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Transcript of Raleigh & Rosse Case Study

Raleigh & Rosse Case Study

Re-train employees with low SPH before terminating
Connect with employees
Find out if low SPH is due to personal issues
Execute fair distribution of good sale hours
Not just giving good sale hours to top performers
Designate employee positions
Sales associates should not have to do floor sales on top of home deliveries, assistant work, and etc.
Create new positions for these outside jobs like deliveries
Prohibit employees from taking on assistant tasks for customers
Fair wages
All activities between employees and customers should be logged and compensated.
Factors affecting the problem...
Sales-per-Hour policy
#'s are not the only way to judge customer satisfaction and employee success
Unfair wage policy
Favoritism of top performers
Top performers receive better hours
Employees with low SPH are given less hours and then terminated
Organizational culture
"Every man for themselves"
The Primary Problem
Raleigh & Rosse's business and reputation is hurt because of employee treatment and compensation issues.

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