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Project Name, Application Name

Version 1.2
User Manual, February, 2010
Client Name, City, Country


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CRM User Manual


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About this Manual
This manual provides the tasks/scenarios that can be performed using the CRM application.


This manual has been written to help you understand the scenarios in the Application
NameApplication. It contains the procedures that you should know for performing your business tasks.

Intended Audience

This manual is intended for the personnel in the Department Name.


Following are the prerequisites for performing the tasks presented in this manual:

Functional Basic functional knowledge of the services provided by BSNL

Technical Basic knowledge of Siebel application

Should have attended CDR training conducted for CSRs

Organisation of the Manual

Information in this manual has been organised as follows:

Organisation of this Manual

Chapter Description

Business Scenarios

Landline Lists various Business Scenarios for Landline

WLL & PCO Lists various Business Scenarios for WLL
PCO Lists various Business Scenarios for PCO
Centrex Group Lists various Business Scenarios for Centrex Group
Call Hunting Lists various Business Scenarios for Call Hunting Group
ISDN Lists various Business Scenarios for ISDN
Complaints Lists various Business Scenarios for Complaints
Broadband Lists various Business Scenarios for Broadband

Typographical Conventions

The following table gives the details of the typographical conventions used in the document:

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CRM User Manual

Typographical Conventions

Formatting Type of Information

Title Case & Bold All the buttons used in the application are written in Title Case & Bold
font. For example, Click Submit Order
Italics All the error messages, alerts, status of the fields and values are
written in Italics. For example, A message, Validations Successful,
Field Names All the field names in this document are written in Title Case. For
example, The Account Name field is a hyperlink
User-entered text Text that you enter appears in Arial font


The following documents were used as references:

ii. CRM System Requirements Specifications V2.4

iii. BID DOCUMENT 2006_7.8.
Feedback and Suggestions


|Support Hotline: 1500|>

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1 Business scenarios Landline....................................................................................6

1.1 Scenarios in CRM.................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 New Permanent Phone Connection.......................................................................................6
1.2.1 Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection using the Auto Order Feature..................................7
1.2.2 Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection manually................................................................10
1.3 Free Connection.................................................................................................................. 12
1.4 BSNL Sulabh Plan............................................................................................................... 12
1.5 Casual Connection............................................................................................................... 13
1.6 Disconnection due to Misuse............................................................................................... 13
1.7 Disconnection due to Non-Payment.....................................................................................14
1.8 Safe Custody/Reconnection from Safe Custody..................................................................14
1.9 Facility Provisioning for Landline.......................................................................................... 15
1.10 Facility Disconnection for Landline.......................................................................................17
1.11 Accessory Provisioning for Landline....................................................................................18
1.12 Accessory Disconnection for Landline.................................................................................19
1.13 Voluntary Disconnection of Landline(Permanent Disconnection of Landline)......................20
1.14 Shift of Landline within the Exchange(without number change)...........................................21
1.15 Shift of Landline within the Exchange(with number change)................................................24
1.16 Shift of Landline Across Exchanges with number change(and within zones).......................27
1.17 Shift of Landline Across Exchanges.....................................................................................29
1.18 Shift of Outdoor recreation................................................................................................... 32
1.19 Shift of Landline Across Zones............................................................................................. 33
1.20 Landline Transfer Third Party Transfer without Installation Address change.....................34
1.21 Landline Transfer Third Party Transfer with Installation Address change..........................35
1.22 Cancel Order........................................................................................................................ 37
1.23 Change in Bill Plan - Land Line............................................................................................ 37
1.24 FLPP Disconnection............................................................................................................. 38
1.25 Customer Name Change..................................................................................................... 38
1.26 Change in Billing Address.................................................................................................... 40
1.27 Permanent Closure due to Expiry of Date (Casual).............................................................41
1.28 Reconnection after Disconnection due to Misuse................................................................41
1.29 Change in Number- Land Line............................................................................................. 42
1.30 Conversion of Fixed Landline to Prepaid FLPP...................................................................42
1.31 Conversion of Prepaid to Fixed Landline.............................................................................43
1.32 Reconnection Order Creation.............................................................................................. 43
1.33 LL To WLL Conversion......................................................................................................... 44
1.34 WLL To LL Conversion......................................................................................................... 45

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1.35 Note: Deposit Override......................................................................................................... 46

2 Business Scenarios - WLL.........................................................................................47

2.1 New WLL Fixed.................................................................................................................... 47
2.2 WLL-TNF Connection.......................................................................................................... 48
2.3 WLL Facility Provisioning..................................................................................................... 49
2.4 WLL Fixed Disconnection or WLL Permanent Closure........................................................49
2.5 WLL -TNF Facility Disconnection......................................................................................... 49
2.6 WLL Shift Scenarios Within same exchange and without number change........................49
2.7 WLL Shift Scenarios - Within same exchange and with number change.............................49
2.8 WLL Shift Scenarios - Across exchanges............................................................................49
2.9 New WLL Prepaid Fixed/Mobile........................................................................................... 49
2.10 WLL Prepaid - Modify........................................................................................................... 52
2.11 WLL Prepaid Disconnection (Permanent Closure)............................................................53
2.12 Note: Deposit Override......................................................................................................... 53

3 Business Scenarios EVDO/NIC...............................................................................55

3.1 New EVDO Connection........................................................................................................ 55
3.1.1 Creating a New EVDO New Connection..........................................................................................55
3.2 Creating EVDO Modify Order............................................................................................... 57
3.2.1 Change in Acquisition Type..............................................................................................................57
3.2.2 Change of ESN for EVDO................................................................................................................ 58
3.2.3 Change of Indicator for EVDO(Number Change).............................................................................58
3.2.4 Change of Accessories for EVDO.....................................................................................................59
3.2.5 Change of Usage Code for EVDO....................................................................................................59
3.3 Creating EVDO Shift Orders................................................................................................ 59
3.3.1 Shift of EVDO within the Exchange (without number change).........................................................59
3.3.2 Shift of EVDO Across the Exchange.................................................................................................62
3.4 Creating EVDO Disconnection Order...................................................................................64
3.5 EVDO/NIC Assurance.......................................................................................................... 65
3.5.1 Instrument Fault Scenario.................................................................................................................65
3.5.2 Billing Usage Charge Scenario.........................................................................................................65
3.5.3 Facility and Accessory Issue.............................................................................................................66
3.6 My Assigned Request.......................................................................................................... 67
3.6.1 My Dunning Activity View.................................................................................................................. 67
3.6.2 Approving/Rejecting the Dunning Request for VIP Customers........................................................67
3.7 Note: Deposit Override......................................................................................................... 68

4 Business Scenarios - PCO.........................................................................................69

4.1 PCO Closure........................................................................................................................ 69
4.2 PCO Shift Across Exchanges............................................................................................... 69

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4.3 PCO Shift within Exchange (without number change)..........................................................69

4.4 PCO Shift within Exchange (with number change)..............................................................69
4.5 PCO Accessory Provisioning............................................................................................ 69
4.6 New PCO Connection for Local, STD and ISD PCOs..........................................................69
4.7 Disconnection due to Non Payment.....................................................................................70
4.8 Permanent Closure due to Non Payment.............................................................................71
4.9 Note: Deposit Override......................................................................................................... 71

5 Business Scenarios - Centrex....................................................................................73

5.1 New Centrex Connection..................................................................................................... 73
5.2 Facility Provisioning for Centrex........................................................................................... 75
5.3 Adding a Landline service to a Centrex Group.....................................................................75
5.4 Removing a Landline number from a Centrex Group...........................................................76
5.5 Centrex Disconnection - with Landline Connection..............................................................77
5.6 Centrex: FR0400 Technical Faults....................................................................................78
5.7 Centrex: FR0401 Billing Complaints.................................................................................78
5.8 Note: Deposit Override......................................................................................................... 78

6 Business Scenarios - Call Hunting Group................................................................80

6.1 New Landlines forming new Call Hunting Group..................................................................80
6.2 Adding Landline connection to a Call Hunting Group...........................................................82
6.3 New Landline forming existing Call Hunting Group..............................................................83
6.4 Deleting/Removing a member from Call Hunting Group......................................................84
6.5 Deletion of entire Call Hunting Group..................................................................................86
6.6 Change of pilot number in CH group....................................................................................88
6.7 Disconnection of pilot number.............................................................................................. 90
6.8 Disconnection of child number............................................................................................. 91
6.9 Facility and Accessory Provisioning for Call Hunting Group.................................................91
6.10 Note: Deposit Override......................................................................................................... 92

7 Business Scenarios - ISDN........................................................................................94

7.1 New ISDN Connection......................................................................................................... 94
7.1.1 Creating a New ISDN BRI/ISDN PRI New Connection....................................................................94
7.2 Creating ISDN Modify Order................................................................................................ 97
7.2.1 Facility Provisioning for ISDN...........................................................................................................97
7.2.2 Facility Disconnection for ISDN........................................................................................................98
7.2.3 Accessory Provisioning for ISDN......................................................................................................98
7.2.4 Pilot Number Change for ISDN.........................................................................................................99
7.2.5 Adding DIDs for ISDN....................................................................................................................... 99
7.2.6 Deletion of DIDs for ISDN...............................................................................................................100

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7.2.7 Increase of Junctions for ISDN.......................................................................................................100

7.3 Creating ISDN Shift Orders................................................................................................ 101
7.3.1 Shift of ISDN within the Exchange (without number change).........................................................101
7.3.2 Shift of ISDN within the Exchange (with number change)..............................................................104
7.3.3 Shift of ISDN Across Exchanges (and within zones)......................................................................107
7.3.4 Shift of ISDN Across Zones............................................................................................................108
7.4 Creating ISDN Disconnection Order..................................................................................108
7.5 Note: Deposit Override....................................................................................................... 109

8 Business Scenarios - Accounting............................................................................111

8.1 Capturing the Outstanding Invoice Adjustments.................................................................111
8.2 Offline Deposits.................................................................................................................. 111
8.2.1 Capturing the Offline Deposits Request..........................................................................................112

9 Business Scenarios - Complaints............................................................................114

9.1 Creating a New Complaint (Technical / Billing)...................................................................114
9.2 Closing the Complaint (Technical / Billing).........................................................................116
9.2.1 Closing the Complaint by CSR.......................................................................................................116
9.2.2 Closing the Complaint by FTO........................................................................................................117
9.2.3 Closing the Complaint by AOTR.....................................................................................................117

10 Business Scenarios Service Requests.............................................................118

10.1 Customer Category Change............................................................................................... 118
10.2 Creation of VIP/VVIP Customers........................................................................................ 119
10.3 Account Level Discount Products.......................................................................................119
10.3.1 Account Level Discounts............................................................................................................119

11 Business Scenarios - Broadband.........................................................................121

11.1 New Broadband Connection.............................................................................................. 121
11.1.1 Creating a New Broadband Connection.....................................................................................121
11.2 Broadband Provision for an existing Landline....................................................................126
11.3 PC Bundling with Broadband............................................................................................. 127
11.4 Modify Scenarios............................................................................................................... 127
11.4.1 Modifying the Broadband...........................................................................................................127
11.4.2 Broadband Static IP Change......................................................................................................128
11.4.3 PC Bundling Pre-closure.........................................................................................................129
11.5 Shift Scenario..................................................................................................................... 129
11.5.1 Shift of Landline within the Exchange (without number change)................................................129
11.5.2 Shift of Landline within the Exchange(with number change)......................................................131
11.5.3 Shift Across exchanges..............................................................................................................133
11.5.4 PC Bundling Shift....................................................................................................................134
11.6 Normal Disconnection........................................................................................................ 134

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11.7 Broadband Disconnection.................................................................................................. 135

11.8 Display IPDRs for Billed and Unbilled Broadband Usage..................................................135
11.9 Broadband Over PCO........................................................................................................ 136
11.10 Prepaid Broadband........................................................................................................ 136
11.10.1 Broadband Prepaid Provision for an existing Landline...............................................................136
11.10.2 Broadband Prepaid Provision for New Landline and Broadband Connection............................137
11.10.3 Modify Scenarios........................................................................................................................137
11.11 Broadband Prepaid Disconnection.................................................................................138
11.12 Broadband Over EPABX................................................................................................ 138
11.12.1 New Order Creation:..................................................................................................................139
11.12.2 Modify Broadband Modify:.......................................................................................................140
11.12.3 Modify - Broadband Network Change:.......................................................................................141
11.12.4 Modify - Broadband Static IP Change:.......................................................................................141
11.12.5 Disconnect Scenario:.................................................................................................................142
11.12.6 BB Over EPABX Installation Address Change Service Request:...............................................142

12 Account Hierarchy.................................................................................................144
12.1 BSNL Account Hierarchy View........................................................................................... 144
12.1.1 Capturing the Account hierarchy request...................................................................................144

A Annexure................................................................................................................... 145
The total number of pages in this document, including the cover page, is 152.

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1 Business scenarios Landline

This section describes the business scenarios performed using different modules of the CRM
application. A business scenario is a procedure which contains number of independent tasks that
span across different modules.

The detailed steps for the individual tasks are explained in the corresponding modules. Some
scenarios explain the interaction with the external applications.

This section provides:

Prerequisites for performing the scenarios
Different scenarios in the CRM application

Pre-requisites to proceed:
Login credentials for CRM application
Prior knowledge about the scenarios

1.1 Scenarios in CRM

Scenarios in CRM can be categorized as follows:

Call Hunting Group

This chapter deals with the Landline scenarios.

1.2 New Permanent Phone Connection

In this scenario, a new customer requests for a new phone connection. The customer details are
collected in the Customer Acquisition Form (CAF) and the details are entered into the system.
Depending on the customers exchange, the Service Id(Phone Number) is provided.

A New Permanent Phone connection is created in two ways:

Using the Auto Order feature

To create a New Permanent Phone Connection, information in the following entities should be
provided in the CRM Application in a particular order as given below.


Customer Accounts

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Billing Accounts


Once the Order is created, the system automatically creates an Asset against that particular order. In
other words, an Asset is created for every completed order. Creating an order is controlled by the
exchange of messages between the downstream systems, that is Clarity and the Billing system. As
per the requirement of the customer, Clarity system controls the switch configurations either manually
or automatically and sends the feedback to CRM in the form of controlled messages.

The above mentioned entities can be created either manually or using a special feature called Auto
Order. This feature is implemented to minimize the time and effort in creating an order. This feature
bypasses creating the Customer Account and the Billing Account. In other words, you can create a
Contact and click Auto Order to automatically create an order using the default values. The
procedures to create a connection using Auto Order feature as well as manually are described in the
following sections.

1.2.1 Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection using the Auto Order Feature
Prerequisites to proceed:
User should login with CRM credentials
Should have prior knowledge about the New Permanent Phone Connection
Users: CSR

To create a New Permanent Phone Connection using the Auto Order feature:

1. Click Contacts screen. The Contacts Home View appears.

2. Click Contacts List link. The Contacts List View appears.
3. Click New (in the upper applet). A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
4. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Surname, Name and Preferred

Depending on the Preferred Communication, the corresponding field value should be

provided. For example, If you chose the Preferred Communication as Email, then
provide information in Email, which then becomes mandatory.

After you enter the Surname/Name, it becomes a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to
navigate to Detail View.

5. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

Note: To refresh or delete the record you just entered, press Esc. After saving a record
anywhere in the application, it cannot be deleted.

6. Click Surname/Name. The Contacts Detail View appears. By default, Addresses View is
Note: In the Detail View, there are several view tabs. Click on any of the view tabs to navigate to
the corresponding views. For example, In Contacts screen, if you click Addresses view tab,
Contacts Addresses view appears.

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7. Click New (in the lower applet). A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow. By
default, the Address Type is selected as Installation Address.
i) Enter the address details of the customer in the lower half of the screen.

ii) Select the appropriate Address Type from the dropdown list. Preferably
Installation Address. In the House No. /Flat No. field, click the Pick Applet to
select or browse the existing address or to provide a new address.

To create a new address,

a. Click on the New button. A form appears.

b. Enter the details of the customers address.

c. Fill details till Main and Sub Locality. The Exchange Name, PIN, and rest of
the details are auto-populated.

d. Click on Save. The earlier applet appears with the newly created address
highlighted in yellow.

e. Click on OK button present on the lower right hand side corner.

Note 1: If the Installation Address and Billing Address are same, press Ctrl+B together. Change
the Address Type field as Billing Address.

Note 2: If the Billing Address is different from the Installation Address, follow Step 7 to create the
Billing Address which is mandatory.

8. Click Auto Order. The Orders Detail view appears.


i) The Order Number is auto-populated. The Customer Account, Billing Account and
Order Header are created automatically.

ii) Auto Order feature works for Landline only.

9. Click Billing Accounts view tab. The Orders Billing Accounts View appears.
10. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Frequency, Bill Type, Preferred Payment, Bill
Media, Bill Period, and Preferred Language Name.
11. Click on Create Account button. The Billing Account becomes active.
12. Click Line Items. The Orders Line Items View appears.
13. Click New (in the lower applet). A new record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
14. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Nominee Name, Nominee Relation and
Note: Depending on the Service Type selected, a Product is created and displayed in the List
Items. Click Line # to view the details of the Products selected.

15. Click Customize. The Product Configuration screen appears. A plan can be selected and
customized according to the requirement of the customer.

a. Click Plans. The Orders Land Line plans appear. By default, None is selected.
Here only one option can be selected. Depending on the Plan selected, the
corresponding Facilities, Calling Level, Accessories and Schemes are selected.

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b. Click Facilities to select one or all among Call Transfer, Call Waiting,
Conference, Calling Line Identification, Incoming Barred, Outgoing Barred, etc

c. Click Calling Level to select one or all of the customers choice for Local, STD,

and ISD.

d. Click Accessories to select one or all of the choices provided.

e. Click Centrex Schemes to choose the relevant scheme.

f. Click Deposit Schemes to select the schemes.

g. Click Installation Schemes to select the installation schemes.

16. Click Done once the selections are over in this screen. If the information provided is
accepted, the Orders Detail View appears.
17. Click Available Numbers. A list with all the available numbers for that particular exchange is
18. Select one of the numbers from the list or enter the last 4 numbers of the customers choice in
the Preferred Number field. Depending on the availability, the list is populated.
Note: If the customer requests for 23456789, enter %6789 in the Preferred Number field to see
if the number is available.

19. Click OK. The number is selected.

20. Click Reserve Number. Once the number is reserved, the Accessory Check button is
21. Click Accessory Check. The Order Sub Status becomes Accessories Check Done. The
feasibility of the accessories is checked.
Note: After the Accessory Check is successful, Validate button is enabled.

22. Click Validate. If the information provided is complete and correct, then the order is validated.
A message Validations are successful, appears.
Note: If any of the information is missing, an appropriate message appears. For example, If
a plan is not selected, a message, Select atleast one plan, appears. Fill in the relevant details
and navigate to Orders Detail View and click Validate.

23. Click OK. The Demand Note button becomes active.

24. Click Demand Note. The Demand Note view appears where the demand note which has
been generated for the requested services is seen. The Make Payment button is active.
Note: If the Deposit Scheme Zero Deposit is selected, then an activity is created for CO. CO
approves this order and can submit it too.

25. Click Make Payment button present in the Demand Note view tab. The PMS screen opens,
asking for login credentials.

h. Based on the service requested, the customer has to pay the deposit as well
as the other charges he is entitled to. Once the payment is made, a Receipt
Number is auto-populated in CRM.

ii. This is the reference Number to search a particular record in Clarity for
generating a Service Order Number (SO number).

26. If the Total Amount in Orders screen is 0.00 only and after the customers payment details are
entered, the Submit Order button is activated

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27. Click Submit Order. The order is created and submitted. A message, Order is submitted
successfully, appears.
Note: Clicking on Submit Order button does not mean that the service is provisioned to the

28. Click on the Milestones view tab. Below the line items, when the SERVICE ORDER task
status is COMPLETED, that is when the customer has been provisioned with the service.

1.2.2 Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection manually

A new Permanent phone connection can be created manually. In order to create the connection, the
details of the customer should be captured in a particular order as given below:

i. Customer Accounts

ii. Addresses

iii. Contacts

iv. Billing Accounts

v. Orders

Prerequisites to proceed:
User should login with CRM credentials
Should have prior knowledge about the New Permanent Phone Connection

Users: CSR

To create a new permanent phone connection manually:

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Click Customer Account List. The Customer Accounts List View appears.

3. Click New (in the upper applet). A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.

Note: Customer Id is auto-populated after the Account details like Account Name and so on are
provided and the record is saved. The default value for Status is Prospect.

4. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Account Name (Surname, Name) and Account

Note: To refresh or delete the record you just entered, press Esc button.

5. Click Surname/Name. The Customer Accounts Detail View appears. By default, the Account
Summary View tab is selected.
In the Detail View, there are several view tabs. Click on any of the view tabs to navigate to the
corresponding views. For example, In Customer Accounts screen, if you click Account Summary view
tab, Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

To create a new connection, the customer has to provide the details in the following view tabs in the
Detail View :

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Billing Accounts

1. Click Addresses. The Customer Accounts Addresses view appears.

2. Click New (in the lower applet). A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow. By default,
the Address Type is selected as Installation Address.

i. Enter the address details of the customer in the lower half of the screen.

ii. Select the appropriate Address Type from the dropdown list. Preferably Installation Address.
In the House No. /Flat No. field, click the Pick Applet to select or browse the existing address
or to provide a new address.

To create a new address,

a. Click on the New button. A form appears.

b. Enter the details of the customers address.

c. Fill details till Main and Sub Locality. The Exchange Name, PIN, and rest of the
details are auto-populated.

d. Click on Save. The earlier applet appears with the newly created address
highlighted in yellow.

e. Click on OK button present on the lower right hand side corner.

Note 1: If the Installation Address and Billing Address are same, press Ctrl+B together. Change
the Address Type field as Billing Address.

Note 2: If the Billing Address is different from the Installation Address, follow Step 7 to create the
Billing Address which is mandatory.

3. Click Contacts view tab located next to the Accounts Summary view tab. The Customer
Accounts > Contacts View appears.

4. Click New. A new record is created and is highlighted in yellow. Enter the information in all the
mandatory fields: Surname, Name, Preferred Communication Method, and Preferred
Communication Language.

5. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

6. Click Billing Accounts view tab. The Customer Accounts Billing Accounts View appears.

7. Click New. A new record is created and is highlighted in yellow.


i. Billing Account, Billing Account Number, Status fields and other fields are auto-

ii. Provide the information in the mandatory fields: Billing Account Type, Billing Account Sub
Type, Frequency, Preferred Language Name, Bill Period, Billing Address, and Billing
Corresponding Address.

8. Click Save or Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

9. Click Orders view tab. The Customer Accounts Orders View appears.

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10. Click New. A record with the Customer Name appears.

Note: Order # is auto-populated along with the other fields like Account Name

11. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Billing Account #, Address and Connection Type as
Permanent, Service Category as NON OYT-GEN.

12. Select the Service Line as Basic Phone Service; Service as Wire line, Service Type as Landline,
and Service Sub Type as FLPP. Select the Service Category depending on the customer.

Note: If the Connection Type is Permanent, the End Date field is not required.

13. Click Order Number. The Orders More Info View appears.

14. Click Line Items. The Orders Line Items View appears.

15. Click New. A new record is created.

Note: Line # and Billing Account are auto-populated.

16. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

17. Click Customize. Select a Plan, Calling Level, Facilities and the remaining tabs depending on the
requirement of the customer.

Note : Under the Facilities tab, depending on service and the plan selected, values are selected
by default. Apart from the selected facilities, you can select any of the options provided.

18. To submit the order, See Step 15 to Step 27 in Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection
using the Auto Order Feature.

1.3 Free Connection

This is a normal free phone landline connection given on a Main phone number.

Prerequisites to proceed:
User should login with CRM credentials
Should have prior knowledge about the New Permanent Phone Connection
This connection is given to a customer who comes under a category
defined by the Billing system with several criteria like average invoice amount
and amount paid for the last 6 months, etc.

User: CSR

To create a connection under Free category:

Follow Step 1 to Step 27 in Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection manually

1.4 BSNL Sulabh Plan

A connection under the Sulabh plan has the outgoing facility barred. In other words, under the Sulabh
plan, only the incoming facility is provided.

To select the BSNL Sulabh plan:

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1. See Step 1 to Step 22 in Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection manually

2. Click on the Plans tab.

3. Select a plan starting with either the word, SULAB or SULABH.

Note: All the Sulabh/Sulab plans do not by default offer the Out Going Barred faiclity, It has to
be manually selected. A few Sulabh/Sulab plans have Outgoing Barred by default.

4. Click on the Facilities, Calling Level, Accessories tabs to select corresponding values there.

5. Follow steps 16 to Step 27 in Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection using the Auto Order

1.5 Casual Connection

In this scenario, the customer can request a landline service for a very short period of time. For
example, maximum of 30 days. If the customer initially requests for a service for 15 days, the service
can be extended upto another 15 days, without exceeding 30 days in all.

To create a Casual Connection, follow the steps below:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 8 of Creating a new Landline Connection with Auto Order. The
Connection Type is Permanent by default.

2. Change the Connection Type to Casual.

3. Enter the number of days the customer wants the service in the No Of Days field.

4. Follow Step 9 to Step 27 of Creating a new Landline Connection with Auto Order.

1.6 Disconnection due to Misuse

Note: This scenarios is for post production.

The disconnection due to misuse is initiated in the Fraud Management System (FMS). If the service
has been misused in any way and it has been detected, then the outgoing is barred for the customer.

Prerequisites: User should have the Service ID # (Phone Number) for which the service is being


To check if the outgoing is barred for a service:

1. Click Services. The Services Home View appears.

2. Enter the Service ID in the Service ID (Ph #) field.

3. Click Go. The Services Detail View appears with the service associated with the particular Service

At this point, the Operating Status indicates OG Barred MU.

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If the customer continues to misuse the service, the Operating status would indicate IG barred - MU.
The customers incoming and outgoing calls would be barred. If the customer still continues to misuse
the service, it would be permanently disconnected.
For landline and other services such as WLL, the Operating Status would be OG Barred - MU (only
outgoing barred) in the beginning where as for a PCO or PT service, the Operating Status would be
Suspend MU (both the incoming and outgoing facility is barred).

1.7 Disconnection due to Non-Payment

The disconnection due to Non-Payment is initiated in the Billing system. It is initiated for the
customers who have not made their payments that were due for the period* defined by Billing.The
Billing system sends this data to Clarity and CRM and updates the Opearating Status to OG barred -
NP initially.

* The period and the rules set for Dunning are subject to changes according to requirements coming
from BSNL.

Prerequisites: User should have the Service ID # (Phone Number) for which the service is being


To check whether outgoing is barred for a service:

1. Click Services. The Services Home View appears.

2. Enter the Service ID in the Service Id(Ph #) field.

3. Click Go. The Services Detail View appears with the service associated with the particular
Service Id.

i. Notice the Operating Status as OG Barred - NP. From this time on, the customer will not
be able to make outgoing calls.
ii. Reminders are sent to the customer about the payment about the payment. There is a
waiting period of 7 days, even after which the customer does not make the payment; the
Operating status indicates IG Barred - NP. The customers incoming and outgoing calls
are barred. If the customer still does not pay for the service, it would be permanently
disconnected. A list is generated and CO receives a list of numbers for which the
connection is permanently disconnected. CO then raises a permanent disconnection
iii. For landline and other services such as WLL, the Operating Status would be OG barred -
NP (only outgoing barred) initially. For a PCO or PT service, the Operating Status would
be Suspend - NP (both the incoming and outgoing facility is barred).

1.8 Safe Custody/Reconnection from Safe Custody

Safe Custody: When a customer requests for disconnecting the landline connection temporarily, the
connection will be put On Hold or Safe Custody. When the customer requests for the reconnection
from the Safe Custody, he has an option to select the previous plan before the Safe custody or can
select a new plan.

To apply for Safe Custody:

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1. Click on the Services screen. The Services Homepage appears.

2. Enter the Service Id or Phone number in the Service Id(Ph #) field.

3. Click on Go. A screen showing the service (in yellow) having this phone number is seen.

Note: If there are more than one service for this number, only one of them will be active, i.e.
Status is Active.

4. Click on the Account Name. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears.

5. Select the Order Sub Type value as Change in Service.

6. Click Modify. The Orders screen appears with a new Modify order created.

7. Click on the Customize button present in the Line Items view tab. The Product Configuration
screen appears.

8. Click Plans tab. All the plans available for this service appear.

9. Click the radio button against the option LL Safe Custody Rental Plan Urban.

10. Click Calling Level tab. It automatically locks two features, namely:
Incoming Call Barring
LL Outgoing Call Barring

11. Click Done.

12. Click Accessory Check. The accessories requested for are checked.

Note: The Validate button becomes active.

13. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. This will activate the Demand
Note button.

14. Click Demand Note. The amount that is due is displayed in the Total Amount field.

15. Click Submit Order. All other buttons are inactive. The order is sent down streams to the Clarity
and Billing systems. Once, provisioning of Plan/Feature is complete in Clarity and Billing, the
order Status is Complete.

16. To check if the new feature/plan is active or inactive for the phone number. Note the Service Id.

17. Click on Services screen. Services Homepage appears.

18. Enter the phone number pre-fixed with STD code and -.

19. Click on Go. A service appears in yellow.

20. Click on the Service #. The Services-Detail view appears.

21. Check for the feature/plan added. If provisioned, it will be Active, if disconnected, it will be

To reconnect from Safe Custody:

Follow the same steps above, except at Step 9, select a normal plan instead of Safe Custody

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1.9 Facility Provisioning for Landline

In this scenario, the customer requests for provisioning the facility/facilities available for Landline.
Facilities include Outgoing Call Barring, Calling Line Identification, Incoming Call Barring and so on.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an active permanent service with BSNL
Users: CSR
To Provision a new facility on Landline, follow the procedure below:

1. Click on the Services screen. The Services Homepage appears.

2. Enter the Service Id or Phone number in the Service Id(Ph #) field.

3. Click on Go. A screen showing the service (in yellow) having this phone number is seen.

Note: If there are more than one service for this number, only one of them will be active, i.e.
Status is Active.

4. Click on the Account Name. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears.

5. Select the Order Sub Type value as Change in Service.

6. Click Modify. The Orders screen appears with a new Modify order created.

7. Click on the Customize button present in the Line Items view tab. The Product Configuration
screen appears.

8. Click Facilities. The facilities enlisted for the current service appear.

9. Select the facilities required. More than one facility can be selected.

10. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created

11. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the new facility is verified. The Sub Status changes
from Pending to Accessory Check Done.

12. Click Validate. All the mandatory changes made are verified. The Sub Status changes to
Validation Successful. If the validations are successful, a message, Validations are successful,

13. Click Demand Note.

14. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status is Submission In Progress and the Sub Status is Validation Successful. The
Status becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter, indicating that the order is completed
after which the facility is provisioned for the customer. Once the order is completed, the view
becomes non-editable.

15. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream systems with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
in the upper applet is Completed, it indicates that the order has been completed.

16. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.

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17. Click Services screen. The Services List View appears.

18. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field. A record with that
particular phone number where Status is Active, appears.

19. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components view appears.

Note: In the Components applet, under the Product field, the facility that has been added where
the Status as Active is seen.

1.10Facility Disconnection for Landline

In this scenario, the customer requests for disconnecting the facilities provided with the existing
service. Facilities include Outgoing Call Barring, Calling Line Identification, Incoming Call Barring and
so on.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing:

Permanent landline connection
Facility/facilities that are being disconnected
Users: CSR

To disconnect an existing facility:

1. Click on the Services screen. The Services Homepage appears.

2. Enter the Service Id or Phone number in the Service Id(Ph #) field.

3. Click on Go. A screen showing the service (in yellow) having this phone number is seen.

Note: If there are more than one service for this number, only one of them will be active, i.e.
Status is Active.

4. Click on the Account Name. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears.

5. Select the Order Sub Type value as Change in Service.

6. Click Modify. The Orders screen appears with a new Modify order created.

7. Click on the Customize button present in the Line Items view tab. The Product Configuration
screen appears.

8. Click Facilities. The facilities enlisted for the current service appear.

9. Uncheck the facilities to be disconnected. More than one facility can be disconnected.

10. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created

11. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the new facility is verified. The Sub Status changes
from Pending to Accessory Check Done.

12. Click Validate. All the mandatory changes made are verified. The Sub Status changes to
Validation Successful. If the validations are successful, a message, Validations are successful,

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13. Click Demand Note.

14. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.
Note: The Status is Submission In Progress and the Sub Status is Validation Successful. The
Status becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter, indicating that the order is completed after
which the facility is disconnected for the customer. Once the order is completed, the view
becomes non-editable.

15. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream systems with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
in the upper applet is Completed, it indicates that the order has been completed.

16. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.

17. Click Services screen. The Services List View appears.

18. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field. A record with that
particular phone number where Status is Active, appears.

19. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components view appears.

Note: In the Components applet, under the Product field, the facility that has been disconnected
where the Status as Inactive is seen.

1.11Accessory Provisioning for Landline

In this scenario, the customer can request for additional accessories to the existing service.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have a permanent landline provisioned and the
accessory/accessories that are being disconnected should exist.
Users: CSR

To provision a new accessory for a landline connection:

1. Click on the Services screen. The Services Homepage appears.
2. Enter the Service Id or Phone number in the Service Id(Ph #) field.
3. Click on Go. A screen showing the service (in yellow) having this phone number is seen.

Note: If there are more than one service for this number, only one of them will be active, i.e.
Status is Active.
4. Click on the Account Name. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears.
5. Select the Order Sub Type value as Change in Service.
6. Click Modify. The Orders screen appears with a new Modify order created.
7. Click on the Customize button present in the Line Items view tab. The Product Configuration
screen appears.
8. Click Accessories. The accessories enlisted for the current service appear.
9. Select the Accessories required. More than one accessory can be selected.

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10. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created
11. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the new facility is verified. The Sub Status changes
from Pending to Accessory Check Done.
12. Click Validate. All the mandatory changes made are verified. The Sub Status changes to
Validation Successful. If the validations are successful, a message, Validations are
successful, appears.
13. Click Demand Note.
14. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status is Submission In Progress and the Sub Status is Validation Successful. The
Status becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter, indicating that the order is completed
after which the accessory is provisioned for the customer. Once the order is completed, the view
becomes non-editable.
15. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream systems with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
in the upper applet is Completed, it indicates that the order has been completed.
16. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.
17. Click Services screen. The Services List View appears.
18. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field. A record with that
particular phone number where Status is Active, appears.
19. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components view appears.

Note: In the Components applet, under the Product field, the accessory that has been added
where the Status as Active is seen.

1.12 Accessory Disconnection for Landline

In this scenario, the customer requests for disconnecting the accessories that were provided with the
existing service.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an exisiting:

Permanent landline connection
Accessory/accessories being disconnected
Users: CSR

To disconnect an existing accessory for a landline connection:

1. Click on the Services screen. The Services Homepage appears.
2. Enter the Service Id or Phone number in the Service Id(Ph #) field.
3. Click on Go. A screen showing the service (in yellow) having this phone number is seen.

Note: If there are more than one service for this number, only one of them will be active, i.e.
Status is Active.

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4. Click on the Account Name. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears.
5. Select the Order Sub Type value as Change in Service.
6. Click Modify. The Orders screen appears with a new Modify order created.
7. Click on the Customize button present in the Line Items view tab. The Product Configuration
screen appears.
8. Click Accessories. The accessories enlisted for the current service appear.
9. Uncheck the Accessories that have to be disconnected.
10. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created
11. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the new facility is verified. The Sub Status changes
from Pending to Accessory Check Done.
12. Click Validate. All the mandatory changes made are verified. The Sub Status changes to
Validation Successful. If the validations are successful, a message, Validations are
successful, appears.
13. Click Demand Note.
14. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status is Submission In Progress and the Sub Status is Validation Successful. The
Status becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter, indicating that the order is completed
after which the accessory is disconnected for the customer. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes non-editable.
15. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream systems with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
in the upper applet is Completed, it indicates that the order has been completed.
16. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.
17. Click Services screen. The Services List View appears.
18. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field. A record with that
particular phone number where Status is Active, appears.
19. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components view appears.

Note: In the Components applet, under the Product field, the accessory that has been
disconnected, where the Status as Inactive is seen.

1.13 Voluntary Disconnection of Landline(Permanent Disconnection of Landline)

In this scenario, the customer can request for disconnecting all the existing services from BSNL.
Although the customer chooses to disconnect the services voluntarily, CSRRTN intervenes to check if
the customer can be retained.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing Landline connection.

Users: CSR

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To close or disconnect a landline connection permanently:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning on Landline.

2. Select Order Sub Type as Disconnect.

3. Click Disconnect. An order with Order Type as Disconnect is created. The Orders Detail View

Note: The Order Type and Order Sub Type field is Disconnect. Every field is non-editable for a
disconnection order except for the Customer Requested Date field because it indicates the date
from which the service can be disconnected.

4. Change the Customer Requested Date field, if required.

5. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet also displays
Completed indicating that the order has been completed. Once the order is completed, the view
becomes non-editable.

6. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.

7. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.

8. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.

9. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field. A record with the phone
number where Status is Inactive appears.

10. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

11. Enter any or all the values in the Search fields.

12. Enter the Account Name. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

Note: Under the Installed Services, the service on which the Disconnect order was raised, no
longer exists.

1.14Shift of Landline within the Exchange(without number change)

In this scenario, the customer can change the address within the same exchange and can retain the
same phone number. Before the Shift process starts, the new Installation Address should be provided
in the Contacts Addresses View for that particular customer. If not, it has to be provided in the
Orders Detail View.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing permanent landline connection.
Users: CSR

To Shift within the same exchange and without changing the number:

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User: CSR

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility_Provisioning_For_Landline

2. Add the new address under the Addresses view tab.

3. Click on the Account Summary view tab again. The Account Summary view appears.

4. Select the Order Sub Type field as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg.

5. Click Shift. Two orders are created.


a. First, an order with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Within
exch w/o NumChg (Child order or Reconnection order) is created. This order is
the connection at the new address.

b. Second, an order with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Disconnect
(Parent order or Shift-Disconnect order) is created. This order is the
disconnection at the old address.

c. The Orders Detail View of the Child Order appears.

d. The user need not work on the parent (or disconnect) order, as it is submitted

6. Select Nature Of Shift field under the More Info view tab. The options are:

Shift CRD
Shift when Feasible
Shift Immediate

Note: Nature Of Shift is selected only for Reconnect order and not Disconnect order.

If Nature of Shift is Shift CRD:

In this scenario, shift and disconnection take place on the date requested by the customer. The
Accessory Check button is active.

1. Change the installation address.

Note: If the address is not changed, an alert is generated, indicating that the installation address
needs to be changed.

2. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessories Check

3. Change the Customer Requested Date field to the date requested by the customer.

4. Click Validate. A message, All validations are successful, appears.

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5. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems in accordance with the
dates (Customer Requested Date in the Re-connect and Disconnect orders) set by the user.

Note: The Status field displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating that both the child and parent orders are completed. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes completely non-editable.

6. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.

If the Nature of Shift is Shift When Feasible:

In this scenario, the shift takes place only if the connection is feasible in the new location. The
Accessory Check button is active.

1. Change the installation address.

Note: If the address is not changed, an alert is generated, indicating that the installation address
needs to be changed.

2. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessories Check

3. Click Validate. A message, All validations are successful, appears.

4. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating that both the child and the parent orders are completed. Once the order is completed,
the view becomes completely non-editable.

5. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream systems with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet also displays
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

If the Nature of Shift is Shift Immediate:

In the normal scenario, when the Submit Order button present in the Reconnection order is clicked,
the Shift-Disconnection order is submitted first. But if the customer wants immediate disconnection,
then this nature of shift option can be selected. Submit Order button is activated immediately, even
though the reconnection order has not been processed.

1. Change the installation address.

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Note: If the address is not changed, an alert is generated, indicating that the installation address
needs to be changed.

2. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessories Check

Note: If an alert is generated to remove the accessories which have status as Not Feasible,
then the accessories under Line Items with Status field as Delete should be removed and then
click Accessory Check.

3. Click Validate. A message, indicating all validations are successful, appears.

4. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status field displays
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating that both the parent and the child orders are completed. Once the order is completed,
the view becomes completely non-editable.

5. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream systems with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.

1.15 Shift of Landline within the Exchange(with number change)

In this scenario, the customer can change the address within the same exchange and change the
existing phone number. Before the Shift process starts, the New Installation Address should be
provided in the Contacts Addresses View for that particular customer. If not, it has to be provided in
the Orders Detail View.

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent landline provisioned.

Users: CSR
To Shift within the same exchange and with number change:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility_Provisioning_For_Landline

2. Add the new address under the Addresses view tab.

3. Click on the Account Summary view tab. The Account Summary view appears.

4. Select the Order Sub Type field as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg.

5. Click Shift. Two orders are created.

i. First, an order with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Within exch with
NumChg (Child order or Reconnection order) is created.

ii. Second, an order with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Disconnect
(Parent order or Shift-Disconnect order) is created

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Note: The Orders Detail View of the Child Order appears. The Available Numbers button is

6. Select a new installation address in from the Address pick applet. The address is selected.

7. Select the Nature Of Shift field under the More Info view tab. The options are:
Shift CRD
Shift when Feasible
Shift Immediate

If the Nature of Shift is Shift CRD:

In this scenario, the Available Numbers button is active.
1. Click Available Numbers. A list containing the phone numbers available in the current
exchange appears.

2. Select a number from the list. The selected number is populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

3. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

4. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

5. Change the Customer Requested Date to the date requested by the customer. It cannot be
less than the current date.

6. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears.

Note: The Sub Status field changes to Validation Successful.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays,
Validation Successful. The Status field value becomes In Progress and Completed
thereafter indicating that both the child and the parent orders are completed. Once the
order is completed, the view becomes completely non-editable. .

8. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending.
The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if
the Status field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet
displays Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

If the Nature of Shift is Shift When Feasible:

1. Click Available Numbers. A list containing phone numbers available in the current exchange

2. Select a number from the list. The selected number is populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

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3. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

4. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

5. Click Validate. An alert, All the Validations are successful, appears.

Note: The Sub Status field changes to Validation Successful.

6. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating that the child and the parent orders are completed. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes completely non-editable.

7. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this View displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet also displays
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

If the Nature of Shit is Shift Immediate:

Note: The user can complete the disconnect order (parent order) before the child order as the
Submit Order button and the Available Numbers button are both active.

1. Change the installation address, failing which an alert is generated that the installation
address needs to be changed.

2. Click Available Numbers. A list containing phone numbers available in the current exchange

3. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

4. Select a number from the list. The selected number is populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

6. Click Validate. An alert, Validations are successful, appears.

Note: The Sub Status field changes to Validation Successful.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems. The Status field
displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays, Validation Successful. The
Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter indicating the completion of the
parent and child order. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely read only
for the user.

8. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

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Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet also displays
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

1.16 Shift of Landline Across Exchanges with number change(and within zones)

In this scenario, the customer can change the address within the same exchange and change the
existing phone number. Before the Shift process starts, the New Installation Address should be
provided in the Contacts Addresses View for that particular customer. If not, it has to be provided in
the Orders Detail View.

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent landline provisioned.

Users: CSR
To Shift across exchanges with number change:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search Criteria.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears.

4. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.

5. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears
where the services provided to that particular customer appears.

6. Select the Order Sub Type field as Shift Across exchanges.

7. Click Shift. Two orders are created and an activity is created under the parent(disconnect)
i. First, an order with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Across
exchanges (Child order or Reconnection order) is created.

ii. Second, an order with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Disconnect
(Parent order or Shift-Disconnect order) is created

Note: The Orders Detail View of the Child Order appears. The Available Numbers button is
8. Select a new installation address from the Address pick applet. The new address is selected.
9. Select the Nature Of Shift field under the More Info view tab. The options are:

Shift CRD
Shift when Feasible
Shift Immediate
If the Nature of Shift is Shift CRD:
In this scenario, the Available Numbers button is active.
1. Click Available Numbers. A list containing the phone numbers available in the current exchange
2. Select a number from the list. The selected number is populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

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3. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.
4. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.
5. Change the Customer Requested Date to the date requested by the customer. It cannot be less
than the current date.
6. Click Validate. An alert, indicating that all validation are successful is generated.

Note: The Sub Status field changes to Validation Successful.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays,
Validation Successful. The Status field value becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating that both the child and the parent orders are completed. Once the order is completed,
the view becomes completely non-editable. .
8. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.
If the Nature of Shift is Shift When Feasible:
1. Click Available Numbers. A list containing phone numbers available in the current exchange

2. Select a number from the list. The selected number is populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

3. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

4. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

5. Click Validate. An alert, All the Validations are successful, appears.

Note: The Sub Status field changes to Validation Successful.

6. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating that the child and the parent orders are completed. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes completely non-editable.

7. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending.
The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if
the Status field in this View displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet also
displays Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

If the Nature of Shit is Shift Immediate:

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Note: The user can complete the disconnect order (parent order) before the child order as
the Submit Order button and the Available Numbers button are both active.

1. Change the installation address, failing which an alert is generated that the installation
address needs to be changed.

2. Click Available Numbers. A list containing phone numbers available in the current exchange

3. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

4. Select a number from the list. The selected number is populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

6. Click Validate. An alert, Validations are successful, appears.

Note: The Sub Status field changes to Validation Successful.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems. The Status field
displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays, Validation Successful. The
Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter indicating the completion of the
parent and child order. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely read only
for the user.

8. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is
pending. The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system.
For example, if the Status field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the
upper applet also displays Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

1.17 Shift of Landline Across Exchanges

In this scenario, the customer can change the address within the same exchange and change the
existing phone number. Before the Shift process starts, the New Installation Address should be
provided in the Contacts Addresses View for that particular customer. If not, it has to be provided in
the Orders Detail View.

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent landline provisioned.

Users: CSR
To Shift across exchanges without number change:
1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.
2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search Criteria.
3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears.
4. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.
5. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View
appears where the services provided to that particular customer appears.

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6. Select the Order Sub Type field as Shift Across exchanges.

7. Click Shift. Two orders are created and an activity is created under parent (disconnect) order.
8. First, an order with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Across exchanges
(Child order or Reconnection order) is created.
9. Second, an order with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Disconnect (Parent
order or Shift-Disconnect order) is created.
10. Note: The Orders Detail View of the Child Order appears. The Available Numbers button is
11. Select a new installation address from the Address pick applet.
12. Select the Nature Of Shift field under the More Info view tab. The options are:
Shift CRD
Shift when Feasible
Shift Immediate

If the Nature of Shift is Shift CRD:

In this scenario, the Available Numbers button is active.
1. Click Available Numbers. A list of numbers appears.


i. If the old number is feasible in the new exchange also, number list will not be displayed.
An alert appears, indicating that the number is feasible in the new exchange, so the
user can continue clicking on Reserve Number button.

ii If the old number is not feasible in the new exchange, then a number list appears.

iii Although the old number is feasible in the new exchange and the customer wants a
new number, then enter a value in the Preferred Number field and then click on
Available Numbers.

2. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

3. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

4. Change the Customer Requested Date to the date requested by the customer. It cannot be
less than the current date.

5. Click Validate. An alert, All Validations are successful, appears.

Note: The Sub Status field changes to Validation Successful.

6. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays,
Validation Successful. The Status field value becomes In Progress and Completed

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thereafter indicating that both the child and the parent orders are completed. Once the
order is completed, the view becomes completely non-editable. .

7. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending.
The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if
the Status field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet
displays Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

If the Nature of Shift is Shift When Feasible:

1. Click Available Numbers. A list of numbers appears.


i. If the old number is feasible in the new exchange also, number list will not be displayed.
An alert appears, indicating that the number is feasible in the new exchange, so the
user can continue clicking on Reserve Number button.

ii. If the old number is not feasible in the new exchange, then a number list appears.

iii. Although the old number is feasible in the new exchange and the customer wants a
new number, then enter a value in the Preferred Number field and then click on
Available Numbers.

2. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

3. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

4. Click Validate. An alert, All the Validations are successful, appears.

Note: The Sub Status field changes to Validation Successful.

5. .Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating that the child and the parent orders are completed. Once the order is
completed, the view becomes completely non-editable.

6. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending.
The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if
the Status field in this View displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet also
displays Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

If the Nature of Shit is Shift Immediate:

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The user can complete the disconnect order (parent order) before the child
order as the Submit Order button and the Available Numbers button are both
Change the installation address, failing which an alert is generated that the
installation address needs to be changed.
1. Click Available Numbers. A list of numbers appears.


i. If the old number is feasible in the new exchange also, number list will not be displayed.
An alert appears, indicating that the number is feasible in the new exchange, so the
user can continue clicking on Reserve Number button.

ii. If the old number is not feasible in the new exchange, then a number list appears.

iii. Although the old number is feasible in the new exchange and the customer wants a
new number, then enter a value in the Preferred Number field and then click on
Available Numbers.

2. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

3. Select a number from the list. The selected number is populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

4. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

5. Click Validate. An alert, Validations are successful, appears.

Note: The Sub Status field changes to Validation Successful.

6. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems. The Status field
displays Submission In Progress and the Sub Status field displays, Validation Successful. The
Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter indicating the completion of the
parent and child order. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely read only
for the user.

7. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending.
The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if
the Status field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet also
displays Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

1.18 Shift of Outdoor recreation

When CSR selects the Nature of Shift as Shift When Feasible in reconnection order and
once the order is submitted , the OUTDOOR person checks the feasibility at the new
installation address.

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CRM receives the following update from Clarity during the outdoor feasibility task against the
shift disconnect order and the same is updated in CRM in Cancellation reason.

1. Service Feasible : Both Landline and Broadband is feasible

2. Service Not Feasible: Both Landline and Broadband is not feasible

3. BB Not Feasible: Landline is feasible but Broadband is not feasible

Case I:
If Shift reconnection order is feasible, there is no manual intervention required.

Case II:
If Shift reconnection order is not feasible, then

1. The shift disconnect order is cancelled in clarity and clarity updates the same to CRM

2. The cancellation reason of shift diconnection is updated as Service Not Feasible and the
shift disconnect order and reconnection order status is updated as Not Feasible and alert to
CO is cretaed based on the exchnage.
3. CO has the option to cancel the order. In order to cancel the order:

1. Drilldown on the Alert# , it navigated to Orders Order List view.

2. Drilldown on the Order Number , it navigated to Orders Order More Info view.

3. Click on Cancel button. On click of Cancel button, shift disconnection and

reconnection orders are cancelled in CRM.

Case III:
If Broadband provison is not feasible in the new installation address, then

1. The shift disconnect order is halted in clarity and clarity updates the same to CRM

2. The cancellation reason of shift diconnection is updated as BB Not Feasible and the shift
disconnect order , reconnection order and Broadband reconnection(if raised) orders status is
updated as Not Feasible and alert to CO is cretaed based on the exchnage.
3. CO has the option to Cancel or Resume the order.

To cancel the order:

1. Drilldown on the Alert# , it navigated to Orders Order List view.

2. Drilldown on the Order Number , it navigated to Orders Order More Info view.

3. Click on Cancel button. On click of Cancel button, shift disconnection and reconnection and
broadband reconnection orders are cancelled in CRM.
To Proceed without Broadband:
1. Drilldown on the Alert# , it navigated to Orders Order List view.

2. Drilldown on the Order Number , it navigated to Orders Order More Info view.

3. Click on Resume button in Menu Item. On click of Cancel button, Broadband reconnection
order is cancelled in CRM and the disconnection order progression is resumed in clarity.

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1.19 Shift of Landline Across Zones

In this scenario, the customers service is disconnected in one zone and a new service is provided in
the other zone. Each zone has a separate CRM application. For example, South Zone CRM, North
Zone CRM, East Zone CRM and West Zone CRM.

The only way to identify the customer who has shifted from one zone to the other is by the Transfer
Flag check box in Orders screen.

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent landline provisioned in the previous
zone which had the old address.

1.20 Landline Transfer Third Party Transfer without Installation Address change

In this scenario, a customer can transfer the service from his account to another customer account
with/without changing the installation address. Third Party transfer refers to a type of account transfer
where the account settlement is done for the transferring account and a new bill cycle and new
accounting starts for the transferred account.

Prerequisites to proceed: For any transfer process, it is required that the customer to whom the
service is being transferred should have an existing account with BSNL.

The Account to which the service is being transferred, should have atleast on installation address
same as that of the transferred account installation address.

Users: CSR
To transfer a landline facility from one customer to another customer, without changing the installation

User: CSR

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning for Landline.. The Customer Accounts
Account Summary View appears.

2. Select Order Sub Type field as Third Party without inst addr.

3. Click Transfer. Two orders are created.

First, an order with Order Type as Transfer and Order Sub Type as Third
Party without inst addr (Child order or Reconnection order) is created.
Second, an order with Order Type as Transfer and Order Sub Type as
Disconnect (Parent order or Shift-Disconnect order) is created.
Note: The Orders Detail View of the child order appears. The Accessory Check
button is active.
4. Change the Account Name, Billing Account and Installation Address fields.

Note: The new installation address has to be same as the installation address of the
previous customer, as this transfer does not involve change in installation address.

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessory Check

6. Change the Nominee Relation and the Nominee Name field under Orders Line Items view

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7. Click Validate to check whether all mandatory changes have been made. The Sub Status
field value changes to Validation Successful. If the validations are successful, a message,
Validations are successful, appears.

8. Click Demand Note. A Demand Note for the requested facility is generated.

Note: The Orders Demand Note View appears. A record with the Demand Note Number
and Amount, if any, to be paid by the customer appears. The Demand Note button
becomes inactive.

9. Click Make Payment. The payment is made in PMS.(This step is done external to the

Note: Once the payment is made, the Receipt Number field in the upper applet is auto-
populated. The Submit Order button is activated.

10. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status field displays
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating that both the child and parent orders are completed. Once the order is
completed, the view becomes completely non-editable.

11. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending.
The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if
the Status field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet also
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

Assumption: The service has been transferred from Account X to Account Y

Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

12. Enter the Account Name X.

13. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View of the X account appears.

Note: Under the Installed Services, the transferred services no longer exist.

14. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

15. Enter the Account Name Y.

16. Click Go. The Customer AccountsAccount Summary View of the Y account appears.

17. Under the Installed Services, the new service that has been transferred appears. This is the
service which has been transferred from another account.

1.21 Landline Transfer Third Party Transfer with Installation Address change

In this scenario, the customer can transfer the existing Landline service to another customer. In this
case, the installation addresses of both these customers are different.

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Prerequisites to proceed: For any transfer process, it is required that the customer to whom the
service is being transferred, should have an existing account with BSNL.
Users: CSR
To transfer a landline service from one customer to another with different installation addresses:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning for Landline. The Customer Accounts
Account Summary View appears.

2. Select Order Sub Type field as Third Party with inst addr.

3. Click Transfer. Two orders are.

First, an order with Order Type as Transfer and Order Sub Type as Third
Party without inst addr (Child order or Reconnection order) is created.
Second, an order with Order Type as Transfer and Order Sub Type as
Disconnect (Parent order or Shift-Disconnect order) is created.
Note: The Orders Detail View of the child order appears. The Accessory Check button is
4. Change the Account Name, Billing Account and Installation Address fields.
Note: The new Installation Address has to be different from the Installation Address of the
previous customer.
5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessory Check

6. Change the Nominee Relation and Nominee Name fields under the Orders Line Items View

7. Click Validate to check whether all mandatory changes have been made. The Sub Status
field changes to Validation Successful. If the validations are successful, a message,
Validations are successful, appears.

8. Click Demand Note. The Demand Note for the requested facility is generated. The Orders
Demand Note View appears.
Note: A record with the Demand Note Number and the Amount, if any, to be paid by the
customer appears. The Demand Note button becomes Inactive.
9. Click Make Payment. The payment is made in PMS.
Note: Once the payment is made, the Receipt Number field in the upper applet is auto-
populated. The Submit Order button is activated.
10. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.
Note: The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status field displays,
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating that the order is completed for both the child and parent orders. Once the order is
completed, the view becomes completely non-editable.
11. Click Milestones view tab. The OrdersMilestones View appears.
Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the
Status field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet also
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

Assumption: The service has been transferred from Account X to Account Y.

12. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

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13. Enter the Account Name as X in the Search Criteria.

14. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View of the X account appears.
Note: Under the Installed Services, the transferred services no longer exist.
15. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

16. Enter the Account Name Y.

17. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View of the Y account appears.
Note: Under the Installed Services, the new service that has been transferred appears. This
is the service which has been transferred from another account.

1.22 Cancel Order

In this scenario, a user can voluntarily cancel an order for various reasons. For example, if the
customer changes mind and does not want the service or the data is entered incorrectly and so on. An
order cannot be cancelled after the INDOOR process is completed in the Milestones View tab.

Prerequisites to proceed:

1. MDF should not be completed in the Milestones view of the order for Landline.

2. BB_NIB task should not be completed for Broadband.

Assumption: CSR has the order number of the order that has to be cancelled or already has the
order open
Users: CSR
To cancel an order:

1. Click Orders screen. The Orders Home View appears.

2. Enter the Order Number in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Orders List View of that particular order appears.

4. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail view appears.

5. Select Cancellation Reason as Voluntary Cancellation.

6. Click Cancel. The Status field changes to Cancellation in Progress and then to Cancelled (if
the Status was earlier In Progress) eventually indicating that the order has been cancelled. If
the Status of the order was other than In Progress, the Status changes to Cancelled after the
Cancel is clicked.

Note: For orders with Order Type as Shift and Transfer, the parent order cannot be cancelled;
but when the child order is cancelled in the way mentioned above, both the orders (parent as
well as child orders) are cancelled, that is the Status field for the orders becomes Cancelled.

1.23 Change in Bill Plan - Land Line

In this scenario, the customer can change the existing bill plan. As the bill plan changes, the pricing of
the service may also changes accordingly.
Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing landline connection.

User: CSR

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To change the bill plan of a customer:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 7 of Facility Provisioning for Landline.

2. Click Plans (This tab is selected by default). Change the plan by selecting a plan requested
by the customer.

3. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears.

Note: To see the old plan which is deleted and the new plan selected, click on the Line Items
view tab. Expand the root line item by clicking on the + symbol. The old plan is seen with
Action Code Delete and the new plan is seen with the Action Code Add

4. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessory Check

5. Click Validate to check whether all mandatory changes have been made. The Sub Status
field value changes to Validation Successful. If the validations are successful, a message,
Validations are Successful, appears.

6. Click Demand Note. Amount generated would be zero(Rs. 0.00)

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status field displays
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed after getting all
updates from the downstrem systems, indicating that the order is completed after which the
service is restarted for the customer. Once the order is completed, the view becomes
completely non-editable.

8. Click Milestones view tab. The OrdersMilestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the
Status field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

9. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.

10. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.

11. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.

12. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field. A record with this
phone number with Status field value as Active appears.

13. Click the corresponding Service # field. The Service Components View appears. In the
lower applet, under the Product field, the new bill plan can be seen.

1.24FLPP Disconnection

In this scenario, the disconnection of the FLPP service is requested by the customer. Although the
customer chooses to close the connection voluntarily, CSRRTN intervenes to check if the connection
can be kept active.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing FLPP connection.

Users: CSR

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To disconnect an FLPP connection:

Follow all steps of the Click on the Services screen. The Services Homepage appears..

1.25Customer Name Change

In this scenario, the customer can request for a change in their account name.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing landline connection.

Users: CSR, CO

To change the name of the customer:

User: CSR

1. Click Service Requests screen. The Service Requests Home View appears.

2. Click SR List link. The Service Requests List View appears.

3. Click New. A new record is created highlighted in yellow.

Note: The fields: Request #, Status, Sub-Status, Customer Name, and Owner are auto-

4. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Account, Service Id, Request Type, Change
Type, Change Sub Type and Description.

5. Click Ctrl+S or go to Menu and click Save Record. The record is saved.

6. Enter First Name and Last Name fields which are mandatory. They are present under the
Updated Details section in the lower applet.

7. Click Submit. The Sub-Status field changes to Assigned to CO. An alert is created for the CO
in the CO home page.

User: CO

1. Login as CO. The CO Home View appears.

2. Click Alert# under My Alerts. The SR List View for that particular Service Request appears.

3. Click Reject. The Service Request is Rejected. The Status field becomes Closed and the
Sub-Status field becomes Rejected.

4. Click Approve. The Service Request is Approved. The Status field and the Sub-Status field
options are given below:
If Sub Status is Approval in Progress, Status becomes Open
If Sub Status is Pending, Status becomes Open
If Sub Status is Resolved, Status becomes Closed
If Sub Status is Approval Failed, Status becomes Closed

5. If the Service Request is approved, the changes in the customer Name are updated in the
Contacts and Customer Accounts View of the customer in the CRM and also in the Billing

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Note: For any given account, if a Service Request is raised, another Service Request similar
to the previous one cannot be raised. If raised, an alert indicating that a similar request has
already been raised appears.

To view the changes made:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter the Account Name in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

4. Click Contacts View tab. The Customer Accounts Contacts View appears. The new Name
of the customer appears here.

1.26Change in Billing Address

In this scenario, the customer can request for a change in the Billing Address.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an exisitng landline connection.

Users: CSR, AOTR

To change the billing address of the customer:

User: CSR

1. Click Service Requests screen. The Service Requests Home appears.

2. Click SR List link. The Service Requests List View appears.

3. Click New. A new record is created highlighted in yellow.

Note: Request #, Status, Sub-Status, Customer Name, and Owner fields are auto-populated.

4. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Account, Service Id, Request Type, Change
Type, Change Sub Type, and Description.

5. Click Ctrl + S or go to Menu and click Save Record. The record is saved.

6. Enter the information in the mandatory fields in the Updated Details (in the lower applet):
House No/Flat No, Village Name/Colony Name, City/Mandal, State, District, PIN

Note:The Address Type field is auto-populated as Billing Address and Country is auto-
populated as India.

7. Click Submit. The Sub-Status field changes to Assigned to CO.

Note: An alert is created for the AOTR in the AOTR home page.

User: AOTR

1. Login into CRM application as AOTR. The AOTR Home View appears.

2. Click Alert# under My Alerts. The SR List View for that particular Service Request appears.

3. Click Reject. The Service Request is rejected. The Status field becomes Closed and the Sub-
Status field becomes Rejected.

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4. Click Approve. The Service Request is approved. The Status field and the Sub-Status field
options are given below:
If Sub Status is Approval in Progress, Status becomes Open
If Sub Status is Pending, Status becomes Open
If Sub Status is Resolved, Status becomes Closed
If Sub Status is Approval Failed, Status becomes Closed

5. If the service request is approved, the changes in the Billing Address are updated in the
Customer Accounts of the customer in CRM and the Billing system also.

Note: For any given account, if a Service Request is raised, another Service Request similar
to the previous one cannot be raised. If raised, an alert indicating that a similar request has
already been raised appears.

To check the changed billing address:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter the Account Name in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

4. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.

Note: The Billing Address along with the added details appears.

1.27Permanent Closure due to Expiry of Date (Casual)

Permanent Closure of a Landline connection due to Expiry of Date is applicable only for a Casual
connection. In this scenario, the Service End Date value should be within 30 days from the date of
connection. If the customer does not request for the extension of service, the service will be ended.

A job is run everyday to check for any connections whose Service End Date has expired. If there are
any such services, a Disconnection Order is created and the job is submitted to downstream systems,
i.e Billing and Clarity. CSR or any other user cannot change any values manually in this scenario.

1.28Reconnection after Disconnection due to Misuse

In this scenario, reconnection happens after the temporary disconnection which happened as the
customer misused the service.

An alert is sent to CSR from the Fraud Management System (FMS) informing that the service can be

Prerequisites to proceed: The outgoing facility should be barred for the customer on whose account
reconnection is being done.

Users: CSR

To reconnect after disconnection due to misuse:

1. Login into the CRM application as CSR. The CSR Home View appears.

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Note: An alert with the Message Body, FMS Alert- Create the Modify order for <service id>
and delete the Product OUT GOING CALL BARRING, appears.

2. Click Task #. The Customer AccountsAccounts Summary View of the corresponding

account appears.

3. Follow Step 3 to Step 7 in the Facility Provisioning for Landline.

4. De-select the facility, Out Going Call Barring.

5. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created

6. Follow Step 10 to Step 18 in the Facility Provisioning for Landline.

Note: The INCOMING CALL BARRING facility can also be deselected the same way as given

1.29 Change in Number- Land Line

In this scenario, the Service ID (phone number) provided by BSNL can be changed as per the
customers choice.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing permanent landline service.

Users: CSR

To change the existing phone number:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning of Landline.

2. The Customer AccountsAccount Summary View appears.

3. Select Order Sub Type field as Indicator Change.

4. Click Modify. An order with Order Type as Modify is created. The product configuration
screen appears.

5. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created

Note: Available Numbers button is active.

6. Click Available Numbers. A list of numbers available for that particular exchange appears.
Select a number from the list.

7. Click OK. The selected number is populated in Service Id (Ph #) field in the upper applet.

8. Click Reserve Number. The number selected is reserved.

Note: The Sub Status field changes from Number Available to Port Available.
9. Follow Step 11 to Step 19 in the Facility Provisioning for Landline.

1.30 Conversion of Fixed Landline to Prepaid FLPP

The customer pays BSNL periodically after using the service provided. In this scenario, if the
customer prefers to pay prior to usage. That is when the conversion will happen.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing fixed landline connection.

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Users: CSR

To convert a fixed landline to a Prepaid service:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning of Landline. The Customer Accounts -

Account Summary View appears.

2. Select Order Sub Type field as Fixed to FLPP.

3. Click Modify. An order with Order Type as Modify is created.

4. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created

Note: The Available Numbers and Accessory Check button are active. The Service Sub Type field
is editable.

5. Select the Service Sub Type field as FLPP.

6. Follow Step 11 to Step 19 in the Facility Provisioning for Landline.

1.31 Conversion of Prepaid to Fixed Landline

In this scenario, the customer has the provision to convert an existing FLPP service to a Fixed
landline connection.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing prepaid connection provisioned.

Users: CSR

To convert from Prepaid to Fixed Landline service:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning of Landline. The Customer Accounts -

Account Summary View appears.

2. Select Order Sub Type field as FLPP to Fixed.

3. Click Modify. An order with Order Type as Modify is created.

4. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created

Note: The Available Numbers and Accessory Check button are active. The Service Sub Type field
is editable.

5. Select the Service Sub Type field as Fixed Landline.

6. Follow Step 11 to Step 19 in the Facility Provisioning for Landline

1.32 Reconnection Order Creation

A reconnection order is created for a customer who has been disconnected and requests for a
reconnection with the same telephone number.

Prerequisites to Proceed: The requesting for reconnection should be a BSNL customer and for
whom there was a telephone number assigned previously.

User: CSR

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To create a reconnect order for a customer, follow the procedure below:

1. Click on the Customer Accounts screen

2. Query for the Customer with the Customer Id.

3. Click on the Account Name. Account Summary view appears.

4. Click on the Reconnect button. The Orders screen appears. The following fields will be

Installation address

Billing Account

Customer Account


Service Details

Usage Code etc

Reconnection Flag (with Y)

ISDN group/Centrex group

Exchange Code

Note 1: Preferred Number field is set automatically. If the previous number is available, that can be
taken, otherwise a list of new numbers will appear when Available Numbers is clicked.

Note 2: If the old number is not retrieved from inventory, then the user has to remove the value in
Preferred Number field and click on Available Number button again.

Proceed from here as usual.

1.33LL To WLL Conversion

This scenario is used for the conversion of active LandLine service to WLL service
Prerequisites to proceed: LandLine Service should be active on which conversion is required.

1. Go to Service Screen and query for the Service Id (Ph#) on which conversion is required.
2. The service should be active LandLine service.
3. Drill down on the Account Name of the queried record.
4. In Account Summary View under Customer Account select LL To WLL Conversion as Order Sub
5. Click on Conversion Button.

Following validations will validate before conversion :-
a. The Service should be active.
b. Operating Status of service should be active.

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c. Order Sub Type Field should not be null.

d. Order Sub Type should be LL To WLL Conversion
e. Service Type should be LandLine.
f. Connection Type should be Permanent.
g. Conversion is not allowed for FREE Service Category

6. After clicking Conversion button two orders will be created, one will be New Provision WLL
order and other will be Disconnect LandLine order. These Disconnect and New Provision orders
will be in Parent Child Relationship.
7. In Orders Screen the New Provision WLL (Child) order will be displayed with status Open. Add
Line Items and customize the product as requested by the customer.
8. Complete the Available Numbers, Reserve Number, Accessory Check, Validate, DemandNote
9. Click on Submit Order button. Message will popup for the submission of Disconnection Order
10. Click on Parent Orders Tab and drill down on the order number, this will be LL Disconnect
(Parent) order with status Open. Only Submit Order button will be enabled.Click on Submit
Order button the order will be submitted.

NOTE:- Please Submit both Parent and Child orders. In the above case Parent Order is LL
Disconnect order and Child Order is WLL New Provisioning order.

1.34WLL To LL Conversion
Prerequisites to proceed: WLL Service should be active on which conversion is required.

1. Go to Service Screen and query for the Service Id (Ph#) on which conversion is required.
The service should be active WLL service.
2. Drill down on the Account Name of the queried record.
3. In Account Summary View under Customer Account select WLL To LL Conversion as Order
Sub Type
4. Click on Conversion Button.

Following validations will validate before conversion :-
a. The Service should be active.
b. Operating Status of service should be active.
c. Order Sub Type Field should not be null.
d. Order Sub Type should be WLL To LL Conversion
e. Service Type should be WLL.
f. Connection Type should be Permanent.
g. Conversion is not allowed for FREE Service Category

5. After clicking Conversion button two orders will be created, one will be New Provision LandLine
order and other will be Disconnect WLL order. These Disconnect and New Provision orders will
be in Parent Child Relationship.

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6. In Orders Screen the New Provision LandLine (Child) order will be displayed with status Open.
Add Line Items and customize the product as requested by the customer.
7. Complete the Available Numbers, Reserve Number, Accessory Check, Validate, DemandNote
8. Click on Submit Order button. Message will popup for the submission of Disconnection Order
9. Click on Parent Orders Tab and drill down on the order number, this will be WLL Disconnect
(Parent) order with status Open. Only Submit Order button will be enabled. Click on Submit
Order button the order will be submitted.

NOTE:- Please Submit both Parent and Child orders. In the above case Parent Order is WLL
Disconnect order and Child Order is LL New Provisioning order.

1.35Note: Deposit Override

For CDR Based Customer Care & Convergent Billing Project


Currently AOTR can able to change the demand note amount based on the existing deposits available
at the customer and has to raise the manual refund request for difference amount. Most of the cases
AOTR is not able to raise the refund request manually and the difference amount is charged in the bill.

The requirement is whenever AOTR adjust the demand note the refund request has to be raised
automatically for the difference amount and allow for AOTR approval.


1. Query for that order in CRM and Drill down to Order Number
2. Assign AOTR button is available on the demand note view to assign the request to AOTR
for demand note amount modifications , CSR Need to click this if user want to override
3. On click of this button , One activity will be created and assigned to AOTR for demand note
amount modification
4. AOTR will drilldown and Come to demand note view
5. AOTR can able to change actual amount field to change the calculated amount
6. AOTR can approve the activity
if AOTR approve the activity and actual amount is less than estimated amount
then refund request will be raised with difference amount for modify order
7. If order type is new then refund request should not be created
8. AOTR can approve or reject the refund request based on the requirement
9. AOTR will approve the refund request when the difference amount is not required to charge in
next bill.
AOTR will reject the refund request when the difference amount has to be charged to the
customer in next bill.

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2 Business Scenarios - WLL

2.1 New WLL Fixed

WLL is wireless local loop which is a term used for a wireless communications link. WLL connections
can be given to the customer who specifically request for it or if the normal Landline connection is not

Prerequisites to proceed: The CSR should have a CAF details from the customer for whom the WLL
is being provisioned.

Users: CSR

To provide a new WLL service for a customer:

1. Click the Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.
2. Click Customer Accounts List link. The Customer Accounts List View appears.
3. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
Note:Customer Id field is auto-populated. The default value for Status is Prospect.
4. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Account Name (Surname, Name) and Account
5. Note: To refresh or delete the record you just entered, press Esc button.
6. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears.
7. To create a new WLL connection, the customer has to provide the details in the following tabs:
a. Addresses
b. Contacts
c. Billing Accounts

8. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.
Note: No records are present as the addresses are yet to be added.
9. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
Note: The Billing Address, Billing Correspondence Address and Installation Address are

10. Click Contacts view tab. The Customer Accounts Contacts View appears.
Note: No records are present as the contacts have to be added.
11. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
12. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Surname, Name, Preferred Communication
Method, and Preferred Communication Language.
13. Click the down arrow located next to Account Summary view tab on the right side of the
screen in the lower applet. From the menu, select Billing Accounts. The Customer Accounts
Billing Accounts View appears.
14. Click New. A record appears.
Note: The fields Billing Account, Billing Account Number, Preferred Payment Method, Bill Media,
Currency, Rural/Urban Status fields are auto-populated.

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15. Provide the information in the mandatory fields: Contact Last Name, Contact First Name,
Billing Account Type, Billing Account Sub Type, Frequency, Preferred Language Name, Bill
Period, Billing Address, and Billing Corresponding Address.
16. Click on the Create Account button. This will activate the Billing account in the Billing
17. Click Ctrl + S or click Menu and select Save Record option. The record is saved.
18. Click Orders view tab. The Customer Accounts Orders view appears.
19. Click New. A record is created in yellow with the Account Name already populated.
Note: The fields Order #, Order Number, Order Type, Order Sub Type, Credentials Collected,
Currency Code, Number Type, Sales Channel, Order Date, Customer Requested Date, Status
and Sub Status are auto-populated.
20. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Billing Account field and Installation Address.
Note: Select the Service Line field as Basic Phone Service, Service as Wireless, Service Type as
WLL, Service Sub Type as WLL Fixed, Connection Type and Usage Code.
21. Click Order Number. The Orders More Info View appears.
22. Click Line Items view tab. The Orders Line Items View appears.
23. Click New. A record appears.
Note: Line # and Billing Account, Usage Code, Action Code, DQ Level Value, DQ Level,
Suggested Name, Deposit Type, Refund Type and Quantity fields are auto-populated.
24. Enter Nominee Name, select Nominee Relation.
25. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.
26. Click Customize. The Plans tab is active by default.
27. Select a plan, facility, accessories from the respective tabs according to the requirements of
the customer.
Follow Step 15 to Step 27 in Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection using the Auto Order

2.2 WLL-TNF Connection

In this scenario, whenever the landline fixed connection is not feasible, WLL-TNF connection is
provided to the customer.

Users: CSR

To provide a WLL-TNF connection:

Follow Step 1 to Step 17 of Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection using the Auto Order

Note: Before submitting the order, the Status of the order can become Not Feasible at any of the 3
stages; When you click the button:

Available Numbers or
Reserve Number or
Accessory Check or

1. Click on the Menu button. A list of options can be seen.

2. Click on Create TNF Order option. A WLL TNF order gets created.

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3. Follow Step 22 to Step 27 of Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection using the Auto
Order Feature

2.3 WLL Facility Provisioning

User: CSR

In this scenario, the customer may request for additional facilities for an existing WLL connection.

To provision a new facility on an existing WLL connection, see Facility Provisioning for Landline.

2.4 WLL Fixed Disconnection or WLL Permanent Closure

User: CSR

To disconnect or permanently close the WLL Fixed connection, See Voluntary Closure of Landline.

2.5 WLL -TNF Facility Disconnection

User: CSR

To disconnect a WLL-TNF Facility, See Voluntary Closure of Landline.

2.6 WLL Shift Scenarios Within same exchange and without number change

User: CSR

To shift a WLL connection Within same exchange and without number change, See Shift of Landline
within the Exchange(without number change).

2.7 WLL Shift Scenarios - Within same exchange and with number change

User: CSR

To shift a WLL connection Within same exchange and with number change, See Shift of Landline
within the Exchange(with number change).

2.8 WLL Shift Scenarios - Across exchanges

User: CSR

To shift a WLL connection Across exchanges, See Shift of Landline Across Exchanges with
number change(and within zones).

2.9 New WLL Prepaid Fixed/Mobile

This is the pre-paid WLL option. As the name indicates, the WLL connection is given and the
customer has to pay the amount before usage. There is a new link available under the Orders screen
called WLL Prepaid, where the WLL Prepaid orders can be viewed.

Prerequisites to proceed: The CSR should have a CAF details from the customer to whom the WLL
pre-paid is being given.


User: CSR

To provide a new WLL pre-paid service for a customer, follow the procedure below:

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1. Click the Customer Accounts screen tab Customer Account List. Customer Accounts list
view appears.

2. Click New in the Customer Accounts List View. Customer Id is auto-generated with the default
value for Status as Prospect.

3. Enter the mandatory fields: Account Name in the format of Surname, First Name. (For example,
Rao Venkat), and Account Type.

Note: To refresh or delete the record you just entered, press Esc button.

4. Drill down/Click on Account Name. Accounts Summary tab appears.

To create a new WLL connection, the customer has to provide the details in the following tabs:

a. Addresses
b. Contacts
c. Billing Accounts
5. Click Addresses view tab. No records are present as the addresses are yet to be added.

6. Click New. Add Installation and Billing addresses. See Creating New Address.

7. Click Contacts view tab. No records are present as the addresses are yet to be added.

8. Click New.

9. Enter the information for all the mandatory fields: Surname, Name, Preferred Communication
Method, and Preferred Communication Language.

10. Click located next to Account Summary view tab on the right side of the screen in the lower
applet. From the menu, select Billing Accounts.

11. Click New. The fields Billing Account, Billing Account Number, Preferred Payment Method, Bill
Media, Currency, Rural/Urban Status fields are auto populated.

12. Provide the information in the mandatory fields: Contact Last Name, Contact First Name, Billing
Account Type, Billing Account Sub Type, Frequency, Preferred Language Name, Bill Period,
Billing Address, Billing Corresponding Address.

13. Click on the Create Account button. For more information on Billing Accounts field names and
their description, See Error: Reference source not found

Note: Please select the Billing Account Type and Billing Account Sub Type values as WLL Prepaid.

14. Save record by clicking Ctrl + S or click Menu and select Save Record option.

15. Click Orders screen Order List

16. Click New. A record with the customer name is displayed. The fields Order #, Order Number,
Order Type, Order Sub Type, Credentials Collected, Currency Code, Number Type, Sales
Channel, Order Date, Customer Requested Date, Status and Sub Status are auto-populated.

17. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Account Name, Billing Account field and Installation
Address. Select the Service Line field as Basic Phone Service, Service as Wireless, Service Type

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as WLL PREPAID, Service Sub Type as FIXED or MOBILE, Connection Type as Permanent and
Usage Code.

18. Drill down (click) on the Order Number. The control navigates to the Orders Detail view.

19. Under Line Items, click on New. A new record is created.

20. Enter Nominee Name, Nominee Relation and Product.

21. Click on Customize. The Product Configurator screen appears. Only three attributes need to be
entered, Acquisition Type, ESN Number and Plans.

22. After selection is done here, click on Done.

Note: If the Acquisition Type of the Accessory is Purchase, then, in the WLL-prepaid Order screen:

i) Enter the Receipt number in the Accessory Receipt Number field.

ii) Save or Refresh.

iii) Click on the Menu option.

iv) Select the option Validate Receipt Number.

This will help PMS validate the receipt number entered by the CSR. If the receipt number entered is
invalid, then it gives a prompt that the receipt number is invalid. If the receipt has already been used, it
gives a prompt that the receipt number has already been used and asks the CSR to enter another
valid receipt number. If the receipt number entered is correct, then the CSR will get no prompts and
can proceed as usual.

23. Click on the Validate button.

24. Click on the Submit button. An alert appears saying, Prepaid Order Submitted Successfully and
an Alert sent to WLL NODAL OFFICER. An alert is sent to the Nodal Officer and the Alert# is the
Order Number of the order.


1. Login with the credentials given.

2. Click on the Alert # with the Message BodyWLL Prepaid Submitted. The WLL Orders screen

3. Type in the ESN number and the WLL Prepaid Service Id(Ph #) fields.

4. Click on Menu button. A dropdown of options appears.

5. Click on the option, Complete WLL Prepaid Order. The control navigates to the Account
Summary View of the corresponding Customer Account. A welcome message is sent to the

2.10WLL Prepaid - Modify

To make changes to the existing WLL Prepaid service we need to modify it. There can be a change in
Acquisition Type, Plan or Billing Account, etc.

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Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have a WLL prepaid service provisioned with BSNL.


User: CSR

To Modify a WLL Prepaid Service, follow the procedure below:

1. Click on the Services screen.

2. Enter the Service Id of the WLL Prepaid service in the Service Id (Ph #) field and click Go. A
record is viewed which is Active for that customer.

3. Click on the Account Name of the service. The Account Summary View of the customer

4. Select the option Change in Service for the Order Sub Type.

5. Click on Modify. The Modify Change in Service order appears.

6. Enter the comments as to what changes need to be done.

7. Click on Validate.

8. Click on Submit. An alert appears saying, Prepaid Order Submitted Successfully and an Alert
sent to WLL NODAL OFFICER. An alert is sent to the Nodal Officer and the Alert# is the
Order Number of the order.


1. Login with the given credentials.

2. Click on the Alert # with the Message Body WLL Prepaid Submitted. The WLL Orders screen

3. The Nodal Officer clicks on the Customize button if any of the attributes, Acquisition Type or
Plan needs to be changed.

Note: If the Acquisition Type of the Accessory is Purchase, then, in the WLL-prepaid Order screen:

i) Enter the Receipt number in the Accessory Receipt Number field.

ii) Save or Refresh.

iii) Click on the Menu option.

iv) Select the option Validate Receipt Number.

This will help PMS validate the receipt number entered by the CSR. If the receipt number entered is
invalid, then it gives a prompt that the receipt number is invalid. If the receipt has already been used, it
gives a prompt that the receipt number has already been used and asks the CSR to enter another
valid receipt number. If the receipt number entered is correct, then the CSR will get no prompts and
can proceed as usual.

1. Click on Menu button. A dropdown of options appears.

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2. Click on the option, Complete WLL Prepaid Order. The control navigates to the Account
Summary View of the corresponding Customer Account. A welcome message is sent to the

2.11WLL Prepaid Disconnection (Permanent Closure)

The customer may want to permanently disconnect the WLL prepaid service. This is when the
disconnect order for the service is raised.

Prerequisites to proceed: The WLL prepaid service should be active for the customer for whom the
disconnection would take place.


User: CSR

To disconnect the WLL Prepaid service permanently, follow the procedure below:

1. Click on the Services screen.

2. Enter the Service Id of the WLL Prepaid service in the Service Id (Ph #) field and click Go. A
record is viewed which is Active for that customer.

3. Click on the Account Name of the service. The Account Summary View of the customer

4. Select the value, Disconnect in the Order Sub Type field.

5. Click on the Disconnect button. The Orders screen appears and the Submit Order button is

2.12Note: Deposit Override

For CDR Based Customer Care & Convergent Billing Project


Currently AOTR can able to change the demand note amount based on the existing deposits available
at the customer and has to raise the manual refund request for difference amount. Most of the cases
AOTR is not able to raise the refund request manually and the difference amount is charged in the bill.

The requirement is whenever AOTR adjust the demand note the refund request has to be raised
automatically for the difference amount and allow for AOTR approval.


Query for that order in CRM and Drill down to Order Number

Assign AOTR button is available on the demand note view to assign the request to AOTR for
demand note amount modifications , CSR Need to click this if user want to override. On click of this
button , one activity will be created and assigned to AOTR for demand note amount modification

AOTR will drilldown and Come to demand note view

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AOTR can change actual amount field to change the calculated amount

AOTR can approve the activity

if AOTR approve the activity and actual amount is less than
estimated amount then refund request will be raised with
difference amount for modify order
If order type is new then refund request should not be

AOTR can approve or reject the refund request based on the requirement

AOTR will approve the refund request when the difference amount is not required to charge in next

AOTR will reject the refund request when the difference amount has to be charged to the customer in
next bill.

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3 Business Scenarios EVDO/NIC

3.1 New EVDO Connection

For creating a new EVDO connection, an order has to be created. Once the order is created, the
processing of the order is controlled by exchanging the messages between the downstream systems,
that is, Clarity and the Billing system. Depending on the request received from CRM, the Clarity
system controls the required configurations either manually or automatically and sends the feedback
to CRM in the form of controlled messages. Once the order is provisioned, system automatically
creates an Asset against that particular order. In other words, an Asset is created for every provision
order completed.

Prerequisites to proceed:

User should login into the CRM application

User should have prior knowledge about the New EVDO Connection
User should be assigned the role of CSR or CO in the profile

3.1.1 Creating a New EVDO New Connection

Users: CSR

To create a new EVDO connection, details of the customer should be entered in a particular order:
Customer Accounts Contacts Billing Accounts Orders.

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Click Customer Accounts List link. The Customer Accounts List View appears.
3. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
4. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Account Name (Surname, First Name), and
Account Type.
To refresh or delete the record you just entered, press Esc button.
Once the Account Name is entered, it becomes a hyperlink.

1. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears. In this
view, information should be provided in the following view tabs:
Billing Accounts

2. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.
3. Click New (in the lower applet). A new record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
4. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Billing Address, Billing Correspondence
Address and Installation Address. By default, Installation Address is selected.

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5. Click Contacts view tab located next to the Accounts Summary view tab. The Customer
Accounts Contacts View appears.
6. Click New (in the lower applet). A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
7. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Surname, Name, Preferred Communication
Method and Preferred Communication Language.
Note: Once the Account Name is entered, Customer Id is auto-populated.
8. Click the down arrow located next to Accounts Summary. A drop down list appears.
9. Click Billing Accounts view tab. The Customer Accounts Billing Accounts View appears.
10. Click New (in the lower applet). A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
Note: Billing Account Number, Status and other fields are auto-populated.
11. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Billing Account Type, Billing Account Sub Type,
Frequency, Preferred Language Name, Bill Period, Bill Type and Billing Address
12. Click Save or Ctrl + S to save the record.
13. Click Orders view tab in the Customer Accounts screen. The Orders Detail View appears.
14. Select all the required fields like Customer Account, Billing Account, installation Address,
Service Line as Basic Phone Service , Service as Wireless , Service Type as EVDO,
Service Sub Type as EVDO, Connection Type as Permanent and Usage Code and any
other fields required.
15. Click Order Number. The Orders More Info View appears.
16. Click Line Items view tab. The Orders Line Items View appears.
17. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Nominee Name, Nominee Relation and
Note: Depending on the Service Type selected, Products are filtered and displayed.
18. Click on Customize button and select the Plan, Accessory and Facilities. Etc as similar to
other orders
19. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders screen appears with the
selected products under the Line Items tab.
20. Click on Available Numbers button and select the desired number from the list of available
numbers. Key in preferred number and click on Number Availability to get the list of preferred
21. Click on Reserve Number button to reserve the selected number for the customer.
22. Click on Accessory Check button to check the availability of accessory in downstream
23. Click Validate. If the information provided is complete and correct, the order is validated
successfully. A dialog box with the message: Validations are successful, appears.
24. Click Demand Note. The Demand Note View appears.
Note: If the Total Amount in the Orders screen is Rs. 0.00, then the Submit Order button is
activated without any payments (Make Payment button is disabled in the Demand Note Tab).
25. Click Submit Order. Upon successful submission of the order, a dialog box with the
message, Order is submitted successfully, appears. The order is submitted to the downstream
systems for further processing. After the process is completed, the response messages are
received from the downstream systems.
26. Once Order is submitted successfully, check for milestones.

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27. Click Orders Detail ViewMilestones View to view the status updates from the downstream
systems. If Order is successfully created in clarity CRM will get SERVICE ORDER
CREATED update in milestones, and then check for Outdoor, Indoor, MDF, Testing, Billing
Completed task.
28. Once SERVICE ORDER COMPLETED task is received in CRM. Service will be created with
Welcome call activity for CSR to give Welcome call to customer.
29. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
30. Click Services screen. Paste (Ctrl + V) the phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field.
31. Click Query. The service record appears.
32. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears.
33. Verify and confirm the details in the Services Detail View. By default, the Service Details
Components View appears. Check if the product components requested are provisioned as
per the customers requirement.

3.2 Creating EVDO Modify Order

3.2.1 Change in Acquisition Type

Users: CSR

Prerequisites to proceed: For a Change of Acquisition to be provisioned, the customer should have
an existing EVDO service.

To Change the Acquisition of the EVDO Service:

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search field.
3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts List View appears
4. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View Appears.
5. Click Order Sub Type. A drop down list appears.
6. Select Order Type as Change in Service.
7. Click Modify. A modify order is created and order detail view appears.
8. Click Line Items view tab. The Orders Line Items View appears.
9. Click Customize. The product configurator view appears.
10. Click Accessory tab. The Accessory enlisted for the current service appears.
11. Change the Acquisition Type from RENTAL to PURCHACE, RENTAL to PURCHACE
NEXT BILL And Vice versa. If Changed Acquisition type is RENTAL then ESN will be updated
during outdoor or CSR enters ESN. The action code of accessory line item and action code of
the attribute ESN Number is sent as "Update".
12. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created
13. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the new facility is verified.
Note: The Sub Status value changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.

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14. Click Validate. The mandatory changes that are made are validated for correctness. Note:
The Sub Status changes to Validation Successful. If the validations are successful, a
message, Validations are successful, appears.
15. Click Demand Note. The Demand Note View for the requested facility is generated.
Note: A record with the Demand Note Number and the amount, if any, to be paid by the customer,
16. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.
Note: The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation
17. Click Milestones view tab. The Type field indicates with which downstream system the order
is pending
Note: The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if
the Status field in this view is Completed, the Status field in the upper applet is also Completed
indicating that the order has been completed
18. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.
19. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
20. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.
21. Paste (Ctrl + V) the phone number. A record with the phone number whose Status value is
Active appears.
22. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components View appears.

Note: In the lower applet, under Product field, the Change of Acquisition is seen

3.2.2 Change of ESN for EVDO

Users: CSR

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing EVDO connection and the facility
for change for ESN is provisioned.

To Change the ESN of an Accessory for an EVDO connection:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 10 in the Change of Acquisition Type for EVDO

2. Click Accessory tab. The Accessory enlisted for the current service appears.
3. Drill Down on the Accessory for which the ESN Number has to be changed.
4. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created
5. Follow Step 13 to Step 21 same as the Change of Acquisition Type for EVDO

3.2.3 Change of Indicator for EVDO(Number Change)

Users: CSR

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing EVDO connection

For Indicator Change for an EVDO Connection:

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1. Follow Step 1 to Step 7 in the Change of Acquisition Type for EVDO

2. But select Order sub Type as Indicator Change.
3. Click on Available Numbers button and select the desired number from the list of available
numbers. Key in preferred number and click on Number Availability to get the list of preferred
4. Remaining Process is same as the provision of New EVDO Connection

3.2.4 Change of Accessories for EVDO

Users: CSR

Prerequisites to proceed: For a Change of Accessories to be provisioned, the customer should have
an existing EVDO service.

To Change the Accessory of the EVDO Service:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 10 in the Change of Acquisition Type for EVDO

2. Click Accessory tab. The Accessory enlisted for the current service appears.
3. Change the Existing Accessory from USB to PCMCIA or from PCMCIA to USB
4. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created
5. Follow Step 13 to Step 21 same as the Change of Acquisition Type for EVDO

3.2.5 Change of Usage Code for EVDO

Users: CSR

Prerequisites to proceed: For a Change of Usage Code to be provisioned, the customer should
have an existing EVDO service.

To Change the Usage Code of the EVDO Service:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 7 in the Change of Acquisition Type for EVDO

2. But select Order Sub Type as Usage Code.
3. Change the Existing Usage Code to Business to Residential or Residential to Office or Vice
4. Follow Step 13 to Step 21 same as the Change of Acquisition Type for EVDO

3.3 Creating EVDO Shift Orders

3.3.1 Shift of EVDO within the Exchange (without number change)

Users: CSR

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To Shift an EVDO connection, the customer should have an existing EVDO service. Before the Shift
process is started, it is required that the entry of the new installation address has the same exchange
type (which is provided in the Customer AccountsAddresses view for that particular customer)

To shift the EVDO process within the same exchange without the number change:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all the values in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts List View appears.

4. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

5. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.

6. Click New. A record with the Address Type as Installation Address appears.

Note: Installation Address, Billing Address and Billing Corresponding Address are mandatory.

7. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View tab
appears. The services provided to that particular account appears.

8. Select the Order Sub Type as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg.

9. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

10. Click Shift. At this point, two orders are created.

First, with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Within
exch w/o NumChg (Child order or Reconnection order)
Second, with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as
Disconnect (Parent order or Shift-Disconnect order)
11.The Orders Detail View of the child order appears.

12. Click More Info view tab. The Customer Accounts More Info View appears.

13. Select Nature Of Shift from the following three options:

Shift CRD
Shift when feasible
Shift Immediate

If the Nature of Shift is Shift CRD:

In this scenario, shift takes place on the date requested by the customer. The Accessory Check button
is active.

Note: If the Installation Address is not changed, an alert is generated.

1. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status changes from Pending to Accessories Check


2. Enter the Customer Requested Date as per the date requested by the customer.

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Note: Change in Customer Requested Date can be made only after the Accessory Check is
completed and before you click the Validate button.

3. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears.

4. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

5. The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation

6. The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed, that is, after the facility
is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes Completed. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes completely non-editable.

7. Click Milestones view tab. The Type field indicates with which downstream system the order is
pending. The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if
the Status field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

If the Nature of Shift is Shift When Feasible:

In this scenario, the shift takes place whenever it is feasible for BSNL. The Accessory Check button is
active. If the Installation Address is not changed, an alert is generated.

1. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status changes from Pending to Accessories Check Done.

2. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears.

3. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

4. The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation

5. The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed, that is, after the
facility is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes completed. Once the order is
completed, the view becomes completely non-editable.

6. Click Milestones view tab. The Type field indicates with which downstream system the order
is pending. The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For
example, if the Status field in this view shows Completed, the Status field in the upper applet
shows Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

When Nature of Shift is Shift Immediate:

In this scenario, the disconnect order (parent order) should be completed before the child order.

1. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessories Check

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Note: If an alert is generated during the Accessory Check to remove the accessories that have status
as Not Feasible, then the accessories under Line Items with Status field as Delete, should be
removed and then click the Accessory Check button.

2. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears.

3. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

4. The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation

5. The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the Parent order is completed, that is,
once the Disconnect order gets completed, the Status of the Child order becomes In

6. Click Orders Detail View Milestones View to view the status updates from the
downstream systems. If Order is successfully created in clarity CRM will get SERVICE
ORDER CREATED update in milestones, and then check for Outdoor, Indoor, MDF, Testing,
Billing Completed task.

7. SERVICE ORDER COMPLETED task is received in CRM. Service will be created

3.3.2 Shift of EVDO Across the Exchange

Users: CSR

To Shift an EVDO connection Across Exchanges with the number change:, the customer should have
an existing EVDO service. Before the Shift process is started, it is required that the entry of the new
installation address Should have an Different exchange type (which is provided in the Customer
Accounts Addresses view for that particular customer)

To shift the EVDO process Across the Exchange with the number change:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all the values in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts List View appears.

4. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

5. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.

6. Click New. A record with the Address Type as Installation Address appears.

Note: Installation Address, Billing Address and Billing Corresponding Address are mandatory.

7. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Account Account Summary View tab
appears. The services provided to that particular account appears.

8. Select the Order Sub Type as Shift Across Exchanges.

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9. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

10. Click Shift. At this point, two orders are created.

First, with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Across
Exchange (Child order or Reconnection order)
Second, with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as
Disconnect (Parent order or Shift-Disconnect order)
Note: The Available Numbers button is activated.

11. The Orders Detail View of the child order appears.

12. Click More Info view tab. The Customer Accounts More Info View appears.

13. Select Nature Of Shift from the following three options:

Shift CRD
Shift when feasible
Shift Immediate

If Nature of Shift is Shift CRD:

Note: The Available Numbers button is activated.
1. Click Available Numbers. A list containing the phone numbers available in the current
exchange appears.

2. Select a number from the list. The selected number appears in Service Id (Ph #) field.

3. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

4. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

5. Enter the Customer Requested Date field as the requested by the customer.

Note: The date cannot be less than the current date.

6. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Sub Status field changes
to Validation Successful.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

8. Click Orders Detail View Milestones View to view the status updates from the
downstream systems. If Order is successfully created in clarity CRM will get SERVICE
ORDER CREATED update in milestones, and then check for Outdoor, Indoor, MDF, Testing,
Billing Completed task.

9. Once SERVICE ORDER COMPLETED task is received in CRM. Service will be created

If Nature of Shift is Shift When Feasible:

Note: The Available Numbers button is activated.

1. Select the Nature of Shift as Shift When Feasible

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2. Click Available Numbers. A list containing the phone numbers available in the current
exchange appears.

3. Select a number from the list. The selected number appears in Service Id (Ph #) field.

4. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

6. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Sub Status field changes
to Validation Successful.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

8. Click Orders Detail View Milestones View to view the status updates from the downstream
systems. If Order is successfully created in clarity CRM will get SERVICE ORDER
CREATED update in milestones, and then check for Outdoor, Indoor, MDF, Testing, Billing
Completed task.

9. Once SERVICE ORDER COMPLETED task is received in CRM. Service will be created

If Nature of Shift is Shift Immediate:

In this scenario, the disconnect order (parent order) should be completed before
the child order.

Note: The Submit Order and Available Numbers buttons are activated. If the Installation Address is
not changed, an alert is generated.

1. Click Available Numbers. A list containing the phone numbers available in the current
exchange appears.

2. Select a number from the list. The selected number appears in Service Id (Ph #) field.

3. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

4. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

5. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Sub Status field
changes to Validation Successful.

6. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

7. Click Orders Detail View Milestones View to view the status updates from the
downstream systems. If Order is successfully created in clarity CRM will get SERVICE
ORDER CREATED update in milestones, and then check for Outdoor, Indoor, MDF, Testing,
Billing Completed task.

8. .Once SERVICE ORDER COMPLETED task is received in CRM. Service will be created

3.4 Creating EVDO Disconnection Order

Prerequisites to proceed: To disconnect the EVDO service, the customer should have an existing
EVDO service.

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1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all the values in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts List View appears.

4. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

5. Select Order Sub Type Disconnect and click Disconnect button

6. Process will populate Disconnect Reason as Voluntary Disconnection

7. Click on Submit button to submit order to downstream system, and check for milestones

8. Once Service Order Completed milestone is received by CRM, the service will be
disconnected from CRM

3.5 EVDO/NIC Assurance

3.5.1 Instrument Fault Scenario

1. Click Trouble Ticket screen. The Trouble ticket Home View appears.

2. Click on Complaints view in Trouble Ticket List View Appears

3. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.

4. Enter the information in the mandatory fields like Account Name, Service Id, Complaint Type
and Complaint Sub Type.

5. Select Complaint Type as Technical And Sub Type as Instrument Fault

6. Once the Fields are entered the Docket # becomes hyper link.

7. Click Docket # . The Service Request Detail Summary View appears.

8. Click Submit Button. Upon successful submission of the ticket .The complaint is submitted to
the downstream systems for further processing. After the process is completed, the response
messages are received from the downstream systems. The Status becomes Open And Sub
Status becomes Assigned to ITO

9. Click trouble ticket Detail View Activities View to view the status updates from the
downstream systems.

10. Once SERVICE ORDER COMPLETED task is received in CRM. The Sub Status becomes
Assigned to FTO

11. FTO Officer clicks on close button once after processing the Docket.

12. The Complaint now will be turned into Faults once after docket is closed by FTO Officer

3.5.2 Billing Usage Charge Scenario

For billing Usage Charge Scenario follow the step1 to step 4 from Instrument fault Scenario

1. Select Complaint Type as Billing And Sub Type as Usage Charges

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2. Once the Fields are entered the Docket # becomes hyper link.

3. Click Docket #. The Service Request Detail Summary View appears.

4. Click Submit Button. Upon successful submission of the ticket .The complaint is submitted to
the downstream systems for further processing. After the process is completed, the response
messages are received from the downstream systems. The Status becomes Open And Sub
Status becomes Assigned to ITO

5. Click trouble ticket Detail View Activities View to view the status updates from the
downstream systems.

6. Once SERVICE ORDER COMPLETED task is received in CRM . The Sub Status becomes
assigned to AOTR.

7. ATOR Officer clicks on close button once after processing the Docket.

8. The Complaint now will be turned into Faults once after docket is closed by FTO Officer

3.5.3 Facility and Accessory Issue

1. For Facility and Accessory Scenario follow the step1 to step 4 from Instrument fault Scenario

2. Select Complaint Type as Other And Sub Type as Facility and Accessory

3. Click Submit Button. Upon successful submission of the ticket .The complaint is submitted to
the downstream systems for further processing. After the process is completed, the response
messages are received from the downstream systems. The Status becomes Open And Sub
Status becomes Assigned to ITO

4. Click trouble ticket Detail View Activities View to view the status updates from the
downstream systems.

5. At the Downstream if Accessory is faulty they change it with new and send updates .The
updates can be seen at services Screen Attributes View

6. Once SERVICE ORDER COMPLETED task is received in CRM. The Sub Status becomes
Assigned to FTO

7. FTO Officer will process the complaint and clicks on close button.

Note: Accessory Receipt Number Validation

If the Acquisition Type of the Accessory(Modem/EVDO/NIC) is Purchase, then, in the Order screen:

i) Enter the Receipt number in the Accessory Receipt Number field.

ii) Save or Refresh.

iii) Click on the Menu option.

iv) Select the option Validate Receipt Number.

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This will help PMS validate the receipt number entered by the CSR. If the receipt number entered is
invalid, then it gives a prompt that the receipt number is invalid. If the receipt has already been used, it
gives a prompt that the receipt number has already been used and asks the CSR to enter another
valid receipt number. If the receipt number entered is correct, then the CSR will get no prompts and
can proceed as usual.

3.6 My Assigned Request

3.6.1 My Dunning Activity View

My Dunning Activity View displays the OGB/ICB/OGICB dunning initiated requests for VIP customer
which are pending for AOTR approval.

Billing system will generate the OGB/ICB/OGICB list for VIP customers and share the list to CRM
through batch job. Batch job will populate the Collection Date and Collection Initiated status in Billing
account with OGB/ICB/OGICB Initiated based on the type list generated from billing.

An activity is also created to AOTR for OGB/ICB/OGICB approval based on the number range.

AOTR can see the OGB reqests in My OGB Request View and ICB/OGICB requests in My
OGICB/ICB Request View.

AOTR can Approve or Reject the activity, During approval or rejection the collection initiated status will
be changed to OGB/ICB/OGICB approved or OGB/ICB/OGICB Rejected in both billing account and in
active services for that billing account.

One schedule batch job will extract list of services attached to billing account which Collection Initiated
Status as OGB/ICB/OGICB Approved and share the list to Clarity for dunning and Collection
Initiated Status in services is updated with OGB/ICB/OGICB Send. So that it will not pickup this
record next time.

CRM will also send the list of dunning customers to PMS and Collection Initiated Status in billing
account is updated with OGB/ICB/OGICB Send.

To navigate to the My Dunning Activity View

1. Click My Assigned Request screen.

2. Click My Dunning Activity View link. The My OGB Request View appears.

My OGB Request Activity List Applet - This applet appears on the

upper half of the screen. It displays the activity created for AOTR.
My OGB Request Services List Applet - This applet appears on the
lower half of the screen. It displays all the services related to billing
account for which activity is created.

3.6.2 Approving/Rejecting the Dunning Request for VIP Customers

To Approve/Reject the dunning request:

1. Click Approve located in the upper half of the screen to approve the request. During approval
the collection initiated status will be changed to OGB/ICB/OGICB approved in both billing
account and in active services for that billing account and the dunning request will disappear
from My Dunning View.

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2. Click Reject located in the upper half of the screen to reject the request. During rejection the
collection initiated status will be changed to OGB/ICB/OGICB Rejected in both billing account
and in active services for that billing account and the dunning request will disappear from My
Dunning View.

3.7 Note: Deposit Override

For CDR Based Customer Care & Convergent Billing Project


Currently AOTR can able to change the demand note amount based on the existing deposits available
at the customer and has to raise the manual refund request for difference amount. Most of the cases
AOTR is not able to raise the refund request manually and the difference amount is charged in the bill.

The requirement is whenever AOTR adjust the demand note the refund request has to be raised
automatically for the difference amount and allow for AOTR approval.


Query for that order in CRM and Drill down to Order Number

Assign AOTR button is available on the demand note view to assign the request to AOTR for
demand note amount modifications , CSR Need to click this if user want to override. On click of this
button, one activity will be created and assigned to AOTR for demand note amount modification

AOTR will drilldown and Come to demand note view

AOTR can able to change actual amount field to change the calculated amount
AOTR can approve the activity
if AOTR approve the activity and actual amount is less than estimated amount
then refund request will be raised with difference amount for modify order
If order type is new then refund request should not be created.
AOTR can approve or reject the refund request based on the requirement.

AOTR will approve the refund request when the difference amount is not required to charge in next

AOTR will reject the refund request when the difference amount has to be charged to the customer in
next bill.

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4 Business Scenarios - PCO

4.1 PCO Closure

Users: CSR

See Voluntary Closure of Landline

4.2 PCO Shift Across Exchanges

Users: CSR

See Shift of Landline Across Exchanges with number change(and within zones)

4.3 PCO Shift within Exchange (without number change)

Users: CSR

See Shift of Landline within the Exchange(without number change)

4.4 PCO Shift within Exchange (with number change)

Users: CSR

See Shift of Landline within the Exchange(with number change)

4.5 PCO Accessory Provisioning

Users: CSR

See Accessory Provisioning for Landline

4.6 New PCO Connection for Local, STD and ISD PCOs

A user can subscribe to a public telephone. This service is different from a regular landline service as
this is used for a commercial purpose.

Prerequisites to proceed: The CSR should have the CAF details of the customer for whom the PCO
connection has to be provisioned.

Users: CSR

To provide a customer with a new PCO connection, follow the procedure below:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 11 of Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection Manually.

2. Click New. A form open to fill in details of Billing Account.

3. Provide the information in the mandatory fields: Contact Last Name, Contact First Name,
Preferred Language Name, Bill Period, Billing Address and Billing Corresponding Address.

4. Fill the fields with the following values: Billing Account Type as PT, Billing Account Sub Type
select value from the dropdown list, Frequency as Fort Nightly.

5. Click Orders view tab. The Customer Accounts Order view opens.

6. Click on New. A new record is created and is highlighted in yellow.

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7. Fill the required details.

Note: The fields Order #, Order Number, Order Type, Order Sub Type, Credentials Collected,
Currency Code, Number Type, Sales Channel, Order Date, Customer Requested Date, Status
and Sub Status are auto-populated.
8. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Account Name, Billing Account field and
Installation Address.

9. Select the Service Line field as Basic Phone Service, Service as Wireline, Service Type as LL
PCO, Service Sub Type as either Landline PCO or FLPP PCO or CCB, Connection Type
and Usage Code.

10. Click Order Number. The Orders More Info View appears.

11. Click Line Items view tab. The Orders Line Items View appears.

12. Click Customize. The Product Configuration screen appears

13. Select plans, facilities, accessories, schemes, etc.

14. Follow Step 15 to 27 of Creating a Permanent Phone Connection with Auto Order.


i. The product to be selected for PCO in Line Items is Landline PT.

ii. CCB is Coin Collection Box

4.7 Disconnection due to Non Payment

In this scenario, the user cannot update anything in CRM manually. If PMS finds that the payment is
not being done, Clarity system is updated and Clarity in turn updates CRM. The outgoing calls will be
barred for the customer.

To check if disconnection has been done due to non-payment for a regular customer:

Users: Any

1. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.

2. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.

3. Click Query (in the upper applet). A blank record highlighted in yellow appears.

4. Select Operating Status field as OG barred NP.

5. Click Go. The result may or may not return records. If there is one or more records, that means
customers of these services have outgoing calls barred.

To disconnect due to non-payment for a VIP customer:


1. CRM receives a list of VIP customers who have not made payments. CSR calls the customer
and asks for a date on which the customer can make the payment.

User: CSR

2. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.

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3. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.

4. Click Collections view tab. The Promise to Pay Date field is populated with a date. If todays
date is more than the date mentioned in the field, the CSR has to escalate this to AOTR.

5. Click Submit. If todays date is more than the date mentioned in the field, an alert is generated
for the AOTR. The Promise to Pay Status value is Submitted.

User: AOTR

1. Click Task # The Message Body Please approve/reject collection request, appears. The
Services Collections View appears.

2. Click Approve if the outgoing has to be disconnected. The task is approved and the outgoing
service is barred for the customer and Promise to Pay Status value is Approved.


3. Click Reject if the outgoing service should not be disconnected. The task is rejected and the
outgoing service is not barred for the customer and Promise to Pay Status value is Rejected.

4.8 Permanent Closure due to Non Payment

The CO receives an alert to disconnect services permanently due to non-payment.

Prerequisites to proceed: The outgoing calls have been barred for this customer initially and later
even the incoming calls have been barred.


To disconnect service for a customer permanently due to non-payment of bills, follow the procedure

1. The procedure is similar to the Voluntary Closure of Landline scenario. The only difference is
that instead of CSR the CO will be initiating the process and CSR is not involved.

2. The alert has the Message Body: Raise Permanent Disconnect order on the Service: <Service
Id (Ph #)>; Date of Processing: <date of processing>.

4.9 Note: Deposit Override

For CDR Based Customer Care & Convergent Billing Project


Currently AOTR can able to change the demand note amount based on the existing deposits available
at the customer and has to raise the manual refund request for difference amount. Most of the cases
AOTR is not able to raise the refund request manually and the difference amount is charged in the bill.

The requirement is whenever AOTR adjust the demand note the refund request has to be raised
automatically for the difference amount and allow for AOTR approval.


Query for that order in CRM and Drill down to Order Number

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Assign AOTR button is available on the demand note view to assign the request to AOTR for
demand note amount modifications , CSR Need to click this if user want to override. On click of this
button , one activity will be created and assigned to AOTR for demand note amount modification

AOTR will drilldown and Come to demand note view

AOTR can able to change actual amount field to change the calculated amount
AOTR can approve the activity
if AOTR approve the activity and actual amount is less than estimated amount
then refund request will be raised with difference amount for modify order
If order type is new then refund request should not be created
AOTR can approve or reject the refund request based on the requirement

AOTR will approve the refund request when the difference amount is not required to charge in next

AOTR will reject the refund request when the difference amount has to be charged to the customer in
next bill.

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5 Business Scenarios - Centrex

Centrex is central office based communication service which integrates all your multi located
Telephone lines (Existing and New) into a single highly functional communication group with more
distinctive features without any additional equipment (like EXABX) at your premises.

For creating a New Centrex Connection, an order has to be created. Once the order is created, the
processing of the order is controlled by exchanging messages between the downstream systems, that
is Clarity and the Billing System. Depending on the request received from CRM, the Clarity System
controls the required configurations either manually or automatically and sends the feedback to CRM
in the form of controlled messages. Once the order is provisioned, CRM System automatically creates
an Asset against that particular order. In other words, an Asset is created for every provision order

Prerequisites to proceed:
User should login into the CRM application
User should have prior knowledge about the New Centrex Connection
User should be assigned the role of CSR in the profile

5.1 New Centrex Connection

User: CSR

To create a new Cnetrex Group, follow the procedure below:

1. Click on Order screen. Orders Homepage view appears.

2. Click on the Centrex Group link. The Orders Centrex Group view appears.

3. Click on New. A record is created and is yellow in colour. Group Id is automatically generated.

4. Enter mandatory fields like Name, Circle and SSA.

5. Save by clicking Ctrl+S. Record is saved.

6. Click on the Group Id(present) in the record highlited in yellow. The Centrex Sub Group
Reservation view opens up by default.

7. Click New. A new record is created here.

8. Enter Number Of Lines(number of phone connections presently required), Exchange Code

and Centrex Exchange.

9. Save by clicking Ctrl+S. Record is saved.

10. Click on the Approve button. Status changes to Approved By Nodal Officer and the Reserve
Numbers button on the upper applet gets activated.

11. Click on the Reserve Numbers button. The number of lines(connections) requested for would
be seen below the Sub Group section. The numbers given to this group will have Status as
Reserved. Once used in any order, they would become Active.

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To create new Centrex Connection, details of the customer should be entered in a specific order:
13. Follow Step 1 to Step 11 of Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection using Auto Order.
14. Click Centrex/ISDN Group Id. The Centrex Group Number Pick Applet appears.
15. Select Centrex Group Id that has been created.
16. Click Line Items view tab. The Orders Line Items View appears.
17. Click New. A new record is created.
18. Enter information in all the mandatory fields: Nominee Name, Nominee Relation and Product.
Depending upon the Service Type selected, Product is filtered and displayed.
19. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and the Schemes. The customer
can customize the product according to the requirement.
20. Click Plans tab to select the Centrex plans. By default, none is selected. Only one option can
be selected at a time
21. Click Calling Level tab to select the customers choice for Local, STD and ISD. By default,
Local is selected
22. Click Facilities tab to select the facilities
23. Click Accessories tab to select the requested accessories of the choices provided. By
default, LL NON CLI PHONE is selected
24. Click Centrex Schemes, Deposit Schemes, Installation Schemes, Rental Schemes and CUG
Plans to select the customers choice. By default, none is selected. Only one option can be
selected at a time
25. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders Line Items View along with
the selected products appears.
26. Click Line #. The details of the Products selected can be viewed.
27. Click Available Numbers. A list with all the available numbers with the Status Reserved for
that Centrex Group is displayed as a list.
28. Select a number from the list and click OK. The number is populated in the Service Id(Ph #)
29. Click Reserve Number. The Centrex number is reserved for this order.
30. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the accessories selected is verified.
Note: After the Accessory Check is successful, Validate button is enabled.
31. Click Validate.
Note: If any of the information is missing, an alert is displayed with an appropriate message. For
example, if a plan is not selected, an alert, Please Select at least one plan, appears.
32. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
33. Click Validate. If the information provided is complete and correct, the order is validated
successfully. A dialog box with the message: Validations are Successful appears.
Note: Demand Note button is enabled after the validations.
34. Click Demand Note. The Demand Note View appears.

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Note: If the Total Amount in the Orders screen is Rs. 0.00, then the Submit Order button is
activated without any payments (Make Payment button is disabled in the Demand Note Tab).
35. Click Make Payment. Based on the amount generated, the customer may have to pay the
deposit as well as the other charges.
Note: Once the payment is made, a Receipt Number is auto-populated in CRM.
36. Submit Order button is enabled after the payment details are entered.
37. Click Submit Order. Upon successful submission of the order, a message, Order is submitted
successfully, appears. The order is submitted to the downstream systems for further
processing. After the process is completed, the response messages are received from the
downstream systems.
Note: CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in the Clarity system
for generating a Service Order Number (SO number).
38. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
39. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.
40. Click Milestones View tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.
Note: The status updates from the downstream systems can be viewed. After completing the
process in the Provisioning Application (Clarity), the order details are sent to the Billing system
(Kenan). After the processing of the order is successful in Billing, a message is sent to the CRM
41. Check the status message from the Billing System in the Milestones View to confirm that the
new Centrex connection has been created.
42. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
43. Click Services screen. Search on Service Id (Ph #) copied above.
44. Click Query. The service record appears.
45. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears.
46. Verify and confirm the details in the Services Detail View. By default, the Service Details
Components View appears. Check if the product components requested are provisioned as
per the customers requirement. The Centrex Group Id populated for this service

5.2 Facility Provisioning for Centrex

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing Centrex connection.

In this scenario, the customer may request for additional facilities for an existing Centrex phone

To provision a new facility on an existing Centrex phone connection, see Facility Provisioning for

5.3 Adding a Landline service to a Centrex Group

The customer requests for his service to be added to the Centrex Group.

User: CSR

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To disconnect a Centrex Connection without disconnection of landline:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning for Landline. The Customer Accounts
Account Summary View appears.
2. Select Order Sub Type as Add to Centrex Group.
3. Click on Modify. A modify order is created and the control navigates to this order.
4. Select the Centrex Group Id in the respective field.
5. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and the Schemes. The customer
can customize the product according to the requirement.
6. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders Line Item View with the
selected products appears.
7. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the new order is verified.
Note: The Sub Status changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.
8. Click Validate. The mandatory changes that have been made are verified.
Note: If the validations are successful, the Sub Status changes to Validation Successful. A dialog
box with Validations are Successful appears.
9. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.
10. Click Milestones View. The Orders Milestones View appears.
Note: The Type field in this view indicates the downstream systems in which the order is pending.
Status provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status field in
this view shows Completed, the Status field in the upper applet shows Completed indicating that
the order has been completed.
11. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from Service Id (Ph #).
12. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
13. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.
14. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in Service Id (Ph #). A record having with that
particular phone number with Status as Active with Centrex/Group Group Id null.
15. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components View appears. In the lower
applet, under the Product field, the added facility that has been added appears. The service
will have the Centrex Group Id populated.

5.4 Removing a Landline number from a Centrex Group

The customer requests to be removed from the Centrex Group.

User: CSR

To disconnect a Centrex Connection without disconnection of landline:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning for Landline. The Customer Accounts
Account Summary View appears.

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2. Select Order Sub Type as Remove From Centrex Group.

3. Click on Modify. A modify order is created and the control navigates to this order.
4. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and the Schemes. The customer
can customize the product according to the requirement.
5. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders Line Item View with the
selected products appears.
6. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the new order is verified.
Note: The Sub Status changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.
7. Click Validate. The mandatory changes that have been made are verified.
Note: If the validations are successful, the Sub Status changes to Validation Successful. A dialog
box with Validations are Successful appears.
8. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.
9. Click Milestones View. The Orders Milestones View appears.
Note: The Type field in this view indicates the downstream systems in which the order is pending.
Status provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status field in
this view shows Completed, the Status field in the upper applet shows Completed indicating that
the order has been completed.
10. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from Service Id (Ph #).
11. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
12. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.
13. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in Service Id (Ph #). A record having with that
particular phone number with Status as Active with Centrex/Group Group Id null.
14. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components View appears. In the lower
applet, under the Product field, the added facility that has been added appears. The service
will no longer have the Centrex Group Id populated.

5.5 Centrex Disconnection - with Landline Connection

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an exisitng Centrex connection.

User: CSR

To disconnect a Centrex Landline Connection:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.
2. Enter the value in any or all of the fields in the Search fields.
3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts - Account Summary View appears.
4. Select Order Sub Type field value as Disconnect.
5. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.
6. Click Disconnect. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order appear.

Note: An order with the Order Type as Disconnect is created..

7. Click on Submit Order button.

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8. Click Milestones View. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The type field in this view indicates the downstream systems with which the order is
pending. The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example,
if the Status field in this view is Completed, the Status field in the upper applet is Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.
9. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.
10. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
11. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.
12. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field. A record with the
phone number for which the Status is Inactive appears.
13. Click the corresponding Service #. The Components View appears. In the lower applet, under
the Product field, all the Facilities, Plans, Schemes with Status as Inactive appears.

5.6 Centrex: FR0400 Technical Faults

Refer to the Process: Create a Technical Fault

5.7 Centrex: FR0401 Billing Complaints

Refer to the Process: Create a Technical Fault

5.8 Note: Deposit Override

For CDR Based Customer Care & Convergent Billing Project


Currently AOTR can able to change the demand note amount based on the existing deposits available
at the customer and has to raise the manual refund request for difference amount. Most of the cases
AOTR is not able to raise the refund request manually and the difference amount is charged in the bill.

The requirement is whenever AOTR adjust the demand note the refund request has to be raised
automatically for the difference amount and allow for AOTR approval.


Query for that order in CRM and Drill down to Order Number

Assign AOTR button is available on the demand note view to assign the request to AOTR for
demand note amount modifications , CSR Need to click this if user want to override. On click of this
button, one activity will be created and assigned to AOTR for demand note amount modification

AOTR will drilldown and Come to demand note view

AOTR can able to change actual amount field to change the calculated amount

AOTR can approve the activity

if AOTR approve the activity and actual amount is less than estimated amount
then refund request will be raised with difference amount for modify order

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If order type is new then refund request should not be created

AOTR can approve or reject the refund request based on the requirement

AOTR will approve the refund request when the difference amount is not required to charge in next

AOTR will reject the refund request when the difference amount has to be charged to the customer in
next bill.

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6 Business Scenarios - Call Hunting Group

For creating a New Call Hunting Connection, an order has to be created. Once the order is created,
the processing of the order is controlled by exchanging messages between the downstream systems,
that is Clarity and the Billing System. Depending on the request received from CRM, the Clarity
system controls the required configurations either manually or automatically and sends the feedback
to CRM system in the form of controlled messages. Once the order is provisioned, CRM system
automatically creates an Asset against that particular order. In other words, an Asset is created for
every provision order completed.

Prerequisites to proceed:
User should login into the CRM application
User should have prior knowledge about the New Centrex Connection
User should be assigned the role of CSR in the profile

6.1 New Landlines forming new Call Hunting Group

To create new Call Hunting Group with new Landline Connection follow the procedure below:
1. Follow Step 1 to Step 11 of Creating a New Permanent Phone Connection using Auto Order.
2. Click Line Items view tab. The Orders Line Items View appears.
3. Click New. A new record is created.
4. Enter information in all the mandatory fields: Nominee Name, Nominee Relation and Product.
Depending upon the Service Type selected, Product is filtered and displayed.
5. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and the Schemes. The customer
can customize the product according to the requirement.
6. Click Plans tab to select the Centrex plans. By default, none is selected. Only one option can
be selected at a time
7. Click Calling Level tab to select the customers choice for Local, STD and ISD. By default,
Local is selected
8. Click Facilities tab to select the facilities.
9. Select the CALL HUNTING Facility.
10. Click Accessories tab to select the requested accessories of the choices provided. By
default, LL NON CLI PHONE is selected
11. Click Deposit Schemes, Installation Schemes, Rental Schemes and CUG Plans to select the
customers choice. By default, none is selected. Only one option can be selected at a time
12. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders Line Items View along with
the selected products appears.
13. Click Line #. The details of the Products selected can be viewed.
14. Click Available Numbers. A list with all the available numbers is displayed as a list.
15. Select a number from the list and click OK. The number is populated in the Service Id(Ph #)
field. Copy(Ctrl +c) the Service Id and paste(Ctrl+v) in the CH Pilot No(Reference #) field.

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i) If the Hunting Facility is not selected and the Reserve Number button is clicked, an
alert is given to select the HUNTING facility.

ii) Once the Reserve Number button is clicked, the CH Pilot No(Reference #) field
becomes readonly.
16. Click Reserve Number. The phone number is reserved for this order.
17. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the accessories selected is verified.
Note: After the Accessory Check is successful, Validate button is enabled.
18. Click Validate.
Note: If any of the information is missing, an alert is displayed with an appropriate message.
For example, if a plan is not selected, an alert, Please Select at least one plan,
19. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
20. Click Validate. If the information provided is complete and correct, the order is validated
successfully. A dialog box with the message: Validations are successful appears.
Note: Demand Note button is enabled after the validations.
21. Click Demand Note. The Demand Note View appears.
Note: If the Total Amount in the Orders screen is Rs. 0.00, then the Submit Order button is
activated without any payments (Make Payment button is disabled in the Demand
Note Tab).
22. Click Make Payment. Based on the amount generated, the customer may have to pay the
deposit as well as the other charges.
Once the payment is made, a Receipt Number is auto-populated in CRM.
Submit Order button is enabled after the payment details are entered.
23. Click Submit Order. Upon successful submission of the order, a message, Order is submitted
successfully, appears. The order is submitted to the downstream systems for further
processing. After the process is completed, the response messages are received from the
downstream systems.
Note: CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in the Clarity system
for generating a Service Order Number (SO number).
24. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
25. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.
26. Click Milestones View tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.
Note: The status updates from the downstream systems can be viewed. After completing the
process in the Provisioning Application (Clarity), the order details are sent to the Billing system
(Kenan). After the processing of the order is successful in Billing, a message is sent to the CRM

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27. Check the status message from the Billing System in the Milestones View to confirm that the
new Centrex connection has been created.
28. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
29. Click Services screen. Search on Service Id (Ph #) copied above.
30. Click Query. The service record appears.
31. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears.
32. Verify and confirm the details in the Services Detail View. By default, the Service Details
Components View appears. Check if the product components requested are provisioned as
per the customers requirement. The CH Pilot No(Reference #) field is also populated with the
number same as Service Id (Ph #) indicating that this is the Pilot phone number.

6.2 Adding Landline connection to a Call Hunting Group

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should already be having a Landline connection

User: CSR

To add new Call Hunting Group to the Existing Landline:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Faciloty Provisioning for Landline. The Customer Accounts
Account Summary View appears.
2. Select Order Sub Type as Add to CH Group.
3. Click Modify. An order with the Order Type as Modify is created. The Orders Detail View
appears with all the details of the current order being created.
4. Enter the Phone Number of the Pilot Number in the CH Pilot No(Reference #) field.
5. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and the Schemes. The customer
can customize the product according to the requirement.
6. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders Line Items View with the
selected products appears.
Note: If the number does not belong to the same switch, then the number would be changed.
7. Click Available Numbers. A list with all the available numbers for that particular exchange
and service type appears.
8. Select a number from the list. Depending on the availability, the list is populated.
9. Click OK. The number is selected.
10. Click Reserve Number. The Service Id (Ph #) number is selected.
11. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the accessories selected is verified.
Note: After the Accessory Check is successful, Validate button is enabled.
12. Click Validate. The mandatory details entered are verified.
13. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
14. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.

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15. Click Validate. If the information provided is complete and correct, the order is validated
successfully. A message, Validations are successful appears.

Note: Demand Note button is enabled after the validations.

16. Click Demand Note. The Orders Demand Note View appears.

Note: If the Total Amount in the Orders screen is Rs. 0.00, then the Submit Order button is
activated without any payments (Make Payment button is disabled in the Demand Note Tab).
17. Click Make Payment. Based on the amount generated, the customer has to pay the deposit
as well as the other charges.

Note: Once the payment is made, a Receipt Number is auto-populated in CRM. Submit Order
button is enabled after the payment details are entered.
18. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.


i Upon successful submission of the order, a message, Order is submitted successfully, appears.
After the process is completed, the response messages are received from the downstream

ii CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in the Clarity System for
generating a Service Order Number (SO number).
19. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
20. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.
21. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The status updates from the downstream systems can be viewed. After completing the
process in the Provisioning Application (Clarity), the order details are sent to the Billing system
(Kenan). After the processing of the order is successful in Billing, a message is sent to the CRM
22. Check the status message from the Billing System in the Milestones View to confirm that the
adding Call Hunting Group to the existing landline connection.
23. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
24. Click Services screen. Search on Service Id (Ph #) copied above.
25. Click Query. The service record appears.
26. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears.
27. Verify and confirm the details in the Services Detail View. By default, the Services
Components View appears. Check if the product components requested are provisioned as
per the customers requirement. The CH Pilot No (Reference #) field is populated and this
number is different from the Service Id(Ph #) field value.

6.3 New Landline forming existing Call Hunting Group

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing Call Hunting Connection Group.

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User: CSR

To create new Call Hunting Group child connection:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 16 of Creating a Permanent Phone Connection using Auto Order
2. Copy(Ctrl+c) the Service Id and paste(Ctrl+v) in the CH Pilot No (Reference #) field.
3. Follow Step 17 to Step 27 of Creating a Permanent Phone Connection using Auto Order
submitted to the downstream systems.


i Upon successful submission of the order, a message, Order is submitted successfully, appears.
After the process is completed, the response messages are received from the downstream

ii CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in the Clarity System for
generating a Service Order Number (SO number).
4. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
5. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.
6. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The status updates from the downstream systems can be viewed. After completing the
process in the Provisioning Application (Clarity), the order details are sent to the Billing
System (Kenan). After the processing of the order is successful in Billing, a message is sent
to the CRM system.
7. Check the status message from the Billing System in the Milestones View to confirm the
existing Call Hunting Group is attached to the existing Landline connection.
8. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
9. Click Services screen. Search on Service Id (Ph #) copied above.
10. Click Query. The service record appears.
11. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears. Verify and confirm the details in the
Services Detail View.

6.4 Deleting/Removing a member from Call Hunting Group

Prerequisites to proceed: A child Call Hunting Group connection should exist

Users: CSR

To delete a member from Call Hunting Group:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Faciloty Provisioning for Landline. The Customer Accounts
Account Summary View appears.
2. Select Order Sub Type as Remove from CH Group.
3. Click Modify. An order with the Order Type as Modify is created. The Orders Detail View
appears with all the details of the current order being created.
4. Remove the Phone Number of the Pilot Number in the CH Pilot No(Reference #) field.

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5. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and the Schemes. The customer
can customize the product according to the requirement.
6. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders Line Items View with the
selected products appears.
7. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the accessories selected is verified.

Note: After the Accessory Check is successful, Validate button is enabled.

8. Click Validate. The mandatory details entered are verified.
9. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
10. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.
11. Click Validate. If the information provided is complete and correct, the order is validated
successfully. A message, Validations are successful appears.

Note: Demand Note button is enabled after the validations.

12. Click Demand Note. The Orders Demand Note View appears.

Note: If the Total Amount in the Orders screen is Rs. 0.00, then the Submit Order button is
activated without any payments (Make Payment button is disabled in the Demand Note Tab).
13. Click Make Payment. Based on the amount generated, the customer has to pay the deposit
as well as the other charges.

Note: Once the payment is made, a Receipt Number is auto-populated in CRM. Submit Order
button is enabled after the payment details are entered.
14. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.


i Upon successful submission of the order, a message, Order is submitted successfully, appears.
After the process is completed, the response messages are received from the downstream

ii CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in the Clarity System for
generating a Service Order Number (SO number).
15. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
16. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.
17. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The status updates from the downstream systems can be viewed. After completing the
process in the Provisioning Application (Clarity), the order details are sent to the Billing system
(Kenan). After the processing of the order is successful in Billing, a message is sent to the CRM
18. Check the status message from the Billing System in the Milestones View to confirm that the
adding Call Hunting Group to the existing landline connection.
19. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
20. Click Services screen. Search on Service Id (Ph #) copied above.
21. Click Query. The service record appears.

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22. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears.

23. Verify and confirm the details in the Services Detail View. By default, the Services
Components View appears. Check if the product components requested are provisioned as
per the customers requirement. The CH Pilot No (Reference #) field is empty now
24. Sub Status changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.
25. Click Validate. The mandatory changes that have been made are verified.

Note: If a CH Pilot No (Reference #) is not null, an message, Please Remove Pilot Number
appears. Fill in the relevant details and navigate to the Orders Screen and click Validate.

If the validations are successful, the Sub Status changes to Validation Successful. A dialog box
with Validations are Successful appears
26. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.


Upon successful submission of the order, a message, Order is submitted successfully, appears.
The order is submitted to the downstream systems for further processing. After the process is
completed, the response messages are received from the downstream systems.

CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in the Clarity System for
generating a Service Order Number (SO number).
27. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
28. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.
29. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The status updates from the downstream systems can be viewed. After completing the
process in the Provisioning Application (Clarity), the order details are sent to the Billing System
(Kenan). After the processing of the order is successful in Billing, a message is sent to the CRM
30. Check the status message from the Billing System in the Milestones View to confirm that the
child record from the Call Hunting Group has been deleted.
31. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
32. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
33. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.
34. Click Query. The service record appears.
35. Enter the Service Id (Ph #) copied above in the Search field.
36. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears. Verify and confirm the details in the
Services Detail View.

6.5 Deletion of entire Call Hunting Group

Users: CSR

To delete an entire Call Hunting Group, the customer should have an existing Call Hunting Group

To delete an entire Call Hunting Group:

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1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.
2. Enter any or all the values in the Search fields.
3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.
4. Select Order Sub Type as Remove from CH Group.
5. Click Save or Ctrl+S. The record is saved.
6. Click Modify. An order with the Order Type as Modify is created. The Orders Detail View
appears with all the details of the current order being created.
7. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and the Schemes. The customer
can customize the product according to the requirement.
8. Click Plans tab to select the Centrex plans. By default, none is selected. Only one option can
be selected at a time.
9. Click Calling Level tab to select the customers choice for Local, STD and ISD. By default,
Local is selected.
10. Click Facilities tab to select the facilities.
11. Click Accessories tab to select the requested accessories of the choices provided. By
default, LL NON CLI PHONE is selected.
12. Click Centrex Schemes, Deposit Schemes, Installation Schemes, Rental Schemes and CUG
Plans to select the customers choice. By default, none is selected. Only one option can be
selected at a time.
13. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders Line Items View with the
selected products appears.
14. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the accessories selected is verified.
Note: After the Accessory Check is successful, Validate button is enabled.
15. Click Validate. All the mandatory changes made are verified.
If any of the information is missing, an alert is displayed with an
appropriate message. For example, if a plan is not selected, an alert, Please
Select at least one plan, appears.
If a Pilot Number and HUNTING Facility are not removed, an alert with the
message: Pilot Number and HUNTING Facility Should be removed, appears. Fill in
the relevant details and navigate to the Orders Screen and click Validate.

16. Fill in the relevant details and navigate to the Orders Screen. Click Validate.
17. If the information provided is complete and correct, the order is validated successfully. A
dialog box with the message: Validations are successful appears.
18. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Upon successful submission of the order, a message, Order is submitted
successfully, appears. The order is submitted to the downstream systems for
further processing. After the process is completed, the response messages are
received from the downstream systems.

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CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in the

Clarity System for generating a Service Order Number (SO number).
19. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
20. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.
21. Click Milestones View. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The status updates from the downstream systems can be viewed. After completing the
process in the Provisioning Application (Clarity), the order details are sent to the Billing System
(Kenan). After the processing of the order is successful in Billing, a message is sent to the CRM
22. Check the status message from the Billing System in the Milestones View to confirm the
deletion of entire Call Hunting Group.
23. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
24. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
25. Enter the Service Id (Ph #) copied above.
26. Click Query. The service record appears.
27. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears. Verify and confirm the details in the
Services Detail View.

6.6 Change of pilot number in CH group

In this process, the customer accounts service is disconnected completely from one Call Hunting
Group and the customer account Landline connection is attached to the other Call Hunting Group.

To change pilot number in Call Hunting Group, the customer should have an existing Call Hunting
Facility facility

In this scenario, two processes are involved.

i To disconnect a member from Call Hunting Group: See


See Deleting/Removing a member from Call Hunting Group.

ii To Existing Landlines forming new Call Hunting Group:

See Landline_forming_new_call_hunting_group

Change of child number in Call Hunting Group

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing child Call Hunting group

Users: CSR

To change child number in Call Hunting Group:

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.
2. Enter any or all the values in the Search fields.
3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.
4. Select Order Sub Type as Indicator Change.

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5. Click Save or Ctrl+S. The record is saved.

6. Click Modify. An order with the Order Type as Modify is created. The Orders Detail View
appears with all the details of the current order being created.
7. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and the Schemes. The customer
can customize the product according to the requirement.
8. Click Plans tab to select the Centrex plans. By default, none is selected. Only one option can
be selected at a time.
9. Click Calling Level tab to select the customers choice for Local, STD and ISD. By default,
Local is selected.
10. Click Facilities tab to select the facilities.
11. Click Accessories tab to select the requested accessories of the choices provided. By
default, LL NON CLI PHONE is selected.
12. Click Centrex Schemes, Deposit Schemes, Installation Schemes, Rental Schemes and CUG
Plans to select the customers choice. By default, none is selected. Only one option can be
selected at a time.
13. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders Line Items View with the
selected products appears.
14. Click Available Numbers. A list with all the available numbers for that particular exchange
and service type appears.
15. Select a number from the list. Depending on the availability, the list is populated.
16. Click OK. The number is selected.
17. Click Reserve Number. The Service Id (Ph #) number is reserved.
18. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the accessories selected is verified.
Note: After the Accessory Check is successful, Validate button is enabled.
19. Click Validate. The mandatory changes made are verified.
20. If any of the information is missing, an alert is displayed with an appropriate message. For
example, if a plan is not selected, an alert, Please Select at least one plan, appears.
21. Fill in the relevant details and navigate to the Orders Screen. Click Validate.
22. If the information provided is complete and correct, the order is validated successfully. A
dialog box with the message: Validations are successful appears.
23. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.
Upon successful submission of the order, a message, Order is submitted successfully, appears.
The order is submitted to the downstream systems for further processing. After the process is
completed, the response messages are received from the downstream systems.

24. CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in the Clarity System for
generating a Service Order Number (SO number).
25. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.

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26. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.

27. Click Milestones View tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.
Note: The status updates from the downstream systems can be viewed. After completing the
process in the Provisioning Application (Clarity), the order details are sent to the Billing System
(Kenan). After the processing of the order is successful in Billing, a message is sent to the CRM
28. Check the status message from the Billing System in the Milestones View to confirm that
number for the child Call Hunting Group is changed.
29. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
30. Click Services screen. Search on Service Id (Ph #) copied above.
31. Click Query. The service record appears.
32. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears.
33. Verify and confirm the details in the Services Detail View. By default, the Service Details
Components View appears. Check if the product components requested are provisioned as
per the customers requirement. Follow Steps present in Change in Number-Land Line

6.7 Disconnection of pilot number

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing Call Hunting group connection

Users: CSR

Follow Steps present in Voluntary Disconnection of Landline.

Once the disconnection order is complete, the child numbers which were earlier present in the Call
Hunting Group will not have a Pilot Number any more and become independent numbers.

To disconnect Call Hunting Group with landline disconnection:

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.
2. Enter any or all the values in the Search fields.
3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.
4. Select Order Sub Type as Disconnect.
5. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.
6. Click Disconnect. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being
created appear.


i An Activity for the disconnect order is created.

ii An order with the Order Type as Disconnect is created.

iii Activity created is of Type Retention Approval.

iv An alert is sent to the CSRRTN Home Page.

v Click Alert#. The Orders Activities View appears.

Note: CSRRTN can either Approve/Reject an activity.

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7. Click Reject. The status of an activity changes to Cancelled and Order Status changes to
8. Click Approve. If the Comments field is null, an alert, Comments should not be null appears.
Enter the Comments field and click Approve. The status of an activity changes to Approved
and the status of an order changes to Submission in Progress.

If the order is submitted successful, the Status changes to Submission In
Progress. A dialog box with Order is submitted successfully appears.
The order is submitted to the down stream systems for further processing.
Response messages are received from the down stream systems on completion of
CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in
Clarity for generating a Service Order Number (SO number)
The Status field value becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating the completion of the order after which the Service will be disconnected
for the customer. Once the order gets completed, the view becomes completely
read only for the user.
9. Click Milestones View tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

The Type field in this view indicates the downstream systems in which the
order is pending. Status field provides the status of the order in that respective
If the Status field in this view is Completed, the Status field in the upper
applet is Completed indicating that the order has been completed.
10. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.
11. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
12. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field. A record with the
phone number for which the Status is Inactive appears.
13. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components View appears. In the lower
applet, under the Product field, all the Facilities, Plans, Schemes with Status as Inactive

6.8 Disconnection of child number

To disconnect a child record from the Call Hunting Group with landline disconnection, the customer
should have an existing landline connection and Call Hunting Group facility.

For disconnecting the child number, see Disconnection of pilot number

6.9 Facility and Accessory Provisioning for Call Hunting Group

Users: CSR

For a facility and accessory provision for Call Hunting Group, the customer should have an existing
Call Hunting Group facility.

To provision a new facility and accessory for a Call Hunting Group connection:

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1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all the values in the Search fields.
3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.
4. Select Order Sub Type as Change in Service.
5. Click Save or Ctrl+S. The record is saved.
6. Click Modify. An order with the Order Type as Modify is created. The Orders Detail View
appears with all the details of the current order being created.
7. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and the Schemes. The customer
can customize the product according to the requirement.
8. Click Facilities tab to select the facilities.
9. Click Accessories tab to select the requested accessories of the choices provided. By
default, LL NON CLI PHONE is selected.
10. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders Line Items View with the
selected products appears.
11. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the new order is verified.

Note: The Sub Status changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.
12. Click Validate. The mandatory changes that have been made are verified.

Note: If the validations are successful, the Sub Status changes to Validation Successful. A dialog
box with Validations are Successful appears.
13. Click Demand Note. The Demand Note View appears.

Note: The Demand Note is generated for the requested facility.A record with the Demand Note
Number and the amount if any, to be paid by the customer appears.
14. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: Status is Submission in Progress and the Sub Status is Validation Successful.
15. After the order is completed after which the facility is provisioned to the customer, the Status
becomes In Progress and Completed.
16. Once the order is completed, the view becomes non-editable.
17. Click Milestones View. The Type field in this view indicates the downstream systems in which
the order is pending. Status provides the status of the order in that respective system.
Note: If the Status field in this view is completed, the Status field in the upper applet is
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.
18. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from Service Id (Ph #).
19. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
20. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.
21. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied phone number in Service Id (Ph #). A record with that particular
phone number and the Status as Active appears.
22. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components View appears. In the lower
applet, under the Product field, the added facility that has been added appears.

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6.10Note: Deposit Override

For CDR Based Customer Care & Convergent Billing Project


Currently AOTR can able to change the demand note amount based on the existing deposits available
at the customer and has to raise the manual refund request for difference amount. Most of the cases
AOTR is not able to raise the refund request manually and the difference amount is charged in the bill.

The requirement is whenever AOTR adjust the demand note the refund request has to be raised
automatically for the difference amount and allow for AOTR approval.


Query for that order in CRM and Drill down to Order Number

Assign AOTR button is available on the demand note view to assign the request to AOTR for
demand note amount modifications , CSR Need to click this if user want to override. On click of this
button , one activity will be created and assigned to AOTR for demand note amount modification

AOTR will drilldown and Come to demand note view

AOTR can able to change actual amount field to change the calculated amount

AOTR can approve the activity

if AOTR approve the activity and actual amount is less than estimated amount
then refund request will be raised with difference amount for modify order

If order type is new then refund request should not be created

AOTR can approve or reject the refund request based on the requirement

AOTR will approve the refund request when the difference amount is not required to charge in next

AOTR will reject the refund request when the difference amount has to be charged to the customer in
next bill.

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7 Business Scenarios - ISDN

7.1 New ISDN Connection

For creating a new ISDN BRI/ISDN PRI connection, an order has to be created. Once the order is
created, the processing of the order is controlled by exchanging the messages between the
downstream systems, that is, Clarity and the Billing system. Depending on the request received from
CRM, the Clarity system controls the required configurations either manually or automatically and
sends the feedback to CRM in the form of controlled messages. Once the order is provisioned,
system automatically creates an Asset against that particular order. In other words, an Asset is
created for every provision order completed.

Prerequisites to proceed:

User should login into the CRM application

User should have prior knowledge about the New ISDN Connection
User should be assinged the role of CSR or CO in the profile

7.1.1 Creating a New ISDN BRI/ISDN PRI New Connection

Users: CSR/CO

To create a new ISDN connection, details of the customer should be entered in a particular order:
Customer Accounts Contacts Billing Accounts Orders.

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Click Customer Accounts List link. The Customer Accounts List View appears.
3. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
Customer Id and Status are auto-populated.
Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Account Name (Surname,
First Name), and Account Type.

To refresh or delete the record you just entered, press Esc button.
Once the Account Name is entered, it becomes a hyperlink.

4. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears. In this
view, information should be provided in the following view tabs:
Billing Accounts

5. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.
6. Click New (in the lower applet). A new record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
7. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Billing Address, Billing Correspondence
Address and Installation Address. By default, Installation Address is selected.
8. Click Contacts view tab located next to the Accounts Summary view tab. The Customer
Accounts Contacts View appears.

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9. Click New (in the lower applet). A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
10. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Surname, Name, Preferred Communication
Method and Preferred Communication Language.
Note: Once the Account Name is entered, Customer Id is auto-populated.
11. Click the down arrow located next to Accounts Summary. A dropdown list appears.
12. Click Billing Accounts view tab. The Customer Accounts Billing Accounts View appears.
13. Click New (in the lower applet). A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
Note: Billing Account Number, Status and other fields are auto-populated.

14. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Billing Account Type, Billing Account Sub Type,
Frequency, Preferred Language Name, Bill Period, Billing Address, and Billing Corresponding
15. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.
16. Click Orders screen. The Orders Home View appears.
17. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.

Click Orders view tab in the Customer Accounts screen. The Orders Detail View appears.

18. Click New (in the lower applet). A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.
Note: Order Number, Order Type and Order Sub Type and other fields are auto-populated.
19. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Billing Account, Address, Connection Type as
Permanent and Usage Code.
20. Select the Service Line as Basic Phone Service, Service as Wire line, Service Type as ISDN,
Service Sub Type as ISDN BRI or ISDN PRI.
21. Click Centrex/ISDN Group Id. The Centrex/ISDN Group Number pick applet appears. Select
the new ISDN Group Number.
Note: Depending on the Service Sub Type selected, ISDN Group List is filtered and displayed.
22. Click Order Number. The Orders More Info View appears.
23. Click Line Items view tab. The Orders Line Items View appears.
24. Click New. A new line item is added.
25. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Nominee Name, Nominee Relation and
Note: Depending on the Service Type selected, Products are filtered and displayed.

26. Click Line #. The details of the products selected can be viewed.
27. Click Customize to select the Plan, Facilities, Accessories and Schemes. The customer can
customize the product according to the requirement.
28. Click Plans tab to select the ISDN BRI/ISDN PRI plans. By default, None is selected. Only
one option can be selected at a time.
29. Click Facilities tab to select the facilities.
30. Click Calling Level tab to select the customers choice for Local, STD and ISD. By default,
Local is selected.
31. Click Accessories tab to select the customer requested accessories.

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32. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders screen appears with the
selected products under the Line Items tab.
33. Click Available Numbers. A list with all the available numbers for that particular exchange
and service type appears.
34. Select a number from the list. Depending on the availability, the list is populated.
35. Click OK. The number is updated in Orders Line Items View.
36. Click ISDN Group tab. The ISDN Group View appears.
37. Enter the information in the No of Junctions, No of Extensions, No of Incoming Channels, No
of Outgoing Channels as per the requirement.
Note: Group details can be modified if the Service Sub Type is ISDN PRI.
38. Click Reserve Number. The ISDN number is reserved. All the requested extensions are
Note: Reserved numbers are displayed in the Extension Numbers applet in ISDN Group tab.
Once the numbers are reserved, the Accessory Check button is enabled.
39. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the accessories selected is verified.
After the Accessory Check is successful, Validate button is enabled.
If any of the information is missing, an alert is displayed with an
appropriate message. For example, If a plan is not selected, an alert: Select at
least one plan appears.

40. Click Orders screen. The Orders Home View appears.

41. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
42. Click Order #. The Orders Detail View appears.
43. Click Validate. If the information provided is complete and correct, the order is validated
successfully. A dialog box with the message: Validations are successful, appears.
Note: Demand Note button is enabled after the validations.
44. Click Demand Note. The Demand Note View appears.
Note: If the Total Amount in the Orders screen is Rs. 0.00, then the Submit Order button is
activated without any payments (Make Payment button is disabled in the Demand Note Tab).
45. Click Make Payment. Based on the amount generated, the customer may have to pay the
deposit as well as the other charges.
Once the payment is made, a Receipt Number is auto generated in CRM.
Submit Order button is enabled after the payment details are entered.

46. Click Submit Order. Upon successful submission of the order, a dialog box with the
message, Order is submitted successfully, appears. The order is submitted to the
downstream systems for further processing. After the process is completed, the response
messages are received from the downstream systems.
47. CRM Order Id is the Reference Number to search a particular record in the Clarity System for
generating a Service Order Number (SO number).
48. Click Orders List link. The Orders List View appears.
49. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears.

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50. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.
Note: The status updates from the downstream systems can be viewed here. After the process in
the Provisioning Application (Clarity) is completed, the order details are sent to the Billing System
(Kenan). After the processing of the order is successful in Billing, a message is sent to the CRM

51. Check the status message from the Billing System in the Milestones View to confirm that the
new ISDN BRI/ISDN PRI connection has been created.
52. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number from the Service Id (Ph #).
53. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
54. Paste (Ctrl + V) the phone number in the Service Id (Ph #) field.
55. Click Query. The service record appears.
56. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears.
57. Verify and confirm the details in the Services Detail View. By default, the Services
Components View appears. Check if the product components requested are provisioned as
per the customers requirement.

7.2 Creating ISDN Modify Order

7.2.1 Facility Provisioning for ISDN

Users: CSR/CO

Prerequisites to proceed: For a facility to be provisioned, the customer should have an existing
ISDN service.

To provision a new facility for an ISDN connection:

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search field.
3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts List View appears.
4. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View with the records
that satisfy the criteria appears.
5. Click Order Sub Type. A dropdown list appears.
6. Select Order Type as Change in Service.
7. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.
8. Click Modify. A modify order is created and order detail view appears.
9. Click Line Items view tab. The Orders Line Items View appears.
10. Click Customize. The product configurator view appears.
11. Click Facilities. The facilities enlisted for the current service appear.
Note: Select the facilities required. More than one facility can be selected.
12. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created
13. Click Accessory Check. The feasibility of the new facility is verified.
Note: The Sub Status value changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.

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14. Click Validate. The mandatory changes that are made are validated for correctness.
Note: The Sub Status changes to Validation Successful. If the validations are successful, a
message, Validations are successful, appears.
29. Click Demand Note. The Demand Note View for the requested facility is generated.
Note: A record with the Demand Note Number and the amount, if any, to be paid by the customer,
30. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.
Note: The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation
31. The system automatically picks up the order for submission to down stream system (Clarity).
Then the Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed, that is, after
the facility is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes Completed. Once the order is
completed, the view becomes completely non-editable.
32. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.
Note: The Type field indicates with which downstream system the order is pending. The Status
field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status field in
this view is Completed, the Status field in the upper applet is also Completed indicating that the
order has been completed.
15. Copy (Ctrl + C) the phone number of the customer from the Service Id (Ph #) field.
16. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.
17. Click Services List link. The Services List View appears.
18. Paste (Ctrl + V) the phone number. A record with the phone number whose Status value is
Active appears.
19. Click the corresponding Service #. The Services Components View appears.
Note: In the lower applet, under Product field, the facility that has been added is seen.
7.2.2 Facility Disconnection for ISDN
Users: CSR/CO

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing ISDN connection and the facility to
be disconnected provisioned.

To disconnect an existing facility from an ISDN connection:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 10 in the Facility Provisioning for ISDN

2. Unselect the facilities to be disconnected.
3. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created
4. Follow Step 12 to Step 21 in the Facility Provisioning for ISDN
7.2.3 Accessory Provisioning for ISDN

Users: CSR/CO

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have an existing ISDN connection.

Note: Accessory provisioning is allowed only for ISDN BRI (Accessories are not available for ISDN

To provision a new accessory for an ISDN BRI connection:

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1. Follow Step 1 to Step 9 in the Facility Provisioning for ISDN

2. Click Accessories. The accessories enlisted for the ISDN BRI service are: NT Box
3. Select NT Box. More than one accessory can be selected.
4. Click Done. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created
Note: Quantity of the selected accessory can be changed in the Line Items tab.
5. Follow Step 12 to Step 21 in the Facility Provisioning for ISDN

7.2.4 Pilot Number Change for ISDN

Prerequisites to proceed: To change the pilot number (Indicator), the customer should have an
existing ISDN facility:

To change the pilot number:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 8 in the Facility Provisioning for ISDN.

2. Click Available Numbers. A list with all the Available Numbers for that particular exchange and
Service Type are populated.

3. Select a number from the list. Depending on the availability, the list is populated.

4. Click OK. The selected number is updated in the order detail view.

5. Click Reserve Number. The new ISDN Pilot Number is reserved.

6. Follow Step 12 to Step 21 in the Facility Provisioning for ISDN.

7.2.5 Adding DIDs for ISDN

Note: DIDs can be added only on an ISDN PRI connection.

To change the count of DIDs, the customer should have an existing ISDN PRI facility.

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 8 in the Facility Provisioning for ISDN.

2. Click ISDN Group View tab. Update the the No of Extensions and save the record.

Note: Verify that the Extension Numbers section displays the updated number of rows one for
each extension number.

3. Click Reserve Number. The new DIDs against the group is reserved.

Note: The DIDs that are created appear in the Extension Numbers applet and the Status as

4. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status value changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.

5. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status
displays Validation Successful.

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The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed,
that is, after the facility is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes
Completed. Once the order is Completed, the view becomes completely non-

6. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provies the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays Completed
indicating that the order is completed.
7. Click ISDN Group tab. The ISDN Group View appears. The status of the newly reserved
numbers(DIDs) changes from Reserved to Active with Active Date populated.

7.2.6 Deletion of DIDs for ISDN

Note: DIDs can be deleted only on ISDN PRI.

To change the count of DIDs, the customer should have an existing ISDN PRI facility.

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 8 in the Facility Provisioning for ISDN.

2. Click ISDN Group tab. The Orders ISDN Group View appears

3. Decrease the value in No of Extensions.

4. Provide the End Date against the DIDs that are being deleted in the Extension Numbers Applet.

5. Click Accessory Check. .The Sub Status field value changes from Pending to Accessory Check

6. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status
displays Validation Successful.
The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed,
that is, after the facility is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes
Completed. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely non-

7. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.
8. Click ISDN Group tab. The Orders ISDN Group View appears.

Note: The status of the deleted DIDs are populated with the End Date. Verify the status of the
DIDs that are populated with End Date and the Status changes from Active to Inactive.
7.2.7 Increase of Junctions for ISDN
Note: Number of Junctions can be increased only for ISDN PRI.

1. To change the No of Junctions, the customer should have an existing ISDN PRI facility:

2. Follow Step 1 to Step 8 in the Facility Provisioning for ISDN

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3. Click ISDN Group tab. The Orders Detail View is displayed

4. Increase the value in No of Junctions.

5. Click Reserve Number. The new ports for the new junctions in the Clarity system are reserved.

6. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status value changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream system.

The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status
displays Validation Successful.
The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed,
that is, after the facility is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes
Completed. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely non-

8. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.
Note: Scenarios 6.2.1 to 6.2.7 can be performed Individually or with any combination. Note that
for all the Modify scenarios only one Order Sub type Change in Service is allowed.

7.3 Creating ISDN Shift Orders

7.3.1 Shift of ISDN within the Exchange (without number change)

Users: CSR/CO

To Shift an ISDN connection, the customer should have an existing ISDN service. Before the Shift
process is started, it is required that the entry of the new installation address has the same exchange
type (which is provided in the Customer Accounts Addresses view for that particular customer)

To shift the ISDN process within the same exchange without the number change:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all the values in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts List View appears.

4. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

5. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.

6. Click New. A record with the Address Type as Installation Address appears.

Note: Installation Address, Billing Address and Billing Corresponding Address are mandatory.

7. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View tab
appears. The services provided to that particular account appears.

8. Select the Order Sub Type as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg.

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9. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

10. Click Shift. At this point, two orders are created.

11. First, with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg (Child
order or Reconnection order)

12. Second, with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Disconnect (Parent order or Shift-
Disconnect order)

13. The Orders Detail View of the child order appears.

14. Click More Info view tab. The Customer Accounts More Info View appears.

15. Select Nature Of Shift from the following three options:

Shift CRD
Shift when feasible
Shift Immediate

If the Nature of Shift is Shift CRD:

In this scenario, shift takes place on the date requested by the customer. The Accessory Check button
is active.

Note: If the Installation Address is not changed, an alert is generated.

Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status changes from Pending to
Accessories Check Done.
Enter the Customer Requested Date as per the date requested by the

Note: Change in Customer Requested Date can be made only after the Accessory Check is
completed and before you click the Validate button.
16. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears.

17. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

18. The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation

19. The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed, that is, after the facility
is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes Completed. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes completely non-editable.

20. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.
If the Nature of Shift is Shift When Feasible:

In this scenario, the shift takes place whenever it is feasible for BSNL. The Accessory Check button is
active. If the Installation Address is not changed, an alert is generated.

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21. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status changes from Pending to Accessories Check Done.

22. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears.

23. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status
displays Validation Successful.
The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed,
that is, after the facility is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes
Completed. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely non-

24. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view shows Completed, the Status field in the upper applet shows Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.

When Nature of Shift is Shift Immediate:

In this scenario, the disconnect order order (parent order) should be completed before the child

Note: Submit Order and the Available Numbers button are activated. If the Installation Address is
not changed, an alert is generated.
1. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessories Check

Note: If an alert is generated during the Accessory Check to remove the accessories that have
status as Not Feasible, then the accessories under Line Items with Status field as Delete, should
be removed and then click the Accessory Check button.
2. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears.

3. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

4. The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation

5. The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed, that is, after the facility
is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes Completed. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes completely non-editable.

6. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view shows Completed, the Status field in the upper applet shows Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.
7. Click Submit Order. A message, Disconnection (parent) Order is submitted successfully,
appears. The Submit button becomes inactive.

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Note: The user can proceed with the Reconnection (child) Order. The Status field value of the
Parent Order becomes Submission in Progress.
8. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.

9. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Sub Status field value
changes to Validation Successful.

10. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

11. The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation

12. The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed, that is, after the facility
is provisioned to the customer, the Status becomes Completed. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes completely non-editable.

13. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates with which downstream system the order is pending. The Status field
provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status field in this view
shows Completed, the Status field in the upper applet shows Completed indicating that the order has
been completed.

7.3.2 Shift of ISDN within the Exchange (with number change)

Users: CSR/CO

Prerequisites to proceed: To shift an ISDN connection, the customer should have an existing ISDN

Before the shift process is started, it is required that the new Installation
Address has the same Exchange Type as the previous Installation Address (which
is provided in the Customer Accounts Addresses view for that particular
New ISDN Group has to be created in the ISDN Group View tab with the
Group Type as the Service Sub Type (ISDN PRI or ISDN BRI)

To shift the ISDN process within the same exchange and with number change:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all the values in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts List View appears.

4. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

5. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

6. Click New. A new record with the Address Type as Installation Address appears.

7. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts Account Summary view appears.
The services provided to that particular customer appear.

8. Select the Order Sub Type field as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg.

9. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

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10. Click Shift. The Orders Detail View appears. At this point, two orders are created.

Note: First, with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Within exch with
NumChg Second, with the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Disconnect
(Parent order or Shift-Disconnect order)
11. The Available Numbers button is activated.

12. Select a new installation address from the Address pick applet.

13. Click More Info view tab. The Customer Accounts More Info View appears.

14. Select Nature Of Shift from the following three options:

Shift CRD
Shift when feasible
Shift Immediate

If Nature of Shift is Shift CRD:

Note: The Available Numbers button is activated.

1. Click Available Numbers. A list containing the phone numbers available in the current exchange

2. Select a number from the list. The selected number appears in Service Id (Ph #) field.

3. Click ISDN Group Applet. The Centrex/ISDN Group Number pick applet appears. Select the
ISDN Group Number created.

4. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

6. Enter the Customer Requested Date field as the requested by the customer.

Note: The date cannot be less than the current date.

7. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Sub Status field changes to
Validation Successful.

8. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status
displays Validation Successful.
The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed,
that is, after the facility is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes
Completed. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely non-

9. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates with which downstream system the order is pending. The Status
field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status field in
this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays Completed indicating
that the order has been completed.
When Nature of Shift is Shift When Feasible

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1. Click Available Numbers. A list containing phone numbers available in the current exchange

2. Select a number from the list. The selected number appears in Service Id (Ph #).

3. Click Centrex/IDSN Group ID pick applet. The Centrex/ISDN Group Number applet appears.
Select the ISDN Group Number created.

4. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes to Accessories Check Done.

6. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Sub Status field value
changes to Validation Successful.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status field
displays Validation Successful.
The Status field value becomes In Progress and Completed thereafter
indicating the completion of both the orders (child and parent orders). Once the
order is completed, the view becomes completely read only for the user.

8. Click Milestones view tab. The Type field indicates with which downstream system the order is
pending. The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example,
if the Status field in this view shows Completed, the Status field in the upper applet shows
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

If Nature of Shift is Shift Immediate:

In this scenario, the disconnect order (parent order) should be completed before the child order.

Note: The Submit Order and Available Numbers buttons are activated. If the Installation Address is
not changed, an alert is generated.

Case 1: When you click Available Numbers button.

1. Click Available Numbers. A list containing phone numbers available in the current exchange

2. Click Centrex/ISDN Group Id pick applet. The Centrex/ISDN Group Number applet appears.
Select the ISDN Group Number created.

3. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field becomes Port Available.

4. Select a number from the list. The selected number is populated in the Service Id (Ph #).

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field value changes to Accessories Check Done.

6. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

8. The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation

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9. The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed, that is, after the facility
is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes Completed. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes completely non-editable

10. Click Milestones view tab. The Type field indicates which downstream system the order is
pending. The Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example,
if the Status field in this view shows Completed, the Status field in the upper applet shows
Completed indicating that the order has been completed.

Case 2: When you click Submit Order button:

1. Click Submit Order. A message, Disconnection (parent) Order is submitted successfully,


Note: Submit button becomes inactive. Proceed to the Reconnection (child) order. The Status field of
the parent order becomes Submission in Progress.

2. Click Available Numbers. A list containing the available phone numbers in the current exchange

3. Select a number from the list. The selected number appears in Service Id (Ph #).

4. Click Centrex/ISDN Group ID pick applet. The Centrex/ISDN Group Number applet appears.
Select the ISDN Group Number that has been created.

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field changes from Pending to Accessory Check Done.

6. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Sub Status changes to
Validation Successful.

7. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status displays Validation
8. The Status field value becomes In Progress. Once the order is completed, that is, after the facility
is provisioned for the customer, the Status becomes Completed. Once the order is completed, the
view becomes completely non-editable.

9. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view shows Completed, the Status field in the upper applet shows Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.

7.3.3 Shift of ISDN Across Exchanges (and within zones)

Users: CSR/CO

For Shift of ISDN Across Exchanges within the same zone, See Shift of ISDN within the Exchange
(with number change)

There are two major differences between Shift of ISDN Across Exchange and Shift of ISDN within
Exchange with Number change:

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For Shift of ISDN within same exchange with number change, the new
Installation Address has to be the same exchange as its previous address.
For Shift of ISDN across Exchange should have different where as for the
first scenario, the exchange type of the new installation address has to be
The Order Sub Type for the latter is Shift Within exch with NumChg where
as for the first scenario it is Shift Across exchanges.

7.3.4 Shift of ISDN Across Zones

In this scenario, the service is disconnected in one zone and a completely new service is provided in
an other zone. Each zone, for example, South Zone CRM, North Zone CRM, has a separate CRM

The only way to identify the customer who has shifted from one zone to the other is by the Transfer
Flag check box in Orders screen.

To find out whether a customer had an account previously with BSNL in another zone:
1. Click Orders screen. The Orders Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all the values (for which the user can check if the account was transferred from
another zone) in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Orders List View for that particular account appears.

Note: There can be one or more records.

3. Click Order Number. The Orders Detail View appears. In the upper applet, if the Transfer Flag
check box is selected, it indicates that the account has been transferred.

7.4 Creating ISDN Disconnection Order

Prerequisities to proceed: To disconnect the ISDN service, the customer should have an existing
ISDN service

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all the values in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts List View appears.

4. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts >Account Summary View appears.

5. Select Order Sub Type field as Disconnect.

6. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

7. Click Disconnect. The Orders Detail View appears. The details of the current order being created

Note: An activity is created for CSR RTN belonging to that circle. To submit the disconnection
order to the downstream systems, the activity created for CSR RTN should be approved.

Activity Approval Process for CSR RTN

8. Login into the CRM application as CSR RTN. The CSR RTN Home Page appears.

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Note: The activity that has been created can be viewed in My Activities applet.
9. Click Type. The Orders Activities View appears.

Note: The lower applet displays the activity with status as Open. The Approve and Reject buttons
are activated.
10. Click Approve. The activity is approved. The status of the activity becomes Approved. An alert is
created for CSR in the CSR Home Page.

11. Click Reject. The activity is rejected. The status of the activity becomes Cancelled. The
Disconnection order status changes to Cancelled. An alert is created for CSR in the CSR Home

When the activity is approved:

12. Click Validate. A message, All validations are successful, appears. The Sub Status field changes
to Validation Successful.

13. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted to the downstream systems.

Note: The Status field displays Submission in Progress and the Sub Status field displays
Validation Successful. The Status field becomes In Progress and Completed, thereafter indicating
the completion of the disconnection order. Once the order gets completed, the view becomes
completely non-editable.
14. Click Milestones view tab. The Orders Milestones View appears.

Note: The Type field indicates the downstream system with which the order is pending. The
Status field provides the status of the order in that respective system. For example, if the Status
field in this view displays Completed, the Status field in the upper applet displays Completed
indicating that the order has been completed.

7.5 Note: Deposit Override

For CDR Based Customer Care & Convergent Billing Project


Currently AOTR can able to change the demand note amount based on the existing deposits available
at the customer and has to raise the manual refund request for difference amount. Most of the cases
AOTR is not able to raise the refund request manually and the difference amount is charged in the bill.

The requirement is whenever AOTR adjust the demand note the refund request has to be raised
automatically for the difference amount and allow for AOTR approval.


Query for that order in CRM and Drill down to Order Number

Assign AOTR button is available on the demand note view to assign the request to AOTR for
demand note amount modifications , CSR Need to click this if user want to override. On click of this
button , one activity will be created and assigned to AOTR for demand note amount modification

AOTR will drilldown and Come to demand note view

AOTR can able to change actual amount field to change the calculated amount

AOTR can approve the activity

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if AOTR approve the activity and actual amount is less than estimated amount
then refund request will be raised with difference amount for modify order

If order type is new then refund request should not be created

AOTR can approve or reject the refund request based on the requirement

AOTR will approve the refund request when the difference amount is not required to charge in next

AOTR will reject the refund request when the difference amount has to be charged to the customer in
next bill.

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8 Business Scenarios - Accounting

8.1 Capturing the Outstanding Invoice Adjustments

To capture the Adjustments:

Prerequisites to proceed: Billing Account for which the Invoice Adjustment request is being raised
should exist in the system. The CSR/AOTR can directly raise the request for Invoice Adjustments.

User1: CSR/AOTR from Step 1 to Step 3.

User2: AOTR from Step 1 to Step 6.

1. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow. Request Number and Date
(system date on which the adjustment was created) are auto-populated and are non-editable.
The Status field value is Pending.

2. Enter the values in all the mandatory fields: Invoice #, Service Id (Phone #), Request Amount,
Reason, Type.

3. Click Submit button. An alert is sent to the corresponding SSA AOTR based on the phone
number range in the SSA. The record becomes non-editable and Assigned To field is updated
with the corresponding SSA AOTR information to whom and the Status field is updated to
Submitted. For CSR, the Approve and Reject buttons are disabled.

Note: The AOTR can Approve or Reject the requested Billing Adjustments. With Submit, Approve
or Reject operation the Billing system is also updated with the corresponding changes.
4. Click Approve button. Approval Date is auto-populated.

5. Enter the value for Approved Amount. The Status field is updated to Approved.

6. Click Reject button. Enter the Rejected Comments in the Approved/Rejected Comments
field. The Status field is updated with the value Rejected.

Customer has a provision to accept the refunded amount or ask for adjustments in the next bill (if the
customer has any other active services with the same Billing Account).

To navigate to Refunds:

1. Click Billing Accounts. The Billing Accounts Home Page appears.

2. Click Billing Accounts List link. The Billing Accounts List View appears.

3. Select a record. Click Billing Account Number. The Billing Accounts Detail View appears.

4. Click Refunds. The Billing Accounts Refunds View appears.

8.2 Offline Deposits

The Billing Accounts Offline Deposits View provides an option to the customer to capture the
request for Offline deposits entries. Offline deposits are required to mitigate the migration related
issues. AOTR who is attached to Service number range can only raise the request for offline deposits.
AOTR can raise the request if the billing account status is Active or Account Settlement
Deposit adjustments can be seen under adjustments tab in billing accounts

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8.2.1 Capturing the Offline Deposits Request

To navigate to Offline deposits view:

1. Click in the Services screen. The Services Homepage appears.

2. Query for the Service Id of the subscriber. A record appears.

3. Click Billing Account Number. The Billing Accounts screen appears.

4. Click Adjustments. The Billing Accounts Adjustments View appears.

5. Under this view click on Deposit Adjustments Deposit Adjustments View appears.

To capture the Offline Deposits request:

1. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.

Note: Request #, Status, Created Date is auto-populated. The Status field has the value
Pending. All the three fields are non-editable.

2. Select the Service Id (Ph#) for which the customer wants to take the Offline deposits.

3. Select the Deposit Type from dropdown

4. Select the action to be taken on existing deposit i.e. Add or Reduce

5. Enter requested amount and Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

6. Click Submit. An alert is sent to the corresponding SSA AOTR the record becomes non-editable
and the field Assigned To is updated with the corresponding SSA AOTR information to whom the
request has been submitted and the Status field is updated with the value Submitted.

Note: During Submission

1. If write off request is pending with AOTR then that request is cancelled and the offline deposit
request is assigned to SSA AOTR for approval. The status of write off request will change to
Cancelled after cancellation of write off request.

2. If the billing account status is account settlement and the account settlement refund request is
approved then the offline deposit request can not be submitted

3. If the account settlement refund request is not approved, then the account settlement refund
request is cancelled and the billing account status is changed to Active and the request is
submitted to SSA AOTR for approval. The status of account settlement refund request will change
to Cancelled after cancellation of refund request.

4. An alert is created for Primary SSA AOTR and the offline deposit request is assigned to primary
SSA AOTR for approval

Note: During Approval/Rejection

1. SSA AOTR will enter the approved amount and can change the deposit type, action and the

2. SSA AOTR can approve or reject the request, for rejecting the request AOTR will click on Reject
button and the status of offline deposit request will change to Rejected.

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3. For approving the request AOTR will click on Approve button and request is submitted to EAI and
status is changed to "Submission In Progress".

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9 Business Scenarios - Complaints

9.1 Creating a New Complaint (Technical / Billing)

Technical Complaints can be created using the following two views:

Complaints View
Trouble Tickets View

Using Complaints View:

1. Click Trouble Tickets. The Trouble Tickets Home View appears.

2. Click Complaints. The Trouble Tickets Complaints View appears.

3. Click New. A new complaint is created.

Using Trouble Tickets View:

1. Click Trouble Tickets. The Trouble Tickets Home View appears.

2. Click All Trouble Tickets. The Trouble Tickets All Trouble Tickets View appears.

3. Click New. A new complaint is created.

To create a new complaint:

User1: CSR Landline

Prerequisites to proceed: An Asset should exist.

1. Click Trouble Tickets. The Trouble Tickets Home View appears. Click on the Complaints. The
Trouble Tickets Complaints View appears.

2. Click New. A new complaint row is created with blank details except the Docket #.

3. Click Account pick applet to select the existing account. By default, Account # is auto-populated
whenever an account is selected.

Note: Contact Number appears when the CSR selects the account. Contact number is the main
phone number of account. The Contact Number is editable.
4. Enter the 10 digit number. The system automatically prefixes with +91.

Note: If the number is entered in a wrong format, a message, Contact Number should be a valid
number, appears.

5. Click Service Id to select the existing Service Id, that is, Phone Number.

6. Click Complaint Type. Select the Complaint Type s Technical.

7. Click Complaint Sub Type, and select a suitable value from the dropdown list from the complaint
description from customer.

Note: Complaint Sub Type is based on the Service Type & Complaint Type values selected.
For example, If Service Type is Landline & Complaint Type is Technical, then the Complaint
Sub Type values can be Cable Fault, Phone Dead, No Speech, No Ring and so on..

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8. Save the complaint to system by clicking Ctrl+S. Click on the Docket #. The Complaints Detail
View appears.

Note: If complaint has been raised on the same Service Id and Complaint Type, a message,
The Complaint Type of this Service ID is already been Raised. Cannot Raise again, appears.
(For example, Service Id = 08417-202069 and Complaint Type = Technical, CSR cannot raise
the complaint on the same Service Id. In that scenario, Click Complaint Type, The Error
appears. Click OK. Provide the valid data.

Following fields are auto-populated:

Docket# : Auto-populated
Account# : Auto-populated when CSR selects the account
Contact Name : Auto-populated when CSR selects the Service Id
Channel Of Approach: Auto-populated with the value Call Center. If a
complaint is raised from different channels, this field is updated accordingly. For
example, if the complaint is raised from Web Portal, value will be Web.
MSO# : If the complaint is raised due to Major Service Outage, this field is
updated automatically
Priority: Auto-populated with the value 3-Medium. This value is based on
the Account and Asset flag values, that is, If the following values are set to True,
then Priority will be updated as 1-ASAP (all below fields displayed on the screen)
PCO Flag, VIP Flag, are auto populated and in case the connection is
provided with in a month then New Connection check box would be checked.
Date Opened: Date is auto-populated with the current system date when
CSR clicks the New button. This field is non-editable
Date Closed: This field is updated when the complaint is closed. When
CSR clicks the Close Docket button, the current system date appears.
Status: This field is updated when CSR clicks the New button. Initially, the
Status will be Open
Sub-Status: This field is updated automatically when the CSR clicks New
button. Initially, Sub Status will be unassigned

Following Flags will be set to True based on the following conditions:

PCO Flag: This flag will be set to True when the CSR selects the Service
Id, that is, If Service is Landline-PT, then this flag will be set to True which
indicated that the Service is related to PCO (public phone)
VIP Flag: This flag will be set automatically when the CSR selects the
Account. It is valid for a VIP account only
New Connection: This flag will be set to True when the CSR selects the
Service Id, that is, if the Service was provided within last 30 days only
Repeat Flag: This flag will set be to True when the Complaint is
repeatedly raised by the customer within a period of 30 days. This is applicable
only if the Service Id, Complaint Type, Complaint Sub Type are same
Escalated Flag: This flag will be set to True when the docket is escalated
to the next level, that is, SLA time crosses, which means that the complaint is
escalted to the next level

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Installation Details
On saving the record in step 8, based on the installation address details
the following fields are updated automatically:
Exchange Name

Fault Details

The following fields are displayed automatically, when the Clarity system sends the updates to the
CRM system. All the fields are optional.

Note: These values are displayed only if the Complaint Type is Technical
Fault Code
Fault Description
Fault Category
Fault Sub Category
Clearance Code

Click Submit. Based on the details entered the complaint is submitted to either Clarity or AOTR.

9.2 Closing the Complaint (Technical / Billing)

Prerequisites to proceed: A complaint is already raised on an existing asset.

A complaint can be closed by the CSR / FTO / AOTR based on the complaint type and sub type. In
case of technical complaint, after submitting the complaint it is assigned to ITO. Once ITO resolves
the complaint in Clarity system, response is received in CRM system and it is assigned to FTO.

In case of Billing complaint, on submission of complaint it is assigned to AOTR. Once AOTR resolves
the status of complaint changes to Closed. In some cases CSR can find the existing solution from
FAQ and close the complaint.The following sections describe the procedure in detail.

Either CSR / FTO / AOTR will close the docket

9.2.1 Closing the Complaint by CSR

1. Click Complaints. The Complaints View appears.

2. Click New. A new complaint is created.

Note: If the CSR clicks on the Close Docket button without adding the predefined solution, a
message, Please add solution before closing docket, appears. Click OK. Create a new solution to the

3. Click Trouble Tickets. The Trouble Tickets Home View appears.

4. Click Complaints link. The Complaints Detail View appears.

5. Click Solutions view tab. The Complaints Solutions View appears.

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6. Click Add. The Add Solutions applet appears. (refer the following screen shot)

7. Click Query to search for the existing record. All the related solutions are displayed.

8. Click Add located in the lower half of the applet. The solution gets attached to the Complaint
Detail Solution View.

9. Click Close Docket. The Complaint will be closed.

Below screen shot displays 3 applets:

Complaint Solution view
Add Solutions without solutions applet
Click on the Query & Go button Open the Add Solutions applet with

9.2.2 Closing the Complaint by FTO

1. Login into CRM as an FTO. The FTO Home Page appears.

2. Click Alert record in My Alerts applet. The Faults Detail Applet appears. FTO would call the
customer and explain and verify with the customer that the complaint is resolved.

3. Click Close Docket. The complaint is closed. The applets becomes non-editable and the
following fields are updated:
Status = Closed
Close Date = <Current System Date>

9.2.3 Closing the Complaint by AOTR

User 1: CSR Landline

Note: Only the Billing complaint will be closed by AOTR.

The CSR creates the Billing Complaint. Click Submit. The complaint is assigned to AOTR.

User 2: AOTR

1. Login into CRM application as AOTR. The AOTR Home Page appears.

2. Click Alert # in My Alerts applet. The Complaints Detail View appears.

3. Click Close Docket. The complaint is closed and the following fields are updated in CRM.
Status = Closed
Close Date = <Current System Date>

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10 Business Scenarios Service Requests

10.1Customer Category Change

This process is done when the customer requests for a change of customer category.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have a Landline service provisioned.


To change the Category of the customer in CRM, follow the procedure below:

User: CSR

1. Click on the Service Requests screen tab SR Home. The service requests homepage

2. Click on the SR List link present under the screen name. The control navigates to the SR List

3. Click New to raise a new service request. A new record is created highlighted in yellow. The fields,
Request #, Status, Sub-Status, Customer Name, and Owner are auto-populated.

4. Save record by clicking Ctrl+s or go to Menu and click on Save Record option.

5. Enter Customer Category under the Updated Details section in the lower applet.

6. Click Submit. If customer category is VIP then Sub-Status field value changes to Assigned to
AOTR. If existing or updated customer category is VVIP then Sub-Status field value changes to
Assigned To Nodal Officer, An alert is created for the AOTR/NODAL OFFICER ISR in the home


7. Click on the alert in the homepage under the My Alerts section. The control navigates to the SR
List view for that particular service request.

8. Click Reject, if the service request has to be rejected. The Status field value becomes Closed
and the Sub-Status field value becomes Rejected.

9. Click Approve, if the service request has to be approved. The Status field value will change to
Closed and the Sub-Status field value becomes Resolved.

If the service request is approved, the Customer Category is updated in the CRM and the
Billing system.

Note: For an account, if a service request is already raised, another similar one cannot be raised.
If raised, an alert is given that a similar request has already been raised.

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10.2Creation of VIP/VVIP Customers

1. Click on the Customer Accounts screen tab Customer Accounts Home. The Customer
Accounts homepage appears.

2. Click on the Customer Account List link present under the screen name. The control navigates
to the Customer Account List view

3. Click New to create new Customer Account. A new record is created highlighted in yellow. The
Customer Category is pre defaulted to Normal. Select the VIP Category as VIP/VVIP and enter
details in all mandatory fields. Proceed with the normal process of creating NPC.

4. As soon as service becomes active for that customer account, An Alert and Service request is
automatically created for AOTR/NODAL OFFICER ISR for Customer Category change.

5. Alert is created to AOTR if VIP Category is VIP and alert is created to NODAL OFFICER ISR if
VIP Category is VVIP.


6. Click on the alert in the homepage under the My Alerts section. The control navigates to the SR
List view for that particular service request.

7. Click Reject, if the service request has to be rejected. The Status field value becomes Closed
and the Sub-Status field value becomes Rejected.

8. Click Approve, if the service request has to be approved. The Status field value will change to
Closed and the Sub-Status field value becomes Resolved.

10.3Account Level Discount Products

BSNL provides Account Level discounts for big subscribers like popular hospitals, schools,
universities, and so on. Few Discount products are incorporated into CDR for this purpose.

It is out of scope of the CDR system to check the eligibility of the subscriber account to get the
account level discount. It is the responsibility of the AOTR who raises such a request to check this.

10.3.1 Account Level Discounts

Users: CSR, AOTR

Pre-requisites: The subscriber should be an active BSNL customer.

To provide Account Level discounts to the subscriber, follow the steps below:
1. Login as CSR.

2. Click on the Service Request screen. The Service Request homepage appears.

3. Click on the Billing Discount Products link. The Internal Service Request List appears.

4. Click on New. A new record is inserted and is highlighted in yellow and Change Type is
populated as Change of Discount Products.

5. Enter details like Service Id and so on.

6. Save (Ctrl+s) the record.

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7. Click on New button present in the lower half of the screen. A new record is created and is
highlighted in yellow. The Status field is populated as Open.

8. Select a Discount Product that needs to be given.

9. Select the Action Code as Add to add discount product and Delete to remove a discount

Note: If the Action Code is Add, then populate the Active Date field. If the Action Code is Delete,
populate the Inactive Date field.

10. Save (or Ctrl+s) the record.

11. Click on the Submit button present in the upper half of the screen. This Service Request is
now submitted to the corresponding AOTR as an alert in his/her homepage. And the details
become read only for the CSR.

12. Login as AOTR. The homepage shows the alert for the Account Level Discount Product

13. Click on the Alert #. The control navigates to the Service Request screen.

14. Change the Active Date if required. (Inactive Date in case of delete).

15. Click on Approve button. The Discount details of the Account are sent to Billing and updated
there. The Status changes to Approved.

16. Click on Reject button. The Discount details are not sent to Billing and the Status changes to

Note: When Service Request is closed, discount Product details will be shown under corresponding
Billing Account in Billing Account Screen

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11 Business Scenarios - Broadband

Broadband refers to the high-speed data transmission in which a single cable can carry over multiple
channels over a single communication medium. The most common types of Internet Broadband
connections are cable and DSL modems. It is also always-on Internet connection that provides high-
speed access and downloads for a flat rate monthly charge.

11.1New Broadband Connection

Prerequisites to proceed:

User should login into the CRM application

User should have prior knowledge about the New Broadband connection
User should be assigned the role of CSR in the profile

11.1.1 Creating a New Broadband Connection

Users: CSR

To create a new Broadband connection, details of the customer should be entered in a particular
order: Customer Accounts Contacts Billing Accounts Orders.

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Click Customer Accounts List link. The Customer Accounts List View appears.

3. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.

Note: Customer Id and Status are auto-populated.

4. Enter the mandatory fields: Account Name in the format of Surname, First Name and Account


To refresh or delete the record you just entered, press Esc button.

Once the Account Name is entered, it becomes a hyperlink.

5. Click Account Name. The Customer Accounts Accounts Summary View appears. Information
should be provided in the following view tabs:



Billing Accounts

6. Click Addresses view tab. The Customer Accounts Addresses View appears.

7. Click New. A new record is created and is highlighted in yellow.

8. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Billing Address, Billing Correspondence Address
and Installation Address.

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9. Click Contacts view tab located next to the Accounts Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts
Contacts View appears.

10. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.

11. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Surname, Name, Preferred Communication
Method and Preferred Communication Language.

Note: Look for Billing Account tab, if not present then click the down arrow located next to
Demographics. A dropdown list appears.

12. Click Billing Accounts. The Customer Accounts Billing Accounts View appears.

13. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.

Note: The Billing Account Number, Status fields and other fields are auto-populated.
14. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Billing Account Type, Billing Account Sub Type,
Frequency, Preferred Language Name, Bill Period, Billing Address, and Billing Corresponding

15. Click Save or Ctrl + S to save the record.

16. Click on the Create Account button.

17. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow.

Note: Order Number, Order Type and Order Sub Type and other fields are auto-populated.
18. Enter the information in the mandatory fields: Billing Account, Address, Connection Type as
Permanent/Casual/Permanent, and Usage Code.

19. Select the Service Line field as Basic Phone Service, Service as Wire line, and Service Type as
Landline, Service Sub Type as Fixed Landline.

20. Click Order Number. The Orders More Info View appears.

21. Click Line Items view tab. The Line Item view appears.

22. Click New. A new line item is added.

23. Enter the information in all the mandatory fields: Nominee Name, Nominee Relation and Product
which are mandatory. Depending upon the Service Type selected, Product is filtered and

24. Click Line #. The details of the products selected can be viewed.

25. Click Customize button which is activated after the Line Items have been selected. There are
several tabs in Orders View.

26. Click Plans tab to select the Landline plans. By default, None is selected. Only one option can be
selected at a time.

27. Click Facilities tab to select or deselect the facilities according to the customers requirements.

28. Click Calling Level tab to select the customers choice for Local, STD and ISD. By default, Local
is selected.

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29. Click Accessories tab to select the requested accessories of the choices provided. By default, LL
NON CLI PHONE is selected.

30. The remaining tabs can be customized individually depending on the requirement of the

31. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Orders screen appears with the selected
products under the Line Items tab.

32. Click Available Numbers. A list with all the available numbers for that particular exchange and
Service Type appears.

33. Select a number from the list. Depending on the availability, the list is populated. Click OK. The
number is updated in the line items.

34. Click Reserve Number. The Landline number is reserved. All the requested extensions are
reserved and the Accessory Check button is enabled.

35. Click Accessory Check to check the feasibility of the accessories. After the Accessory Check is
successful, Validate button is enabled.

36. Set the Broadband Required Flag to Y.

37. Click Validate. If any of the information is missing, an alert is displayed with an appropriate

For example, If a plan is not selected, an alert with the message, Select atleast one plan, appears. Fill
in the relevant details and navigate to the Orders screen and click Validate.

If the information provided is complete and correct, then the order is validated. A message, Validations
are successful, appears. Click OK.

Note: The Sub-Status of the Landline order becomes Validation Successful and Follow On BB
Order button, which is present at the Line Item List Applet near Customize button, is enabled.
38. Click Follow On BB Order. The Broadband Order Detail view appears.

39. Click Customize. The Product Configuration View appears.

Note: There are two tabs in this view: Broadband and LL Plans.

40. Select Broadband. By default None is selected.


The LL Plan tab is provided for reference of the existing Landline plans with that customer.

A red colored star appears besides Broadband tab. This implies that its mandatory to provide these
details for broadband.

41. Click . The Broadband Product Configuration View appears. CSR has two options here. They

42. Click Finish It to select the default values for Plan, Modem Types, Static IP Component, Facilities,
Deposit Schemes, Rental Schemes and Installation Schemes. Although default values appear,
CSR can still select other values for all the tabs, namely Plan, Modem type and so on.


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Manually select Plan, Modem Types, Static IP Component, Facilities, Deposit Schemes, Rental
Schemes and Installation Schemes according to the customers requirement.

43. Click Plans tab to select the Broadband plans. Only one plan can be selected at a time, that is,
BB Normal Plan, BB Committed Plan, Combo committed plan or Combo Normal Plan.

44. Click customize icon in case of BB Normal Plan and Combo Normal Plan. Select the
appropriate option.

45. Go back to Broadband Product Configuration View. Click Modem Type and select the appropriate

46. Click customize icon . Select the corresponding acquisition type and Installation Required

47. Go back to Broadband Product Configuration View. Click Static IP Component and select the
appropriate component.The remaining tabs can be customized individually depending on the
requirement of the customer.

48. If the customer wants a PC along with the Broadband connection, then see section 11.3PC
Bundling with Broadband

49. Click Done to accept all the information provided. The Broadband Detail View appears with the
selected products under the Line Items tab.

Note: Order type of the new order created is Modify and Sub type is Broadband Provision.
Landline Order tab displays the corresponding Landline order.
50. Enter User Id and Email against the Broadband product. This can be done by expanding the Line
Items by clicking on the + symbol present on the root line item. Scroll down and highlight the
Broadband product. Come to the lower section called Broadband Email List and add new
email/emails here.

Note: The number of e-mails should be equal to the number of e-mails eligible for the plan that
includes the primary e-mail which is created automatically when the User Id is created successfully.

51. Click User Id Creation. The User Id is created.

Note: If the creation is successful, then:

Sub Status changes to Validation Successful
All fields and Emails becomes non-editable
Customize button is disabled
Demand Note button is enabled

52. Click Demand Note. The Orders Demand Note View appears.

Note: Based on the broadband details the demand note is generated and the amount to pay is
displayed in this view. The amount due is displayed in the Total Amount field. Make Payment
button on Broadband Demand Note view tab is activated. If the customer has any dues or if the
balance has to be paid, click Make Payment. This is optional. A Receipt number is auto-populated
and the same receipt number is populated for the Landline order.
53. Click Landline order view tab. The Landline Orders View appears.

Note: It is required to submit the landline order before the Broadband order can be submitted.

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54. Click Landline Order Number. The corresponding Landline Order appears.

55. Click Submit Order of landline. All the other tabs are non-editable.

Note: After the submission of the order is successful, the Order Status changes to Submission In
Progress. Once the system submits the details to the downstream systems automatically, the
status changes to In Progress.
56. Click Child Order View tab. The Orders Child Order View appears.

57. Click Order #. The Broadband Order Details View appears.

58. Click Submit Order of broadband. Order is submitted for further processing.

Note: If the order is submitted successfully, a message, Broadband Order submitted successfully
and change order status to Submission In progress. Change Root line item Action Code to
Update. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely non-editable.
59. Verify the landline order status.

60. Click Broadband Landline View Tab.

61. Click Order #. The Landline Orders Details View appears.

62. Click Orders Milestone View tab. Verify in the Milestone section the Service Order status is
Complete. Verify the other OMIT tasks to be complete.

63. Verify that the Order status is Complete.

64. Click Services tab. The Services List View appears.

65. Click Query. Provide the Service Id as search criteria.

66. Click Go. The service record that was created appears.

67. Verify the products in the Services Components View tab to be same as per customer request.

68. Verify the broadband provisioning:

69. Click Services Components View tab. Verify that the Broadband product component is
available in the products column.

70. Highlight the row corresponding to the Broadband product in Service Detail - Components view.

71. Verify the Broadband Email List has the same number of rows and email addresses as requested
by customer.

72. Click Services More Info View. Verify the User Id is populated as same as requested by the

73. Click Services Components View tab.

74. Click Service # corresponding to the Broadband product. The Component details for broadband
are displayed.

75. Verify that the plan and modem are as requested by the customer in CAF.

76. Highlight the modem component and click Service #. The Service Detail View is refreshed. Click
Services - Attributes View tab. Verify the modem details.

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Note: In case the customer has requested for Static IP, verify in Service Detail, broadband
components view tab.
Note: User Id and Email
User Id and Email will automatically get suffixed with _scdrid

This to remove duplicate email creation , For normal End user level no changes in process , but in line
development we have changed and we are keeping backup of all user id and Email in CRM it self.

Suppose CSR entered hyderabad as user id or Email, system will set it as hyderabad_scdrid

Suffix is _scdrid wheres stand for south CRM and cdrid is unique keyword.

Note: Accessory Receipt Number Validation

If the Acquisition Type of the Accessory(Modem/EVDO/NIC) is Purchase, then, in the Order screen:

i) Enter the Receipt number in the Accessory Receipt Number field.

ii) Save or Refresh.

iii) Click on the Menu option.

iv) Select the option Validate Receipt Number.

This will help PMS validate the receipt number entered by the CSR. If the receipt number entered is
invalid, then it gives a prompt that the receipt number is invalid. If the receipt has already been used, it
gives a prompt that the receipt number has already been used and asks the CSR to enter another
valid receipt number. If the receipt number entered is correct, then the CSR will get no prompts and
can proceed as usual.

11.2Broadband Provision for an existing Landline

A Broadband provision for an existing landline occurs when the customer requests for a Broadband

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent landline connection.

Users: CSR

To provide the broadband provision on existing Landline:

Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning for landline The Customer Accounts Account
Summary View appears.
1. Select the Order Sub Type field values as Broadband Provision.

2. Click Modify. The Broadband Detail View appears.

3. Click Customize. The Product Configurator View appears.

4. Follow Step 43 to 77 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

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11.3PC Bundling with Broadband

To increase the penetration of Broadband from current levels, BSNL needs to increase the
ownership of computing devices by end users. In this regard BSNL has tied up with following
PC/ Laptop manufacturers to bundle BSNLs Broadband connections with these devices:
Novatium Solutions
Sai Infosystem

Under this offer, the vendor sells PC/ Laptop at competitive prices to Customers willing to take
BSNL Broadband connection too. Similarly, BSNL provides discounts on existing Broadband
tariff to make the offer attractive. Under of such schemes, a Bank / Financial Institution
finances the bundled PC with benefits offered by BSNL and PC Manufacturer. The collection
of the Instalment is done by BSNL along with the telephone bill to make the process of
payment easier to the customer.

Hence, CDR system needs to enable collection of Instalments from the customer by including
the charge along with the telephone / BB bill.

PC can be bundled only with a post-paid Broadband connection for a Landline customer. It will
not be provisioned for pre-paid Broadband, PCO services and over Broadband connection
over EPABX.
Users: CSR,CO

To provision a PC along with the Broadband order, follow the steps below:

User: CSR
1. Click on the PC Bundling tab. The different vendors/laptops details are displayed.
2. Select a Vendor-PC.
3. Click on the PC selected. The Acquisition Type selection appears.
4. Select Acquisition Type as EMI/OWNED.
Note: After customization, the added Vendor PC is seen in the line items under the BroadBand
5. Select the PC Model in the line items. The EMI Amount, Numbers of Installments, Upfront
Amount fields are auto populated.
6. Enter a User Id for the order.
7. Click on the Userid button. If the PC Acquisition Type selected is EMI, then an activity is
created for the CO and an alert is sent for the same.

User: CO
8. Click on the Alert# in the homepage having message PC Bundling Upfront Approval Activity.
The control navigates to the Orders-Activity view.
9. Change the amounts, installments, etc., if required under the Activity view.
10. a. Click on Approve button.
b. Click on Reject button.
11. Click on Demand Note button.
Note: Demand note amount generated will include Upfront amount for PC if activity is approved. If
activity is rejected, the upfront amount will not be included.
12. Click on Submit Order button after the payment for the demand note is done in PMS.

11.4Modify Scenarios

11.4.1 Modifying the Broadband

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing Broadband connection.

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Users: CSR

To modify the broadband on an existing connection:

1. Follow Step 1 to Step 4 of Facility Provisioning for Landline. The Customer Accounts
Accounts Summary View appears.

2. Select the Order Sub Type field values as Broadband Modify.

3. Click Modify. The Broadband Detail View appears.

4. Click Customize. The Product Configurator View appears.

5. Click on the Broadband Product.

Select only the tabs that have to be modified. For example, Plan, Modem
Type and so on
Make Payment button on Broadband Demand Note view tab is activated. If
the customer has any dues or if the balance has to be paid, click Make Payment. It
is optional. A Receipt number is auto-populated

6. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted.

Note: If the order is successful, then a message, Broadband Order submitted successfully.
Change the Order Status to Submission In progress and change Root line item Action Code to

11.4.2 Broadband Static IP Change

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have a Broadband connection.

Users: CSR

To provide the Broadband Static IP Change on the existing broadband connection:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

4. Select the Order Sub Type field values as Broadband Static IP Change. Click Modify. The
Broadband Detail View appears.

Note: The Sub Status field is set to Validation Successful. Submit button is enabled.
5. Click Submit. The order is submitted.

6. On completing the Static IP change, verify the order status to be Complete.

7. Click Milestones View tab, and verify the NIB tasks are completed successfully.

8. Click Services tab and search for the Service Id.

9. Click Service #. The Services Components View appears.

10. Verify that the Broadband product component is available in the products column.

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11. Highlight the row corresponding to the Broadband product in Services - Components view.

12. Click Service # corresponding to the Broadband product. The Component details for broadband
are displayed.

13. Highlight the Static IP component. Click Service #. The Services Detail View is refreshed.

14. Click Services Attributes View. Verify the updated static IP details

11.4.3 PC Bundling Pre-closure

If the subscriber who has taken a bundled PC along with the Broadband connection, would like to
make a full payment before the installment period is over, he can do so to the vendor directly and
get a receipt from the vendor and request for a pre-closure of EMI from CRM.

To close/stop the EMI due to pre-closure of EMI, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the Services screen. The Services Homepage appears.

2. Query with the Service Id of the customer. A record appears showing all details.

3. Click on the Account Name. The Account Summary view of the customer appears.

4. Select the Order Sub Type value as Bundling Pre-Closure.

5. Click on Modify button. The control navigates to the Modify order.

6. Expand the Line Items. The Acquisition Type of the PC is now seen as OWNED.

Note: The Customize button will not be enabled for this order.

7. Click on Accessory Check button. The Sub-Status changes to Accessory Check Done.

8. Click on Validate button. The Sub-Status changes to Validations Done.

9. Click on Demand Note button. Amount generated will be Rs. 0.00.

10. Click on Submit Order button to submit the order to Billing.

Note: Once Billing is updated, it will stop generating the EMI amount from the next invoice onwards.

11.5Shift Scenario

11.5.1 Shift of Landline within the Exchange (without number change)

In this scenario, the customer can request for a shift of address within the same exchange and may
want to retain the same phone number and Broadband Connection. Before the Shift process starts, it
is required that the entry of the new installation address is completed in the Addresses view tab for
that particular customer, otherwise the user has to stop the process in between, when the new
address is being entered in the Orders Detail view.

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent Landline and broadband connection

Users: CSR
To provide the Shift of Broadband connection within the same exchange without the number change: :

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1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the value in any or all of the fields in Search field for which the landline facility
should be permanently removed.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

4. Click Addresses View tab. The Addresses view with various types of addresses appears.

5. Click New. A new address with the Address Type as Installation Address appears.

6. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts Account Summary view appears
where the services provided to a particular customer is displayed.

7. Select the Order Sub Type field value as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg.

8. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

9. Click Shift. The Order detail view appears and Accessory Check button is enabled. Two orders
are created as given below:

a. First, the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg
(Child order or Reconnection order)

b. Second order with Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Disconnect (Parent
order or Shift-Disconnect order). The Orders Detail view of the Child order appears

10. Select the Nature of Shift field value under the More Info view tab. If the value selected is:

If the shift is Shift CRD - In this case, the shift occurs on the date requested by the customer.

At this point, the Accessory Check button is active. The Installation address has to be changed. An
alert appears if it is not changed. Customize Landline order if required.

Note: Follow Step 27 to Step 35 in Creating a New Broadband Connection.

1. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field value changes from Pending to Accessories Check

2. Change the Customer Requested Date to the date requested by the customer.

Note: You can change this field only after the Accessory Check is complete and before you click
the Validate button.

3. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Follow On button is enabled.

4. Customize broadband order if required and feasible.

Note: Follow Step 41 and 77 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

Shift When feasible: In this scenario, shift takes place whenever it is feasible for BSNL. The
Accessory Check button is active when it is feasible.

Note: Change the installation address, failing which an alert is generated that the installation
address needs to be changed. Customize Landline order if required.

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Note: Follow Step 27 and 35 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

1. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field value changes from Pending to Accessories Check

2. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Follow On button is enabled.

3. Customize broadband order if required and feasible.

Note: Follow Step 41 and 77 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

If the shift is Shift Immediate: The user can complete the disconnect order (parent order) before the child
order as the Submit Order button and the Available Numbers button are both active.

Note: Change the installation address, failing which an alert is generated that the installation
address needs to be changed.

1. Customize Landline order if required.

Note: Follow Step 27 and 35 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

2. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field value changes from Pending to Accessories Check

3. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Follow On button is enabled.

4. Customize broadband order if required and feasible.

Note: Follow Step 41 and 77 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

11.5.2 Shift of Landline within the Exchange(with number change)

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent Landline and broadband connection

Users: CSR

To do the Shift of Broadband process within the same exchange and without changing number, follow
the procedure below:

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search Criteria.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

4. Click Addresses View tab. The Addresses view with various types of addresses appears.

5. Click New. A new address with the Address Type as Installation Address appears.

6. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts - Account Summary view appears,
displaying the services given to that particular customer.

7. Select the Order Sub Type field values as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg.

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8. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

9. Click Shift. Two orders are created as given below:

a) First, the Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Shift Within exch w/o NumChg
(Child order or Reconnection order).

b) Second order with Order Type as Shift and Order Sub Type as Disconnect (Parent order
or Shift-Disconnect order). The Orders Detail view of the Child order appears.

10. The Order detail view appears and Accessory Check button is enabled.

11. Select the Nature of Shift field value under the More Info view tab. If the value selected is:

If the shift is Shift CRD - In this case, the shift occurs on the date requested by the customer.

At this point, the Accessory Check button is active. The Installation address has to be changed. An
alert appears if it is not changed. Customize Landline order if required.

1. Follow Step 27 and 35 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

2. Click Available Numbers. A list containing phone numbers available in the current exchange

3. Select a number from the list. The selected number gets populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

4. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field value becomes Port Available.

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field value changes from Pending to Accessories Check

6. Change the Customer Requested Date to the date requested by the customer.

Note: You can change this field only after the Accessory Check is complete and before you click
the Validate button.
7. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Follow On button is enabled.

8. Customize broadband order if required and feasible.

Note: Follow Step 41 and 77 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

Shift When feasible: in this scenario, shift takes place whenever it is feasible for BSNL. The
Accessory Check button is active when it is feasiable.

Note: Change the installation address, failing which an alert is generated that the installation
address needs to be changed. Customize Landline order if required.
9. Follow Step 27 and 35 in Creating a New Broadband Connection.

10. Click Available Numbers. A list containing phone numbers available in the current exchange

11. Select a number from the list. The selected number gets populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

12. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field value becomes Port Available.

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13. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field value changes from Pending to Accessories Check

14. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Follow On button is enabled.

15. Customize broadband order if required and feasible.

16. Follow Step 41 and 77 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

If the shift is Shift Immediate: The user can complete the disconnect order (parent order) before the
child order as the Submit Order button and the Available Numbers button are both active.

Note: Change the installation address, failing which an alert is generated that the installation
address needs to be changed.
1. Customize Landline order if required.

Note: Follow Step 27 and 35 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

2. Click Available Numbers. A list containing phone numbers available in the current exchange

3. Select a number from the list. The selected number gets populated in Service Id (Ph #) field.

4. Click Reserve Number. The Sub Status field value becomes Port Available.

5. Click Accessory Check. The Sub Status field value changes from Pending to Accessories Check

6. Click Validate. A message, Validations are successful, appears. The Follow On button is

7. Customize broadband order if required and feasible.

8. Follow Step 41 and 77 in Creating a New Broadband Connection

11.5.3 Shift Across exchanges

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent Landline and broadband connection

Users: CSR
To do the Shift of Broadband process across exchange, follow the procedure below:

1. The only differences between the scenarios Shift of Broadband Across Exchange and Shift of
Broadband within Exchange with Number change is:

2. In Shift of broadband across Exchange, the Exchange Type of the new Installation Address has to
be different from the previous Installation address. The Order Sub Type is Shift Across Exchanges

3. In Shift of broadband within Exchange with Number change, the installation address has the
same exchange as its previous address. Also, the Order Sub Type is Shift Within Exch with

4. Refer to Steps in Shift with Number Change

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11.5.4 PC Bundling Shift

Shift is similar to a normal Landline shift with a Broadband connection. When a PC is bundled
with the BB connection, when the Userid Creation button is clicked, and Actvity will get created if
the PC Acquisition Type is EMI. The CO will approve the activity. In this Approval process CO
can only change EMI and Installments details. CO cant change Upfront Amount details.

The remaining process is same as the normal Broadband re-connection during shift.

11.6Normal Disconnection

The customer may want to disconnect both Landline and Broadband connection due to some
reasons. This is the case when Normal Disconnection occurs.
Prerequisites to proceed:

Customer should have a permanent Landline and broadband connection

CSR Retention should provide disconnection reason and comments for the
Users: CSR
To do the disconnection of the complete service, that is, Landline with Broadband:

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

4. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts - Account Summary view appears,
displaying the services given to that particular customer.

5. Select the Order Sub Type field values as Disconnect.

5. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

6. Click Disconnect. The Broadband Detail View appears.

Note: All fields except the Customer Requested Date in this view are enabled for

7. Select the appropriate date. Click Activity view tab.

8. Click Approve. The order is approved.

9. Click Submit. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely non-editable. If
successful, the Sub Status becomes Submission In Progress and In Progress if submitted to

11.7Broadband Disconnection

In this scenario, the customer can disconnect only the Broadband connection due to any reasons.

Prerequisites to proceed:

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Customer should have a permanent Landline and broadband connection

CSR Retention should provide disconnection reason and comments for the
Users: CSR
To disconnect the broadband:

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search field.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

4. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts - Account Summary view appears,
displaying the services given to that particular customer.

5. Select the Order Sub Type field values as Broadband Disconnect.

6. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

7. Click Disconnect Broadband. The Broadband Detail View appears.

Note: All the fields except the Customer Requested Date in this view are enabled for modification.

8. Select the appropriate date.

9. Click activity view and click Approve.

10. Click Submit Order. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely non-editable. If
successful, the Sub Status becomes Submission In Progress and In Progress if submitted to the
downstream systems.

11.8Display IPDRs for Billed and Unbilled Broadband Usage

This is to show billed broadband usage details against invoice number and telephone number, and
unbilled broadband usage details against telephone number.

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have a broadband connection.

Users: End User

Click on this link

Login Into the application by providing the credentials.

To veiw the Billed braodband usage details

1. Click the Service screen tabCheck My Broadband Billed Usage Details link.

2. Select the Invoice Number and Telephone Number.

3. Click on Go button.

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To veiw the Unbilled braodband usage details

1. Click the Service screen tab Check My Broadband Unbilled Usage Details link.

2. Select the Telephone Number.

3. Click on Go button.

11.9 Broadband Over PCO

1. BB Over PCO is same as Landline BB.

Note: Broadband is allowed for all LL PCO service sub types (CCB, FLPP PCO, Landline PT and
Landline VPT).

2. CSR should select the Broadband required flag in New LL PCO connection. If customer has
requested for Broadband then select the field as Y and create follow on order. Else the field
should be selected as N.

3. Broadband disconnection of LL PCO is same as BB disconnection of landline.

4. Broadband Modify of LL PCO is same as BB Modify of landline.

11.10 Prepaid Broadband

The BSNL subscriber now has the choice of selecting prepaid as well as postpaid Broadband
services. Prepaid service has been newly implemented in CDR. Prepaid Broadband service order can
be raised in CRM just like a postpaid connection. The details of the prepaid broadband connection will
not go to Billing as the service will not be billed for. Subscribers can buy prepaid cards for BSNL for
their usage. The Intelligent Network would deduct amount from the card according to the usage.

The Dunning process here is initiated by BSNLs Intelligent Network and not by Billing, as it happens
for postpaid broadband.

11.10.1 Broadband Prepaid Provision for an existing Landline

Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent landline connection.

Users: CSR
To provide the broadband provision on existing Landline:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen Customer Account Home. The Customer Accounts Home
View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search Criteria. Click Go. The Customer Accounts
Account Summary View appears.

3. Select the Order Sub Type field values as Broadband Provision. Click Modify button. The
Broadband Detail View appears.

4. Enter User Id given by customer, BB Connection type as PREPAID.

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5. Click Customize add Broadband Prepaid product, select Modem and its acquisition type.

6. No Plan is there for prepaid Broadband.

7. Click on User Id Button

8. Click on Demand Note Button.

9. Click Submit Order..The order is submitted.

Note: If the order is successful, a message, Broadband Order submitted successfully, appears.
Change the Order Status to Submission In progress and change Root line item Action Code to

11.10.2 Broadband Prepaid Provision for New Landline and Broadband Connection.
When the Landline Provision order reaches validation successful state, Follow On button gets
activated in Line item screen.

Users: CSR
To provide the broadband provision:

1. Click on Follow On button. It will create a new order and navigate you to Broadband View.

2. Select User Id, BB Connection type as PREPAID.

3. Click Customize, add broadband prepaid product and select Modem and its acquisition type.

4. No Plan is there for prepaid Broadband.

5. Click on User Id Button

6. Click on demand Note Button.

7. Click Submit Order.The order is submitted.

Note: If the order is successful, a message, Broadband Order submitted successfully, appears.
Change the Order Status to Submission In progress and change Root line item Action Code to
Update.First landline order will become In Progress and then BB Provision order will get submit to
downstream system

11.10.3 Modify Scenarios

Prerequisites to proceed: The customer should have an existing Broadband Prepaid connection.

Users: CSR
To modify the broadband on an existing connection:

1. Click Customer Accounts screen. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the values in the Search Criteria. Click Go. The Customer Accounts
Accounts Summary View appears.

3. Select the Order Sub Type field values as Broadband Modify.

4. Click Modify. The Broadband Detail View appears.

5. Click Customize and Change whatever CSR want to change.

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6. Click on User Id Button,

7. Click on Demand Note View.

8. Click Submit Order. The order is submitted.

Note: If the order is successful, then a message, Broadband Order submitted successfully. Change
the Order Status to Submission In progress and change Root line item Action Code to Update.

11.11 Broadband Prepaid Disconnection

The customer may want to disconnect only Broadband Prepaid connection or disconnect both
Landline and Broadband connection.
Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have a permanent Landline and broadband Prepaid
connection provisioned.

Users: CSR
To do the Broadband Disconnection.Follow the procedure as given below:

1. Click Customer Accounts. The Customer Accounts Home View appears.

2. Enter any or all of the value in any or all of the fields in Search Criteria for which the landline
facility should be permanently removed.

3. Click Go. The Customer Accounts Account Summary View appears.

4. Click Account Summary view tab. The Customer Accounts - Account Summary view
appears, displaying the services given to that particular customer.

5. Select the Order Sub Type field values as Broadband Disconnect.

6. Click Ctrl + S. The record is saved.

7. Click on Disconnect Broadband button. The control navigates to the Broadband Detail View.

8. The entire fields except the Customer Requested Date are enabled for modification. Select
the appropriate date.

9. Click button. Once the order is completed, the view becomes completely non-
editable. If successful, the Sub Status becomes Submission In Progress and In Progress
if submitted to downstream.

11.12 Broadband Over EPABX

Broadband connection cannot be given to a subscriber who has a connection through an EPABX. The
cabling has to be done from the BSNL switch to the customer premise without the EPABX in between.
For ISDN and Call Hunting Group customers who use a third party (Coral) EPABX, the extension
numbers going from the EPABX to the customer premise are not known to the BSNL switch. The
switch only recognizes the main ISDN number. If the extension numbers need a Broadband
connection either on the same Billing Account as the main number or on a different Billing Account
number, a Broadband connection is given with a dummy landline number and the EPABX Main
Number as a reference. Broadband can also be given to Extension numbers.
11.12.1 New Order Creation:
Prerequisites to proceed: Customer should have ISDN/ Call hunting facility.

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1. Click Orders Screen tab -> EPABX Broadband.

2. Create New Order by clicking the New Button in that EPABX Broadband View. New record

3. Select the Account Name.

4. Select the Installation Address.

5. Select the Billing Account.

6. Select the Usage Code.

7. Select the Connection Type as Permanent.

8. Select the Sales Channel.

Note : To delete the record you just entered, press Esc button.
9. Click on the BB EPABX Line Item View Tab to enter the Line item details.At the Line Item

10. Click on the New Button to create new record.

11. Provide the Nominee Name, anc select the Nominee Relationship from the dropdown.

12. Select the EPABX Main Number to which the Broadband should be given. Select the

13. Number from the Pick applet and click Ok button.

14. On the Products field Click the to select the product.

15. Select the BroadBand product and click Ok button in the popup applet.

16. Click the Customize Button and select the mandatory components for the Broadband

Note: If the user has not given the EPABX Main Number in the step 3, on clicking of Customize
button, system will give Pop up error.

Email Creation:

1. In the Broadband Email List Applet, Click on the Create New Email button.

2. Enter the Email Id without @ symbol.

3. At the Order Header Applet, provide the User Id.

4. Click on the Userid Creation Button on the Order Header Applet.

5. Order Sub Status will be Validation Successful once the User Creation results without any

6. Click on the Demand Note Button.

7. If the total amount > 0 , Customer has to make the payment.

To Make Payment:

1. Click on the BB EPABX Demand Note View Tab.

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2. Click on the Make Payment Button on that Tab and login to the payment gateway using

3. Make the Payment.

4. If the customer wants to make any adjustments or the total amount is 0, AOTR has to approve
the Debit Note. So Click on the Assign to AOTR Button. An alert has beeen sent to AOTR.

5. On the BB EPABX Activities View tab, you can view your Demand Note Approval has been
assigned to which AOTR.

6. AOTR has to approve the Demand Note.

AOTR Approval Process:

1. AOTR Logins to the application using his credentials.

2. On the Home Page Under My alerts, his approval alerts will be displayed.

3. AOTR has to drill down on the Alert# (Order Number to which he has to approve the demand
note) goes to Order List View on the Orders screen.

4. On the Order List, Drilldown on the Order Number goes to EPBAX Boradband View.

5. On the BB EPABX Activity View Tab, select the activity and click Approve or Reject
button. Once it is done, it will be assigned to CSR.

6. On the CSR Home page Under My alerts, the Alert will be shown with the appropriate

7. CSR Drilldown the Alert # to go to the appropriate EPBAX Boradband view.

8. Once the Receipt Number and Total Amount Paid fields are populated, Submit Order button
will be enabled.

9. Click on the Submit Order Button to submit the Order.

11.12.2 Modify Broadband Modify:

1. Go to the Customer Accounts Screen.

2. Click the Customer Accounts screen tab -> Customer Account List. Customer Accounts
list view appears

3. Drilldown on the Account Name and you will get the Accounts Summary view tab enabled
by default.

4. Select the Service you want to modify.

5. Select the Order Sub Type as Broadband Modify and click the Modify Button.

6. The Modify Order will be created in the EPBAX Boradband view.

7. At the BB EPABX Line Item, Click Customize to modify the Existing plan,facilities, schemes
and etc for Broadband.

8. Click on the User Id Creation Button.(refer New Order Creation Step 11 for Email Creation)

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9. Click on Demand Note Button.

10. If the total amount > 0 , Customer has to make the payment.

To Make Payment:

1. Click on the BB EPABX Demand Note view Tab.

2. Click on the Make Payment Button on that applet and login to the payment gateway using

3. Make the Payment.

4. If Customer wants to adjust his payment, Clcik on the Assign to AOTR button.(refer New
order Creation Step 18 for AOTR approval process).

5. Once the Receipt Number and Total Amount Paid fields are populated, Submit Order button
will be enabled.

6. Submit the Modify Order by Clicking on the Submit Order Button on the Order header Applet.

11.12.3 Modify - Broadband Network Change:

1. Go to the Customer Accounts Screen.

2. Click the Customer Accounts screen tab -> Customer Account List. Customer Accounts
list view appears

3. Drilldown on the Account and you will get the Accounts Summary view tab enabled by

4. Select the Service you want to modify.

5. Select the Order Sub Type as Broadband Network Change and click the Modify Button.

6. The Modify Order will be created in the EPBAX view.

7. Create New Email Id and provide the UserID.

8. Click on the User Creation Button.(refer New Order Creation Step 11 for Email Creation)

9. Submit the Order by clicking the Submit Order button.

11.12.4 Modify - Broadband Static IP Change:

1. Go to the Customer Accounts Screen.

2. Drilldown on the Account and you will get the Accounts Summary tab enabled by default.

3. Select the service you want to modify.

4. Select the Order Sub Type as Broadband Static IP Change and click the Modify Button.

5. The Modify Order will be created in the EPBAX view.

6. Submit the Order by clicking the Submit Order button.

11.12.5 Disconnect Scenario:

1. Go to the Accounts Screen.

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2. Drilldown on the Account and you will get the Accounts Summary tab enabled by default.

3. Select the service you want to modify.

4. Select the Order Sub Type as Disconnect and click the Disconnect Button.

5. The Disconnect Order will be created in the EPBAX view.

6. Submit the Order by clicking the Submit Order button.

11.12.6 BB Over EPABX Installation Address Change Service Request:

1. Navigate to the Customer Accounts Screen.

2. On the Customer Accounts List View, query for the account which has EPABX BB service
whose installation address need to be changed.

3. Drill Down on the Account Name and go to the Addresses View tab.

4. Click on the New button.

5. A new record will be created with Address Type as Installation Address.

6. Select the House No/ Flat No Pick applet.

7. In that Pick Applet, Create New by clicking on the New Button or Select the existing record.

8. Creating a New record by clicking on New Button.

9. It will Open New Applet with title as Add Address.

10. In that Applet, provide the details for House No/Flat No,Village Name/Colony,Name,
Additional Details, City/Mandal, Nearest BSNL Landline,Number(STD-Number), State,District,
Main Locality, Sub Locality and Click on the Save Button to save the record.

11. In the Add Address Applet, Select the Record you have created and Click Ok.

1. Navigate to the Services screen.

2. Query for the Service whose Installation Address needs to be changed.

3. Drill Down on the Service #, and go to the Service Request View tab.

4. In that Tab, click on the BB-EPABX Address Change view.

5. If any existing request Status is either Pending/Submitted/Approval In Progress, CSR cannot

able to raise the new request until the pending request Status is Approved/Rejected.

6. Create a new request by Clicking on the New button.

7. In the Old Address, the existing address will be populated.

8. In the New Address field, CSR has to pick the New Address which he created in Accounts

9. Once all the required fields are populated, Click on the Submit button.

10. The request will be assigned to CO and the status will be Submitted.

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11. In the Assigned To field, you can see to which CO the request has been assigned.

CO User:
1. CO Logins to the application with his credentials.

2. On Home Page View, In My Alerts, the request number will be shown in the Alert#.

3. Drilldown on the Alert# to go to the Services? Service Request? BB EPABX Address

Change View.

4. CO can Approve or Reject the Service Request and he has to fill the comments field.

5. Once Approve/Reject done, the request will be assigned back to CSR and the status will be
Approved In Progress/Rejected.

6. If CO approves the Request, the New Installation address will be Updated in the Service

7. If Rejected, the address will not be updated.

8. CO can Re-Assign the request to some other CO's if he is not the appropriate person to

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12 Account Hierarchy

12.1BSNL Account Hierarchy View

The BSNL Account Hierarchy View is used for receiving the Hierarchy change requests made by the

This will be explained in detail in the following sections.

Account Hierarchy is used to raise a request if there is a need of changing billing account hierarchy.

12.1.1 Capturing the Account hierarchy request

To navigate to Account Hierarchy:

1. Click Services screen. The Services Home View appears.

2. Click Services List link. The Services View appears.
3. Select a record. Click Service #. The Services Detail View appears.
4. Click Account Hierarchy view tab. The Account Hierarchy View appears.
To capture the Account hierarchy request:
Prerequisites to proceed: Service for which the Account hierarchy request is being raised should
exist and its status and operating status is active in the system. The CSR/CO can directly raise the
request for Account hierarchy.

User1: CSR/CO from Step 1 to Step 3.

User2: CO from Step 1 to Step 6.

1. Click New. A blank record is created and is highlighted in yellow. Request Number, Request
Type, billing account number, parent billing account number and action code are auto-
populated and are non-editable. The Status field value is Pending.

2. Enter the value in the mandatory field Requested Parent billing account number.

3. Click Submit button. An alert is sent to the corresponding SSA CO based on the exchange of the
SSA. The record becomes non-editable and Assigned To field is updated with the corresponding
SSA CO information to whom and the Status field is updated to Submitted. For CSR, the
Approve and Reject buttons are disabled.

Note: The CO can Approve or Reject the requested Account Hierarchy. With Approve
operation the Billing system is also updated with the corresponding changes according to the
Change effective Date(i.e. if the Change effective Date is todays date then hierarchy will be
updated in billing on that day itself instantly otherwise it will be updated when the Change
effective Date will come, a batch process will run on the night of that day.).After approval of
request Change effective Date wil be populated.

4. Click Reject button. Enter the Rejected Comments in the Approved/Rejected Comments field.
The Status field is updated with the value Rejected

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A Annexure
The list of roles and responsibilities for CDR are provided in the excel sheet given below:


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