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Chicken Soup 1.5. 3,50

Beef Goulash 5.13. 3,80
Onion Soup 5. 3,50

Dishes for the small hunger

Fresh garden salad (small) 3,00

Fitness salad (tall) 5,50
with cheese and ham 1.2.3. 7,60
with tuna 8,00
Dressing: Joghurt 12.13. or Balsamico 1.

French fries (small) 2,50

French Fries (tall) 4,50
Ketchup 6.13. 0,50
Mayonnaise 6. 0,50
Sauce piquant 2.6.13. 0,80
Creamy sauce vith mushrooms 12.13. 1,00
Main Dishes
Omlette with mushrooms 7,50

Bratwurst with fries 4. 5,00

Bratwurst with curry sauce with french fries 5,50
Bratwurst in creamy sauce with mushrooms 4.12.13. 6,00

Schnitzel mit Pommes 8,00

(Pork cutlet with french fries)

Zigeunerschnitzel mit Pommes 2.6.13. 9,00

(Pork cutlet with sauce piquant anf french fries)

Jgerschnitzel mit Pommes 12.13. 9,50

(Pork cutlet with creamy sauce and mushrooms)

Zwiebelschnitzel mit Pommes 10,00

(Pork cutlet with fried onions and french fries)

Hhnchenschnitzel mit Pommes 9,50

(Chicken cutlet with french fries)

Main dishes

Schweinebraten mit Rostinchen und Gemse 1.13. 11,00

(Roast pork with hash browns and vegetables)

Rinderbraten mit Rostinchen und Gemse 1.12.13. 12,50

(Roast beef with hash browns and vegetables)

Sauerbraten mit Kndel und Gemse 1.12.13. 12,50

(Marinated pork roast with potato dumplings and vegetables)

Mixed ice-cream cup with fruits 1.12. 6,00

Mixed ice-cream cup with fruits and egg flip 1.12. 7,50
Chocolate cup 1.12. 6,00
Egg flip cup 1.12. 7,00
Black Forest cup 1.12. 7,50
(Cherrys, grated chocolate, alcohol and a mix of ice-cram)

One ball of ice-creme 1.12. 1,00

(vanilla, strawberry, chocolate)
Cream 0,80

At weekends we serve homemade cakes and tarts

Beer 0,2 l 0,3l 0,5l
Warsteiner Pils 1,50 2,00 3,50
Radler (beer with lemon) 1.3. 1,50 2,00 3,50
Diebels Alt (dark beer) 1,50 2,00 3,50
Krefelder (dark beer with cola)1.9. 1,50 2,00 3,50
Malzbier (Nonalcoholic) 1,50 2,00 3,50
Schneider Weisse Weizen 3,50
Nonalcoholic Erdinger Weizen 3,50
Nonalcoholic beer (0,33 l) 2,20

Nonalcoholic drinks
Cola 1.9., Cola Zero 1.9.6. 1,50 2,00 3,50
Fanta 1.3., Sprite 1.3. 1,50 2,00 3,50
Appel juice + sparkling water 1,50 2,00 3,50
Orange juice, apple juice 2,00

Sparkling water (0,25l) 1,50

Sparkling water (1,0 l) 4,00

Hot alcoholic drinks

Glas of Grog 2,50
Glas of Tea with rum 2,50
Glhwine 2,00
Glhwine with shot 2,50
Jagertea 3,50
Wine 0,2 l
Redwine 3,80
Whitewine 3,80
Whitewine with sparkling water 2,60

Sparkling wine 0,1 l 0,75 l

Kupferberg 2,60 15,00

Longdrinks 0,1 l
Bacardi Cola 1.9. 3,00
Rum Cola 1.9. 3,00
Whisky Cola 1.9. 3,00

Spirituosen 2 cl
Feigling, Kirsch, Pflaume 1,50
Creamliquor 1,50
Eggliqour 1,50
Korn, Wacholder 1,50
Obstler, Willi 2,00
Whisky 2,00
Vodka 2,00
Weinbrand 2,00
Jgermeister 2,00
Ramazzotti 2,00
Ouzo, Sambucca 2,00
Coffee and Tea
Cup of coffee 9. 2,00
Cup of coffee (tall)9. 2,50
Jug of coffee 9. 4,00

Cup Cappuccino 9.12. 2,50

Cup Cappuccino (tall) 9.12. 3,00

Espresso 9. 2,00
Double Espresso 9. 3,50

Latte Macchiato 9.12.. 3,00

Milkcoffee 9.12.. 3,00

Tea 1,50
Jug of Tee 2,80
(black-9., fruit-, peppermint, fennel-, camomiletea)

Cup of cacao 12.. 2,00
Cup of cacao (tall) 12. 2,50
Jug of cacao 12. 4,00

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