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FBM KLCI 1710.24 11.30 KLCI FUTURES 1707.00 7.50 STI 3111.63 11.24 RM/USD 4.4470 CPO RM3035.

3 11.24 RM/USD 4.4470 CPO RM3035.00 36.00 OIL US$56.35 0.35 GOLD US$1231.10 3.80
PP 9974/08/2013 (032820)

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 2017 ISSUE 2348/2017

DECISIONS IOI Properties 2017 launches
worth up to RM2.5b 4 H O M E B U S I N E S S

Fake receipts at
Glencore warehouse
unit triggered sector
credit freeze START

Ekovest to pay 25 sen

special dividend after
DUKE stake sale
Petronas may
relocate Canadian
com PR1MA

r e
LNG project,

op r
says chairman Corporations proposal
Corporations proposal isis


aimed at discouraging
discouragin ng sales

DBE Gurney

expands Harumi
chain to Sabah,
eyes Taiwan, T I N GS . D
for monetary
upriya Surend
ary gains.
dran h
tory onP
as tthe
age 3.
China next N C H ES . L
Malaysia set to earn
RM1.3b revenue CChief
ief executive ocer
from medical Datuk Abdul Mutalib Alias
19 C O M M E N T

Things might be OK
if Trump borrows
Recession not on the horizon for Malaysia

There is no mystery
about a Girard-Perregaux,
simply more than two centuries of craftsmanship
and a perpetual commitment to perfection.


FBM KLCI 1710.24 11.30 KLCI FUTURES 1707.00 7.50 STI 3111.63 11.24 RM/USD 4.4470 CPO RM3035.00 36.00 OIL US$56.35 0.35 GOLD US$1231.10 3.80
PP 9974/08/2013 (032820)

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 2017 ISSUE 2348/2017

DECISIONS IOI Properties 2017 launches
worth up to RM2.5b 4 H O M E B U S I N E S S

Fake receipts at
Glencore warehouse
unit triggered sector
credit freeze START

Ekovest to pay 25 sen

special dividend after
DUKE stake sale
Petronas may
relocate Canadian
LNG project,
says chairman Corporations proposal is
6 HOME BUSINESS aimed at discouraging sales
DBE Gurney for monetary gains.
expands Harumi Supriya Surendran has the
chain to Sabah, story on Page 3.
eyes Taiwan,
China next

Malaysia set to earn

RM1.3b revenue Chief executive ocer
from medical Datuk Abdul Mutalib Alias
19 C O M M E N T

Things might be OK
if Trump borrows
Recession not on the horizon for Malaysia

There is no mystery
about a Girard-Perregaux,
simply more than two centuries of craftsmanship
and a perpetual commitment to perfection.


For breaking news updates go to

Glencore unit fake IN BRIEF

Allergan to buy
Zeltiq Aesthetics

receipts still worrying BENGALURU: Allergan plc yes-

terday said it would buy Zeltiq
Aesthetics Inc for about US$2.48
billion (RM11.01 billion) to gain
access to its flagship body con-
Connected cars touring technology. The Botox
maker agreed to pay US$56.50
conundrum The issue briefly froze credit lines for Spore metal traders last month per Zeltiq share, or a premium
of 14.4% to the companys last
Friday close. Dublin-based Al-
BY M ELANI E BU RTO N edly duplicated notes pledging metal commodity financing was a small lergan, led by its acquisitive chief
as collateral for multiple bank loans. business within [the banks] insti- executive officer Brent Saunders,
MELBOURNE: Some global banks We checked with [Access World] tutional division with only a hand- has orchestrated a flurry of deals
briefly froze credit lines for Singa- and all our stock was in good order, ful of customers, and declined to since its US$160 billion merg-
pore metal traders last month after said one of the people, an official at comment further. er with Pfizer Inc collapsed in
a unit of commodities giant Glen- a Singapore trading house. But the In its statement disclosing the April. Zeltiqs body contouring
core uncovered fake warehousing firm did have its credit lines tempo- incident, Access World said it had technology, the CoolSculpting
receipts, people familiar with the rarily frozen by several banks while become aware of forged warehouse System, is US Food and Drug
matter said, reviving the spectre of they investigated, the person said, receipts and urged holders of its administration approved and
a US$3 billion scandal that rocked speaking on condition of anonymity. warehouse receipts to authenticate works by cooling targeted fat
the trading world three years ago. Metals traders told Reuters that a them. Last week, it said it would cells to naturally induce their
The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd Though the impact has proved raft of international banks involved provide authentication for clients elimination, without affecting
(266980-X) limited so far, the forged receipts in providing finance to the sector, certificates from Feb 10 to 15, after surrounding tissue. Reuters
Level 3, Menara KLK, No 1 Jalan PJU 7/6,
for nickel stocks that Glencores including Australias ANZ, Frances which it would honour duly authen-
Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia Access World unit said it found it Natixis and Rabobank of the Neth- ticated original warehouse receipts. Ex-municipal council
still set alarm bells ringing even erlands, temporarily froze some The warehouse receipts con- president held by MACC
though regulation and scrutiny credit lines before for the most part cerned applied to stockpiles in Sin- KUALA LUMPUR: A former
have been tightened across the resuming business. gapore, the people said. Reuters president of a municipal coun-
Publisher and Group CEO Ho Kay Tat business since the 2014 Qingdao Natixis declined to comment. Ra- was unable to confirm the volumes cil in Negeri Sembilan has been
port scandal in China. bobank said it was aware of the news involved, nor whether finance had detained by the Malaysian An-
EDITORIAL Two people who have metal stor- on forged warehouse certificates cir- been advanced against them, or ti-Corruption Commission
For News Tips/Press Releases
Tel: 03-7721 8219 Fax: 03-7721 8038
age dealings with Access World said culating in the name of Access World, which, if any other locations were (MACC) for suspected cor-
Email: the company told them the receipts and was assessing the situation, but affected. ruption and power abuse. Also
were from a third party, not issued could not comment further. Glencore itself declined to com- detained were three contrac-
Editor-in-Chief Azam Aris internally. At Qingdao, a firm alleg- ANZ said that its warehouse ment. Reuters tors who were believed to have
Executive Editors Kathy Fong,
Jenny Ng, Siow Chen Ming,
been awarded several projects
Ooi Inn Leong, Diana Khoo by the former council presi-
Associate Editors R B Bhattacharjee, dent. According to a source, the
Joyce Goh, Jose Barrock,
Vasantha Ganesan
Editors Cindy Yeap, Kang Siew Li
Assistant Editors Adeline Paul Raj,
VW talks with union break down suspect, aged 63, was arrested
at his residence in Seremban
at about 11.30am yesterday.
Tan Choe Choe, S Kanagaraju The suspect is believed to have
Chief Copy Editor Halim Yaacob BY ANDREAS C RE M E R week, saying executives were trying to porary staff on its books because of committed the offences when
Senior Copy Editor Melanie Proctor
Copy Editors Tham Yek Lee,
squeeze greater savings than agreed shrinking demand for its models. he was district officer and then
Tham Kid Cheng BERLIN: Volkswagens (VW) talks in November. Yesterday, VWs works We would welcome if the municipal council president
Art Director Sharon Khoh with unions over the implementa- council indicated that tensions be- groups management would more between September 2009 and
Design Team Cheryl Loh, tion of its turnaround plan were bro- tween its head Bernd Osterloh and strongly deal with the implemen- August last year, the source
Valerie Chin, Aaron Boudville,
Aminullah Abdul Karim,
ken off yesterday, both sides said, VW brand chief Herbert Diess had not tation of the future pact and the said when contacted by Ber-
Tun Mohd Zaan Mohd Zaabah, leaving in limbo a deal on cost-cut- eased and called for VW group chief compliance with agreements, a nama yesterday. Bernama
Noorain Duasa ting following the carmakers dam- executive Matthias Mueller to play a council spokesman said via email.
aging diesel emissions scandal. greater role in resolving the dispute. A spokesman for VW confirmed Govt mulling legal curb
Labour bosses at VW halted coop- Unions say Diess wants to cut that talks have been postponed. on online insults MCMC
Manager Katherine Tan
Senior Coordinator Maryani Hassan eration with management on issues temporary workers more quickly and Mueller, in a letter to staff yesterday CYBERJAYA: The government is
including overtime work, efficien- deeply than agreed. VW has said it seen by Reuters, indicated he may considering a proposal to intro-
CORPORATE cy gains and apprenticeships last cannot keep a large number of tem- get more directly involved. Reuters duce a legislative framework to
Chief Operating Ocer
Lim Shiew Yuin
make the uploading of insults or
false news an offence, said the
ADVERTISING & MARKETING Malaysian Communications
To advertise contact and Multimedia Commission
GL: (03) 7721 8000
Fax: (03) 7721 8288
(MCMC). It said although action
Chief Commercial Ocer could be taken against offend-
Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056 ers under the provisions of the
General Manager existing Act, a study on the need
Kingston Low (012) 278 5540
Senior Sales Managers
to extend the provisions was
Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831 now underway to include other
Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614 platforms such as news portals.
Kamalesan Parama (012) 394 4855 The proposal came about after it
Michael Tan (012) 213 0252
Creative Marketing
received many complaints from
Chris Wong (016) 687 6577 members of the public on false
Head of Marketing Support & Ad Trac news and insulting postings of
Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001 late. Bernama

Abe sees tougher US
To order copy stance on North Korea
Tel: 03-7721 8034 / 8033 TOKYO: The US stance towards
Fax: 03-7721 8282
North Korea, which on Sunday
test fired a ballistic missile, is likely to become tougher than
Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief before, Japanese Prime Minister
Au Foong Yee Shinzo Abe said yesterday. I be-
Editor Lam Jian Wyn lieve that the stance of the US to-
Contributing Editor Sharon Kam
Assistant Editor James Chong wards North Korea will become
much tougher, that is clear, Abe
Account Director
FOREIGNERS CONTINUE TO DITCH MSIAN BONDS ... Foreigners net sold Malaysian debt for a fth said on an NHK public broad-
consecutive month in January, while Indonesian and South Korean bonds saw inows. Malaysian bonds net sales stood at US$879 million casting news programme, after
Sharon Chew (012) 316 5628
(RM3.9 billion) in January while Indonesia and South Korea together saw a near US$3 billion worth of inows in bonds. Outows from Indian returning from meetings with
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT bonds continued for a fourth straight month, while Thailand bonds received foreign interest after three months of net sales. Reuters US President Donald Trump
Senior Manager Elizabeth Lay in the US. Reuters

PR1MA: Start Recession not on the horizon

for Malaysia economists

moratorium BY S A N G E E T H A


Policymakers must
be prepared to
continue protecting

from CCC date domestic growth

Donald Trumps protectionist
policies are expected to affect
global trade growth, with Ma- and safeguard
laysia facing a 0.5% dip in gross Malaysia from
domestic product (GDP) this
year if Chinas GDP declines 1%
as a result.
However, economists think
Its proposal is aimed at discouraging sales for monetary gains Malaysia could generally remain
resilient to protectionisms over- said Lee. In Budget 2017, the
arching reach with GDP growth government is focusing on crit-
BY SU PRI YA SU REN DRAN Scheme (SPEF) yesterday. with the banks, in particular the four maintained between 4% and 4.5% ical expenditure such as infra-
The PR1MA programme was es- banks involved in the SPEF, [indicat- driven by domestic consumption. structure to ease peoples burden
KUALA LUMPUR: Perbadanan tablished by the government to help ed] that the banks prefer a shorter RHB Research Institute, in a along with policies to help sup-
PR1MA Malaysia has submitted the middle-income group manage moratorium period compared with report yesterday, said US protec- port the middle-income group.
a proposal to the government for their cost of living in the urban ar- a longer one. tionis policies could lower global Most importantly, it must
the moratorium on reselling im- eas, specifically to help them own The needs of the homebuyers trade, in a worst-case scenario, continue to strengthen our fun-
posed on buyers of its houses to a home amid escalating property also change. Over the course of by 20% that results in a hammer- damentals and ensure investor
commence from the date the Cer- prices. time, they may want a slightly big- ing in export growth in China confidence in foreign direct in-
tificate of Completion and Compli- On Jan 18, PR1MA announced ger house, so [the reduction of the and Asean, causing an economic vestment and [the] capital mar-
ance (CCC) issued. two policy changes to its pro- moratorium period] allows them to recession. ket. Domestically, we have to
Under existing rules, the morato- gramme, namely the decision to upgrade their homes. In Asean, Singapore would see the measures implemented,
rium which has been shortened reduce the moratorium period for Based on the target group (those suffer the most due to it having he said.
to five years from 10 years starts the resale of PR1MA homes from 10 with a household income level of the largest trade exposure, fol- Hong Leong Investment Bank
when the land title is duly trans- years to five years, and the widen- between RM2,500 and RM15,000 a lowed by Malaysia and Thailand. research head and economist
ferred to the end-purchaser. ing range of eligibility of the house- month) we have, we feel five years is The impact to the Philippines and Sia Ket Ee said so far it has been
PR1MAs (1Malaysia Peoples hold monthly income level from a reasonable time for them to hold Indonesia would be relatively difficult to quantify the impact
Housing) chief executive officer RM10,000 to RM15,000. on to the property, he said. smaller, it said. from US trade policies but it was
Datuk Abdul Mutalib Alias said the In response to the move by PR- As for the widening of the house- Identifying three scenarios clear that Trump was safeguard-
proposal is aimed at discouraging 1MA, the National House Buyers hold income eligibility to RM15,000, that could pan out as Trump so- ing American jobs.
buyers from selling PR1MA homes Association said the reduction of Abdul Mutalib disagreed with the lidifies his policies in due time, There would not be trade bar-
for monetary gains, leading to spec- the moratorium period would lead notion that this would mean that RHB said by sectors, tech and riers on us because there is no
ulative activities. to speculative activities. The associ- PR1MA no longer caters to the needs electronic companies would be competitive edge with us. Our
We are proposing [for the mor- ation then suggested that the gov- of the middle-income group. vulnerable in a trade war while exports are one-third commod-
atorium period to commence] from ernment commence the moratori- If you look at our database, 64% the impact on others depends on ity-related and two-thirds man-
the date of the [issuance of the CCC] um period from the date of vacant of our [applicants] are those with a the overall economic conditions. ufacturing. [On the other hand]
and it is now up to the government. possession, or in other words the household income of RM2,500 to In the first scenario, a milder despite our trade with China, we
In principle, the five-year mor- date the completed unit is handed RM4,000 per month. We decided approach is expected of Trump might not be affected because
atorium period has been agreed over to the purchaser. to extend the eligibility [because] where due to constraints by the our driver of growth is domestic
to, but where the detailed mecha- Abdul Mutalib said PR1MA de- we noted that there are people with US Congress he might retain pol- consumption, said Sia.
nism is concerned, we are looking cided to reduce the moratorium a household income of RM11,000 icies at status quo. Taylors Business School sen-
at [commencing] from the date of period from 10 years to five years to RM12,000 per month who cant In the second scenario where ior lecturer Dr Chung Tin Fah
the CCC, he told a news conference after consultation with the banks. afford to buy homes at the current policies implemented by Trump told The Edge Financial Daily via
on PR1MAs Special End-Financing Our dialogues and engagement market prices, he said. are consistent with trading stance email that he saw no problem
but without the controversial bits, with a recession as Asian coun-
RHB said Malaysia would benefit tries were keen on countering
from US exports. with their own measures.

SPEF to increase financing chances In the final scenario, deemed

worst with US implementing all
America First and Make Amer-
Governments worry about
growth and how this translates
into jobs. Given this concern,

for PR1MA applicants ica Great policies including the

controversial parts, Malaysia, un-
der simulations that global trade
I dont see a prolonged reces-
sion. Whatever hiccups caused
by Trump would only result in
could fall up to 20% in 2017, could countermeasures and policies.
BY SU PRI YA SU REN DRAN Sample of Loan Eligibility experience a maximum of 21% China has the largest GDP in
plunge in exports, as GDP de- the world today based on peo-
KUALA LUMPUR: Approximately (RM) celerates at 2.1%. ples purchasing power valua-
60% of applicants who booked a Income 3,000 Independent economist Lee tion, though it is dependent on
1Malaysia Peoples Housing (PR- Less: Statutory Deduction Heng Guie said if a trade war exports. If China can get its act
1MA) home last year have to put (Income Tax, EPF, SOCSO) 345 intensifies between the US and together, Trumps protectionism
aside their home ownership dreams China, it will affect the latters will only present China [with] an
Net Income 2,655
as they could not obtain, or could growth which can fall below 5% opportunity to eventually take
only partially obtain, the required less: Net Disposable Income 1,000 (from the forecast 6.5% for 2017), over the US role, said Chung.
financing. less: Other loans 750 triggering a hard landing scenario United Overseas Bank (M)
Taking this into consideration, (Education, Motor Vehicle) but that depends on the meas- Bhd economist Julia Goh agreed
Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia has Balance 905 ures it takes. that if the US goes ahead with all
introduced a special end-financing Plus EPF** 216 However, trade matters alone of Trumps controversial propos-
scheme named Skim Pembiayaan Income Available for SPEF 1,121
cannot push China into a crisis als that trigger retaliations from
Fleksibel (SPEF), created exclusively unless it is compounded by its China, the region could suffer
*Loan eligibility : RM1,121/(4.75%/12 months) = RM283,200
for PR1MA homebuyers. high-debt exposure, Lee told a severe pullback in trade and
**EPF Calculation: RM3,000 x 24% (Total EPF Contribution) x 30% (EPF Account 2 allocation)
The scheme is in collaboration The Edge Financial Daily. growth.
Source : PR1MA
with Bank Negara Malaysia, the Em- Last year, exports to China But by observation, we think
ployees Provident Fund (EPF) and made up 12.5% of Malaysias a more likely outcome is one that
four local banks, namely Malayan and by providing access to a higher the loan is settled. overall exports while the US ex- removes the controversial seg-
Banking Bhd, CIMB Group Holdings loan amount than they would oth- The step-up option combined ports were 10.2%. Thus a trade ments and that Trump would be
Bhd, RHB Bank Bhd and AMMB erwise be eligible for with conven- with withdrawals from EPF Account war could mean a fall of 0.5% in able to implement some of his
Holdings Bhd. tional loans. 2 means that homebuyers can have GDP if Chinas GDP fell by 1% as reflationary policies such as the
PR1MA chief executive officer The cornerstone of SPEF is the access to a larger loan amount. a result of that. US$1 trillion (RM4.44 trillion)
Datuk Abdul Mutalib Alias said the step-up only or the step-up with Examples of the scheme are illus- Policymakers must be pre- infrastructure plan, tax cuts for
scheme will make home ownership EPF Account 2 withdrawal options, trated in the table given, assuming pared to continue protecting corporations, and selective tariffs
possible, especially for first-time where in the first five years, only in- that the interest rate of the SPEF is at domestic growth and safeguard for incoming goods rather than a
homebuyers by increasing their terest is paid. The principal amount 4.75%, higher than the average con- Malaysia from Trumponomics, blanket tariff approach, she said.
chances of getting a home loan, kicks in from year six onwards until ventional loan interest rate of 4.45%.

IOI Properties launches

worth up to RM2.5b in 2017
Projects evenly spread between local and overseas markets, says CEO
BY Y I MI E YONG moving forward, probably Singa- velopment, its always the location this new addition to its land bank pect the groups dividend payout
pore will be catching up as one of [that matters]. If you dont buy is an opportunity for the group to be affected by its rights issue
KUALA LUMPUR: IOI Properties our projects, The Trilinq at Jalan now, you will never get it again, to venture into prime office de- plan. The new share issuance is
Group Bhd is looking to launch Lempeng which has a total GDV he added. velopment in Singapores central expected to lead to earnings per
property projects worth a total of S$1 billion (RM3.13 billion), Last November, IOI Properties business district. share dilution due to an expanded
gross development value (GDV) will be completed next month, announced that its wholly-owned Current property developments issued base.
of RM2 billion to RM2.5 billion he said, adding that locked-in subsidiary, Wealthy Link Pte Ltd, in Singapore undertaken by IOI If you look at our track record,
this year. sales for the project are close to had successfully tendered for a Properties comprise Seascape and our earnings have been improving
We are quite spread out, said S$700 million. 1.09ha plot in Singapores Central Cape Royale at Sentosa Cove, City- every year despite the relatively
its chief executive officer (CEO) Earlier in the EGM, sharehold- Boulevard for S$2.57 billion from scape at Farrer Park, and The Tri- weak market. So, we have managed
Lee Yeow Seng. We have ongoing ers approved the proposed ratifi- the city states Urban Redevelop- linq at Jalan Lempeng. to achieve very good results even
projects in Singapore, [the] Klang cation related to a S$2.57 billion ment Authority. The Yeow Seng also allayed con- when the market is slow, he said.
Valley, Johor and Xiamen (China). land tender in Singapore and the bid for the prime cerns about falling rents and a Going forward, Yeow Seng said
Speaking to reporters after proposed one-for-four rights is- tract, located in supply glut that haunts Singa- that with the recovery in the prop-
the groups extraordinary gener- sue of up to 1.11 billion shares at the Marina Bay pores office market. erty market, IPO Properties earn-
al meeting (EGM) yesterday, Yeow a price of RM1.38 per share. area, is report- The project will be complet- ings will be even higher.
Seng said sales contribution is IOI Properties executive chair- edly the highest ed in 2021. So, the timing is in We will still be able to pay out
evenly spread between the local man Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng said for a government fact very good for us. If you look good dividends to shareholders,
and overseas markets, which he shareholders were supportive of land sale. at supply in the next few years, he said, adding that the new pro-
described as well diversified. the land deal. IOI Properties there is hardly any new supply, ject in Singapore will contribute
He said IOI Properties had no Its for long-term investment. said then that especially for Grade A office space substantially to the groups earn-
plans to separate its local and in- They are seasoned investors. They nothing comparable is coming ings in the future.
ternational businesses like the Eco congratulated us for successfully up in the next five years. Besides paying dividends, we
World group. bidding for the land, he said. We are going to be in will reinvest in our business to
We find that being diversified When it comes to property de- a very good position to ensure we have long-term profit-
puts us in a stronger position to offer a new development ability, he shared.
counter the different cycles of the that will be very prime, IOI Properties shares closed
markets, he said. Yeow Seng: We nd that being diversied he said. unchanged at RM2.12 yesterday,
In the last financial year, Chi- puts us in a stronger position to counter Meanwhile, Yeow bringing a market capitalisation
na had a higher contribution. But the dierent cycles of the markets. Seng also does not ex- of RM9.34 billion.


CDRC will no longer mediate among Ekovest to pay 25 sen special dividend post DUKE stake sale
Kinsteel, Perwaja and their creditors BY C HE S TE R TAY with the payout slated for March 8. stake sale, Ekovest is left with a
Ekovest previously said it was 60% stake in Kesturi.
BY SU L H I A ZMAN Bank (M) Bhd, Bank Muamalat KUALA LUMPUR: Ekovest Bhd, disposing of a 40% equity interest Ekovest said the remainder of
Malaysia Bhd, Standard Chartered which has completed the sale of a held in Konsortium Lebuhraya the disposal proceeds will be used
KUALA LUMPUR: The Corporate Bank Malaysia Bhd, CIMB Bank 40% stake in the Duta-Ulu Kelang Utara-Timur (KL) Sdn Bhd (Kes- for repayment of borrowings, exit
Debt Restructuring Committee Bhd, Malayan Banking Bhd, Hong Expressway (DUKE) concession turi) to the EPF for RM1.13 billion. payment, working capital and ex-
(CDRC) will no longer assist in the Leong Bank Bhd, AmIslamic Bank to the Employees Provident Fund Kesturi is the concessionaire of penses for the corporate exercise.
mediation among troubled steel Bhd, AmBank (M) Bhd and TMF (EPF), will be paying a 25 sen spe- DUKE, a 34km highway comprising In a separate announcement yes-
maker Kinsteel Bhd, its 28.39% Trustees Malaysia Bhd to restruc- cial dividend to shareholders. two phases, with a concession pe- terday, Ekovest also updated that its
associate Perwaja Holdings Bhd ture and settle the outstanding In a filing with Bursa Malaysia riod of 54 years. It was previously share split, which involves the sub-
and their lenders. debts owing to the creditors. yesterday, Ekovest said its shares an indirect wholly-owned unit of division of every two existing shares
The CDRC, established by Bank To date, Kinsteel has not been will trade ex-dividend on Feb 23, Ekovest. Upon completion of the into five, will also go ex on Feb 23.
Negara Malaysia, on Sept 26, 2013 able to fulfil the conditions prec-
approved Kinsteels application edent in the DRA, said Kinsteel.
for the committee to assist as me- Meanwhile, the removal from
diator between the Kinsteel group the CDRCs purview follows Per- PDZ owes up to RM3.81m to its vessel fuel suppliers
and the creditors. wajas earlier move to abort its
In separate filings with Bursa regularisation plan after the lapse BY C HE S TE R TAY cure slots from third-party vessels rem and a warrant of arrest.
Malaysia yesterday, both Kinsteel of its agreements with Chinese as an interim measure to continue PDZ was also issued writs in
and Perwaja said the CDRC had conglomerate Tianjin Zhiyuan In- KUALA LUMPUR: PDZ Holdings providing customers with the same admiralty action in rem by CCK
notified the companies of their vestment Group Co Ltd (Zhiyuan). Bhd, which had its vessel PDZ Me- services as currently provided by Petroleum Sdn Bhd, CCK Capital
removal from the committees To recap, Perwaja and its sub- wah arrested last month, allegedly the vessel, it said. Ltd and CCK Petroleum (Labuan)
purview from Feb 7, 2017. sidiary Perwaja Steel entered into owes four of its vessel fuel suppliers PDZ added that its solicitor Ltd as they seek delivery of con-
Moving forward, Kinsteel and a master framework agreement as much as RM3.81 million. Mohd Latip & Associates had via tainers which were shipped on
Perwaja will negotiate a resolu- with Zhiyuan in July 2015 to for- In a filing with Bursa Malaysia its letters dated Jan 26, 2017 and board PDZ Mewah by Perkapalan
tion of its debts directly with the malise arrangements in relation yesterday, PDZ said the ship ar- Feb 7, 2017 stated that it is of the Dai Zhun Sdn Bhd, a former sub-
lenders. The board is currently to the proposed regularisation rest results in losses of RM90,000 view that the group has a strong ar- sidiary of PDZ.
deliberating on the next course scheme. Under the deal, Zhiyuan to RM100,000 per month for the guable case to challenge the arrest The group sold its entire stake in
of action, and will make further was to pump in RM1.8 billion to group. and set aside the claims. Perkapalan Dai Zhun last Decem-
announcements in due course, revive the steel maker. It attributed the losses to the ad- Last month, PDZ announced ber to Salvage Point Ltd. Prior to the
they added. The plan could have seen Zhi- ditional costs arising from purchas- that its vessel was arrested by disposal, PDZ Mewahs ownership
On Feb 27, 2015, Kinsteel and yuan emerge as the largest share- ing slots from third-party vessels. Dan-Bunkering (Singapore) Pte was transferred to PDZ.
its 51%-owned subsidiary Perfect holder of Perwaja, with a 64% The financial and operational Ltd for non-payment of the supply PDZ also said the net book val-
Channel Sdn Bhd entered into stake. impact on the group is expected to of marine fuel oil and marine gas ue of PDZ Mewah for the financial
a debt restructuring agreement Both Kinsteel and Perwaja are be minimal as the group has made oil to the vessel, with PDZ being year ended June 30, 2015 stood at
(DRA) with RHB Bank Bhd, OCBC Practice Note 17 companies. the necessary arrangements to se- served a writ admiralty action in RM4.68 million.

Multi Sports
Petronas mulling relocation reveals alleged
transactions and
of Canadian LNG terminal lawsuit

KUALA LUMPUR: China-based

Chairmans statement comes amid continued opposition to the US$27b project shoemaker Multi Sports Holdings
Ltd, which is going to miss anoth-
er fiscal reporting due date today,
BY A H MA D NAQ I B IDR IS 190 conditions on the project says it has received details of al-
approval, which included a limit leged unreported transactions and
KUALA LUMPUR: Petroliam Na- on carbon emissions. litigation involving its operating
sional Bhd (Petronas) said it is It was a three-year wait for unit in China and the companys
considering shifting its Pacific Mohd Sidek: Petronas and its partners to ac- senior management.
Northwest project in Canada, We have to take quire the permit to start works on In a bourse filing yesterday,
amid opposition to the US$27 into account the multibillion project, pending Multi Sports said the unit was Jin-
billion (RM119.88 billion) lique- the various the release of the Canadian Envi- jiang Baixing Shoe Materials Ltd.
fied natural gas (LNG) terminal factors. If it ronmental Assessment Agencys Should the allegations be vali-
project due to environmental is warranted, final report. dated, such information would
concerns. we will do Petronas has a majority stake be material and would need to be
Petronas chairman Tan Sri it. Photo by in the project, while China Petro- incorporated into the outstanding
Mohd Sidek Hassan said the na- Izwan Nazam chemical Corp, Japan Petroleum annual report, it said.
tional oil major could move the Exportation Co, Indian Oil Corp As such, the company said it
project elsewhere if necessary. and Brunei National Petroleum is unable to release its outstand-
We have to take into account Co are minority shareholders. ing annual report for the financial
the various factors. If it is warrant- In November 2015, Pacific year ended Dec 31, 2015 (FY15)
ed, we will do it, he told reporters Northwest LNG received an en- and quarterly results for the sec-
on the sidelines of the Economic vironmental certificate from the ond quarter of FY16 (2QFY16) and
Governance in the Public Sector It was reported that New Dem- export terminal to avoid a sensitive provincial government, which 3QFY16 today.
forum organised by the Malaysian ocratic Party leader John Horgan marine area, with the docking fa- included eight conditions, in- In addition, discussions with its
Economic Association. had told reporters that the project cilities to be moved to the neigh- cluding the development of an auditor, Messrs RT LLP, regarding
Bloomberg recently reported was poorly sited and had vowed bouring Ridley Island, which could air quality and deposition mon- the outstanding annual report and
that the race for the office of the pre- to find a better location for the pro- incur some additional cost. itoring programme and the de- audit fees are still ongoing, it said.
mier in British Columbia presented ject if he gets elected. The Canadian government gave velopment of a tissue sampling It first missed filing its FY15
another hurdle for Petronas Pacific Petronas was reportedly consid- the green light for the project in programme to assess toxin con- annual report on April 30. At the
Northwest LNG terminal project. ering changing its plans for the LNG September last year but had placed centrations in fish. time, it said the delay was caused
by additional works by its exter-
nal auditor, specifically to verify
expenditure incurred and bank

Ex-top govt official urges Putrajaya to trim civil service balances.

Days earlier before missing the
deadline, two of the companys
independent directors, Ang Wei
BY A H MA D NAQ I B I DRIS exercise may be costly. was quoted by a local newspaper as Malaysian Directors Academy Chuan and Bernard Tan Chin Teik,
It may cost the government saying that Malaysia had the worlds director Tan Sri Muhammad Rais quit the board on April 20, citing
KUALA LUMPUR: Former finance heavy expenditure to retrench but largest proportion of civil service, Abdul Karim was also of the opin- personal reasons. They were also
ministry secretary-general and Eco- it is worthwhile to do it while we with one civil servant for every 19.37 ion that the 1.6 million reportedly members of the audit committee
nomic Planning Unit director-gener- can still afford to do it, and not until people in the country. cited by Johari does not accurate- of the company.
al Tan Sri Mohd Sheriff Kassim says we are forced into a financial crisis Johari said the bloated civil ser- ly reflect the size of the Malaysian Failure to file the FY15 annual
the government should consider like Greece. vice of 1.6 million had caused yearly civil service. report had resulted in the compa-
shrinking the countrys bloated civil We dont want to be in that sit- increases in government expendi- When I did the research, it was nys listing in Taiwan under a Taiwan
service, as it may not be sustaina- uation. I think we should do it grad- ture, highlighting that public serv- quite the contrary. I found the civil Depository Receipts programme to
ble in the event of a financial crisis. ually. It is kinder to do it now, with ants total pay skyrocketed to RM74 service isnt that bloated. They said be delisted on Nov 1. The delisting
Mohd Sheriff, who is also the incentives, than to suddenly cut their billion in 2016, compared with RM22 that weve got 1.6 million civil serv- was also because it had failed to
immediate past president of the salaries and pensions at a time when billion in 2003. ants. I found that the 1.6 million is issue the 2016 half-year financial
Malaysian Economic Association they can least afford it, he said dur- However, MEA president Tan Sri not the number of employed civil reports, as required under the Tai-
(MEA), said the retrenchment of ing his session at the forum on pub- Sulaiman Mahbob, who was also servants, but the number of posts wan Securities Exchange Act and
lower-level civil servants should lic sector governance entitled Eco- present at the forum yesterday, said in the civil service, and a lot of those the exchanges regulations.
be looked at, even though the nomic Governance: Public Sector the term bloated does not really re- posts are not filled, he said. In July, its chief financial officer
organised by b the MEA yesterday. flect the actual size of the civil service. Muhammad Rais said the filled resigned, saying he could not per-
In order to meet the 3% fiscal You must consider the techni- posts amount to about 1.2 million, form his duties after the resigna-
deficit target,
targe Mohd Sheriff said the cal definition of civil service. Ours equivalent to a civil servant to per- tion of the company secretary and
government needs to consider this
governmen includes the armed forces while the son ratio of 1:45, which puts Malay- agent in June, with no action from
move as a cost-cutting
c measure. neighbouring countries dont. So it ap- sias civil service among the ranks the company to resolve the issues.
Two wee
weeks ago, Second Finance pears to be bloated. Im not saying its of the Japanese and Koreans, with Its independent non-executive di-
Minister Datuk
Da Johari Abdul Ghani not big, but its not bloated, said Su- ratios of around 1:50. rector Wong Wang Lam also quit
laiman on the sidelines of the forum. Out of the 1.2 million filled posts, around the same time.
Mohd Sheri: It is kinder to do it now, To him, the government should if you take out the military, the med- Following a special general
with incentives, than to suddenly cut consider other alternatives such ical staff, the teachers and the po- meeting requisitioned by Param-
their salaries and pensions at a time as redeployment of staff to other lice, its down to 695,000 filled posts, jit Singh Gill, a shareholder with
when they can least aord it. Photo departments, before it considers which makes us comparable with no less than 10% stake in the com-
by Chu Juck Seng retrenchment. other countries, he said. pany, Multi Sports appointed six
new independent directors last
November tasked with carrying
out an independent investigation
Bank Rakyat to enter Indonesian market in 2Q into the companys affairs, and
appointed a new Malaysian agent.
Trading of Multi Sports shares
KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Rakyat standing with Indonesias largest Its chief retail banking officer ing services to the country, he said. has been suspended since May 10
will enter the Indonesian market bank, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Mohd Shahril Isa said Malaysia BRI was set up in 1895 and last year, after the company failed
in the second quarter (2Q) of this yesterday. had the highest number of money has 50 million retail clients, with to submit its 2015 annual report.
year after getting approvals from In a statement, the bank said the order transactions worth US$1.9 over 10,612 business and services Prior to the suspension, Mul-
the authorities, including Bank collaboration would enable both bilion (RM8.4 billion) to Indone- branches all over Indonesia, while ti Sports shares closed at 3.5 sen
Negara Malaysia. banks to provide money order ser- sia in 2016. Bank Rakyat is the largest Islamic on May 9 a 95% drop from its
To this end, the bank said, it had vices to over 700,000 Indonesians This is one of the main factors cooperative bank in Malaysia with initial public offering price of 80
signed a memorandum of under- in Malaysia. for Bank Rakyat to expand its bank- 147 branches. Bernama sen in 2009.

CSC Steel warns

DBE Gurney expands of volatile
HRC prices

Harumi chain to Sabah BY C H E S T E R TAY

KUALA LUMPUR: A substantial

rise in production cost, due to
higher cost of raw materials that
was exacerbated by the rapid
It also plans to grow its brand in China, Taiwan weakening of the ringgit against
the greenback, caused CSC Steel
Holdings Bhds earnings to fall
BY SA MA NTHA HO neighbouring countries such as by 78% in its final quarter of the
Indonesia, Thailand, and Myan- financial year 2016.
KOTA KINABALU: Integrated mar, said Ding. The steel product makers net
poultry company DBE Gurney DBE Gurney had previously profit shrank to RM6.19 million
Resources Bhd will open two new engaged established Taiwanese in the fourth quarter ended Dec
Harumi fast food restaurants in firms and partners with regard to 31, 2016 (4QFY16) from RM28.53
Sabah this year, as part of its plan the development and marketing million a year ago despite im-
to expand the local fried chicken of Harumi products. proved revenue, which grew 18%
brand across Southeast Asia, as The group is targeting Harumi year-on-year to RM286.92 mil-
well as Taiwan and China. to contribute 30% of its revenue in lion from RM242.54 million on
Apart from restaurant formats, the current financial year ending higher sales volume and higher
the group will open 19 kiosks and Dec 31, 2017, while its existing selling prices.
two food trucks in the state. This core business of supplying fresh Nevertheless, it declared a fi-
is part of its expansion plan to chicken to KFC Malaysia and QSR nal dividend of 10 sen per share,
establish 3,000 kiosks, 300 food Foods is expected of contribute the together with a four sen special
trucks and 30 Harumi restaurants remaining 70% of revenue. dividend, for FY16.
across Malaysia by 2018. Harumi products currently On a cumulative basis, the
Harumi was launched in Octo- have a profit margin of some 20% groups FY16 net profit grew 26%
ber last year and has since grown and have helped DBE Gurney to y-o-y to RM68.69 million from
to 200 kiosks and express outlets, maintain profitability over the last RM54.60 million, though revenue
three food trucks and three restau- three quarters, according to Ding. remained flat at RM1.04 billion
rants across Peninsular Malaysia. For the nine months ended versus RM1.02 billion previously.
At the same time, DBE Gurney Sept 30, 2016, the group posted The significant earnings rise is
plans to set up new Harumi restau- a net profit of RM1.18 million mainly due to lower cost of hot-
rants in Taiwan and Chongqing, Ding (left) exchanging documents with Coseni chairman Arnez Hamidi@Abd Hamid compared to a net loss of RM5.58 rolled coils (HRCs), and larger
China within the second quarter Hassan, after the MoU signing on Sunday. Looking on are Coseni members. million, even though revenue fell overall sales volume, it said.
of this year, leveraging on the ex- 12.3% to RM83.93 million from For 2017, CSC Steel said the
pertise of DBE Gurneys Taiwan- RM95.71 million. weak ringgit and unpredictable
ese partner. On concerns about cost of ob- business environment are expect-
In Taiwan itself, we target to Poultry Sdn Bhd signed a MoU Koperasi Malaysia in Sabah that taining fresh chicken meat in Sa- ed to continue to affect local de-
open 10 restaurants this year, DBE with Coseni, offering selected aims to improve the living stand- bah, the Perak-based DBE Gurney mand for its products and its abili-
Gurney group managing director cooperative members to partici- ards of its members through their is looking into partnerships with ty to pass on further cost increases
Datuk Alex Ding Seng Huat told pate in the Harumi business pro- involvement in small businesses. established local poultry farmers, to downstream customers.
journalists at the signing of a mem- gramme. Under the MoU, DBE will train he said. Our main raw material, HRC,
orandum of understanding (MoU) Coseni has so far committed the selected members to manage The group also faces the risk has been trending upwards due to
with Koperasi Penggiat Seni Sabah to an initial investment sum of and operate the royalty-free Haru- of currency volatility as a large increases in coking coal and iron
Bhd (Coseni) here on Sunday. RM1 million for its members to mi establishments while ensuring portion of its raw materials is im- ore prices, the main inputs in the
He added that the group will set purchase, promote and operate they adhere to Harumis operating ported, according to Ding. manufacturing of HRC. However,
up a subsidiary there to handle its kiosks, food trucks and restau- procedures. DBE Gurney shares closed the price of coking coal has seen
international operations. rants under the halal fried chick- In the future, we hope to unchanged at 3.5 sen yesterday, a sharp correction recently and
On Sunday, DBE Gurneys en franchise. The cooperative is a replicate the business model bringing a market capitalisation this increases the volatility of the
wholly-owned subsidiary DBE platform approved by Suruhanjaya and success of Harumi in other of RM40.65 million. HRC prices which may impact our
profitability, it added.


DNeX to advise on Thai borders road Hua Yang CEO joins board of Magna Prima
charge vehicle entry permit system BY S U LHI AZ M AN yesterday, Hua Yang said Hos on performance. He is also re-
appointment is to represent the sponsible for driving the growth
BY SYAHIRAH SYED JAAFAR of the project, it added. KUALA LUMPUR: Magna Pri- companys interest in Magna Pri- of Hua Yangs revenue and profit
DNeX executive deputy chair- ma Bhd has appointed Ho Wen ma and to stay abreast of devel- margins.
KUALA LUMPUR: Dagang NeX- man Datuk Samsul Husin said the Yan as executive director of the opments in the investee com- On Jan 25, Hua Yang, through
change Bhd (DNeX) has been appointment is a testimony to company. pany. its wholly-owned subsidiary Pris-
appointed the exclusive project DNeXs knowledge, expertise and This follows the acquisition of Ho, 42, is presently executive ma Pelangi Sdn Bhd, acquired 36
consultant for the road charge operational know-how in provid- a 10.84% equity interest in Magna director and chief executive officer million shares in Magna Prima
vehicle entry permit (RC VEP) ing information technology and Prima by Hua Yang for RM66.6 (CEO) of Hua Yang, responsible from two of Magna Primas major
system for the Thailand-Malaysia e-services for the logistics sector, million or RM1.85 per share on for strategic business objectives shareholders, Chun Yee Ying and
border and any other borders to which can meet requirements for Jan 25. and implementing systems and Chun Mei Ngor via an off-market
Thailand. projects here and abroad. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia processes to monitor and report direct business transaction.
In a filing with Bursa Ma- The contract is expected to
laysia yesterday, DNeX said its contribute positively to the fu-
51%-owned subsidiary DNeX ture earnings and net assets of
RFID Sdn Bhd had accepted a the DNeX group, said DNeX. Ire-Texs Purcell gives up MD post to be group COO
letter of award dated Feb 9 from Last month, the company was
Tiffa Edi Services Co Ltd for the awarded a subcontract to oper- BY C HE S TE R TAY sia, Ire-Tex said the changes took in mid-2015 after Yap expressed
appointment, which entails that ate and manage the VEP and RC effect on Feb 8, ending Purcells his intention to retire during the
the group provides consultancy, system project involving foreign KUALA LUMPUR: Corrugated 13-month tenure as MD since he same period.
advice and services as the tech- registered vehicles entering Ma- packaging services provider Ire- took over the companys leader- Being a key management per-
nology partner and solution pro- laysia via Johor, namely Kompl- Tex Corp Bhds managing direc- ship from deputy chairman Datuk sonnel, Yaps retirement plan raised
vider for the project. eks Sultan Abu Bakar in Tanjung tor (MD) Christopher Purcell has Dr Yap Tatt Keat on Jan 6 last year. many eyebrows back then. In order
DNeX will also be working Kupang and Bangunan Sultan given up his post to assume the Purcell has been with Ire-Tex to ease concerns, Yap deferred his
with Tiffa Edi to coordinate pro- Iskandar in Johor Baru, worth responsibilities of group chief op- since 1998. He was promoted to retirement and continued as MD for
ject proposal with proposed RM104.3 million for a total of erating officer. deputy MD of operations under the next six months, before passing
blueprint in the implementation five years. In a filing with Bursa Malay- the packaging division of the group the baton over to Purcell.

Malaysia 4Q GDP seen picking

Msia set to earn up on manufacturing

RM1.3b revenue from

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysias econ- that a faster expansion in the Octo-
omy is likely to have expanded fast- ber-December quarter will indicate
er in the final quarter of 2016, boost- that the economy is on the mend.
ed by strong manufacturing and a Exports were up 10.7% in Decem-
recovery in commodities and oil ber on a strong recovery in shipments

medical tourism prices, a Reuters poll showed.

Fourteen economists surveyed
expected growth of 4.5% in Octo-
ber-December from a year earli-
er, up from 4.3% previously and
of crude oil, petroleum products and
palm oil and palm-based products.
Last January, the federal govern-
ment had to trim its full-year 2016
growth forecast to 4% to 4.5% from
the second successive quarter of 4% to 5% due to the sharp drop in
stronger momentum, according to global crude prices.
One million health travellers expected this year, says council the median forecast of economists. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib
The survey of 14 economists gave Razak said in October when unveil-
forecasts for fourth quarter growth ing Budget 2017 that the economy
BY A NETTE A PPADUR AY ranging between 3.7% and 5%. would likely grow between 4% to 5%
The median forecast matches in 2017 on expectations that growth
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysias medical the 4.5% expansion over the fourth will pick up marginally.
tourism industry is expected to gen- quarter of 2015, though it remains The ringgit currency, which lost
erate revenue of RM1.3 billion this far off the record 10.1% recorded in 4.3% against the dollar in 2016, re-
year, up 30% compared with RM1 the first quarter of 2010. mains fragile, prompting Malaysias
billion last year, says the Malaysia Malaysia, an energy and com- central bank in November to clamp
Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC). modities exporter, snapped five down on offshore trade of the ringgit
Chief executive officer Sherene quarters of declining growth in Ju- and to boost liquidity and domestic
Azli said that in terms of the num- ly-September, and economists say trade of the local currency. Reuters
ber of health travellers, the coun-
cil expects it to increase to about
a million from 860,000 last year.
Indonesia remains the top reve- Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, Hap Seng
open sixth 3S centre in Klang
nue contributor, accounting for 70%
of total revenue. But Sherene said the
council hopes to see greater contribu-
tions from markets like India, China, BY S UL H I A Z MA N This new commercial vehicle
Vietnam and Myanmar in future. centre is a testament to our com-
The bulk of the patients are still KUALA LUMPUR: Mercedes-Benz mitment to provide first-class prod-
coming from within the region, such Malaysia Commercial Vehicles ucts, excellent service quality and
as Indonesia, but we are seeing grow- (MBM CV) has teamed up with its comprehensive after-sales expertise
ing numbers from China and India, Sherene (fth from right) with artists at the launch of the ShareMyLove campaign in authorised dealer, Hap Seng Com- in the area of customer-oriented
as well as the Middle East, she told Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The campaign runs until Sept 16. Photo by Shahrin Yahya mercial Vehicle (HSCV), to introduce transport solutions to our custom-
a press conference at the launch of its sixth 3S commercial vehicle cen- ers, said Yee.
the ShareMyLove campaign here pricing, as prices are regulated [by MHTC was set up in 2005 under tre in Telok Gong, Klang, Selangor. The new 3S centre is capable
yesterday. the health ministry], she said, add- the health ministry to oversee the MBM CV and HSCV currently op- of servicing up to 200 commercial
Sherene said the top five medical ing that in some of the other coun- nations dual heritage of hospitality erate 3S centres in Kinrara, Kuantan, vehicles per month and is operated
services offered in Malaysia are car- tries there is often no ceiling price on and medical innovation. It promotes Kota Kinabalu, Kuching and Miri. by a dedicated administration and
diology, oncology, orthopaedic ser- charges for international travellers. Malaysia as a destination of choice Mercedes-Benz Malaysia technical team.
vices, in vitro fertilisation and blood South Korea offers very niche for world-class healthcare services. vice-president of commercial ve- Hap Seng has enjoyed a part-
disease-related treatments. medical treatments such as cos- #sharemylove is the main theme hicles Albert Yee said further expan- nership of more than 40 years with
According to her, quality health- metic care, Singapore is known for behind the ongoing Malaysia sion plans can be expected in the Mercedes-Benz Malaysia. This part-
care services offered at affordable the complexity of medical cases Loves You campaign launched on coming years as MBM CV remains nership has led to the successful
prices is what sets Malaysias med- that are covered, and Thailands Feb 29 last year. It features paintings committed to meet the evolving expansion of our dealer network
ical tourism industry apart from its large tourism numbers contribute from seven up-and-coming Ma- needs of its customers. nationwide, said Hap Seng Star
regional and international peers significantly to its medical tourism laysian artists, is aimed at creating We invest heavily in our deal- and HSCV chief operating officer
such as Thailand, Singapore and industry, but these countries tend further awareness of Malaysia as a ership networks so we can contin- Wong Leh Seng.
South Korea. to have very high costs for interna- global leader in healthcare tourism, ue to serve our growing customer We understand the needs of our
Quality is not compromised by tional health travellers, she added. and runs until Sept 16. base. Consistency is important to customers in the haulage indus-
us, and our customers can contin- try who depend on the reliability
ue to expect trucks they can trust of their vehicles. Our strength lies
and excellent service quality, he in the ability to ensure minimal
Tecnic Group minority shareholders said in a joint statement yesterday.
The new 3S centre in Klang is ful-
downtime so our customers can
maximise the utilisation of their

told to reject takeover offer ly equipped to facilitate sales, ser-

vice (repair and maintenance) and
financial services for both brands
vehicles, he added.
Last year, MBM CV sold 2,612 ve-
hicles comprising FUSO light duty
Mercedes-Benz and FUSO com- and heavy duty trucks, as well as
BY B I L LY TOH 13 sen or 10% to 17.11% to the range of these businesses, it said. mercial vehicles. Mercedes-Benz trucks and vans.
of fair values per Tecnic share, it Recall that the mandatory offer
KUALA LUMPUR: Minority share- said in an independent advice letter was undertaken to comply with Sec-
holders of Tecnic Group Bhd have filed with Bursa Malaysia yesterday. tion 218(2) of the Capital Markets
been told to reject the mandatory The offer price is also lower than and Services Act, 2007 following the
takeover offer of 63 sen per share the closing market price of Tec- acquisition by Tecnic of the entire
by Rohas-Euco Holding Sdn Bhd, nics shares for approximately 95% equity interest held by Rohas-Euco
Tan Sri Nik Awang @ Wan Azmi of the total market days since the Holding in Rohas-Euco Industries,
Wan Hamzah, Puan Sri Nik Anida announcement date of the memo- comprising 68.4 million Rohas-Eu-
Nik Manshor, George Sia Bun Chun randum of understanding on Sept co Industries shares for a purchase
and Chan Liew Hoon. 21, 2015, up to the last practicable consideration of RM200 million, to
Independent adviser Mercury date on Feb 6, 2017. be satisfied via the issuance of 317.5
Securities Sdn Bhd said the offer Mercury Securities also deemed million consideration shares to Wan
is not fair and not reasonable the offer not reasonable because Azmi, Nik Anida, Sia and Chan at
because the offer price is lower Tecnic shares will remain trada- an issue price of 63 sen each, which
than the value of the offer shares. ble on the Main Market of Bursa will result in the increase of the col-
Mercury Securities has derived Malaysia following the acquisition. lective shareholdings of the joint
the fair value for the entire equity in- Moreover, the enlarged Tec- offerors in Tecnic from nil to 88.71%.
terest in Tecnic at between RM250.43 nic Group will be involved in new This enables Tecnic to acquire a
million and RM271.77 million, rep- core businesses including the fab- new core business as part of a reg-
resenting 70 sen to 76 sen per Tecnic rication of steel towers for power ularisation plan, and to maintain
share based on the discounted cash transmission and telecommu- its listing status with Bursa.
flow valuation method. nications, thereby allowing the Tecnic shares closed at 73.5 sen (From left) Yee, Hap Seng Consolidated Bhd group chief operating ocer Harald
[Thus,] the offer price of 63 sen holders the opportunity to par- yesterday, giving it a market cap- Behrend, and Wong at the grand opening of the new 3S centre in Klang yesterday. The
represents a discount of seven sen to ticipate in the growth prospects italisation of RM29.692 million. new centre is capable of servicing up to 200 commercial vehicles per month.
Stocks with momentum were picked up using a proprietary algorithm by Asia Analytica Data Sdn Bhd and rst appeared at
Please exercise your own judgement or seek professional advice for your specic investment needs. We are not responsible for your investment decisions.
Our shareholders, directors and employees may have positions in any of the stocks mentioned.

(ALL FIGURES IN MYR MIL) 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015 30/9/2016
SHARES in CME Group Bhd (fundamental: The company is involved in the manufac-
0.2/3, valuation: 0.9/3) was red-flagged by turing and sale of firefighting equipment, fire
our proprietary algorithm yesterday, sug- engines and specialist vehicles, as well as the Turnover 30.0 22.0 22.3 4.7
gesting that investors should exercise extra servicing and sales of related spare parts. Ebitda 1.9 (12.6) (11.4) 1.2
caution while trading in its shares. It reported a net loss of RM1.61 million Interest expense 0.6 0.9 1.8 0.9
It was the second time the stock triggered for the nine months ended Sept 30, 2016, Pre-tax prot 0.9 3.9 (13.7) 0.1
our momentum algorithm since it began versus a net profit of RM419,000 a year ago, Net prot - owners of company 0.6 3.0 (13.5) 0.2
tracking in 2014. on the absence of foreign exchange gains, Fixed assets - PPE 7.1 7.2 7.0 18.3
The stock closed up half a sen at 6.5 sen while revenue fell 5.6% to RM14.65 million Total assets 48.2 84.5 75.0 77.4
yesterday, after 17.6 million shares were from RM15.52 million. Shareholders' fund 44.5 80.6 71.5 71.3
traded, compared with its 200-day average At its current price, CME is trading at 0.4 Gross borrowings 9.9 9.3 24.0 23.4
volume of 806,020 shares. times its book value. Net debt/(cash) 9.6 8.1 23.5 23.1

CME GROUP BHD Valuation score* 0.90

Fundamental score** 0.20
TTM PEG (x) - RATIOS 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015
P/NAV (x) 0.37 DPS ($) - - - -
TTM Dividend yield (%) - Net asset per share ($) 0.10 0.18 0.16 0.16
Market capitalisation (mil) 26.47 ROE (%) 1.39 4.87 (17.77) (19.73)
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 441.10 Turnover growth (%) 31.35 (26.81) 1.39 19.56
Beta 0.71 Net prot growth (%) 2,865.00 414.00 - -
Net margin (%) 1.97 13.86 (60.63) (70.85)
12-month price range 0.04-0.07
ROA (%) 1.31 4.60 (16.96) (18.67)
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation Current ratio (x) 0.93 0.56 0.53 0.31
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength
& protability
Gearing (%) 21.51 10.03 32.85 32.40
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have Interest cover (x) 3.33 (13.33) (6.47) (5.48)


SHARES in LKL International Bhd (funda- ed Oct 31, 2016, LKL reported a net profit
mental: N/A, valuation: N/A), which trig- of RM3.06 million, with RM20.46 million Financials
gered our momentum algorithm yesterday in revenue. Turnover - - - 8.5
for the first time this year, closed half a sen Last month, it said it was buying a fully Ebitda - - - 2.2
or 1.85% higher at 27.5 sen yesterday, after automated laser tube cutting machine for Interest expense - - - 0.1
some 2.77 million shares were traded. 830,000 (RM3.93 million) from Germa- Pre-tax prot - - - 1.9
LKL, listed on the ACE Market of Bursa nys Trumpf Group as part of its efforts Net prot - owners of company - - - 1.4
Malaysia just last May, is involved in design to expand its business in the healthcare Fixed assets - PPE - - - 22.0
and manufacturing of healthcare beds, pe- industry. Total assets - - - 68.5
ripherals and accessories. LKL is currently trading at 1.96 times its Shareholders' fund - - - 59.9
For the first half of the financial year end- book value. Gross borrowings - - - 7.9
Net debt/(cash) - - - (23.3)

LKL INTERNATIONAL BHD Valuation score* -

Fundamental score** -
P/NAV (x) 1.93 DPS ($) - - - -
TTM Dividend yield (%) - Net asset per share ($) - - - 0.14
Market capitalisation (mil) 115.78 ROE (%) - - - -
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 428.80 Turnover growth (%) - - - -
Beta 0.30 Net prot growth (%) - - - -
Net margin (%) - - - -
12-month price range 0.22-0.33
ROA (%) - - - -
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation Current ratio (x) - - - 11.21
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength
& protability
Gearing (%) - - - -
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have Interest cover (x) - - - -

(ALL FIGURES IN MYR MIL) 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015 30/9/2016
SHARES in Peterlabs Holdings Bhd (fun- health and nutrition products.
damental: 1.7/3, valuation: 1.4/3) triggered For the nine months ended Sept 30, 2016,
our momentum algorithm yesterday for the its net profit was flattish at RM2.73 million, Turnover 50.3 54.9 73.5 20.8
first time this year. versus RM2.77 million a year ago despite Ebitda 4.2 5.2 6.3 2.2
The counter rose two sen or 8.16% to close a 13% rise in revenue to RM60.85 million Interest expense 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.1
at 26.5 sen yesterday, after 2.52 million shares from higher trading segment contribution Pre-tax prot 3.2 4.1 5.2 1.8
were done, exceeding its 200-day average due to higher operating expenses incurred. Net prot - owners of company 2.0 3.0 3.3 1.3
volume of 212,536 shares. At its current price, Peterlabs is trading Fixed assets - PPE 11.8 11.3 12.3 14.1
The company is involved in manufac- at 1.36 times its book value and 14.02 times Total assets 33.4 35.5 41.4 46.2
turing, distribution and trading of animal its trailing 12-month price-earnings ratio. Shareholders' fund 30.5 32.9 39.0 40.3
Gross borrowings 5.7 5.9 5.1 10.0
Net debt/(cash) 2.6 1.7 1.5 1.6
PETERLABS HOLDINGS BHD Valuation score* 1.40
Fundamental score** 1.70
TTM PEG (x) (0.86) RATIOS 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015
P/NAV (x) 1.26 DPS ($) 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01
TTM Dividend yield (%) 5.71 Net asset per share ($) 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.19
Market capitalisation (mil) 50.67 ROE (%) 6.73 9.54 9.29 9.85
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 206.80 Turnover growth (%) 9.13 9.20 33.74 15.27
Beta 1.15 Net prot growth (%) (48.01) 49.23 10.43 (16.33)
Net margin (%) 4.03 5.51 4.55 4.49
12-month price range 0.21-0.26
ROA (%) 6.14 8.78 8.69 9.11
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation Current ratio (x) 4.27 3.84 4.18 3.67
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength
& protability
Gearing (%) 8.38 5.20 3.77 3.96
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have Interest cover (x) 15.90 19.04 17.18 18.18
1 0 P R O P E RT Y

UK house prices
Top China developers plan to climb to record
as shortage of

invest more in land this year homes worsens


LONDON: The average price

of a UK home hit a new record
They are buying in Tier 1 or Tier 2 cities while shunning Tier 3 and Tier 4 ones survey in January, continuing an up-
ward trend thats in part being
driven by a supply-demand
BY C L A RE JI M Filepic of residential and oce buildings imbalance.
in Beijing. A sharp run-up in prices in The 0.3% increase in values
HONG KONG: Chinese real estate major cities last year raised alarm in lifted the average to 300,169
developers surveyed by Reuters most- Beijing about the potential for a boom (RM1.67 million), Acadata and
ly plan to increase their land invest- and bust cycle. Photo by Reuters LSL said in a report yesterday.
ments in 2017 as they shrug off record Annual growth was 3.1%, and
prices and government tightening prices are now double what
measures while seeking to expand Explaining why the lesser cities they were in 2002.
their market share. werent a focus, the chief financial Over 2016, London was
The 10 companies contacted by officer of a large developer said that one of the worst performers
phone and messaging represent half prices there are not good and de- among 10 regions analysed,
of the top 20 Chinese developers and mand is not good. partly due to weakness in prime
together have close to US$300 bil- Two developers, Evergrande and locations because of Brexit and
lion (RM1.33 trillion) in annual sales, Country Garden, are bucking the tax changes. Weakness in the
mainly of apartments. trend by developing around half of citys best neighbourhoods was
Eight of them said they were in- their projects in third- and fourth- also seen this month in a report
creasing their budgets, by between need to keep the growth momentum The developer that plans to invest tier cities as they have in the past. from Knight Frank LLP, which
10% and 50%, and the other two said and so we need to keep buying ag- 50% more in land this year said it was Country Garden has the most showed double-digit-price de-
they would sustain their spending at gressively ... the theme for this year making up for failing to buy enough aggressive sales target for this year, clines in Chelsea and Kensing-
2016 levels. Company officials re- is land investment. in the past two years. with a plan to double sales to close ton over the past year.
sponding to the survey asked for an- Increasing market share helps the The two developers surveyed who to 600 billion yuan (RM388 billion). While price growth nation-
onymity, many citing corporate quiet big players gain more economies of said they would keep investment lev- There are no price caps in these ally is forecast to cool this year,
periods ahead of quarterly results. scale, putting them in a better posi- els similar to 2016 said they believed cities, and by keeping land prices the continued appreciation is
The developers are buying land tion to control labour, material and land prices were already too high. and construction costs low, there is making it harder for first-time
in Tier 1 cities, which are Beijing, marketing costs. less pressure on margins, Country buyers. The government pub-
Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shen- Companies are snatching up land Shopping spree Garden chief financial officer Bijun lished new plans last week
zhen, or in Tier 2 cities, such as Su- amid intensifying competition that Chinas property market, which Wu told reporters last month. aimed at boosting supply and
zhou, Wuhan and Hefei, but most are is expected to squeeze out some of contributes around 15% of the If Chinas property prices contin- helping young people.
shunning smaller Tier 3 and Tier 4 the countrys smaller players. Citi countrys economic growth, has ue to rally, the developers aggressive S eparately yesterday,
cities. That could increase the price estimates Chinas top 20 developers become increasingly unbalanced, buying strategy could prove right. Visa said its consumer in-
differential between the major cities, will control 45% of new home sales with higher-tier cities recording Evergrandes active land acquisi- dex showed annual spending
where demand is robust and land is before 2020, up from 26% in 2016. record prices while smaller ones tion in 2013 to 2015 via auction/M&A growth slowed to a five-month
in short supply, and the rest. The plans for more land buy- struggle to reduce inventories. (mergers and acquisitions) turned low of 0.4% in January after
A sharp run-up in prices in major ing contrast with expectations for a China Vanke, the countrys No 2 out be a successful move given the a bumper 2.5% increase in
cities last year raised official alarm slowdown in the growth in overall homebuilder with a 88% growth in sharp appreciation of land prices and December. While clothing
in Beijing about the potential for a national real estate investment in sales value in January from a year ear- the much higher competition in the and footwear fell the most in
boom and bust cycle, and led to a 2017, compared with a 6.9% rise last lier, said it bought 19 new projects last land market now, Citi analyst Oscar almost five years, there was
series of measures at the local lev- year. The Chinese Academy of Social month, two of which were in Beijing. Choi said in a report early this month. strong growth in spending at
el to reduce property speculation. Sciences forecasts Chinas property In cities where tightening meas- Still, there are concerns that some hotels and restaurants.
Because of the tightening, home investment will rise 5.4% in 2017. ures are in place, sales may see pres- of the developers are overstretching. Consumer demand could
sales will not be as crazy as in 2016, Increasing competition for land sure, but this pressure may also bring Land prices will continue to in- come under pressure this year
but its a good time for us to buy more in major cities will not only pose a opportunities for us to acquire land. crease if local governments keep from inflation, which is fore-
land because we sold most of the challenge to authorities who want Even though the absolute prices of lowering supply, but once mone- cast to accelerate towards 3%.
inventory last year, said a company to avoid property prices from soaring land havent dropped significant- tary policy starts to tighten, those Price growth probably picked
official at one developer based in the out of control, but also put pressure ly, the premiums have narrowed, developers that have invested exces- up to 1.9% in January from
southern city of Shenzhen, where on companies profit margins due Vanke securities affairs representa- sively will face [liquidity] problems, 1.6%, economists said before
home prices are among the most to caps imposed on home prices in tive Liang Jie told an analysts con- said Nomura chief China economist a report to be released today.
expensive in China. Developers some cities. ference last week. Zhao Yang. Reuters Bloomberg

, 2016
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12 B R O K E R S C A L L

Palm oil exports MAHB January passenger number

registers 8.9% growth year-on-year

up ahead of
Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd In conjunction with seasonali-
(Feb 13, RM6.69) ty, we believe the growth is main-
Maintain outperform with an un- ly supported by Malaysia Airlines
changed target price of RM7.47: Bhds increased frequencies cou-
Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhds pled with Malindo Air and Lion

Chinese New Year

(MAHB) total January passenger Airs shift from klia2 to KLIA since
number (including Istanbul Sabiha March 2016.
Gokcen International Airport [IS- Meanwhile, klia2 traffic saw
GIA]) registered a growth of 8.9% a marginal decline of 0.7% y-o-y
year-on-year (y-o-y), and we deem (international: -0.9%, domestic:
as in line with our 6.3% target (6% -0.3%) due to passenger traffic
growth for Malaysian operations; moderating from Malindo Air and
THE EDGE FILE PHOTO 7% growth for Turkey operations) Lion Airs shift in operations.
Plantation sector from both production recovery in as it was driven by its stronger ISGIAs passenger growth for
Maintain overweight: Malaysias Indonesia as well as stronger CPO Malaysian operations which was January was down 4.4% y-o-y
palm oil exports are making a good prices. mainly due to the seasonal Chi- dragged by its international and
start for the year, reporting an in- China demand for Malaysian nese New Year (CNY) holidays in domestic traffic, which were down
crease of 1.2% month-on-month palm oil has been on a downtrend 2017 which fell on Jan 28 versus 8.4% and 2.3% y-o-y respectively.
(m-o-m) as demand picked up since 2013. The palm oil exports Feb 8 last year. We note that international traf-
ahead of Chinese New Year. to China had fallen from the high In January, MAHBs passen- fic has been severely subdued due
Meanwhile, the steep decline of 4 million tonnes per year to 1.8 gers in Malaysia increased 13.3% to numerous terror attacks in Tur-
in production dragged invento- million tonnes per year in 2016, y-o-y. International and domestic key in 2016 further deterring
ries to 1.54 million tonnes, slightly an average drop of 15% per year. passengers were up 14.1% and travellers.
above the consensus estimate of China palm oil imports have not 12.5% respectively. The overall We believe travel sentiment on
1.49 million tonnes. The tight palm grown over the last 6 years, mainly increase was mainly due to the the international front will contin-
oil inventories was the key driver due to the release of rapeseed oil CNY holidays which led to im- ue to remain weak from the travel
that pushed up the crude palm oil from its reserves and high CPO pric- proved average load factor of concerns in Turkey and we would
(CPO) prices to the current spot es, which softened buying interests. 73.4% (+2.7 percentage points), likely have to further reduce our
level of RM3,300 per tonne. CPO prices are expected to stay in the In contrast, Chinas import de- and 80% of airports in Malaysia 7% growth target for ISGIA in its
Malaysias January inventories fell range of RM2,700 to RM2,800 per tonne. mand for soybean oilseeds has been recorded positive growth (+0.5% financial year 2017 (FY17) should
7.5% m-o-m after gaining for the last on the uptrend, an average annual to 51.6%). passenger count continue to dis-
four months. Compared with January growth of 10% since 2012. Never- The Kuala Lumpur International appoint by the end of first quarter
2016, it tumbled 33.3% as production theless, our studies also showed Airport (KLIA) registered a growth of FY17.
dipped while exports improved. Based on the Malaysian Palm Oil that Malaysian palm oil has been of 38.4% y-o-y with international Post review of January traffic
Palm oil exports reversed with Board (MPOB) reference price from losing market share to its Indone- and domestic passengers register- figures, we make no changes to
a gain of 1.2% in January after fall- Jan 10 to Feb 9, 2017 of RM3,289 per sian counterparts. ing positive growth rates of 31.9% our FY16 to FY17 earnings fore-
ing for four straight months. Better tonne, the CPO export duty is likely In 2011, Malaysian palm oil ac- and 64.1% respectively. casts. Kenanga Research, Feb 13
demand from China (+5.2%), US to remain at 7.5% for the month of counted for 67% of Chinas total
(+2%) and other nations (+18%) March 2017. palm oil imports. However, it has
outpaced softer orders from the CPO prices remained firm in drastically dropped to 42% last year. Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd
European Union (-20.8%), India January 2017, standing at RM3,276 The MPOB expects Malaysian
(-15.4%) and Pakistan (-50.4%). A per tonne compared with Decem- palm oil production to rise 12% to FYE DEC (RM MIL) 2015A 2016E 2017E
combination of restocking activi- ber 2016s RM3,209 per tonne. 19.4 million tonnes this year from Turnover 3,871 3,862 4,114
ties and stronger cooking oil con- We expect to see good set of re- 17.3 million tonnes in 2016. Mean- Ebit 1,679 1,709 2,005
sumption during Chinese New Year sults from most plantation com- while, it also projects palm oil ex- PBT 42 128 455
supported more orders from China. panies in the upcoming reporting port growth of 11.2% to 17.8 mil- Net profit (NP) -20 4 261
CPO production saw a bigger season, riding on stronger CPO lion tonnes from 16 million tonnes
decline, down 13.4% m-o-m. The prices and recovery of fresh fruit while inventories are expected to Core NP -56 4 261
fall was the fourth session in a row. bunch production in Indonesia. rise from 1.67 million tonnes to 1.8 Consensus (CNP) na 85 204
Both Peninsular Malaysia and East For the fourth quarter, aver- million tonnes by year-end. Core EPS (sen) -3.4 0.3 15.8
Malaysia dropped 18.2% and 8.1% age CPO prices stood at RM2,952 For the CPO price performance, Core EPS growth (%) -125 -108 5956
respectively. Nevertheless, it jumped per tonne (y-o-y: +36.7%, q-o-q: it expects CPO prices to stay in the NDPS (sen) 8.5 8.5 9.4
13% compared with January 2016 as +12.2%). Among the companies range of RM2,700 to RM2,800 per BV/Share (RM) 4.75 4.66 4.73
the dry period effect fades. under our coverage, we think that tonne, supported by marginal Core PER (x) -195 2,526 42
For the first 10 days of February Genting Plantations Bhd, Sime Dar- growth in palm oil supply, higher
2017, Malaysias CPO exports fell by Bhd and TSH Resources Bhd palm oil exports, weak ringgit and Net gearing (x) 0.6 0.7 0.6
3.1% m-o-m, according to Inter- could potentially deliver earnings firmer soybean oil prices. Pub- Dividend yield (%) 1.3 1.3 1.4
tek Group. surprises as they should benefit licInvest Research, Feb 13 Source: Kenanga Research

Sunway to acquire leasehold land in Jalan Peel

Sunway Bhd plot ratio of seven times and an Sunway Bhd
(Feb 13, RM3.16) The proposed land estimated GDV of RM2 billion,
Maintain buy with an unchanged
target price of RM3.75: Sunway Bhd
acquisition will cost of land accounts for about FYE DEC (RM MIL)
16% of total GDV, which is within Revenue
2015A 2016E 2017F 2018F
4,451 4,576 4,773 5,045
entered into a joint venture (JV) agree- increase the groups the 20% benchmark. Ebitda 803 809 891 966
ment to acquire Austral Meridian total GDV by 5% to We are positive about the land
Ebit 687 678 744 807
Property Sdn Bhd which will enable
Sunway to gain an additional 3.41ha
RM32.5 billion. acquisition given its strategic lo-
cation, which is directly opposite PBT 930 805 873 929
of leasehold land in Jalan Peel. the RM4 billion Sunway Velocity Patmi 733 531 582 628
Sunway will hold a 50% + 1 development. We expect the pro- Core Patmi 592 531 582 628
share stake in the JV with the share within an eight-year period. posed development to have syn- Core EPS (sen) 29.3 26.4 28.9 31.2
remaining from Low Peng Kiat After factoring in the subscrip- ergies with the existing Sunway FD EPS (sen) 29.3 26.4 28.9 31.2
(40%) and CRSC Property Sdn tion of an equity stake of 50+1% Velocity that comprises of Sunway Net DPS (sen) 48.0 12.0 12.0 12.0
Bhd (10%). The estimated gross for RM500,000, shareholder ad- Velocity Shopping mall, medical
Net DY (%) 15.3 3.8 3.8 3.8
development value (GDV) is ap- vance of RM98 million (based on centre and hotel.
proximately RM2 billion to be an effective stake of 70%) and ad- The proposed land acquisition PER (x) 10.7 11.9 10.9 10.1
developed over a 10-year period ditional funding of RM183 million will increase the groups total GDV FD PER (x) 10.7 11.9 10.9 10.1
(comprising serviced apartments, for an additional 20% stake, the by 5% to RM32.5 billion, which will P/B (x) 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0
office tower and retail shops) with net present value (NPV) to pay sustain development period over Net gearing (%) 20.5 30.1 27.1 22.4
target launch by the first half of for the land cost is RM228 mil- 15 years. The NPV for the project ROE (%) 9.7 8.7 9.6 9.8
financial year 2018. Sunway has lion (for a 70% stake), our calcu- is estimated at RM83 million or ROA (%) 5.6 5.0 5.4 5.6
the option to increase the stake lations point to an implied land four sen per share. Hong Leong
Source: HLIB Research
from 50% + 1 share to 70% + 1 cost of RM886 per sq ft. With the Investment Research, Feb 13
14 B R O K E R S C A L L

MISC LNG and petroleum Westports

driven by
shipping to remain soft trans-shipment
container growth
Westports Holdings Bhd
(Feb 13, RM4.12)
MISC Bhd MISC Bhd a reversal from five years of pre- Maintain hold call with a higher
(Feb 13, RM7.61) tax losses). fair value of RM4.54: We increase
Maintain hold with a higher tar- FYE DEC (RM MIL) 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F The largest segment LNG our financial year 2017 (FY17) earn-
get price of RM 8.05: MISC Bhd Revenue 9,597 10,472 11,173 11,453
faltered as PBT in US dollar ings per share (EPS) forecast by 8%
logged a 25% decline in core earn- terms was 38% lower y-o-y, 3% but decrease our FY18 EPS fore-
ings in 2016 despite a stronger Ebitda 4,447 5,077 5,342 5,471 lower q-o-q. This contributed to cast by 2%, and introduce our FY19
US dollar to the ringgit, though Pre-tax profit 2,814 2,425 2,636 2,721 FY16 LNG PBT falling 22% y-o-y numbers.
headline profit was inflated by Net profit 2,582 2,373 2,584 2,669 in US dollar terms, a key drag on Westports FY16 core net profit
non-recurring gains. Net pft (pre ex.) 1,987 2,373 2,584 2,669 earnings as this segment made grew 26.2% year-on-year (y-o-y)
The outlook for its core lique- Net pft gth (pre-ex) (%) (24.9) 19.5 8.9 3.3 up 56% of total earnings. to RM637 million. This was above
fied natural gas (LNG) and pe- The rates outlook remains poor our expectation, making up 108%
EPS (sen) 57.8 53.2 57.9 59.8
troleum shipping segments is ex- as total LNG new-build deliveries of our full-year forecast, but within
pected to remain soft in 2017 as EPS pre ex. (sen) 44.5 53.2 57.9 59.8 are expected to peak in 2017 with consensus estimate at 103%. It de-
well, barring currency gains. The EPS gth pre ex (%) (25) 19 9 3 57 vessels, which will exceed de- clared a second interim dividend of
group is seeking inorganic growth Diluted EPS (sen) 57.8 53.2 57.9 59.8 mand even with the expected in- 6.7 sen per share, bringing its total
opportunities, especially in the Net DPS (sen) 30.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 crease in global LNG supply from dividend declared for FY16 to 14
offshore space, though a short- a new liquefaction plant. sen per share. This was consistent
BVPS (sen) 853 871 894 919
term rerating catalyst remains a Looking at other segments, off- with its dividend policy of a 75%
challenge. PER (X) 13.1 14.3 13.1 12.7 shore PBT was also 16% lower payout ratio.
MISC reported a headline PER pre ex. (X) 17.1 14.3 13.1 12.7 y-o-y on the reversal of the FPSO The positive performance was
profit of RM529.8 million for the P/Cash flow (X) 6.5 8.1 7.4 7.1 Cendor construction gains; while driven mainly by the strong growth
fourth quarter of financial year EV/Ebitda (X) 9.3 8.0 7.3 6.8 its heavy engineering barely broke in trans-shipment container vol-
2016 (4QFY16), which after strip- even (US$1 million) at the core ume in the container segment and
Net dividend yield (%) 3.9 4.6 4.6 4.6
ping out non-recurring items of PBT level as Malaysia Marine and liquid bulk in the conventional car-
RM20.2 million (net), led to core P/BV (X) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 Heavy Engineering Holdings Bhd go segment, and boosted by posi-
earnings of RM509.7 million. This Net debt/Equity (X) 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 is facing a depleting heavy engi- tive reversions in container tariffs
brought full-year core earnings to ROAE (%) 7.0 6.2 6.6 6.6 neering order book. and lower fuel cost.
RM1.98 billion below our and Sources: AllianceDBS Research, company, Bloomberg Finance LP In its earnings call, MISC reit-
consensus expectations. Concur-
rently, the group also announced
erated intentions to pursue inor-
ganic growth in FY17, given flag-
Its Container
a dividend of 20 sen with ex-date the stronger US dollar. Tanker Index (BDTI), averaged ging fundamentals for core LNG Terminal 8 Phase 2
on Feb 24. Firmer petroleum earnings 36% higher q-o-q, though 9% low- and crude shipping businesses. expansion is expected
4QFY16 top line for all key
segments was lower except for
were driven by better average er y-o-y. The BDTI had hit a sea- Its net gearing of 0.16 times and
charter rates, as the group has sonal peak in early January 2017, cash pile of around RM6.5 billion
to be operational
petroleum, which was up 4% released some charter-in fleet (to- and has since weakened as at early gives it some leeway to pursue by mid-2017.
year-on-year (y-o-y) and 13% tal fleet was 77 from 81 in 3QFY16) February, and indications remain opportunities, of which the group
quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) in to make way for deliveries of eight for a softer full-year average. FY16 is eyeing the offshore space given
US dollar terms. This support- new vessels over 2017 to 2018. petroleum profit before tax (PBT) that improving oil prices should
ed a 10% q-o-q improvement in The key indicator for crude was US$51 million, 63% lower than spur offshore capital expenditure. Westports container through-
revenue in ringgit terms, due to shipping rates, the Baltic Dirty the peak in 2015 (which recorded AllianceDBS Research, Feb 13 put grew 9.9% y-o-y to 9.95 million
20-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in
FY16. This was driven mainly by
trans-shipment container volume

Protons FSP stands to benefit from tax credits growth, which grew 12.7% y-o-y to
7.39 million TEUs, while gateway
container throughput grew 2.8%
y-o-y to 2.56 million TEUs.
DRB-Hicom Bhd sified as unrecognised. According can use the unutilised tax losses highlighted that there are three key In the fourth quarter of FY16
(Feb 13, RM1.33) to Protons financial statements, immediately upon registering pos- criteria on which Protons potential (4QFY16), trans-shipment con-
Maintain add call with an un- this was because the availability of itive net profit. FSP will be evaluated strategic, tainer volume grew 9.2% y-o-y to
changed target price of RM1.69: future taxable profits (for which the We view the unrecognised de- operational and cultural fit. To re- 1.89 million TEUs due to the high-
The Edge Malaysia weekly high- group can utilise the tax benefits) ferred tax assets as a long-term pos- cap, DRB-Hicoms management er frequency of ad hoc calls, while
lighted DRB-Hicom Bhds wholly is uncertain. itive for DRB-Hicom and Protons expects to complete the selection gateway container throughput grew
owned subsidiary Proton Holdings In other words, the auditors did FSP, as they stand to benefit from in the first half of 2017 (1H17), 8.2% y-o-y to 660,000 TEUs, main-
as an attractive acquisition target, not expect Proton to become prof- the tax credits if and when Proton in line with the target set by the ly due to the earlier Chinese New
given that it has unrecognised de- itable in the near term. Proton only returns to profitability. However, we government. Year festival. Overall, 4QFY16 con-
ferred tax assets of RM7.9 billion, recognised deferred tax assets of do not expect the tax credit benefits We maintain our add call on tainer traffic grew 9% y-o-y to 2.55
which makes the subsidiary an at- RM20.2 million in its latest 2016 to be realised in the near term, as DRB-Hicom with an unchanged million TEUs.
tractive acquisition target for for- financial statement. the FSP may not turn Proton profit- sum-of-parts-based target price Trans-shipment made up 74.3%
eign strategic partners (FSP) like The unrecognised deferred tax able immediately, given the various of RM1.69 (a 10% discount to re- of total throughput for FY16, a 1.9
Chinas Geely Automobile Hold- assets are divided into four com- operational challenges, competitive valued net assets valuation). Our percentage point increase from
ings and Frances PSA Group. It ponents RM3.4 billion for unu- landscape and sluggish demand add call is supported by the im- FY15.
also said that the massive tax cred- tilised tax losses, RM2.3 billion for that the company faces currently. minent FSP for Proton and better We s t p o r t s c o nv e nt i o na l
its benefits would give Proton a unabsorbed capital allowances, We believe that finding the right performance in DRB-Hicoms ser- throughput volume also recorded
long tax holiday once the company RM2.1 billion for unutilised re- FSP for Proton is still DRB-Hicoms vices division. Key downside risks strong growth in FY16, with total
returned to profitability. investment allowances and the main priority, as it seeks to move are the lack of FSP for Proton and throughput growing 15.3% y-o-y
We think it important to note remaining RM72 million for oth- forward with Protons recovery further deterioration in Protons to 11.8 million tonnes in FY16. This
that the deferred tax assets are clas- er temporary differences. Proton plan. DRB-Hicoms management earnings. CIMB Research, Feb 13 was driven mainly by liquid bulk, of
which volume jumped 37.8% y-o-y
DRB-Hicom Bhd to 4.92 million tonnes.
Westports expansion plan is
RECOM. PRICE PRICE (US$ MIL) (X) (X) (%) (X) (%) minal (CT8) Phase 2 expansion
COMPANY (RM) (RM) CY17 CY18 CY17 CY18 CY17 CY18 CY17 CY18 CY17 CY18 is expected to be operational by
Bermaz Auto Bhd Add 2.08 2.48 539 12.2 10.3 4.20 3.72 36.0 38.2 7.0 5.9 6.9 7.0 mid-2017, which will increase
DRB-Hicom Add 1.26 1.69 548 na 18.5 0.37 0.36 -1.6 2.0 0.4 0.3 0.9 1.3 Westports total capacity to 13.5
Tan Chong Motor Holdings Reduce 1.72 1.61 253 na 42.3 0.43 0.43 -1.1 1.0 10.2 8.4 4.7 4.7 million TEUs per annum. Concur-
rently, the CT9 Phase 1 expansion
UMW Holdings Add 5.48 5.10 1,441 na 15.7 1.93 1.83 4.7 12.0 13.0 8.6 3.6 3.6
is expected to be completed by
Sector average na 15.5 0.93 0.92 1.9 6.0 7.7 5.4 3.8 3.9 December 2017. AmInvestment
Sources: CIMB Research, company Bank, Feb 13
H O M E 15

Test for
Nurul Izzah fails to radioactivity

challenge redelineation residents advised

KLANG: Residents of the Seri
Era Apartment, Jalan Naga Sari,
Shah Alam near here, have
been advised to go for health
checks following the discovery
Court of Appeal has set aside leave obtained to initiate judicial review of two radioactive canisters at
the premises on Saturday.
South Klang district police
PUTRAJAYA: Lembah Pantai mem- cial review to challenge the proposed cial review application which was liamentary constituency filed the chief ACP Alzafny Ahmad said
ber of parliament Nurul Izzah Anwar redelineation of electoral boundaries. scheduled for tomorrow. judicial review application on Nov the reason being that the can-
and 10 registered voters in the con- In setting aside the leave, the court Earlier, Justice Umi Kalthum dis- 11 last year to challenge the local isters, which are part of the
stituency cannot challenge the local allowed the appeal brought by the missed a preliminary objection raised inquiry process for the proposed re- components of a radioactive
inquiry process for the proposed re- attorney-general (AG). by Nurul Izzah against the AGs ap- delineation of electoral boundaries scanning device, were found
delineation of electoral boundaries Justice Umi Kalthum, who pre- peal. The panel then heard submis- for parliamentary constituencies with the seal open.
for parliamentary constituencies in sided with Justices Tan Sri Idrus Ha- sions on the merits of the appeal. in Kuala Lumpur by the Election He said gamma rays from
Kuala Lumpur, the Court of Appeal run and Datuk Hasnah Mohammed Lawyer Datuk Malik Imtiaz Sar- Commission. the canisters, if exposed to the
has ruled. Hashim, then set aside the order of war represented Nurul Izzah Anwar On Jan 3, they obtained the leave public, could cause various
As a result, the three-panel bench the High Court in granting the leave and the 10 constituents, while Sen- from the High Court to commence health problems.
of the court, led by Justice Datuk Umi to Nurul Izzah and her 10 constit- ior Federal Counsel Datuk Amarjeet the judicial review, and the AG, dis- The Atomic Energy Licens-
Kalthum Abdul Majid, set aside the uents. Singh acted for the AG. satisfied with the decision, filed an ing Board (AELB) said the can-
leave obtained by Nurul Izzah and With this ruling, the High Court Nurul Izzah and the 10 registered appeal in the Court of Appeal. isters had a gamma ray capacity
the 10 constituents to initiate a judi- will not hear the merits of the judi- voters in the Lembah Pantai par- Bernama of up to 300 milisieverts per
hour which is dangerous to the
human body, which is capable
of receiving only 20 milisieverts
MH370 tragedy Court orders Wan Azizah, two of gamma rays a year, he said.
As such, he advised resi-
has no eect on dents of the apartment, espe-
tourist arrivals
in Malaysia
others to pay RM70,000 to Felda cially those who had been near
the Rukun Tetangga Room be-
tween 4am last Thursday and
6pm on Saturday, to contact
KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court kan Tiga Individu, accompanied AELB at (03) 8922 588 or 1-800-
PORT DICKSON: The involve- here has ordered PKR president The court also by a photograph captioned Kon- 88-799 for advice, he told a me-
ment of Chinese nationals as Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan ordered the troversi, had tarnished their im- dia conference here yesterday.
victims in the MH370 tragedy
and kidnapping cases, espe-
Ismail and two others to pay
RM70,000 in damages to the Fed-
defendants to pay age.
On Sept 30, 2014, Suara Kead-
Also present was AELB di-
rector Hasmadi Hassan.
cially in Sabah, does not ham- eral Land Development Authority 8% interest from ilan former editor Dzulkarnain Among the symptoms suf-
per tourists from China from (Felda) and its subsidiary. the judgement date Taib, who was initially named as fered by those who are exposed
coming to Malaysia.
Malaysian Consul-General
The defamation case pertained
to two articles published in 2010
until disposal of the one of the defendants, tendered
an apology to the plaintiffs.
to gamma rays are dizziness,
nausea and vomiting.
in Kunming Datuk Siow Chen in PKRs newspaper, Suara Kead- case yesterday. He stated that the articles were In an incident last Thursday,
Pin said this was reflected in ilan. erroneous and published by Su- two radioactive scanners were
the arrival of 1.68 million tour- Deputy registrar Norfauzani ara Keadilan to intentionally be- reportedly stolen from a car.
ists from China to Malaysia in Mohd Nordin made the decision little the plaintiffs and damage A special team was set up to
2015, which saw an increase of in chambers yesterday, during the their reputation. investigate the matter and this
4% from that of 2014. damage assessment procedure. Felda Global Ventures Holdings On Oct 17, 2014, the High led to the arrest of eight people
For January to October last The plaintiffs were represented Sdn Bhd filed an RM200 million Court ruled in favour of Felda in Klang and Shah Alam.
year, tourist arrivals from China by lawyer Nor Emelia Mohd Isze- defamation suit in respect of two and its subsidiary. According to Alzafny, the
were 1.75 million, he added. ham, while Wan Azizah, Senator news reports published by Suara Nor Emelia said when met by team made a breakthrough last
He said the MH370 tragedy Dr Syed Husin Ali and the writ- Keadilan on June 22 and 29, 2010. reporters that the court also or- Friday when it found sever-
did affect tourist arrivals from er of the articles, Rusnizam Ma- The plaintiffs alleged that an dered the defendants to pay 8% al pieces of the scanners at a
China, but only for some time, hat, were represented by counsel article with the heading Felda interest from the judgement date scrap metal shop in Kampung
and the number soared again Francis Pereira. Bankrap and another, Bina Ban- until disposal of the case yester- Jawa here and arrested three
after that. Bernama On Aug 16, 2010, Felda and gunan RM662 juta Hanya Libat- day. Bernama suspects. Bernama

5.98 128.98

Sabana REIT fight rolls on S


Dissident unitholders have requisitioned EGM to boot out the manager, and perhaps sell the REITs assets p
STORI ES BY GOOLA WARDEN while annual distribution dropped by 47% Declining DPU warned that Sabana REITs properties might i
since IPO, they said in an emailed letter to The valuation at which sponsors inject assets not fetch their full value if they are hurried- p

t appears that efforts by Sabana Shariah the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) into their REITs as well as the valuation at ly liquidated. t
Compliant Industrial Real Estate Invest- and Singapore Exchange dated Feb 3. This is which properties are acquired in sale-and- As far as investors are concerned, however, b
ment Trusts manager to rebut growing about a group of handsomely paid REIT pro- leaseback deals has been a matter of conten- units in Sabana REIT are already trading at f
criticism from investors and head off a fessionals, operating within the legal frame- tion for years. And, incomesupport packages a substantial discount to the book value of a
potentially ugly showdown have failed. work, practising widely acceptable measures, that provide a temporary boost to the yield its assets. As at Dec 31, the REIT had a net o
What happens next is likely to be closely acting within codified requirements, making on newly acquired properties often muddy asset value of 74 Singapore cents per unit. d
watched by investors in other independent non-criminal decisions that [caused] huge fi- the water and make it harder for investors to Taking into account the rights issue which m
property trusts that are not garnering good nancial loss to tens of thousands of unithold- analyse the impact of acquisitions. was completed on Jan 20 the REITs NAV
valuations in the market. ers in a listed REIT. In the case of Sabana REIT, the revenue has since been diluted to 60 Singapore cents h
Over the last few weeks, several small Sabana REIT was listed in 2010 at an IPO from its initial portfolio simply proved to beper unit. i
unitholders of Sabana REIT have been or- price of S$1.05, with 15 industrial proper- unsustainable. The unitholders of Sabana The way the investors see it, potential s
ganising a revolt. In essence, their aim is to ties valued at S$851 million. Of these, five REIT who supported the EGM requisition losses from the sale of the REITs properties t
replace the manager of the REIT, whom they properties were injected by Vibrant Group note in the letter to MAS and SGX that the versus their book value could well reflect the t
blame for the REITs poor performance. On under a sale-and-leaseback arrangement REITs DPU has dropped from 9.38 Singa- REIT having acquired assets at too high a p
Feb 2, amid a buzz in the market about the for a term of five years on a triple-net basis. pore cents in 2013 to 5.01 Singapore cents in price. You [should not have bought] three a
action they were about to take, Sabana REITs As the master leases started to expire in late 2016. During this period, however, fees paid more properties at a substantially higher c
manager and its sponsor, Vibrant Group, an- 2013, the REIT faced the challenge of man- to Sabana REITs manager remained largely price using acceptable desktop valuation t
nounced a strategic review. But the manager aging multiple tenants and was saddled with intact. Unitholders paid fees of S$8.51 million
methods, [supported] artificially by rental
and sponsor provided little detail on exactly maintenance costs and property taxes. This in 2013, S$9.68 million in 2014, S$9.29 million
support, they say in their rebuttal to warn-
what the review would achieve. weighed on Sabana REITs distributions per in 2015 and an estimated S$8.33 million in ings from Sabana REITs manager about
The scope of the strategic review includes unit (DPUs) in the years that followed. 2016, they point out. liquidating its assets.
the current shareholding structure and man-
agement of the Manager, as well as Sabana
Things seemed to come to a head late last
year. In December, Sabana REIT unveiled a
The manager of Sabana REIT has since
reminded the disgruntled investors that the
Meanwhile, some investors have voiced
concerns that booting out the manager could
REITs strategic direction and business. The 42-for-100 rights issue of 310.7 million new risks of non-renewal and termination of these leave the REIT rudderless. Sabana REITs p
Sponsor and the Manager are considering all
options to further the sustainable growth of
units at 25.8 Singapore cents each. The rights
price was a 48.9% discount to its price of 50.5
master leases and its potential adverse im-
pact on gross revenue, property expenses
manager has also pointed out that some of its
loans have change-of-control covenants. The s
Sabana REIT and the interest of its unithold- Singapore cents on Dec 19 and a 40.3% dis- and distribution were clearly disclosed in thedissident investors are refusing to be cowed,
ers, the announcement said. When asked by count to the theoretical ex-rights price of 43.2 prospectus at the IPO. The minorities are notthough. In their letter to MAS and SGX, they F
The Edge Singapore what the review would Singapore cents. The exercise raised some letting Sabana REITs manager off the hook, point out that the rules mandate that there c
cost unitholders, Sabana REITs manager S$80.2 million in proceeds. The same month, though. We believe that the basis of a com- must always be a manager in charge of the d
replied: We will not be commenting on the Sabana REIT said it would acquire three petent manager is to anticipate the expiry of REIT, and that the regulator and the REITs a
details of the review before it is complete. more properties costing S$77 million. None master leases and ameliorate such negative trustee are bound to ensure this happens. r
On Feb 6, the dissident minority unitholders of the three properties will be immediately effects, they say in a rebuttal to the managers If the Manager is removed, it will be re- n
delivered a form to requisition an extraordi- yield-accretive, despite two of them being statement. Sabana REITs occupancy rate as quired to serve out the remaining contract t
nary general meeting. The requisition for EGM purchased with income-support packages. at Dec 31 was 87.2%, one of the lowest among signed with the Trustee until a new Manager t
was signed by 66 unitholders holding a total of One of the three properties 47 Changi the independent industrial REITs. is installed. The Code of Collective Invest-
only 0.6% of Sabana REITs outstanding units. South Avenue 2 is being purchased from Sabana REITs recent deeply discounted ment Schemes requires that at all times, there s
A minimum of 50 unitholders are needed to Vibrant Group. The property is being acquired rights issue and property acquisitions also must be a Manager in Charge, says the letter e
requisition an EGM. On Feb 7, Sabana REITs by the REIT for a total of S$25.3 million. This do not appear to be going down well with the to MAS and SGX. MAS and HSBC Trustee n
manager announced the requisition for EGM. includes the valuation of S$23 million done by investors. The recent purchases made by the oversee this transition process. s
It also said it was seeking legal advice to assess Savills and Knight Frank, a stamp duty of 3% Manager are not yield-accretive and they lower This would be a test case for MAS and f
the validity of the requisition request and to and the acquisition fee of 1% to the manager. the DPU yield by almost 10%, the unitholders trustees of local property trusts, as the re- a
look into the statements made therein. Vibrant Group will lease back 74% of gross say in the letter to MAS and SGX. moval of a REIT manager by disgruntled t
The resolutions listed in the requisition floor area for 10 years. In those 10 years, the Separately, Chinese property tycoon Tong investors appears to be unprecedented in r
form include voting out the current man- total rent paid to Sabana REIT will be S$17.1 Jinquan, who owns substantial stakes in a Singapore. The unitholders are also well t
ager and finding a new management team, million, the REIT manager says. number of REITs, did not take up his rights aware that they are not qualified to take m
which may run the REIT internally. If the In a separate announcement on Dec 15, entitlement. That resulted in his stake in Sa-over the management of a REIT with some
resolution to vote out the current manager Vibrant Group announced that it was divest- bana REIT being diluted from 8.8% to 6.17%. S$1,022 million in assets. R
is not passed, the requisitioning unithold- ing the Changi property and would reap a Nevertheless, with the deeply discounted price, Florian Leber, an attorney at Luther LLP, c
ers want to put forward resolutions to divest gain of S$9.06 million. The company has yet the rights issue had a subscription rate of 209%.
which works with local law firm INC Law LLC, t
the REITs properties and return the cash to to receive JTCs approval for the transfer of says the trustee of a REIT has a key role in n
unitholders. ownership. The transaction also requires Crunch time safeguarding the rights and interests of the w
To be clear, the dissident minority inves- the approval of unitholders of Sabana REIT. With the dissident investors having formally unitholders and will act in accordance with c
tors are not accusing the manager or sponsor Vibrant Group, which owns 12% of Sabana made their intentions known, Sabana REITs the trust deed. In the absence of any pro- t
of Sabana REIT of breaching any rules. This REIT, will not be allowed to vote as it is an manager has highlighted some of the risks visions in the trust deed, it seems a logical p
is about a REIT Manager collecting high fees interested party. of their plan. In particular, the manager has CON T I N U ES N EX T PAGE t

Should independent REITs have an internalised manager? t
BESIDES wanting to boot out their manag- er chairman Jim Chang and managing CRT issued 27.9 million new units on a 10- tions are not yield-accretive. On the other m
er, some disgruntled unitholders of Sabana director Jeremy Yong did not have sig- for-259 basis, priced at 79.7 Singapore cents hand, detractors of the model say that it Th
Shariah Compliant Industrial Real Estate nificant stakes in CRT. each. The trust also had a bond offering to does not suit big property development p
Investment Trust are also mooting the pos- In order to pacify irate unitholders, the raise S$18 million. The remaining monies groups, such as CapitaLand and Mapletree t
sibility of the new manager being internal- duo pledged to acquire S$16 million worth of were from internal resources. Since the Investments, whose REITs are well run and g
ised. At the moment, there is only one locally units as part of the internalisation exercise. internalisation was announced, units in hold some of the best assets in the market. a
listed property trust with an internalised They have already accumulated the units, CRT have climbed almost 11%. However, The situation at Sabana REIT is not really l
manager Croesus Retail Trust (CRT). By and are now committed to a moratorium CRT is still trading at a relatively high yield comparable to CRT, though. The overriding C
contrast, most property trusts in developed on disposing of the units until June 2018. of 8.1%, based on its 2016 distribution per objective of the dissident unitholders of t
markets have internalised managers. They are subsequently allowed to divest unit of 7.06 Singapore cents. Sabana REIT is to get rid of the manager. s
Interestingly, the internalisation of CRTs 50% of these units. The moratorium on the Proponents of the internalised manag- They are also proposing to liquidate the
manager, which was announced in June remaining 50% lasts until 2020. With this er model say it aligns the interests of the trust. They have no intention of paying to u
last year, met with some opposition. The undertaking, the internalisation proposal manager more closely with those of inves- acquire the existing manager. Internali- u
main objection was that the manager was was passed with 66% voting in favour. tors than the external manager model. For sation with this team and paying for it like n
valued at S$50 million, which was more The monies to internalise the manager instance, an external manager might be CRTs unitholders is [akin to] slapping our m
than 14 times its earnings. There were also were partially funded by a preferential eq- inclined to pursue acquisitions in order to own face, says Jerry Low, one of the dis- t
gripes that the shareholders of the manag- uity offering, which raised S$22.1 million. earn additional fees, even if those acquisi- gruntled investors. The Edge Singapore m
FO CU S 17

Saizen REIT offers blueprint to solve Sabana REITs problems

BY GOOL A WA RD E N The REIT in question is Saizen Real Estate nual general meeting for the financial year ended on the latters injection of some A$355 mil-
Investment Trust, which owned Japanese June 30, 2015. While unitholders were curious lion (RM1.21 billion) worth of industrial
THE manager of Sabana Shariah Com- residential properties. In 2013, unitholders of about the terms of the deal, we unfortunately properties in Australia into the REIT in a
pliant Industrial Real Estate Investment Saizen REIT requested a strategic review. This could not divulge much at that point in time. reverse takeover (RTO) deal of sorts. In the
Trust has warned that a liquidation exercise was carried out and completed in June 2014. Overall, unitholders appeared to be open-mind- meantime, the REIT still has some cash that
may not yield the full value of its underly- After the strategic review, the board decided ed about the transaction, Goh recalls. it has yet to distribute.
ght ing assets. Winding-up of the REIT in the that focus would be placed on the companys Indeed, the market also took the news of We kept some cash for operations and
ed- present market conditions and the sale of capital structure, in particular, its cash man- the asset sale well. Saizen REITs unit price have earmarked 2.37 Singapore cents [per
the REITs assets in a liquidation will likely agement and levels of leverage, says Joey Goh, closed at 92.5 Singapore cents on Oct 23, 2015, unit] for distribution, Goh says. This means
ver, be on a forced-sale basis. In the event of a CEO of Saizen REITs manager. Among other up from the previous days close of 85.5 Sin- that unitholders will get a final distribution of
g at forced sale, where the properties are sold at things, the manager looked into the possibili- gapore cents. Subsequently, the unit price 2.37 Singapore cents if Sime Darbys RTO is
e of a substantial discount to fair values to pay ty of the REITs taking on additional debt and rose to a high of approximately S$1.110 dur- completed. The Singapore Exchange has al-
net off the defaulted loans as part of the liqui- acquiring yield-accretive properties. ing the period leading up to the completion ready approved the RTO. Saizen REIT is due
nit. dation process, more losses to unitholders However, Saizen REIT still did not really of the disposal, Goh says. to set a date for an EGM for its unitholders
ich may occur, Sabana REITs manager says. garner much interest from investors. Then, in On March 1, 2016 the REIT held an ex- to vote on the deal. This will be done before
AV Yet, at least one other troubled REIT that September 2015, its manager appointed Credit traordinary general meeting, at which more the long-stop date of March 31.
nts has gone through the process of liquidating Suisse and NorthEast Capital Management than 92% of unitholders voted for divesting Goh says the injection of new assets
its underlying assets managed to deliver GK as financial advisers for some proposals the assets and returning the cash to them. By into Saizen REIT will create an additional
tial substantial upside to its investors. In fact, it had received. On Oct 23, 2015, Saizen RE- March 4, the sale was completed. On March value of 3.6 Singapore cents per unit for
ies that particular REIT considered some of ITs manager announced that it had received 28, Saizen REIT paid unitholders a special existing unitholders. We want to ensure
the the options that Sabana REIT recently pro- a firm offer from Lone Star to acquire all the distribution of S$1.056 per unit. It distributed that unitholders get back their liquidation
ha posed, before eventually biting the bullet REITs properties at a price that was 3% above an additional 7.5 Singapore cents per unit in value and the issue price of the new units
ree and selling its assets. And, its experience its reported net asset value. September last year. represents additional value of the listed
her could provide a blueprint for Sabana REIT The day the announcement was made also Now, Saizen REITs manager is in negoti- platform for unitholders, he adds. The
on to solve its problems. happened to be the day Saizen REIT held its an- ations with Sime Darby Property Singapore Edge Singapore

How investors Frasers Tower expects to see strong leasing activity
Ts propose to rally the
f its
The support they need? BY M I C HAE L LI M

ed, ON Feb 7, listed property group Frasers Cen-

hey F RO M P RE V I O U S PAG E trepoint announced that 30% of office space
ere conclusion that the REIT trustee can be in its 38-storey Frasers Tower has been pre-
the directed by the unitholders to search for leased, or received leasing proposals. The
Ts and replace the REIT manager after its first tenant to sign on was serviced office
ns. removal, since the REIT trustee would provider The Executive Centre, which will
re- not by itself be in a position to manage be taking up 20,000 sq ft or an entire floor
act the REITs affairs, he says in response within the building. There will also be an el-
ger to questions from The Edge Singapore. ement of coworking within the space, says
est- Alternatively, it seems to be a rea- Loh Chee Wah, Frasers Centrepoints head
ere sonable assumption that the unithold- of commercial for Singapore.
tter ers can come up with a suggestion for a Interest in the office space at Frasers
tee new manager on their own or implement Tower has come from a broad spectrum of
some kind of procedure or committee companies, ranging from conglomerates to
nd for performing the task of searching for financial institutions, media groups, legal and
re- a new manager. Ultimately, it would be professional services and tech firms. Frasers
led the REIT trustee that, after exercising Centrepoint itself will be taking up one floor
in reasonable care, would have to effect for its city office, while its corporate head-
well the appointment of the replacement quarters will remain at Alexandra Point.
ake manager, he adds. Frasers Tower, located at the corner
me Leber, who is a unitholder of Sabana of Cecil Street and Telok Ayer Street, is Low (beside a model of Frasers Tower): We will likely take up one oor [for use] as a city oce. Our main oce
REIT but has yet to study the trust deed scheduled for completion in 2Q2018. The will remain where it is at Alexandra Point. Photo by Samuel Isaac Chua/The Edge Singapore
LP, closely, goes on to say that the liquida- 235m-high tower will contain 663,000 sq ft
LC, tion of the REIT is also a possibility. If of net lettable office space. Adjacent to the
in no replacement manager can be found, office tower is a three-storey retail podium Frasers Centrepoints Low reckons the space, currently in the range of S$8 to S$10
the we would assume that the unitholders with 22,000 sq ft of space. Grade-A office space market will bottom psf. Meanwhile, older Grade-A office build-
with could ultimately ask for a termination of The office tower has average floor plates out towards mid-2017, with rents expected ings are seeing monthly rental rates of S$7
ro- the REIT and a return of the liquidation of 20,000 to 22,000 sq ft, and can accom- to recover in 2H2017. We are, therefore, to S$9 psf.
cal proceeds to the unitholders to resolve modate up to 300 people per floor. As the in a situation where were completing the
AG E the situation. floor plates are regular in shape, they can building in a strengthening market, he says. Next wave of new supply after 2020
Whatever the case, if the unitholders be sub-divided into smaller units of 4,000 The next wave of new office supply will only
of Sabana REIT muster enough support to 5,000 sq ft each. This allows tenants the Flight to eciency come after 2020. There are three new projects
for any of their resolutions at the EGM flexibility to customise their space more ef- For the whole of 2016, the net take-up rate in the pipeline. One of them is the redevel-
they have requisitioned, it would pro- ficiently, Loh explains. for office space island-wide was about 1.15 opment of the CPF Building in 79 Robinson
vide a precedent for investors in other million sq ft, indicating strong demand, Road into a new Grade-A office tower with
underperforming REITs to hold their Rents to bottom out by mid-2017 Armstrong notes. 500,000 sq ft of space by Ascendas-Singbridge
r managers to account in a similar way. The closest new office tower to Frasers Tower JLLs Archibold reckons if the take-up rate Group, in a JV with Mitsui & Co and real es-
t The big question now is how they pro- is Guoco Tower at Tanjong Pagar Centre. A for office space in 2017 mirrors that of 2016, tate developer Tokyo Tatemono Co.
t pose to rally the support they need. At 38-storey Grade-A tower with a net lettable he foresees the bulk of the remaining office CapitaLand Commercial Trust announced
e the moment, Vibrant Group is the sin- area of 900,526 sq ft, Guoco Tower is 90% space at Marina One and Frasers Tower be- last October that it has submitted plans to
d gle-largest unitholder of Sabana REIT, leased, according to Chris Archibold, JLL ing taken up by the end of this year. redevelop the Golden Shoe Car Park into a
t. and will likely vote against the reso- head of markets Singapore. Over the past 12 to 18 months, many of the commercial development with a 280m-high
y lutions at the EGM. Besides Tong the Over at Marina One, a giant mixed-use leasing deals in Guoco Tower and Marina One office tower and a government-owned food
g Chinese tycoon, there does not appear scheme by M+S, a joint venture (JV) between were made by companies moving from the centre. The new project could have a gross
f to be any other party with a substantial Malaysias Khazanah Nasional and Singa- older buildings in the CBD, adds Archibold. floor area (GFA) of about one million sq ft,
r. stake in the REIT. pores Temasek Holdings, about 60% of the He reckons Frasers Tower will see the same and is expected to be completed in 2021.
e In fact, more than half of its 12,636 1.88 million sq ft of Grade-A office space kind of movement, with a flight to efficiency In November, Malaysias IOI Properties
o unitholders own not more than 10,000 has been pre-leased ahead of its comple- rather than flight to quality. JLL and CBRE are Group submitted the highest bid of S$2.67
- units each, according to the FY2015 an- tion later this year. the joint marketing agents for Frasers Tower. billion (S$1,689 psf per plot ratio) for a 99-
e nual report. Only 36 unitholders have With the good take-up rates at these pro- What is interesting is that owing to com- year leasehold whitep site at Central Boule-
r more than one million units. Among jects, the timing for the launch of Frasers petition for tenants, the gap between new vard. The 1.1ha site has a maximum GFA of
- them is Metro Holdings, which held 8.6 Tower is perfect from a supply standpoint, and older Grade-A office space has narrowed 1.52 million sq ft, with at least 1.08 million
e million units as at Feb 25, 2016. The says Moray Armstrong, CBRE managing di- over the same time frame. JLL says month- sq ft designated for office use. The Edge
Edge Singapore rector for advisory and transaction services. ly rental rates of new prime Grade-A office Singapore
18 H O M E

Pahang MBs lawsuit against IN BRIEF

Perak BN begins to pick

GE14 candidates

Utusan to go to trial
IPOH: Perak Barisan Nasional
(BN) has begun identifying the
names of potential candidates
for the 14th general election
(GE14), said Perak Menteri Be-
sar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd
Kadir. Zambry, who is also Per-
ak BN chairman, said the selec-
Five-man bench reinstates the case, orders it sent back to Kuala Lumpur High Court tion of candidates was divided
into two groups perform-
ing candidates and new candi-
PUTRAJAYA: Pahang Menteri Be- brought by Adnan in his personal The case law states that local au- publishers application to strike out dates. We are and will contin-
sar (MB) Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob or official capacity. thorities cannot institute libel action the lawsuit. ue to evaluate the performance
will have his day in court over a We want justice for both sides. in their official capacity. In the appeal proceeding yester- of elected representatives on
defamation lawsuit against Utu- You have your day in court, he said. We are not saying the Derbyshire day, Zulkefli asked whether it was whether to retain them or oth-
san Melayu (M) Bhd. Presiding with him were Federal County Council principle does not proper at this stage for the court to erwise as well as identifying
A five-man bench led by Chief Court Justices Tan Sri Ahmad Maar- apply to this case, he said, adding decide on the matter since the case potential candidates including
Judge of Malaya Tan Sri Zulkefli op, Tan Sri Hasan Lah, Datuk Aziah that the issue would be decided in was struck out and evidence had from component parties such
Ahmad Makinudin reinstated the Ali and Tan Sri Jeffrey Tan Kok Wha. other cases, as well. yet to be established by the court. as MCA, MIC and Gerakan and
lawsuit and ordered the case to Justice Zulkefli allowed Adnans Adnan sued Utusan Melayu over Lawyer Datuk M Reza Hassan, others. Bernama
be sent back to the Kuala Lumpur appeal to reverse the decision of the the publication of an article in Min- acting for Utusan Melayu submitted
High Court for trial. appellate court on March 1 last year, gguan Malaysia under the headline, that Adnan did not have the legal Eight policemen injured in
The matter was struck out by in striking out his civil suit against Hebat Sangatkah Adnan on Nov standing to bring the suit against boat explosion in Manjung
the Court of Appeal on March 1 the publisher of the Malay newspa- 9, 2014. his client as, based on the Adnans IPOH: Eight policemen were
last year after it ruled that public per and set Feb 22 for case manage- In the suit filed in 2014, Adnan pleadings, it was obvious he filed injured when a marine police
officials could not sue the media ment in the High Court. said Utusan had tarnished his rep- his action in his capacity as men- boat exploded at the Marine
for defamation in their official ca- However, the court panel did not utation as a national leader and teri besar. Jetty in Kampung Acheh near
pacity. decide whether the English case law politician through an article. Adnans lawyer, Americk Sidhu Manjung, about 100km from
Justice Zulkefli said evidence had principle, Derbyshire County Coun- The appellate court had allowed said it was premature to hear the here yesterday. Acting Perak
yet to be established in the High cil v The Times Newspapers Ltd & Utusan Melayus appeal to overturn appeal since no evidence had been police chief Datuk Hasnan Has-
Court on whether the lawsuit was Others (1993), applied to this case. the High Courts dismissal of the established. Bernama san said the incident occurred
about 9.30am while the police-
men, who were with the Gen-
eral Operations Force in Ulu
Guan Eng: No plan to release Wolbachia- Kinta, were undergoing routine
training. The explosion was
Resignation of four caused by a faulty boat engine
leaders a gift to BN infected mosquitoes nationwide and there is no other explo-
sive involved in the incident,
he said in a statement here.
KUALA LUMPUR: The unexpected He said the injured policemen
resignation of Kota Melaka mem- IPOH: The health ministry has no Once we know its effectiveness od, followed by Johor at 2,379 cases. were sent to Seri Manjung Hos-
ber of parliament Sim Tong Him plans to release mosquitoes infect- and challenges, only then will we The deployment of the Wol- pital for treatment and were
and three Melaka assemblymen ed with the Wolbachia microor- be able to arrive at a decision on bachia microorganism was intro- reported to be in stable con-
Goh Leong San for Duyong, Lim ganism in dengue-affected areas whether it is useful to release it in duced in January last year by the dition. Bernama
Jak Wong for Bachang and Chin nationwide, says its minister Datuk all areas, he told reporters after Institute for Medical Research, in
Choong Seong for Kesidang from Seri Dr S Subramaniam. visiting the Klinik Kesihatan Bun- collaboration with Lancaster Uni- Public sector governance
DAP has given Barisan Nasional He said the pilot project cur- tong here yesterday. versity, UK. can use MPH formula
(BN) a gift for the next general elec- rently implemented in Selangor Subramaniam said it would be Last year, a Bernama report KUALA LUMPUR: The princi-
tion, the partys secretary-general in Section 7, Shah Alam and AU2, continued if it were found to be quoted health director-general ples of meritocracy, pragma-
Lim Guan Eng said yesterday. Keramat was still in the trial peri- effective in controlling dengue fe- Datuk Seri Dr Noor Hisham Ab- tism and honesty (MPH) have
I admit my mistake in trusting od. The experiment was aimed at ver, especially in areas where the dullah as saying that injecting the been used in many countries to
that Sim Tong Him and his faction understanding the behaviour of disease was recorded. Wolbachia microorganism into the sustain success in public sector
leaders would remain loyal to DAP the disease-spreading mosquito The minister said the dengue Aedes Aegypti mosquito eggs could governance. Professor Kishore
and DAPs campaign to save Malay- species and whether that could re- epidemic was predicted to increase prevent the spread of the dengue Mahbubani of the Lee Kuan Yew
sia, despite their differences with duce dengue cases in the country. around July or August this year. virus among humans. School of Public Policy said the
the DAP Central Executive Com- This is because we are doing it He said Selangor recorded the He had said the eggs did not principles could be emulated in
mittee (CEC), Guan Eng said in a on a trial basis until the end of next highest number of dengue fever carry the dengue virus and thus, the effort to achieve econom-
press statement. month in the two areas in Selangor cases at 7,355 cases, including 12 prevented the spread of dengue. ic development goals. In the
He said that the resignation of before following up on the results. deaths during the Jan 1 to Feb 2 peri- Bernama MPH formula for meritocracy,
the four elected representatives the quality of peoples mind-
was unexpected because Sim had set in the public sector must
been hand-picked by DAP leader be good. For pragmatism, best
Lim Kit Siang to stand in the 1986 practices from all over the world
general election, and again saved can be copied, such as what Ja-
by Kit Siang from expulsion from
DAP after Sim stood as an inde- TOOLS OF pan did in the 1860s and China
in the 1980s. Honesty is needed
pendent in the 2013 general elec- AN ILLEGAL totally for the public sector to
tion against the DAP candidate
in the Kota Laksamana state seat.
TRADE ... succeed, he said at the Malay-
sian Economic Association Fo-
Bukit Aman Commercial
In Melaka, Bernama reported Crime Investigation
rum here yesterday. Bernama
that Jak Wong and Chin submitted Department director
their resignation notices to Melaka MMEA scours waters o
Datuk Acryl Sani Sabah for ve victims
State Legislative Assembly Speak- Abdullah Sani (second
er Datuk Othman Mohamad at from left) and Singapore
10.30am yesterday. The two leaders Police Commercial
rescue (SAR) teams scouring
handed their letters personally to Aairs Department
the waters off Sabah for five
Melaka State Assembly Secretary director David Chew
more victims of a boat cap-
Mohd Yusof Abu Bakar at 10.30am. (left) examining the
size tragedy in the waters off
After receiving the official let- items that were seized
Sabah have drawn a blank as
ters, the secretary will arrange from an African Scam
the operation entered its 17th
their new seating in the DUN group during a press
day. Sabah Malaysian Maritime
(state legislative assembly), they conference in Kuala
Enforcement Agency (MMEA)
wont be in the same spot with Lumpur yesterday.
director First Admiral Mohd
DAP representatives, Othman Photo by Bernama
Zubil Mat Som said the ongo-
told reporters at his office at Kom- ing SAR operation covered a
pleks Seri Negeri here yesterday. 300 square nautical mile sec-
Bernama tor. Bernama

Things might be OK if
Trump borrows from Abe
If he adopts Japanese PMs blueprint, the US will be in better shape than many of Trumps critics fear
BY N OA H SMI TH been responsible, smart, far-sighted would dovetail with their agenda. An
and even liberal. If Trump adopts anti-Korean group called Zaitokukai
Abes blueprint, the US will be in held marches denouncing Japans Ko-
better shape than the presidents rean residents, and online trolls un-
many critics fear. leashed a torrent of hate speech remi-

have occasionally been ac- First, Abe has shown that na- niscent of the so-called alt-right in the
cused of metaphorically hug- tionalism doesnt mean keeping US. But instead of looking the other
ging Japanese Prime Minister out immigrants it means viewing way, Abe denounced these groups
(PM) Shinzo Abe, but so far I them as vital recruits whose contri- and their divisive rhetoric. He formed
have never had the chance to butions increase national strength. a study group to consider stronger
do so in literal terms. Not so Since 2012, Japan has had a points- laws against hate speech. And under
US President Donald Trump, who based immigration system similar to Abe, Japans police have stepped up
gave the Japanese leader a broth- the one used by Canada, aiming to monitoring of hate groups.
erly hug at a meeting at the White lure the worlds best and brightest. This is another area where Trump
House last Friday. But I hope that in And under Abe, the government is should borrow from Abe, and rec-
addition to hugging the man, Trump taking even more steps to make it ognise that a strong nation is an in-
embraces Abes approach to govern- easy for skilled professionals to be- clusive nation. As in Japan, some
ing. In the past four years, Abe has come permanent residents in Japan. US hate groups have taken the rise
created a template for a responsi- The countrys universities are also of nationalism as a signal to step up
ble, positive modern nationalism. allowing more foreign students. As a hateful rhetoric and harassment of
When Abe was elected at the end result of these and other initiatives, minorities. Trump should denounce
of September 2012, many on the Jap- the total number of foreign workers and discourage these groups, and
anese left and in the foreign press in Japan including guest workers shouldnt turn a blind eye to the threat
denounced him as a dangerous right- and permanent residents has of white supremacist terrorism.
wing nationalist. His grandfather No- gone up since Abe took power. anese left and much of the foreign are Japanese women working more, Just as fears of Abe turned out
busuke Kishi served in the militarist Trump has talked about imple- press, seems to be producing results. theyre also having slightly more chil- to be overblown, fears of Trumps
Japanese government during World menting a points-based immigration Japanese women are now more likely dren. If the trend continues, it will nationalism may turn out to be
War II. He has worked to loosen the system, so hopefully he will follow to hold jobs than their counterparts help reduce the burden of the coun- exaggerated. That can happen if
countrys post-war restrictions on its Abes lead. He should also focus on in the US. Abe has pushed for a major trys ageing population a problem Trump sticks to Abes playbook,
military, and his appointees have in- luring foreign students, as Japan has expansion of government-funded day the US now shares with its Asian ally. and pushes for a nationalism that is
cluded Nanjing Massacre denialists. done, to save US universities and the care and increased parental leave If Trump, like Abe, were to push for confident, pragmatic, inclusive and
For these reasons, the Abe is Hitler local economies that depend on them. two areas where the US is a laggard. paid parental leave and childcare forward-looking. The more Trump
memes flew fast and furious in his Abe has also worked hard to in- Under him the Japanese bureaucracy subsidies, the US might be able to looks like Abe, the less worried we
administrations early days. crease womens participation in the has introduced flex-time work sched- repeat this success. should be. Bloomberg
But actually, Abe has governed economy. As a nationalist, the prime ules. Abe has also deployed powerful Finally, Abes tone and rhetoric
as anything but the right-wing re- minister realises that if women are rhetoric to advocate womens equal- have promoted a responsible, toler-
vanchist many feared. Though his able to work and raise families at the ity in the workplace, and has urged ant form of nationalism. After Abes This column does not necessarily
policies have clearly been aimed at same time, the country gets stronger men to share more childcare duties. election, many racist elements in Ja- reflect the opinion of the editori-
strengthening Japan and boosting as a result. His womenomics pro- Its too soon to know the ultimate pan felt emboldened, perhaps hoping al board or Bloomberg LP and its
national pride, those policies have gramme, much derided by the Jap- results of Abes push. But not only that the resurgence of nationalism owners.

The art of European integration

While substantial progress has al- resistance to deeper integration. that some countries, particularly in employment countries on board.
ready been made on this front, Eu- Of course, who opposes integra- Central Europe, were unwilling to To be sure, on the refugee issue,
ropean banking integration is far tion depends on the specific pro- accept EU-imposed quotas for re- in particular, there may be added
from complete. Unfinished busi- posal, all of which are likely to ben- settlement, it was proposed that asy- complications. Social resistance
ness includes a deposit-insurance efit some EU members more than lum seekers be permitted to choose to immigration in a country like
THE past year has been full of wa- scheme, as well as the creation of others. In some cases, a proposal where they want to settle. The EU Germany, fuelled by terrorist at-
tershed developments. Aside from a senior tranche of safe sovereign might result in greater long-term budget would cover the costs, poten- tacks and populist political rhet-
Donald Trumps victory in the US assets, or eurozone-wide risk-free gains for all, but carry significant tially using newly issued safe bonds. oric, could undermine the appeal
presidential election, some of the securities. upfront costs for particular coun- But this idea could also run up of such a programme. But, in that
European Unions (EU) weaknesses Another potential step, moti- tries. At a time when some major against resistance, not least because case, the specific policy package
were fully revealed, with the UKs vated by the profound asymmetry EU member countries are set to the countries that would attract the could be adjusted.
vote to leave casting the bloc in a of eurozone countries econom- hold national elections, and when most refugees are those that already Packaging reforms to make them
particularly harsh light. But Brexit ic performance during the crisis, anti-establishment politicians are have stronger economies, and there- more palatable may sound like Busi-
does not have to spell the EUs de- would be a joint unemployment-in- deposing moderate parties, many fore need EU funding the least. The ness 101. But this is not just about
mise. Instead, it can serve as a wake- surance scheme, whereby cyclical national leaders are unwilling to solution would be to introduce an- quotidian deal-making. Rather, it
up call, spurring action to address unemployment benefits would be risk their political capital to push other measure, producing transfers is about completing and thus
the EUs problems. financed from the EU budget. Fi- through such reforms. in the opposite direction, in tandem protecting the EU, by building a
Some European leaders are at- nally, the refugee crisis has led to But what if the reforms were with the refugee policy. more sustainable set of institutions.
tempting to heed that call, by urging a discussion of a joint scheme for made more appealing? Breaking The best candidate for this role If the EU is to remain a beacon of
EU member states to complete the enforcing the EUs external borders, down political resistance may be may well be the joint unemploy- openness and liberal democracy, it
Union. Without the UK, they argue, allocating asylum seekers among its as simple as packaging proposals ment-insurance scheme. Countries must forge ahead with integration.
it will be easier to advance integra- member countries, and financing together. The proposals with great- that are undesirable to refugees, If it is to make headway, its leaders
tion, as the remaining members their integration. er benefits for some could be com- owing to high cyclical unemploy- will have to ensure that all mem-
are somewhat less heterogeneous, All of these and many other bined with and counterbalanced ment, would benefit dispropor- bers benefit equally along the way.
and therefore more likely to agree ideas have been discussed at length, by those with greater benefits for tionately from such a policy, es- Project Syndicate
on steps that Britain might have and have even been elaborated to others, and the short-term costs of pecially in the short term. The
opposed. the point that actionable agendas one policy could be offset by the expectation that those transfers
One such step and a constant have emerged. Yet little progress has shorter-term gains of another. would eventually be offset by ref- Sergei Guriev is chief economist at
focus of attention since the euro been made. The UK, it turns out, is Consider efforts to address the ugee-resettlement funds may be the European Bank for Reconstruc-
crisis began is a banking union. far from the only source of political refugee crisis. Once it became clear just what is needed to get low-un- tion and Development.
20 W O R L D B U S I N E S S

France calls on Germany IN BRIEF

Infosys CEO says media

talk of governance issues

to hike investment spending

MUMBAI: Infosys chief execu-
tive officer (CEO) Vishal Sikka
said talk in the media of con-
cerns over corporate govern-
ance at the software services
firm was distracting and that
Sapin brushes aside US criticism of Europes biggest economys trade surplus he had good relations with the
firms founders. Indias No 2 in-
formation technology services
BERLIN: French Economy Min- But, he added, Germany could tistics office Destatis said Germa- ister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, is to company has been locked in an
ister Michel Sapin has dismissed be more ambitious in investment ny exported 253 billion (RM1.2 give priority to debt reduction, escalating public war of words
a US attack on Germanys trade spending. trillion) more than it imported followed by tax cuts in the mid- with its founders and former
surplus but urged Europes big- We think that this would be in in 2016. Exports added 1.2% to term if Chancellor Angela Merkel executives, who have accused
gest economy to boost its spend- the interests both of Germans and top 1.2 trillion, while imports is re-elected in September. its board of lapses in corporate
ing on investment. the eurozone, said Sapin, who climbed 0.6% to 955 billion. The Social Democratic Party, governance. Infosys founders
In an interview trailed by the also holds the finance portfolio. The European Commission and the minority party in the gov- have questioned the pay of Sik-
financial daily Handelsblatt for its Sapins words add to external the International Monetary Fund erning coalition, has promised ka and severance payouts given
edition yesterday, Sapin brushed pressure and to an internal debate are among those that have called to stimulate infrastructure in- to others. According to local
aside US criticism that Germany in Germany about the countrys on Germany to boost internal con- vestment. media reports, the founders
exploited an undervalued euro trade surplus, which has repeat- sumption, which would spur slug- Germanys major partners, in- have also questioned the ap-
to fuel its exports. edly broken records since the gish growth in the European Union. cluding the US and France, run pointment of an independent
The attack very obviously is 2008-2009 financial crisis. But Germanys policy, driven big deficits in bilateral trade with director. Reuters
meaningless, said Sapin. Last Thursday, the federal sta- by the conservative finance min- Berlin. AFP
China steel capacity
actually rose in 2016 after
closures Greenpeace
Oil prices dip as markets stay SHANGHAI: Chinese steel ca-
pacity in operation actually rose
in 2016 after a high-profile clo-
bloated despite Opec cuts sure programme concentrated
on shutting idled plants, envi-
ronment group Greenpeace said
BY HEN N I NG GLOYSTEIN nounced reductions is now esti- yesterday. China said early last
mated around 90%. year it would shut as much as 150
SINGAPORE: Oil prices dipped Traders will be keenly await- million tonnes of annual crude
yesterday on signs that global fuel ing the release today (yesterday) of steel capacity over the next five
markets remained bloated despite Opecs monthly report. If production years to tackle a supply glut that
Opec-led crude production cuts cuts are coming through as suggest- had encouraged a surge in cheap
that have been more successful ed, we should see oil prices push exports, exposing the nation to
than most initially expected. higher, ANZ bank said yesterday. anti-dumping complaints. In re-
Brent crude futures were trading While traders said that crude was search conducted with Custeel,
at US$56.62 (RM251.39) per barrel well supported in the lower to mid- a consultancy affiliated with the
at 0707 GMT, down eight US cents US$50s per barrel due to the curbs, China Iron and Steel Association,
from their previous close. they pointed to a host of reasons Greenpeace estimated that Chi-
West Texas Intermediate crude preventing prices from rising further An iPhone on display at an Apple reseller store kiosk in Mumbai on Jan 12. Selling
nas operating capacity saw a net
futures were down 13 US cents at unless production is cut deeper or refurbished models, such as the iPhone 5S, would make Apple handsets aordable to
increase of 36.5 million tonnes
US$53.73 a barrel. for a longer period. more people. Photo by Reuters
in 2016. Reuters
Opec and other producers in- In the US, rising drilling activ-
cluding Russia have agreed to cut ity is pushing up production and Global revenue spread
output by almost 1.8 million bar-
rels per day during the first half of
undermining Opecs efforts to re-
duce output.
Apple sows seeds for gives stability Fidessa
BENGALURU: British trad-
2017 in a bid to rein in a global fuel
supply overhang.
Drillers added eight oil rigs in
the week to last Friday, bringing
India iPhone awakening ing software provider Fidessa
Group plc said its internation-
There was scepticism that pro- the total US count to 591, the most al revenue spread provided
ducers would make the promised since October 2015, Baker Hughes BY RO BY N M AK units in India last year, according stability amid uncertainty fol-
cuts, but compliance with the an- said last Friday. Reuters to Counterpoint Research. That is lowing Britains vote to leave
HONG KONG: Apple is planting impressive considering an iPhone the European Union and the
the seeds for Indias iPhone awak- retails for more in India than in the US election. Fidessa reported
ening. The US$695 billion (RM3.09 US because of high import taxes a 25% rise in it full-year prof-
UK consumer spending growth trillion) company is nearing a deal
to assemble its iconic phone in
and a lack of carrier subsidies.
Assembling handsets locally
it to 48.8 million (RM271.6
million) for the year ended
slows to five-month low Visa Karnataka, a southwestern state
in one of the worlds fastest grow-
will help keep a tighter lid on costs.
In return for agreeing to Make in
Dec 31. The company said
64% of its total revenue was
ing handset markets. That would India, and helping Prime Minister generated outside Europe,
BY DAVI D MI L L I KEN rate in over three years, Visa said. help lower retail prices and boost Narendra Modi create jobs, Apple while 73% of the revenue was
Following a bumper Christ- potential sales at a time when the may hope New Delhi will relax denominated in foreign cur-
LONDON: British households kept mas season, there were signs that Cupertino-based firm is losing its rules that currently prevent it from rencies, with the majority be-
a tighter grip on their credit cards consumers were starting to rein in footing elsewhere in Asia. importing old phones. ing the US dollar. Reuters
last month as spending grew at their spending at the start of the Indias smartphone market Selling refurbished models,
one of the slowest annual rates of New Year, Visa managing director will expand at an average rate such as the iPhone 5S, would make Ipsen to buy ve products
the past three years, data from Visa Kevin Jenkins said. of 18% annually until 2020, esti- Apple handsets affordable to more from Sano for 83m
showed yesterday, adding to signs The British Retail Consortium mates data tracker International people. The hope is these early PARIS: Drug maker Ipsen has
that consumer spending is starting reported last week that spending Data Corp (IDC). To compare, customers will eventually upgrade agreed to buy five consumer
to lose momentum. in the November-January festive shipment volumes in China grew to the latest models as incomes healthcare products from bigger
Robust consumer spending period grew by the smallest amount by half that rate last year and con- rise. It would also allow Apple to French rival Sanofi for 83 mil-
helped Britains economy to out- since the depths of the financial sumers there are switching to lo- compete with local and Chinese lion (RM393 million), in a deal
pace its peers last year, even after crisis, while the Confederation of cal brands. IDC reckons Apples rivals like Oppo and Huawei. which Ipsen said should boost
Junes Brexit vote, but most econ- British Industry said its January market share in the Peoples Re- In the meantime, Apple is its profits. The sale arose as part
omists think rising inflation as a retail gauge fell by the most since public dropped to 9.6% in 2016, close to opening a store in the of a requirement from the Eu-
result of sterlings hefty slide will records began in 1983. from over 13% the previous year. country. So even if the company ropean Commission to sell off
eat into growth in 2017. On the month, however, Visa The challenge in India is to in- cant significantly lower prices or certain assets from an earlier
Consumer spending, adjusted said consumer spending was up by crease the size of the addressable expand its market, a more visi- deal between Sanofi and Ger-
for inflation, rose just 0.4% on the 0.5% after a 2.5% dip in December market. Premium phones over ble presence will help ensure man drug maker Boehringer In-
year in January, down sharply from broadly matching the picture US$500 account for less than 2% the brand is one people aspire to gelheim. The acquisition would
2.5% in December and aside which economists expect from nar- of smartphones. Apple dominates own. That is key to Apples future be fully financed from existing
from August, shortly after the Brexit rower official retail sales data due this segment and sold 2.5 million in India. Reuters cash reserves and lines of credit,
vote the weakest annual growth on Friday. Reuters the company added. Reuters
W O R L D B U S I N E S S 21

Japan logged
1% growth in
2016 on exports,
capital spending
Samsung chief being IN BRIEF

Trade stops in yuan-

Singapore dollar after
daily xing mix-up

TOKYO: Japans economy ex-

panded 1.0% in 2016 as a bump
in exports and capital invest-
questioned again SHANGHAI: Currency dealers
refrained from trading the Chi-
nese yuan against the Singapore
dollar yesterday morning due to
an incorrect midpoint fix before
ment offset weak spending at the market opened. The Peo-
home, data showed yester- ples Bank of China (PBoC) later
day, although it was unlikely Lee: I will once again tell the truth to the special prosecution adjusted the midpoint, but as
to erase concerns about Tokyos of midday there had been no
faltering war on deflation. trades in the two currencies on
The gross domestic prod- BY SE YOUNG L E E & J U -M I N PARK Soon-sil, in exchange for support have said. Chinas interbank market. The
uct (GDP) data showed four for a 2015 merger of two Samsung Park was impeached by par- yuans midpoint was initially set
consecutive quarters of growth SEOUL: Samsung Group leader companies. liament in December and South at 4.9929 per Singapore dollar, far
the longest expansion since Jay Y Lee appeared at the South The funding included sponsor- Koreas Constitutional Court will weaker than last Fridays closing
2013 but the annual figure Korean special prosecutors office ship for the equestrian career of decide whether to uphold that de- rate of 4.8418. The PBoC later
was lower than the 1.2% growth for questioning yesterday as part of Chois daughter, who is under arrest cision. She has been stripped of her amended the daily midpoint
registered in 2015, according to a wider investigation into an influ- in Denmark after being sought by powers in the meantime. on the official foreign exchange
the Cabinet Office. ence-peddling scandal that could South Korean authorities. I will once again tell the truth to trading platform website, reset-
Government spending topple President Park Geun-hye. Park, Lee, Choi, and Samsung the special prosecution, Samsung ting it at 4.8391. The PBoC fixes
measures and a drop in the yen The special prosecutor has fo- Group have all denied bribery ac- Groups third-generation leader a midpoint based on levels rates
were key growth drivers, even cused on South Koreas biggest cusations. told reporters before entering an submitted by some banks, but
as Japanese consumers kept a conglomerate, accusing Lee in Proving illicit dealings be- elevator, after arriving at the pros- suspicions arose at yesterdays
tight lid on spending. his capacity as Samsung chief of tween Park or her confidantes ecution office in southern Seoul fixing that some banks submit-
pledging 43 billion won (RM166.22 and Samsung Group is critical for early yesterday, flanked by Sam- ted incorrect rates. Reuters
million) to a business and organisa- the special prosecutors case that sung Group officials and his law-
Japan GDP tions backed by Parks friend, Choi ultimately targets Park, analysts yer. Reuters Brain drain at S Koreas
Annual growth, % pension fund accelerates
4.2 SEOUL: The investment arm
of South Koreas National Pen-

Toshiba prepares to unveil nuclear sion Service (NPS), the worlds
third-largest pension fund, has
seen a sharp rise in the num-

hole, other perils threaten ber of staff resigning since it an-
nounced plans to move to a city
200km from Seoul by the end of
this month. Some 27 fund man-
-0.1 BY MAKIKO YAMAZAKI & TARO FUSE agers including the heads of over-
seas alternative asset investment
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TOKYO: Toshiba Corp will today detail and overseas stock investment
a write-down of close to US$6 billion have left or tendered their resig-
Source : Cabinet Office
(RM26.64 billion) after bruising cost nations so far this year, a source
overruns at its US nuclear arm, turn- with direct knowledge of the mat-
This is really an export-driven ing investor attention to the Japanese ter told Reuters yesterday. The
recovery were talking about, said groups efforts to fix that and other decision to move to Jeonju
Izumi Devalier, chief economist balance sheet headaches. with a population of 660,000 and
at Merrill Lynch Japan Securities. The TVs-to-construction conglom- three hours by rail and bus from
Private consumption has erate warned of a potential multi- Seoul was announced in 2013
been pretty weak still, and unless billion-dollar nuclear write-down as part of an effort to decentralise
we get private consumption fired in December, a year after a US$1.3 government functions and boost
up, its hard to see growth accel- billion accounting scandal. Filepic of Toshibas headquarters in Tokyo. Toshibas 190,000 workers, employed at regional development. Reuters
erating very strongly from here. Sources familiar with the matter some 500 units, likely will make it too big to fail. Photo by Reuters
Japans once-booming econ- say the final charge, to be detailed Vietnam posted US$1.15b
omy has suffered from years of alongside quarterly earnings, will be trade surplus in January
deflation, which can discourage as high as 700 billion (RM27.31 bil- HANOI: Vietnam posted a
spending by consumers as they lion), a sum which alone would wipe sahiko Ishino, analyst at Tokai Tokyo 200 billion to 400 billion for the flash trade surplus of US$1.15 billion
postpone purchases until prices out the companys shareholder equity. Research Center. memory stake, a range that could cov- (RM5.11 billion) in January, the
drop further or just save their Toshiba, which has seen its market He added Toshiba would need to er the 300 billion the company wants government said on Sunday, up
money, creating further pres- value almost halve since the prospect show how it could stay competitive to raise. It prefers multiple investors. from a US$881 million surplus
sure on businesses. of a write-down emerged in Decem- in the cash-generating but capital-in- Toshiba is a pillar of Japans busi- in the same month a year earlier.
Doubts have been growing ber, is also expected to outline the tensive memory chip industry, given ness establishment. Born in the tu- Exports rose 5.7% to US$14.34
over Japanese leader Shinzo prospects for its nuclear arm and its battered balance sheet. mult of Japans emergence from billion compared with the same
Abes Abenomics a mix of update investors on efforts to raise Toshiba has offered a 19.9% stake centuries of isolation, it made Ja- period last year, while imports
massive monetary easing, gov- capital, including through the sale of its prize chip business to investment pans first light bulb and was a pio- edged up 3.9% to US$13.19 bil-
ernment spending and red-tape of a stake in its flagship memory chip funds and rivals including Bain Capi- neer in laptop computers. Toshibas lion, the government website
slashing with growth still frag- business. tal, SK Hynix and Micron Technology. 190,000 workers, employed at some cited data from customs depart-
ile and inflation well below tar- The question for Toshiba is how Last Thursday, a source said that 500 units, likely will make it too big ment as showing. China, South
get. AFP is it going to move forward, said Ma- Toshiba had received bids of between to fail. Reuters Korea and the US are Vietnams
biggest trading partners so far
this year. Vietnam, the worlds
top robusta producer, exported
Aussie banks hit back at Apple over mobile payment dispute 140,300 tonnes of coffee in Jan-
uary, down 20.5% from a year
earlier. But the value of coffee
BY EMI LY CA DMA N tally an attempt to delay or even in their own payment technology, tralian Competition & Consumer exports rose 3.5% annually to
block the expansion of Apple Pay they fear being sidelined as mobile Commission (ACCC) refused per- US$316.8 million, customs data
SYDNEY: A consortium of Austral- into Australia. Apples conspiracy wallets gain in popularity. Apple mission for the banks to negotiate showed. Reuters
ias biggest banks has abandoned theories are fantasy, the banks is the worldwide leader in mobile collectively, but said the decision
its attempt to negotiate as a bloc said in an accompanying emailed in-store payments, although in the was finely balanced. Ansell shares fall 6% on
with Apple Inc over the cost of statement yesterday. US it has been facing increasing In their filing with the ACCC, the at prot and rising costs
using its mobile payment system, The banks Commonwealth competition. banks said they all pledged to partic- SYDNEY: Australian rubber
narrowing its claim to focus solely Bank of Australia, National Austral- By dropping their bid to nego- ipate in the roll-out of Apple Pay in products maker Ansell Ltd said
on access to a key piece of iPhone ia Bank Ltd, Westpac Banking Corp tiate together on fees and focusing Australia in return for being grant- yesterday that rising raw material
technology. and Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd solely on technological access, the ed access to the iPhones near-field costs and foreign exchange fluc-
In their final submission to the are seeking permission from the banks are seeking to put the regula- communications antenna the tuations kept half-year profit flat,
competition regulator, the banks regulator to negotiate together to tors focus onto Apples restrictions technology that makes payments sending shares to a six-month
hit back at earlier claims by Apple boost their bargaining power with and tip the decision their way. In a on contactless readers possible. low at A$20.75 (RM70.79), fall-
that the dispute was fundamen- the US tech giant. Having invested draft ruling in December, the Aus- Bloomberg ing 6%. Reuters
live it!





01 har


CELEBRATE the magic of love with musicto- jus
night as Eewen Teoh and Grace Cho take you ahe
down memory lane with English, Chinese and ly d
Malay classic songs such as Getaran Jiwa, All dis
You Need is Love and Just Like Your Tender-
ness. Show time starts at 9pm. To catch the is f


performance, head over to Theatre Lounge
Caf,B1-3A Plaza Damas 3, 63 Jalan Sri Har-
tamas 1, Kuala Lumpur. Tickets are priced at
RM55. Visit www.theatreloungecafe.comto
book your tickets.
Niagara Falls offers awe-inspiring Horseshoe Falls, where 90%
of the Niagara River roars past.
legendary landmark. Sub-zero temperatures
cause a partial freezing of the famous falls and
spectacular views but The best views are from the Canadian lights that usually reflect raging torrents of
side, and if you dont fancy getting too water cast a fairy-tale glow on the ice. Several
dont think of it as just a close to the edge, there are spectacular people have survived plunging over the edge,
panoramas from the Skylon Tower, the but no one had ever gone in the opposite di-
magnet for newly-weds Skywheel Canadas largest observa- rection until January 2015, when Canadian Ch
tion wheel and Goat Island, which ice climbers Will Gadd and Sarah Hueniken nor
splits the river in two. On the American scaled a frozen section of Horseshoe Falls as for
BY TI M P I LE side, Niagara Falls State Park the old- chunks of ice plummeted past their heads. the
est in the country offers hiking trails, Gravity and a sturdy barrel is the tradi- fere

guau Falls, in Argentina, may be picnic tables, a theatre and recreation tional warm weather way of making a name a sh
the largest waterfall system in the programmes. Get a feel for both sides of for yourself in these parts. Sixteen people have Spl
world and Angel Falls, in Venezuela, the border by walking across Rainbow risked life and limb by going over the falls, tur
POETRY has long been a medium for ex- the highest, but when it comes to Bridge (and dont forget your passport). CON T I N UES N EX T PAGE by
pressing emotions, especially feelings of love. attracting crowds, nowhere beats Once only the most fearless of dare- nex
There will be a reading tonight at Jack It! Vol. Niagara. Each year, 12 million tour- devils crossed the falls by tightrope. Now
6 Valentines Day Special, featuring Jack Malik, ists, many of them honeymooners, peer its possible for tourists to skim above the M
Zim & Kasih, Ashikin M and Arisha Rozaidee. through the spray as the equivalent of falls at speeds of up to 60km per hour on a 01. Niagara Falls in winter. and
It is also an open mic event, so if you have an Olympic size swimming pool of wa- zip line. A more conventional but no less and
something to share, there are slots available ter tumbles over the edge every second. exhilarating sightseeing option is a ride 02. Tourists gliding by the zip line over to h
with registration at the door. Registration Historians believe the word Niagara aboard the Maid of the Mist. Theres some Niagara Falls. tiqu
starts at 8pm and show time starts at 9pm. derives from the Indian Onguiaahra, debate about the best place to stand as the ah
The reading will be at Minut Init Art Social, meaning the strait, although the more iconic boat nears the vast curtain of water, 03. The Canadian and US sides of the falls are tre
29A & B, Jalan SS21/37, Uptown Damansara evocative Thunder of Waters is used more but unless they stay inside the cabin, pas- quite dierent the former manicured,
Utama, Petaling Jaya. Admission is free. frequently these days. sengers will be thoroughly drenched as the latter unkempt, according to one An
the fine mist becomes a ferocious spray. recent traveller. The
The good Dont expect much protection from the roo
There are three sets of falls straddling complimentary plastic poncho its more 04. The town on the Canadian side of the falls tuc
the frontier between the US and Canada: useful for wrapping around your camera. is safe, but very commercialised. sta
Bridal Veil Falls, American Falls and the A winter visit reveals another side to the and

WHO says only couples get to have all the on
fun on Valentines Day? Embrace your sin- roo
glehood and head out to Singles Night at ligh
DR.Inc to mingle and dance the night away aw
tonight. Before the real party starts,satiate in w
your appetite with a delicious buet dinner, req
then give your dancing shoes a run for your the
money when DJ Blondie hits the decks all the por
way until 1am. DR.Inc is at 8, Jalan Kemuja, ter
Kuala Lumpur. Entry inclusive of dinner is Ch
priced at RM90 per person.Call (011) 2368
2537 for more details. Wh
02 03 Th


live it! 23

F ROM P RE V I O U S PAGE it is far more commercialised. Despite

with 11 surviving the ordeal. Two men have the green spaces of the state park, the
completed the feat twice and are still alive to American side has a reputation for mob
tell the tale. In 1960, a seven-year-old boy fell activity and violent crime dating back to
into the swirling water, slipped over the lip the Prohibition era. In 2016, the Federal
and was fished out at the bottom, none the Bureau of Investigation ranked Niagara
worse for wear. The fine for unlawfully per- Falls as the most dangerous city in New
forming or attempting to perform a stunt in York state and 44th in the country.
the park is currently US$10,000 (RM44,400) Car parking scams leave tourists out of
payable if you survive, of course. pocket and there are boarded-up build-
ings and litter-strewn streets within a
The bad block or two of the falls. Publisher Lonely
Not everyone who leaps into the misty abyss Planet describes the New York side as a
intends to survive. Its estimated there are bit derelict and, under the heading Dirty
between 20 and 25 suicides at the falls each run down town, a Tripadvisor contribu-
year. Expert daredevils dont fare much bet- tor writes: There was trash everywhere
ter. In 1995, a man fell to his death when his ... very unkept (sic) looking town. I felt
parachute failed to open as he rode a jet ski unsafe; I wont be returning.
over the edge.
When celebrities first began visiting at The ugly
the beginning of the 19th century, the de- In a city with an economy so depend-
scription of Niagara Falls as the honeymoon 04 ent on tourism, attacks on visitors grab
capital of the world may have been justified. headlines. On Christmas night 2015, a
Today, however, competing destinations Japanese tourist asked a local man for di-
and cheap international air travel mean the mooners. See the falls; skip the city is a complaints about loan sharking, prosti- rections to Rainbow Bridge so she could
hospitality industry is having to work ever recurring online theme. The beauty spot tution and fraud-related issues and much walk into Canada. Instead, she was led
harder to entice newly-weds. A hotel room is surrounded by brash Las Vegas-style discussion about the casinos contribution into the state park, where she was robbed
with a heart-shaped waterbed and Jacuzzi attractions including haunted houses, to the community. and sexually abused.
just doesnt cut it. Perhaps Oscar Wilde was Ripleys Believe It or Not! and no fewer Visitors to Niagara Falls are often sur- At the beginning of this month, the
ahead of his time when, in 1882, he reputed- than three waxwork museums. Its fair prised at how different the twin cities Tokyo resident returned to Niagara
ly described Niagara Falls as the first great to say the 42-floor Fallsview Casino isnt are and not just in terms of the scenic County Court to hear the jury return a
disappointment in married life. universally loved either. Instead of ce- views. The Canadian side boasts safe, well- guilty verdict. Her assailant could face
Nowadays, a sense of disappointment menting its place as a win-win addition lit public areas, manicured gardens and up to 15 years in prison. South China
is felt by regular tourists as well as honey- to the Ontario skyline, there have been a better choice of hotel rooms, although Morning Post

Glitz and glamour in the


heart of Changsha
ral BY ED PETERS a buffet that covers pretty much all the
ge, Chinese and international bases, served
di- What is it? on a deck overlooking the lake. The egg
an Changsha lies some 650km more or less due and noodle stations in particular deserve
ken north of Hong Kong, and the Meixi Lake Hotel a round of applause. Lunch and dinner are
as forms part of a newly developed area west of also served here, but for Cantonese and
s. the city. The hotel is one of a brace of cham- particularly fiery Hunanese fare, its Tao
di- fered steel-and-glass 52-storey towers tailed by Hua Yuans (The Peach Garden) elaborate
me a shopping centre modestly dubbed the Mall of private dining rooms that pull in the citys
ave Splendours. More enticingly, an arts and cul- VIPs. The Tea Room lives up to its name,
lls, ture centre designed with roller-coaster roofs with its mahjong tables proving as popular 01
AG E by the late Zaha Hadid is under construction as its brews.
next to the property, and is due to open in June. For fine wine and equally fine steaks, the
The hotels interiors might be described as answer is Chic & Twist On 5 try saying that
Maohaus, with numerous Chinese paintings with your mouth full. In the Lobby Lounge,
and objets dart enlivening the lofty lobby pencil-thin, qipao-garbed demoiselles dis-
and other public areas. The architects claim pense cocktails such as the Mandarin Sidecar
to have been inspired by a poem of some an- (garnished with a Hunan chilli) while a grand
tiquity depicting a fisherman who discovers piano tinkles merrily away by itself.
a hidden paradise behind a grove of peach
trees, and draw the obvious parallel. Anything else we should know?
Both the fitness centre and the heated in-
And the rooms? door pool grant views of the up-and-upping
There are just seven suites and 303 regular cultural centre while the spas 14 treatment
rooms. The bathrooms, rather than being rooms provide the sort of respite that might
tucked away, run parallel to the bedrooms, be expected the reflexologists are especially
starting with shower and loo at the back, adept at their craft. To venture further afield,
and passing double vanities (with striking board the bilingual subway from the station 02
turquoise soap dishes and amenity boxes) to at the rear of the hotel.
end at a tub thats angled to take in the view, Mao Zedong ranks lower in the populari-
which from many rooms includes the lake ty stakes than in previous years, but his term
and Yuelu Mountain. at the Fourth Normal School of Changsha 01. The heated indoor pool of the
Rich, muted colours characterise the bed- roughly a century ago is still commemorat- Meixi Lake Hotel.
room while a peach motif gently repeats itself ed both on Orange Island, where he used to
on the soft furnishings. Best of all, these are swim and mull the countrys future with fellow 02. The hotels interiors might be
rooms that are easily navigable: plainly marked ideologues, and his one-time place of study. described as Maohaus, with
light switches, a spacious safety box tucked Huangxing Road is pedestrianised, and is as numerous Chinese paintings
away within the similarly commodious walk- entertaining for its costumed, regimented, and objets dart enlivening the
in wardrobe, and bathroom scales that dont chanting squads of touts plus its statues lofty lobby (pic) and other public
require any fiddle-faddle. The television faces of tradesmen in days of yore as its shop- areas.
the bed which is grand enough for a very ping and dining.
portly king plus consort and includes in- 03. The Tea Room lives up to its
ternational channels among its multifarious Whats the bottom line? name, with its mahjong tables
Chinese offerings. Rates start at 700 yuan (RM452) for a deluxe proving as popular as its brews.
room, including one buffet breakfast. For more
Whats there to eat? details, go to
The culinary day starts at The Field, with South China Morning Post 03
2 4 S P O RT S

Guardiola unsure of German

anthem gaffe,
Aguero future at City row hit
Fed Cup
Emergence of young trio in recent weeks has kept the Argentine on the bench
PARIS: Defending champion Czech
Republic, Switzerland, Belarus and
BY SHRAVANTH VIJAYAKUMAR meant that Aguero, the clubs top his manager and the club. I dont I know the problem with Wil- the US reached the Fed Cup semi-fi-
scorer with 18 goals in 26 games want to sell him. I want him to stay shere was just the injuries, Guar- nals on Sunday but the tournament
BENGALURU: Manchester City man- this campaign, has had to settle here for a long time until he decides. diola added of the on-loan Arse- suffered an embarrassing gaffe over
ager Pep Guardiola has done little to for a place on the bench. The reason hes not played the nal player. the German national anthem and
quell the uncertainty surrounding At the end of the season ... I dont last two games is because Leroy, Hes lucky to play regularly for accusations of gamesmanship.
Sergio Agueros future at the club, know. I know how difficult it is to Gabriel and Raheem have played one season and he is going to be As 17-time champion, the US
saying that he was unsure where the find top goalscorers. I would like amazing. Thats the only reason why. back to being one of the best mid- downed Germany 3-0 to book a home
mercurial Argentine striker would be him to stay but I dont know what Guardiola did not hold back on field players in England by far. last-four date against the Czechs, but
plying his trade next season. is going to happen, Guardiola told his praise for the injury-prone Jack He has a special quality with the teams efforts were overshadowed
The emergence of young trio British media when asked if Aguero Wilshere before City, fifth in the Pre- the ball, dribbling as a holding mid- by a controversial blunder over the
Raheem Sterling, Gabriel Jesus and would still be at City next season. mier League, travelled to face 14th- fielder to attack central defenders German anthem played just before
Leroy Sane in recent weeks has Sergio knows the intention of placed Bournemouth yesterday. its not easy to do that. Reuters action got underway in Hawaii.
German star Andrea Petkovic said
she had never felt so disrespected
after an American soloist sang an

Ibrahimovic coy on Man Utd contract extension old version of the anthem which
leads off with a stanza considered
overtly nationalist Deutschland,
Deutschland ueber alles a refer-
BY SHRAVANTH VIJAYAKUMAR Germain on a free transfer in July. But theres nothing done yet from We have one (the Community ence to German supremacy.
Manager Jose Mourinho said in my side. Well wait and see. Lets Shield) and we can get our second Singing that version is a major
BENGALURU: Manchester United November that United planned to see what happens. one (the League Cup), the charis- embarrassment in Germany, be-
striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic has yet exercise its option to extend Ibra- Despite sitting sixth in the matic Swede added. cause of its strong links to the Nazi
to commit his future to the Premier himovics contract, which runs out league, 12 points behind leader We are still in the Europa era, and only the third stanza of the
League club despite the Swede say- at the end of the current campaign, Chelsea after 25 games, Ibrahimov- League and FA Cup, so if we dont old anthem is now in use.
ing he has fulfilled the requirements for a second season. ic believes Manchester United is become champions in the Premier Organisers apologised but a
needed to extend his contract. Something like that. I have to well placed to pick up silverware League, at least we can try and win fuming Petkovic went on to lose
The 35-year-old has silenced crit- score 100 goals, Ibrahimovic told in other competitions. two or three trophies. to Alison Riske 7-6 (12/10), 6-2 to
ics who suggested he may struggle to British media when asked if he had United faces Southampton in United hosts French side St put the US 1-0 up on Saturday.
adapt to the pace and intensity of the triggered the extension clause with the League Cup final on Feb 26 Etienne in the first leg of its round- I have never felt so disrespected
English game, scoring 20 goals since goals and appearances. and is still involved in the Europa of-32 Europa League clash on in my life. It was an absolute effron-
moving to Old Trafford from Paris St The option is already fulfilled. League and the FA Cup. Thursday. Reuters tery and insolence, of the very worst
kind, said the 29-year-old Petkovic,
adding that she and teammate Julia
Georges were in tears.
One dead after Shanghai SIPG coach promises special Were in 2017 something like
this should not happen in Ameri-
football fans clash night for boss after big spending ca. It is embarrassing and smacks
in Rio de Janeiro of ignorance.
Germany team skipper Barbara
SHANGHAI: Shanghai SIPG coach Rittner described it as a real scan-
BY A ND REW DOW NIE Andre Villas-Boas yesterday said dal and inexcusable.
his team must deliver silverware On Sunday, the organisers man-
RIO DE JANEIRO: A football fan after the club spent big preseason, aged to play the correct version of
was killed and several others in- including its high-profile signing the anthem. However, it didnt help
jured after violence erupted in Rio of Oscar. Germany which slipped 2-0 down
de Janeiro before Sundays Bota- SIPG begin their AFC Champions when Goerges retired injured as she
fogo-Flamengo match, Brazilian League campaign next week after trailed CoCo Vandeweghe 6-3, 3-1.
news reports said. Oscar, the 60 million (RM284 mil- Vandeweghe then sealed a 3-0
The reports identified the fan lion) signing from Chelsea, helped victory and a first semi-final in
as 28-year-old Diego Silva dos the club reach the group stage with seven years with a 3-6, 6-4, 6-0
Santos, who was killed near the a goal on debut in the play-offs. win over Petkovic after running
Engenhao stadium, the venue The team finished third in the away with the last 10 games.
for the athletic events at the 2016 Chinese Super League last year, 12 Switzerland knocked out last
Olympic Games. points back from Chinas dominant years runner-up France after Timea
The clashes took place before team, Guangzhou Evergrande. Bacsinszky downed Kristina Mlad-
the Rio de Janeiro state champi- Its really important for us to try enovic 7-6 (7/4), 4-6, 7-5 in a three-
onship game that Flamengo won to shorten the distance to the top, hour-and-20-minute thriller before
2-1. Police eventually brought the to be first, to be there winning tro- Belinda Bencic eased past Pauline
violence under control with rubber phies, Villas-Boas said at a season Parmentier 6-3, 6-4.
bullets and tear gas. launch event. Oscar (right) and Hulk, another Brazilian footballer playing for Shanghai SIPG, sharing However, Bacsinszky was ac-
The Municipal Health Secre- I think its a good time for my- a light moment at the football clubs season mobilisation of the Chinese Super League cused of gamesmanship by a frus-
tariat informs that eight men were self, representing the team, to thank in Shanghai yesterday. Oscar helped the club reach the AFC Champions League group trated Mladenovic.
taken to the Salgado Filho Munic- the group for all the financial effort stage with a goal on debut in the play-os. Photo by Reuters On Saturday, world No 16 Bac-
ipal Hospital as victims of the vio- they have done at the beginning of sinszky left the court in Geneva for
lence or gunshots in clashes near the season. treatment to a wasp sting on her
the Engenhao, the secretariat said Now I think its up to us to make elbow while, on Sunday, she again
in a statement quoted on the UOL the difference in the pitch to make at the end of the season. Carlos Tevez, which rates him as sought medical help for a knee in-
news site and reported by other sure that we reach our objectives Oscars deal with Shanghai SIPG the highest-paid footballer on the jury when a break point down in
Brazilian media outlets. everybodys dream in football is thought to be 24 million a sea- planet. the sixth game of the deciding set.
Of these, one died, four were of winning. son which would put him above Chinese teams have splashed When she returned, she took a
released and three are still being The Portuguese manager added: Real Madrids Cristiano Ronaldo out record-breaking sums on play- 21-shot rally and claimed eight of
attended to, one of whom is in se- Ive promised the president that and Lionel Messi of Barcelona in a ers over the past year, although the next nine points to stretch to
rious condition. at the end of the season, he would list of the worlds best-paid players. major deals have largely dried up a 5-2 lead.
Neither the secretariat nor local sleep with one trophy. It is still below the 38 million after the announcement of salary She did a kangaroo jump and
police could be reached for confir- I hope that me and the players reportedly paid by city rival Shang- caps and other curbs in January. ran better than before, fumed
mation on Sunday night. Reuters can give this special night to him hai Shenhua to Argentine striker AFP Mladenovic. AFP
Markets 2 5

Bursa Malaysia YEAR


Sectorial Movement 0.195 0.100 0.150

0.500 0.360 0.415
0.413 24.41

INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG 0.635 0.260 0.445 0.430 2682 AISB 0.430 -0.015 83 0.438 56.7
1.077 0.575 0.735 0.725 7609 AJIYA 0.730 0.010 778.1 0.730 13.47 2.05 222.3
KLSE COMPOSITE 1,710.24 11.30 0.67 TECHNOLOGY 25.71 0.17 0.67 0.250 0.065 9954 AKNIGHT 0.160 9.3
KLSE INDUSTRIAL 3,260.93 23.51 0.73 FTSE BURSA 100 11,710.72 67.15 0.58 1.040 0.665 0.940 0.930 2674 ALCOM 0.930 -0.010 63 0.931 21.63 5.38 124.9
0.400 0.315 0.385 0.380 4758 ANCOM 0.385 0.005 542 0.383 84.3
CONSUMER PRODUCT 590.68 2.82 0.48 FTSE BURSA MID 70 13,852.28 40.58 0.29 2.490 0.582 2.470 2.420 6556 ANNJOO 2.460 0.030 1781.9 2.456 16.83 1,286.9
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT 150.14 0.66 0.44 FTSE BURSA SMALL CAP 16,103.62 88.81 0.55 0.360 0.190 0.250 0.245 9342 ANZO 0.250 UNCH 6590.2 0.250 75.5
CONSTRUCTION 306.72 0.99 0.32 FTSE BURSA FLEDGLING 17,223.96 116.64 0.68 1.230 0.850 0.890 0.890 5568 APB 0.890 0.005 38.8 0.890 7.30 100.5
3.896 3.300 3.460 3.450 5015 APM 3.450 0.020 171.6 3.451 14.09 4.93 695.5
TRADE & SERVICES 229.01 1.23 0.54 FTSE BURSA EMAS 12,032.28 68.85 0.58 1.240 0.576 1.240 1.160 7214 ARANK 1.240 0.090 1758.6 1.197 8.88 2.42 148.8
KLSE FINANCIAL 15,091.39 100.67 0.67 FTSE BUR MSIA ACE 5,308.60 62.21 1.19 0.825 0.595 0.730 0.725 7162 ASTINO 0.730 UNCH 133.3 0.728 6.48 1.37 200.1
KLSE PROPERTY 1,201.54 1.35 0.11 FTSE BUR EMAS SHARIAH 12,553.36 62.96 0.50 0.895 0.413 7099 ATTA 0.655 6.11 47.4
1.660 0.370 0.520 0.500 7181 ATURMJU 0.505 -0.005 255 0.505 30.9
KLSE PLANTATION 8,238.53 23.24 0.28 FTSE BUR HIJRAH SHARIAH 13,932.22 64.74 0.47 2.110 1.410 2.000 1.930 8133 BHIC 1.960 0.010 69.6 1.965 487.0
KLSE MINING 486.34 -4.05 -0.83 FTSE/ASEAN 40 9,455.70 49.98 0.53 0.740 0.390 0.520 0.480 7005 BIG 0.515 0.045 667.1 0.507 24.8
0.155 0.095 0.150 0.140 7187 BKOON 0.150 UNCH 502.6 0.146 41.5
1.098 0.755 0.870 0.815 0168 BOILERM 0.860 0.055 2832 0.849 20.77 1.74 443.8
2.840 2.000 2.110 2.030 6297 BOXPAK 2.110 0.080 207.1 2.077 21.93 126.6
1.852 1.330 1.500 1.480 5100 BPPLAS 1.490 0.020 208.3 1.490 12.67 4.03 279.7
0.400 0.285 0.345 0.330 9938 BRIGHT 0.345 0.015 845.6 0.337 32.24 56.7
0.395 0.195 0.350 0.340 7221 BSLCORP 0.340 UNCH 512.6 0.344 6.34 33.3
0.310 0.195 0.295 0.290 7188 BTM 0.290 -0.005 611.8 0.290 36.3
Bursa Malaysia Main Market 4.497 3.133 3.460
0.070 0.020 0.030
2.280 1.910 2.140
2.113 11.40

YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/ VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP 1.240 0.798 1.190 1.130 2879 CCM 1.160 -0.040 724.3 1.148 16.29 4.31 530.9
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) 2.120 1.510 8435 CEPCO 1.570 70.09 70.3
1.200 1.060 8044 CFM 1.060 43.5
CONSUMER PRODUCTS 1.868 1.321 1.730 1.700 5007 CHINWEL 1.710 -0.010 498 1.715 8.83 4.97 512.2
0.824 0.610 0.630 0.620 7120 ACOSTEC 0.625 -0.005 140 0.629 74.40 4.00 111.1 2.300 1.304 1.800 1.760 5797 CHOOBEE 1.760 -0.040 10 1.786 10.65 2.27 193.4
4.900 3.297 4.810 4.760 7090 AHEALTH 4.800 UNCH 37.9 4.799 13.38 2.40 562.3 1.100 0.640 0.985 0.985 8052 CICB 0.985 -0.045 10 0.985 46.5
14.647 8.386 14.300 14.200 2658 AJI 14.300 0.080 10.1 14.284 20.18 2.36 869.4 0.075 0.040 0.075 0.060 7018 CME 0.065 0.005 17654.7 0.066 28.7
0.260 0.210 7051 AMTEK 0.260 13.0 5.121 3.170 4.290 4.250 2852 CMSB 4.270 -0.020 1359.7 4.261 30.11 1.05 4,587.6
6.007 4.970 5.240 5.230 6432 APOLLO 5.230 0.010 2.5 5.234 22.12 5.74 418.4 0.360 0.130 0.350 0.350 7986 CNASIA 0.350 UNCH 4 0.350 15.9
1.320 0.890 7722 ASIABRN 0.900 71.2 1.806 1.250 1.500 1.480 5071 COASTAL 1.500 0.010 182.7 1.491 17.99 2.00 797.4
4.958 3.470 3.540 3.530 7129 ASIAFLE 3.530 UNCH 59.6 3.537 11.62 3.40 680.5 0.990 0.515 0.875 0.855 7195 COMCORP 0.860 -0.010 1188.9 0.860 6.45 120.4
55.656 39.409 46.500 45.100 4162 BAT 46.480 1.580 150.7 46.056 21.18 5.01 13,271.4 0.940 0.605 0.770 0.755 2127 COMFORT 0.755 0.005 3317.7 0.759 13.98 421.9
0.080 0.035 0.065 0.065 7243 BIOOSMO 0.065 UNCH 1077 0.065 47.0 2.320 1.149 2.120 2.090 5094 CSCSTEL 2.110 0.030 1393.6 2.104 8.80 3.79 801.8
0.716 0.536 0.620 0.585 9288 BONIA 0.615 0.025 8391.4 0.605 20.57 2.03 495.9 0.015 0.005 0022 CYBERT 0.005 0.5
1.870 1.520 1.730 1.690 7174 CAB 1.730 0.010 227.6 1.720 11.40 0.58 309.3 0.887 0.770 0.825 0.810 7157 CYL 0.810 -0.010 44.3 0.812 19.01 6.17 81.0
0.554 0.465 0.505 0.500 7154 CAELY 0.505 UNCH 416.2 0.505 6.38 1.98 40.4 0.420 0.280 5082 CYMAO 0.315 23.6
0.387 0.261 7128 CAMRES 0.320 10.29 3.13 63.0 2.450 2.052 2.400 2.220 8125 DAIBOCI 2.230 UNCH 83.7 2.230 28.48 2.42 609.3
15.136 11.083 14.040 14.000 2836 CARLSBG 14.040 0.040 70.1 14.014 18.47 5.13 4,325.4 0.715 0.315 0.660 0.645 8176 DENKO 0.645 0.010 3401.8 0.652 27.45 67.4
0.730 0.530 0.690 0.680 7035 CCK 0.680 -0.005 361.6 0.684 12.57 2.21 214.4 0.315 0.175 0.270 0.250 7114 DNONCE 0.265 -0.005 1657.5 0.257 47.8
2.581 1.900 2.180 2.160 7148 CCMDBIO 2.160 -0.030 60 2.168 20.21 3.70 602.6 0.555 0.285 0.420 0.410 5835 DOLMITE 0.410 UNCH 373.9 0.414 111.8
1.702 1.025 1.400 1.380 9423 CHEEWAH 1.400 0.030 72.5 1.387 10.71 2.50 58.9 0.430 0.300 5835PA DOLMITE-PA 0.300 3.7
2.893 2.344 2.600 2.570 2828 CIHLDG 2.570 -0.030 56 2.589 19.28 1.95 416.3 0.795 0.365 0.380 0.365 5265 DOLPHIN 0.365 -0.010 2901.6 0.371 81.0
0.050 0.020 0.030 0.020 5188 CNOUHUA 0.030 0.005 831.1 0.025 20.0 1.250 1.053 1.210 1.190 7169 DOMINAN 1.200 -0.010 363.4 1.199 15.92 3.75 198.0
2.330 1.820 2.190 2.140 7205 COCOLND 2.180 0.040 148.4 2.173 13.30 3.39 498.8 1.528 0.764 1.330 1.280 1619 DRBHCOM 1.330 0.070 20932.8 1.315 1.50 2,571.2
1.880 1.130 1.880 1.860 7202 CSCENIC 1.860 UNCH 30.7 1.869 14.39 6.45 224.1 0.855 0.412 0.845 0.820 7233 DUFU 0.820 -0.015 781.8 0.830 9.36 2.56 143.9
0.125 0.055 0.075 0.070 5214 CSL 0.070 UNCH 1083 0.074 1.29 87.0 1.030 0.810 0.910 0.900 8907 EG 0.905 0.005 1296.1 0.907 7.53 191.5
0.060 0.035 0.040 0.035 7179 DBE 0.035 UNCH 467 0.039 40.6 1.250 0.860 1.020 0.975 9016 EKSONS 1.020 0.025 35 0.986 167.5
0.954 0.752 7119 DEGEM 0.920 12.17 2.45 123.3 0.927 0.237 0.670 0.655 7217 EMETALL 0.660 0.015 1173 0.661 6.13 3.79 113.0
64.674 47.033 55.000 54.200 3026 DLADY 54.320 0.040 5.2 54.352 25.48 1.84 3,476.5 0.705 0.500 0.570 0.530 7773 EPMB 0.540 -0.030 76.1 0.532 1.85 89.6
0.120 0.070 0.085 0.080 7198 DPS 0.085 UNCH 499.5 0.080 50.0 1.287 0.735 0.970 0.955 5101 EVERGRN 0.955 -0.005 1067.1 0.959 10.37 1.05 808.3
0.265 0.020 0.085 0.085 7182 EKA 0.085 UNCH 1390.6 0.085 26.5 1.184 0.630 0.810 0.785 7249 EWEIN 0.795 0.010 289.4 0.799 11.99 0.63 177.0
0.380 0.185 0.375 0.370 5091 EKOWOOD 0.370 UNCH 428.6 0.370 62.2 1.150 0.972 1.150 1.140 2984 FACBIND 1.150 0.030 204.3 1.142 24.78 2.17 97.9
0.340 0.140 0.310 0.295 9091 EMICO 0.295 -0.010 1255.4 0.301 9.31 28.3 2.805 2.270 2.800 2.770 7229 FAVCO 2.780 0.030 243.5 2.783 7.76 5.40 615.5
2.526 1.510 1.580 1.570 7149 ENGKAH 1.580 UNCH 14 1.573 43.05 4.11 111.8 0.740 0.457 0.725 0.710 0149 FIBON 0.725 -0.005 227.5 0.716 12.35 1.72 71.1
0.265 0.195 0.235 0.230 7208 EURO 0.235 UNCH 365 0.232 18.95 57.1 2.270 2.020 2.250 2.240 3107 FIMACOR 2.250 UNCH 68.5 2.250 9.78 5.56 551.8
0.850 0.630 7094 EUROSP 0.635 28.2 2.573 1.368 1.670 1.650 5197 FLBHD 1.660 0.010 288.7 1.654 7.95 9.04 171.3
26.630 18.420 23.400 23.120 3689 F&N 23.180 -0.180 618.1 23.311 23.52 2.48 8,501.9 1.500 1.390 1.390 1.390 3611 GBH 1.390 UNCH 3 1.390 259.4
0.880 0.600 0.785 0.760 9776 FARMBES 0.775 0.020 204.3 0.777 3.17 47.3 2.700 1.300 1.940 1.910 7197 GESHEN 1.930 -0.020 222.7 1.922 15.49 154.4
1.205 0.820 0.850 0.840 2755 FCW 0.850 0.015 26.7 0.848 30.04 1.76 212.5 0.055 0.040 0.050 0.045 5220 GLOTEC 0.050 0.005 17587.6 0.045 269.1
1.127 0.620 0.765 0.735 8605 FFHB 0.765 0.030 236.5 0.749 11.27 1.31 70.8 0.735 0.180 0.575 0.510 7192 GOODWAY 0.520 -0.055 3237 0.528 57.5
0.990 0.700 0.990 0.970 9172 FPI 0.985 0.035 658.6 0.983 13.93 7.11 243.6 0.125 0.075 0.105 0.100 7096 GPA 0.100 UNCH 270 0.102 98.0
1.266 0.854 1.090 1.080 5102 GCB 1.090 -0.010 57.2 1.080 12.76 1.38 523.4 0.450 0.255 0.370 0.355 5649 GPHAROS 0.355 -0.005 25 0.358 47.8
2.738 2.113 2.380 2.350 5606 GOLDIS 2.350 -0.030 16 2.368 8.07 0.85 1,435.6 0.272 0.196 0.230 0.225 0136 GREENYB 0.225 UNCH 463 0.230 40.18 2.67 75.1
1.200 0.990 5606PA GOLDIS-PA 1.060 3.77 482.1 0.130 0.085 0.105 0.100 7077 GSB 0.105 0.005 288 0.100 55.4
0.100 0.010 0.075 0.070 5187 HBGLOB 0.070 -0.005 320 0.073 32.8 0.922 0.749 0.895 0.880 3247 GUH 0.890 0.025 38 0.888 24.05 3.93 247.3
18.372 12.875 16.040 15.960 3255 HEIM 15.980 -0.040 166.2 16.007 18.61 3.44 4,827.5 0.650 0.235 0.570 0.555 5151 HALEX 0.565 UNCH 697.1 0.559 59.9
9.950 5.407 9.600 9.490 3301 HLIND 9.530 -0.070 146.2 9.531 11.24 3.57 3,124.9 5.030 3.759 4.760 4.730 5168 HARTA 4.760 -0.010 177.5 4.748 29.84 1.68 7,815.2
1.015 0.816 0.995 0.990 5160 HOMERIZ 0.990 UNCH 221.7 0.990 10.75 5.05 297.0 3.450 2.640 3.450 3.400 7105 HCK 3.450 0.100 110 3.427 5750.00 290.6
0.479 0.240 0.330 0.320 7213 HOVID 0.325 -0.005 3205.6 0.324 16.58 3.08 266.7 1.580 1.019 1.470 1.450 5095 HEVEA 1.470 0.010 1513.2 1.467 8.64 2.96 747.5
1.368 1.150 1.200 1.170 5024 HUPSENG 1.200 0.020 296.8 1.188 19.48 3.33 960.0 0.985 0.791 0.985 0.975 3298 HEXZA 0.975 UNCH 362.8 0.979 8.52 4.62 195.4
0.590 0.360 0.495 0.495 8478 HWATAI 0.495 -0.015 25 0.495 16.78 37.0 0.525 0.180 0.345 0.335 5072 HIAPTEK 0.340 0.005 10253.8 0.340 0.88 438.6
3.140 1.785 3.140 3.020 5107 IQGROUP 3.060 -0.030 266.7 3.071 12.19 3.59 269.4 0.560 0.170 0.550 0.535 5199 HIBISCS 0.540 0.005 50519.5 0.542 779.7
1.513 0.868 1.450 1.410 7152 JAYCORP 1.430 0.010 195.4 1.425 9.32 6.99 196.3 1.372 0.856 7033 HIGHTEC 0.930 9.95 3.76 37.8
0.780 0.505 0.650 0.620 8931 JERASIA 0.650 0.020 395.5 0.637 8.66 53.3 1.000 0.637 0.940 0.930 8443 HIL 0.940 UNCH 34 0.937 20.70 1.60 262.0
2.764 2.112 2.410 2.390 5247 KAREX 2.410 0.020 787.4 2.401 45.99 0.83 2,415.7 0.380 0.270 0.380 0.330 5165 HOKHENG 0.380 0.060 461.6 0.341 35.51 30.4
4.000 2.968 4.000 3.960 7216 KAWAN 3.970 0.020 30.1 3.969 27.53 0.63 1,070.5 0.055 0.020 0.040 0.035 2739 HUAAN 0.035 UNCH 560.2 0.035 39.3
0.260 0.025 0.185 0.180 8303 KFM 0.180 -0.005 845.9 0.180 12.3 3.410 2.590 2.880 2.760 5000 HUMEIND 2.860 0.070 711.4 2.828 37.58 1.05 1,370.2
0.835 0.711 0.800 0.785 6203 KHEESAN 0.800 UNCH 31 0.788 15.24 1.25 83.2 0.090 0.045 0.065 0.060 9601 HWGB 0.060 UNCH 599 0.061 59.9
2.700 1.827 2.400 2.350 7062 KHIND 2.400 0.070 25.2 2.362 9.67 4.17 96.1 0.920 0.730 0.775 0.770 9687 IDEALUBB 0.770 -0.020 2 0.770 41.18 85.1
1.510 1.000 1.510 1.350 0002 KOTRA 1.390 -0.100 194.7 1.400 19.55 1.44 184.4 2.147 1.794 2.030 2.030 7222 IMASPRO 2.030 0.010 4 2.030 17.73 1.72 162.4
0.125 0.035 0.060 0.060 5172 KSTAR 0.060 -0.005 177.7 0.060 16.0 0.285 0.185 0.280 0.255 7183 IRETEX 0.275 0.040 6087.8 0.269 36.9
6.803 4.509 5.590 5.480 7006 LATITUD 5.590 0.090 130 5.557 8.27 2.15 543.4 0.120 0.055 0.070 0.065 7223 JADI 0.070 0.005 1109.7 0.065 28.00 65.9
0.950 0.785 0.925 0.900 9385 LAYHONG 0.920 -0.005 722.9 0.912 0.54 560.1 0.165 0.140 0.155 0.155 8648 JASKITA 0.155 UNCH 45 0.155 1.94 69.7
0.330 0.265 0.315 0.305 8079 LEESK 0.305 UNCH 1182 0.309 9.19 51.2 0.125 0.055 0.095 0.085 2747 JAVA 0.085 UNCH 666.1 0.088 14.7
3.322 1.909 3.230 3.180 7089 LIIHEN 3.220 0.010 329 3.204 7.93 4.97 579.6 1.280 0.892 7043 JMR 0.970 1940.00 123.0
0.820 0.710 0.760 0.755 7126 LONBISC 0.755 -0.005 584.9 0.759 7.58 140.8 1.400 0.840 1.400 1.360 7167 JOHOTIN 1.390 0.030 1804.7 1.384 9.41 1.08 345.9
1.577 1.230 1.380 1.350 7085 LTKM 1.350 -0.030 21.4 1.365 13.85 2.96 175.6 1.587 1.035 1.430 1.400 4383 JTIASA 1.420 UNCH 770.7 1.414 27.57 0.92 1,382.7
5.060 3.764 5.060 4.880 7087 MAGNI 5.030 0.170 887.8 4.986 8.44 2.78 818.5 0.245 0.160 0.245 0.235 0054 KARYON 0.235 UNCH 3043.2 0.237 23.98 1.70 111.8
0.070 0.015 0.025 0.025 5189 MAXWELL 0.025 UNCH 615.7 0.025 10.0 1.187 0.690 0.790 0.790 7199 KEINHIN 0.790 -0.005 10 0.790 10.23 1.90 78.2
1.196 1.000 5886 MBG 1.060 24.71 4.72 64.4 0.770 0.340 0.500 0.450 6211 KIALIM 0.480 -0.005 406.4 0.471 29.7
1.637 1.157 1.470 1.450 3662 MFLOUR 1.460 -0.010 182.5 1.459 14.87 3.42 803.3 3.408 2.770 3.020 3.000 3522 KIANJOO 3.020 0.020 10 3.008 10.67 0.66 1,341.4
1.030 0.845 7935 MILUX 0.900 49.0 2.209 1.535 1.840 1.830 5371 KIMHIN 1.830 -0.010 91.5 1.832 12.26 3.28 284.8
5.050 4.346 4.590 4.520 5202 MSM 4.520 -0.070 21.7 4.549 18.96 5.31 3,177.5 0.105 0.025 0.045 0.045 5060 KINSTEL 0.045 0.005 560 0.045 47.2
0.070 0.025 5150 MSPORTS 0.035 21.2 1.737 1.090 1.380 1.380 9466 KKB 1.380 UNCH 22.6 1.380 2.90 355.8
1.497 1.200 1.420 1.370 3921 MWE 1.380 0.010 898.1 1.381 16.41 319.6 0.520 0.310 0.365 0.355 7164 KNM 0.360 0.005 19786 0.361 30.77 776.2
80.359 71.399 76.940 76.200 4707 NESTLE 76.520 -0.420 2.2 76.737 26.78 3.27 17,943.9 1.163 0.751 0.915 0.915 6971 KOBAY 0.915 -0.005 11.6 0.915 39.27 2.19 93.4
3.340 2.504 3.300 3.300 7060 NHFATT 3.300 -0.040 1 3.300 9.93 3.33 248.0 0.568 0.270 0.340 0.320 7017 KOMARK 0.335 0.015 3104.9 0.332 41.8
0.150 0.070 0.110 0.090 7139 NICE 0.110 0.015 8939.7 0.102 33.3 7.015 5.794 6.540 6.500 7153 KOSSAN 6.530 0.030 192.7 6.521 23.10 1.76 4,175.7
0.370 0.255 0.295 0.280 7215 NIHSIN 0.280 -0.015 1941.1 0.285 66.7 0.600 0.345 0.375 0.375 7130 KPOWER 0.375 0.030 27.5 0.375 21.1
1.041 0.781 0.875 0.835 5066 NTPM 0.875 0.040 575.4 0.861 18.62 2.74 982.8 5.350 4.661 4.930 4.920 3476 KSENG 4.920 UNCH 18.9 4.927 2.03 1,778.5
0.753 0.345 0.495 0.485 7071 OCR 0.490 0.005 1866.8 0.488 117.0 0.520 0.346 0.450 0.425 5192 KSSC 0.445 0.020 623.8 0.440 15.03 1.80 42.7
0.120 0.040 0.120 0.110 7071PA OCR-PA 0.120 0.010 12930.9 0.115 79.4 0.460 0.295 0.330 0.320 8362 KYM 0.330 UNCH 58.2 0.322 49.5
2.518 1.370 1.650 1.580 7107 OFI 1.620 0.010 81.6 1.623 21.46 2.47 388.8 9.267 6.630 6.990 6.920 3794 LAFMSIA 6.980 -0.020 99.7 6.970 69.11 2.87 5,930.9
7.456 6.391 6.610 6.580 4006 ORIENT 6.580 -0.010 145.5 6.588 19.77 2.74 4,082.2 0.700 0.437 0.690 0.670 9326 LBALUM 0.690 0.020 1399.5 0.680 7.81 2.90 171.5
3.015 1.849 2.440 2.400 7052 PADINI 2.430 UNCH 965.4 2.422 11.91 4.12 1,598.7 0.707 0.460 0.580 0.560 5092 LCTH 0.570 0.010 2320.6 0.569 11.42 7.02 205.2
38.422 23.869 31.980 31.340 3719 PANAMY 31.400 UNCH 48.7 31.350 13.27 4.43 1,907.4 0.615 0.407 0.550 0.540 5232 LEONFB 0.545 0.005 597 0.547 7.99 2.75 169.0
0.787 0.338 0.580 0.565 5022 PAOS 0.570 -0.010 95.3 0.569 33.93 2.93 103.3 0.145 0.100 0.125 0.125 8745 LEWEKO 0.125 UNCH 30 0.125 40.2
0.590 0.240 0.570 0.555 9407 PARAGON 0.565 0.010 639.3 0.569 6.26 39.6 0.080 0.020 0.035 0.030 2887 LIONDIV 0.030 -0.005 311.6 0.035 41.8
0.795 0.310 6068 PCCS 0.370 22.2 0.525 0.220 0.490 0.475 4235 LIONIND 0.490 0.015 1446.8 0.487 351.8
1.060 0.700 0.925 0.910 5231 PELIKAN 0.915 0.005 118.7 0.917 20.61 506.3 0.570 0.110 0.435 0.420 9881 LSTEEL 0.420 -0.010 136.6 0.426 12.24 53.8
0.229 0.145 0.165 0.165 4081 PMCORP 0.165 UNCH 60 0.165 13.64 127.6 0.095 0.050 0.095 0.090 5068 LUSTER 0.095 0.005 5496.1 0.091 164.5
0.580 0.450 0.505 0.495 5080 POHKONG 0.505 0.010 31.5 0.497 16.67 1.98 207.2 3.738 3.400 3.530 3.500 9199 LYSAGHT 3.530 0.080 20.1 3.503 10.63 4.25 146.8
1.880 1.356 1.870 1.850 7088 POHUAT 1.860 0.010 371.3 1.859 8.44 3.23 421.9 1.060 0.355 0.855 0.840 5098 MASTEEL 0.845 UNCH 847.3 0.848 13.08 206.6
16.701 15.147 16.540 16.400 4065 PPB 16.460 0.060 1196.8 16.479 21.92 1.52 19,513.3 0.660 0.475 7029 MASTER 0.600 11.17 1.67 32.8
0.580 0.487 7190 PPG 0.550 22.54 2.51 55.0 1.150 0.765 1.120 1.100 5152 MBL 1.120 0.010 162.9 1.107 9.63 1.79 103.0
1.764 1.262 1.450 1.420 8966 PRLEXUS 1.430 0.010 385.2 1.433 8.47 2.10 255.3 0.960 0.630 0.770 0.760 7004 MCEHLDG 0.770 UNCH 65.7 0.767 34.2
0.885 0.636 0.885 0.850 7134 PWF 0.880 0.030 346.7 0.870 24.18 3.09 145.9 0.660 0.180 0.395 0.385 3778 MELEWAR 0.395 0.010 1024.8 0.390 89.1
2.671 1.843 2.200 2.160 7237 PWROOT 2.170 -0.040 77.8 2.175 17.96 4.61 714.6 0.670 0.485 0.650 0.620 5223 MENTIGA 0.650 0.015 26.9 0.626 29.82 1.54 45.5
4.597 4.123 4.550 4.440 7084 QL 4.550 0.120 1025.7 4.499 30.07 0.93 5,678.5 1.426 1.062 1.260 1.250 8192 MERCURY 1.250 -0.010 84.9 1.253 8.39 9.60 50.2
1.780 1.450 1.700 1.670 9946 REX 1.690 0.020 315.1 1.687 104.2 1.850 1.595 6149 METROD 1.700 13.50 3.53 204.0
1.579 1.006 1.520 1.500 5252 SASBADI 1.510 0.010 907.3 1.508 21.82 1.49 421.9 1.990 0.800 1.960 1.910 5001 MIECO 1.930 UNCH 753.8 1.942 10.46 405.3
0.467 0.270 0.310 0.300 5157 SAUDEE 0.310 UNCH 157.5 0.309 37.2 0.110 0.060 0.105 0.095 7219 MINETEC 0.100 UNCH 7603 0.101 69.5
1.250 0.810 1.080 1.030 7180 SERNKOU 1.030 -0.060 21 1.043 123.6 0.784 0.535 0.650 0.625 5576 MINHO 0.630 -0.015 765.8 0.637 12.55 138.4
1.430 0.550 0.705 0.635 7165 SGB 0.680 0.020 3257.4 0.674 98.1 4.490 2.260 3.990 3.950 5916 MSC 3.960 0.030 78.9 3.970 16.16 396.0
0.120 0.055 0.105 0.090 7165PA SGB-PA 0.095 0.005 13702.9 0.098 45.0 2.465 1.400 1.560 1.520 3883 MUDA 1.540 0.020 286.5 1.542 13.84 1.95 469.8
2.131 1.565 1.680 1.670 7412 SHH 1.670 UNCH 22.3 1.672 9.17 5.99 83.5 1.200 0.210 0.980 0.965 5087 MYCRON 0.970 -0.005 1125.2 0.972 8.73 275.0
1.041 0.800 0.945 0.925 7246 SIGN 0.925 UNCH 1028.4 0.933 4.73 5.41 222.3 0.240 0.035 0.160 0.160 7002 NAKA 0.160 -0.010 8.3 0.160 8.9
0.145 0.035 0.125 0.120 8532 SINOTOP 0.120 UNCH 1894.7 0.120 133.33 236.9 0.645 0.100 0.225 0.220 5025 NWP 0.220 UNCH 925 0.220 77.4
0.405 0.160 0.295 0.235 7943 SNC 0.265 0.040 475.9 0.271 11.88 17.5 0.740 0.492 0.740 0.720 4944 NYLEX 0.725 0.020 2491.8 0.733 10.07 2.76 140.9
2.682 2.175 2.330 2.310 7103 SPRITZER 2.320 UNCH 484.4 2.326 12.50 2.37 417.9 1.340 0.858 1.320 1.310 7140 OKA 1.320 0.010 140.7 1.319 9.31 3.79 211.2
1.500 0.990 1.190 1.160 7186 SWSCAP 1.160 UNCH 245.5 1.176 44.79 0.86 169.2 1.150 0.865 1.000 0.975 5065 ORNA 0.980 -0.020 45.9 0.986 9.20 3.06 73.7
0.680 0.500 0.665 0.650 7082 SYF 0.655 UNCH 2277.7 0.655 10.25 1.53 401.8 0.095 0.050 0.070 0.070 7225 PA 0.070 UNCH 32.6 0.070 66.3
0.425 0.280 0.400 0.390 7211 TAFI 0.390 -0.020 108.5 0.399 31.2 7.300 5.887 7.250 7.200 5183 PCHEM 7.220 0.010 7631.4 7.220 22.01 2.35 57,760.0
2.489 1.680 1.720 1.710 4405 TCHONG 1.710 -0.010 110.9 1.711 2.34 1,149.1 2.045 1.472 1.600 1.580 5271 PECCA 1.590 0.010 12.9 1.587 16.84 2.52 298.9
1.402 0.650 0.805 0.780 7200 TEKSENG 0.790 0.010 8748.3 0.798 4.80 2.53 275.0 0.801 0.565 0.655 0.650 9997 PENSONI 0.655 -0.005 83 0.654 10.22 4.58 84.9
1.383 0.955 1.200 1.150 7252 TEOSENG 1.150 -0.050 647.5 1.170 15.13 2.17 345.0 7.060 5.051 6.990 6.800 5436 PERSTIM 6.990 0.040 12.8 6.936 13.24 5.72 694.1
1.476 1.201 9369 TGL 1.400 19.15 5.36 57.0 0.150 0.050 0.070 0.060 5146 PERWAJA 0.065 UNCH 1994.5 0.065 36.4
0.560 0.400 0.435 0.435 7230 TOMEI 0.435 0.015 4 0.435 8.38 60.3 22.350 19.900 20.620 20.440 6033 PETGAS 20.600 0.120 1221.4 20.583 24.15 2.91 40,761.9
0.560 0.420 0.530 0.520 7176 TPC 0.530 0.010 325.9 0.523 28.34 123.9 6.934 3.510 4.980 4.850 3042 PETRONM 4.960 0.130 132.4 4.924 9.48 4.03 1,339.2
7.264 4.430 5.570 5.450 4588 UMW 5.520 0.040 318.9 5.518 3.62 6,449.0 2.731 1.630 1.980 1.950 7095 PIE 1.950 UNCH 539.7 1.962 26.49 1.23 748.9
2.320 1.843 2.240 2.200 7757 UPA 2.240 0.020 3.3 2.224 13.33 4.02 178.3 1.700 0.881 1.680 1.660 7172 PMBTECH 1.680 UNCH 35.6 1.673 14.92 2.38 134.4
0.995 0.641 0.880 0.860 7203 WANGZNG 0.880 0.020 52 0.861 9.99 2.84 140.8 2.310 0.663 2.310 2.250 8869 PMETAL 2.290 0.050 5634.6 2.289 20.93 1.61 8,477.4
0.060 0.020 0.035 0.030 5156 XDL 0.035 0.005 16087.5 0.030 31.82 94.3 0.545 0.430 6637 PNEPCB 0.500 19.76 65.7
0.480 0.360 7121 XIANLNG 0.400 29.1 0.400 0.270 8117 POLY 0.290 39.73 46.4
0.447 0.075 0.090 0.085 5155 XINQUAN 0.085 -0.005 1451 0.089 21.53 41.2 1.070 0.825 0.960 0.950 8273 PPHB 0.955 -0.005 37.5 0.956 6.59 105.0
2.680 2.043 2.620 2.590 5584 YEELEE 2.600 UNCH 794.6 2.605 11.07 1.35 492.5 0.365 0.300 9458 PREMIER 0.325 65.00 109.5
1.360 0.480 7184 YEN 1.090 149.9 1.039 0.392 0.940 0.920 9873 PRESTAR 0.925 -0.005 1931.8 0.927 7.42 2.16 180.1
1.347 0.866 1.120 1.110 5159 YOCB 1.120 0.010 16.5 1.119 8.54 3.57 179.2 0.895 0.635 0.880 0.870 7168 PRG 0.880 0.020 6 0.878 26.83 0.57 262.4
2.713 1.800 2.090 2.080 7178 YSPSAH 2.080 UNCH 92 2.080 12.71 3.13 280.1 0.135 0.085 0.110 0.105 7123 PWORTH 0.110 UNCH 6098.4 0.110 91.67 79.1
1.532 1.190 1.460 1.430 5131 ZHULIAN 1.450 0.020 230.6 1.441 16.02 4.14 667.0 1.640 1.100 1.200 1.110 7544 QUALITY 1.200 UNCH 22 1.175 8.05 69.6
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 0.930 0.660 7498 RALCO 0.730 30.6
1.438 0.980 1.330 1.310 0012 3A 1.310 -0.020 486.8 1.324 17.75 1.37 515.6 6.150 5.450 5.730 5.600 7765 RAPID 5.720 -0.020 9.1 5.698 500.3
0.125 0.085 7086 ABLEGRP 0.095 25.1 0.505 0.315 0.425 0.415 7232 RESINTC 0.415 -0.010 132 0.421 11.76 2.89 56.9
0.530 0.470 7061 ABRIC 0.505 74.3 0.844 0.715 0.775 0.765 7803 RUBEREX 0.770 0.005 136.5 0.768 10.43 2.60 176.5
0.305 0.200 7131 ACME 0.210 45.9 4.400 3.456 4.280 4.210 5134 SAB 4.260 -0.120 43 4.269 20.04 1.17 583.3
0.955 0.630 0.670 0.655 7191 ADVENTA 0.670 0.015 30 0.660 155.81 102.4 7.980 4.880 5.610 5.400 9822 SAM 5.470 0.060 144.8 5.551 10.68 2.73 688.6
2.766 1.776 2.350 2.220 9148 ADVPKG 2.230 0.010 10.1 2.231 16.30 5.38 45.7 1.034 0.827 7811 SAPIND 0.940 8.92 6.38 68.4
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
26 Markets T UE


HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
1.627 1.010 1.120 1.090 5170 SCABLE 1.100 -0.010 973.9 1.102 13.13 5.45 348.8 0.479 0.395 0.435 0.425 9318 FITTERS 0.430 UNCH 1843.7 0.427 47.78 1.40 206.6 0
3.585 2.697 3.400 3.360 7247 SCGM 3.380 -0.020 142.9 3.374 20.57 2.66 446.2 1.311 1.100 1.180 1.170 7210 FREIGHT 1.170 -0.010 9 1.177 10.56 4.27 217.8 1
0.895 0.520 0.595 0.590 9237 SCIB 0.595 UNCH 6.4 0.592 43.8 0.220 0.125 0.220 0.210 0128 FRONTKN 0.215 0.005 19410.6 0.215 25.00 226.5 0
7.090 5.921 6.960 6.890 4731 SCIENTX 6.890 -0.070 166 6.916 15.34 2.32 3,193.9 0.290 0.110 9377 FSBM 0.200 27.8 0
0.360 0.250 0.320 0.310 7239 SCNWOLF 0.310 UNCH 205.2 0.311 27.1 2.800 2.170 2.750 2.730 5209 GASMSIA 2.730 UNCH 875.6 2.733 28.32 3.21 3,505.3 0
0.525 0.135 0.525 0.495 7366 SCOMIEN 0.505 -0.005 1743 0.509 172.8 1.760 1.452 1.650 1.630 0078 GDEX 1.630 -0.010 590.4 1.637 59.49 0.61 2,258.2 0
1.063 0.660 0.935 0.920 7073 SEACERA 0.930 UNCH 146.7 0.924 27.35 3.23 219.4 5.140 4.016 5.140 5.050 4715 GENM 5.070 0.010 5435.4 5.090 18.72 1.44 30,105.9 1
0.280 0.140 0.185 0.170 5145 SEALINK 0.180 0.010 497.6 0.176 90.0 9.850 7.550 8.720 8.540 3182 GENTING 8.710 0.030 4684.9 8.692 24.15 0.40 32,662.7 1
0.450 0.250 0.450 0.430 5163 SEB 0.445 0.015 166.4 0.443 35.6 3.130 1.133 2.920 2.840 3204 GKENT 2.850 -0.080 2367.6 2.865 13.55 2.74 1,070.2 1
3.510 1.990 3.140 3.080 4324 SHELL 3.130 0.030 607.2 3.115 4.25 939.0 0.510 0.300 0.490 0.460 7676 GUNUNG 0.480 UNCH 200.5 0.475 113.3 1
0.556 0.395 0.455 0.445 5181 SIGGAS 0.450 0.005 384.5 0.450 20.64 2.67 84.4 4.500 2.255 4.490 4.430 7668 HAIO 4.490 0.090 189.4 4.461 18.66 3.56 907.8 2
0.795 0.500 0.720 0.720 7115 SKBSHUT 0.720 -0.075 1 0.720 82.76 28.8 0.070 0.060 7110 HAISAN 0
1.440 1.083 1.370 1.340 7155 SKPRES 1.350 0.010 3358.5 1.353 17.69 2.59 1,598.4 0.315 0.200 0.260 0.250 7253 HANDAL 0.260 0.010 81 0.252 41.6 1
3.046 1.916 7248 SLP 2.430 24.67 1.23 601.0 9.420 6.884 9.250 9.180 3034 HAPSENG 9.210 0.090 349 9.202 21.82 3.80 22,930.0 0
0.740 0.585 0.640 0.610 7132 SMISCOR 0.640 UNCH 35 0.611 3.91 28.7 1.315 0.755 0.885 0.870 2062 HARBOUR 0.885 0.015 240.5 0.876 6.48 2.26 354.4 1
1.430 0.690 1.380 1.340 5665 SSTEEL 1.380 0.030 247.1 1.363 583.3 3.720 2.665 5008 HARISON 3.350 13.09 4.48 229.4 0
0.415 0.065 0.100 0.100 7143 STONE 0.100 -0.005 190.1 0.100 9.0 0.300 0.100 0.180 0.145 7013 HUBLINE 0.150 -0.050 84013.2 0.160 94.9 2
1.800 1.360 1.390 1.390 6904 SUBUR 1.390 -0.010 1 1.390 290.5 0.480 0.295 0.460 0.455 5255 ICON 0.460 0.005 4555.8 0.457 541.5 0
2.490 1.535 2.490 2.390 7207 SUCCESS 2.490 0.100 169.4 2.451 9.42 2.01 305.5 6.759 6.150 6.340 6.240 5225 IHH 6.250 -0.020 3795.8 6.264 48.00 0.48 51,448.3 0
2.610 1.653 2.610 2.530 7235 SUPERLN 2.570 0.030 423.8 2.565 10.68 1.95 205.6 0.920 0.725 0.870 0.825 5614 ILB 0.870 0.045 24.2 0.857 2.87 154.9 0
3.148 1.992 2.100 2.070 7106 SUPERMX 2.100 0.010 827.5 2.085 18.97 2.86 1,428.3 1.046 0.745 0.780 0.775 5673 IPMUDA 0.775 -0.020 2 0.778 3.87 56.2 0
4.626 3.365 4.200 4.170 5012 TAANN 4.180 -0.020 658.7 4.181 12.08 2.19 1,859.4 2.170 1.340 2.170 2.050 0058 JCBNEXT 2.170 0.130 84.5 2.109 31.18 1.61 303.8 0
0.545 0.276 0.400 0.395 4022 TADMAX 0.400 0.005 150.3 0.399 195.9 0.300 0.210 0.280 0.280 8923 JIANKUN 0.280 UNCH 230.5 0.280 42.5 1
0.555 0.235 0.365 0.335 5149 TAS 0.365 0.035 1546.2 0.352 65.7 0.430 0.295 0.330 0.330 8672 KAMDAR 0.330 UNCH 7.7 0.330 65.3 0
15.100 12.500 13.280 13.260 4448 TASEK 13.280 0.060 1.6 13.273 24.20 7.53 1,641.7 0.380 0.180 0.200 0.200 5079 KBES 0.200 UNCH 10 0.200 25.2 1
14.940 14.000 4448P TASEK-PA 14.000 7.86 4.7 1.897 1.649 1.840 1.840 6491 KFIMA 1.840 0.010 55 1.840 8.62 4.89 519.3 0
0.190 0.090 0.130 0.130 5178 TATGIAP 0.130 UNCH 114 0.130 20.2 0.415 0.226 0.415 0.395 0151 KGB 0.400 0.005 7255.5 0.405 1.25 89.0 1
0.500 0.220 7097 TAWIN 0.420 27.0 1.457 1.020 1.250 1.170 5035 KNUSFOR 1.240 0.150 23 1.216 1.61 123.6 2
2.920 1.020 2.250 2.230 7439 TECGUAN 2.240 0.030 56.5 2.236 7.95 89.8 4.328 4.040 4.150 4.140 5878 KPJ 4.150 -0.030 98.6 4.149 35.50 1.58 4,414.6 2
0.851 0.595 0.740 0.730 9741 TECNIC 0.735 -0.010 87.1 0.740 29.7 1.380 0.923 1.260 1.250 5843 KPS 1.260 0.010 139.5 1.254 5.07 3.17 628.7 0
0.415 0.285 0.380 0.345 6378 TEKALA 0.380 0.035 28.1 0.360 58.1 0.650 0.485 0.535 0.525 9121 KPSCB 0.530 -0.005 55.7 0.530 4.83 78.3 1
4.550 2.779 4.480 4.390 7034 TGUAN 4.450 0.070 989.2 4.414 7.98 1.35 532.0 0.220 0.115 0.155 0.150 4847 KTB 0.155 UNCH 298 0.155 62.4 0
2.499 1.517 2.030 2.000 7374 TIENWAH 2.000 -0.010 106.6 2.014 8.54 7.85 289.5 0.460 0.242 0.450 0.440 6874 KUB 0.450 0.010 2439.3 0.447 11.39 1.11 250.4 0
0.690 0.560 7854 TIMWELL 0.640 57.0 0.380 0.250 0.325 0.315 7170 LFECORP 0.315 -0.005 289.6 0.320 30.88 57.2 1
2.020 1.521 1.760 1.730 7285 TOMYPAK 1.730 UNCH 63.8 1.747 12.72 4.62 285.6 0.735 0.420 0.480 0.455 8486 LIONFIB 0.470 -0.010 37 0.473 108.8 1
2.160 1.707 2.160 2.140 5010 TONGHER 2.140 0.010 12 2.143 13.41 7.01 336.9 1.849 1.376 1.590 1.570 5143 LUXCHEM 1.580 0.020 103.2 1.584 9.31 4.43 435.1 0
5.718 4.130 5.160 5.110 7113 TOPGLOV 5.140 -0.010 682.5 5.131 21.06 2.82 6,452.3 2.455 2.080 2.210 2.180 3859 MAGNUM 2.210 0.030 470.4 2.196 17.09 6.11 3,177.4 1
0.680 0.495 0.560 0.560 7173 TOYOINK 0.560 UNCH 40 0.560 23.93 59.9 1.756 1.260 1.290 1.270 5264 MALAKOF 1.280 UNCH 4279.7 1.280 2.61 4.30 6,400.0 1
0.270 0.145 0.185 0.180 4359 TURIYA 0.185 -0.005 72 0.181 42.3 0.170 0.145 0.160 0.155 3514 MARCO 0.160 UNCH 296.9 0.158 9.94 4.38 168.7 0
1.850 1.353 1.800 1.790 7100 UCHITEC 1.800 UNCH 287.2 1.799 12.61 6.11 798.7 6.430 5.225 6.430 6.330 6012 MAXIS 6.410 0.060 8312.5 6.411 23.92 3.12 48,141.2 1
6.754 3.331 4.440 4.350 7133 ULICORP 4.410 -0.060 257.2 4.413 17.17 2.72 640.3 1.000 0.510 0.770 0.755 5077 MAYBULK 0.760 -0.010 694.1 0.759 760.0 1
1.460 0.890 1.270 1.270 7227 UMSNGB 1.270 UNCH 1 1.270 9.22 2.36 101.6 2.670 1.927 2.410 2.350 5983 MBMR 2.350 0.010 6.9 2.381 13.21 2.55 918.6 0
1.700 0.610 1.380 1.360 4995 VERSATL 1.370 -0.010 1177.6 1.371 160.8 1.520 0.900 1.420 1.390 7189 MBWORLD 1.400 -0.050 25 1.404 197.18 133.9 2
1.650 1.130 1.650 1.600 6963 VS 1.620 0.020 8900.6 1.629 20.69 2.55 1,922.1 1.471 1.000 1.070 1.050 4502 MEDIA 1.070 0.020 1383.6 1.062 8.41 1,186.8 1
0.935 0.631 0.890 0.880 5142 WASEONG 0.885 0.005 1062.8 0.884 1.69 685.8 0.757 0.590 0.630 0.625 5090 MEDIAC 0.625 0.005 13 0.629 12.53 6.85 1,054.5 0
0.485 0.290 0.415 0.380 7226 WATTA 0.410 0.030 496.1 0.402 34.6 0.780 0.550 0.620 0.620 7234 MESB 0.620 UNCH 1 0.620 23.31 26.0 1
1.960 1.402 1.930 1.890 7111 WEIDA 1.890 -0.040 561.7 1.910 8.45 1.59 252.0 2.900 1.618 2.840 2.790 3069 MFCB 2.800 -0.020 323.6 2.820 8.15 2.50 1,125.3 0
2.736 1.764 1.950 1.910 7231 WELLCAL 1.910 -0.040 242.8 1.929 20.28 4.82 633.5 1.340 0.840 1.020 0.985 5186 MHB 0.990 -0.010 1183.7 1.000 1,584.0 3
0.740 0.490 0.640 0.640 7050 WONG 0.640 -0.005 160 0.640 81.01 58.7 8.881 6.789 7.670 7.430 3816 MISC 7.610 0.010 3185.6 7.556 12.11 4.27 33,969.5 0
0.660 0.405 0.595 0.585 7025 WOODLAN 0.595 UNCH 28.8 0.589 11.53 23.8 2.450 1.580 2.370 2.340 2194 MMCCORP 2.370 0.030 599.9 2.352 1.60 7,216.8 0
2.287 1.882 2.030 2.030 5009 WTHORSE 2.030 -0.010 2 2.030 10.44 4.93 487.2 0.432 0.205 0.300 0.285 0059 MMODE 0.300 0.010 292 0.288 2.00 48.8 1
1.438 0.980 1.050 1.030 4243 WTK 1.030 -0.010 765.4 1.037 12.55 2.42 495.8 0.100 0.060 0.100 0.085 0043 MTRONIC 0.090 0.005 40112.8 0.092 7.76 68.3 0
1.190 0.830 1.190 1.150 7245 WZSATU 1.190 0.020 838.8 1.166 15.18 1.68 415.1 0.195 0.115 0.160 0.150 3891 MUIIND 0.155 UNCH 532.1 0.154 454.5 0
1.080 0.780 0.835 0.830 5048 YILAI 0.830 0.005 30.8 0.831 17.36 132.8 0.299 0.195 0.265 0.250 3905 MULPHA 0.260 0.010 4986.7 0.260 23.42 831.0 2
0.400 0.160 0.275 0.275 7020 YKGI 0.275 -0.005 707.3 0.275 76.39 95.8 1.670 1.385 1.630 1.610 0138 MYEG 1.610 0.010 14240.6 1.615 37.35 0.75 5,806.2 3
0.750 0.380 0.505 0.480 7014 YLI 0.480 UNCH 287 0.493 15.48 49.4 0.510 0.305 0.475 0.460 9806 NATWIDE 0.475 0.015 48.1 0.462 57.1 1
CONSTRUCTION 0.115 0.065 0.100 0.095 4464 NICORP 0.095 -0.005 1639.3 0.097 2.60 82.0 1
0.460 0.280 0.400 0.360 7007 ARK 0.400 UNCH 0.6 0.367 19.5 0.878 0.640 0.695 0.695 5533 OCB 0.695 0.005 3.9 0.695 12.92 1.44 71.5 0
0.752 0.553 0.670 0.660 7078 AZRB 0.670 0.005 360.8 0.666 13.29 2.99 324.0 0.860 0.671 0.830 0.825 0172 OCK 0.825 UNCH 2682.3 0.826 15.51 0.73 719.0 1
0.735 0.586 0.730 0.710 6173 BDB 0.725 0.010 373.8 0.720 7.76 5.52 220.3 1.995 1.308 1.900 1.880 5201 OLDTOWN 1.890 -0.010 211.3 1.893 15.11 3.17 875.5 0
0.537 0.351 0.525 0.515 5190 BENALEC 0.520 0.005 3172.2 0.520 18.12 1.35 422.1 0.115 0.070 0.115 0.110 3018 OLYMPIA 0.110 UNCH 859 0.111 112.6 1
0.510 0.360 0.465 0.445 5932 BPURI 0.455 0.010 1051 0.455 113.4 2.540 1.890 2.100 2.040 5260 OWG 2.070 -0.010 339.2 2.066 43.04 502.8 0
0.911 0.790 0.835 0.815 8761 BREM 0.835 0.005 40.2 0.826 31.51 3.45 288.5 0.459 0.390 0.425 0.420 8419 PANSAR 0.425 -0.005 60 0.423 13.24 4.71 119.0 1
0.975 0.805 0.940 0.930 8591 CRESBLD 0.940 0.010 27.5 0.931 4.26 166.3 0.495 0.435 0.475 0.465 5125 PANTECH 0.470 UNCH 560.1 0.470 12.91 3.30 347.6 0
1.808 1.460 1.650 1.650 7528 DKLS 1.650 -0.100 2 1.650 7.16 1.82 153.0 1.057 0.610 0.650 0.630 5657 PARKSON 0.635 -0.010 1128.6 0.638 694.6 3
2.030 0.958 1.990 1.950 5253 ECONBHD 1.970 UNCH 252.2 1.963 15.18 2.03 1,054.0 1.274 1.013 1.240 1.210 5041 PBA 1.220 UNCH 135.2 1.224 7.52 3.07 404.1 0
2.880 0.998 2.870 2.850 8877 EKOVEST 2.850 0.020 1053.7 2.853 12.66 1.05 2,438.0 0.135 0.055 0.080 0.075 6254 PDZ 0.075 -0.005 3295.4 0.075 65.2 0
0.625 0.482 0.620 0.610 7047 FAJAR 0.615 0.005 2790.8 0.617 16.67 4.07 223.1 1.304 0.881 1.010 0.990 5133 PENERGY 1.000 0.015 800.2 1.005 3.00 321.8 5
1.305 0.885 1.100 1.080 9261 GADANG 1.080 -0.010 3688.4 1.084 6.57 2.59 699.0 1.550 1.540 7108 PERDANA 1.540 1,198.8 3
4.970 4.243 4.970 4.920 5398 GAMUDA 4.950 0.010 10859.4 4.954 19.05 2.42 12,004.9 0.295 0.040 0.075 0.070 0047 PERISAI 0.075 -0.005 16724.5 0.075 94.6 1
1.200 0.800 1.010 0.990 5226 GBGAQRS 1.000 0.010 1681.3 1.003 24.51 390.9 0.220 0.115 0.190 0.180 7080 PERMAJU 0.185 -0.005 591 0.185 36.2 3
0.965 0.710 0.870 0.855 5169 HOHUP 0.860 0.005 823.1 0.862 3.94 322.4 1.730 1.413 1.700 1.680 5219 PESTECH 1.690 0.010 315.2 1.693 29.60 1.04 1,290.1 0
2.103 1.580 1.690 1.670 6238 HSL 1.670 UNCH 79.2 1.672 13.82 1.44 973.1 25.142 21.786 24.480 24.100 5681 PETDAG 24.280 0.240 258.9 24.297 32.50 2.47 24,121.1 0
3.534 3.043 3.450 3.430 3336 IJM 3.440 UNCH 5507.7 3.440 21.26 2.03 12,408.8 0.250 0.030 7027 PETONE 0.055 2.8 7
0.804 0.565 0.615 0.605 5268 IKHMAS 0.610 0.005 298.2 0.609 19.68 1.64 317.2 6.106 4.950 5.150 5.150 7081 PHARMA 5.150 -0.110 0.1 5.150 21.34 3.88 1,335.8 0
0.710 0.480 0.655 0.650 8834 IREKA 0.655 -0.005 2 0.653 111.9 0.215 0.125 0.195 0.180 7201 PICORP 0.190 -0.005 1469.1 0.187 3.21 125.0 1
1.370 0.805 1.370 1.300 4723 JAKS 1.370 0.080 6222.8 1.347 11.13 600.6 0.370 0.205 7163 PJBUMI 0.240 12.0 0
0.380 0.195 0.365 0.365 9083 JETSON 0.365 -0.005 76 0.365 68.6 4.260 1.968 4.260 4.100 4634 POS 4.260 0.100 1314.3 4.180 30.56 2.75 3,334.6 0
2.487 1.612 2.390 2.310 7161 KERJAYA 2.380 0.070 1043 2.364 6.47 1.68 1,215.2 3.020 1.690 2.270 2.240 5204 PRESBHD 2.270 0.030 579.7 2.252 103.65 1.43 1,098.7 0
2.260 1.414 2.180 2.150 5171 KIMLUN 2.150 -0.020 1030.9 2.172 8.23 2.70 667.1 2.630 1.640 1.920 1.880 8346 PRKCORP 1.920 -0.020 24.6 1.897 192.0 1
1.540 1.010 9628 LEBTECH 1.510 206.1 0.210 0.155 0.170 0.165 0186 PTRANS 0.165 -0.005 1376.9 0.165 188.6 1
1.270 0.660 0.875 0.870 5129 MELATI 0.875 0.005 50.3 0.870 3.53 2.00 105.0 1.100 0.756 0.825 0.820 5272 RANHILL 0.825 0.005 413.4 0.823 10.83 4.61 732.9 1
0.385 0.240 5006 MERGE 0.320 3200.00 21.4 0.355 0.150 0.355 0.345 0037 RGB 0.350 UNCH 11858.1 0.349 17.33 1.43 465.4 2
1.470 1.060 1.280 1.260 9571 MITRA 1.260 -0.010 1032.7 1.268 8.48 3.97 843.9 0.450 0.315 0.340 0.330 8885 RPB 0.340 0.005 27.3 0.330 291.9 1
0.895 0.465 7595 MLGLOBAL 0.865 7.46 317.1 0.665 0.528 0.665 0.620 8567 SALCON 0.650 0.055 15711.6 0.639 3.08 440.5 1
0.440 0.230 0.380 0.370 5924 MTDACPI 0.370 UNCH 394.9 0.372 336.36 85.7 1.750 0.606 1.710 1.690 5147 SAMCHEM 1.700 -0.020 229 1.700 29.88 2.65 231.2 1
1.450 0.725 0.895 0.880 5085 MUDAJYA 0.895 UNCH 141.3 0.886 494.4 0.165 0.105 0.155 0.155 9113 SANBUMI 0.155 -0.005 90.7 0.155 35.1 0
2.500 2.074 2.470 2.450 5703 MUHIBAH 2.450 -0.030 468.7 2.453 12.44 2.04 1,181.2 2.372 1.954 2.210 2.190 0099 SCICOM 2.200 UNCH 419.7 2.199 17.67 4.09 782.0 MINI
0.695 0.322 0.680 0.675 8311 PESONA 0.680 UNCH 1369.3 0.679 24.73 1.47 445.2 0.220 0.090 0.200 0.185 7158 SCOMI 0.185 -0.010 10080.9 0.193 354.7 1
1.590 1.140 1.520 1.480 7055 PLB 1.520 UNCH 6 1.487 0.66 138.7 0.270 0.130 0.270 0.265 7045 SCOMIES 0.265 0.005 3349.4 0.265 620.6 PLAN
1.389 1.220 1.250 1.220 5070 PRTASCO 1.230 UNCH 755.6 1.231 8.27 5.69 522.4 1.263 0.972 1.050 1.050 7053 SEEHUP 1.050 -0.020 10 1.050 4.80 6.86 54.9 0
0.145 0.095 0.145 0.135 7145 PSIPTEK 0.135 UNCH 2526.8 0.139 10.38 42.8 1.177 0.959 9792 SEG 1.130 38.83 11.50 845.4 19
3.653 3.013 3.560 3.520 9598 PTARAS 3.540 UNCH 8 3.543 23.68 5.65 579.8 1.970 1.303 1.550 1.510 5250 SEM 1.510 -0.040 2740.7 1.520 31.59 1.52 1,862.4 9
0.763 0.405 0.725 0.715 5205 SENDAI 0.720 0.010 5965.7 0.720 0.69 557.3 1.590 1.510 1.570 1.520 5279 SERBADK 1.560 0.030 16656.8 1.555 2,082.6 1
1.780 1.318 1.730 1.700 5263 SUNCON 1.720 UNCH 3292.8 1.709 18.40 2.62 2,223.8 9.270 6.918 9.070 9.000 4197 SIME 9.070 0.080 8134.2 9.042 22.18 2.98 61,683.6 0
0.395 0.300 0.375 0.360 9717 SYCAL 0.365 -0.015 448.2 0.364 17.46 116.9 0.930 0.660 9431 SJC 0.700 19.23 1.43 28.4 8
0.513 0.332 0.425 0.420 5054 TRC 0.420 -0.005 142.9 0.420 6.82 1.55 201.8 2.180 1.290 1.870 1.840 5218 SKPETRO 1.860 0.010 15669.7 1.857 0.73 11,145.4 0
2.400 1.170 1.940 1.910 5622 TRIPLC 1.930 -0.040 25.2 1.924 5.78 131.1 1.479 1.230 1.350 1.300 5242 SOLID 1.330 UNCH 40.3 1.310 54.29 0.98 221.4 8
0.610 0.430 0.500 0.485 5042 TSRCAP 0.500 UNCH 41.9 0.487 15.67 87.2 2.607 2.220 2.430 2.410 6084 STAR 2.430 0.030 51.7 2.420 14.97 7.41 1,794.7 2
0.130 0.072 0.110 0.100 7070 VIZIONE 0.110 0.005 13754.3 0.105 110.00 96.2 2.600 2.242 2.600 2.550 9865 SUIWAH 2.600 0.020 3 2.588 16.65 1.35 158.6 11
1.300 0.880 1.300 1.270 3565 WCEHB 1.290 0.020 2082.6 1.288 70.49 1,293.5 0.140 0.045 0.090 0.085 1201 SUMATEC 0.085 UNCH 31620.4 0.085 12.32 328.6 0
1.980 1.392 1.900 1.840 9679 WCT 1.900 0.040 1586.3 1.873 18.68 1.58 2,398.8 2.320 1.793 2.030 2.010 6521 SURIA 2.020 -0.010 43.2 2.027 11.65 3.47 582.1 1
0.855 0.550 0.575 0.570 7028 ZECON 0.570 -0.010 7.1 0.574 1.88 67.9 0.420 0.245 0.310 0.300 5173 SYSCORP 0.300 -0.005 85 0.305 103.45 360.0 0
0.250 0.100 0.155 0.145 2283 ZELAN 0.150 UNCH 3280.5 0.149 126.7 0.370 0.275 0.330 0.325 7228 T7GLOBAL 0.325 -0.005 214.3 0.330 124.0 2
TRADING SERVICES 1.540 1.191 1.540 1.510 8524 TALIWRK 1.530 0.020 1674.9 1.531 19.90 5.23 1,850.5 3
0.495 0.225 0.415 0.410 5238 AAX 0.415 0.005 6219.5 0.413 4.15 1,721.5 1.650 1.372 1.650 1.630 5140 TASCO 1.650 0.050 660.1 1.641 10.46 2.73 330.0 0
0.335 0.165 0.185 0.175 5166 AEGB 0.175 -0.005 1707 0.181 57.14 71.7 14.666 13.000 13.660 13.480 5347 TENAGA 13.660 0.160 7473.2 13.535 10.81 2.34 77,210.9 1
3.000 2.290 2.350 2.290 6599 AEON 2.290 -0.050 306.6 2.307 35.12 1.75 3,215.2 1.732 1.370 8702 TEXCHEM 1.470 13.61 182.4 4
0.245 0.160 0.205 0.195 7315 AHB 0.195 UNCH 672.8 0.198 17.57 31.2 0.240 0.060 0.165 0.155 7206 THHEAVY 0.155 -0.005 3664.7 0.158 173.8 25
3.300 1.306 2.680 2.620 5099 AIRASIA 2.660 0.010 9500.5 2.652 3.48 1.50 8,889.7 6.840 5.810 6.200 6.100 4863 TM 6.160 0.020 4616.1 6.157 28.49 3.47 23,148.9 3
7.300 5.599 6.700 6.600 5014 AIRPORT 6.690 0.090 2223.4 6.676 1.27 11,100.0 0.990 0.630 0.950 0.940 0101 TMCLIFE 0.945 UNCH 198.8 0.943 83.63 0.13 1,640.1 3
0.410 0.185 0.345 0.300 5115 ALAM 0.335 0.040 24637.4 0.329 309.7 1.760 1.153 1.730 1.690 8397 TNLOGIS 1.700 -0.020 1280.9 1.715 7.44 2.94 721.4 0
0.270 0.075 0.110 0.105 0159 AMEDIA 0.105 -0.005 1455.9 0.105 25.1 0.890 0.330 0.850 0.850 7218 TOCEAN 0.850 -0.040 15 0.850 101.19 34.8 1
9.528 7.400 7.580 7.580 6351 AMWAY 7.580 0.050 1 7.580 25.84 3.30 1,246.0 4.000 2.520 5711 TSTORE 3.630 1.03 248.7 1
2.420 2.030 2.360 2.340 7083 ANALABS 2.340 UNCH 12.5 2.353 9.77 1.39 140.5 0.977 0.760 0.805 0.800 5167 TURBO 0.800 UNCH 10 0.803 28.17 6.25 86.4 0
0.230 0.025 0.045 0.045 5194 APFT 0.045 UNCH 10399.3 0.045 21.5 3.000 2.490 2.880 2.720 7137 UMS 2.880 0.130 126.1 2.770 14.19 2.08 117.2 2
1.046 0.500 0.690 0.670 5210 ARMADA 0.680 0.020 88829.9 0.678 1.21 3,989.1 1.100 0.675 0.715 0.705 5243 UMWOG 0.710 UNCH 4102.6 0.710 1,535.0 4
0.150 0.100 0.120 0.120 1481 ASB 0.120 UNCH 112.1 0.120 2.08 79.7 1.228 1.006 1.100 1.100 7091 UNIMECH 1.100 0.010 5.5 1.100 13.75 3.03 143.1 0
2.946 2.463 2.830 2.770 6399 ASTRO 2.790 -0.010 3717.1 2.795 21.28 4.90 14,534.6 0.600 0.365 0.430 0.430 5754 UTUSAN 0.430 0.010 10 0.430 47.6 1
5.093 4.021 4.880 4.880 7048 ATLAN 4.880 0.100 1 4.880 23.02 4.61 1,237.8 2.040 1.300 1.760 1.730 7250 UZMA 1.730 -0.050 19.5 1.745 13.96 503.3 0
1.100 0.393 1.040 1.010 7579 AWC 1.020 -0.020 3403.4 1.017 12.30 0.98 269.6 0.815 0.630 0.680 0.640 7240 VOIR 0.680 0.020 16 0.648 62.96 89.8 4
5.933 4.110 5.090 5.000 6888 AXIATA 5.050 0.040 10410.4 5.053 34.78 3.37 45,306.3 2.424 1.680 5016 WARISAN 1.810 3.59 121.6 3
0.407 0.230 0.360 0.345 5021 AYS 0.350 -0.005 547.6 0.350 8.10 5.23 133.1 0.515 0.410 7692 WIDETEC 0.435 15.48 19.5 0
0.815 0.605 0.680 0.660 7251 BARAKAH 0.680 0.020 2871.4 0.670 22.22 561.1 4.590 3.770 4.150 4.110 5246 WPRTS 4.120 -0.010 3768.9 4.124 22.85 3.40 14,049.2 4
2.373 1.908 2.070 2.050 5248 BAUTO 2.050 -0.030 844.3 2.054 14.30 5.07 2,363.8 1.074 0.806 1.000 0.990 5267 XINHWA 1.000 UNCH 100 0.998 15.02 1.25 216.0 2
0.545 0.385 0.435 0.420 7241 BHS 0.435 0.015 2114.5 0.430 199.4 0.065 0.020 0.050 0.040 7122 YFG 0.045 0.005 5153.9 0.045 27.4 0
0.325 0.170 0.250 0.240 6998 BINTAI 0.250 UNCH 413.4 0.245 53.6 3.180 2.499 3.180 3.130 7293 YINSON 3.150 0.020 1135.7 3.160 17.56 0.63 3,442.3 1
6.912 6.180 6.300 6.300 5032 BIPORT 6.300 0.120 20.4 6.300 19.48 3.81 2,898.0 1.370 0.755 1.300 1.260 7066 YONGTAI 1.290 0.030 1356 1.287 21.64 561.3 1
2.000 1.065 1.890 1.860 5275 BISON 1.860 -0.020 41.7 1.881 27.51 576.7 1.715 1.433 1.550 1.530 4677 YTL 1.550 0.020 2976.1 1.541 18.70 6.13 16,911.4 2
0.427 0.306 0.395 0.380 3395 BJCORP 0.385 -0.010 24764 0.387 1,895.6 FINANCE 6
2.114 1.222 1.760 1.750 5196 BJFOOD 1.760 0.010 45.3 1.752 34.85 3.13 665.9 16.200 10.477 16.060 15.880 5139 AEONCR 16.000 UNCH 155.2 15.994 79.60 3.76 2,304.0 28
0.740 0.560 0.600 0.600 4219 BJLAND 0.600 -0.005 105.7 0.600 3,000.2 2.540 2.053 2.510 2.480 5185 AFFIN 2.490 0.030 485.4 2.490 9.87 3.21 4,837.9 HOTE
0.445 0.205 6025 BJMEDIA 0.270 63.5 4.197 3.169 3.900 3.860 2488 AFG 3.870 UNCH 3062.5 3.877 11.12 3.88 5,991.2 0
3.333 2.763 3.000 2.970 1562 BJTOTO 2.980 -0.010 947.8 2.985 14.02 5.70 4,026.1 11.620 9.492 11.620 11.600 1163 ALLIANZ 11.600 -0.020 3.6 11.615 6.37 0.78 2,015.0 0
0.200 0.145 0.175 0.165 7036 BORNOIL 0.175 0.005 21114.7 0.170 13.06 530.0 11.220 9.464 1163PA ALLIANZ-PA 11.220 0.96 983.4 0
1.070 0.645 0.830 0.745 9474 BRAHIMS 0.820 0.085 781.6 0.793 193.8 4.680 3.855 4.600 4.550 1015 AMBANK 4.580 0.030 2213.4 4.569 10.96 3.38 13,805.0 5
2.760 1.749 2.760 2.730 2771 BSTEAD 2.760 0.010 210.6 2.749 25.77 5.52 5,594.5 1.766 1.300 1.330 1.330 5088 APEX 1.330 -0.080 0.2 1.330 19.28 3.76 284.0 TECH
0.530 0.280 0.355 0.350 5257 CARIMIN 0.350 0.010 163 0.351 54.69 81.9 4.500 3.307 4.500 4.290 5258 BIMB 4.400 0.120 969.1 4.385 11.90 2.95 7,206.1 0
2.000 1.300 5245 CARING 1.360 37.78 1.10 296.1 9.430 7.998 8.780 8.720 1818 BURSA 8.740 -0.010 1910.9 8.741 24.21 4.00 4,687.0 0
3.774 2.850 3.120 3.070 2925 CCB 3.070 -0.030 38.8 3.098 6.49 1.63 309.3 5.190 3.868 5.190 5.110 1023 CIMB 5.170 0.090 17997.9 5.167 12.61 3.68 45,849.5 0
1.044 0.744 0.920 0.905 7117 CENTURY 0.905 UNCH 1496 0.912 17.01 4.42 349.8 0.420 0.310 0.370 0.345 2143 ECM 0.365 UNCH 5.5 0.361 82.95 104.6 0
0.489 0.372 7209 CHEETAH 0.415 61.94 1.81 53.0 1.195 1.111 1.150 1.140 5228 ELKDESA 1.140 -0.010 73.7 1.143 10.09 5.92 277.2 0
0.560 0.385 0.485 0.480 7016 CHUAN 0.480 UNCH 65 0.483 14.50 81.0 13.500 12.649 13.340 13.280 5819 HLBANK 13.300 0.040 1156.3 13.300 13.31 3.08 28,830.7 0
0.100 0.065 0.090 0.070 5104 CNI 0.080 0.010 2520.3 0.081 3.75 57.6 10.100 7.327 5274 HLCAP 9.980 36.25 1.20 2,464.0 1
0.890 0.650 0.890 0.820 5136 COMPLET 0.885 0.075 1755.5 0.866 7.15 3.39 108.4 16.148 12.653 15.300 15.080 1082 HLFG 15.300 0.220 301.7 15.257 12.72 2.48 17,557.0 1
0.055 0.030 0.040 0.035 5037 COMPUGT 0.040 UNCH 310.2 0.035 26.67 85.4 2.630 2.116 6688 HWANG 2.610 18.76 1.15 666.0 1
2.260 1.571 2.190 2.170 5184 CYPARK 2.190 0.020 70 2.181 10.77 2.28 553.9 0.885 0.627 0.885 0.855 3379 INSAS 0.875 0.020 3230.9 0.873 3.52 1.14 606.7 0
1.520 0.779 1.450 1.400 5276 DANCO 1.430 -0.010 1657.3 1.414 14.67 1.05 213.1 0.990 0.843 3379PA INSAS-PA 0.950 4.21 126.0 0
0.095 0.050 0.070 0.070 0091 DAYA 0.070 UNCH 3981.2 0.070 129.7 0.245 0.105 0.180 0.170 3441 JOHAN 0.175 UNCH 1205.2 0.174 109.0 0
1.400 0.730 1.100 1.080 5141 DAYANG 1.090 0.010 742.4 1.089 39.35 3.21 956.0 0.555 0.430 0.475 0.465 6483 KENANGA 0.475 0.005 107.3 0.473 10.63 343.2 5
1.256 0.820 1.060 1.040 5132 DELEUM 1.050 0.010 580.5 1.056 15.17 4.52 420.0 17.500 14.541 17.420 17.380 8621 LPI 17.400 UNCH 196.4 17.402 13.21 4.60 5,776.6 0
0.895 0.525 0.735 0.715 7212 DESTINI 0.720 0.005 3943.9 0.721 21.18 831.8 0.980 0.870 0.910 0.900 1198 MAA 0.900 -0.010 151 0.907 21.90 6.67 246.2 1
1.600 1.441 1.560 1.540 7277 DIALOG 1.540 -0.010 7084.3 1.546 25.37 1.43 8,345.0 3.200 2.690 3.050 3.050 1058 MANULFE 3.050 0.040 1 3.050 24.15 2.95 617.2 0
6.670 3.604 4.900 4.820 5908 DKSH 4.820 -0.040 42 4.860 16.10 1.97 759.9 8.658 7.500 8.390 8.310 1155 MAYBANK 8.350 0.050 9754.4 8.355 13.58 5.99 85,113.2 0
0.304 0.187 0.295 0.285 4456 DNEX 0.290 -0.005 7848.8 0.290 2.27 1.72 503.1 1.210 0.685 1.180 1.160 1171 MBSB 1.170 UNCH 6747.7 1.169 28.96 2.48 6,784.6 10
1.617 1.039 1.170 1.140 5216 DSONIC 1.140 -0.010 3801.4 1.150 20.50 2.63 1,539.0 2.500 1.595 2.450 2.370 6459 MNRB 2.410 -0.030 78.6 2.390 42.73 770.2 0
0.380 0.175 0.245 0.235 2097 EASTLND 0.245 0.005 75 0.239 60.2 1.560 1.160 1.510 1.490 5237 MPHBCAP 1.490 UNCH 120.1 1.498 19.84 1,065.4 9
1.239 0.445 0.705 0.695 5259 EATECH 0.695 0.005 2013.6 0.699 8.41 3.24 350.3 1.330 1.241 1.290 1.280 6009 P&O 1.280 UNCH 162.7 1.280 6.64 314.8 1
0.340 0.200 5036 EDARAN 0.260 15.6 20.280 17.841 20.240 20.160 1295 PBBANK 20.220 0.120 3981.3 20.202 15.00 2.87 78,496.8 0
0.255 0.165 0.220 0.210 7471 EDEN 0.210 -0.005 583 0.215 65.4 1.520 0.667 1.510 1.490 9296 RCECAP 1.500 UNCH 834 1.505 8.73 2.33 522.2 0
3.980 2.958 3.210 3.200 1368 EDGENTA 3.210 UNCH 0.5 3.204 29.72 4.67 2,669.5 6.217 4.514 5.250 5.100 1066 RHBBANK 5.100 -0.040 1375.1 5.179 8.78 0.98 20,451.2 0
0.324 0.220 0.270 0.260 0064 EFFICEN 0.260 0.005 608.5 0.264 4.39 184.4 0.600 0.435 0.520 0.505 4898 TA 0.515 0.005 617.8 0.512 1.07 881.6 1
0.890 0.759 5081 EIG 0.840 11.76 2.68 199.2 4.313 3.662 4.130 4.090 6139 TAKAFUL 4.100 UNCH 219 4.100 19.06 3.82 3,365.9 0
1.408 1.084 5208 EITA 1.220 10.13 3.28 158.6 1.720 1.112 1.430 1.420 5230 TUNEPRO 1.420 UNCH 826.6 1.421 12.28 3.52 1,067.5 0
1.370 1.100 1.270 1.240 5056 ENGTEX 1.270 0.020 850.9 1.250 8.01 0.59 398.9 PROPERTIES 2
0.780 0.540 0.605 0.595 6939 FIAMMA 0.600 UNCH 385.2 0.599 12.40 2.50 317.9 3
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share * Volu
Markets 2 7

IL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
6.6 0.888 0.740 0.870 0.850 1007 AMPROP 0.850 -0.010 51.4 0.860 41.06 3.53 514.8 0.840 0.615 0.840 0.820 0008 WILLOW 0.835 0.020 1202.9 0.830 11.03 2.40 207.1
7.8 1.300 0.760 1.300 1.240 5959 A&M 1.300 0.070 645.1 1.284 20.03 474.6 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT COMPANIES
6.5 0.448 0.345 0.420 0.400 1007PA AMPROP-PA 0.400 -0.030 20.8 0.419 5.00 116.5 5.130 4.151 5.120 5.040 6947 DIGI 5.110 0.020 12066.9 5.102 24.33 4.09 39,730.3
7.8 0.210 0.145 0.180 0.170 4057 ASIAPAC 0.175 0.005 2552.3 0.174 2.03 173.7 6.060 4.719 5.920 5.900 6645 LITRAK 5.900 -0.010 281.2 5.903 14.58 3.39 3,102.7
5.3 0.590 0.415 0.470 0.470 6602 BCB 0.470 UNCH 10 0.470 6.50 193.9 1.480 0.880 1.040 0.995 6807 PUNCAK 1.000 -0.020 1902.2 1.020 449.3
8.2 0.665 0.440 9814 BERTAM 0.595 123.0 0.500 0.330 0.460 0.435 5078 SILKHLD 0.455 0.015 1798.3 0.449 319.2
5.9 1.010 0.710 0.880 0.850 3239 BJASSET 0.875 -0.075 27.1 0.863 1.14 973.9 8.420 6.894 8.070 8.000 5031 TIMECOM 8.000 -0.010 1516.9 8.035 14.02 1.66 4,626.4
2.7 1.340 0.900 1.290 1.260 5738 CHHB 1.290 -0.050 64 1.279 355.7 1.539 1.295 1.480 1.460 6742 YTLPOWR 1.480 0.010 1769.3 1.476 11.18 6.76 12,051.6
0.2 1.723 1.394 1.580 1.550 6718 CRESNDO 1.580 UNCH 73.9 1.572 7.03 3.16 443.1 CLOSED-END FUNDS
3.3 1.660 1.201 1.660 1.640 5049 CVIEW 1.660 0.030 16.4 1.651 6.40 6.02 166.0 2.580 2.240 2.420 2.400 5108 ICAP 2.400 -0.010 17 2.401 10.67 336.0
7.8 2.376 2.073 2.230 2.210 5355 DAIMAN 2.210 -0.020 58 2.220 22.83 2.26 468.9 EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS
0.910 0.505 0.630 0.590 3484 DBHD 0.615 0.020 245.8 0.615 190.3 1.124 1.070 0800EA ABFMY1 1.115 5.09 1,472.3
1.6 1.838 1.400 1.730 1.700 3417 E&O 1.720 -0.010 1028.7 1.716 1.16 2,171.2 1.845 1.585 0822EA CIMBA40 1.840 3.57 2.5
0.0 0.285 0.225 0.280 0.270 3557 ECOFIRS 0.280 0.005 1394.5 0.275 25.23 224.9 1.450 1.015 1.450 1.445 0823EA CIMBC50 1.450 0.005 71 1.448 16.0
4.4 1.540 1.200 1.500 1.480 8206 ECOWLD 1.490 0.010 2046.3 1.490 27.39 4,167.1 1.785 1.680 1.750 1.750 0820EA FBMKLCI-EA 1.750 0.010 101 1.750 1.89 2.9
9.4 0.900 0.570 0.645 0.620 6076 ENCORP 0.645 UNCH 25.2 0.633 21.86 179.7 1.040 0.910 1.040 1.040 0826EA METFAPA 1.040 0.005 22 1.040 19.8
4.9 2.850 1.700 2.620 2.620 8613 ENRA 2.620 UNCH 1.1 2.620 30.93 1.15 356.9 0.952 0.857 0825EA METFSID 0.933 2.30 49.4
1.5 0.870 0.710 0.800 0.800 6815 EUPE 0.800 -0.005 3 0.800 102.4 1.145 1.035 0821EA MYETFDJ 1.075 2.20 300.0
8.3 0.563 0.443 0.540 0.515 6041 FARLIM 0.540 0.025 883.9 0.527 3.60 3.70 75.8 1.050 0.974 0824EA MYETFID 1.025 3.07 52.9
4.9 0.827 0.680 0.730 0.720 5020 GLOMAC 0.725 0.005 699.2 0.729 3.57 5.52 527.7 REITS
6.2 0.438 0.361 0.430 0.415 9962 GMUTUAL 0.420 0.005 479.6 0.422 7.04 2.38 157.8 1.090 0.960 0.980 0.975 4952 AHP 0.975 -0.015 20 0.978 117.47 4.62 214.5
3.8 0.528 0.290 0.420 0.410 1147 GOB 0.415 -0.005 3438 0.417 1.20 188.7 1.700 1.338 1.680 1.660 5116 ALAQAR 1.670 -0.020 959.2 1.671 17.20 4.61 1,216.1
2.5 1.370 1.082 1.290 1.280 1503 GUOCO 1.290 0.020 203.6 1.290 9.29 1.55 903.6 1.080 0.894 1.070 1.060 5269 ALSREIT 1.060 -0.010 106.1 1.063 15.54 5.66 614.8
5.3 0.600 0.370 0.420 0.420 7010 HOOVER 0.420 -0.020 26 0.420 16.8 0.855 0.665 0.830 0.820 5120 AMFIRST 0.820 -0.005 100.8 0.821 8.79 6.10 562.8
5.2 1.432 1.050 1.150 1.130 5062 HUAYANG 1.140 0.010 423.9 1.138 5.53 8.55 401.3 0.940 0.801 0.940 0.940 5127 ARREIT 0.940 0.005 13 0.940 8.92 6.80 538.8
9.3 0.660 0.452 0.640 0.625 4251 IBHD 0.635 0.010 1797.3 0.634 9.89 2.05 637.5 1.130 1.003 1.130 1.120 5130 ATRIUM 1.120 -0.010 15.2 1.120 11.83 5.00 136.4
9.0 1.062 0.878 5084 IBRACO 0.930 11.83 3.76 461.7 1.757 1.388 1.680 1.660 5106 AXREIT 1.670 -0.010 221.1 1.661 15.05 4.94 1,845.6
3.6 2.658 2.190 2.440 2.430 1597 IGB 2.430 -0.010 656.2 2.437 10.50 4.12 3,316.5 1.670 1.315 1.610 1.590 5180 CMMT 1.600 UNCH 279.6 1.600 19.32 5.27 3,250.3
4.6 2.570 1.949 2.130 2.090 5249 IOIPG 2.120 UNCH 1525.9 2.109 7.67 3.77 9,378.1 1.669 1.399 1.630 1.620 5121 HEKTAR 1.620 -0.010 12.6 1.628 294.55 6.48 649.0
8.7 0.535 0.350 0.515 0.505 5175 IVORY 0.505 -0.005 899.4 0.509 22.15 247.5 1.730 1.281 1.700 1.680 5227 IGBREIT 1.690 -0.010 217.2 1.689 21.13 5.15 5,912.2
8.3 1.140 0.755 1.110 1.050 1589 IWCITY 1.090 0.040 4995.1 1.085 803.0 1.040 0.985 1.000 0.995 5280 KIPREIT 1.000 UNCH 1625.1 0.998 505.3
2.4 0.235 0.160 0.185 0.180 6769 JKGLAND 0.180 UNCH 246 0.181 7.03 1.67 136.5 8.194 6.496 7.900 7.810 5235SS KLCC 7.810 -0.010 2056.2 7.814 15.92 4.56 14,099.7
0.4 0.060 0.040 0.055 0.050 3115 KBUNAI 0.055 UNCH 1402.6 0.055 317.7 1.350 0.982 1.320 1.320 5123 MQREIT 1.320 UNCH 550.9 1.320 15.51 9.61 1,409.8
7.2 1.008 0.820 0.890 0.890 7323 KEN 0.890 UNCH 49 0.890 5.86 3.37 170.6 1.910 1.488 1.820 1.780 5212 PAVREIT 1.790 -0.010 598.2 1.789 17.31 4.60 5,417.0
8.8 1.390 0.995 1.130 1.110 5038 KSL 1.130 0.010 2851.2 1.119 5.28 6.19 1,172.4 1.810 1.395 1.770 1.750 5176 SUNREIT 1.770 UNCH 1457.1 1.761 16.12 5.27 5,212.8
5.1 0.425 0.290 0.340 0.330 3174 L&G 0.335 UNCH 1473.7 0.335 4.49 5.97 375.0 1.190 1.132 1.190 1.180 5111 TWRREIT 1.180 -0.010 77.6 1.180 15.80 5.87 331.0
7.4 1.368 1.110 1.170 1.160 8494 LBICAP 1.170 UNCH 7.4 1.169 4.20 5.98 91.9 1.850 1.469 1.850 1.790 5110 UOAREIT 1.790 -0.010 2.2 1.818 15.25 5.85 756.9
0.0 1.820 1.274 1.820 1.800 5789 LBS 1.800 UNCH 589.5 1.805 12.42 1.94 1,159.8 1.240 0.934 1.220 1.200 5109 YTLREIT 1.220 0.020 369.9 1.210 381.25 7.08 2,079.4
8.7 0.285 0.220 0.250 0.245 3573 LIENHOE 0.250 UNCH 268.4 0.248 90.4 SPAC
1.2 1.690 0.897 1.630 1.600 7617 MAGNA 1.630 UNCH 472 1.623 1.87 3.68 542.6 0.720 0.670 5234 CLIQ 0.720 454.3
0.0 1.700 1.187 1.510 1.480 8583 MAHSING 1.490 -0.020 2366.4 1.491 10.21 4.36 3,590.0 0.745 0.595 0.665 0.640 5256 REACH 0.640 -0.010 3438.4 0.652 701.7
8.6 0.910 0.551 0.910 0.875 6181 MALTON 0.910 0.020 3517.7 0.896 10.64 2.75 408.1 0.480 0.425 5241 SONA 0.475 670.1
3.9 2.607 2.147 2.410 2.380 5236 MATRIX 2.390 -0.020 590.7 2.391 8.16 6.13 1,367.6
6.8 1.250 0.750 5182 MCT 1.000 17.12 2.00 1,334.8
4.5 0.560 0.455 0.495 0.485 5040 MEDAINC 0.490 UNCH 523.1 0.490 241.4
6.0 1.070 0.640 0.805 0.800 1694 MENANG 0.805 0.005 266 0.803 7.32 215.0
0.356 0.250 0.305 0.295 8141 MJPERAK 0.300 UNCH 66.5 0.300 3.75 7.13 77.1
3.200 2.099
0.395 0.270
Ace Market
6.8 0.250 0.085 0.135 0.135 6548 MPCORP 0.135 -0.005 3 0.135 38.8 YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/ VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP
8.8 1.550 1.020 1.530 1.490 1651 MRCB 1.500 0.010 5603.5 1.511 25.25 1.67 3,216.3 HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
8.3 0.980 0.610 9539 MUH 0.700 41.67 39.5
0.355 0.230 0.310 0.305 3913 MUIPROP 0.310 UNCH 58.4 0.307 17.71 236.9 CONSUMER PRODUCTS
4.5 0.328 0.195 0.235 0.225 0179 BIOHLDG 0.230 0.005 3853.9 0.230 16.91 184.0
1.0 2.620 1.350 1.700 1.650 5073 NAIM 1.690 -0.010 133.7 1.666 422.5
3.216 2.446 5827 OIB 2.850 10.40 2.81 412.9 0.320 0.100 0.260 0.255 0170 KANGER 0.255 -0.005 80 0.255 12.75 203.6
6.2 0.350 0.200 0.250 0.245 0148 SUNZEN 0.245 Unch 171.5 0.246 117.4
7.1 1.647 1.390 1.490 1.440 5053 OSK 1.480 0.040 2215.8 1.462 8.09 3.38 2,076.3
1.710 1.263 1.710 1.650 1724 PARAMON 1.660 0.060 2122.2 1.676 11.76 4.97 702.1 0.060 0.025 0.040 0.035 0095 XINGHE 0.040 0.005 2023 0.035 3.96 93.9
1.5 0.585 0.280 0.505 0.500 6912 PASDEC 0.505 UNCH 36.5 0.503 104.0
1.747 1.540 1.560 1.540 5075 PLENITU 1.560 -0.010 293.6 1.552 11.76 2.88 595.2 0.280 0.140 0.185 0.180 0105 ASIAPLY 0.185 0.005 3445.9 0.181 7.94 3.24 56.1
9.0 0.095 0.030 0.035 0.035 0072 AT 0.035 Unch 428 0.035 30.3
5.5 0.290 0.225 2208 PTGTIN 0.270 5.76 93.4
0.515 0.245 0.290 0.280 0163 CAREPLS 0.285 0.010 2129.4 0.283 570.00 1.05 137.7
2.6 1.400 0.900 1.050 0.980 4596 SAPRES 1.050 0.070 675.5 1.017 1.65 2.86 146.6
0.165 0.080 0.160 0.155 0102 CONNECT 0.155 -0.005 2862.3 0.157 44.8
2.8 0.745 0.665 0.720 0.715 5207 SBCCORP 0.720 -0.010 52.7 0.720 0.64 169.1
0.642 0.430 0.515 0.500 0100 ESCERAM 0.505 0.005 621.8 0.506 11.66 1.19 103.8
9.0 1.051 0.785 0.885 0.865 2224 SDRED 0.870 0.005 468.8 0.877 17.76 2.87 370.7
0.485 0.250 0.345 0.335 0175 HHGROUP 0.335 Unch 441.1 0.341 103.4
7.6 0.540 0.370 0.515 0.480 4286 SEAL 0.490 -0.015 4476.8 0.498 68.06 119.0 0.125 0.065 0.095 0.090 0160 HHHCORP 0.090 Unch 1403.7 0.092 30.0
4.6 3.026 2.581 2.860 2.860 6017 SHL 2.860 -0.040 28.5 2.860 8.89 6.99 692.5 0.270 0.140 0.270 0.255 0162 IJACOBS 0.265 0.005 1888.1 0.262 10.95 36.0
4.1 0.180 0.130 0.180 0.170 4375 SMI 0.175 0.005 1342.3 0.173 22.15 36.7 0.155 0.085 0.155 0.145 0024 JAG 0.150 0.005 16977 0.151 171.6
5.2 0.860 0.690 0.725 0.720 5213 SNTORIA 0.725 UNCH 112.1 0.722 10.63 2.76 354.6 0.175 0.120 0.145 0.140 0025 LNGRES 0.140 Unch 341.1 0.140 33.9
1.8 5.400 4.400 4.620 4.570 1783 SPB 4.570 UNCH 267.8 4.590 23.32 2.63 1,570.3 0.150 0.040 0.050 0.045 0070 MQTECH 0.050 0.005 403.1 0.047 20.7
8.8 3.560 2.588 3.420 3.370 8664 SPSETIA 3.390 -0.030 4357 3.404 14.19 4.92 9,673.5 0.445 0.307 0.435 0.425 0049 OCNCASH 0.435 0.010 1868.7 0.432 11.36 1.61 97.0
4.6 1.200 0.815 1.200 1.130 3743 SUNSURIA 1.200 0.070 1853.7 1.177 25.53 958.6 0.195 0.115 0.185 0.165 0038 PTB 0.180 0.015 5876.3 0.177 26.09 27.1
6.2 3.188 2.809 3.160 3.130 5211 SUNWAY 3.160 0.020 2718.2 3.142 9.64 3.48 6,520.2 0.190 0.060 0.075 0.070 0133 SANICHI 0.070 Unch 2074.2 0.070 7.37 60.1
0.1 0.724 0.625 0.720 0.700 1538 SYMLIFE 0.715 0.015 952.3 0.713 10.07 2.80 221.7 0.060 0.025 0.035 0.030 0109 SCBUILD 0.035 Unch 1730.1 0.035 30.8
1.1 0.290 0.215 0.285 0.275 5158 TAGB 0.275 UNCH 1801.3 0.277 45.08 1.20 1,463.5 0.155 0.100 0.140 0.135 0001 SCOMNET 0.135 -0.005 291.2 0.139 9.31 2.96 32.8
2.8 7.200 6.020 2305 TAHPS 6.800 27.98 1.47 509.0 0.210 0.120 0.160 0.155 0028 SCOPE 0.160 Unch 857.5 0.155 43.24 88.9
5.8 0.060 0.035 0.045 0.040 2259 TALAMT 0.040 UNCH 930 0.041 168.8 0.175 0.110 0.175 0.155 0055 SERSOL 0.175 0.015 3031.6 0.166 37.7
5.0 1.547 1.193 1.400 1.390 5191 TAMBUN 1.390 UNCH 441.3 1.396 5.48 6.47 594.9 0.239 0.171 0.225 0.220 0084 TECFAST 0.225 0.010 95 0.220 15.73 2.22 38.5
2.0 0.120 0.055 0.095 0.085 2429 TANCO 0.095 0.015 26408.8 0.090 35.6 TECHNOLOGY
4.6 0.350 0.170 0.235 0.220 7889 THRIVEN 0.235 0.015 784.8 0.229 88.5 0.320 0.160 0.300 0.295 0018 ACCSOFT 0.300 0.005 2527 0.299 249.8
8.7 0.065 0.040 0.045 0.040 7079 TIGER 0.045 0.005 248 0.044 62.6 0.460 0.160 0.330 0.315 0181 AEMULUS 0.320 Unch 5993.4 0.324 140.4
2.0 1.930 1.350 1.700 1.680 5239 TITIJYA 1.700 0.020 272.9 1.688 9.26 0.29 685.7 0.370 0.100 0.345 0.340 0119 APPASIA 0.340 -0.005 445.2 0.341 96.5
8.6 1.120 0.951 1.010 0.995 5401 TROP 0.995 -0.015 726 0.999 16.86 4.52 1,440.2 0.470 0.155 0.210 0.200 0068 ASDION 0.210 0.010 115 0.206 24.4
2.9 1.250 0.922 1.160 1.140 5148 UEMS 1.150 -0.010 6163.5 1.151 33.82 1.39 5,218.1 1.190 0.710 0.910 0.900 0098 BAHVEST 0.910 Unch 185.8 0.906 497.9
5.4 2.770 1.896 2.490 2.440 5200 UOADEV 2.490 0.040 1039.9 2.462 8.69 6.02 4,064.8 0.075 0.030 0.035 0.035 0152 DGB 0.035 Unch 170 0.035 17.1
1.9 1.206 0.935 1.000 1.000 2976 WINGTM 1.000 UNCH 44 1.000 44.05 3.00 487.3 0.070 0.020 0.045 0.040 0131 DGSB 0.045 Unch 4040 0.045 19.57 61.0
0.5 1.279 0.846 7003 Y&G 1.110 14.29 221.3 0.130 0.050 0.060 0.055 0154 EAH 0.055 -0.005 1884 0.055 82.0
1.2 1.840 1.440 1.530 1.500 3158 YNHPROP 1.520 -0.010 43.4 1.509 22.93 804.1 0.310 0.180 0.200 0.195 0107 EDUSPEC 0.200 Unch 503.3 0.195 38.46 183.2
5.1 0.665 0.550 0.600 0.590 2577 YTLLAND 0.595 -0.005 88.8 0.597 44.74 502.4 0.090 0.050 0.085 0.085 0116 FOCUS 0.085 Unch 600 0.085 66.1
2.0 MINING 0.955 0.815 0.890 0.850 0104 GENETEC 0.855 -0.030 52.9 0.852 30.1
4.7 1.280 1.150 1.200 1.200 2186 KUCHAI 1.200 -0.010 52 1.200 0.71 148.5 0.550 0.440 0.530 0.520 0039 GFM 0.530 0.005 4941.2 0.526 226.9
0.6 PLANTATIONS 0.060 0.030 0.050 0.045 0045 GNB 0.045 Unch 239 0.046 13.0
4.9 0.367 0.195 0.240 0.225 7054 AASIA 0.235 0.015 185.7 0.231 155.1 0.115 0.070 0.095 0.090 0074 GOCEAN 0.095 0.005 505.3 0.090 25.0
5.4 19.900 16.899 19.900 19.780 1899 BKAWAN 19.860 0.120 33.1 19.832 9.77 2.77 8,658.0 0.075 0.040 0.050 0.045 0174 IDMENSN 0.050 Unch 347.1 0.050 24.7
2.4 9.178 8.380 5069 BLDPLNT 8.620 89.79 0.23 806.0 0.830 0.230 0.535 0.510 0023 IFCAMSC 0.520 0.015 59015.9 0.521 1.92 316.3
2.6 1.760 1.341 1.750 1.720 5254 BPLANT 1.720 -0.010 645 1.735 15.58 8.14 2,752.0 0.100 0.070 0.080 0.075 0094 INIX 0.080 Unch 4953 0.080 20.3
3.6 0.970 0.620 0.965 0.945 8982 CEPAT 0.950 UNCH 718.6 0.953 19.96 1.58 302.5 0.240 0.100 0.145 0.135 0010 IRIS 0.140 Unch 13689.5 0.140 314.6
8.4 8.000 7.253 7.940 7.880 1929 CHINTEK 7.880 -0.020 5.2 7.903 40.56 2.16 719.9 0.824 0.450 0.520 0.510 0146 JFTECH 0.520 0.025 23 0.516 144.44 1.92 65.5
5.4 0.500 0.385 0.470 0.460 3948 DUTALND 0.460 0.005 1627.6 0.464 389.2 2.180 0.425 2.180 2.110 0127 JHM 2.110 0.030 1178.4 2.136 17.54 261.1
1.4 8.600 7.305 8.500 8.440 5029 FAREAST 8.450 0.300 25 8.454 11.12 2.96 1,194.7 0.310 0.130 0.190 0.185 0111 K1 0.185 -0.005 2426.7 0.189 52.86 2.70 87.4
4.7 2.520 1.293 1.970 1.880 5222 FGV 1.910 -0.040 11839.9 1.922 2.09 6,968.0 0.080 0.030 0.045 0.045 0036 KGROUP 0.045 -0.005 156.6 0.045 36.9
8.6 11.540 10.161 11.540 11.480 2291 GENP 11.540 0.020 1320.4 11.518 40.14 0.43 9,184.0 0.360 0.155 0.345 0.335 0176 KRONO 0.340 0.005 3576.7 0.340 9.66 84.4
8.6 0.675 0.500 0.645 0.630 7382 GLBHD 0.640 -0.005 280 0.639 2.42 142.7 0.325 0.045 0.060 0.055 0017 M3TECH 0.055 -0.005 228.1 0.059 32.3
2.1 1.580 1.140 2135 GOPENG 1.250 46.30 3.20 224.2 0.300 0.050 0.250 0.245 0075 MEXTER 0.245 Unch 68.9 0.245 49.2
0.0 0.950 0.790 0.850 0.850 7501 HARNLEN 0.850 UNCH 21.9 0.850 157.7 0.680 0.420 0.485 0.485 0155 MGRC 0.485 -0.025 30 0.485 27.56 50.2
4.0 2.700 2.155 2.700 2.680 5138 HSPLANT 2.690 0.030 61.1 2.687 18.51 2.97 2,152.0 1.880 0.930 1.180 1.100 0126 MICROLN 1.150 0.050 89.8 1.145 192.5
0.5 3.746 3.220 3.430 3.390 2216 IJMPLNT 3.390 -0.060 13.9 3.407 39.46 1.47 2,985.2 0.585 0.416 0.570 0.555 0112 MIKROMB 0.555 -0.020 1430.4 0.561 16.28 1.98 170.3
0.0 0.735 0.646 0.705 0.700 2607 INCKEN 0.700 UNCH 116.8 0.701 1.67 294.5 0.135 0.060 0.070 0.070 0085 MLAB 0.070 -0.005 100 0.070 13.1
0.9 1.500 0.550 1.450 1.420 6262 INNO 1.440 0.020 24.4 1.427 27.17 688.5 0.070 0.040 0.060 0.055 0034 MMAG 0.060 Unch 6793.3 0.059 57.2
2.4 4.985 4.025 4.690 4.640 1961 IOICORP 4.690 0.050 7225.5 4.668 20.47 1.71 30,305.9 0.719 0.443 0.640 0.635 0113 MMSV 0.635 Unch 514.5 0.636 13.34 3.15 103.5
3.8 25.500 22.464 25.300 25.080 2445 KLK 25.100 0.020 1297.9 25.129 16.79 1.99 26,794.4 0.245 0.060 0.070 0.065 0103 MNC 0.065 Unch 10751.4 0.070 24.6
8.9 3.339 2.991 3.200 3.200 2453 KLUANG 3.200 -0.030 1.3 3.200 29.47 0.31 202.2 0.260 0.145 0.230 0.225 0156 MPAY 0.225 0.005 3891.2 0.225 159.9
0.1 3.500 2.787 3.500 3.470 5027 KMLOONG 3.490 0.030 543.8 3.488 16.23 3.72 1,088.2 0.195 0.065 0.080 0.075 0092 MTOUCHE 0.075 -0.005 400 0.080 14.15 19.1
1.4 0.633 0.491 0.565 0.560 1996 KRETAM 0.560 0.005 1281.7 0.562 67.47 1.79 1,303.5 0.937 0.625 0.750 0.730 0108 N2N 0.730 -0.020 38.3 0.733 29.80 2.74 347.8
4.8 1.720 1.160 1.720 1.620 6572 KWANTAS 1.720 0.100 8 1.658 44.68 536.1 0.060 0.015 0.025 0.020 0020 NETX 0.025 0.005 28.1 0.022 31.3
8.7 1.750 1.300 4936 MALPAC 1.420 106.5 0.080 0.035 0.045 0.035 0096 NEXGRAM 0.045 0.010 14799.2 0.040 14.06 84.7
6.4 0.980 0.770 0.955 0.945 5026 MHC 0.945 -0.010 81.6 0.952 36.91 1.59 185.7 0.125 0.075 0.100 0.095 0026 NOVAMSC 0.095 Unch 746 0.095 79.17 64.9
7.2 2.350 2.060 5047 NPC 2.120 5.04 0.47 254.4 0.760 0.555 0.640 0.635 0035 OPCOM 0.635 Unch 88.7 0.637 13.63 3.15 102.4
5.0 4.434 3.693 4.250 4.250 2038 NSOP 4.250 0.050 5 4.250 105.99 1.41 298.4 0.420 0.266 0.375 0.365 0040 OPENSYS 0.370 Unch 1618.5 0.369 18.88 2.70 110.2
3.1 0.350 0.190 0.300 0.275 1902 PINEPAC 0.290 0.005 34 0.289 43.4 0.730 0.140 0.230 0.220 0079 ORION 0.220 -0.010 594.6 0.225 29.3
7.6 1.100 0.920 1.000 0.990 9695 PLS 0.990 -0.010 12.1 0.994 323.4 0.110 0.035 0.065 0.055 0005 PALETTE 0.065 0.005 8128.5 0.062 12.75 20.8
3.3 0.610 0.470 0.550 0.540 5113 RSAWIT 0.550 0.010 1532.9 0.546 780.2 0.210 0.135 0.200 0.185 0123 PRIVA 0.200 0.015 7899.5 0.194 43.48 1.00 111.6
9.8 4.015 3.346 3.890 3.890 2542 RVIEW 3.890 0.010 8 3.890 55.57 1.54 252.3 0.110 0.055 0.095 0.085 0007 PUC 0.095 0.010 6648.4 0.090 59.38 103.0
1.6 3.179 2.900 3.060 3.050 2569 SBAGAN 3.050 UNCH 4.1 3.059 54.86 0.66 202.3 0.720 0.429 0.720 0.680 0106 REXIT 0.715 0.040 1863.4 0.705 18.77 5.59 135.4
9.5 0.825 0.450 4316 SHCHAN 0.590 38.31 67.9 0.060 0.010 0135 SCN 0.010 2.0
9.2 4.686 3.292 4.000 3.970 5126 SOP 3.980 -0.020 248.5 3.986 12.93 1.19 2,269.1 0.443 0.225 0.290 0.285 0178 SEDANIA 0.290 Unch 2981.5 0.288 3.45 58.0
6.0 2.060 1.700 1.840 1.800 5135 SWKPLNT 1.810 0.020 1528.6 1.818 27.34 4.14 506.8 0.095 0.055 0.070 0.065 0060 SKH 0.065 Unch 1960.8 0.065 36.0
7.4 0.815 0.636 0.815 0.800 2054 TDM 0.805 0.005 2584.1 0.806 12.37 1.49 1,211.9 0.250 0.160 0.190 0.180 0117 SMRT 0.190 0.010 590.6 0.185 56.5
2.3 1.310 1.050 1.220 1.190 5112 THPLANT 1.200 -0.010 158.3 1.205 16.64 1,060.6 0.110 0.025 0.045 0.040 0169 SMTRACK 0.040 0.005 2595.7 0.041 13.9
1.3 1.890 1.330 5251 TMAKMUR 1.870 16.02 8.02 744.6 0.350 0.232 0.350 0.340 0093 SOLUTN 0.350 0.010 5106.7 0.348 12.68 3.80 107.1
1.4 2.177 1.800 1.930 1.910 9059 TSH 1.910 -0.010 22.3 1.919 293.85 1.05 2,569.7 0.175 0.080 0.160 0.160 0129 SRIDGE 0.160 Unch 396 0.160 19.4
6.042 5.456 5.910 5.860 2593 UMCCA 5.880 0.030 377.9 5.882 21.62 2.72 1,230.2 0.270 0.140 0.270 0.260 0050 SYSTECH 0.260 Unch 3250.4 0.264 38.81 11.54 82.5
4.0 28.117 24.051 27.220 27.000 2089 UTDPLT 27.160 -0.040 13.7 27.149 18.70 1.47 5,652.9 0.190 0.110 0.145 0.145 0132 TDEX 0.145 Unch 60 0.145 145.00 59.9
HOTELS 0.610 0.175 0.610 0.495 0120 VIS 0.605 0.115 22575 0.551 51.27 67.0
0.627 0.500 5592 GCE 0.555 3.60 109.3 0.291 0.150 0.160 0.155 0069 VIVOCOM 0.155 -0.005 6731.3 0.157 7.67 501.3
0.990 0.680 0.760 0.750 1643 LANDMRK 0.760 -0.010 46.5 0.754 365.4 0.135 0.065 0.080 0.080 0066 VSOLAR 0.080 Unch 2931 0.080 26.7
0.345 0.115 0.135 0.130 1287 PMHLDG 0.135 UNCH 101 0.135 125.4 0.070 0.025 0.055 0.050 0141 WINTONI 0.055 0.005 4328.2 0.050 28.2
3.4 0.160 0.080 0.130 0.130 0086 YGL 0.130 -0.005 86.6 0.130 650.00 25.2
5.0 5.839 4.774 5.210 5.200 5517 SHANG 5.210 UNCH 7 5.209 20.57 2.69 2,292.4
TECHNOLOGY 0.600 0.505 0009 YTLE 0.560 21.46 7.14 756.0
6.1 0.800 0.585 7031 AMTEL 0.675 137.76 33.3
0.295 0.180 0.235 0.225 5195 CENSOF 0.230 -0.005 928.2 0.230 8.65 115.4 0.300 0.150 0122 AIM 0.250 66.5
7.0 0.125 0.060 0048 ANCOMLB 0.090 42.6
9.5 0.250 0.090 0.240 0.230 0051 CUSCAPI 0.235 0.005 2452.8 0.236 102.4
0.405 0.250 0.405 0.385 7204 D&O 0.400 0.015 11052.3 0.398 41.24 396.0 0.065 0.035 0.065 0.055 0150 ASIABIO 0.060 0.005 13551.3 0.060 64.4
4.6 0.275 0.160 0.180 0.175 0187 BCMALL 0.180 Unch 388.1 0.176 75.8
7.2 0.265 0.110 0.255 0.245 8338 DATAPRP 0.250 UNCH 2121.6 0.251 105.3
0.379 0.213 0.340 0.340 0011 BTECH 0.340 Unch 1.4 0.340 13.71 4.00 85.7
0.7 0.200 0.150 0.185 0.170 0029 DIGISTA 0.185 0.015 8567.4 0.178 6.83 108.6
0.295 0.170 0157 FOCUSP 0.245 40.4
4.0 1.710 1.330 1.410 1.380 5162 ECS 1.380 -0.020 157.9 1.390 8.93 4.35 248.4
0.665 0.390 0.525 0.515 0185 HSSEB 0.525 -0.005 294.9 0.523 14.58 167.5
7.0 1.949 0.846 1.700 1.660 0065 EFORCE 1.670 0.020 481.7 1.678 58.60 1.80 345.5
0.850 0.390 0.840 0.810 0147 INNITY 0.840 Unch 12.3 0.821 23.01 116.3
6.0 1.600 0.902 1.580 1.570 0090 ELSOFT 1.570 0.010 48.5 1.570 14.71 3.08 426.6 0.420 0.235 0.275 0.265 0180 KTC 0.270 Unch 973.5 0.270 337.50 137.8
6.7 0.990 0.730 0.930 0.910 0021 GHLSYS 0.915 -0.010 518.6 0.919 35.19 599.1 0.250 0.130 0.180 0.160 0167 MCLEAN 0.180 0.025 886.1 0.171 5.86 32.2
6.0 0.315 0.210 0.265 0.255 0082 GPACKET 0.255 -0.005 1864.6 0.259 176.1 0.515 0.315 0081 MEGASUN 0.325 16.25 61.7
9.0 0.270 0.175 0.210 0.200 0056 GRANFLO 0.210 0.005 319 0.203 2.38 101.5 0.230 0.155 0153 OVERSEA 0.175 1.71 43.1
3.2 5.386 2.686 4.450 4.320 7022 GTRONIC 4.440 0.100 777.6 4.390 35.63 1.35 1,251.8 0.225 0.145 0.160 0.160 0177 PASUKGB 0.160 Unch 20 0.160 64.9
6.6 0.650 0.510 0.620 0.600 5028 HTPADU 0.615 0.015 335.8 0.605 3.25 62.3 0.335 0.230 0006 PINEAPP 0.305 14.8
6.2 1.880 1.254 1.880 1.830 0166 INARI 1.880 0.040 8519.6 1.857 23.65 2.10 3,656.3 0.265 0.201 0.265 0.245 0171 PLABS 0.265 0.020 2520.5 0.259 16.56 2.64 54.8
7.2 0.185 0.075 0.185 0.180 9393 ITRONIC 0.185 0.005 701.2 0.182 19.0 0.020 0.005 0110 RA 0.005 4.8
3.2 0.697 0.475 0.635 0.620 5161 JCY 0.625 -0.010 2892.7 0.628 8.00 1,297.6 0.370 0.160 0.200 0.185 0080 RAYA 0.195 0.010 1781.2 0.194 32.0
4.6 10.400 3.837 10.160 9.850 9334 KESM 9.940 -0.200 85 9.973 13.10 0.30 427.6 0.565 0.280 0.380 0.355 0032 REDTONE 0.380 0.025 1146.5 0.364 0.53 287.8
0.2 0.235 0.060 0.100 0.090 0143 KEYASIC 0.100 0.010 1421.5 0.096 85.1 0.720 0.480 0.720 0.680 0173 REV 0.715 0.045 151.7 0.705 11.64 96.3
5.4 9.200 6.647 9.100 8.910 3867 MPI 8.910 -0.140 167 8.990 9.82 2.58 1,870.1 2.179 1.610 1.750 1.710 0158 SCC 1.750 Unch 4 1.730 11.05 5.71 74.9
4.8 1.400 0.845 1.090 1.080 5011 MSNIAGA 1.090 0.010 2 1.085 65.8 0.213 0.135 0.180 0.175 0161 SCH 0.180 Unch 154 0.176 90.00 4.72 74.2
6.8 0.870 0.352 0.855 0.835 0083 NOTION 0.840 -0.005 1918.3 0.843 39.81 2.38 227.2 0.650 0.450 0137 STEMLFE 0.565 313.89 139.8
2.2 0.550 0.410 0.460 0.460 9008 OMESTI 0.460 UNCH 30 0.460 197.9 0.220 0.100 0.220 0.205 0140 STERPRO 0.215 0.010 45827.6 0.213 53.2
1.2 0.320 0.210 0.290 0.285 0041 PANPAGE 0.290 UNCH 151.2 0.290 70.0 1.490 0.955 1.150 1.130 0089 TEXCYCL 1.130 -0.010 60.8 1.144 27.16 0.66 193.0
1.6 1.740 0.560 1.740 1.660 7160 PENTA 1.740 0.090 2196 1.705 13.41 255.0 0.200 0.100 0145 TFP 0.140 1400.00 28.7
5.9 0.475 0.240 0.380 0.320 9075 THETA 0.370 0.055 1290.4 0.359 3.97 39.7 0.190 0.100 0.110 0.105 0165 XOX 0.105 Unch 5630.1 0.105 66.3
7.5 0.110 0.035 0.095 0.090 0118 TRIVE 0.090 -0.005 755 0.090 120.3 FINANCE
2.700 1.893 2.700 2.650 5005 UNISEM 2.680 0.030 1845.9 2.681 11.48 4.10 1,966.7 0.530 0.395 0.480 0.470 0053 OSKVI 0.480 -0.010 33.3 0.472 5.90 94.8
3.968 3.139 3.900 3.880 0097 VITROX 3.880 -0.040 5.8 3.900 16.43 0.77 910.9
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
28 Markets TUE


Bursa Malaysia Equity Derivatives YEAR

Main Market & Ace Market Warrants 0.265




0.220 0.010 0.015 0.015 522219 FGV-C19 0.015 Unch 330 1.910 2.600 38.09 31/03/2017
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE WARRANTS CLOSE +/- VOL PARENT EXE PRM EXPIRY 0.180 0.005 0.010 0.010 522220 FGV-C20 0.010 Unch 3480 1.910 2.300 21.99 27/03/2017 SH
0.200 0.045 0.065 0.060 5238C1 AAX-C1 0.065 Unch 1267.1 0.415 0.350 15.66 10/07/2017
0.095 0.035 0.045 0.045 5238C2 AAX-C2 0.045 Unch 150 0.415 0.500 31.33 31/05/2017 0.095
0.130 0.055 0.075 0.075 5238C3 AAX-C3 0.075 0.005 150 0.415 0.410 16.87 31/05/2017
0.150 0.035 0.050 0.045 5238CW AAX-CW 0.045 -0.005 323 0.415 0.420 12.05 10/04/2017 0.480 0.320 6939WB FIAMMA-WB 0.320 0.600 1.000 120.00 26/11/2018 ma
0.135 0.065 0.105 0.100 9318WB FITTERS-WB 0.105 Unch 119 0.430 1.000 156.98 12/10/2019
0.415 0.460
0.300 0.100
18/01/2019 0.055 0.030 0116WC FOCUS-WC 0.035 0.085 0.050 0.00 06/11/2019 on
0.210 0.080 0.165 0.165 5185CU AFFIN-CU 0.165 0.015 33.5 2.490 2.300 2.31 06/06/2017 0.095 0.030 9377WA FSBM-WA 0.060 0.200 0.300 80.00 16/05/2022
0.380 0.130 0.365 0.350 5185CV AFFIN-CV 0.350 0.040 68 2.490 2.150 0.40 31/07/2017 0.490 0.230 0.480 0.470 9261WB GADANG-WB 0.470 -0.010 2561.9 0.470 1.060 225.53 29/11/2021
0.150 0.050 0.100 0.090 7315WB AHB-WB 0.090 Unch 652.9 0.195 0.200 48.72 28/08/2019 0.105


0.460 0.080 0.215 0.205 509934 AIRASIAC34 0.210 Unch 729.9 2.660 2.000 -1.13 28/02/2017
0.460 0.085 0.215 0.210 509935 AIRASIAC35 0.215 -0.010 1680 2.660 2.000 -0.56 17/02/2017 0.125 0.075 0.110 0.105 539831 GAMUDA-C31 0.110 Unch 800 4.950 4.900 5.66 29/09/2017 Co
0.280 0.035 0.080 0.075 509938 AIRASIAC38 0.075 Unch 252.2 2.660 2.650 9.49 28/04/2017 0.185 0.120 539832 GAMUDA-C32 0.130 4.950 5.000 8.89 31/05/2017
0.320 0.045 0.060 0.060 509939 AIRASIAC39 0.060 -0.010 30 2.660 2.700 8.27 17/03/2017 1.410 0.805 1.280 1.250 5398WE GAMUDA-WE 1.270 Unch 2980 4.950 4.050 7.47 06/03/2021
2.660 2.900
2.660 2.500


0.175 0.070 0.165 0.150 509947 AIRASIAC47 0.165 Unch 710 2.660 2.600 16.35 31/10/2017 0.280




0.120 0.080 509948 AIRASIAC48 0.090 2.660 3.000 24.62 16/08/2017
0.275 0.185 0.260 0.250 509949 AIRASIAC49 0.250 -0.005 1033.8 2.660 2.150 9.02 31/07/2017 0.110 0.015 0078CC GDEX-CC 0.015 1.630 1.600 0.92 22/02/2017 Ka
0.190 0.025 5014CP AIRPORT-CP 0.070 6.690 6.450 3.74 28/04/2017 0.260 0.095 0.240 0.225 471515 GENM-C15 0.225 0.005 79.9 5.070 4.400 0.10 31/03/2017
0.195 0.170 5014CQ AIRPORT-CQ 0.195 6.690 6.700 14.72 28/02/2017 0.190 0.115 471516 GENM-C16 0.190 5.070 4.500 0.00 27/03/2017




0.730 0.920
4.580 4.700




0.245 0.085 0.225 0.220 1015CX AMBANK-CX 0.220 Unch 230 4.580 4.150 2.62 29/09/2017 0.090




5.080 999,94
7.750 -1.21
0.045 0.005 0.015 0.010 0159WA AMEDIA-WA 0.015 Unch 2134.9 0.105 1.100 961.90 02/01/2018
0.090 0.040 0.055 0.055 9342WA ANZO-WA 0.055 Unch 70 0.250 0.250 22.00 19/11/2019 0.205 0.020 318230 GENTINGC30 0.020 8.710 8.500 -0.57 17/02/2017 as
0.190 0.020 0.050 0.050 318231 GENTINGC31 0.050 Unch 953 8.710 8.300 -0.11 31/03/2017
0.250 0.250
0.045 0.400
13/07/2018 2.380 0.990 1.510 1.490 3182WA GENTING-WA 1.490 Unch 1681.2 8.710 7.960 8.50 18/12/2018 de




0.340 0.130
0.400 1.000
0.800 131.33
0.340 294.74
0.135 0.005 0.005 0.005 521015 ARMADA-C15 0.005 Unch 60 0.680 0.800 18.38 28/02/2017 0.045 0.025 0.035 0.035 7096WA GPA-WA 0.035 -0.005 169.3 0.100 0.100 35.00 03/06/2025
0.140 0.025 0.030 0.030 521019 ARMADA-C19 0.030 Unch 70 0.680 0.720 12.50 17/03/2017 0.200 0.095 0.180 0.170 7676WB GUNUNG-WB 0.180 0.010 124.5 0.480 0.400 20.83 02/10/2020
0.110 0.030 0.075 0.070 521020 ARMADA-C20 0.070 0.005 2591 0.680 0.675 9.56 18/05/2017 0.460 0.110 0.415 0.400 3034CU HAPSENG-CU 0.415 0.040 53 9.210 7.650 1.09 30/08/2017 som
0.460 0.170 2062WC HARBOUR-WC 0.300 0.885 1.560 110.17 03/04/2021
0.680 0.750
0.680 0.700
31/07/2017 0.150 0.090 0.100 0.100 5168CU HARTA-CU 0.100 0.010 20 4.760 5.000 13.45 13/07/2017 10
0.680 0.600
0.680 0.630


4.720 147,023
4.880 131,598
0.025 0.015 0.025 0.020 0150WA ASIABIO-WA 0.020 Unch 650 0.060 0.100 100.00 19/04/2024 1.320
0.175 0.055 0.110 0.105 0105WA ASIAPLY-WA 0.105 Unch 995 0.185 0.100 10.81 13/12/2020
0.210 0.165 0.180 0.180 6399C1 ASTRO-C1 0.180 -0.005 80 2.790 2.600 6.09 30/11/2017 0.560 0.265 0.385 0.360 5169WA HOHUP-WA 0.360 Unch 607.7 0.860 0.600 11.63 21/12/2018
0.300 0.115 0.175 0.170 7213WB HOVID-WB 0.175 Unch 568.9 0.325 0.180 9.23 05/06/2018
0.035 0.090
0.035 0.030
17/10/2019 0.955 0.075 0.125 0.110 65160 HSI-C60 0.110 -0.005 190.4 13,582 24,200 78.90 27/02/2017 in
0.670 0.700
46.480 50.000




0.210 0.005 5248CN BAUTO-CN 0.005 2.050 2.128 4.27 28/02/2017 0.560
0.165 0.085 5248CP BAUTO-CP 0.085 2.050 2.450 27.80 09/05/2017
0.095 0.095 5248CQ BAUTO-CQ 0.095 2.050 2.300 23.78 22/08/2017 1.170 0.370 0.735 0.705 65170 HSI-C70 0.735 0.005 110 13,583 23,200 75.67 30/03/2017 de
0.175 0.120 0.155 0.145 7241WA BHS-WA 0.150 0.005 1679.2 0.435 0.600 72.41 18/10/2020 0.510 0.150 0.315 0.290 65172 HSI-C72 0.300 0.005 8005.8 13,583 25,000 86.03 27/04/2017
0.385 0.260 0.375 0.330 5258WA BIMB-WA 0.365 0.040 4305.8 4.400 4.720 15.57 04/12/2023 0.865 0.335 0.695 0.670 65174 HSI-C74 0.690 0.020 255 13,583 23,600 78.31 27/04/2017



Unch 2398.3
0.250 0.200
0.230 0.220




0.265 0.080 3239WA BJASSET-WA 0.180 0.875 1.000 34.86 16/03/2018 1.120




0.055 0.020 3395C2 BJCORP-C2 0.030 0.385 0.369 4.90 28/02/2017
0.160 0.060 0.110 0.105 3395WB BJCORP-WB 0.110 Unch 1583 0.385 1.000 188.31 22/04/2022 0.600 0.305 0.600 0.570 65184 HSI-C84 0.600 0.015 90 13,583 24,400 83.60 29/06/2017 tyc
0.165 0.050 0.120 0.110 3395WC BJCORP-WC 0.115 Unch 10020.9 0.385 1.000 189.61 29/05/2026 0.930 0.625 65186 HSI-C86 0.930 13,583 23,000 75.48 29/06/2017
1.410 0.800 5196WA BJFOOD-WA 1.000 1.760 0.700 -3.41 08/08/2017 1.490 0.955 65188 HSI-C88 1.490 13,582 21,600 68.90 29/06/2017
0.155 0.085 1562CU BJTOTO-CU 0.085 2.980 3.100 12.58 31/07/2017 0.635 0.505 0.630 0.625 65190 HSI-C90 0.630 0.005 60 13,583 24,800 86.75 28/07/2017
0.070 0.035 7187WA BKOON-WA 0.065 0.150 0.200 76.67 07/07/2023 0.855 0.825 65192 HSI-C92 0.855 13,583 23,400 77.94 28/07/2017
0.145 0.060 0.090 0.085 7036WB BORNOIL-WB 0.090 0.005 26.8 0.175 0.100 8.57 28/02/2018 0.520 0.005 0.005 0.005 65165 HSI-H65 0.005 -0.005 150 13,583 20,600 51.69 27/02/2017
0.125 0.070 0.095 0.085 7036WC BORNOIL-WC 0.095 0.005 9424.2 0.175 0.100 11.43 08/11/2025 0.830 0.025 0.035 0.025 65167 HSI-H67 0.025 -0.025 2653 13,583 22,000 62.12 27/02/2017
0.135 0.060 0.080 0.075 9938WB BRIGHT-WB 0.080 0.010 143 0.345 0.820 160.87 12/01/2019 1.270 0.250 0.285 0.250 65169 HSI-H69 0.260 -0.065 1735.9 13,583 23,400 73.99 27/02/2017
0.105 0.040 0.080 0.080 7188WA BTM-WA 0.080 -0.005 40 0.290 0.940 251.72 20/12/2019 1.100 0.300 0.330 0.300 65171 HSI-H71 0.310 -0.045 8288.1 13,583 22,600 68.43 30/03/2017
0.210 0.080 7188WB BTM-WB 0.210 0.290 0.200 41.38 23/10/2024 1.820 0.735 0.750 0.735 65173 HSI-H73 0.735 -0.055 12.5 13,583 24,000 81.56 30/03/2017
0.180 0.060 181810 BURSA-C10 0.060 8.740 9.000 5.72 10/04/2017 2.350 1.330 1.340 1.340 65175 HSI-H75 1.340 -0.010 1 13,583 25,400 95.87 30/03/2017
0.100 0.060 181811 BURSA-C11 0.060 8.740 8.900 5.26 30/11/2017 0.850 0.250 0.260 0.250 65177 HSI-H77 0.250 -0.030 130 13,583 21,600 60.67 27/04/2017
1.310 0.950 1.130 1.090 7174WA CAB-WA 1.120 0.010 169.2 1.730 0.550 -3.47 08/02/2020 1.140 0.475 0.520 0.475 65179 HSI-H79 0.500 -0.055 73 13,583 23,000 72.63 27/04/2017
0.140 0.110 0.140 0.140 7076CD CBIP-CD 0.140 0.010 10 2.130 2.000 7.04 18/08/2017 2.080 0.950 0.965 0.950 65181 HSI-H81 0.965 -0.085 3 13,583 24,400 86.03 27/04/2017
0.505 0.290 0.410 0.395 7076WA CBIP-WA 0.410 0.025 259.6 2.130 2.400 31.92 06/11/2019 0.735 0.215 0.230 0.215 65183 HSI-H83 0.220 -0.020 250 13,583 20,600 53.11 29/05/2017
0.095 0.015 0.025 0.025 5195WA CENSOF-WA 0.025 Unch 57.5 0.230 0.460 110.87 18/07/2017 0.870 0.430 65185 HSI-H85 0.430 13,583 22,000 64.81 29/05/2017
0.120 0.045 0.060 0.060 5195WB CENSOF-WB 0.060 -0.005 180.5 0.230 0.460 126.09 07/10/2019 1.330 0.760 0.780 0.760 65187 HSI-H87 0.770 -0.115 5.3 13,583 23,400 77.37 29/05/2017
0.225 0.100 0.190 0.185 102312 CIMB-C12 0.190 0.010 5053 5.170 4.500 1.74 17/03/2017 1.040 0.475 65189 HSI-H89 0.475 13,583 21,000 57.75 29/06/2017
0.155 0.070 0.115 0.115 102314 CIMB-C14 0.115 -0.005 125 5.170 5.000 10.06 10/07/2017 0.965 0.660 0.675 0.660 65191 HSI-H91 0.670 -0.050 4.6 13,583 22,400 69.35 29/06/2017
0.095 0.040 0.075 0.075 0102WA CONNECT-WA 0.075 -0.005 215 0.155 0.100 12.90 17/09/2021 1.590 1.240 65193 HSI-H93 1.290 13,583 23,800 83.76 29/06/2017
0.085 0.035 0.075 0.070 0102WB CONNECT-WB 0.075 -0.010 323 0.155 0.100 12.90 07/06/2021 0.735 0.595 65195 HSI-H95 0.600 13,583 21,400 61.52 28/07/2017
0.025 0.005 5214WA CSL-WA 0.005 0.070 1.150 1,550 18/09/2017 1.000 0.940 0.940 0.940 65197 HSI-H97 0.940 -0.010 20 13,583 22,800 74.08 28/07/2017
0.150 0.020 0.135 0.125 0051WA CUSCAPI-WA 0.130 Unch 1196.9 0.235 0.270 70.21 24/04/2018 1.550 1.360 1.370 1.360 65199 HSI-H99 1.370 -0.130 3.9 13,582 24,200 87.25 28/07/2017
0.015 0.005 0.015 0.010 7179WB DBE-WB 0.015 0.005 2642.5 0.035 0.050 85.71 22/01/2022 0.100 0.040 0.065 0.040 7013WA HUBLINE-WA 0.055 -0.045 24664.6 0.150 0.160 43.33 04/11/2019
0.030 0.005 0152WA DGB-WA 0.010 0.035 0.110 242.86 22/04/2018 0.030 0.015 0.025 0.025 9601WD HWGB-WD 0.025 Unch 900 0.060 0.180 241.67 15/03/2021 M
0.090 0.080 727710 DIALOG-C10 0.080 1.540 1.550 16.23 10/07/2017 0.210 0.155 0.205 0.190 4251WA IBHD-WA 0.190 -0.015 66 0.635 1.410 151.97 08/10/2019
0.200 0.120 694713 DIGI-C13 0.160 5.110 4.500 0.59 22/02/2017 0.380 0.160 9687WB IDEALUBB-WB 0.380 0.770 1.000 79.22 30/03/2021
0.270 0.150 0.250 0.250 694714 DIGI-C14 0.250 0.080 200 5.110 4.600 -0.20 28/04/2017 0.115 0.020 0.020 0.020 5225C1 IHH-C1 0.020 -0.035 0.5 6.250 6.800 10.40 22/02/2017
0.125 0.125 694716 DIGI-C16 0.125 5.110 5.300 13.50 28/08/2017 0.170 0.115 0.170 0.170 0166CS INARI-CS 0.170 0.015 100 1.880 1.600 3.19 09/05/2017
0.085 0.045 0.085 0.080 0029WB DIGISTA-WB 0.085 0.010 488.8 0.185 0.260 86.49 04/04/2023 0.135 0.065 0.095 0.095 0166CT INARI-CT 0.095 Unch 40 1.880 1.800 4.08 31/03/2017
0.095 0.045 0.070 0.065 4456WD DNEX-WD 0.065 -0.005 4753.4 0.290 0.500 94.83 30/07/2021 0.165 0.130 0.165 0.165 0166CY INARI-CY 0.165 0.030 80 1.880 1.700 7.98 16/08/2017
0.110 0.060 0.085 0.075 7114WA DNONCE-WA 0.085 Unch 84.3 0.265 0.250 26.42 25/11/2020 1.700 1.351 0166WA INARI-WA 1.700 1.880 0.132 -2.55 04/06/2018
0.120 0.120 5835WC DOLMITE-WC 0.120 0.410 0.500 51.22 08/08/2017 1.060 0.525 1.060 1.030 0166WB INARI-WB 1.060 0.040 1837.6 1.880 0.800 -1.06 17/02/2020
0.365 0.800
1.200 1.300
0.085 0.540




0.120 0.045 5249CL IOIPG-CL 0.050 2.120 2.380 19.34 28/04/2017
0.040 2674.3
20 0.085 0.100
1.330 1.000
17/02/2017 0.200 0.110 0.135 0.135 8834WB IREKA-WB 0.135 -0.005 20 0.655 1.000 73.28 25/06/2019 Ma
0.170 0.005 0.035 0.025 161923 DRBHCOMC23 0.035 0.010 3998.6 1.330 1.300 4.85 28/02/2017 0.060 0.020 0.060 0.050 7183WA IRETEX-WA 0.050 0.005 8747 0.275 0.800 209.09 10/06/2019
0.175 0.040 0.070 0.070 161924 DRBHCOMC24 0.070 Unch 200 1.330 1.500 25.94 06/06/2017 0.150 0.010 0.040 0.030 5175WA IVORY-WA 0.035 -0.005 5594.3 0.505 0.750 55.45 26/04/2017 Y
0.145 0.025 161925 DRBHCOMC25 0.040 1.330 1.550 24.06 31/03/2017 0.065 0.020 0.060 0.050 0024WA JAG-WA 0.060 0.010 18839.8 0.150 0.100 6.67 14/08/2019 H
0.140 0.030 0.090 0.070 161926 DRBHCOMC26 0.085 0.020 3766.7 1.330 1.550 26.13 30/08/2017 0.380 0.105 5161C1 JCY-C1 0.330 0.625 0.550 14.40 18/08/2017 0
0.070 0.030 0.065 0.065 161927 DRBHCOMC27 0.065 0.010 610 1.330 1.700 37.59 22/08/2017 0.125 0.005 0.050 0.045 5161CX JCY-CX 0.050 Unch 1795.4 0.625 0.600 4.00 14/03/2017 0
0.175 0.105 0.175 0.155 161928 DRBHCOMC28 0.175 0.020 27178.6 1.330 1.050 11.84 30/06/2017 0.110 0.045 0.080 0.080 9083WB JETSON-WB 0.080 -0.015 21.5 0.365 0.750 127.40 06/02/2019 0
0.160 0.105 0.160 0.145 161929 DRBHCOMC29 0.160 0.025 1011 1.330 1.200 14.29 16/08/2017 0.090 0.060 0.085 0.085 8923WA JIANKUN-WA 0.085 0.005 49.2 0.280 0.320 44.64 23/12/2021 0
0.200 0.115 0.200 0.180 161930 DRBHCOMC30 0.200 0.020 6474.9 1.330 1.100 12.78 30/11/2017 0.570 0.205 0.570 0.540 7167WA JOHOTIN-WA 0.560 0.015 5072 1.390 0.850 1.44 21/11/2017 0
0.125 0.085 0.125 0.115 161931 DRBHCOMC31 0.125 0.015 3154.2 1.330 1.250 19.36 31/07/2017 0.155 0.085 0.110 0.105 4383CL JTIASA-CL 0.110 -0.005 421 1.420 1.300 7.04 06/06/2017 0
0.135 0.005 5216CQ DSONIC-CQ 0.005 1.140 1.650 45.79 28/02/2017 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.015 3115WC KBUNAI-WC 0.015 -0.005 850 0.055 0.131 165.45 20/10/2023 0
0.070 0.040 5216CR DSONIC-CR 0.040 1.140 1.450 37.72 28/07/2017 1.550 0.705 1.470 1.430 7161WA KERJAYA-WA 1.470 0.080 355.3 2.380 0.880 -1.26 20/12/2017 0
0.055 0.040 5216CS DSONIC-CS 0.040 1.140 1.650 55.26 28/07/2017 0.150 0.060 0.150 0.125 0151WA KGB-WA 0.145 0.020 912 0.400 0.500 61.25 12/06/2019 0
0.105 0.075 0.075 0.075 5216CU DSONIC-CU 0.075 Unch 312.5 1.140 1.300 30.48 31/07/2017 0.025 0.005 0.015 0.010 0036WA KGROUP-WA 0.015 0.005 626.2 0.045 0.100 155.56 02/07/2018 0
0.080 0.075 0.075 0.075 5216CV DSONIC-CV 0.075 -0.005 265 1.140 1.300 27.19 31/10/2017 0.880 0.450 0.720 0.695 5171WA KIMLUN-WA 0.695 -0.020 394.2 2.150 1.680 10.47 12/03/2024 0
0.100 0.055 0.090 0.085 3417C5 E&O-C5 0.090 0.005 800 1.720 1.650 6.40 15/06/2017 0.095 0.020 0.030 0.025 7164WA KNM-WA 0.025 -0.005 1259.7 0.360 0.980 179.17 15/11/2017 0
0.260 0.120 0.160 0.150 3417WB E&O-WB 0.150 -0.005 82.7 1.720 2.600 59.88 21/07/2019 0.150 0.095 0.120 0.120 7164WB KNM-WB 0.120 Unch 439.7 0.360 1.000 211.11 21/04/2020 0
0.075 0.025 0.030 0.025 0154WB EAH-WB 0.030 Unch 759 0.055 0.120 172.73 24/02/2019 0.445 0.070 0.130 0.125 7017WB KOMARK-WB 0.130 0.015 1345.8 0.335 0.300 28.36 21/01/2020 0
0.080 0.025 0.025 0.025 0154WC EAH-WC 0.025 Unch 860 0.055 0.100 127.27 18/06/2019 0.810 0.410 0.560 0.485 5878WB KPJ-WB 0.560 0.060 13.3 4.150 4.010 10.12 23/01/2019 0
0.195 0.090 0.120 0.120 3557WC ECOFIRS-WC 0.120 -0.045 32.2 0.280 0.300 50.00 10/09/2019 0.150 0.030 0.090 0.080 5038CG KSL-CG 0.085 -0.005 1090 1.130 1.200 13.72 06/06/2017 0
0.460 0.350 0.415 0.410 8206WA ECOWLD-WA 0.415 Unch 261.1 1.490 2.080 67.45 26/03/2022 0.650 0.450 0.610 0.590 9385WA LAYHONG-WA 0.610 -0.015 100.6 0.920 0.400 9.78 13/10/2021 0
0.180 0.055 0.060 0.060 0107WA EDUSPEC-WA 0.060 Unch 405.1 0.200 0.180 20.00 24/12/2018 0.375 0.100 0.165 0.150 8494WA LBICAP-WA 0.150 -0.020 80 1.170 1.000 -1.71 17/04/2018 0
1.480 0.400 1.150 1.110 0065WA EFORCE-WA 1.120 0.020 531.1 1.670 0.680 7.78 17/07/2019 0.760 0.320 0.760 0.745 5789WA LBS-WA 0.750 0.005 243.1 1.800 1.000 -2.78 11/06/2018 0
0.685 0.425 0.585 0.575 8907WC EG-WC 0.585 0.010 448.3 0.905 0.500 19.89 03/11/2020 0.535 0.230 0.520 0.500 5789WB LBS-WB 0.505 0.010 796.6 1.800 1.250 -2.50 04/10/2020 0
0.065 0.005 0.025 0.020 7182WA EKA-WA 0.020 -0.005 5133.6 0.085 0.200 158.82 22/01/2019 0.220 0.150 0.175 0.175 7126WA LONBISC-WA 0.175 -0.005 23 0.755 1.000 55.63 26/01/2020 0
1.560 0.260 1.560 1.530 8877WB EKOVEST-WB 1.540 Unch 433.9 2.850 1.350 1.40 25/06/2019 0.045 0.020 0.040 0.040 5068WA LUSTER-WA 0.040 0.005 4171.8 0.095 0.100 47.37 03/06/2022 0
0.280 0.020 0.025 0.025 7149WA ENGKAH-WA 0.025 Unch 25 1.580 3.500 123.10 25/09/2017 0.045 0.020 0.040 0.040 5068WB LUSTER-WB 0.040 Unch 0.3 0.095 0.100 47.37 26/05/2023 0
0.510 0.305 0.395 0.385 5056WA ENGTEX-WA 0.395 0.005 401.2 1.270 0.830 -3.54 25/10/2017 0.060 0.015 0.025 0.025 0017WA M3TECH-WA 0.025 Unch 100 0.055 0.100 127.27 21/08/2019 0
0.585 0.040 0.190 0.180 7249WA EWEIN-WA 0.180 -0.005 1491.9 0.795 0.610 -0.63 09/06/2017 0.750 0.210 0.710 0.685 7617WB MAGNA-WB 0.685 -0.025 194 1.630 0.900 -2.76 04/09/2020 0
0.085 0.005 0.015 0.010 3689CB F&N-CB 0.010 -0.005 127.5 23.180 24.800 7.85 30/06/2017 0.145 0.030 0.035 0.030 8583C5 MAHSING-C5 0.035 -0.005 261 1.490 1.650 14.73 31/03/2017 0
0.230 0.100 0.195 0.185 7047WB FAJAR-WB 0.190 Unch 2858.1 0.615 0.700 44.72 24/09/2019 0.110 0.035 0.035 0.035 8583C7 MAHSING-C7 0.035 -0.005 299.8 1.490 1.700 19.97 10/07/2017 0
0.265 0.125 0.185 0.175 9776WB FARMBES-WB 0.180 0.005 700.7 0.775 1.000 52.26 13/07/2018 0.265 0.140 0.175 0.170 8583WB MAHSING-WB 0.175 Unch 307.9 1.490 1.440 8.39 16/03/2018 1
0.150 0.090 56012 FB-C12 0.105 596.40 644.81 20.44 28/07/2017 0.160 0.085 0.110 0.110 8583WC MAHSING-WC 0.110 -0.005 168.2 1.490 2.100 48.32 21/02/2020 0
0.105 0.045 0.105 0.105 06501A FBMKLCI-C1A 0.105 0.010 30 1,710 1,640 0.19 31/05/2017 0.130 0.010 0.010 0.010 5264CP MALAKOF-CP 0.010 Unch 2800 1.280 1.700 33.98 09/05/2017 0
0.235 0.110 06501B FBMKLCI-C1B 0.145 1,710 1,740 3.86 28/04/2017 0.100 0.035 0.035 0.035 5264CR MALAKOF-CR 0.035 -0.005 200 1.280 1.500 22.66 28/07/2017 0
0.360 0.200 0.330 0.325 06501C FBMKLCI-C1C 0.330 0.035 302 1,710 1,660 1.89 28/04/2017 0.100 0.040 0.045 0.045 5264CT MALAKOF-CT 0.045 Unch 646.6 1.280 1.500 20.70 31/10/2017 0
0.060 0.030 06501D FBMKLCI-C1D 0.060 1,710 1,680 0.69 30/06/2017 0.065 0.045 0.045 0.045 5264CV MALAKOF-CV 0.045 Unch 20 1.280 1.400 19.92 31/07/2017 0
0.295 0.180 0.295 0.295 06501H FBMKLCI-C1H 0.295 0.030 301.6 1,710 1,690 3.13 31/05/2017 0.275 0.085 0.275 0.250 6181WB MALTON-WB 0.275 0.025 2800.9 0.910 1.000 40.11 29/06/2018 0
0.430 0.320 06501I FBMKLCI-C1I 0.420 1,710 1,610 0.28 31/05/2017 0.015 0.005 0.010 0.005 5189WA MAXWELL-WA 0.010 0.005 670.2 0.025 0.400 1,540 24/03/2020 0
0.120 0.065 06501J FBMKLCI-C1J 0.120 1,710 1,625 -0.07 31/07/2017 0.165 0.080 0.165 0.155 115524 MAYBANKC24 0.155 0.010 730 8.350 8.000 0.45 30/06/2017 0
0.325 0.230 06501K FBMKLCI-C1K 0.325 1,710 1,670 2.40 30/06/2017 0.265 0.115 0.185 0.175 115526 MAYBANKC26 0.175 0.020 120.5 8.350 8.300 5.69 07/07/2017 0
0.420 0.385 06501L FBMKLCI-C1L 0.415 1,710 1,590 -0.96 30/06/2017 0.535 0.185 0.525 0.505 5152WA MBL-WA 0.525 0.015 224.6 1.120 0.800 18.30 28/11/2022 0
0.105 0.090 06501O FBMKLCI-C1O 0.105 1,710 1,635 -0.10 30/08/2017 0.225 0.020 0.075 0.060 5983WA MBMR-WA 0.060 -0.015 511.9 2.350 3.200 38.72 14/06/2017 0
0.295 0.250 0.295 0.290 06501P FBMKLCI-C1P 0.295 0.025 1108 1,710 1,730 5.47 31/07/2017 0.065 0.025 0.055 0.050 5040WB MEDAINC-WB 0.055 0.005 109.2 0.490 0.600 33.67 22/04/2022 0
0.425 0.420 06501Q FBMKLCI-C1Q 0.425 1,710 1,650 2.69 31/07/2017 0.405 0.130 0.195 0.190 1694WB MENANG-WB 0.190 -0.005 142 0.805 1.000 47.83 09/07/2019 0
0.085 0.015 0.065 0.065 65084 FBMKLCI-C84 0.065 0.005 848.9 1,710 1,660 -0.28 28/02/2017 0.185 0.010 0.125 0.120 0075WA MEXTER-WA 0.125 0.005 241 0.245 0.130 4.08 17/09/2018 0
0.060 0.010 0.030 0.025 65088 FBMKLCI-C88 0.030 0.010 1032 1,710 1,690 0.04 31/03/2017 1.310 0.305 1.310 1.230 3069WA MFCB-WA 1.260 0.010 1148.6 2.800 2.220 24.29 08/04/2020 0
0.215 0.080 65090 FBMKLCI-C90 0.085 1,710 1,770 4.74 28/02/2017 0.415 0.020 0.040 0.035 3662WB MFLOUR-WB 0.035 -0.010 1592.2 1.460 2.060 43.49 09/05/2017 0
0.330 0.100 65092 FBMKLCI-C92 0.120 1,710 1,690 0.57 28/02/2017 0.140 0.045 0.110 0.095 5186C1 MHB-C1 0.095 -0.005 1268.5 0.990 1.000 13.01 29/09/2017 0
0.085 0.030 0.085 0.085 65094 FBMKLCI-C94 0.085 0.005 6.5 1,710 1,650 -0.04 28/04/2017 0.115 0.095 0.095 0.095 5186C2 MHB-C2 0.095 Unch 320 0.990 1.150 35.35 31/10/2017 0
0.265 0.145 65096 FBMKLCI-C96 0.190 1,710 1,710 2.76 31/03/2017 0.100 0.030 0.065 0.055 5026WA MHC-WA 0.055 -0.005 742 0.945 1.560 70.90 28/07/2017 0
0.405 0.220 65098 FBMKLCI-C98 0.245 1,710 1,630 -1.11 31/03/2017 0.355 0.175 0.265 0.240 5576WC MINHO-WC 0.245 -0.015 509.1 0.630 0.500 18.25 02/08/2021 0
0.325 0.090 06502A FBMKLCI-H2A 0.090 1,710 1,600 -5.13 31/03/2017 0.145 0.025 0.060 0.050 3816C8 MISC-C8 0.055 Unch 1128.5 7.610 7.500 2.17 31/05/2017 0
0.485 0.160 0.165 0.160 06502B FBMKLCI-H2B 0.165 -0.130 15.1 1,710 1,680 0.64 31/03/2017 0.625 0.350 0.490 0.485 9571WD MITRA-WD 0.485 Unch 43 1.260 1.090 25.00 23/08/2020 0
0.135 0.020 0.020 0.020 06502C FBMKLCI-H2C 0.020 Unch 200 1,710 1,640 -3.29 31/05/2017 1.380 0.600 1.240 1.220 6114WB MKH-WB 1.240 Unch 212.3 3.150 1.890 -0.63 29/12/2017 0
0.360 0.185 06502D FBMKLCI-H2D 0.190 1,710 1,620 -2.50 28/04/2017 0.400 0.140 0.365 0.360 7595WA MLGLOBAL-WA 0.365 -0.030 38.4 0.865 0.500 0.00 27/10/2019 0
0.500 0.270 06502E FBMKLCI-H2E 0.270 1,710 1,700 3.35 28/04/2017 0.190 0.100 0.110 0.105 2194C4 MMCCORP-C4 0.110 0.010 165 2.370 2.250 4.22 31/07/2017 0
0.200 0.040 0.045 0.040 06502F FBMKLCI-H2F 0.040 -0.005 840 1,710 1,680 -0.13 30/06/2017 0.035 0.020 0.035 0.030 0103WA MNC-WA 0.035 0.005 11349 0.065 0.100 107.69 05/11/2021 0
0.130 0.015 0.015 0.015 65099 FBMKLCI-H99 0.015 -0.005 550 1,710 1,650 -2.91 28/04/2017 0.140 0.075 0.140 0.135 3867CD MPI-CD 0.135 Unch 97 8.910 8.300 6.79 06/06/2017 0
0.565 0.120 0.215 0.200 8605WB FFHB-WB 0.215 0.010 53 0.765 0.500 -6.54 30/03/2017 0.180 0.070 0.170 0.160 3867CE MPI-CE 0.160 -0.010 145 8.910 8.100 5.27 13/07/2017 0
0.605 0.130 0.315 0.280 522212 FGV-C12 0.285 -0.025 2113.6 1.910 1.350 0.52 14/03/2017 0.070 0.020 0.025 0.025 0070WA MQTECH-WA 0.025 -0.005 348.9 0.050 0.100 150.00 21/11/2021 0
0.705 0.115 0.320 0.300 522213 FGV-C13 0.300 -0.020 109 1.910 1.500 2.09 28/04/2017 0.155 0.035 0.135 0.130 1651C7 MRCB-C7 0.135 0.010 1519 1.500 1.220 -0.67 31/03/2017 0
0.490 0.070 0.195 0.165 522214 FGV-C14 0.170 -0.020 2193 1.910 1.600 1.57 17/03/2017 0.190 0.070 0.190 0.170 1651C9 MRCB-C9 0.190 0.040 16.6 1.500 1.450 9.33 30/08/2017 0
0.360 0.020 0.045 0.040 522215 FGV-C15 0.040 -0.005 210 1.910 1.900 4.08 28/02/2017 0.165 0.085 0.120 0.110 1651WA MRCB-WA 0.120 0.005 1863.9 1.500 2.300 61.33 14/09/2018 0
0.255 0.025 0.080 0.065 522216 FGV-C16 0.070 -0.010 17550.8 1.910 1.950 13.09 09/05/2017 0.030 0.005 0.010 0.010 0092WA MTOUCHE-WA 0.010 Unch 132.5 0.075 0.890 1,100 17/01/2018 0
Markets 2 9

China Stocks rise for fourth day, Most sectors gained ground, while energy Japan Nikkei rises to more than two- they fretted about whether currencies or
scale two-month high as materials rm and real estate shares lagged behind. Stocks week highs on weaker yen, Trump relief the Bank of Japans monetary easing steps
017 related to the high-profile One Belt, One would attract Trumps ire.
017 SHANGHAI: China main stock indices Road initiative took a breather after a recent TOKYO: Japans Nikkei Share Average rose Data released earlier yesterday showed
rose for their fourth straight day of gains strong rally, though underlying optimism to a more than two-week high yesterday, Japans economy grew for a fourth straight
yesterday to a fresh two-month high, as the spread to more sectors, in particular helped by Wall Street breaking records, a quarter in the final three months of last
018 materials sector underpinned the market consumer staples and financials. weaker yen and relief that talks between year thanks to strong exports, though weak
019 on the back of strong commodities. Liquor maker Yanghe Brewery surged as US President Donald Trump and Japans private consumption and rising protectionism
The blue-chip CSI 300 Index rose 0.7% much as 10%, the maximum allowed, to hit Prime Minister Shinzo Abe yielded no in the US suggested a sustainable recovery
to 3,436.28 points, while the Shanghai a 20-month high, while China Molybdenum negative surprises. could be some way off.
017 Composite Index gained 0.63% to 3,216.84. shot up 7% in its best day since early The Nikkei gained 0.41% or 80.22 points The broader market shrugged off news
021 Some good news over the weekend, November. to 19,459.15, its highest closing since Jan that North Korea fired a ballistic missile into
including a rally in metals prices, supported Hong Kong shares closed at a four- 27. the sea off its east coast early on Sunday,
the market, said Tian Weidong, analyst at month high yesterday, underpinned by The January high of 19,615.40 is in the first time the isolated state has tested
017 Kaiyuan Securities in Xian. the materials sector following a rally in sight, said Yutaka Miura, a senior technical such a device since Trumps election.
017 Shares in metals producers rose commodities prices and thanks to capital analyst at Mizuho Securities. The Tokyo Stock Exchanges mining
strongly, led by copper producers Jiangxi flows from the mainland. It might not be topped last Friday, but subindex gained 5.5%, while the oil and
Copper, adding 3.5% to a 2-month high, The Hang Seng Index rose 0.58% to it would not be surprising if it was attained coal subindex rose 3.2%.
017 as copper prices surged after BHP Billiton 23,710.98 points, its highest close since later last week, he said. Crude oil futures rallied last Friday on
018 declared force majeure due to a strike at Oct 11. The China Enterprises Index gained Wall Streets main stock indices rose to reports that Opec members delivered more
the worlds biggest copper mine in Chile. 1.3% to 10,257.84, its highest since end- fresh all-time closing highs last Friday as a than 90% of output cuts they pledged in a
Tian said liquidity concerns also eased November 2015. spike in oil prices supported energy shares landmark deal that took effect in January,
017 somewhat as Chinas central bank injected The market was also supported by rising and investors renewed their optimism about though they gave back some of those gains
017 100 billion yuan into money markets southbound inflows through the Shanghai- Trumps economic agenda. yesterday.
yesterday after skipping open market Hong Kong Stock Connect, which used On Abes US visit, Trump abruptly set Oil producer Inpex Corp jumped 4.85%,
operations for six trading days. 24% last Fridays daily quota, compared aside campaign pledges to force Tokyo to scaling its highest levels in more than three
018 Chinese equities have been supported with an average of less than 11% in January. pay more for US defence aid as well as his weeks, after it forecast higher profits for
017 in recent weeks by signs of stabilising Most sectors gained ground, led by past complaints that Japan was artificially the fiscal year through March.
economic growth, though a turn by Beijing materials and industrials, while property weakening its currency. But consumer goods maker Lion Corp
to tighter policy settings has restrained developers contracted 0.4% after hitting a The mood here is clearly one of relief, fell 7.63% after it forecast its 2017 operating
017 demand. nearly 3-month high in the previous session. said Stefan Worrall, director of Japan equity profit would rise 10.2%, slowing sharply
017 Market response seemed muted to Shares in Geely Automobile Holdings sales at Credit Suisse in Tokyo. from 2016s 49.6% increase.
news that Chinas top securities regulator Ltd jumped 6.9% to an all-time high on Going into the summit, the degree The broader Topix gained 0.5% to
vowed to apprehend law-breaking financial news it would join the Hang Seng Index of anxious hand-wringing by Japanese 1,554.2, while the JPX-Nikkei Index 400
017 tycoons he called giant crocodiles. as a constituent on March 6. policymakers was palpable, he said, as rose 0.5% to 13,946.05. Reuters
Shanghai Composite Hang Seng Nikkei 225 FT Straits Times
017 Index points Index points
Index points Index points
5800 3,216.84 28900 20800 3600
017 +20.14
017 (+0.63%) 2,774.06
017 4825 25625 21,056.93 17625 3300
3850 22350 14450 3000
017 3,087.842
017 2875 19075 23,710.98 11275 19,459.15 2700
017 +80.22 3,111.63
+136.00 +11.24
017 (+0.41%)
017 (+0.58%) (+0.36%)
017 1900 15800 8100 2400
021 Mar 1, 2010 Feb 13, 2017 Mar 1, 2010 Feb 13, 2017 Mar 1, 2010 Feb 13, 2017 Mar 1, 2010 Feb 13, 2017
019 Main Market & Ace Market Warrants 0.155 0.025 0.050 0.045 0117WA SMRT-WA 0.050 Unch 160 0.190 0.180 21.05 01/08/2017
019 0.540 0.135 0.195 0.190 5213WA SNTORIA-WA 0.195 0.020 48.4 0.725 0.600 9.66 15/04/2019
017 YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE WARRANTS CLOSE +/- VOL PARENT EXE PRM EXPIRY 1.000 0.720 0.800 0.780 5242WA SOLID-WA 0.785 -0.020 30 1.330 0.500 -3.38 16/12/2020
019 HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) PRICE PRICE (%) DATE 0.255 0.100 0.245 0.240 0093WA SOLUTN-WA 0.240 Unch 2538.8 0.350 0.200 25.71 04/07/2021
017 0.085 0.015 0.030 0.030 0092WB MTOUCHE-WB 0.030 Unch 171 0.075 0.270 300.00 16/03/2020 0.095 0.035 0.080 0.075 0129WA SRIDGE-WA 0.080 Unch 150 0.160 0.180 62.50 24/02/2023
017 0.330 0.150 0.265 0.260 0138C1 MYEG-C1 0.265 -0.010 89 1.610 1.400 8.90 30/06/2017 0.210 0.030 0.050 0.040 7143WA STONE-WA 0.050 Unch 360.3 0.100 0.300 250.00 21/06/2020
019 0.220 0.195 0.205 0.205 13811 MYEG-C11 0.205 Unch 318.3 1.610 1.380 13.73 31/07/2017 0.095 0.025 0.060 0.050 1201WA SUMATEC-WA 0.060 Unch 25.1 0.085 0.320 347.06 03/03/2021
021 0.180 0.070 0.075 0.075 0138C2 MYEG-C2 0.075 Unch 1668 1.610 1.767 17.50 28/04/2017 0.065 0.020 0.050 0.045 1201WB SUMATEC-WB 0.045 Unch 5511 0.085 0.175 158.82 13/11/2018
017 0.180 0.115 0.145 0.140 0138C8 MYEG-C8 0.140 Unch 535 1.610 1.567 11.80 31/10/2017 0.155 0.080 0.080 0.080 5263CG SUNCON-CG 0.080 -0.005 20 1.720 1.600 2.33 27/03/2017
017 0.540 0.300 0.380 0.350 0108WA N2N-WA 0.380 0.020 14.4 0.730 0.320 -4.11 06/04/2018 0.185 0.115 0.120 0.115 5263CH SUNCON-CH 0.120 -0.005 285 1.720 1.700 5.81 30/08/2017
023 0.035 0.015 0.025 0.015 0096WA NEXGRAM-WA 0.025 0.005 809.9 0.045 0.100 177.78 16/05/2022 0.160 0.020 0.025 0.020 710618 SUPERMX-C18 0.025 Unch 890.3 2.100 2.200 7.74 28/04/2017
017 0.025 0.010 0.020 0.020 0096WB NEXGRAM-WB 0.020 Unch 205 0.045 0.260 522.22 21/07/2023 0.135 0.075 0.075 0.075 710621 SUPERMX-C21 0.075 Unch 50 2.100 2.300 16.67 13/07/2017
019 0.035 0.015 0.020 0.020 0096WC NEXGRAM-WC 0.020 Unch 100 0.045 0.100 166.67 15/01/2024 0.250 0.155 0.210 0.200 7082WB SYF-WB 0.200 -0.005 523 0.655 0.700 37.40 11/11/2019
018 0.060 0.005 0.030 0.020 7139WA NICE-WA 0.025 0.005 6823.1 0.110 0.160 68.18 09/08/2017 0.235 0.125 0.225 0.200 1538WB SYMLIFE-WB 0.225 0.025 420.5 0.715 1.100 85.31 11/11/2020
024 0.105 0.010 0.060 0.055 0083WB NOTION-WB 0.060 Unch 1358.6 0.840 1.000 26.19 02/05/2017 0.190 0.130 0.180 0.180 5012CI TAANN-CI 0.180 Unch 10 4.180 3.700 5.74 15/06/2017
017 0.270 0.150 0.260 0.250 0172WA OCK-WA 0.250 Unch 2972.5 0.825 0.710 16.36 15/12/2020 0.955 0.630 0.785 0.760 5191WA TAMBUN-WA 0.760 -0.030 35 1.390 0.600 -2.16 30/05/2017
020 0.160 0.060 0.105 0.100 7071WC OCR-WC 0.100 Unch 2887.9 0.490 0.500 22.45 24/07/2021 0.150 0.085 0.110 0.100 534735 TENAGA-C35 0.110 0.005 911.1 13.660 13.800 5.86 30/11/2017
020 0.150 0.060 0.120 0.120 9008WB OMESTI-WB 0.120 Unch 70 0.460 0.500 34.78 30/05/2018 0.580 0.260 0.490 0.440 7252WA TEOSENG-WA 0.445 -0.035 228.8 1.150 1.350 56.09 29/01/2020
019 0.335 0.195 0.290 0.250 5053WC OSK-WC 0.290 0.040 108 1.480 1.800 41.22 22/07/2020 3.560 1.720 3.060 3.000 7034WA TGUAN-WA 3.040 0.040 230.2 4.450 1.500 2.02 09/10/2019
017 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 7052CG PADINI-CG 0.070 -0.080 12 2.430 3.000 32.10 06/06/2017 0.110 0.055 0.085 0.080 7889WB THRIVEN-WB 0.085 0.005 217.1 0.235 0.640 208.51 05/10/2020
021 0.095 0.010 0.040 0.030 0005WA PALETTE-WA 0.035 0.005 4782.9 0.065 0.040 15.38 20/03/2018 0.015 0.005 0.010 0.010 7079WB TIGER-WB 0.010 0.005 120 0.045 0.170 300.00 23/12/2018
018 0.176 0.080 0.160 0.155 5125WA PANTECH-WA 0.160 Unch 128.9 0.470 0.600 61.70 21/12/2020 0.030 0.010 0.015 0.015 7079WC TIGER-WC 0.015 Unch 16 0.045 0.080 111.11 11/02/2021
018 0.190 0.105 0.170 0.160 5125WB PANTECH-WB 0.165 -0.005 1621.8 0.470 0.500 41.49 21/12/2021 0.090 0.025 0.035 0.035 486314 TM-C14 0.035 Unch 420 6.160 6.700 10.19 29/09/2017
020 0.270 0.145 0.200 0.190 5022WA PAOS-WA 0.190 -0.010 433.8 0.570 0.500 21.05 14/12/2021 0.120 0.060 0.075 0.075 486315 TM-C15 0.075 Unch 120 6.160 6.350 7.95 28/08/2017
020 0.155 0.090 0.120 0.120 129512 PBBANK-C12 0.120 0.005 120 20.220 19.550 0.84 31/07/2017 0.315 0.170 0.275 0.270 0101WB TMCLIFE-WB 0.270 Unch 227 0.945 0.750 7.94 21/06/2019
022 0.165 0.065 0.145 0.145 5183C9 PCHEM-C9 0.145 Unch 200 7.220 7.000 3.98 29/09/2017 0.765 0.410 0.680 0.665 8397WC TNLOGIS-WC 0.670 -0.005 845.8 1.700 1.000 -1.76 26/12/2018
023 0.400 0.200 0.225 0.225 9997WB PENSONI-WB 0.225 -0.005 30 0.655 0.600 25.95 20/01/2024 0.460 0.275 0.410 0.395 7285WA TOMYPAK-WA 0.400 -0.005 295.5 1.730 2.290 55.49 21/06/2021
019 0.425 0.120 0.415 0.405 8311WC PESONA-WC 0.405 -0.010 1723 0.680 0.250 -3.68 27/01/2020 0.220 0.155 0.155 0.155 711310 TOPGLOV-C10 0.155 Unch 16 5.140 5.000 10.85 13/07/2017
020 0.205 0.010 0.020 0.020 6033CN PETGAS-CN 0.020 Unch 25.5 20.600 21.200 4.08 31/03/2017 0.160 0.005 0.010 0.005 7113C6 TOPGLOV-C6 0.005 -0.005 1311.2 5.140 5.150 0.68 28/02/2017
017 0.170 0.100 0.155 0.145 3042CB PETRONM-CB 0.155 0.025 187 4.960 4.500 9.48 31/07/2017 0.260 0.160 0.165 0.160 7113C8 TOPGLOV-C8 0.160 -0.015 120 5.140 4.700 3.89 31/03/2017
017 0.905 0.130 0.905 0.900 8869CP PMETAL-CP 0.905 0.035 31 2.290 1.107 -2.26 17/02/2017 0.150 0.060 0.060 0.060 7113C9 TOPGLOV-C9 0.060 -0.005 70 5.140 5.000 3.11 27/03/2017
018 1.900 0.368 1.900 1.870 8869WC PMETAL-WC 1.900 0.050 496.9 2.290 1.100 31.00 22/08/2019 0.390 0.230 0.280 0.275 5401WA TROP-WA 0.275 -0.010 83 0.995 1.000 28.14 06/12/2019
020 0.945 0.615 0.880 0.850 7088WB POHUAT-WB 0.875 0.015 728.3 1.860 1.000 0.81 21/10/2020 0.165 0.045 0.075 0.070 514831 UEMS-C31 0.070 -0.005 3332.2 1.150 1.150 9.13 30/06/2017
017 0.200 0.110 0.150 0.130 4634C3 POS-C3 0.150 0.015 520.5 4.260 4.000 7.98 30/08/2017 0.085 0.020 0.025 0.025 514832 UEMS-C32 0.025 -0.005 200 1.150 1.350 23.91 10/07/2017
017 0.175 0.170 0.175 0.175 4634C6 POS-C6 0.175 0.005 98 4.260 4.000 10.33 18/08/2017 0.070 0.050 0.050 0.050 514834 UEMS-C34 0.050 Unch 100 1.150 1.180 11.30 28/04/2017
017 0.640 0.135 0.620 0.575 7168WA PRG-WA 0.600 Unch 178.5 0.880 0.375 10.80 06/07/2019 0.320 0.015 0.075 0.065 4588CY UMW-CY 0.070 Unch 1412.4 5.520 5.700 9.60 31/05/2017
017 0.690 0.405 0.540 0.525 8966WA PRLEXUS-WA 0.535 0.005 168.7 1.430 1.200 21.33 14/06/2021 0.175 0.075 0.125 0.125 4588CZ UMW-CZ 0.125 Unch 50 5.520 5.600 12.77 22/08/2017
018 0.095 0.040 0.085 0.075 7145WA PSIPTEK-WA 0.080 Unch 887 0.135 0.100 33.33 16/11/2019 0.130 0.030 0.040 0.035 524310 UMWOG-C10 0.040 0.005 627.2 0.710 0.830 22.54 18/05/2017
020 0.060 0.020 0.050 0.040 0007WA PUC-WA 0.045 Unch 1920.3 0.095 0.100 52.63 25/12/2024 0.040 0.015 0.025 0.025 524312 UMWOG-C12 0.025 Unch 400 0.710 0.920 33.10 18/05/2017
017 0.035 0.015 0.035 0.030 0007WB PUC-WB 0.035 0.005 7563.9 0.095 0.100 42.11 15/02/2019 0.090 0.030 0.030 0.030 524313 UMWOG-C13 0.030 Unch 1600 0.710 0.850 30.28 31/05/2017
017 0.950 0.215 0.400 0.400 6807WB PUNCAK-WB 0.400 -0.030 0.8 1.000 1.000 40.00 20/07/2018 0.165 0.015 0.020 0.020 5243C7 UMWOG-C7 0.020 Unch 120 0.710 1.000 43.66 31/05/2017
022 0.355 0.215 0.355 0.340 7134WA PWF-WA 0.355 0.015 360 0.880 0.620 10.80 20/07/2021 0.192 0.055 0.060 0.055 0069WB VIVOCOM-WB 0.055 -0.005 2179.5 0.155 0.200 64.52 07/09/2018
017 0.115 0.065 0.090 0.090 7498WB RALCO-WB 0.090 Unch 30 0.730 1.000 49.32 13/12/2019 0.228 0.075 0.090 0.085 0069WC VIVOCOM-WC 0.085 Unch 1225.2 0.155 0.100 19.35 22/01/2020
022 0.170 0.020 0.155 0.145 5256WA REACH-WA 0.145 -0.005 31751.7 0.640 0.750 39.84 12/08/2022 0.042 0.021 0.030 0.025 7070WB VIZIONE-WB 0.030 Unch 1187.7 0.110 0.160 72.73 20/06/2018
019 0.115 0.030 0.085 0.075 1066CW RHBBANK-CW 0.080 0.010 479 5.100 5.000 4.31 31/05/2017 0.050 0.030 0.040 0.035 7070WC VIZIONE-WC 0.040 0.005 49298.7 0.110 0.100 27.27 05/02/2022
018 0.115 0.060 0.080 0.075 5270WA RSENA-WA 0.075 -0.005 1975 0.440 0.500 30.68 01/12/2023 0.135 0.065 0.135 0.115 6963CG VS-CG 0.115 Unch 4329.9 1.620 1.400 0.62 14/03/2017
020 0.080 0.015 0.015 0.015 0133WB SANICHI-WB 0.015 -0.005 0.5 0.070 0.210 221.43 13/03/2018 0.125 0.065 0.125 0.115 6963CJ VS-CJ 0.115 Unch 218 1.620 1.380 6.48 28/07/2017
017 0.088 0.015 0.020 0.020 0133WC SANICHI-WC 0.020 Unch 35 0.070 0.210 228.57 24/09/2019 0.080 0.020 0.025 0.025 0066WA VSOLAR-WA 0.025 Unch 242 0.080 0.120 81.25 01/12/2017
017 0.035 0.020 0.030 0.025 0133WD SANICHI-WD 0.030 0.005 927.1 0.070 1.000 1,372 21/07/2019 0.395 0.195 0.340 0.325 6963WA VS-WA 0.330 Unch 8832 1.620 1.650 22.22 06/01/2019
017 0.150 0.060 0.085 0.085 5157WA SAUDEE-WA 0.085 Unch 187 0.310 0.500 88.71 31/03/2021 0.110 0.070 0.095 0.090 9679CZ WCT-CZ 0.095 Unch 24 1.900 2.000 12.76 31/10/2017
017 0.025 0.005 0.010 0.010 0109WB SCBUILD-WB 0.010 Unch 430 0.035 0.050 71.43 06/11/2019 0.300 0.160 0.240 0.240 9679WD WCT-WD 0.240 Unch 586 1.900 1.710 2.63 11/12/2017
021 0.105 0.055 0.090 0.085 0161WA SCH-WA 0.085 Unch 288.9 0.180 0.100 2.78 04/12/2021 0.235 0.160 0.205 0.195 9679WE WCT-WE 0.205 0.010 822.3 1.900 2.080 20.26 27/08/2020
017 0.375 0.020 0.075 0.070 7073WA SEACERA-WA 0.075 0.005 100 0.930 1.000 15.59 16/05/2017 0.035 0.010 0.020 0.015 0141WA WINTONI-WA 0.015 Unch 477.7 0.055 0.100 109.09 23/02/2019
020 0.135 0.070 0.130 0.125 0055WA SERSOL-WA 0.125 Unch 357.5 0.175 0.180 74.29 18/04/2023 0.125 0.035 0.045 0.040 5246CP WPRTS-CP 0.045 Unch 1105.2 4.120 4.400 10.07 31/07/2017
017 0.465 0.210 0.305 0.300 7246WA SIGN-WA 0.300 Unch 228.9 0.925 0.970 37.30 21/04/2021 0.095 0.065 0.070 0.065 5246CQ WPRTS-CQ 0.065 Unch 643.4 4.120 4.450 12.74 18/08/2017
019 0.225 0.145 0.195 0.190 419712 SIME-C12 0.190 Unch 59.5 9.070 8.500 6.28 18/08/2017 0.740 0.490 0.735 0.725 7245WA WZSATU-WA 0.735 -0.005 508 1.190 0.500 3.78 28/10/2024
017 0.310 0.115 0.300 0.280 4197C8 SIME-C8 0.295 0.015 955 9.070 7.750 1.71 31/07/2017 0.020 0.005 0.010 0.005 0095WA XINGHE-WA 0.005 -0.005 1694 0.040 0.100 162.50 22/03/2019
021 0.190 0.090 0.180 0.180 521828 SKPETROC28 0.180 Unch 25 1.860 1.400 -0.54 17/03/2017 0.045 0.005 0.010 0.005 5155WA XINQUAN-WA 0.010 Unch 346.4 0.085 1.000 1,089 24/06/2019
017 0.240 0.070 0.240 0.235 521829 SKPETROC29 0.240 0.010 219 1.860 1.400 1.08 31/05/2017 0.095 0.005 0.015 0.015 5155WB XINQUAN-WB 0.015 -0.005 318 0.085 0.880 952.94 27/03/2021
017 0.145 0.065 0.140 0.135 521836 SKPETROC36 0.140 0.005 448 1.860 1.620 9.68 31/05/2017 0.085 0.035 0.045 0.045 0165WA XOX-WA 0.045 Unch 78.4 0.105 0.200 133.33 10/02/2019
021 0.110 0.070 0.105 0.100 521837 SKPETROC37 0.105 0.005 117 1.860 1.850 13.58 31/07/2017 0.185 0.025 0.105 0.095 7020WB YKGI-WB 0.100 Unch 1318.1 0.275 0.500 118.18 28/05/2020
017 0.190 0.140 0.190 0.185 521838 SKPETROC38 0.185 0.015 20 1.860 1.650 8.60 30/11/2017 0.205 0.075 0.115 0.115 6742CW YTLPOWR-CW 0.115 Unch 39.5 1.480 1.400 2.36 31/05/2017
017 0.170 0.120 0.165 0.160 521839 SKPETROC39 0.165 Unch 548 1.860 1.850 18.98 31/07/2017 0.450 0.300 0.360 0.355 6742WB YTLPOWR-WB 0.355 0.005 257.8 1.480 1.140 1.01 11/06/2018
018 0.205 0.115 0.150 0.145 7155CB SKPRES-CB 0.145 0.015 550.1 1.350 1.300 7.04 06/06/2017 0.140 0.040 0.070 0.060 2283WA ZELAN-WA 0.065 Unch 940.5 0.150 0.250 110.00 25/01/2019
018 0.810 0.470 0.690 0.680 7155WA SKPRES-WA 0.685 0.010 130 1.350 0.650 -1.11 27/06/2017
Please refer to the bursa malaysia website for the prices of Loan stocks, bonds and overseas structure warrants
30 Markets

Insider moves (Filings on Feb 10, 2017) Trading themes

Insider Moves show what substantial shareholders are doing with their stakes, which could be a signal of their views on the companys outlook. Foreign ows into Asian local bonds
A look at the trend of global investors holding Asian bonds denominated in the local
AEON CO. (M) (165,100) ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT PLC 265,838,500 7 & 8/2
Foreign bond holding
As percentage of total bond outstanding.
AMMB (1,243,700) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 420,847,937 6/2
DIGI.COM 4,021,100 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 915,639,540 2 & 6/2
FRASER & NEAVE 4,900,000 AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES 40,553,600 7/2
MAGNI-TECH INDUSTRIES 100,000 TAN POAY SENG 31,600,593 6 & 7/2 Monthly change
MALAYSIA AIRPORTS (7,637,900) AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES 142,805,400 6 & 7/2
MAXIS 959,000 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 682,966,035 2 & 6/2
MENANG CORPORATION (M) 2,300,000 TOO KOK LENG 10,665,800 10/2
NTPM (5,100,000) LEE SEE JIN 454,722,331 7/2
S P SETIA (1,146,400) AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES 813,273,570 7/2
SEACERA GROUP 119,300 NOBILE SUMMER S/B 37,092,237 10/2
STERLING PROGRESS (3,875,000) LEONG SENG WUI 18,449,306 10/2
TA ANN 385,600 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 40,006,278 6/2 Stocks closest to year high Stocks closest to year low
(RM) (RM) (RM) ('000) (RM) (RM) (RM) ('000)
PARAMON 1.710 1.650 1.660 2122.2 HUBLINE-WA 0.065 0.040 0.055 24664.6
TDM 0.815 0.800 0.805 2584.1 HUBLINE-WB 0.100 0.065 0.075 31564.2
NYLEX 0.740 0.720 0.725 2491.8 FBMKLCI-H99 0.015 0.015 0.015 550
FPI 0.990 0.970 0.985 658.6 HSI-H73 0.750 0.735 0.735 12.5
UMW (557,800) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 159,351,568 6/2
SALUTE 1.560 1.500 1.550 3175.3 HSI-H79 0.520 0.475 0.500 73
WCT (1,680,700) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 98,412,850 6/2
PMETAL 2.310 2.250 2.290 5634.6 FBMKLCI-H2F 0.045 0.040 0.040 840
WZ SATU 107,000 DATO SRI TENGKU UZIR TENGKU 93,603,036 8/2
PMETAL-WC 1.900 1.870 1.900 496.9 HSI-H69 0.285 0.250 0.260 1735.9
MAGNI 5.060 4.880 5.030 887.8 HSI-H67 0.035 0.025 0.025 2653
RGB 0.355 0.345 0.350 11858.1 SUNCON-CH 0.120 0.115 0.120 285
While every eort is made to ensure accuracy, the information presented is not an exhaustive list and is not an ocial record of shareholder
WILLOW 0.840 0.820 0.835 1202.9 HSI-H77 0.260 0.250 0.250 130
lings. Direct and indirect share are combined due to space constraints. Readers who are interested should check the ocial lings led with
Bursa Malaysia. Note: * denotes Ace Market INARI-WB 1.060 1.030 1.060 1837.6 SP500-H5 0.395 0.395 0.395 8.8
SCOMIEN 0.525 0.495 0.505 1743 HSI-H71 0.330 0.300 0.310 8288.1
IRETEX-WA 0.060 0.050 0.050 8747 HSI-H91 0.675 0.660 0.670 4.6
Local events to watch out for today SCOMIES
JOHOTIN 1.400 1.360 1.390 1804.7 TOPGLOV-C8 0.165 0.160 0.160 120
Edelman Malaysia Trust Barometer Jalan S P Seenivasagam, Ipoh, Perak at JOHOTIN-WA 0.570 0.540 0.560 5072 MAHSING-C5 0.035 0.030 0.035 261
2017 launch at Publika, Black Box, No 11am. STERPRO 0.220 0.205 0.215 45827.6 SP500-H6 0.565 0.560 0.565 2650
1, Jalan Dutamas 1, Solaris Dutamas, Batu Kawan Bhds AGM at Wisma Taiko, FBMKLCI-C94 0.085 0.085 0.085 6.5 PADINI-CG 0.070 0.070 0.070 12
Kuala Lumpur at 9am. Jalan S P Seenivasagam, Ipoh, Perak at JHM 2.180 2.110 2.110 1178.4 HSI-H87 0.780 0.760 0.770 5.3
Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhds annual 2.30pm. This table shows stocks that are trading near their year high. This This table shows stocks that are trading near their year low. This
could suggest a build-up in buying momentum, or the possibility that could suggest a build-up in selling momentum, or the possibility that
general meeting (AGM) at Wisma Taiko, prot-taking activities could set in later. bargain hunting could set in later.

Foreign exchange rates


NZ $ 0.676 0.719 0.721 0.574 0.941 1.022 1.022 0.937 3.1996 4.945 57.413 5.025 2.640 9,580 48.188 81.796 6.014 35.906 2.618 2.697 6.409 25.194 5.579
EURO 1.480 1.064 1.067 0.850 1.393 1.512 1.513 1.387 4.7352 7.318 84.967 7.436 3.908 14,177 71.315 121.052 8.901 53.139 3.874 3.991 9.486 37.286 8.256
US $ 1.391 0.940 1.003 0.799 1.309 1.421 1.421 1.303 4.4500 6.877 79.850 6.988 3.672 13,323 67.020 113.761 8.365 49.938 3.641 3.750 8.914 35.040 7.759
SWISS FR 1.387 0.937 0.997 0.797 1.305 1.417 1.417 1.299 4.4371 6.857 79.618 6.968 3.662 13,285 66.826 113.432 8.340 49.794 3.630 3.740 8.888 34.938 7.736
STERLING 1.741 1.176 1.252 1.255 1.639 1.779 1.779 1.631 5.5705 8.609 99.956 8.748 4.597 16,678 83.896 142.406 10.471 62.513 4.557 4.695 11.159 43.863 9.713
CANADA $ 1.062 0.718 0.764 0.766 0.610 1.085 1.086 0.995 3.3990 5.253 60.991 5.338 2.805 10,177 51.191 86.893 6.389 38.144 2.781 2.865 6.809 26.764 5.926
BRUNEI $ 0.979 0.661 0.704 0.706 0.562 0.921 1.000 0.917 3.1316 4.840 56.193 4.918 2.584 9,376 47.164 80.057 5.886 35.143 2.562 2.639 6.273 24.659 5.460
SINGAPORE $ 0.978 0.661 0.704 0.706 0.562 0.921 1.000 0.917 3.1307 4.838 56.177 4.916 2.584 9,373 47.151 80.034 5.885 35.133 2.561 2.639 6.271 24.652 5.459
AUSTRALIA $ 1.067 0.721 0.767 0.770 0.613 1.005 1.090 1.091 3.4149 5.277 61.276 5.363 2.818 10,224 51.431 87.300 6.419 38.322 2.794 2.878 6.841 26.889 5.954
MALAYSIA RM 0.313 0.211 0.225 0.225 0.180 0.294 0.319 0.319 0.293 1.0000 1.545 17.944 1.570 0.825 2,994 15.061 25.564 1.880 11.222 0.818 0.843 2.003 7.874 1.744
100 CHINESE RMB 20.223 13.665 14.541 14.583 11.616 19.037 20.663 20.669 18.948 64.7070 1,161 101.614 53.399 193,734 974.532 1,654 121.630 726.147 52.939 54.534 129.621 509.512 112.822
100 BANGLADH TAKA 1.742 1.177 1.252 1.256 1.000 1.640 1.780 1.780 1.632 5.5730 8.613 8.752 4.599 16,685 83.933 142.469 10.475 62.540 4.559 4.697 11.164 43.882 9.717
100 DANISH KRONER 19.902 13.448 14.310 14.351 11.431 18.735 20.334 20.340 18.647 63.6790 98.41 1,143 52.550 190,656 959.05 1,628 119.70 714.61 52.10 53.67 127.56 501.42 111.03
100 UAE DIRHAM 37.873 25.591 27.231 27.310 21.753 35.651 38.695 38.706 35.485 121.1775 187.27 2,174 190.29 362,807 1,825 3,098 227.78 1,360 99.14 102.13 242.74 954.17 211.28
1000 INA RUPIAH 0.104 0.071 0.075 0.075 0.060 0.098 0.107 0.107 0.098 0.3340 0.516 5.993 0.525 0.276 5.030 8.538 0.628 3.748 0.273 0.281 0.669 2.630 0.582
100 INDIA RUPEE 2.075 1.402 1.492 1.496 1.192 1.953 2.120 2.121 1.944 6.6398 10.261 119.143 10.427 5.479 19,880 169.742 12.481 74.512 5.432 5.596 13.301 52.283 11.577
100 JAPAN YEN 1.223 0.826 0.879 0.882 0.702 1.151 1.249 1.249 1.145 3.9117 6.045 70.191 6.143 3.228 11,712 58.913 7.353 43.897 3.200 3.297 7.836 30.801 6.820
100 NORWEGIAN KRONER 16.627 11.235 11.955 11.990 9.550 15.652 16.988 16.993 15.579 53.2000 82.217 955 83.544 43.903 159,281 801.229 1,360 597.015 43.525 44.836 106.571 418.904 92.759
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.785 1.882 2.002 2.008 1.600 2.622 2.846 2.846 2.609 8.9110 13.771 159.897 13.994 7.354 26,680 134.206 227.804 16.750 7.290 7.510 17.851 70.166 15.537
100 QATAR RIYAL 38.201 25.813 27.467 27.547 21.942 35.960 39.031 39.042 35.793 122.2292 188.896 2,193 191.946 100.868 365,956 1,841 3,125 229.754 1,372 103.013 244.850 962.450 213.117
100 SAUDI RIYAL 37.084 25.058 26.664 26.741 21.300 34.909 37.889 37.900 34.746 118.6540 183.371 2,129 186.331 97.918 355,251 1,787 3,033 223.034 1,332 97.075 237.688 934.298 206.884
100 SWEDISH KRONOR 15.602 10.542 11.218 11.251 8.961 14.687 15.941 15.945 14.618 49.9200 77.148 895.754 78.393 41.196 149,461 751.830 1,276 93.835 560.206 40.841 42.072 393.077 87.040
100 THAI BAHT 3.969 2.682 2.854 2.862 2.280 3.736 4.055 4.057 3.719 12.6998 19.627 227.883 19.943 10.480 38,023 191.268 324.662 23.872 142.518 10.390 10.703 25.440 22.143
100 HK$ 17.925 12.112 12.888 12.926 10.296 16.873 18.314 18.320 16.795 57.3530 88.635 1,029.131 90.066 47.330 171,716 863.776 1,466 107.806 643.620 46.923 48.336 114.890 451.606
Note: Run your nger down the left-hand side until you reach the country of origin you plan to exchange. Then move your nger until that line intersects with the vertical column of the currency you wish to buy. The gure is how much you will get. The above rates are subject to change and provided by Thompson Reuters.
Markets 3 1

Index futures Money market

FKLI Long Rolls - KLCI futures US Dollar Klibor
Index points Open Interest Index points USD Index Implied interest rate (%)
1,707.00 90000 105.0
1980 18.00 -1.00 100.76 4.5
(+7.50) (Unch) (-0.04) 3.47
1790 68000 4.75 96.5

1600 46000 -8.50 88.0

1410 24000 -21.75 79.5

1220 2000 -35.00 71.0 1.5

Jan 4, 2010 Feb 13, 2017 Jan 4, 2010 Feb 13, 2017 Oct 2, 2006 Feb 13, 2017 Oct 1, 2000 Feb 13, 2017

FBM KLCI futures end higher FBM KLCI futures US dollar hits two-week high Klibor
in sync with firmer cash market INDEX AND FUTURES
after US-Japan meeting MONTH SETTLEMENT

The FBM KLCI futures contracts on Bursa FBMKLCI 1,710.24 11.30 175.5M The US dollar hit a two-week high against FEB7 96.55
MAR7 96.55
Malaysia Derivatives closed higher yesterday FEB 17 1,707.00 7.50 5,125 26,299 507 the yen with another round of solid gains APR7 96.53
MAR 17 1,706.50 8.00 269 1,286 144
in sync with the firmer cash market. yesterday as investors focused again on JUN7 96.50
JUN 17 1,699.50 7.50 53 237 -5
February 2017 and June 2017 bagged 7.5 SEP 17 1,695.00 8.50 26 63 17
the US reflation trade which dominated the SEP7 96.46
points each to 1,707 and 1,699.5; March 2017 TOTAL 5,473 27,885 663 aftermath of Donald Trumps election in DEC7 96.41
MAR8 96.41
gained eight points to 1,706.5; and September November but has stalled this year. JUN8 96.41
2017 improved 8.5 points to 1,695. FUTURES ROLL OVER BID OFFER CLOSE The US dollar was up 0.4% at 113.63 in SEP8 96.41
Turnover advanced to 5,473 lots from FEB/MAR -0.5 -1.5 -1.0
early deals in London, having reached as DEC8 96.41
4,441 lots last Friday and open interest FUTURES FAIR VALUE high as 114.17 in Asian trading. MAR9 96.41
JUN9 96.41
widened to 27,885 contracts from 26,393 CONTRACT DAYS TO EXPIRY KLIBOR DIVIDEND FAIR VALUE It was marginally lower against the euro SEP9 96.41
FEB 17 16 2.22 5.67 -3.45
contracts. MAR 17 47 6.81 10.66 -3.85
at US$1.0654 and around a 0.33% lower at DEC9 96.41
The underlying benchmark FBM KLCI ROLLS FAIR -0.40
US$1.2525 to the sterling, while it traded MAR0 96.41
finished 11.3 points better at 1,710.24. 0.2% weaker at 6.8771 yuan. JUN0 96.41
SEP0 96.41
Southeast Asian stock markets ended All eyes are fixed on the testimony by US
DEC0 96.41
higher yesterday as investor concerns eased Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen this week MAR1 96.41
after US President Donald Trump set aside after signs that other policymakers at the JUN1 96.41
tough campaign rhetoric over security and Singapore shares rose 0.4% to close US central bank are leaning towards more SEP1 96.41
jobs in a meeting with Japanese Prime at an 18-month high, led by telecom and hikes in interest rates than the two currently DEC1 96.41
Minister Shinzo Abe. industrials. Agencies priced in by markets. Reuters

Commodities CPO prices react to various factors including soyoil prices, weather conditions and stockpiles. Open interest shows either increasing or decreasing market participation.

CPO & Open Interest CPO vs Soyoil Crude Oil Gold

CPO RM/tonne Open Interest CPO RM/tonne Soyoil US$/Ibs US$/bbl US$/troy oz
4200 6400 0.7300 155.00 1980
0.5475 53.52 1660
3450 152500 5075 121.25 (-0.34)

2700 105000 3750 0.3650 87.50 1340

1950 0.1825 1020

57500 2425 53.75 1,231.10
3,035 (-3.80)
(-36) 3,035
1200 10000 20.00 700
1100 (-36) 0.0000
Jan 6, 2008 Feb 13, 2017 Apr 10, 2007 Feb 13, 2017 Aug 31, 2008 Feb 13, 2017
Jan 6, 2008 Feb 13, 2017

Palm falls to two-week low on CPO futures Oil down on rise in US Commodities
better production outlook CONTRACT
1,095 -242
drilling, selling ahead of Opec CRUDE PALM OIL
3,035 -36
RUBBER SEN/KG MRB 1,006.00 37.00
MAR-17 3,133 -23 2,131 15,229 -1,409
Malaysian palm oil futures yesterday hit a APR-17 3,035 -36 27,606 63,655 -2,240 Oil prices fell nearly 1% yesterday in response CORN USC/BSH CBOT 373.75 -0.75
SOYBEANS USC/BSH CBOT 1,052.75 -6.25
two-week low, recording a second straight MAY-17 2,957 -39 16,070 52,613 -265 to growing evidence that US production
WHEAT USC/BSH CBOT 446.25 -2.75
session of decline, as prices were weighed JUN-17 2,890 -38 5,800 27,227 1,654 is rising and as some investors unwound LIVE CATTLE USC/IBS CME 113.15 -1.68
down by prospects of improving levels in CPO FUTURES CPO/SOYOIL positions ahead of Opecs first report on COCOA US$/TON NYBOT 1,949 -13
production. INDICATIVE ROLL-OVER FUTURES BASIS (USD) compliance with its deal to cut production. COFFEE USC/IBS NYBOT 147.70 -0.45
FEB/MAR 126 CURRENT -74.29
Benchmark palm oil futures for April FEB/APR 224 3 MONTHS AVERAGE -96.51
Brent crude was down 35 US cents at SUGAR USC/IBS NYBOT 20.55 0.12
delivery on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives was FEB/MAY 302 6 MONTHS AVERAGE -90.50 US$56.35 a barrel and touched a session low COTTON USC/IBS NYC 78.41 0.47

down 1.2% or RM36 at RM3,035 a tonne at MAR/APR 98 of US$56.04 a barrel. US crude was down 34 METAL & PRECIOUS METALS
TIN US$/TON KLTM 19,600 580
the close of trade. SGS & ITS EXPORT ESTIMATES (TONNES) US cents at US$53.52 a barrel and traded as COPPER USC/IBS CMX 2.7920 0.0170
Earlier, it fell to RM3,019, palm oils SHIPMENT DAYS NOV16 DEC16 JAN17 low as US$53.86 earlier in the day. GOLD US$/TROY OZ CMX 1,231.10 -3.80
weakest levels since Jan 31. 1 - 10TH DAYS 348/355 306/326 339/352 Bulls are liquidating ahead of the release PLATINUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 1,011.40 -0.30
Production figures are bearish (on 1- 15TH DAYS 514/521 465/481 520/514
of the monthly Opec report due out shortly PALLADIUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 781.55 -3.00
prices) as it is seen picking up in February. 11 -- 20TH DAYS
and yet another increase in US rig counts SILVER USC/TROY OZ CMX 17.96 0.02
Production is coming in and the flood season FULL MONTH is also playing part in the weakness, said ALUMINIUM RMB/TON SHF 14,035 215
1,130/1,152 1,110/1,087 1,157/1,175
ZINC RMB/TON SHF 24,000 715
is over, said a futures trader from Kuala MALAYSIAN PALM OIL BOARD an analyst.
Lumpur, however, adding there may not be SEP16 OCT16 NOV16 DEC16 US oil drillers have added most drilling ENERGY
a steep decline in prices. PRODUCTION 1,715 1,678 1,575 1,474 rigs since 2012 over the past month, bringing HEATING OIL USC/GAL NYMEX 1.6612 -0.0139
The market is still holding at the EXPORT STOCKS
the total count to 591 rigs, the most since NATURAL GAS US$/MMBTU NYMEX 3.068 -0.049
RM3,013 levels. Spot month prices are still October 2015, Baker Hughes said in its BRENT CRUDE US$/BBL ICE 56.35 -0.35
MPOB Palm oil physical
very strong, the futures trader added. weekly report. Reuters GAS OIL US$/TON ICE 498.25 -5.25
Increasing output of the tropical oil, as (IN RM/TON) FEB17 MAR17 APR17

the effects of the crop-damaging El Nino fade CPO DELD OLD 3,305 NO TRADE NO TRADE Centrifuged Latex Rubber - Msia SMR 20
out, could ease palm oils benchmark prices, CPKO DELD 7,440 NO TRADE NO TRADE Sen/Kg
which are trading at a more than four-year RBD P.OIL FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 1100 1900
Production for January declined 13.4% RBD P. STEARIN FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 900 1475
to 1.28 million tonnes, its sharpest drop in MPOB FFB REF PRICE (MILL GATE PRICE) 795.50
a year, according to data from the Malaysian REGION GRADE A GRADE B GRADE C 700 (+1.50) 1050
Palm Oil Board last Friday. NORTH OLD 20.00% 790 19.00% 758 18.00% 725
Heavy rainfall across the east coast of SOUTH 20.00% 794 19.00% 762 18.00% 729
500 625
Peninsular Malaysia also had an impact on CENTRAL 20.00% 789 19.00% 756 18.00% 723
output last month, as floods hindered the EAST COAST 20.00% 788 19.00% 755 18.00% 723 200
SABAH 22.00% 768 21.00% 738 20.00% 708 Jan 7, 2007 Feb 13, 2017 Jan 7, 2007 Feb 13, 2017
fruit-harvesting process. Reuters SARAWAK 22.00% 776 21.00% 745 20.00% 715

F U T U R E S . M O N E Y M A R K E T . C O M M O D I T I E S PA G E 3 1
G L O BA L M A R K E T S PA G E 2 9

KLCI 1,710.24 11.30 FBM ACE 5,308.60 62.21 FTSTI 3,111.63 11.24 NIKKEI 19,459.15 80.22 HANG SENG 23,710.98 136.00 DOW JONES 20,269.37 96.97

Embrace the fact that growth only comes Market movers

inside uncertainty. Bricia Lopez
Daily top 20 active stocks
FBM KLCI & KLCI futures intraday (000) (RM) (%) (RM) RATIO YIELD (%)
('000) (%) (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) HUBLINE 84,013.2 -0.050 -25.00 0.150 0.00
Index point 1,710.24
(+11.30) ARMADA 88,830 3.03 0.020 0.680 0.690 0.670 IFCAMSC 59,015.9 0.015 2.97 0.520 1.98
1710 HUBLINE 84,013 -25.00 -0.050 0.150 0.180 0.145 HIBISCS 50,519.5 0.005 0.93 0.540 0.00
1709 MTRONIC 40,113 5.88 0.005 0.090 0.100 0.085 VIZIONE-WC 49,298.7 0.005 14.29 0.040 0.00
KL Composite Index CONNECT-PA 35,102 -5.56 -0.005 0.085 0.090 0.075 STERPRO 45,827.6 0.010 4.88 0.215 0.00
1707 HUBLINE-WA 24,665 1000.00 0.050 0.055 0.065 0.040 MTRONIC 40,112.8 0.005 5.88 0.090 7.33 0.00
ALAM 24,637 13.56 0.040 0.335 0.345 0.300 CONNECT-PA 35,101.7 -0.005 -5.56 0.085 0.00
KLCI futures 1,707.00 VIS 22,575 23.47 0.115 0.605 0.610 0.495 REACH-WA 31,751.7 -0.005 -3.33 0.145 0.00
1705 (+7.50) IRETEX-LA 20,704 16.67 0.005 0.035 0.035 0.030 SUMATEC 31,620.4 UNCH UNCH 0.085 12.32 0.00
1704 CME 17,655 8.33 0.005 0.065 0.075 0.060 HUBLINE-WB 31,564.2 -0.025 -25.00 0.075 0.00
1703 GLOTEC 17,588 11.11 0.005 0.050 0.050 0.045 DRBHCOMC28 27,178.6 0.020 12.90 0.175 0.00
1702 XDL 16,088 16.67 0.005 0.035 0.035 0.030 TANCO 26,408.8 0.015 18.75 0.095 0.00
1701 SALCON 15,712 9.24 0.055 0.650 0.665 0.620 BJCORP 24,764.0 -0.010 -2.53 0.385 0.00
8:45 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:45 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:15
NEXGRAM 14,799 28.57 0.010 0.045 0.045 0.035 HUBLINE-WA 24,664.6 -0.045 -45.00 0.055 0.00
SGB-PA 13,703 5.56 0.005 0.095 0.105 0.090 ALAM 24,637.4 0.040 13.56 0.335 0.00
Daily FBM KLCI OCR-PA 12,931 9.09 0.010 0.120 0.120 0.110 VIS 22,575.0 0.115 23.47 0.605 41.53 0.00
SGB-WA 12,274 10.00 0.010 0.110 0.115 0.100 BORNOIL 21,114.7 0.005 2.94 0.175 12.69 0.00
KL Composite Index Moving average - 20-day DRBHCOM 20,932.8 0.070 5.56 1.330 1.59
Table above is from Reuters Volume break 3x 5-day average volume, meaning the total number of shares
1950.0 1,710.24 traded for a particular counter on the previous trading day is more than triple the average volume for the
IRETEX-LA 20,703.7 0.005 16.67 0.035 0.00
(+11.30) last 5 trading days. The table captures the build-up of interest in these companies and is thus a gauge of
market expectations for these counters. Top gainers and losers (ranked by RM)
FBM KLCI gains as regional CLOSE

hope for market stability resumes BAT
PETDAG 24.280 0.240 F&N 23.180 -0.180
HLFG 15.300 0.220 MPI 8.910 -0.140
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia shares closed higher yesterday, MAGNI 5.030 0.170 FBMKLCI-H2B 0.165 -0.130
820.0 as global major powers like the US and Japan are showing TENAGA 13.660 0.160 HSI-H99 1.370 -0.130
Jan 2, 2008 Feb 13, 2017 signs of favouring market stability. KNUSFOR 1.240 0.150 SAB 4.260 -0.120
At 5pm, the FBM KLCI ended the day up 11.3 points or JCBNEXT 2.170 0.130 HSI-H87 0.770 -0.115
0.67% at 1,710.24 points. PETRONM 4.960 0.130 PHARMA 5.150 -0.110
UMS 2.880 0.130 KOTRA 1.390 -0.100
When contacted, JF Apex Securities Bhd head of research
PBBANK 20.220 0.120 DKLS 1.650 -0.100
Lee Chung Cheng told that he expects BKAWAN 19.860 0.120 HSI-H81 0.965 -0.085
300 trading conditions to be choppy, going forward.
I see some selldown in stocks. Technical-wise, the FBM Top gainers and losers (ranked by percentage)
Volume (mil)
KLCI is still positive, after breaking the 1,700 psychological
level. The next thing to look out for is the US presidents UP CHANGE DOWN CHANGE
(Donald Trump) trade policy and tax reform, which will be
FBM KLCI futures revealed in the coming weeks. There are a lot of expectation MAXWELL-WA 0.010 100.00 IHH-C1 0.020 -63.64
TIGER-WB 0.010 100.00 PADINI-CG 0.070 -53.33
of his policies, Lee added.
CME-LA 0.040 60.00 XINGHE-WA 0.005 -50.00
FEB 17 1,707.00 7.50 1,710.50 1,704.00 Reuters reported Asian stocks rallied to one-and-a-half KGROUP-WA 0.015 50.00 HSI-H65 0.005 -50.00
MAR 17 1,706.50 8.00 1,708.50 1,703.50 year high yesterday, helped by renewed hopes over Trumps FBMKLCI-C88 0.030 50.00 HSI-H67 0.025 -50.00
JUN 17 1,699.50 7.50 1,700.50 1,696.50
tax reform plans, generally upbeat global economic data and DBE-WB 0.015 50.00 TOPGLOV-C6 0.005 -50.00
a rebound in some commodities. DPS-WA 0.015 50.00 HUBLINE-WA 0.055 -45.00
FBM KLCI sensitivity* It added that the US dollar rose against the yen on relief DIGI-C14 0.250 47.06 FBMKLCI-H2B 0.165 -44.07

KLCI CHANGE CLOSE VOLUME Trump set aside tough campaign rhetoric over security and DRBHCOMC23 0.035 40.00 APFT-WA 0.015 -40.00
AT-WA 0.020 33.33 F&N-CB 0.010 -33.33
jobs, in a relaxed meeting with Japanese Prime Minister DRBHCOMC26 0.085 30.77 ECOFIRS-WC 0.120 -27.27
CIMB GRP 1.32 0.090 5.170 17997.9 Shinzo Abe, with no mention of currency policy or any NEXGRAM 0.045 28.57 SANICHI-WB 0.015 -25.00
SIME DARBY 0.90 0.080 9.070 8134.2 protectionist measures.
MAYBANK 0.84 0.050 8.350 9754.4 Asias major indices climbed higher yesterday, with Top gainers and losers - warrants (ranked by percentage)
PUBLIC BANK 0.77 0.120 20.220 3981.3 Japans Nikkei 225 up 0.41%; Hong Kongs Hang Seng Index
MAXIS BERHAD 0.74 0.060 6.410 8312.5
gained 0.58%; and South Koreas Kospi Index advanced CLOSE (%) CLOSE (%)
AXIATA GROUP 0.59 0.040 5.050 10410.4 0.17%. by Chester Tay MAXWELL-WA 0.010 100.00 IHH-C1 0.020 -63.64
IOI CORP 0.53 0.050 4.690 7225.5
World equity indices TIGER-WB 0.010 100.00 PADINI-CG 0.070 -53.33
HONG LEONG FINANCE 0.42 0.220 15.300 301.7 CME-LA 0.040 60.00 XINGHE-WA 0.005 -50.00
PETRONAS DAGANG 0.39 0.240 24.280 258.9 CLOSE CHANGE CLOSE CHANGE KGROUP-WA 0.015 50.00 HSI-H65 0.005 -50.00
PETRONAS GAS 0.39 0.120 20.600 1221.4
DOW JONES 20,269.37 96.97 INDONESIA 5,409.56 37.89 FBMKLCI-C88 0.030 50.00 HSI-H67 0.025 -50.00
HAP SENG CONS 0.37 0.090 9.210 349.0
S&P 500 2,316.10 8.23 JAPAN 19,459.15 80.22 DBE-WB 0.015 50.00 TOPGLOV-C6 0.005 -50.00
YTL CORPORATION 0.36 0.020 1.550 2976.1
NASDAQ 100 5,226.69 14.53 KOREA 2,078.65 3.57 DPS-WA 0.015 50.00 HUBLINE-WA 0.055 -45.00
IJM CORP BERHAD 0.00 0.000 3.440 5507.7
FTSE 100 7,258.75 29.25 PHILIPPINES 7,294.67 59.46 DIGI-C14 0.250 47.06 FBMKLCI-H2B 0.165 -44.07
IHH HEALTHCARE -0.27 -0.020 6.250 3795.8
AUSTRALIA 5,760.69 40.08 SINGAPORE 3,111.63 11.24 DRBHCOMC23 0.035 40.00 APFT-WA 0.015 -40.00
CHINA 3,216.84 20.14 TAIWAN 9,710.32 44.73 AT-WA 0.020 33.33 F&N-CB 0.010 -33.33
HONG KONG 23,710.98 136.00 THAILAND 1,585.24 1.99 DRBHCOMC26 0.085 30.77 ECOFIRS-WC 0.120 -27.27
INDIA 28,351.42 17.17 VIETNAM 705.90 2.12 ARMADA-C25 0.115 27.78 SANICHI-WB 0.015 -25.00
* How stock price changes affected the index on the previous trading day

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