Flyers Outcomes

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Flyers (Listening)

Learning outcomes

Part one:

1-Students should be able to describe people and things using the

correct (colors-clothes-actions).

2-They also should be able to spot the differences between pictures.

3-Can easily define and choose the correct person after listening to
the description.

Part two:

1-Students should be able to find out the missing information and fill
in the gaps by eliciting it.

2-Elicitation is motivating in this activity; it will give them a chance

to be actively involved.

3-Learnes need to write information about themselves and about

others by interviewing and listening to each other.

3-Understand the meaning of the distraction words and find them in

any text and spot them easily.

Part three:

1-Students should be able to predict the information before it's said.

2-They should be able to add more adequate information if needed.

3- To show students the connection between sentences and random


Part four:

1-Students should be able to recognize the true or false answers and

choose the correct one minding the distraction.

2-They should also differentiate and eliminate the wrong

3- As well they need to understand and practice spotting the
distractions in any audio or text.

Part five:

1-Students can easily follow instructions by: coloring-drawing or

describing others using the correct prepositions and actions.

2-Students may use simple sentences to describe the pictures for

their classmates.

3-Students need to listen carefully to the audio and follow the

Flyers (Reading& Writing)

Learning outcomes

Part one:

1-Students should be able to find a word or phrase that means

exactly or nearly the same as another word or find related words to a
word like (school).

2-Teacher needs to brainstorm with students (homographs) words

with different meanings so that they are well introduced to the idea.

3-As well they need to be introduced to prepositions adverbs or

verbs so they can use them in their writing to fill in the gaps using the
correct one.

4-Students need to use their writing skills to fill in the gaps.

Part two:

1-Students should be able to read text and guess the missing words
through their understanding to this text.

2-This activity encourages them to read the whole text and guess
what words are missing by identify each and every part of it.

3- By the end of their reading they need to be able to give it an

appropriate title which matches the story.

4- Students may get exposed to different texts of their own or their

classmates, to practice giving titles for different stories.

Part three:

1-Students should be able to check any picture and find out if the
description is right or wrong by writing Yes or No.
2- They need to be able to use their visual skills to answer a true or
false question.

3-This lesson will help them identify the existing information they
have with the picture provided.

Part four:

1-Students need to estimate or conclude something with only one or

two sufficient information and practice giving simple phrases about
things they know like (giving one or two phrases for example
about air-condition so others could guess it, like: we usually use
it in the summer or its cold, electric appliance and so on.)

2-They need to practice guessing the meaning of the words and gives
them an accurate or related meaning so they can later give an
accurate word to any definition.

Part five:

Students need to try to predict the missing part of a dialogue and to

practice matching parts of it together, in order to make it
understandable and sensible for others and for them.

Part six:

1-This lesson gives students the opportunity to use their writing

skills and their grammar knowledge to guess the missing words in
any text.

2-In order to make this activity logical for some of the students we
need to go through some grammar rules quickly like (conjunctions-
auxiliary verbs-nouns-pronounsetc).

Part seven:

1-Students should be able to extract important information from any

text to help them answer any questions, even if it was not clearly
written in the comprehension they have based on facts or evidence.
2-For more practice, Students may create their own texts with their
important and unimportant information and ask their partners to
spot them out.

Flyers (Speaking)

Learning outcomes

Part one:

1-Spotting any differences between the pictures.

2- Give full description about them.

3- Predicting what the story is if needed.

Part two:

1-Students should be able to ask each other personal and general


2- Also can speak about themselves for the sake of exchanging

information and for introducing their favorite hobbies and sports.

3- On the other hand they can speak up about some famous

characters or ordinary people, their jobs and their lives too to
improve their speaking skills.

Part three:

1-Students should be able to create a story out of jumbled pictures

and guess through their imagination what the story is.

2- Presenting the story to the class to encourage their speaking skills

and also expressing themselves through their work.

Part four:

1-Create a list of frequent usual questions to interview each other

and their family members to practice exchanging general questions.

2-As follow up, they may be asked to interview their parents at home
and think of different new questions.

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