Hazard Check List P.E.D - Asme b31.3

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Forward: P.E.D Essential Safety Requirements DOCUMENT NUMBER RB-HCL Rev.0

ISSUE DATE : 27.12.2016
The Pressure European Directive 97/23/EC (P.E.D) places full responsibility upon the manufacturer of piping to comply with the provisions of
the Directive. On completion of all design, manufacturing, inspection and testing procedures, and after verification of conformity the
manufacturer can make a Declaration of Conformity with the P.E.D. The manufacturer can then affix the CE marking which ensures that the
equipment will have freedom of movement within the European Community.

An important requirement is that the manufacturer must comply with all Essential Safety Requirements (ESRs) in Annex 1 of the P.E.D which
are relevant to the equipment for which he makes the Declaration of Conformity.

In the following table, all ESRs are presented, and it is shown by reference to the relevant clauses in ASME B31.3, that the manufacturer has
taken all the necessary steps to meet the ESRs either by Code provisions or by other means.


Sub P.E.D Essential Safety Requirement ASME Conclusion Comments

Section B31.3

1 General
1.1 Piping must be designed, manufactured and checked, and installed in Out of Code Met Piping design and manufacture
such a way as to ensure its safety when put into Scope checked by Salonica Constructions
service in accordance with the manufacturers instructions QA system and inspected by
Notified Body. Installation is
responsibility of User.
1.2 Manufacturer must apply the principles set out below in the Out of Code Met
following order: Scope
-eliminate or reduce hazards as far as is reasonably practicable. Refer to Hazard Check List
-apply appropriate protection measures against hazards Refer to Hazard Check List
-inform users of residual hazards Refer to Hazard Check List

1.3 The piping is designed to prevent danger from misuse or, adequate Out of Code Met Refer to Hazard Check List
warning given. Scope
2 Design
2.1 Piping must be properly designed to be safe throughout its intended CHAPTER II Met See Mechanical Calculations
life. Design must incorporate appropriate safety coefficients PART 1
2.2.1 Piping must be designed for loadings appropriate for its intended use CHAPTER II Met See Mechanical Calculations
-internal / external pressure PART 1 - 301 All loads were specified by User
-working / environmental temperatures and are taken account for.
-static pressure of contained fluid (under operation / testing)
-forces & moments arising from supports, piping connections e.c.t
-chemical & mechanical corrosion, abrasion
-fatigue Abrasion not expected
-degradation of unstable fluids Fatigue not expected
Out of Code Degradation of fluid not expected
2.2.2 Design is performed by: CHAPTER II Met
-a calculation method and supplemented if necessary by an PART 1 - 301 Design is performed by a
experimental design method. calculation method.
-an experimental design method without calculation when the
product of the maximum allowable pressure PS and the volume V is
less than 6000 bar L.
2.2.3 (a) The allowable stresses for piping must be limited having regard to CHAPTER II Met See Mechanical Calculations
reasonably foreseeable failure modes, safety factors must be applied PART 1 302.3

Requirements may be met by applying one of the following

-design by formula Design by formula
-design by analysis (allowed if formula does not exist)
-design by fracture mechanics (allowed if formula does not exist)
2.2.3 (b) Appropriate design calculations must be used to establish the CHAPTER II Met
resistance of the piping concerned. In particular: PART 1 302.2
-the calculation pressures must not be less than the maximum See Mechanical Calculations
allowable pressures and take into account static head and dynamic
fluid pressures and the decomposition of unstable fluids.
-the calculation temperatures must allow for appropriate safety
-the design must take appropriate account of all possible
combinations of temperature and pressure which might arise under
reasonably foreseeable operating conditions.
-maximum stresses and leak stress kept within the safe limits.
-the calculation for pressure containment must utilize the values
appropriate to the properties of the material based on documented
data. Creeping & fatigue are not
-appropriate joint factors must be applied. foreseen for this vessel. Corrosion
-the design must take appropriate account of all reasonably is accounted for.
foreseeable degradation mechanisms (creeping, fatigue, corrosion).
2.2.3 (c) The design must allow for adequate structural stability taking into Out of Code Met See Mechanical Calculations
account the risks from transport and handling Scope Structural stability is assured by
using the methods in EN 13445.
2.2.4 Design by experimental method must be validated by an appropriate CHAPTER II N/A N/A
test program on a sample representative of piping PART 1
2.3 Provisions to Ensure Safe Handling and Operation APPENDIX G Me
Method of operation specified for piping must be such as to preclude
any reasonably foreseeable risk in operation of the equipment.
Particular attention must be paid to:
-closures and openings
-dangerous discharge of pressure relief blow-off Provisions to be taken by User
-devices to prevent physical access whilst pressure or a vacuum Provisions to be taken by User
-surface temperature taking into consideration the intended use. Out of Code Provisions to be taken by User
-decomposition of unstable fluids Scope No unstable fluids foreseen.
2.4 (a) Piping must be designed and constructed so that all necessary CHAPTER VI Met
examinations to ensure safety can be carried out. - 341
2.4 (b) Means of determining the internal condition of the equipment must CHAPTER VI Met An access on top of vessel is
be available - 341 provided
2.5 Means must be provided for the draining and venting of piping APPENDIX F Met Drain is provided.
where necessary:
-to avoid harmful effects such as water hammer Out of Code Water hammer will not occur
-to avoid harmful effects such as vacuum collapse Scope Vacuum collapse will not occur
-to avoid uncontrolled chemical reactions Chemical reactions will occur
-to permit cleaning, inspection and maintenance in a safe manner See 2.4 (b)
2.6 Adequate allowance or protection against corrosion or other CHAPTER II Met See corrosion allowance included
chemical attack must be provided. PART 1 302 in the mechanical calculations

2.7 Where erosion or abrasion may arise, adequate measures must be APPENDIX F Met Erosion is foreseen. A wear plate is
taken to: F323 installed on inlet nozzle
-minimize the effect by appropriate design e.g replacement of parts Abrasion not foreseen.
2.8 Assemblies must be so designed that Out of Code N/A N/A
-the components to be assembled together are suitable and reliable Scope
for their duty.
-all the components are properly integrated and assembled in an
appropriate manner
2.9 Piping must be so designed and provided with accessories or Out of Code Met
provision made for their fitting, as to ensure safe filling and Scope
discharge in particular with respect to hazards such as:
On filling:
-overfilling or over pressurization Provisions to be taken by User
-instability of the pressure equipment Instability is not foreseen
-unsafe connection and disconnection Provisions to be taken by User
On discharge:
-the uncontrolled release of the pressurized fluid Provisions to be taken by User
-unsafe connection and disconnection Provisions to be taken by User
2.10 Where the allowable limits could be exceeded, the piping must be APPENDIX F Met To be supplied by User
fitted with, or provision made for the fitting of suitable protective F322
devices determined upon the basis of the particular characteristics of
the equipment or assembly
2.11.1 Safety accessories must: APPENDIX G Met To be supplied by User
-be designed and constructed as to be reliable and suitable for their
intended duty
-be independent of other functions
-comply with the appropriate design principles in order to obtain
suitable and reliable protection
2.11.2 Pressure limiting devices must be so designed that the pressure will
CHAPTER II Met To be supplied by User
not permanently exceed the maximum allowable pressure PART 1
2.11.3 Temperature monitoring devices must have an adequate response Out of Code Met To be supplied by User
time. Scope
2.12 Where necessary, piping must be so designed and where appropriate, APPENDIX G Met To be provided by User
fitted with suitable accessories, to meet danger limitation
requirements in the event of external fire

3 Manufacture
3.1 The manufacture must ensure the competent execution of the Out of Code Met Manufacture carried out to the QA
provisions set out at the design stage by applying the appropriate Scope procedures
techniques and relevant procedures, especially with a view to the
aspects set out below.
3.1.1 Preparation of the component parts must not give rise to defects or CHAPTER V Met
cracks or changes in the mechanical characteristics likely to be 328.4
detrimental to the safety of piping.
3.1.2 Permanent joints and adjacent zones must be free of any surface or CHAPTER V Met
internal defects detrimental to the safety of piping. 328.4

The properties of permanent joints must meet the minimum CHAPTER V

properties specified for the materials to be joined unless relevant 335
property values are specifically taken into account in design.

Permanent joining of components which contribute to the pressure

resistance of piping and components which are directly attached to CHAPTER V
them must be carried out by suitably qualified personnel according 335
to suitable operating procedures.

For piping in categories II, III, IV, operating procedures and All welding procedures & welders
personnel must be approved by a competent third party which, at the Out of Code qualifications to be approved by
manufacturers discretion, may be: Scope relevant organization
-a notified body
-a third party organization recognized by a Member State
3.1.3 Non destructive tests of permanent joints must be carried out by CHAPTER VI Met All NDT operators to be approved
suitable qualified personnel. For pressure equipment in categories II, - 342 by relevant organization
III, IV, the personnel must be approved by third party organization.
3.1.4 Where the manufacturing process will change the material properties CHAPTER V - Met
to impair the safety of the pressure equipment, suitable heat 331
treatment must be applied at the appropriate stage of manufacture.
3.1.5 Procedures must be established and maintained for identifying the CHAPTER VI Met Control and material identification
material making up the components. - 341 is subject to QA procedures
3.2.1 Piping must undergo a final inspection to assess visually and by CHAPTER VI Met Final inspection carried out in
examination of the accompanying documents compliance with the - 341 accordance with QA procedures
requirements of the Directive. The final inspection must be carried and verified by Notified Body
out internally and externally on every part of the equipment, where
appropriate in the course of manufacture.
3.2.2 Final assessment must include a test for the pressure containment CHAPTER VI Met
aspect, which will normally take the form of a hydrostatic pressure - 365
Where a hydrostatic test is harmful or impractical, other tests of a
recognized value may be carried out.
3.2.3 For assemblies, the final assessment must also include a check of the CHAPTER VI N/A N/A
safety devices intended to check full compliance with the - 341
requirements of 2.10
3.3 In addition to the CE marking the following information must be Out of Code Met CE affixed by manufacturer
provided: Scope
3.3 (a) The name and address of the manufacturer and, where appropriate, Out of Code Met See Name plate drawing
of his authorized representative established within the Community. Scope
-the year of manufacture
-identification of piping
-essential maximum/minimum allowable limits
3.3 (b) Depending upon the type of piping, further information necessary Out of Code Met See instructions by manufacturer.
for safe installation, operation or use and, where applicable, Scope User is to provide further
maintenance and periodic inspection. instructions.
3.3 (c) Where necessary, warning fixed to the piping drawing attention to Out of Code Met Warning stickers to be provided by
misuse which experience has shown might occur. Scope User
3.4 Operating Instructions Out of Code Met See instructions by manufacturer.
Scope User is to provide further

4 Materials
4.1 Materials for pressurized parts must:
4.1 (a) Have appropriate properties for all operating conditions and be CHAPTER III Met
sufficiently ductile and tough. Due care should by exercised in 323.3
particular, in selecting materials in order to prevent brittle type
4.1 (b) Be sufficiently chemically resistant to the fluid contained in the CHAPTER III Met Materials were specified by User
pressure equipment 323.4
4.1 (c) Not be significantly affected by ageing Out of Code N/A Ageing is a factor yet to be
Scope determined by Harmonized
4.1 (d) Be suitable for the intended processing procedures APPENDIX F Met Forming / Milling / Welding
4.1 (e) Be selected in order to avoid significant undesirable effects when the APPENDIX F Met Materials approved by a Particular
various materials are put together Material Appraisal
4.2 (a) The piping manufacturer must define in an appropriate manner the Out of Code Met Software used is approved by a
values necessary for the design calculations referred to in 2.2.3 Scope Notified Body
4.2 (b) The manufacturer must provide in his technical documentation Out of Code Met Materials approved by a Particular
elements relating to compliance with the materials specifications of Scope Material Appraisal
the Directive in one of the following forms:
-by using materials which comply with harmonized standards
-by using materials covered by a European Approval
-by a particular material appraisal
4.2 (c) For piping in categories III and IV particular appraisal must be Out of Code Met Approved by Notified Body
performed by the notified body in charge of conformity assessment Scope
procedures for the pressure equipment
4.3 Manufacturer must take appropriate measures to ensure that the CHAPTER VI Met Materials inspection certificate to
material sued conforms with the required specification. In particular, 341.4 EN 10204 3.1
documentation prepared by the material manufacturer affirming
compliance with a specification must be obtained for all materials

For piping in categories II, III and IV this must take the form of a CHAPTER III
certificate of specific product control 323

Where a material manufacturer has an appropriate quality assurance Out of Code

system, certified by a competent body established in the Community Scope
and having undergone a specific assessment for materials,
certificates issued by the manufacturer are presumed to certify
conformity within the relevant requirements of this section.

5 N/A
6 N/A
7 Specific Quantitative Requirements for certain pressure equipment
7.1 Allowable Stresses CHAPTER II Met
PART 1 302.3
7.2 Joint Quality Factor CHAPTER II Met
7.3 Pressure limiting devices. The momentary pressure surge must keep CHAPTER II Met To be supplied by User
to 10% of the maximum allowable pressure PART 6
7.4 For piping systems the hydrostatic test pressure must be no less than CHAPTER VI Met Hydraulic test carried out to the
the greatest of: 345.4 greatest pressure as occurs of
-that corresponding to the maximum loading to which the piping ASME / P.E.D cases.
system may be subject in service taking into account its maximum
allowable pressure and its maximum allowable temperature,
multiplied by the coefficient 1.25 or
-the maximum allowable pressure multiplied by the coefficient 1.43
7.5 Unless other values are required in accordance with other criteria Out of Code Met See applicable Particular Material
that must be taken into account, a steel is considered as sufficiently Scope Appraisal
ductile to satisfy 4.1 (a) if, in a tensile test carried out by a standard
procedure, its elongation after rupture is no less than 14% and its
bending rupture energy measured on an ISO V test piece is no less
than 27 J, at a temperature not greater than 20C but not higher that
the lowest scheduled operating procedure.

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