is not possible to estimate the same now

r&A u Assocwt%
Cfiorured Axcouflta#s



The Board of Directors.
trnnovative Tech Pack Linrited

We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of Innovative Teoh
Pack Limited for the Quarter and nine months ended 3lst December, 2016. This sktement is the
responsibility of the Companyrs Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors.
Our responsibility is to issue a rport on these financial statements based on our review.
We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410,
Review of Intsrim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity
issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and
perform the review to obtain moderate assuranoe as to whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries.of company personnel and
analytical procedures applied ts financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We
have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
beliovo that'tho acconrpanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in acoordance
with applicable accounting standards and other recognized accounting praotices and policies has
not disclosed the infonnation required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 oi the SEIM
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 including the manner in
which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.

For KRA & Associates

Chartered Accountants
Firm Registration No. -

ir Sardand
Membership No. - 1i 74j

Date: 13 February,2017.

&50, 1st Floor, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar - lV, New Delhi Ph.': 97 ll 26f25140 Fax : 9l tl 2603 M36

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