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Malunggay Yogurt

General Yogurt Processing Steps

1. Adjust Milk Composition & Blend Ingredients

Milk composition may be adjusted to achieve the desired fat and solids content. Often dry milk is
added to increase the amount of whey protein to provide a desirable texture. Ingredients such as
stabilizers are added at this time.

2. Pasteurize Milk

The milk mixture is pasteurized at 185F (85C) for 30 minutes or at 203F (95C) for 10 minutes. A
high heat treatment is used to denature the whey (serum) proteins. This allows the proteins to form a
more stable gel, which prevents separation of the water during storage. The high heat treatment also
further reduces the number of spoilage organisms in the milk to provide a better environment for the
starter cultures to grow. Yogurt is pasteurized before the starter cultures are added to ensure that the
cultures remain active in the yogurt after fermentation to act as probiotics; if the yogurt is pasteurized
after fermentation the cultures will be inactivated.

3. Homogenize

The blend is homogenized (2000 to 2500 psi) to mix all ingredients thoroughly and improve yogurt

4. Cool Milk

The milk is cooled to 108F (42C) to bring the yogurt to the ideal growth temperature for the starter

5. Inoculate with Starter Cultures

The starter cultures are mixed into the cooled milk.

6. Hold

The milk is held at 108F (42C) until a pH 4.5 is reached. This allows the fermentation to progress
to form a soft gel and the characteristic flavor of yogurt. This process can take several hours.

7. Cool

The yogurt is cooled to 7C to stop the fermentation process.

8. Add Fruit & Flavors

Fruit and flavors are added at different steps depending on the type of yogurt. For set style yogurt
the fruit is added in the bottom of the cup and then the inoculated yogurt is poured on top and the
yogurt is fermented in the cup. For swiss style yogurt the fruit is blended with the fermented, cooled
yogurt prior to packaging.
9. Package

The yogurt is pumped from the fermentation vat and packaged as desired.

Yogurt Definitions
Yogurt is a fermented milk product that contains the characteristic bacterial cultures Lactobacillus
bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. All yogurt must contain at least 8.25% solids not fat. Full
fat yogurt must contain not less than 3.25% milk fat, lowfat yogurt not more than 2% milk fat, and
nonfat yogurt less than 0.5% milk. The full legal definitions for yogurt, lowfat yogurt and nonfat yogurt
are specified in the Standards of Identity listed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), in
sections 21 CFR 131.200, 21 CFR 131.203, and 21 CFR 131.206, respectively.

The two styles of yogurt commonly found in the grocery store are set type yogurt and swiss style
yogurt. Set type yogurt is when the yogurt is packaged with the fruit on the bottom of the cup and the
yogurt on top. Swiss style yogurt is when the fruit is blended into the yogurt prior to packaging.

The main ingredient in yogurt is milk. The type of milk used depends on the type of yogurt whole
milk for full fat yogurt, lowfat milk for lowfat yogurt, and skim milk for nonfat yogurt. Other dairy
ingredients are allowed in yogurt to adjust the composition, such as cream to adjust the fat content,
and nonfat dry milk to adjust the solids content. The solids content of yogurt is often adjusted above
the 8.25% minimum to provide a better body and texture to the finished yogurt. The CFR contains a
list of the permissible dairy ingredients for yogurt.

Stabilizers may also be used in yogurt to improve the body and texture by increasing firmness,
preventing separation of the whey (syneresis), and helping to keep the fruit uniformly mixed in the
yogurt. Stabilizers used in yogurt are alginates (carageenan), gelatins, gums (locust bean, guar),
pectins, and starch.

Sweeteners, flavors and fruit preparations are used in yogurt to provide variety to the consumer. A
list of permissible sweeteners for yogurt is found in the CFR.

Bacterial Cultures
The main (starter) cultures in yogurt are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.
The function of the starter cultures is to ferment lactose (milk sugar) to produce lactic acid. The
increase in lactic acid decreases pH and causes the milk to clot, or form the soft gel that is
characteristic of yogurt. The fermentation of lactose also produces the flavor compounds that are
characteristic of yogurt. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are the only 2
cultures required by law (CFR) to be present in yogurt.

Other bacterial cultures, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus subsp. casei, and Bifido-
bacteria may be added to yogurt as probiotic cultures. Probiotic cultures benefit human health by
improving lactose digestion, gastrointestinal function, and stimulating the immune system.

Moringa oleifera: A Review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional,
Therapeutic, and Prophylactic Properties.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, Lewis B. and Dorothy
Cullman Cancer Chemoprotection Center, 725 N. Wolfe Street, 406 WBSB, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 21205-2185

September 15, 2005; Accepted: November 20, 2005; Published: December 1, 2005

Moringa oleifera, or the horseradish tree, is a pan-tropical species that is known by such
regional names as benzolive, drumstick tree, kelor, marango, mlonge, mulangay, nbday,
saijhan, and sajna. Over the past two decades, many reports have appeared in mainstream
scientific journals describing its nutritional and medicinal properties. Its utility as a non-food
product has also been extensively described, but will not be discussed herein, (e.g. lumber,
charcoal, fencing, water clarification, lubricating oil). As with many reports of the nutritional
or medicinal value of a natural product, there are an alarming number of purveyors of
healthful food who are now promoting M. oleifera as a panacea. While much of this recent
enthusiasm indeed appears to be justified, it is critical to separate rigorous scientific
evidence from anecdote. Those who charge a premium for products containing Moringa spp.
must be held to a high standard. Those who promote the cultivation and use of Moringa spp.
in regions where hope is in short supply must be provided with the best available evidence,
so as not to raise false hopes and to encourage the most fruitful use of scarce research
capital. It is the purpose of this series of brief reviews to: (a) critically evaluate the
published scientific evidence on M. oleifera, (b) highlight claims from the traditional and
tribal medicinal lore and from non-peer reviewed sources that would benefit from further,
rigorous scientific evaluation, and (c) suggest directions for future clinical research that
could be carried out by local investigators in developing regions.

This is the first of four planned papers on the nutritional, therapeutic, and prophylactic
properties of Moringa oleifera. In this introductory paper, the scientific evidence for health
effects are summarized in tabular format, and the strength of evidence is discussed in very
general terms. A second paper will address a select few uses of Moringa in greater detail
than they can be dealt with in the context of this paper. A third paper will probe the
phytochemical components of Moringa in more depth. A fourth paper will lay out a number
of suggested research projects that can be initiated at a very small scale and with very
limited resources, in geographic regions which are suitable for Moringa cultivation and
utilization. In advance of this fourth paper in the series, the author solicits suggestions and
will gladly acknowledge contributions that are incorporated into the final manuscript. It is
the intent and hope of the journals editors that such a network of small-scale, locally
executed investigations might be successfully woven into a greater fabric which will have
enhanced scientific power over similar small studies conducted and reported in isolation.
Such an approach will have the added benefit that statistically sound planning, peer review,
and multi-center coordination brings to a scientific investigation.

The following paper is intended to be useful for both scientific and lay audiences. Since
various terms used herein are likely not familiar to the lay reader, nor are many of the
references readily available to either scientific or lay audiences, we encourage active on-line
dialog between readers and both the author and the journal staff. Both will attempt to
answer questions and to direct readers to the experts in an open and public manner.

Physical Properties of Yogurt Made from Milk

Treated with Proteolytic Enzymes
Mustafa A. Gassem Joseph F. Frank

Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, Athens 30602


Milk used in the manufacture of yogurt is often subjected to storage times and temperatures that permit protein

degradation catalyzed by bacterial or native proteases. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of

proteolysis of milk on the physical properties of yogurt. Milk was treated with either crude extracts of bacterial

protease or purified plasmin. Treated milk was immediately made into yogurt, which was stored at 7C and analyzed

after 1, 8, and 15 d. Yogurt made from milk pretreated with microbial protease had higher firmness, syneresis, and

apparent viscosity than the untreated product. Yogurt made from milk treated with plasmin had significantly lower

firmness and apparent viscosity, and after 8 d, lower syneresis as compared with the control. Yogurt made from milk

treated with either protease had lower water-holding capacity and protein hydration than untreated controls.

Proteolysis of milk did not produce consistent effects on yogurt culture levels, although fermentation was more rapid in

the treated milks. Results indicate that proteolysis of milk results in yogurt of substantially different physical properties

and that the effects of proteases from psychrotrophic bacteria on the properties of yogurt differ from the effects of


Is consuming yoghurt associated with weight management

outcomes? Results from a systematic review
J Eales1, I Lenoir-Wijnkoop2, S King1, H Wood1, F J Kok3, R Shamir4, A Prentice5, M Edwards1,
J Glanville1 and R L Atkinson6
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Yoghurt is part of the diet of many people worldwide and is commonly recognised as a
health food. Epidemiological studies suggest that yoghurt may be useful as part of weight
management programs. In the absence of comprehensive systematic reviews, this systematic
review investigated the effect of yoghurt consumption by apparently healthy adults on weight-
related outcomes.


An extensive literature search was undertaken, as part of a wider scoping review, to

identify yoghurt studies. A total of 13631 records were assessed for their relevance to weight-
related outcomes.

Twenty-two publications were eligible according to the review protocol. Cohort studies
(n=6) and cross-sectional studies (n=7) all showed a correlation between yoghurt and lower or
improved body weight/composition. Six randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and one controlled
trial had various limitations, including small size and short duration. One RCT showed significant
effects of yoghurt on weight loss, but was confounded by differences in calcium intake. One trial
showed nonsignificant weight gain and the remaining five trials showed nonsignificant weight
losses that were greater in yoghurt consumers.


Yoghurt consumption is associated with lower body mass index, lower body weight/weight
gain, smaller waist circumference and lower body fat in epidemiological studies. RCTs suggest
weight reduction effects, but do not permit determination of a causeeffect relationship. Well-
controlled, adequately powered trials in research and community settings appear likely to identify
a modest but beneficial effect of yoghurt consumption for prevention of weight gain and
management of obesity. The ready availability of yoghurt (a nutrient-dense food) and its ease of
introduction to most diets suggests that educating the public to eat yoghurt as part of a balanced
and healthy diet may potentially contribute to improved public health. Future carefully designed
RCTs could provide proof of principle and large community-based studies could determine the
practical impact of yoghurt on body weight/composition.



Raymond S. Malabed1 and Marissa G. Noel1 1 Chemistry Department, De La
Salle University
The research investigated the properties of glucosinolates in malunggay
(Moringa oleifera L) samples including a chemical analysis of the major components
in the edible parts, and the activity of their hydrolytic products. HPLC studies
showed that boiled seeds contain the highest levels of glucosinolates among the
samples analyzed. Glucomoringin [4-(-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy)
benzylglucosinolate] was identified by LC-MS analysis of both intact and desulfated
samples as the major glucosinolate in the malunggay extract, confirming previously
published work on Moringaceae. Further evidence for the identity of the major
compound was seen in the hydrolysis products which were obtained from an
optimized procedure. 4-(-Lrhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl isothiocyanate and its
acetylated derivative, 4-(4-O-acetyl--Lrhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl isothiocyanate
were found as the major breakdown products in the reaction catalyzed by
exogenous myrosinase. Significant amounts of isothiocyanates were detected in
seeds and leaves. These may be inherent in the samples or may have been formed
during a sample preparation step. The values however markedly increased when
samples were made to undergo hydrolysis in the presence of an active hydrolytic
enzyme myrosinase, as evidenced by the ability of its extract to catalyze the
hydrolysis of sinigrin. The enzyme has a KM of 0.032 mM and Vmax of 0.932 g-1
min -1 for sinigrin. The ability of malunggay extracts to scavenge free radicals was
measured using the DPPH assay. In this study, the scavenging potential was seen to
increase with increased amounts of extract. The bioactivity of the malunggay
extracts was assessed by determining its cytotoxic properties towards normal
(HDFn), colorectal cancer (HT-29) and breast cancer (MCF-7) cell lines. The M.
oleifera extracts exhibited toxicity towards the HT-29 cell line. All extracts proved to
be non-cytotoxic to HDFn as well as MCF-7 cell lines at the concentrations tested.
Compared to colchicine however, lower toxicities towards normal cells were
exhibited by the M. oleifera extracts.

Product Development of Malunggay

(Moringga Oleifera) and Sweet Potato
(Ipomea Batatas) for Pastry and Fillings
Margie C. Aller Manolito D. Villarin Pet Roey L. Pascual


This study used the experimental method that involved 90 taste panelists composed of culinary arts
teachers, food technologist, culinary arts students, homemakers, faculty and staff. The sensory attributes
studied the specific criteria on color, flavor, texture, and over-all acceptability. Findings of the study
revealed that 75mL camote leaves decoction and 24g dried malunggay leaf powder formulation on the
malunggay-camote pastry shell got the highest mean score in all sensory attributes considered due to
higher amount of variables added to the formulation. There were significant differences on the 75mL
camote leaves decoction added with 24g dried malunggay leaves powder, level of acceptability in terms
of flavor and over-all acceptability. On the hedonic mean acceptability score of malunggay-camote boat
tart product, 75mL camote decoction added with 24g dried malunggay leaves powder is the most
acceptable formulation. DOST chemical result showed the aerobic plate count <25x10 2 EAPC*/g,
Escherichia coli Count, <1.0x10 cfu/g. Total Coliform Count <1.0 x 10 cfu/g, Mold and Yeast Count 2.0x10
cfu/g. The microbial results in cfu/g for S. aureus (coagulase+) was <10 2, MYC <102, SPC/APC cfu/g
<104, Coliforms, <50. These results are within the acceptable limit, therefore the product is safe for human


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