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‘THE WHITE HOUSE February 13,2017 Inthe course of my duties a the incoming Nations Seouty Advisor, held numerous phone ells wit foreign counterparts, ministers and ambassadors Thon > foil moth transition and begin to build the necessity relationships between the President, his advisors and ore leaders, Such, calls.are standard practic in any tansiton of thi Unfortunately, because ofthe fst pace of evens, | inadvertently briefed the Vice President Elect and ‘others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassadot. {have sincerely apologized to the Presiden and the Viee President and they have accepted my apology. “Throughout my over thty thre years of honorable military’ serves, and my tenure asthe National Security Advisor, I have always performed my dts withthe unos of integrity and honesty to those L hhave served o include the Present of th United Stats. dering my resignation, honored to have served our nation aid the American people in such a Aistnguished way. | am nso extremely honored to have served Presiden Trump, wo in jst tree weoks has eorented ‘Amerian foreign policy in fundamental ways to restore America's leadership position in the word. ‘As Estep away once again fom serving my nation in this eurent pacity wish o thank President “Trump foe his personal loyalty, the fiendshipof those who I worked with throughout the hatd Fought ‘campaign, the challenging period of transition and during the early days a his presidency. now with the strong leadership of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and the super team they are assmblin, tis team wl go dow in history as one ofthe greatest presidencies in US history, and tiemly believe the American people will be well serve as they all work together to help Make America Great Again,

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