7 Newsletter

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Ballyboughal National School

Co. Dublin
Phone: 01-8433469/8433498/8078886
Email: Principal@ballyboughalns.ie

10th February 2017

Dear Parents / Guardians,

The second term is proving to be a very busy one here in the school.

Catholic Schools Week

The children enjoyed their activities during Catholic Schools Week. Thank you to those
parents and grandparents who attended our prayer services. Each of the classes from 2 nd to 6th
will go to Mass between now and Easter. 3rd Class attended Mass last Friday and were highly
complimented for their attentiveness.

Each year at this time, pupils in every Catholic school receive their Trocire boxes. This is an
opportunity for the children and their families to contribute to charity while learning about
social justice and how we can all participate in the work of Jesus in the world today.
Honduras is the focus of this years Trcaire Lenten Campaign.

Crfhile na Scoileanna
The school has registered for the first time to participate in this festival of school choirs. 3rd
and 4th Class will sing in a concert at the National Basketball Arena in Tallaght on
Wednesday 8th March. They are rehearsing twice a week under the direction of Ms. Manson.

Operation Transformation
The children from Junior Infants to 3rd Class really enjoyed taking part in 10@10 this
morning. Thank you to their teachers who led the exercises.

Kelvin Troy will be teaching basketball to all classes over the next six weeks. Junior Infants
and Senior Infants will have two lessons, 1st Class to 3rd Class will have six lessons and 4th
Class to 6th Class will have four lessons.

We are planning to set up a Basketball Club after school on Friday afternoons for children
from 4th to 6th class, with the assistance of parents. Further details will be issued to those
classes next week. The club will start on Friday 17th February.
Over forty children from 3rd to 6th Class have registered for Fingal Athletics this year. Their
next event will take place at Newbridge House on Thursday 16th February.

Parents Association
I hope to meet many of you at the next meeting of the Parents Association which will be held
in the school at 7.30pm on Monday 20th February. The Agenda will be issued to you next
week, along with a list of all the ways parents are involved in enriching the life of this school.
The school website is almost ready so I plan to show it to the parents at the meeting and to
invite your feedback.

The school will be closed for the mid-term break on 23rd and 24th February.

Yours sincerely,

Maeve ODoherty

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