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Part I.

Demographic profile of hotels

Directions: Kindly fill out the following with the correct information about the hotel.
Please put a check () on the blank that corresponds to your answer.

1.2 Years of Operation

________ 1 year to 5 years

________ 6 years to 10 years

________ 11 years to 15 years

________ 16 years to 20 years

________ 21 years and above

1.3 Volume of Guest in a Month

________ 1 to 20
________ 21 to 40
________ 41 to 60
________ 61 to 80
________ 81 to 100
________ 100 and above

1.4 Location
_________ Roadside
_________ Coastal
_________ Urban

What are the environmental Management Practices of Selected Hotels in Lucena


Directions: Below are the environmental management practices of selected hotels in
Lucena City. Put a check ( ) on the option that corresponds to your answer. Please
dont leave any items unanswered.

Legend : 4- Highly Practiced (HP) 3- Practiced(P)

2- Less Practiced (LP) 1 - Not Practiced (NP)

Environmental Management Practice (4) (3) (2) (1)

Energy Consumption Practices:

Improve Lighting System

Investigate the use of hotel lightning and observe
how long the lights are switched on each day.
Use energy saving bulbs, especially in high
consumption areas.
Reduce Energy Consumption
Install timers and movement detectors to reduce
lighting time in selected locations (bathroom,
hallways, parking lots, etc.).
Reduce general lightning during daytime and make
sure that exterior lighting is switched on only at
Repair or replace faulty equipment with more
efficient and economical alternative.
Use solar panels to heat water for the guest rooms.
Room Service Accommodation
Use thermostat that allow to program maximum
and minimum temperatures (to prevent guests
excessively heating or cooling their rooms).
Use Airtron the worlds first and only sensor
-driven, programmable AC energy saver.
Make sure the lights are switched off in unoccupied
rooms (magnetic cards automatically turn off the
rooms power when the guests leave the room).
Make sure that the refrigerators (mini bars)
consume less than 1 kwh/day and that they are
switched off when the rooms are unoccupied for
three or more consecutive days.
While cleaning, rooms are not aired for more than
15 20 minutes in order to avoid wasting energy
on cooling.
The hotel installed an air conditioning system that

automatically switches off when the windows are
Air conditioning filters are cleaned and changed

Water Consumption Practice:

Sort the laundry according to the degree of soiling,
so that only the dirtiest items are washed
Use the washing machines in full load mode in
order to limit the number of wash cycles.
Reduce water pollution by using less polluting
detergents (phosphate free, whitener-free, etc).
Avoid leaving faucets open unnecessarily.
Room Service Accommodation
Install flow regulators on the showerheads in order
to decrease consumption from 20 to 12 liters per
minute (40% savings)
Install timed (self-closing) faucets so that they do
not keep running for a long time if left open
Choose water saving toilets that use six liters for
each flush (more than 30% of a hotels
consumption can be saved this way) or with a dual
flush mechanism (offering a choice of half or full
system flushes)
Distribute brochures and flyers or post stickers and
posters, inviting guest to save water. Invite as far
as possible the guest to reuse the towels and bed
linen (70% of guests readily agree to this).
Use Alternate On-site water sources system to
reduce water consumption by 40%.

Waste Management Practice

Reduce the Total Amount of Waste

Order materials according to needs to minimize
Use refillable products instead of disposable ones.
Choose sustainable products and use them correctly
to increase their life span
Maintain and repair equipment in preference to
replacing it.

Reduce the Impact on the Environment
Do not burn waste. Do not disperse them in nature
or bury them.
Choose the products that are least polluting and
most sustainable.
Recycle electric and electronic appliances and
donate unwanted appliances that are still working
to local associations.
Segregate waste: biodegradable to be processed to
composed. Recyclable to junk shop.
Residual waste to be collected by the LGU to bury
Make the Necessary Arrangement for Non-
Recyclable Wastes
Pre-treat discharges before disposing them and
respect the existing regulations.
Dispose of non-reusable and non-recyclable wastes
using appropriate methods (that comply with
existing regulations).
Keep hazardous wastes separate from non-
hazardous wastes in order to avoid contamination
and to facilitate handling. ( Busted Lamps)
Take the necessary precautions for the disposal of
hazardous wastes to a treater. (DENR Accredited
transporter of busted lamps)
Do not throw away batteries and accumulators with
household wastes but collect them separately.


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