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Rules and Regulations:

Case Title: Forecasting Demand for Food at Apollo Hospitals (provided in the class handout)
Weightage: 30%
Submission Document: Typed and softcopy of report over email along with your R-codes
(used for the analysis).
Assignment Type: Individual
Submission Deadline: 4th January 2017 (Wednesday) 23:59; late submissions will not be
Please do not copy any materials available on the internet. This will attract serious penalty.
However if you use some ideas from any source like books, websites please provide proper
reference in your report. Failing to provide proper references will attract penalty.

Your submission report should address the following questions:

(Q1) Apollo serves 120 individual food items (in a day) from its kitchen. Do you think that
Apollo should develop forecasting models for all 120 items?

(Q2) Explore the data provided in the dataset. Your exploration can have descriptive
statistics, correlation matrix and so on. But your preliminary analysis need not be limited to
these two only. You are welcome to make relevant additions on your own. You should
mention clearly your observations from this preliminary analysis.

(Q3) Develop appropriate forecasting models for each of the mentioned food items. You
should explore multiple models moving averages, exponential smoothing types, arima
(different types). For each food item your report should have comparisons of the best model
under each of these category.

(Q4) Suggest suitable actions (in your report) for Apollo hospitals (going forward) for a
proper estimation (based on your analysis) of food demand.

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