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An Egyptian Pentagram Ritual

The Egyptian Qabalistic Cross

Stand and face east. Imagine a brilliant white light touching the top of your
head. Reach up with the index finger or blade of a dagger to connect with the
light and bring it to the forehead.

Touch the forehead and say: "Entek Pau" (pronounced "en-tek pow," meaning
"Though art He who is").

Touch the breast and say: "ta Sutenit" (pronounced "tah su-ten-it," meaning
"the Kingdom").

Touch the right shoulder and say: "ta Sachem" (pronounced "tah sahk-hem,"
meaning "the Divine Power").

Touch the left shoulder and say: "ta Djeser" (pronounced "tah D-jes-er,"
meaning "and the Glory").

Clasp the fingers over the breast and say: "ta Taui en Hah" (pronounced "tah
-tow-ee en hah," meaning "the World, Forever").

Say: "Nedj Her" (pronounced "ned-j her," meaning "Homage to thee").

The Pentagrams

Face east. Use dagger or the index finger of the right hand to trace a large
lesser banishing pentagram. As you do so, vibrate "Nud-jeru Yebeta"
(pronounced "nud-jeh-ru yeh-beh-tah," meaning "Gods of the East"). Thrust
the dagger tip or index finger through the center of the pentagram and vibrate
"NEF" ("Air"). Keep the right arm extended throughout, never let it drop. The
pentagrams should be visualized in a flaming blue or white light.

Go to the south and draw the same pentagram while vibrating: "Nudjeru
Resu" (pronounced "nud-jeh-ru Reh-su", meaning "Gods of the South").
Thrust through the center of the pentagram and intone "ASH" ("Fire").

Go to the west and draw the same pentagram while vibrating: "Nudjeru
Amenta" (pronounced "nud-jeh-ru ah-men-tah," meaning "Gods of the
West"). Thrust through the center intoning "MU" ("Water")

Go to the north and trace the pentagram while vibrating: "Nudjeru Mehta"
(pronounced "nud-jeh-ru meh-tah," meaning "Gods of the North"). Charge the
figure with "TA" ("Earth").

Return to the east and form the Tau Cross. Say: "Before me, HATHOOR, the
Mother of Light. Behind me, TOUM of the setting sun. On my right hand,
SAKHMET, mighty lady of Flame. On my left hand, HAPI-WER, the Bull of
the Earth. For about me flames SEHEDJ" ("a heaven of stars"). "And above
me shines TAU NUDHER" ("the star of God").

Repeat the Egyptian Qabalistic cross as in the beginning.

Egyptian Banishing Rituals Alternative Versions

The Student may choose to replace the pentagram in the above ritual with
symbols that retain a more Egyptian character. Rather than tracing the
pentagram in the four quarters, the magician could draw the sign of the ankh
or the wedjat (the eye of hours). Both were considered powerful amulets for
protection. The ankh is the symbol of eternal life, while the wedjat is the
symbol for health, holeness, protection, and general well-being.

To trace the ankh in the air before you, start on the left side at the point where
the circle meets the crossbar and, drawing in a clockwise motion, trace the
circular "head" of the ankh. Next, trace the shaft of the ankh, leading from the
middle of the crossbar to the lowest point of the shaft. Finally, start at the left
point of the crossbar and move straight across to the right point of the
To trace the Eye of Horus in the air before you, start at the left point of the
eyebrow line and trace clockwise. Next, trace the outline of the eye itself,
starting from the left and proceeding clockwise, around the pupil, and back
around the bottom of the yelid, ending at the left side of the eye near the
starting point. Then trace the lowermost line of the figure starting from the
right-hand point and tracing towards the left.

The Egyptian Pentagram Ritual from Israel Regardie's Book "The Middle
Pillar" by Llewellyn publications.

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