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Curtains Notes:


.Mason you are a guy in the opening number do not sing soprano we can hear you

.Ally have sharp arms with energy

.Dont have audible side conversations onstage

.Ally stick to a position don't figit around

.nice facials in Wide Open Spaces Ally K Heather and Jordan

.Ally own Jessicas mess ups and mess up confidently

. React more to the Christian Science Monitor line

.take a lot more time with a line

.slow down when looking for the piece of the newspaper that fell

.everyone around Carmen get more excited during the kiss me I'm Irish line

.onj get a lot closer to Antonia when your angry during the line before Hi Bobby

. Olive take Aaron to the side during Bobby and Georgia's lines

.Onj when Amanda says Aaron play don't go to the piano right away, react first

.have quiet feet when coming in for thinking of him DONT STOMP

.Hannah slow down and milk the first time you clear your mouth to get people's attention

.nice facials in the woman's dead Onj Rebecca Nicole and Alisa

. When ensemble says ad libing lines they need to be MUCH LOUDER and one after another

without awkward pauses

.Some people should leave during the No Way line

. Mason slow down all your lines about the pewter ring

.Patrick be much louder with your first line backstage

. Patrick react to Hannah screaming it's Bambi before moving on to your next line


.Mason slow down and enunciate, some of your lines are being thrown away

. mason cross infront of Jessica during coffee shop nights not behind

.Mason during Georgia can't dance cross behind them on the platform to exit the theatre

.Mason don't cross behind the group during Grady's scene

.Chris Alvord great articulation!

.Patrick check out Jessica's butt during that dress looks really nice with your eyes

.Jessica and Mason slow down and milk the whole part about you won't let me leave

.Christopher Smith get more aggravated during when Mason slows down

.Mason slow down more during the whole lackluster part

.Please work on the harmonies in In the Same Boat 1

.everyone look more guilty when Cioffi says explain why you committed murder after the first in

the same boat

.Chris Smith leave thatway with a purpose

.can can girls and cowboys interact when Georgia is singing during the beginning of thataway

.can can girls when you are in the back still have facial expressions we can still see you

.SHARP ARMS! Keep the energy through your fingers

. Stop fixing yourself and adjusting while onstage


.ally be mean when you yell put me down

.ally make sure Kansas forever is clear and audible

.connor and Chris use the platforms when giving flowers

.first group of bows leave faster

.arms sharp at end position during bows

.Al move table more downstage during what kind of man

.more in your faces and eyes when moving newspapers

.grace take more time with huge Broadway smash

.end what kind of man CENTER

.Onj slow down and don't have the same inflection with each line

.chris articulate

.ensemble look annoyed when Bambi is talking

. Good job Chloe

.practice holding for laughter

.Grace use your hands more when you are talking

.more in everyone's eyes during the woman's dead, make it so intense that it is funny

.refer to the picture when walking to it, Hannah push it over

.Al take picture off during woman's dead

. Chris A stop looking at the floor

.ensemble exit during let's have a slobber knocker of a wake SR

.Al don't get too angry at Sidney

.Patrick right right up to Bambi during well hello


.Jessica project more

.Jessica cheat out more

.Al don't say tree drop

.Carmen and Sidney have a conversation in office before coming downstairs

.Connor go to piano as dectextive and interview Aaron and Georgia

.Connor walk with more authority

.Chris say Aaron instead of Sasha during in the same boat

.evryine react more with the bar b bar saloon line

.Amanda articulate more with that line

.ensemble be on platforms for: GEORGIA CANT DANCE AND IN THE SAME BOAT 1

.paige and Nicole make sure to be splitting center during that away


.Put all props BACK on prop table

.When everyone is dancing in thataway when Georgia is dancing in the middle cheer

.Look more guilty when lights come up from blackout

.SL during the briefcase scene be closer together

.Chris say 5 6 7 8 clearly

.Commotion by the piano when there is trouble with the curtain

.when you do thataway fast your feet should still be together

.purpose for falling back asleep in he did it

.react to nikkis line my fingers prints are all over them

.come back to standing near Bobby when you know he is innocent

.more ensemble on platforms after he did it

.When Carmen says the lines about Sidney everyone look to where he was hung

.Hannah take more time with Im ready

.Go over its a business!!!

.people sing backstage for its a business

.Amanda come forwards for your line it was my idea

.ensemble leave slower after 10 min break

.Janelle slow down with the ive seen your boyfriends in the closet wearing makeup.

.Mason come closer to Jenny when interogating her

.Jessica come on stage with purpose for the scene with aaron and georgia

.Mason pause more and really be in a trance because of Nikki before saying I was doing


.Mason start to arrest Georgia before interrupted by Aaron

.Antonia Onj stand closer to each other during duet and really show your love for each other

.Onj pause after write with me.. Be with me

.Antonia dont pull away from kiss so fast, wait before saying wait a second

.Mason have a different persona around Nikki, smile more


.Mason cheat out when talking to Jessica after the dream, be really excited

.Jenny be more demanding when talking to Ben

.Jenny struggle more to get to paper and really take time ripping it and holding it up

.Mermaids practice dance over and over during that scene


.Reb Chloe Antonia Hannah be more upstage from the mermaids

.pause more Grace before I shouldn't have said that

.pause more Amanda before no pun intented

.Mason limp and act hurt after falling

.Go over arms mermaids for in the same boat

.Mason move around when finally solving the crime

. Mason find points to pause and take beats during the part where you piece it all together

.Connor be confident and act like an authority figure

.Hannah take time with your last line about Bobby

.Onj when Antonia pulls you backstage make a face back at Cioffi and everyone

.Mason Janelle stay close together during scene together

.Mason more sarcasm when you say you don't think I know that

.Duck when gun is shot SL

.Cioffi be alot softer when saying come here Nikki

.Mason hand on Janelles shoulder during your amazing

.Janelle walk downstage before confessing to murdering Sidney

.while enesemble does the tough act dance Mason and Nikki come up stairs

.Everyone who leans on piano be careful not to make it move when leaning


.Amanda don't go around olive. Cross in front and go straight to office.

.Onj don't walk backwards

.bambi don't walk in so angry during thinking of him

.ensemble don't walk in during thinking of him like you are going in a specific spot,, get there

with purpose

.Antonia and Chris make sure to be center

.Jordan when confessing to your secret don't play as innocent. Be like So what? Then a little

more annoyed when you say I hoped it would stay private.

.since you are more visible on platforms during he did it add more character

.react to Nikki's fingerprint lines! I said this twice

.olive slow down

.Heather more cheesy with 3 heads

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