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Importance of Playing Basketball

Last U ulturally, basketball is an important sport in the United States. For youths, playing basketball is a
healthy way to imitate their athletic heroes. For older individuals, playing basketball offers a way to
engage in fun competition while getting regular, vigorous exercise. Basketball also provides constant
social interaction, which benefits young and old players alike. Other sports, such as baseball, softball and
soccer, often force players to maintain distant positions for long periods. updated: Jun 24, 2015 |
By Stan Mack Sports and Fitness

Ball skills are oftentimes overlooked as an activity only for boys, or only for athletic children. However, ball
skills are an important activity for children of all interests and abilities to practice consistently. Ball skills
not only prepare children for gym class at school and extracurricular activities, but they help to address
bilateral skills, hand-eye coordination, timing, sequencing, motor planning, and limited to: throwing and
Practicing Ball Skills with your Child

Deeper Than Reason: Emotion and its Role in Literature, Music

and Art
Jenefer RobinsonOxford University Press Uk (2005)

Abstract Deeper than Reason takes the insights of modern psychological and neuroscientific research on the
emotions and brings them to bear on questions about our emotional involvement with the arts. Robinson
begins by laying out a theory of emotion, one that is supported by the best evidence from current
empirical work on emotions, and then in the light of this theory examines some of the ways in which the
emotions function in the arts. Written in a clear and engaging style, her book will make fascinating
reading for anyone who is interested in the emotions and how they work, as well as anyone engaged
with the arts and aesthetics, especially with questions about emotional expression in the arts, emotional
experience of art forms, and, more generally, artistic interpretation.Part One develops a theory of
emotions as processes, having at their core non-cognitive 'instinctive' appraisals, 'deeper than reason',
which automatically induce physiological changes and action tendencies, and which then give way to
cognitive monitoring of the situation. Part Two examines the role of the emotions in understanding
literature, especially the great realistic novels of the nineteenth century. Robinson argues that such
works need to be experienced emotionally if they are to be properly understood. A detailed reading of
Edith Wharton's novel The Reef demonstrates how a great novel can educate us emotionally by first
evoking instinctive emotional responses and then getting us to cognitively monitor and reflect upon
them. Part Three puts forward a new Romantic theory of emotional expression in the arts. Part Four
deals with music, both the emotional expression of emotion in music, whether vocal or instrumental, and
the arousal of emotion by music. The way music arouses emotion lends indirect support to the theory of
emotion outlined in Part One. While grounded in the science of emotion, Deeper than Reason
demonstrates the continuing importance of the arts and humanities to our lives

April 4, 2012/0 Comments/in Beha catching, dribbling, kicking, and aiming for a target. Here
are some a by Amanda mathews
If we are to update the curriculum, individual classroom teachers must believe that significant exposure to
diverse literature can positively affect students' development as readers, writers, and thinkers. This article
investigates classroom teachers' practices in an effort to discover the extent to which multicultural literature
is integrated within the curriculum. One major finding from this study is that although many teachers
advocate the inclusion of diverse works, the practice of teaching from a dynamic and diverse literature
program does not always reach English curricula at the local level. The study also reveals a degree of
confusion among many teachers about the teaching of multicultural works, leading the authors to conclude
that English teachers and teacher educators must work together to create a more balanced curriculum that
portrays a range of people with different characteristics. ctivities to try at home:by joyce stallwort.

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