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in association with Heelis, National Trust central office, Swindon

Green Offices matrix 01/05

Decoding sustainability
Exploring the challenges and possibilities presented by concepts of
sustainability in architecture, we launch the first of five pull-out charts published
by engineers Max Fordham in the AJ. This week: building greener offices
Case study
Completed in 2006, Heelis, the
In 2005 engineers Max Fordham and Photovoltaic shades National Trusts central office, is an
architecture practice Feilden Clegg and roof cowls on exemplar in sustainable office design.
Bradley Studios were asked by our Heelis, the National It is a deep-plan naturally ventilated
client, the National Trust, to explain Trust central office building with exposed thermal mass
how their new headquarters building, on both floor levels to maintain stable
Heelis, would meet their aspiration for internal temperatures.
best practice and occasional innova- We focused particularly upon
tion in sustainability. Peter Clegg maximising the use of daylight:
This image
came up with the inspired idea of introducing it via north-facing roof
High levels of
a matrix, and I worked on the lights and through voids in the first
daylight provide
engineering content. The matrix, floor to ground level. At the same
exemplary working
together with the financial time, there is careful control of direct
implications of achieving the criteria, sunlight, the photovoltaics provide
Left Acoustic

juilan anderson
provided a framework to help the shading in the middle of the day and
panels hang in the
board achieve a practical overview the roof ventilation cowls in the
well lit atrium
of their options and develop a morning and evening.
well-informed client brief. The project was institutionally The matrix provides a simple way
We have continued to use the funded, and the design met both BCO of illustrating a series of environmental Contact information
matrices at Max Fordham to help How to use this matrix
guidelines and the specific needs of benchmarks, encouraging discussion
communicate what sustainability- GREEN OFFICE NEW BUILD
a: Building and operational targets
b: User and operational interaction

the National Trust. Finishing materials of key issues. We find it simpler than Max Fordham Consulting Contacts Guy Nevill and
driven decisions will mean to our such as timber and carpets were numerical systems such as LEED and
c: Design considerations and strategies

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes
Think of the matrix as a communication Engineers Neil Smith, green offices
tool to promote discussion during
clients. We have now updated them sourced from National Trust property. BREEAM and it can be used to chart The Rotunda specialists.
Proposed Building Regulations 2010 Part L Regulation 2013 Part L Regulation 2015 Part L Regulation 2019 Part L Zero Carbon Zero carbon not yet fully defined
early design. Issues 1, 3, 4 and 5 of
1. CO2 emission design target 30kg CO2/m2/yr 21kg CO2/m2/yr 8kg CO2/m2/yr 0 kg CO2/m2/yr Typical design stage modelled target

42-43 Gloucester Crescent Hero Bennett, sustainability

2. DEC rating D-C rating B rating A rating A+ rating Target DEC used rather than

to highlight ongoing and current Heelis is part of our continuing progress towards, for instance, carbon
EPC highly user dependent

this series cover operational emissions

3. Energy consumption: Approximate values for Nat Vent.

London NW1 7PE consultant

Heating and hot water load 61kWh/m2/yr 46kWh/m2/yr 30kWh/m2/yr 15kWh/m2/yr Defined by a combination of the
design strategy and operation
Electrical base load 16kWh/m2/yr 15kWh/m2/yr 13kWh/m2/yr 12kWh/m2/yr Electrical base load note: includes

issues. As a partnership of engineers for specific building types and should story of sustainable buildings neutrality. Peter Clegg, senior partner,
lighting and mechanical plant
IT and small power 48kWh/m2/yr 41kWh/m2/yr 33kWh/m2/yr 26kWh/m2/yr Includes server cooling
4. On-site energy generation Up to 20% to comply with local planning >20% on-site renewables 50%-100% > 100% on-site generation or agreed off-site generation Highly site dependent

be read with issue 2, which covers

5. U-values (W/m2K): Difficult to pass Building Regs using

we feel its good for our industry and delivered over nearly 50 years of Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Telephone 020 7267 5161 For more in-depth matrices,
Wall 0.35 (Part L 2010) 0.2 0.15 0.1 minimum regulation values: 20%
Average window 2.2 (Part L 2010) 1.4 1.44 0.8 improvement in U-values typical,

wider sustainability considerations

Roof 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1 and 30% in airtightness

Fax 020 7482 0329 please visit

Ground floor 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1
6. Airtightness at 50Pa 10m3/h/m2 (Part L 2010) 3.5m3/h/m2 (BCO Guide) 2m3/h/m2 1m3/h/m2

for the sustainability agenda to make b

7. Building occupancy 50-80% of desks occupied at any time
during the working day
Hot-desking/desk sharing for peripatetic staff.
Cleaners and night security aware of energy use
Hot-desking, remote working, 24-hour use restricted
to small areas
Energy use and carbon emissions
could also be considered per person
common to all building types. Max Fordham. ISDN 020 7267 3991
the matrices available to as wide an We tailor strategies and options For myself as project director and for
per day worked

Email publications/sustainability_

8. Controls, metering and Seasonal commissioning. Produce DEC, Commissioning company retained to monitor over Responsibilities for reading, reviewing, actioning Continual monitoring and fine-tuning formal external review. Evaluations show actual performance
monitoring report to senior management first year. Full post occupancy evaluation. Action plan changes defined. Departmental energy targets. Results published to industry. Energy use reward/penalty KPIs (eg in energy and water) are

on each matrix to make them project

to respond to DEC Anonymised external reporting system much greater than design predictions.

Web matrix

9. User involvement Facilities staff trained at building handover. Facilities staff involved in commissioning. Soft landing framework followed (see note) into first Departmental energy use feeds into personal carbon This is often a result of poor commis-

audience as possible. Thats why we the NT board, the matrix worked really
Building log book provided with O&M manual Non-technical user guide produced and all staff three years of use. Interactive online user guide. Energy trading (eg WSPs PACT scheme) sioning, training and management.
inducted. Energy use fed back to users use shown on interactive display screen and online

10. Summer thermal targets for CIBSE/BCO design targets. Air-con spaces: BCO design targets and test to UKCIP 2020. Consider adaptive comfort: dress code entirely Building design tested to UKCIP 2080 Highly dependent on how staff use
specific. Boxes are highlighted to Case study information
are publishing them here in the AJ. well as a communications tool, helping
indicate what sustainability targets the
energy reduction 24 +/-2C. Nat vent: 25C for <5% and Dress code partly relaxed in warm weather as relaxed, eg allow shorts and short sleeves in Summer. the building
28C for <1% working hours. External ISO7730 Building design tested to UKCIP 2050
temperature to suit geographic location

project can achieve within the budget

11. Thermal mass, ventilation Nat vent where possible, otherwise mech Thermal mass in roof. Nat vent plus low grade Nat vent with comfort cooling served by GSHP Nat vent = natural ventilation

Guy Nevill, partner, Max Fordham us understand the various dimensions

and cooling vent and comfort cooling. cooling or mixed-mode with heat recovery. Server or mech vent with heat recovery. Free cooling and Mech vent = mechanical ventilation
VRV/VRF system used in server room. room uses free cooling when possible heat recovery to server room Free cooling = directly coupled
Server room set point no less than 24C cooling
12. Solar control Provide fixed external shading. Manual
internal blinds
Orient and size windows for capturing useful
daylight only. Provide some level of external
Automatic adjustable external shading. Consider
use of deciduous trees
As innovative plus insulated shutters/blinds with reflective
outer coating
and assess investment options for Architect Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
of sustainability and their relative
shading. Solar control glass, mid-pane blinds etc

achieving more. Client National Trust

13. Daylighting Average 2% daylight factor where possible. Narrow plan floorplate or rooflights to provide Building form heavily influenced by daylight design. At least 80% of the floor area has an average daylight Design to CIBSE Lighting Guide 10,
Views to outside. Glare control blinds daylight. Views to sky. 80% floor area >2% average 80% floor area > 3% average daylight factor factor of 5%. Reflection onto vertical surfaces to reduce BS8206 Part 2 and the BRE Site
daylight and uniformity 0.4 perceived gloominess. Building form led by daylight design Layout Guide 10

Value 15m
14. Artificial lighting and controls 300-500 lux to BCO and CIBSE guidelines. 300 lux background lighting plus task lighting. 150-200 lux background and wall-washing plus task As innovative with new lighting technologies, eg LEDs Design to SLL Lighting Guide LG7

Hero Bennett, sustainability performance/contributions. Sue Holden,

PIR detectors in WCs etc. Fluorescent Daylight dimming and presence detection lighting. Daylight dimming and presence detection
fittings throughout throughout building
15. IT strategy Users encouraged to switch off PCs Kill switch for non essential peripherals. Thin client system lower power terminals with Off-site internet-based cloud-computing systems Cloud-computing = software and
overnight Servers ramp down under part load. Consider centralised computing. Servers running virtualisation resources provided by internet on

consultant, Max Fordham Completion 2006

project director, National Trust
laptops throughout software demand, like the electricity grid
GREEN OFFICE NEW BUILD ENERGY criteria tO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH wider sustainability parameters

a: Building and operational targets

b: User and operational interaction
c: Design considerations and strategies

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes

Proposed Building Regulations 2010 Part L Regulation 2013 Part L Regulation 2016 Part L Regulation 2019 Part L Zero Carbon Zero carbon not yet fully defined
1. CO2 emission design target 30kg CO2/m2/yr 21kg CO2/m2/yr 8kg CO2/m2/yr 0 kg CO2/m2/yr Typical design stage modelled target
2. DEC rating D-C rating B rating A rating A+ rating Target DEC used rather than
EPC highly user dependent
3. E
 nergy consumption: Approximate values for Nat Vent.
Heating and hot water load 61kWh/m2/yr 46kWh/m2/yr 30kWh/m2/yr 15kWh/m2/yr Defined by a combination of the
design strategy and operation
Electrical base load 16kWh/m2/yr 15kWh/m2/yr 13kWh/m2/yr 12kWh/m2/yr Electrical base load note: includes
lighting and mechanical plant
IT and small power 48kWh/m2/yr 41kWh/m2/yr 33kWh/m2/yr 26kWh/m2/yr Includes server cooling
4. On-site energy generation Up to 20% to comply with local planning >20% on-site renewables >50% > 100% on-site generation or agreed off-site generation Highly site dependent
5. U-values (W/m2K): Difficult to pass 2010 Building Regs
Wall 0.35 (Part L 2010) 0.2 0.15 0.1 using minimum regulation values:
Average window 2.2 (Part L 2010) 1.4 1.1 0.8 20-30% improvement in U-values
Roof 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1 and airtightness typical
Ground floor 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1
6. Airtightness at 50Pa 10m3/h/m2 (Part L 2010) 3.5m3/h/m2 (BCO Guide) 2m3/h/m2 1m3/h/m2

7. Building occupancy 50-80% of desks occupied at any time Hot-desking/desk sharing for peripatetic staff. Hot-desking, remote working, 24-hour use restricted Energy use and carbon emissions
b during the working day Cleaners and night security aware of energy use to small areas could also be considered per person
per day worked
8. Controls, metering and Seasonal commissioning. Produce DEC, Commissioning company retained to monitor over Responsibilities for reading, reviewing, actioning Continual monitoring and fine-tuning. Formal external Evaluations show actual performance
monitoring report to senior management first year. Full post occupancy evaluation. Action plan changes defined. Anonymised external reporting. review. Results published to industry. Energy use reward/ KPIs (eg in energy and water) are
to respond to DEC Departmental energy targets penalty system much greater than design predictions.
9. User involvement Facilities staff trained at building handover. Facilities staff involved in commissioning. Soft landing framework followed (see note) into first Departmental energy use feeds into personal carbon This is often a result of poor commis-
Building log book provided with O&M manual Non-technical user guide produced and all staff three years of use. Interactive online user guide. Energy trading (eg WSPs PACT scheme) sioning, training and management.
inducted. Energy use fed back to users use shown on interactive display screen and online

10. Summer thermal targets for CIBSE/BCO design targets. Air-con spaces: BCO design targets and test to UKCIP 2020. Maximise adaptive comfort: dress code entirely Building design tested to UKCIP 2080 Highly dependent on how staff use
c energy reduction 24 +/-2C. Nat vent: 25C for <5% and Dress code partly relaxed in warm weather as relaxed, eg allow shorts and short sleeves in Summer. the building
28C for <1% working hours. External ISO7730 Building design tested to UKCIP 2050
temperature to suit geographic location
11. Thermal mass, ventilation Nat vent where possible, otherwise mech Thermal mass in roof. Nat vent plus low grade Nat vent with comfort cooling served by GSHP Nat vent = natural ventilation
and cooling vent and comfort cooling. cooling or mixed-mode with heat recovery. Server or mech vent with heat recovery. Free cooling and Mech vent = mechanical ventilation
VRV/VRF system used in server room. room uses free cooling when possible heat recovery to server room Free cooling = directly coupled
Server room set point no less than 24C cooling
12. Solar control Provide fixed external shading. Manual Orient and size windows for capturing useful Automatic adjustable external shading. Use of As innovative plus insulated shutters/blinds with reflective
internal blinds daylight only. Provide some level of external deciduous planting outer coating
shading. Solar control glass, mid-pane blinds etc
13. Daylighting Average 2% daylight factor where possible. Narrow plan floorplate or rooflights to provide Building form heavily influenced by daylight design. At least 80% of the floor area has an average daylight Design to CIBSE Lighting Guide 10,
Views to outside. Glare control blinds daylight. Views to sky. 80% floor area >2% average 80% floor area > 3% average daylight factor factor of 5%. Reflection onto vertical surfaces to reduce BS8206 Part 2 and the BRE Site
daylight and uniformity 0.4 perceived gloominess. Building form led by daylight design Layout Guide 10
14. Artificial lighting and controls 300-500 lux to BCO and CIBSE guidelines. 300 lux background lighting plus task lighting. 150-200 lux background and wall-washing plus task As innovative with new lighting technologies, eg LEDs Design to SLL Lighting Guide LG7
PIR detectors in WCs etc. Fluorescent Daylight dimming and presence detection lighting. Daylight dimming and presence detection
fittings throughout throughout building
15. IT strategy Users encouraged to switch off PCs Kill switch for non essential peripherals. Thin client system lower power terminals with Off-site internet-based cloud-computing systems Cloud-computing = software and
overnight Servers ramp down under part load. Consider centralised computing. Servers running virtualisation resources provided by internet on
laptops throughout software demand, like the electricity grid
in association with City Academy, Hackney, London
Schools MATRIX 03/05

photos by julian anderson

Decoding sustainability This image
light fittings only
provide light
as needed
Right Generous
The third in this series of five pull-out charts from engineers Max Fordham light wells allow
daylight into the
tackles the challenges of building sustainable schools, and teaching the heart of the

communities within them how best to use their buildings building and
provide light to the
rear of classrooms

Question: How do schools learn to be City Academy Case study Schools learn to be sustainable by
sustainable? The key to answering this faces a noisy main Students at City Academy, Hackney understanding the environmental,
question lies in recognising that the road. A loose-fit learn in optimum natural light and social and economic benefits of
school is not just the building itself, double facade comfortable, well ventilated, quiet sustainability, and ensuring the whole
but the communities that use it. We screens noise spaces a good environment in which school community understands what
know all about designing energy while allowing to learn. A ground-source heat pump this means. KPMG helped the City
efficiency into buildings its what we natural ventilation underneath the sports field supplies academy students set up an
do every day. But we also know that three quarters of the energy needed for environmental committee to drive
actual energy use can be significantly heating, while 130 photovoltaic panels environmental awareness. One of the
higher than predicted. A recent Max on the roof deliver enough electricity first things they decided to do was
Fordham study revealed the factors to light 50 classrooms. All insulation invite the architects and engineers to
that account for the difference between material used in the provision of demonstrate how to use the building
energy performance predicted at building services is zero ozone so that they could communicate this

max fordham llp

design stage and the actual energy depletion potential. The school to the rest of the school. KPMG is
performance of schools in use. From community was involved from the committed to a sustainable approach
this study we can identify the critical outset of the project. City Academy in its own offices and, together with
variable factors that influence energy Hackney is part of our continuing the City of London Corporation as
use. The way the building is used is as story of sustainable schools delivered joint sponsor, has driven these values Contact information
important as the way the building is How to use this matrix
over nearly 50 years of Max Fordham. through the whole academy design
designed. To really achieve sustainable GREEN OFFICE NEW BUILD
a: Building and operational targets
b: User and operational interaction

and construction process, ensuring

schools, we need to engage with the Architects on school design that the community was engaged
c: Design considerations and strategies

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes
Think of the matrix as a communication Max Fordham Consulting Contacts Matt Dickinson
tool to promote discussion during
school community so we can design Schools learn to be sustainable by with from the very outset. Engineers and Matt Oliver, school
Proposed Building Regulations 2010 Part L Regulation 2013 Part L Regulation 2015 Part L Regulation 2019 Part L Zero Carbon Zero carbon not yet fully defined
early design. Issues 1, 3, 4 and 5 of
1. CO2 emission design target 30kg CO2/m2/yr 21kg CO2/m2/yr 8kg CO2/m2/yr 0 kg CO2/m2/yr Typical design stage modelled target

The Rotunda specialists

2. DEC rating D-C rating B rating A rating A+ rating Target DEC used rather than

for how the building is going to be taking charge of an agenda that works Charlotte Rogers, CSR manager,
EPC highly user dependent

this series cover operational emissions

3. Energy consumption: Approximate values for Nat Vent.

42-43 Gloucester Crescent Hero Bennett, sustainability

Heating and hot water load 61kWh/m2/yr 46kWh/m2/yr 30kWh/m2/yr 15kWh/m2/yr Defined by a combination of the
design strategy and operation
Electrical base load 16kWh/m2/yr 15kWh/m2/yr 13kWh/m2/yr 12kWh/m2/yr Electrical base load note: includes

used, and the school community can for specific building types and should for them. Architects can help them KPMG
lighting and mechanical plant
IT and small power
4. On-site energy generation
Up to 20% to comply with local planning
>20% on-site renewables
> 100% on-site generation or agreed off-site generation
Includes server cooling
Highly site dependent London NW1 7PE consultant
be read with issue 2, which covers
5. U-values (W/m2K): Difficult to pass Building Regs using

understand what the design means to develop this by providing a building

Wall 0.35 (Part L 2010) 0.2 0.15 0.1 minimum regulation values: 20%
Average window 2.2 (Part L 2010) 1.4 1.44 0.8 improvement in U-values typical,

wider sustainability considerations

Roof 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1 and 30% in airtightness

Telephone 020 7267 5161 For more in-depth matrices,

Ground floor 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1
6. Airtightness at 50Pa 10m3/h/m2 (Part L 2010) 3.5m3/h/m2 (BCO Guide) 2m3/h/m2 1m3/h/m2

them and their choices about how they b

7. Building occupancy 50-80% of desks occupied at any time
during the working day
Hot-desking/desk sharing for peripatetic staff.
Cleaners and night security aware of energy use
Hot-desking, remote working, 24-hour use restricted
to small areas
Energy use and carbon emissions
could also be considered per person
common to all building types. that supports their goals, including the Fax 020 7482 0329 please visit
use the building. This offers immediate We tailor strategies and options development of an ecological curricu-
per day worked

ISDN 020 7267 3991

8. Controls, metering and Seasonal commissioning. Produce DEC, Commissioning company retained to monitor over Responsibilities for reading, reviewing, actioning Continual monitoring and fine-tuning formal external review. Evaluations show actual performance
monitoring report to senior management first year. Full post occupancy evaluation. Action plan changes defined. Departmental energy targets. Results published to industry. Energy use reward/penalty KPIs (eg in energy and water) are

on each matrix to make them project

to respond to DEC Anonymised external reporting system much greater than design predictions.

Email publications/sustainability_

9. User involvement Facilities staff trained at building handover. Facilities staff involved in commissioning. Soft landing framework followed (see note) into first Departmental energy use feeds into personal carbon This is often a result of poor commis-

and rich source material for learning. lum which uses the building as a
Building log book provided with O&M manual Non-technical user guide produced and all staff three years of use. Interactive online user guide. Energy trading (eg WSPs PACT scheme) sioning, training and management.
inducted. Energy use fed back to users use shown on interactive display screen and online

10. Summer thermal targets for CIBSE/BCO design targets. Air-con spaces: BCO design targets and test to UKCIP 2020. Consider adaptive comfort: dress code entirely Building design tested to UKCIP 2080 Highly dependent on how staff use
specific. Boxes are highlighted to Case study information Web matrix
Matt Dickinson, partner, Max Fordham teaching tool. Technical solutions can
indicate what sustainability targets the
energy reduction 24 +/-2C. Nat vent: 25C for <5% and Dress code partly relaxed in warm weather as relaxed, eg allow shorts and short sleeves in Summer. the building
28C for <1% working hours. External ISO7730 Building design tested to UKCIP 2050
temperature to suit geographic location

project can achieve within the budget

11. Thermal mass, ventilation Nat vent where possible, otherwise mech Thermal mass in roof. Nat vent plus low grade Nat vent with comfort cooling served by GSHP Nat vent = natural ventilation

To see our report go to www. help where a school understands how

and cooling vent and comfort cooling. cooling or mixed-mode with heat recovery. Server or mech vent with heat recovery. Free cooling and Mech vent = mechanical ventilation
VRV/VRF system used in server room. room uses free cooling when possible heat recovery to server room Free cooling = directly coupled

Architect Studio E Architects

Server room set point no less than 24C cooling
12. Solar control Provide fixed external shading. Manual
internal blinds
Orient and size windows for capturing useful
daylight only. Provide some level of external
Automatic adjustable external shading. Consider
use of deciduous trees
As innovative plus insulated shutters/blinds with reflective
outer coating
and assess investment options for to use them effectively and efficiently.
shading. Solar control glass, mid-pane blinds etc
13. Daylighting Average 2% daylight factor where possible.
Views to outside. Glare control blinds
Narrow plan floorplate or rooflights to provide
daylight. Views to sky. 80% floor area >2% average
daylight and uniformity 0.4
Building form heavily influenced by daylight design.
80% floor area > 3% average daylight factor
At least 80% of the floor area has an average daylight
factor of 5%. Reflection onto vertical surfaces to reduce
perceived gloominess. Building form led by daylight design
Design to CIBSE Lighting Guide 10,
BS8206 Part 2 and the BRE Site
Layout Guide 10 achieving more. Client City Academy Trust
Value 30m
14. Artificial lighting and controls

300-500 lux to BCO and CIBSE guidelines. 300 lux background lighting plus task lighting. 150-200 lux background and wall-washing plus task As innovative with new lighting technologies, eg LEDs Design to SLL Lighting Guide LG7

Hero Bennett, sustainability Sarah Wigglesworth, Sarah

PIR detectors in WCs etc. Fluorescent Daylight dimming and presence detection lighting. Daylight dimming and presence detection
fittings throughout throughout building

Completion 2009
15. IT strategy Users encouraged to switch off PCs Kill switch for non essential peripherals. Thin client system lower power terminals with Off-site internet-based cloud-computing systems Cloud-computing = software and

consultant, Max Fordham

overnight Servers ramp down under part load. Consider centralised computing. Servers running virtualisation resources provided by internet on

Wigglesworth Architects
laptops throughout software demand, like the electricity grid
Schools ENERGY criteria tO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH wider sustainability parameters

a: Building and operational targets c: Design elements and strategies

b: User and operational interaction d: Acoustic targets

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes

Proposed Building Regulations 2010 Part L Regulation PFI Paymech Target 2013 Part L Regulation 2016 Zero Carbon Zero carbon not yet fully defined
1. CO2 emission Design calculation 20kgCO2/m2/yr 15kgCO2/m2/yr 10kgCO2/m2/yr 0kgCO2/m2/yr Typical design stage modelled loads
for benchmarking
2. CO2 emission Actual operational 41kgCO2/m2/yr 27kgCO2/m2/yr 19kgCO2/m2/yr 0kgCO2/m2/yr Typical metered loads
3. D EC rating D-C rating B rating A rating A+ rating Target DEC highly user dependent
4. A ctual operational loads by usage: Modelled on secondary schools and
Heating and hot water load 38kWh/m2/yr 26kWh/m2/yr 17kWh/m2/yr 11kWh/m2/yr based on typical metered loads
Electrical base load 49kWh/m2/yr 33kWh/m2/yr 26kWh/m2/yr 13kWh/m2/yr Includes server cooling
Small power and IT load 31kWh/m2/yr 27kWh/m2/yr 23kWh/m2/yr 14kWh/m2/yr Highly client driven
Catering load 10kWh/m2/yr 8kWh/m2/yr 6kWh/m2/yr 2kWh/m2/yr Pioneering: nothing hot cooked onsite
5. On-site energy generation Up to 20% (to comply with local planning) 30% 50%-100% Min 100% or agreed off-site generation. Minimum 85% CO2 Highly dependent on site conditions
6. U -values (W/m2K): reduction by electricity generation to meet zero carbon Difficult to pass 2010 Building Regs
Wall 0.35 (Part L 2010) 0.2 0.15 0.1 using minimum regulation values:
Average window 2.2 (Part L 2010) 1.4 1.1 0.8 20-30% improvement in U-values
Roof 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1 and airtightness typical
Ground floor 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1
7. A irtightness at 50Pa 10m3/hm2 5m3/hm2 2m3/hm2 1m3/hm2

8. Controls, metering and monitoring Seasonal commissioning. Produce DEC, Commissioning company retained to monitor over first Responsibilities for reading, reviewing, actioning Pupils involved in monitoring. Continual monitoring and Evaluations show actual performance
b report to senior management year. Full post occupancy evaluation. Action plan to changes defined. Anonymised external reporting. fine-tuning. Formal external review. Results published to KPIs (eg in energy and water) are much
respond to annual DEC Departmental energy targets industry. Energy use reward/penalty system greater than design predictions. This is
9. User involvement Facilities Staff trained at building Facilities staff involved in commissioning. Non- Soft Landings framework (see note) followed. Departmental energy use feeds into personal carbon trading often a result of poor commissioning,
handover. Building log book provided with technical user guide produced and all staff inducted. Energy use and guide on interactive display (eg WSPs PACT scheme) training and management
O&M manual Energy use fed back to users screen and online. Building use part of curriculum []

10. Summer thermal targets for 24C with a swing not more than +/-4C. Encourage adaptive clothing. Design to UKCIP 24C with a swing < +/-4C. Above 28C for no Test fabric to UKCIP 2080
c energy reduction Above 28C for no more than 80 hours 2020 more than 120 hours. Design fabric to UKCIP 2050
11. Ventilation strategy Nat vent where possible, otherwise BMS control and night cooling. Heat recovery on all Exposed thermal mass or mech vent with heat Use of pre-cooled air for peak summer time and increased Nat vent = natural ventilation
mech vent areas with mech vent recovery. Assisted nat vent for peak summertime levels of thermal mass or phase change materials Mech vent = mechanical ventilation
12. Server room cooling systems/ Cool server rooms to no less than 24C Heat recovery on server room cooling in winter. Ground source free cooling Ground source free cooling = directly
sources Ground source heat pump coupled cooling coupled ground/water cooling
13. Daylighting Maximise use of daylight 80% floor area >2% average daylight and Provision of daylight designed to CIBSE Lighting At least 80% of the floor area has an average daylight factor
uniformity 0.4 Guide 108 Daylighting and window design, of 5% with uniformity 0.4 in multi-storey or 0.7 in single
BS8206 Part 2 and BRE Site Layout Guide10 storey. Daylighting drives building form
14. Artificial lighting and controls PIR detectors in WCs etc. Low energy Luminance and presence on/off control As best practice with daylight compensating As innovative with new lighting technologies, eg LEDs
fittings throughout throughout building dimming
15. IT strategy Users encouraged to switch off Kill switch for non essential peripherals. Servers Thin client system low power terminals with Off-site internet-based cloud computing IT systems Cloud-computing = software and
PCs overnight ramp down under part load. Consider centralised computing. Servers running resources provided by internet
laptops throughout virtualisation software on demand, like the electricity grid

16 Acoustic targets Design to BB93 schools acoustic targets Music rooms: airborne sound insulation 5dB higher BREEAM rain noise requirements on Ventilation openings react to external noise conditions
d and impact sound insulation 5dB lower than in ceilings achieved controlled by BMS to balance with other constraints
BB93. BB93 ancillary space guidance performance
standards met
in association with sustainability issues
wider sustainability parameters matrix 02/05

rowan oduffy/london borough of camden

max fordham llp

Decoding sustainability
The second in this five-part series of pull-out charts from engineers
Max Fordham explores sustainability beyond energy, and how best to
balance green ambitions with the budgetary realities of clients This image Girls
dormitory at Haileybury
School downpipes
and pond
Question: Why is it so difficult to Architects on sustainability Left Kentish Town

kilian osullivan
decipher sustainability? Sustainability Sustainability is only as hard to Sports Centre retains
is an optimistic philosophy at the decipher as we make it. The tendency the Victorian
big-picture scale: to give it meaning, it is to be too all-encompassing. That construction
has to be narrowed down. The outcome results in muddling quantitative with Below Culloden
depends on opinion and context, so the qualitative judgement: things we have Battlefield Visitor
uncertainty can feel paralysing. In control of with things we dont, Centre
terms of the built environment, many phenomena that we have recently

andrew lee
different factors affect sustainability at related to the integrity of the earth
widely different scales, from water system with established principles of
infrastructure at a regional scale to sound design. We are ending up with
embodied energy of materials. Metrics the wrong type of codes: the ones that
are a starting point, but arent every- are hard to break.
thing. What this sustainability matrix Larmenier and Sunand Prasad, senior partner,
offers is a way to make choices explicit, Sacred Heart Penoyre & Prasad
which can than be costed to inform School green
decision-making. roof and tree As a communication tool, getting
Its tempting to aspire to be a succinct but comprehensive
pioneering across every parameter; the How to use this matrix
sustainability agenda onto one sheet of
challenge is to find the balance which GREEN OFFICE NEW BUILD
a: Building and operational targets

A3 is extremely powerful. By setting client and their team to focus on

Contact information
b: User and operational interaction

delivers an achievable scheme that fits out the broad range of the issues that those issues where it might be
c: Design considerations and strategies

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes
Think of the matrix as a communication
tool to promote discussion during
the client and their budget. Success is need to be taken into account, with a possible or appropriate to go further.
Proposed Building Regulations 2010 Part L Regulation 2013 Part L Regulation 2015 Part L Regulation 2019 Part L Zero Carbon Zero carbon not yet fully defined
early design. Issues 1, 3, 4 and 5 of Max Fordham Consulting Contact Hero Bennett,
1. CO2 emission design target 30kg CO2/m2/yr 21kg CO2/m2/yr 8kg CO2/m2/yr 0 kg CO2/m2/yr Typical design stage modelled target
2. DEC rating D-C rating B rating A rating A+ rating Target DEC used rather than

most likely to result from an integrated range of targets against each of them The linking of defined, quantifi-
EPC highly user dependent

this series cover operational emissions

3. Energy consumption: Approximate values for Nat Vent.
Heating and hot water load

Electrical base load





Defined by a combination of the
design strategy and operation
Electrical base load note: includes
Engineers sustainability consultant
design process that includes for specific building types and should characterised by levels of aspiration able targets to levels of aspiration is The Rotunda
lighting and mechanical plant
IT and small power 48kWh/m2/yr 41kWh/m2/yr 33kWh/m2/yr 26kWh/m2/yr Includes server cooling
4. On-site energy generation Up to 20% to comply with local planning >20% on-site renewables 50%-100% > 100% on-site generation or agreed off-site generation Highly site dependent

be read with issue 2, which covers 42-43 Gloucester Crescent For more in-depth matrices,
5. U-values (W/m2K): Difficult to pass Building Regs using

sustainability from the outset. Metrics (from Minimum Standard to particularly useful in that it enables
Wall 0.35 (Part L 2010) 0.2 0.15 0.1 minimum regulation values: 20%
Average window 2.2 (Part L 2010) 1.4 1.44 0.8 improvement in U-values typical,

wider sustainability considerations

Roof 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1 and 30% in airtightness
Ground floor
6. Airtightness at 50Pa
0.25 (Part L 2010)
10m3/h/m2 (Part L 2010)
3.5m3/h/m2 (BCO Guide)
1m3/h/m2 London NW1 7PE please visit
are a starting point for intelligent b
7. Building occupancy 50-80% of desks occupied at any time
during the working day
Hot-desking/desk sharing for peripatetic staff.
Cleaners and night security aware of energy use
Hot-desking, remote working, 24-hour use restricted
to small areas
Energy use and carbon emissions
could also be considered per person
common to all building types. Pioneering), it enables non-experts to non-specialists to understand the
choices by all project stakeholders. We tailor strategies and options see at a glance how their project fits numbers. However, the tool can be Telephone 020 7267 5161 publications/sustainability_
per day worked
8. Controls, metering and Seasonal commissioning. Produce DEC, Commissioning company retained to monitor over Responsibilities for reading, reviewing, actioning Continual monitoring and fine-tuning formal external review. Evaluations show actual performance
monitoring report to senior management first year. Full post occupancy evaluation. Action plan changes defined. Departmental energy targets. Results published to industry. Energy use reward/penalty KPIs (eg in energy and water) are

on each matrix to make them project

to respond to DEC Anonymised external reporting system much greater than design predictions.
9. User involvement Facilities staff trained at building handover. Facilities staff involved in commissioning. Soft landing framework followed (see note) into first Departmental energy use feeds into personal carbon This is often a result of poor commis-
Fax 020 7482 0329 matrix
These matrices help narrow down and into the range of the possible. The use used quite effectively in a qualita-
Building log book provided with O&M manual Non-technical user guide produced and all staff three years of use. Interactive online user guide. Energy trading (eg WSPs PACT scheme) sioning, training and management.
inducted. Energy use fed back to users use shown on interactive display screen and online

10. Summer thermal targets for CIBSE/BCO design targets. Air-con spaces: BCO design targets and test to UKCIP 2020. Consider adaptive comfort: dress code entirely Building design tested to UKCIP 2080 Highly dependent on how staff use
specific. Boxes are highlighted to ISDN 020 7267 3991
communicate the objective; the hard of colour coding to indicate what is tive way, particularly at the early
indicate what sustainability targets the Email
energy reduction 24 +/-2C. Nat vent: 25C for <5% and Dress code partly relaxed in warm weather as relaxed, eg allow shorts and short sleeves in Summer. the building
28C for <1% working hours. External ISO7730 Building design tested to UKCIP 2050
temperature to suit geographic location

project can achieve within the budget

11. Thermal mass, ventilation Nat vent where possible, otherwise mech Thermal mass in roof. Nat vent plus low grade Nat vent with comfort cooling served by GSHP Nat vent = natural ventilation

bit is managing priorities when you included in the project at a particular stages of the project when building
and cooling vent and comfort cooling. cooling or mixed-mode with heat recovery. Server or mech vent with heat recovery. Free cooling and Mech vent = mechanical ventilation
VRV/VRF system used in server room. room uses free cooling when possible heat recovery to server room Free cooling = directly coupled
Server room set point no less than 24C cooling
12. Solar control Provide fixed external shading. Manual
internal blinds
Orient and size windows for capturing useful
daylight only. Provide some level of external
Automatic adjustable external shading. Consider
use of deciduous trees
As innovative plus insulated shutters/blinds with reflective
outer coating
and assess investment options for
cant have everything. stage helps make sure that the up the brief.
shading. Solar control glass, mid-pane blinds etc

achieving more.
13. Daylighting Average 2% daylight factor where possible. Narrow plan floorplate or rooflights to provide Building form heavily influenced by daylight design. At least 80% of the floor area has an average daylight Design to CIBSE Lighting Guide 10,
Views to outside. Glare control blinds daylight. Views to sky. 80% floor area >2% average 80% floor area > 3% average daylight factor factor of 5%. Reflection onto vertical surfaces to reduce BS8206 Part 2 and the BRE Site
daylight and uniformity 0.4 perceived gloominess. Building form led by daylight design Layout Guide 10
14. Artificial lighting and controls

Adam Ritchie, partner, Max Fordham fundamentals are covered to a

300-500 lux to BCO and CIBSE guidelines. 300 lux background lighting plus task lighting. 150-200 lux background and wall-washing plus task As innovative with new lighting technologies, eg LEDs Design to SLL Lighting Guide LG7

15. IT strategy
PIR detectors in WCs etc. Fluorescent
fittings throughout
Users encouraged to switch off PCs
Daylight dimming and presence detection
throughout building
Kill switch for non essential peripherals.
lighting. Daylight dimming and presence detection

Thin client system lower power terminals with Off-site internet-based cloud-computing systems Cloud-computing = software and
Hero Bennett, sustainability Bill Gething, Sustainability
consultant, Max Fordham
overnight Servers ramp down under part load. Consider centralised computing. Servers running virtualisation resources provided by internet on

consistent standard and allows the + Architecture

laptops throughout software demand, like the electricity grid
WIDER SUSTAINABILITY PARAMETERS to be used in conjunction with energy criteria
a: Construction c: Landscape and e: Waste g: Management
materials biodiversity
b: Climate change d: Water f: Transport issues h: Productivity
adaptation and health

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes

1. Embodied carbon in Embodied carbon not assessed. Preference Structure engineered to minimise material mass. Cement Detailed life cycle analysis for material selection. Structure made from entirely low embodied carbon materials, Highly building specific.
a fabric stated for locally sourced materials replacements, eg GGBFS. Materials specified to be from Low carbon materials where possible. Structure with known provenance. Building serviceability regulations Wise, Chris, What If Everything
local sources engineered to work at 90% capacity [Wise] challenged [Wise]. Building carbon-profiled [Sturgis] We Did Was Wrong?,
2. Building and materials Preference for standard sizes of elements such High-grade elements designed for recyclability. Future Building flexibility document produced. Most materials Flexibility or dismantling drives design. Label and log or e-tag
re-use as steel beams/columns or precast units flexibility of building considered and structure designed for dismantling main elements Sturgis Associates, Redefining
3. Recycled and reclaimed 15% recycled content likely as standard 30% recycled content 45% recycled content 60% recycled content Only applies to relevant materials
4. Material toxicity Avoid high VOC content paints, sealants etc PVC cabling exchanged for LSF. No petro-chemical B and C rated materials avoided. VOC-free paints Use only natural materials where products exist. 80% of Ratings refer to BRE Green
and all ozone-depleting materials, including based insulation materials. All C rated materials avoided and timber. PVC-free building. Natural materials materials A or A+ rated Guide
insulation where possible

5. Climate change No considerations beyond those embodied Potential impacts reviewed with client, strategic principles Measures included in upgrade strategies to address Design approach driven by climate change adaptation See TSB report Design For
b adaptation in regulatory compliance discussed and reported concerning key risks projected risks as appropriate for life expectancy of implications with agreed emissions scenario and probabilistic Future Climate, 2010, and
building components range appropriate to each key risk Summer Targets in Energy sheet

6. Landscape Local planning requirements met. Mitigate Consult an ecologist on biodiversity enhancement, Develop Green Infrastructure Strategy. Landscape Biodiversity enhancement key driver in Green Infrastructure Biodiversity is the variety of
c and biodiversity against negative biodiversity impacts giving preference to local species. Integrated landscape works in harmony with building design and climate. Strategy. Landscape significantly influences building design species within an ecosystem,
where feasible and water strategy. Landscape management plan Extensive planting to reduce summer urban heat used as a measure of the health
island. Deciduous planting for shading windows of biological systems

7. Mains water Commercial >5.5m3/person/yr Commercial 4.5m3/person/yr Commercial 1.5m3/person/yr Commercial <1.5m3/person/yr
d consumption Schools 4.4m3/pupil/yr Schools 3m3/pupil/yr Schools 1.5m3/pupil/yr Schools 0.5m3/pupil/yr
8. Drainage systems Carry out Flood Risk Assessment. No increase Thorough site hydrological characterisation, design Flood risk defines site selection. Drainage sytem fully Closed loop water system. Waste-to-Energy plant or alterna-
in run off responds to environment, including SUDs where integrated into environment. Consider reedbed tives to water based foul drainage
appropriate. Rainwater harvesting for WCs and irrigation treatment for irrigation

9. Construction waste Contractor to produce Site Waste Management Establish waste streams during design, set key KPIs early Implement Modern Methods of Construction Achieve zero net waste for project For more guidance see WRAP
e minimisation Plan (SWMP) to identify waste streams and on. Waste reviews on design team meeting agendas. Divert throughout design. Account for site conditions
areas for segregation on-site or post collection 75% by weight of non hazardous project waste from landfill impacting waste. Materials logistics plan
10. Operational waste Adequate space for storing recyclable waste Managed recycling processes involving space for separating Provide incentives for recycling. On-site composting Waste stream feeds on or off-site anaerobic digestion for
recycling and collecting recyclables. Encourage occupants to recycle for biodegradable waste biogas production

11. Transport Some covered cycle storage Full cycling support provisions as part of travel plan. Utilise Fully site-specific travel plan covering site Feed transport into personal carbon trading scheme. Adequate cycling provisions can
f video conferencing. Access considered in site selection infrastructure and awareness raising. Electric vehicle Accessibility drives site selection require significant internal space
charging points. Utilise virtual video conferencing

12. Stakeholder involvement Use of industry standards. Standard client Stakeholder consultation. Stakeholders understand Design strategy tested with stakeholders. New Feed back the results of briefing and design process into
g and design process briefing standards and design boundaries set industry standards
13. Sustainable procurement Sourcing of office supplies and cleaning Sustainable procurement of office supplies, cleaning All consumables sustainably procured. Mostly Some organic food grown on site, with the rest seasonal, local Consider space for food growth
of consumables products considered products and food and monitoring of consumption paperless organisation. Some food grown on site

14. Healthy environments Building has no or only a slight negative impact No impact on productivity. Connection to outside. Slightly positive impact on productivity. Psychological Building has noticeable positive impact on productivity. Strive Productivity highly subjective.
h on productivity. Meet regulation for internal Air quality monitored and social impacts assessed during design to create a sense of place For more see
comfort, including air quality pdfs/8aratcliffe.pdf
in association with victoria House, Bloomsbury Square, London
refurbished offices matrix 04/05

photos by max fordham llp

This image
View from

Decoding sustainability
below meeting
room pod
Left West
elevation from

The fourth instalment of this five-part series of pull-out charts from engineers
Max Fordham examines how an uncertain economic climate and a trend
towards refurbishment over new builds offer excellent green possibilities
Case study
Question: Is the bottom line or View along top- This Grade II-listed 10-storey
sustainability driving refurbishment? floor office of building was originally the
Commercial reality will probably Victoria House, headquarters of an insurance company.
always mean that it is the impact Bloomsbury Square It has grand marble-lined entrances
on the bottom line that drives and staircases and the offices have
decision making. The commercial substantial floor-to-ceiling heights.
edge of the offices sector is very Victoria House has been redeveloped
sharp indeed, particularly in the as modern speculative offices, the
current economic climate. remodeling incorporating glazed atria
New York is as commercially savvy with suspended meeting room pods.
as a city gets, so it was refreshing to The pods needed specially designed
hear the developers of the Empire self-contained services, and lighting
State Building describe their decision was modeled to assess the effect of

max fordham llp

to green the 1931 landmark as driven the pods in the atria. All the services
by business sense. When doing the were designed to be sensitively Money will always be the main driver Contact information
right thing makes good business integrated into the listed building. but in borderline cases sustainability
sense, you know that a productive Victoria House is part of our continu- arguments may tip the balance with
convergence of interests is happening. ing story of sustainable refurbished responsible and/or image-conscious Max Fordham Consulting Contacts Alasdair Reid
The responsibility and opportunity offices delivered over nearly 50 years of clients. Initiatives such as the Low Engineers and Guy Nevill, office
How to use this matrix The Rotunda refurbishment specialists.
for refurbishment designers is to help GREEN OFFICE NEW BUILD
a: Building and operational targets
b: User and operational interaction

Max Fordham Consulting Engineers. Carbon Workplace are helping the 42-43 Gloucester Crescent Hero Bennett, sustainability
clients understand the ways in which sustainability argument be heard and
c: Design considerations and strategies

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes
Think of the matrix as a communication London NW1 7PE consultant
tool to promote discussion during
their commercial decisions and Undoubtedly, the current economic will in due course prove the viability
Proposed Building Regulations 2010 Part L Regulation 2013 Part L Regulation 2015 Part L Regulation 2019 Part L Zero Carbon Zero carbon not yet fully defined
early design. Issues 1, 3, 4 and 5 of Telephone 020 7267 5161 For more in-depth matrices,
1. CO2 emission design target 30kg CO2/m2/yr 21kg CO2/m2/yr 8kg CO2/m2/yr 0 kg CO2/m2/yr Typical design stage modelled target
2. DEC rating D-C rating B rating A rating A+ rating Target DEC used rather than

corporate social responsibilities align. situation is driving refurbishment over of energy efficient refurbishment
EPC highly user dependent

this series cover operational emissions

3. Energy consumption: Approximate values for Nat Vent.
Heating and hot water load

Electrical base load





Defined by a combination of the
design strategy and operation
Electrical base load note: includes
Fax 020 7482 0329 please visit
Notwithstanding the financial for specific building types and should new build, yet this represents an projects. ISDN 020 7267 3991
lighting and mechanical plant
IT and small power 48kWh/m2/yr 41kWh/m2/yr 33kWh/m2/yr 26kWh/m2/yr Includes server cooling
4. On-site energy generation Up to 20% to comply with local planning >20% on-site renewables 50%-100% > 100% on-site generation or agreed off-site generation Highly site dependent

be read with issue 2, which covers Email publications/sustainability_

5. U-values (W/m2K): Difficult to pass Building Regs using

drivers, if we are to make substantial unrivalled opportunity to improve the Jason Martin, associate,
Wall 0.35 (Part L 2010) 0.2 0.15 0.1 minimum regulation values: 20%
Average window 2.2 (Part L 2010) 1.4 1.44 0.8 improvement in U-values typical,

wider sustainability considerations

Roof 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1 and 30% in airtightness
Ground floor
6. Airtightness at 50Pa
0.25 (Part L 2010)
10m3/h/m2 (Part L 2010)
3.5m3/h/m2 (BCO Guide)
1m3/h/m2 Web matrix
carbon reductions, focusing on new b
7. Building occupancy 50-80% of desks occupied at any time
during the working day
Hot-desking/desk sharing for peripatetic staff.
Cleaners and night security aware of energy use
Hot-desking, remote working, 24-hour use restricted
to small areas
Energy use and carbon emissions
could also be considered per person
common to all building types. energy efficiency and attractiveness of Hawkins\Brown
builds is not going to be enough. We tailor strategies and options our buildings. Since refurbishments are
per day worked
8. Controls, metering and Seasonal commissioning. Produce DEC, Commissioning company retained to monitor over Responsibilities for reading, reviewing, actioning Continual monitoring and fine-tuning formal external review. Evaluations show actual performance
monitoring report to senior management first year. Full post occupancy evaluation. Action plan changes defined. Departmental energy targets. Results published to industry. Energy use reward/penalty KPIs (eg in energy and water) are

on each matrix to make them project

to respond to DEC Anonymised external reporting system much greater than design predictions.
9. User involvement Facilities staff trained at building handover. Facilities staff involved in commissioning. Soft landing framework followed (see note) into first Departmental energy use feeds into personal carbon This is often a result of poor commis-

We need to address our existing typically more cost effective and faster
Building log book provided with O&M manual Non-technical user guide produced and all staff three years of use. Interactive online user guide. Energy trading (eg WSPs PACT scheme) sioning, training and management.
inducted. Energy use fed back to users use shown on interactive display screen and online

10. Summer thermal targets for CIBSE/BCO design targets. Air-con spaces: BCO design targets and test to UKCIP 2020. Consider adaptive comfort: dress code entirely Building design tested to UKCIP 2080 Highly dependent on how staff use
specific. Boxes are highlighted to Case study information
building stock and building reuse to achieve, there is a double benefit of
indicate what sustainability targets the
energy reduction 24 +/-2C. Nat vent: 25C for <5% and Dress code partly relaxed in warm weather as relaxed, eg allow shorts and short sleeves in Summer. the building
28C for <1% working hours. External ISO7730 Building design tested to UKCIP 2050
temperature to suit geographic location

project can achieve within the budget

11. Thermal mass, ventilation Nat vent where possible, otherwise mech Thermal mass in roof. Nat vent plus low grade Nat vent with comfort cooling served by GSHP Nat vent = natural ventilation

has obvious energy benefits over speeding up decarbonisation without

and cooling vent and comfort cooling. cooling or mixed-mode with heat recovery. Server or mech vent with heat recovery. Free cooling and Mech vent = mechanical ventilation
VRV/VRF system used in server room. room uses free cooling when possible heat recovery to server room Free cooling = directly coupled

Architect Alsop Architects

Server room set point no less than 24C cooling
12. Solar control Provide fixed external shading. Manual
internal blinds
Orient and size windows for capturing useful
daylight only. Provide some level of external
Automatic adjustable external shading. Consider
use of deciduous trees
As innovative plus insulated shutters/blinds with reflective
outer coating
and assess investment options for
demolition and new build. the cost of replacing our entire stock. Client GARBE
shading. Solar control glass, mid-pane blinds etc

achieving more.
13. Daylighting Average 2% daylight factor where possible. Narrow plan floorplate or rooflights to provide Building form heavily influenced by daylight design. At least 80% of the floor area has an average daylight Design to CIBSE Lighting Guide 10,
Views to outside. Glare control blinds daylight. Views to sky. 80% floor area >2% average 80% floor area > 3% average daylight factor factor of 5%. Reflection onto vertical surfaces to reduce BS8206 Part 2 and the BRE Site
daylight and uniformity 0.4 perceived gloominess. Building form led by daylight design Layout Guide 10

Value 42m
14. Artificial lighting and controls

Alasdair Reid, partner, Max Fordham Katherine Deas, managing director,

300-500 lux to BCO and CIBSE guidelines. 300 lux background lighting plus task lighting. 150-200 lux background and wall-washing plus task As innovative with new lighting technologies, eg LEDs Design to SLL Lighting Guide LG7
PIR detectors in WCs etc. Fluorescent
fittings throughout
Daylight dimming and presence detection
throughout building
lighting. Daylight dimming and presence detection
Hero Bennett, sustainability
Completion 2005
15. IT strategy Users encouraged to switch off PCs Kill switch for non essential peripherals. Thin client system lower power terminals with Off-site internet-based cloud-computing systems Cloud-computing = software and

consultant, Max Fordham

overnight Servers ramp down under part load. Consider centralised computing. Servers running virtualisation resources provided by internet on

Low Carbon Workplace Carbon Trust

laptops throughout software demand, like the electricity grid
REFURBished OFFICEs ENERGY criteria tO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH wider sustainability parameters

a: Base building targets

b: User and operational interaction
c: Design considerations and strategies

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes

1. CO2 emission target 20%-40% improvement on existing 40-60% improvement or to Part L2A 2006 Level >60% improvement or to Part L2A 2010 Level Green Office Best Practice or better Potential for improvement depends
a 2. DEC rating improvement E-C D-C C-B A largely on existing building
3. P
 roportion of capital spent on 10% (2010 building regulations Part L2B) 20% 30% 50% Consequential improvements =
consequential improvements additional spending on improving
energy usage
4. Energy targets Dependent on existing conditions. See Green Dependent on existing conditions. See Green Office Minimum Green Office new build minimum standard Minimum Green Office new build best practice Highly dependent on existing
Office for some typical target levels for some typical target levels construction
5. On-site energy generation 0% on-site renewables 10% on-site renewables 25% on-site renewables >40% on-site renewables Indicative figures. Entirely site
6. U-values (W/m2K) Upgrade thermal elements U-values to Where feasible replace windows with openable better Replace and upgrade or replace thermal elements to 30% Consideration of conservation
achieve L2B threshold values (Part L2B thermally performing units. Improve thermal elements better than Part L2A 2010 values constrictions due to planning
Table 5) to at least Part L2A 2010 values
7. Airtightness at 50Pa No pressure testing but improve airtightness Consider thermal imaging. Target 10m3/hm2 Target 5m3/hm2 Target 2m3/hm2 Be aware of minimum ventilation
where upgrading fabric rates for the building structure

8. Building occupancy 50-80% of desks occupied at any time of Hot-desking/desk sharing for peripatetic staff. Hot-desking, remote working, 24-hour use restricted to As innovative Energy use and carbon emissions
b working day Cleaners/night security aware of energy use small areas could also be considered per
person per day worked

9. Controls, metering and Seasonal commissioning. Produce DEC, Commissioning company retained to monitor over first Responsibilities for reading, reviewing, actioning changes Continual monitoring and fine-tuning formal external Evaluations show actual
monitoring report to senior management year. Post occupancy evaluation. Action plan to defined. Anonymised external reporting. Departmental review. Results published to industry. Energy use performance KPIs (eg in energy
respond to annual DEC energy targets reward/penalty system and water) are much greater than
10. User involvement Facilities staff trained at building handover. Facilities staff involved in commissioning. Non Soft landing framework followed Interactive online user Departmental energy use feeds into personal carbon design predictions. Often a result
Building log book provided with technical user guide produced and all staff inducted. guide. Energy use on interactive (see note) display screen trading (eg. WSP's PACT scheme) of poor commissioning, training
O&M manual Energy use fed back to users and online and management

11. Summer thermal targets Air con spaces: <22-24C. External Air-con spaces: 24C +/- 2C. Nat vent: 25C for As Best practice. Dress code entirely relaxed, eg Consider adaptive comfort: 2C< external temperature Highly dependent on how staff
c temperature to suit geographical location <5% and 28C for <1% working hours. (BCO) Dress allow shorts and short sleeves in summer. Account for when external temperature >27C use the building. Nat vent =
code partly relaxed in warm weather as ISO7730 UKCIP predictions natural ventilation
12. Ventilation Assess existing plant and re-use/upgrade Consider alternative vent strategy. If Nat vent, Retrofit thermal mass or phase change material if and Buidling form altered to improve ventilation. Eg, Highly dependent on existing
replace fixed windows with openable, up to 5% of where appropriate chimneys or atria for stack-effect ventilation construction
active floor area. Expose thermal mass
13. Cooling systems/sources Re-use existing. Retest, commission, add New, more efficient chillers. Upgrade emitters or Consider renewable cooling source such as GSHP Diurnal and seasonal storage used to full advantage.
controls where necessary. More efficient replace fan coils with modern EC motor units combined with new emitters such as chilled beams Active thermal mass
emitters if >15 yrs old and financially viable
14. Solar control Consider overheating and glare control. Provide some level of external shading. Consider External shading to S/E/W facades and limit direct sunlight. Consider use of deciduous trees; sun tracking
Review any use of solar film. Manual mid-pane blinds, solar control glass Consideration of glazing % when re-cladding louvres; insulated window/rooflight blinds with
internal blinds reflective outer coating
15. Daylighting Replace blinds to improve daylight. Consider Revised furniture layout to maximise daylight Re-configure floorplate to maximise daylight Improve window orientation as part of an improved
repainting surfaces to improve reflectivity facade. Consider new rooflights or atrium creation
16. Artificial lighting and controls Re-use existing lighting if it complies New light fittings and controls. 300-500 lux on the 150-200 lux background plus task lighting. Luminance and Daylight compensating dimming on background lighting Design in accordance with SLL
working plane, PIR detectors in WCs etc. Low presence on/off control throughout building Lighting Guide LG7
energy fittings throughout
17. IT strategy Energy use of IT system considered Kill switch for non essential peripherals. Servers Consider thin client system. Servers running virtualisation Resources / infrastructure / services moved to Cloud-computing = software and
ramp down under load. Heat reclaim on server room software. Consider wireless office (reduced embodied the cloud resources provided by internet on
carbon of cabling) demand, like the electricity grid
in association with MAXXI Gallery, Rome, Italy / Transforming Tate Modern, London
galleries, museums & archives MATRIX 05/05

max fordham llp

This image
Proposed Tate

Decoding sustainability
Modern extension
Left View towards
the roof of MAXXI
in Rome

The fifth and final instalment in this series of Max Fordham Consulting
Case study: MAXXI, Rome
Engineers pull-outs examines the unique challenges and opportunities gallery, MAXXI is no ordinary gallery. With
2,600m2 of glass, unmanaged daylight
museum and archive projects present to the ecologically-conscious architect could have been harmful and inefficient.
The roof is an intricate array of shading
devices and buffer spaces to manage
When it comes to energy performance, daylight and heat gain to exacting

paolo ferrarini
galleries and museums can be the standards. This connection to nature
victim of their own success. They need delivers dynamic spaces and a feeling of
to attract people and this requires us to well-being inside the building.
deliver comfortable, delightful spaces. In hot, sunny climates, natural

Herzog & de Meuron and Hayes Davidson

They also need to preserve the exhibits, processes alone cant deliver the
which requires a level of environmental environment that artwork requires.
control greater than that for our High efficiency air-conditioning plant
comfort alone. has therefore been integrated into the
The irony is that the more popular buildings fabric, so nothing is on show.
a venue, the greater the difficulty These systems allow the internal
and energy cost of maintaining environment to respond to the external
appropriate conditions. This isnt due Intricate shading seasons, further reducing energy cost.
simply to the extra loads people bring, devices in the roof MAXXI is part of our continuing
but that any passive environmental of MAXXI in Rome story of delivering beautifully
control measures incorporated can be manage daylight engineered, sustainable galleries and
overwhelmed. Their energy perform- and heat gain museums over nearly 50 years. of the River Terrace Gravels
ance can therefore appear poor in surrounding the building. With high Contact information
comparison to other building types, How to use this matrix
Transforming Tate Modern, London thermal mass, natural ventilation
unless we look at energy use per GREEN OFFICE NEW BUILD
a: Building and operational targets
b: User and operational interaction

Max Fordham continue its long- where possible, and employing the Max Fordham Consulting Contacts Henry Luker and Neil
visit. The picture then changes as standing relationship with Tate and is stack effect of its vertical form, the
c: Design considerations and strategies

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes
Think of the matrix as a communication Engineers Smith, museums and gallery
tool to promote discussion during
you get a truer, more balanced view currently providing building services new building is predicted to use The Rotunda specialists.
Proposed Building Regulations 2010 Part L Regulation 2013 Part L Regulation 2015 Part L Regulation 2019 Part L Zero Carbon Zero carbon not yet fully defined
early design. Issues 1, 3, 4 and 5 of
1. CO2 emission design target 30kg CO2/m2/yr 21kg CO2/m2/yr 8kg CO2/m2/yr 0 kg CO2/m2/yr Typical design stage modelled target
2. DEC rating D-C rating B rating A rating A+ rating Target DEC used rather than

42-43 Gloucester Crescent Hero Bennett, sustainability

of relative performance and the and low-energy design advice for the 54 per cent less energy and generate
EPC highly user dependent

this series cover operational emissions

3. Energy consumption: Approximate values for Nat Vent.

London NW1 7PE consultant

Heating and hot water load 61kWh/m2/yr 46kWh/m2/yr 30kWh/m2/yr 15kWh/m2/yr Defined by a combination of the
design strategy and operation
Electrical base load 16kWh/m2/yr 15kWh/m2/yr 13kWh/m2/yr 12kWh/m2/yr Electrical base load note: includes

buildings overall success. for specific building types and should Transforming Tate Modern project. 44 per cent less carbon than current
lighting and mechanical plant
IT and small power 48kWh/m2/yr 41kWh/m2/yr 33kWh/m2/yr 26kWh/m2/yr Includes server cooling
4. On-site energy generation Up to 20% to comply with local planning >20% on-site renewables 50%-100% > 100% on-site generation or agreed off-site generation Highly site dependent

be read with issue 2, which covers

5. U-values (W/m2K): Difficult to pass Building Regs using

Archives and storage facilities are The building will be a model of building regulations demand. Telephone 020 7267 5161 For more in-depth matrices,
Wall 0.35 (Part L 2010) 0.2 0.15 0.1 minimum regulation values: 20%
Average window 2.2 (Part L 2010) 1.4 1.44 0.8 improvement in U-values typical,

wider sustainability considerations

Roof 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1 and 30% in airtightness

Fax 020 7482 0329 please visit

Ground floor 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1
6. Airtightness at 50Pa 10m3/h/m2 (Part L 2010) 3.5m3/h/m2 (BCO Guide) 2m3/h/m2 1m3/h/m2

at the other extreme. Their very low b

7. Building occupancy 50-80% of desks occupied at any time
during the working day
Hot-desking/desk sharing for peripatetic staff.
Cleaners and night security aware of energy use
Hot-desking, remote working, 24-hour use restricted
to small areas
Energy use and carbon emissions
could also be considered per person
common to all building types. environmental sustainability, setting Alex Beard, deputy director, Tate ISDN 020 7267 3991
occupancy allows a primarily passive We tailor strategies and options new benchmarks for museums and
per day worked

Email publications/sustainability_

8. Controls, metering and Seasonal commissioning. Produce DEC, Commissioning company retained to monitor over Responsibilities for reading, reviewing, actioning Continual monitoring and fine-tuning formal external review. Evaluations show actual performance
monitoring report to senior management first year. Full post occupancy evaluation. Action plan changes defined. Departmental energy targets. Results published to industry. Energy use reward/penalty KPIs (eg in energy and water) are

on each matrix to make them project

to respond to DEC Anonymised external reporting system much greater than design predictions.

Web matrix

9. User involvement Facilities staff trained at building handover. Facilities staff involved in commissioning. Soft landing framework followed (see note) into first Departmental energy use feeds into personal carbon This is often a result of poor commis-

approach, using the enclosure and galleries in the UK. It will draw the
Building log book provided with O&M manual Non-technical user guide produced and all staff three years of use. Interactive online user guide. Energy trading (eg WSPs PACT scheme) sioning, training and management.
inducted. Energy use fed back to users use shown on interactive display screen and online

10. Summer thermal targets for CIBSE/BCO design targets. Air-con spaces: BCO design targets and test to UKCIP 2020. Consider adaptive comfort: dress code entirely Building design tested to UKCIP 2080 Highly dependent on how staff use
specific. Boxes are highlighted to Case study information
materials of construction to control majority of its heating and cooling
indicate what sustainability targets the
energy reduction 24 +/-2C. Nat vent: 25C for <5% and Dress code partly relaxed in warm weather as relaxed, eg allow shorts and short sleeves in Summer. the building
28C for <1% working hours. External ISO7730 Building design tested to UKCIP 2050
temperature to suit geographic location

project can achieve within the budget

11. Thermal mass, ventilation Nat vent where possible, otherwise mech Thermal mass in roof. Nat vent plus low grade Nat vent with comfort cooling served by GSHP Nat vent = natural ventilation

the internal environment with energy needs from the waste heat
and cooling vent and comfort cooling. cooling or mixed-mode with heat recovery. Server or mech vent with heat recovery. Free cooling and Mech vent = mechanical ventilation
VRV/VRF system used in server room. room uses free cooling when possible heat recovery to server room Free cooling = directly coupled

Architect Zaha Hadid Architects

Server room set point no less than 24C cooling
12. Solar control Provide fixed external shading. Manual
internal blinds
Orient and size windows for capturing useful
daylight only. Provide some level of external
Automatic adjustable external shading. Consider
use of deciduous trees
As innovative plus insulated shutters/blinds with reflective
outer coating
and assess investment options for
minimal energy. emitted by EDFs transformers within Client Italian Ministry of Culture, Rome
shading. Solar control glass, mid-pane blinds etc

achieving more.
13. Daylighting Average 2% daylight factor where possible. Narrow plan floorplate or rooflights to provide Building form heavily influenced by daylight design. At least 80% of the floor area has an average daylight Design to CIBSE Lighting Guide 10,
Views to outside. Glare control blinds daylight. Views to sky. 80% floor area >2% average 80% floor area > 3% average daylight factor factor of 5%. Reflection onto vertical surfaces to reduce BS8206 Part 2 and the BRE Site
daylight and uniformity 0.4 perceived gloominess. Building form led by daylight design Layout Guide 10
14. Artificial lighting and controls
Value 134m
Henry Luker, senior partner,
300-500 lux to BCO and CIBSE guidelines. 300 lux background lighting plus task lighting. 150-200 lux background and wall-washing plus task As innovative with new lighting technologies, eg LEDs Design to SLL Lighting Guide LG7

Hero Bennett, sustainability the adjoining switch station and by

PIR detectors in WCs etc. Fluorescent Daylight dimming and presence detection lighting. Daylight dimming and presence detection
fittings throughout throughout building

Completion 2009
15. IT strategy Users encouraged to switch off PCs Kill switch for non essential peripherals. Thin client system lower power terminals with Off-site internet-based cloud-computing systems Cloud-computing = software and

consultant, Max Fordham

overnight Servers ramp down under part load. Consider centralised computing. Servers running virtualisation resources provided by internet on

Max Fordham tapping into the groundwater resource

laptops throughout software demand, like the electricity grid
GALLERIES, MUSEUMS & ARCHIVES ENERGY criteria tO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH wider sustainability parameters

a: Building and operational target

b: User and operational interaction
c: Design considerations and strategies

Sustainability criteria
Minimum standard Best practice Innovative Pioneering Notes

Proposed Building Regulations 2010 Part L Regulation 2013 Part L Regulation 2016 Part L Regulation 2019 Part L Zero Carbon Zero Carbon not yet fully defined
1. CO2 emission design target 95kg CO2/m2/yr 70kg CO2/m2/yr 50kg CO2/m2/yr 0kg CO2/m2/yr (carbon neutral) CO2 emission rating, DEC rating and
2. Display Energy Certificate (DEC) G-D rating F-D rating F-B rating A rating consumption figures heavily dependent
3. Energy consumption: on area of building air-conditioned,
Heating and hot water 180kWh/m2 120kWh/m2 50kWh/m2 20-40kWh/m2 particularly area to art preservation
Mechanical cooling 45kWh/m2 37kWh/m2 20kWh/m2 0-10kWh/m2 standards. Heating and cooling
Lighting 60kWh/m2 40kWh/m2 30kWh/m2 <10kWh/m2 requirements also dependent on
visitor numbers
4. On-site energy generation Up to 20% to comply with local planning >20% on-site renewables 50-100% 100% on site generation or agreed off-site generation Highly site dependent
5. U-values: Wall 0.35 (Part L 2010) 0.2 0.15 0.1 Difficult to pass 2010 Building Regs
Average window 2.2(Part L 2010) 1.4 1.1 0.8 using minimum regulation values:
Roof 0.25(Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1 20-30% improvement in U-values
Ground floor 0.25 (Part L 2010) 0.15 0.12 0.1 and airtightness typical
6. Air tightness at 50Pa 10m3/hm2 (Part L 2010) 5m3/hm2 2m3/hm2 1m3/hm2
Archive repositories 2ac/day (BS5454) Archive repositories 1ac/day (BS5454) Archive repositories 0.5ac/day Archive repositories 0.5ac/day

7. Controls, metering and Seasonal commissioning. Produce DEC, report Commissioning company retained to monitor over Responsibilities for reading, reviewing, actioning Continual monitoring and fine-tuning. Formal external Evaluations show actual performance
b monitoring to senior management first year. Full post occupancy evaluation. Action plan changes defined. Anonymised external reporting. review. Results published to industry. Energy use KPIs (eg energy and water) are much
to respond to annual DEC Departmental energy targets reward/penalty system greater than design predictions. This is
8. User involvement Facilities Staff trained at building handover. Facilities staff involved in commissioning. Non- Soft landing framework followed (see note) Interactive Departmental energy use feeds into personal carbon often a result of poor commissioning,
Building Log Book provided with O&M Manual technical user guide produced and all staff inducted. online user guide. Energy use on interactive display trading (eg. WSP's PACT scheme) training and management.
Energy use fed back to users screen and online

9. Environmental design criteria Control to fixed point with small variations Conditions appropriate to needs of collection and Work within a broad defined range of temp and RH Work to GIS or Bizot Groups recommendation for all GIS conditions:
c (so-called international standards) in most as agreed with client. Consider working to GIS (such as GIS conditions or Bizot Groups). Allow set display areas. Micro-climates for very sensitive objects. 16-24C, max 4C cycle in 24 hrs
art exhibition areas. (Government Indemnity Scheme) conditions. points to change seasonally. Consider seasonal display of exhibits as RH changes 40-65% RH, max 10% cycle in 24 hrs
(Archives conditions to BS5454) (Archives work to GIS conditions where National (Archives work within GIS conditions where NAS throughout the year. Bizot Group = directors of the worlds
Advisory Service (NAS) accreditation not required) accreditation not required) (Archives work within GIS conditions. Rewrite BS5454) leading museums and galleries
10. Environmental design strategy Full temperature and relative humidity (RH) Full environmental control to display and art handling Arrange building for environmental zoning. Natural Zone display areas based on sensitivity of exhibits and The use of passive control only is
control in most building areas. areas only. Zoning between temporary and ventilation in non-art display areas. Buffer spaces for seasonal display difficult in venues with high visitor
(Archives full control of both temperature permanent display galleries. between art and non-art areas. numbers but is still beneficial during
and RH) (Archives thermal and moisture inertia along with (Archives passive control only using thermal and unoccupied hours
air-conditioning plant to trim conditions) moisture inertia. No a/c plant, conservation heating only)
11. Methods of environmental Full a/c plant using high energy sources of cooling/ Full a/c plant using efficient sources such as GSHP. Coupled (in-room) temperature and moisture buffering. None or little mechanical a/c to general art display
control dehumidification and heating (eg air-cooled chillers Consider variable volume displacement system. Heat Conditions trimmed using low grade cooling and areas. Use of natural ventilation and coupled and
and gas-fired boiler plant). Constant volume mixing and moisture recovery systems. Consider evaporative heating sources, long with desiccant dehumidification. de-coupled thermal mass and moisture buffers
system. Heat recovery systems may be provided cooling on exhaust air and condenser heat recovery Use variable volume displacement system
12. Natural lighting No daylight or windows of any orientation Rooflights with fixed solar shading that exclude direct Consider modulating control of skylight for different Automatic controls responding to sun position and sky Daylight in art display spaces is not
which cover only part of a bigger gallery space, sun ie northlight only, plus blackout blinds gallery conditions. Integrated natural and artificial conditions to maximise availability of sun and sky light essential. Unless carefully designed
with or without blinds lighting control and to provide varying colour temperatures. Target: no and controlled, natural light may lead to
artificial light during 80% of daytime greater energy use due to solar gain
13. Artificial lighting and controls 50W/m2 max installed load. Indiscriminate use 25W/m2 max installed load. Separate display, work 15W/m2 max installed load. Exclusively low energy 5W/m2 typical installed load. Highly directional, very
of lighting. Predominately tungsten halogen and ambient lighting systems, individually controlled. sources. Dimming control + daylighting strategy. Lights efficient sources ie LED, plasma. Occupancy
sources. Individual dimming Consider LED (and metal halide) for display lights on occupancy sensors control outside of opening hours sensors throughout

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