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In, on and at (time) A Saying when Look at these examples. fy ow at We bought the flat in 1994, The race is on Saturday. The film starts at seven thirty. In + year/month/season On + day/date ‘At + clock time/meal time in 1988 on Wednesday at three o'clock in September on 15 April at lunch (-time) in winter on that day at that time in the 2Ist century at the moment In + a week or more On +a single day At + two or three days in the Easter holiday on Easter Monday at Easter/Christmas in the summer term on Christmas Day at the weekend (US: on the weekend) In + part of day On + day + part of day in the morning on Friday morning in the evening on Tuesday evening Look at these examples with night. Iwoke up in the night. Tear‘ sleep at night. (=in the middle of the night) It happened on Monday night. (= when it is night) But we do not use in, on or at before every, last, next, this, tomorrow and yesterday. We go to Greece every summer. My brother came home last Christmas. Til see you next Friday. I leave school this year. The party is tomorrow evening. The group set off yesterday morning. B_Intime or on time? NTME ON TIME In time means ‘early enough’. On time means ‘at the right time; ‘on schedule: Well have to hurry if we want to be in time for The plane took off on time. the show. hope the meeting starts on time. We got to the airport in time to have a coffee Rachel is never on time, She’s always late. before checking in. Twas about to close the door when just in time I remembered my key. (= at the last moment) C Other uses of in ‘We can use in for the time it takes to complete something. I did the crossword in five minutes. Could you walk thirty miles in a day? ‘We can also use in for a future time measured from the present. Your photos will be ready in an hour. (= an hour from now) ‘The building will open in six weeks/in six weeks’ time. Exercises 4 Saying when (A) Read the information about John F Kennedy and then answer the questions. Begin each answer with in, 07 oF at John F. Kennedy was born into a famous American family. His date of birth was 29 May 1917. The year 1961 saw him become the 35th President of the US, Kennedy was Killed ashe drove in an open car through, the streets of Dallas, Texas. Friday, 22 November 1963 was a sad day for America, It was 12.30 when a ‘gunman opened fire and shot the President dead. > 1 2 3 When was John F. Kennedy bom? On 29 May 1917. ‘When did he become President? ‘When was he killed? What time was he shot? 2 Saying when (A) Mark is arranging a business meeting, Decide if you need in, on or at Ifyou do not need a preposition, put a cross (X). Mark: Tm sorry I was out when you called (D>) x yesterday afternoon, Alice, Look, I'm free (>) om the fifteenth of March. Can we meet then? Alice: I'm pretty busy (1) next week, I'm afraid. [can't see you (2) Friday. Marks Ti like to have a meeting (3) this month if possible. Tbe very busy (4) April, ‘Alice: I'm going away (5) Easter, so how about the week after? Shall we meet (6) the twenty-seventh? That's a Wednesday. Mark: T've got an appointment (7) the morning but nothing (8) the afternoon. Let’s meet (9) ‘Wednesday afternoon (10) half past two. 3 In time or on time? (8) Put in the right phrase: in time or om time. munry 4 In, If the plane is late, we won't get to Paris in time for our connecting fight. ‘We were up very early, to see the sun rise. How can the buses possibly run ‘with all these trafic jam? TThe post goes at five. 'm hoping to get ths letter written ‘The coach will be here at 12.13 if ts |, on or at? (A-C) Complete the conversations using in, on oF at > 1 2 "Andrew: You only bought that book on Saturday, Have you finished it already? Jessica: I read it in about three hours yesterday evening Vicky: Will the bank be open half past nine? Daniel: Yes, it always opens absolutely time. Sarah: We're leaving. half past, and you haven't even changed. Mark: Its OK. T can easly shower and change ten minutes, Laura: Your mother’s birthday is ‘Monday, isn't it? Trevor: Yes, [just hope this card gets there time. Harriet: If we ever go camping again, it’s going to be summer, not autumn. Mike: Never mind. We'll be home ‘wo days, and then well be dy again. 41 tn 1961. 2 On 22 November 1963. Bae aac 3. Ati230 ay ee 4 in 9 on 5 x 10 at 3 1 intime 3 intine 2 ontime 4 ontme 4 Laon 2atin 3omin 4inia A Meanings In, on and at (place) Emma isin the phone box. IN In In B In and at with buildings IN C Some common phrases IN in the phone box in the kitchen work in the garden swim in the pool a town/country Kate lives in York. Atlanta is in Georgia. a street (GB) in Shirley Road There are 400 seats in the cinema. Tt-was raining, so we waited in the pub. ‘We use in when we mean inside a building. in prison/hospital in the lesson in.a book/newspaper in the photo/picture in the country in the middle in the back/front of a car ina queuelline/row Nick’s dog ison the rug. on sit on the floor ‘walk on the pavement a number on the door egg on your shirt Ona floor (Ist, 2nd, etc) on the first floor Ona street (US) on Fifth Avenue Ona road or river a village on this road Paris is on the Seine. aD There’s someone at the door. a 4 sit at my desk wait at the bus stop at the crossroads wait at the traffic lights ‘At a place on a journey Does this train stop at York? ‘At a house/an address at Mike's (house) at 65 Shirley Road At an event at the party ‘Twas at the cinema, (= watching a film) on on the platform on the farm on the page/map on the screen on the island/beach/coast drive on the right/left on the back of an envelope We were at the pub. But we normally use at when we are talking about what happens there. having a drink) at at the station/airport at home/work/school at the seaside at the top/bottom of a hill "at the back of the room at the end of a corridor Exercises 4 Meanings (A) ook et the pictures and waite the sentences, Use in, on or at and these words the bath the disco te lights, the rof, the table > He's on the table. 1 3 2 4 2. Inand at with buildings (8) Complete each sentence. Use in or atand these words: the petrol station the restaurant, the stad, the station, the theatre, the 200 > There's a huge crowd in the stadium waiting for the Games to start 1 Sarah's just rung. She's getting some petrol. 2 The children like wild animals. They'd love to spend an afternoon 3 Itwasso hot that I didn't realy enjoy the play. We're quite a large group. There may not be enough room. forall of us to sit together. 5 Isaw Daniel while Iwas waiting for a train, 3. In, onandat (A, 0) Put in the preposition i, om or at > We spent the whole holiday om the beach. 1 Tread about the pop festival a magazine. 2. My parents’ flat is the twenty-first floor. 3. Melanie was holding a small bird her hands. 4 Pilmeet you the airport. 5 Natasha now lives 32 The Avenue. 6 Iwas standing the counter in the baker's shop, waiting to be served. 7 London is the Thames. 8 There weren't many books the shelves. 9 The passengers had to stand a queue, 10. The woman sitting next to me left the train Chesterfield. He/He ison the roof. ‘They'reThey are at the disco. He'sHeis in the bath. SShe's/She ie atthe lights atthe petol station 4 in the restaurant atthe 200 3 atthe station 3 inthe theatre 3 lin 2on 3in 4at Sat 6st Jon Son 9in lat In, on and at (time) A Saying when Look at these examples. IN on ar We bought the flat in 1994. The race is on Saturday. The fil starts at seven thirty. In + year/month/season On + day/date At + clock time/meal time in 1988 on Wednesday at three o'clock in September on 15 April at lunch (-time) in winter on that day at that time in the 21st century at the moment In + aweek or more On +asingle day At + two or three days in the Easter holiday on Easter Monday at Easter/Christmas in the summer term on Christmas Day at the weekend (US: om the weekend) In + part of day On + day + part of day in the morning on Friday morning in the evening on Tuesday evening Look at these examples with night. Iwoke up in the night. I can't sleep at night. (=in the middle of the night) ‘It happened on Monday night. (= when it is night) But we do not use in, on or at before every, last, next, this, tomorrow and yesterday. We go to Greece every summer. My brother came home last Christmas. Til see you next Friday. I leave school this year. ‘The party is tomorrow evening. The group set off yesterday morning. B Intime or on time? INTIME ON TIME In time means ‘early enough’. On time means ‘at the right time, ‘on schedule. We'll have to hurry if we want to be in time for The plane took off on time. the show. Thope the meeting starts on time. We got to the airport in time to have a coffee Rachel is never on time. She's always late. before checking in. Twas about to close the door when just in time I remembered my key. (= at the last moment) C Other uses of in We can use in for the time it takes to complete something. I did the crossword in five minutes. Could you walk thirty miles in a day? ‘We can also use in for a future time measured from the present. Your photos will be ready in an hour. (= an hour from now) ‘The building will open in six weeks/in six weeks’ time. Exercises 4 Saying when (A) Read the information about John F. Kennedy and then answer the questions. Begin each answer with in, on or at. John F Kennedy was born into a famous American family. His date of birth was 29 May 1917. The year 1961 saw him become the 35th President of the US. Kennedy was kiled as he drove in an open car through the streets of Dallas, Texas. Friday, 22 November 1963 was a sad day for America. It was 12.30 when a gunman opened fire and shot the President dead. > When was John F Kennedy born? On 29 May 1917. 1 When did he become President? 2. When was he killed? 3 What time was he shot? 2. Saying when (A) ‘Mark is arranging a business meeting, Decide if you need in, on or at If you do not need a preposition, put a cross (¥). Mark: T'm sorry I was out when you called (1>)X yesterday afternoon, Alice. Loos, I'm free (9+) on the fifteenth of March. Can we meet then? Alice: I'm pretty busy (1) next week, I'm afraid. I cant see you (2) Friday. Marks I'd like to have a meeting (3) ‘this month if possible. Tbe very busy (4) April. ‘Alice: Tm going away (5) Easter, so how about the week after? ‘Shall we meet (6) the twenty-seventh? That's a Wednesday. Mark T've got an appointment (7) the morning but nothing (8) the afternoon. Let's meet (9) ‘Wednesday afternoon (10) half past two. 3 Intime or on time? (8) Put in the right phrase: in time or om time, If the plane is late, we won't get to Paris in time for our connecting fight. ‘We were up very eatly, to see the sun rise. How can the buses possibly run with all these trafic jams? ‘The post goes at five. Pm hoping to get this letter written “The coach will be here at 12.13 iF its punny 4 In, on or at? (A-C) Complete the conversations using in, on or at > Andrew: You only bought that book on Saturday. Have you finished it already? Jessica: I read it in about three hours yesterday evening. 1 Vicky: Will the bank be open half past nine? Daniel: Yes it alvays opens absolutely time. 2 Sarah: We're leaving half past, and you haven't even changed. Mark: Its OK. T can easily shower and change. ten minutes. 3 Laura: Your mother’s birthday is ‘Monday, ist i? “Trevor: Yes I just hope this card gets there time. 4° Harriet: Ife ever go camping again, it’s going to be ‘summer, not autumn. Mike: Never mind. We'll be home two days, and then well be dry again. 41 Int961. 2 On.22 November 1963. ate et 3 At1230 aoe Dos 4 in 9 ot 3a 0 301 intime 3 intime 2 ontime 4 ontime 4 Laon 2atin Sonia 4inin In, on and at (place) Meanings Emma is in the phone box. w in the phone box in the kitchen work in the garden swim in the pool Ina town/country Kate lives in York. Atlanta is in Georgia. Ina street (GB) in Shirley Road In and at with buildings IN There are 400 seats in the cinema, It was raining, so we waited in the pub. We use in when we mean inside a building. Some common phrases N in prison/hospital in the lesson in a book/newspaper in the photo/picture in the country in the middle in the back/front of a car in a queuelline/row ON sit on the floor walk on the pavement a number on the door eggon your shirt On a floor (1st, 2nd, etc) on the first floor Ona street (US) on Fifth Avenue Ona road or river a village on this road Paris ison the Seine, ar ‘There’s someone at the door. at 3 sit at my desk wait at the bus stop at the crossroads wait at the traffic lights ‘Ata place on a journey Does this train stop at York? Ata house/an address at Mike's (house) i at 65 Shirley Road 4 Atan event at the party Twas at the cinema. (= watching a film) ‘We were at the pub. But we normally use at when we are talking about _ having a drink) what happens there. ow Pa 3 on the platform at the station/airport a on the farm at home/work/school ‘om the page/map (on the screen on the island/beach/coast drive on the right/left on the back of an envelope at the seaside at the top/bottom of a hill ” at the back of the room at the end of a corridor Exercises 4 Meanings (A) Look atthe pictures and write the sentences. Use in, on or atand these words: the bath, the disco, the lights, the rof, the table > He'son the table 1 2 2. Inand at with buildings (8) Complete each sentence. Use in or atand these words: the petrol station the restaurant, the stadium, the station, the theatre, the 200 b> There's a huge crowd in the stadium waiting for the Games to start. 1 Sarah's just rung. She's getting some petrol. 2. The children like wild animals, They'd love to spend an afternoon 3 Iwas so hot that I didn' really enjoy the phy. | Werte quite a large group. There may not be enough room forall of, us to sit together. 5 saw Daniel while I was ‘waiting for a train 3 In,onandat (A, 0) Putin the preposition in, om or at > We spent the whole holiday on the beach. 1 Lead about the pop festival amagazine. 2 My parents’ flat is the twenty-first floor. 3. Melanie was holding a small bird her hands, 4 Pllmeet you the airport 5 Natasha now lives 32,The Avent. 6 Lwasstanding the counter in the baker's shop, waiting to be served. 7 London is the Thames. 8 There weren't many books the shelves. 9 The passengers had to stand a queue. 10 ‘The woman sitting next to me left the train Chesterfield. 1 2. They’re/They are atthe disco. 3. HelsHe is in the bath. 4 She's/She i atthe lights 21 atthe pewolstation 4 in the restaurant 2 atthe z00 5 atthe station 5 inthe theatre 3 lin 2on 3in dat Sat Gat Ton Son Sin lat Prepositions of place A Meanings They're waiting outside The bird is infinside Sarah is diving infinto the car, the bank. the cage. the water. The jug ison the table. The case is on top of whe Ermais putting her Henry is falling of wardrobe. luggage on/onto the the horse. trolley. The table is by/beside Jessica is sitting next to The airport is near the bed. Andrew. Manchester. The letter is from Matthew is walking Vicky is running away London. Chicago. towards the sun. from the fire. There's a bridge over ‘Tom is under the car The plane is above The temperature is the river. the clouds. below zero, The cyclist isin front of The cydist is behind the bus. the tractor. Daniel is coming down the stairs. Melanie is running The cars are going Trevor is walking along The car is going past across the road. through the tunnel. the street. the house. The house is among Jackson is between Jessica is sitting opposite They're running the trees. Memphis and New Andrew. around/round the track. Orleans. Position and movement ‘Most of these prepositions can express either position (where something is) or movement (where it is going). Position: The coin was under the sofa. Movement: The coin rolled under the sofa. Now look at these examples with in and on expressing position. The manager was in the office. ‘The papers were on the floor. “To express movement, we use into and onto, but we can also use in and on, especially in informal English. ‘The manager came infinto the office. The papers fell on/onto the flor. [At expresses position, and to expresses movement. Position: Vicky was at the doctor's. Movement: Vicky went to the doctors. Exercises 4 Prepositions of place (A) Putin the prepositions, Sometimes more than one answer is correct. the ladder. 1 David is going 2 the van. ‘a shop. 4° The boss is coming the corridor. the house, 6 We walked: the lake, 7 There's statue 2 Prepositions of place (A) Complete the conversations. Choose the correct preposition. 1 Vicky: I felt really afraid when I was walking home from/aff the cub. All the time I could hear someone behindfin front of me, but I didn't dare turn round, Rachel: Texpect you were imagining it. Vicky: No, wasn't. sw him after Pd come in across/through the gate. He was wearing a long black coat that came down wel below/uncer his knees. 2 Daniel: You know Adam, don't you? He's very strange. He walked right along/past me yesterday a8! .was coming among/down the stairs, but he didn’t say hello. Matthew: The other day he was sitting beside/opposite me at lunch, so I couldn't help looking at hit I sai hello, but he didn’t speak. up infinside aboverover slong {Also posible: down) behind, through, below past, down, opposite the museum, byfbeside/next to around/round in font of away from/out of 8 ‘Tom and Nick are walking 1 the stadium. 3 Between, next to and opposite (A) Look at the plan and explain where things are, Use between, next to or opposite. [ea [earwest one tue cier sor J) series nestaunair ej BAKERS SPORTS SHOP i ATHENA TRAVEL AGENCY [OMEPHISTOART GALLERY > The bank is next tothe gift shop. 1 Thesports shop is the bank, 2. The travel agency is the sports shop and the art gallery. 3. The restaurant is the art gallery. 4 The gift shop is the bank and the restaurant. 5 The art gallery is the travel agency. 4 Prepositions of place (A-8) “Where did the fly go? Put in these prepositions: around, into, on, out of, through, under, up > The fly came in through the doot. 1 Itflew the chair, 4 Itwent the telephone. 2 Itcrawled the chair leg, 5. Itflew the drawer. 3 Itstopped thedesk foramoment. 6 It went the window. 5 Prepositions of place (A-B) Put inthe correct preposition > Rachel was lying om the grass reading a book. 1 Is my holiday next week. I'm going. Spain. 2. There was a big crowd the shop waiting for it to open. 3° That manis an idiot, He pushed me the swimming-pool. 4 went the chemist’ just now, but I didn’t notice if it was open. 5 David hurt himself. He fell his bike. 6 There's a café top of the mountain. You can have a coffee there before you go down. 7 The sheep got out ‘ahole in the fence. 8 Pompeii is quite Sorrento. ts only a short train ride. 9 ‘There's such a crowd. You won't find your friend all these people. 3. 1 opposite 4 between 2 between 3 next to 3 opposite 41 under 4 a 5 Boon 6 ostot 5 1% 6 on 2 outside 7 through 3. invinto 3 near 4 pushy 9 among 5 off Preposition + noun, e.g. on holiday A Some useful phrases on holiday, on business, on a journey/a trip/a tour I'm travelling on business. We're on a coach tour of Europe. in cash, by cheque/credit card It’s cheaper if you pay in cash. Can I pay by credit card? in writing, in pen/biro/felt-tip/ink/pencil Could you confirm that in writing? I'll write the names in pencil. on television, on the radio/the phone/the Internet Isaw the programme on TV. Mark is on the phone at the moment. for sale, on the market The house next door is for sale. It's the best hi-fi on the market. on the whole, in general On the whole it’s a good idea, but there are one or two problems. People in general aren't very interested in politics. in advance, up to date, out of date The company wants us to pay for the goods in advance. Oh no! My passport is out of date. These latest figures are up to date. in my opinion, from my point of view All sport is silly in my opinion. Matthew never sees things from Emma’s point of view. on purpose, by mistake/chance/accident I didn’t spill my drink on purpose. I pressed the wrong button by mistake. We didn't arrange to meet. We met by chance in the street. B Way and end (On the way = during the journey. In the way = blocking the way. a T'm driving into town. I'll get some petrol on the We couldn't get past becuse there was a parked way. car in the way. In the end = finally, after a long time. At the end = when something stops. It took Claire hours to decide. In the end she chose a long blue dress. C Transport We use by without a/the when we talk about a means of transport. 2 We decided to go to Brussels by train. Not go-by-the-train } ‘We can also use in and on. It'll be quicker to goin the car. Richard came on the train. Note that on foot means ‘walking’ We came all the way on foot. Nor by foot BY: air, bicycle/bike, boat, bus, car, coach, ferty, helicopter, hovercraft, plane, rail, sea, ship, taxi, train, #ube IN: the/my/your car, a helicopter, a taxi ; ON: my bicycle/bike, the boat, the bus, the ferry, the hovercraft, the plane, the ship, the train : 1 Exercises Preposition + noun (A-8) Put in by, from, in or om. D> There's something I want to listen to om the radio. 1 They've promised me more money, but I haven't got it writing. 2. Why can't you look at the problem ‘my point of view? 3. Would you mind moving? You're rather the way here. 4 Trang the wrong number mistake. 5 [booked our seats more than a month .- advance. 6 Sarah's mobile phone was stolen while she was away a business trip. 7 Could you be quiet for « minute, please? I'm the phone, 8 We've had a few nice days, but general its been a poor summer. 9 Iwas lucky. I found the solution accident. 10 It'sa long journey. Let's stop somewhere the way and have @ meal. ALT spent ages looking for a phone box. the end I found one. 12 Areyou here holiday or business? Preposition + noun (A-8) + What would you ask? Use the word in brackets with the correct preposition. You may also need to use the or your. Ask if you can book a cabin before you travel. (advance) Can I book a cabin in advance? 1 Askif you can pay in notes. (cash) Can 2. Askif the information is current. (date) Is 3. Ask your friend if he dropped the bal deliberately. (purpose) Did 4. Ask if there is anything to watch tonight. (television) Is 5 Ask your teacher if he or she will be here on the lst day of July. (end) wil 6 Ask Melanie if she thinks nuclear power is a good idea. (opinion) 1s 7 Ask Nick ithe is selling his car. sale) Is 8 Ask Sarah if she approves of the plan in general. (whole) Do Transport () Complete the conversation. Putin by, ior on. Sarah: Its long way to Glasgow. Why don't you go (>) on the train? Marie I don’t know. I think I’ rather go (1) car. Sarah: How far is your hotel from the station? Marks Oh, it’s only five minutes (2) foot, but with all my luggage, rd probably go (3) ated. Sarah: Well, why not? It’ less tiring going (4) train isn't i? Mark: [could go (5) air. That would be quickest. 2 1 Ipayin cash? ne Bo 2. the information up to date? ee oo 3. you drop the ball on purpose? Ae hie 44 there anything (to watch) on television tonighe? Ae tance 5 yoube hereat the end of July? Aa nec 6 nuclear power a good idea in your opinion? 6 on 12 onon aan ace 8 you approve ofthe plan on the whole? 3. Iby 2on 3in 4by Sby Prepositions Test 214 Write the sentences correctly. > Pilsee youst Monday. Tl see you on Monday. 1 The doctor has been-working ince swelve- hours 2 Wehad great timeinthe disco. 3 Thewomen-was geting from-the car 4 Theplayershad:numbersattheleshiets, 5 Thenew manager takes over ttwo-weeks! time. 6 Anna-drove atthe goragetogetsomepetrol 7 Weweresitting nthe backof thereom, Test 218 Read Polly's postcard and write the missing words, Use one word only in each space. Sometimes more than one answer is correct, ‘This is our first real holiday (b>) forages, and I'm enjoying it tremendously. I Jove being (1) an island, We arrived here almost a week (2) 1 and I car’t believe the time is going so fast. We finally completed the journey here (3) Friday evening (4) about eleven o'clock. The journey wasn't too bad, but we had to wait ages (5) the airport for our flight. Our apartment here is fine. 12s (6) the top floor. The beach isn't far away — we can walk there @ five minutes. The only problem is that we have to get (8) ‘a busy main road, which can be difficult. We don’t do much (9) the day, but we go out every evening, Last night's disco went on very late, and today we slept (10) eleven, Test 21C Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, puta tick (7) If tis incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space. > The cat was sitting on top of the shed, ’ > Coventry is near by Birmingham. by Luckily our train arrived on the time. People were running away from the gunman, It sounds as if the company isin trouble. ‘The car was in the front of a bus. ‘There's a meeting on next Tuesday. Lisa drew a plan on the back of an envelope. Pllbe exhausted by the time I get home. 281 on 6 on 24A.1 The doctor has beea working for twelve hours a oes 7 in 3 on 8 acros 2 Webad a great time atthe disco. : 9 during fin 3 The woman was geting ou of theca. ene To uns 4 The players had aumbers on their shirts 5. The new manager takes over in two weeks time. BCI the a av sv {6 Anna drove to the garage to get some petrol. av 7¥ 7 We were siting atthe back of the room, 4 the Test 21D Decide which word is correct. > [saw a really funny programme on television. 1 You can see all the information the screen, 2. Are these pictures sale? 3° Could you let me know Friday at the latest? 4 The audience capped the end of the show. 3. [vellived here last year 6 What's the matter your car? 7 We could see the balloon high the town. 8 There was fall ten per cent in prices. 9 The house was burgled ‘we were out. 10 What's the difference a boat and a ship? 11. Rupert's new car looks more an aeroplane. 12. We're all bored this game, 13 I can't find my keys. [had them a minute a) at a)at a)at b)fom clin d)on b)in ¢) inside d) on b)for ein d)to a)by b)to c)upto d) until a)at b)for in d)to a)after b)by ford) since a)by b)for c)on d) with a)above b)on conto d) up a)at b)by in dof a) at b) during ) time d) while a) between b) from ¢) under d) with a)as_b) like c) near) similar a) about b) at ) ford) with a) ago_b) before c) behind d) back 14 We get lots of requests help. a)at b)for cof d)on 15. The babysitter will stay there. we gethome. a) by _b)for ¢)to ) until 16 I'm going to be late the meeting. a)at b)for c)in d)to 17, We do most of our business summer. a)along b)at c}in .d) on 18 The job is similar iy old one. a)as b)at cto d) with Test 21E Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the fist. Use the word in brackets. > Thisis the Glasgow train. (going) This train is going to Glasgow. 1 Scott is a resident of Washington. (lives) 2 T'm travelling to Italy as part of my job. (business) 3. Friday morning isa busy time for me. (Pm) 4 They started playing an hour ago. (been) 5 Jonathan can play tennis very well. (good) 6 Fm rather busy now. (moment) 7 Wetooka plane to Budapest. (ir) 8 Nigel passes the newsagents every day. (goes) 9 ‘The company is planning to reduce the workforce. (reduction) 10 We got to our guest-house early enough for a meal (time) D1 on 10 between 24E 1 Scott lives in Wishington. 2 for 1 like 2 T'm travelling totaly omrbusiness. 3 by 12 with 3. Tim busy on Fricay morning. 4 oat 13 ago 4 They've/They hove been playing (For) an hour 3 since 4 fr 6 with 15 untit 5 Jonathan is very good at tennis. 7 above 16 for 6 Ym rather busy at the moment. 8 of 7 in 7 We went/travlled to Budapest by ar. 9 while 18 to 8 Nigel goes past te newsagents every day 9 The company is planning (to make) a reduction in the workforce. 10 We got to our guest house in time for a meal, at, until, before etc. (prepositions of time) EXC Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes. at night six weeks winter Thursday on | + | midnight 1900 Christmas 6.30 a.m. in ‘evening November 22nd 1963 1. After working all day, John is too tired to go out inthe. evening. 2 Last night [ went to bed 3 President Kennedy was ShOt ensnenrnnnnn 4 In Christian countries, most people don’t WOtK mnmnnennnanm ae 5. Our cat stays out i zs ‘and comes back home in the morning. 6 Jill loves skiing so she usually takes her holidays sometime jose 7 My parents’ alarm clock always ring... i a 8. Her grandfather was Bort - vn 80 he is now a very old man. 9) Mary is expecting a baby — so she'll finish working soon. 10 [havea lecture... s om $0 [can't meet you then, I'm afraid. XGA Complete the sentences with words from the box. In one sentence, no word is necessary. at oon in until = since «for fom to 1. Pav’ uncle left Canada .in...1968 and went to Brazil. 2 John is getting married the end of the month. 3. The accident happened Monday morning when Sue was driving to work. 4 Alan has been feeling sick hae ate some fish last night. 5 Are you going to stay the end of the film? 6 The birds started singing half past four this morning, 7. We'll know the result of the exam three weeks. 8 An American player won the tennis championship Independence Day. 9. Robert is going to stop work next February. 10 I swim in the sea every day summer, 11 Does John really enjoy working night? 12 A: How long are you going to stay here? I can speak the language perfectly. 13. Kate went to Istanbul.......... four days last spring. 14 Mark works hard Monday Friday, so he sleeps the weekend. Complete the story of Jess Brewer's life. Use words fram the box. eee [during for fem after to until» before while since Jess Brewer was a pupil at her local school «» from.. 1975 1988. 6 heer last year at School she taught herself how co use computers, and this knowledge was very useful for her later. (4). leaving school, she went to university and studied mathematics. She was responsible for producing a student magazine on her computer 6)...» she was there, She stayed at university (6 ssnsonn Fur yeats and then decided t0 travel) nm finding a job. She has been working as a computer programmer (she came back from her travels, but she wants to go away again. She knows that she has to stay with the computer company (Oy snusun She has enough money to go and do what she wants, HEV Jess is describing a normal day in her life. Complete her story. Use words from the box. a on in since for until from during while after to before I wake up «» 2... about 7.30 a.m. @ during... che week, but much later 0) Saturdays. (sees L Wake up, I move very fast. In fact, I'm very good ....... the mornings. I only need 20 minutes (nnn the time my alarm clock rings (7... the time I leave the house, I don't have breakfast at home; I have to wait wy .... Larrive at the office for a cup of coffee. [sare work ©)... 9.00 a.m. and work (19 ...... four hours. (1 lunchtime, I often sit in the park and read «2 Tam eating my sandwiches. (19....... going back to the office, Ido some shopping. The afternoon passes very quickly. I work (9... 6 o'clock and then I go home. I've been working for the same company (5)... 1994. (16 meee the evenings, [ usually watch TV or maybe go out for dinner with some friends. I don't go to bed late because I have to get up for work the next day. (7) mmuvw the Weekends, my routine is very different. in, under, through etc. (prepositions of place and direction) ERG Some customers in the supermarket can't find what they want. You are the assistant. Complete the sentences, 1 I can‘ find the cereals YOU: They're 2M... the left, 0M... the bottom shelf, below. che sugar. 2. Where's the rice, please? you: It’s the left, the top shelf, the pasta and the bread. 3. Where are the biscuits, please you: They're the ri shelf, the nuts 4 Where’ the water, please? you: It’s the right, shelf, the cola 5 I can‘ find the tea. you: It’s the right, shelf, the cola 6 And the cakes? you: They'te He COMB, shelf, middle, the biscuits and the chocolate. Now you say whera the coffee is. 7 The coffee is... = And the flour? Look at John's travel plans for September. Complete his story using to/in/at if necessary. In one sentence no preposition is necessary. Sunday 2nd Fight London “> Rome, Italy (arrive Rome airport 11.00) (Park Hotel) Wednesday 5th Fight Roms —> Bangkok, Thaland (Plaza Hora!) Monday 10th Boat Bangkok —> Ko Samui Wednesday !2th Ko Samui Wednesday 26th Return Ko Samul > Bangkok Friday 28th Flight Bargick —> London Saturday 29th Arrive London Heathrow I'm fying «» 4. Italy on Sunday 2nd September, and the plane arrives Rome airport at 11.00. I'm staying 0 Rome the Park Hotel for three days. Then, on Wednesday, T'm going « Thailand for five days, [arrive 6... the Plaza Hotel the centre of Bangkok late on Wednesday evening. On Saturday I'm meeting a friend of mine @ the hotel. He lives the north of Thailand and is coming «ao, Bangkok. We are going on holiday together. ‘On Monday the 10th, we are taking a boat 1)... one of the islands, Ko Samui. The Journey takes three days so we arrive there on Wednesday evening. We're seaying there for swo ‘weeks. It going to be wonderful. On the 26th we return by boat and get back 1m Bangkok on the 28th. Early the next day I fly back (y....... England. T arrive (1 home in the middle of the night. A wonderful month for me! A visit from the neighbour's cat. Look at the journey that Felix made in Sue’s garden. Complete the story with prepositions (over / up / out of /inta etc.) Felix jumped yy ever... the wall and walked «@.#1266.. the grass. Then he went o the pond and (9... the path. He walked (9... Sue's chair and 6 the table. Suddenly he jumped the table and took the fish which was 0... Sue's plate, He jumped the table with the fish. Then the dog, Rosie, came (i ..... the house and chased the cat. They both ran the bushes and cia the patio, Felix stopped suddenly but Rosie fell (13; msonw the pond, Felix looked at her and then jumped 19........ the wall again, stil holding the fish. 166 st midnight fon November 22nd 1963, a Chnsemas 2630am, in 1900 2 3 3 3 ae night 6 7 8 9 in sx weeks 10 on Thusday 167 2a 9- 3 on 10 in Gaince 11 at S unl 12 Undl 6x B fr Tin 14 fom ..t0. at 8 on 168 20 6 for 3 Dusting 7 before 4 Aker B since 5 while 9 unl 169 Bon tL At 4 Agee 12 while Sin 13 Before 6 fom 14 until Tm 15 since Boundl 16 In opeteeagAe 10 for (se the parsreph abou Jes to help eH) 170 2 son the left fon the top shelf, fcewcen the pata ad the bead 3 They onthe ake on tke boom sie oie the ma 4 Then the ag onthe mide Shale nes foe ola 5 Tero te sigh once op sl shove di col 6 Theyre below the col, tn the bono sel fae middle beeen che Bicuts and the chcolte. Example answers 7 on the right, on the top shelf, ‘opposite the brea. 8 onthe lef. [e's on the middle Shelf in the middle, berween the sugar and che eggs. 171 2x 9 bine = 10) 4a Sm 12 6a. 8 Zi, 14, Ba 172 3 pas/(around 4 dong 5 @round 6 under 7 on/onto 8 on 173 9 10 u 12 13 4 of our of through 2 are diferent from the ones/ apples you boughe yesterday 3 ‘mi not interesed in football. 4 i married to Cat,

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