ECE 437 Power Electronics: SVPWM Inverter Simulation

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SVPWM Inverter Simulation

ECE 437 Homework #8

Power Electronics Due: Friday, Dec. 6, 2013

Homework rules:
Homework assignments are to be completed individually.
Informal consultation with other students from the class is permitted and even
encouraged, but the copying of anothers work or any portion of it is strictly forbidden.
Any deviations from the above rules will be treated strictly per university guidelines for
student conduct.
Homework solutions should document the students thought process by including all
necessary steps as well as textual comments. Grading will be based primarily on a
demonstration of ability to provide the correct steps toward a solution rather then the
solution itself.
LATE HOMEWORK can receive a maximum of 75 pts. No homework will be accepted
after solutions are posted.

Problem 1 [100 points]

Modify the inverter excitation of your simulation from homework 7 to use SVPWM instead of 6-
step excitation. Use the parameters in the table below.

Parameter Value Parameter Value

DC Bus Voltage 100 V MOSFET Rds-on 0.2
Load Resistance (per phase) 10 Load Inductance (per phase) 0.1 H
Fundamental Frequency 50 Hz Peak phase voltage 55 V
Switching Frequency 5 kHz Switching Period 0.2 msec

Overlay the steady-state phase voltage for all three phases.

Overlay the steady-state phase currents for all three phases.
Overlay the steady-state phase current and voltage for Phase A.
Overlay the steady-state phase current for Phase A from homework 7 and the steady-state phase
current for Phase A using the SVPWM excitation.

Step 1: Creating the V_alpha and V_beta references

1) Open Matlab and open your Simulink model from homework 7.

2) Open the Simulink Library Browser.

3) Select Sources and add a Repeating Sequence to your model.

4) Double click on the Repeating Sequency in your model to open the parameter dialog for
this block.
5) Change the time values and output values to match what is shown below.

6) Under Simulink, select Ports & Subsystems. Place a Subsystem into your model.
7) Rename your Subsystem to be SVPWM.

8) Double click on the Subsystem you just added to open it. Rename the Inport to Angle
and delete the Outport.

9) Add a Trigonometric Function block to your model.

10) Double click on the Trigonometric Function block to open the parameter dialog.
11) Change the function to sincos.

12) Connect the output of the Inport block to the input of the Trig. Function block.
13) Under Math Operations, add a Gain block to your model.
14) Under Signal Routing add a From block to your model.

15) Copy and connect the Gain and From blocks as shown below. Change the Gain value to
55 (from peak phase voltage specification).
Step 2: Determining the Sector Number

1) Add a Subsystem to your model. Change the name to Determine Sector #

2) Open the Subsystem and add a Compare to Constant block.

3) Change the Output data type of the Compare to Constant block to uint8.
4) Add a Sum block to the subsystem.
5) Change the List of signs of the Sum block as shown below.
6) Add a Constant block and change the Output data type to uint8.
7) Copy and paste the blocks and change the parameters as needed to create the subsystem
as shown below. The values for the Compare to Constant values are:
pi/3, 2*pi/3, pi, 4*pi/3, and 5*pi/3

8) Go back up one level in your model.

Step 3: Determining the Duty Cycle Value for each phase

1) Add an If Action Subsystem to your model.

2) Change the name of the If Action Subsystem to Sector 1.

3) Open the subsystem for Sector 1. Delete the line connecting the Inport and Outport.
4) Copy and paste the Inport twice. Copy and paste the Outport twice.
5) Change the names of the Inports and Outports as shown below.
6) Copy and paste the Sector 1 subsystem 5 times, so you have a total of 6 in your model.
7) Add a Switch Case to your model.
8) Open the parameter dialog for the Switch Case. Change the Case conditions to match
below. Uncheck the Show default case box.

9) Connect the outports of the Switch Case to the Sector subsystems.

10) Make the connections in your model shown below.
11) Under Signal Routing add a From and a Goto block to your model.
12) Copy and connect the From and Goto blocks as shown below.

13) Add three Merge blocks to your model.

14) Add three Outports to your model. Make the connections shown below.

15) In each Sector subsystem, model the appropriate equation from the SVPWM notes in
Example: Modeling SVPWM Duty Cycle Calculations (Sector 1)

1) To program equations, the easiest way is to type the equation into a Fcn block.

2) The notation for inputs is u(#). An example is shown below.

3) For this example, u(1) is V_alpha, u(2) is V_beta, and u(3) is 2/3*V_dc.
4) In Sector 1, the two non-zero Switch states being used are [1 0 0] and [1 1 0]. t1/T
corresponds to [1 0 0], and t2/T corresponds to [1 1 0]. The remaining normalized time
(t0/T) is 1 t1/T t2/T. Half of this time will be spent in state [0 0 0], and half will be
spent in [1 1 1]. Therefore:
The duty cycle for phase A is t1/T + t2/T + (1/2)*(t0/T).
The duty cycle for phase B is t2/T + (1/2)*(t0/T).
The duty cycle for phase C is (1/2)*(t0/T).
The model looks like this.

5) Since the duty cycle outputs are being merged, a Signal Conversion block is required for
the top output. The reason for this is that all input signals to a Merge block must only be
connected to that Merge block. The Signal Conversion block is under Signal Attributes.
6) Use the equations for each individual Sector and the same logic for determining the duty
cycle of each phase.

7) Go to the top level of your model. Right click on your SVPWM subsystem and select
Block Parameters.
8) Check the box to Treat as atomic unit. Change the Sample time to 1/5000 (switching
Step 4: Creating the Gate Signals

1) Add another Subsystem to your top level model.

2) Rename the Subsystem to be GateSignals.

3) Open the GateSignals subsystem. Copy and paste the Inports and Outports and rename
them as shown below.

4) To create the gate signals, the compare value with respect to the duty cycle is required.
The compare value is 1 Duty Cycle.

5) If the carrier wave is greater than the compare value, the top switch of that phase will be
on. If the carrier wave is less than the compare value, the bottom switch of that phase
will be on.
6) Repeat this for all 3 phases as shown below.

7) Go back to the top level of your model.

Right click on the GateSignal subsystem.
Check the box to treat as an atomic unit.
Change the sample time to 1/5000/100. This will give 1% resolution on the compare
8) Copy your Repeating Sequence (used for the Angle for SVWPM) block and change the
parameters to match below. Connect the output of this to the CarrierWave input on the
GateSignals subsystem.

9) Connect the output of the SVPWM subsystem to the inputs of the GateSignals subsystem.

10) Replace the connections to the gates for the MOSFETs with the outputs of the
GateSignals subsystem.

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