Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Teacher: Miss Entringer

Setting up my classroom: I want to create classroom that is warm and welcoming for the
students. I will have posters on the wall and as the year goes on I will display student work on
the wall as well. Some of the different areas I hope to set up in my classroom someday are: a
class library and reading area, a carpet square for whole group discussions, a technology area,
small table for small group gatherings, and the students desks and whiteboard. I plan to either
arrange the students desks in half circle so that all the students can see each other as well as
the teacher in clear view, or in pods of four to allow for simple individual, pairs, or group work.
My desk will be located in an area where I can see all students in the classroom at all times, and
materials will be accessible to students in bins in the classroom.
Procedures: I will have explain and model procedures expected by students at the beginning of
the year. The procedures will include, but arent limited to, transitions into and out of the
classroom; how to transition into small-group instruction; as well as playground, restrooms,
distributing materials, classroom helpers, fire drills, etc.
Rules/Expectations in my classroom:

Respect other and their property.

Raise your if you want a turn to talk.
When the teacher is talking, you are listening.
ALWAYS use kind words.

First warning- I will simply ask the student to explain to me what he or she did wrong.
Second warning- Student will pick one of the three reflect circles that will be taped to
the floor to go sit on and find out how they can resolve the problem and then come
back to the group.
Third warning- Parents will be contacted if behavior persists.
Goal: That students may behave appropriately in the classroom not for a reward or to avoid a
consequence, but because it is what is expected of them.

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