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Middle Egyptian

in Gardiner Classification Order

Paul Dickson

December 1, 2006

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Table of Contents
Introduction....................................................2 M - Plants.......................................................102
Phonology......................................................2 N - Sky............................................................130
Definitions......................................................4 O - Buildings...................................................159
A - Men...............................................................5 P - Boats.........................................................178
B - Women.........................................................7 Q - Furniture...................................................180
C - Gods.............................................................7 R - Temple Furniture and Emblems...............186
D Parts of Men................................................9 S - Clothing.....................................................190
E Mammals...................................................51 T - Warfare and Hunting.................................229
F Parts of Mammals......................................54 U - Agriculture and Crafts...............................235
G - Birds...........................................................68 V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth.........................245
H - Parts of birds..............................................94 W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels....................272
I - Reptiles........................................................95 X - Bread........................................................279
K - Fish...........................................................101 Y - Writing, Games, Music..............................286
L - Insects.......................................................102 Z - Strokes and Figures..................................290
Aa - Unclassified............................................292

As I began trying to learn to read the hieroglyphic writing of Middle Egyptian I was frustrated that all of
the available dictionaries were organized around the approximate sounds of the words instead of their
spelling, as is used in most other dictionaries.
When I learned that all of the raw material was available for making my own dictionary, organized the
way I wanted, I set out on this project.
The definitions are organized in order by the Gardiner Codes of the glyphs that make them up. This
system, developed by Alan Gardiner in the early part of the 20th century, groups the symbols into families
according to what they look like.
A good way to use this dictionary is not to print it on paper but to leave it in your computer as a PDF file
so that you have the full use of the SEARCH facilities of your PDF reader. With that you can look for
words in the English definitions, or in the phonetic pronunciation guides. For the latter it helps to check
the box for case-sensitive searching, since case is important in the MdC notation.

The original definitions, transliterations, and glyph sequences are by Mark Vygus, via Luca Brigatti's web
site at The word lists are from Faulkner's
dictionary and other sources.
Conversion from the absolute positioning notation Mark used to Manuel de Codage
superposition/juxtaposition notation was by some PHP programs I wrote.
Creation of the body of the text and fixing up a few mistakes in the glyphs was done with Serge
Rosmorduc's JSesh program, version 2.3.
Final layout and formatting was done in
This dictionary is not yet finished. This version still has the following problems:
1. Some glyphs are missing because JSesh does not yet have all the necessary symbols. Usually the
missing signs are variations on a simpler sign. This will require some work with Inkscape.
2. Due to deficiencies in my conversion program, the layout of signs within some words does not
follow proper scribal practice in how small signs are placed together. This will require manual
editing of the glyph codes.
Most of the symbols in a typical Egyptian text represent sounds (actually, just consonants), and one
symbol can represent one, two, or three consonants. All of the symbols used for this purpose are listed
here, grouped by what they are a picture of to aid in recognition.

Humans and parts

i xr nni ik in ir tp Hr ir xnt r kA
Xn ni/n a di mi/m ni mH d mt iw

Mammals and parts

ib iw rw wn wsr wp ab bH/Hw ns
sDm/idn pH wHm Xn sAb st Sd ms X nfr
zmA Aw spr isw spXr

Birds and parts

A AA mA tiw mwt/miwt/mit/mt m mm mi/m

nH Db/db Ax aq wr gb pA w ww wa
mAw TA snD pAq SA

Reptiles, Fish, and Insects

aSA km f D DD in aD XA xpr xA


imA Hn xt SA xA wAD HA i dble y i nxb dble m

sw Sma nDm Dr iz wn

Sky, Earth, and Water

psD sbA/dwA TA wDb Dw xA q Hr n mw

mr/mi S Sm


pr h nm iwn aA z z zp

Ships, Furniture, Sacred Objects

wHa aHa xrw st ws p Htp nTr Dd


n mDH wsx nb sAT dmD TAz s sf smA

siA anx HqA awt wAs Dam sxm md
Warfare and Hunting

mn HD HD HDD tp pD zwn rwD rs Sms qs

wa sn aH DbA Xr sSm nm

Agriculture and Crafts

mA mA mAa mr Hn Sna/hb tm grg nw

stp/sTp Ab/mr DA tA ti/t xsf Hm

Rope, Baskets, and Cloth

Sn wA Ss Sn T iT zA mD mH wD aD
H wAH/sk nb k g Hn msn

Vessels, Bread, Writing, Strokes

bAs Hnw g Xnm Hz xnt mi nw in t di mn

i w im


x Hip qn mAa im/m qs sA apr wDa nD

The definitions are in order by the classification system developed by Gardiner in 19??. They are grouped
into sections according to the classification of the first sign in the word, and then in the same order within
For each word the following information is presented:
1. The hieroglyphic spelling
2. The phonetic spelling in MDC notation, enclosed in square brackets.
3. The part of speech (optional) in italics enclosed in parentheses
4. The English definition.
5. The names of the signs in the Gardiner classification system, enclosed in braces.
For example:

[qAi] (v. infinitive) be raised on high, uplifted {A28 X1}

This dictionary entry is for the infinitive verb pronounced qAi (approximately KA-ee) meaning to be
uplifted, made up of the two signs A28 (standing man with both arms raised) and X1 (bread loaf).
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian A - Men 5

[mt] die, perish, death {A14}

A - Men
[mt] die, perish, death {A14 X1}
[i] (suffix prn.) I, me, my {A1} [xr] fall (in military sense) {A15}
[rmT] (collective n.) man, men, [xrw] enemy {A15}
mankind, Egyptians {A1 A1 A1}
[sxr] (causative) overthrow, throw down, force
[swr] drink {A2} into place (dislocated bone) {A15 X1}
[wab] pure, purify oneself, bathe, cleanse, [ksw] bowings {A16}
purification, purity {A6}
[Xrd] (v.) be, become a child {A17 A1}
[wab] pure, purify oneself, bathe, cleanse,
purification, purity {A6A} [Xrd] (n.) child {A17 A1}
[wabwt] priestly service {A6 D58 G43 [TA] boy {A17 D53}
[msdmt] black eye paint {A17 N26
[bAgi] (n.) weariness, languor, slackness, G14 X1 Z2 N33}
remissness {A7}
[Xrdw n mH] small children ? {A17 Z2
[Hmsi] sit down {A7} N35 D42}

[hnw] associates, family {A8 A1 B1 Z2} [imty] foster child (of king of Lower Egypt)
{A18 X1}
[ATp] be heavy laden (with trouble) {A9
A24} [iAwi] (v. and n.) be aged, attain old age, old
age {A19}
[fAi] (v.) carry, support {A9 A24}
[iky] quarryman {A19}
[Atpw] (n.) cargo {A9 Q3 Z7 Y1 Z2}
[wr] great one, magnate {A19 A1}
[kAt] work, construction, craft, profession
{A9 X1 Y1 Z2} [iAwt] old age {A19 X1}
[kAt] work, construction, craft, profession {A9 [smsw] (djective) elder, eldest {A20}
[sr] nobleman, magistrate {A21}
[Atpw] (n.) cargo {A9 Z7 Y1 Z2}
[iky] quarryman {A21A M17 M17 A1}
[mSa] (n.) expedition {A12}
[nxt] strong, victorious, stiff, hard {A24}
[mSa] soldiers, army, infantry, gang (of
workmen) {A12 A1 Z2}
[mniw] herdsman {A24 G43 D40}
[mSa] (n.) expedition {A12 D54 Z2}
[Hwi] (v.) beat, strike, smite {A25 D36}
[mSa] (v. and n.) make an expedition,
[qAt] height {A28}
expedition {A12 P1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian A - Men 6

[qAyt] high ground, arable land {A28} [sAwty] guardian {A47 G1 G43
D40 X1 Z4}
[qAi] (v. infinitive) be raised on high, uplifted
{A28 X1} [sAi] sift (flour etc) {A47 G1 Z7 A24}

[qAi] (adj. and v.) tall, high, exalted, be raised [sAw] (v.) guard, ward off, restrain,
on high, uplifted {A28 Y1v} heed {A47 G1 Z7 A24}

[qAt] height {A28 Y1v} [sAw] guardian, warden {A47 G43}

[iAw] adoration {A30} [sAw] (v.) guard, ward off, restrain, heed
{A47 G43 A24}
[xwsi] pound, beat up, beat flat, build up, build,
construct, stir {A34} [mniw] herdsman {A47 G43 D40}

[qd] builder {A35} [sAi iit .f] one whose coming is

awaited {A47 G43 D40 D21 M18 M17 X1 I9}
[qd] build, fashion (men) {A35 A24}
[sAi] (v.) await {A47 M17 M17}
[afty] brewer {A36 X1 Z4 A24}
[iry sSm] functionary {A47 S29 T32}
[afty] brewer {A37 X1 Z4}
[irt] duty (of someone) {A47 X1 Z2}
[qis] (locality) Cusae (El - Kusiyah) {A38}
[irt] duty (of someone) {A47 Y1 Z2}
[qis] (locality) Cusae (El - Kusiyah) {A38
S29 Z4 O49} [iry xt] overseer, administrator {A49 Aa1
X1 Y1 Z2}
[qis] (locality) Cusae (El - Kusiyah) {A39}
[iry at] hall-keeper {A49 D36 X1 O1}
[i] (suffix prn.) I,me,my {A40}
[iry nfr HAt] keeper of the diadem {A49
[nsw] king of Upper Egypt, king {A41} F35 F4 X1}

[mniw] herdsman {A42 G43 A1} [iry hp] custodian of laws {A49 O4 Q3 Y1}

[mniw] herdsman {A47} [iry aA] door-keeper {A49 O31}

[iry xt] overseer, administrator {A47 Aa1 [iry pDt] bowman {A49 T10 X1 Z1}
X1 Y1 Z2}
[i] (suffix prn.) I,me,my {A50}
[sAi] (v.) await {A47 D54}
[Spsw] costly offerings {A50 G43 Z2}
[sAw] (v.) guard, ward off, restrain,
heed {A47 G1 D40} [Sps] nobleman, wealthy man {A50 S29
[sAi] (v.) linger, await, creep {A47 G1
D54} [Sps] tomb - chapel {A50 S29 O1}

[sAwt] watch and ward, warding off [Spss] noble, august, well - esteemed, rich,
(evil) {A47 G1 G43 X1 D40 Z2} enrich, value (someone) {A50 S29 S29 Y1v}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian A - Men 7

[Spss] wealthy man {A50 S29 S29 Y1 [Hsy] favoured, praised one, spin {A349}
[swr] drink {A410}
[Spssw] riches, wealth, precious things,
dainties (to eat) {A50 S29 S29 Y1 Z2}

[Spst] ritual jar {A50 S29 X1 W14}

[Spst] noblewoman {A50 S29 X1 Y1 B - Women

[msi] (v.) calve (of gazelle) {B3}
[Spsy] noble, august (of gods), splendid (of
buildings), valuable (of plants, minerals), costly
{A50 S29 Z4 Y1}

[Spsy] noble, august (of gods), splendid (of C - Gods

buildings), valuable (of plants, minerals), costly
[ra] (divinity) Re {C2}
[Sps] a noble thing (to do) {A51 S29}
[stX] (divinity) Seth (god) {C7}
[Spssw] riches, wealth, precious things,
dainties (to eat) {A51 S29 O34 N33A} [mAat] right - doing, righteousness {C10}

[Spssw] riches, wealth, precious things, [HH] (divinity) Heh (god) {C11}
dainties (to eat) {A52 O34 O34 Y1}
[HH] million, a great number {C11}
[twt] statue, image, figure, likeness {A53}
[HH n] many {C11 N35}
[xprw] form, shape {A53 G43 Y1 Z2}
[sxt] (divinity) the Fen goddess {C229}
[irw] shape, form {A53 G43 Y1 Z2}

[sDr] spend the night, sleep, lie down, go to

rest, be inert, inactive, do in the night {A55}

[XAt] corpse {A55} D Parts of Men

[Htp di nsw] an offering the King gives {A57} [tp Hsb] reckoning {D1 Aa2 Y1}

[rHwy] the Two Combatants (of human [tp awy] (adj.) who are in front of (of place),
contestants) {A59B A59} before (of place) {D1 D36 G43}

[smsw hAyt] Elder of the portal {A113} [tp awy] (adj.) who had been before (of
time), former (of time), who takes precedence of
[qd] use the potter's wheel {A158 D40} (of rank) {D1 D36 G43}

[nmw] dwarf {A282} [tp awy] (n.) predecessors, ancestors {D1

D36 G43}
[nsw] king {A299B}
[tpt rd] task {D1 D56 X1 A24}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 8

[tp awy] (n.) predecessors, ancestors [tp xnt] act of rebellion ? {D1 Z1 Aa1
{D1 G43 D36 M17 M17} N35 I3 X1 Z1}

[tp xnt] act of tyranny {D1 Z1 Aa1 N35

I3 X1 Z1}
[tp tA] Beginning-of-the-Season festival {D1
M4 W3}
[tp Hry] master {D1 Z1 D2 D21 A1}
[tp tA] Beginning-of-the-Season festival {D1
M6 Z3} [tp rd] instructions, regulations {D1
Z1 D21 D46 D56 Z1 Y1 Z2}
[tp] head, headman, chief, tip (of toe), example
[tpy r] utterance {D1 Z1 D21 Z1}
(mathematics), the best of {D1 Q3}
[tp a] before (time) {D1 Z1 D36 Z1}
[tpy] being upon, principal, first, high (priest)
{D1 Q3}
[tp dwAyt] dawn {D1 Z1 D46
V4 G1 M17 M17 X1 N14 N5 Z4A}
[tpy r] utterance, (financial) principle, base
(of triangle), radius (of circle) {D1 Q3 D21 Z1}
[tp rd] instructions, regulations {D1 Z1 D56
[tp awy] (adj.) who are in front of (of
place), before (of place) {D1 Q3 G43 D36 Z1 [tp rd] instructions, regulations, duty,
A51 Z3}
governance {D1 Z1 D56 Z1}
[tp awy] (adj.) who had been before
[tp rd] instructions, regulations {D1 Z1 D56
(of time), former (of time) {D1 Q3 G43 D36 Z1 Z1 Y1v}
A51 Z3}
[tp iHw] (locality) Aphroditopolis (Atfih)
[tpy tA] survivor {D1 Q3 N17 A1} {D1 Z1 E1 Z2 O49}

[tp tA] Beginning-of-the-Season [tp nfr] a good beginning {D1 Z1 F35}

festival {D1 Q3 V13 D21 G43 M4 N5}
[tp nfr] a good beginning {D1 Z1 F35}
[tpt r] utterance {D1 Q3 X1 D21 Z1}
[tp m] in front of, in the direction of, before
[tpt a] former state {D1 Q3 X1 D36 Z1} (of time) {D1 Z1 G17}
[tpy] being upon, principal, first, high (priest) [tp Sw] destitution {D1 Z1 H6 G43
{D1 Q3 Z4} G37}

[tpt r] utterance {D1 X1 D21 Z1} [tp rnpt] annual {D1 Z1 M4 X1 Z1}
[DADA] head, tip (of bow) {D1 Z1} [tp iAt] due time (to do something) {D1
Z1 M17 G1 X1 F9 N5}
[tp] head, headman, chief, tip (of toe), example
(mathematics), the best of {D1 Z1} [tp im] previously {D1 Z1 M17 G17}
[tp] (financial) principal {D1 Z1} [tp rsy] the South of {D1 Z1 M24}
[tp] upon {D1 Z1} [tp rsy] the South {D1 Z1 M24}
[tp] person, people {D1 Z1 A1} [tp rsy] the South {D1 Z1 M26}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 9

[tp ra mD] ten - day 'week' {D1 Z1 N5 V20} [Hr] prepare, make ready, be ready {D2 D21
Aa19 D40}
[tp ra nb] daily {D1 Z1 N5 Z1 V30}
[Hry tp] who is upon, having authority
[tpy tA] survivor {D1 Z1 N16 N23 A40} over, chief, headman, master {D2 D21 D1 Z4
[tpt wAt] journey, beginning (of region) {D1
Z1 N31 X1 Z1} [Hrrt] flower {D2 D21 D21 X1 M2}

[tp sSmt a] specification {D1 Z1 [Hryw rnpt] epagomenal days {D2 D21
N35 S126 Aa15 X1 Y1 D36 Z1} G43 M4 X1}

[tpt Hwt] roof {D1 Z1 O6 X1 O1} [Hrw] upper part, top {D2 D21 G43 N1}

[tpt] fine oil {D1 Z1 Q3 X1 W24 Z2} [Hryw Say] Bedouin {D2 D21 G43
N37 D36 Z4 N33 A49 Z3}
[tp mAa] beside, in the neighbourhood
of, accompanying, escorting {D1 Z1 U2 Aa11 [Hryw Say] Bedouin {D2 D21 G43
D36 H2} N37 D36 Z4 N33 T14 Z2 A1}

[tp Hsb] reckoning, correct method, [Hryw Say] Bedouin {D2 D21 G43
N37 D36 Z4 N33 T14 Z2 A12}
norm, standard (of speech, conduct), rectitude
{D1 Z1 V28 S29 D58 Aa2 Y1}
[Hryt] terror, dread, respect {D2 D21 M17
M17 X1 Aa19}
[tpt] uraeus {D1 Z1 X1 I13}

[tpy r] (financial) principle {D1 Z4 D21 Z1} [Hryt] terror, dread, respect {D2 D21
M17 M17 X1 Aa19 D40 Z2}

[Hr xw .i] except me {D2 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1

[Hryt ib] terror {D2 D21 M17 M17
X1 Aa19 D40 Z2 F34 Z1}

[Hr gs] beside, in the presence of {D2 Aa13

[Hryt] respect {D2 D21 M17 M17 X1
Aa19 G37 Z2}

[Hry sA] a breed of cattle {D2 Aa18 Z1}

[Hrw] upper part, top {D2 D21 N1}
[Hry tp] who is upon {D2 D1}
[Hry] head man {D2 D21 N1 A1}
[Hry] master {D2 D21}
[Hry tp] master (of a servant) {D2 D21
N1 D1 Z1}
[Hry sA] a breed of cattle {D2 D21 Aa17
[Hry Xt .f] an offering loaf {D2
D21 N1 F32 X1 I9 X4}
[Hry sA] a breed of cattle {D2 D21 Aa17
Z1 F1}
[Hry tA] survivor {D2 D21 N1 N16
N23 Z1 A1}
[Hr] (v.) terrify (someone) {D2 D21 Aa19
[Hry S .f] (divinity) Arsaphes {D2
D21 N1 N37 N23 I9 G7}
[Hr] (adj.) terrible, terrify {D2 D21 Aa19
[Hr tm] chief of land register ? {D2 D21 N1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 10

[Hr n tm] chief of land register ? {D2 [Hrf] kind of bread {D2 I9 X4}
D21 N35 X1 U15 O38A}
[Hry] upper {D2 N1}
[Hry S .f] (divinity) Arsaphes {D2 D21
N37 I9 G7} [Hry wDb] Master of Largess {D2 N21A}
[Hrst] carnelian ? {D2 D21 S29 X1 N33 [Hapy] Nile {D2 Q3}
[Hrt] tomb {D2 X1 D21 N1 N25}
[Hrt a] arrears {D2 D21 X1 D36 Z1
G37 Z2}
[Hrt] sky, heaven {D2 X1 N1}
[Hrty] (v.) travel by land {D2 D21 X1 D54}
[Hrtt] lump (of lapis lazuli) {D2 X1 X1 D12}
[Hrt] sky, heaven {D2 D21 X1 N1}
[Hr] face, sight {D2 Z1}
[Hrt S] garden {D2 D21 X1 N1 N37
N21 Z1} [Hr] (prepostion with suffixes) upon, in, at, from,
on account of, concerning, through, and, having
[Hrt] tomb, necropolis {D2 D21 X1 N25} on it, because {D2 Z1}

[Hrt] tomb {D2 D21 X1 O20} [Hr sA] upon, outside, after, in turn {D2 Z1
Aa17 Z1}
[Hrtt] lump (of lapis lazuli) {D2 D21 X1
X1} [Hr qd] entirely, altogether, utterly {D2 Z1
Aa28 D46 D12 Y1}
[Hrty] travel by land {D2 D21 X1 Z4
D54} [Hr tp] on behalf of {D2 Z1 D1 Z1}

[Hry] who / which is upon, who is higher, [Hr] face, sight {D2 Z1 D21}
upper, having authority over, headman {D2 D21
Z4 N1} [Hr a] in default ? {D2 Z1 D36 Z1}

[Hry wpt] summit of head {D2 D21 Z4 [Hr awy] immediately {D2 Z1 D36 Z1}
N1 F13 X1 Z1}
[Hr awy] immediately {D2 Z1 D36 Z1
[Hrw] upper part, top {D2 D21 Z7} G43 Z4}

[Hrw r] apart from, besides, as well as [Hr a] arrears, remainder {D2 Z1 D36 Z1
{D2 D21 Z7 Aa19 N31 D21} Y1 Z2}

[Hr a] remainder {D2 D36 D21 G37 Z2} [Hr m ] (int.) why ? {D2 Z1 G17 D36}

[Hr ib] in the middle, midst of {D2 F34} [Hr mw .f] loyal to him {D2 Z1 N35A
[Hry ib] which is in the middle / midst of, who
dwell in, middle, inmost parts of, contents of [Hr sy iSst] why ? {D2 Z1 O35
M17 M17 M17 V6 N37 S29 X1}
torso {D2 F34}

[Hrt ib] central hall (of temple) {D2 F34 [Hr sDAs] being in good state {D2 Z1
S29 U28 G1 S29 Y2 Z2}
X1 O27}

[Hr sDAs] being in good state {D2 Z1

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 11

S29 U28 S29 Y2}

[ir HAt] get in front of {D4 F4 X1 Z1}
[Hr] a rope (aboard a ship) {D2 Z1 V1}
[ir wpt Hna] punish {D4 F13 Q3
X1 A2 V28 N35 D36}
[Hr wAt nb] on every side {D2 Z1
V4 G1 X1 N31 V30}
[ir anwt] trim the nails {D4 F16 X1
Z1 N33A}
[Hr nbw] everyone, everybody {D2 Z1
V30 A1 Z2 B1}
[ir Sd nxn n] act as guardian
[Hr nb] everyone {D2 Z1 V30 A1 B1 to (a minor) {D4 F30 D46 D36 N35 N35 Aa1
Z3} A17 N35}

[Hr nb] everyone {D2 Z1 V30 A1 Z3} [ir mTn] obey {D4 G14 N35 X1
[Snw] hair, grass {D3}
[m mXrw] govern (a land), do
[wS] be destroyed {D3} one's business, provide for (someone) {D4 G17
T28 D21 G43 Y1 Z2}

[Snw] hair, grass {D3 Z2} [ir mTn] obey {D4 G17 V13
N35 G41 N31}
[Sny tA] fenugreek ? {D3 Z2 N16 Z1
N23 N33 Z2}
[ir xprw] assume a shape {D4 L1
D21 G43 A53 Y1 Z2}
[iri] create, beget, make, construct, do, act,
take action, achieve, prepare, treat {D4} [iri irw] levy the cattle - tax {D4
M17 D4 D21 G43 E1}
[ir] doer (of good) {D4 A1}
[irw] cattle - tax {D4 M17 M17 Z3}
[ir sAwt] stand guard against {D4
A47 G1 G43 Z2 D40 X1} [ir ihhy] rejoice {D4 M17 O4 O4 M17
M17 A2}
[ir xt] do things {D4 Aa1 X1 Y1 Z2}
[ir is HAq m] work
[ir qd] achieve a (good) reputation, devastation among {D4 M17 O35 D54 M16 G1
achieve, success {D4 Aa28 D46 D12 Y1} N29 D36 G17}

[iri Snw] coiffeur (do hair) {D4 D3} [ir sxt] carry on field sports {D4 M20 X1
[irwy] eyes {D4 D4}
[ir .n .i mnt im .i] I have
[irwy] eyes {D4 D4 G43 Z4} proved it myself {D4 N35 A1 Y5 N35 Y1 X1
M17 G17 A1}
[irr] (evil) doer {D4 D21 A1}
[ir nhw] show less of (a bad quality)
{D4 N35 O4 G43 G37}
[irw] cattle - tax {D4 D21 G43 Y1 Z2}

[ir Dbaw] do wrong {D4 D50 D36} [ir nwdw] swing awry, act
perversely, make a travesty of {D4 N35 U19
W24 G43 D46}
[ir biw] set a good example {D4
D58 M17 N41 F18 Y1 Z2}
[ir nwdw] swing awry, act
perversely, make a travesty of {D4 N35 U19
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 12

W24 Z7 D46 Z7 Z2 D54}

[rmw] (v.) weep {D9}
[ir Hmt] take a wife, to marry {D4 N41
X1 B1} [wDAt] the uninjured eye of Horus {D10}

[ir hrw] take care ! {D4 O4 D21 Y1v} [ptr] see, behold {D10C D10}

[ir hp] keep the law, carry out the law {D4 [mnDt ] eyeball ? {D12 F51}
O4 Q3 Y1}
[xnrt] prison {D19 X1 O1}
[ir sp Hna] deal with someone {D4
O34 Q3 O50 V28 N35 D36} [xnrt] prison, fortress {D19 X1 Z1 O1 Z1}

[wsir] (divinity) Osiris {D4 Q2} [sty] Nubian mineral (ochre ?) {D19 X1
Z4 N33 Z2}
[ir Htpw] make peace {D4 R4 X1
Q3 G43 Y1 Z2} [fnD] nose {D19 Z1}

[ir anx] make provision for (someone) [fnDy] long nosed, Beaky {D19 Z1 M17
{D4 S34 N35 Aa1} M17 C3}

[ir swnt] do trade {D4 T11 N35 X1 [rtHty] baker {D20 X1 Z4 A1}
Y1 Z2}
[r] (indicates futurity) {D21}
[ir - mAw - m] make inspection
of, look into {D4 U2 D4 G43 D4 Z2 G17} [r] ( 1/320th HqAt) a part (in fractions) {D21}
[ir - mAw - m] make inspection [r] (conjunctive) so that, until, according as
of, look into {D4 U2 D4 G43 Z2 G17} {D21}

[ir xsfw] meet {D4 U35 G43 D54} [r] (preposition) to, at, concerning, more than,
from {D21}
[ir wAt n] prepare a way for {D4
V4 G1 X1 N31 N35} [ri] (enclitic part.) (not translated) {D21
[irt xrt n] look after (someone)
{D4 X1 Aa1 D21 X1 Y1 Z2 N35} [rx xt] wisdom {D21 Aa1 Aa1 Y1 X1}
[irt wAt] to escort {D4 X1 V4 X1 N31} [rxxy] celebrated {D21 Aa1 Aa1 Z4 Y1}
[irt mi xpr] act properly, do as should be [rx] copulate, to 'know' a woman {D21 Aa1
done, correct procedure {D4 X1 W19 M17 L1 D53}
[rxt] (v. trans.) 'know' a woman {D21 Aa1
[irt] eye {D4 X1 Z1} D53 Y1}

[ir mDAt] read a book aloud {D4 Y1 X1 [rxyt] subjects, common folk,
Z1} mankind {D21 Aa1 G43 X1 G23 A1 Z3}
[ir mnxt] do good {D4 Y5 N35 [r xft Hr] in front of, in the presence of
Aa1 X1 U22 Z2 Y1} {D21 Aa1 I9 X1 D2 Z1}

[msdmt] black eye paint {D7} [rxyt] subjects, commonfolk,

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 13

mankind {D21 Aa1 M17 M17 X1 G24 A1 Z2

B1} [r tp n] into the presence of {D21 D1 Z1
[rxyt] subjects, common folk, mankind
{D21 Aa1 M17 M17 X1 Z2} [r Hrw] up above {D21 D2 D21 G43
[rx nsw] king's aquaintance {D21 Aa1
M23 X1 N35 A40} [rm] fish {D21 D21 G17 K1 Z1}

[rxs] slaughter {D21 Aa1 O34 T30A} [rrmt] mandrake ? {D21 D21 G17 X1
Z2 N33}
[rxs] slaughter {D21 Aa1 S29 T30A D36}
[rrwt] sow {D21 D21 G43 X1 E12}
[rxt] knowledge {D21 Aa1 U33}
[rr] time {D21 D21 M6}
[rxt] wash (clothes) {D21 Aa1 X1 D36}
[rri] boar {D21 D21 M17 E12}
[rxyt] subjects, common folk, mankind
{D21 Aa1 X1 G23 A1 Z2 B1} [rrit] piggishness ? {D21 D21 M17 X1}

[rxt] knowledge, amount, number {D21 [rrt] (collective n.) swine (animal) {D21
Aa1 X1 Y1} D21 X1 F28 Z3}

[rx] knowledge, opinion {D21 Aa1 Y1v} [rdi rx] inform {D21 D36 D21 Aa1 Y1v}

[rx] know, be aware of, Inquire !, learn {D21 [ra] (divinity) Re {D21 D36 G7C}
Aa1 Y1v}
[ra] (divinity) Re (Sun god) {D21 D36 N5
[rx] wise man {D21 Aa1 Y1 A1} A40}

[rx xt] wise, learned man {D21 Aa1 [ra] (divinity) Re {D21 D36 N5 A40}
Y1 X1 Aa1 Y1 Z2 A1}
[ra] sun {D21 D36 N5 Z1}
[rx m] know of {D21 Aa1 Y1V G17}
[rdi mAa r] a place to eavesdrop
[r gs] beside, in the presence of {D21 Aa13 (put the temple to...) {D21 D36 U2 Aa11 D36
Z1} H2 D21}

[rmT] (collective n.) man, men, [rdi mAa r] pay attention to {D21
mankind, Egyptians {D21 Aa15 V13 A1 B1} D36 U2 Aa11 D36 H2 D21}

[r sA] after {D21 Aa17 Z1} [rat] sun goddess (of queen) {D21 D36 X1
N5 B1}
[r mDdw n ib n] according to
the will of {D21 Aa23 D46 G43 N35 F34 Z1 [rdi] (v.) give, put, place, appoint, send (letter),
N35} cause, permit, grant {D21 D37}

[r tp a n] into the presence of {D21 [rdi sA r] put a stop to, annul {D21 D37
D1 Z1 D36 Z1 N35} Aa17 Z1 D21}

[r tp nfr] successfully {D21 D1 Z1 F35} [rdi sA n] turn the back to {D21 D37
Aa17 Z1 N35}
[r tp nfr] successfully {D21 D1 Z1 F35}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 14

[rdi Hr gs] incline to one side (of [rdi Htpw n] make submission
balance), show partiality (of judge) {D21 D37 to {D21 D37 R4 X1 Q3 G43 Y1 Z2 N35}
D2 Aa13 Z1}
[rd] foot {D21 D46 D56}
[rdi Hr gs] put (oneself) on (one's) side,
lay low (an enemy) {D21 D37 D2 Aa13 Z1} [rdw] steps (of throne) {D21 D46 D56
D56 D56}
[rdi Hr] give in addition to {D21 D37 D2
Z1} [rdmt] a type of plant {D21 D46 G17
X1 M2 Z2}
[rdi Hr gs] be partial, be biased, fell (an
enemy) {D21 D37 D2 Z1 Aa13 Z1} [rdw] stairway, steps (of throne),
tomb-shaft {D21 D46 G43 D56 D56 D56 O40}
[rdi Hr a] put in the charge of {D21 D37
D2 Z1 D36 Z1} [rwDw] agent {D21 D46 G43 T12}

[rdi Hr tA] cast ashore (rope), cast forth, [rd] grow {D21 D46 M32}
expel {D21 D37 D2 Z1 N16 N23 Z1}
[rd] shoot (of tree) {D21 D46 M32 Z1}
[rdi Hr n] give commands to {D21 D37
D2 Z1 N35} [rdw] tomb-shaft {D21 D46 O1 Z1}
[rdi r tA] land (from ship), give birth, [rdw] stairway {D21 D46 O32D}
neglect, leave alone, set aside {D21 D37 D21
N16 N23 Z1} [rdw] tomb-shaft {D21 D46 O40A}
[rdi r] speak {D21 D37 D21 Z1} [rd] grow {D21 D46 T12}
[rdi awy n] give a hand to, help {D21 [rwD] prosperous, prosper {D21 D46 T12
D37 D36 Z1 N35} M32 Y1v}

[rdi pHwy] put an end to {D21 D37 [rdw] stairway {D21 D46 T12 O40A}
F22 Z4 Z7 F51B}
[rwD] enduring, permanent {D21 D46 T12
[rdi ib m sA] be anxious about {D21 Y1}
D37 F34 Z1 G17 Aa17 Z1}
[rwd] strength, firmness {D21 D46 T12
[rdi m Hr] command, appoint, call the Y1 Z2}
attention, call one's attention to {D21 D37 G17
D2 Z1}
[rwdt] success {D21 D46 X1 T12 Y1
[rdi m ib] determine, place in one's heart,
prompt {D21 D37 G17 F34 Z1} [rdw] steps (of throne) {D21 D46 Z7 Z4
D56 D56}
[rdi m tA] bury {D21 D37 G17 N16
N23 Z1} [r bnrw] outside {D21 D58 N35
D21 G43 O1}
[rdi wDA ib] inform {D21 D37
G43 U28 G1 Y1V F34 Z1} [rmn] shoulder, arm, uprights (of ladder), side
{D21 D210 N35}
[rdi sS] draw (a weapon) {D21 D37 O34
N37 D54} [r HAt] in front of, before, superior to
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 15

{D21 F4 X1 Z1}
[rwD] bow - string {D21 G43 D46 T12}
[r HAt] river mouth {D21 F4 X1 Z1
N36} [rwD] hard {D21 G43 D46 T12}

[r Xnw] within, into {D21 F26 N35 [rwd] strength, firmness {D21 G43
W24 G43 O1} D46 T12 D40}

[iry nfr HAt] keeper of the diadem {D21 [rwdw] tomb - shaft {D21 G43 D46
F35 F4 X1} T12 O1}

[r nfryt] to its end {D21 F35 I9 D21 [rwDw] sinews {D21 G43 D46 T12
M17 M17 X1} Z2 V1}

[rmi] (v.) weep, beweep {D21 G17 D4} [rwdt] hard stone, sandstone {D21
G43 D46 X1 O39}
[rmw] (v.) weep {D21 G17 D9}
[rwdt] success {D21 G43 D46 X1
T12 Y1}
[rmrm] chastise {D21 G17 D21
G17 D40 Z9}
[rwD] prosperous, prosper {D21 G43
D46 Y1}
[r m] (int.) to what purpose ? {D21 G17
[rwi] (v.) advance (against) {D21 G43
[rmw] weeping {D21 G17 G43 D9}

[rmw] weeper {D21 G17 G43 D9} [rwi] (v.) leave (a place) {D21 G43 G43

[rmwt] tears {D21 G17 G43 X1 [rwwt] departure {D21 G43 G43 X1
D4 Z2}
D54 Z2}

[rm] fish {D21 G17 K1} [rwi] expel / drive off / remove
(someone, something), leave (a place), escape
[rmwt] tears {D21 G17 M17 M17 X1 (harm) {D21 G43 M17 D54}

[rmT] (collective n.) man, men, [rwi] go away, depart, pass away,
mankind, Egyptians {D21 G17 V13 N33A} advance (against), serve (someone) {D21 G43
M17 D54}

[rwi] dance, palpitate (of heart), clap [rwi] (v.) serve (someone) {D21 G43
(hands) {D21 G43 A32} M17 D56 D54}

[rwdw] stairway, tomb - shaft [rwi] vineyard ? {D21 G43 M17 M43}
{D21 G43 D46 G43 O40 N33A}
[rwit] interruption {D21 G43 M17 D54
[rwD] successful, succeed {D21 G43 X1}
D46 I7 Y1v}
[rwt] dance, palpitate {D21 G43 X1
[rwdw] stairway {D21 G43 D46 N21 A28}
N21 N21}
[rwt] (n.) dance {D21 G43 X1 D36}
[rwdw] stairway {D21 G43 D46
[rwt] (see under wDa-rwt) {D21 G43
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 16

X1 N1}
[rqw] tilting (of balance) {D21 N29 D41
[rwty] outsider, stranger {D21 G43
X1 N1 A1}
[rq ib] disaffected man {D21 D41 N29
G37 F34 Z1}
[rwt] gate {D21 G43 X1 O32}

[rwty] (n.) outside {D21 G43 X1 [rqw] opponent {D21 N29 G43 A1}
[rqw] opponent {D21 N29 G43 D41
[rwty] (n.) outside {D21 G43 X1 N1 Z4}

[rwty] (n.) outside {D21 G43 X1 O1 Z4} [rqw] tilting (of balance), enmity {D21
N29 G43 D41 D54}

[rwty] (dual) two gates {D21 G43 [rqw] opponent {D21 N29 M17 M17
X1 Z4 O32D O32D}
A15A Z2}

[rf] (enclitic part.) not to be translated {D21 [rqw] opponent {D21 N29 M17 M17
D41 D54 A14}

[r xt] under the authority of {D21 M3 [rqy] fierce ? {D21 N29 M17 M17 Z7
Aa1 X1 D54}

[r xt] under the authority of {D21 M3 X1 [rqt ib] ill will {D21 N29 X1 D51 F34

[r SAa r] down to {D21 M8 G1 [rqw] opponent {D21 N29 Z2}

D36 Y1 D21}

[r HA] behind {D21 M16 G1 D1} [rn] name {D21 N35}

[rwi] (v. trans.) clap (hands) {D21 M17 [rn] young one (of animals) {D21 N35}
G43 D92}
[rn] name {D21 N35 A2}
[rr] time {D21 M17 M6 N5}
[rmni] (v.) shoulder, carry, support, match,
[rwt] (see under wDa-rwt) {D21 M17 M17 equal {D21 N35 D41}
[rmn] shoulder, arm, uprights (of ladder), side
[r itrw .f] at his (proper) times {D21 N35 D41}
{D21 M17 X1 D21 M6 Z2 N5 I9}
[rmni] (n.) bearer, supporter {D21 N35 D41}
[rDw] efflux (of body) {D21 N26 G43
Aa2 Z2} [rn] calf {D21 N35 M17 M17 E1}

[rDw] efflux (of body) {D21 N26 G43 [rny] calf {D21 N35 M17 M17 E3}
D26 Z2}
[rnn] caress {D21 N35 M22 M22}
[rqw] opponent {D21 N29 D36 A13G}
[rnn] rejoice (over), extol {D21 N35 N35
[rq] incline, turn aside (from), defy {D21 A2}
N29 D41}
[rnn] bring up, nurse {D21 N35 N35 A2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 17

[rnn] bring up, nurse {D21 N35 N35 A18} [rnnwtt] name of the ninth month {D21
N35 Z7 X1 X1 I12}
[rnn] bring up, nurse {D21 N35 N35 B6}
[rS] joyful {D21 N37 D19 A2}
[rnnwt] joy, exultation {D21 N35 N35
G43 X1 A2 Z3} [rSrS] rejoice {D21 N37 D19 O50 Z4A}

[rnnt] (wet)-nurse {D21 N35 N35 X1 [rSrSt] joy {D21 N37 D21 N37 X1
B5D} Z5 Z2 D19}

[rnnt] the nurse-goddess {D21 N35 N35 [rSwt] joy {D21 N37 G43 D19 X1
X1 I12} Y1 Z2}

[rnpw] youthful vigour {D21 N35 Q3 [r pr] temple, chapel {D21 O1}
G43 M5 A17}
[r hrt] satisfactorily {D21 O4 D21 X1
[rnpy] (adj. and v.) young, fresh (of Y1}
water) {D21 N35 Q3 G43 M7A Y2}
[r hAw] near {D21 O4 G43 Z2}
[rnp] young man {D21 N35 Q3 M4
A17 A1} [rhn] lean (on), rely on, trust in {D21 O4
N35 A21}
[rnp] colt {D21 N35 Q3 M4B E6A}
[rhn] rely on, trust in {D21 O4 N35 D41}
[rnpy] (adj. and v.) young, fresh (of
water) {D21 N35 Q3 M5B A17} [rhn] lean (on), rely on, trust in {D21 O4
N35 D41 D40}
[rnpy] (adj. and v.) young, fresh (of
water) {D21 N35 Q3 M7A M2} [rhn] wade {D21 O4 N35 D41 D40}

[rnpy] (adj. and v.) young, fresh (of [rhn] wade {D21 O4 N35 D41 D54}
water) {D21 N35 Q3 M17 M17 M4 A17}
[rhn] wade {D21 O4 N35 D54A}
[rnpwt] herbs, vegetables {D21 N35 Q3
M17 M17 X1} [rsf] catch (of fowl, fish), affluence {D21
O34 I9 G41 Z2}
[rnpwt] herbs, vegetables {D21 N35
Q3 X1 M2 Z2 M7A} [rssy] quite, entirely, at all {D21 O34 N31}

[rnpy] (adj. and v.) young, fresh (of [rs] wake {D21 O34 T13 D7}
water) {D21 N35 Q3 Z4 M6 A17}
[rswt] awakening, dream {D21 O34
[r nw] at the proper time {D21 N35 T13 Z7 X1 D4 Z2}
U19 W24 G43 N5}
[rpat] noble, heir {D21 Q3 D36}
[rn] name (of king) {D21 N35 V10}
[rpat] (fem.) noble, heir {D21 Q3 D36 X1
[rnnwtt] (divinity) Renenutet (the Harvest- H8}
goddess) {D21 N35 X1 W24 X1 I13}
[rpat] (fem.) noble, heir {D21 Q3 D36 X1
[rnn] (divinity) Renenutet (the Harvest- X1}
goddess) {D21 N35 Z7 X1 X1 I12}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 18

[rpw] rot {D21 Q3 F27} [r Hrw] below {D21 T28 D21}

[r pw] (conjunctive) or {D21 Q3 G43} [r Xrw] below {D21 T28 D21 G43
N23 Z1}
[rpw] rot {D21 Q3 G43 Aa2}
[r - mAw - n] in the sight of
[rpyt] presiding goddess (of city) {D21 Q3 {D21 U2 D4 G43 Z2 N35}
G43 X1}
[r mAw] in the sight (of) {D21 U3 G1}
[rpyt] presiding goddess (of city) {D21
Q3 G43 X1 O286} [r mAw n] in the sight of {D21 U3
Z7 N35}
[rpyt] female counterpart (of diety),
presiding goddess (of city) {D21 Q3 M17 M17 [rmT] (collective n.) man, men, mankind,
X1 B1} Egyptians {D21 U15 A1 Z2}

[rpyt] female statue {D21 Q3 M17 M17 [rmTt] (collective n.) men, mankind {D21
X1 B1} U15 X1 A1 Z2}

[r py nbw] spokesman of every Pe-ite {D21 [r DAwt] in return for, because of

Q3 O49 V30} {D21 U28 G1 G43 X1 Aa2 Y1 Z2}

[rpyt] presiding goddess (of city) {D21 Q3 [r DAwt] in return for, because of
X1 B73} {D21 U28 G1 G43 X1 Z9 Y1}

[rnpwt] herbs, vegetables {D21 Q3 X1 [r DAw] mellay {D21 U28 G43 D40
M7A} Z2}

[rs] (enclitic part.) not translated {D21 S29} [r DAw] mellay {D21 U28 G43 D40
[rswt] dream {D21 S29 G43 X1
T13 D4} [r DAwt] in return for, because of {D21
U28 X1 G43}
[rssy] quite, entirely, at all {D21 S29 S29
Z4 N31} [r DAwt] in return for, because of {D21
U28 X1 Z9}
[rs] wake, be watchful, vigilant {D21
S29 T13 D4} [r DAwt] in return for {D21 U29 X1 Z9}

[rs] be watchful, vigilant {D21 S29 T13 [rwA] consider (doing something) {D21
D6} V4}

[rsw] vigilance {D21 S29 T14 F27 [rwA] consider (doing something)
G43} {D21 V4 G1 N31}

[rst] sacrificial victims ? {D21 S29 [rT] (enclitic part.) now, but {D21 V13}
T14 X1 A13 Z3}
[rmT] man, men, mankind, Egyptians {D21
[r swnt] as the price of, in exchange V13 A1}
for {D21 T11 N35 X1 Y1 Z2}
[rmTt] (collective n.) men, mankind {D21
[r DbAw] instead of {D21 T25 V13 A1 Z2 B1}
D58 G1 Z7 Z2 Y1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 19

[rTn] (enclitic part.) now, but {D21 V13 [rkrk] a creeping plant {D21 V31 D21
N35} V31 M2 Z3}

[r Tn] (int.) whither ? {D21 V13 N35 [rk] time (of king) {D21 V31 N5}
T14 G41}
[rk] time (of king, of ancients) {D21 V31 N5
[rTnw] Retenu (Syria) {D21 V13 N23}
N35 W24 G43 N25}
[rkHw] flames {D21 V31 V28 G43 Q7
[rmTt] (collective n.) men, mankind {D21 Z3}
V13 X1 A1 Z2 B1}
[rkH] light (fire) {D21 V31 V28 Q7}
[rmTt] (collective n.) men, mankind {D21
V13 X1 A1 Z2} [rkH] (festival of ) Burning {D21 V31
V28 Q7 X4}
[rmT] (collective n.) man, men, mankind,
Egyptians {D21 V13 X1 A1 Z2} [rkHt] heat {D21 V31 V28 X1 Q7}

[rmTt] (collective n.) men, mankind [r xntw] out {D21 W18 N35 X1
{D21 V13 X1 A1 Z2A} G43 N23 Z1}

[rwD] cord, bow-string {D21 V24 G43 [r mitt] likewise {D21 W19 X1 X1 Y1}
[rnn] (divinity) Renenutet (the Harvest-
[rwD] hard, firm, strong, enduring, goddess) {D21 W24 G43 X1 X1}
permanent, effective, persistent {D21 V24 I10
[rmT] (collective n.) man, men, mankind,
Egyptians {D21 X1 A1 Z2 B1}
[rwD] prosperous, prosper, successful,
succeed, prevail (over) {D21 V24 I10 T12} [rwt] (n.) dance {D21 X1 G43 D92}
[rwD] prevail (over) {D21 V24 T12} [rTnw] Retenu (Syria) {D21 X1 N35 W24
[rHw] comrades, mates {D21 V28 G43
A1 Z2}
[rpat] (fem.) noble, heir {D21 X1 Q3 D36
[rHwy] the Two Companions, the
Two Combatants (Horus and Seth) {D21 V28 [rtH] blockhouse {D21 X1 V28 U31}
G43 A40 A40}
[rtH] confine, restrain {D21 X1 V28
[rHty] the Two Female Companions U31}
(Isis and Nephthys) {D21 V28 X1 Z4 B1 B1}
[rtHty] baker {D21 X1 V28 X1 Z4
[rk] (enclitic part.) but, now {D21 V31} U31 A1}

[rk] (enclitic part.) (not translated) {D21 V31} [rtt] conspiracy ? {D21 X1 X1 A14}

[rkrk] creep {D21 V31 D21 V31 D54} [rpat] (fem.) noble, heir {D21 X1 X1 Q3
D36 X1}
[rkrk] snake {D21 D21 V31 V31
I14} [rwty] (dual) two gates {D21 X1 Z4A O1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 20

[rdi] give, put, place, appoint, cause, permit, [r a xt] combat {D21 Z1 D36 Z1 M3
grant {D21 X8} X1 Z1 A24}

[iry mDAt] letter carrier {D21 Y2 A1} [r awy] gate {D21 Z1 D36 Z1 O1}

[(iry) rmn (dmD)] (total of) each {D21 Y5 [r awy] gate {D21 Z1 D36 Z4 G43}
[r HAt] river mouth {D21 Z1 F4 X1
[rmni] shoulder, carry, support, match, Z1 N35A}
equal, bearer, supporter {D21 Y5 N35 D41}
[r HAt] river mouth {D21 Z1 F4 X1
[rmn] shoulder, arm, uprights (of ladder), Z1 N36}
side {D21 Y5 N35 D41}
[r HAt] (pl.) river mouth {D21 Z1
F4 X1 Z2 N35A N36}
[rmn] side, gang (of rowers) {D21
Y5 N35 D41 B1 Z2}
[r ib] chest {D21 Z1 F34 Z1}
[rmn] side, half (of sheet of water) {D21
Y5 N35 D41 N23} [r] goose, goose shaped cake, goose shaped
incense {D21 Z1 G38}
[rmnwtyw] (pl.) companions {D21
Y5 N35 W24 G43 X1 D41 Z2} [r Sdi] fattened goose {D21 Z1 G39
F30 D46 Aa3}
[r mn] as well as, including {D21 Y5 N35
Y1} [r xt] weapons {D21 Z1 M3 X1 Z1}

[r mn m] as far as {D21 Y5 N35 Y1 [r idr] cattle - list {D21 Z1 M17 D46

G17} D21 V37 Y1}

[r] water's edge {D21 Z1} [r Hry] master, chief {D21 Z1 N1}

[r] mouth, opening, utterance, speech, [r] fractions {D21 N33A Z1}
language, intent {D21 Z1}
[r] water's edge {D21 Z1 N35A}
[r Hry] master, chief {D21 Z1 D2 D21
Z4 N1} [r n idt] uterus {D21 Z1 N35 X1 N41
[r Hry] master, chief {D21 Z1 D2 N1}
[r pr] temple, chapel {D21 Z1 O1 O49}
[r awy] hands, actions {D21 Z1 D36 D36}
[r pr] temple, chapel {D21 Z1 O1 Z1}
[r awy] gate {D21 Z1 D36 D36 O1}
[r aA] entry (into land) {D21 O31 Z1}
[r awy] hands, actions {D21 Z1 D36 D36
Z7 Z4} [rsf] catch (fowl, fish) {D21 Z1 O34
I9 G39 K1 Z2}
[r aty] joints (arm and leg) {D21 Z1 D36
X1 Z4 F51 F51} [r sSy] ford ? {D21 Z1 O34 N37 Z4
D54 N23 Z1}
[r awy] end, limit, beside, near {D21 Z1
D36 Z1} [r pw] (conjunctive) or {D21 Z1 Q3 G43}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 21

[r stA] ramp {D21 Z1 S29 X1 U30 [mnD] breast {D27}

G1 V2 D54}
[mnat] (n.) nurse {D27A X1}
[rssy] quite, entirely, at all {D21 Z1 S29
Z4 N31} [kA Hr kA] fifth month, festival of
Khoiakh {D28 D2 Z1 D28 W3 N5}
[rssy] quite, entirely, at all {D21 Z1 S29
Z4 N31}
[kAry] gardener {D28 D21 M17 M17
M43 A1}
[pDtyw] foreigners {D21 Z1 T9 T14
A1 Z2}
[kAr] shrine {D28 D21 M17 O18}
[pDtyw] foreigners {D21 Z1 T9 X1 [kAr] shrine {D28 D21 O18}
T14 Z6 Z2}

[r pDtyw] foreigners {D21 Z1 T10 X1 [kA Hr kA] fifth month, Festival of

Z1 T14 A1 Z2} Khoiakh {D28 D28 Z2 W3 N5}

[r DAw] mellay {D21 Z1 U28 [kA] bull {D28 D52 E1}

G1 G43 A24 Z2}
[kAw] sycomore figs {D28 D52 Z7 N33
[r DAw] mellay {D21 Z1 U28 G43 Z2}
[kA] bull {D28 E1}
[r DAw] mellay {D21 Z1 U28 M17
M17 G43 D40 Z2} [kA] soul, spirit, essence (of a being),
personality, fortune, will (of king), kingship,
[r stAw] necropolis {D21 Z1 V2 V2 V2 goodwill, phantom {D28 G1 A2}
[kAkA] bush, brush {D28 G1 D28
[r wAt] path, way {D21 Z1 V4 G1 G1 M2}
N31 X1}
[kAmw] vintner {D28 G1 G17
[rmnn] Lebanon {D21 Z1 Y5 N35 N35 Z5A Z5A A24}
[kAmw] vineyard, orchard {D28 G1
[rwty] outsider, stranger {D21 Z7 X1 Z4 G17 Z7 O1}
[kAwty] builder's workman,
[rwty] (dual) two gates {D21 Z7 X1 Z4 porter {D28 G1 G43 X1 Z4 A9 D40 A1}
[kAmw] vineyard {D28 G1 N35
[rwi] (v. intrans.) palpitate (of heart) {D21 M43}
Z7 Z7 D54}
[kAt] work, construction, craft,
[r imy] between, in the midst of {D21 profession {D28 G1 X1 A9 Y1 Z2}
Z11 G17 Z4}
[kAt] vagina {D28 G1 X1 F51}
[xmt rw] three quarters {D23}
[kAw] food {D28 G1 Z7 Z8 Z2}
[spty] (dual) lip (of mouth, vagina, wound,
jar), {D25 X1 Z5A Z5A} [kA] soul, spirit, essence (of a being),
personality, fortune, will (of king), kingship,
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 22

goodwill, phantom {D28 G7} goodwill, phantom {D29 B76}

[kAmw] vintner {D28 G17 M43} [Hm kA] soul priest {D31}

[kAp] cense (gods) {D28 Q3 R5} [qni] (v. and n.) embrace {D32 D40}

[kAmw] vineyard {D28 W24 M1 M1 M1} [Xnty] statue {D33 A53}

[kAt] work, construction, craft, profession [Xni] (v.) row {D33 N35 D40}
{D28 X1 A9}
[Xnyt] (collective n.) sailors {D33 N35
[kAt Swt] a lichen {D28 X1 A9 H6 M17 M17 X1 A1 Z2}
Z7 X1 N33 Z2}
[Xnyt] (collective n.) sailors {D33 N35
[kAt] work, construction, craft, profession M17 M17 X1 D40 A1 Z2}
{D28 X1 A9 Y1v}
[Xnn] (v.) disturb, interfere with (persons,
[kAt] vagina {D28 X1 F51} commands), confound (truth) {D33 N35 N35
[kAt] work, construction, craft, profession
{D28 X1 N33A} [Xnn] (v.) inflamed, irritated (medical) {D33
N35 N35 A24}
[kA] soul, spirit, essence (of a being),
personality, fortune, will (of king), kingship, [Xnn] (v.) disturb, interfere with
goodwill, phantom {D28 Z1} (persons, commands), confound (truth) {D33
N35 N35 A24 E21}
[kAw] food {D28 Z1}
[Xnn] (v.) inflamed, irritated (medical)
[kAmw] grape - harvest {D28 Z1 Aa15 {D33 N35 N35 A24 E21}
M43A Z3}
[Xnn] inflamed, irritated (medical) {D33 N35
[kbn] (locality) Byblos {D28 Z1 D58 N35 N35 Aa2}
[Xnmw] tumult, uproar {D33 N35
[kTn] charioteer {D28 Z1 G47 Z1 N35 W24 G43 D40 Z2}
N35 G1 D56 D54}
[Xnmw] tumult, uproar {D33 N35
[kTn] charioteer {D28 Z1 I10 N35 D56 N35 W24 G43 E21 D40 Z2}
[Xnmw] tumult, uproar {D33
[kAny] vintner {D28 Z1 N35 M17 N35 N35 W24 G43 N4 D40 Z2}
M17 M43 A1}
[Xnnw] brawlers {D33 N35 N35
[kAw] food {D28 Z1 Z8 Z2} W24 Z7 E21 A24 A1 Z2}

[kAw] food {D28 Z2} [Xni] (v.) row, convey by water {D33 N35
[kA] soul, spirit, essence (of a being),
personality, fortune, will (of king), kingship, [Xni] (v.) row {D33 N35 P1 A24}
goodwill, phantom {D29}
[Xnty] statue {D33 N35 U33 A22}
[kA] soul, spirit, essence (of a being),
personality, fortune, will (of king), kingship, [Xnty anx] living semblance {D33
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 23

N35 U33 A22 S34 N35 Aa1} Z4 A24}

[Xnw] sailor {D33 N35 W24 G43 A1} [aHAw] arrow, weapons {D34 G43
[Xnty] statue {D33 N35 X1 A22}
[aHAw] arrows, weapons {D34 T11B Z1}
[Xnt] water procession {D33 N35 X1 P1}
[aHAt] battleground {D34 X1}
[Xnt] water procession {D33 N35 X1
P1 Y1 Z2} [aHAt] warriors {D34 X1 A1 Z3}

[Xnw] sailor {D33 W24 A1} [aHAwty] warrior {D34 X1 G43 A12}

[Xnt] water - procession {D33 X1 P1} [aHAt] warship {D34 X1 P1}

[Xnty] statue {D33 X1 Z4 A53} [aHAwty] warrior {D34 X1 Z4 G43

[aHA] warrior {D34}
[n] (negative part.) not {D35}
[aHA] fight, {D34 A24}
[n wnt] there is not {D35 E34 N35 X1}
[aHA] (n.) (weapons of) war {D34 A24}
[n wnt] there is/are not {D35 E34 N35
[aHA Hr] be wary of {D34 A24 D2 Z1} X1}

[aHA a] go to war {D34 A24 D36 Z1} [iwty] who.......not, which.......not {D35
G43 X1}
[aHA mw] sounding pole {D34 A24
N35A M3} [iwtt] what is not, does not exist {D35
G43 X1 X1}
[aHA mw] sounding - pole {D34 A24
N35A N34 Z1} [ni] (v. trans.) drive away, rebuff {D35 M17}

[aHA mri] ply the sounding pole [ii] old negative particle {D35 M17 M17}
{D34 A24 U7 D21 M17 M3}
[n is] indeed not, if not, unless {D35 M17
[aHA] fight {D34 G1 A24} S29}

[aHA Tw] take care {D34 G1 A24 [nn] (negative part.) not {D35 N35}
V13 G43}
[nn wn Hr xw .f] there is none
[aHA Tn] take care {D34 G1 A24 beside him {D35 N35 E34 N35 D2 Aa1 Aa1
V13 N35} Aa1 I9}

[aHAw] arrows, weapons {D34 G1 [nn wHmwty .f] there will never
G43 T11B} be his like again {D35 N35 F25 G17 G43 X1
Z1 I9}
[aHA] fish (lates niloticus) {D34 G1
K1} [nn wHmwty .f] there will never be
his like again {D35 N35 F25 G17 X1 I9}
[aHAt] battleground {D34 G1 X1 O1}
[nn wHmwty .f] there will never be
[aHAwty] warrior {D34 G1 Z7 X1 his like again {D35 N35 F25 G43 X1 Z4 I9}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 24

[ni] (v. trans.) darken (sun) {D35 N35 M17 [axm] quench (thirst) {D36 Aa1 G17
M17} Q7 N35A}

[ni] (v. trans.) parry (missile) {D35 N35 [ixmt] bank (of fortress) {D36 Aa1 G17
M17 X1 D41} X1 N20}

[nnSm] spleen {D35 N35 N40 G17 [axmw] twigs {D36 Aa1 G17 Z7 M2
F51} Z2}

[n sp] never {D35 O34 Q3 O50} [axmw] twigs {D36 Aa1 G17 Z7 M2
[iwtt] what is not, does not exist {D35 X1
X1 G37 Z2} [axi] (v.) fly {D36 Aa1 H5}

[iwty] who.......not, which.......not {D35 [axi] raise up, hang (men) {D36 Aa1 N1}
X1 Z4 G37}
[ax] brazier {D36 Aa1 Q7}
[mH] cubit {D36}
[ax] brazier {D36 Aa1 R1E}
[rdi] give, put, place, appoint, cause, permit,
grant {D36} [aXnwty] audience chamber {D36 Aa1
W24 X1 Z4}
[axx] evaporate, consume {D36 Aa1 Aa1
Q7} [axt] swoop (of falcon) {D36 Aa1 X1
[axxw] twilight {D36 Aa1 Aa1 Z7 N2}
[arrwt] gate {D36 D21 D21 G43 X1
[ixxw] twilight, dusk {D36 Aa1 Aa1 Z7 O38}
[arrwt] gate {D36 D21 D21 G43 X1
[axm] image (of god) {D36 Aa1 Aa15 Q38}
[arrwt] gate {D36 D21 D21 M17 M17 X1
[axm] image {D36 Aa1 Aa15 G12} O1}

[axmt] river - bank {D36 Aa1 G14 X1 [arar] chin ? {D36 D21 D36 D21 F51}
N23 Z2}
[arryt] hall of judgement {D36 D21 D36
[ixmt] bank (of river) {D36 Aa1 G14 X1 M17 M17 X1 O1}
N23 Z2}
[artyw] they who ascend ? {D36 D21
[axm] front of neck {D36 Aa1 G17 F10} G4 N31 D54}

[ixm sk] indestructible star (i.e. [arf] enclose {D36 D21 I9 D49}
circumpolar) {D36 Aa1 G17 G43 S29 V31
N14} [arf] bag, combine, enclose, contain {D36
D21 I9 V33}
[axm] extinguish, quench (thirst) {D36
Aa1 G17 N35A} [arf] (v.) combine {D36 D21 I9 V33
[axm] extinguish, destroy {D36 Aa1 G17
Q7} [arf] (v.) combine {D36 D21 I9 V37
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 25

D21 X1 F51B}
[ar] reed pen {D36 D21 M2}
[iart] uraeus {D36 D21 X1 I12}
[arrwt] leaf (of double door) {D36 D21
M17 M17 X1 M3}
[iart] uraeus {D36 D21 X1 I12}
[arrwt] leaf (of double door) {D36 D21 [art] roll (of papyrus) {D36 D21 X1 M2}
M17 M17 X1 M3}

[arrwt] lintel {D36 D21 M17 M17 X1 [art] roll (of papyrus, leather) {D36 D21 X1
V12 Z1}

[aryt] dwelling, home {D36 D21 M17 [ar] reed pen {D36 D21 Z4 M2}
M17 X1 O38 M3}
[arw] proximity {D36 D21 Z7 N31 Z2}
[arrwt] lintel {D36 D21 M17 M17 X1
O39} [iart] uraeus {D36 D36 D21 X1 I12}

[arqy] last day of the month {D36 D21 [iart] uraeus {D36 D36 D21 X1 I12}
N29 M17 M17 V12 Z1}
[aai] caller {D36 D36 D21 Z1 A1}
[arqy] last day of the month {D36 D21
N29 O22 N5} [aab] comb (the hair) {D36 D36 D58 F16
[arq] don (a garment) {D36 D21 N29
O22 Y1v} [iab] bowl {D36 D36 D58 W10}

[arq] know, perceive, gain full knowledge [aab] bowl {D36 D36 D58 W10}
of, be wise, skilled {D36 D21 N29 V12}
[aawy] (v. and n.) sleep {D36 D36 G43
[arq] basket ? {D36 D21 N29 V12 V19 D6}
[aawy] sleep {D36 D36 G43 Z4 D5}
[arq] know, perceive, gain full knowledge
of, be wise, skilled (in) {D36 D21 N29 V12 Y1} [aawy] (v. and n.) sleep {D36 D36 G43
Z4 D7D}
[arq] bent {D36 D21 N29 V12 Y1}
[iaf] wring out {D36 D36 I9 D40}
[arq] don (a garment) {D36 D21 N29
V12 Y1} [iaf] wring out (clothes), squeeze out (juice)
{D36 D36 I9 D40}
[ar] mount up, ascend, extend, penetrate
{D36 D21 N31} [iaf] wring out (clothes), squeeze out
(juice) {D36 D36 I9 Z7 D40}
[arw] proximity {D36 D21 N31}
[aai] jabber {D36 D36 M17 A2}
[ar] mount up, ascend {D36 D21 N31 D54}
[ian] baboon {D36 D36 N35 D36 E32}
[art] jaw {D36 D21 X1 F19}
[aany] coop up, confine ? {D36 D36 N35
[art] hinder part, hindquarter {D36 D21 X1 Z4 A24}
[aany] camp {D36 D36 N35 Z4 O1}
[art] jaw, hinder parts (of man), anus {D36
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 26

[aa] royal barge {D36 D36 P1} [abA] offering - stone {D36 D58
G29A G1 Q37}
[awaw] ring {D36 D36 S21}
[abA] present (to), make
[aaw] flutter (of heart) {D36 D36 Z7 A2} presentation, provide {D36 D58 G29 G1 S42
[aDw] Buri fish {D36 D46 G43 K1 Z1}
[abA] present (to) {D36 D58 G29 S42}
[adw] Buri fish {D36 D46 G43 K3 Z1}
[abA] command (a ship) {D36 D58
G29 S42 D40}
[abxn] frog {D36 D58 Aa1 N35 F27}

[aba] boast, boasting, exageration {D36 [abw] purification, purity {D36 D58
G43 F17}
D58 D36 A2}

[abab] become excited ? {D36 D58 [abw] offerings {D36 D58 G43
F17 Y1 Z2}
D36 D58}

[ababyt] region of collar-bone [abwt] staff of Office {D36 D58 G43

{D36 D58 D36 D58 M17 M17 X1} X1 O30U}

[abab] appear ?, shine ? {D36 D58 [abw] purity {D36 D58 G43 Y1 Z2}
D36 D58 W10 Y1}
[abwt] lettuce {D36 D58 G43 Z5}
[aba] boast, boasting, exaggeration
{D36 D58 D36 F16 A2} [abS] wine - jar {D36 D58 N37 W21}

[aba] boast, boasting, exaggeration [abS] wine jar {D36 D58 N37 W59}
{D36 D58 D36 F16 Y1}
[abA] offering - stone {D36 D58 O39}
[abb] knock (on door) ? {D36 D58 D58
D40} [abA] offering-stone {D36 D58 O39}
[abb] use the pitchfork {D36 D58 D58 [abA] glitter {D36 D58 S42 N8}
F16 D42}
[abA] offering - stone {D36 D58 S42
[ab] unite {D36 D58 F16} O39}

[abw] victims {D36 D58 F16 A14 [abA] provide (with) {D36 D58 S42 Y1v}
[abH] fill up {D36 D58 V28 W54A}
[iab XAt] (v. trans.) inter, bury
{D36 D58 F16 Y1 K4 X1 Aa2}
[abt] attachment, connection(s) {D36
D58 X1 F16 Y1v}
[ab] meal {D36 D58 F16 Y1 Z2}
[abwt] staff of office {D36 D58 X1
[ab] horn {D36 D58 F16 Z1} O30U}

[abA] offering - stone {D36 D58 G1 [abwt] forked staff {D36 D58 X1
S42 O39} O30U}

[abA] make presentation (to) {D36 [abw] impurity {D36 D60 G43}
D58 G29 Aa81}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 27

[awn] be covetous, despoil {D36 E34 [aAb] pleasant (of persons) {D36 G1
N35 A24} D58 M19 M1}

[awn ib] be rapacious, rapacity, [am] swallow {D36 G17 A2}

avarice {D36 E34 N35 A24 F34 Z1}
[ama] smear {D36 G17 D36 A24}
[awnw] plunderer {D36 E34 N35
W24 Z7 A24} [amaA] throw the throw - stick
{D36 G17 D36 G1 T15}
[awnt] stave {D36 E34 N35 X1 M3}
[amaAt] throw - stick {D36 G17
[awnw] plunderer {D36 E34 Z7 A24} D36 G1 X1 T15}

[abw r] breakfast {D36 F17 [amam] container (for bread etc..)

D58 G43 Y1 Z2 D21 Z1} {D36 G17 D36 G17 Aa20}

[aXnwty] audience chamber {D36 [amam] smear {D36 G17 D36

F26 N35 W24 Z7 U33 O1} G17 D51 D40}

[aXnwty] audience chamber {D36 F26 [amamw] shrew {D36 G17 D36
W24 X1 O1} G17 Z7 F27 Z1}

[aXnwty] audience chamber {D36 F26 [amat] mud, muddy ground, mud-
W24 X1 Z4 O1} flat {D36 G17 D36 X1 N23 Z2}

[aXnwty] audience - chamber {D36 F26 [am] swallow, breathe in, absorb, know
W24 Z7 U33 X1 Z4 O1} {D36 G17 F10 A2}

[aXm] image (of god) {D36 F32 G17 [am ib] become faint, neglect, be
G7} discreet, regret, dissemble {D36 G17 F10 A2
F34 Z1}
[aXm] voracious (?) spirit {D36 F32
G17 I3} [amaAt] throw-stick {D36 G17 G1
X1 M3}
[aXmw] twigs {D36 F32 G17 Z7 M2
Z2} [amm] brain {D36 G17 G17 H8}

[aXmw] twigs {D36 F32 G17 Z7 [abA] offering - stone {D36 G29 R30}
P5 Z2}
[abA] sceptre {D36 G29 S42}
[aXi] fly, fly away {D36 F32 G41}
[awaw] ring {D36 G43 D36 G43
[aXi] fly, fly away {D36 F32 H5} S21}

[aXi] fly, fly away {D36 F32 T14 G41} [awg] parch (grain) {D36 G43 W11 Q7}

[aAa] valour ? {D36 G1 D36 N35A} [awt] goats {D36 G43 X1 E28 N33A}

[aS] summon {D36 G1 D36 N37 A2} [awt] crook, sceptre {D36 G43 X1 S38}

[aAdt] a type of bread {D36 G1 D46 [af] his command {D36 I9}
X1 X2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 28

D40 N36}
[afDt] chest {D36 I9 D46 X1 Q6}
[aD] spool, reel {D36 I10 V26 M3}
[afd] (v. and adj.) lead (to), attractive ?
{D36 I9 D46 Y1}
[aDw] Buri fish {D36 I10 V26 N26}
[afA] devour ?, tear off {D36 I9 G1 D40}
[aD] fat, grease {D36 I10 V26 W24 Z2}
[afA] devour, tear off {D36 I9 G1
[aD] be safe, become whole {D36 I10 V26

[afAy] encampment {D36 I9 G1 M17

M17 O1}
[aD wDA] prosperous and
flourishing (of affairs) {D36 I10 V26 Y1 G43
U28 G1 Y1v}
[afAy] sweet clover ? {D36 I9 G1 Z4
M2 Z2}
[aD wDA] safe and sound (of
[aff] fly {D36 I9 I9 G39} persons) {D36 I10 V26 Y1 G43 U28 G1 Y1v}

[aff] buzz (of insect) {D36 I9 I9 L2} [aD] perceive {D36 I10 V27}

[aff] (n.) fly (insect) {D36 I9 I9 L3} [aD] edge, margin (of cultivation) {D36
I10 V27B N23}
[afn] cover {D36 I9 N35 A24 Y1}
[aDt] slaughter, massacre {D36 I10 X1
T30 Z2}
[afnt] royal head - cloth {D36 I9 N35
X1 S28}
[a] wooden rod {D36 M3}
[afnt] royal head-cloth {D36 I9 N35 X1
S57B} [aqA] (adj.) precise, accurate {D36 N29
D50 D50 Y1v}
[afnt] royal head - cloth {D36 I9 N35
X1 Z5} [aq] enter (into) {D36 N29 D54}

[afn] (v.) cover {D36 I9 N35 Y1 T67} [aqA] (v. trans.) use aright {D36 N29 G1}

[afty] brewer {D36 I9 X1 A36} [aqA] a type of rope {D36 N29 G1 D50
D50 V1 Z1}
[afDt] chest (furniture) {D36 I9 X1
I10 Q6} [aqA] precise, accurate, go straight
forward, progress, {D36 N29 G1 D50 D50
[aftt] female brewer {D36 I9 X1 X1}
[aqA] stright-dealing, straight-
[afty] brewer {D36 I9 X1 Z4A A417}
forwardness {D36 N29 G1 D50 D50 Y1v}
[afy] bee, honey bee {D36 I9 Z4 L2}
[aqA] use aright, correct, straightness,
exact sense {D36 N29 G1 D50 D50 Y1v}
[aDnt] crucible ? {D36 I10 N35 X1 Aa8}
[aqA ib] straightforward {D36 N29
[aDnt] armband, armlet {D36 I10 N35 G1 D50 D50 Y1V F34 Z1}
X1 W10}

[aqAy] a straight-dealer {D36 N29 G1

[aD mr] administrator {D36 I10 U7 M17 M17 D50 D50 Y1v}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 29

[aqAyt] true balancing {D36 N29 [antyw] myrrh {D36 N35 G4 N33A}
G1 M17 M17 X1 D50 D50 Y1v}
[antyw] myrrh {D36 N35 G4 W23 Z2}
[aqA] a type of rope {D36 N29 G1 V1}
[anH] eyebrow {D36 N35 G21 D13}
[aqAyt] true balancing {D36 N29 G1
X1 D50 D50} [anDw] dawn {D36 N35 I10 N49}
[a] dyke {D36 N35A} [and] unguent {D36 N35 I10 W23 Z1
[ain] eye {D36 N35 D4}
[anDw] dawn {D36 N35 N26 G43 N8}
[an] beautiful, bright of face, pleasing, be
kind, magnificent {D36 N35 D5 Y1} [anDw] jar {D36 N35 N26 Z7 W24}

[an] the pleasant man {D36 N35 D5 Y1 [anqt] Anukis {D36 N35 N29 X1 B7C}
[ann] (v.) turn back {D36 N35 N35 D54}
[an] (n.) beautiful {D36 N35 D7}
[ann] turn back, repeat again, come back,
[an] (n.) beautiful {D36 N35 D8} return, bring back {D36 N35 N35 D55}
[an] beautiful {D36 N35 D8 Y1} [annt] rump {D36 N35 N35 F114
F114 X1}
[ian] baboon {D36 N35 D36 E32}
[anw] (locality) Ainu (a source of
[anay] complain, complaint {D36 N35 Limestone) {D36 N35 W24 G43 D7}
D36 M17 M17 A2}
[ant] finger/toe nail, claw {D36 N35 X1
[anan] complain, complaint {D36 N35 D51}
D36 N35 A2}
[antyw] myrrh {D36 N35 X1 G4 W40}
[anan] chin {D36 N35 D36 N35 F51}
[ant] ring (of gold), socket (for jar) {D36
[and] few, scarcity, fewness, be diminished N35 X1 S21}
{D36 N35 D46 G37}
[ant] nail (of finger or toe) {D36 N35 X1
[anDw] dawn {D36 N35 D46 G43 N2} U19A}

[anDw] dawn {D36 N35 D46 G43 N5} [ant] (n.) pick {D36 N35 X1 U20}

[and] an unguent {D36 N35 D46 W23 [any] writing - board {D36 N35 Z4 M3}
N33 N33 N33}
[aS] summon {D36 N37 A2}
[andt] the few (of people) {D36 N35
D46 X1 G37}
[aS] cedar {D36 N37 Aa2}
[anb] reed - stalk (for matting) {D36 N35 [aS] groan {D36 N37 Aa2 A2}
D58 M2}

[anbyt] measure for reed-stalks {D36 [aS] cedar - oil {D36 N37 Aa2 W1}
N35 D58 M17 M17 X1 M2}
[aSaS] voicebox, larynx {D36 N37 D36
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 30

N37 F10 F51}

[apnnt] slug {D36 Q3 N35 N35 F27}
[aSA] obnoxious ? {D36 N37 G1 Aa2}
[apnnt] slug ? {D36 Q3 N35 N35 X1
[aSA] many, numerous, much, plentiful,
ordinary, quantity, multitude {D36 N37 G1 I1}
[apr] provide, equip (with), man (a vessel),
[aSm] image (of god) {D36 N37 G17 aquire, incur (injury) {D36 Q3 Y1v}
[a] dragoman {D36 S25}
[aSA] lizard {D36 N37 I1}
[aw] dragoman {D36 S25}
[aS] cedar {D36 N37 M41}
[aDAw] (n.) guilt {D36 U28 G1 D40}
[aS] cedar {D36 N37 W24 W24 W24
M41} [aDA] guilty man, wrongdoer {D36
U28 G1 D40 A1}
[aSty] abundant {D36 N37 X1 Z4A}
[aDAw] guilty, guilt {D36 U28 G1 Z7
[aHaw] attending {D36 P6 A21 G43}

[aHaw] (proper) positions (of things) [awAi] steal (goods), rob (someone)
{D36 V4 D40}
{D36 P6 D36 G43}

[apr] provide, equip (with), man (a vessel), [awA] look after, care for ? {D36 V4 D40}
aquire, incur (injury) {D36 Q3 D21 Aa20 Y1v}
[awAy] robber {D36 V4 G1 A24}
[aprw] sailors, workmen {D36 Q3
D21 G43 Aa20 A1 Z2} [awAi] steal, rob, robbery {D36 V4 G1
[aprt] a type of jar {D36 Q3 D21 X1
Aa20 W22} [awA] go bad, rot {D36 V4 G1 Aa2}

[aprt] equipment (of offerings) {D36 [awA irr .f] brigand {D36 V4 G1
Q3 D21 X1 Aa20 Y1 Z2} D36 D4 D21 I9}

[apr] provide, equip (with), man (a vessel), [awA] look after, care for {D36 V4 G1
D49 D40}
aquire, incur (injury) {D36 Q3 D21 Y1}
[awAy] robber, he who is robbed
[api] traverse (a waterway), pass (by) {D36 {D36 V4 G1 M17 M17 A24 A1}
Q3 D54}
[awAy] robber {D36 V4 G1 M17
[apr] an Asiatic people {D36 Q3 G43 M17 G37 A1}
D21 Z1}
[awAyt] a fermented drink ? {D36
[api] fly {D36 Q3 H5A} V4 G1 M17 M17 X1 Aa2 W23 Z2}

[apSAy] beetle {D36 Q3 M8 G1 [awAyt] female robber {D36 V4

M17 M17 L1} G1 M17 M17 X1 Z6}

[apy] the Winged Disk {D36 Q3 M17 M17 [awAy] robber {D36 V4 G1 M17 M17
N58} Z6}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 31

[awAt] robbery {D36 V4 G1 X1 D36} [abt] a funerary ritual object {D36 X1 D58
[awAy] robber, he who is robbed {D36
V4 M17 M17} [at] limb, member (of body) {D36 X1 F51}

[awAy] reap {D36 V4 M17 M17 D40} [awt] men {D36 X1 G43 T14
A1 A1 A1}
[arqy] last day of the month {D36 V12
M17 M17 N5} [at iwf] slaughter-house {D36 X1 M17 I9
[aD] spool, reel {D36 V26 D46 M3}
[at nt xt] orchard {D36 X1 N35
[aDt] offence ? {D36 V27 I10 X1 A2} X1 M3 X1 Z1 O1}

[aHA] fight {D36 V28 G1} [at nt xt] orchard {D36 X1 N35 X1
M3 X1 Z1 O1}
[aH] wipe off, wipe away {D36 V28 T24E}
[at] room, chamber, house {D36 X1 O1}
[aH] entrap, snare {D36 V28 T24E
D40} [at Dsrt] the Holy Chamber (the
celestial Hall of judgement) {D36 X1 O1 D45
D21 X1 Y1}
[aH] rope {D36 V28 V1}

[a] bowl {D36 W10} [at bnrt] cake room {D36 X1 O1 M30
X1 N33 N33A}

[iab] (v. trans.) present (to) {D36 W10 D58}

[at sbA] school, school - house {D36
X1 O1 S29 D58 N14}
[ab] unite, present {D36 W10 D58}
[at sbA] school {D36 X1 O1
[agwt] a preparation of grain {D36 S29 D58 N14 G1 A24}
W11 G43 X1 N33 Z2}
[at Hnqt] brew-house {D36 X1 V28 N29
[agn] pedestal (for vase) {D36 W11 N35 X1}
[at t] bake-house {D36 X1 X1 X3}
[agwt] a preparation of grain {D36 W11
X1 M33A}
[aty] intervertebral joints {D36 X1 Z4 F51
[agt] a resinous varnish ? {D36 W11 X1
[a] warrant, certificate, record, register {D36
[anw] (locality ) Ainu ? (source of
Limestone) {D36 W24 D8A} [a] condition, state {D36 Z1}
[at] house {D36 X1} [mH] forearm {D36 Z1}
[atx] strain {D36 X1 Aa1 A24} [a] arm, hand, forearm {D36 Z1}
[atxw] brewers {D36 X1 Aa1 Z7 [a] item, piece {D36 Z1}
W22 A24 A1 Z2}
[a] region, province {D36 Z1}
[awt] goats {D36 X1 D52 E28 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 32

[a] track, trace {D36 Z1} [mSdt] ford {D39 F30 D46 X1}

[a] warrant, certificate {D36 Z1} [mfkAt] turquoise {D39 I9 V31 X1

[a] track, trace {D36 Z1 D56 D54}
[mSrw] evening {D39 N37 E23 N2}
[a xAst] desert region {D36 Z1 N25 X1
Z1} [mDAw] (n.) Medjay, Police {D39 U28
G43 Z3}
[a] dyke {D36 Z1 N35A}
[Hnk] make offering (to) {D39 W24 W24
[di Hr n] give commands to {D37 D2 W24}
[Hnk] offerings {D39 W24 W24 W24}
[Ddw] (locality) Busiris {D37 D37 G43
O49} [mwt] mother {D39 X1 B1}

[ddi] haematite {D37 D37 M17 N33 Z2} [Hnkt] offerings {D39 X1 M39}

[di m Hr n] appoint (someone to [Hnkyt anx] bed of life (where the

office), call the attention of {D37 G17 D2 N35} sun sets) {D39 X1 O1 S34 N35 Aa1 O1}

[di m Hr n] lay a charge upon, [Hnkt] offerings {D39 X1 Z2}

command (someone) {D37 G17 D2 N35}
[Hnk] offer (something to) {D39 Y1}
[rdi] give, put, place, appoint, cause, permit,
grant {D38} [nxt] strong, victorious, stiff, hard {D40}

[mryn] Syrian warrior {D38 D21 [srwx] (n.) treatment {D40}

Z1 M17 M17 N35 G1 A20}
[xAi] measure, examine (patient), patrol {D40}
[mnH] wax {D38 N35 G21 V28 N33
Z2} [nxtw] victory {D40 Z2}
[mhr] milk jar {D38 O4 M17 W24 Z1} [mH tA] land cubit (one hundredth of one
auoura) {D41}
[mhwt] family {D38 O4 X1 G43 A1 Z2
[rmn] half (of rod, aroura) {D41}
[mhy] be forgetful, neglectful {D38 O4 [rmn] shoulder, arm, uprights (of ladder), side
Z4 G37} {D41}

[ms] bring, present, bring away booty, [rmn] shoulder, arm, uprights (of ladder), side
extend (hand), take (aim) {D38 O35 D54} {D41 F51B Z1}

[msw] carriers, bearers {D38 O35 D54 [niw] ostrich {D41 N35 G43 G34}
M23 G43}
[niA] underside of arm {D41 N35 M17 F51}
[Hnk] offer (something to) {D39}
[rmnyt] department, domain {D41 N35
[mrkbt] chariot {D39 D21 Z1 V31 M17 M17 N23 X1 Z1}
D58 X1 G43}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 33

[rmn] processional shrine {D41 N35 O16} [Dsrt] table of offerings {D45 X1 R3Q}

[niw] bowl {D41 Z1 W10} [Dsr] (adj.) holy, sacred {D45 Y1}

[niw] ostrich {D41 Z7 G39} [Dsrw] seclusion {D45 Y1 Z2}

[mH] cubit {D42} [dw] (v.) give, place, put, implant (obstacle),
strike (blow), cause {D46}
[kApw] roof {D42 Q3 G43}
[Ssp] palm (of hand), one seventh of a cubit
[kAp] (n.) bandage {D42 Q3 S28} (measurement) {D46}

[rmnwty] companion {D42 W24 G43 U33 [dm] be sharp {D46 Aa15 T30A D40}
[idt] sweet savour, fragrance {D46A X1}
[mH] forearm {D42 Z1}
[dHr] leather, hide {D46 D2 D21 F27}
[xrp] bring, provide, make offering of, dedicate
{D44} [dHr] bitter, bitterness {D46 D2 D21
[Dsr] (adj.) holy, sacred {D45 D21}
[dHr] leather, hide {D46 D2 D21 M17
[Dsr Dsrw] Holy of Holies (Temple of F27}
Deir el Bahri) {D45 D21 D45 Z2 O1}
[dHrt] sickness {D46 D2 D21 X1 F27
[Dsrw] holy place {D45 D21 E23 O1} G37 Z2}

[Dsrw] holy place {D45 D21 G43 O1} [dHrt] bitterness, sickness {D46 D2
D21 X1 G37 Z2}
[Dsrw] seclusion, privacy, sanctity {D45
D21 G43 Y1v} [dr] remove (need, evil), repress
(wrongdoer), destroy (places) {D46 D21 A24}
[Dsrt imntt] (locality) the Western Holy
Place (Medinet Habu) {D45 D21 X1 R14 X1 [dr] subdue (enemies), expel, drive out
X1} (people, illness) {D46 D21 A24}

[Dsrt] strong ale {D45 D21 X1 W65} [dr] lay down (flooring), overlay (floor)
{D46 D21 A24}
[Dsrt iAtt] milky ale ? {D45 D21 X1
W65 R19A X1 X1 W10} [drf] writing, script, title deeds {D46 D21
I9 Z5 Y1v}
[Dsrw] privacy {D45 D21 Y1 Z2}
[drp] (v. trans.) offer to (god), feed
[Dsr a] with upraised arm {D45 D36 Z1} (someone), present (dues) {D46 D21 Q3 D40}

[Dsr Dsrw] Holy of Holies (Temple of Deir el [drp] (v. intrans.) make offering {D46 D21
Bahri) {D45 D45 Z3} Q3 D40}

[Dsrw] sanctity {D45 G43} [drpw] offerings {D46 D21 Q3 G43

Z8 Z2}
[Dsrt] table of offerings {D45 X1 R3P}
[drgyt] bat (mammal) {D46 D21
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 34

W11 M17 M17 X1 G39}

[dbH] ask for, beg, requisition (from)
{D46 D58 V28 F18}
[dgyt] bat (mammal) {D46 D21 W11
M17 M17 X1 G39}
[dbH] ask for, beg, requisition (from)
{D46 D58 V28 F18 A2}
[Dryt] kite (bird) {D46 D21 X1}
[dbHw] measure for offerings {D46
[ddwn] (divinity) a Nubian god {D46 D58 V28 G43 Z5}
D46 E34 A40}
[dbHt] necessaries {D46 D58 V28 X1
[ddwn] (divinity) a Nubian god {D46 F18}
D46 E34 N35 A42C}
[dbHt Htp] funerary meal
[Ddw] (locality) Busiris {D46 D46 G43 {D46 D58 V28 X1 F18 Z2 R4 X1 Q3 Z8 Z2}
[dbt] female hippopotomus {D46 D58
[ddt] dish {D46 D46 X1 W79} X1 F27}

[dbi] (v.) stop up {D46 D58 D36} [Dbt] brick, ingot, slab (of metal) {D46
D58 X1 O39}
[dbdb] thump (of heart) {D46 D58
D46 D58 A2} [Drt] hand, trunk (of elephant), handle (of jar)
{D46D X1 Z1}
[db] hippopotomus {D46 D58 E25}
[dAiw] loin - cloth {D46 E9 G43 N18}
[db] horn (of animal), wing (of army)
{D46 D58 F16} [dwn] (v. trans.) stretch out (legs,
hands), stretch (bow), straighten (knees), {D46
[DbA] replace, restore {D46 D58 E34 N35 D54}
G29 G1 T25 Y1v}
[dwn] (v. intrans.) be stretched out, taut,
[DbAw] payments, reward, be prostrate {D46 E34 N35 D54}
compensation, bribes {D46 D58 G29 G1 Z7
T25 Y1 Z2}
[dwn] (v. trans.) stretch out (legs, hands)
{D46 E34 N35 V1}
[dAbw] figs {D46 D58 G43 M43
N33 Z2}
[dwn] (v. trans.) straighten (knees) {D46
E34 N35 W24 A24}
[dbn] (v. trans.) go round (a place),
travel round (a region) {D46 D58 N35 D12 [dbH] ask for, beg, requisition (from) {D46
D54} F18 A2}

[dbn] weight (of about 91 grammes), [dbHw] measure for offerings {D46
weight (of balance) {D46 D58 N35 F49 O39} F18 D58 V28 G43 Z5}

[dbnt] lock of hair {D46 D58 N35 [dbHw] requirements, necessaries {D46
X1 D3} F18 D58 V28 U9}

[dAbw] figs {D46 D58 V12 N33 Z2} [dbHw] requirements, necessaries {D46
F18 D58 V28 W10}
[dbH] ask for, beg, requisition (from)
{D46 D58 V28 A2} [dbHt] necessaries {D46 F18 D58
V28 X1 Y1 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 35

[dbH] ask for, beg, requisition (from) [dgyt] bat (mammal) {D46 G1
{D46 F18 D58 V28 Y1v} W11 M17 M17 X1 G41}

[dbHw] requirements, necessaries {D46 [dgyt] bat (mammal) {D46 G1 W11

F18 V28 G43} M17 M17 Z5}

[dbHt Htp] funerary meal {D46 F18 X1 [dwAt] netherworld {D46 G1 X1 N15}
R4 Z8}
[dwAt] netherworld {D46 G1 X1 N15}
[d ib r] set one's heart on {D46 F34 Z1
D21} [dmA] cut off (heads) {D46 G3 T30
[dAr] control (temper), subdue
(foes), supress (evil), rob (someone), steal [dm] sharpen {D46 G17 S23}
(goods) {D46 G1 D21 T12 Y2}
[dm] pronounce, proclaim (name),
[dAr ib] self denial, self control {D46 mention (by name), be renowned (of office)
G1 D21 T12 Y2 F34 Z1} {D46 G17 S23 Y1}

[dAdA] copulate, masturbate, [dm] pronounce, proclaim (name),

misbehave, rape, sodomize ?, {D46 G1 D46 G1 mention (by name), be renowned (of office)
D53} {D46 G17 T30}

[dA] copulate {D46 G1 D52} [dm] be sharp, sharpen, pierce (sky)

{D46 G17 T30A}
[dA] become loose, wobble (of decaying
limbs) {D46 G1 D54} [dm] pronounce, proclaim (name),
mention (by name), be renowned (of office)
[dAbw] figs {D46 G1 D58 M43 {D46 G17 T30 A2}
N33 Z2}
[dmt] knife {D46 G17 X1 T30 Z1}
[dA] shake, tremble {D46 G1 G41
Aa2} [dgm] castor - oil plant {D46 G28 G17
[dAwt] shaking, trembling {D46 G1
G43 X1 G39 Z2} [dw] (v. infinitive) give, place, put, implant
(obstacle), strike (blow), cause {D46 G43}
[dAwt] shaking, trembling {D46
G1 G43 X1 Z2 Aa2} [dw] (v. infinitive) give, place {D46 G43
[dAr] control (a tribe) {D46 G1 M17
D21 T12 A24} [dAiw] loin - cloth {D46 G43 M17
G43 N21}
[dAir] rape {D46 G1 M17 D21 T12
A24} [dDw] type of grain {D46 G43 N26
G43 N33 N33 N33}
[dAi] subdue (lands) {D46 G1 M17
D54} [diwt] gang of 5 {D46 G43 Z1 Z1 X1
Z1 Z1 Z1}
[dAiw] loin - cloth {D46 G1 M17 S29}
[dm] be sharp, sharpen, pierce (sky) {D46
[dAiw] loin - cloth {D46 G1 M17 Z7 G96}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 36

[dfdf] drip {D46 I9 D46 I9 N33 N33 [dnd] slaughter (animals) {D46 N35 D46
N33 N33} T30}

[dfA ib] stolid {D46 I9 G1 G37 Y1 [Dnbw] territories {D46 N35 D58
F34 Z1} G43 N21 Z2}

[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals, [dni] share out {D46 N35 M17 F21}
(deified as) Abundance {D46 I9 G1 K1 Z2}
[dniw] (n.) share, portion {D46 N35 M17
[dHi] be low {D46 M16 G1 G37} G43 Aa19}

[dHA] straw {D46 M16 G1 M2 Z2} [dniw] (n.) share, portion {D46 N35
M17 G43 Z8 Z2}
[db] hippopotomus {D46 M17 D58
E25} [dnyt] land - register {D46 N35 M17
M17 X1 V12 Z1}
[dyt] papyrus plant {D46 M17 M17 X1
M15} [dni] revet (earthen banks) {D46 N35 M17
[idmi] red linen {D46 M17 W19 S28}
[dni] dam (water), construct (dam), hold
[Dsw] call (to) {D46 M23 G43 A2} back, restrain (someone), revet (earthen banks)
{D46 N35 M17 V11 A24}
[dwn] (v. trans.) stretch (bow) {D46 M42
N35 T9} [dnit] basket {D46 N35 M17 X1 Aa19}

[dDw] type of grain {D46 N26 N33A} [dnit] ditch, canal {D46 N35 M17 X1
N35A N36 N23 Z1}
[dqr] press (against), exclude (from), a
process in spinning {D46 N29 D21 D51} [dnit] (n.) dam {D46 N35 M17 X1 V11
N23 Z1}

[dq] flour, powder {D46 N29 D21 D51 [dnit] a festival {D46 N35 M17 X1 W3

[dqrw] fruit, fruit - trees {D46 N29 D21 [dnit] bowl {D46 N35 M17 X1 W24}
D51 N33 Z2}

[dq] flour, powder {D46 N29 D51 N33A} [dni] dam (water), construct (dam), hold
back, restrain (someone), revet (earthen banks)
{D46 N35 M17 Z5 D40}
[dq] flour, powder {D46 N29 M17 M17
D51 N33A}
[dns] heaviness {D46 N35 O34 O39}
[dq] flour, powder {D46 N29 U9}
[dns] heavy, irksome, burdensome (of
years), overburdened (of stomach), weighty
[Dnd] (n.) wrath {D46 N35 D46 F5} {D46 N35 S29 U32 O39}

[DnDn] (v. intrans.) be angry {D46 N35 [dns mhwt] guarded of

D46 N35 A24}
speech {D46 N35 S29 U32 O39 G17 O4 G43
X1 Y1 Z2}
[dndn] traverse (a place, a way) {D46
N35 D46 N35 D54}
[dnsw] weights (of net) {D46 N35 S29
U32 O39 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 37

[dns] heavy {D46 N35 S29 U32 Y1v}
[dSr] (adj. and n.) red, reddening {D46 N37
[dn] cut off (heads), kill (someone) {D46 D21 Z5}
N35 T30}
[dhn] appoint {D46 O4 N35 A2}
[DnH] wing {D46 N35 V28 H5}
[dhn] bow (to), appoint, order (burial)
[dng] pygmy, dwarf {D46 N35 W11 {D46 O4 N35 D1}
F21 A282 A1}
[dhn tA] touch the earth with the
[dnw] flaw (in stone) {D46 N35 W24 forehead in obeisance {D46 O4 N35 D1 N16
G43 Y1v} N23 Z1}

[dnwt] families {D46 N35 W24 X1 [dhn] appoint {D46 O4 N35 D41 D40}
G43 A1 N33 N33 N33}
[dhnt] forehead {D46 O4 N35 X1 D1}
[dSrw] blood {D46 N37 D21 D26}
[dhnt] mountain - top {D46 O4 N35 X1
[dSr] flamingo {D46 N37 D21 G27} D1 O39}

[dSr] (adj. and n.) red, reddening {D46 [ds] flint {D46 O34 T30}
N37 D21 G27}
[ds] flint {D46 O34 T30 O39}
[dSr Hr] furious {D46 N37 D21 G27
D2 Z1}
[ds] jar {D46 O34 Z4 W24}
[dSr ib] furious {D46 N37 D21 G27
F34 Z1} [dp] taste (verb), experience {D46 Q3
F20 A2}
[dSrw] blood {D46 N37 D21 G43
G27} [dpy] crocodile {D46 Q3 I3}

[dSrw] wrath {D46 N37 D21 [dpy] crocodile {D46 Q3 M17 M17 I3}
G43 G27 Z2}
[dp] (locality) Dep (Delta city) {D46 Q3
[dSrw] wrath {D46 N37 D21 G43 O49}
G37 Z2}
[dpt] (n.) taste {D46 Q3 X1 F20 A2}
[dSrt] the Red Land, desert {D46
N37 D21 X1 G27 N25} [dpt] loins {D46 Q3 X1 F51}

[dSrt] the Red Land, desert {D46 N37 [dpt] ship {D46 Q3 X1 P1}
D21 X1 N25}
[dpty] an offering {D46 Q3 X1 Z4 F20}
[dSrt] the Red Land, desert {D46 N37
D21 X1 O49} [dm] pronounce, proclaim (name), mention (by
name), be renowned (of office) {D46 S23}
[dSrt] the Red Crown {D46 N37 D21
X1 S3}
[dmDw] crowd {D46 S23 G17
I10 G43 Y1 A40 Z2}
[dSrt] wrath {D46 N37 D21 X1 Z5}
[dmD] accumulate (grain), compile
[dSrt] the Red Crown {D46 N37 D21 X1 (spell), extend (hand) {D46 S23 G17 I10 Y1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 38

[dmD] associate (with), join (someone), [dwAyt] morning {D46 V4 G1

unite (lands) {D46 S23 G17 I10 Y1} M17 M17 X1 N14 N5 Z4A}

[dmD] reassemble (dismembered body), [dwAwt] (n. - pl.) praises {D46

assemble, bring together (people) {D46 S23 V4 G1 X1 G43 A30 Z3}
G17 I10 Y1}
[dwA mwt .f] (one of the Four
[dmD] accumulate (grain), compile (spell), sons of Horus) Duamutef {D46 V4 N14 G14 I9
extend (hand) {D46 S23 I10 Y1} X1 G7}

[dmD] associate (with), join (someone), [dwA wr] deified royal beard {D46
V4 N14 G36 D156 G7C}
unite (lands) {D46 S23 I10 Y1}

[dmD] reassemble (dismembered body), [dwAwt] (n. - pl.) praises

{D46 V4 X1 G43 G43 N14 A30 Y1 Z2}
assemble, bring together (people) {D46 S23
I10 Y1}
[dwAt] netherworld, nether chamber (in
tomb) {D46 V4 X1 N15}
[dmD] accumulate (grain), compile (spell),
extend (hand) {D46 S23 Y1v}
[dHi] hang down {D46 V28 G37}
[dmD] associate (with), join (someone), unite
[dHi] be humiliated {D46 V28 G37 D41}
(lands) {D46 S23 Y1v}
[dHi] hang down, be low, be humiliated
[dmD] reassemble (dismembered body), {D46 V28 M17 G37}
assemble, bring together (people) {D46 S23
[dHty] (n.) lead {D46 V28 X1 Z4 N33A}
[dsi] vilify {D46 S29 M17 A2}
[dgi] (v.) hide {D46 W11 A4}
[ds] knife {D46 S29 T30}
[dgi] (v. trans.) see, behold {D46 W11 D4}
[ds] jar {D46 S29 W73}
[dgi] (v. intrans.) look (at) {D46 W11 D4}
[dmAw] groups, classes {D46 T12 U1
A1 Z2}
[dgi] (v. intrans.) look (at) {D46 W11
G1 D5}

[dm] pronounce, proclaim (name), mention (by [dgA] walk {D46 W11 G1 D56 D54
name), be renowned (of office) {D46 T30} Y1}

[dmA] bind together {D46 U1 G1 [dgi] (v.) hide {D46 W11 G1 M17
M37 D40} M17 A4 G37}

[dmA] stretch, be stretched out {D46 [dgi] (v. trans.) see, behold {D46
U1 G1 U32 Y1v} W11 G1 M17 M17 D7}

[dmA] bind together {D46 U1 M37} [dgAyt] (n.) starring {D46 W11 G1
M17 M17 X1 D5}
[dmA] cut off (heads) {D46 U1 M37}
[dgs] walk {D46 W11 G1 S29 D56
[dmAt] wing {D46 U1 X1 H5} D54}

[dwA] (v.) praise, worship {D46 V4 A30} [dgm] be speechless {D46 W11 G17
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 39

A7} Z3 A1 B1}

[dgm] be speechless {D46 W11 G17 [Hnt] palm of hand {D46 Z1}
[diwt] bellow {D46 Z3 Z1 Z1 G43
[dgi] (v. trans.) see, behold {D46 W11 X1 Y1 Z2}
M17 M17 D4}
[dy] here, there {D46 Z4A N31}
[dgyt] a type of bird {D46 W11 M17
M17 X1 A4 G39} [kAp] (n.) bandage {D49 Q3 S28}
[dgyt] bat (mammal) {D46 W11 M17 [Dba] point the finger (at) {D50 D36 A2}
M17 X1 G39}
[Dbaw] reproach {D50 D36 G43 A2}
[dmi] (v. intrans.) be joined (to) {D46
W19 M17 A24}
[Dbawt] signet, seal {D50 D36 G43 X1
[dmi] (v. intrans.) cleave (to) {D46
W19 M17 D34A A24}
[Dbawt] signet, seal {D50 D36 M17 M17
X1 S20}
[dmi] (v. intrans.) be joined (to), accrue
(to), cleave (to), suit (someone), befall [Dbawt] signet, seal {D50 D36 X1 S20}
(someone) {D46 W19 M17 D41}
[Dbawt] signet, seal {D50 G43 X1 V9}
[dmi] (v. trans.) touch, reach (a place)
{D46 W19 M17 D41}
[Dba] finger, thumb, toe, digit (one twentyeigth
[dmi] (v. trans.) reach (a place) {D46 cubit), 10,000 (numeral) {D50 Z1}
W19 M17 D54}
[dq] flour, powder {D51 N33A}
[dmi] vicinity {D46 W19 M17 N21}
[qAA] grains {D51 N33 Z2}
[dmiw] fellow - citizens {D46 W19 M17
N23 A1 Z2} [kA] bull {D52 E1}

[dmi] town, quarter (of town), abode, [kA n idr] bull of the herd (Head Bull ?)
vicinity, quay {D46 W19 M17 N23 Z1} {D52 E1 Z1 N35 V37}

[dmi] (ornamental) fruit dish {D46 W19 [kA] bull calf {D52 E3}
M17 R3A}
[TAy] bull calf {D52 E3}
[dmi] (v. intrans.) be joined (to) {D46 W19
M17 Y1v} [bDA] penis {D52 F51}

[Drt] hand, trunk (of elephant), handle (of [mt] bolus, lump, pill {D52 H8}
jar) {D46 X1 F51}
[kA idr] bull of the herd (Head Bull ?)
[Drt] hand {D46 X1 Z1} {D52 V37 E1}

[Drt] hand, trunk (of elephant), handle (of jar) [mtnwt] (n.) reward {D52 W24 X1}
{D46 X1 Z1}
[mt] strip ? (of cloth) {D52 X1}
[diwt] gang of 5 {D46 X1 Z1 Z1 Z1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 40

[mwt] mother {D52 X1 B1}
[mtyt] rectitude {D52 X1 M17 M17 X1
[mwt] mother {D52 X1 B1} T14 T14}

[mtrw] witness {D52 X1 D21 G43 [mtnwt] (n.) reward {D52 X1 N35
T14 T14 A2 A1} M17 M17 X1 Y1 Z2}

[mtrw m irty] visible [mTn] road, way {D52 X1 N35 N31 N23}
testimony {D52 X1 D21 G43 T14 T14 A2 A1
G17 D4 D4} [mtn] (v.) reward {D52 X1 N35 T14 T14
[mtrw] witness {D52 X1 D21 T14 T14
A1} [mty n sA] controller of a (priestly) phyle
{D52 X1 N35 V16}
[mtr] (v. trans.) testify concerning,
exhibit (virtues), charge (tasks), instruct {D52 [mty] straightforward, precise {D52 X1
X1 D21 T14 T14 A2} T14 T14 Y1v}

[mtr] (v. intrans.) be famous, renowned [mtr] (v. trans.) testify concerning {D52
{D52 X1 D21 T14 T14 A2} X1 T14 T14 Y1v}

[mtr] fame, renown {D52 X1 D21 T14 [mt Hnt] concubine {D52 X1 V28 M2
T14 A2 Z2} N35 X1 B1}

[mty] straightforward, precise {D52 X1 [mt Hnt] concubine {D52 X1 V28 N35
D21 T14 T14 Y1v} X1 B1}

[mtr] fame, renown {D52 X1 D21 T14 [mtnwt] (n.) reward {D52 X1 W24 X1 Y1}
T14 Y1 Z2}
[mtrt] testimony {D52 X1 X1}
[mtrt] midday {D52 X1 D21 X1 N5}
[mtt] exact moment {D52 X1 X1 N5 Z1}
[mtr] (v. trans.) testify concerning {D52 X1
D21 Z4}
[mtt nt ib] affection ? {D52 X1
X1 T14 T14 Y1 N35 X1 F34 Z1}
[mtrw] flood {D52 X1 D21 Z7
T14 T14 N35A N36 N23}
[mty] strips ? (of cloth) {D52 X1 Z4}
[mtmt] discuss, discussion {D52 X1 [mty] controller {D52 X1 Z4 A1}
D52 X1 F21 A2}

[mTwn] arena {D52 X1 E34 N35 E1 [mty n sA] controller of (priestly)

Z1} phyle {D52 X1 Z4 A1 N35 V17 Z2 A1}

[mTwn] arena {D52 X1 E34 N35 E1 [mtrw] flood {D52 X1 Z4 T14 T14
Z1} N35A}

[mtwt] semen {D52 X1 G43 X1 Z2} [mty] straightforward, precise,exact,

regular (of seasons), customary (of diet), usual
[mtr] fame, renown {D52 X1 M17 M17 (of form) {D52 X1 Z4 T14 T14 Y1v}
T14 T14}
[mty] (n.) exactitude, exacxtness {D52 X1
[mtr] fame, renown {D52 X1 M17 M17 Z4 T14 T14 Y1v}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 41

[mty] regular (of seasons) {D52 X1 Z4 [pds] box, casket {D56 Z1 M3 Z1}
[siAt] (causative) encroach upon (lands), cheat
[mt] strip ? (of cloth) {D52 X1 Z5} {D57}

[mt] (anatomical) vessel, duct, muscle {D52 [siAty] mutilator, twister (of speech)
X1 Z5} {D57 X1 Z4 A1}

[mtwt] semen, seed, progeny, poison, ill- [bw] place {D58}

will {D52 X1 Z7 X1 D53 Z2}
[bw] place {D58}
[bAH] measure of capacity {D52 Z1 Z8}
[bxxw] heat ? {D58 Aa1 Aa1 G43 Q7}
[nmtt] stride, journeys, movements, actions,
(legal) procedure {D54 D54 D54} [bxn] country mansion {D58 Aa1 N35
[pr hA] come and go {D54 D55}
[bxnw] basalt ? greywacke ? {D58
[nmtt] stride, journeys, movements, actions, Aa1 N35 W24 G43 O39}
(legal) procedure {D54 X1 Z1}
[bxnt] pylon {D58 Aa1 N35 X1 F5
[nmtt] stride, journeys, movements, actions,
(legal) procedure {D54 Z2}
[bxnt] pylon {D58 Aa1 N35 X1 F5
[rd] foot {D56}
[bxnty] (pl.) pylons {D58 Aa1 N35 X1
[wart] quarter (of necropolis) {D56} F5 O137}

[rdwy] (dual) feet {D56 D56} [br] eyes {D58 D21 D12 D12}
[wartw] administrator, attendant {D56 G43 [bkA] be pregnant {D58 D28 B2}
[bkA] be pregnant {D58 D28 B2A}
[gHs] gazelle {D56 S29 E28}
[bkA] be pregnant {D58 D28 B2 Y1v}
[pds] box, casket {D56 S29 M3 Z1}
[bkA] lock of hair {D58 D28 D3}
[wart] foot {D56 X1 F51}
[bkA] tomorrow, morning {D58 D28 N5
[wartyt] administratrix {D56 X1 M17 M17 Z4B}
[bkAt] pregnant woman {D58 D28 X1 B2}
[wart] administrative division, quarter, part
{D56 X1 N23}
[aba] boast, boasting, exaggeration {D58
D36 D36 Y1v}
[wartyt] administratrix {D56 X1 X1}
[baba] drink {D58 D36 D58 D36 A30}
[wart] flight {D56 X1 Z2}
[baba] drink {D58 D36 D58 D36 N35A}
[sbq] (adj.) splendid {D56 Y1v}
[babat] stream {D58 D36 D58 D36 X1
[thm] perforation, puncture {D56 Y24}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 42

[bd] natron {D58 D46 R9 N33 Z2}
[baba] drink {D58 D36 D58 D36 Y1v}
[bdt] emmer {D58 D46 X1 M34}
[bant] neck {D58 D36 N35 X1 F51B}
[bbr] (locality) Babel {D58 D58 D21
Z1 N25}
[bant] neck {D58 D36 N35 X1 H1}

[baHw] inundation, flood {D58 D36 V28 [bbwt] wig (shoulder length ?) {D58
D58 G43 M17 M17 X1 D3}

[baHw] inundation, flood {D58 D36 [bbwt] wig (shoulder length ?) {D58
D58 M17 M17 X1 D3}
V28 G32}

[baHw] inundation, flood {D58 D36 [bbyt] region of throat, hollows above
V28 G32 N35A} collar-bone {D58 D58 M17 M17 X1 F51}

[baHi] (v.) have abundance, be well- [bbt] region of collar-bones {D58 D58 X1
supplied, be inundated, flood, inundate {D58
D36 V28 G32 Y1}
[bbt] herb (inula gravedens) {D58 D58
X1 M2 Z2}
[baH] abundance {D58 D36 V28
G39 Z8}
[bAbAt] inshore eddy {D58 D58 X1 N23}
[baHw] inundation, flood {D58 D36
V28 G43 N35A} [bAbAt] inshore eddy {D58 D58 X1 N35A}

[baH] be detested {D58 D36 V28 K1 [bbt] hole, cavity {D58 D58 X1 O1}
[bbwt] wig (shoulder length ?) {D58
[baH] abundance (as deity) {D58 D36 D58 Z7 X1 D3}
V28 N35A A40}
[bbwy] collar-bones {D58 D58 Z7 Z4 F51
[baH] abundance {D58 D36 V28 N35A F51}
[biAw] mining region, a mine {D58
[bddw kA] water melon {D58 D46 F18 N41 G43 Z2 N25}
D46 G43 D28 D52 M2 Z2}
[biAyt] firmament {D58 F18 N41 M17
[bddw kA] water - melon {D58 D46 M17 X1 N25}
D46 G43 D52 G43 M2 Z2}
[biA] heaven, firmament {D58 F18 N41
[bdS] become faint, weak, exhausted N25}
{D58 D46 N37 A7}
[biAw] the produce (of a mine) {D58
[bdS Hr] downcast, faint - hearted F18 W10 G43 Z2B}
{D58 D46 N37 A7 D2 Z1}
[bXbX] pride ? (as a bad quality) {D58
[bdS] become faint, weak, exhausted F32 D58 F32 A24}
{D58 D46 N37 O120}
[bAXw] Bahu: a region (originally west
[bdSt] weakness {D58 D46 N37 X1 of Egypt, later on, to the East) {D58 F32 G43
A7} D4 N25}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 43

[bxnw] basalt ?, greywacke ? {D58 F32
N35 D6 O39}
[bA] hack up (the earth), hoe (crops),
destroy, devastate {D58 G29 G1 U7 D40}
[bxnw] basalt ?, greywacke ? {D58 F32
N35 O39}
[bDA] jar {D58 G29 G1 U28 W24}
[bw nfr] good {D58 F35}
[bDA] jar {D58 G29 G1 U29 W24}
[bkA] morning {D58 G29 D28 N14}
[bAH] phallus, glans {D58 G29 G1
V28 D53}
[bkA] tomorrow {D58 G29 D28 N14}
[bAgi] (v.) be weary, languid, be
[bAbAw] hole (socket of eye, slack, remiss {D58 G29 G1 W11 A7}
apertures of head) {D58 G29 D58 G29 G43
[bAgi] (n.) weariness, languor,
[bAbAw] hole (socket of eye, slackness, remissness {D58 G29 G1 W11 A7}
apertures of head) {D58 G29 D58 G29 G43 O1}
[bAgyw] the languid ones (the
[bA] leopard skin {D58 G29 F9 F27} dead) {D58 G29 G1 W11 A7 A40 Z3}

[bAdt] ladle, dipper {D58 G29 G1 [bAg] sight ? {D58 G29 G1 W11 D4}
D46 X1 W10}
[bAgyw] the languid ones (the
[bAbAt] inshore eddy ? {D58 dead) {D58 G29 G1 W11 M17 M17 A7 A40 Z3}
G29 G1 D58 G29 G1 X1 N35A}
[bAg] thick (of fluids) {D58 G29
[bA] leopard {D58 G29 G1 F27} G1 W11 N35A}

[bAXw] (locality) Bahu: a region [bAgs] thorn bush ? {D58 G29 G1

W11 S29 M2}
(originally West of Egypt, later on, the East)
{D58 G29 G1 F32 G43 D5 N25}
[bAgg] (male) genitals {D58 G29
[bAAwt] virility {D58 G29 G1 G1 G1 W11 W11 D53}
Z7 X1 D53}
[bAgi] (v.) be weary, languid
{D58 G29 G1 W11 Z4 A7 G37}
[bAiw] (adj.) damp {D58 G29 G1
M17 M17 N35A}
[bAt] bush, wisp (of corn) {D58 G29
G1 X1 M2}
[byby] wasp {D58 G29 G1 M17
M17 O50 Z4 Z7 G39}
[bAw] galley {D58 G29 G1 Z7 P1}
[bAiw] (adj.) damp {D58 G29 G1
M17 Z7 N35A} [bAy] foot-ewer {D58 G29 M17 M17
[bAq] oily, bright, white, be dazzled (of
sight), clear of character, innocent, fortunate [bAq] fortunate {D58 G29 N29 Y1}
{D58 G29 G1 N29 M1}
[bAst] (locality) Bubastis {D58 G29 Q1
[bAq] moringa oil {D58 G29 G1 X1 O49}
N29 M1 W24 Z2}
[bAs] devour {D58 G29 S29 W1}
[bAq] oily, bright {D58 G29 G1 N29
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 44

[bAgsw] dagger {D58 G29 W11 M23 [bibi] symptom of disease {D58 M17
Z7 N34} D58 M17 T30A}

[bA] leopard {D58 G29 X11 E24} [biAw] mining region, a mine {D58
M17 G1 G43 O39 Z2}
[bw] place {D58 G43}
[biAi] (v.) wonder, marvel (at) {D58 M17
[bw nfr] good, goodness {D58 G43 F35 G1 M17 M17}
I9 D21}
[biA] metal (bronze ?, iron ?) {D58 M17
[bw] detest {D58 G43 K1 Z2} G1 N21 N41}

[bwytyw] those who are abominated [biA] heaven, firmament {D58 M17
{D58 G43 M17 M17 G4 K1 G37 Z3} G1 N41 N21 N33 Z2}

[bw] detest {D58 G43 M70} [bit] character, qualities {D58 M17
G1 X1 F18 Y1 Z2}
[bw] place (in reference to desert) {D58
G43 N25} [biw] wasp {D58 M17 G43 L2 Z3A}

[bw mAa] truth {D58 G43 U2 Aa11} [biA] heaven, firmament {D58 M17 G43
[bw Hwrw] evil {D58 G43 V28
D21 G36 G43 G37} [biA] heaven {D58 M17 G43 N22}

[bw nb] everyone {D58 G43 V30} [biA] heaven {D58 M17 G43 N22}

[bw nbw] everyone, everybody {D58 [biAw] wonders, marvels {D58

G43 V30 A1 Z2 B1} M17 G43 W10 U16 Y1 Z2}

[bwt] (v.) detest , abominate {D58 G43 X1 [bi(A)w] wonders, marvels {D58 M17 G43
G37} Z3}

[bwt] detest , abominate, abomination [biAi] (v.) wonder, marvel (at) {D58 M17
{D58 G43 X1 K1} M17 U16 Y1}

[bwt] (n.) abomination {D58 G43 X1 [biAi] wonder, miracle {D58 M17 M17
K2 A2} U16 Y1}

[bwt] (n.) abomination {D58 G43 X1 [biAi] (v.) wonder, marvel (at) {D58 M17
K2 Z2} M17 X1 U16}

[bsw] secret image (of god) {D58 K1 [biAyt] miracles, marvels {D58 M17
G43} M17 X1 U16 Y1 Z2}

[bSA] malted barley ? {D58 M8 G1 [biA] metal (bronze ?, iron ?) {D58

U9 Z2} M17 N21 F18 O39 N33A}

[bibi] acclamation {D58 M17 D58 M17 [bin] (n.) evil {D58 M17 N35 G37}
[bin] (adj.) bad, evil {D58 M17 N35 G37}
[bibi] symptom of disease {D58 M17 D58
M17 A2} [bint] (n.) evil {D58 M17 N35 X1 G37}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 45

[bint Hr ib] what is displeasing [bit] block (of stone) {D58 M17 X1 O39}
{D58 M17 N35 X1 G37 D2 Z1 F34 Z1}
[bity] king of Lower Egypt {D58 M17 X1
[biA] heaven, firmament {D58 M17 N41 S4}
[biAyt] miracles, marvels {D58 M17
[bi] good deed {D58 M17 N41 F18 A2} X1 U16 Y1 N33A}

[biAw] mining region, a mine {D58 M17 [bit] vase (in oval form) {D58 M17 X1
N41 F18 N25} W88}

[biAw] mining region, a mine {D58 M17 [biAty] marvellous person (of king)
N41 N25} {D58 M17 X1 Z4 U16B Y1 Z2}

[biA] metal (bronze ?, iron ?) {D58 M17 N41 [bnr] sweet, pleasant {D58 M30 N35}
[bnrt] sweetness {D58 M30 X1}
[biAw] the produce (of a mine) {D58 M17
N41 O39 Z2} [bqbqw] recalcitrance ? {D58 N29 D58
N29 Z7 D54}
[bik] falcon {D58 M17 V31 G6}
[bAq] bright {D58 N29 M1}
[bik] 'falcon' ship (of the king)
{D58 M17 V31 G6 P1} [bqsw] spinal column {D58 N29 M23
G43 F51}
[bik] 'falcon' ship (of the king) {D58 M17
V31 P1} [bqsw] spine {D58 N29 M23 Z7 F51}
[biAyt] miracle, marvels {D58 M17 [bAq] moringa oil {D58 N29 W24 Z2}
W10 F18 M17 M17 X1 Z5 Y1 Z2}
[bq] be hostile (to someone) ? {D58 N29
[bit] character, qualities {D58 M17 Y1}
W10 F18 X1 A2}
[bn] negative particle {D58 N35}
[bi(A)w] wonders, marvels {D58 M17
W10 G43 U16 Z2}
[bnr] sweet, pleasant {D58 N35 D21}
[biAyt] miracle {D58 M17 W10 X1 F18
Y1} [bnrytyw] confectioners {D58
N35 D21 M17 M17 X1 Z4 M30 A24 A1 Z2}
[bit] character, qualities {D58 M17 W10 X1
Y1V Z3} [bnr] (n.) dates {D58 N35 D21 M17 M30}

[bit] character, qualities {D58 M17 X1 [bnr] sweet, pleasant {D58 N35 D21
A2} M17 M30 Y1}

[bit] character, qualities {D58 M17 X1 [bnrt] sweetness {D58 N35 D21 M17
F18} X1 M30}

[bit] a loaf {D58 M17 X1 N18} [bnrt (bnit)] (n.) dates {D58 N35 D21
M17 X1 M30}
[biAt] (n.) quarry {D58 M17 X1 N41 N25}
[bnbn] Benben stone (the sacred stone of
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 46

ON) {D58 N35 D58 N35 O24}

[bntwt] deep-bosomed (of women)
{D58 N35 X1 X1 D27 F51 Z2}
[bnbnt] stem (of ship?) {D58 N35 D58
N35 X1 M3}
[bnt] (n.) harp {D58 N35 X1 Y7}
[bnbnt] pyramidion {D58 N35 D58 N35
X1 O24} [bnty] pair of breasts, nipples {D58 N35
X1 Z4 D27 D27}
[bnf] gall {D58 N35 I9 Aa3B}
[bnty] two baboons (which greet the
morning sun) {D58 N35 X1 Z4 E35}
[bnf] gall {D58 N35 I9 F51}
[bnty] two baboons (which greet the
[bnf] gall {D58 N35 I9 H8}
morning sun) {D58 N35 X1 Z4 E51}
[bnr] (n.) dates {D58 N35 M17 M30 N33
Z2} [bSi] spit, spit out {D58 N37 D26}

[bnrt] sweetness {D58 N35 M17 X1 [bSw] vomit, spittle {D58 N37 G43
M30 Y1} D26 Z2}

[bniw] date-wine {D58 N35 M17 Z7 [bST] (v.) rebel (against) {D58 N37 V13
M30 W24 Z2} A24}

[bniw] date - wine {D58 N35 M17 Z7 [bSTw] rebellion {D58 N37 X1 D19}
W24 Z2}
[bST] (v.) rebel (against) {D58 N37 X1
[bnn] beget, become erect (of male), D19}
overflow {D58 N35 N35 D53}
[bSTw] rebellion {D58 N37 X1 U30
[bnn] become erect (of male), overflow {D58
N35 N35 D54}
[bSttyw] rebels {D58 N37 X1
U30 X1 G4 A14 Z3}
[bnn] bead, pellet {D58 N35 N35 H8}
[bStw] rebellion {D58 N37 X1 Z7 D19}
[bnn] bead, pellet {D58 N35 N35 N33
[biAy] consisting of bronze ? {D58 N41
[bnnt] pellet {D58 N35 N35 X1 N33
[biA] heaven, firmament {D58 N41 O39}
[bnS] doorpost {D58 N35 N37 M3}
[biA] heaven, firmament {D58 N41 O39
[bnw] heron {D58 N35 W24 G43
[biAy] consisting of bronze {D58 N41
U16A G1 M17}
[bnw] heron {D58 N35 W24 G43
[biA] a mineral (not metal) {D58 N41 X1}
[bnwt] hard sandstone, corn-rubber
{D58 N35 W24 G43 O39 X1} [biAt] beer vessel {D58 N41 X1 W10}

[bnt] (n.) harp {D58 N35 X1 M3} [biAy] consisting of bronze {D58 N41
Z24 G1 M17}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 47

[biAy] consisting of bronze {D58 N41 Z24 [bskw] entrails {D58 S29 V31 G43
G43} T30A T30A T30A}

[bHA] flee {D58 O4 D54} [bsk] disembowel {D58 S29 V31 T30}

[bhA] flee {D58 O4 G1 D54} [bAs] jar {D58 S29 W10B}

[bhAw] fugitive {D58 O4 G1 Z7 [bsw] result, consequence {D58 S29 Z7

D54 A1} K1 D54}

[bht] flabellum {D58 O4 X1 S35} [bsw] (morbid) discharges {D58 S29

Z7 K1 D54 Z2}
[bs] (v. trans.) inter, bring in (a state of
affairs), reveal (a secret) {D58 O34 K1} [bDA] stiff roll of linen {D58 U28 G1 O39}

[bs] (v. trans.) introduce (someone into), [bDA] mast-head {D58 U28 G1 V1
instal, initiate (into) {D58 O34 K1} Z2 M3}

[bs] (v. intrans.) enter {D58 O34 K1} [bDA] jar {D58 U28 G1 W24}

[bsn] gypsum ? {D58 O34 N35 W10} [bDA] jar {D58 U28 X11}

[bsi] (v.) flow forth (of water) {D58 S29 [bwA] magnate, notable {D58 V4 G1
D54} A1}

[bsi] (n.) influx (of foreign migrants) {D58 [bwAt] hiding-place (for wild fowl)
S29 D54} {D58 V4 G1 X1 N23 Z1}

[bsw] flame {D58 S29 G43 Q7} [bwAt] hiding - place (for
wildfowl) {D58 V4 G1 Z7 X1 A30 N23 Z1}
[bsw] secret image (of god) {D58 S29 K1}
[bT] (v. trans.) abandon, forsake {D58 V13
[bsi] (v.) flow forth (of water) {D58 S29 K1
[bT] (v. trans.) abandon, forsake {D58 V13
[bs] (v. trans.) introduce (someone into)
{D58 S29 K1 D54}
[btn] disobey, defy {D58 V13 N35 D56
[bsw] secret image (of god) {D58 S29 K1
D54 A40}
[btnw] defiant man, rebel {D58 V13
N35 W24 G43 D19 Z1}
[bs] (n.) secret {D58 S29 K1 Y1}

[bs] (v. trans.) instal {D58 S29 K1 Y1} [btnw] defiant man, rebel {D58
V13 N35 W24 G43 D36 A1}

[bsw] flame {D58 S29 Q7} [bTw] incurable (disease or person)

{D58 V13 X1 Z7 I14}
[bskw] entrails {D58 S29 V31 G43
[bT] (v. intrans.) run {D58 V15 X1}
[bskw] entrails {D58 S29 V31 G43 [bsA] protect {D58 V16 G1}
F34 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 48

[bH] forced labour {D58 V28 A24 Y1v} [bAgi] (n.) slackness, remissness {D58
W11 Z4 G37}
[bHs] calf {D58 V28 F18 S29}
[btn] disobey, defy {D58 X1 N35 D19
[bHn] drive off (foes) {D58 V28 N35 F18} A24}

[bHn] cut off (limbs), drive off (foes) {D58 [btn ib] insolent man {D58 X1 N35
V28 N35 T30} D19 A24 F34 Z1}

[bHn] howl (of dog) {D58 V28 N35 [btnw] defiant man, rebel {D58 X1 N35
W24 G43 A2} W24 D40}

[bHn] howl (of dog) {D58 V28 N35 [btnw] defiant man, rebel {D58
W24 G43 F18} X1 N35 W24 G43 D19 A14}

[bHs] calf {D58 V28 O34 F18 E3} [bT] (v. intrans.) run {D58 X1 U30 G1
[bHs] hunt {D58 V28 S29 D40}
[bT] (v. intrans.) run {D58 X1 U30 G1
D56 D54}
[bHs] hunt {D58 V28 S29 D54}
[btA] wrong, crime {D58 X1 U30 G1
[bHs] hunt {D58 V28 S29 D56} G37}

[bH] forced labour {D58 V28 Z4 D40} [btAt] harm, injury {D58 X1 U30 G1
X1 Z9 Y1 Z2}
[bkk] hair {D58 V31 V31 D3}
[btA] wrongdoer {D58 X1 U30 G1
[bikt] female falcon {D58 V31 X1 G158} Z9 G37 A1}

[biA] a mineral (not metal) {D58 W10 [btA] wrong, crime {D58 X1 U30 Z9 G37}
F18 N33 Z2}
[btk] squalor ? {D58 X1 V31 Aa2 Z2}
[bAgi] be slack, remiss {D58 W11 A7}
[btk] sink (of the heart) ? {D58 X1 V31
[bAgi] (v.) be slack, remiss {D58 W11 A7} D54}

[bgAw] shipwrecked man {D58 [btkbtk] escape {D58 X1 V31 D58

W11 G1 Z7 N35A A1} X1 V31 D54}

[bgsw] wrongdoing {D58 W11 M23 [btktk] escape ? {D58 X1 V31 X1 V31
G43 G37 Z2} D54}

[bAgsw] dagger {D58 W11 M23 G43 [bw] place {D58 Z1}
[bw] place {D58 Z1}
[bgsw] wrongdoing {D58 W11 O34 G37}
[bw mAa] truth {D58 Z1 U5 D36 Y1v}
[bgsw] wrongdoing {D58 W11 S29 G37}
[bwA] magnate, notable {D58 Z4 G1
[bAgs] thorn bush {D58 W11 S29 Z7 M2 Z7 Z4 A30}
[bnr] globe of the eye {D58 Z7 N35
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian D Parts of Men 49

Z2 D21 D6 Z2}
[wabt] meat - offering {D60 X1 F51}
[bwt] (n.) abomination {D58 Z7 Z4 K2
Z2} [wabwt] priestly service {D60 X1 N35A}

[abab] threshold ? {D59 D59 N21} [sAH] (n.) dependant ? {D61}

[aba] boast, boasting, exaggeration {D59 [sAH] reach, arrive at, land (from ship),
F16} tread (the earth), go to (earth = be buried) {D61
[abw] purification {D59 F17}
[sAH] Orion (constellation) {D61 N14
[baHw] inundation, flood {D59 V28 G1 A40}
[sAH] grant of land {D61 N21 Z1}
[wab] pure, purify oneself, bathe, cleanse,
purification, purity {D60} [sAHt] neighbourhood {D61 X1}

[wab] serve as priest {D60} [sAH] reach, arrive at, land (from ship), tread
(the earth), go to (earth = be buried) {D61 Y1v}
[wab] wab priest {D60 A1}
[sAH] toe {D61 Z1 F51}
[wabwt] (pl.) meat offerings {D60 D36
M17 M17 X1 H8} [sAH] endow (with) {D63 Y1v}

[wabwt] (pl.) meat offerings {D60 [rmw] weeper {D143B G43}

D58 M17 M17 X1 F51 Z2}
[iaw r] breakfast {D154}
[wabw] sacred robe {D60 G43 S28}
[dwA wr] deified royal beard {D156 G36}
[wabt] meat offering {D60 G43 X1
F51B} [rmni] (n.) bearer, supporter {D210 N35}
[wab] pure, purify oneself, bathe, cleanse, [rmni] (v.) shoulder, carry, support, match,
purification {D60 N35A} equal {D210 N35}
[wab] serve as priest {D60 N35A} [xfa] (v. and n.) grasp, make captures (in war)
{D272 D40}
[wab] Wab priest {D60 N35A A1}
[mXqy] shoulder blade {D350 F32
[wabwt] (pl.) meat offerings {D60 N29 M17 M17 F51}
N35A G43 F51 Z2 X1}
[Hm kA] soul priest {D375 A1}
[wabw] sacred robe {D60 N35A G43
S28} [Hm kA] soul priest {D375 M17 M17
D40 A1}
[wabt] place of embalment, tomb,
kitchen, refectory {D60 N35A X1 O1} [Hm kA] soul - service {D375 Y1 Z2}

[wabw] sacred robe {D60 S28} [wabt] priestess {D384}

[wabt] offering - slab {D60 V13}

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian E Mammals 50

E Mammals [iwaw] heir {E9 G43 D36 F44}

[kA] bull {E1} [iwaw] (pl.) heirs {E9 G43 D36

G43 A1 B1 Z2}
[kA Sbn] rabble ? {E1 Z9 N35}
[iwaw] thigh, leg (of beef) {E9 G43
D36 G43 F44 F51}
[aA] ass, donkey {E7}

[iwr] conceive (a child), become pregnant [iwaw] ring {E9 G43 D36 G43
{E9 D21 B12}

[iwryt] beans {E9 D21 M17 M17 X1 N33 [iwd] separate (x from y) {E9 G43 D46

[iwaw] leg (of beef) {E9 D36 F44} [iwdt] separation {E9 G43 D46 X1

[iwa] inherit, succeed, act as heir {E9 D36

[iwiw] dog {E9 G43 E9 G43

[iwa] inherit from (someone) {E9 D36

G43 F44} [iw] dog {E9 G43 E14}

[iwaw] heir {E9 D36 G43 F44 A1} [iwr] conceive, become pregnant {E9
G43 G36 D21 B2}

[iwayt] troops {E9 D36 M17 M17 X1

F44 A1 Z2}
[iwr] conceive (a child), become
pregnant {E9 G43 G36 D21 Z5}
[iwayt] troops {E9 D36 X1 A1 Z2}
[iw] wrongdoing, injustice {E9 G43
[iwat] inheritance, heritage {E9 D36 X1
[iwyt] wrongdoing {E9 G43 M17
M17 X1 G37 Z2}
[iwat] heiress {E9 D36 X1 F44}
[iwyt] house, sanctuary, quarter (of
[iwat] inheritance, heritage {E9 D36 X1
F44 Y1 Z2} town), public places {E9 G43 M17 M17 X1 O1}

[iwat] inheritance, heritage {E9 D36 X1 [iwsw] balance (of scales) {E9 G43
Z5 Y1 Z2} M23 G43 M3}

[ims ib] kindly disposed, pleasant {E9 F34 [iwsw] balance {E9 G43 M23 G43
Z1} U38A}

[iw] wrongdoing {E9 G37} [iwnyt] pillared hall {E9 G43 N35
M17 M17 X1 O1}
[iw] lament, cry out {E9 G43 A2}
[iwnn] sanctuary {E9 G43 N35 N35
[iwat] inheritance, heritage {E9
G43 D36 D36 X1 F44 Y1 Z2}
[iwSS] gruel {E9 G43 N37 N37 N33}
[iwa] reward {E9 G43 D36 D40}
[iwi] be boatless, strand, leave boatless,
helpless, deprived {E9 G43 P1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian E Mammals 51

[iwHw] inundation {E9 G43 V28 [sAb] jackal {E17}

G43 N35A}
[sAb] dignitary, senior (in titles) {E17 A1}
[iwH] moisten, water (field-plots),
inject, flood {E9 G43 V28 N35A} [sAb r nxn] senior warden of Nekhen
{E17 D21 O48 A1}
[iwtyw] corruption {E9 G43 X1
G4 Aa2 Z2} [stX] (divinity) Seth (god) {E21}

[iwiw] dog {E9 G43 Z4A O50 F27} [mAi] lion {E22}

[iwnn] sanctuary {E9 N35 N35 O1} [rwyt] court of law, hall {E23 D21 M17
M17 X1 O1}
[iwsw] balance {E9 O34 U91}
[Snaw] storehouse, labour establishment
[iwH] moisten {E9 V28 N35A} {E23 D36 O1}

[iwat] inheritance, heritage {E9 X1 F44 [Snat] storehouse {E23 D36 X1 O1}
[rSwt] joy {E23 H6 H6 H6}
[iwyt] wrongdoing {E9 X1 G37 Z2}
[rwyt] court of law, hall {E23 M17 M17
[iwat] inheritance, heritage {E9 X1 G43 X1 O1}
[rSwt] joy {E23 N37 G43 X1 Z2}
[iwtn] ground, floor, flooring {E9 X1 N35
N21 Z1} [rwyt] court of law, hall {E23 X1 O1}

[iwryt] beans {E9 Z7 D21 M17 [rw] lion {E23 Z1}

M17 X1 N33 M33A}
[rwty] lion's den {E23 Z1 E23 X1
[iwh] load {E9 Z7 O4 D41 D40} Z4 O1}

[bA] ram {E10} [rwty] double-lion god {E23 Z1 E23

Z1 U33 M17}
[SA] pig {E12}
[rit] side {E23 Z1 M17 X1 D41}
[Tsm] train (troops) {E14B X1 Y1v}
[Aby] panther {E24}
[inpw] royal child {E15}
[Xnm] herd {E30 Z2}
[SstA] make secret, mysterious, make
inaccessible, secret, confidential matter, [anxt] goat {E31}
(religious) mystery, problem {E15}
[saH] rank, dignity, dignities (plural), honours
[wt inpw] a priest {E15 G43 X1 Aa2 (plural) {E31}
[saH] noble, dignitary {E31 A1}
[SstA] make secret, mysterious, make
inaccessible, secret, confidential matter, [saH] (v. trans.) ennoble {E31 Y1v}
(religious) mystery, problem {E16}
[saH] rank, dignity, dignities (plural),
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian E Mammals 52

honours (plural) {E31 Y1 Z2} U10 N33 Z2 E1}

[saH] (v. intrans.) be noble {E31 Z1} [wn] fault, blame {E34 N35 G37}

[wnxw] clothing {E34 N35 Aa1 [wnf] be joyful {E34 N35 I9 S28}
G43 V12 S28}
[wnf] be joyful {E34 N35 I9 V12}
[wnxyt] mummy - cloth ? {E34 N35
Aa1 M17 M17 X1 V12 Z1} [wnf ib] be frivolous {E34 N35 I9 V12
F34 Z1}
[wnx] roll of cloth {E34 N35 Aa1 S28}
[wnDwt] hold (of ship) {E34 N35
[wnx] be clothed, don (clothing), assume I10 X1 G43 P30}
(ones body), dress (a vase) {E34 N35 Aa1 S28}
[wnyt] baldness (of eyebrows) {E34 N35
[wnx] be clothed (in) {E34 N35 Aa1 M17 M17 X1 D3}
V12 S28 D40}
[wnn] be, exist {E34 N35 N35}
[wnx] roll of cloth {E34 N35 Aa1 Z5}
[wnn nfrw] (divinity) Onnophris {E34 N35
[wn mAa] true being, relality {E34 N35 N35 F35 A40}
Aa11 Y1}
[wnn nfrw] Onnophris (a name of
[wn] be stripped off (of branches of trees) Osiris) {E34 N35 N35 F35 G43 A40}
{E34 N35 D3 M3}
[wnnt] (enclitic part.) indeed, really {E34
[wn] be stripped off (of branches) {E34 N35 N35 X1}
N35 D3 Y1}
[wnS] jackal {E34 N35 N37 F27}
[wndwt] hollow, depression {E34 N35
D46 Z7 X1 N23 Z1 Z3} [wnS] sledge {E34 N35 N37 U16}

[wni] hasten, hurry, pass by, pass away {E34 [wnS] sledge {E34 N35 N37 Z7 M3}
N35 D54}
[wn Hr] open the sight of, be skilled, clear
[wnb] flower {E34 N35 D58 M2} vision, public appearance {E34 N35 O31 D2
[wnwn] travel about {E34 N35 E34 N35
A90} [wn] open, open up, rip open {E34 N35
O31 D40}
[wnwn] travel about {E34 N35 E34 N35
D1} [wnpw] triumph {E34 N35 Q3 G43
[wnwn] sway to and fro, nod, travel
about, move about, traverse {E34 N35 E34 N35 [wn mAa] true being, relality {E34
D3} N35 U2 Aa11 D36 H2 Y1}

[wnwn] travel about {E34 N35 E34 N35 [wn mAa] true being, reality {E34 N35
D54} U5 D36 Y1v}

[wnm] eat {E34 N35 G17 A2} [wnwt] duty, service {E34 N35 W24
G43 X1 N14 N5 Z1}
[wnm] fattened ox ? {E34 N35 G17
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian E Mammals 53

Aa18 G43}
[wnwty] hour watcher, astronomer {E34
N35 W24 X1 D4}
[pAxt] Pakhet (She who scratches [a lion
goddess] ) {E241}
[wnwt] duty, service {E34 N35 W24 X1

[wnwt] staff (of workers) {E34 N35

W24 X1 N14 A1 Z2}

[wnwt] hour {E34 N35 W24 X1 N14 N5}

F Parts of Mammals
[wnwty] hour watcher, astronomer {E34
N35 W24 X1 N14 N5 D4}
[At] moment, instant, time (in general) {F3
X1 N5}
[wnwt] duty, service {E34 N35 W24 X1
N14 Y1}
[HAt a] beginning {F4 D36}
[wnwty] hour - watcher, astronomer [HAty a] local prince, nomarch, mayor {F4
{E34 N35 W24 X1 Z4 N14}
D36 A1}

[wnw] foetus {E34 N35 W24 Z7 A17} [HAty a] the finest of {F4 D36 Z1}
[wnnt] (enclitic part.) indeed, really {E34 [HAwty] the foremost {F4 G43 X1 Z4
N35 X1}

[wnt] (non-enclitic part.) that {E34 N35 X1} [HAtt a ] local princess, female nomarch,
mayoress {F4 X1 D36}
[wnt] neglect {E34 N35 X1 D54}
[HAt xA] herdsman {F4 X1 M12}
[wnwt] priesthood {E34 N35 X1 N14
[HAtt] unguent {F4 X1 N33A}
[wnt] sanctuary (in temple) {E34 N35 X1
O1} [HAtt a ] local princess, female nomarch,
mayoress {F4 X1 X1 D36}
[wnwty] hour watcher, astronomer {E34
N35 X1 Z4 N14 N5} [HAtt] bow-warp (of ship) {F4 X1 X1 V1}

[wni] (v.) hasten, hurry, pass by, pass away, [HAtt] unguent {F4 X1 X1 W1}
neglect {E34 N35 Z4 D54}
[HAt] beginning (of region), foremost, chief,
[wn] open up (quarry etc) {E34 O31} the best of, {F4 X1 Z1}

[wnwt] priesthood {E34 X1 N14} [HAt] forehead, forepart (of animal), prow (of
ship), vanguard (of army) {F4 X1 Z1}
[wn] Hare {E34 Z1}
[HAt Hr] forehead {F4 X1 Z1 D2 Z1}
[sspw] sphinx {E151 Z1}
[HAt r] starting with {F4 X1 Z1 D21}
[Xnmw] (divinity) Khnum {E193A}
[HAt xA] herdsman {F4 X1 Z1 M12}
[mA - HsA] fierce lion {E238 V28 S29
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 54

[HAt sDH] shinbone {F4 X1 Z1 S29 [wsrw] strength, power {F12 S29 D21
I10 V28 D56} D36}

[HAty] heart, central chest , thought {F4 [wsr] strong, powerful, wealthy, influential,
X1 Z4 F34} rich (in years) {F12 S29 D21 D40}

[HAtt] bow-warp (of ship) {F4 X1 Z4 [wsr] wealthy man {F12 S29 D21 D40
V19} A1}

[HAwty] the foremost {F4 Z1 X1 G43 [wsrw] strength, power {F12 S29
X1} D21 G43 D40 Z2}

[HAwty] the foremost {F4 Z7 X1 D56 [wsrw] oar {F12 S29 D21 M3}
[wsr] powerful {F12 S29 D21 Y1}
[SsA] (v.) be conversant (with) {F5}
[wsrw] strength, power {F12 S29 D40 Z2}
[SsA] (v.) be conversant (with) {F5 G1}
[wsrw] oar {F12 S29 G43}
[SsAw] (medical) prescription {F5 G43
Y1 Z2}
[wsrt] neck {F12 X1 Z1}
[SsA] (v.) be wise {F6 Y1v} [wsrt] neck {F12 X1 Z1 F51B}
[Sft] ram - headed figure (of Amun) {F7} [wpt tA] farthest South {F13 N16}
[Sfyt] majesty, respect {F7 X1} [wp wAwt] (divinity) Wepwawet {F13
N31 N31 N31 A40}
[Sfyt] majesty, respect {F8 Z3}
[wp wAwt] (divinity) Wepwawet {F13
[pHty] (physical) strength, power (of N31 X1 Z2 A40}
god,king) {F9 F9}
[wpS] strew, scatter {F13 N37 Z9 N33
[pHty] (physical) strength, power (of N33 N33}
god,king) {F9 X1 Z4}
[wpi] (v.) judge (contestants, petitioners)
[am] know {F10} {F13 Q3 A2}

[wsr] powerful {F12} [wpwt] household, crowd {F13 Q3

G43 X1 A1 B1 Z2}
[wsrw] strength, power {F12}
[wpwt] message, business, mission,
[wsr] powerful {F12 A24} behest, task, news ? {F13 Q3 G43 X1 A2}

[wsr] wealthy man {F12 D21 A1} [wpwt] business, mission {F13 Q3 G43
X1 D54}
[wsrw] oar {F12 O34 D21 G43 P8}
[wpwt] task {F13 Q3 G43 X1 V12}
[wsr] strong {F12 S29}
[wpwt] inventory, schedule {F13 Q3
G43 X1 Y1 Z2}
[wsr] wealthy man {F12 S29 D21 A1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 55

{F13 Q3 Z9}
[wpwty] messenger, agent,
commissioner, bystander {F13 Q3 G43 X1 Z4 [wpi] cut off {F13 Q3 Z9 T30}
D54 A1}
[wp st] specify it (details of it) {F13 Q3
[wpr Hr] except, but {F13 Q3 G43 Z9 Z9 Y1 S29 X1}
D2 Z1}
[wpt] horns, top, brow, top-knot, head-dress,
[wpw r] except {F13 Q3 G43 Z9 D21} zenith {F13 X1 Z1}
[wpwt] inventory, schedule {F13 Q3 [wpt rnpt] New Year's Day {F13 X1 Z1
M17 M17 X1 V12 Z1}
M4 X1 Z1}

[wpy] decision {F13 Q3 M17 M17 Z9} [wpt nt Xt] centre of torso (vertical)
{F13 X1 Z1 N35 X1 F32 X1 Z1}
[wpwty] messenger, agent, commissioner,
bystander {F13 Q3 X1 A1} [wpt mnty] the space between anus
and genitals {F13 X1 Z1 Y5 N35 X1 D56
[wpwt] household, crowd {F13 Q3 X1 D56}
A1 B1 Z2}
[wpt rnpt] New Year's Day (and its
[wpt] top knot (of hair) {F13 Q3 X1 D3A} Festival) {F14 W3}
[wpwt] business, mission {F13 Q3 X1 D54} [wpt rnpt] New Year's Day (and its
Festival) {F15 W3}
[wpt rnpt] New Year's day (and its
Festival) {F13 Q3 X1 M4 X1 Z1} [abw r] breakfast {F16 Y1 Z2 D21
Z1 Z8 Z2}
[wpt] judgement {F13 Q3 X1 Y1}
[db] horn (of animal) {F16 Z1}
[wpwt] business, mission {F13 Q3 X1 Y2}
[ab] horn {F16 Z1}
[wpwty] messenger, agent,
commissioner, bystander {F13 Q3 X1 Z4 D54 [abw] impurity {F17 G43}
[abw] offerings {F17 Y1 Z2}
[wpwty] messenger, agent, commissioner,
bystander {F13 Q3 X1 Z4 Z9} [abw r] breakfast {F17 Z1 D21}
[wpwt] business, mission {F13 Q3 X1 Z9} [abw] offerings {F17 Z2}
[wpwt] inventory, schedule {F13 Q3 X1 Z9} [bHdty] He of Behdet (the wingd sun - disk)
{F18 D46 X1 O49}
[wpwt] message {F13 Q3 X1 Z9 A2}
[bHdt] Behdet (town in the Delta), Edfu (in
[wpwt] inventory, schedule {F13 Q3 X1 Upper Egypt) {F18 D46 X1 O49}
Z9 V12}
[dbHt Htp] funerary meal {F18 D46 X1
[wpwt] except {F13 Q3 Z7 X1 Z9 A2 R4 Z2}
[bHdty] He of Behdet (the winged Sun Disk)
[wpi] open, open up, inaugurate, part, {F18 D46 X1 Z4}
separate, divide, judge, discern, distinguish, take
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 56

[bHs] calf {F18 O34 E1} [sDmi] judge, hearers {F21 G17 M17
M17 G43 A1 Z2}
[bHs] calf {F18 O34 E3}
[sDnw] deputy {F21 N35 W24 Z7 N21
[dbHt Htp] altar {F18 X1 R4} D40}

[Hrr] roar (of lion) {F18 Y1 E23 [idn] proxy {F21 N35 Y1v}
Z1 E23 Z1 A2 Z3}
[idnw] deputy {F21 N35 Z7 W24}
[HtA] armpit {F18 Y1 G47 Z1 F51}
[idn] deputy {F21 W24}
[Hw] food {F18 Y1 Z8 Z2}
[idn] serve as lieutenant - commander {F21
[ibH] tooth {F18 Z1} W24 D40}

[ns] tongue {F20} [idnw] deputy {F21 W24 N35}

[nsb] lap up, lick {F20 D58} [sDm aS] servant {F21 X1 D36 N37 A2}

[ns] tongue {F20 F51B Z1} [sDm] hear (voice etc), hear of (something),
listen (to), obey, understand, judge, satisfy
[imy r mrw] Overseer of weavers {F20 (conditions) {F21 Y1}
N36 N23 Z1}
[dni] share out {F21 Y1}
[imy r mrw] Overseer of weavers {F20
N36 Z1} [msDr] ear {F21 Z1}

[nsty] type of bread {F20 X1 Z4 X2} [DrD] leaf {F21 Z1}

[sDm] hear (voice etc), hear of 9something), [pHwy] hinder parts, hind quarters {F22}
listen (to), obey, understand, judge, satisfy
(conditions) {F21} [pHwy] reach, attain, finish, end by, attack,
contest, spear, hit, surround, caught {F22}
[sDm aS] servant {F21 A26}
[pH] end by (doing something), attack
[sDm] hear (voice etc), hear of (something), (someone), contest (a will), spear (fish) {F22
listen (to), obey, understand, judge, satisfy D54}
(conditions) {F21 G17}
[pH] hit (someone with comment), surround,
[sdm] eyepaint {F21 G17 D7} caught {F22 D54}

[sdm] paint (eyes, body) {F21 G17 D7} [pH] reach (a person or place), attain (wealth),
finish (doing something) {F22 D54}
[sDm aS] servant {F21 G17 D36 N37
A2} [pHww] marshlands {F22 F22 F22}

[sDmi] judge, hearers {F21 G17 G43 [pHww] marshlands {F22 F22 F22
A50 Z3} N36 N36 N36}

[sDmi] judge, hearers {F21 G17 M17 [pHww] the far north {F22 F22 F22 N41
A1} N41 N41}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 57

[pHww] the far north {F22 G43 G43 [xpS] stromg arm {F24}
N21 Z2}
[wHm] ass {F25}
[pHww m] northward to {F22
G43 G43 N21 Z2 G17} [wHm] repeat {F25}
[pHwy] hinder parts, hind quarters {F22 [wHmw] herald, reporter, (legal) register
G43 M17 M17 F51} {F25 A1}

[pHwy] end {F22 G43 M17 M17 G43 [wHmw] herald, reporter, (legal) register
Y1v} {F25 G17 A1}

[pHwyt] stern-warp (of ship) {F22 G43 [wHm] repeat,report (of speech), bruit
X1 V1} abroad {F25 G17 A2}
[pHwyt] stern-warp (of ship) {F22 [wHm] ass {F25 G17 E7}
G43 Z4 M17 M17 X1 V1 Z1}
[wHmmyt] repetitions (of
[pHwyt] rectum {F22 M17 M17 X1 F51B}
something said) {F25 G17 G17 M17 M17 X1
A2 Z3}
[pHwyt] stern-warp (of ship) {F22 M17
M17 X1 V1}
[wHmw] herald, reporter, register
{F25 G17 G43 A2 A1}
[HqAw] (divinity) god of Magic {F22 R12}
[wHmyt] continued howling {F25
[pHt r] ending at {F22 X1 D21} G17 M17 M17 X1 A2}

[pHty] (physical) strength, power (of god, [wHm] repeat,report (of actions) {F25 G17
king) {F22 X1 Z4 D36} Y1v}

[kfA] be discreet {F22 Y1} [wHm a] repeat {F25 G17 Y1 D36 Z1}

[kfA ib] trustworthy {F22 Y1 F34 Z1} [wHm mswt] be born again,
(repeating of birth) {F25 G17 Y1 F31 S29 G43
[pHwyt] rectum {F22 Z7 M17 M17 X1 X1 B3}
[wHmw] herald, reporter, (legal) register {F25
[pHww] marshlands {F22 Z7 N35A G43}
[wHm anx] repeating life (living again) {F25
[pHwy] hinder-parts, hind-quarters, back S34}
(of jaw, house etc) {F22 Z7 Z4 F51}
[wHmt] hoof {F25 X1 Z1}
[pHwy] rear, reargaurd (of army), stern (of
ship), end {F22 Z7 Z4 F51} [Xn] approach {F26 N35 D54}

[xpS] foreleg, thigh, arm {F23 F1} [Xnw] (n.) interior, home, abode,
Residence {F26 N35 O1}
[xpS] constellation of the Great Bear {F23
N14 A40} [Xnw] (n.) Residence {F26 N35 O1 O49}

[xpS] foreleg, thigh, arm {F23 Z1} [Xn] tent {F26 N35 S28}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 58

[Xnm] basin (for irrigation) ? [stwt] rays (of sun) {F29 X1 G43 X1
{F26 N35 T34 G17 N35A N36 N23 Z1} N8 Z3}

[Xnwtyw] skin - clad people [stw] target {F29 X1 G43 Z1}

{F26 N35 W24 G43 G4 F27 T14 Z2 A1}
[sti] (v.) pour (water) {F29 X1 M17
[Xnw] brook {F26 N35 W24 G43 M17 N35A}
N35A N36}
[styt] seed, posterity {F29 X1 M17
[Xnw] (adv.) inside {F26 N35 W24 M17 X1 D53 Z2}
G43 O1}
[stwt] rays (of sun) {F29 X1 N8}
[Xnw] (n.) interior, home, abode,
Residence {F26 N35 W24 G43 O1} [stt] shooting pains {F29 X1 X1 Aa2
[Xnt] hide, skin {F26 N35 X1 F27}
[stt] ground {F29 X1 X1 N23 Z1}
[Xnt] burial chamber ? (of tomb) {F26
N35 X1 O1} [stw] arrow, dart {F29 X1 Z7 T19}
[Xnw awy] (n.) embrace {F26 W24 D36 [Sdi] (v.) read, read aloud, recite {F30 A2}
[Sdi] (v.) read, read aloud, recite {F30 D46
[Xnw] (n.) interior, home, abode, A2}
Residence {F26 W24 O1 Z1}
[Sdi] (v.) stave off (event), pull (on), exact
[dHr] leather, hide {F27} (dues), ransack (a country), apportion (field-
plots) {F30 D46 A24}
[swtwt] go forth {F27 X1 X1}
[Sdi] (v.) take away, remove, cut out, dig
[sAb] dappled (of calf) {F28} (lake), rescue, salvage (boat) {F30 D46 A24}
[sAb Swt] many coloured of plummage (of [Sdi] (v.) nourish (strife) {F30 D46 A24}
Solar Horus) {F28 H6}
[Sd r] public proclamation {F30 D46 D21
[sAb Swt] variegated of plumage {F28 H6} Z1}

[sty] (v.) stare, stare at {F29 X1 D4} [Sdi] (v.) suckle, educate {F30 D46 D27}

[sty] (v.) stare, stare at {F29 X1 D4 T11} [Sdi] (v.) read, read aloud, recite {F30 D46
[sti] impregnate (female), beget, ejaculate
{F29 X1 D52} [Sd xrw] disturbance {F30 D46 D40
P8 G43}
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA {F29
X1 D54} [Sd mdw] disturb {F30 D46 D40
S43 D46 G43 A2}
[sTA] drag {F29 X1 D54}
[Sdw] skin, water - skin {F30 D46 F27}
[styw] Asiatics {F29 X1 G4 T14 A1
Z2} [SdSd] protuberance on standard (of
Wepwaret) {F30 D46 F30 D46 R62A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 59

[Sd] vulva {F30 D46 F51} [Sdt] dough {F30 D46 X1 Z8}

[Sdw] waterfowl {F30 D46 G39 Z2} [Sdi] (v.) read, read aloud, recite {F30 D46
[Sdw] skin, water - skin {F30 D46 G43
F27} [Sdw] raft {F30 D46 Z7 M3}

[Sdw] plot (of land) {F30 D46 G43 N23 [Sdw] raft {F30 D46 Z7 P1}
[ms] child {F31 A17}
[Sdwt] plot (of land) {F30 D46 G43 X1
N23} [msxtyw] adze (used in Opening-of-
the-mouth) {F31 Aa1 G4 U21}
[Sdyt] pool, well, plot (of land) {F30 D46
G43 X1 N42}
[msxtyw] constellation of the Plough
{F31 Aa1 G4 U21 N14}
[Sdy] ditch {F30 D46 M17 M17 N21 Z1}
[msxnt] necropolis {F31 Aa1 N35 X1}
[Sdwt] plot (of land) {F30 D46 M17 M17
N23 X1}
[msi] (v.) be born {F31 B3}
[Sdyt] rubble {F30 D46 M17 M17 X1 [ms] calf {F31 E3}
N21 Z2}

[msADt] nostril {F31 G1 I10 D19

[Sdyt] pool, well, plot (of land) {F30 D46 X1}
M17 M17 X1 N23}

[msTyw] offspring {F31 G4 X1 Z4

[Sdw] plot (of land) {F30 D46 N21 Z1} A53 A40}

[Sd] artificial lake {F30 D46 N36 N21 [msyt] a festival {F31 G43 M17 M17
X1 W3}

[Sd] vulva {F30 D46 O39} [mswq] type of bread {F31 G43 N29 Z8}
[Sd] mortar (for pounding drugs) {F30 D46 [mswt] (collective n.) children, offspring,
young (of animals) {F31 G43 X1}
[Sd] poultice {F30 D46 V12}
[mswtt] girl child {F31 G43 X1 X1
[SdH] pomegranate wine {F30 D46 V28
W24 Z2}
[msyt] supper {F31 G43 X1 X2 X6 W22}
[Sdyt] pool, well, plot (of land) {F30 D46
X1 N23} [msdmt] black eye paint {F31 I10
G14 X1 Z2 N33}
[Sdt] (locality) Crocodilopolis {F30 D46 X1
O49} [msqt] the Milky-Way ? {F31 N29 X1
[Sdt] dough {F30 D46 X1 W24 Z2}
[msqt] the Milky Way {F31 N29 X1 O1}
[Sdty] He of Crocodilopolis {F30 D46
X1 Z4 Z5 Z5} [msqt] the Milky Way {F31 N29 X1 O39}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 60

[msqt] the Milky Way {F31 N29 X1 O49 [mskA] skin, leather, animal hide {F31
X1 Z1} S29 D28 F27}

[msnw] harpooner {F31 N35 W24 [msDi] dislike, hate {F31 S29 D46 A2}
Z7 V32 A1}
[msddt] (fem.) rival {F31 S29 D46
[msn] spin ?, plait ? {F31 O34 N35 D40} D46 X1 G37 B1}

[ms] (enclitic part.) surely, indeed {F31 S29 [msADt] nostril {F31 S29 D46 G1
A2} X1 N33 D20}

[ms xr] young (boys) of the tomb {F31 [msdmt] black eye - paint {F31
S29 Aa1 D21 O1} S29 D46 G14 X1 N33A}

[msxnt] birth - place {F31 S29 Aa1 N35 [msdw] rival {F31 S29 D46 G43
D68} A2}

[msxn] abode (of gods) {F31 S29 Aa1 [msDDt] what is hateful (of
N35 G41} conduct) {F31 S29 D46 M17 M17 X1 G37}

[msxnt] birth - place {F31 S29 Aa1 [msADt] nostril {F31 S29 D46 X1
N35 G119} D19}

[msxn] abode (of gods) {F31 S29 Aa1 [msdt] haunch, thigh {F31 S29 D46 X1
N35 O1} D56 F51}

[msxn] abode (of gods) {F31 S29 Aa1 [msbb] turn (to) {F31 S29 D58 D58
N35 Q38} A2}

[msxnt] (divinity) Meskhenet [msbb] turn (to), serve (someone), deal

(goddess of birth) {F31 S29 Aa1 N35 X1 G7} (with) {F31 S29 D58 D58 E28}

[msxnt] bearing-stool ?, birth-place ? [msbb] serve (someone) {F31 S29

{F31 S29 Aa1 N35 X1 O39} D58 D58 E92A D54}

[msxnt] breeding place (of cattle) ?, [msTw] offspring {F31 S29 G4 X1

abode (of gods), necropolis {F31 S29 Aa1 N35 Z4 A40}
X1 O39}
[mswt] birth {F31 S29 G43 X1 B3}
[msxnt] (divinity) Meskhenet (goddess
of birth) {F31 S29 Aa1 N35 X1 O39 I12} [mswt wsir Hb] birthday of Osiris
{F31 S29 G43 X1 Q1 D4 W3}
[msxnt] abode (of gods) {F31 S29
Aa1 N35 Z5 X1 I12} [msDi] (v.) dislike, hate {F31 S29 I10
[msxtyw] constellation of the Plough
{F31 S29 Aa1 X1 F23} [msDi] (v.) dislike, hate {F31 S29 I10
[msi] (v.) bear, give birth, calve (of gazelle),
lay (of bird), be born {F31 S29 B3} [msDDt] what is hateful (of conduct)
{F31 S29 I10 I10 X1 A2}
[msi] (v.) create (of god), bring forth (of
field), make, fashion {F31 S29 B3} [ms] bouquet {F31 S29 M2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 61

[msyt tpt] the First Mesyt (a Festival) [mss] tunic {F31 S29 S29 V6}
{F31 S29 M17 M17 D1 X1 W3}
[mski n mdt] slander ? {F31
[mswt] (collective n.) children, offspring, S29 V31 M17 A2 N35 S43 D46 X1}
young (of animals) {F31 S29 M17 M17 X1}
[msktw] armlet {F31 S29 V31 X1
[msyt] waterfowl {F31 S29 M17 M17 G43 M17 S107}
X1 G41 Z2}
[msktw] armlet {F31 S29 V31 X1
[msyt tpt ] the First Mesyt (a G43 S107}
Festival) {F31 S29 M17 M17 X1 N2 Z8 Z2 D1
X1 W3 N5} [mst] mother {F31 S29 X1 B3}

[msyt] a festival {F31 S29 M17 M17 X1 [msyt] waterfowl {F31 S29 X1 G39 Z2}
[msTpt] portable shrine {F31 S29 X1
[msyt] supper {F31 S29 M17 M17 X1 Q3 X1 M3}
Z8 Z2}
[ms] child {F31 S29 Z5}
[msint] spermatic cord {F31 S29 M17
N35 X1 F51} [msi] (v.) bear, give birth {F31 S29 Z5}
[msDr] ear {F31 S29 M36 D21 F21} [mswt] birth {F31 S29 Z7 X1 Z5 Z2}
[msq] leather {F31 S29 N29 O39} [msTw] offspring {F31 V13 G43}
[msn] spin ?, plait ? {F31 S29 N35 [msTpt] portable shrine {F31 V13 Q3
A24} X1 O18}

[msn] spin ?, plait ? {F31 S29 N35 D36} [mst] apron of fox-skins {F31 X1}
[msnH] rotate, turn backwards, turn [msyt tpt ] the First Mesyt (a Festival)
away {F31 S29 N35 V28 D55} {F31 X1 D1 Q3 X1 W3}

[msnw] harpooner {F31 S29 N35 [mswt] children, offspring {F31 X1

W24 Z7 T19 A24 A1} G39 A1 B1}

[ms aAt] prospector ? {F31 S29 O29 [mswt Ast Hb] birthday of Isis {F31 X1
X1 A1} Q1 X1 W3}

[mss] totter {F31 S29 S29 A330} [Xt] belly, womb, body, sole (of foot) {F32}

[mss n aHA] mail - shirt {F31 [Xt] belly (of gods or men) {F32 D12 X1}
S29 S29 F27 N35 D34 A24}
[Xrd] (n.) child {F32 D21 D46 A17
[mss n aHA] shirt of mail {F31 A1}
S29 S29 F27 N35 D34 A24}
[Xrd] (v.) be, become a child {F32
[mss n aHA] mail - shirt {F31 D21 D46 A17 A1}
S29 S29 N34 N35 D34 A24}
[Xrdw] childhood {F32 D21 D46 A17
[mss] tunic {F31 S29 S29 S28} Z3}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 62

[Xrd] calf (of gazelle) {F32 D21 D46 [XsAyt] type of spice {F32 O34 G1
G37} M17 M17 X1 N33 Z2}

[Xrdw] (n.) children {F32 D21 D46 [Xsy] weak, feeble, humble (of rank), mean
G37 A1 B1} (of conduct), vile (of enemies, speech)) {F32
O34 G37}
[Xrdt] (collective n.) children {F32
D21 D46 X1 A17 Z2} [Xs Hr ib] incompetent {F32 O34 G37
D2 Z1 F34 Z1}
[Xaaw] measure, allowance (of
milk) {F32 D36 D36 G43 N33 Z2} [Xsyt] wrongdoing {F32 O34 M17
M17 X1 G37 Z2}
[Xam] approach {F32 D36 G17 D54}
[XsAyt] type of spice {F32 O34 M17
[Xaq] shave {F32 D36 N29 U37} M17 X1 M3 Z2}

[Xaqw] barber {F32 D36 N29 Z7 U37 [XsAyt] type of spice {F32 O34 M17
A24} M17 X1 N33 Z2}

[Xdr] rescue ? {F32 D46 D21 D36} [Xst] cowardice, (riual) impurity {F32 O34
X1 G37}
[Xdr] be in discomfort {F32 D46 D21
G37} [Xsy] vile (of enemies) {F32 O34 Z4
[Xdb] kill {F32 D46 D58 A24}
[Xsy] coward {F32 O34 Z4 G37 A1}
[Xdb] kill {F32 D46 D58 T31 D40}
[XpAw] navel - string, navel {F32 Q3 Aa2}
[Xtw] (pl.) bellies, wombs, bodies {F32 F32
F32} [Xpa] chew {F32 Q3 D36 A2}

[Xam] approach {F32 G17 D36 D54} [XpAw] navel - string, navel {F32 Q3
G1 F27}
[Xma] approach {F32 G17 D36 D54}
[XpAw] navel - string, navel {F32
Q3 G41 G1 G43 Aa2 F51}
[Xms] bend (the back in respect) {F32
G17 S29 D41}
[Xpw] figures (inlaid in metal) {F32 Q3
G43 Aa2 Z2}
[Xqs] be injured {F32 N29 S29 G37}
[Xpn] (adj.) fat {F32 Q3 N35 F1}
[Xqst] the injured Eye (of Horus) {F32
N29 S29 X1 G37 D12}
[XsA] be unanointed {F32 S29 G1
[Xn] be blistered {F32 N35 Aa2}
[Xkrw] panoply, insignia, ornaments
[XsA] be unanointed {F32 O34 {F32 V31 D21 Aa30 Aa30 Aa30}
Aa17 G1 D3}
[Xqr] be adorned {F32 V31 D21 Aa30
[XsAyt] type of spice {F32 Y1}
O34 Aa17 G1 M17 M17 X1 D3 N33 Z2}
[Xkrw] panoply, insignia {F32 V31 D21
[Xsr] dispel {F32 O34 D21 V29 A24} Aa30 Y1v}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 63

[Xkrw] ornaments {F32 V31 D21 [nfrw] beauty, goodness, young people (Book
G43 Aa30 Y1 Z2} ofthe Dead) {F35 F35 F35}

[Xqry] coiffeur {F32 V31 D21 M17 [nfrw] end (period of time) {F35 F35 F35}
M17 Aa30 A1}
[nfrw] end, back part (of building) {F35
[Xkryt] insignia {F32 V31 D21 M17 F35 F35 Z1 O1}
M17 X1 Aa30 Z3}
[nfrw] young men (of army), recruits {F35
[Xkrt] coiffeuse, concubine {F32 V31 G43 A17 Z2}
D21 X1 Aa30 B1}
[nfrw] deficiency {F35 G43 G37 Z2}
[Xtb] overthrow {F32 X1 D58 A15
[nfrw] young men (of army), recruits {F35
G43 Y1 Z2}
[Xtt] pluck (plants), to prey on {F32 X1
X1 D40}
[nfr] (adv.) happily, well {F35 I9 D21}
[Xt] belly, womb, body, sole (of foot) {F32 [nfr] good {F35 I9 D21}
X1 Z1}

[Xt] body (of gods or man), generation, [nfr] beautiful, fair, kindly (of face), good /
people {F32 X1 Z1 A1 B1 Z2} fine / goodly (quality) {F35 I9 D21}

[Xt] people {F32 X1 Z2} [nfr] necessary, good / fair (character), happy
/ well / good (condition), well - supplied, lawful
{F35 I9 D21}
[ib] heart, mind, understanding, intelligence,
will, desire, mood, wish {F34 Z1} [nfr Hr ib] pleasing {F35 I9 D21 D2
Z1 F34 Z1}
[ib .f mH] weak in action {F34 Z1
I9 V22 V28 N35A}
[nfrw] young men (of army), recruits
{F35 I9 D21 G43 A17 Z2}
[nfr] beauty {F35}
[nfryt] end, bottom {F35 I9 D21 M17
[nfr] good, beautiful etc...... {F35} M17 X1}

[nfr] zero {F35} [nfryt r] down to {F35 I9 D21 M17

M17 X1 D21}
[nfrw] young men (of army), recruits {F35 A1
Z2} [nfryt] tiller - rope {F35 I9 D21 M17
M17 V1 X1 Z1}
[nfrw] ground level, base {F35 D21 G43}
[nfr n] it is well with {F35 I9 D21 N35}
[nfrt] good things {F35 D21 X1}
[nfr pw] not {F35 I9 D21 Q3 G43}
[nfrwt] fair women {F35 D21 X1 B1 Z3}
[nfrwt] fair women {F35 I9 D21 X1 B1
[nfrt] cattle {F35 D21 X1 E1 Z2} Z3}

[nfr] penis {F35 D52} [nfrt] cattle {F35 I9 D21 X1 E1 Z2}

[nfr HAt] diadem {F35 F4 X1 Z1} [nfr tm] (divinity) Nefertum (the lotus
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 64

god) {F35 I9 D21 X1 U15 A40}

[smAyt] association, confederacy
{F36 G1 M17 M17 X1 A24 A1 Z2}
[nfrt] good things, good, what is good,
kindness {F35 I9 D21 X1 Y1 Z2} [smA] unite, join (a company), associate
(with), arrive (in), partake (of), make ready (a
[nfryt] end, bottom, low {F35 M17 M17 X1} boat), {F36 G1 Y1v}
[nfr n] not {F35 N35} [smA tA] unite (the land), land (at), be
interred (in), interment {F36 G1 Y1 N16}
[nfr pw] not, there is not {F35 Q3 G43}
[smA tA] land (at) {F36 G1 Y1 W3
[nfr] crown of Upper Egypt {F35 S1} N16}

[nfr HDt] crown of Upper Egypt {F35 T3} [smAw] twilight {F36 G43 N2}
[nfr HDt] crown of Upper Egypt {F35 T3 [smAyt] association, confederacy
X1 S2} {F36 G43 X1 A40 Z2}

[nfr tm] (divinity) Nefertum (the lotus [smAy] companion, confederate {F36 M17
god) {F35 U15 A40} M17}

[nfrt] cattle {F35 X1 E1 Z2} [smAyt] (royal) consort {F36 M17 M17 X1}

[nfrt] cattle {F35 X1 Z2} [smAyt] association, confederacy {F36

M17 M17 X1 A1 Z3}
[nfr] beauty, good, kindness, goodness,
happiness, good fortune {F35 Z1} [smAt a] an offering {F36 X1 D36 Z1
[nfr] heart and wind-pipe {F35 Z1}
[smAt aAt] a textile fabric {F36 X1 O29
[nfr] goodness {F35 Z1 Y1v} X1}

[nfrw] goodness {F35 Z1 Z2} [smAt] union {F36 X1 Y1}

[nfrw] goodness {F35 Z3} [smA] unite, join (a company), associate (with),
arrive (in), partake (of) {F36 Y1v}
[smA] unite, join (a company), associate (with),
arrive (in), partake (of) {F36B} [smAy] companion, confederate {F36 Y1
[smAw] lungs ? {F36 F36 F36}
[smw] herb {F37J S29 G17 M2 Z2
[smA] priest (who clothed the god) {F36 G1}
[psDt] Ennead (of gods) {F37J X1 Z2
[smA] scalp, side {F36 G1 D3} Z2 Z2 R8 R8 R8}

[smAw] lungs ? {F36 G1 F51} [iAt] back, spine (of man, animal),middle (of
river, lake) {F37 X1 Z1}
[smAw] branches (of tree) {F36 G1
G43 M3 Z2} [imAxyt] revered one (of dead women)
{F39A Aa1 M17 M17 X1}
[smAyt] (royal) consort {F36 G1 M17
M17 X1} [imAxyw] revered ones (of the aged
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 65

living) {F39A M17 M17 G43 A51A Z3} D36}

[imAxt] honour {F39A X1 Z1} [Aw] death {F40 Z7 Z6}

[imAx] spinal cord {F39A Z1} [Sat] slaughtering, terror {F41 X1 Z2}

[imAx] honour, veneration {F39A Z1} [spr] appeal to, petition (someone), make
petition {F42 D21 A2}
[Aw] long, length (of space, time) {F40
G43} [spr] arrive, reach, come {F42 D21 D54}

[Aw] (n.) length (of space) {F40 G43 [sprw] petitioner {F42 D21 G43 A1}
[sprw] petitioner {F42 D21 G43 A2
[Awy] (v.) arouse (oneself), masturbate A1}
{F40 G43 G43}
[sprw] petitions {F42 D21 G43 A2
[Awy] extend, present, announce, Y1 Z2}
arouse {F40 G43 M17 M17 A24}
[sprw] petitioner {F42 D21 M17 M17
[Awy Drt] lay hands on {F40 G43 A2 A1}
M17 M17 A24 D46 X1 Z1}
[sprt] (n.) petition {F42 D21 X1 A2}
[AwH] do violence {F40 G43 V28
A24} [sprty] petitioner {F42 D21 X1 Z4 A1}

[Awt a] gifts {F40 G43 X1 D36 Z1 [spr] arrive, reach, come {F42 D54}
Y1 Z2}
[spr] rib {F42 Z1 F51}
[Awt] long-knife {F40 G43 X1 T30}
[isw] (n.) reward {F44 G43}
[Aw] (adj.) long (of space, time) {F40 G43
[iswty] representative {F44 X1}
[Aw] (n.) length (of space) {F40 G43 [iwat] inheritance, heritage {F44 X1 Y1
Y1 Z2}

[Awt] gifts {F40 X1 G43 N18} [idt] womb, vulva, uterus {F45 F51B}
[Awt] length (of time) {F40 X1 G43 [idt] cow {F45 X1 Z1 E1}
Y1 Y1 Y1}

[pXr] (v.) turn, turn about {F46}

[Awt] gifts, food {F40 X1 G43 Y1 Z2}
[pXr] perambulate (a hall), circumambulate
[Awt] gifts, food {F40 X1 X2 X6 W22}
(walls), pervade (hearts), unroll (a papyrus)
{F46 D21 D54}
[Awt] length (of time, space) {F40 X1 Y1}
[pXr] surround, enclose, travel around /
[Aw] (adj.) long (of space, time) {F40 Y1v} traverse (a region) {F46 D21 D54}
[Awy] (v.) extend (the arm) {F40 Z7 D40} [pXr] turn, turn about, revolve (of sun),
move about (of limbs) {F46 D21 D54}
[Awy] (v.) extend (the arm) {F40 Z7 X1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian F Parts of Mammals 66

[pXr] twist / distort (what is said) {F46 D21 [dbnt] circuit (of ocean) {F46 N35 X1 D54}
[pXrt] frontier patrol {F46 X1 Z1 A24
[pXr m] go about in, pervade {F46 D21 A1 Z2}
D54 G17}
[pXrty] traveller {F48 D21 X1 Z4 D54}
[pXr wr] River Euphrates {F46 D21
D54 G36 D21 N36 N23 Z1} [dbn] (v. trans.) go round (a place), travel
round (a region) {F49 N35 D54}
[pXr n] serve, pass to, revert to {F46
D21 D54 N35}
[dbn] helmet {F49 N35 N34}
[pXr] (v.) turn, turn about {F46 D21 D56} [dbn] weight (of about 91 grammes), weight
(of balance) {F49 N35 O39}
[pXr wr] River Euphrates {F46
D21 G36 D21 N35A N36}
[spXr] (causative) register, copy {F50}
[pXr wr] River Euphrates {F46 D21 G36
N36} [fAk] pubic region {F51}

[pXrt] prescription, remedy {F46 D21 X1 [wsir] (divinity) Osiris {F51A D21 A40}
N33 Z2}
[bAtyt] devotee of Hathor {F62 X1 M17
[dbn] (v. trans.) go round (a place), travel M17}
round (a region) {F46 D54}
[niAw] ibex {F88}
[pXr sp 4] go round about four times
{F46 M16 O50 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1} [wpt ra] first day of the month (and its Festival)
[wdn] offer (to) {F46 N35}

[dbn] weight (of about 91 grammes), weight

(of balance) {F46 N35 D12}
G - Birds
[dbn] (v. trans.) go round (a place), travel
round (a region), encircle (with) {F46 N35
D54} [A] enclitic particle {G1}

[dbn] (v. intrans.) recur (of plants in [A] vulture, bird (in general) {G1}
season) {F46 N35 D54}
[Ax] spirit {G1 Aa1}
[dbn] (builder's) mortar, (potter's) clay
{F46 N35 N33 Z2} [AxAx] grow green {G1 Aa1 G1
Aa1 M2}
[dbn] weight (of about 91 grammes), weight
(of balance) {F46 N35 O39} [AxAx] spars (of ship) ? {G1 Aa1
G1 Aa1 M3 Z2}
[dbnw] circumference (of sky) {F46
N35 W24 G43 D54} [AxAx] stars {G1 Aa1 G1 Aa1
N14 N14 N14}
[dbnw] circumference (of sky) {F46
N35 W24 G43 S21} [Axtyw] horizon - dwellers {G1 Aa1
G4 N33A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 67

[Axw] sunlight, sunshine {G1 Aa1 G43 [A] tread {G1 D56}
[Abx] (v. trans.) link (arms) {G1 D58
[Axfxf] be fiery {G1 Aa1 I9 Aa1 Aa1}
I9 Q7}
[Ams] (variant of iwms) falsehood {G1
[Axf] fever (of appetite) ? {G1 Aa1 I9 F31 S29 G37 Z2}
[iwms] misstatement {G1 F31 S29
[Ax] papyrus thicket {G1 Aa1 M15} G37 Z2}

[Ax bit] (locality) Chemmis {G1 [Ams] club, mace, wield the Ams {G1
Aa1 M15 L2 X1 O49} F31 S29 S44}

[Ax] the spirit - state {G1 Aa1 Y1} [AXa] scratch, srape, carve, engrave
{G1 F32 D36 D51}
[Aryt] staff {G1 D21 M17 M17 X1
S43} [AXat] scratch, scar {G1 F32 D36 X1
[Ar] drive away, oppress {G1 D21 T12
A24} [AXb] (v.) swallow {G1 F32 D58
[Art] heaven, sky {G1 D21 X1 N1}
[Awy] (v.) announce (someone) {G1
[Aabt] oppression {G1 D36 F40 G43}
D58 X1 F17 G37 Z2}
[AA] mound of ruins {G1 G1 N23 Z1}
[Aabt] oppression {G1 D36 D58 X1
G37} [AAtA] Nubian chieftain ? {G1
G1 X1 G1 D40 A14}
[Aaw] container {G1 D36 G43 F27}
[Ama] a perching bird {G1 G17
[Aaw] container (for papyri) {G1 D36 D36 G38}
G43 Q33}
[Amat] ramus (of jaw), fork (of
[Ad] decay {G1 D46 Aa2} bone), hinged bone {G1 G17 D36 G43 X1 D40}

[Ad] quiver, palpitate {G1 D46 D54} [Amat] ramus (of jaw), fork (of
bone), hinged bone {G1 G17 D36 X1 D36}
[Adw] aggressor {G1 D46 G43 D36 A1}
[Amat] ramus (of jaw), fork (of
[Adw] aggressor {G1 D46 G43 bone), hinged bone {G1 G17 D36 X1 D40}
I3 A1}
[Amm] seize, grasp, attack {G1 G17
[Ad] be savage, be aggressive, be angry, G17 D49}
attack, anger {G1 D46 I3}
[Ammw] gripings (medical) {G1
[Adt] prepare (a sleeping place) {G1 D46 G17 G17 G43 D36 Z2}
X1 Y1 A24}
[Ammt] grasp, fist {G1 G17 G17 X1
[Adt] prepare {G1 D46 X1 Z5 A24} D49}

[Am] burn, burn up {G1 G17 Q7}

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 68

[iAm] bind (the sacrifice) {G1 G17 [Ahw] pain {G1 O4 Aa2 G37}
[Ahmt] sorrow {G1 O4 Aa15 X1
[Afry] (v.) boil {G1 I9 D21 M17 M17 G37 Z2}
[Ahd] be weak {G1 O4 D46 A2}
[Afa] gluttony {G1 I9 D36 E28}
[Ahd] quiver, palpitate, be weak {G1
[Afa] glutton {G1 I9 D36 E28 A1} O4 D46 G37}

[Afd] part of animal leg {G1 I9 D46 [Ahw] misery, trouble {G1 O4 G37}
[Ahw] misery, trouble, injury, pain,
[Axt] Inundation season {G1 M8 Aa1 illness {G1 O4 G43 G37}
[Ahy] descend {G1 O4 M17 M17 D54}
[Ar] oppress (the poor) {G1 M17 D21
T12 A24}
[Ahw] sufferer {G1 O4 Z7 G37 A1}
[Ayt] blanch ? {G1 M17 M17 X1 G37} [Asx] reap {G1 O34 Aa1 U2 D40}
[Ais] viscera {G1 M17 S29 Aa2} [iAs] bald {G1 O34 Aa2}
[Aiw] windy ? {G1 M17 Z7 P5} [Asrt] heaven, sky {G1 O34 D21 X1
[Aqd] a star {G1 N29 D46 N14 A40}
[Asb] fierce, glowing (of radience) {G1
[Aq] perish, come to grief {G1 N29 G37} O34 D58 F3}

[Aqw] misfortune {G1 N29 G37} [As] (v. and adv.) hurry, flow fast,
hasten, overtake, quickly {G1 O34 V2 D54}
[Aqs] a type of garment {G1 N29 S29
V6} [Ast] (divinity) Isis (goddess) {G1 Q1
X1 B1}
[AqHw] battle-axe {G1 N29 V28 G43
T7A} [Apd] rush forward {G1 Q3 D46 D54}
[iqHw] battle - axe {G1 N29 V28 G43 [Apd] duck, bird {G1 Q3 D46 G38}
[ipdw] furniture {G1 Q3 D46 M3 Z2}
[Aqw] ruin, misfortune {G1 N29 Z7 G37
[ApH] (collective n.) swine, pigs {G1 Q3
V28 Z5}
[ASr] roast, roast meat, a roast {G1 N37
D21 F51}
[Asx] reap {G1 S29 Aa1 D36}
[ASr] roast {G1 N37 D21 Q7}
[Asx] reap {G1 S29 Aa1 U1}
[ASrt] roast joint {G1 N37 D21 X1 F51}
[Asx] sickle {G1 S29 Aa1 U2}
[AS] a type of drink {G1 N37 Z7 W22
Z2} [As] (variant of iAs and Ais) bald, viscera
{G1 S29 Aa2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 69

[Ais] viscera {G1 S29 Aa2} [Akrw] earth - gods {G1 V31 D21 G7
[Asbyw] flames {G1 S29 D58 M17
M17 G43 Q7 Z3} [Akrw] earth - gods {G1 V31 D21 I14
[Asb] fierce, glowing (of radiance) {G1
S29 D58 Q7} [Ak] be bent (of elbow) {G1 V31 D36}

[As] bald-headed vulture {G1 S29 G41} [Ami] mix {G1 W19 M17 A24}

[As] hurry, flow fast, hasten, overtake, [Ayt] blanch {G1 X1 A24}
quickly {G1 S29 V2 D54}
[Ayt] blanch {G1 X1 A24}
[As] a type of cake, bread {G1 S29 V2
D54 X4 Z2} [At] striking-power {G1 X1 F9}

[As (Ast)] testicles {G1 S29 X1 F51} [At] moment, instant, time (in general) {G1
X1 F9}
[ATwt] bed {G1 U33 M17 Z7 X1 M3}
[At] moment, instant, time (in general) {G1
[ATwt] bed {G1 U33 M17 Z7 X1 M3} X1 F9 N5}

[AT] nurse {G1 V13 B5D} [Adw] aggressor {G1 X1 I3}

[ATwt] bed {G1 V13 G43 X1 M3} [Adw] aggressor {G1 X1 I3}

[AT] (v.) nurse {G1 V13 M17 M17 [Atf] be crowned {G1 X1 I9 F7D}
[Atfw] Atef crown {G1 X1 I9 G43
[ATyt] nurse {G1 V13 M17 M17 X1 F7}
[Atfw] Atef-crown {G1 X1 I9 G43
[ATp] load, be laden {G1 V13 Q3 A9} S8}

[ATwt] bed {G1 V13 X1 Q18} [Atfw] Atef crown {G1 X1 I9 S8

[AHy] wave (flood) {G1 V28 M17 M17
N35A} [AT] (n.) nurse {G1 X1 M17 M17
X1 D56 B1}
[AH] type of bread {G1 V28 N18 Z2}
[ATyt] nurse {G1 X1 M17 M17 X1
D56 B1}
[AH Hwt] tomb - shaft {G1 V28 U6
O6 X1 O1}
[At] moment, instant, time (in general) {G1
X1 N5}
[AHt] field, arable land, earth, mound {G1
V28 X1 N23}
[At] moment, instant, time (in general) {G1
X1 N5 Z1}
[Akrw] earth - gods {G1 V31 D21 A40
[At] striking-power {G1 X1 N5 Z1}
[Akr] (divinity) Aker, the earth, earth-
gods {G1 V31 D21 E128} [ATp] load (a ship) {G1 X1 Q3 A9}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 70

[Atp] coffer {G1 X1 Q3 A9 M3} [mwt] mother {G14 X1 B1}

[ATp] load (a ship) {G1 X1 Q3 A125 [mwt rmT] placenta {G14 X1 B1

D40} D21 V13 A1 B1 Z2}

[Atpw] load, cargo {G1 X1 Q3 G43 [mwt] weight {G14 X1 O39}

A9 A24}
[nbty] (divinity) The Two Ladies (Nekhbet
[Atpwt] load, cargo {G1 X1 Q3 G43 and Edjoyet) {G16}
X1 A9 D40 Z2}
[m] (negative imperative) do not {G17}
[Atpwt] cargo {G1 X1 Q3 M17 M17
X1 A9}
[m] (m of predication) in the position of {G17}
[At] moment, instant, time {G1 X1 Z5 N5} [m] with, by means of, from, out of, as, namely,
when, as, though, together with {G17}
[A] vulture, bird (in general) {G1 Z1}
[mswr] drinking bowl {G17 A115}
[mAy] foetus {G3 M17 M17 D53}
[mxrw] dealings, business,
[tisw] quarterstaff {G4 M23 G43 M3} ordinance, arrangement (of building) {G17 Aa1
D21 G43 Y1 Z2}
[Hr] (divinity) Horus {G5 A40}
[mxrw] business {G17 Aa1 D21 G43
[Hr idbwy] the Banks of Horus (Egypt) {G5 Y1 Z2}
N21 N21}
[mXr] low - lying land {G17 Aa1 D21
[wAwt Hr] Roads of Horus {G5 N31 N36}
N25 Z2}
[mxr] low - lying land {G17 Aa1 D21
[wAwt Hr] Roads - of - Horus (a N36}
N.E. Fortress) {G5 N31 X1 X1 N25}
[m xd] downstream {G17 Aa1 D46 P1}
[Hrt] (divinity) Horus (of Queen) {G5 X1}
[m xmt] in the absence of, without {G17
[imnt] the West {G7C X1 N25} Aa1 D52 X1 Z2 D35}

[imnt] the West {G7C X1 O49 X1 Z1} [m xmt] in the absence of, without {G17
Aa1 D52 X1 Z3 A2}
[imnti] Westerner (used about the dead) {G7
U33 M17} [mxAt] balance {G17 Aa1 G1 X1
[imnty] right (-hand) {G7 X1 Z4}
[xm] sacred image {G17 Aa1 R22 A40}
[Hr nbw] Falcon of Gold {G8}
[mxsf] peg (to secure net) {G17 Aa1
[Hr nbw] Horus of Gold {G8} S29 U35 M3}

[Snbt] breast {G11 X1} [mxtbt] an ornament (of gold) {G17

Aa1 X1 D58 X1 O39}
[mwt] mother {G14}
[mxtmt] a closed (or) sealed
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 71

receptacle {G17 Aa1 X1 G17 X1 S20 V97}

[imy r ab wHmt Swt nSmt]
Overseer of horn, hoof, feather and scale
[m xt wat] into, as one thing,
(livestock) {G17 D21 Z1 F16 F25 H6 K6}
altogether {G17 X1 Aa1 Y1 Z2 T21 X1 Z1}
[mryn] Syrian warrior {G17 D21
[mx] respect (someone) {G17 Aa1 Y1} Z1 M17 M17 N35 G1 A13}

[m sA] at the back of, following after, having [mkAt] support, pedastal {G17 D28
charge of, wearing (sandals) {G17 Aa17 Z1} G1 O1 X1}

[ n] from.......down to {G17 D1 [mkAt] support, pedestal {G17 D28 O230

Z1 N35} X1}

[m Hrt] in readiness for {G17 D2 D21 [mXnty] ferryman {G17 D33 N35
Aa19 D40} X1 P1 U33 M17 G7}

[m Hryt] above {G17 D2 D21 M17 [mXnt] ferry boat {G17 D33 N35 X1
M17 N1 X1} P4}

[m Hryt] above, in advance of {G17 D2 [m] (negative imperative) do not {G17

D21 X1 N1} D35}

[m ir] (negative imperative) do not {G17 [m] (enclitic part.) (not translated) {G17
D4} D36}

[imy r] overseer {G17 D21} [m] (non-enclitic part.) behold {G17 D36}
[m rdi] let not {G17 D21 D36} [m a] (preposition) in the hand, possession,
charge of, together with, from {G17 D36}
[imy r w] district - superintendent {G17
D21 G43 N23 Z1}
[m] (imperative) take ! {G17 D36}
[m rwty r] absent from {G17 D21 [m] (int.) who ?, what ? {G17 D36}
G43 X1 N1 Z4 D21}

[mxnmt] carnelian ?, jasper ? {G17

[imy r xAw] overseer of herds {G17 D21 D36 Aa1 N35 G17 Z2 X1 N33}

[mxAt] balance {G17 D36 Aa1 X1

[imy r w] district - superintendent {G17 U38B}
D21 N23 Z1 A1}

[mar] fortunate, successful, flourishing

[imy r pr] steward {G17 D21 O1 Z1} {G17 D36 D21 M32 Y1v}

[imy r aw] caravan leader {G17 D21 [mar] (n.) success {G17 D36 D21 M32
S25 G43 A2} Y1v}

[imyt r] (fem.) forewoman (of gang) {G17 [mar] fortunate, successful {G17 D36 D21
D21 X1} Y1}

[imy r ab wHmt Swt nSmt] [mryn] Syrian warrior {G17

Overseer of horn, hoof, feather and scale D36 D21 Z1 M17 M17 N35 G1 T14 A1}
(livestock) {G17 D21 Z1 F16 F25 H6 K6}
[mrkbt] chariot {G17 D36
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 72

E23 Z1 V31 G1 D58 Z7 U33 M17 M3} D36 M12 G1 T14 T14 Y1v}

[mXnt] ferry boat {G17 D36 F26 N35 [mxA ib n] like in disposition to
X1 P1} {G17 D36 M12 G1 T14 T14 Y1 F34 Z1 N35}

[mXnty] ferryman {G17 D36 F26 [mxAt] balance {G17 D36

N35 P1 X1 Z4 A1} M12 G1 X1 T14 T14 U38}

[mxA] (v. trans.) match, equal, adjust, [mxAt] balance {G17 D36 M12 G1
counterpoise, make level {G17 D36 G1 T14 X1 U39 M3}
T14 A2}
[mxAw] (n.) shed {G17 D36 M12 G1
[mxA] (v. trans.) match, equal, adjust, Z7 O1}
counterpoise, make level {G17 D36 G1 T14
T14 U38B} [mxA] make fast, bind {G17 D36 M12
G1 Z7 Z9 A24}
[m m] (preposition) among, therein {G17
D36 G17 D36} [mHA] back of the head {G17 D36
M16 G1 D1}
[mmy] giraffe {G17 D36 G17 D36 F27}
[mi] (imperative) come ! {G17 D36 M17
[mabA] harpoon {G17 D36 G29 D54}
V20 V20 V20 T21}
[m aqAyt] exactly {G17 D36 N29
[mawH] oar {G17 D36 G43 V28 P8} G1 X1 D50 D50}

[mTAt] land - heritage ? {G17 D36 G47 [mAqt] ladder {G17 D36 N29 X1
X1 D40} P6 M3}

[mTA] penis {G17 D36 G47 Z1 D53} [mwnf] (palace) guard {G17 D36 N35
I9 A24 A1 Z2}
[mfkAt] turquoise {D36 I9 V31
X1 N33A G17 G1} [m n .k] take to yourself {G17 D36 N35
[maf] headsman's block {G17 D36 I9
V19} [m a ntt] seeing that {G17 D36 N35
X1 X1}
[mDd] practice (a virtue), press on
[mSrw] evening {G17 D36 N37
(with) {G17 D36 I10 D46 Aa24 D40} D21 E23 G43 N2}

[mDd] press hard on, hit, strike (the [mSrw] evening {G17 D36 N37
mouth in funerary ritual) {G17 D36 I10 D46 D21 E23 G43 N8}
Aa24 D40}
[mSrwt] evening meal {G17
[mDd wAt] be loyal, obedient D36 N37 D21 E23 G43 X1 Z2 N5}
to {G17 D36 I10 D46 Aa24 D40 V4 G1 N31
X1} [mSrw] evening {G17 D36 N37 D21
G43 N2}
[mxA] (v. trans.) match, equal,
adjust, counterpoise, make level {G17 D36 M12 [mhr] milk jar {G17 D36 O4 D21
G1 T14 T14 Y1v} W19}

[mxA] (v. intrans.) be like {G17 [mhn] coffer {G17 D36 O4 G1 N35
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 73

M3} A24}

[mht ib] negligence (of poor heart [mkHA] back of the head {G17
action) {G17 D36 O4 X1 G37 F34 Z1} D36 V31 M16 G1 D1}

[mhy] be forgetful, neglectful {G17 [mkt] proper station (for standing)

D36 O4 Z4 G37} {G17 D36 V31 O1}

[ms] bring, present, bring away booty, [mks] container (for documents) {G17
extend (hand), take (aim) {G17 D36 O35 Z4 D36 V31 S29 W78A}
[mkt] thoracic spine {G17 D36 V31 X1
[msw] carriers, bearers {G17 D36 O35 Q3}
Z7 D54 Z3}
[mkAt] support, pedastal {G17 D36 V31
[mXrw] dealings, business, X1 Q3}
ordinance, arrangement (of building) {G17 D36
T28 D21 G43 Z2 Y1} [mkt] protection, correct position (of
limbs), proper station (for standing) {G17 D36
[mXr] low lying land {G17 D36 T28 D21 V31 X1 Y1}
N23 Z1}
[mkty] protector, guardian {G17 D36
[mXr] storehouse, barn {G17 D36 T28 V31 X1 Z4 A24}
D21 O1}
[mkty] protector, guardian {G17
[mXrw] a low place {G17 D36 T28 D21 D36 V31 X1 Z4 D40 A1}
N23 Z7}
[mki] guard, protect {G17 D36 V31 Y1v}
[mDAw] (n.) Medjay, Police {G17
D36 U28 G1 M17 M17 Z7 T14 Z2 A1} [mkt] correct position (of limbs) {G17
D36 V31 Y1 F51B}
[mDAw] (locality) Medja {G17
D36 U28 G43 T14 N25 Z2} [mTn] (locality) Mitanni {G17 D36 X1
N35 N25}
[mTn] road, way {G17 D36 V13 N35
N31} [mtn] sheikh {G17 D36 X1 N35
T14 G41 A1}
[mHnk] (fem.) partner ? {G17 D36
V28 M2 N35 V31 A1} [mTn] course {G17 D36 X1 N35
T14 G41 N31 Z2}
[mawH] oar {G17 D36 V28 P8A}
[mtn] sheikh {G17 D36 X1 N35
[mk] (non - enclitic part.) behold {G17 D36 T14 G41 Y1 A1}
[mat] type of boat {G17 D36 X1 P1}
[mki] guard, protect, look after (horse)
{G17 D36 V31 A24} [m] (non - enclitic part.) behold {G17 D38}

[mk xw] guarded and protected [m] (int.) who ?, what ? {G17 D38}
{G17 D36 V31 A24 Aa1 G43 D43 Y1}
[m] (enclitic part.) (not translated) {G17
[mk] protector {G17 D36 V31 D40} D38}

[makA] brave {G17 D36 V31 G1 [mx] respect (someone) {G17 D38 Aa1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 74

F34 Z1}
[mhy] be forgetful, neglectful {G17 D38
[mDH] fillet {G17 D46 V28 V12}
[mkHA] turn the back to, ignore, [m bAH] in the presence of, in front of, in
eschew (evil), be neglectful (of) {G17 D38 V31 front, formerly {G17 D53 Y1}
M16 D1}

[mds] sharp (of knife), acute (of vision), [m bAH a] in the presence of {G17 D53
Y1 D36 Z1}
forceful (of character) {G17 D39 D46 O34 Y1}
[mi] (imperative) come ! {G17 D54}
[mDH] hew (timber), build (ships)
{G17 D39 D46 V28 T7 D40}
[m bAH] in the presence of, in front
[mwnf] garrison, (palace) guard, of, in front, formerly {G17 D58 G29 V28 D53
protector (of poor) {G17 D39 G43 N35 I9 A1
[m bw wa] all together {G17 D58 G43
T21 Z1}
[mfkAt] turquoise {D39 I9 V31 X1
N33A G17}
[m biA] no {G17 D58 M17 A2}
[mi(w)] waters {G17 D39 N35A}
[m biA] no {G17 D58 M17 G1
W10 F18 Y1 Z2 A2}
[mTn] (locality) Mitanni {G17 D39
V13 N35 N25}
[m iwyt] wrongfully {G17 E9 X1 G43}
[mwt] mother {G17 D39 X1 B1}
[m HAt] in front of, before {G17 F4 X1
[m Dsrw] in private {G17 D45 D21 Y1
[sDmi] judge, hearers {G17 F21 A1 Z3}
[m dwn] straight on {G17 D46 E34
N35 D54} [mXnty] ferryman {G17 F26 N35
G43 P1 X1 A40}
[m dwn] from then on, henceforward
{G17 D46 E34 N35 D54} [m Xnw] within, at, in the house of
{G17 F26 N35 W24 G43 O1}
[m dwn] habitually, continually {G17
D46 E34 N35 D54} [mXnty] ferryman {G17 F26 N35
X1 P1 U33 A40}
[mds] (v. trans.) cut down (quarry)
{G17 D46 S29 T30} [m Xnw awy] within {G17 F26 W24
D36 D36}
[mds] firm-planted (of foot), cut down
(quarry) {G17 D46 S29 T30} [m msDd] unwillingly {G17 F31
S29 D46 A2}

[mds] sharp (of knife), acute (of

[mXnty] ferryman {G17 F32 N35
vision), forceful (of character) {G17 D46 S29 U33 M17 P1}
[mXnt] ferry boat {G17 F32 N35 X1
[mds] firm - planted (of foot) {G17 P4}
D46 S29 T30 D40}
[mXtw] intestines, colon {G17 F32
[mds ib] spiteful {G17 D46 S29 T30
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 75

X1 G43 F51 Z2}

[mDtft] chisel (used in Opening-of-
[mXtw] intestines, colon {G17 F32 X1 the-mouth ceremony) {G17 I10 X1 I9 X1
Z7 N33A} U22}

[m qAb] doubled {G17 F46 Y1} [mDt] byre {G17 I10 X1 V19}

[m m] (preposition) among, therein {G17 [mDt] depth {G17 I10 X1 V19 N23
G17} Z1}

[mm] transport (cattle) {G17 G17} [mDwt] bonds {G17 I10 X1 V19
V19 V19}
[m m] (adv.) therein {G17 G17}
[mDt] oil {G17 I10 X1 W1B}
[mymy] seed - corn {G17 G17 M17 N33
N33 N33} [mXA] incline (one's heart to) {G17 K4
[mymy] seed corn of emmer ? {G17
G17 M17 N33 Z2} [mXA] a boat {G17 K4 G1 P1}

[mymy] seed - corn {G17 G17 N33 N33 [imy xt] member of the bodyguard
N33} {G17 M3 Aa1 X1 A12}

[mymy] seed corn of emmer ? {G17 G17 [m xtxt] backwards {G17 M3

N33 N33 N33} Aa1 X1 M3 Aa1 X1 D55}

[msA] bring, present (to), bring away [imyw xtw] those of later times,
booty, extend (hand),, take aim {G17 G39} posterity {G17 M3 X1 A1 A1 A1}

[mww] Muu class of Ritual [imy xt] member of the bodyguard {G17
M3 X1 Z1}
dancers {G17 G43 G43 A1 Z2}
[mxAt] balance {G17 M12 G1 X1
[m wsTn] unhindered, with free U38}
access {G17 G43 S29 V13 N35 D54}
[mHA] back of the head {G17 M16 G1
[mTA] flout, vex {G17 G47 G1 A2} D1}

[mTA ib r] disagree with [m HAw] in excess of {G17 M16

someone {G17 G47 G1 A2 F34 Z1 D21} G1 G43 Y1 Z2}

[mTAm] a woman's garment [m HAw Hr] in addition to,

{G17 G47 G1 G17 S28} except {G17 M16 G1 G43 Y1 Z2 D2 Z1}
[mfkAt] turquoise {G17 I9 D28 X1 [mi] (imperative) come ! {G17 M17 D54}
[miAsw] spines {G17 M17 G1 O34 G43
[mfkAt] turquoise {G17 I9 V31 X1 T30A Z2}
[m ii n] as the consequence of, as the
[mDH] fillet {G17 I10 V28 S10} outcome of {G17 M18 M17 D54 N35}
[mDH] fillet {G17 I10 V28 V12} [mDr] shut out (storms), wall in
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 76

(treasure) {G17 M36 D21 M17 O36}

[m aA r] (speak) boastfully
{G17 O29 D36 G1 Y1 D21 Z1}
[mDr] shut out (storms), wall in
(treasure) {G17 M36 D21 O36} [mswr] drinking bowl {G17 O34
G36 D21 D118 V30 Z1}
[m nf] wrongfully {G17 N35 I9 G37}
[msA] bring, present (to), bring away booty,
[m nwdw] awry {G17 N35 U19 extend (hand), take aim {G17 O34 G39}
W24 G43 D46}
[m snt r] in the likeness of, in
[m nwdw] awry {G17 N35 accordance with {G17 O34 N35 X5 X1 D21}
U19 W24 Z7 D46 Z7 Z2 D54}
[m snt r] in the likeness of, in
[mSa] soldiers, army, infantry, gang (of
accordance with {G17 O34 N35 X5 Y1 X1
workmen) {G17 N37 D36 A12 Z2} D21}

[mSw] sword {G17 N37 D36 G43 [msStA] framework ? (of chariot) {G17
N34 Z1} O34 N37 X1 Y1 U30}

[mSaqt] shoulder blade {G17 N37 [msH] crocodile {G17 O34 V28 I3}
D36 X1 N29 U37}
[mist] (n.) liver {G17 O34 X1 F51
[mSrwt] evening meal {G17 N37 E23 N33A}
N8 X1}
[mst] a staff {G17 O34 X1 O30U}
[imy prwy] member of the administration
{G17 O1 O1}
[ms] bring, present (to), bring away booty,
[mhr] milk jar {G17 O4 D21 W22} extend (hand), take (aim) {G17 O35 D40}

[m hims] humbly {G17 O4 G1 F31 [ms] betake (oneself) {G17 O35 D54}
S29 D54}
[ms] bring, present (to), bring away
[mhy] be forgetful, neglectful {G17 O4 booty, extend (hand), take (aim) {G17 O35
G37} D54}

[m hAw] in the neighbourhood of [maHat] tomb, cenotaph (above

{G17 O4 G43 Z2} ground level) {G17 P6 D36 X1 O1}

[m hims] humbly {G17 O4 M17 F31 [maHat] tomb, cenotaph (above ground
S29 D54 Z2} level) {G17 P6 X1 O1}

[mhit] milch cow {G17 O4 M17 X1 [m Htp nfr wrt] in very good
E1} peace (a greeting) {G17 R4 X1 Q3 F35 I9
D21 G36 D21 X1}
[mht] forgetfulness, negligence {G17 O4
X1 G37 N33A} [m Ts] (the land was ) in drought {G17
S24 O34 N23}
[mhy] (v.) be forgetful, neglectful (of)
{G17 O4 Z4 G37} [m sxd] head downwards {G17 S29 Aa1
D46 A29}
[mh ib] the heart is forgetful (has
defective action) {G17 O4 Z4 G37 F34 Z1} [msADt] nostril {G17 S29 Aa17 I10
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 77

D19 X1}
[mDAb] expel (foes) {G17 U28 Z7
D58 D40}
[msdmt] black eye paint {G17 S29
D46 G17 Z2 X1 N33}
[m xsfw] at the approach of (in
[msTpt] portable shrine {G17 S29 V13 meeting) {G17 U35 G43 D54}
Q3 X1}
[mTwn] arena {G17 V13 M42 N35
[msH] crocodile {G17 S29 V28 F27} E1}

[msH] crocodile {G17 S29 V28 I3} [mTn] road, way, course {G17 V13
N35 G41 N31}
[msktt] night-barque (of sun god)
{G17 S29 V29 V31 X1 X1 P46} [mtnwt] (n.) reward {G17 V13 N35
T14 W24 Y2 X1}
[msktt] night-barque (of sun god)
{G17 S29 V31 X1 X1 P3} [mHy] guardian {G17 V22 M17 M17
[manxt] pendant {G17 S34 N35 Aa1
X1 Aa20} [mHi] (v.) drown, bedrowned {G17 V22
[mXrw] dealings, business,
ordinance, arrangement (of building) {G17 T28 [mHi] swim, launch (a vessel) {G17
V22 V28 A96 N35A}
D21 G43 Y1 Z2}

[mXrw] dealings, business, ordinance, [mHi] (v.) overflow (of Nile) {G17
V22 V28 N35A}
arrangement (of building) {G17 T28 D21 Y1
[manDt] day barque (of sun
[m mAwt] newly, anew {G17 U1 god) {G17 V26A D36 N35 I10 G43 X1 P3}
X1 G43 Y1v}
[manDt] day barque (of sun god) {G17
V26A X1 P3}
[m mAat] truly {G17 U5 D36 X1
H6 Y1 Z2}
[manDt] day - barque (of sun god) {G17
[m mrwt] in order that {G17 U7 V27 D46 X1 P121}
D21 G43 X1 A2}
[manDt] day - barque (of sun god) {G17
V27 X1 P3}
[mDAbt] drainer (for bilge ?) {G17
U28 D58 X1 D3 M3}
[mHn] (n. and v.) coil (of serpents) {G17
[mDAbt] bailer (of boat) {G17 U28 V28 N35 Z5}
G1 D58 X1 V30}
[m HHy n ib] with ingenious mind
{G17 V28 V28 Z4 D54 N35 F34 Z1}
[mDAw] (locality) Medja {G17
U28 G1 G43 N25}
[m Hsi .f] (coming) to meet him
{G17 V28 W14 O34 D54 I9}
[mDAw] (n.) Medjay, Police {G17
U28 G1 G43 T14 A1 Z2}
[m kfAt] indeed {G17 V31 I9 X1
[mDAt] chisel {G17 U28 X1 U27}

[mDAt] letter, dispatch {G17 U28 X1 [m ksw] bowing {G17 V31 S29 G43
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 78

G17 Z4 N33 Z2}

[mks] sceptre {G17 V31 S29 R88A}
[mt] die, perish (of ship), death {G17 Z6
[mkt] thoracic spine {G17 V31 X1} X1}

[m ktkt] quietly {G17 V31 X1 V31 [m m] (preposition) among, therein {G18

X1 A2} D39}

[m gbgbt] headlong (of flight), [mmy] giraffe {G18 Z4 F27}

prostrate {G17 W11 D58 W11 D58 M17 M17
A15 X1} [myw] semen, seed of man {G20 M17
M17 G43 N35A}
[m gbgbt] headlong (of flight),
prostrate {G17 W11 D58 W11 D58 Z9 X1} [mSa] march, travels {G20 N37 D36
[mxnt] face, upper part of face {G17 W17
D19 X1 N35} [nHi] pray for, prayer {G21 V28 A2}

[xnt] (preposition) in the face of, [nHbt] bud (of lotus plant) {G21 V28
within, out of {G17 W18 N35 X1} D58 X1 M2}

[m xnty] indoors {G17 W18 N35 [nHbt] bud (of lotus) {G21 V28 D58 X1
X1 Z4 D19 O1} M9}

[m mi] as if {G17 W19 M17} [nHbt] bud (of lotus plant) {G21 V28
D58 X1 M10}
[m mitt] likewise {G17 W19 X1 X1 Y1}
[nHb] harness, yoke, appoint, combine
[mt] dead man, mortal man {G17 X1 (attributes), provide, requisition {G21 V28 D58
A14} Z9 D40}

[mt] die, perish, death {G17 X1 A14} [nHH] (sesame) oil {G21 V28 N5 V28
W22 Z2}
[mt] die, perish, death {G17 X1 A55}
[nHp] potter's wheel {G21 V28 Q3 O39}
[mt] die, perish, death {G17 X1 D12}
[nHH] eternity, for ever {G21 V28 V28
[mtwt] seed, progeny {G17 X1 D53
G43 X1}
[nHt] prayer {G21 V28 X1 A2}
[mtt] dead woman {G17 X1 X1 A14}
[Dbt] brick, ingot, slab (of metal) {G22
D58 X1 O39}
[mtt Hmt] dead woman {G17 X1 X1
Z6 N42 X1 B1}
[Dbt] target {G22 D58 X1 O39 N34
[mt] dead man {G17 X1 Z6}

[m mnt] daily {G17 Y5 N35 N5 X1} [Dbt] brick, ingot, slab (of metal) {G22 X1

[m mn] at the fixed rate of {G17 Y5 N35

[rxyt] subjects, common folk, mankind
{G23 M17 M17 X1}

[mymy] seed corn of emmer ? {G17 Z4 [rxyt] subjects, common folk, mankind
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 79

{G23 X1 A1 Z2 B1}
[Axw] power (of god) {G25 Y1 Z2}
[Ax] (v.) be, become a spirit, beneficial, useful,
profitable {G25} [Ax] the spirit-state {G25 Z1}

[Ax] spirit {G25} [Ax] spirit {G25 Z1 A52}

[Ax] spirit {G25 Aa1} [DHwtt] festival of Thoth {G26A X1 X1

[Ax] spirit {G25 Aa1 A51}
[DHwtt] festival of Thoth {G26 M17 M17
[Axtyw] (pl.) horizon - dwellers (a
remote people) {G25 Aa1 G4 B53 B53 B53} [DHwtt] festival of Thoth {G26 M17 M17
X1 W3}
[Axw] power (of god), mastery (over
work) {G25 Aa1 G43 Y1 Z2} [DHwty] (divinity) Thoth (god) {G26 X1
Z4 A40}
[Axyt] still-room ? {G25 Aa1 M17
M17 X1 O1} [Swt dHwty] a type of herb {G26 X1
Z4 H6 X1 Z1 M2}
[Axw] sunlight, sunshine {G25 Aa1 N8}
[dSrw] wrath {G27 D21 G43 Z2}
[Axt] eye (of god) {G25 Aa1 X1 D6}
[dSrt] the Red Land, desert {G27 D21
[Axt] uraes-serpent {G25 Aa1 X1 I13} X1 N25}

[Axt] flame {G25 Aa1 X1 Q7} [dSrt] the Red Crown {G27 D21 X1
[Axt] what is good, profitable, useful {G25
Aa1 X1 Y1} [dSrt] the Red Land, desert {G27 X1
[Axt] horizon, (tomb (of king) {G25 Aa1
X1 Z8} [dSrt] red pot {G27 X1 W12}

[Axty] horizon - dweller {G25 Aa1 X1 [gmi wS] found destroyed {G28 D3}
Z8 U33 M17}
[gmi] (v.) find, use (one's hand), be able to
[Axw] power (of god) {G25 Aa1 Y1} (do something), control (land) {G28 G17}

[Ax] be a spirit, become a spirit, glorious, [gmgm] smash (boxes), tear up

splendid, beneficial, useful, profitable, fame (books), break (of trees) {G28 G17 G28 G17
{G25 Aa1 Y1} Z9}

[Axw] power (of god) {G25 Aa1 Y1 Z2} [gmgm] smash (boxes) {G28
G17 G28 G17 D40 Z9}
[Axw] power (of god) {G25 Aa1 Z2
G43} [gmw] weakness {G28 G17 G43
[Axt] uraeus - serpent {G25 X1 I13}
[gmi wS] found destroyed {G28 G17
[Axt] horizon, tomb (of king) {G25 X1 G43 N37 D3}
N27 O1}
[gmwt] weakness {G28 G17
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 80

G43 X1 A7 Z2 G37}
[bAk] work, work (for someone), pay
[gmH] catch sight of, espy, look (at) taxes, work (horses), carry out (a task), enslave
{G28 G17 V28 D4} {G29 V31 D40}

[gmH wA] far - sighted, [bAkw] work, task {G29 V31 D40 Z2}
perspicaceous {G28 G17 V28 D4 V4 G1 N31}
[bAkbAk] a cake {G29 V31 G29 V31
N33 Z2}
[gmHsw] hawk {G28 G17 V28
S29 G158A A40}
[bAkw] work, task, workmanship,
[gmHt] candle {G28 G17 V28 X1 execution (of a design), revenues, taxes, impost,
S28} wages {G29 V31 G43 D40 Z2}

[gmw] mourning {G28 G17 Z7 G37 [bAkw] work, task {G29 V31 G43
Z2} Y1 Z2}

[gmwt] (pl.) black ibis {G28 G17 Z7 [bAkt] maidservant {G29 V31 X1 B1}
G41 Z2}
[bAkt] work, task, works (of
[gmHt] plaited hair {G28 V28 X1 D3} craftmanship), labour (of captives), revenues,
taxes {G29 V31 X1 Y1 Z2}
[gmHt] candle {G28 V28 X1 S28}
[bAkt] revenues, taxes {G29 V31 X1
[HAmw] type of wine {G28 W10} Z2}

[bA] possess a soul, be a soul {G29} [bAt] symbol of Hathor {G29 Y8A}

[bit] a loaf {G29A M17 N21} [bA] soul, BA {G29 Z1}

[bAt] symbol of Hathor {G29 G1 X1 [bdt] bed (of gourds etc....) {G29 Z1
F62} D46 X1 Z5 M2}

[bit] a loaf {G29 M17 X1 N21} [bdt] bed (of gourds etc..) {G29 Z1
D46 X1 Z5 M2}
[bAq] tree (moringa arabica) {G29 N29
M1} [bA] soul, BA {G29 Z1 Z6}

[bAq] moringa oil {G29 N29 M1 W24 [bAw] souls (of dead) {G30}
[bAw] power {G30 G43 Y1 Z2}
[bAq] bright {G29 N29 M46B}
[bAw] power {G30 Y1 Z2}
[bAXw] Bahu: a region (originally
west of Egypt, later on, to the East) {G29 O39 [baH] abundance {G32}
D4 N25}
[baH] inundated land {G32}
[bAXw] Bahu: a region (originally west of
Egypt, later on, to the East) {G29 O39 N25} [baHi] (v.) have abundance, be well - supplied,
be inundated, flood, inundate {G32}
[bAs] jar {G29 S29 W10B}
[baHw] inundation, flood {G32}
[bAk] servant {G29 V31 A1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 81

{G36 D21}
[baH] basin (for irrigation) {G32 N35A
N36 N23}
[wri] portion (of meat) {G36 D21}
[baH] abundance {G32 Y1v} [wr] greatness (of size), sufficiency (of food),
excess (of supplies), much, how much ? {G36
[aq] enter (into) {G35} D21}

[aq] enter (into) {G35 D54} [wr] great one, magnate {G36 D21}
[aqw] provisions, food {G35 G43 Z8 [wr] great one, magnate, chief, ruler (of
foreign land) {G36 D21 A1}
[aqyt] female servant {G35 M17 M17 X1} [wrryt] chariot {G36 D21 D21 M17
M17 X1 M3}
[aq] enter, charge, come in, have the entree,
set (of sun), run aground, be noticed {G35 N29 [wrryt] chariot, wagon {G36 D21
D54} D21 M17 M17 X1 T17}

[aqw] friends {G35 N29 D54 A1 B1 [wrrt] crown {G36 D21 D21 X1 S2}
[wrrt] crown {G36 D21 D21 X1 S6}
[aq r pr] wedding {G35 N29 D54
D21 O1 Z1}
[wrryt] chariot {G36 D21 D21 X1
[aq r] one over-familiar in speech ?
{G35 N29 D54 D21 Z1 A1}
[wrD] be weary, grow weary, tire
{G36 D21 D46 A7 G37}
[aq ib] become intimate {G35 N29 D54
F34 Z1}
[wrdw] weariness {G36 D21 D46
Z7 A7 G37 Z2}
[aq ib] intimate friend {G35 N29 D54
F34 Z1 A1}
[wr ib] insolent {G36 D21 F34 Z1}
[aq pr] come in and go out, come
and go {G35 N29 D54 O1 D21 D54} [wri] portion (of meat) {G36 D21 F51B}

[aqw] loaves, provisions, food, income, [wrmwt] roofing, awnings {G36

D21 G17 X1 G43 O36 X1 N21 Z2}
revenue {G35 N29 X4 Z2}
[wrmwt] roofing, awnings {G36
[aq ib] intimate friend {G35 N29 Y1 D21 G17 X1 G43 O36 X1 Z2}
F34 Z1}
[wrmwt] roofing, awnings {G36
[aqw] provisions, food {G35 N29 Z7 Z8 D21 G17 X1 O169 O169 O169}
[wrD] be weary, grow weary, tire, die
[aqyt] female servant {G35 X1} {G36 D21 I10 D81}

[wr] great {G36} [wri] portion of meat {G36 D21 M17 F51}
[wr] swallow (bird) {G36} [wryt] door posts {G36 D21 M17 M17
X1 M3 Z2}
[wrr] great, much, many, eldest, important
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 82

[wryt] cloth for straining liquids {G36 [wrt] Great One (of uraeus, of goddess)
D21 M17 M17 X1 S28} {G36 D21 X1 I12}

[wrryt] chariot {G36 D21 M17 M17 [wrt] Crown of Upper Egypt {G36 D21
X1 T17} X1 S2}

[wrSy] watcher, sentry {G36 D21 [wrt] Crown of Lower Egypt {G36 D21
N37 M17 M17 N5 A1} X1 S4}

[wrS] spend the day, spend one's time, [wrryt] chariot {G36 D21 X1 T17}
spend much time, wake, be awake {G36 D21
N37 N5} [wrt HkAw] Great of Magic (of
uraeus) {G36 D21 X1 V28 D28 Z2 I13}
[wrS] wake, be awake {G36 D21 N37
Q43} [wrt HkAw] Great of Magic (of
crowns) {G36 D21 X1 V28 D28 Z2 S2}
[wrs] head - rest {G36 D21 S29 M3}
[wrt HkAw] Great of Magic (of
[wr xrp Hmwt] Greatest of the Master crowns) {G36 D21 X1 V28 D28 Z2 S2 S4}
Craftsmen {G36 D21 S42 U24}
[wr diw] Greatest of the Five {G36 D21 Z1
[wr swnw] master physician {G36 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1}
D21 T11 W24 G43 Z3 A1}
[wr mdw SmAw] magnate of the Tens of
[wr mAw] Greatest of Seers {G36 D21 Upper Egypt {G36 M26 V20}
U1 Z2 A1}
[wr mdw Smaw] magnate of the Tens of
[wr HkAw] Great of Magic {G36 D21 Upper Egypt {G36 M26 V20}
V28 D28 Z2 A40}

[wr HkAw] instrument for 'Opening of [wr mdw SmAw] magnate of the Tens
the mouth' {G36 D21 V28 D28 Z2 U19} of Upper Egypt {G36 M26 V20 Z2}

[wrHy] anointer {G36 D21 V28 M17 [wr mdw SmAw] magnate of the Tens
M17 W23 A24} of Upper Egypt {G36 M27 V20 V20 V20 A1}

[wrH] anoint Someone with....), smear [wr mdw SmAw] magnate of the Tens
on {G36 D21 V28 W1 D40} of Upper Egypt {G36 M27 V20 Z2}

[wrH] ointment {G36 D21 V28 W1 Z3} [wr mD Smaw] Magnate of the 'Ten of
Upper Egypt' {G36 M28}
[wrH] anoint (someone with....) , smear
on {G36 D21 V28 W23 A24} [wr xrp Hm(wt)] Master Craftsman
{G36 S42 U24 A1}
[wrH] ointment {G36 D21 V28 W24 Z2}
[wrt] sacred cow {G36 X1 E1}
[wrHt] ointment {G36 D21 V28 X1
W23 Z2} [wrt] sacred barque {G36 X1 P13}

[wrt] greatness (of rank), what is important, [wrt] sacred barque {G36 X1 P111}
very {G36 D21 X1}
[nDs] little / small (of size), dim (of eyes), dull
(of ears), poor (of appetite) {G37}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 83

impersonator of Horus) {G39 Z1 U7 I9 A1}

[Srr] (adj. and v.) little, meagre, younger,
junior, short {G37}
[sAw prw] (n.) guards {G39 Z2 O1 Z2}
[gb] (divinity) Geb (the Earth god) {G38
D58 A40}
[pA] (demon. and def. art.) this, the {G40}

[Apd] duck, bird (in general) {G39} [pAw] (auxillary v. with past meaning) 'past
tense' marker {G40}
[sA] land measure of 1/8 aroura {G39}
[pAxd] be turned upside down, be
[wSA] fatten {G39} turned over (of sole of foot) {G40 Aa1 D46
[sA] son {G39 A1}
[pAat] irrigable land {G40 D36 X1 Z5}
[sAty bity] the royal twins
[pA] (demon. and def. part.) this, the {G40
(Shu and Tefnut) {G39 G39 L2 L2 X1 A40} G1}

[Hb] catch (of fish and fowl) {G39 K1} [pAw] (auxillary v. with past meaning)
'past tense' marker {G40 G1}
[sA ra] son of Re {G39 N5}
[pAxd] be turned over (of sole of
[sA tA] snake {G39 N16 I14} foot) {G40 G1 Aa1 D46 A29}
[snHm] locust {G39 N35 N42 G17 [pAD] knee-cap {G40 G1 D46 D56
L4} F51}

[sAtw] floor boards, flooring {G39 O34 [pAD] ball or cone (of incense) {G40
X1 O39 O39 O39} G1 D46 Y24}

[ss] hurry {G39 O35} [pAwt] (pl.) offerings {G40 G1

G43 X1 X6 Z8 Z3}
[sAt] daughter {G39 X1 B1}
[pAwt] (pl.) offerings {G40 G1
[st ms] egg - laying duck {G39 X1 B3} G43 X1 Z8 Z2}

[sAtw] ground, earth, soil, floor {G39 [pA] fly, fly up {G40 G1 H5}
X1 G43 N21 Z2}
[pAD] ball or cone (of incense) {G40
[sAtw] ground, earth, soil, floor {G39 X1 G1 I10 Y24}
N21 Z2}
[pAy] he of {G40 G1 M17 M17}
[sAty gb] son of Geb {G39 X1 Z4
G39 D58 A40} [pAy .i] (pos. adj.) my {G40 G1 M17
M17 A1}
[sAtw] ground, earth, soil, floor {G39 X1
Z4 O39} [pAy .k] (pos. adj.) yours {G40 G1
M17 M17 V31}
[aff] (n.) fly {G39 Z1}
[pAqt] fine linen {G40 G1 N29 X1
[sA] maggot {G39 Z1 I15} S28}

[sA mr .f] a son who loves (ritual [pAs] water pot {G40 G1 O34 V102}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 84

[pA aHaw] (collective n.) the [w] property {G43}

fleet {G40 G1 P7 G43 P2 Z2}
[wi] (dependent prn.) I, me {G43}
[pAwtyw] (pl.) men of ancient families
{G40 G4 X6 Z3} [wy] (admirative part.) how ! {G43}

[pss] results of labour {G40 G39 [wi] (1st singular dependent prn.) I, me, my
Z1 G39 Z1 Z9 D40} {G43 A1}

[pAq] a flat thin cake or biscuit {G40 N29 [wxryt] dockyard, carpenter's
X6} workshop {G43 Aa1 D21 M17 M17 X1 P1 M3
[pAwtyw] (pl.) primaeval gods
{G40 X1 G43 G4 N11 Z2} [wxryt] carpenter's workshop {G43 Aa1
D21 X1 Q2C}
[pAwt] primaeval time {G40 X1
G43 X6 N17 N33A} [wxd] be painful, suffer, endure, be
patient with {G43 Aa1 D46 Aa2}
[pAwt] primaeval time {G40 X1 X6}
[wxd] foebearance {G43 Aa1 D46 Aa9
[pAwty] man of ancient family {G40 X1 Y1}
X6 U33 M17}
[wxd] be painful, suffer, endure, be patient
[pAwty] primaeval god {G40 X1 Z4A with {G43 Aa1 D46 Y1v}
D12 X6}
[wxA] column, tent pole {G43 Aa1 M3}
[pAwty] primaeval god {G40 X1 Z4
G43 X6 A40}
[wxA] be foolish, act stupidly {G43
Aa1 M12 G1 G37}
[pAwt] burden (of illness) {G41 G1
G43 X1 A9}
[wxA] ignorant, incompetent
[pAqyt] shell (of turtle, of skull), person, fool {G43 Aa1 M12 G1 G37 A1}
flake (of stone), potsherd {G41 G1 N29 M17
M17 X1 O39} [wxA] hall of columns {G43 Aa1
M12 G1 O1}
[sHwy] collection, summary,
assemblage (of troops), list {G41 G43 Z4 Y1 [wxA] column, tent pole {G43 Aa1 M17

[qmyt] gum, resin {G41 M17 M17 X1 [wx] night {G43 Aa1 N2}
N33 Z2}
[wx] fetish of Kos {G43 Aa1 R16}
[Tn r] reminder, explanation {G41
N35A D21 Z1} [wxt] darkness {G43 Aa1 X1 N2}

[wSA] fatten {G42} [w] (enclitic negative part.) not {G43 D35}

[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals, [war] flee, rush forth, fly {G43 D36
(deified as) Abundance {G42 Z8 Z2} D21 D56 D54}

[w] (enclitic negative part.) not {G43} [war] fugitive {G43 D36 D21 D56
D54 A1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 85

[wart] hip joint, leg, lower leg, foot [wdd] gall-bladder, gall {G43 D46 D46
{G43 D36 D21 X1 D56} H8}

[wart] flight {G43 D36 D21 X1 D56} [wdi] peasant {G43 D46 D46 Z9}

[wart] flight {G43 D36 D21 X1 D56 [wDb] divert (offerings, action), recur
D54 Z2} (illness) {G43 D46 D58 F46 D54}

[wart] desert - plateau {G43 D36 [wDb] fold over, turn (away from),
D21 X1 D56 N25} turn back, revert (to) {G43 D46 D58 F46 D54}
[wart] flight {G43 D36 D21 X1 D56 [wDb a] turn the hand away,
desist, compose oneself, turn oneself about {G43
D46 D58 F46 D54 D36 Z1}
[wart] desert - plateau {G43 D36 D21
X1 N23}
[wdf] delay {G43 D46 I9 D54}
[wart] desert - plateau {G43 D36 D21
X1 O39 N25}
[wdf] delay {G43 D46 I9 G39 D54}

[warw] hastiness (of speech) {G43 [wdf] delay, be sluggish, tardily {G43
D46 I9 N31 D54}
D36 D21 Z7 D56 A2}

[waawt] privacy {G43 D36 D36 Z7 [wdn] record (royal titulary) {G43 D46
N35 D245}
X1 G37 N33A}

[wab] pure, purify oneself, bathe, [wdn] instal, record (royal titulary) {G43
D46 N35 M11}
cleanse, purification, purity {G43 D36 D60}
[wdn] offer (to) {G43 D46 N35 M11
[iwa] succeed (someone) {G43 D36 F44} Y1}

[waw] soldier {G43 D36 G43 D40} [wdnw] offerings {G43 D46 N35 M11
[waf] bend down, subdue, be bent, curled
up {G43 D36 I9 A24} [wdn] be heavy {G43 D46 N35 U32
N33 Z2}
[waf] subdue (nations) {G43 D36 I9
Z7 D40} [wdn] be heavy, weigh, become
difficult {G43 D46 N35 U32 O39}
[wan] juniper {G43 D36 N35 Aa2 M1}
[wdn] weigh (on someone, of affairs)
[wan] juniper {G43 D36 N35 Aa2 M1} {G43 D46 N35 U32 Y1}

[wan] juniper {G43 D36 N35 M1} [wdn] offer (to) {G43 D46 N35 U32
[wa] unique, one only, sole {G43 D36 T21
Z1} [wdnw] offerings {G43 D46 N35 W24
G43 Y1v}
[waH] earth - almond ?, carob ? {G43
D36 V28 N11A} [wdnt] offering {G43 D46 N35 X1 M11}

[wdrt] region {G43 D46 D21 X1 N25} [wdnt] heavy block of stone {G43 D46
N35 X1 U33 O39}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 86

[wdn] record (royal titulary) {G43 D46 [wmtt] thick wall, thickness {G43 D52
N35 Z9} X1 X1 O36}

[wdpw] butler, cook {G43 D46 Q3 G43 [wmtt] thick wall {G43 D52 X1 X1
W24} T14 T14}

[wdHw] offering table {G43 D46 [wmt] thick {G43 D52 X1 Y1}
V28 G43 R1}
[wmt ib] stout - hearted {G43 D52 X1 Y1
[wdHw] offering {G43 D46 V28 F34 Z1}
G43 U50A X2 W22 X6}
[wmtt] thick wall {G43 D52 X1 Z4
[wdHw] offering {G43 D46 V28 T14 T14 O1}
G43 X4 Z2}
[iw] come, return {G43 D54}
[wdH] pour out, pour off {G43 D46
V28 U50A} [wbx] be bright {G43 D58 Aa1 Z9
[wdH] pour out, pour off {G43 D46
V28 W15A} [wbx] be bright {G43 D58 Aa1 Z9 Y1}
[wdi] give out (a noise), commit [wbd] burn, heat, be scalded {G43 D58
(offence), deal (harm, injury) {G43 D46 Z9 D46 Q7}
[wbdt] burn, burning {G43 D58 D46
[wdi] stir up (strife), instil (terror), X1 Z5 Q7}
extend (protection) {G43 D46 Z9 D40}
[wbn] stride briskly {G43 D58 N35 D54}
[wdi] throw , shoot (an arrow), utter (a
cry), send forth (the voice) {G43 D46 Z9 D40} [wbn] rise, shine, glitter, appear,
overflow, be excessive {G43 D58 N35 N5}
[wdi] lay (a fire), appoint as, be bent on (a
purpose) {G43 D46 Z9 D40} [wbn] rise, shine, glitter, appear,
overflow, be excessive {G43 D58 N35 N8}
[wdi] place, put, implant (an obstacle), plant
(trees) {G43 D46 Z9 D40} [wbnw] wound {G43 D58 N35 W24
G43 Aa3}
[wd a] extend the hand (to do
something), press the hand (against) {G43 D46 [wbnw] wound {G43 D58 N35
Z9 D40 D36 Z1} W24 G43 D26}

[wmt] gateway {G43 D52 X1 O1} [wbnw] wound {G43 D58 N35 W24
G43 F51B}
[wmt] mass (of men) {G43 D52 X1 O36
A1 Z2} [wbnw] eastern, the east {G43 D58
N35 W24 G43 N5}
[wmt] thick cloth {G43 D52 X1 S28 Z2}
[wsr] powerful {G43 F12 S29 D21}
[wmt] gateway {G43 D52 X1 T14
T14 O1} [wab] pure, purify oneself, bathe, cleanse,
purification, purity {G43 F17 D58}
[wmt] thick cloth {G43 D52 X1 V1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 87

[wSd] address (someone), question [wSA] utter (plaudites), recite

(someone), assent (to), accused {G43 F30 D46 (praises) {G43 M8 G1 A2}
[wSAw] darkness {G43 M8
[wfA] support (a plea) {G43 I9 G1 G1 G43 G41 N2}
[wSAw] darkness {G43 M8 G1
[wfA] lungs {G43 I9 G1 F51} G43 N2 Z3}

[wfA] talk about, discuss, [wxA] seek {G43 M12 D54}

support, talk, subject (of conversation) {G43 I9
G1 G39 A2} [wxA] seek {G43 M12 G1 Aa1 D54}

[wDa] cut off (head) {G43 I10 D36 Aa21} [wxA] throw off (earth), empty out,
shake out (linen), beat (a mat), purge (the body)
[wDa] cut off (head), {G43 I10 D36 {G43 M12 G1 D40}
Aa21 A24}
[wxA] seek {G43 M12 G1 D54}
[wDa] cut (cords), cut off (head), be
parted (of lips of wound), cut out (sandals) {G43 [wxA] ignorant, incompetent
I10 D36 Aa21 Y1v} person, fool {G43 M12 G1 G37 A1}
[wDa] judge, have judgement, judge [wxA] column, tent-pole {G43 M12 G1
between {G43 I10 D36 Aa21 Y1v} M3}

[wDa] open (door), discern, assign, devote [wxA] ignorant, incompetent person,
(to), remove {G43 I10 D36 Aa21 Y1v} fool {G43 M12 G37 A1}

[wDa rwt] (v. and n.) judge {G43 [wxA] column, tent pole {G43 M12 M3}
I10 D36 Aa21 Y1 D21 G43 X1 N1}
[wHA] hew (stone) {G43 M16 D40}
[wDa] discern {G43 I10 D36 T14 D54}
[wHA] hew (stone), pluck (flowers),
[wDat] judgement, divorce by cut (crops) {G43 M16 G1 A24}
judgement {G43 I10 D36 X1 Aa21 A2}
[wHA] cut (crops) {G43 M16 G1
[wDat] divorced woman {G43 I10 Aa2 A24}
D36 X1 Aa21 B1}
[wHA] pluck (flowers) {G43 M16 G1
[wDb] turn {G43 I10 D58 N21A} M2}

[wdf] delay {G43 I10 I9 D54} [wi] (dependent prn.) I, me {G43 M17}

[wdf] delay {G43 I10 I9 G38 D54} [wi] mummy case {G43 M17 A53}

[wdf] delay {G43 I10 I9 G39 Y1 [wiA tp itrw] sacred

Z2} barque for the river {G43 M17 G1 P3 D1 Z1
M17 X1 D21 G43 N36 N35A}
[wDnw] flood, inundation {G43 I10
N35 W24 Z7 N35A} [wiA] sacred barque {G43 M17 G1 P4A}
[wDH] (v.) wean {G43 I10 V28} [win] thrust aside, push away, set aside
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 88

{G43 M17 K1 N35 D36}

[wSmw] jar of metal {G43 N37 G17
[win] thrust aside, push away, set aside
{G43 M17 K1 N35 D41 D40}
[wSm] prove ?, test {G43 N37 G17
[win] thrust aside, push away, set aside
{G43 M17 K1 N35 D41 D54}
[wSm] ear of corn {G43 N37 G17
H2 M2}
[w pqr] district of Peker {G43 N21
Q3 N29 D21 M17 M3 O1}
[wSm] ear of corn {G43 N37 G17
[w] district, region {G43 N21 Z1} T19}

[wS] urinate {G43 N37 Aa2} [wS] be destroyed {G43 N37 G37}

[wsS] (v. trans.) pass (fluid), urinate {G43 [wS ib] be helpless ? {G43 N37 G37 F34
N37 Aa2}

[wS] fall out, be destroyed, desolate (a [wSn] wring the neck (of poultry) {G43
N37 N35 G54}
place) {G43 N37 D3}
[wSn] wring the neck, make an offering
[wSr] be despoiled {G43 N37 D21
G37} (of food and drink) {G43 N37 N35 H1 D40}

[wSr] dry up, be barron, be despoiled [wSnw] poultry (for table) {G43
{G43 N37 D21 N5} N37 N35 W24 G43 H1 Z3}

[wSa] eat a morsel {G43 N37 D36 A2} [wSnw] poultry (for table) {G43 N37
W24 G43}
[wSa] chew, eat a morsel {G43 N37
D36 F18 A2} [wSb] bull {G43 N37 Z9 D58 E1}

[wSd] question (someone) {G43 N37 [whi] (v.) escape {G43 O4 D41}
D46 A2}
[whb] pierce, hole {G43 O4 D58 Z9
[wSb] (v. and n.) answer {G43 N37 D40}
D58 A2}
[whi] (v.) be undone (of heart) {G43
[wSbw] comforter ? {G43 N37 O4 G1 G37}
D58 G43 Z9 A1}
[whAhA] arrogance ? {G43 O4
[wSbyt] beads {G43 N37 D58 G1 O4 G1 A2}
M17 M17 X1 Z9 N33 Z2}
[whi] escape, miss, fail, be undone, be
[wSbt] response ? {G43 N37 D58 X1 lacking {G43 O4 G37}
Z9 A2}
[whn] throw down (fence) {G43 O4 N35
[wSb] (v. and n.) answer, answer for A35}
(conduct) {G43 N37 D58 Z9 A2}
[whnn] crown (of head) {G43 O4 N35
[wSAt] widgeon ? {G43 N37 G1 X1 N35 D1}
[whn] throw down (fence) {G43 O4 N35
[wSm] throat {G43 N37 G17 F10} O37 D40}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 89

[whn] throw down (fence), fall off (of [wsf] be slack, sluggish, neglect, ignore,
scab) {G43 O4 N35 O118} sluggishness {G43 S29 I9 G41 D54}

[wht] failure {G43 O4 X1 G37} [wsfw] sluggard {G43 S29 I9

Z7 G41 D54 A1}
[waA] curse {G43 O29 D36 G1 A2}
[wsSt] urine {G43 S29 N37 X1 Aa3A}
[wsfw] sluggard {G43 O34 I9 G43
G41} [ws] crack, chink, small window {G43 S29
[wsS] urinate, pass (fluid) {G43 O34
N37 D53} [wsi] (v.) (to)saw {G43 S29 T30}

[wsS] die out (of a race) {G43 O34 N37 [wsTn] travel freely, be unhindered, deal
G37} arbitrarily with {G43 S29 V13 N35 D54}

[wsSt] urine {G43 O34 N37 X1 D53} [wsTn a] free of hands {G43 S29
V13 N35 D54 D36 Z1}
[wsSt] urine {G43 O34 N37 X1
D53 N35A Aa2 Z2} [wsTn] be unhindered {G43 S29 V13
N35 D56 D54}
[wsT] (v. and n.) be dilapidated, ruin,
dilapidation {G43 O34 V13 G37} [wsT] (v.) be dilapidated, ruin {G43 S29
X1 G37}
[wsTn] travel freely {G43 O34 X1 N35
D54} [wst] sawdust {G43 S29 X1 T30C}

[wpi] (v.) open {G43 Q3 F13} [(sbA) waty] lone (star) {G43 T21 U33
[wpS] strew, scatter {G43 Q3 N37 Z9}
[wDA] go, set out, proceed, attain (a rank),
[wsx] barge {G43 S29 Aa1 P1} set (of sun) {G43 U28 D54}

[wsx] ornamental collar {G43 S29 Aa1 [wDA] go, set out, proceed, attain (a
S11} rank), set (of sun) {G43 U28 G1 D54}

[wsx] cup {G43 S29 Aa1 W10} [wDA r Axt] go to the horizon
(die) {G43 U28 G1 D54 D21 N27 X1 O1}
[wsx] barge {G43 S29 Aa1 W10 P1}
[wDAw] amulets, protective spell
[wsx] broad, wide, extensive (of {G43 U28 G1 G43 Y1 Z2}
monuments, riches), breadth {G43 S29 Aa1
W10 Y1} [wDAt] the uninjured eye of Horus
{G43 U28 G1 X1 D10}
[wsxt] barge {G43 S29 Aa1 X1 W10
P1} [wDA] (v.) remain over (of balance in
calculations) {G43 U28 G1 Y1}
[wsf] (v. trans.) neglect {G43 S29 I9
D55} [wDA] (adj.) hale, uninjured, prosperous
{G43 U28 G1 Y1v}
[wsf] (v. trans.) neglect {G43 S29 I9 G41}
[wDA ib] be glad {G43 U28 G1 Y1V
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 90

F34 Z1}
[wTtw] offspring {G43 V13 X1 G43
D53 N33A}
[wDA ib .k] may it please you
{G43 U28 G1 Y1V F34 Z1 V31}
[wDH] (v.) wean {G43 V24 V28}
[wDAw] well-being, prosperity {G43
U28 G1 Z7 Y1} [wHaw] fishermen, fowlers {G43 V28
D36 G43 A1}
[wDAw aH] well - being of the
Palace (official's title) {G43 U28 G1 Z7 Y1 [wHa] fish (synodontis schall) {G43 V28
O11 D36 O1} D36 K5}

[wDAw] amulets {G43 U28 G43 Y1 [wHa] release (someone, something) {G43
Z2} V28 D36 P30}

[wDA] storehouse {G43 U28 O1} [wHA] hew (stone) {G43 V28 G1
[wDA] pectoral {G43 U28 S95}
[wHAt] cauldron {G43 V28 G1 X1 W7}
[wDA] (v.) remain over (of balance in
calculations) {G43 U28 Y1v} [wHAt] cauldron {G43 V28 G1 X1

[wDAw] well - being, prosperity {G43 U28 [wHwH] disappear (of inscriptions)
{G43 V28 G43 V28 Z9 G37 Z2}

[wDAw] amulets {G43 U28 Z2} [wHyt] family, kindred {G43 V28 M17
M17 T14 A1 B1 Z2}
[wDAyt] mythical abode of Amen-Re
{G43 U29 M17 M17 X1 O1}
[wHyt] family, kindred, relatives {G43
V28 M17 M17 X1 A1 B1 Z2}
[wTs] wear (crown) {G43 U39 D40}
[wHyt] village {G43 V28 M17 M17 X1
[wTsw] accused person {G43 O49}
V13 O34 G43 U39 A2 A1}
[wHs] cut off (hair), quell (tulmult), kill
[wTs] raise, lift up, wear, weigh, extol, (rebels) {G43 V28 S29 T30 D40}
display, announce {G43 V13 O34 U39}
[wHyt] village {G43 V28 X1 N25}
[wTs] lay an information, delate {G43
V13 O34 U39 A2}
[wHyt] village {G43 V28 X1 O49}
[wTs xrw] deliver a verdict {G43 [wAHt] cauldron {G43 V28 X1 W23}
V13 O34 U39 A2 P8 G43}

[wTs] raise, lift up {G43 V13 O34 [wHAt] cauldron {G43 V28 X1 W115}
U39 D40}
[wHa] loose (fetters) {G43 V28 Z4 D36
[wTs] wear (crown) {G43 V13 O34 U39
[wHyt] family, kindred {G43 V28 Z7
T14 A1 B1 Z2}
[wTs] raise, lift up (of voice / of
crowns in coronation) {G43 V13 S29 U39A
Q2B} [wAH] fillet (of gold) {G43 V29 S12}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 91

[wgg] feebleness, weakness, misery {G43 [wt] embalm {G43 X1 Aa2 D40}
V33 V33 G37}
[wtyw] bandages, wrappings
[wggt] woe {G43 V33 V33 X1 G37} {G43 X1 U30 G4 Z7 S28 Z1 Z2}

[wgb] rise (of sun) {G43 W11 D58 N8} [wtT] beget {G43 X1 V13}

[wgi] chew {G43 W11 F18 A2} [wtT] beget {G43 X1 V13 D53 Y1}

[wgiw] ribs (of ship) {G43 W11 [wt] bandage, bind {G43 X1 V38}
G1 M17 M17 G43 M3 Z2}
[wtt] beget {G43 X1 X1 D53}
[wgyt] jaw {G43 W11 G1 M17 M17
X1 F18} [wttw] begetter {G43 X1 X1 G43 D52
[wgm] (v. and n.) crush (grain),
crushed grain {G43 W11 G17 U10} [w pqr] district of Peker (precinct of
Osiris at Abydos ?) {G43 Z1 N23 Q3 N29 M17
[wgi] (v.) chew {G43 W11 M17 D82} O49}

[wgyt] talker {G43 W11 M17 M17 X1 [w] (3rd person pl. suffix prn.) they, them,
F18 A2} their {G43 Z2}

[wgiw] ribs (of ship) ? {G43 W11 M17 P93 [wy] (admirative part.) how ! {G43 Z4}
P93 P93}
[TAty] vizier {G47}
[wgp] triturate (grind to powder) {G43
W11 Q3 D36}
[TAw] take up, seize, snatch, don
(garment), rob, steal, shave, harbour (enemies)
[wgs] cut open, gut (fish etc..) {G43 W11 {G47 D51 D40}
S29 T30 D36}
[TAb] a vessel {G47 D58 W66}
[wAg] Wag festival (a religious festival)
{G43 W11 W3 N5}
[TAy ] male, man {G47 D280 M17 M17}
[wgg] feebleness, weakness, misery {G43 W11
W11} [TAw] take up, seize, snatch, don
(garment), rob, steal, shave, harbour (enemies)
{G47 G1 A24}
[wtx] flee {G43 X1 Aa1 D54}
[TAr] make fast, fasten {G47 G1
[wtx] flee {G43 X1 Aa1 D56} D21 D32 D40}

[wtx] flee {G43 X1 Aa1 D56 D54} [TAr] make fast, fasten (on), take
possession of (lordship by king) {G47 G1 D21
[wtxw] fugitive {G43 X1 Aa1 G43 V19}
D56 D54 A1}
[TArt] cabin, entrenched camp {G47
[wt] place of embalming {G43 X1 Aa2} G1 D21 X1 V19 O1}

[wt] embalmer, bandager {G43 X1 Aa2 [TAw] don (garment) {G47 G1 D51
A1} D40}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 92

[TAbt] loan {G47 G1 D58 X1 U9} [TAw] bearer {G47 U23}

[TAm] foreskin {G47 G1 G17 D52} [TAbt] loan {G47 X1 D58 Y2}

[TAm] (v.) veil {G47 G1 G17 S28} [TAty] vizier {G47 X1 X1}

[TAm Hr] (v.) show indulgence [TAty] vizier {G47 X1 Z1 A1}

{G47 G1 G17 S28 D2 Z1}
[TAty] vizier {G47 X1 Z4}
[TAm] cloak, swaddling - clothes,
bandage {G47 G1 G17 V6} [TA ib] able {G47 Y1 F34 Z1}

[TAwt] (n.) sail {G47 G1 G43 S28 [TAw mDAt] sculptor {G47 Y1 X1 Z1}
[TA] fledgling (figurative for Child) {G47 Z1}
[TAwt] theft, a gathering up (of
things) {G47 G1 G43 X1 A24} [TA] fledgling (figurative for Child) {G47
Z1 G7}
[TAr] make fast, fasten (on), take
possession of (lordship by king) {G47 G1 M17 [TA] fledgling (figurative for Child) {G47
D21 T12 D40} Z1 G39}

[TAy] male, man {G47 G1 M17 M17 [TAw] bearer {G47 Z7 D51 D40}
D53 A1}
[sSy] nest {G48}
[TAyw] (pl.) pellets {G47 G1 M17
M17 G43 N33A}
[SAa] (n.) beginning {G49 D36}
[TAw] take up, seize, snatch, don [sS] marsh {G49 N23}
(garment), rob, steal, shave, harbour (enemies)
{G47 G1 Z7 A24}
[HAmw] type of wine {G51 W10}
[TAw] book {G47 G1 Z7 Y1}
[bA] be a soul, possess a soul {G53 Z1}
[TAw] book {G47 G43 V12}
[bA] soul, BA {G53 Z1}
[TAw] take up, seize, snatch, don
(garment), rob, steal, shave, harbour (enemies) [bAw] souls (of dead), power, deed of
{G47 M17 M17 D51 D40} power {G53 Z1 A40 Z3}

[TAw xaw] weapon bearer {G47 N28 [snD] (v.) fear, respect {G54 A2}
D36 M3 Z2}
[snDw] timid, frightened man {G54
[TA] pellet {G47 N33} G43 A2 A1}

[TnTAt] dais {G47 N35 V13 M17 [snDt] (n.) fear {G54 X1 Z1}
M17 X1 O40}
[snDw] timid, frightened man {G54 Y1}
[TAw sryt] standard bearer {G47 S35}
[Xrt nTr] necropolis {G131}
[TAw xw] fan bearer {G47 S37}
[Xrt nTr] necropolis {G131B}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian G - Birds 93

[nbwy] The Two Lords (Horus and Seth) [Sw] (divinity) Shu (god of the Air) {H6
{G139 E21E} G43 A40}

[Dryt] kite (bird) {G144} [SA] pig {H6 G43 E12}

[rxty] washerman {G167 X1 Z4 A24 [Sw] (v.) be empty, be lacking, be devoid

A1} (of), be missing (from) {H6 G43 G37}

[bA] hoe (crops) {G225} [Sw] (n.) lack {H6 G43 G37}

[imntt] the West {G264A X1 X1 N25} [Sww] a type of edible vegetable {H6
G43 G43 M2 N33A}
[wnmy] right - hand side, right, right side of
{G264B} [Sww] a type of edible vegetable {H6 G43
M2 Z2}
[imnty] the West {G264B X1}
[Swyt] shadow, shade {H6 G43 M17 M17
X1 N5}

[Sw] sun, sunlight {H6 G43 N5}

[Sw] dry, dried {H6 G43 N5}

H - Parts of birds
[Sw] blank papyrus roll {H6 G43 V12}
[Apd] (used in offering formula) duck, bird (in [Swt] feather {H6 G43 X1 D3}
general) {H1}
[Swt] feather {H6 G43 X1 H5}
[wSmw] jar of metal (as beer measure)
{H2 G17 G43 W24}
[Swyt] shadow, shade {H6 G43 X1 N5}
[pAqt] fine linen {H2 N29 X1 Z5 S28
Z2} [Swty] trader {H6 G43 X1 Z4 D40}

[pAq] a flat thin cake or biscuit {H3 N29 X6} [Swty] plumes (as diadem) {H6 G43 X1
Z4 S9}
[rmTt] (collective n.) men, mankind
{H4 A1 B1 Z2} [imntyw] (pl.) Westerners {H6 X1 G4}

[rmT] (collective n.) man, men, mankind, [Swyt] shadow, shade {H6 X1 N5}
Egyptians {H4 X1 Z2}
[Swt] feather {H6 X1 Z1}
[nrw] fear, dread, disturbance ? {H4 Z2}
[mAat] right - doing, righteousness {H6 X1
[DnH] wing {H5}

[mAat] right - doing, righteousness {H6} [Swt] side {H6 X1 Z1}

[Swt] side {H6} [Swt] (collective n.) neighbours {H6 X1 Z1

A1 Z2}

[Sw] ascend {H6 G43} [Swt] feather {H6 X1 Z1 D3}

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian H - Parts of birds 94

[Sw] needy man {H6 Z7 G37 A1} [aSAt] the many, the masses {I1 X1 Z2}

[Swiw] emptiness, default {H6 Z7 M17 [aSA] many, numerous, much, plentiful,
Z7 G37} ordinary, quantity, multitude {I1 Z2}

[Swt] emptiness {H6 Z7 X1 G37} [aSA r] chatter, be loquacious {I1 Z2

D21 Z1 A2}
[imy] in which is {H8}
[Styw] tortoise {I2}
[imy ib] favourite {H8 F34 Z1}
[ity] sovereign {I3 I3 G7}
[Ast] (divinity) Isis (goddess) {H8 X1 B1}
[sAq] pull together, be wary {I5}
[imy] in which is {H34}
[sbk] (divinity) Sobek (crocodile god) {I5A
[swHt] (those who are in the ) egg {H34 X1 A40}
[kmyt] (collective n. fem.) herd (of
cattle) {I6 Aa15 M17 M17 E1 Z2}

[km] black {I6 G17 D3}

[km wr] (locality) Bitter Lakes

I - Reptiles region {I6 G17 G36 D21 N25}

[kmyt] conclusion (of book) {I6

[aSA] many, numerous, much, plentiful, G17 M17 M17 X1 V12 Z1}
ordinary, quantity, multitude {I1}
[kmt] (locality) the Black Land, Egypt {I6
[aSAt] multitude (of people), company G17 X1 O49}
(of guests), the many, the masses {I1 G1 X1 A1
Z2} [kmt] completion, final account {I6 G17
X1 Y1}
[aSA] many, numerous, much, plentiful,
ordinary, often {I1 G1 Z2} [km] black {I6 G17 Y1v}
[aSA] quantity, multitude {I1 G1 Z2} [km] (n.) completion, profit, duty {I6 G17
[aSA xrw] noisy {I1 G1
Z2 Aa1 D21 E23 G43 P8 A2} [km] (v.) total up, amount to, complete, put
an end to, pay (to), {I6 G17 Y1v}
[aSA r] chatter {I1 G1 Z2 D21
Z1} [kmt] (collective n.) Egyptians {I6 X1 A1
B1 Z2}
[aSA xrw] noisy {I1 G1 Z2 P8 Z7
A2} [kmt] (locality) the Black Land, Egypt {I6
X1 O49}
[aSA] dove ? {I1 G229}
[kmt] (locality) the Black Land, Egypt {I6
[aSAt] multitude (of persons) {I1 X1 A1 X1 O49 X1}
B1 Z2}
[kmt] a jar {I6 X1 W24 Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian I - Reptiles 95

[kmt] completion, final account {I6 X1 Y1 [fdnw] fourth {I9 D46 Z1 W24 Z1 Z1
Z2} Z1 G43}

[km] black {I6 Y1} [fdi] (v.) pluck (flowers), pull up (plants),
uproot (trees), pull out (hair), remove {I9 D46
[km] (v.) total up, amount to, complete, put an Z9 D40}
end to, pay (to), {I6 Y1}
[fAw] food-supplies ? {I9 F40 G43 X4
[Hfn] 100,000 , a great quantity {I8} Z2}

[f] (suffix prn.) he, him, his, it, its {I9} [fAw] magnificence, splendour,
magnificent {I9 F40 G43 Y1 Z2}
[fxa] grasp {I9 Aa1 D36 D49}
[fAi] (v.) deliver (taxes, tribute) {I9 G1
[fnxw] a Syrian people {I9 Aa1 G43
V12 Z2}
[fAi] (v.) raise, lift up, carry,
[fx] (v. trans.) loose, release {I9 Aa1 support, weigh, present, deliver (taxes, tribute)
S28} {I9 G1 A9 D40}

[fx] (v. trans.) loose, release, loosen (of [fAi TAw] 1) sail,(verb) 2)
speech), cast off, get rid, destroy {I9 Aa1 V12 the wind rose ? {I9 G1 A9 D40 P5 Z7}
[fAi] (v.) weigh {I9 G1 A131A}
[fx] (v. trans.) obliterate, leave (behind
one), fail (to do something) {I9 Aa1 V12 D54} [fAi] (v.) weigh {I9 G1 D40}

[fxt] wig ? {I9 Aa1 X1 O30 D3} [fAyt] portable shrine {I9 G1
M17 M17 A9 X1 M3}
[fd] (v.) sweat {I9 D46 D26}
[fAyt] weight ? {I9 G1 M17 M17
X1 A9}
[fdi] (v.) remove {I9 D46 D36}

[fdw] four {I9 D46 G43 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1} [fAyt] reward {I9 G1 M17 M17
X1 A9 Y1 Z2}

[fdq] sever, divide, part {I9 D46 N29 V1} [fAi] (v.) present {I9 G1 O30}
[fdq] (v.) sever, divide, part, waste (seed), [fAk] shorn man {I9 G1 V31 A1}
wear out (of sandals) {I9 D46 N29 Z9}
[fAk] be shorn {I9 G1 V31 D3}
[fdq] (n.) slice, portion {I9 D46 N29 Z9}
[fAk] pubic region {I9 G1 V31 F51}
[fdq] (v.) waste (seed) {I9 D46 N29 Z9
[fAt] financial interest ? {I9 G1 X1
[fdt] (n.) sweat {I9 D46 X1 N35A}
[fAyt] portable shrine {I9 M17 M17 X1
[fdt] four (feminine), quartette {I9 D46 Z1 A9}
X1 Z1 Z1 Z1}
[fqA] reward, wealth {I9 N29 F22 D40}
[fdw] four {I9 D46 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian I - Reptiles 96

[fqA] a cake {I9 N29 G1 X4} [fk] be empty, be wasted (through

oppression) {I9 V31 D3 G37}
[fqA] reward, wealth {I9 N29 G1 X4
Y1} [fkty] shorn priest {I9 V31 X1 Z4 D3}

[fqA] reward, wealth {I9 N29 G1 Y1 [fgn] defecate, shit {I9 W11 G1 A81}
[fgn] defecate, shit {I9 W11 N35 A81}
[fqA] reward, wealth {I9 N29 X4}
[ft] (n.) disgust {I9 X1 G37}
[fqA] reward, wealth {I9 N29 Y1v}
[ft] (v.) show dislike {I9 X1 G37}
[fnxw] a Syrian people {I9 N35 Aa1 G43
T15 Z3}
[ftft] leap {I9 X1 I9 X1 D54}
[fnxw] a Syrian people {I9 [ftt] obliterate (inscription) {I9 X1
N35 Aa1 G43 V12 T14 A1 B1 Z2 N25}
X1 F20B A2}

[fnxw] a Syrian people {I9 N35 Aa1 [ftt] lint {I9 X1 X1 F39}
G43 V12 Z2}

[fnxw] food offerings {I9 N35 Aa1 [fttw] (pl.) fish {I9 X1 X1 G43 K1
G43 X4 Z2}

[fnx ib] acute ? {I9 N35 Aa1 U20 F34 [ftt] obliterate (inscription) {I9 X1
X1 I10 A2}

[fnD] (n.) nose {I9 N35 D46 D19} [ftt] lint {I9 X1 X1 V1}

[fnDy] Beaky, long - nosed {I9 N35 D46 [fy] (suffix prn. - dual) his, its {I9 Z4}
M17 M17 D19}
[Dryt] kite (bird) {I10 D21 X1 G144}
[fn] be weak, faint {I9 N35 G37}
[drf] writing, script, title deeds {I10
D21 Y1 Z5 I9}
[fnfnw] recompense ? {I9 N35 I9
W24 G43 Y1v}
[Dar] search out, investigate {I10 D36
D21 Aa21 Y1v}
[fnD] (n.) nose {I9 N35 I10 Aa27
[Dar] seek {I10 D36 D21 M3B D54}
[fnT] (n. and v.) snake, (intestinal) worm,
become maggoty {I9 N35 V13 I14} [Daryt] lock (on door) {I10 D36
D21 M17 M17 X1 M3}
[fnT] (n. and v.) (intestinal) worm,
[Dar] search out, investigate, seek,
become maggoty {I9 N35 X1 I9}
probe, palpate (wound), plan (work), take
[fnT] (n. and v.) snake, become maggoty thought (for) {I10 D36 D21 T14 D54}
{I9 N35 X1 I14}
[Dar] search out, investigate {I10 D36
D21 T14 Y1v}
[fsi] cook {I9 S29 Q7}

[fk] be wasted (through oppression) {I9 [Dabt] charcoal, soot {I10 D36 D58 X1
N33 Z2}
V31 A24}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian I - Reptiles 97

G43 O49}
[Dam] a sceptre {I10 D36 G17 S41}
[Ddwt] (locality) Mendes (Tell er-Ruba)
[Da] storm, storm - wind {I10 D36 P5} {I10 D46 R11 G43 X1 O49}

[Dar] search out, investigate, seek, probe, [Dd mdw] recitation {I10 D46 S43 Z1
palpate (wound), plan (work), take thought (for) Z2}
{I10 D36 T14}
[Dd mdw] words to be spoken, to be
[Dar] search out, investigate, seek, probe, pronounced {I10 D46 S43 Z1 Z2}
palpate (wound), plan (work), take thought (for)
{I10 D36 T14 A2} [DdH] shut up, imprison {I10 D46 V28
V1 D40}
[Da] spear (fish) {I10 D36 T14 D54}
[Ddkw] canal, channel {I10 D46 V31
[Dab] coal - black {I10 D36 T20 D58} G43 N35A N36}

[Dat] vein (of ore) {I10 D36 X1 Aa2 Z2} [Ddtw] Olive {I10 D46 X1 Z7 M1C}

[Da] a type of bread {I10 D36 X3} [Dba] finger, thumb, toe, digit (one
twentyeigth cubit), 10,000 (numeral) {I10 D58
[Dd] say, speak, speak of, utter (speech), recite D36 D50}
(spell), tell (to), expect {I10 D46}
[wDb rd] reversion (of offerings from
[Dd .i wrt] I say something important temple to tomb), a reversion offering {I10 D58
{I10 D46 A1 G36 D21 X1} G43 D56}

[Dd .i n mw] I speak in exactness [Dbw] pole (of chariot) {I10 D58
{I10 D46 A1 N35 N35A} G43 M3}

[Ddb] sting, incite {I10 D46 Aa15 T30} [dm] pronounce, proclaim (name),
mention (by name), be renowned (of office)
[DdA] (adj.) fat {I10 D46 D19} {I10 G17 A2}

[Ddb] incite {I10 D46 D58 D36} [dmD] accumulate (grain), compile
(spell), extend (hand) {I10 G17 S23 D46 Y1}
[Ddb] sting, incite {I10 D46 D58 T30}
[dmD] associate (with), join
[DdA] (adj.) fat {I10 D46 G1 Aa2} (someone), unite (lands) {I10 G17 S23 D46
[DdA] (adj.) fat {I10 D46 G1 F5}
[dmD] reassemble (dismembered
[Ddf] creep (of flesh) {I10 D46 I9 G37} body), assemble, bring together (people) {I10
G17 S23 D46 Y1}
[Ddft] snake, (internal bodily) worm
{I10 D46 I9 X1 I14} [Dms] avocet {I10 G17 S29 G39}

[Ddf] stand on end (of hair), creep (of flesh) [Dwa] lancet, surgical knife {I10 G43
{I10 D46 I9 Y1} D36 Aa17 Z1}

[Dd] stable, enduring {I10 D46 R11} [Dfd] pupil (of eye) {I10 I9 D46 D12}

[Ddw] (locality) Busiris {I10 D46 R11 [Df A] be provided, abound (in
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian I - Reptiles 98

supplies) {I10 I9 G1 G39 Y1 Z2} A24}

[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals, [Dnd] (v. intrans.) be angry {I10 N35 D46
(deified as) Abundance {I10 I9 G1 G42 Y1} F5}

[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals, [Dnd] (v. trans.) subdue {I10 N35 D46 F5}
(deified as) Abundance {I10 I9 G1 G43 Y1v}
[Dnd] (n.) wrath {I10 N35 D46 F5}
[Df Ay] a well - provided man
{I10 I9 G1 M17 M17 Z8 A1} [Dnd ib] (v. intrans.) be infuriated {I10
N35 D46 F5 F34 Z1}
[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance,
victuals, (deified as) Abundance {I10 I9 G1 [Dnb] crookshank, cripple {I10 N35 D58
Z7 G41 Y1 Z2} A346}

[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals, [Dnb] crooked {I10 N35 D58 D36}
(deified as) Abundance {I10 I9 G42 Z2}
[Dnb] crooked {I10 N35 D58 D56}
[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals,
(deified as) Abundance {I10 I9 G42 Z8 Z2} [Dnbw] territories {I10 N35 D58 G43
N21A N21A N21A}
[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals,
[Dnb] an offering loaf {I10 N35 D58 Z8}
(deified as) Abundance {I10 I9 G43 Y1 Z2}
[Dnb] deflect {I10 N35 D58 Z9 D54}
[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals,
(deified as) Abundance {I10 I9 I9 I9}
[DnDn] (v. trans.) subdue {I10 N35
I10 N35 F5 A24}
[Dfd] pupil (of eye) {I10 I9 I10 D12}
[DnDn] (v. intrans.) be angry {I10
[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals, N35 I10 N35 F5 A24}
(deified as) Abundance {I10 I9 I10 I9 I10
I9} [DnDn] (n.) wrath {I10 N35 I10 N35
F5 A24}
[dfdf] drip {I10 I9 I10 I9 N33}
[dnit] (n.) dam {I10 N35 M17 X1 U8
[DfDft] drop (of liquid) {I10 I9 I10 I9 N23 Z1}
X1 N33 Z2}
[Dnnt] skull {I10 N35 N35 X1 D1}
[Dfy] penetrate {I10 I9 M17 M17 D54}
[dns] heavy, irksome, burdensome (of
[Dfyt] penetration {I10 I9 M17 M17 X1 years), overburdened (of stomach), weighty
D54} {I10 N35 S29 U33 Y1v}

[Dfaw] provisions, sustenance, victuals, [DnH] upper part of hind leg, ham {I10 N35
(deified as) Abundance {I10 I9 Z8 Z2} V28 D56}

[Dyt] papyrus marsh {I10 M17 M17 X1 [DnH n Drww] wing - rib {I10
M15} N35 V28 F51 N35 M36 D21 G43 G43 F51}

[Dsw] call (to) {I10 M23 G43 A2} [DnH] wing {I10 N35 V28 H5}

[Dnd] (v. trans.) subdue {I10 N35 D46 [Dnd] angry man {I10 N35 W24 Z7
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian I - Reptiles 99

D46 G37 A1}

[Dt] eternity, for ever {I10 X1 N16}
[Dsr] (v.) separate (from) {I10 O34 D21
D40} [Dt] serf {I10 X1 N16}

[ds] jar {I10 O34 W24} [Dt] estate {I10 X1 N16}

[Ds] (used with a suffix prn.) (him)self, by [Dwt] (pl.) serfs {I10 X1 N16 A1 B1 Z2}
(him)self, (his) own {I10 S29}
[Dt] estate {I10 X1 O49}
[Dsr] (adj.) holy, sacred, splendid, costly
{I10 S29 D21 D45} [Dt] body, image, bodily form (of god, statues),
self {I10 X1 Z1}
[Dsr] (v.) clear (a road), separate (from),
raise, support {I10 S29 D21 D45} [Dt] estate {I10 X1 Z1}

[Dsr Hpwt] row, steer, ply one's oar [Dwt] (pl.) serfs {I10 X1 Z1 A1 B1 Z2}
{I10 S29 D21 D45 Aa5 X1 Z2}
[Dt Dt] for ever {I10 X1 Z1 I10 X1 N16}
[Dsr Hpwt m] (v.) steer {I10
S29 D21 D45 Aa5 X1 Z2 G17} [mDt] oil {I10 X1 Z1 W1B}
[Dsrw] privacy {I10 S29 D21 G43 [Dt] cobra {I10 Z1}
D40 Z2}
[pr] go up, ascend (to) {I24B}
[Dsrt iAtt] milky wine ? {I10
S29 D21 X1 D45 S40 X1 X1 W24}
[Dba] (unknown plant) {I34 D36 M2
[Dsw] call (to) {I10 S29 G43 A26}
[aHaw] lifetime, period, space (of time) {I114}
[Dd mdw] words to be spoken, to be
pronounced {I10 S43}

[dwA] (v.) praise, worship {I10 V4


[DHrw] leather lacings {I10 V28

D21 G43 F27 Z3} K - Fish

[DHrw] leather lacings {I10 V28 [aD mr] administrator {K3 N36}
D36 G43 F27 Z3}
[XAr] sack, leather bag {K4 D21 V19}
[DHwty] (divinity) Thoth (god) {I10
V28 G43 X1 Z4 A40}
[XAbt] curl (on Red crown) {K4 D58 V1}
[dHty] (n.) lead {I10 V28 X1 Z4 N33A}
[XAr] sack, leather bag {K4 G1 D21
V19 Z1}
[Dt] estate {I10 X1}
[XArt] widow {K4 G1 D21 X1 B1}
[Dt] cobra {I10 X1 I13}
[XArt] widow {K4 G1 D21 X1
[Dt] papyrus stem {I10 X1 M15} D3 B1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian K - Fish 100

[XArt] widow {K4 G1 D21 X1 [XAkw ib] disaffected persons

G37 B1} {K4 G1 V31 G43 F34 Z1 A13 Z3}

[XAbb] crookedness {K4 G1 D58 [XAyt] heap of corpses {K4 G1 X1

D58 F19 F19} A14 Z2}

[XAb] clavicle {K4 G1 D58 U1} [XAt] disease {K4 G1 X1 Aa2 Z3}

[XAb] (adj. and n. and adv.) crooked, [XAt] marsh {K4 G1 X1 N23}
crookedness, crookedly {K4 G1 D58 U1B}
[XAmt xt] type of offerings {K4
[XAb] (adj. and n. and adv.) G17 D200 X1 Aa1 Y1 Z2}
crooked, crookedness, crookedly {K4 G1 D58
U1B D41} [XAt] corpse {K4 X1 Aa2}

[XAb] (adj. and n. and adv.0 [XAt] corpse {K4 X1 G1 A14}

crooked, crookedness, crookedly {K4 G1 D58
U1B D41} [XAt] oxyrhynchus fish (mormyrus
kannume) {K4 X1 Z1 K5}
[XAb] sickle {K4 G1 D58 U1
M3} [nSmwt] scales (of fish) {K6}
[XAbt] curl (on Red crown) {K4 G1 [nSmwt] scales (of fish) {K6 Z2}
D58 X1 V1}
[Spt] (v.) be discontented, angry {K7 X1}
[XAb] clavicle {K4 G1 D58 Z5 F51}

[XAA] clothes peg ? {K4 G1 G1


[XAA] resolute {K4 G1 G1 Y1v}

[XAm] bend down (arms in respect)

L - Insects
{K4 G1 G17 D32}
[xpr] (v. intrans.) exist, be, come into being,
[XAmt] a type of beer {K4 G1 G17 become, change (into), occur, happen, come to
X1 D32} pass {L1 D21}
[XAmt] a type of beer {K4 G1 [xpr] (v. intrans.) take place, be effective, go
G17 X1 W22 Z2}
by, be past, continue (of action) {L1 D21}
[XAXAti] storm {K4 G1 K4
G1 U33 N4} [xpr] fully cooked (of meat) {L1 D21}

[XAy] thwart (someone) {K4 G1 M17 [xpr] (v. trans.) bring about {L1 D21}
M17 A2}
[xpry] children {L1 D21 A1 Z2}
[XAy] thwart (someone) {K4 G1 M17
M17 A24} [xprr] (divinity) Khopri {L1 D21 D21
[XAyt] heap of corpses {K4 G1
M17 M17 X1 Z2 Aa2} [xprr] (divinity) Khopri {L1 D21 G7}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian L - Insects 101

[xpr m] amounts to {L1 D21 G17} [bit] Crown of Lower Egypt {L2 X1 Z5}

[xprw] form, shape, modes of being {L1 [bit] goddess of Lower Egypt {L2 X1 Z5
D21 G43 A53 Y1 Z2} I12}

[xprr] (divinity) Khopri {L1 D21 M17 A40} [xAwt] altar {L6 X1 R1}

[xpry] children {L1 D21 M17 M17 A17 [srqt] (divinity) Selket (scorpion goddess) {L7}

[xprw] form, shape {L1 D21 M17 M17

A53 G7}

[xpr n ] accrue to {L1 D21 N35}

M - Plants
[xprS] the Blue Crown {L1 D21 N37
[imAw] brilliance, splendour {M1 Aa15
[xpr Ds .f] who came into being of N8 Z2}
himself (of sun god), fermentation ? {L1 D21
S29 I10 I9} [imAw] brilliance, splendour {M1 G17
G43 Aa15 N8}
[xprw] form, shape, modes of being {L1
D21 Z2} [imAw] brilliance, splendour {M1 G17
G43 N8 Z2}
[xprw] form, shape {L1 D21 Z7 A53 Z3}
[imAw] tent, hut {M1 G17 G43 O1}
[xprw] form, shape, modes of being {L1
G43 Y1 Z2} [imA] a tree {M1 G17 M1}

[xprw] form, shape, modes of being {L1 [imAw] tent {M1 G17 O1}
L1 L1}
[imAt] charm, kindliness, graciousness
[xprr] dung beetle, scarab {L1 Z1} {M1 G17 X1 Y1 Z2}

[xprw] form, shape, modes of being {L1 Z2} [imA] be gracious {M1 G17 Y1v}

[bity] king of Lower Egypt {L2} [imAw] brilliance, splendour {M1 G43 N8}

[Ax bit] (locality) Chemmis {L2 [imAw] tent {M1 G43 O1}
X1 G1 Aa1 M15 O49}
[imAt] charm, kindliness, graciousness {M1
[pr bity] Palace of King of Lower Egypt X1 Y1}
{L2 X1 O1}
[imA Hr] gracious of countenance {M1 Y1
[bit] honey {L2 X1 W24 Z2} D2 Z1}

[bit] bee {L2 X1 Z1} [i] (sportive writing) I, me, my {M2}

[bity] King of Lower Egypt {L2 X1 Z4 [aHwty] cultivator {M2 X1 Z4}

[xti] (v.) retire, retreat {M3 Aa1 X1 D54}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 102

[xt] (preposition) through, throughout,
pervading {M3 Aa1 X1 D54} [xtwt] (collective n.) furniture {M3 X1
M17 M17 X1 M3 Z2}
[xti] (v.) retire, retreat {M3 Aa1 X1 D55}
[xtt pr] house - servant {M3 X1 X1 O1}
[xtyw tA] who pervade the land
{M3 Aa1 X1 G4 D54 Z2 N16 N23 Z1} [xt] wood, timber, tree, woodland, mast, stick,
pole, rod (measurement) {M3 X1 Z1}
[xtyw] threshing - floor {M3 Aa1 X1
G4 M35 Z1}
[xt bnr] fruit tree {M3 X1 Z1 D58
N35 D21 M17 M30 Y1v}
[xtyw] threshing - floor {M3 Aa1 X1
G4 N23 Z1}
[xt n nwH] 100 cubits (a rod of
cord) {M3 X1 Z1 N35 N35 U19 W24 G43 V28
[xtyw] platform, dais, terraced hillside V1}
{M3 Aa1 X1 G4 O40}
[xt n nwH] rod of cord (linear
[xtw] menials {M3 Aa1 X1 G43 D54
Z2} measure of 100 cubits) {M3 X1 Z1 N35 N35
U19 W24 V28 V1}
[xtwt] (collective n.) furniture
{M3 Aa1 X1 G43 X1 M3 M3 M3 Z2} [xt n anxw] l staff-of-life plants {M3
X1 Z1 N35 S34 Z2 M2}
[xtxt] turn back, nullify, reverse (a
[xt n anx] embodiment of food {M3
contract), come and go (of pain) {M3 Aa1 X1 X1 Z1 N35 S34 N35 Aa1}
M3 Aa1 X1 D55}

[xt TAw] mast {M3 X1 Z1 P5 G43

[xtwt] (collective n.) furniture {M3 M3 Z1}
Aa1 X1 M17 M17 X1 M3 Z2}

[xt n Sny] a type of tree {M3 Z1 N35 D3}

[xt n anx] embodiment of food
{M3 Aa1 X1 N35 S34 N35 Aa1}
[snf] last year {M4 M4 I9 N5}
[xti] (v.) carve, engrave {M3 Aa1 X1 T31
D40} [HAt sp] regnal year {M4 X1 O50}

[xtt pr] house - servant {M3 Aa1 X1 X1 [rnpt] year {M4 X1 Z1}
O1 Z1}
[5 Hryw rnpt] the five epagomenal
[wDat] judgement, divorce by judgement days {M4 X1 Z2 Z4A D2 G43}
{M3B A2}
[5 Hryw rnpt] the five epagomenal
[Dar] search out, investigate, seek, probe, days {M4 X1 Z2 Z4A D2 G43}
palpate (wound), plan (work), take thought (for)
{M3B Y1v} [rr] time {M6 D21}
[xt wn] free moving pole ? {M3 E34 [tr] time, season {M6 N5}
N35 O31 D36}
[rnpy] (adj. and v.) young, fresh (of water)
[xt aA] an edible bird, poultry {M3 O29 {M7A}
[rnpy] (adj. and v.) young, fresh (of water)
[xtxt] (preposition) through {M3 X1 M3 {M7A M17 M17 Y1v}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 103

[rnpwt] herbs, vegetables {M7A X1 M39 [SAbw] meals, food {M8 G1

Z2} D58 M43 N33 Z2}

[rnpwt] herbs, vegetables {M7A X1 W10 [Swbty] ushabti figure {M8 G1 D58
M2 Z2} X1 Z4 A40}

[Axt] Inundation-season {M8 Aa1 X1} [SAbw] meals, food {M8 G1 D58 X2
W22 Z8}
[SAa] (n.) beginning {M8 D36 Y1}
[SAbw] meals, food {M8 G1 D58 Y1
[SAd] dig, dig out {M8 D46 D40} Z2}

[SAs] travel (intransitive), tread on [SAbw] meals, food {M8 G1 D58

Z7 F51 Z2}
(enemy) (transitive) {M8 D54 G1}

[SAd] dig, dig out {M8 D54 G1 D46 [SmA] father - in - law {M8 G1 G17}
[SAmw] soiled linen {M8 G1
G17 G43 S28 Z2 Z1}
[SAs] travel (intransitive), tread on
(enemy) (transitive) {M8 D54 G1 S29 D54}
[SAm] be hot, burn {M8 G1 G17 Q7}
[Swbty] ushabti figure {M8 D58 X1 Z4
A53} [SAw] weight, worth, value {M8 G1
G43 Y1v}
[SAa] container (for corn) {M8 G1 D36
O1} [SASAt] bosom {M8 G1 M8 G1
X1 F51}
[SAat] void {M8 G1 D36 X1 O1}
[SASAt] necklace {M8 G1 M8
G1 X1 V6}
[SAa] (v.) begin, be the first, spring,
originate {M8 G1 D36 Y1} [SAyt] dues, taxes {M8 G1 M17
M17 X1 Y1 Z2}
[SAa r] as far as {M8 G1 D36 Y1
[SAi] bundle ? (of flax) {M8 G1 M17 V1
[SAa] space, volume {M8 G1 D36
Y1 N33A}
[SAsw] Beduin {M8 G1 M23 Z7
T14 A1 Z2}
[SAd] dig, dig out {M8 G1 D46 A58}
[SAS] avoid {M8 G1 N37 D54}
[SAd] dig, dig out {M8 G1 D46 D40}
[SAs] travel (intransitive), tread on
[SA] pig {M8 G1 D52 E12} (enemy) (transitive) {M8 G1 O34 D54}
[SAs] travel (intransitive), tread on [Swbty] ushabti figure {M8 G1 V4
(enemy) (transitive) {M8 G1 D54} D58 X1 Z4 A53}

[SAs] travel {M8 G1 D54} [Swb] persea tree {M8 G1 V4

G1 D58 M1}
[SAbw] meals, food {M8 G1 D58
G43 Z8 Z2} [SAty] (ship's) complement {M8 G1 X1
Z4 D40}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 104

[SA] ordain, order, predestine, assign, [xAr] bolt (of horses) ? {M12 D21 D54}
settle, decide {M8 G1 Y1v}
[xAa] strike down (with disease) {M12 D36
[SAw] coriander {M8 G1 Z7 M2 Z2} D54}

[SAw] fate {M8 G1 Z9} [xAbAs] the starry sky {M12 D58 S29
G43 N14 Z2}
[SAw] fate {M8 G43 Y1v}
[xArw] Khorian {M12 E23 A13}
[SASAt] necklace {M8 M8 X1 S95}
[xArw] Khorian {M12 E23 G43 A13}
[SAyt] dues, taxes {M8 M17 M17 X1 Z2}
[xArw] (locality) Khor {M12 E23 N25}
[SAsw] (locality) desert North East of
Egypt {M8 M23 G43 N25} [xA] be young, little {M12 G1 A17
[SA] field, meadow, countryside, marsh,
swamp {M8 N23 Z1} [xAx] spear (fish) {M12 G1 Aa1 D36}

[Sqb] rhinoceros {M8 N29 D58 E131} [xAx] be speedy, swift, hasten, hurry {M12
G1 Aa1 D54}

[SAq] bag {M8 N29 F28} [xAx ib] impatient {M12 G1 Aa1 D54
F34 Z1}
[Swbty] a jar {M8 V4 D58 X1 Z4
[xArt] widow {M12 G1 D21 X1 B1}
[Axt] Inundation season {M8 X1 N5} [xArt] widow {M12 G1 D21 X1
G37 B1}
[SA] assign {M8 Y1}
[xAry] be wifeless {M12 G1 D21 Z4
[sSn] lotus {M9 Z1} D3}

[wdn] offerer {M11} [xAa] despatch (messages), thrust,

harpoon (hippo) , play ?, drip (sweat) {M12 G1
[wdnw] offerings {M11} D36 D40}

[wdnw] offerings {M11 N35 Y1v} [xAa] throw, strike down (with disease),
cast off (bonds), abandon (property) {M12 G1
[wdn] offer (to) {M11 Y1} D36 D40}

[xA tA] land measure (of 10 arouras) {M12} [xAa] drip (sweat) {M12 G1 D36 D51}

[xA] 1000 {M12} [xAa] urination {M12 G1 D36 D53}

[xAx] be speedy, swift {M12 Aa1 D54} [xAa] throw {M12 G1 D36 D54}

[xAst] hill country, foreign land, desert [xAaw] discharges (medical) {M12
{M12 Aa1 S29 V13 N25} G1 D36 G43 D54 Z2}

[xAwt] altar {M12 Aa1 X1 X1 R2} [xAi] measure, examine (patient), patrol
{M12 G1 D40}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 105

[xAbb] crookedness {M12 G1 D58 [xAsyt] bryony ? {M12 G1 N35 Z2

D58 F19 F19} S29 M17 M17 X1 M2}

[xAb] hippopotamus {M12 G1 D58 [xAsyt] bryony ? {M12 G1 N35 Z2

E25} S29 M17 M17 M2 X1 Z3}

[xArw] (locality) Khor {M12 G1 [xA] office, bureau {M12 G1 O1}

E23 Z1 T14 N25}
[xA] office, bureau {M12 G1 O27}
[xAm] bend (arm in respect) {M12 G1
G17 A24} [xAs] scramble ? {M12 G1 O34 D54}
[xAm] bend (arm in respect) {M12 G1 [xAs] creek ? runnel ? {M12 G1 O34
G17 D32} Z9 N23 Z1}

[xAm] bend (arm in respect) {M12 G1 [xAsyt] bryony ? {M12 G1 S29 M17
G17 D41 D40} M17 X1 M2 Z2}

[xAw] plants, flowers {M12 G1 G43 M2 [xAs] curl on front of Red Crown ? {M12
Z2} G1 S29 V1}

[xAwy] night {M12 G1 G43 Z4 N2} [xAyt] disease {M12 G1 X1 Aa2 G37
[xfa] (v. and n.) grasp, make captures
(in war) {M12 G1 I9 D36 D40} [xAt] corpse {M12 G1 X1 Aa2 Z2}

[xfa] grasp {M12 G1 I9 D36 D40} [xAt] marsh {M12 G1 X1 N23 Z1}

[xfa] (n.) booty {M12 G1 I9 D36 [xAwy] benighted traveller {M12

D40} G1 Z7 Z4 N2 Y1 A1}

[xAD] dough {M12 G1 I10 N33 N33 [xAm] bend (arm in respect) {M12 G17
N33} D41}

[xAxA] winnow {M12 G1 M12 [xAbAs] the starry sky {M12 G29 S29 N14
G1 P5 D36} N14 N14}

[xAy] altar {M12 G1 M17 M17 R1} [xAw] plants, flowers {M12 G43 M2 Z2}

[xAy] plumb-line, rule (of conduct) [xAw] plants {M12 G43 M3 Z2}
{M12 G1 M17 M17 T14 T14 V1}
[xAw] bowl {M12 G43 R36}
[xAyw] measurements {M12 G1 M17
M17 T14 T14 Y1 Z2}
[xAw] bowl {M12 G43 W10}
[xAy] plumb-line, rule (of conduct) {M12 [xAw] plants, flowers {M12 M12 M12
G1 M17 M17 V1}
M2 M2 M2}

[xAyt] disease {M12 G1 M17 M17 [xAi] measure, examine (patient), {M12
X1 Aa2 G37 Z2}
M17 M17 D51 D40}

[xAwt] altar {M12 G1 M17 M17 X1 [xAyt] slaughter, massacre {M12 M17 M17
X1 A15}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 106

fortunate, happy, make green, make to flourish

[xA tA] land measure (approx 10 Arouras), {M13 I10 Y1}
type of Crown land {M12 N16 N23 Z1}
[wAD] fortunate man {M13 I10 Y1 A1}
[xnr] reins {M12 N35 E23 F27}
[wADyt] Edjo (Cobra goddess) {M13 M17
[mAmA n xAnnt] variety of date-palm M17 X1 I12}
{M12 N35 N35 X1 M54}
[wADyt] hall of columns {M13 M17 M17
[xnr] reins {M12 N35 Z2 E23 Z1 X1 O1}
[wDH] (n.) weaned child (of royalty) {M13
[xA] office, bureau {M12 O1} V28 A18}

[xAst] hill country, foreign land, desert [wADyt] cobra goddess {M13 X1 I13}
{M12 S29 X1 N25}
[wADt] rawness {M13 X1 Z2}
[xAi] measure, examine (patient), patrol {M12
U9 D40}
[wADyty] the two serpent goddesses of
Upper and Lower Egypt {M13 X1 Z4 I12 I12
[xAyt] slaughter, massacre {M12 X1 A98 V30}
[wAD] (adj.) fresh {M13 Y1v}
[xAty] office {M12 X1 Z4 O1}
[wAD] wadj amulet {M13 Z1 O39}
[xAw] plants, flowers {M12 Z1 M2 Z2}
[wAD] (adj.) green {M14}
[xAw] thousands {M12 Z1 Z2}
[wAD wr] the sea {M14 G36 D21
[wDt] (n.) command, decree {M13A G43 M17 N35A N36 N21 Z1}
X1 Y1}
[wAD wr] the Great Green (Sea) {M14
[wD] see other entries under wD G36 D21 N36}
(command etc) {M13A G43 Y1v}
[wAD wr] the sea {M14 G36 N36}
[wdHw] offering table {M13A V28 G43
[wADDyt] vegetation {M14 I10 X1 M2
[wAD] papyrus plant {M13A Z1}
[wADyt] hall of columns {M14 M17 M17
[wAD] papyrus plant {M13A Z1 M2} X1 O1}

[wADw] green eye - paint {M13 D7A} [wAD] a green stone (malachite ?) {M14
[wAD wr] the sea {M13 G36 N36}
[wADt] green linen {M14 X1 S28}
[wAD] a green stone, malachite {M13 G43
N33A} [wADw] happiness {M14 Y1v}
[wAD wr] the sea {M13 I10 G36 [wADw] success, happiness {M14 Z7 Y1
N35A N36} Z2}

[wAD] green, pale, fresh, raw, hale, sturdy, [mHw] (n.) Lower Egypt {M15}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 107

G17 G43 G52 A24}

[idHy] marsh - man {M15 G43 A1}
[HAm] catch (fish), fish (waters)
[Ax bit] (locality) Chemmis {M15 L2 X1 {M16 G1 G17 G51 D40}
[HAw] mourners {M16 G1 G43
[mHyt] papyrus plant, clump of papyrus A28 Z2}
{M15 M17 M17 X1 M2}
[HAwt] nakedness {M16 G1 G43
[mHw .s] Crown of Lower Egypt {M15 S3 X1 S28}
[HAw] wealth, increase, excess,
[mHyt] papyrus plant, clump of papyrus surplus {M16 G1 G43 Y1 Z2}
{M15 X1 M2}
[HAw Hr] more than {M16 G1 G43
[mHw] (n.) Lower Egypt {M16} Y1 Z2 D2 Z1}

[HAw xt] a special offering {M16 Aa1 X1 [HAw Hr nfr] surpassing in

X2 W22}
beauty {M16 G1 G43 Y1 Z2 D2 Z1 F35 I9
[HAayt] strife {M16 D36 Z4 G37}
[HAw n] most of {M16 G1 G43
[HA] in attendance {M16 G1} Y1 Z2 N35}

[HA] (non - enclitic part.) would that !, [HAw mr] the lower orders
O! {M16 G1 A2} {M16 G1 G43 Y1 Z2 N36 Z2 A1 Z2 B1}

[HAi] (v.) screech (of falcon) {M16 G1 [HAw nbwt] (the Aegean) Islanders
A28} {M16 G1 G43 X1 Z2 V30 N33A}

[HA] occiput, back (of ear), behind, [HAHA] go astray, stumble {M16
around {M16 G1 D1} G1 M16 G1 D54}

[HA] outside {M16 G1 D1 O1} [HAy] protector {M16 G1 M17 M17

[HArw] decoy-duck, bait (in
general) {M16 G1 D21 Z7 D4 G39} [HAyw] carrion - birds {M16 G1
M17 M17 G43 T30 G1 Z3}
[HAaa] touch (of ship on land) {M16
G1 D36 D36 D54} [HAyt] flood water {M16 G1 M17
M17 X1 N35A}
[HAayt] strife {M16 G1 D36 M17
M17 X1 A24} [HAyt] (n.) bandage {M16 G1 M17
M17 X1 S28}
[HAayt] strife {M16 G1 D36
M17 M17 X1 G37 Z2} [HAwt] nakedness {M16 G1 M17
M17 X1 S28 Z3}
[HAtyw] fine linen {M16 G1 G4
S28} [HAi] outer parts ? (of house) {M16 G1
M17 O1}
[HAm] catch (fish), fish (waters)
{M16 G1 G17 G41 K1 A24} [HAq] plunder (goods), capture (towns),
carry off (captives) {M16 G1 N29 D36}
[HAmw] fishermen {M16 G1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 108

S28 Z3}
[HAqw] plunderer {M16 G1 N29 Z7
A24 A1}
[HAw nbwt] (the Aegean) Islanders {M16
G43 V30 V30 V30}
[HA] outside {M16 G1 O1}
[HAw nbw] (Aegean) Islanders, Isles
[HAHA] stumble {M16 G1 O50 Z4 {M16 G43 V30 V30 V30}
[HAHA] stumble {M16 M16 D54}
[HA] go ashore, run aground (of ship)
{M16 G1 P1}
[HAy] protector {M16 M17 M17}
[Hpd] open (mouth) {M16 G1 Q3 D46} [HAyt] mourning {M16 M17 M17 X1
[HApd r] open mouthed {M16 G1
Q3 D46 D21 Z1 A40}
[HAqw] captives {M16 N29 D40 A13 Z3}
[HAp] secret place ? {M16 G1 Q3 O1} [HAq] (n.) plunder {M16 N29 D40 Z2}
[HAp] secret, mysterious, (to) hide [HAqt] (n.) plunder {M16 N29 X1 D40
{M16 G1 Q3 S28}

[HAp r Hr] keep silence about

{M16 G1 Q3 S28 D21 Z1 D2 Z1} [mHw .s] Crown of Lower Egypt {M16 S29
[HAti] cloudiness (of sky) {M16 G1
U33 M17 N4} [HAty] heart {M16 X1 F34}

[HAtyw] fine linen {M16 G1 U33 M17 [HAty] heart, central chest, thought {M16 X1
V6} F34}

[HAg] touch (of ship on land) {M16 G1 [HAw xt] a special offering {M16 Y1V
W11 D54} Z2 Aa1 Y1 X1}

[HAgAg] rejoice (over) {M16 G1 [i] (suffix prn.) I,me,my {M17}

W11 G1 W11 Y1}
[i] (suffix prn.) I,me,my {M17 A1}
[HAti] bleariness (of eyes) {M16 G1 X1
D4} [i] O!, say, utterance {M17 A2}

[HAt] tomb {M16 G1 X1 O1} [yhy] Oho ! {M17 A2 M17 M17 O4

M17 M17 A2}
[HAt] food {M16 G1 X1 X4 Z2}
[inry] shudder {M17 A2 N35 D21
[HAwy] naked man {M16 G1 Z4 G14}
G43 S28 A1}
[inry] shudder {M17 A2 N35 D21
[HAwy] naked man {M16 G1 Z4 M17 M17 Z5 A24}
S28 A1}
[inn] (indepentdent prn.) we {M17 A2 N35
[HAw xt] a special offering {M16 N35 Z2}
G1 Z7 Y1 Z2 Aa1 X1 Y1 Z2}
[ihhy] rejoicing {M17 A2 O4 O4 M17
[HAtyw] fine linen {M16 G4 G43 M17 A28}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 109

[ihhy] a festival {M17 A2 O4 O4 M17
M17 W3 Z2}
[ixmt] bank (of river) {M17 Aa1 G17
X1 N25}
[ity] sovereign {M17 A2 U33 M17 M17
[ixmw] (adj.) unwearying {M17 Aa1
G17 Z2 A7}
[iAkb] mourning, wailings
(plural) {M17 A2 V31 D58 D3 A2} [ixi] make to flourish {M17 Aa1 M17
M15 D40 Z2}
[iAkb] mourning {M17 A2 V31
D58 D3 A2} [ixt] things, offerings, possessions, property,
matter, affair, something, anything {M17 Aa1
[ikw] stone-quarry {M17 A2 V31 X1}
G43 A21A N25}
[ix] then, therefore, what ? {M17 Aa1 Y1}
[iknw] hoe {M17 A2 V31 N35
W24 G43 M3}
[im] moan {M17 Aa15 G17 A2}
[i] (interjection) O ! {M17 A26} [imw] grief {M17 Aa15 G17 A2
[iAw] adoration {M17 A30 Z3}
[imi] (imperative) give !, place !, cause !
[irt Snbt] pectoral {M17 A49 D21 {M17 Aa15 G17 D36}
X1 Y1 V7 N35 D58 X1 F51}
[im] form, shape {M17 Aa15 G17 F51B}
[ixxw] twilight, dusk {M17 Aa1 Aa1 G43
N2 Z2}
[imw] ship, ship-load {M17 Aa15
G17 G43 P1}
[ixxw] twilight, dusk {M17 Aa1 Aa1 G43
[imw] grief {M17 Aa15 G17 G43
Y1 Z2}
[ixmw wrD] the unwearying
stars {M17 Aa1 Aa15 D35 Z2 G36 D21 D46 [imyt] pigment {M17 Aa15 G17
A7A N14 Z2} M17 M17 X1 Y1 Z2}

[xr] (non-enclitic part.) and, further {M17 [imDr] rampart {M17 Aa15 G17 M36
Aa1 D21 A15} D21 O36}

[ixmt] bank (of river) {M17 Aa1 G14 X1 [im] gesso ? {M17 Aa15 G17 N33 Z2
N23 Z1} Z1}

[ixm] extinguish, annul {M17 Aa1 G17 [imw] ship {M17 Aa15 G17 P1}
[imt] groaning, grief {M17 Aa15 G17
[ixm sk] the indestructible star (the X1 A2}
circumpolar star) {M17 Aa1 G17 D35 S29 V31
[imt] (locality) Tell el-Farun
(Nebeshah) {M17 Aa15 G17 X1 A18 Z4 O49}
[ixmw] ignorant ones {M17 Aa1 G17
G37 Z2}
[im] (v.) moan {M17 Aa15 N35A A2}
[ixm sk] indestructible star (the
[imHt] netherworld {M17 Aa15 V28 X1
circumpolar) {M17 Aa1 G17 S29 V29 V31
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 110

O1} A49 S29 T32 G17 Y1 A1}

[imty] foster-child {M17 Aa15 X1 A18} [irf] (enclitic part.) (not translated) {M17 D21
[inD Hr] hail to... {M17 Aa27 I10 Y1 D2
Z1} [irf] enclitic particle {M17 D21 I9}

[iqdw] builder {M17 Aa28 D46 D12 [iri] companion {M17 D21 M17}
G43 A35}
[iry aA] door - keeper {M17 D21 O29
[irw] shape, form {M17 D4 A53} D36 O31}

[irw] cattle-tax {M17 D4 D21 G43 [irp] wine {M17 D21 Q3 M43}
[irp] wine {M17 D21 Q3 W21}
[iArrt] vine {M17 D4 D21 X1 M43}
[irp] wine {M17 D21 Q3 W22 Z2}
[iArrt] vine {M17 D4 D21 X1 M43A}
[Ar] drive away (from) {M17 D21 T12
[irtyw] mourning {M17 D4 G4 A2 D40}
[Ar] drive away {M17 D21 T12 D40}
[irtyw] blue, colour, a blue mineral
{M17 D4 G4 N33 Z2} [irTn] (enclitic particle) {M17 D21 V13
[irtyw] blue-dyed linen {M17 D4 G4
S28} [irTn] (enclitic part.) now, but {M17 D21
V13 N35}
[irw] shape, form, nature {M17 D4 G43
A53 Z1} [irk] (enclitic part.) but, now {M17 D21 V31}
[iryt] milch-cow {M17 D4 M17 M17 X1 [irk] (enclitic particle) {M17 D21 V31}
[irt] (enclitic particle) {M17 D21 X1}
[iryt] tax-corn {M17 D4 M17 M17 X1
[irt] (enclitic part.) now, but {M17 D21 X1}
[irt] duty (of someone) {M17 D4 X1 A47}
[irt] duty (of someone) {M17 D21 X1}
[irtyw] blue, colour, blue mineral ?
{M17 D4 X1 G4 N33 Z2} [irit] (female) companion {M17 D21 X1
[irTt] milk {M17 D4 X1 X1 W22}
[irt] duty, use, purpose {M17 D21 X1 A49
[r] to, at, concerning, more than, so that, until,
according as {M17 D21} [irTt] milk {M17 D21 X1 X1 W20}
[ir] as to, if {M17 D21} [irt] duty (of someone) {M17 D21 X1 Y1}
[iryw] crew (of boat) {M17 D21 A1
A49 Z3}
[iry mDAt] letter carrier {M17 D21 Z1 Y1

[iry sSm] functionary {M17 D21

[iry] thereof, thereto {M17 D21 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 111

[iry] thereof, thereto {M17 D21 Z4} [iwaw] heir {M17 D36 F44}

[iry aA] door - keeper {M17 D21 [iaw] washing {M17 D36 G43 N35A}
Z4 A47 O29 O31 A1}
[iaw r] breakfast {M17 D36 G43
[iry] relating to {M17 D21 Z4 A49} N35A D21 X2 Z1 W22 Z1}

[iry sA] keeper of cattle-pens {M17 [iaw r] breakfast {M17 D36 G43 N35A
D21 Z4 A49 Aa18 Z1 O1} D21 Z1}

[iry rdwy] one in attendence on [iaw r] breakfast {M17 D36 G43

{M17 D21 Z4 A49 D21 D46 D56 D56} N35A D154 X2 Z1 W22 Z1}

[iry HAt] pilot {M17 D21 Z4 A49 F4 [iaf] wring out, squeeze out {M17 D36 I9}
X1 Z1}
[iwayt] troops {M17 D36 M17 M17 X1
[iry Hmw] helmsman {M17 D21 A1 Z2}
Z4 N41 G17 G43 P10}
[iai] wash {M17 D36 N35A}
[iry Hmw] helmsman {M17 D21
Z4 N41 G17 Z7 P10} [iai] wash, wash out (an inscription
etc) {M17 D36 N35A D40}
[ikn] jar {M17 D28 N35 G1 W112A}
[ianw] greeting ?, woe to {M17 D36
[ar] mount up {M17 D36 D21 N31} N35 W24 G43 A2}

[ar] mount up, ascend {M17 D36 D21 [ianw] greeting {M17 D36 N35 W24 Z1
N31} Y1}

[iart] uraeus {M17 D36 D21 X1 I12} [aS] act as pilot {M17 D36 N37 A2}
[iart] abode (of god) {M17 D36 D21 X1 [aS] pilot {M17 D36 N37 A2}
[aS HAt] act as pilot {M17 D36 N37
[iaaw] cover up {M17 D36 D36 G43 A2 F4 X1}
[ia] tomb (mastaba) {M17 D36 O24A}
[iab] heap up (corn with a pitchfork)
{M17 D36 D58 F16}
[ia] ascend, arise {M17 D36 O24A}
[iab] (v. intrans.) be united {M17 D36
D58 F16 Y1} [iaH] moon {M17 D36 V28 C114A}

[iab] (v. intrans.) be united {M17 D36 [iaH] moon {M17 D36 V28 N11A}
D58 O30U}
[iaH] moon {M17 D36 V28 T24
[iab] (v. intrans.) be united {M17 D36
D58 W10}
[iab] be united, assemble, join, unite,
[iab] bowl {M17 D36 D58 W10} present {M17 D36 W10 D58 Y1v}

[iab] assemble (of persons) {M17 D36 [iaw] breakfast {M17 D36 Z7 N35A
D58 W10 S36C} N5}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 112

[id] boy {M17 D46 A17} [idHw] the Delta marshes {M17
D46 V28 G43 M15 M2 O49}
[id] assault {M17 D46 A24}
[idHw] the Delta marshes {M17 D46
[idt] censing, incense - burning {M17 D46A V28 G43 N23}
[idHw] the Delta marshes {M17 D46
[idr] stitch, stitching {M17 D46 D21 F21} V28 G43 O49}

[idrw] nerves, tendons {M17 D46 D21 [idHy] marsh-man {M17 D46 V28
G43 F51 Z2} M17 M17 M15 A1}

[idryt] punishment {M17 D46 D21 [idHy] marsh - man {M17 D46
M17 M17 X1 F21 Y2 Z2} V28 M17 M17 M15 O49 A1}

[idr] herd (of animals) {M17 D46 D21 [idr] withhold {M17 D46 V37}
V37 E1 Z2}
[idmi] red linen {M17 D46 W19 M17
[idb] river-bank, riparian land, shore (of S28}
flood) {M17 D46 D58 N21A}
[idt] wrath ? {M17 D46 X1 A24}
[idr] (v. and n.) stitch, stitching {M17 D46
F21} [iAdt] pouring rain {M17 D46 X1 N4}

[idi] be deaf {M17 D46 F21} [idt] censing, incense-burning, sweet

savour, fragrance, influence {M17 D46 X1 N4}
[idA] smooth {M17 D46 G1}
[idw] pestilence {M17 D46 Z7 N4}
[idw] pestilence {M17 D46 G43 N1}
[ib] think, suppose {M17 D58 A2}
[id] bull {M17 D46 H25 F1}
[ibi] be thirsty, thirst after (something) {M17
[idyt] girl {M17 D46 M17 M17 X1 D58 A2}
[ibA] dance {M17 D58 A32}
[idn] govern, serve as lieutenant-
commander {M17 D46 N35 F21 D40} [ibr] ladanum ? {M17 D58 D21 M17
N33 Z2}
[idn] govern {M17 D46 N35 F21 D40}
[ibr] ladanum {M17 D58 D21 W1 W23
[idn] serve instead of, replace, {M17 D46
N35 F21 Y1}
[ib] think, suppose {M17 D58 E3 A2}
[idn] lay out (enclosures) ? {M17 D46
N35 F143} [ibr] ladanum ? {M17 D58 E3 M17 W22}

[idn] serve instead of, replace {M17 D46 [ibhty] Ibhet stone {M17 D58
N35 V20} E3 O4 G1 G43 X1 Z4 N33 Z2}

[idHw] marsh - nest {M17 D46 [ibH] stream (with liquid), be

V28 G43 G49 O1} suffused (with blood) {M17 D58 E3 V28 N35A
F18 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 113

G43 Z4 V1 Z2}
[ibi] be thirsty, thirst after (something)
{M17 D58 E8 A2}
[ibi] be thirsty, thirst after (something)
{M17 D58 M17 N35A}
[ib] think, suppose {M17 D58 E8 A2}
[ib] kid goat {M17 D58 N4 E8}
[ib] thirsty man {M17 D58 E8 A2
[ibw] refuge, shelter {M17 D58 O1}
[ib] kid goat {M17 D58 E8 F27} [ibw] refuge {M17 D58 O1}
[ib] a thirsty man {M17 D58 E8 [ibht] (locality) Ibhet {M17 D58 O4
N35A A2 A1}
G1 X1 N25}

[ibi] be thirsty, thirst after [ibht] (locality) Ibhet {M17 D58 O4 X1

(something) {M17 D58 E8 N35A A24} N25}

[ibHw] libationer {M17 D58 E8 [ibhty] Ibhet-stone {M17 D58 O4 X1 Z4

V28 G43 N35A} O39}

[ibH] stream (with liquid), be [ibs] headdress (of king) {M17 D58 S29
suffused (with blood) {M17 D58 E8 V28 N35A S57}
[ibT] bird-trap {M17 D58 V13 T26}
[ibt] thirst {M17 D58 E8 X1 A2}
[ibTt] part of leg {M17 D58 V13 X1
[ibt] thirst {M17 D58 E8 X1 N35A} D56}

[ibA] draughtsman {M17 D58 E8 Y6} [abH] fill up {M17 D58 V28 D36}

[ibw] refuge, shelter {M17 D58 E8 Z7 [ibH] tooth, tusk {M17 D58 V28 F18 Z1}
[ibHw] libationer {M17 D58 V28 N35A}
[ibAw] Barbary sheep {M17 D58 F40
G43 F27 Z1}
[ibt] thirst {M17 D58 X1 E3 N35A
[ibAw] Barbary sheep {M17 D58
G29 G1 G43 E28}
[ibt] thirst {M17 D58 X1 E8}
[ibwy] halliards (of ship) {M17 D58 [ibt] thirst {M17 D58 X1 N35A A2}
G43 G43 V1 Z2}

[ibwy] halliards (of ship) {M17 D58 [ibT] bird - trap {M17 D58 X1 T26}
G43 G43 V1 Z2}
[ibAw] Barbary sheep {M17 D58 Y6
G43 E28}
[ibw] refuge, shelter {M17 D58 G43 O1}

[ibw] tent of purification {M17 D58 G43 [iwn] complexion, colour, nature,
O18} disposition {M17 E34 N35 D3}

[ibwy] halliards (of ship) {M17 D58 G43 [iwn] complexion, colour, nature,
V1} disposition {M17 E34 N35 D3 Y1}

[ibwy] halliard of ship ? {M17 D58 [iwn] complexion, colour, nature,

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 114

disposition {M17 E34 N35 F27}

[iArw] rushes (plants) {M17 G1 D21
G43 M2 Z2}
[wpwty] messenger, agent,
commissioner, bystander {M17 F13 Q3 X1 Y2 [iArt] lock of hair {M17 G1 D21 X1
G7} D3}

[iSd] Ished tree {M17 F30 D46 M46} [id] boy {M17 G1 D46 A17 A1}
[iwms] misstatement {M17 F31 S29 A2} [id] boy {M17 G1 D46 A17A A1}
[ims ib] pleasant, kindly disposed {M17 [idw] pestilence {M17 G1 D46 F37J
F31 S29 A2 F34 Z1} D40}

[imAxw] revered one (of the blessed dead) [idw] pestilence {M17 G1 D46 G37}
{M17 F39A Aa1}

[idw] pestilence {M17 G1 D46 G37}

[imAxy] (v.) be honoured {M17 F39A Aa1}
[iAdt] tract (of land) {M17 G1 D46
[imAxy] (v.) be honoured {M17 F39A Aa1 X1 N18 N23 Z1}
M17 M17}

[iAdt] intruders {M17 G1 D46 X1

[imAxyt] revered one (of dead woman) {M17 Z5 G37 Z2}
F39A Aa1 X1}

[iAdt] dew, pouring rain, pestilence,

[i] flesh {M17 F51 F51 F51}
affliction, influence {M17 G1 D46 X1 Z5 N4}
[iAw] old man {M17 G1 A19}
[iAdt] influence {M17 G1 D46 X1
Z5 N35A}
[iAw] adoration {M17 G1 A30}
[iAdt] net {M17 G1 D46 X1 Z5 V1}
[iAi] adore {M17 G1 A30}
[iAb] the east wind {M17 G1 D58 P5}
[iAw] adoration {M17 G1 A30 Y1V Z3}
[iAbty] east, eastern {M17 G1 D58 U33}
[iAxw] radiance (as a god) {M17 G1
Aa1 G43 A40}
[iAbt] the East {M17 G1 D58 X1}
[Axw] sunlight, sunshine {M17 G1 Aa1
G43 N8} [iAAyt] rod, reed, rushes {M17 G1
G1 M17 M17 X1 M2}
[iAxw] sunshine, radiance {M17 G1
Aa1 G43 N8} [iAA] mounds of rubble {M17 G1 G1
N21 Z2}
[iArr] be dim (of eye), be weak (of
[iAAyt] rod, reeds, rushes {M17 G1 G1
heart) {M17 G1 D21 D21 D4 G37} X1 M2}

[iArr] be dim, be weak (of heart) {M17 [iAAyt] rod, reeds, rushes {M17 G1
G1 D21 D21 D7}
G1 X1 M3}

[iArrt] grapes {M17 G1 D21 D21 [iAAyt] rod, reeds, rushes {M17 G1
X1 D5 N33 Z2}
G1 X1 M34}

[iArrt] vine {M17 G1 D21 D21 X1 M43}

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 115

[iAAyt] rod, reeds, rushes {M17 G1 G1 [iAS] call, summon {M17 G1 N37 A2}
X1 S42}
[iAs] bald {M17 G1 S29 A28}
[imA] pleasing (to) {M17 G1 G17 M1}
[imA] pleasing (to) {M17 G1 U1 M1
[iAm] offer (to) {M17 G1 G17 S42} G17}

[iAm] bind (the sacrifice) {M17 G1 G17 [iAT] be injured, be distorted, be

T30A} missing, abate {M17 G1 V13 D57 G37}

[iAm] bind (the sacrifice) {M17 G1 G17 [iATw] shambles {M17 G1 V13 G43
V1} D57 O1 Z2}

[imAt] favour (toward someone) [iAkb] mourning, wailings {M17 G1 V31

{M17 G1 G17 X1 M1 Y1v} D58 D3}

[iAwi] be aged, attain old age, old age [iAkby] mourners {M17 G1
{M17 G1 G43 A19} V31 D58 M17 M17 B77 D3 Z2}

[iAw] old man {M17 G1 G43 A19 [iAkw] the aged {M17 G1 V31 G43 A19
A1} Z3}

[iAw] adoration {M17 G1 G43 A30} [ikw] stone-quarry {M17 G1 V31

Z7 A20 N25}
[iAw] adoration {M17 G1 G43 A30
Y1 Z2} [iAyt] old woman {M17 G1 X1 A19}
[iAwt] old age {M17 G1 G43 X1 A19} [iAT] be injured, be distorted, be
missing (from), abate (of fever) {M17 G1 X1
[iAwt] (pl.) offices, functions {M17 D57}
G1 G43 X1 O44 Y1 Z2}
[At] moment, instant, time (in general)
[imA] be delighted (with), charmed {M17 G1 X1 F9 N5}
(with) {M17 G1 M1 G17}
[iAt] back, spine (of man, animal) {M17
[imA] a tree {M17 G1 M1 G17} G1 X1 F37}

[imAt] charm, kindliness, [iAt] back, spine (of man, animal) {M17
graciousness {M17 G1 M1 G17 X1} G1 X1 F37 F51B}

[imAt] charm, kindliness, [iAt] back, spine (of man, animal),

graciousness {M17 G1 M1 G17 X1} middle (of river, lake) {M17 G1 X1 F37 X1
[iAyt] old woman {M17 G1 M17
M17 X1 A19 B1} [iAtyw] mutilation {M17 G1 X1 G4
[iAyt] old woman {M17 G1 M17 M17
X1 B1} [iATw] shambles {M17 G1 X1 G4
O1 Z2}
[iAqt] leeks, vegetables {M17 G1 N29
X1 M2 Z2} [iAt] (divinity) a milk - goddess {M17
G1 X1 G14}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 116

[iATw] shambles {M17 G1 X1 [iwxm] (passive participle) know not,

G43 D57 O1 Z2} be ignorant of {M17 G43 Aa1 G17 D35}

[iAwt] herds {M17 G1 X1 G43 O44 [ixmw skw] (pl.)

F27 Z2} indestructible stars {M17 G43 Aa1 G17 D35 Z2
S29 V29 V31 N14 Z2}
[iAt] mound, ruin {M17 G1 X1 N30}
[iwty] who.......not, which.......not {M17
[iAt] standard (for cult objects) {M17 G1 G43 D35 U33 M17}
X1 R12}
[iwty] who.......not, which.......not {M17
[iAt] office, function {M17 G1 X1 Z5 G43 D35 X1}
Y1 Z2}
[iwtt] what is not, does not exist {M17
[DHwty] (divinity) Thoth (god) {M17 G7} G43 D35 X1 X1}

[im] in, with, by means of, from, out of, as, [iwbt] crumb (of bread) {M17 G43 D58
namely, when, as, though, together with {M17 X1 N18}
[iwms] misstatement {M17 G43 F31
[im] there, therein, therewith, therefrom {M17 S29 A2}
[iAwi] (v. and n.) be aged, attain old
[im] form, shape, side {M17 G17 Aa15} age, old age {M17 G43 G1 Z4 A19}

[imsti] Imseti (a son of Horus) {M17 [iwf] flesh, meat {M17 G43 I9 F51
G17 Aa15 S29 U33 G7} F51 F51}

[imi] 'negatives the verb' {M17 G17 D35} [iwi] (v. trans.) strand, leave boatless {M17
G43 M17 M17 P19}
[imy] belongs to (me) {M17 G17 M17 M17}
[igrt] realm of the dead {M17 G43 W11
[imsti] (one of the Four sons of Horus) D21 X1 N25}
Imseti {M17 G17 S29 U33 G7}
[iwgrt] realm of the dead {M17 G43
W11 D21 X1 N25}
[imsti] (one of the Four sons of Horus0
Imseti {M17 G17 S29 X1 G7}
[trw] (pl.) seasons {M17 G43 X1
D21 G43 M6 Z2 N5}
[imt] wine of Imt {M17 G17 X1 W10}
[iTA] steal {M17 G47 G1 A24}
[iAq] leap {M17 G23 N29 A32B}
[iTA] thief {M17 G47 G1 A24 A1}
[ipAt] private office {M17 G40 X1 O1}
[iTAy] take {M17 G47 G1 M17 M17
[iiw] welcome {M17 G43} D51 D40}

[iw] is, are {M17 G43} [ikm] shield {M17 I6 G17 F27 Z1}
[iw] hump-back ? {M17 G43 A16} [ifd] quadruple {M17 I9 D46 D41 Z2}
[ixxw] twilight, dusk {M17 G43 Aa1 Aa1 [ifd] flee {M17 I9 D46 D54}
N2 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 117

embrace, come together {M17 K1 N35 N29 D32

[ifd] rectangular {M17 I9 D46 O39} D36}

[ifd] cloth {M17 I9 D46 O39 S28} [inq] unite (the Two Lands), collect,
gather together {M17 K1 N35 N29 D40}
[ifdt] a four, quartette {M17 I9 D46 X1
[inq] unite (the Two Lands), collect,
gather together {M17 K1 N35 N29 D51 D40}
[ifd] flee {M17 I9 D46 Z4 D41 D56
[in] cordage (of ship) {M17 K1 N35 N35
V1 Z2}
[ifdy] couch, cloth {M17 I9 D46 Z4
D41 S28}
[innk] thyme ?, water-mint ? {M17 K1
N35 N35 V31 M2 Z2}
[ifdy] couch {M17 I9 D46 Z4 D41
V6 M3 X1 Z1}
[inhmn] pomegranate (tree and
[iwf] flesh (of man) {M17 I9 F51} fruit) {M17 K1 N35 O4 G17 D36 N35 Z4 M1}

[if] flesh {M17 I9 F51} [insy] bright red linen {M17 K1 N35
O34 Z4 S28}
[iwf] meat {M17 I9 F51B Z2}
[insy] bright red linen {M17 K1 N35 S29
[in] eyebrows {M17 K1 N35 D13 Z4}
[inst] calf (of leg), shank, thigh, hind-leg
[inat] chin {M17 K1 N35 D36 X1 F51} {M17 K1 N35 S29 X1 D56}

[ind] the afflicted man {M17 K1 N35 [insy] bright-red linen {M17 K1 N35
D46 G37 A1} S29 Z4 S28}

[indw] misery {M17 K1 N35 D46 G37 [inm] skin (of man or animal), hues (of
Z3A} sky), development, complexion {M17 K1 N35
T34 G17 F27}
[indw] misery {M17 K1 N35 D46 Z7
G37} [in] cordage (of ship) {M17 K1 N35 V1
[ini] delay, hold (aloof) {M17 K1 N35
D54} [inT] fetter {M17 K1 N35 V13 V1}
[inbA] be dumb {M17 K1 N35 [inH] eyebrows {M17 K1 N35 V28 D3}
D58 G29 G1 A2}
[inH] eyebrows {M17 K1 N35 V28 D13
[inb] wall {M17 K1 N35 D58 O36} D13}

[inb] wall of (a place) {M17 K1 N35 [inH] surround, enclose, embrace {M17
D58 O36 D40} K1 N35 V28 V1 D40}

[inbt] fence, stackade {M17 K1 N35 [inT] (v.) fetter {M17 K1 N35 X1 A24}
D58 X1 M3 Z2}
[int] the bulti-fish {M17 K1 N35 X1 K1}
[inD] be afflicted {M17 K1 N35 I10
[int] valley {M17 K1 N35 X1 N25}
[inq] unite, collect, gather together,
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 118

[inTt] (n.) fetter {M17 K1 N35 X1 X1 [is] lie light (on) {M17 M40 S29 M2}
[is] old, ancient {M17 M40 S29 M2 Y1}
[inty] hinder, linger {M17 K1 N35 X1
Z4 D56 D54} [isywt] old clothes, rags {M17 M40
S29 M17 M17 Z7 X1 M2 Z2 V6}
[int] valley {M17 K1 X1 N25}
[is] tomb, council chamber, archive,
[imAw] tent {M17 M1 Aa15 G43 O1} workshop, {M17 M40 S29 O1}

[imw] ship {M17 M1 G17 Z7 P1} [isi] tomb, council chamber, archive,
workshop, {M17 M40 S29 Z4 O1}
[imAw] brilliance, splendour {M17 M1
Z2 G43 N5} [isw] reeds {M17 M40 S29 Z7 M2 Z2}
[i] reeds, leaves {M17 M2 Z2} [ist] lightness (of tongue) {M17 M40 X1 M2}
[ym] sea {M17 M17 N35A N36 N21 [iqr] trust, trustworthy, skilful, excellent,
pleasing, well-to-do, superior {M17 N29 D21
[yH] Hey ! {M17 M17 V28 D54}
[iqr] wealth, virtue, excellence {M17 N29 D21
[ym] sea {M17 M17 Z7 G17 D36 Y1}
N35A N36 N23}
[iqr] a trustworthy man, wiseacre {M17
[iDrt] hall ? {M17 M36 D21 X1 O1} N29 D21 Y1 A1}

[is] be light (of weight), lie light {M17 M40 [iqHw] battle-axe {M17 N29 V28 G43
O34 M2} T7A}

[is ib] light - minded {M17 M40 O34 M2 [in] by, so says {M17 N35}
F34 Z1}
[inr] stone, rock, slab, block {M17 N35
[is] tomb, council-chamber, workshop, D21 O39}
archive {M17 M40 O34 O1}
[inr n r mw] sea-shell {M17 N35
[is] tomb, council chamber, archive, D21 O39 N35 D21 Z1 N35A}
workshop, {M17 M40 O34 O194A O1 Z1}
[ina] chin {M17 N35 D36 D147}
[isw] reward {M17 M40 S29 F44 G43}
[in m] (int.) who ? {M17 N35 G17 D36}
[isw] (n.) reward {M17 M40 S29 F147}
[inq] unite (the Two Lands), collect, gather
[isw] (n.) reward {M17 M40 S29 G43 together {M17 N35 N29 D32}
M2 Y1 Z2}
[inq] unite (the Two Lands), collect, gather
[iswt] ancient times {M17 M40 S29 together {M17 N35 N29 V110}
G43 X1 M2 Y1 Z2}
[inhmn] pomegranate (tree and fruit) {M17
[isw] (n.) reward {M17 M40 S29 G43 Y1 N35 O4 Y5 M1}
[inpw] royal child {M17 N35 Q3 A18}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 119

[inp] decay {M17 N35 Q3 Aa2} [iHms] attendant {M17 N41 O34 A17}

[inpw] (divinity) Anubis {M17 N35 Q3 C7} [Ahw] pain {M17 O4 Aa2 G37}

[inpw] royal child {M17 N35 Q3 G43 [Ahw] illness {M17 O4 C7 Z5}
[ihb] dancing ritual {M17 O4 D58 A32}
[inpw] royal child (of princess) {M17
N35 Q3 G43 E15} [ihbw] ritual dancers {M17 O4 D58
G43 A32 Z3}
[inpw] Anubis {M17 N35 Q3 G43
E15 G7} [ihb] dancing ritual {M17 O4 G1 D58
[inswy] testicles {M17 N35 S29 G43
F51 F51} [ihbw] ritual dancers {M17 O4
G1 D58 G43 A17 D54 Z2}
[inTt] fetter {M17 N35 V13 X1 V1}
[ihmt] detention {M17 O4 G14 X1
[nik] evil doer {M17 N35 V31 G37 G37}
[ihm] restrain {M17 O4 G17 A24}
[int] the bulti - fish {M17 N35 X1 K1}
[ihm] linger, lag {M17 O4 G17 D54}
[intnt] hold back, restrain {M17 N35
X1 N35 X1 D55} [Ahw] misery, trouble {M17 O4 G37}
[inT] (v.) fetter {M17 N35 X1 V1} [ihw] camp {M17 O4 G43 O1}
[iS] saliva {M17 N37 A2} [yhy] Oho ! {M17 O4 M17}
[iSdd] sweat {M17 N37 D46 D46 N33 [ihhy] rejoicing {M17 O4 O4 M17 M17
N33 N33} A2}

[iSd] Balanos, Ished tree, fruit of the ished [Ahw] misery, trouble {M17 O4 Z7 G37
tree {M17 N37 D46 M1} Z2}

[iSd] fruit of the Ished tree {M17 N37 D46 [isr] tamarisk tree {M17 O34 D21 M46}
[sA] betake oneself (to) {M17 O34 G39
[iSd] Ished tree {M17 N37 D46 X1 G1}
[isft] wrong, wrong doing, falsehood {M17
[iSrw] the precinct of Mut at Karnak , O34 I9 X1 Z8}
water meadow {M17 N37 E23 O49}
[ist] boundary-stone, landmark {M17 O34
[iSt] possessions, (morning) meal {M17 X1 M35}
N37 X1 N33 Z2}
[is] (imperative) go ! {M17 O35}
[iSt] possessions, (morning) meal {M17 N37
X1 Z2} [is] go ! {M17 O35 D54}
[iSt] possessions, (morning) meal {M17 [is HAq] easy prey {M17 O35 M16 N29
N37 X1 Z9 Y1 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 120

D40} Y1}

[ipdw] furniture {M17 Q3 D46 G43 M3 [ip] count, reckon up, make reckoning, assess,
Z2} allot {M17 Q3 Y1}

[wpwty] messenger, agent, [ip Dt] collect one's wits, recover one's
commissioner, bystander {M17 Q3 F13 G43 senses, having (his) wits about (him) {M17 Q3
U33 G7} Y1 I10 X1 Z1}

[ipA] private office {M17 Q3 G40 [in] by, so says {M17 S3}
G1 O1 Z1}
[nbA] carrying pole {M17 S3
[ipw] (demon. adj.) these {M17 Q3 G43} M17 G43 R7 G29 Z1 M3}

[ipw] (locality) Akhmim {M17 Q3 G43 [is] enclitic particle {M17 S29}
[iAs] bald {M17 S29 A28}
[ipw] payments {M17 Q3 G43 Y1 Z2}
[iAs] bald {M17 S29 A28}
[ipf] (demon. adj.) those {M17 Q3 I9}
[iAs] bald {M17 S29 Aa2}
[ipn] (demon. adj.) these {M17 Q3 N35}
[Ais] viscera {M17 S29 Aa2}
[ipH] (collective n.) swine, pigs {M17 Q3
V28 E12}
[isr] tamarisk {M17 S29 D21 M1 M3}
[ipt] Twelfth month (name and festival) [isr] tamarisk {M17 S29 D21 M3}
{M17 Q3 X1 F27 B1}

[iptw] (demon. adj.) these {M17 Q3 X1 [isbt] stool {M17 S29 D58 X1 M3}
[isbt] throne {M17 S29 D58 X1 O1}
[iptwt] (demon. adj.) these {M17 Q3 X1
G43 X1} [isbt] throne, stool {M17 S29 D58 X1 Q12}

[iptf] (demon. adj.) those {M17 Q3 X1 I9} [iswy] testicles {M17 S29 F44 Z7 X1
D283 Z2 F51}
[iptn] (demon. adj.) these {M17 Q3 X1 N35}
[isw] (n.) reward {M17 S29 G43 F44
Y1 Z2}
[ipt swt] Temple of Karnak {M17 Q3 X1
Q1 X1 Z2}
[iswt] ancient times {M17 S29 G43 X1
[ipt] grain-measure of 4 heqat {M17 Q3 X1
[isw] ancient ones {M17 S29 G43 Z3}
[ipt] census {M17 Q3 X1 Y1}
[isft] wrong, wrong-doing, falsehood
{M17 S29 I9 X1 G37}
[ip] accounting, estimation {M17 Q3 Y1}

[ip] exact, detail, claim, examine, recognize, [isfty] evil-doer {M17 S29 I9 X1
Z4 G37 A1}
take heed of {M17 Q3 Y1}
[is] old, ancient {M17 S29 M22}
[ip] set in order, muster, assemble, {M17 Q3
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 121

[issr] Assyria {M17 S29 M23 G43 D21 [imA] a tree {M17 U1 G1 M1}
[imAt] charm, kindliness,
[isq] hinder, linger, wait (for) {M17 S29 N29 graciousness, favour {M17 U1 G17 X1 M1 Y1}
[imA] kind, gentle, well-disposed,
[isq] (v. intrans.) linger {M17 S29 N29 pleasing, be gracious, be delighted, charmed
D56 D54} {M17 U1 M1}

[ispr] whip {M17 S29 Q3 D21 Z1} [imA] a type of tree {M17 U1 M1}
[isp] hew, cut {M17 S29 Q3 T30} [imA] be delighted (with), charmed
(with) {M17 U1 M1 G17}
[ispt] quiver (for arrows) {M17 S29 Q3 X1
[imAt] female ibex, female (of any
animal) {M17 U1 X1 E30}
[ispt] quiver (for arrows) {M17 S29 Q3
X1 G43 T65}
[imAx] honour, veneration, the blessed
[ispt] quiver (for arrows) {M17 S29 Q3 X1 state (of being dead) {M17 U2 Aa1 F39A Z1}
[imAxyw] (pl.) revered one (of the
[sip] (n.) inspection {M17 S29 Q3 Y1} aged living) {M17 U2 Aa1 F39A Z1 M17 M17
Z7 A19 A1 Z2}
[isT] non-eclitic particle {M17 S29 V13}
[imAxyw] (pl.) revered one (of the
[isk] non-eclitic particle {M17 S29 V31} aged living) {M17 U2 Aa1 M17 M17 F39A Z9
Y1 A1}

[isT] (non - enclitic particle) {M17 S29 X1} [imr] be deaf {M17 U7 D21 F21}
[ist] non-eclitic particle {M17 S29 X1} [itmw] suffocation {M17 U15 G17
Z7 G37 Z2}
[istn] strap up, bind {M17 S29 X1 N35
Z7 D40}
[ity] sovereign {M17 U33 G43 G7}
[isw] non-enclitic particle {M17 S29 Z7
[ity] sovereign {M17 U33 M17 M17 A304}

[imAx] spinal cord {M17 U1 Aa1 F39A [ityt] queen-regnant {M17 U33 M17 M17
X1 A23}

[imAxy] (v.) be honoured {M17 U1 F39A [ityt xAw] queen of thousands {M17
U33 X1 X1 M12 Z1 Z2 I12}

[imAxw] revered one(of the blessed [awAi] steal (goods), rob (someone)
{M17 V4 G1 A24}
dead) {M17 U1 F39A Aa1 G43 G7}
[iwA] ox, long-horned cattle {M17 V4
[imAxy] be honoured {M17 U1 F39A G1 E1}
Aa1 M17 M17}
[iwA] beef {M17 V4 G1 F51}
[imAw] tent {M17 U1 G1 G17
[iwAyt] female representative,
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 122

substitute {M17 V4 G1 M17 M17 X1 B1}

[iaH] moon god {M17 V28 N62 G7C}
[iSst] what ?, wherefore ? {M17 V6 N37
S29 X1} [aH] entrap, snare {M17 V28 T24}

[iSst] (int.) what ? {M17 V6 O34 X1 A2} [aH] entrap, snare {M17 V28 T24E}

[iSnn] warcry {M17 V7 N35 N35 A2} [aH] wipe off, wipe away {M17 V28 T24E}

[itrw] seasons {M17 V13 D21 G43 [aH] rope {M17 V28 V1}
[iHt] cow {M17 V28 X1 E1}
[itnw] opponent {M17 V13 N35
W24 G43 D40 A13} [iHtt] land-tax {M17 V28 X1 X1 N23}

[itnw] opponent {M17 V13 N35 [iHy] (title of the priests of Hathor) sistrum
W24 G43 D40 A13B} player {M17 V28 Z4 G43}

[itnt] solar goddess {M17 V13 N35 X1 N5} [iky] quarryman {M17 V31 A19}

[iTT] fly up {M17 V13 V13 G40} [ikm] shield {M17 V31 G17 F27}

[iHy] ( title of the priests of Hathor) sistrum [ikn] draw (water from well etc) {M17 V31
player {M17 V28} N35 A24}

[iH] Ah ! {M17 V28 A2} [ikn] cup, jar {M17 V31 N35 W10}

[iHy] (title of the priests of Hathor) sistrum [ikkw] councillors ? {M17 V31 V31
player {M17 V28 A239} G43 A1}

[iHt] cow {M17 V28 D52 N42 X1 E1A} [grw] (adv.) also, further, any more {M17 W11
[iH] bull {M17 V28 F1}
[igr] also, further / anymore (after negatives)
{M17 W11 D21}
[aHA] fight {M17 V28 G1 D36}
[igrt] moreover, now {M17 W11 D21 X1}
[aHA] fight {M17 V28 G1 D40}
[grt] (adv.) either {M17 W11 D21 X1}
[iHw] a measure of metal {M17 V28 G43}
[igrt] realm of the dead {M17 W11 D21
[iHw] weakness {M17 V28 G43 G37} X1 N25}

[iHw] stable (for animals) {M17 V28 G43 [igp] clouds, be overcast, soar cloudwards
O1} {M17 W11 Q3 N4}

[aHwty] cultivator {M17 V28 G43 X1 [inn] (ind. prn. - pl.) we {M17 W24 N35 Z2}
Z1 Z1 A1}
[inw] pattern, model {M17 W25 N35
[aHwty] cultivator {M17 V28 G43 X1 W24 G43 A2 Z3}
Z4A A1}
[ity] sovereign {M17 X1}
[iHy] sistrum-player {M17 V28 M17 M17
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 123

[atx] strain (mash etc) {M17 X1 Aa1} [ibt] thirst {M17 X1 D58 N35A}

[atx] strain {M17 X1 Aa1} [ity] sovereign {M17 X1 G7}

[tit] image, form, shape, figure, design, [it] father {M17 X1 I9 A1}
(written) sign {M17 X1 D17}
[it] barley, corn {M17 X1 M33}
[itrw] river {M17 X1 D21 E23 N36
N21 Z1} [iAt] mound, ruin {M17 X1 N30}

[itrw] seasons {M17 X1 D21 G43 M4 [itn] oppose {M17 X1 N35 A24}
M4 M4 N5 N5 N5}
[itn] be in apposition, oppose {M17 X1
[itrw] seasons {M17 X1 D21 G43 M6} N35 D19 A24}

[itrw] measure of length, {M17 X1 [itn] sun, disk of the sun {M17 X1 N35 N5}
D21 G43 N35A N36 N21 Z1}
[itnw] secret, mystery {M17 X1 N35
[itrw] river {M17 X1 D21 G43 N36} W24 G43 D19 Y1}

[itrw] river {M17 X1 D21 G43 N37 [itnw] opponent {M17 X1 N35 W24 Z7
Z2} A24}

[trw] (pl.) seasons {M17 X1 D21 M6 N5 [itH] drag, draw, pull off, pull out, draw off,
Z2} draw out {M17 X1 V28 A24}
[itrw] river {M17 X1 D21 M17 M17 [itH] pull out (eye) {M17 X1 V28 U31}
N35A N36 N23}
[itH] fortress {M17 X1 V28 U31 O1}
[tr] time, season {M17 X1 D21 N5}
[itH] drag {M17 X1 V28 V1 D40}
[itrw] river {M17 X1 D21 N36}
[itnw] secret, mystery {M17 X1 W24 G43
[itrw] river {M17 X1 D21 N36 N35A} Y1v}

[itrt] row (of men, of shrubs) {M17 X1 [iTT] fly up {M17 X1 X1 G41}
D21 X1 O1}
[iTT] fly up {M17 X1 X1 G41}
[itrt] conclave (of Lower Egypt) {M17 X1
D21 X1 O20}
[itrw] river {M17 X1 Z7 D21 N35A
N36 N23 Z1}
[itrt] chapel, niche, box {M17 X1 D21 X1
[imy pr] will, testament {M17 X1 Z11
O1 Z1}
[itrt] conclave (of Upper Egypt) {M17 X1
D21 X1 O157}
[imn] create {M17 Y5 N35}
[itrw] river {M17 X1 D21 Z7 N36 N23
Z1} [imn] secret, hidden, conceal, hide {M17 Y5
N35 A4C}
[itmw] (divinity) Atum {M17 X1 D37 A40}
[imn] secret, hidden {M17 Y5 N35 D35}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 124

Z11 G17 Z4}

[imntyw] (pl.) Westerners {M17 Y5 N35
[imy a] regional officer ? {M17 Z11
G17 Z4 D36 Z1}
[imn] Amun {M17 Y5 N35 G7}
[imiwti] among {M17 Z11 G43 X1}
[imnyt] daily offerings {M17 Y5 N35
M17 M17 X1 Y1 Z2}
[imiwti] between, among {M17 Z11
G43 X1 U33 M17}
[imn] right (-hand), right - side, the West
{M17 Y5 N35 R13}
[imyw Xt] thoughts {M17 Z11 G43
Z2 F32 X1 Z1}
[imnw] (n.) secret {M17 Y5 N35 W24 Z7
[imyw mw] aquatic animals {M17
Z11 G43 Z2 N35A}
[imnt] (n.) secret {M17 Y5 N35 X1 A4C}
[imytw] between, in the midst of {M17
[imnt] Amaunet {M17 Y5 N35 X1 B1} Z11 X1 G43}

[imnt] the West {M17 Y5 N35 X1 N25} [ii] come, return {M18}
[imnt] secret place {M17 Y5 N35 X1 O1} [ii] come, return {M18 M17 D54}
[imnyt] daily offerings {M17 Y5 N35 X1 [ii m Htp] come in peace, return
Y1 Z2} safely {M18 M17 D54 G17 R4 X1 Q3}
[i] reeds, leaves (of reeds) {M17 Z1 M2 Z2} [iiw] welcome {M18 M17 D54 G43 Z4}
[iwf] flesh (of man) {M17 Z7 I9 F51B [ii] come, return {M18 M17 M17 D54}
[iyt] mishap, trouble, harm, a wrong (which
[inry] shudder {M17 Z7 N35 D21 Z7
Z5} is done) {M18 M17 M17 X1 D54}

[imy ib] favourite {M17 Z11 F34 Z1} [iyt] mishap, trouble, harm, a wrong
(which is done) {M18 M17 M17 X1 D54 G37
[imyw tA] snakes {M17 Z11 G17
G43 Z3 N16 N23 Z1}
[iyt] mishap, trouble, harm, a wrong
[imyw tA mw] of land and (which is done) {M18 M17 M17 X1 G37}
water {M17 Z11 G17 G43 Z3 N16 N23 Z1
N35A} [iyt] mishap, trouble, harm, wrong {M18
M17 M17 X1 G37 Z2}
[imy xt] following after(of time) {M17
Z11 G17 M3 Aa1 X1} [ii] come, return {M18 M17 Z4 D54}

[imy xt] who are in attendance on, [ii] welcome {M18 M17 Z4 D54 U33 M17}
member of the bodyguard, superintendant, {M17
Z11 G17 M3 Aa1 X1} [ii] come, return {M18 Z4 D54}

[imy is] councillor {M17 Z11 G17 [aAbt] offerings {M19 X1 Y1 Z2}
M17 M40 O34 O1}
[sxtyw] class of Cattle {M20 G4 E1
[imy] who, which is in, in which is {M17 N33A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 125

[sxt] marshland, field, country (beside town) [nxb] (locality) El Kab {M22 O49 D58}
{M20 X1 N23}
[nxbt] Nekhbet (goddess) {M22 X1 D58}
[sxt] (divinity) the Fen goddess {M20 X1
Z1 B1} [Xr tp nsw] chamberlain {M23 D1 T28}
[sxty] peasant, fisherman, fowler {M20 [sA nsw] king's son, viceroy {M23 G39}
X1 Z4 A1}
[sA nsw tp] first king's son (a priest) {M23
[smw] pastures, plants, herbage, G39 Z1 D1 Q3}
vegetables, herb {M21 G17 M2}
[sw] (prn. compound) he, she, it {M23 G43}
[nxb] (locality) El Kab {M22 D58 W24 O49}
[sw] (dependent prn.) he, him, it {M23 G43}
[nxbt] Nekhbet (goddess) {M22 D58 W24
X1 G16A}
[sw] (non-enclitic part.) (not translated) {M23
[nn] this, these, here, hither {M22 M22}
[sDn] carry (child) {M23 G43 I10 N35}
[nny] be weary, inert {M22 M22 N35}
[swsx] (causative) make extensive (of
[nn] this, these, here, hither {M22 M22 N35} movements) {M23 G43 S29 Aa1 O39}
[nny] be weary, inert, drag (of foot), [swsx] (causative) widen, make wie, make
dribble (of fluid), settle (of flood-waters) {M22 spacious, extend (boundaries) {M23 G43 S29
M22 N35 M17 M17 A7} Aa1 O39}

[nny] be weary, inert, drag (of foot), [swt] (ind. prn.) he, it, (rarely) she {M23
dribble (of fluid), settle (of flood-waters) {M22 G43 X1}
M22 N35 N35 A7}
[swt] (enclitic part.) but {M23 G43 X1}
[nnyw] inert ones (the Dead)
{M22 M22 N35 N35 M17 M17 Z7 A7 Z6 Z2}
[swt .f] what is his {M23 G43 X1 I9}
[nnm] err, go wrong (of plans),
[stX] Set {M23 G43 X1 Z4 C7}
error {M22 M22 N35 N35 T34 G17 G37}
[nsyw] Kings {M23 M17 M17 G43 Z3}
[nnw] weariness, inertness (of the
dead) {M22 M22 N35 N35 W24 Z7 A7} [nsyt] kingship {M23 M17 M17 X1 Y1}
[nnyw] inert ones (the Dead) {M22 [Hmt nsw] queen {M23 N41 X1}
M22 N35 W24 Z7 A7 A1 Z2}

[nnt] lower heaven {M22 M22 N35 X1 [Hmt nsw] queen {M23 N41 X1 B1}
N5 N50}
[Xr tp nsw] chamberlain {M23 T28 D1}
[nnSm] spleen {M22 M22 N40 F51}
[swt] force (of wind) {M23 X1}
[nnt] lower heaven {M22 M22 O49 N50}
[Sps nsw] king's gentleman {M23 X1 A50}
[nnw] weariness, inertness (of the
dead) {M22 M22 W24 G43 A7 Z2} [Spst nsw] king's lady {M23 X1 A50
S29 Y1 X1 B1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 126

[rx nsw] king's aquaintance {M23 X1 D21 [pr nsw] King's Palace, Court, Temple,
Aa1} Palace of King of Upper Egypt {M23 X1 N35
O1 Z1}
[nsw bity] king of Upper and Lower Egypt
{M23 X1 L2 X1} [pr nsw] Temple {M23 X1 O1}

[nsw bit] King of Upper and Lower Egypt [Htp di nsw] an offering the king gives
{M23 X1 L2 X1} {M23 X1 R4 X8}

[nsyt] kingship {M23 X1 M17 M17} [swt] scirpus - reed, emblem of Upper
Egypt {M23 X1 Z1 M2}
[nsyw] Kings {M23 X1 M17 M17 G43
A43B Z3} [nsyt] kingship {M23 X1 Z2}
[nsyt] kingship {M23 X1 M17 M17 X1 [stX] (divinity) Seth (god) {M23 X1 Z4 C7}
[swit] pill {M23 Z7 M17 X1 M33B}
[nsy] be king {M23 X1 M17 M17 Y1v}
[rsy] southern, south of, South {M24}
[nsw] King of Upper Egypt, king {M23 X1
[rsyw] Southerners {M24 G43 N21 Z2}
[nsw] King {M23 X1 N35 A40}
[rsw] the South land {M24 G43 O49}
[rx nsw] king's acquaintance {M23 X1
N35 D21 Y1 Aa1} [rsw] south-wind {M24 G43 P5}

[sS a n nsw] king's record scribe [rsyw] Southerners {M24 G43 T14 A1 Z2
{M23 X1 N35 D36 N35 Y3 A1} B1}

[sA nsw] king's son, viceroy {M23 X1 [rsyw] Southerners {M24 N21 Z2}
N35 G39 A1}
[rsy] southern, south of, South {M24 Z4A
[sAt nsw] king's daughter {M23 X1 N21}
N35 G39 Z1 X1}
[rsy] southern, south of, South {M24 Z4 N23}
[nsyw] kings {M23 X1 N35 M17 M17
A40B Z3} [SmAw] Upper Egypt, Upper Egyptian {M26}

[nsyt] kingship {M23 X1 N35 M17 [Smaw] musician {M26 D36 G43
M17 X1 Y1 Z2} A2 A1}

[nsy] be king {M23 X1 N35 M17 M17 [SmAw] Upper Egypt, Upper
Y1v} Egyptian {M26 D36 G43 N24}
[nsyw] priests of Arsaphes ? {M23 [Sma] make music {M26 D36 Z5 A2}
X1 N35 M17 M17 Z7 A24 Z2 A1}
[Sma s] Crown of Upper Egypt {M26 D36
[nsyw] Kings {M23 X1 N35 M17 Z5 S29}
M17 Z7 G7 Z3}
[Smaw] musician {M26 M17 M17 X1}
[Hmt nsw] Queen {M23 X1 N35 N42 X1}
[Sma s] Crown of Upper Egypt {M26 S29
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 127

[Dr] (preposition) in, since, before, until {M36
[Sma] Upper Egyptian barley {M26 U9}

[Sma] make music {M27 A2} [Dr] (adv.) at an end {M36 D21}

[SmAw] Upper Egypt, Upper Egyptian {M27 [Dr] end (hunger), end up as, hinder, obstruct
{M36 D21 A24}

[Dr awy] (n.) end, limit {M36 D21 D36

[Smaw] musician {M27 X1} G43 Z4}

[nDm] sweet (of flavour, odour) {M29} [Dr awy] (n.) end, limit {M36 D21 D36
[nma] (v.) question {M29 G17 D36}
[Dr awy] (adv.) long ago {M36 D21 D36
[nDmmyt] passion {M29 G17 G17 Z1}
M17 M17 X1 D53 Z2}
[Dr bAH] (adv.) before, formerly {M36
[nDm] carob tree ? {M29 G17 M1} D21 D53 Y1}

[nDm] sweet (of flavour, odour), pleasant, [Drw] boundary, end, limit {M36 D21
pleasing, well, hale, comfortable (of patient) E23 Z7 N31}
{M29 G17 Y1v}
[Drtyw] ancestors {M36 D21 G4 A51
[nDm ib] joyful {M29 G17 Y1V F34 Z1} Z3}

[nDm] carob tree ? {M29 M1A} [Dr] obstacle {M36 D21 G37}

[bnr] (n.) dates {M30 M33} [Drww] (anatomical) side, flank {M36
D21 G43 G43 F51}
[bnrt] date-palm {M30 X1 M54}
[Drww] wall {M36 D21 G43 G43 N33}
[bnrt] date-cakes {M30 X1 X4 Z2}
[Drw] walls {M36 D21 G43 M3 Z2}
[bnr] (n.) dates {M30 Z1 U9 Z2}
[Drw] boundary, end, limit {M36 D21
[bnr] sweet, pleasant {M30 Z1 Y1} G43 N31}

[rwDw] agent {M31 G43 D40} [Drwt] sarcophagus {M36 D21 G43 X1
[it Sma] barley of Upper Egypt {M33A M26}
[Drwy] (n.) paint {M36 D21 G43 Z4
N33 Z2}
[it] barley, corn {M33A M34}
[DrD] leaf {M36 D21 I10 F21}
[it mHw] barley of Lower Egypt {M33 V22}
[Dri] strong (of staff), strongly {M36 D21
[bdt] emmer {M34 D46 X1 U9 Z2} M17 D40}

[bdt] emmer {M34 X1 Z4 U9} [Dri] be hard, stolid {M36 D21 M17
G41 G37}
[bdt] emmer {M34 X1 Z4 U9 Z2}
[Dryt] kite (bird) {M36 D21 M17 M17 X1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 128

[ist] crew (of ship), company (of soldiers),
[Drwt] hall {M36 D21 M17 M17 X1 O1} gang (of workmen) {M40 X1 Z1 A1 Z2}

[Dri] enclosing wall {M36 D21 M17 O36} [ist] company (of rebels) {M40 X1 Z1 A14}

[Drit] wall {M36 D21 M17 X1 M3} [wnm] eat {M42 A2}

[Drwt] hall {M36 D21 M17 X1 O1} [wnmw] food, sustenance {M42 A2
G43 X4 Z2}
[DrDri] stranger {M36 D21 M36
D21 G43 A30 Z2 A1} [wnmt] food, fodder {M42 A2 X1 Z8
[DrDri] stranger {M36 D21 M36
D21 M17 A30 D54 A1} [wnDw] short - horned cattle {M42 N26 E1
[DrDry] strange {M36 D21 M36 D21
M17 M17 A30} [wnDwt] associates {M42 N26 G43 X1
A1 B1 Z2}
[DrDry] strange {M36 D21 M36 D21
M17 M17 A280} [wnDw] goats {M42 N26 W24 E8
E8 E8}
[Drw] boundary, end, limit {M36 D21 N31}
[wndwt] hollow, depression {M42 N26 Z4
[Dri] enclosing wall {M36 D21 O36}
[wnx] be clothed (in) {M42 N35 Aa1
[drp] (v. trans.) offer (things to) {M36 D21 S28}
Q3 D39}
[wnb] flower {M42 N35 D58 M96}
[Drt] hand, trunk (of elephant), handle (of
jar) {M36 D21 X1 D46} [wnDwt] ships hold {M42 N35 I10
G43 X1 P30}
[Dryt] kite (bird) {M36 D21 X1 G5}
[wnwn] move about (of child in womb)
[Drt] harm {M36 D21 X1 G37} {M42 N35 M42 N35}

[Drwt] hall {M36 D21 Z7 X1 O1} [wnn nfrw] (divinity) Onnophris {M42 N35
N35 F35 A40}
[Drtyw] ancestors {M36 G4 Z2}
[wn mAa] true being, relality {M42 N35 U5
[dmA] bind together {M37} D36}

[ist] gang (of workmen) {M40} [wnDwt] associates {M42 N35

W24 N26 G43 X1 E1 A1 N33A}
[imy is] councillor {M40 G17}
[wn mAa] true being, relality {M42 U2
[ist] crew (of ship) {M40 X1 G43 A1 Z2}

[ist] palace {M40 X1 O11} [wnDw] short horned cattle {M42 W24
N26 E1 Z2}

[ist] boundary stone, landmark {M40 X1 Z1} [wnmt] food, fodder {M42 X1 A2 X2
X4 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian M - Plants 129

[kAny] vintner {M43B M17 M17}
[xAwy] night {N2}
[iSd] fruit of various trees {M43 N33 Z2}
[iAdt] dew {N4}
[spdw] Sopd (god) {M44 G43 G13}
[hrw] day, daytime {N5 Z1}
[spdt] Sirius (star), Sothis (goddess)
{M44 Q3 D46 X1 N14 B1}
[ra] (divinity) Re {N5 Z1 A40}
[spdt] Sirius (star), Sothis (goddess) {M44
X1 B1}
[sw n mswt nbt Hwt] birthday
of Nephthys {N5 Z1 N35 F31 S29 G43 X1 Z2
O9 B1}
[spdt] Sirius (star), Sothis (goddess) {M44 X1
[ra nb] everyday {N5 Z1 V30}
[spdt] effectiveness ? {M44 X1 Y1}
[ra] (divinity) Re {N6 Z1}
[kApwt] covers {M44 X1 Z1 Z2}
[Sw] dry, dried {N8}
[spd] (v.) display skill, supply (food), restore to
order {M44 Y1v} [wbnw] wound {N8}

[spd] (adj.) sharp, effective, skilled {M44 Y1v} [Hnmmt] the sun-folk of Heliopolis,
mankind {N8 A1 B1 Z2}
[rx nsw] king's aquaintance {M163}
[wbnw] wound {N8 F51B}
[wAD (pr wAD ?)] an offering loaf {M222}
[Axw] sunlight, sunshine {N8 G7}
[wAD (pr wAD ?)] an offering loaf {M222
X6B} [Hnmmt] the sun-folk of Heliopolis,
mankind {N8 G17 G17 X1 A1 Z2 B1}

[Axw] sunlight, sunshine {N8 G43 A40}

[iAxw] radiance (as a god) {N8 G43 A40}

N - Sky [wbnw] wound {N8 W24 Z7 D26}

[Hnmmt] the sun-folk of Heliopolis,

[hAyt] portal {N1} mankind {N8 X1 Z2}
[pt] sky, heaven {N1} [psDntyw] the new moon and its festival
{N9 G4 W3}
[Hry mrw] foreman of weavers {N1 N36
A1 B1 Z2} [psDntyw] the new moon and its
festival {N9 N35 G4 W3 N5}
[pt m Aiw] a windy sky ? {N1
Q3 X1 G17 G1 M17 Z7 P5} [psDntyw] the new moon and its
festival {N9 N35 G4 X4}
[Hry pDt] troop commander {N1 T10}
[psDntyw] the new moon and its festival
[Hry pDt] troop commander {N1 T10 X1 {N9 N35 W3}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 130

X1 N5}
[psDntyw] the new moon and its
festival {N9 N35 X1 G4 W3} [sbAyt] (written) teaching,
instructions {N14 G1 M17 M17 Y1 X1}
[psDt] Ennead (of gods) {N9 X1 A40 Z2}
[dwA] rise early {N14 G1 N5}
[psDt] Ennead (of gods) {N9 X1 R8 R8
R8 A40 Z3}
[dwAw] dawn, morning {N14 G1 N5}
[psDt] Ennead (of gods) {N9 X1 R8 Z3} [sbA] door {N14 G1 O1}
[psDt] Ennead (of gods) {N9 X1 Z2 R8} [dwAyt] morning {N14 G1 X1 N5}
[Abd] month {N11} [dwAt] netherworld {N14 G1 X1 O1}
[Ssp] palm (of hand), one seventh of a cubit [dwAtyw] dwellers in the netherworld
(measurement) {N11} {N14 G4 X1 O1 A40 Z3}

[Abd] month {N11 N14 D46 N5 Z1} [dwA mwt .f] (one of the Four sons
of Horus) Duamutef {N14 G14 X1 I9 A40}
[Abd] monthly festival {N11 N14 D46 W4}
[dwA wr] deified royal beard {N14 G36}
[Abd] monthly festival {N11 N14 D46 X4}
[dwA wr] adze (for Opening the mouth)
[waH] earth - almond ?, carob ? {N11 N33 {N14 G36 U19}
[dwA] (v.) praise, worship {N14 G43}
[waH] earth - almond ?, carob ? {N11 V28}
[dwAw] dawn, morning {N14 G43 N5
[xmntyw] a ship {N12 Z3A Z1A Z3A Z1A Z4A}
X1 P1}
[wnwty] hour watcher, astronomer {N14 M17
[wnwty] hour watcher, astronomer {N14} M17}

[dwA] (v.) praise, worship {N14 A4} [dwAyt] morning {N14 M17 M17 X1 N5}

[dwA] (v.) praise, worship {N14 A30 Y1} [sbAyt] (written) teaching, instructions
{N14 M17 M17 X1 Y1 Z2}
[dmD smA] grand total {N14 F36}
[wnwt] priesthood {N14 N5 X1 A1 Z3}
[dwA] (v.) praise, worship {N14 G1}
[sbA] door {N14 O1}
[sbA] (v. and n.) teach, teaching {N14 G1
A24} [sbA] door {N14 O32}

[dwA mwt .f] (one of the [dwAw] tomorrow, the morrow

Four sons of Horus) Duamutef {N14 G1 A30 {N14 V4 G1 G43 N5 Z4A}
Y1 G14 A40 I9}
[dwAt] (n.) praise, worship {N14 X1 A30}
[dwAw] dawn, morning, tomorrow, the
morrow {N14 G1 G43 N5} [dwAyt] morning {N14 X1 N5}

[dwAyt] morning {N14 G1 M17 M17 [wnwt] hour {N14 X1 N5}

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 131

[dwAtyw] dwellers in the netherworld {N14 [tAw] (pl.) flat lands (as opposed to Hill
X1 O1 A40 Z3} countries) {N16 N16 N16}

[sbAty] pupil, student {N14 X1 Y1} [tA Dsr] the Sacred Land (necropolis)
{N16 N21 Z1 D45 D21 N25}
[wnwt] hour {N14 X1 Z1}
[tA wr] larboard {N16 N23 G36 D21}
[wnwt] priesthood {N14 X1 Z1}
[tA] earth, land, ground {N16 N23 Z1}
[wnwt] priesthood, staff {N14 X1 Z1 A1
Z2} [tA iHw] (locality) Farafra Oasis {N16 N23
Z1 E1 Z2}
[sbA] star {N14 Z1}
[tA TmH] (locality) southern Libya
[dwAt] netherworld {N15} {N16 N23 Z1 U33 G17 V28 M17 T14 A1 Z2
[dwAt] netherworld {N15 X1 O1}
[tA nHsy] (locality) Nubia {N16 N35
G21 S29 T14 N25}
[tA sty] (locality) Nubia {N16 Aa32
[tA mri] (locality) Egypt {N16 U7
D21 M17 M5 N25}
[tA sty] Nubia {N16 Aa32 X1 N25}
[tA mri] (locality) Egypt {N16 U7
[tA rd] stairway {N16 D21 D46 D56 D21 M17 N37 O49}

[tmw] totality of men, everyone

[tA rdw] stairway {N16 D21 D46 D56 {N16 U15 G17 G43 A1 B1 Z2}
[tA tmw] all men {N16 U15 G17 Z2}
[tA Dsr] the Sacred Land (necropolis) {N16
[tA TmH] (locality) southern Libya
{N16 V13 G17 V28 T14 C104}
[tA smA] landing place {N16 F36 G1
[tA Tnn] (divinity) Memphite earth -
[tA tmw] all men {N16 G17 G43 A1 god {N16 V13 M22 M22 A40}
Z2 B1}
[tA Tnn] (divinity) Memphite earth -
[tA wr] (locality) the Thinite nome {N16 god {N16 V13 N35 N35 A40}
G36 D21 R18}
[tA mHw] (locality) Lower Egypt {N16
[tA Smaw] (locality) Upper Egypt {N16 V22 V28 G43 M15}
[tA mHw] (n.) Lower Egypt {N16 V22
[tA Smaw] (locality) Upper V28 G43 M15}
Egypt {N16 M26 D36 G43 N24}
[tA Tnn] (divinity) Memphite
[tAwy] (locality) the Two Lands, Egypt {N16 earth - god {N16 Z1 N23 M22 M22 N35 N35
N16} A40}

[tAwy rxtt] ends of the earth {N16 N16 [tA wr] larboard {N17 G36 S22}
D21 Aa1 X1 O49 X1}
[tA mHw] (locality) Lower Egypt {N17
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 132

M15 O49}
[xAstyw] foreigners, desert-dwellers
{N25 X1 G4 T14 A1 Z2}
[tA tmw] all men {N17 N17 N21A
N21A X1 U15 A1 Z2 B1}
[xAst] hill country, foreign land, desert {N25
X1 Z1}
[tA tmw] all men {N17 N17
U15 G17 Y1 A1 B1 Z3}
[xAstyw] foreigners, desert-dwellers {N25
X1 Z1 T14 A1 Z2 B1}
[tmw] totality of men,
everyone {N17 N17 U15 G17 Y1 A1 B1 Z3}
[Dwa] lancet, surgical knife {N26 D36
Z1 T30}
[tA tmw] all men {N17 N17 U15 G43}
[Dwiw] jar {N26 E9 W24}
[tA tmw] all men {N17 N17 X1 U15
G17 Y1v}
[Dw] (adj.) bad, evil, sad (of heart) {N26
[tA mri] (locality) Egypt {N17 U7 D21
Z4 M30 O49}
[Dw] (adv.) evilly {N26 G37}
[stAt] aroura (of land), sheet (of metal) {N18}
[Dw] (n.) evil {N26 G37}
[iw] island {N18 N23 Z1}
[Dw] (adj.) bad, evil, sad (of heart) {N26
G43 G37}
[dAiw] loin - cloth {N18 Z1 S28}
[Dw] (n.) evil {N26 G43 G37}
[wDb rd] reversion (of offerings from temple
to tomb), a reversion offering {N20 D56} [Dw] (adv.) evilly {N26 G43 G37}
[wDb] turn (to) {N20 D58} [Dwi] call upon (god) {N26 G43 M17
[wDb xt] divert (offerings), a reversion
offering {N21A Aa1 X1 X2 W22 X6A} [Dw] mountain {N26 G43 O39}
[Dnbw] territories {N21A Z2} [Dwt] evil, sadness (of heart), dirt
(encumbering ruin) {N26 G43 X1 G37}
[Axt] arable land {N21 G25 Z1}
[Dwy] (adj.) evil {N26 G43 Z4}
[idbwy] the Two Banks (Egypt) {N21 N21}
[Dw] the Evil One {N26 I86A}
[idbwy] the Two Banks (Egypt) {N21 N21
N23 N23} [Dwi] call upon (god) {N26 M17 A26}
[spAtyw] nomesmen {N24E X1 Z1 A1 Z2} [Dwy] (adj.) evil {N26 N26}
[DAtt] estate {N24 X1 O49} [Dw] mountain {N26 O39}
[spAt] district, nome {N24 X1 Z1} [AbDw] (locality) Abydos {N26 U23 O49}
[smyt] desert, necropolis {N25} [Dwt] evil, sadness (of heart), dirt
(encumbering ruin) {N26 X1 G37}
[xAstyw] foreigners, desert-dwellers
{N25 G4 X1 A13 Z3}
[Dw] mountain {N26 Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 133

{N28 D36 Z7 M3 Z2}

[Dwi] separate {N26 Z7 M17 D54}
[xaw] crown {N28 D36 Z7 S7}
[Dwiw] jar {N26 Z7 M17 W24}
[xaw] crown {N28 D36 Z7 Z5 Z2}
[Dw] (adj.) bad, evil, sad (of heart) {N26 Z9
[xaw] weapons, funeral furniture, tomb-
equipment, tackle (of ship), utensils, implements
[Dw] (adv.) evilly {N26 Z9 G37} {N28 M3 Z2}

[Dw] (n.) evil {N26 Z9 G37} [xa] hill {N28 Z1}

[Axty] horizon-dweller {N27 N27 A40} [xaw] weapons, funeral furniture, tomb-
equipment, tackle (of ship), utensils, implements
[Axtyw] (pl.) horizon - dwellers ( a remote {N28 Z2}
people) {N27 X1 G4}
[qAi] (adj. and v.) tall, high, exalted, be raised
[Axt] horizon {N27 X1 O1} on high, uplifted {N29 A28}

[Axyt] still - room {N27 X1 O1} [qri] storm, storm - cloud {N29 D21
D21 P5}
[Axtyw] horizon - dwellers {N27 X1 O1
G4 A40 Z3} [qrr] (v.) fire (pottery), broil (food) {N29
D21 D21 Q7}
[xaw] crown {N28}
[qrr] (v.) fire (pottery), broil (food) {N29
[Xar] (v.) rage {N28 D36 D21 D40} D21 D21 U30}

[Xam] approach {N28 D36 G17 D54} [qrrt] cavern {N29 D21 D21 X1 D12}

[Xam] approach {N28 D36 G17 D54} [qrrt] cavern {N29 D21 D21 X1 O1}

[xaw] weapons, funeral furniture, tomb- [qrf] contract, draw together {N29
equipment, tackle (of ship), utensils, implements D21 I9 D32 D40}
{N28 D36 G43 Y1 Z2}
[qrf] contract, draw together {N29 D21 I9
[xaw] appearance in glory {N28 D36 D40}
G43 Y1 Z2}
[qrfw] (facial) wrinkles {N29 D21
[xaw] weapons, funeral furniture, tomb- I9 G43 V6 Z2}
equipment, tackle (of ship), utensils, implements
{N28 D36 N34 Z2} [qrf] bag {N29 D21 I9 S28}

[xai] rise (of sun), appear in glory (of god or [qrf] contract, draw together {N29 D21 I9
king), be shining (of kings) {N28 D36 Y1v} V33}

[xaw] appearance in glory {N28 D36 Y1 [qrft] bag {N29 D21 I9 X1 S28}
[qrft] bag {N29 D21 I9 X1 V6}
[xaw] appearance in glory {N28 D36 Z2}
[qrft] contractions (medical) {N29 D21
[xaw] weapons, funeral furniture, tomb- I9 X1 V33 Z2}
equipment, tackle (of ship), utensils, implements
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 134

[qri] draw near, attend (someone) {N29 [qrHt] vessel {N29 D21 V28 X1 W23}
D21 M17 D56 D54}
[qrt] depression, hollow place {N29 D21 X1
[qri] storm, storm - cloud {N29 D21 D12}
M17 E21 A24}
[qArt] door - bolt {N29 D21 X1 M3}
[qri] storm, storm - cloud {N29 D21 M17
N4} [qa] vomit {N29 D36 D26}
[qrsw] coffin {N29 D21 O34 A55} [qaH] elbow, arm, shoulder {N29 D36
V28 D41}
[qri] storm, storm - cloud {N29 D21 P5}
[qaH] bend (arm, hand, people to one's
[qrsw] coffin {N29 D21 S29 G43 Q6} will), turn one's back {N29 D36 V28 D41}

[qrsw] coffin {N29 D21 S29 M3 D40} [qaH] bend (arm, hand, people to one's
will), turn one's back {N29 D36 V28 D41 D40}
[qrs] (n.) burial {N29 D21 S29 T19 A24}
[qaH] elbow, arm, shoulder {N29 D36
[qrs] (v.) bury {N29 D21 S29 T19 A24} V28 D41 F51}

[qrs] (n.) burial {N29 D21 S29 T19 A53 [qaH] corner, bend (of stream), bight (of
A24} net) {N29 D36 V28 D41 N23}

[qrs] (v.) bury {N29 D21 S29 T19 A55} [qaHt] shoulder (of beef) {N29 D36 V28
X1 F112}
[qrs] (v.) bury {N29 D21 S29 T19 D36
Q6} [qaHw] sunshine {N29 D36 V28 Z7 N8}

[qrs] (n.) burial {N29 D21 S29 T19 M3} [qd] build, fashion (men) {N29 D46 Aa28
[qrstt] tomb - equipment {N29 D21
S29 T19 Q6 X1 X1} [qbbwt] cold water {N29 D58
D58 G43 X1 W16 N35A}
[qrst] burial {N29 D21 S29 X1 Q6}
[qbb] (adj. and v.) be purified {N29
[qrstt] tomb - equipment {N29 D21 S29 D58 D58 M34 W15B}
X1 X1 Q6}
[qbb] (adj. and v.) cool, cold {N29 D58
[qrHt] serpent - spirit (as guardian of a D58 N35A}
place) (of princess of ancient family) {N29 D21
V28 X1 G7} [qbb] (adj. and v.) cool, cold, cooling (of
remedy), calm, quiet, be purified, take one's
[qrHt] serpent - spirit (as guardian of a ease {N29 D58 D58 W15B}
place) (of princess of ancient family) {N29 D21
V28 X1 H8} [qbb] (adj. and v.) cool, cold, {N29
D58 D58 W16 N35A}
[qrHt] serpent - spirit (as guardian of a
place) (of princess of ancient family) {N29 D21 [qbbwt] cold water {N29 D58 D58
V28 X1 I12} W16 X1 N35A}

[qrHt] vessel {N29 D21 V28 X1 W10} [qAb] fold over, double over, double
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 135

(quantity) {N29 D58 F46 Y1}

[qb] (n.) cold {N29 D58 W16}
[qAbw] windings (of waterway) {N29 D58
F46 Y1} [qb] (as in 'a sky strewn with stars' )
strew ? {N29 D58 W16}
[qAb] interior, middle (of land) {N29 D58
F49 Y1} [qb] (v. intrans.) pour a libation (to)
{N29 D58 W16 N35A}
[qbAt] crown (of head) {N29 D58 G1
X1 F16 Z1} [qb] (v. trans.) pour out (water) {N29
D58 W16 N35A}
[bAq] tree (moringa arabica) {N29 D58 M1}
[qbw] cool breeze {N29 D58 Z7
W15 N35A P5 Z3}
[bAq] moringa oil {N29 D58 M1 W24
[qAi] (adj. and v.) tall, high, exalted, be
[qby] jar (for beer) {N29 D58 M17 M17 raised on high, uplifted {N29 G1 A28}
[qA sA] presumptuous, overweening {N29
[qbH] foot ? {N29 D58 V28 D56 F51} G1 A28 Aa17 Z1}

[qbHw] sky {N29 D58 V28 [qA ib] haughty {N29 G1 A28 F34 Z1}
G43 W15 G39 Z2 N25}
[qA srf ] arrogant {N29 G1 A28
[qbHw] cold water {N29 D58 V28 S29 D21 I9 Q7}
G43 W15 N35A}
[qAw] height, top (of voice) {N29 G1
[qbHw] cold water {N29 D58 V28 G43 A28 Y1v}
[qAr] bundle {N29 G1 D21 V1}
[qbHw] sky {N29 D58 V28 G43
W16 N1} [qArt] door - bolt {N29 G1 D21 X1
[qbHw] wild fowl {N29 D58
V28 G43 W16 N35A G39 Z2} [qrDn] axe {N29 G1 D21 Z1
I10 Z4 N35 G1 N34}
[qbHw] cold water {N29 D58 V28 W15
N35A} [qAa] (v.) vomit {N29 G1 D36 A2}

[qbH] (v. trans.) purify {N29 D58 V28 [qAb] fold over, double over, double
W16} (quantity) {N29 G1 D58 F46}

[qbH] (v. intrans.) present libations (to), [qAb] fold over, double over, double
be calm {N29 D58 V28 W16} (quantity) {N29 G1 D58 F46 D54}

[qbHw] sky {N29 D58 V28 W16 N35A} [qAb] intestine, interior, middle (of
land) {N29 G1 D58 F46 F51}
[qbH] (v. intrans.) present libations
(to) {N29 D58 V28 W16 N35A} [qAb] interior, middle (of land) {N29
G1 D58 F46 N23 Z1}
[qbHw] coolness {N29 D58 V28
Z7 W15 N35A Y1 Z2} [qAbw] windings (of waterway) {N29 G1
D58 F49}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 136

[qAbw] coils (of snake) {N29 G1 [qAqAw] travelling barge {N29

D58 G43 F46 Z2} G1 N29 G1 G43 P1}

[qAbw] colis (of snake) {N29 [qAs] vomit {N29 G1 S29 A2}
G1 D58 G43 I14 I14 I14}
[qAsw] bonds {N29 G1 S29 G43
[qAbw] windings (of waterway) {N29 V1 D40 Z2}
G1 D58 V1 V1 V1}
[qAsw] bonds, rigging (of ship) {N29
[qAbt] breast {N29 G1 D58 X1 F51} G1 S29 G43 V1 Z2}

[qAA] hill, high ground {N29 G1 [qAs] string (bow), bind (victim), tie
G1 A28 N23 Z1} (rope-ladder) {N29 G1 S29 V1 D40}

[qAA] grains {N29 G1 G1 N33 Z2} [qAs] rope - ladder {N29 G1 S29 V1
[qAA] hill, high ground {N29 G1 G1
O40} [qADw] plaster, gypsum {N29 G1
U28 G43 O39 Z2}
[qArt] door - bolt {N29 G1 G1 X1
M3} [qAH] mud - plaster {N29 G1 V28 O39
[qAA] hill, high ground {N29 G1 G1
X7} [qAt] height {N29 G1 X1 A28}

[qAmdt] funeral oration {N29 G1 [qAt] (collective n.) foreign foes {N29
G17 D46 X1 Z5 A2} G1 X1 T14 A13}

[qAw] height, top (of voice) {N29 G1 [qAA] hill, high ground {N29 G1 X7}
G43 A28}
[qmd] devise, invent, mourn {N29 G17
[qAA] grains {N29 G1 G43 N33 Z2} D46 A2}

[qAA] hill, high ground {N29 G1 G43 [qmH] a loaf {N29 G17 V28 T15 X2}
[qwr] gold miner {N29 G43 D21 D40}
[qAA] grains {N29 G1 M17 M17 N33
[qwr] gold miner {N29 G43 D21 Z1}
[qAA] hill, high ground {N29 G1 M17 [qw] a loaf or cake {N29 G43 X2}
M17 O41}

[qAyt] high ground, arable land {N29 [qrf] contract, draw together {N29 I9 D21
G1 M17 M17 X1 N21 Z2}

[qAyt] high ground, arable land {N29 [qfAt] fame {N29 I9 G1 X1 F16
Y1 Z2}
G1 M17 M17 X1 N23 Z1}

[qAyt] high throne {N29 G1 M17 M17 [qfn] bake, clot (of blood) {N29 I9 N35
X1 Q2}

[qAqA ib] vainglorious ? {N29 G1 [qfn] a loaf {N29 I9 N35 Z8}

N29 G1 F34 Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 137

[qfnw] baker {N29 I9 Q7 M17 M17} [qniw] palanquin {N29 N35 M17 M3}

[qfnw] baker {N29 I9 W24 G43 Q7} [qny] be yellow (of eyes) {N29 N35 M17
M17 Aa3}
[qi] form, shape, nature {N29 M17 A53 Y1v}
[qnit] a yellow pigment, orpiment {N29
[qis] vomit {N29 M17 S29 A2} N35 M17 M17 X1 W22}

[qis] (locality) Cusae (El - Kusiyah) {N29 [qnyt] the Braves (a military corps
M17 S29 O49} d'elite) {N29 N35 M17 M17 X1 Z2}

[qaH] bend (arm, hand, people to one's [qni] sheaf, bundle, birthing - stool {N29
will), turn one's back {N29 M17 V28 D41} N35 M17 V19}

[qni] (n.) profusion {N29 N35 A24} [qni] ceremonial garment {N29 N35 M17
[qni] (adj. and v.) brave, strong, sturdy (of
child), able, capable, dutiful {N29 N35 A24} [qnit] yellowness (of eyes) {N29 N35
M17 X1 D4}

[qni] (adj. and v.) powerful (of speech), [qnit] a yellow pigment, orpiment {N29
stout (of heart), active, conquer, amount (to), be N35 M17 X1 N33 Z2}
profuse {N29 N35 A24}
[qniw] palanquin {N29 N35 M17 Z7
[qn] brave man {N29 N35 A24 A1} D32 M3}

[qn] (adj. and n.) fat {N29 N35 Aa2} [qnqnyt] mallet {N29 N35 N29 N35
M17 M17 X1 M3}
[qnd] be angry, furious {N29 N35
D46 E32 D40} [qnqn] beat (people), pound up
(medicines), beat out, flatten (metal), deal
[qnbt] corner, angle {N29 N35 D58 X1 wrongly (with) {N29 N35 N29 N35 Z9 D40}
[qnn] supremacy {N29 N35 N35 D40}
[qnbt] Court (of magistrates) {N29 N35
D58 X1 O38 A1 Z2}
[qns] bury {N29 N35 O34 A55A}
[qnb] bend, bow, incline (oneself), [qn] mat {N29 N35 V60}
subjugate {N29 N35 D58 Z7 D40}
[qnt] valour {N29 N35 X1 D40}
[qnb] bend, bow, incline (oneself),
subjugate {N29 N35 D58 Z7 O38 Y1 A24} [qnt] yellowness (in eyes) {N29 N35 X1
[qn] (adj. and n.) fat {N29 N35 F5}
[qni] (adj. and v.) strong {N29 N35 Z4
[qn] offence, attack {N29 N35 G37} D40}

[qni] (v. and n.) embrace, bosom (of [qn] brave man {N29 N35 Z4 D40}
mother) {N29 N35 M17 D32 D40}
[qni] (adj. and v.) strong {N29 N35 Z4
[qniw] portable shrine {N29 N35 M17 F5}
G43 O9C}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 138

[qn] offence, attack {N29 N35 Z9} [qmA] mourn {N29 U1 T14 G1}

[qn] offence, attack {N29 N35 Z9 G37} [qmA] nature {N29 U1 T14 Y1v}

[qsn] pain, troubling (by foes) {N29 O34 N35 [qmA] throw, create, beget, produce, carry
T19} out (teaching), hammer out (from metal) {N29
U1 Y1v}
[qs] bone {N29 S29 T19}
[qaH] bend (arm, hand, people to one's
[qsn] irksome {N29 S29 T19 N35 G37} will), turn ones back {N29 V28 D41}

[qsnt] trouble, misfortune {N29 S29 [qHqHw] metal - workers {N29 V28
T19 N35 X1 G37 Z2} N29 V28 G43 D43 Z2}

[qAs] string (bow), bind (victim), tie (rope- [qH] a type of vase or jar {N29 V28 W23}
ladder) {N29 S29 V1 D40}
[qmi] gumned ? {N29 W19 M17}
[qAsw] bonds {N29 S29 V1 Z2}
[qmyt] gum, resin {N29 W19 M17
[qmAw] winnower {N29 T15 M17 X1 G41 N33 Z2}
G17 U1 G43 U9}
[qmyt] gum, resin {N29 W19 M17 M17
[qmA] throw, create, beget, produce, carry out X1 N33A}
(teaching), hammer out (from metal) {N29 T15
Y1v} [qmi spt] reticent {N29 W19 M17 S29
Q3 X1 D24}
[qmA] form, appearance, nature
{N29 U1 G1 G17 T14 G41 Y1v} [iAt] mound, ruin {N30 X1 Z1 N23}

[qmA] throw, create, beget, produce, [wA] fall (into a condition) {N31}
carry out (teaching), hammer out (from metal)
{N29 U1 G1 G17 T14 Y1v} [wA] far (from), long ago, for a long time past,
go {N31}
[qmA] form, appearance {N29
U1 G1 G17 T14 Y1 Z2} [Hrw r] apart from, besides, as well as {N31
[qmA] throw, create, beget, produce, carry
out (teaching), hammer out (from metal) {N29 [wADw] green eye - paint {N31 N26
U1 G1 T14} Z7 N33 Z2}

[qmA] throw, create {N29 U1 G1 [Tni] basin {N31 N35 M17 W10}
T14 G41 Y1v}
[wAt] road, way {N31 X1 Z1}
[qmA] throw, create {N29 U1 G1
T14 G41 Y1v}
[Xry] Myrrh {N33 D21 M17 M17
[qmAw] a type of soldiers {N29
U1 G17 G43 A1 Z3}
[Hmty] coppersmith {N34 X1 Z4 D40}
[qmA] throw, create, beget, produce, carry out
[Hmt] copper, minerals, (figuratively for
(teaching), hammer out (from metal) {N29 U1
Firmness of Character) {N34 Z1 N33A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 139

[n] (preposition) to, for, to (persons), in (sun, [nxb] stipulation {N35 Aa1 D58 Z9 Y1}
dew, time), because, belongs to {N35}
[nx] youthful, small ?, brief ? (of
[n] (pl. prn.) we, us, our {N35} sufferings) {N35 Aa1 G37}

[ny] (genitival adj. masc.) of, belonging to [nxwt] complaint, lamentation {N35
{N35} Aa1 G43 X1 A2}

[mw] water, rain, semen {N35A} [nxA] pendulous {N35 Aa1 M12}

[n .i imy] of (mine), belongs to (me) [nxAxA] ruffle (hair) {N35

{N35 A1 M17 G17} Aa1 M12 G1 Aa1 M12 G1 Aa1 D54}

[n .i imy] belongs to me {N35 A1 [nxAxA] (n.) flail, {N35 Aa1

M17 G17 M17 M17} M12 G1 Aa1 M12 G1 S45}

[nx] miserable {N35 Aa1 A2} [nxAxA] (adj.) pendulous

{N35 Aa1 M12 G1 Aa1 M12 G1 S45}
[nx] succour, protect, protection {N35
Aa1 A97 N23 A2} [nxA] knife {N35 Aa1 M12 G1 T31
[nxx] (v. and n.) be old, old age {N35 Aa1
Aa1 A21A} [nxAw] fish - shaped pendant {N35
Aa1 M12 G1 Z7 K1}
[nxx] flail {N35 Aa1 Aa1 G6}
[nxnw] youth (abstract) {N35 Aa1 N35
[nxAxA] (n.) flail, {N35 Aa1 Aa1 G6} A17}

[nx] succour, protect, protection {N35 Aa1 [nxn] young, youthful, ...the younger {N35
D40} Aa1 N35 A17}

[nxbxb] draw back (door bolt), throw [nxnw] child {N35 Aa1 N35 A17 A1}
open (doors), crepitate (of broken bones) {N35
Aa1 D58 Aa1 D58 Z9} [nxnw] child {N35 Aa1 N35 A17D}

[nxbxb] draw back (door bolt), [nxn] young, youthful, ....the younger {N35
throw open (doors), crepitate (of broken bones) Aa1 N35 G37}
{N35 Aa1 D58 N35 Aa1 D58 Z9}
[nxnw] child {N35 Aa1 N35 G43 A17}
[nxbt] titulary, {N35 Aa1 D58 X1 Y1}
[nxnw] youth (abstract) {N35 Aa1 N35
[nxbt] titulary, {N35 Aa1 D58 X1 Z9 W24 G43 A17 Z3}
[nxt] youth (abstract) {N35 Aa1 X1
[nxbt] titulary, to cover, overlaid {N35 G37}
Aa1 D58 X1 Z9 Y1 Z2}
[ngsgs] overflow {N35 Aa15 O34 Aa15
[nxb] open (a mine), assign (property to) O34 Y1}
{N35 Aa1 D58 Z9}
[ngsgs] overflow {N35 Aa15 O34 Aa15
[nxb] fresh land {N35 Aa1 D58 Z9 N21 Z2}
[nD] (v.) save, protect {N35 Aa27}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 140

[nDnD] (v. trans.) consult (someone) [nrw] fear, dread, disturbance {N35
{N35 Aa27 W24 Y1 N35 Aa27 Y1 W24} D21 G43 G14 Z3}

[mw bST] cataract, rapid {N35A D58 [nrw] fear, dread, disturbance ? {N35
N37 V13 A24} D21 G43 H4 D40 Z2}

[mww] Muu class of Ritual dancers [nri] (v.) protect {N35 D21 H4 D40}
{N35A G43 G43}
[nri] (v. intrans.) fear (someone) {N35 D21
[mw] water {N35A M17 M17 N35A} H4 D40}

[mwy] be watery {N35A M17 M17 [nrw] fear, dread, disturbance {N35 D21
N35A} H4 D40}

[mwyt] urine {N35A M17 M17 X1 D53} [nr] time, return of the year {N35 D21
M17 M6 N5}
[mwyt r ] spittle {N35A M17 M17 X1
D53 D21 Z1} [nr rr] periodically {N35 D21
M17 M6 N5 D21 M17 M6 N5}
[mwyt] urine {N35A M17 M17 X1 N35A}
[nri] fear (someone), overawe {N35 D21
[mwy] be watery {N35A Z7 M17 M17} M17 M17 H4 D40}

[nHr] resemble {N35 D2 D21} [nrit] (v.) protect {N35 D21 M17 M17
X1 H4 D40}
[nHr] a loaf, a cake {N35 D2 D21 A478A}
[nrt] vulture {N35 D21 X1 G14}
[n Hrw] upward {N35 D2 D21 G43
N1} [nrt] vulture {N35 D21 X1 G39}

[nr iHw] ox - herd {N35 D21 A1} [nar] cat - fish {N35 D36 D21 K1}

[nr] charge (after enemy) {N35 D21 D40} [naa] smooth, undecorated, smoothness (of
complextion), mix smoothly {N35 D36 D36 Y3
[nri] fear (someone), overawe {N35 D21 Y1}
[nai] be lenient {N35 D36 G37}
[nr] charge (after enemy) {N35 D21 D54}
[naw] serpent {N35 D36 G43 I14}
[niAw] ibex {N35 D21 F40 Z7 F27
Z1} [nayt] mooring post {N35 D36 M17 M17
X1 M3}
[nrw] fear, dread, disturbance {N35
D21 G14 D36} [nai] travel, traverse (waterway), convey
(someone) {N35 D36 P1}
[nr iHw] ox herd {N35 D21 G14 E1
Z3} [nat] expedition {N35 D36 X1 P1}

[nrw] terrible one {N35 D21 G43 [ndbdb] sip {N35 D46 D58 D46
G14 A24} D58 N29 N29 D82}

[nrw] fear, dread, disturbance {N35 [ndb] sip {N35 D46 D58 D118}
D21 G43 G14 A24 Z3}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 141

[ndbwt] area, extent {N35 D46 D58 [nbyt] gold collar {N35 D58 M17 M17 X1}
G43 X1 N23 Z2 Z1}
[nbi] flame, burn {N35 D58 M17 Q7}
[ndbyt] bunt ? (of sail) {N35 D46
D58 M17 M17 X1 S28} [nbit] flaming one (of Uraeus) {N35 D58
M17 X1 Q7}
[ndbwt] area, extent {N35 D46 D58
X1 N23 N33A} [nbit] reed {N35 D58 M17 X1 T19 M2}
[ndb] band (door with metal) {N35 D46 [nbnb] guard {N35 D58 N35 D58 D40}
D58 Z7 D40}
[nbs] zizyphus {N35 D58 S29 M1}
[nbi] (v.) swim {N35 D58 A15 N35A}
[nbs] zizyphus {N35 D58 S29 M3}
[nbd] plait, wrap up {N35 D58 D46 D3}
[nb] tie {N35 D58 V1 D36}
[nbd] band (doors with metal) {N35 D58
D46 D3}
[niwiw] be glad ? {N35 E9 E9}
[nbd] the Evil One {N35 D58 D46 D3
A40} [nwn] dishevel, be dishevelled, pull (at
hair) {N35 E34 N35 A90C}
[nbd] band (doors with metal) {N35 D58
D46 D51 D40} [nsb] lap up, lick {N35 F20 D58}

[nbdw qd] those of bad [nsr] anoint (injury) {N35 F20 O34 D21
character {N35 D58 D46 G43 D3 N33A Aa28 D36}
D46 D12 Y1V T14 Z2 A1}
[nsrt] royal serpent {N35 F20 O34 D21
[nbd] band (doors with metal) {N35 D58 X1 I12}
D46 V1 D40}
[nsrt] (n.) flame {N35 F20 O34 D21 X1
[nbdt] tress (of hair) {N35 D58 D46 X1 Q7}
[nsry] (v.) flame (of Uraeus againt
[nbA] wig ? {N35 D58 G29 G1 D3} enemies), be inflamed (of wounds) {N35 F20
O34 D21 Z4 Q7}
[nbA] carrying pole {N35 D58 G29
G1 M3} [nstyw] shrub (Alkanna Tinctoria) {N35
F20 O34 G4 M2 Z2}
[nbD] destructive {N35 D58 I10 A24}
[nsywt] javelin {N35 F20 O34 G43 X1
[nbibi] be hot {N35 D58 M17 D58 M17
[nsywt] javelin {N35 F20 O34 G43 X1
[nbA] carrying pole {N35 D58 M17 M3}

[nbi] reed, measure of 2 cubits {N35 D58 [nspw] wounds {N35 F20 O34 Q3 G43
T30A Z2}
M17 M3}

[nby] protector {N35 D58 M17 M17 D51 [nsr] anger ? {N35 F20 S29 D21 A2}
[nsr] (n.) flame {N35 F20 S29 D21 Q7}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 142

Nehebkau and his Festival {N35 G21 V28 D58

[nsb] lap up, lick {N35 F20 S29 D58 G43 D28 D28 D28 D30}
[nHbt] neck {N35 G21 V28 D58 F51
[ns] tongue {N35 F20 S29 F51B} X1}

[nswt] flame {N35 F20 S29 G43 X1 [nHDt] tooth, tusk {N35 G21 V28 I10
Q7} X1 F18}

[nsr] (n.) flame {N35 F20 S29 Q7} [nHH] eternity, for ever {N35 G21 V28 N5
[ns] flame {N35 F20 S29 Q7}
[nHn] rejoice {N35 G21 V28 N35 A2}
[nsywt] javelin {N35 F20 S29 Z4
G43 X1 M3 Z1} [nHsy] Nubian {N35 G21 V28 S29 A13}
[nsywt] javelin {N35 F20 S29 Z4 [nHsy] Nubian {N35 G21 V28 S29 Z4
G43 N34 X1 Z1} T14 A1}

[nst] seat, throne {N35 F20 X1 W11} [ngmgm] conspire {N35 G28 G17 O50
[nX] (bodily) fluid {N35 F32 D26 D36}
[npAt] a cake (or) a loaf {N35 G40 X1
[niAw] ibex {N35 F40 E30} W10}

[niAw] ibex {N35 F40 E30} [nHH] eternity, for ever {N35 G43A V28
V28 N5 N23}
[nAw] breeze {N35 F40 G43 P5}
[niw] primaeval waters {N35 G43 G43}
[nA] (demon., neuter and pl.) this, these, the,
here, hither {N35 G1} [nHbw] yoke - oxen {N35 G43 V28
D58 G43 E1}
[nAbt] tress of hair {N35 G1 D58
X1 D3} [nf] (demon.) that, those {N35 I9}

[nAy .i] (pos. adj.) my {N35 G1 M17 M17 [nfy] wrongfully {N35 I9 A2}
[nfa] remove {N35 I9 D36 D54}
[nAt] weaving room {N35 G1 X1 O1}
[nfA] (demon.) that, those {N35 I9 G1}
[n m] (int.) who ?, what ? {N35 G17 D36}
[nfA] blow (out of nose) {N35 I9 G1
[nm] who ? {N35 G17 D36} D19}

[nHbt] lotus - bud sceptre {N35 G21 [nfAfA] creep {N35 I9 G1 I9

D58 X1 Aa51} G1 D54}

[nHH] eternity, for ever {N35 G21 V28} [nfA] (demon.) that, those {N35 I9 G1
[nHDt] tooth {N35 G21 V28 D46 X1
F18} [nfA pw ] thus it was {N35 I9 G1 Q3
[nHbw kAw] (divinity) the god
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 143

[nf] wrong, wrong - doing {N35 I9 G37} [nDwt r] counsel, consultation,

oracle, greeting {N35 I10 Aa27 W24 G43 X1
[nfy] wrongfully {N35 I9 M17 M17 A2} Y1 Z2 D21 Z1}

[nf] wrong, wrong - doing {N35 I9 M17 [nD] confer (office), appoint (someone)
M17 E1} {N35 I10 Aa27 W24 Y1}

[nfy] wrongfully {N35 I9 M17 M17 [nD] (v.) save, protect {N35 I10 Aa27
E1} W24 Y1}

[nfyt] fan {N35 I9 M17 M17 X1 V19} [nD r] greet {N35 I10 Aa27 Y2 D21
[nfnfn] unroll ? {N35 I9 N35 I9 N35
V1} [ndb] sip {N35 I10 D58 A2}

[nft] slacken (bow), detach, loosen {N35 I9 [nDm] pleasant, pleasing {N35 I10 G17
X1 A24} Y1v}

[nfyt] fan {N35 I9 X1 F27} [nDyt] baseness {N35 I10 M17 M17 X1
[nftft] (v.) leap {N35 I9 X1 I9 X1
D54} [nDm] well, hale, comfortable, joy {N35
I10 M29 G17}
[nft] breath, wind {N35 I9 X1 P5 Z7}
[nDmmyt] passion {N35 I10 M29
G17 G17 D53 X1}
[nft] detach, loosen {N35 I9 X1 V1 D40}

[nft] breath, wind {N35 I9 Z7 X1 P5 [nDnD] confer, take advice, consult,

Z3} advice, counsel {N35 I10 N35 I10 Aa27 W24
[nD] confer (office on) {N35 I10 Aa27}
[nDsDs] (v. trans.) burn {N35 I10 O34
I10 O34 Q7}
[nD] grind {N35 I10 Aa27}
[nDs] little / small (of size), dim (of eyes),
[nD] thread {N35 I10 Aa27} dull (of ears), poor (of appetite), {N35 I10 S29
[nD Hr] greet, protect, protection {N35
I10 Aa27 A2 D2 Z1}
[nDs] commoner, citizen, good fellow
(in half contemptuous address) {N35 I10 S29
[nDs] commoner, citizen {N35 I10 G37 A1}
Aa27 S29 G37 A1}
[nDsw] low estate {N35 I10 S29 G43
[nDty] protector {N35 I10 Aa27 U33} G37 Z2}

[nD] take counsel, ask advice, consult, [nHDwt] teeth, tusks {N35 I10 V28
enquire about, call upon, utter {N35 I10 Aa27 M17 M17 X1 F18 Z2}
W24 A2}
[nHDt] tusk {N35 I10 V28 X1 F18}
[nD xrt] greet, pay one's respects,
greeting ! {N35 I10 Aa27 W24 A2 Aa1 D21 [nHDt] tooth {N35 I10 V28 X1 F18}
Y1 X1}
[nDt] serf, serfs {N35 I10 A1 B1 X1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 144

Z2} Aa2 F34 Z1 A1}

[nDt] serf, serfs {N35 I10 X1 Z1} [nHA] dangerous waters {N35
M16 G1 Aa2 N35A N36 N23}
[n Dt Dt] for ever {N35 I10 X1 Z1 I10
X1 N17} [nHA n inr] dry rock ? {N35
M16 G1 Aa2 N35 M17 D21 N35 O39}
[nxt] strong, victorious, stiff, hard {N35
M3 Aa1 X1 A24} [n HAw] excessive {N35 M16 G1
G43 Y1 Z2}
[nxt] strong man, champion {N35 M3
Aa1 X1 A24 A1} [nHAt] palpitations ? (of heart) {N35
M16 G1 X1 A2}
[nxt Hr] violent {N35 M3 Aa1 X1 A24
D2 Z1} [nHAt ib] sadness, a sad matter
{N35 M16 G1 X1 Aa2 F34 Z1 G37 Z2}
[nxt a] strong of arm, adult, champion
{N35 M3 Aa1 X1 A24 D36 Z1} [ni] (v. intrans.) shrink (from) {N35 M17
[nxt ib] confident {N35 M3 Aa1 X1 A24
F34 Z1} [ni] (v. trans.) drive away, rebuff, avoid,
throw down (an enemy), turn back (evil) {N35
[nxt xrw] reis ? {N35 M3 Aa1 X1 M17 D41}
A24 P8 G43 A2}
[ni] (v. trans.) get rid (of wrong), parry
[nxtw] strength, victory, hostages {N35 M3 (missile), darken ? (sun) {N35 M17 D41}
Aa1 X1 D40}
[niAw] ibex {N35 M17 F40 G43
[nxtw] strength, victory, hostages E30A}
{N35 M3 Aa1 X1 G43 D40 Z2}
[niw] primaeval waters {N35 M17 G43}
[nxtt] victory, stiffness {N35 M3 Aa1 X1
X1 D40} [niw] ostrich {N35 M17 G43 G34}
[nTrw] (pl.) gods {N35 M6 M6 M6} [ny] (adv. used after an imperative)
therefore, for it, because of it {N35 M17 M17}
[n SAw] apt to, fit for {N35 M8 G1
G43 Y1v}
[ni] throw down (an enemy) {N35 M17
M17 D120}
[n SAw n] in the capacity of
{N35 M8 G1 G43 Y1 N35}
[ni] (v. intrans.) shrink (from) {N35
M17 M17 Z7 D41 D40}
[nSA] grains (of sand) {N35 M8 G1
N33 Z2}
[nyny] Greeting ! {N35 M17 N35 M17}
[nHAt ib] sadness {N35 M16 Aa2 X1 F34
Z1} [nis] (v. intrans.) make summons, make
invocation {N35 M17 S29 A2}
[nHA] shake ? {N35 M16 G1 A2}
[nis] (v. trans.) summon, invoke, recite,
[nHA] contrary, perverse, alarming, evoke, dub {N35 M17 S29 A2}
terrible, abnormal {N35 M16 G1 Aa2}
[nis n] (v. intrans.) call to, summon
{N35 M17 S29 A2 N35}
[nHA ib] sad man {N35 M16 G1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 145

[nis tw .f m] he will be dubbed [nqrw] sieve {N35 N29 D21 Z7 V19

as a {N35 M17 S29 A2 X1 G43 I9 G17} Z1}

[nisw] he who is summoned, reckoner [nqawt] notched sycamore figs

{N35 M17 S29 G43 A2} {N35 N29 D36 Z7 X1 D51 N33 Z2}

[nik] evil doer {N35 M17 V31 D41 A1} [nqm] suffer, be afflicted {N35 N29 G17
[nik] a serpent demon {N35 M17 V31 I14}
[nqm] be bald {N35 N29 G17 D3}
[nit] wrong doing {N35 M17 X1 G37
Z3} [nqmt] affliction {N35 N29 G17 X1
[nitit] stammer {N35 M17 X1 M17 X1
A2} [nqawt] notched sycamore figs {N35
N29 G43 X1 Z2 N33}
[nitit] impede {N35 M17 X1 M17 X1
D54} [nqwt] moisture {N35 N29 G43 X1
[niw] ostrich {N35 M17 Z7 D41 G39}
[nmw] dwarf {N35 N35A}
[niw] bowl {N35 M17 Z7 D41 W24}
[nyny] Greeting ! {N35 N35 A85}
[nnt] lower heaven {N35 M22 M22 X1
N50} [nnyw] inert ones (the Dead) {N35
N35 M17 M17 Z7 A7 A1 Z2}
[nDrw] grasp, hold fast, catch, arrest, take
possession, observe (regulations) {N35 M36 D21 [nnSm] spleen {N35 N35 N37 G17 F51
A24} Z1}

[nDrw] grasp, hold to (orders), follow [nnm] err, go wrong (of plans), error
{N35 N35 T34 G17 G37}
(journeys), draw tight (lips of wound) {N35 M36
D21 A24}
[nnk] belongs to me, on my part {N35 N35
[nDrt] imprisonment, suppression (of
wrong) {N35 M36 D21 X1 A24}
[nnw] primaeval waters {N35 N35 W24
W24 W24 G43}
[nDrw] (v.) grasp, hold fast {N35 M36 D40}
[n ntt] because {N35 N35 X1 X1}
[nDrt] imprisonment {N35 M36 X1}
[nS] expel (from), divorce, drive apart
[nwn] dishevel, be dishevelled, pull (at hair) (husband and wife), put away (a woman), {N35
{N35 M42 N35}
N37 D54}

[nmHy] orphan, private person, [nSmwt] scales (of fish) {N35 N37
freeman {N35 M170 G17 V28 G43 G37 Z2 G17 G43 X1 Z2 N33}
[nSmwt] scales (of fish) {N35 N37
[nDyt] baseness {N35 N26 M17 M17 G17 M17 M17 X1 K1 Z2}
X1 F5}
[nSmt] green felspar {N35 N37 G17 X1
[nqr] sift {N35 N29 D21 D36} Z2 N33}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 146

[nSmt] green felspar {N35 N37 G17 X1 [nhrn] Naharin {N35 O4 D21 N35 N25}
[nhry] noble of Nahrin {N35 O4 D21
[nSmt] sacred barque of Osiris {N35 Z4 A20}
N37 G17 X1 P36B}
[nhrn] (locality) Naharin {N35 O4 D21
[nSw] a vessel {N35 N37 G43 W24 Z1} Z4 T14 N25}

[nS] expel (from) {N35 N37 K1 D54} [nhdhd] throb {N35 O4 D46 O4
D46 A2}
[nSy] dress (hair) {N35 N37 M17 M17
D3 D40} [nhrn] (locality) Naharin {N35
O4 G1 D21 Z4 N35 G1 T14 N25}
[nSni] rage, storm, foul weather, disaster
{N35 N37 N35 A24} [nhm] (v.) shout, thunder (of sky) {N35
O4 G17 A2}
[nSni] rage, storm, foul weather, disaster
{N35 N37 N35 E21} [nhm] dance for joy ? {N35 O4 G17
A24 D54}
[nSni] rage, storm, foul weather, disaster
{N35 N37 N35 E244} [nhm] (v.) shout {N35 O4 G17 A27}

[nSni] rage, storm, foul weather, disaster [nhmhm] roar, thunder {N35 O4 G17
{N35 N37 N35 N4G} O4 G17}

[nSnS] tear up (documents) {N35 N37 [nhmhm] thunder {N35 O4 G17

N35 N37 D40} O4 G17 D40}

[nSnt] the doomed ? {N35 N37 N35 [nh] escape (death) {N35 O4 G37}
X1 E21 N4E}
[nhy] some, a little, a few {N35 O4
[nSni] rage, storm, foul weather, G37 N33 Z2}
disaster {N35 N37 N35 Z4 E21}
[nhw] the protection (of king's arm) {N35
[nSp] pant {N35 N37 Q3 D19 A2} O4 G43}

[nSt] hairdresser {N35 N37 X1 D3} [nhw] loss {N35 O4 G43 G37}

[nSw] issue (from wound), pemphigus [nhw] loss {N35 O4 G43 Z2}
{N35 N37 Z7 D26}
[n hAw] of the enviroment of {N35
[nSwt] mucus {N35 N37 Z7 X1 D26} O4 G43 Z2}

[nHm] take away, carry off, assume (an [nhy] some, a little, a few {N35 O4 G43
office), save, rescue, withdraw (oneself) {N35 Z4 A1 Z2}
N42 G17 A24}
[nhw] loss {N35 O4 M17 M17 G37
[nHmn] (non enclitic part.) surely, N33 Z2}
assuredly {N35 N42 G17 D36 N35}
[nhnhA] quake {N35 O4 N35 O4 G1}
[nhrn] Naharin {N35 O4 D21 N35 G1
N36 N25} [nhsi] wake {N35 O4 O34 A103}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 147

[nhsi] wake {N35 O4 O34 D40}
[n sp] together, at once {N35 O34 Q3
[nhsi] (v.) wake {N35 O4 O34 M17 D77} O50}

[nhp] care (for) {N35 O4 Q3 A2} [npr] grain (as god) {N35 Q3 D21 M17
[nhp] copulate {N35 O4 Q3 D53}
[npr] grain {N35 Q3 D21 M17 M33A}
[nhp] care (for) {N35 O4 Q3 D54}
[npr] grain {N35 Q3 D21 M33A}
[nhp] pulsate {N35 O4 Q3 D54}
[npr] grain {N35 Q3 D21 M33A A40}
[nhpw] early morning {N35 O4 Q3 G43
N5} [nprt] brim (of well), flat slab, basis
{N35 Q3 D21 X1 N18 Z2}
[nhpw] early morning {N35 O4 Q3 N5}
[nprt] brim (of well), flat slab, basis
[nhp] rise early in the morning, early {N35 Q3 D21 X1 N23 Z2}
morning {N35 O4 Q3 N5}
[npD] (v.) slaughter {N35 Q3 D46 T9
[nhp] mourn {N35 O4 Q3 Y1} T30}

[nhs] hippopotamus {N35 O4 S29 E25} [npAw] umbilical cord {N35 Q3

G40 G1 G43 Z2 Z7}
[nhsi] wake {N35 O4 S29 U39 D6}
[npApA] flutter {N35 Q3 G41
G1 Q3 G41 G1}
[nht] sycamore tree, tree (in general) {N35
O4 X1 M1}
[npA] be wet {N35 Q3 G41 N35A}
[nht] shelter, refuge {N35 O4 X1 O1}
[npD] (v.) slaughter {N35 Q3 I10 T9
[nht] (magical) protection {N35 O4 X1
Y1 Z2}
[npDt] (v.) sharp knife {N35 Q3 I10 X1
[nhy] some, a little, a few {N35 O4 Z4
G37 N33 Z2}
[npr] grain {N35 Q3 M17 M33A}
[nhm] pomegranate (tree and
[npnpt] hem {N35 Q3 N35 Q3 X1
fruit) {N35 O4 Z4 U2 D4 G1 G1 N33 Z2} S28}

[inhmn] pomegranate {N35 [npHw] iliac region, groin, lymph nodes

O4 Z4 U2 D4 G1 G1 Z2 N33} {N35 Q3 V28 Z7 F51 Z2}

[nmi] travel, traverse {N35 O5 G17 [nbi] swim {N35 S12 D58 N35A}
[nis] (n.) summons {N35 S29 A26}
[nsrt] royal serpent {N35 O34 D21 X1
[nsA] type of knife {N35 S29 Aa17
G1 T30A}
[nsw] King {N35 O34 G43 G7}
[nsr] flame {N35 S29 D21 Q7}
[nspw] wounds {N35 O34 Q3 G43 T30A
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 148

[nsrt] royal serpent {N35 S29 D21 X1 [nmiw Sa] Bedouin,

I13} Sandfarers {N35 T34 G17 M17 Z7 D41 T14
A1 Z2 D36 N37 Z2 N33}
[nss] do damage (to) {N35 S29 S29}
[nmiw Sa] Bedouin,
[n Xrw] downwards {N35 T28 D21 Sandfarers {N35 T34 G17 M17 Z7 D41 Z2
G43 N23 Z1} N37 D36 Z2 N33 T14 Z2 A1}

[nmw] dwarf {N35 T34 G17 A282} [nmnm] quake, quiver, go to and fro
{N35 T34 N35 G17 T34 G17 D54}
[nma] be one-sided, partial, question
{N35 T34 G17 D36 A2} [nmiw Sa] Bedouin,
Sandfarers {N35 T34 G17 O5 D36 A1 Z3 D36
[nma] go to sleep {N35 T34 G17 N37 Z2 N33 A1 Z2 B1}
D36 A55}
[nmH] (n.) poverty, humility {N35
[nma] be one-sided, partial, question T34 G17 V28 A17 G37}
{N35 T34 G17 D36 E21 A24}
[nmH] (v. trans.) deprive (of),
[nma] be one-sided, partial, question deduct (from) {N35 T34 G17 V28 A17 G37}
{N35 T34 G17 D36 O38}
[nmH] (v. intrans.) be poor {N35
[nm] who ? {N35 T34 G17 D38} T34 G17 V28 A17 G37}

[nmi] travel, traverse {N35 T34 G17 [nmHy] orphan, private person,
D54} freeman (of low degree) {N35 T34 G17 V28
A17 G37 A1}
[nm] go wrong (of plans), rob (with),
steal (with) {N35 T34 G17 G37} [nmHy] orphan, private person,
freeman {N35 T34 G17 V28 M17 M17 A17}
[nmw] vats {N35 T34 G17 G43
N36 N21 Z2} [nmt] stride over, traverse {N35 T34 G17
X1 D54}
[nmt] slaughter house {N35 T34 G17
G43 X1 O1 Z3} [nmytw] intruding ? {N35 T34
G17 X1 G4 K1 D54}
[nm] go wrong (of plans), rob (with),
steal (with) {N35 T34 G17 K1} [nmt] slaughter house {N35 T34 G17
X1 T29}
[nmi] shout (of people), low (of cattle)
{N35 T34 G17 M17 A2} [nmtt] stride, journeys, movements,
actions, (legal) procedure {N35 T34 G17 X1 X1
[nmi] travel, traverse {N35 T34 G17 D54 Z2}
M17 D41}
[nmytw] intruding ? {N35 T34 G17 X1
[nmi] travel, traverse {N35 T34 G17 K1 X1}
M17 D54}
[nmt] stride over, traverse, {N35 T34
[nmi] shout (of people), low (of G17 Z5 X1 D54}
cattle) {N35 T34 G17 M17 O5 A2}
[nmt] stride over, traverse {N35 T34 X1
[nmi] travel, traverse {N35 T34 G17 D54}
M17 O5 D36}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 149

[n mAwt] (adj.) new {N35 U1 [nwyt] waters (of canal), pool,

G1 G43 X1 Y1} wave {N35 U19 W24 G43 M17 M17 X1 N35A}

[n mAw .f] at the sight of him [nw] time, for a while {N35 U19 W24
{N35 U2 D4 G43 Z2 I9} G43 N5}

[n mrwt] in order that {N35 U7 [nwi] (v.) care for, take care of,
D21 G43 X1 A2} collect, assemble {N35 U19 W24 G43 V1 D40}
[nwdw] unguents {N35 U19 D46 W23 Z2} [nwH] rope, band (of metal) {N35 U19
W24 G43 V28 V1}
[nw] see, look {N35 U19 W24 D4}
[nwH] bind (enemies) {N35 U19
[nwdw] (v.) squeeze out (oil) {N35 U19 W24 G43 V28 D40 V1}
W24 D46 Aa23T}
[nwy] water, flood, pool {N35 U19
[nw] (demon. prn.) this, these {N35 U19 W24 N35A N36}
W24 G43}
[nws] sheet ? (of metal) {N35 U19 W24
[nw] see, look {N35 U19 W24 G43 O34 Z8}
[nw] be weak {N35 U19 W24 Z7 A17}
[nw] hunter {N35 U19 W24 G43
D4 A1} [nwx] (v. trans.) heat {N35 U19 W24
Z7 Aa1 Q7}
[nw] hunter {N35 U19 W24 G43
D4 D54 A1} [nwx] (v. intrans.) be scorched {N35
U19 W24 Z7 Aa1 Q7}
[nw] hunter {N35 U19 W24 G43 D4
D56} [nwd] turn aside, vacillate {N35 U19
W24 Z7 D46 D54}
[nw] hunter {N35 U19 W24 G43 D4
E14C} [nwdt] ointment {N35 U19 W24 Z7
D46 X1 Z2 Aa2}
[nwdw] unguents {N35 U19 W24
G43 D46 W1B Z3} [nwdt] swaddling clothes (of child)
{N35 U19 W24 Z7 D46 X1 S28}
[nwdw] unguents {N35 U19 W24 G43
D46 Z3} [nwdty] ointment maker {N35
U19 W24 Z7 D46 X1 Z4 W22 A24 G7}
[nwy] (v. trans.) bring back (someone)
{N35 U19 W24 G43 D54} [nwd] vacillate {N35 U19 W24 Z7
D46 Z9 G37}
[nw] weakness {N35 U19 W24 G43
G37 Z2} [nwdt] ointment {N35 U19 W24 Z7
I10 X1 N33}
[nwy] return (to a place), come (to
someone), bring back (someone) {N35 U19 W24 [nwy] water, flood, pool {N35 U19 W24
G43 M17 M17 D54} Z7 N35A}

[nwy] water, flood, pool {N35 U19 [nwyt] wave {N35 U19 W24 Z7 X1
W24 G43 M17 M17 N35A} N35A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 150

[nwt] yarn (for weaving) {N35 U19 [nbt] basket {N35 V30 D58 X1 V30
W24 Z7 X1 V1 Z2} Z1}

[nwA wpwt] adze of Wepwawet (used in [nk] copulate {N35 V31 D53}
Opening of the mouth) {N35 U21 E15}
[nkA] meditate on, think about, take
[nDA] parch (with thirst) {N35 U28 G1 counsel {N35 V31 G1 A2}
F10 A2}
[nkAt] plot {N35 V31 G1 X1 A2}
[nDA] measure (for loaves and dates)
{N35 U28 G1 O39} [nkA] meditate on, think about {N35
V31 G1 Z4 A2}
[nDAw] chips (of stone) {N35 U28 G1
Z9 Z2} [nik] a serpent demon {N35 V31 M17
[nDA] measure (for loaves and dates) {N35
U28 M2} [nkn] harm, injury, be injured {N35 V31
N35 D57}
[nDA] measure (for loaves and dates) {N35
U28 O39} [nkn] (n.) harm, injury {N35 V31 N35
D57 G37}
[nwA wpwt] adze of Wepwawet (used in
Opening of the mouth) {N35 V4 E19} [nkn] sword {N35 V31 N35 T31 Z1}

[nw] see, look {N35 V4 G1 D5} [nktw] (pl.) some, a little {N35 V31 X1
Z7 G37 Z2}
[nTnT] bladder {N35 V13 N35 V13
X1 T12} [nkt] some, a little, something, piece (of
wood), profit, advantage {N35 V31 X1 Z9 Y1}
[nTTw] bonds {N35 V13 V13 G43 V1
Z2} [nkA] meditate on, think about {N35 V31
Z4 A2}
[nHi] pray for, prayer {N35 V28 A2}
[ngi] break open, break up {N35 V33 V33
[nHr] resemble {N35 V28 D2 D21} Z9}

[nHbt] lotus - bud sceptre {N35 V28 [nXnm] (one of the seven sacred oils) {N35
D58 X1 Aa51} W9 G17}

[nHA] abnormal ? {N35 V28 G1 Aa2} [ngb] turn aside, divert {N35 W11 D58
[nHA] alarming {N35 V28 M16 G1
Aa2} [ngAw] long horn bull {N35 W11 G1
Z7 E1}
[nHH] eternity, for ever {N35 V28 N5 V28}
[ngi] break open, break up {N35 W11
[nHsy] Nubian {N35 V28 S29 Z4 T14 G1 Z9 A24}
[ngw] loss {N35 W11 G43 Aa2 G37}
[nbi] melt (metal) {N35 V30 D58 A15
N37} [ngAw] long horn bull {N35 W11 G43
[nbi] swim {N35 V30 D58 N35A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 151

[ngyt] breach ( of law), crime {N35 W11 [ntsn] (ind. prn. - pl.) they {N35 X1 O34
M17 M17 X1 Aa2} N35}

[ngg] cackle (of goose), screech (of [niwt] lower heaven {N35 X1 O49 N50}
falcon) {N35 W11 W11 A2}
[nt pw] it is the fact that....... {N35 X1 Q3
[ngt] breach (in dam) {N35 W11 X1 Z9 Z7}
[nt] (divinity) Neith (goddess) {N35 X1
[ngi] break open, break up {N35 W11 Z9} R24 I12}

[nt] (genitival adj. fem.) of, belonging to [nt] Crown of Lower Egypt {N35 X1 S4}
{N35 X1}
[nts] (ind. prn.) she {N35 X1 S29}
[nrt] vulture {N35 X1 D21 Z5 G39}
[ntsn] (ind. prn. - pl.) they {N35 X1 S29
[nt a] rite, ritual {N35 X1 D36 Y1 Z2} N35 Z2}

[nt a] custom, habit, rite, ritual, routine, [ntT] (ind. prn. - fem.) you {N35 X1 V13}
duty, execution (of task), organize {N35 X1 D36
Z1 Y1 Z2} [ntTn] (ind. prn. - pl.) you {N35 X1 V13
N35 Z2}
[ntb] scorch, parch {N35 X1 D58 F20}
[nty .k] which you....... {N35 X1 V31}
[nmwt] net {N35 X1 G14 T90}
[ntk] (ind. prn.) you, belongs to you {N35 X1
[ntf] (ind. prn.) he, belongs to him {N35 X1 V31}
[ntt] that {N35 X1 X1}
[nty .f] which he....... {N35 X1 I9}
[ntT] (ind. prn. - fem.) you {N35 X1 X1}
[n it .f] to his father {N35 X1 I9}
[nTTw] bonds {N35 X1 X1 G43 V1}
[ntf] besprinkle {N35 X1 I9 N35A
A24} [ntTn] (ind. prn. - pl.) you {N35 X1 X1
N35 Z2}
[nitit] impede {N35 X1 M17 X1 M17
D54} [nty] who, which {N35 X1 Z4}

[nitit] impede {N35 X1 M17 X1 M17 [nt] Crown of Lower Egypt {N35 X1 Z5
D54} G7}

[ntnt] intracranial diaphragm {N35 X1 [nt] (divinity) Neith (goddess) {N35 X1 Z5

N35 X1 F27} I12}

[ntnt] diaphragm {N35 X1 N35 X1 F51} [nt] water {N35 X1 Z5 N35A}

[ntS] besprinkle {N35 X1 N37 N35A [n] (pl. prn.) we, us, our {N35 Z2}
[ny] (suffix prn. pl.) we two, us two, our, they
[nts] (ind. prn.) she {N35 X1 O34} ,them {N35 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 152

[ny] (adv. used after an imperative) therefore, [maHat] tomb {N36 Z1 P6 D36 X1
for it, because of it {N35 Z4} O1}

[ny] (suffix prn. dual) we two, us two, our, [maHat] tomb, cenotaph (above
they, them {N35 Z4} ground level) {N36 Z1 P6 D36 X1 O1}

[nyny] Greeting ! {N35 Z4 N35 Z4 [Srr] (adj. and v.) little {N37 D21 D21
A85} A17}

[mr] partisan, supporter {N36} [Srr] (adj. and v.) little, meagre, younger,
junior, short {N37 D21 D21 G37}
[ mrw] servants, underlings, partisans,
supporters {N36 N21 A1 B1 Z3} [Srr] small, lowly man {N37 D21 D21
G37 A1}
[mr] canal, artificial lake {N36 N21 Z1}
[Sri] lad, younger son {N37 D21 G37
[ mrw] servants, underlings, partisans,
supporters {N36 N23 A1 Z2 B1}
[Sri] lad, younger son {N37 D21 M17
[ mrw] weavers {N36 N23 A1 Z2 B1}
[Srr] small, lowly man {N37 D21 M17
[mrw] bulls {N36 N23 E1 Z2} G37 A1}

[minb] axe {N36 N23 N35 D58 N34} [Sr] stop up, block {N37 D21 M17 O1
[ipw] (locality) Akhmim {N36 N23 Q3
Z7 O49} [Sr] stop up, block {N37 D21 M17 O36
[mist] liver {N36 N23 S29 X1 F51}
[Srit] daughter {N37 D21 M17 X1 G37
[ mrw] servants, underlings, partisans, B1}
supporters {N36 N23 Z7 A1 Z2 B1}
[SrS] hurry ?, bolt (of horses) ? {N37 D21
[minb] axe {N36 N35 D58 N34} N37 D54}

[minb] axe {N36 N35 F34 D58} [Sr] stop up, block {N37 D21 O36}

[mrt] weavers, servants, underlings {N36 [Srt] nose, nostril {N37 D21 X1 D19}
X1 Z2}
[Srt] nose, nostril {N37 D21 X1 D19 F51}
[mr] canal, artificial lake {N36 Z1}
[Srt] type of grain {N37 D21 X1 U9}
[mr] libation trough {N36 Z1 N21 N34}
[Sa] cut off, cut up, cut down, hew (ship)
[mr] libation trough {N36 Z1 N21 {N37 D36 A24}
[Sad] cut, cut off, cut down {N37
[mawH] oar {N36 Z1 N23 G43 V28 D36 D46 F37E T30 D40}
[Sad] cut, cut off, cut down {N37 D36
[mawH] oar {N36 Z1 N23 G43 V28 D46 F41 T30 D40}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 153

[Sad] cut, cut off, cut down {N37 D36 [Sbbt] beer - mash (a drink) {N37 D58
D46 T30 A24} D58 X1 Z9 Z8 Z2}

[Sa] cut off, cut up, cut down, hew (ship) [Sbb] knead (bread in brewing) {N37
{N37 D36 F37E A24} D58 D58 Z9 D36}

[Sayt] a type of cake or biscuit {N37 D36 [Sbw] necklace {N37 D58 G43 S11}
M17 M17 X1 Z8}
[Sbw] food offerings {N37 D58 G43
[Say] sand {N37 D36 N33 Z2} Z8 Z2}

[Sa] cut off, cut up, cut down, hew (ship) [Sbw] necklace {N37 D58 M17 M17
{N37 D36 T30A} G43 S84}

[Sat] top of the Djed column {N37 D36 X1 [Sbw] food offerings {N37 D58 N33A}
[Sbn] mix (with), consort (with) {N37
[Sat] slaughtering, terror {N37 D36 X1 D58 N35 Z9 Y1}
F41 N33A}
[SbSb] adjust, divide correctly, set
[Sat] knife {N37 D36 X1 F41 T30} out (design) {N37 D58 N37 D58 Z9 Y1}
[Sat] slaughtering, terror {N37 D36 X1 [bST] (v.) rebel (against) {N37 D58 X1
F41 T30 Z2} D19 D40}

[Sat] knife {N37 D36 X1 F41 Y1 T30} [Sbt] value, price {N37 D58 X1 Z9 Y1
[Sat] slaughtering, terror {N37 D36 X1
T30 Z2} [Sbi] (v.) mix, mingle with, confuse
(message, words) {N37 D58 Z9}
[Sat] document {N37 D36 X1 V12}
[Sbw] food offerings {N37 D58 Z9 Z8
[Saty] weight and value of a twelfth of Z2}
one deben {N37 D36 X1 Z4 S20 Y1 Z2}
[Styw] stroke - oar ? {N37 G4 M3 Z1}
[Sayt] a type of cake or biscuit {N37 D36
X1 Z8} [Sma] make music {N37 G17 D36}
[Say] sand {N37 D36 Z4 N33 Z2} [Smm] (v.) be warm, hot, have fever,
become feverish {N37 G17 G17 Q7}
[Sa] cut off, cut up, cut down, hew (ship)
{N37 D36 Z9 T7}
[Smmt] fever, inflammation {N37
G17 G17 X1 Q7}
[Sdn] be closed (of eyes) {N37 D46
N35 Z7 D40}
[Smyt] walking - stick {N37 G17
M17 M17 X1 M3}
[Sbi] (v.) mix, mingle with, confuse
(message, words) {N37 D58 A2} [SmSmt] hemp ? {N37 G17
N37 G17 X1 M2 Z2}
[Sbb] gullet {N37 D58 D58 F10 F51}
[Smt] mother - in - law {N37 G17 X1}
[Sbbt] kneaded bread - paste {N37
D58 D58 X1 Z9 W22 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 154

I9 Z5 Y1 Z2}
[Sw] ascend {N37 H6 G43}
[Sft] ram - headed figure (of Amun) {N37
[Sww] a type of vegetable {N37 H6 I9 X1 F7}
G43 G43 M2 N33A}
[Sf] respect, honour {N37 I9 Y1 Z2}
[Sf] swell {N37 I9 Aa2}
[Sdt] dough {N37 M17 I10 X1 N33A}
[Sfa] (v.) fight {N37 I9 D36 D40}
[StA] mysterious, secret, hidden,
[Sfdw] metal object (used in ritual) difficult {N37 N16 U30 G1 Z9 Y1}
{N37 I9 D46 G43 N34}
[S Hrt] tomb garden {N37 N23 D2 D21
[Sfdw] papyrus roll, register {N37 N1 X1}
I9 D46 G43 V12}
[S] lake, pool, garden, basin (for liquids), sea
[Sfdyt] bier {N37 I9 D46 M17 M17 {N37 N23 Z1}
X1 Q19}
[Smw] summer {N37 N35A N5}
[Sfdw] papyrus roll, register {N37 I9 D46
[Smw] harvest, harvest - tax {N37 N35A
N5 U9}
[Sfdyt] bier {N37 I9 D46 X1 M3}
[Smw] harvest, harvest - tax {N37 N35A
[Sfi] (v.) respect {N37 I9 F7} U9 Z2}

[Sfyt] majesty, respect {N37 I9 G43 [Sna] turn back, repulse, repel, police
X1 F7 Z1}
(district), detain, dart about (of fish) {N37 N35
D36 U13}
[Sfyt] majesty, respect {N37 I9 M17
M17 X1 F7 Z3}
[Snbt] breast {N37 N35 D58 X1 F51}
[Sfyt] majesty, respect {N37 I9 M17
M17 X1 Z5 Y1 Z2}
[SnDwt] kilt, apron {N37 N35 I10
G43 X1 S26}

[Sf tbt] the sixth month {N37 I9 M34 X1

[Sndt] Nile acacia tree {N37 N35 I10
X1 M174A}

[SfSft] respect, awe {N37 I9 N37

I9 F8 Y1 Z2}
[SnDwt] kilt, apron {N37 N35 I10 X1

[SfSfyty] one greatly respected

{N37 I9 N37 I9 M17 M17 X1 Z4 F8} [SnS] tear up (papers) {N37 N35 N37
Z9 D40}
[SfSft] ram's head {N37 I9 N37 I9
X1 F7} [Snp] garment ? (worn by vizier) {N37 N35
Q3 Aa19}
[SfSft] respect, awe {N37 I9 N37 I9
X1 F7} [Snsw] slab (for offerings) {N37 N35
S29 G43 N21}
[SfSft] respect, awe {N37 I9 N37
I9 X1 F7 A24} [Sn] ring {N37 N35 V9}

[SfSft] respect, awe {N37 I9 N37 [SnTt] strife, quarrel {N37 N35 V13 X1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 155

D82} {N37 Q3 S29 A50}

[SSdw] windows {N37 N37 D46 G39 [Spssw] riches, wealth, precious things,
O1 Z2} dainties (to eat) {N37 Q3 S29 S29 A50 Z2}

[sSy] nest {N37 N37 G48} [Spt] blindness {N37 Q3 X1 D4}

[sSSwt] (pl.) sistra {N37 N37 M17 [Spt] (v.) be discontented, angry {N37 Q3
M17 X1 Y8 Z2} X1 D5}

[sSy] nest {N37 N37 O1} [Spt] (v.) be discontented, angry {N37
Q3 X1 K1 A2}
[SsAw] (medical) prescription
{N37 O34 Aa17 G1 Z7 F5 Y1 Z2} [Spt] (v.) be discontented, angry {N37 Q3
X1 K7}
[SsA] (v.) be wise, be converant
(with), be skilled (in), know {N37 O34 Aa18 G1 [Spt] a Nile fish (Tetrodon fahaka) {N37
F5 Y1} Q3 X1 K7}

[SsA] (n.) wisdom, skill {N37 O34 [Spt] (n.) discontent, anger {N37 Q3 X1
Aa18 G1 F5 Y1} K7}

[SsA] (v.) know {N37 O34 Aa18 G1 [Spt ib] anger {N37 Q3 X1 K7 F34
Z5 Y1} Z1}

[SsA] (n.) skill {N37 O34 Aa18 G43 [Spt] (n.) discontent, anger {N37 Q3 X1
F5 Y1} K18}

[Ssr] arrow {N37 O34 D21 T11} [Sptyt] (urinary) bladder {N37 Q3 X1
M17 M17 F51 X1}
[Ssmt] sacred girdle {N37 O34 G17
X1 S17A} [Ssmt] malachite {N37 S17A O34
X1 N33A}
[Ssp] take, accept, receive, assume (crown),
catch (fish), purchase, wear 9clothes) {N37 O34 [SsA] (n.) wisdom {N37 S29 Aa17
Q3 O42} G1 E103 Y1v}

[Ssmt] malachite {N37 O34 S15 [SsAt] nightfall, night sky {N37
G17 X1 N33A} S29 Aa17 G1 F5 X1 N2}

[Sp] (v.) be blind, make blind {N37 Q3 [SsAw] bubalis antelope {N37
D4} S29 Aa17 G1 G43 E103}

[Sp] (v.) be blind, make blind {N37 Q3 D5} [SsAw] tongue {N37 S29 Aa17
G1 G43 F20 Z1}
[Sp] flow out, depart (of morbid fluid, evil
spirit) {N37 Q3 D26} [Ssm] leather roll ?, baton {N37 S29
G17 N35A F27}
[Spnt] a measure of beer {N37 Q3 N35
X1 W22} [Ss] alabaster, vessels of alabaster {N37
S29 O39}
[Spsy] noble, august (of gods), splendid (of
buildings), valuable (of plants, minerals), costly [Sms] follow, accompany, serve, bring,
present {N37 S29 T18}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 156

[Ss] alabaster, vessels of alabaster {N37
S29 V6 W3}
[Skrw] panoply {N37 V31 D21 M1 Z3}
[SmAw] foreigners {N37 U1 A33 [Xqry] coiffeur {N37 V31 D21 M17
M17 Aa30 A1}

[SmAw] foreigners {N37 [Skry] coiffeur {N37 V31 D21 M17

U1 G1 G17 G43 A4 A14 Z3}
M17 M1 A1}

[SmAw] foreigners {N37 [ST] satchel {N37 X1 Aa19 S28}

U1 G1 G17 G43 A33 Z2 A1}

[SmAw] disease - [Stbt] crate {N37 X1 D58 X1 V19}

demons {N37 U1 G1 G17 G43 F37 Z6 Z2}
[Sat] slaughtering, terror {N37 X1 F41
T30 Z2}
[SmAw] distress, disease {N37 U2 G1
Z4 A14}
[Styw] tortoise {N37 X1 G4 I2}
[SmAw] distress, disease {N37 U2 G43
G37 Z2} [Styw] an offering - loaf {N37 X1 M17
M17 G43}
[Stm] (v.) be quarrelsome {N37 U15
G17 A2} [StAt] secrets {N37 X1 M17 M17 X1}

[SwAw] poor man {N37 V4 A4} [Stm] (n.) hostility {N37 X1

U15 G17 G41 A2}
[Swb] persea tree {N37 V4 D58 M1}
[Stm] (v.) be quarrelsome {N37
X1 U15 G17 G41 A2}
[SwA] poor {N37 V4 G1 A30
[Stm] (n.) hostility {N37 X1
U15 G17 G41 A24}
[SwA] poor {N37 V4 G1 G37}
[StA] mysterious, secret, hidden, difficult
[SwAw] poor man {N37 V4 G1 {N37 X1 U30}
G43 A30 Y1 A1}
[StAw] (religious) mysteries {N37
[SwAw] poor man {N37 V4 X1 U30 G1 G43 Y1 Z2}
G1 G43 G37 A1}
[StA] copse, scrub, brushwood ? {N37
[ST] equip {N37 V13 Aa19} X1 U30 G1 M1}

[ST] satchel {N37 V13 Aa19} [sTyt] sanctuary of Sokar {N37 X1

U30 G1 M17 M17 X1 O1}
[STyt] sanctuary of Sokar {N37 V13 M17
M17 X1 V19} [STyt] sanctuary of Sokar {N37 X1
U30 G1 M17 M17 O1 X1}
[STyt] sanctuary of Sokar {N37 V13
U33 M17 M17 X1 V19} [StA] mysterious, secret, hidden,
difficult {N37 X1 U30 G1 M17 M17 Y1v}
[STyt] sanctuary of Sokar {N37 V13 X1
[StAt] secrets {N37 X1 U30 G1 X1
Y1 Z2}
[Xkrw] ornaments {N37 V31 D21 Aa30
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 157

[StA] mysterious, secret, hidden, [biA] a mineral (not metal) {N41 D58 F18
difficult {N37 X1 U30 G1 Y1v} N14}

[StAw] secrets, (religious) mysteries [biA] a mineral (not metal) {N41 D58 N14}
{N37 X1 U30 G1 Y1 Z2}
[biA] a mineral (not metal) {N41 D58 O39}
[StAw] secrets {N37 X1 U30 G1 Z9
Y1} [Hm] (enclitic part.) assuredly, indeed {N41
[StAt] secrets {N37 X1 U30 X1 Y1v}
[Hm] (enclitic part.) assuredly, indeed
[StAw] secrets {N37 X1 U30 Y1v} {N41 G17 A24}

[Styt] leader, stroke (of bank of oars- [Hm] (enclitic part.) assuredly, indeed
women) {N37 X1 U33 M17 M17 X1 B1} {N41 G17 D36}

[Styt] chamber {N37 X1 U33 M17 M17 [Hm] coward {N41 G17 D53}
X1 O6}
[Hm] retire, retreat {N41 G17 D55}
[St] (collective n.) tax - payers {N37 X1
Z9 A24 A1 Z2} [Hm HA tp .k] turn back ! {N41
G17 D55 M16 G1 V31 D1}
[St] assessment (of taxes) {N37 X1 Z9
D40} [Hm xt] retreat {N41 G17 M3 Aa1
X1 D55}
[ Sw qaHw] fish - ponds {N37
Z1 N23 Z3A N29 D36 V28 Z7 D41 D54 Z3} [Hmy] helmsman {N41 G17 M17
M17 P10 A1}
[S] garden {N37 Z1 N25}
[Hm] steer {N41 G17 P10}
[SSi] (v.) refine ? (gold) {N37 Z4 N37 Q7}
[Hmw] steering-oar {N41 G17 P10}
[Sm] pass (of property) {N40}
[Hmsi] dwell (in) {N41 G17 S29 B3}
[Sm] go (to), walk, set out, pass, set (of
sun) {N40 G17 D54} [Hmsyw] (pl.) guests {N41 G17 S29
B3 A1 Z2 B1}
[Sm r] babble {N40 G17 D54 D21
Z1} [Hmty] homosexual {N41 G17 X1 Z4
[Smt] walking, gait, movements, actions,
business {N40 G17 X1 D54} [Hmw] steering oar {N41 G17 Z7 P10}

[Smt] walking, gait, movements, [pHww] the far north {N41 N41 N41}
actions, business {N40 G17 X1 D54 Z2}
[pHww] marshlands {N41 N41 N41 N36
[Smw] a class of incantations ? {N40
G17 Z7 A2}
[Hmsi] sit down {N41 O34 A7}
[Smw] traveller {N40 G17 Z7 D54
A1} [Hmsw] sloth {N41 O34 A17 A1 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian N - Sky 158

[Hmsy] guest {N41 O34 M17 M17 [pri] (v.) go, come out, escape (from), be
A7 Y1 A1} renowned (of name) {O1 D21 D54}

[Hmst] session {N41 O34 X1 A51} [pri] (v.) come out, burst forth (of storm), be
issued (of supplies) {O1 D21 D54}
[Hmst] seat (in sense of Rank, Position)
{N41 S29 X1 A3} [prw] motion, procession, outcome, result
{O1 D21 D54}
[idt] cow {N41 X1 E1}
[pri] go up, ascend (to), be subtracted
[idt] womb, uterus {N41 X1 E1} (mathematical) {O1 D21 D54}

[idt] womb, uterus {N41 X1 F45} [pr r] advance against (a position in war)
{O1 D21 D54 D21}
[idt] womb, vulva, uterus {N41 X1 F45}
[pr a] be active {O1 D21 D54 D36 Z1}
[idt] cow {N41 X1 F45}
[pr a .k] get on with your work ! {O1
[idt] cow {N41 X1 U31} D21 D54 D36 Z1 V31}

[idt] cow {N41 X1 Z5} [pr n ws] height (of pyramid)

{O1 D21 D54 G17 G43 S29 O1}
[Hm xt] retreat {N42 G17 M3 Aa1
X1 D55} [pr aq] come in and go out, come
and go {O1 D21 D54 G35 N29 D54}
[Hmt] woman, wife {N42 X1 B1}
[pr hAi] (v. trans.) ascend and
[wbA] open {N46 G29} descend, come and go {O1 D21 D54 O4 G1
[iaH] moon god {N62A A40}
[pr hA] ascend and descend {O1
D21 D54 O4 G1 D54}
[15 nt Hb ???] festival of the 15th
of the month {N63 V20 Z2 Z4A N35 X1 W3
N5} [pr hA .f] a popular resort,
thronging crowds {O1 D21 D54 O4 G1 D54
[HA] the desert god {N76A A40}

[HA] (divinity) the desert - god {N76A N24} [prw n r] utterance {O1 D21 G43
A2 N35 D21 Z1}

[prw] motion, procession, outcome,

result {O1 D21 G43 D54}

[prw n r] utterance {O1 D21 G43

D54 N35 D21 Z1}
O - Buildings
[prw] excess, surplus {O1 D21 G43 D54
[pA] this, the {O1} Z2}

[pr xnty] harem {O1 D19 O1} [prw] land emerged from inundation
{O1 D21 G43 N17 Z2}
[xnr] harem {O1 D19 O1}
[prw] excess, surplus {O1 D21 G43 Y1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 159

Z2} El-Kab {O1 G36 O157}

[prw Hr] more than {O1 D21 G43 Y1 [prw] motion, procession, outcome,
Z2 D2 Z1} result {O1 G43 D54}
[pry] hero, champion {O1 D21 M17 [pr aA] Pharaoh {O1 O29}
M17 D54 A1}
[pr aA] Great-House, Palace {O1 O29}
[pry] ferocious bull {O1 D21 M17
M17 D54 E2}
[psn] a loaf {O1 O34 N35 X3}
[pryt] crisis ? {O1 D21 M17 M17 X1
C7} [psn] loaf {O1 O34 N35 X4}

[pryt] (collective n.) houses {O1 D21 [pr anx] House of Life (Temple
M17 M17 X1 O1 Z2} Scriptorium, School) {O1 S34}

[prt a] activity {O1 D21 X1 D36 D40} [pr anx] House of Life (Temple
Scriptorium, School) {O1 S34 O1}
[prt] fruit, seed, (in sense of offspring,
posterity) {O1 D21 X1 D53 N33A} [pr HD] treasury {O1 T3 O1}

[prt] (ritual) procession {O1 D21 X1 D54} [pr HD] treasury {O1 T3 O1}

[prt r xrw] invocation offerings [pr Sna] labour establishment {O1 U13
{O1 D21 X1 D54 D21 P8 G43 Z8 Z2} A1 B1}

[prt m.......r] {O1 D21 X1 [xnr] harem {O1 U31 O1}
D54 G17 D21}
[pr nw] National Shrine of Lower Egypt
[prt spdt] (heliacal) rising of Sothis - at Dep {O1 W24 O1}
Sirius {O1 D21 X1 D54 M44 X1 N14}
[pr nw] National shrine of Lower Egypt at
[prt] the month of Peret (Winter) {O1 D21 Dep {O1 W24 O20}
X1 N5}
[pr] house, household, palace, temple {O1 Z1}
[prt] fruit, seed, (in sense of offspring,
prosperity) {O1 D21 X1 U13 N33A} [pr] household {O1 Z1 A1 B1 Z2}
[prt] (ritual) procession {O1 D21 X1 X4} [pr Hry] upper part of building {O1 Z1
D2 D21 N1}
[prt] fruit, seed, (in sense of offspring,
posterity) {O1 D21 X1 Z5 U10 Z2} [pr dwAt] robing room {O1 Z1
D46 V4 N14 X1 O1}
[pr] go up, ascend, be subtracted
(mathematical) {O1 D54} [pr nfr] funerary workshop {O1 Z1 F35
I9 D21}
[prw] outcome, result {O1 D54 Z2}
[pr wr] National Shrine of Upper
[pr dSr] Red House (Treasury of Lower Egypt) Egypt at El-Kab {O1 Z1 G36 D21 O1 Z1}
{O1 G27}
[pr Dt] estate, foundation {O1 Z1 I10 X1
[pr wr] National shrine of Upper Egypt at N16}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 160

[pr bity] Palace of King of Lower Egypt [hrmw] poultry pen {O4 D21 N35A
{O1 Z1 L2 X1 A301} O1}

[pr nsw] Temple {O1 Z1 M23 X1 N35} [hrp] sink, be immersed, suppress (one's
desires), downhearted {O4 D21 Q3 N35A}
[pr dwAt] robing room {O1 Z1 N14
G1 M17 M17 N5 X1} [hrp] suppress (one's desires) {O4 D21 Q3
[pr Dt] estate, foundation {O1 Z1 N35 I10
X1 N16} [hrt] peace, pleasantness {O4 D21 X1 A2}
[pr Dt] estate, foundation {O1 Z1 N35 I10 [hrt] peace, pleasantness {O4 D21 X1 Y1}
X1 N35}
[hrw] (v. infinitive) be pleased, satisfied,
[pr nsr] National shrine of Lower Egypt content, be quiet, at peace {O4 D21 Y1}
at Pe {O1 Z1 N35 O34 D21 O20}
[hrw] (adj.) pleasing {O4 D21 Y1}
[pr nsr] National Shrine of Lower
Egypt at Pe {O1 Z1 N35 O34 D21 Q7 O1} [hr ib] contented {O4 D21 Y1V F34 Z1}
[pr nbw] House of Gold (Treasury) {O1 [hd] bregma (front of the head) {O4 D46
Z1 S12 N33A} A2}

[pr Xry] ground floor {O1 Z1 T28 D21 [hd] (n.) attack {O4 D46 D36}
[hd] attack, punish, dismiss (appellant),
[pr xnty] harem {O1 Z1 U31 X1 Z2} obstruct (someone), prevail over, excavate
(stone) {O4 D46 D41 D40}
[pr xnty] harem {O1 Z1 W18
N35 X1 Z4 D19 O1 B1 Z2}
[hd] (n.) assault {O4 D46 D41 D40}
[pr mDAt] library {O1 Z1 Y1 X1 Z1
V12} [hdmw] footstool {O4 D46 N35A M3}

[pr HD] treasury {O2} [hdn] a plant {O4 D46 N35 M2}

[prt xrw] invocation offerings {O3} [hdhd] charge (of army) {O4 D46 O4
D46 D54}
[hrw] be quiet, at peace {O4 D21 A2}
[hi] husband {O4 D52}
[hr] (v.) milk {O4 D21 D40}
[hi] husband {O4 D52}
[hrwyt] journal {O4 D21 G43 M17
M17 X1 V12 Z1} [hAi] come down, descend tackle etc........ {O4
[hrw] day, daytime {O4 D21 G43 N5 Z1}
[hAb] send (someone, something) {O4 D58
[hrw nfr] holiday, happy day {O4
D21 G43 N5 Z1 F35 I9 D21}
[hbi] (v.) tread (a place) {O4 D58 D54}
[hrw nfr] holiday, happy day {O4
D21 G43 N5 Z1 F35 D21 I9} [hAb r] send to (a place), send for {O4
D58 D54 D21}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 161

[hAb n] send to (someone) {O4 D58
D54 N35}
[hA] (interjection) Ha ! Ho! {O4 G1 D54}
[hby] ibis {O4 D58 G26} [hAi] (v. trans.) charge down upon
(enemy), tackle (dangerous animal) {O4 G1
[hbq] beat up, triturate {O4 D58 N29 D54}
[hA r tA] flag, fail, cease {O4
[hbny] ebony {O4 D58 N35 U13 M3} G1 D54 D21 N16 Z1 N21}

[hbnt] a jar, measure of capacity {O4 [hAb] send (someone, something) {O4
D58 N35 X1 W24} G1 D58 D54}

[hbny] ebony {O4 D58 N35 Z4 M3 [hAbyt] treading under foot ? {O4
Z2} G1 D58 M17 M17 X1 U13 D54}

[hbhb] traverse (country) {O4 D58 O4 [hbq] beat up, triturate {O4 G1 D58
D58 D54} N29 D36}

[hbhb] drive out (pain) {O4 D58 [hb] tread {O4 G1 D58 U13 D54}
O4 D58 U13 A24}
[hbi] (v.) travel (to) {O4 G1 D58 U13
[hbhb] traverse (county) {O4 D58 O4 D54}
D58 U13 D54}
[hAbt] dance ? {O4 G1 D58 X1
[hb] humiliate ? {O4 D58 U13} U13 A32 D54}

[hb] (n.) plough {O4 D58 U13} [hAw] kindred, relatives {O4 G1 G43
A1 Z2 B1}
[hbi] (v.) tread out (grain), tread (a place),
travel (to), enter (into someone) {O4 D58 U13 [hAw] corvee {O4 G1 G43 A24}
[hAwt] (pl.) ceilings {O4 G1 G43 X1
[hb ib] far-ranging of desire ? {O4 D58 N4 Z3A}
U13 D54 F34 Z1}
[hAw] time, life-time, neighbourhood,
[hby] ibis {O4 D58 Z4 G26A} environment, belongings, circumstances, affairs
{O4 G1 G43 Y1 Z2}
[hA] (interjection) ho ! , ha ! {O4 G1}
[hAw] kindred {O4 G1 M17 M17 A1 Z2
[hAw] kindred {O4 G1 A1 Z2 B1} B1}

[hAw] corvee {O4 G1 A9} [hAyt] portal, stable {O4 G1 M17 M17
X1 O1}
[hArt] herds (of game) {O4 G1 D21
X1 F28 Z2} [hAw] life-time {O4 G1 N5 Z2}

[hAi] (v. intrans.) accede (to office), [hAn] rely on {O4 G1 N35 D41
grasp the meaning of {O4 G1 D54} A24 A1 Z2}

[hAi] (v. intrans.) come down, go down, [hATs] kind of jar {O4 G1 V13 S29
descend, fall, befall (of age), drip, drop {O4 G1 W23}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 162

O4 N35 W24 G43 A32A}

[hAkr] a religious festival {O4 G1
V31 D21 W3}
[hyhy] make acclamation {O4 M17 M17
O50 Z4A}
[hAkr] a religious festival {O4 G1
V31 M17 D21 W3}
[hAyt] portal {O4 M17 M17 X1 N1}
[hAkr] a religious festival {O4 G1 [hqs] steal, be deficient, scanty {O4 N29
V31 W4}
S29 G37}

[hAt] ceiling {O4 G1 X1 N1} [hny] praise (of god or king) {O4 N35
M17 M17 A28}
[hAw] time {O4 G1 Y1 Z2}
[hnn] attend to, consider, trust (in), assent
[hAw] species of wild fowl {O4 G1 Z7 (to), approve( document), cajole ? {O4 N35 N35
D54 G39 Z2} D1}

[hmhmt] war - cry, quacking (of [hnn] attend to, consider {O4 N35 N35
wild-fowl) {O4 G17 O4 G17 X1 A2} D1 A2}

[hmhmt] war - cry {O4 G17 [hnn] assent (to) {O4 N35 N35 D41 D40}
O4 G17 X1 E21 D40 Z2}
[hnn] deer {O4 N35 N35 F5}
[hmhmt] war-shout, quacking (of wild-
fowl) {O4 G17 O4 G17 Z2} [hnn] deer {O4 N35 N35 F27}
[hm] be burning {O4 G17 Q7} [hnn] attend to, consider {O4 N35 N35
[hmt] fare (for conveyance) {O4 G17
X1 X4 Z2} [hn] box, chest {O4 N35 O18}
[hmw] emolument {O4 G17 Z7 X2 W22 [hn] box, chest {O4 N35 Q2}
[hn] box, chest {O4 N35 Q5}
[hAw] kindred {O4 G43 A1 Z2 B1}
[hn] box, chest {O4 N35 Q6E}
[hwt] be burnt {O4 G43 X1 Q7}
[hn] box, chest {O4 N35 Q6E M3}
[hi] husband {O4 M17 D52 A1}
[hnw] jar, measure of about half litre
[ihm] restrain {O4 M17 G17 D36} {O4 N35 W24 G43 W24}

[hy] (interjection) hail !, shout {O4 M17 [hnw] associates, family, relatives {O4
M17 A2} N35 W24 Z7 A1 B1 Z2}

[hy] Hail !, shout {O4 M17 M17 A32A} [hnw] waves {O4 N35 W24 Z7 N35A
[hi] husband {O4 M17 M17 D52 A1}
[hn] halt, cease {O4 N35 Y1}
[hy hnw] jubilate {O4 M17 M17 O4
N35 W24 G43 A32} [h] courtyard ? {O4 O1}
[hy hnw] jubilation {O4 M17 M17 [hh] blast (of fire, of heat of sun, of disease)
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 163

{O4 O4 Q7}
[Hwt nbw] Mansion of Gold, Goldsmith's
[hh] blast (of fire, of heat of sun, of disease) workshop {O6E}
{O4 O4 Z4 Q7}
[Hwt anx] Mansion of Life (Royal living
[hp] law, ordinance {O4 Q3 Y1} Quarters) {O6F X1 O1}

[hsmq] wade {O4 S29 D37 N29 D54} [Hwt nt] Mansion of the Red Crown (a Temple)
[hATs] a type of jar {O4 V13 S29 W14}
[Htwt] (pl.) mines, quarries {O6 O6 O6}
[htt] female ape {O4 V13 X1}
[Hwwt nt ] (pl.) Mansions of the Red
[hAkr] a religious festival {O4 V31 Z8} Crown {O6 O6 O6 N35 X1 S4}

[hnw] praise (of god or king) {O4 W24 A73} [Hwt nbw] Mansion of Gold (temple at
Abydos) {O6 S12}
[ht] call out ? {O4 X1 A2}
[Hwt nbw] Mansion of Gold (a temple at
[hAyt] portal {O4 X1 N1} Abydos), alabaster quarries (in Hare Nome),
sculptor's workshop) {O6 S12 N33 Z2}
[ht] portal {O4 X1 N1}
[Htt] mine, quarry {O6 X1 O1}
[hAyt] portal {O4 X1 O27}
[Hwt] temple, funerary chapel {O6 X1 O1}
[ht] portal {O4 X1 O27}
[Hwt] administrative district, estate {O6 X1
[htt] adoration {O4 X1 X1 E51} O1}

[htt] female ape {O4 X1 X1 F27} [Hwt kA ptH] Memphis {O6 X1 O1

D28 Z1 Q3 X1 V28 A40}
[htw] ape {O4 X1 Z7 F27}
[Hwt pat] Mansion of the
Patricians (a shrine) {O6 X1 O1 Q3 D36 X1 O1
[hAw] neighbourhood, enviroment {O4 Y1 Z2 A1}
[Htt] mine, quarry {O6 X1 X1 N25}
[h] courtyard ? {O4 Z1}
[Htt] (n.) a mine {O6 X1 X1 N25}
[hwhw] scurry {O4 Z7 O4 Z7 D54}
[Hwt wryt] the Great Mansions
[mr wr] Mnevis Bull {O5 G36 A40}
(Law Courts) {O6 Z7 X1 O1 Z2 G36 D21 M17
M17 O1 X1 Z3}
[mr wr] Mnevis Bull {O5 G36 D21 E1}
[Hwt kA] chapel (in tomb, temple) {O7 D28}
[Hwt Hr] (divinity) Hathor (goddess) {O6
D2 D21 C9}
[Hwt kA] chapel (in tomb, in temple) {O7
X1 D28 O1}
[Hwt Hr] (name of) the Fourth month {O6
D2 D21 C9}
[nbt Hwt] (divinity) Nephthys (goddess) {O9}
[Hwt nbw] Mansion of Gold, Goldsmith's
[Hwt Hr] (divinity) Hathor {O10}
workshop {O6E}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 164

[aH] palace, temple {O11 D36 O1} [iwni] (locality) Hermonthis {O28 N35 M17
[aH] palace, temple {O11 O1}
[iwnt] (locality) Denderah {O28 N35 X1
[aH] palace, temple {O12 O1} O49}

[wsxt] hall, court {O13 X1 O1} [iwni] (locality) Hermonthis {O28 N35 Z4
[sbx] portal {O14 X1}
[iwntyw] tribesmen {O28 O28 O28}
[wsxt] hall, court {O15}
[iwnyt] pillared hall {O28 O28 O28 X1
[tAyty] the shrouded one (of Osiris)(title of
Vizier) {O16 X1 X1} [iwnyt] pillared hall {O28 W24 M17 M17
X1 O1}
[tAyt] shroud {O16 X1 Z1 S28}
[iwnw] (locality) Heliopolis {O28 W24 O49}
[tAyty] the shrouded one (of Osiris) {O17}
[iwnt] (n.) bow {O28 X1 T10}
[tA wr] larboard {O17 G36}
[iwnt] bow {O28 X1 Z1}
[kAr] shrine {O18}
[iwntyw] tribesmen {O28 X1 Z1 Z3}
[arq] know, perceive, gain full knowledge of,
be wise, skilled (in) {O22} [iwn] pillar {O28 Z1}
[sH] booth, hall {O22} [iwntyw] tribesmen {O28 Z1 Z2 T14
A13 Z2}
[sHy] man of good counsel {O22 M17
M17 A1} [aA(i)] great (of size) {O29}
[sH] counsel {O22 Y1v} [aAw] greatly {O29}
[sH] booth, hall {O22 Z1 O1} [aA] ass, donkey {O29 D36 D52 F27}
[Hb sd] jubilee {O23 W4} [aAb] pleasant (of persons) {O29 D36
D58 M19}
[mr] pyramid {O24}
[aAb] selfish {O29 D36 D58 M19}
[txn] obelisk {O25}
[aAbt] offerings {O29 D36 D58 X1
[xA] office, bureau {O27} M19 Y1 Z2}

[xAwy] night {O27} [aA] elder son {O29 D36 G1 A1}

[iwntyw] tribesmen {O28 A462 O28 [aAa] evil influence (causing disease)
A462 O28 A462} {O29 D36 G1 D36 D53}

[iwnyt] (locality) Latopolis, Esna {O28 M17 [aAa] divine seed (sperm) {O29 D36
M17 X1 O49} G1 D36 D53}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 165

{O29 D36 G1 Y1}

[aAdt] type of bread ? {O29 D36 G1
D46 X1 X2}
[aAm] Asiatic {O29 D36 G17 T14
[aAd] be pale, pallid {O29 D36
G1 D46 Z7 Y1 A24}
[aAwy r] the two leaves of the
door {O29 D36 G43 Z4 O31 O31 D21 Z1}
[aAb] pleasing, desirable, (of things)
{O29 D36 G1 D58 M43 Y1}
[aAwy rwy] the two leaves
[aAbt] food, provisions {O29 of the door {O29 D36 G43 Z4 O31 O31 D21
D36 G1 D58 X1 M19 Y1 N33A} Z4A M17 M17 M3}

[aAbt] food, provisions, offerings [aA] column, pillar {O29 D36 M3}
{O29 D36 G1 D58 X1 M43 X4 Z2}
[aAy] excess (over), difference (in
[aAbt] selfishness {O29 D36 mathematical) {O29 D36 M17 M17 Y1 Z2}
G1 D58 X1 M43 Y1 Z2}
[aA] here, there, yonder {O29 D36 N31}
[aAm] Asiatic {O29 D36 G1 G17
T14 A1} [aA] door {O29 D36 O31}

[aAm] Asiatic {O29 D36 G1 G17 [aA] door {O29 D36 O31 Z1 M3}
T14 A1}
[awAi] steal (goods), rob (someone)
[aAw] greatly {O29 D36 G1 G43 Y1v} {O29 D36 V4 G1 A24}

[aA] here, there, yonder {O29 D36 [aAt] a great thing {O29 D36 X1}
G1 M17 M17 N31}
[aA(i)] great (of size) {O29 D36 Y1}
[aAd] be pale, pallid {O29 D36 G1
N5 I10} [aA] ass, donkey {O29 D52 E7}
[aA] here, there, yonder {O29 D36 G1 [aAt] female ass, female donkey {O29
N31} D52 N41 X1 E7}

[aAg] thrash {O29 D36 G1 W11 D36} [aAgt] hoof {O29 G1 W11 X1 F123}
[aAg] thrash {O29 D36 G1 W11 D56} [pr aA] Great House, Palace, Pharaoh {O29
[aAg] thrash {O29 D36 G1 W11
D56 D36} [aAy] excess (over), difference (in
mathematical) {O29 O29 O29}
[aAgt] hoof, claw, foot {O29 D36 G1
W11 X1 D56}
[aA] door {O29 O31}
[aAt] a great thing {O29 D36 G1 X1
[aA] door {O29 O31 Z1 M3}

[aAw] greatly {O29 D36 G1 Y1v} [aApp] (divinity) Apep {O29 Q3 Q3


[aA] greatness {O29 D36 G1 Y1v}

[aA] column, pillar (as part of ship) {O29V}
[aA(i)] great, plentiful, much, rich, senior
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 166

[aA(i)] great (of quality) {O29V G1 Y1v} [s] (suffix prn.) she, her, it, its {O34}

[aA] magnate, elder son {O29V G1 [sy] (dependent prn.) she, her, it {O34}
Y1V A1}
[s] man, someone, anyone, (no)-one, man of
[aA n pr] majordomo {O29V rank {O34 A1 Z1}
G1 Y1V A1 N35 O1 Z1}
[s nb] everyone, everybody {O34 A1 Z1
[aAt] a great thing {O29 X1} V30}

[aAt] stone vessel {O29 X1 H8} [s nb] everyone, each one, each {O34 A1
Z1 V30}
[aAt] costly stone, metal {O29 X1 N33}
[sxr] (causative) overthrow, throw
[aAwt] (pl.) stone vessels {O29 X1 down, force into place (dislocated bone) {O34
N33 W2 W9 W7} Aa1 D21 A15 D36}

[aAt] metal {O29 X1 O39} [sxr] sweep {O34 Aa1 D21 T11 A24}

[aAt] stone vessel {O29 X1 W10} [sXr] (ancient mis-spelling) sweep,

brush over, overlay (with), stroke {O34 Aa1
[aSAt] (adj.) many, numerous {O29 X1 D21 T11 A24}
Z5 N37 Z2}
[sxi] (v.) hit, smite, beat {O34 Aa1 D49}
[aAt] linen cloth {O29 X1 Z5 V1}
[sxi] (v.) be deaf {O34 Aa1 F21}
[aA(i)] great (of size) {O29 Y1}
[sxm] fane {O34 Aa1 G17 D35 O1}
[aA] column, pillar {O29 Z1 M3}
[sxws] (causative) make prosperous,
[sxnt] (the four) posts (of the sky) {O30 O30 deck out (tomb) {O34 Aa1 G43 O34 Y1}
O30 O30}
[sxn] swelling ?, gathering ? {O34 Aa1
[sDb] guilt {O30U Z1} N35 Aa2}

[sDb] impediment, obstacle, (verbal) [sxn] embrace, seek out, meet, occupy (a
opposition, guilt, ill-will {O30U Z1 G37 Z2} place) {O34 Aa1 N35 D32}

[aA] door {O31} [sxn] kidney fat ? {O34 Aa1 N35 D32 W24
[aAm] Asiatic {O31 G17 A40}
[sxn] embrace, seek out, meet, occupy (a
[aAmt] Asiatic woman {O31 G17 X1 place) {O34 Aa1 N35 D54}
[sxn] kidney fat ? {O34 Aa1 N35 F51}
[aAwy r] the two leaves of the door {O31
O31 D21 Z1} [sxn] resting - place {O34 Aa1 N35 G41}
[bxnt] pylon {O32} [sxnS] (causative) make to stink {O34
Aa1 N35 N37 K1}
[sbA] door {O32}
[sxn] bind together ? {O34 Aa1 N35 U20}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 167

[sxnt] post {O34 Aa1 N35 X1 M195} [saH] noble, dignitary {O34 D36 V28
[sxs] run, hurry, flee {O34 Aa1 O34 A27}
[saH] mummy (mummified person) {O34
[sxs] run, hurry, flee {O34 Aa1 O34 D54} D36 V28 A53}

[sxws] (causative) make prosperous, deck [saH] noble, dignitary {O34 D36 V28
E31 A52}
out (tomb) {O34 Aa1 O34 Y1}

[sx] chop off (limbs) {O34 Aa1 T30} [saH] mummy (mummified person) {O34
D36 V28 S20}

[smAa] put in order, correct, present, survey [saH] mummy (mummified person) {O34
(region) {O34 Aa11 D36} D36 V28 S20 A50}

[sAt] prudence, wisdom {O34 Aa18 A2} [saH] (v. intrans.) be noble {O34 D36
V28 S20 Y1}
[srxy] accusation, reproach {O34 D21
Aa1 M17 M17 A2} [sdAw] trembling {O34 D46 G1
G41 G37}
[srxw] accuser, complainer, evil spirit
{O34 D21 Aa1 M17 M17 A2} [sdm] eyepaint {O34 D46 G17 F21
[sr] ram, sheep {O34 D21 E10}
[sd] clothe {O34 D46 S28 D36}
[srmt] foodstuff, beverage {O34 D21 G17
X1 W23} [sdH] ease (misery) {O34 D46 V28 A2}
[srwD] (causative) make secure, provide, [sdH] (causative) bring low (the arm of
set right (a wrong), fulfil (contract) {O34 D21 the evil-doer) {O34 D46 V28 D41 G37}
G43 D46 T12}
[sdH] (causative) punish {O34 D46 V28
[srwD] (causative) strengthen, maintain, D41 G37}
perpetuate, make to flourish, restore (buildings)
{O34 D21 G43 D46 T12}
[sDty] child, foster - child (of king) {O34
D46 X1 Z4 U33}
[srd] (causative) make grow, plant
(trees), erect (monuments) {O34 D21 G43 D46 [sD] break up (hailstorm), rupture (cist),
inflict (wound), fracture, rupture {O34 D46 Z9}
[srw] goose {O34 D21 G43 G54}
[sD] break, break into, invade, breach (wall),
break open (way) {O34 D46 Z9}
[srit] ewe {O34 D21 M17 X1 E10}
[smtmt] eavesdrop {O34 D52 X1 D52
[sab] be equipped (with) {O34 D36 D58 X1 F21}
[sbi] drink {O34 D58 M17 A2}
[sab] be equipped (with) {O34 D36
D58 Y1 S42}
[sbn] glide away (of snakes), steer off
[sasa] deface {O34 D36 O34 D36 course, diverge {O34 D58 N35}
[sbHt] requisition {O34 D58 V28 F18
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 168

[sAw] guard, ward off, restrain, heed [sgmH] (causative) cause to see,
{O34 D96 G1 G43} glimpse (someone) {O34 G28 G17 V28 D4}
[swnt] arrow {O34 E34 N35 X1 T11} [sbAgy] (causative) make weary {O34 G29
W11 M17 M17}
[sSdt] shrine (of falcon) {O34 F30 D46
X1 O1} [swr] drink {O34 G36 D21 D118}

[sXr] (v.) milk {O34 F32 D21 D27A} [swr] drink {O34 G36 D21 W22}

[sXr] (v.) milk {O34 F32 D21 D27A [swrt] drink - supply ? {O34 G36 D21
D40} X1 A116}

[sXrw] a linen fabric {O34 F32 D21 [sAi] (v.) be wise, prudent {O34 G39 G1
G43 S28 Z3} A2}

[sXi] (v.) be deaf {O34 F32 F21} [sAi] (v.) linger, await, creep {O34
G39 G1 A47 D54}
[sXi Hr] (v.) be neglectful {O34 F32 F21
D2 Z1} [sAi] (v.) creep {O34 G39 G1 D54}
[sXm] be hasty, impetuous {O34 F32 [sA] betake oneself (to) {O34 G39 G1
G17 A24} D54}

[sXm] comb (flax) {O34 F32 G17 D51 [sAi iit .f] one whose coming is
D40} awaited {O34 G39 G1 D54 M18 I9 X1}
[sXm] be hasty, impetuous {O34 F32 [sA] weak {O34 G39 G1 G37}
G17 D54}
[sAw] beam, baulk {O34 G39 G1
[sXi] (v.) be deaf {O34 F32 Z4 F21} G43 M3}

[sAb] jackal {O34 G1 D58 E17} [sAwt] watch and ward, warding
off (evil) {O34 G39 G1 G43 X1 A47 Z3}
[sAb] drip {O34 G1 D58 N33 N33 N33
[sAwty] (locality) Asyut (Lycopolis)
{O34 G39 G1 G43 X1 Z4 O49}
[sAT] make libation, pour out (water)
{O34 G1 V13 W57}
[sAww] (pl.) guardians, wardens
{O34 G39 G1 M17 M17 G43 D40 Z2}
[smAr] (causative) impoverish
{O34 G3 M17 T12 G37}
[sAtw] ground, earth, soil, floor
{O34 G39 G1 X1 G43 N23 Z2}
[smyt] desert, necropolis {O34 G17 M17
M17 X1 N25}
[sAtw] floor boards, flooring {O34
G39 G1 X1 M3 Z2}
[smyt] desert, necropolis {O34 G17 X1
[sAt] wall {O34 G39 G1 X1 O36
N23 Z1}
[smytyw] owners of a desert tomb {O34
G17 X1 N25 Z2}
[sAw] (v.) guard, ward off, restrain,
heed {O34 G39 G1 Z7 A47 A24}
[sAx] glorify (uraeus) {O34 G25}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 169

{O34 I10 I9 G1 G42 Y1}

[sAw] (locality) Sais {O34 G39 G1 Z7
[sin] rub out, obliterate {O34 K1 N35}
[sAwt] loins ? {O34 G39 G43 X1 F51 [sinw] ropes {O34 K1 V1 G43 Z2}

[sAwty] (locality) Asyut (Lycopolis) {O34 [s] man, someone, anyone, (no)-one, man of
G39 G43 X1 O49} rank {O34 M2 Z1}

[sAw] beam, baulk {O34 G39 M17 [sSA] beseech (from) {O34 M8 A2}
M17 G43 M3 Z2}
[sSA] make progress {O34 M8 G1 D54}
[sAtw] ground {O34 G39 X1 M3}
[sSA] prayer {O34 M8 G1 F5 Y1v}
[sAtw] ground, earth, soil, floor {O34 G39
X1 M3} [sin] rub out, obliterate {O34 M17 K1
N35 D36}
[swt] wheat {O34 G43 X1 M33}
[sin] rub, rub out, obliterate, rub together
[sfxw] (masc.) seven {O34 I9 Aa1 {O34 M17 N35 D36}
G43 Z4A Z4A Z2}
[s] man, someone, anyone, (no)-one, man of
[sf] (n.) mercy, gentleness {O34 I9 D19 rank {O34 M17 Z1}
[snn] likeness, image, figure {O34 M22 M22
[sf] (v.) be mild, merciful {O34 I9 D19 A53}
[sDryt] sleeping - place {O34 M36 D21
[sfA] hatred ? {O34 I9 G1 G37} M17 M17 X1 A55}

[sfA] be sluggish {O34 I9 G1 G39 [sDr] department (of the Residence) {O34
A2} M36 D21 O1}

[sf] cut up, cut off {O34 I9 T30} [sDrw] sleeper {O34 M36 D21 Z7
A55 A1}
[sfT] slaughter (animals), make sacrifice
{O34 I9 V13 T30} [sDwy] (causative) slander {O34 N26
G43 G37}
[sfT] slaughter (animals), make sacrifice
{O34 I9 X1 T30 A24} [sqr anx] captive, living prisoner {O34
N29 G1 A13 S34}
[sDdm] (causative) make envious {O34
I10 D46 G17 A2} [sn] (suffix and dependent prn.) they, them,
their {O34 N35}
[sDm] hear (voice etc), hear of
(something), listen (to), obey, understand, judge, [snr] (causative) take care of {O34 N35
satisfy (conditions) {O34 I10 G17 F21} D21 H4}

[sDfAy] (causative) endow (altars), [snd] a garment {O34 N35 D46 T12A}
provide (for someone) {O34 I10 I9 G1 G42
Y1} [sni] (v.) pass, pass by, surpass, transgress
{O34 N35 D54}
[sDfAy] (n.) foundation, endowment
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 170

[snb] overstep (boundary etc), overthrow [snnw] suffer, be distorted {O34 N35
(landmark) {O34 N35 D58 A35} N35 G43 A7}

[snbw] battlements {O34 N35 [snnw] suffer, be distorted {O34 N35 N35
D58 G43 M184 M184 M184} M17 G37}

[snb] overstep (boundaries etc), [snnw] suffer, be distorted {O34 N35

overthrow (landmark) {O34 N35 D58 M184} N35 M17 G43 D41 G37}

[snb] overstep (boundary etc), overthrow [snn] copy (of document) {O34 N35 N35
V12 Z1}
(landmark) {O34 N35 D58 O36 D54}

[snbt] rampart {O34 N35 D58 X1 [snny] chariot - soldier {O34 N35 N35

[snbt] rampart {O34 N35 D58 X1 N23 [snny] chariot - soldier {O34 N35
N35 Z4 T11 D40 A1}

[snbt] rampart {O34 N35 D58 X1 [snSmSm] (causative)

O36B} sharpen {O34 N35 N37 G17 N37 G17 T30}

[snbt] jar {O34 N35 D58 X1 W14} [snHm] locust {O34 N35 N42 G17
[snbt] jar {O34 N35 D58 X1 W15}
[snhy] (v.) register, record, muster
[snXt] phlegm {O34 N35 F32 X1 (troops), drive (birds) {O34 N35 O4 M17 M17

[snfxfx] (causative) loosen, release [snhs] (causative) awaken {O34 N35

O4 S29 U40 D5}
{O34 N35 I9 Aa1 I9 Aa1 V12 D54}

[snfw] blood {O34 N35 I9 D26 Z2} [snhy] (v.) register, record, muster
(troops), drive (birds) {O34 N35 O4 Z4 D54}
[snfw] blood {O34 N35 I9 G43 D26}
[sn] open {O34 N35 O39 D40}
[snf] (causative) make to breathe,
succour, unload (ships), empty out (contents) [sn] open {O34 N35 O39 O31}
{O34 N35 I9 Z4 P5}
[sn] open {O34 N35 O39 O31 D40}
[snDt] (n.) fear {O34 N35 I10 X1
G54} [snsy] (v.) worship {O34 N35 S29 A30}

[snHA] (causative) frustrate {O34 [snsw] (n.) worship {O34 N35 S29 G43
N35 M16 G1 Aa2} A2 Z2}

[sn] open {O34 N35 N17} [snsy] (v.) worship {O34 N35 S29 Z4
[sni] (v.) pass, pass by, surpass, transgress
{O34 N35 N18 D54} [snsw] (n.) worship {O34 N35 S29 Z4A
[sn] reveal {O34 N35 N18 Y1}
[sni] (v.) cut off (heads), sever (necks) {O34
N35 T30}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 171

[snm] prayer {O34 N35 T34 G17 A30 [snk] (n.) greed {O34 N35 V31 I3}
[snk] (v.) be greedy {O34 N35 V31 I3}
[snm] greed ? {O34 N35 T34 G17
D19 A2} [snkt] longing {O34 N35 V31 X1 I3
[snmw] food - supply {O34 N35
T34 G17 G28 Z8 N33A} [snkt] darkness, obscurity {O34 N35 V31
X1 N5}
[snm] greed ? {O34 N35 T34 G17
G41 A2} [snw] offerings {O34 N35 W24 D19 Z8}
[snm] (causative) feed (someone), [snw] offerings {O34 N35 W24 G43
consume (food), supply (necessities) {O34 N35 Z8 Z2}
T34 G17 G41 A2}
[snT] measure out (land), found (a house etc)
[snm] supplicate (someone) {O34 {O34 N35 X1 V5}
N35 T34 G17 G41 A2}
[sntt] foundation, plan {O34 N35 X1 X1
[snm] be sad {O34 N35 T34 G17 V5}
G41 G37}
[snty] likeness {O34 N35 X1 Z4 A53
[snmw] food - supply {O34 N35 T34 Y1v}
G17 G41 Y1v}
[snty] likeness {O34 N35 X1 Z4 Z5 Y1}
[snmw] squalls (of rain)
{O34 N35 T34 G17 G43 E21 N4 N35A Z2}
[snT] measure out (land), found (a house
etc) {O34 N35 X1 Z5 Y1}
[snm] (causative) feed (someone),
consume (food), supply (necessities) {O34 N35 [sni] (v.) be like, resemble, copy, imitate,
T34 G17 G51}
conform {O34 N35 X5}
[snmH] (causative) pray, make
[sni] (v.) pass, pass by, surpass, transgress
supplication {O34 N35 T34 G17 V28 A17 A2} {O34 N35 X5}

[snmH] (causative) pray, make [snt] Senet (a board game) {O34 N35 Y5
supplication {O34 N35 T34 G17 V28 A26 Z3} X1}

[snmH] (causative) pray, make [sn] (suffix and dependent prn.) they, them,
supplication {O34 N35 T34 G17 V28 A30 their {O34 N35 Z2}
[sny mnt] distress, calamity
[snm] pray (to), beg (from) {O34 N35 {O34 N35 Z4 X5 D54 Y5 N35 X1 G37 Z2}
T34 G17 Y1v}
[sny mnt] distress, calamity {O34
[snHm] locust {O34 N35 V28 G17 N35 Z4 X5 D54 Y5 N35 X1 G37 Z3}
[sni] (v.) pass, pass by, surpass, transgress
[snk] tongue {O34 N35 V31 F20} {O34 N35 Z9 D54}

[snk ib] haughtiness {O34 N35 V31 F34 [sSw] disk (of metal) {O34 N37}
[sSrr] (causative) lessen {O34 N37 D21
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 172

D21 G37}
[sS] open {O34 N37 O31}
[sSr] arrow {O34 N37 D21 T11}
[sSsA] make wise {O34 N37 S29
Aa17 G1 F5 Y1}
[sASrt] cake, loaf {O34 N37 D21 X1
[sS] cut (linen) {O34 N37 T30}
[sSrt] cake {O34 N37 D21 X1 Z8}
[SstAw] secretly {O34 N37 X1 U30
G1 G43 Y1v}
[sS] pass, spread, spread out, strew, post
(sentries) {O34 N37 D40}
[SstA] (causative) make secret,
[sSdw] drops (of moisture) {O34 N37 mysterious {O34 N37 X1 U30 G1 Z9 Y1}
D46 G43 D26 Z2}
[sS] (n.) writing, depiction, record, papyrus
[sS] pass, spread, spread out, strew, post roll, letter, document {O34 N37 Y1v}
(sentries) {O34 N37 D54}
[sS] scribe {O34 N37 Y1v}
[SsA] (v.) know {O34 N37 G1 Y1v}
[sS] (v.) write, inscribe, paint, draw,
[sSA] pray (to) {O34 N37 G1 Z4 A2} enrol (troops) {O34 N37 Y3 Y2}

[sSy] nest {O34 N37 G48A} [sSy] nest {O34 N37 Z4 G48A}

[SsAt] nightfall, night sky {O34 N37 [sSy] nest {O34 N37 Z4 G49}
M17 M17 X1 N2 N5}
[sS] pass, spread, spread out, strew, post
[sS] pass, spread, spread out, strew, post (sentries) {O34 N37 Z9 D54}
(sentries) {O34 N37 N8}
[sS] threshold {O34 N37 Z9 D54}
[SstA] (adj.) secret {O34 N37 N16 Y1}
[sS] open {O34 N37 Z9 D54}
[sSn] lotus {O34 N37 N35 M2}
[sSw] disk (of metal) {O34 N37 Z9 G43
[sSn] lotus {O34 N37 N35 M9} N33}

[sSn] lotus - shaped cuo {O34 N37 N35 [sS] threshold {O34 N37 Z9 O1}
[sS] open {O34 N37 Z9 Y1}
[sSn] (causative) weave {O34 N37 N35
Z9 A24} [spri] (causative) make to miss (of
missiles), expel (rebel) {O34 O1 D21 D54}
[sSnw] ropes, cordage {O34 N37 N35
Z9 V1 Z2} [spri] (causative) make to miss (of
missiles), expel (rebel) {O34 O1 D21 D54 Y1v}
[sSy] nest {O34 N37 N37 G49}
[sA] byre {O34 O1 Z1}
[sSn] lotus {O34 N37 N37 N35 M9}
[shri] (v. infinitive) make content,
[sSSt] sistrum {O34 N37 N37 X1 Y8} make peace {O34 O4 D21 G43 Y1 X1}

[sSSt] sistrum {O34 N37 N37 Y18B} [shrt] ship {O34 O4 D21 X1 P1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 173

Q3 O50}
[shA] hostility {O34 O4 G1 A24}
[spi] (v.) remain over, be left out, excluded,
[ssmt] horse, mare {O34 O34 G14 X1 abandoned {O34 Q3 O50}
[sp tpy] the creation {O34 Q3 O50 Q3 D1
[ssm] horse {O34 O34 G17 E6} Z4}

[ssf] (causative) soothe {O34 O34 I9 D19} [sp nfr] a happy event {O34 Q3 O50
F35 I9 D21}
[ssfw] garments {O34 O34 I9
G43 S28 Z2} [sp] misdeed, fault {O34 Q3 O50 G37}
[ssn] (causative) cause to pass {O34 O34 [spyt] remnant {O34 Q3 O50 M17 M17
N35 N18} X1 Z2}

[ss] (n.) ashes {O34 O34 Q7} [sp n iwtt] in vain {O34 Q3
O50 N35 D35 X1 X1 G37 Z2}
[ssbi] (causative) despatch (army) {O34
O35 D58 D54} [spi] (v.) remain over, be left out, excluded,
abandoned {O34 Q3 O50 Y1v}
[sn] open {O34 O39 N35 Z9 D54}
[spyt] remnant {O34 Q3 X1 D12}
[spxA] (causative) purge (the body), make
sleek (of skin) {O34 Q3 Aa1 Y1} [spt] bank (of waterway), shore, gunwale
?, edge (of horizon) {O34 Q3 X1 D24 N21 Z1}
[spr] arrive, reach, come {O34 Q3 D21
F42 D54}
[spt] shore {O34 Q3 X1 N21}
[spA] centipede {O34 Q3 G40 G1
[spt] threshing - floor {O34 Q3 X1 O50}

[spxA] (causative) purge (the body), [spw] fragments, bundles {O34 Q3 Z7

N33 Z2}
make sleek (of skin) {O34 Q3 M12 G1 Z5 Y1}
[sSm] lead, guide {O34 T32 G17 D54}
[sps] be tousled {O34 Q3 O34 A88}
[snm] (causative) feed (someone),
[sp] misdeed, fault {O34 Q3 O50} consume (food), supply (necessities) {O34 T34
G17 A2}
[sp] medicine, dose, portion (of food) {O34
Q3 O50}
[snm] (causative) feed (someone),
consume (food), supply (necessities) {O34 T34
[sp] (as in two TIMES a day) times, twice G17 G28 Y1}
{O34 Q3 O50}
[s] sheaf (of arrows) {O34 T49}
[sp] deed, act {O34 Q3 O50}
[smA] unite, join (a company), associate
[sp] matter, affair, case {O34 Q3 O50}
(with), arrive (in), partake (of), make ready (a
boat), {O34 U1 F36}
[sp] occasion, chance, venture, success,
condition {O34 Q3 O50}
[smAw] lungs ? {O34 U1 F36 G43
F51 F51 F51}
[sp] occasion, chance, venture, success {O34
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 174

[smAwy] (causative) renovate, renew [sAT] libation stone {O34 V13 W54 A4B
{O34 U1 G1 G43} O39}

[smA] kill, destroy {O34 U1 G1 T7} [sAT] make libation, pour out (water) {O34
V13 W57}
[smA] kill, destroy {O34 U1 G1 T34}
[smHy] canoe {O34 V22 V28 P1}
[smAt] union {O34 U1 X1 F36}
[smHy] (causative) sink (ship) {O34 V22
[stpt] (collective n.) choice things (of V28 Z4 P1}
food) {O34 U21 X1 Q3 F24 F24 F24}
[smHy] canoe {O34 V22 V28 Z4 P1}
[sAb] (causative) make to tarry {O34 U23
D58 Y1v} [sHb] (causative) make festive, adorn
{O34 V28 D58 W3 Y1}
[sDAy Hr] amuse oneself, take
recreation {O34 U28 G1 M17 M17 X1 Z9 D2} [sHyt] boat (with cabin ?) {O34 V28 M17
M17 X1 P1}
[swAS] (causative) pay honour to,
applaud {O34 V4 G1 N37 A30 Y1v} [sH] booth, hall {O34 V28 O22 O1}

[swA] break, cut (throat), cut off, cut [sH] council {O34 V28 O22 Y1}
down {O34 V4 G1 Z9 D40}
[sHsH] screech (of bird) {O34 V28
O34 V28 G33}
[sAT] make libation, pour out (water)
{O34 V13 A4B A135C}
[sHm] crush, pound, trituration {O34 V28
[sAT] libation stone {O34 V13 D126}
[sksi] (causative) make to bow down
[sTsw] praises {O34 V13 O34 G43 {O34 V31 D21 A16 D41 G37}
U39 A2 Z3}
[skr] (divinity) Sokar (god) {O34 V31 D21
[sTsw] raising up {O34 V13 O34 G43 A40}
U39 Z3}
[skr] adorn, decorate {O34 V31 D21 M1
[sTs] staff, props (plural), clouds D52}
(figuratively) {O34 V13 O34 M3}
[skr] (divinity) Sokar (god) {O34 V31 D21
[sTs] staff, props (plural), clouds P59}
(figuratively) {O34 V13 O34 T14}
[skr] (divinity) Sokar (god) {O34 V31
[sTsw] raising up {O34 V13 O34 T14 D21 Z4 G7C}
[skn] embroil (in quarrels) {O34 V31 N35
[sTsw] praises {O34 V13 O34 U39 A2 A2}
[skp] strain (medicament) {O34 V31 Q3
[sTs] staff, props (plural), clouds A24}
(figuratively) {O34 V13 O34 U39 D5 M3 Z2}
[sksk] destroy {O34 V31 S29 V29
[sAT] libation stone {O34 V13 W54 A4B} V31}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 175

[msktt] night-barque (of sun god) {O34 [.sn] (suffix and dependent prn.) they, them,
V31 X1 X1 P1} their {O34 Z2}

[sHb] (causative) make festive, adorn {O34 [sy] (dependent prn.) she, her, it {O34 Z4}
[swxA] (causative) befool (someone)
[sg] command (ship) {O34 W11 A27} {O34 Z7 M12 G1 G37}

[swn] perish {O34 W81 W24 G43} [is] (imperative) go ! {O35}

[st] (dependent prn.) it, them {O34 X1} [sbi] go, travel, attain, watch over, send,
conduct (to), spend, pass (time), attain (good
[st] woman, wife {O34 X1 B1} repute), approach {O35}

[st Hmt] wife {O34 X1 B1 N41 X1 [sy] (dependent prn.) she, her, it {O35}
[sy] who ?, what ? {O35}
[st Hmt] woman, wife {O34 X1 B1
N41 X1 B1}
[sby] uraeus {O35 D58 M17 M17 I12}
[stX] (divinity) Seth (god) {O34 X1 F32 [sbt] burden, cargo {O35 D58 X1 D54
Y1 Z2}

[st] pin-tail duck {O34 X1 G39} [sbt] wrong, evil {O35 D58 X1 G37
[smyt] desert, necropolis {O34 X1 N25}
[sbt] burden, cargo {O35 D58 X1 Y1
[smyt] desert, necropolis {O34 X1 N25} Z2}

[smyty] necropolis worker {O34 X1 [sbi] go, travel, attain, watch over, send,
N25 A1 Z1} conduct (to), spend, pass (time), attain (good
repute), approach {O35 D58 Z4 D54}
[stny] (causative) crown (king) {O34 X1
N35 Z4}
[sbw] squalor {O35 D58 Z7 Aa2 Z2}
[st Hmt] woman, wife {O34 X1 N42 X1 [sbi] (v.) be faint, perish {O35 G37}

[stp] strip (of cloth), rag {O34 X1 Q3 [sb n tA] crumble to dust {O35
G37 N35 N16 N23 Z1}
U21 S28 Z1}

[stAw] injury {O34 X1 V1} [sbw] spoils (of army) {O35 G43 D40

[smnmn] (causative) shift (boundary) [sww] day, dates (in time) {O35 G43 N5
{O34 Y5 N35 Y5 N35 D54}

[s] doorbolt {O34 Z1}

[see entry under sww] dates {O35 G43
N5 Z2}
[s] man, someone, anyone, (no)-one, man of
rank {O34 Z1} [sy] who ?, what ? {O35 M17 M17}
[s] doorbolt {O34 Z1 M3} [sbt] wrong, evil {O35 X1 G37}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 176

[sb .tw] in quest of {O35 Y1 X1 G43} [Ssp] one seventh of a cubit (measurement)
{O42 Q3 N11}
[sbi] (v.) be faint, perish {O35 Z4 D54}
[Ssp] cucumber (cucumis melo) {O42 Q3
[sy] who ?, what ? {O35 Z4 Y1} X1 M2 Z2}

[inb] wall {O36A Z1} [Ssp] cucumber (cucumis melo) {O42 Q3

X1 N33 Z2}
[inbt] fence, stockade {O36A Z3}
[Sspt] chapel, summer - house, bedroom
{O42 Q3 X1 O1}
[Drw] limits {O36B O36B O36B}
[Sspt dxn] chorus {O42 X1 D46 Aa1
[sbty] rampart {O36 N21 Z1} N35}

[qnbt] Court (of magistrates) {O38 X1 A1 [Sspt nt dxn] chorus of singers

Z2} {O42 X1 N35 X1 D46 Aa1 D41 N35}

[qnbt] Court (of magistrates) {O38 X1 A20 [iAt] office, function {O44 X1 Z1}
[mxnmt] carnelian ?, jasper ? {O47
[qnbty] magistrate, official, councillor N35 G14 X1 N33A}
{O38 X1 Z4 A1}
[mxnmt] carnelian {O47 N35 G14 X1
[stAt] aroura (of land), sheet (of metal) {O39 N33A}
[nxn] (locality) Nekhen {O47 N35 O49 X1
[xtyw] platform, dais, terraced hillside {O40} Z1}

[rdw] stairway {O40A} [nxn] (locality) Nekhen (Hieraconpolis) {O47

[Ssp] statue, image {O42 Q3 A53}
[mxnmt] carnelian ?, jasper ? {O47 X1 N33
[Ssp] take, accept, receive, assume Z2}
(crown), catch (fish), purchase, wear (clothes)
{O42 Q3 D40} [nxn] (locality) Nekhen (Hieraconpolis) {O47
[Ssp] palm (of hand) {O42 Q3 D46}
[nxny] (someone from) Nekhen, a Nekhenite
[Ssp] statue, image {O42 Q3 E152} {O47 Z1 G43}

[Ssp] statue, image {O42 Q3 E154} [nxn] (locality) Nekhen {O48}

[Sspw] sphinx {O42 Q3 G43 E151} [nxny] (someone from) Nekhen, Nekhenite
{O48 G11}
[Ssp] (adj.) white, bright {O42 Q3 N5}
[nxn] (locality) Nekhen (Hieraconpolis)
{O48 N35 O1}
[Ssp] (n.) dawn, light {O42 Q3 N8}
[mxnmt] carnelian {O48 N35 X1 N33 Z2}
[Ssp] (adj.) white, bright {O42 Q3 N8}
[mxnmt] carnelian ?, jasper ? {O48 N35 X1
[Ssp] palm (of hand) {O42 Q3 N11} N33 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian O - Buildings 177

[nxn] shrine {O48 O1} [wAD] papyriform column {O206}

[nxn] (locality) Nekhen (Hieraconpolis) {O48 [mDt] stalled cattle {O289 X1 O1 E1

O49} Z2}

[nxny] (someone from) Nekhen, a Nekhenite [pr dwAt] robing room {O292}
{O48 O49 G43}
[wsxt] hall, court {O307}
[nxny] (someone from) Nekhen, a Nekhenite
{O48 O49 M17 M17}

[niwt] city, town {O49}

[niwty] local (of gods) {O49 G4}

P - Boats
[niwty] local (of gods) {O49 O49}

[niwtyw] citizens, townsmen {O49 X1 G4 [imw] ship {P1}

A1 Z2}
[pna] turn upside down {P1A}
[niwty] local (of gods) {O49 X1 G4 Z3}
[dpwt] (pl.) ships {P1 Z2}
[niwt] city, town {O49 X1 Z1}
[wHa] investigate {P4}
[niwtyw] citizens, townsmen {O49 X1 Z1
A1 Z2A} [wiA] sacred barque {P4A}

[niwt] lower heaven {O49 X1 Z1 N50 [wHa] investigate {P4 D36}

[wHa ib] capable, skilled {P4 D36 A2
[niwtyw] citizens, townsmen {O49 X1 Z2 A1 F34 Z1}
Z2 B1}
[wHa] investigate {P4 D36 D54}
[sp 2] twice (repetition) {O50 Z4A}
[wHa] fisherman, fowler {P4 D36 K1
[Snwt] granary {O51} Z2 A1}
[Snwt] granary {O51 X1 O1} [wHa] loose (fetters), release, return
(from), go home {P4 D36 V1 D36}
[pr anx] House of Life (Temple Scriptorium,
School) {O54} [wHa] fish (synodontis schall) {P4 D36 X1
[pr nfr] funerary workshop {O62}
[wHa] distribute rations ? {P4 D36 X4 Z2}
[pr nsw] Temple {O64}
[wHaw] fishermen, fowlers
[Hwt aAt] palace, administrative centre, {P4 D36 Z7 G43 G39 K1 D40 A1 Z3}
temple, tomb-chapel {O90A X1 O1}
[wHaw] fishermen, fowlers {P4 D36
[arqy] last day of the month {O180 M17 Z7 G43 K1 Z2}
M17 N5}
[wHaw] fowlers {P4 G43 Z2B}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian P - Boats 178

[wHaw] fishermen, fowlers {P4 Z2} [aHaw] lifetime, period, space (of time) {P6
D36 N5 Z1}
[TAw] (n.) wind {P5}
[maHat] tomb, cenotaph (above ground
[TA wr] Thinite nome {P5 G36 D21 level) {P6 D36 X1 O1}
[maHat] tomb {P6 D36 X1 O1}
[tA wr] (locality) the Thinite nome {P5
G36 D21 O49} [aHat] ships {P6 D36 X1 Z2}

[TAw wr] (locality) an outlying district of [aHaw] (ceremonial) stations (of persons)
Egypt ? {P5 G36 N36} {P6 D36 Z7}

[TAw] (n.) wind, air, breath {P5 G43} [aHaw] (proper) positions (of things) {P6
D54 Z2}
[nfw] skipper (of boat), sailor {P5
G43 A24 A1} [aHaw] lifetime, period, space (of time) {P6
G43 N5 N23 Z1}
[TAw] (n.) air {P5 G43 N33 Z2}
[aHaw] lifetime, period, space (of time)
[nfyt] fan {P5 N35 I9 M17 M17 X1} {P6 G43 N5 N36}

[aHa] portion, allotment {P6} [aHaw] lifetime, period, space (of time) {P6
[aHa] stand {P6}
[aHat] Female Attendant {P6 M17 M17 X1}
[aHa] attendant {P6 D36}
[aHa] measure for beer {P6 W24 Z1}
[aHa] stand, stand by, stand erect, raise
oneself , stand up, rise up, arise, attend, wait, [aHat] spinal ridge {P6 X1 Z1 F51}
lifetime {P6 D36 D54}
[aHaw] tombs {P6 Y1 Z2}
[aHaw] lifetime, period, space (of time) {P6
D36 D54} [aHa] stela {P6 Z1}

[aHaw] positions (of things), [aHa] stela {P6 Z1 O39}

(ceremonial) stations (of persons) {P6 D36 G43
D54 Z2} [aHaw] stand - by, helper {P7 G43 A40}

[aHaw] lifetime, period, space of time [aHaw] ships {P7 G43 P2 Z2}
{P6 D36 G43 N5 Z1}
[aHaw] portions, allotments {P7 Z8 Z2}
[aHaw] ships {P6 D36 G43 P1 Z1
Z2} [xrw] voice, noise {P8 G43 A2}

[aHaw] attendance, service {P6 D36 [xrwy] enemy {P8 G43 A14}
G43 Y1 Z2}
[xrwy] enemy {P8 G43 D40}
[aHa] heap, portion, allotment, quantity
(mathematics), wealth, riches {P6 D36 M35} [xrwyw] war {P8 G43 M17 M17 G43
D40 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian P - Boats 179

[xrwyt] war {P8 G43 M17 M17 X1 [Ast] (divinity) Isis (goddess) {Q1 X1 G7}
D40 Z2}
[st] seat, throne, place, grounds (of house),
[xrw .sn] so say they {P8 G43 Y2 S29 department, office, storehouse, position, rank of
N35 Z2} official {Q1 X1 O1}

[xrw .fy] says {P8 I9 Z4} [st rdwy] rank, station {Q1 X1 O1
D21 D46 D56 D56}
[xrwy] enemy {P8 M17 M17 A24 A13}
[st r] utterance {Q1 X1 O1 D21 Z1}
[Hpt] oar {P8 X1 Z1}
[st a] place of records (archive) {Q1 X1
[xrwy] enemy {P8 Z7 M17 M17 A24 O1 D36 Y2}
[st rd] rank, station {Q1 X1 O1 D56 Z1}
[xrwyw] war {P8 Z7 M17 M17 Z6}
[st rd] rank, station {Q1 X1 O1 D56 Z1}
[xrw .fy] says {P9}
[st ns] speech {Q1 X1 O1 F20 F51B
[xrw .fy] says {P9 Z4} Z1}

[Hmw] steering-oar {P10} [st ns] speech {Q1 X1 O1 F20 Z1 F51}

[nSmt] sacred barque of Osiris {P36} [st ib] favourite, favourite place, wish,
affection {Q1 X1 O1 F34 Z1}

[st smA tA] interment {Q1 X1

O1 F36 G1 Y1 N16 N23 Z1}

[st qrs] (the state of ) being coffined

{Q1 X1 O1 N29 D21 S29 Q6 D40}
Q - Furniture
[st qrs] (the state of) being buried
[st xt] meal {Q1 Aa1 Z1 X1 X2 W22 Z8} {Q1 X1 O1 N29 D21 S29 T19 A24}

[wsir] Osiris {Q1 D4} [st qbt] entertainment {Q1 X1

O1 N29 D58 X1 W15 N35A}
[wsir] Osiris {Q1 D4 A40}
[st nt snDm] dwelling - place
{Q1 X1 O1 N35 X1 S29 M29 G17 A17}
[st hA] liability to corvee {Q1 O4 G1
[st qsnt] evil case {Q1 X1 O1 Q2}
[st skA] ploughing {Q1 S29 D28 U13}
[st nTryt] divine state {Q1 X1 O1 R8
M17 M17 X1}
[sti] (masc.) successor {Q1 U33 M17}

[Ast] Isis {Q1 X1 B1} [st swab] cleanliness {Q1 X1 O1

S29 D60 N35A}
[st a] Place of Records {Q1 X1 D36 Y1}
[st swtwt] avenue, promenade
{Q1 X1 O1 S29 G43 X1 G43 X1 D54}
[st a] stroke (of malignant beings) {Q1
X1 D36 Z1 G37 Z2}
[st qsnt] evil - case {Q1 X1 O1 T19
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Q - Furniture 180

N35 X1 G37 Z2}

[paw] flames ? {Q3 D36 G43 Q7 Z3}
[st mni] (the state of) dying {Q1
X1 O1 Y5 N35 M17 Z4 T14 Z6} [apnnt] slug ? {Q3 D36 N35 N35 X1
[stt] (fem.) successor {Q1 X1 X1 O1}
[apnnt] slug {Q3 D36 N35 N35 X1
[wsir] (divinity) Osiris {Q2 D4 C98A}

[pAxd] be turned over (of dislocation of [pat] patricians, mankind {Q3 D36 X1 A1
B1 Z2}
collar-bone) {Q3 Aa1 D46 A29}
[pat] patricians, mankind {Q3 D36 X1 F51
[pAxd] be turned upside down {Q3 Aa1 D46 A1 Z2}
[pat] patricians, mankind {Q3 D36 X1 H8
[pxA] type of grain {Q3 Aa1 G1 N33 A1 B1 Z2}
N33 N33}
[pAat] irrigable land ? {Q3 D36 X1 N23}
[pxA] a type of drink {Q3 Aa1 G1 W10}
[pat] a cake or loaf {Q3 D36 X1 X4}
[pxA] pavement {Q3 Aa1 M12 G1 O39}
[pd] knee {Q3 D46 D56 F51}
[pxA] decking (of ship) {Q3 Aa1 M12
G1 V11 M3}
[pds] box, casket {Q3 D46 O34 R3I}
[pxA] purge, reveal (a secret) {Q3 Aa1
M12 G1 V11 Y1} [pds] stamp flat, flatten {Q3 D46 S29 A24}

[pxA] purge, reveal (a secret) {Q3 Aa1 [pds] stamp flat, flatten {Q3 D46 S29 D56}
M12 G1 Y1v}
[psDw] back, spine {Q3 D46 S29 G43
[pxA] purge, reveal (a secret) {Q3 Aa1 M12 F39A Z1}
[psDw] back {Q3 D46 S29 G43 F39
[pxA] a type of drink {Q3 Aa1 W10} Z1}

[pAxt] (divinity) lion goddess {Q3 Aa1 X1 [pdst] pellet {Q3 D46 S29 X1 N33}
[pdswt] sand dunes ? {Q3 D46 S29
[pAxt] Pakhet (She who scratches [a lion Z7 X1 D56 N23 Z2}
goddess] ) {Q3 Aa1 X1 E23}
[pD] stretch (cord in foundation ceremony)
{Q3 D46 T9}
[pxA] purge, reveal (a secret) {Q3 Aa1 Y1}
[pD] measure (for pigment) {Q3 D46
[pxA ib] clean of heart {Q3 Aa1 Y1 F34 T9 N33 Z2}
[pDt] (collective n.) foreigners {Q3
[pri] battlefield {Q3 D21 M17 D40 Z2} D46 X1 T9 T14 A1 Z2}

[pri] battlefield {Q3 D21 M17 M5 D40} [pwntyw] the people of Punt {Q3
E34 N35 G4 T14 A40 A40 A40}
[prS] minium (red oxide of lead) {Q3
D21 N37 N33 Z2} [pwnt] (locality) Punt {Q3 E34 N35 X1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Q - Furniture 181

[pAqyt] potsherd {Q3 G40 G1 N29
X1 H3 D12}
[pXr] (v.) surround, enclose {Q3 F32 D21
[pAwty] (n.) primaeval god, man of
[pXrt] frontier patrol {Q3 F32 D21 X1 ancient family {Q3 G40 G1 X1 Z4 X6}
A1 Z2}
[pAwty] (adj.) primaeval {Q3 G40
[pXrt] transitory state (description of G1 X1 Z4 X6}
life) {Q3 F32 D21 X1 F46 N5}
[pAD] a loaf {Q3 G40 I10 X2}
[pXrt] prescription, remedy {Q3
F32 D21 X1 F46 Y1 Z2} [pAs] water pot {Q3 G40 O34 W23}

[pXX] control ? (horses) {Q3 F32 F32 Y1v} [pAt] cake, loaf (used in offerings) {Q3
G40 X1 X6}
[pXr n] serve, pass to, revert to {Q3
F32 F46 D54 N35} [pAat] quail ? {Q3 G41 D36 X1
[pXrt] frontier patrol {Q3 F32 F46
X1 A12 Z2} [pAg] squat ? {Q3 G41 G1 W11
[pXr] (v.) turn, turn about {Q3 F47 D21}
[pw] (demon.) this {Q3 G43}
[pAx] (v.) scratch {Q3 G40 Aa1}
[pw] (int.) who ?, what ?, whichever {Q3 G43}
[pAxt] She who scratches (a lion
goddess) {Q3 G40 Aa1 X1 E23} [pwy] (demon.) this, that {Q3 G43 M17
[pAw] (auxillary v. with past meaning)
[pf] (demon.) that (yonder) {Q3 I9}
'past tense' marker {Q3 G40 G1}
[pfA] (demon.) that (yonder) {Q3 I9
[pA] (demon. and def. art.) this, the {Q3 G1 N31}
G40 G1}

[psi] cook {Q3 I9 O34 Q7}

[pAD] a loaf {Q3 G40 G1 D46 X4}
[psw] preparation (of food and drink)
[pAw] falsehood ?, gossip ? {Q3 {Q3 I9 S29 G43 Q7}
G40 G1 G43 A2}
[psi] cook {Q3 I9 S29 Q7}
[pAwty] primaeval god {Q3 G40
G1 G43 X1 X6 A40 Z2}
[pst] mode of cooking {Q3 I9 S29 X1
[pA] fly, fly up {Q3 G40 G1 H5}
[pf] (demon.) that (yonder) {Q3 I9 Z4}
[pAyt] lock ? (on door) {Q3 G40
G1 M17 M17 X1 M3}
[pD] stretch out (man on ground) {Q3 I10
[pAqt] thin part of bone in skull {Q3
G40 G1 N29 X1 D12}
[pD] extend (oneself in effort), draw (bow),
[pAqyt] shell (of turtle, of skull) {Q3 diffuse (perfume) {Q3 I10 T9}
G40 G1 N29 X1 D12}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Q - Furniture 182

N35A D36}
[pD] stretch (cord in foundation ceremony),
stretch out (arms), stretch out (man on ground) [pnq] bale out (a boat) {Q3 N35 N29
{Q3 I10 T9} W33 W57}

[pD Hr] unwrinkled, far - sighted, prescient [pns] clay {Q3 N35 S29 N23}
{Q3 I10 T9 D2 Z1}
[pnst] scum ? {Q3 N35 S29 X1 N33 Z2}
[pD ib] be glad {Q3 I10 T9 F34 Z1}
[pns] cut off (a joint), pull out (hair) {Q3
[py] a flea {Q3 M17 M17 Z5} N35 S29 Z9 D40}

[pis] tread in ? (seed) {Q3 M17 S29} [pnw] mouse {Q3 N35 W24 G43 F27}
[pqr] precinct of Osiris at Abydos {Q3 N29 [pXr] (v.) turn, turn about {Q3 N37 F46}
D21 O49}
[pSn] split (metal) {Q3 N37 N35 T31 M3}
[pAqyt] potsherd {Q3 N29 M17 M17 X1
[pSn] split (heads, metal, wood) fracture
[pAqyt] shell (of turtle, of skull) {Q3 N29 X1 (bones), separate (combatants), slice (bread) {Q3
D12} N37 N35 Z9}

[pAqt] fine linen {Q3 N29 X1 H2 [pSn] split (wood) {Q3 N37 N35 Z9 D40}
S28 Z2}
[pSS] straddle, spread (oneself over),
[pAqt] fine linen {Q3 N29 X1 S28} spread out (awnings) {Q3 N37 N37 D54}

[pAqt] fine linen {Q3 N29 X1 Z5 Z3A} [pSS] spread (oneself over) {Q3 N37 N37
[pAq] a flat thin cake or biscuit {Q3 N29 X6}
[pSS] straddle {Q3 N37 N37 Z9}
[pn] this, he of {Q3 N35}
[psS] divide {Q3 N37 O34 Z9 Y1}
[pnay] reversal ? {Q3 N35 D36 M17
M17} [phti] magic word {Q3 O4 U33 M17}

[pnayt] cataract {Q3 N35 D36 M17 [psx] (v. trans.) disarray (one's hair) {Q3
M17 X1 N36} O34 Aa1 D54}

[pnana] turn over and over {Q3 N35 [psx] (v. intrans.) be distraught, be strewn
D36 N35 D36 P1A} (with) {Q3 O34 Aa1 D54}

[pna] turn upside down, turn (the eyes [psx] (v. intrans.) be distraught {Q3 O34
against someone) {Q3 N35 D36 P1} Aa1 Z9}

[pnq] bale out (a boat, water), swab up [psDw] back, spine {Q3 O34 D46 F36C}
(blood), poke (at someone), expend (provisions)
{Q3 N35 N29 D36} [psd] upper back {Q3 O34 D46 F37 F51}

[pnq] bale out (a boat) {Q3 N35 N29 [psDw] back, spine {Q3 O34 D46 F37J
D105} F51B}

[pnq] bale out (water) {Q3 N35 N29 [psDw] back, spine {Q3 O34 D46 F38A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Q - Furniture 183

[psDw] back, spine {Q3 O34 D46 F39A} [p] base (for statue) {Q3 O39}

[psDw] back, spine {Q3 O34 D46 F51B} [p] (locality) Pe {Q3 O49}

[psD] shine {Q3 O34 D46 N5} [py] belonging to Pe {Q3 O49}

[psD] shine {Q3 O34 D46 N8} [psDw] back, spine {Q3 S29 I10
F39 F39 F39}
[psDntyw] the new moon and its festival
{Q3 O34 D46 N35 N9} [psD] shine {Q3 S29 I10 N8}

[psi] cook {Q3 O34 I9 Q7} [psDt] group of nine {Q3 S29 I10 N33
X1 Z2 Z2 Z2}
[psn] a loaf {Q3 O34 N35 X4}
[psDt] group of nine {Q3 S29 I10 X1
[psn] a loaf {Q3 O34 N35 X6} Z3A Z3A Z3A}

[psSw] arbitrator {Q3 O34 N37 [psD] nine {Q3 S29 I10 Z2 Z2 Z2}
G43 Z9 Y1 Z2 A1}
[psS] divide {Q3 S29 N37}
[psSty] part, division {Q3 O34 N37
X1 Z4 Z9 Y1} [psS] ritual instument (for Opening of the
mouth) {Q3 S29 N37 T106}
[psSt] carpet, matting (of reeds) {Q3
O34 N37 X1 Z9 V19} [psS] ritual instument (for Opening of the
Mouth ceremony) {Q3 S29 N37 T106}
[psSt] sharing out, share, portion {Q3
O34 N37 X1 Z9 Y1 Z2} [psS] ritual instrument (made
from kfA - Obsidian) {Q3 S29 N37 T106 V31
[psS] divide, share (with) {Q3 O34 N37 I9 N17}
[psi] cook {Q3 S29 Q7}
[psS m xrw] break silence {Q3
O34 N37 Z9 G17 P8 G43 A1}
[psg] (v.) spit on, spit at {Q3 S29 W11
[psS] division {Q3 O34 N37 Z9 Y1
[psg] (n.) spital {Q3 S29 W11 D26}
[psS n grH] midnight {Q3
O34 N37 Z9 Y1 Z2 N35 W11 D21 V28 N2}
[pHDw] chair {Q3 T3 I10 G43 Q16}

[psi] cook {Q3 O34 Q7} [pHrr] run {Q3 V28 D21 D21 D54}

[psH] (v. and n.) bite, sting {Q3 O34 [pHrt] course (of runner) {Q3 V28 D21
X1 D54}
V28 F18 A2}

[pAs] water pot {Q3 O34 W10} [pHwy] reach, attain, finish, end by, attack,
contest, spear, hit, surround, caught {Q3 V28
[pAs] water pot {Q3 O34 W10}
[pHwy] reach, attain, finish, end by, attack,
[psg] (v.) spit on, spit at {Q3 O34 W11
F18 A2} contest, spear, hit, surround, caught {Q3 V28
F22 D54}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Q - Furniture 184

[pHty] (physical) strength, power (of [pgA] bowl {Q3 W11 W10}
god,king) {Q3 V28 F22 X1 Z4 A24}
[psst] toad or frog {Q3 W11 W11 X1 F27}
[pHD] (v. trans.) cut up, cut open, sever {Q3
V28 I10 Z9} [pgA] battlefield {Q3 W11 Y24 N20 Z1}

[pHD] (v. intrans.) burst open (of cist) {Q3 [ptx] cast (to the ground), put down (someone
V28 I10 Z9} carried), be stretched out (in obeisance) {Q3 X1
Aa1 D54}
[pHty] (physical) strength, power (of
god,king) {Q3 V28 X1 F9 F9} [ptx] cast (to the ground) {Q3 X1 Aa1 D77}

[pHty] (physical) strength, power (of [ptr] see, behold {Q3 X1 D21 D6}
god,king) {Q3 V28 X1 Z4 F9 F9}
[ptr] see, behold {Q3 X1 D21 M4B}
[pgA] (v.) open {Q3 W11 D32}
[ptr] (int.) who ?, what ? {Q3 X1 D21 M6
[pgA] mouth (of valley) {Q3 W11 D32 N21 A2}
[ptr] see, behold {Q3 X1 D21 M17 D6}
[pgA] entrance (of building, of horizon),
mouth (of valley), arena, battlefield {Q3 W11 G1 [pri] battlefield {Q3 X1 D21 M17 M5
D32} D40 Z2}

[pgA] (v.) open, reveal, be open (of [ptr] see, behold {Q3 X1 D21 M17 M6
wounds) {Q3 W11 G1 D32 D40} D4}

[pgA Hr] honest {Q3 W11 G1 D32 D40 [pri] battlefield {Q3 X1 D21 M17 M6
D2 Z1} D40 Z2}

[pgA ib] open hearted {Q3 W11 G1 D32 [ptr] see, behold {Q3 X1 M4B D7}
D40 F34 Z1}
[pt] sky, heaven {Q3 X1 N1}
[pgA Hr] honest {Q3 W11 G1 D32 Y1
D2 Z1} [pt .k tn] your Queen {Q3 X1 N1 V31
X1 N35}
[pgA] entrance (of horizon) {Q3 W11 G1
N23 Z1} [ptpt] trample (enemies) {Q3 X1 Q3 X1
[pgA] bowl {Q3 W11 G1 W10}
[ptpt] tread (roads), trample (enemies) {Q3
[pgA Hr] honest {Q3 W11 G1 Z9 D2 X1 Q3 X1 D54}
[ptpt] trample (enemies) {Q3 X1 Q3 X1
[pgA ib] open hearted {Q3 W11 G1 Z9 Z9 D40}
F34 Z1}
[ptH] create {Q3 X1 V28}
[pgA] be open (of wounds) {Q3 W11 M17
M17 D26} [ptH] (divinity) Ptah {Q3 X1 V28 A40}
[pgA] (v.) open {Q3 W11 N9 D40} [pHty] (physical) strength, power (of
god,king) {Q3 X1 V28 F9}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Q - Furniture 185

[Hwt kA ptH] chapel (in tomb, temple) [Htp] altar {R4 R3P}
{Q3 X1 V28 O7 D28}
[Htpw] peace, contentment, good pleasure
[p] mat {Q3 Z1} {R4 R4 R4}

[pyw nTrw] (pl.) gods of Pe {Q3 Z1 G43 [Htp] altar {R4 X1 Q3}
[Htp] (v. trans.) satisfy, make content, pacify,
[qrs] (v.) bury {Q6} occupy (throne), rest in (tomb), assume
(titulary) {R4 X1 Q3}
[qrst] burial {Q6 D36 O34 X1}
[Htp] (v. intrans.) be peaceful, become calm,
[qrst] burial {Q6 X1} go to rest, set {R4 X1 Q3}

[psi] cook {Q7} [Htp] (v. intrans.) be pleased, be happy, be

gracious, pardon, be at peace {R4 X1 Q3}
[Smm] (v.) be warm, hot, have fever, become
feverish {Q7} [Htp ib Hr] be well-disposed toward {R4
X1 Q3 F34 Z1 D2 Z1}
[srf] warm, warmth, temperature, inflammation,
fever, mood {Q7} [Htptyw] the peaceful ones (the
blessed dead) {R4 X1 Q3 G4 Z8 A40 Z2}

[Htp m anx] set (of sun), go to rest,

die (of people) {R4 X1 Q3 G17 S34 N35 Aa1}

[Htpw] peace, contentment, good

R - Temple Furniture and Emblems pleasure {R4 X1 Q3 G43 Y1 Z2}

[Htpyw] non-combatants {R4 X1 Q3

[wdHw] offering table {R3} M17 M17 A1 Z3}

[Tt] (collective n.) staff, gang, partisans [Htpyw] non- combatants {R4 X1
{R3C A1 Z3}
Q3 M17 M17 G43 A4 Z3}

[Tt] table {R3P X1 Z1} [Htp nTr] god's offerings, divine

offerings {R4 X1 Q3 R8 X2 W22 Z8}
[Htp] (v. intrans.) be pleased (with), be happy,
be gracious (to), pardon (someone), be at peace, [Htpt] bundle (of herbs) {R4 X1 Q3 X1
peaceful, become calm {R4} M2}

[Htp] boon, offering {R4} [Htpt] bundle (of herbs) {R4 X1 Q3 X1

[Htp] (v. trans.) satisfy, make content, pacify,
occupy (throne), rest in (tomb), assume [Htpt] bowl (for bread offerings) {R4 X1
(titulary) {R4} Q3 X1 W22}

[Htpyw] non-combatants {R4 M17 M17 [Htpt] graciousness, peace, mercy {R4 X1
Y1 Z2} Q3 X1 Y1}

[Htp wsxt] forecourt offerings {R4 O13D [Htpt] offerings {R4 X1 Q3 X1 Z8 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian R - Temple Furniture and Emblems 186

[Htp] (v. trans.) satisfy, make content, [bA] (n.) ram {R7 E10}
pacify, occupy (throne), rest in (tomb), assume
(titulary) {R4 X1 Q3 Y1v} [bkyt] precinct {R7 G29 D28 Z1
M17 M17 X1 O1}
[Htpw] peace, contentment, good pleasure
{R4 X1 Q3 Y1} [bkyt] precinct {R7 G29 Z1 D28
Z1 M17 M17 X1 O1}
[Htp] (v. intrans.) be at peace, peaceful,
become calm {R4 X1 Q3 Y1v} [nTry] divine, sacred {R8}

[Htp] (v. intrans.) be pleased (with), be [nTr] god {R8 A40}

happy, be gracious (to), pardon (someone) {R4
X1 Q3 Y1v} [nTry] divine, sacred {R8 D21}

[Htp] offerings {R4 X2 W22} [ntryt] natron ? {R8 D21 X1 N33 Z2}

[Htp] altar {R4 Z1} [nTrt] goddess {R8 D21 X1 Z5 I12}

[Htpw] peace, contentment, good pleasure {R4 [nTr dwAw] morning star {R8 D46
Z2} V4 G43 N14}

[Htp] offerings {R4 Z8 Z3} [nfr nTr] the good god {R8 F35}

[kApw] roof {R5} [Haw nTr] the King (in person) {R8 F51 F51
[kbn] (locality) Byblos {R5 N35 Z4 N25}
[nTr] god {R8 G7}
[kAp] cover, spread (with wings) {R5 Q3
A5} [Xrt nTr] necropolis {R8 G131B N25}

[kAp] burn (incense), cense (gods), [it nTr] god's father (a title) {R8 M17
fumigate (patient) {R5 Q3 D40} X1 I9 A1}

[kApw] roof {R5 Q3 G43} [dwA nTr] praise God {R8 N14 A30}

[kbnt] (seagoing) ship {R5 Q3 N35 X1 [dwA nTr] praise God {R8 N14 G1
P1} A30}

[kAp] hut, hide (of fowler) {R5 Q3 O1} [dwA nTr] praise God {R8 N14 Z1}

[kAp] (royal) nursery, chamber, harem {R5 [tA nTr] (locality) God's Land, (Punt ?) {R8
Q3 O1} N16 N25}

[kAp] cover, roof over, hide oneself, take [Hmt nTr] god's wife (title of queen) {R8 N41
cover, droop (of eyebrows) {R5 Q3 O38 A1} X1}

[kApt] Kyphi {R5 Q3 X1 Q7} [Hwt nTr] temple {R8 O6}

[kApt] linen cover (of jar) {R5 Q3 X1 [Hwt nTr] temple {R8 O6 X1 O1}
[sH nTr] god's booth (of Anubis) (an
[snTr] (causative) cense {R7} embalmer's workshop) {R8 O21}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian R - Temple Furniture and Emblems 187

[aA nTr] the great god {R8 O29V} [Xrt nTr] necropolis {R8 T28 D21 N25}

[Htpw nTr] god's offerings, divine [Xrtyw nTrw] (pl.) stone masons {R8
offerings {R8 R4 X1 Q3 Z7 Z8 Z2} T28 X1 G4 D40 Z2}

[nTrw] gods {R8 R8 R8} [Hm nTr] prophet {R8 U36}

[nTrty] adze (used in Opening of the [Hm - nTr mAat] Prophet of Maat {R8 U36
mouth) {R8 R8 X1 D21 X1 Z4 U19} H6}

[saq nTr] entry of god (in procession) [it nTr] god's father {R8 X1}
{R8 S29 G35 N29 W3}
[nTr] godhood, divinity {R8 X1 D21}
[Swyt nTr] sacred figure, image (of god) {R8
S36} [nTryt] natron ? {R8 X1 D21 M17
M17 X1 Z2 N33}
[Swt nTr] sacred figure, image (of god) {R8
S36 X1 Z1} [nTrt] divine eye {R8 X1 D21 X1 D10}

[mdw nTr] sacred writings {R8 S43} [nTrt] goddess {R8 X1 D21 X1 I12}

[mdw nTr] word of God, divine [nTry] divine, sacred {R8 X1 D21 Y1}
decree, sacred writings, written characters,
script {R8 S43 D46 G43 A2} [nTry] divine, sacred {R8 X1 D21 Z4
[mdw nTr] written characters, script
{R8 S43 D46 Y1 Z2} [nTry] magic cord {R8 D21 Z4 X1 Z5 V1}

[mdw nTr] written characters, script {R8 [nTrw] sacred pole {R8 X1 D21 Z7 M3}
S43 V12 Z1}
[mDAt nTr] god's book {R8 Y1v}
[mdw nTr] word of God, divine decree,
sacred writings, written characters, script {R8 [nTr] god {R8 Z1}
S43 Y2}
[nTr dwAw] morning star {R8 Z1
[snTr] incense {R8 T22 N35 V13 N14 G1 M17 M17 N14 A40}
D21 M5 N33 Z2}
[py nTrw] gods of Pe {R8 Z1 Z3 Q3
[snTr] (causative) cense, consecrate M17 M17 G43 O49}
{R8 T22 N35 X1 D21 M5 N33 Z2}
[Xrt nTr] necropolis {R10}
[snTr] incense {R8 T22 N35 X1 D21
[Xrt nTr] necropolis {R10 D21 N25}
[snTr] incense, Frankincense ? {R8 T22 [Dd] stable, enduring {R11}
V13 D21 N33A}

[snTr] incense {R8 T22 X1 D21 M5 [Ddt] stability, duration {R11}

N33 Z2}
[Dd] stable, enduring {R11 D46}
[snTr] (causative) cense, consecrate {R8
T22 X1 D21 N33A} [Ddwt] (locality) Mendes {R11 D46 X1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian R - Temple Furniture and Emblems 188

B1 Z2}
[Dd] stable, enduring {R11 R11}
[iAbtyw] the east of {R15 D58 G4
[Ddw] (locality) Busiris {R11 R11 G43 N25}
[Abw] ivory {R15 D58 G43 N33A T19}
[Dd] stable, enduring {R11 R11 Y1v}
[iAby] left (hand), east, eastern, the left
[Ddt] stability, duration {R11 X1} side of {R15 D58 N25}
[Dd] the djed column {R11 Z1} [AbDw] a fish {R15 D58 N26 G43
[imn] right (-hand), right - side, the West {R13}
[ibs] headdress (of king) {R15 D58 S29
[imntyw] (pl.) Westerners {R13 G4} S57}

[imnty] the west wind {R13 P5} [iAb] finger, toe nail {R15 D58 T19 F51
[imnty] the west wind {R13 X1 P5}
[iAbtyw] the east of {R15 D58 X1 G4
[imnt] the West {R14} N23 Z1}

[wnmy] right - hand side, right, right side of [iAbtt] the East {R15 D58 X1 N23 X1
{R14 D41} Z1}

[imntyw] (pl.) Westerners {R14 G4 Z2} [iAbt] the East {R15 D58 X1 N25}

[wnmy] right - hand side, right, right side [iAbty] east, eastern {R15 D58 X1 N25}
of {R14 G17 D41}
[iAbty] east, eastern {R15 D58 X1 O39}
[wnmy] right - hand, right side of, right
{R14 G17 Z4 D41} [iAbt] the east wind {R15 D58 X1 P5}

[imnt] the West {R14 X1 N25} [iAbtt] snare ? {R15 D58 X1 X1 M3}

[imntt] the West {R14 X1 X1 N25} [iAbtt] the East {R15 D58 X1 X1 N25}

[imnty] right (hand), western, the West {R14 [iAbty] east, eastern, left-hand {R15 D58 X1
X1 Z4 N25} Z4}

[imnty] the west wind {R14 X1 Z4 P5} [iAbty] left - hand {R15 D58 X1 Z4 N23}

[imn] right (hand), right side, the west {R14 Z1} [iAby] left (hand), east, eastern, left-side of
{R15 D58 Z4 D41}
[iAby] left (hand), east, eastern, the left side of
{R15} [iAbw] leopard {R15 D58 Z7 F27 Z3}

[Abi] (v.) desire, wish for {R15 D58} [iAbtyw] the east of {R15 G4 N21 Z1}

[iAby] left (hand), east, eastern, the left [iAbtyw] Easterners {R15 G4 Z2}
side of {R15 D58 D41}
[iAb] the east wind {R15 P5}
[iAbtyw] Easterners {R15 D58 G1 A1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian R - Temple Furniture and Emblems 189

[iAbt] the east wind {R15 P5 X1}

[iAbt] the East {R15 X1} S - Clothing

[iAbt] the East {R15 X1 D58 O49 X1
Z1} [HDt] the White Crown {S1}

[iAbtt] the East {R15 X1 X1} [HDt] the White Crown {S2}

[wx] fetish of Kos {R16} [Sma s] Crown of Upper Egypt {S2 S29}

[tA wr] (locality) the Thinite nome {R17} [bity] king of Lower Egypt {S4}

[iAtt] milk, cream {R19A X1 X1 W24} [mHw .s] Crown of Lower Egypt {S4 S29}

[wAst] (locality) Thebes {R19 X1 O49} [sxmty] the Double - Crown {S6}

[iAtt Dsrt] milky wine ? {R19 X1 X1 [xprS] the Blue Crown {S7}
D45 D21 X1 W10}
[Atfw] Atef crown {S8}
[iAtt] milk, cream {R19 X1 X1 W24}
[mDH] hew (timber), build (ships) {S10A
[sSAt] (divinity) Seshat (goddess) {R20 X1 D40}
[mDH] invest (with insignia) {S10 V28}
[mnw] (divinity) Min (god) {R22}
[mDH] hew (timber), build (ships) {S10
[xm] shrine {R22 Aa1 G17 D35 O1} V28 T31 D40}

[xmt] cow {R22 Aa1 X1 E1} [mDHt] fillet ? {S10 X1}

[xm] (locality) Letopolis {R22 O49} [wsx] (n.) breadth {S11}

[mnw] (divinity) Min (god) {R22 R12 A40} [wsx] ornamental collar {S11}

[xnt mnw] (locality) Akhmim {R22 R12 [nbi] (v.) melt (metal), cast (objects in
D19 X1 O39} metal), gild, model, fashion {S12 D58 A10A}

[nt] (divinity) Neith (goddess) {R24 X1 B1} [nbi] gild {S12 D58 D40}

[xAwt] altar - chamber {R36A X1 O1 Z2} [nbw] gold {S12 D58 G43 Z2}

[Xrty nTr] stone mason {R50 A1} [nbi] (v.) cast (objects in metal) {S12
D58 M17 M17 A141}
[Xrtyw nTrw] (pl.) stone masons
{R50 D21 G4 A1 Z2} [nbyt] (locality) Ombi (Kom Ombo)
{S12 D58 M17 M17 X1 O49}
[Xrt nTr] necropolis {R50 X1}
[nbnb] guard {S12 D58 S12 D58

[nbyt] gold collar {S12 M17 M17 X1}

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 190

[nbw] gold {S12 N33 Z2} [xtm] (n.) seal {S20 Y2}

[nbw] the Golden One (epithet of Hathor) [xtmw] cattle {S20 Z1 E1 Z2}
{S12 N33 Z2 I12}
[Saty] weight and value of a twelfth of one
[nby] goldsmiths {S12 N33 Z2 M17 M17 deben {S20 Z1 O39}
[xtm] (n.) seal {S20 Z1 O39}
[nbt] (locality) Ombos {S12 X1 O49}
[tA wr] larboard {S22 G36}
[sAwy] gold two - thirds fine ? {S12
Z4A G43 N33A}
[sti] (v.) pour (water) {S22 N35A}
[HD] silver, money {S14} [sTt] (localities) Asia, island of Sehel {S22
V13 X1 N25}
[THn] gleam, glittering {S15}
[sTtyw] Asiatics {S22 X1 G4 Z2}
[THnw] Libyans {S15 N35 W24 Z7
T14 A1 Z2 B1}
[sTtyw] Asiatics {S22 X1 X1 G4 T14
[THnt] faience {S15 N35 X1 N33 Z2}
[sTt] (localities) Asia, island of Sehel
[mnit] necklace (sacred to Hathor) {S18} {S22 X1 X1 Z8}

[sDAw] precious {S19} [dmD] accumulate (grain), compile (spell),

extend (hand) {S23}
[sDAw] seal - bearer {S19}
[dmD] associate (with), join (someone), unite
[sDAw] seal - bearer {S19 G43} (lands) {S23}

[sDAwtyw] treasurers {S19 G43 G4 [dmD] reassemble (dismembered body),

A1 Z3} assemble, bring together (people) {S23}
[sDAwt] precious things, treasures {S19 X1 [dmD r] total {S23 D21}
Y1 Z2}
[dmDyt] cycle (of festivals) {S23 D46
[xtm] (n.) seal {S20} M17 M17 N5 X1}

[xtmt] (n.) contract {S20 Aa1 X1 Y1v} [dmDyt] cycle (of festivals) {S23 D46
X1 N5}
[xtm] (v.) seal {S20 G17 A24}
[dmDt] collection (of recipes) {S23
[xtm] chest {S20 G17 O1} D46 X1 V12 Z1}

[sDAw] rings ? {S20 G43 Z2} [dmD] accumulate (grain), compile (spell),
extend (hand) {S23 D46 Y1}
[xtm] fort {S20 O1}
[dmD] associate (with), join (someone),
[sDAwtyw] treasurers {S20 X1 G4 unite (lands) {S23 D46 Y1}
[dmD] reassemble (dismembered body),
[xtmt] (n.) contract {S20 X1 Y1} assemble, bring together (people) {S23 D46
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 191

[Ts] join, rejoin, knit together (bones),
[dmD] total, maturity {S23 D46 Y1} form (unborn bodies), unite (Two Lands) {S24
O34 Z7 D40}
[dmDw] crowd {S23 D46 Y1 A1 B1
Z2} [Ts] clot, become constricted {S24 O34
Z7 D40}
[dmD smA] grand total {S23 F36}
[Ts] tie (knot), tie on (fillet), weave (cloth)
{S24 O34 Z7 D40}
[dmDwt] (fem. pl.) crowd {S23 X1 B1}
[Ts] marshal (troops), levy (troops), order,
[dmDwt] (fem. pl.) crowd {S23 X1 arrange (rites), knot itself up (with
G43 B1 Z3}
confederacies) {S24 O34 Z7 D40}
[Ts] model (face of sphinx) {S24}
[Ts] speech, utterance {S24 O34 Z7 Y1}
[Ts pXr] vice - versa {S24 F46}
[Abw] (locality) Elephantine {S24 O49}
[Ts] neck {S24 H1}
[Tst] (collective n.) troop, battalion, troops,
[Tsw pDt] troop captain {S24 O34 gang (of workmen), people (of nomarch) {S24
X1 A1}
D40 T10 X1 Z1}

[Ts] vertebra {S24 O34 F51} [Tst] (collective n.) troops {S24 X1
A211 A211 A211}

[Tsw] commander, protector (of poor) [Tst] ridge, range {S24 X1 N21 Z1}
{S24 O34 G43 A24 A1}

[Ts] sandbank, drought {S24 O34 N23} [Tst] knot, vertebra {S24 X1 Z1}

[ts pri] fighting {S24 O34 Q3 D21 [Tst] vertebra {S24 X1 Z1 F51}
M17 N21 Z1}
[Tst] knot {S24 X1 Z1 V1}
[Ts] used as a prefix to form abstracts {S24
O34 Y1} [Ts] phrase, sentence {S24 Y1}

[Ts Xsy] crime {S24 O34 Y1 F32 [Ts] vertebra, spine {S24 Z1}
O34 G37}
[Ts] sandbank {S24 Z1}
[Ts Xsy] crime ? {S24 O34 Y1 F32
O34 G37} [Ts] vertebra {S24 Z1 F41}

[Ts pri] fighting {S24 O34 Y1 Q3 D21 [aw] dragoman {S25}

M17 N21 Z1}
[aw] dragoman {S25 G43 A2}
[Ts Hwrw] reproach {S24 O34 Y1
V28 G36 D21 G43 G37}
[SnDwt] kilt, apron {S26}
[Ts] speech, utterance, phrase, sentence, [mnxt] clothing, type of fabric {S27}
maxim {S24 O34 Z7 A2}
[Hbswt] cloth {S28 X1 G43}
[Ts] build (monuments), model (face of
Sphinx) {S24 O34 Z7 D40} [Hbs] garment, clothes, clothing {S28 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 192

[.sn] (suffix and dependent prn.) they, them, their [sxd] be upside down, be disordered (of
{S29} dress) {S29 Aa1 D46 A29}
[s] (suffix prn.) she, her, it, its {S29} [sxdxd] (v. trans.) hang up, suspend
{S29 Aa1 D46 Aa1 D46 A29}
[snb] health {S29}
[sxdxd] (v. intrans.) be upside down,
[sy] (dependent prn.) she, her, it {S29} hang down (of breasts) {S29 Aa1 D46 Aa1 D46
[sy] who ?, what ? {S29}
[sxdxd] (v. intrans.) be upside down
[sxr] (causative) overthrow, throw down, {S29 Aa1 D46 Aa1 D46 D40}
force into place (dislocated bone) {S29 A15}
[sxwn] (causative) dispute {S29 Aa1
E34 N35 A2}
[sxr] (causative) overthrow, throw down,
force into place (dislocated bone) {S29 Aa1
A15} [sxwn] (causative) dispute {S29 Aa1
E34 N35 D40}
[sxi] (v.) hit, smite, beat {S29 Aa1 A24}
[sxmx ib] distract the heart (of
[sxr] plan, counsel, determination, someone), take recreation, enjoyment {S29 Aa1
G17 Aa1 F34 Z1}
governance, conduct, condition, fortune, affair,
fashion, nature,custom {S29 Aa1 D21 A2} [sxm] (causative) forget {S29 Aa1 G17
[sxr] (causative) overthrow, throw down,
force into place (dislocated bone) {S29 Aa1 [sxmm] (causative) make warm {S29
D21 A15} Aa1 G17 G17}

[sxryw] those who govern {S29 Aa1 [sxm] sceptre, sistrum {S29 Aa1 G17
D21 G43 M17 M17 A1 Z3} M3}

[sxry] captain (of ship) {S29 Aa1 [sxwd] (causative) enrich {S29 Aa1
D21 M17 M17 Y1 A1} G43 D46 Aa9 Y1}

[sxrt] roll (of papyrus) {S29 Aa1 D21 X1 [sxwd] (causative) enrich {S29 Aa1
V12 Z1} G43 D46 Y1 Z2}

[sxr] plan, counsel, determination, [sxw] breadth {S29 Aa1 G43 W10}
governance, conduct, condition, fortune, affair,
fashion, nature,custom {S29 Aa1 D21 Y1v} [sxw] breadth {S29 Aa1 G43 W10 Y1}
[sxr Xt] thought {S29 Aa1 D21 Y1V [sxwy] slaughter - house {S29 Aa1 G43
F32 X1 Z1} Z4 O1}

[sxrw] overflowing bowls ? {S29 [sxi] (causative) remember, call to

Aa1 D21 Z7 A15 W24 Z2}
mind, think about, mention {S29 Aa1 M12 G1
[sxwd] (causative) enrich {S29 Aa1 D43
D46 Y1}
[sxAx] (causative) hasten {S29 Aa1
M12 G1 Aa1 D54}
[sxwd] (causative) enrich {S29 Aa1
D43 G43 D46 Y1}
[sxn] swelling ?, gathering ? {S29 Aa1 N35
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 193

[sqr] offer, present {S29 Aa7 N29}
[sxn] (causative) alight, rest, dwell {S29
Aa1 N35 G41} [sqr] knead (dough), get rid of (something),
offer, present {S29 Aa7 T2}
[sxn] (causative) alight, rest, dwell
{S29 Aa1 N35 G41 D54} [sqr] step out (of feet in dance), work
(metal), set up (stairway) {S29 Aa7 T2}
[sxn] (causative) alight, rest, dwell {S29
Aa1 N35 G41 Y1} [sqr] strike, strike down, clap (hands), grasp
(hand) {S29 Aa7 T2}
[sxnw] a class of incantation ? {S29
Aa1 N35 W24 Z7 D32 A2 Z3} [sqr anx] captive, living prisoner {S29
Aa7 T2 S34 A13}
[sxnt] (the four) posts (of the sky) {S29
Aa1 N35 X1 O30 Z3} [smAa xrw] justify (the dead, the living)
{S29 Aa11 D36 Y1 P8}
[sxn] (causative) alight, rest, dwell {S29
Aa1 N35 Z4 G41} [sAi] (v.) be wise, prudent, be satisfied,
be sated {S29 Aa17 G1 A2}
[sxp] (causative) conduct (someone to
someone), bring (offerings), display (decree) [sAxmw] type of bat (mammal)
{S29 Aa1 Q3 D54} {S29 Aa17 G1 Aa1 G17 G43 Z5}

[sxsx] run {S29 Aa1 S29 Aa1 D54} [sAx] forcibly drive (into) {S29 Aa17
G1 Aa1 M3}
[sxs] run, hurry, flee {S29 Aa1 S29 D54}
[sA] weak {S29 Aa17 G1 Aa2 G37}
[sxs m sA] pursue, persecute {S29
Aa1 S29 D54 G17 Aa18 Z1} [sA a] the weak of arm, weak man
{S29 Aa17 G1 Aa2 G37 D36 Z1}
[sxsw] runners {S29 Aa1 S29 Z7 D54
Z2} [sAry] needy man {S29 Aa17 G1
D21 T12 M17 M17 G37}
[sxt] blow {S29 Aa1 X1 A24}
[sArt] need {S29 Aa17 G1 D21 X1
[sxt] marshland, field, country (beside T12}
town) {S29 Aa1 X1 M20 N21}
[sAA] wisdom {S29 Aa17 G1 G1
[sxt] weave, mould (bricks) {S29 Aa1 X1 A2}
[sAA] wise man {S29 Aa17 G1
[sxt] (v.) trap, snare, close (net), acquire ? G1 A2 A1}
(wealth) {S29 Aa1 X1 T26 D40}
[sAmt] lock of hair {S29 Aa17 G1
[sxt] ambushing ? {S29 Aa1 X1 T26 D54} G17 X1 D3}

[sxt] weave, mould (bricks) {S29 Aa1 X1 [sAw] saiety {S29 Aa17 G1 G43
V1} A2}

[sxt] an offering loaf {S29 Aa1 X1 X4} [sAry] needy man {S29 Aa17 G1 M17
[sxty] run {S29 Aa1 X1 Z4 D54}
[sAry] needy man {S29 Aa17 G1 M17
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 194

[sAH] toe {S29 Aa17 G1 V28 D61
F51 Z1}
[sAir] need {S29 Aa17 G1 M17 D21
[sAH] Orion (constellation) {S29
Aa17 G1 V28 D61 N14 A40}
[sAir] need {S29 Aa17 G1 M17
D21 T12 A24}
[sAH] endow (with) {S29 Aa17 G1
V28 D61 Y1v}
[sAy] prepare ? (bier) {S29 Aa17 G1
M17 M17 Y1v}
[sAHw] (n.) neighbours,
[siA] (n.) perception, knowledge dependants {S29 Aa17 G1 V28 G43 D61 A1
{S29 Aa17 G1 M17 S32 A2} Z2 B1}

[siA] (v.) recognize, perceive, [sAt] prudence, wisdom {S29 Aa17

G1 X1 A2}
know, be aware of, {S29 Aa17 G1 M17 S32
[sAt] wall {S29 Aa17 G1 X1 O36}
[siA] recognize {S29 Aa17 G1 M17
S32 A2} [sAi] sift (flour etc) {S29 Aa17 G1 X7}

[sAi] sift (flour etc) {S29 Aa17 G1 [sAi] (v.) be wise, prudent {S29 Aa17 G1
M17 Z7 A24} Y1v}

[sAq] pull together, be wary {S29 [sAw] beam, baulk {S29 Aa17 G1 Z7
Aa17 G1 N29 I5 Y1v} M3}

[sAq ib] self possessed {S29 [sA] byre {S29 Aa17 O1}
Aa17 G1 N29 I5 Y1 F34 Z1}
[sAD] a festival {S29 Aa18 D46 G1}
[sAq ib r] set one's heart on
{S29 Aa17 G1 N29 I5 Y1 F34 Z1 D21} [sArt] wisdom, understanding
{S29 Aa18 G1 D21 X1 T12 A2}
[sASrt] cake, loaf {S29 Aa17 G1
N37 D21 X1 Z8} [sArt] wisdom, understanding {S29
Aa18 G1 D21 Y1 X1}
[sAp] lay out ? (garden) {S29 Aa17 G1
Q3 D36} [sAr] be wise {S29 Aa18 G1 D21 Y1}

[sApt] lotus - leaf {S29 Aa17 G1 Q3 [sAHt] neighbourhood {S29 Aa18 G1

X1 M2} V28 X1 D62}

[sAsA] drive back, repel, force [sTA] see under other entries for sTA
(ship over), apply (oil) {S29 Aa17 G1 S29 {S29 Aa18 G1 X1 V2 D54}
Aa17 G1 D54}
[sAi] (v.) be satisfied {S29 Aa18 M17
[sAsA] force (ship over ) {S29 M17 F10 A2}
Aa17 G1 S29 Aa17 G1 D40 D54}
[smA] priest (who clothed the god) {S29
[sATw] tow boat {S29 Aa17 G1 V13 Aa25}
[snD] (v.) fear, respect {S29 Aa27 N35
[sAH] kick, reach, arrive at {S29 I10 G54}
Aa17 G1 V28 D61 D54}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 195

[sqd] sailor, traveller {S29 Aa28 D46 A1} [sqdwt] (collective n.) company of
troops {S29 Aa28 G43 X1 A1}
[sqd] sailor, traveller {S29 Aa28 D46
A30 A1} [sqdy] (causative intrans.) sail, voyage (of
boat) {S29 Aa28 P1}
[sqdy] (causative intrans.) sail, voyage (of
boat) {S29 Aa28 D46 D54} [sXkr] (causative) decorate, adorn, burnish
{S29 Aa30 Y1v}
[sqd] sailor, traveller {S29 Aa28 D46
N33 A1} [sHri] (causative) remove, exorcise (ill),
drive away (foes), avert (face), deliver (from)
[sqd] (causative) cause to build {S29 {S29 D2 D21 A24}
Aa28 D46 N33 A35}
[sHri] (causative) remove, exorcise (ill),
[sqdw] (used for those who drive away (foes), avert (face), deliver (from)
commissioned the work, NOT of the craftsmen) {S29 D2 D21 G43 A59A}
builders {S29 Aa28 D46 N33 G43 A30 A1 Z2}
[sHri] (causative) remove, exorcise (ill),
[sqdy] (causative intrans.) sail, travel (of drive away (foes), avert (face), deliver (from)
persons) {S29 Aa28 D46 P1} {S29 D2 D21 M17 A24 D54}

[sqdy] (causative intrans.) sail, travel [sHri] (causative) remove, exorcise (ill),
(of persons) {S29 Aa28 D46 W24 A1 P1} drive away (foes), avert (face), deliver (from)
{S29 D2 D21 M17 V19 Y1}
[sqdy] (causative trans.) row {S29 Aa28
D46 W24 D33B} [sHr] (causative) fly up {S29 D2 D21
[sqdy] (causative intrans.) sail, voyage
(of boat) {S29 Aa28 D46 W24 D54} [sHri] (causative) remove, exorcise (ill),
drive away (foes), avert (face), deliver (from)
{S29 D2 D21 N31}
[sqdwt] sailing {S29 Aa28 D46 W24
G43 X1 D54}
[sHr] (causative) fly up {S29 D2 D21 N31
[sqdwt] sailing {S29 Aa28 D46
W24 G43 X1 P2}
[sr] nobleman, magistrate {S29 D21
A17 A1}
[sqdy] (causative intrans.) sail, travel
(of persons) {S29 Aa28 D46 W24 M17 M17 [sr] nobleman, magistrate {S29 D21 A21}

[srxy] accusation, reproach {S29 D21 Aa1

[sqdy] (ausative trans.) convey (by A2}
boat), sail (on waters) {S29 Aa28 D46 W24 P1}
[srx] (causative) complain, lay information
[sqdy] causative intrans. sail, voyage against, accuse {S29 D21 Aa1 A2}
(of boat), sail, travel (of persons) {S29 Aa28
D46 W24 P1}
[srx] guilty person {S29 D21 Aa1 G37
[sqd] slope (of a pyramid) {S29 Aa28 D46
W24 Y1v}
[srxw] accuser, complainer, evil spirit
{S29 D21 Aa1 G43 A2}
[sqdwt] sailing {S29 Aa28 D46 X1
G43 P1 Z2}
[srxw] accuser, complainer, evil
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 196

spirit {S29 D21 Aa1 M17 M17 A2 Z6}

[srwx] (n.) treatment {S29 D21 G43
Aa1 D46 Aa3}
[srx] a government department {S29 D21
Aa1 O1}
[srwi] (causative) remove {S29 D21
G43 M17 D54}
[srx] memorial {S29 D21 Aa1 O24A}
[srwD] (causative) make secure,
[srx] Serekh (palace - facade design provide, set right (a wrong), fulfil (contract)
holding the Horus name of King) {S29 D21 {S29 D21 G43 T12 Y1}
Aa1 O33}
[srwD] (causative) strengthen,
[srx] (causative) learn about (future events) maintain, perpetuate, make to flourish, restore
{S29 D21 Aa1 Y1v}
(buildings) {S29 D21 G43 T12 Y1}
[srx] (causative) complain, lay
[srwt] (collective n.) body of
information against, accuse {S29 D21 Aa1 Y2
A84} magistrates {S29 D21 G43 X1 A21 Z3}

[sr] tress, wig, hide (of animal) {S29 D21 [srwt] prophecies {S29 D21 G43 X1
D3} E27 Z3}

[srd] (causative) make grow, plant (trees), [srw] goose {S29 D21 G54}
erect (monuments) {S29 D21 D46 M32}
[srf] take one's ease {S29 D21 I9 D19
[srd] erect (monuments) {S29 D21 D46
[srf] warm, warmth, temperature,
[sr] show (something, someone) {S29 D21 inflammation, fever, mood {S29 D21 I9 Q7}
[srf ib] deliberate {S29 D21 I9 Q7 F34
[sr] foretell, make known {S29 D21 E27 Z1}
[srf] warm, warmth, temperature,
[sr aHA] challenge to battle {S29 inflammation, fever, mood {S29 D21 I9 Q7
D21 E27 A2 D34 A24} Y1v}

[sr] show (something, someone) {S29 [srf] rest, relief {S29 D21 I9 Q7 Y1v}
D21 E27 D54}
[srft] fever {S29 D21 I9 X1 Aa2 Z3}
[srmi] (causative) cause to weep {S29
D21 G17 D9} [srf] rest, relief {S29 D21 I9 Y1v}

[srmt] foodstuff, beverage {S29 D21 [srwD] (causative) make secure, provide,
G17 X1 N33A} set right (a wrong), fulfil (contract) {S29 D21
I10 V24 T12}
[srwx] (v.) foster, cherish, treat
medically {S29 D21 G43 Aa1 D40} [srwD] (causative) strengthen, maintain,
perpetuate, make to flourish, restore (buildings)
[srwx] (n.) treatment {S29 D21 G43 {S29 D21 I10 V24 T12}
Aa1 D40}
[sryt] cough {S29 D21 M17 M17 X1
[srwx] (v.) foster, cherish, treat A2}
medically {S29 D21 G43 Aa1 D46 Aa3}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 197

[sryt] cough {S29 D21 M17 M17 X1 [sr] foretell, make known {S29 D21 Z5
Aa2 Z2} A2}

[sryt] cough {S29 D21 M17 M17 X1 [srwi] (causative) remove {S29 D21 Z7
D26 Z2} M17 Z4 D54}

[sryt] (n.) standard {S29 D21 M17 M17 [skA] cultivate, plough {S29 D28 G1
X1 S35} U13 D36}

[srq] inhale, permit to breathe (of throats) [skA] plough - ox {S29 D28 G1
{S29 D21 N29 T113} U13 E1}

[srq] inhale, permit to breathe (of throats) [skA] crops {S29 D28 U13 N33 Z2}
{S29 D21 N29 T113 Y1}
[skA] cultivate, plough {S29 D28 U13
[srqt] (divinity) Selket (the scorpion U7 D40}
goddess) {S29 D21 N29 X1 L19}
[skAt] ploughland {S29 D28 X1 U13
[srs] (causative) awaken, take command N23 Z2}
of (corps) {S29 D21 O34 U40 D5}
[saHA] (causative) make to vie (with) {S29
[srwD] (causative) make secure, D34 D40}
provide, set right (a wrong), fulfil (contract)
{S29 D21 T5 T12 Y1} [sar] (causative) bring, present, publish
(report), obtain (royal bounty), report (evil)
[srwD] (causative) strengthen, {S29 D36 D21 D54}
maintain, perpetuate, make to flourish, restore
(buildings) {S29 D21 T5 T12 Y1} [sar] (causative) cause to approach (of
death), bring to an end, forward (pleas, affairs)
{S29 D36 D21 D54}
[srwD] (causative) make secure, provide, set
right (a wrong), fulfil (contract) {S29 D21 T12}
[sar] (causative) cause to ascend, make to
[srwD] (causative) strengthen, maintain, rise (in rank) {S29 D36 D21 D54}
perpetuate, make to flourish, restore (buildings)
{S29 D21 T12} [sary] ewer on a stand {S29 D36 D21
M17 M17 W9C}
[srd] make to grow, plant (trees), erect
(monuments) {S29 D21 T12} [saryt] uraerus {S29 D36 D21 M17
M17 X1 N31 I13}

[srs] (causative) awaken, take command [sarq] (causative) finish off, complete, put
of (corps) {S29 D21 T13 S29 D5} a stop to {S29 D36 D21 N29 V12}
[srs] (causative) awaken, take command [sarq] (causative) kill {S29 D36 D21
of (corps) {S29 D21 T13 S29 F27} N29 V12 T30 D40}

[srwt] (collective n.) body of magistrates [sar] (causative) bring, present, publish
{S29 D21 X1 A21}
(report), obtain (royal bounty), report (evil)
{S29 D36 D21 N31 D54}
[srt] thorn, spine {S29 D21 X1 M44}
[sar] (causative) cause to approach (of
[sr] foretell, make known {S29 D21 Z4 death), bring to an end, forward (pleas, affairs)
E27} {S29 D36 D21 N31 D54}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 198

[sar] (causative) cause to ascend, make to [sDsr] causative consecrate, hallow, sanctify,
rise (in rank) {S29 D36 D21 N31 D54} clear (way) {S29 D45 D21 Y1v}

[sar] (causative) bring, present, publish [sDsr] (causative) consecrate, hallow,

(report), obtain (royal bounty), report (evil) sanctify, clear (way) {S29 D45 Y1}
{S29 D36 D21 Z4 N31 D54}
[sdx] (causative) conceal (from) {S29 D46
[sar] (causative) cause to approach (of Aa1 A4}
death), bring to an end, forward (pleas, affairs)
{S29 D36 D21 Z4 N31 D54} [sdx] (causative) conceal (from) {S29 D46
Aa1 A16}
[sar] (causative) cause to ascend, make
to rise (in rank) {S29 D36 D21 Z4 N31 D54} [sdwx] embalm {S29 D46 Aa1 G43
[swab] cleanse {S29 D36 D58 F17}
[sdx] well ? {S29 D46 Aa1 S21}
[sab] saw out (timbers), take out,
circumsize, castrate {S29 D36 D58 T30} [sdb] chew {S29 D46 D58 A2}

[sam] (causative) wash down [sDb] restore (something to it's owner)

(medicine), swallow, inlay {S29 D36 G17 F10} {S29 D46 D58 O30U}

[saq] (causative) cause to enter, bring to [sDb] impediment, obstacle, (verbal)

land, bring, send in, drive (animals) {S29 D36 opposition, guilt, ill-will {S29 D46 D58 O30U}
N29 D54}
[sDb] impediment, obstacle, (verbal)
[san] (causative) beautify {S29 D36 N35 opposition, guilt, ill-will {S29 D46 D58 O30U
D6} G37 Z2}

[sand] (causative) make little of, lessen, [sdb] penetrate (of injury) {S29 D46
diminish {S29 D36 N35 D46 G37} D58 O30U Z9}

[sawA] (causative) cause to go bad {S29 [sdb] fringe (of cloth), a garment {S29
D36 V4 G1 Aa2} D46 D58 S28}

[saH] (v. intrans.) be noble {S29 D36 [sD] break up (hailstorm), rupture (cist),
V28 E31} inflict (wound), fracture, rupture {S29 D46 F18
Z9 D40}
[saH] rank, dignity, dignities (plural),
honours (plural) {S29 D36 V28 E31} [sD] break, break into, invade, breach
(wall), break open (way) {S29 D46 F18 Z9
[saH] noble, dignitary {S29 D36 V28
E31 A1}
[sd] tail {S29 D46 F33}
[saH] rank, dignity (of Royalty) {S29
D36 V28 S6} [sdA] (v. trans.) make tremble, shake
off (symptom) {S29 D46 G1 G33}
[saH] rank, dignity, dignities (plural),
honours (plural) {S29 D36 V28 S20} [sdA] (v. intrans.) tremble {S29 D46
G1 G33}
[saH] rank, dignity, dignities (plural),
honours (plural) {S29 D36 V28 Z5} [sdA] (v. intrans.) tremble {S29
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 199

D46 G1 G33 G37}

[sdgi] (causative) conceal (from)
{S29 D46 W11 G1 A4 D54}
[sdA] egret {S29 D46 G1 G33 Z1}
[sdg] hidden place {S29 D46 W11 Y1v}
[sdAw] trembling {S29 D46 G1 G43
[sdmi] (causative) attach (to) {S29 D46
[sdm] eyepaint {S29 D46 G17 D12
[sdmi] (causative) attach (to) {S29 D46
W19 M17}
[sdm] paint (the eyes, body) {S29 D46
G17 Y2}
[smtr] (causative) bear witness to (truth),
[sdA] (v. intrans.) tremble {S29 D46 examine, make enquiry {S29 D52 X1 D21 T14
G33} T14 A2}

[sdwx] embalm {S29 D46 G43 Aa1 [smt] hear {S29 D52 X1 F21}
[smtr] (causative) bear witness to
[sd] clothe {S29 D46 N20 V6 A24} (truth), examine, make enquiry {S29 D52 X1
M17 M17 X1 T14 T14}
[sdtyw] weaklings {S29 D46 N21 G4
A3 Z3} [smtr] (causative) bear witness to (truth),
examine, make enquiry {S29 D52 X1 T14 T14
[Hb sd] jubilee {S29 D46 N21 O23 Y1v}
[sbx] close (arms around someone), shut
[sd] clothe {S29 D46 N21 S28} away (from) {S29 D58 Aa1 O13}

[sD] break up (hailstorm), rupture (cist), [sbx] close (arms around someone), shut
inflict (wound), fracture, rupture {S29 D46 N21 away (from) {S29 D58 Aa1 O14}
Z9 D40}
[sbx] jar {S29 D58 Aa1 W24 Z1}
[sD] break, break into, invade, breach
(wall), break open (way) {S29 D46 N21 Z9 [sbxt] pylon - shaped chest {S29 D58 Aa1
D40} X1 O21}

[sDn] carry (child) {S29 D46 N35} [sbxt] portal {S29 D58 Aa1 X1 O32
[sdmi] (causative) punish {S29 D46 N35
M17 Z5 O39 D40} [sbxt] portal {S29 D58 Aa1 X1 O32
[sdSr] (causative) redden {S29 D46 N37
D21 G37} [sbxt] portal {S29 D58 Aa1 X1 O32
[sdSrw] reddening {S29 D46 N37
D21 G43 G37 Z2} [sbdS] (causative) make weak {S29
D58 D46 N37 A7}
[sdgi] (causative) conceal (from) {S29
D46 W11 A4 D54} [sb] overstep (fence) {S29 D58 D54}

[sdgw] hidden things {S29 D46 W11 [sAb] jackal {S29 D58 E15}
A4 D54 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 200

[sAb] jackal {S29 D58 E17} [sbq] (n.) calf (lower part of leg) {S29 D58
N29 D56}
[sbA] star {S29 D58 G1 N14 N5}
[sbq] (adj.) splendid, precious {S29 D58
[sbi] (v. and n.) rebel {S29 D58 M17 A13} N29 D56}

[sbi] (v. and n.) rebel {S29 D58 M17 [sbq] (adj.) splendid, precious {S29 D58
Aa26 A13E} N29 M1 Y1v}

[sbiw] flautist ? {S29 D58 M17 G43 [sbq] (adj.) splendid, precious {S29 D58
A2 A1} N29 Y1}

[sbi] rebel - serpent (a demon) {S29 D58 [sbn] glide away (of snakes), steer off
M17 I15} course, diverge {S29 D58 N35 D54}

[sbin] alienate (relatives, property) {S29 [sbnt] cow in suck {S29 D58 N35 D280
D58 M17 N35 G37} X1 E100B}

[sbi] (v. and n.) rebel {S29 D58 M17 T14 [sbin] alienate (relatives, property) {S29
A223} D58 N35 G37}

[sbit] (collective n.) rebels {S29 D58 M17 [sbn] glide away (of snakes), steer off
X1 A15A Z3} course, diverge {S29 D58 N35 K1 D54}

[sbT] laugh, laughter {S29 D58 M17 [sbnw] fish {S29 D58 N35 W24 Z7
X1 W10 F18} K1}

[sbT] (n.) laughter, mirth {S29 D58 M17 [sbnt] woman who breast feeds {S29
X1 W10 F18} D58 N35 X1 A17 B1}

[sbA] pupil, stutent {S29 D58 N14} [sbSy] (causative) make to vomit
{S29 D58 N37 M17 M17 D26}
[sbA] (v. and n.) teach, teaching {S29
D58 N14 G1 A24} [sbhA] (causative) make to flee {S29
D58 O4 G1 D55}
[sbAyt] (written) teaching,
instructions {S29 D58 N14 G1 M17 M17 Y1 [sb nDm] Sweet flag ? {S29 D58
X1} T19B M3 M29 M29}

[sbA] door {S29 D58 N14 G1 O1} [sbT] (n.) laughter, mirth {S29 D58 V13
F18 A2}
[sbAyt] (written) teaching, instructions
{S29 D58 N14 M17 M17 Y1 X1} [sbT] (v.) laugh {S29 D58 V13 F18 A2}

[sbA] surveying instrument {S29 D58 [sbT Hr] friendly {S29 D58 V13 F18
N14 U97} A2 D2 Z1}

[sbA] (v. and n.) teach, teaching {S29 D58 [sbH] (n.) cry {S29 D58 V28 F18 A2}
N14 Y1}
[sbH] (v.) cry out {S29 D58 V28 F18
[sbA dwAw] morning star {S29 A2}
D58 N14 Z1 D46 V4 G43 N14}
[sbHyt] lowing (of cattle) {S29 D58
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 201

V28 M17 M17 X1 E1} N35 O31 D40 D2 Z1}

[sbk] (divinity) Sobek (crocodile god) {S29 [swn] perish {S29 E34 N35 T11 G37}
D58 V31 I5}
[swn] affliction {S29 E34 N35 T11 G37
[sbt] libation - jar {S29 D58 X1 W14A} Z3}

[sbty] enclosure {S29 D58 X1 Z4 N37 [swnt] price {S29 E34 N35 X1 T11 Y1}
N21 Z1}
[swsr] (causative) make strong, powerful
[sbty] rampart {S29 D58 X1 Z4 O36} {S29 F12 D21 D40}

[swab] (causative) cleanse, purify, decorate (a [swsr] (causative) make strong, powerful
building), consecrate {S29 D60} {S29 F12 S29 D21 D40}

[swab] (causative) cleanse, purify, [sAb] jackal {S29 F28 D58 E17}
decorate (a building), consecrate (temple
servants) {S29 D60 N35A} [sAbt] particoloured snake {S29 F28 D58
I10 X1}
[siwr] (causative) make pregnant {S29 E9
D21} [sAbt] dappled cow {S29 F28 X1 E1}

[siwy] announce (someone), make a [styw] Asiatics {S29 F29 G4 T14 A1

complaint (against) {S29 E9 G43}

[siwy] announce (someone), make a [sti] (v.) shoot, throw, thrust, spear, kindle
complaint (against) {S29 E9 G43 M17 M17 A2} (light), inspect (work), glitter (of sky) {S29 F29
X1 A24}
[siwH] (causative) inundate {S29 E9
G43 V28 N35A} [sti] (v.) set (fire to) {S29 F29 X1 Q7}

[siwr] (causative) make pregnant {S29 [sti] (v.) shoot, throw, thrust, spear,
E9 Z7 M17 D53} kindle (light), inspect (work), glitter (of sky)
{S29 F29 X1 T11 D40}
[siwH] rob ? {S29 E9 Z7 V28 N35A
D40} [stt] (divinity) Satis (goddess) {S29 F29
X1 X1 B1}
[sr] sheep, ram {S29 E10}
[sTit] (divinity) Satis {S29 F29 X1 X1
[sr] sheep {S29 E10}
[sSd] window {S29 F30 D46 D6 O1}
[swnyt] pain {S29 E34 N35 M17
M17 X1 T11 G37 Z2}
[sSd] (v.) flash {S29 F30 D46 I3}
[swnnw] pond {S29 E34 N35 N35 N35A}
[sSd] thunderbolt {S29 F30 D46 I3 N14
[swnnw] pond {S29 E34 N35 N35
W24 Z7 T11 N35A N36 N23}
[sSd] fillet, bandage, garlands, ribbons,
[swn] (causative) open {S29 E34 N35 tether {S29 F30 D46 V12}
O31 D40}
[sSd] put a fillet on (someone) {S29 F30 Y1}
[swn Hr] (causative) instruct {S29 E34
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 202

[smsw] (adj.) elder, eldest {S29 F31 M23 [snfr ib] gladden {S29 F35 I9 D21
G43} Y1V F34 Z1}

[smsy] (causative) deliver (woman) {S29 [smw] pastures, plants, herbage,

F31 S29 M17 M17 Z5} vegetables, herb {S29 F37D G17 G43 M2 Z2}

[smsy] (causative) deliver (woman) {S29 [sm] (v.) help, succour {S29 F37F G17
F31 S29 Z5} A2}

[sXr] sweep, brush over, overlay (with), [sAwi] lengthen (building), prolong
stroke {S29 F32 D21 D40} (lifetime, friendship) {S29 F40 G43}

[sXr] sweep, brush over, overlay (with), [sAwi ib] make glad {S29 F40 G43
stroke {S29 F32 D21 T11 D36} F34 Z1}

[sXrt] milking {S29 F32 D21 X1 [sAwy] keep an eye on {S29 F40 G43
U32B Z2} Z4A D5}

[sXr] sweep, brush over, overlay (with), [spXr] (causative) cause to circulate,
stroke {S29 F32 D21 Z1} brandish (weapons) {S29 F46 D21 D54}

[sXat] hare {S29 F32 D36 X1 E34} [spXr] (causative) cause to circulate,
brandish (weapons) {S29 F46 D21 D54 Y1}
[sXb] swallow {S29 F32 D58 A2}
[spXr] (causative) register, copy {S29 F46
[sXbw] draught (of medicine) {S29 D21 Y1}
F32 D58 Z7 N35A}
[sAm] (causative) burn up {S29 G1 G17
[sXn] demolish {S29 F32 N35 O37 Q7}
[sAD] a festival {S29 G1 I10 Z1 W3}
[sXAk] strain, squeeze out {S29 F32 N35
V31 V6 A24} [sAhhw] grumbler ? {S29 G1 O4 O4
G43 G37}
[sXp] swallow {S29 F32 Q3 A2}
[siA] (v.) recognize, perceive, know, be
[sXkr] (causative) decorate, adorn, burnish aware of, {S29 G1 S32 A2}
{S29 F32 V31 Aa30}
[siA] (n.) perception, knowledge {S29
[sXkr] (causative) decorate, adorn, G1 S32 A2}
burnish {S29 F32 V31 D21 Aa30}
[sm] a priest {S29 G17 A1}
[sXkr] (causative) decorate, adorn,
burnish {S29 F32 V31 D21 Z5 Y1} [smx] (causative) forget, ignore {S29 G17
Aa1 D35}
[snfr] (causative) make beautiful, embellish,
restore (what is defective), carry out (business) [smx] (causative) forget, ignore {S29
{S29 F35} G17 Aa1 D35 A2}

[snfr] (causative) make beautiful, embellish, [smx] (causative) forget, ignore {S29 G17
restore (what is defective), carry out (business) Aa1 N35}
{S29 F35 I9 D21 Y1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 203

[smar] (causative) make fortunate, [sAxw] (ritual) recitations {S29 G25

cleanse {S29 G17 D36 D21 D40} G43 Y1 Z2}

[smar] (causative) make fortunate, [swgm] (causative) grind, pulverize

cleanse {S29 G17 D36 D21 Z5 Y1} {S29 G28 G17 D36}

[sma] sounding - pole ? {S29 G17 D36 [swgm] pulverize {S29 G28 G17
M3} D40}

[smdt] (collective n.) subjects, [sbAgy] (causative) make weary {S29

G29 D58 W11 M17 M17}
subordinates, compulsary labour {S29 G17 D46
X1 A1 Z2 B1}
[sbAq] (causative) cleanse {S29 G29
N29 M1}
[smdt] (collective n.) subjects,
subordinates, compulsary labour {S29 G17 D46
X1 N21 A1 Z2} [sbAqq] causative give a clear character
(to), commend (someone) {S29 G29 N29 N29
[smdt] (collective n.) subjects,
subordinates, compulsary labour {S29 G17 D46
X1 Z5 A1 Z3} [saq] (causative) cause to enter, bring to
land, bring, send in, drive (animals) {S29 G35
N29 D54}
[smt] hear {S29 G17 D52 X1 F21}
[saqy] head of family {S29 G35
[smwn] (non-enclitic part.) probably, N29 M17 M17 A1 D54}
surely {S29 G17 E34 N35 A2}
[swr] (causative) promote (an official),
[sDm] hear (voice etc), hear of increase (herds) {S29 G36 D21}
(something), listen (to), obey, understand, judge,
satisfy (conditions) {S29 G17 F21} [swr] drink {S29 G36 D21 A410}
[smw] pastures, plants, herbage, [swrd] (causative) weary
vegetables, herb {S29 G17 G43 M2 Z2} (someone) {S29 G36 D21 D46 A17 G37}
[sm] (v.) help, succour {S29 G17 M21 [swr] drink {S29 G36 D21 M17 A2}
[swr] drink {S29 G36 D21 M17 N35A
[smsw] (adj.) elder, eldest {S29 G17 S29} A2}

[smsw] (n.) elder, eldest {S29 G17 [swr] drink - supply {S29 G36 D21
S29 G43 A1} M17 N35A A116B}

[smsw] (adj.) elder, eldest {S29 G17 [swrd] (causative) weary (someone)
S29 G43 A20} {S29 G36 G37 D21 D46}

[smt] hammock {S29 G17 X1 S28} [spAw] birds made to fly (flushed
from cover ?) {S29 G41 G1 Z7 G39 Z2}
[sAxw] (ritual) recitations {S29 G25
Aa1 G43 Y1 Z2}
[swdwd] (v.) bandage {S29 G43
D46 G43 D46 V48}
[sAx] (causative) spiritualize (deceased),
glorify (god, name), beautify (tomb) {S29 G25 [swdi] (causative) plant (with trees)
Aa1 Y1} {S29 G43 D46 V1 Z9 D40}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 204

G1 D54}
[swmt] (causative) make thick, make
stout (the heart) {S29 G43 D52 X1 T14C [swDA] (causative) make healthy, keep
safe, calm (fear) {S29 G43 U28 G1 Y1v}
[swmt] (causative) make thick, make stout [swDA ib Hr] inform about {S29
(the heart) {S29 G43 D52 X1 Y1} G43 U28 G1 Y1 F34 Z1 D2 Z1}

[swtwt] walk about, journey, travel, go [swDA] (causative) make healthy, keep
forth {S29 G43 G43 X1 X1 D54} safe, calm (fear) {S29 G43 U28 Y1v}
[swf] see entries under wsf {S29 [swH] wind {S29 G43 V28 P5}
G43 I9 G39 D54}
[swH] loincloth {S29 G43 V28 S28}
[swxAy] (n.) decay {S29 G43 M12 G37
[swH] loincloth {S29 G43 V28 V1}
[sww] day, dates (in time) {S29 G43 N5
Z2} [swHt] egg {S29 G43 V28 X1 H8}

[swhi] (v.) boast of, vaunt with {S29 [swHt] egg {S29 G43 V28 X1 H8 Aa2}
G43 O4 E21 A2}
[swHt] coffin {S29 G43 V28 X1 M3}
[swhi] (v.) boast of, vaunt with
{S29 G43 O4 G1 E21 D40 A2} [swHt] shroud {S29 G43 V28 X1 V6}

[swhn] (causative) throw down [swtwt] walk about, journey, travel, go

(building) {S29 G43 O4 N35 O37 Z9 D40} forth {S29 G43 X1 G43 X1 D54}

[swhn] (causative) throw down [swt] wheat {S29 G43 X1 M33}

(building) {S29 G43 O4 N35 O118}
[swt] force (of wind) {S29 G43 X1 P5}
[swhi] (v.) boast of, vaunt with {S29 G43
O4 Z4A A2} [sTAm] (causative) bind up (injury)
{S29 G47 G1 G17 S28}
[swsx] (causative) make extensive (of
movements) {S29 G43 O34 Aa1 T24} [sTA] measure of capacity {S29 G47 G1
[swsx] (causative) widen, make wide,
make spacious, extend (boundaries) {S29 G43 [sbAq] (causative) cleanse {S29 G225
O34 Aa1 T24} N29 M1}

[swsx] (causative) make extensive (of [sSw] (causative) lose (by theft) {S29 H6
movements) {S29 G43 S29 Aa1 W10 Y1} G43 G37}

[swsx] (causative) widen, make wide, [sSw] (causative) dry (something) {S29 H6
G43 N5}
make spacious, extend (boundaries) {S29 G43
S29 Aa1 W10 Y1}
[saSA] (causative) make numerous, multiply
{S29 I1}
[swDA] (v. causative trans.) convey
(to someone) {S29 G43 U28 G1 D54}
[saSA] (causative) make numerous,
multiply {S29 I1 G1 Z2}
[swDA] (v. intrans.) go {S29 G43 U28
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 205

[saSA] (causative) make numerous, multiply [sf] (n.) mercy, gentleness {S29 I9 D19}
{S29 I1 Z2}
[sf] (v.) be mild, merciful {S29 I9 D19}
[saSA] (v. and n.) police, policeman {S29
I1 Z2 D40} [sf] mix (with) {S29 I9 D40}
[saSA] escort {S29 I1 Z2 D54} [sfAt] hatred ? {S29 I9 G1 X1 G37}
[skm] (causative) make complete, make [sfAt] sluggishness {S29 I9 G1
up to {S29 I6 G17 A24} X1 G41 G37}

[skm] be / become grey - haired {S29 [sfw] the gentle man {S29 I9 G43 D19
I6 G17 D3 Y1} A2}

[skm] be / become grey - haired {S29 [sfw] (n.) muddle {S29 I9 G43 Y1v}
I6 G17 D3 Z2}
[sf] yesterday {S29 I9 N5}
[skm ns] wise {S29 I6 G17 D3 Z2
F20 Z1}
[sf] yesterday {S29 I9 N5 Z4A}
[sfxw] offerings {S29 I9 Aa1 G43 [sfn] be kindly, merciful {S29 I9 N35
V12 Z2}
D19 A2}

[sfxy] (fem.) fortress {S29 I9 Aa1 M17 [sfn] (causative) afflict {S29 I9 N35
M17 V12 O1}
D19 G37}

[sfx] purify {S29 I9 Aa1 S28} [sfn] be kindly, merciful {S29 I9 N35
D19 Y1}
[sfx] purify {S29 I9 Aa1 V1}
[sfnA] be drowsy {S29 I9 N35
[sfxt abw] The Seven - Horned G1 G41 D4}
(deity) {S29 I9 Aa1 V12 D40 F16 F16 G7
G7} [sfn] (causative) afflict {S29 I9 N35
[sfx] (causative) lose, loosen, release,
purify, remove (evil), lay aside (garment) {S29 [sfsf] break ? (knives) {S29 I9 S29
I9 Aa1 V12 D54} I9 Z9 A24}

[sfx] (causative) part (fighting animals), [sfT] oil {S29 I9 V13 W1}
offer (to god), let go (of) {S29 I9 Aa1 V12
D54} [sft] clemency {S29 I9 X1 D19 A2}
[sfx] (causative) lose, loosen, release, [sftw] butcher {S29 I9 X1 G43
purify, remove (evil), lay aside (garment) {S29 T30 D36 A1}
I9 Aa1 V12 Y1}
[sft] knife {S29 I9 X1 T30}
[sfx] (causative) part (fighting animals),
offer (to god), let go (of) {S29 I9 Aa1 V12 [sftw] butcher {S29 I9 X1 T30 D36}
[sft] (n.) sacrifice {S29 I9 X1 T30
[sfxw] offerings {S29 I9 Aa1 V12 Z2} E100B}

[sfxw] excretion {S29 I9 Aa1 Z7 Aa2}

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 206

[sft] oil, conifer resin ? {S29 I9 X1 W22} [sDfAy] (causative) endow (altars), provide
(for someone) {S29 I10 I9 Y1v}
[sDd] (causative) relate, recount, talk (of) {S29
I10 D46} [sDfAy] (n.) foundation, endowment {S29
I10 I9 Y1v}
[sDdA] (causative) fatten {S29 I10 D46
G1} [sDfAy] (n.) foundation, endowment {S29
I10 I9 Z9 D40}
[sDdw] tales {S29 I10 D46 G43 A2
Z3} [sDfAy] (causative) endow (altars),
provide (for someone) {S29 I10 I9 Z9 D40}
[sDdt] description, tale {S29 I10 D46 X1
A2} [sd] clothe {S29 I10 N21 S28}
[sDb] restore (to life) {S29 I10 D58} [sDn] carry (child) {S29 I10 N35 A406}
[sDb] impediment, obstacle, (verbal) [sDn] carry (child) {S29 I10 N35 N35 U32}
opposition, guilt, ill-will {S29 I10 D58 O30U
[sDH] shank, shin {S29 I10 V28 D56}
[sDfA tryt] oath of allegiance [sDH] shank, shin {S29 I10 V28 F51}
{S29 I10 I9 A2 X1 D21 M17 M17 X1 M6}

[sDfA tryt] oath of [sDH] ringed plover {S29 I10 V28

allegiance {S29 I10 I9 G1 G42 A2 X1 D21
M17 M17 X1 M6 A30 G37 Z2}
[sD] (n.) fracture, rupture {S29 I10 W31}
[sDfAy] (n.) foundation,
endowment {S29 I10 I9 G1 M17 M17 G41 Y1 [sD] (v.) break up (hailstorm), rupture (cist),
Z2} inflict (wound) {S29 I10 W31}

[sDfAy] (causative) endow [sD] (v.) break, break into, invade, breach
(altars), provide (for someone) {S29 I10 I9 (wall), break open (way) {S29 I10 W31}
G1 M17 M17 G41 Y1 Z2}
[sDty] child, foster - child (of king) {S29
[sDfAy] n. foundation, endowment {S29 I10 X1 A17}
I10 I9 G1 Z8}
[sDt] fire, flame {S29 I10 X1 Q7}
[sDfAy] (causative) endow (altars),
provide (for someone) {S29 I10 I9 G1 Z8} [sD] break up (hailstorm), rupture (cist), inflict
(wound), fracture, rupture {S29 I10 Z9}
[sDfAy] (n.) foundation, endowment
{S29 I10 I9 G39 Z8 Z2} [sD] break, break into, invade, breach (wall),
break open (way) {S29 I10 Z9}
[sDfAy] (causative) endow (altars),
provide (for someone) {S29 I10 I9 G39 Z8 [sXAk] strain, squeeze out {S29 K4
Z2} G1 V31 A24}

[sDfAy] (n.) foundation, endowment {S29 [sXAk] strain, squeeze out {S29
I10 I9 G42} K4 G1 V31 S28 A24}

[sDfAy] (causative) endow (altars), [sXAk] strain, squeeze out

provide (for someone) {S29 I10 I9 G42} {S29 K4 G1 V31 S28 D40}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 207

[sxpr] (causative) bring into being, create, [sxAw] remembrance, memory, mention,
make, make grow (a garden) {S29 L1} memorial {S29 M12 M17 M17 A2}

[sxpr] (causative) effect (a deed), foster (truth), [swAD] (causative) make green (herbage),
turn, transform (into) {S29 L1} make to flourish (of person, office) {S29 M13
[sxpr] (causative) raise (a child), educate,
breed (animals), bring about (an event) {S29 [swAD] (causative) make prosperous (of
L1} years), richly provide (altars), refurbish (stela)
{S29 M13 I10}
[sxpr] (causative) bring into being, create,
make, make grow (a garden) {S29 L1 D21} [swD] (causative) hand over, pass on, assign
(office etc) {S29 M13 I10 Y1}
[sxpr] (causative) effect (a deed), foster (truth),
turn, transform (into) {S29 L1 D21} [swD] (causative) hand over, pass on, assign
(office etc) {S29 M13 Y1v}
[sxpr] (causative) raise (a child), educate,
breed (animals), bring about (an event) {S29 L1 [swAD] (causative) make green (herbage),
D21} make to flourish (of person, office) {S29 M13
[simA] (causative) make well-disposed (to)
{S29 M1 Y1v} [swAD] (causative) make prosperous (of
years), richly provide (altars), refurbish (stela)
[sSA] beseech (from) {S29 M8 G1 A2} {S29 M13 Y1v}

[sSA] pray (to) {S29 M8 G1 A4} [swAD] (causative) make green (herbage),
make to flourish (of person, office) {S29 M14
[sxAw] remembrance, memory, mention, Y1v}
memorial {S29 M12 A2}
[swAD] (causative) make prosperous (of
[sxAx] (causative) hasten {S29 M12 Aa1 years), richly provide (altars), refurbish (stela)
D54} {S29 M14 Y1v}

[sxi] (causative) remember, call to mind, [sHAp] (causative) conceal {S29

M16 G1 Q3 S28 D40}
think about, mention {S29 M12 G1 A2}
[sHAi] (causative) strip (someone),
[sxAw] remembrance, memory, mention,
reveal (secret) {S29 M16 G1 S28}
memorial {S29 M12 G1 A2}
[sHAi] (causative) strip (someone),
[sxAw] remembrance, memory,
reveal (secret) {S29 M16 S28 D40}
mention, memorial {S29 M12 G1 G43 A2}
[si] shuffle {S29 M17 A363}
[sxA] (causative) spend the night {S29
M12 G1 N2}
[sid] (causative) make impotent {S29 M17
D46 A24}
[sxAw] remembrance, memory,
mention, memorial {S29 M12 G1 Z7 M17 M17
A2} [siArr] (causative) dose ? (a patient)
{S29 M17 G1 D21 D21 D4 G37}
[sxAw] remembrance, memory, mention,
[siAt] encroach upon {S29 M17 G1
memorial {S29 M12 G43} V13 D57}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 208

[siAt] (causative) encroach upon [sin] (v.) run, pass away (die) {S29 M17 N35
(lands), cheat {S29 M17 G1 X1 D57} D54}

[siAty] cheater {S29 M17 G1 X1 D57} [sihm] (causative) hold back {S29 M17
O4 G17 D54}
[siAt] fringed cloth {S29 M17 G1 X1
S32} [sisy] lighten (burden), lessen {S29 M17 O34
[siAty] mutilator, twister (of
speech), cheater {S29 M17 G1 X1 Z4 D57 [sipty] (causative) inspect {S29 M17 Q3 X1}
[sipty] (n.) investigation {S29 M17 Q3 X1}
[sin] (causative) wait (for) {S29 M17 K1
N35 D41 D54} [sipty] (n.) investigation {S29 M17 Q3 X1}

[sind] (causative) make miserable {S29 [sipty wr] inventory {S29 M17 Q3 X1
M17 K1 N35 D46 G37} G36 D21 V12}

[sin] (causative) wait (for) {S29 M17 K1 [sipty] (causative) inspect {S29 M17 Q3
N35 D54} X1 Z4 Y1}

[sin] (v.) run {S29 M17 K1 N35 D54} [sipty] (n.) investigation {S29 M17 Q3 X1
Z4 Y1}
[sin] sever (neck) {S29 M17 K1 N35
T30} [sipty] (n.) investigation {S29 M17 Q3 X1
Z4 Y1}
[sint] canoe {S29 M17 K1 N35 X1 P1}
[sip] (n.) inspection {S29 M17 Q3 Y1}
[sint] clay seal {S29 M17 K1 N35 X1
Z2} [sip] inspect, examine, revise, entrust, allot,
assign, destine (to a fate), organize (household)
[sin] rub {S29 M17 K1 N35 Z7 D40} {S29 M17 Q3 Y1}

[simA] (causative) make well-disposed [sysy] hurry {S29 M17 S29 M17 D54}
(to) {S29 M17 M1 G17 Y1v}
[sis] six - weave linen {S29 M17 S29 S28}
[sisy] lighten (burden), lessen {S29 M17
M40 S29 Z4 M2} [simA] (causative) make well-disposed
(to) {S29 M17 U1 M1 Y1v}
[siqr] (causative) enrich (someone), make
perfect (the deceased), make splendid (a [siTn] (causative) subordinate (someone to)
building) {S29 M17 N29 D21 Y1v} {S29 M17 V13 N35}

[sin] (v.) pass away (die) {S29 M17 N35 [saH] noble, dignitary {S29 M17 V28 E31}
Aa2 D54}
[saH] noble {S29 M17 V28 E31}
[sin] (v.) be sealed with clay {S29 M17
N35 Aa2 N23} [sm] (n.) deed, event, affair, pastime {S29
M20B G17 Y1v}
[sin] (n.) clay {S29 M17 N35 Aa2 N23}
[sm] (n.) deed, event, affair, pastime {S29
[sin] (n.) courier {S29 M17 N35 D54} M21}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 209

M36 D21 A55}

[smw] pastures, plants, herbage,
vegetables, herb {S29 M21 Aa15 M2} [sDrw] sleeper {S29 M36 D21 A55}
[smw] vegetables {S29 M21 G17 M2 [sDr] spend the night, sleep, lie down, go to
rest, be inert, inactive, do in the night {S29 M36
D21 A95}
[sm] (v.) help, succour {S29 M21 G17
Z4 A2}
[sDryt] slaughter {S29 M36 D21 M17
M17 X1 A95 Z2}
[smw] vegetables {S29 M21 M203 Z2}
[sDryt] slaughter {S29 M36 D21
[smw] pastures, plants, herbage, vegetables, M17 M17 X1 E22A A15A Z2}
herb {S29 M21 Z4A M2}
[sDrt] (festival of) Laying (Osiris) to
[snn] likeness, image, figure {S29 M22 Rest {S29 M36 D21 X1 A55 W3}
M22 N35 N35 A53}
[sDrt] sleeping - draught {S29 M36
[snn] copy (of document) {S29 M22 M22 D21 X1 A55 W23 Z2}
N35 N35 V12}
[sm] (v.) help, succour {S29 M37 G17
[snnt] likeness {S29 M22 M22 N35 N35 Y1v}
[swn] flattery {S29 M42 N35}
[snDm] sit, be seated {S29 M29 G17
[swnw] tower {S29 M42 N35 W24
G43 O233}
[snDm] rest {S29 M29 G17 A55}
[swnw] tower {S29 M42 N35 W24
[snDm] (causative) make happy, make O36 O1}
pleasant, ease (suffering), make content, please,
give pleasure {S29 M29 G17 Y1v} [swnt] price {S29 M42 N35 X1 Y1}

[snDm] (causative) ease (suffering), [spdw] Sopd (god) {S29 M44 D46 N26
please, give pleasure {S29 M29 N35 I10 G17 G43 A40}
[spd] (adj.) sharp, effective, skilled {S29
[snDm] (causative) make happy, make M44 D46 T30}
pleasant, make content {S29 M29 N35 I10 G17
Y1v} [spd] (v.) display skill, supply (food), restore
to order {S29 M44 D46 T30}
[snDm] (causative) make happy, make
pleasant, ease (suffering), make content, please, [sbA] (v. and n.) teach, teaching {S29 N14
give pleasure {S29 M29 Y1v} D40}

[srd] (causative) make grow, plant (trees), [sbA] door {S29 N14 D58 O32}
erect (monuments) {S29 M32 D21 D46 T12}
[sDwy] (causative) slander {S29 N26
[srd] (causative) make grow, plant (trees), Z4 G43 G37}
erect (monuments) {S29 M32 D21 D46 Y1v}
[sxay] (causative) cause to appear (of a god or
[sDr] spend the night, sleep, lie down, go king), dispaly (object) {S29 N28}
to rest, be inert, inactive, do in the night {S29
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 210

[sxay] (causative) cause to appear (of a god or [sqr] strike, strike down, clap (hands),
king), dispaly (object) {S29 N28 D36} grasp (hand) {S29 N29 D21 M17 Aa7}

[sxar] (causative) enrage {S29 N28 [sqr] knead (dough), get rid of
D36 D21 A2} (something), offer, present {S29 N29 D21 T2}

[sxay] (causative) cause to appear (of a god [sqr] step out (of feet in dance), work
or king), dispaly (object) {S29 N28 D36 M17 (metal), set up (stairway) {S29 N29 D21 T2}
[sqr] strike, strike down, clap (hands),
[sqAi] extol (beauty, victories), prolong grasp (hand) {S29 N29 D21 T2}
(lifetime, kingship) {S29 N29 A28}
[sqr] wound, injury {S29 N29 D21 T30}
[sqAi] make high (a building), set upright (a
person), exalt (a god, king) {S29 N29 A28} [sqr] knead (dough), get rid of
(something), offer, present {S29 N29 D21 T30
[sqA] base (for shrine) {S29 N29 A28 D36}
[sqr] step out (of feet in dance), work
[sqr] knead (dough), get rid of (metal), set up (stairway) {S29 N29 D21 T30
(something), offer, present {S29 N29 Aa7 T2} D36}

[sqr] step out (of feet in dance), work [sqr] strike, strike down, clap (hands),
(metal), set up (stairway) {S29 N29 Aa7 T2} grasp (hand) {S29 N29 D21 T30 D36}

[sqr] strike, strike down, clap (hands), [sqa] (causative) make vomit {S29 N29
grasp (hand) {S29 N29 Aa7 T2} D36 D26}

[sqr anx] captive, living prisoner [sqbb] (causative) make cool, calm
{S29 N29 D21 Aa7 S34 A13} (disturbed land), refresh (oneself) {S29 N29
D58 D58 W15 N35A}
[sqr] wound, injury {S29 N29 D21 D40}
[sqbb] (n.) refreshment {S29 N29
[sqr] knead (dough), get rid of D58 D58 W15 N35A}
(something), offer, present {S29 N29 D21 D40}
[sqbbwy] bathroom {S29 N29
[sqr] step out (of feet in dance), work D58 D58 Z7 Z4 W15 N35A O1}
(metal), set up (stairway) {S29 N29 D21 D40}
[sqb] (causative) double (supplies) {S29
N29 D58 F48 Y1}
[sqr] strike, strike down, clap (hands),
grasp (hand) {S29 N29 D21 D40}
[sqb] type of wood {S29 N29 D58 M1}
[sqr anx] captive, living prisoner
{S29 N29 D21 M17 A13E S34 N35 Aa1} [sqbH] (causative intrans.) give ease {S29
N29 D58 V28 W16}
[sqr] knead (dough), get rid of
(something), offer, present {S29 N29 D21 M17 [sqbH] (causative trans.) refresh {S29
N29 D58 V28 W16}

[sqr] step out (of feet in dance), work [sqbH] (causative intrans.) (to) live in
(metal), set up (stairway) {S29 N29 D21 M17 easy circumstances {S29 N29 D58 V28 W16}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 211

[sqbbwy] bathroom {S29 N29 D58 [sniH] angler {S29 N35 D36 V28 G43}
W16 G43 O1}
[snbb] exchange greetings {S29 N35 D58
[sqAi] extol (beauty, victories), prolong D58 Y1v}
(lifetime, kingship) {S29 N29 G1 A28}
[snb] banish ? (sleep) {S29 N35 D58 H5
[sqAi] make high (a building), set upright Y1}
(a person), exalt (a god, king) {S29 N29 G1
A28} [snbt] jar {S29 N35 D58 W14}

[sqAi] extol (beauty, victories), prolong [snbt sp 2] Farewell, farewell {S29 N35
(lifetime, kingship) {S29 N29 G1 A28 Y1v} D58 X1 O50 Z4}

[sqAi] make high (a building), set [snb] banish ? (sleep) {S29 N35 D58 Y1v}
upright (a person), exalt (a god, king) {S29 N29
G1 A28 Y1v} [snb] (n.) health {S29 N35 D58 Y1v}

[sqAs] (causative) bind, fetter, check, [snb] (adj.) healthy {S29 N35 D58 Y1v}
string up (fowling - tackle) {S29 N29 G1 S29
V1 A24} [snb] (v. intrans.) be healthy, well, become
well, recover {S29 N35 D58 Y1v}
[sqAH] (causative) plaster {S29 N29 G1
V28 D40} [snb mryt] the coast is clear {S29
N35 D58 Y1V U7 D21 M17 M17 N23 X1 Z1}
[sqnd] (causative) enrage {S29 N29
N35 D46 A24} [snr] (causative) terrify {S29 N35 H4
D21 Y1}
[sqr] set up (stairway, ladder) {S29 N29 T2}
[snf] (causative) make to breathe,
[sn] (suffix and dependent prn.) they, them, succour, unload (ships), empty out (contents)
their {S29 N35} {S29 N35 I9 P5}

[snxx] (causative) rejuvenate oneself, [snf] (causative) make to breathe,

renew (breath) {S29 N35 Aa1 Aa1 A20} succour, unload (ships), empty out (contents)
{S29 N35 I9 P5 A24}
[snxn] (causative) nurse (a child) {S29
N35 Aa1 N35 A17} [snDnDn] (causative) incite {S29 N35
I10 N35 I10 N35 Q7}
[snxn] (causative) control (people) {S29
N35 Aa1 N35 Y1} [snXAXA] (causative) disturb
{S29 N35 K4 G1 K4 G1 A24}
[sn] smell (perfume), breathe (air), kiss
{S29 N35 D19 A2} [snxt] (causative) make strong,
strengthen, enrich {S29 N35 M3 Aa1 X1 A24}
[sn] smell (perfume), breathe (air), kiss {S29
N35 D19 Y1} [snxtw] stiffening, stiffness (of
limbs) {S29 N35 M3 Aa1 X1 G43 D40 Z2}
[snaa] (causative) make smooth, polish
{S29 N35 D36 D36 Y3 Y1} [snq] suck {S29 N35 N29 D27}
[snaa ib] (causative) soothe, calm {S29 [snq] nurse {S29 N35 N29 D27 Y1v}
N35 D36 D36 Y3 Y1 F34 Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 212

[snq] suckle {S29 N35 N29 F20 D27} [snkkw] darkness {S29 N35 V31
V31 G43 N2}
[snHm] (causative) prevent (movement)
{S29 N35 N42 G17 D54} [snkt] darkness, obscurity {S29 N35 V31
X1 N8}
[snHm] (causative) prevent
(movement) {S29 N35 N42 V28 G17 A24} [snktkt] gossip {S29 N35 V31 X1
V31 X1 F21 A2}
[snhy] (v.) register, record, muster (troops),
drive (birds) {S29 N35 O4 A2} [snw] poverty {S29 N35 W24 G43
[snhAt] shelter, refuge {S29 N35 O4
G1 X1 O1} [snTy] cabin (on vessel) {S29 N35 X1
M17 M17 O21}
[snhp] (causative) set in motion {S29 N35
O4 Q3 D54} [sni] (v.) be like, resemble, copy, imitate,
conform {S29 N35 X5 Y1}
[snhp] (causative) rise early {S29 N35 O4
Q3 N5} [sn] (suffix and dependent prn.) they, them,
their {S29 N35 Z2}
[snmyt] a rank weed {S29 N35
T34 G17 M17 M17 M2 X1 Z2 Z1} [sny] (dual prn.) they two, them two {S29
N35 Z4}
[snwx] (causative) boil {S29 N35 U19
W24 G43 Aa1 Q7} [sSrw] things, actions, course, manner (of
action) {S29 N37 D21 F51}
[snwr] (causative) make to tremble {S29
N35 U19 W24 G43 D21 G39} [sSrw] linen {S29 N37 D21 G43
S28 S28 S28}
[snwr] (causative) make to tremble
{S29 N35 U19 W24 G43 D21 K1} [sSr] (causative) dry, dry up {S29 N37 D21
[snwd] (causative) thrust aside {S29
N35 U19 W24 G43 D46 D54} [sSr] (causative) dry, dry up {S29 N37 D21
[snwtt] bindweed ? {S29 N35 U19
W24 G43 X1 X1 M2} [sSrw] linen {S29 N37 D21 S28}
[snTy] cabin (on vessel) {S29 N35 V13 [sSdt] shrine (of falcon) {S29 N37 D46
M17 M17 O21} X1 O1}

[snT] measure out (land), found (a house [SsAt] nightfall, night sky {S29 N37 F5 X1
etc), form (limbs), refix (eyes of the dead) {S29 N14}
N35 V13 V5}
[sSAt] (divinity) Seshat (goddess)
[snH] (causative) bind, entwine {S29 N35 {S29 N37 G1 X1 G7C}
V28 V1}
[sSmm] (causative) warm
[snH] (causative) bind, entwine {S29 (someone), heat (something) {S29 N37 G17
N35 V28 V1 D40} G17 Q7}

[snkn] (causative) injure, damage {S29 N35 [sSp] (v. intrans.) be white, be bright {S29
V31 N35 D56} N37 Q3 N5}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 213

[sSp] (v. trans.) make bright, lighten [shAi] (causative) bring down, make to
(darkness) {S29 N37 Q3 N8} fall {S29 O4 G1 D54}

[sSp] (v. intrans.) be white, be bright {S29 [shA] (v. trans.) confound (someone)
N37 Q3 N8} ? {S29 O4 G1 E21 A24}

[sSp] (n.) light {S29 N37 Q3 N8} [shA] (n.) confusion {S29 O4 G1
E21 A24}
[Ssp] take, accept, receive, assume
(crown), catch (fish), purchase, wear (clothes) [shA] (v. intrans.) be in confusion
{S29 N37 Q3 O42} {S29 O4 G1 E21 A24}

[sSm] conduct {S29 N37 T32} [shAi] (v. infinitive) bring down, make
to fall {S29 O4 G1 M17 M17 X1 D54}
[sSmw] ruler, leader {S29 N37 T32 G43}
[shAt] discharge (medical) {S29 O4 G1
[sSwA] (causative) impoverish, X1 D54}
deprive (of) {S29 N37 V4 G1 A4 G37}
[swhi] (v.) boast of, vaunt with {S29 O4
[SstA] (causative) make secret, G43 A2}
mysterious, make inaccessible {S29 N37 X1
U30 G1 Y1v} [shp] (causative) govern {S29 O4 Q3 D40}

[SstA] (adj.) secret {S29 N37 X1 U30 [saAy] (causative) increase (benefits), glorify
G1 Y1v} (life on earth) {S29 O29 D36}

[SstA] (n.) secret, confidential matter, [saAy] (causative) make great (of size, rank,
(religious) mystery, problem {S29 N37 X1 U30 position), magnify (god, truth) {S29 O29 D36}
G1 Y1v}
[saA] gunwale {S29 O29 D36 G1
[sS] (v.) write, inscribe, paint, draw, M3}
enrol (troops) {S29 N37 Y4 Y2}
[saAy] (causative) increase (benefits),
[sSw] disk (of metal) {S29 N37 Z4 Z9 glorify (life on earth) {S29 O29 D36 G1 M17
Y1 Z2} M17 Y1v}

[sHm] (causative) put a stop to {S29 N42 [saAy] (causative) make great (of size,
G17 D55} rank, position), magnify (god, truth) {S29 O29
D36 G1 M17 M17 Y1v}
[sHm] crush, pound, trituration {S29
N42 G17 U32 D36} [saAy] (causative) increase (benefits), glorify
(life on earth) {S29 O29V}
[sHm] crush, pound, trituration {S29 N42
N35A} [saAy] (causative) make great (of size, rank,
position), magnify (god, truth) {S29 O29V}
[shri] (v. infinitive) make content, make
peace {S29 O4 D21 M17 M17 Y1 X1} [saAy] tremble {S29 O29V M17 M17 B2}
[shri] (causative) make content, make peace [sSsp] make brightness, lighten (darkness)
{S29 O4 D21 Y1v} {S29 O42 Q3 N5}

[sh] terrorize {S29 O4 D41 D40} [saHa] (causative) raise up, cause to stand,
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 214

set up, erect, insatl, accuse, establish (against)

{S29 P6 A21} [spH] (v.) lasso {S29 Q3 V28 V1}

[saHa] (causitive) raise up, cause to stand, [spH] (v.) lasso {S29 Q3 V28 V1 D40}
set up, erect, insatl, accuse, establish (against)
{S29 P6 D36 D54} [spHt] ribs of beef {S29 Q3 V28 X1 F41}

[saHa] (causative) raise up, cause to stand, set [spt] lip (of mouth, vagina, wound, jar), {S29
up, erect, insatl, accuse, establish (against) {S29 Q3 X1 D24}
[spAt] district, nome {S29 Q3 X1 N24}
[spxA] (causative) purge (the body),
make sleek (of skin) {S29 Q3 Aa1 M12 G1 V11 [spt] ritual ? object {S29 Q3 X1 R93}
[sip] inspect, examine, revise, entrust, allot,
[spr] rib {S29 Q3 D21 F42} assign, destine (to a fate), organize (household)
{S29 Q3 Y2}
[spr] appeal to, petition (someone),
make petition {S29 Q3 D21 F42 A2} [sip] (n.) inspection {S29 Q3 Y2}

[sprw] petitioner {S29 Q3 D21 [sHtp] (causative) propitate, please, pacify,

G43 F42 A2 A1} satisfy (employees) {S29 R4}

[sprt] (n.) petition {S29 Q3 D21 X1 [sHtp] (causative) provide (for temple), make
F42 A2} gracious (to) {S29 R4}

[sprty] petitioner {S29 Q3 D21 X1 [sHtpy] censer {S29 R4 X1 Q3 M17

F42 U33 M17} M17 R42}

[spdd] supply {S29 Q3 D46 D46 M44 [sHtp] (causative) propitate, please, pacify,
Y1v} satisfy (employees) {S29 R4 X1 Q3 Y1v}
[spdd] supply {S29 Q3 D46 D46 Y2} [sHtp] (causative) provide (for temple),
make gracious (to) {S29 R4 X1 Q3 Y1v}
[spd] (v.) display skill, supply (food), restore
to order {S29 Q3 D46 M44} [sHtp ib] please {S29 R4 X1 Q3 Y1 F34
[spd] (adj.) sharp, effective, skilled {S29 Q3
D46 M44} [skAp] (causative) cover up {S29 R5 Q3
[spdt] triangle {S29 Q3 D46 X1 M44}
[snTr] (causative) cense, consecrate {S29
[spAt] district, nome {S29 Q3 G40 R8 V13 D21 N33}
N24 X1 Z1}
[snTr] (causative) cense, consecrate
[spna] (causative) overturn, renew (skin) {S29 R8 X1 D21 N33 Y1}
{S29 Q3 N35 D36 P1}
[sDD] (causative) make permanent {S29 R11
[spH] (causative) attain {S29 Q3 V28 R11}
[stHn] (causative) make dazzling, radiant {S29
[spHw] (n.) lasso {S29 Q3 V28 G43 V1} S15A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 215

M42 N35 T11 G37}

[stHn] (causative) make dazzling, radiant
{S29 S15A N35}
[sspd] (causative) make ready, supply (with),
prepare (food), enliven (the downcast),
[stHn] (causative) make dazzling, radiant
{S29 S17 N35} penetrate (into) {S29 S29 M44 Y1v}

[ssAi] (causative) satisfy, make wise [ssn] (causative) breathe, smell {S29 S29
{S29 S29 Aa17 G1 A2} N35 D19}

[ssAw] provisions, sustenance {S29 [ssnb] (causative) preserve, heal {S29 S29
S29 Aa17 G1 W22 X2 Z8} N35 D58 Y1v}

[ssAw] provisions, sustenance {S29 [ssnDm] a costly wood {S29 S29 N35
S29 Aa17 G1 Z7 A2} M29 M3}

[ssAw] satisfaction {S29 S29 Aa17 [sspd] (causative) enliven (the downcast),
G43 A2} penetrate (into) {S29 S29 Q3 D46 M44 Y1v}

[ssn] (causative) breathe, smell {S29 S29 [sspd] (causative) make ready, supply
D19} (with), prepare (food) {S29 S29 Q3 D46 M44
[ssrd] (causative) plant (garden) {S29 S29
D21 D46 M31} [sspd] (causative) make ready, supply
(with), prepare (food), enliven (the downcast),
[ss] hurry {S29 S29 D54} penetrate (into) {S29 S29 Q3 D46 Y1v}

[ssbq] (causative) honour (someone) {S29 [ss] (n.) ashes {S29 S29 Q7}
S29 D58 N29 Y1}
[ss] (v.) burn {S29 S29 R40}
[ssbt] make to laugh {S29 S29 D58 X1
F18 A2} [sww] day, dates (in time) {S29 S29
S29 G43 N5 Z2}
[sswn] (causative) destroy {S29 S29 E34
N35 Q7} [ssxm] (causative) strengthen {S29 S29
S42 G17}
[sswn] (n.) destruction {S29 S29 E34 N35
Q7} [ssH] destroy (enemies), shatter (heads)
{S29 S29 V28 D40}
[sswn] (causative) destroy {S29 S29
E34 N35 T11 G37} [ssH] destroy (enemies) {S29 S29 V28
[ssmt] horse, mare {S29 S29 G17 X1
E6} [ssH] shatter (heads) {S29 S29 V28 T30}
[ssmt] horse, mare {S29 S29 G17 X1 [sst] (infinitive) breathe, smell {S29 S29 X1
F27} D19}

[ssnDm] a costly wood {S29 S29 M29 [sst] calf (of leg) {S29 S29 X1 D56}
G17 M1}
[sswt] a metallic inlay ? {S29 S29 X1
[ssnDm] a costly wood {S29 S29 M29 M1} G43 N34 Z2}

[sswn] destroy, destruction {S29 S29 [sanx] (causative) make live, preserve, revive
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 216

(dead), nourish, feed, perpetuate (name) {S29 {S29 T5 N5}

[sHD] (causative trans.) illumine, gladden,
[sanx] (causative) make live, preserve, make clear, reveal {S29 T5 N5}
revive (dead), nourish, feed, perpetuate (name)
{S29 S34 N35 Aa1} [srwD] (causative) make secure,
provide, set right (a wrong), fulfil (contract)
[sanx] sculptor {S29 S34 N35 Aa1 A1} {S29 T12 D21 V24 G43 I10 Y1}

[sHqA] (causative) cause to rule, instal as [srwD] (causative) make to flourish,

ruler {S29 S38 N29 Y1} restore (buildings) {S29 T12 D21 V24 G43
I10 Y1}
[sxm] (n.) power, grimness {S29 S42
Aa1 G17 D40} [srwD] (causative) strengthen,
maintain, perpetuate {S29 T12 D21 V24 G43
[sxmw] (pl.) mighty one, Power I10 Y1}
{S29 S42 G17 Aa1 G43 D40 Z2}
[sqsn] (causative) make miserable {S29
[sqr] work (metal) {S29 T2 D235} T19 N35 G37}

[sHD] inspector {S29 T3} [snaa] (causative) make smooth, polish

{S29 T22 D36 D36}
[sHD] (causative trans.) illumine, gladden,
make clear, reveal {S29 T3 I10 N5} [sn] smell (perfume), breathe (air), kiss {S29
T22 N35 D19}
[sHD] (causative intrans.) shine, make
illumination, make explanation, become pale [snsn] (v. intrans.) be brotherly {S29 T22
N35 S29 T22 N35 D19}
{S29 T3 I10 N5}

[sHD wr] (v. trans.) great light - maker [snw] offerings {S29 T22 N35 W24
D19 Z8}
(of Sun god) {S29 T3 I10 N5 D21 G37}
[snt] base (of statue) {S29 T22 N35 X1
[sHD ib] (causative trans.) make glad O39}
{S29 T3 I10 N5 F34 Z1}
[snt] festival of the 6th day of lunar
[sHD wr] (v. trans.) great light - maker
month {S29 T22 N35 X1 Z2 Z2 X2 X6 W22}
(of Sun god) {S29 T3 I10 N14 G37 D21}
[sSm] lead, guide, rule, govern, show
[sHDt] chest (furniture) {S29 T3 I10 X1
(the way), conduct (war,work), instruct (people)
{S29 T31 G17 D54}

[sHDt] chest (furniture) {S29 T3 I10 [sSmw] statue, portrait, image,

X1 N5 M3}
couterpart {S29 T31 G17 G43 A40}
[sHD] (causative intrans.) shine, make
illumination, make explanation, become pale [sSmw] ruler, leader {S29 T31 G17
M17 M17 A1}
{S29 T3 N8}

[sHD] (causative trans.) illumine, gladden, [sSmw] ruler, leader {S29 T31 G17
M17 M17 D54}
make clear, reveal {S29 T3 N8}
[sSm] lead, guide {S29 T31 G17 Y1v}
[sHD] (causative intrans.) shine, make
illumination, make explanation, become pale
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 217

[sSm] expenditure, state of affairs, [smA] ramp ? {S29 U1 G1 F36 N23}

state, condition, nature {S29 T31 G17 Y1 Z2}
[smA] partake (of), make ready (a
[sSm] guidance, procedure, conduct, boat), {S29 U1 G1 F36 Y1v}
business {S29 T31 G17 Y1 Z2}
[smA] unite, join (a company),
[sSm] guidance {S29 T32} associate (with), arrive (in) {S29 U1 G1 F36
[sSmw] statue, portrait, image, couterpart
{S29 T32 Aa15 A48} [smA] wild bull {S29 U1 G1 G17
[sSm] guidance {S29 T32 Aa15 D54}
[smA] unite, join (a company),
[sSm] lead, guide {S29 T32 D54} associate (with), arrive (in) {S29 U1 G1 G17
F36 D36}
[sSmw] ruler, leader {S29 T32 G17
D54 A1} [smA] partake (of), make ready (a
boat), {S29 U1 G1 G17 F36 D36}
[sSmw] ruler, leader {S29 T32
G17 G43 D54 A1} [simA] make well-disposed {S29
U1 G1 G17 M1 Y1v}
[sSmt] leading (of procession),
guidance, governance, control {S29 T32 G17 [simA] (causative) make well-
Y1 X1} disposed (to) {S29 U1 G1 G17 M1 Y1v}

[sSmt] working out (mathematical), [sAm] burn up {S29 U1 G1 G17

proof (mathematical) {S29 T32 G17 Y1 X1} Q7}

[sSm] guidance {S29 T32 G17 Y1v} [sAm] (causative) burn up {S29 U1
G1 G17 Q7}
[sSmw] statue, portrait, image, couterpart
{S29 T32 G17 Y1v} [smA] kill, destroy {S29 U1 G1
G17 T30A D36}
[sSmw] statue, portrait, image, couterpart
{S29 T32 I12} [smAwy] (causative) renovate,
renew {S29 U1 G1 G43 Z4 Y1}
[sSmt] guiding serpent (of god) {S29 T32
X1 I12} [smA] kill, destroy {S29 U1 G1 T30
[sSmt] guidance {S29 T32 X1 Y1}
[smAr] (causative) impoverish {S29
[sSmt] guidance {S29 T32 X1 Y1} U1 M17 D21 T12 D40}

[sSm] business {S29 T32 Y1} [smAr] (causative) impoverish {S29

U1 M17 D21 T12 G37}
[smAa xrw] justify (the dead, the
living) {S29 U1 Aa11 D36 P8 A2} [smA] kill, destroy {S29 U1 T30}

[smA] scalp, side {S29 U1 D3} [smAwy] (causative) renovate, renew

{S29 U1 Z4A G43 Y1v}
[smA] wild bull {S29 U1 E1}
[smAr] (causative) impoverish {S29 U2 D4
G1 D21 T12}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 218

[smAwy] (causative) renovate, renew [sAb] (causative) cross (water) {S29

{S29 U2 D4 G1 G43} U23 D58 Y1 A24}

[smAa] put in order, correct, present, [smr] friend (of king) {S29 U23
survey (region) {S29 U5 D36 D54} G17 D21 A21 A1}

[smAa] put in order, correct, present, survey [smr] (causative) cause pain {S29 U23
(region) {S29 U5 D36 Y1v} G17 D21 G37}

[snwH] (causative) impassion {S29 U19 [smrw] friends {S29 U23 U23 U23}
W24 V28 D280}
[swbA] (causative) open, reveal (oneself)
[snwH] (causative) impassion {S29 U19 {S29 U26 D58 G1 Y1v}
W24 V28 N42 D52}
[swbA] (causative) open, reveal
[smnx] (causative) advance, ennoble, make (oneself) {S29 U26 D58 G29 M17 M17 Y1v}
distinguised (a name), endow {S29 U22 Aa1}
[swbA] (causative) open, reveal (oneself) {S29
[smnx] (causative) publish, make effective U26 Y1v}
(words), pull, set in order (affairs), {S29 U22
Aa1} [swbA Hr n] instruct {S29 U26 Y1
D2 Z1 N35}
[smnx] (causative) settle (endowment),
confirm, embellish, restore, efficiently execute [swbA ib] open the heart (to wisdom)
{S29 U22 Aa1} {S29 U26 Y1 F34 Z1}

[smnx] (causative) advance, ennoble, make [sDA] adviser ? {S29 U28 A2}
distinguised (a name), endow {S29 U22 Y1}
[sDA] travel, depart (in sense of die) {S29
U28 G1 D54}
[smnx] (causative) publish, make effective
(words), pull, set in order (affairs), {S29 U22
Y1} [sDAm] (causative) lie (with woman)
{S29 U28 G1 G17 D53}
[smnx] (causative) settle (endowment),
[sDAyt] seal {S29 U28 G1 M17 M17
confirm, embellish, restore, efficiently execute X1 S20}
{S29 U22 Y1}
[sDH] shank, shin {S29 U28 G1 V28
[smrw] friends {S29 U23 A1 Z2} F51}

[sAb] jackal {S29 U23 D58 E17} [sDH] shank {S29 U28 G1 V28 F51}
[sAb Swt] many coloured of [sDAy Hr] amuse oneself, take
plummage (of Solar Horus) {S29 U23 D58 H6 recreation {S29 U28 G1 Z4 Y1 D2 Z1}
X1 Z1 H5 Z2}
[sDAmt] (n.) pick {S29 U28 G14 X1 U6}
[sAb Swt] variegated of plumage {S29
U23 D58 H6 X1 Z1 H5 Z2}
[sDAyt] seal {S29 U28 X1 G43 S20}
[sAb] drip {S29 U23 D58 N35A}
[sDAy Hr] amuse oneself, take recreation
{S29 U28 Y1 D2 Z1}
[sAbt] particoloured snake {S29 U23 D58
X1 I14}
[sDAy] take recreation {S29 U28 Z4 Z9}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 219

(herbage), make to flourish (of person, office)

[isT] (non - enclitic particle) {S29 U33} {S29 V4 I10 M13 M13B Y1v}

[stHn] (causative) make dazzling, [swAD] (causative) make prosperous (of

radiant {S29 U33 V28 N35 S15} years), richly provide (altars), refurbish (stela)
{S29 V4 I10 M13 M13B Y1v}
[sxsf] (causative) create opposition
(against) {S29 U35 A2} [swAS] (causative) pay honour to,
applaud {S29 V4 N37 A30}
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA {S29
V2 D54} [swAS] (causative) pay honour to, applaud
{S29 V4 N37 Y1}
[stAw] injury {S29 V2 G1 Z7}
[sSr] utter, express {S29 V6 D21 A2}
[sTA] (v. intrans.) flow {S29 V2 V13
G1 D54} [sSrw] corn {S29 V6 D21 U9 Z2}
[sTA] (v.) (of people) drag, drag away, [sSrw] things, actions, course, manner (of
admit, usherin, bring {S29 V2 V13 G1 D54} action) {S29 V6 D21 Y1v}
[sTA] (v.) (of things) drag, pull, pull [sSsr] (causative) discuss ? {S29 V6
out, reduce (swelling), draw off (pus) {S29 V2 O34 D21 A2}
V13 G1 D54}
[sarq] (causative) finish off, complete, put a
[swA] (causative) pass (on road), escape stop to {S29 V12 N29}
(from), surpass (someone), pass away,
transgress, occur {S29 V4 G1 D54} [isT] (non - enclitic particle) {S29 V13}
[swAw] journey {S29 V4 G1 G43 [sTy] odour, smell {S29 V13 Aa3}
N31 D54}
[sTi] (v.) strew, scatter {S29 V13 D117}
[swA] (causative) pass (on road),
escape (from), surpass (someone), pass away, [sti] impregnate (female), beget, ejaculate
transgress, occur {S29 V4 G1 N31 D54} {S29 V13 F29}

[swAS] (causative) pay honour to, [sTw] sower {S29 V13 F29A G43}
applaud {S29 V4 G1 N37 A28}
[sTsy] be stretched out, prostrate {S29
[swAwA] (causative) ponder {S29 V13 G1 S29 Z7 A97}
V4 G1 V4 G1}
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA
[swAH] (causative) make to endure, {S29 V13 G1 V1 O34}
to last, make stay (in house), lengthen (life), last
long {S29 V4 G1 V28 V29 Y1v} [stt] (divinity) Satis (goddess) {S29 V13
M17 S22 X1}
[swAt] what is past {S29 V4 G1 X1
N31 D54} [sTit] (divinity) Satis {S29 V13 M17
S22 X1}
[swA] (causative) pass (on road),
escape (from), surpass (someone), pass away, [sTny] (causative) distinguish, honour,
transgress, occur {S29 V4 G1 Z9 N31} make distinctions, differentiate {S29 V13 N35
[swAD] (causative) make green
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 220

[stnm] lead astray, confusion {S29 [sTA] see under other entries for sTA
V13 N35 T34 G17 D55} {S29 V13 V2 G1 O34}

[sTny] distinguish, honour, make [sTA] see under other entries for sTA
distinctions {S29 V13 N35 Z4 T14 Y1v} {S29 V13 V2 O34}

[sTsi] (causative) raise, lift up, remove [sTy] odour, smell {S29 V13 V33}
(lassitude), display (beauty) {S29 V13 O34
D40} [sty Hb] a sacred oil {S29 V13 V33
O22C V30 W10B}
[sTsy] be stretched out, prostrate {S29
V13 O34 M17 M17 A98} [sTit] (divinity) Satis {S29 V13 X1
F29 X1 A43}
[sTsi] (causative) raise, lift up, remove
(lassitude), display (beauty) {S29 V13 O34 [sTt] kindle (light) {S29 V13 X1 S22
U39} D40}

[sTsi] (causative) raise, lift up, remove [sTt] kindle (light) {S29 V13 X1 S22
(lassitude), display (beauty) {S29 V13 O34 U39
[sTt] jar (for beer) {S29 V13 X1 W22}
[sTsy] be stretched out, prostrate {S29 V13
O34 Z4 A98} [smHy] (causative) flood (land), drown
(enemy), sink (his ship) {S29 V22 V28 N35A}
[sTsy] be stretched out, prostrate {S29
V13 O34 Z7 A97 D40} [swD] (causative) hand over, pass on, assign
(office etc) {S29 V24 D46 Y1}
[sTp] (v. intrans.) leap up {S29 V13 Q3
D54} [swD] (causative) hand over, pass on,
assign (office etc) {S29 V24 G43 A2}
[sTp] (v. trans.) overleap {S29 V13 Q3
D54} [swD] (causative) hand over, pass on, assign
(office etc) {S29 V24 G43 Y1v}
[sTp] (v.) discharge (of the eyes) {S29
V13 Q3 U21 Aa3 N33A}
[swD] (causative) hand over, pass on, assign
(office etc) {S29 V24 I10 Y1}
[stp sA] palace {S29 V13 Q3 U21 O1
[saD] (causative) make hale {S29 V26 D46
[stp sA] protect, do escort duty {S29 V13
Q3 U21 V16}
[sHri] (causative) remove, exorcise (ill),
[stp] cut up (animal) {S29 V13 Q3 U21 drive away (foes), avert (face), deliver (from)
{S29 V28 D2 D21 Aa19 N31}

[sTp] (v. intrans.) leap up {S29 V13 Q3 [sHay] (causative) acclaim {S29 V28
D36 M17 M17 A28}
U21 Y1}

[stpt] (collective n.) choice things [sHb] (causative) make festive, adorn
{S29 V28 D58 W3}
(of food) {S29 V13 Q3 X1 U21 F23 F44 Z2}
[sHm] (causative) put a stop to {S29 V28
[sTA] weave, spin (yarn) {S29 V13 V2} G17}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 221

[sHm] crush, pound, trituration {S29 V28 [sHtm] (causative) destroy {S29 V28
G17 U32} X1 U15 G37}

[sHwr] (causative) vilify {S29 V28 G37 [sHwy] join up (boundaries) {S29 V28
D21 A2} Z4 G43 G41 Y1}

[sHwr] (causative) vilify {S29 V28 G37 [sHwy] collection, summary, assemblage
D21 M17 A2} (of troops), list {S29 V28 Z4 G43 Y1v}

[sHwa] (causative) shorten {S29 V28 [sHwy] collect, asssemble {S29 V28 Z4
G43 D36 G37} G43 Y1v}

[sHDn] (causative) vex {S29 V28 I10 [sHb] (causative) make festive, adorn
N35 G37} {S29 V28 Z4 W3 D58}

[sHn] (causative) command {S29 V28 [sHwy] collect, asssemble {S29 V28 Z7
M2 N35 D40} G41 A2}

[sHn] decorate {S29 V28 M2 N35 Y1v} [sHwy] collection, summary,

assemblage (of troops), list {S29 V28 Z7 Z4
[sHyHt] gallinule (moor hen) ? {S29 G41 Y1 Z2}
V28 M17 M17 V28 X1 G39}
[swAH] (causative) make to endure, to last,
[sHyHt] gallinule (moor hen) ? {S29 V28 make stay (in house), lengthen (life), last long
M17 V28 X1 G39} {S29 V29 V28 Y1v}

[sHqr] (causative) make hungry {S29 [sk] wipe, wipe out, wipe away {S29 V29
V28 N29 D21 G37} V31 D36}

[sHtm] (causative) destroy {S29 [ski] (v. trans.) destroy {S29 V29 V31
V28 Q1 G17 G41 G37} G37}

[sHtp] (causative) propitate, please, pacify, [ski] (v. intrans.) perish {S29 V29 V31
satisfy (employees) {S29 V28 R4 X1 Q3} G37}

[sHtp] (causative) provide (for temple), [ski] (n.) accusation {S29 V29 V31 G37}
make gracious (to) {S29 V28 R4 X1 Q3}
[skw] battle {S29 V29 V31 G43 D40
[sHn] (causative) command {S29 V28 U8 Z2}
[skw] troops, companies {S29 V29
[sHtm] (causative) destroy {S29 V31 G43 D40 Z2}
V28 U15 G17 G39 G37}
[skw] troops, companies {S29 V29
[sHtmw] destroyer {S29 V31 G43 S156 D40 Z2}
V28 U15 G17 G43 G41 G37 A1}
[sk] fell (trees) {S29 V29 V31 M3}
[sHyHt] gallinule (moor hen) ? {S29 V28
V28 X1 G39} [ski] (v. trans.) destroy {S29 V29
V31 M17 M17 G37}
[sHsi] (causative) meet (someone) {S29
V28 W14 O34 D54} [sksk] destroy {S29 V29 V31 O50 Z4
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 222

[sksk] destroy {S29 V29 V31 S29 V29 [sgrgw] yard arms (of ship) ? {S29
V31 D40} W11 D21 U17 M3 Z2}

[sksk] destroy {S29 V29 V31 S29 V29 [sgrH] (causative) satisfy {S29 W11 D21
V31 G37} V28 A2}

[skw] troops, companies {S29 V29 V31 [sgrH] (causative) make peaceful, pacify,
T3 A1 Z2} satisfy {S29 W11 D21 V28 D41 Y1}

[sktw] type of boat {S29 V29 V31 [sgrH] (causative) make peaceful, pacify
X1 G43 P1} {S29 W11 D21 V28 Y1v}

[sktt] type of boat {S29 V29 V31 X1 [sgrg] (causative) institute (offerings)
X1 P1} {S29 W11 D21 W11 U17}

[sktt] night - barque (of sun) {S29 [sgr] (causative v. and n.) silence {S29 W11
V29 V31 X1 X1 P1} D21 Y1}

[ski] (v.) pass (time) {S29 V29 V31 Y1} [sgnn] (causative) soften, weaken, anoint
{S29 W11 N35 N35 A7}
[skw] troops, companies {S29 V29
V31 Z7 A24 A1 Z2} [sgnn] (causative) soften, weaken,
anoint {S29 W11 N35 N35 A7 G37}
[swAH] (causative) make to endure, to last,
make stay (in house), lengthen (life), last long [sgnn] tallow, ointment {S29 W11 N35
{S29 V29 Y1v} N35 W23 Z2}

[isk] (non - enclitic particle) {S29 V31} [sqbbwy] bathroom {S29 W15 O1 O1}

[skn] be greedy, lust (after) {S29 V31 [sxnti] (causative) advance, promote
N35 I3} {S29 W17 N35 X1 D19}

[sk] wipe, wipe out, wipe away {S29 V31 [sxnti] (causative) advance, promote
V29} {S29 W17 N35 X1 D19 Y1}

[sk Xt] pour out one's heart {S29 V31 [sxnti] (causative) take southward
V29 F32 X1 Z1} {S29 W17 N35 X1 P1}

[snkkw] darkness {S29 V31 V31 G43 [sxnti] (causative) advance, promote
N2} {S29 W17 N35 X1 P1}

[sktw] type of boat {S29 V31 X1 G43 [smi] (n.) report, acknowledgement (of letter)
P1} {S29 W19}

[skw] battle {S29 V90 M17 M17 D40 [smi] (v.) report, make report, complain,
Z2} announce, proclaim {S29 W19}

[sgr] (causative v. and n.) silence {S29 W11 [smi] (n.) report, acknowledgement (of
D21 A2} letter) {S29 W19 M17 A2}
[sgr] (causative v. and n.) silence {S29 [smi] (v.) report, make report, complain,
W11 D21 M17 A2} announce, proclaim {S29 W19 M17 A2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 223

[smi] whip {S29 W19 M17 F27 Z1} [stwt] (causative) resemble {S29 X1
G43 X1 Y1}
[smi] chastise {S29 W19 M17 P8 A24}
[stf] liquid ?, to foam up {S29 X1 I9 D26
[smi] curds {S29 W19 M17 W24 Z2} Z2}

[smit] charge, accusation {S29 W19 M17 [stfw] sheet (copper) {S29 X1 I9 G43
X1 A2} N35A}

[swnw] tower {S29 W24 O233} [stnm] (n.) confusion {S29 X1 N35
T34 G17 D54}
[snw] wine of Pelusium {S29 W24 W10}
[stnm] (causative) lead astray, confuse
{S29 X1 N35 T34 G17 D54}
[st] (dependent prn.) it, them {S29 X1}
[sTny] (causative) distinguish,
[sTi] (v.) strew, scatter {S29 X1 A409} honour, make distinctions, differentiate {S29 X1
N35 W24 Z7 T14 G41}
[sTy] odour, smell {S29 X1 Aa2}
[sTny] (causative) distinguish, honour, make
[stbn] (casuative) hasten {S29 X1 D58 distinctions, differentiate {S29 X1 N35 Y1}
N35 D54}
[stX] (divinity) Seth (god) {S29 X1 N37}
[sti] impregnate (female), beget,
ejaculate {S29 X1 F29 D53} [sthi] (causative) ramble about {S29 X1
O4 D56 D54}
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA
{S29 X1 F29 G1 V2 D54}
[stpw] the choicest, pick {S29 X1 Q3
G43 U21 Y1 Z2}
[stwt] rays (of sun) {S29 X1 F29
G43 X1 N8}
[stp] choke ? {S29 X1 Q3 U21 A2}
[sty] (v.) stare, stare at {S29 X1 F29
M17 M17 D4}
[stp sA] protect, do escort duty {S29 X1 Q3
U21 V16}

[smyt] desert, necropolis {S29

X1 G17 Aa8 X1 N21 Z1 N25}
[stp] cut up (animal), cut off (limbs), pick
out, choose {S29 X1 Q3 U21 Y1}
[stwr] (causative) keep clean {S29 X1 G36
D21} [stpt] (collective n.) choice things (of
food) {S29 X1 Q3 X1 U21 Z2}
[stwt] (causative) resemble, smooth
over, make over, praise (craftsmanship) {S29 [sTA] weave, spin (yarn) {S29 X1 U30 G1}
X1 G43 X1 A53 Y1v}
[stAw] dragging {S29 X1 U30 G1
[swtwt] go forth, walk about, journey, G43 V2}
travel {S29 X1 G43 X1 D54}
[stA] (causative) heat, kindle (taper) {S29
X1 U30 G1 Q7}
[swtwt] walk about {S29 X1 G43 X1
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA
{S29 X1 U30 G1 S29 V2 D54}
[stwt] rays (of sun) {S29 X1 G43 X1
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 224

{S29 X1 U30 G1 V2 D54}

[smn] (causative) retire, withdraw {S29 Y5
N35 D54}
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA
{S29 X1 U30 G1 V2 D54}
[smntyw] emissaries {S29 Y5 N35 G4
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA
{S29 X1 U30 G1 V2 D54 S29 D54}
[smn] goose {S29 Y5 N35 G39}
[stAw] injury {S29 X1 U30 G1 Z7
V2 D54 Z2 Aa2} [smn] (causative) affix (adornments),
make to stay, set aside, leave to stand, take
[stA] (causative) heat, kindle (taper) {S29 X1 station, {S29 Y5 N35 U32 D36}
U30 Q7}
[smn] (causative) make firm, establish,
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA {S29 make to endure, perpetuate, fasten, make fast
X1 U30 V2 D54} {S29 Y5 N35 U32 D36}

[stAt] censer, lamp {S29 X1 U30 X1 Q7} [smn] (causative) set in place (parts of
body), set up (stela), record (events), confirm
[sTA] weave, spin (yarn) {S29 X1 V2 (office) {S29 Y5 N35 U32 D36}
[smnw] supports of sky {S29 Y5 N35
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA {S29 W24 U32 Z2}
X1 V2 D54}
[smnw] rungs of ladder {S29 Y5 N35
[stwA] (causative) hold up {S29 X1 V4 W24 W24 W24 M3 M3 M3}
[smn] (n.) mainstay (of land), confirmation
[stkn] (causative) cause to approach, (of land-holding) {S29 Y5 N35 Y1}
induct (into), cut short, bring on (doom),
execute (judgements) {S29 X1 V31 N35 D54} [smn] (causative) affix (adornments), make to
stay, set aside, leave to stand, take station, {S29
[stt] shooting pains {S29 X1 X1 Aa2 Z2} Y5 N35 Y1}

[sti] (v.) pour (water) {S29 X1 X1 W56} [smn] (causative) make firm, establish, make
to endure, perpetuate, fasten, make fast {S29 Y5
[st] (prn. compound) they {S29 X1 Z2} N35 Y1}

[sty r] mid - day meal {S29 X1 Z4 [smn] (causative) set in place (parts of body),
Aa2 D21 Z1 A2} set up (stela), record (events), confirm (office)
{S29 Y5 N35 Y1}
[smnx] (causative) settle (endowment),
confirm, embellish, restore, efficiently execute, [s] ornamental vessel {S29 Z1}
publish {S29 Y5 N35 Aa1 U22 Y1}
[.sn] (suffix and dependent prn.) they, them, their
[smnx] (causative) publish, make {S29 Z3}
effective (words), pull, set in order (affairs),
{S29 Y5 N35 Aa1 U22 Y1} [sy] (dependent prn.) she, her, it {S29 Z4}

[smnx] (causative) advance, ennoble, [swx] (causative) spend the night {S29 Z7
make distinguised (a name), endow {S29 Y5 Aa1 N2}
N35 Aa1 U22 Y1}
[swdf] (causative) make to linger {S29
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 225

Z7 D46 I9 D54}
[anx] captive {S34 A223}
[swgm] (causative) grind, pulverize
{S29 Z7 G28 G17 D36} [anx] captive {S34 A223 D40}

[swSr] (causative) dry {S29 Z7 N37 D21 [anxt] eye (of deity) {S34 D10}
[anxw] the living {S34 G43 Z2}
[swhi] (v.) boast of, vaunt with {S29 Z7
O4 G1 A2} [anx] garland {S34 M2}

[swhA] break up (of ship) {S29 Z7 [anx] live, life {S34 N35 Aa1}
O4 G1 E21 A24}
[anx] person {S34 N35 Aa1 A1}
[swDA] (causative) die {S29 Z7 U28
G1 Z6}
[anx] swear, oath {S34 N35 Aa1 A2}
[swDb] (causative) wind (rope around) [anxw] the living {S34 N35 Aa1 G43
{S29 Z7 V25 D58 F46 Y1}

[swr] drink {S29 Z9 D21 M17 N35A [anx] beetle {S34 N35 Aa1 L1}

[sDAy Hr] amuse oneself, take recreation [anx tAwy] Memphis {S34 N35 Aa1
N16 N16 N23 N23}
{S29 Z9 U28 D2 Z1}

[sf] yesterday {S30 N5} [anx n mSa] private soldier {S34

N35 Aa1 N35 A12 Z2 A1}

[siA] (v.) recognize, perceive, know, be

[anxw] blocks (of alabaster) {S34 N35
aware of, {S32 A2} Aa1 O39 Z2}

[siA] (v.) recognize, perceive, know, be [anxt] eye (of deity) {S34 N35 Aa1
aware of, {S32 G1 A2} X1 D10}

[siA] (n.) perception, knowledge {S32 [anxt] goat {S34 N35 Aa1 X1 E31}
G1 A2}
[anxt] corn {S34 N35 Aa1 X1 U9 Z2}
[siA] (n.) perception, knowledge {S32
G1 A2 A40}
[anxt] corn {S34 N35 Aa1 X1 X1 U9}
[siA] orpiment ? {S32 G1 N33 Z2} [anxt] corn {S34 N35 Aa1 X1 Z8 Z2}
[siAt] fringed cloth {S32 Z1} [anxwy] ears {S34 S34 F21 F21}
[Tbwty] (dual) sandals, soles (of feet) {S33 [anxw] the living {S34 S34 S34}

[Tbwt] sandal, sole {S33 X1 Z1} [anx wDA snb] may he live, be prosperous
and healthy {S34 U28 S29}
[Tbw] sandal maker {S33 Z7 A1}
[anx] garland {S34 V12 Z1 Z8}
[anx] swear {S34}
[anx] sandal strap {S34 Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 226

[anx] captive {S34 Z1} [Hqt] (divinity) Heqat (frog goddess) {S38
N29 X1 I12}
[anx] garland {S34 Z1 M2}
[Hqt] Heqat (frog goddess) {S38 N29 X1
[anx] mirror {S34 Z1 N34} I12}

[anx] garland {S34 Z1 V12} [HqAt] corn-measure (of 4.54 litres) {S38
N29 X1 U9}
[anxw] the living {S34 Z3}
[HqAt] rulership {S38 N29 X1 Y1}
[sryt] (n.) standard {S35}
[HqA Hwt] district governor {S38 O6 X1
[Swyt] shadow, shade {S35 X1 Z1}
[HqAt] sceptre {S38 X1 Z1}
[Swyt] spirit (of god) {S36}
[HqA bAt] guardian of hathor ? (a title) {S38
[Swyt] shade (as part of man's personality), Y8A}
spirit (of god) {S36 X1 Z1}
[wAs] (n. and v.) dominion, have dominion
[Swt ra] Sunshade (a type of small {S40}
Temple) {S36 X1 Z1 D21 D36 N5 Z1}
[wAsi] (n.) ruin {S40 G17 G37}
[Swt ra] Sunshade, type of small temple
{S36 X1 Z1 N5 Z1} [wAsi] (v.) be ruined, decayed {S40 G37}
[xw] fan {S37} [wAst] Thebes {S40 X1 N24}
[HqA] ruler {S38 A1} [wAsty] the Theban {S40 X1 Z4 O49}
[awt] herds (in general) {S38 G43 X1 [wAsty] the Theban {S40 X1 Z4 S29}
D52 Z2}
[wAs] sceptre {S40 Z1}
[awt] small cattle, goats, herds {S38 G43
X1 E8}
[wAs] sceptre {S40 Z1 M3}
[awt xAst] desert game {S38 G43 X1
E8 Z2 N25 X1 Z1} [wAs] (ancient mis-spelling) ruin {S41
G17 G37}
[HqA] rule over, govern {S38 N29}
[Damw] fine gold, electrum {S41 G17
G43 S12 N33 Z2}
[HqA] Ruler {S38 N29 G1 A1}
[Damw] fine gold, electrum {S41 G17
[HqA] ruler {S38 N29 G1 A40} S12 N33 Z2}

[HqA] ruler {S38 N29 G1 A45} [Damw] fine gold, electrum {S41 G17 Z7
[HqA] ruler {S38 N29 G1 G7}
[Damw] fine gold, electrum {S41 S12 N33
[HqA] rule over, govern {S38 N29 G1 Z2}
[sxm] (n.) power, grimness {S42}
[HqAt] sceptre {S38 N29 X1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 227

G17 G45 Z3}

[xrp] baton (of office) {S42}
[sxmt] (divinity) Sekhmet (goddess) {S42
[xrp] controller, administrator {S42} G17 X1 I12}

[xrp] undertake (works) {S42} [sxmt] power {S42 G17 X1 Z2}

[xrp] controller, administrator {S42 A1} [xrp] district, estate {S42 N23}

[sxm] (n.) power, grimness {S42 A24} [skw] troops, companies {S42 S156 A1
[sxm] mighty one, Power {S42 A40}
[sxmty] the Double - Crown {S42 X1 S6}
[sxm ir .f] potentate {S42 A40 D4 I9}
[sxmty] the Double - Crown {S42 X1 Z4
[sxm] (n.) power, grimness {S42 Aa1 D40} S6}

[sxmt] (divinity) Sekhmet (goddess) {S42 [sxm] sceptre, sistrum {S42 Z1}
Aa1 X1 B7C}
[abA] sceptre {S42 Z1}
[sxmt] (divinity) Sekhmet (goddess) {S42
Aa1 X1 C232} [xrp] district ?, estate ? {S42 Z1 N23}

[sxmt] (divinity) Sekhmet (goddess) {S42 [abA] offering - stone {S42 Z1 O39}
Aa1 X1 I12}
[sxmw] (pl.) mighty one, Power {S42 Z1
[sxmty] the Double - Crown {S42 Aa1 X1 Z2}
[mdw iAw] staff of old age (supporter of an
[sxmty] the Double - Crown {S42 Aa1 aged parent) {S43 A20 A1}
X1 Z4 S1 S3}
[mdw] (n.) speech, word, plea {S43 D46
[sxmty] the Double - Crown {S42 Aa1 G43 A2}
X1 Z4 S6}
[mdw] (v.) speak, address (someone)
[sxmt] (divinity) Sekhmet (goddess) {S42 {S43 D46 G43 A2}
Aa1 X1 Z5 G7}
[mdw m] (v.) speak against {S43
[abA] present (one's hands in ritual gesture) D46 G43 A2 G17}
{S42 D58 Y1v}
[mdw Hna] (v.) dispute with {S43
[sxm] (v.) have power (over), give power D46 G43 A2 V28 N35 D36}
(to), prevail (over), be grim (of face) {S42 G17
[mdw nTr] word of God, divine
decree, sacred writings, written characters,
[sxm] (adj.) powerful {S42 G17 D40}
script {S43 D46 G43 Y1 Z2 R8}
[sxm ib] stout - hearted, violent,
[mdw] speak, address (someone), speech,
violence {S42 G17 D40 F34 Z1}
word, plea {S43 D46 X1 A2}
[sxm] founder ? (of ship) {S42 G17 D54}
[mdt] speech, words, (legal) plea, talk,
(written) word, content (of letter), matter, affair
[sxmw] (pl.) mighty one, Power {S42 {S43 D46 X1 A2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian S - Clothing 228

[mdt] speech, words {S43 D46 X1 N33A} [HD] white, bright {T3}

[mdt] matter, affair {S43 D46 X1 Y1v} [HD] white (of the eye) {T3 D12}

[mdw] speak, address (someone), speech, [HD] jaw {T3 F19 F19}
word, plea {S43 D46 X1 Z2}
[HDw] onions {T3 G43 M201}
[mdw] speak, address (someone), speech,
word, plea {S43 D46 Z4 A2} [HD] set forth at dawn {T3 I10 D54}

[mdwty] talker, speaker {S43 D46 [HDDwt] brightness {T3 I10 I10
Z7 X1 Z4 A2 A1} G43 X1 N8 Z3}

[mdw] speech, word, plea {S43 G17 [HD] white, bright {T3 I10 N5}
D46 G43}
[HD Hr] cheerful {T3 I10 N5 D2 Z1}
[mdw] speak, address (someone), speech,
word, plea {S43 G43} [HD] set forth at dawn {T3 I10 N5 D54}

[mDw nbw] goldsmiths {S43 G43 Z3 [HD tA] dawn {T3 I10 N5 N16 N23
S12 G43} Z1}

[Dd mdw] recitation {S43 I10} [HD] white clothes {T3 I10 N5 S28}

[Dd mdw in] recitation by {S43 I10 M17 [HD] white, bright {T3 I10 N8}
[HDt HsAt] milk {T3 I10
[mdwty] taker, speaker {S43 X1 Z4 D40} X1 N5 V28 O34 G39 G1 X1 E101A Z2 W24}
[mdw] staff, rod {S43 Z1 M3} [HDw] onions {T3 I10 Z7 M2 Z2}

[nxnxA] (n.) flail {S45} [HDi] (v. intrans.) be destroyed, perished,

be lacking, fail {T3 I10 Z9}
[nms] the (royal) Nemes head cloth {S57C}
[HDi] (v. trans.) injure, destroy, disobey,
[wDA] pectoral {S95} annul, waste, eclipse, degrade {T3 I10 Z9}

[sSm] guidance {S123 D54} [HDi] (n.) damage, destruction {T3 I10 Z9}

[iAtt] milk, cream {S152 X1 X1 W23} [HD ib] (v. intrans.) be upset, annoyed
{T3 I10 Z9 F34 Z1}
[xwi] protect {S167 Y1}
[HDw] onions {T3 M2 N33A}

[HD] white, bright {T3 N5}

[HD] silver, money {T3 S12 N33A}

T - Warfare and Hunting [HDt] the white crown {T3 X1 S2}

[HDt] white linen {T3 X1 S28}

[mn n .k] take to yourself {T1 N35 V31}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian T - Warfare and Hunting 229

[HDty] white sandals {T3 X1 Z4 S33 S33} [pDt] (collective n.) foreigners {T9 T14 A1
[HDt] white linen {T3 X1 Z5 V6 Z3A}
[pDtyw] foreigners {T9 X1 G4 T14 A1
[HD] mace {T3 Z1} Z2}

[HD] chapel {T3 Z1 O1} [pDt] (collective n.) foreigners {T9 X1

T14 Z6 Z2}
[HD Apdw] bird - chapel {T3 Z1 O1 G39
Z2} [pDty] foreigner {T9 X1 Z4 T14 A1}

[HDt] the White Crown {T4 X1 S1} [psDt] the Nine Bows (traditional
enemies of Egypt) {T10 T10 T10 T10 T10 T10
[HDt] white linen {T4 X1 S28} T10 T10 T10}

[HD] mace {T4 Z1} [pDt] (collective n.) foreigners {T10 X1

T14 A1 B1 Z2}
[HDt] white (of the eye) {T5 X1 N8}
[pDt] bow {T10 X1 Z1}
[HDi] (n.) damage, destruction {T5 Z9
G37} [pDt] (collective n.) troop (of soldiers)
{T10 X1 Z1 T14 A1 Z2}
[HDDwt] brightness {T6 X1 G43 N8
Z2} [psDt (pDwt ?)] the Nine Bows {T10 X1
Z2 Z2 Z2}
[mDH] hew (timber), build (ships) {T7}
[pDty] bowman {T10 X1 Z4 D40}
[mDH] hewer (of stone), carpenter {T7
A1} [pDty] bowman {T10 Z1 X1 A1}

[mDH] hew (timber), build (ships) {T7 [swnt] price {T11 N35 X1 Y1 Z2}
V28 D40}
[swn] (n. and v.) trade {T11 N35 Y1}
[tpy] being upon, principal, first, high (priest)
{T8} [swnw] physician, doctor {T11 W24 Z1
[tp awy] (n.) predecessors, ancestors {T8
G43 D36} [rwD] cord {T12}

[pD] stretch (cord in foundation ceremony) [rwD] enduring, permanent {T12}

[rwdt] success {T12}
[pDi] (v.) sharpen (a knife) {T9}
[rwD] prosperous, prosper {T12 A24}
[pDt] bow {T9A X1}
[dAr] subdue (foes) {T12 A24}
[pDt] bow {T9A X1 Z1}
[rwD] prosperous, prosper {T12 A24}
[pDt] measure (for textiles, for incense) {T9A
X1 Z1} [rwD] control, administer {T12 G43
[pDt] bow {T9A X1 Z1 M3}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian T - Warfare and Hunting 230

[rwDw] agent {T12 G43 D40} [awt] small cattle, sheep, goats {T14 Z7 X1
Z5 Z2}
[rwDt] hard stone, sandstone {T12 X1 O39}
[awt] small cattle {T14 Z7 X1 Z5 Z2}
[rwD] hard {T12 Y1}
[wrryt] chariot {T17 X1}
[rs] wake {T13 D4}
[Smsw Hr] follower of Horus, righteous
[rsw] watch / guard (of sentries), vigilance person {T18 G5}
{T13 G43 D4}
[Smsw] follower, retainer {T18 G43 A1}
[rst] sacrificial victims {T13 X1 A15A Z2}
[Smsw] follower, retainer {T18 G43
[rswt] awakening {T13 Z7 X1 D4} D54 A1}

[qmA] throw, create, beget, produce, carry out [Smswt] (collective n.) following, suite
(teaching), hammer out (from metal) {T14} {T18 G43 X1}

[aAm] Asiatic {T14 G17 A1} [Sms] follow, accompany, serve, bring,
present {T18 S29 D54}
[aAm] Asiatic {T14 G17 A13}
[Smsw] following, suite {T18 S29 D54}
[aAm] throwstick {T14 G17 N63A}
[Sms wDA] (v.) follow the funeral
[qmA] throw, create, beget, produce, carry {T18 S29 D54 G43 U28 G1 D54}
out (teaching), hammer out (from metal) {T14
G41} [Sms wDA] (n.) funeral procession
{T18 S29 D54 G43 U28 G1 D54}
[awt] small cattle, sheep, goats {T14 G43
X1 E1 Z2} [Smsw] following, suite {T18 S29 D54 Z2}

[nHsy] Nubian {T14 S29 Z4 Z6} [Smsw] worship {T18 S29 D54 Z2}

[HqAt] corn-measure (of 4.54 litres) {T14 [Smswt] (collective n.) following, suite
U9} {T18 S29 G43 X1 D54 Z2}

[THnw] (locality) Libya {T14 W24 N18} [Smsw] following, suite {T18 S29 Z7 D54
A1 Z2}
[THnw] (locality) Libya {T14 W24 W24
W24 N25} [Smswt] (collective n.) following, suite
{T18 X1 G43 Z2}
[THnw] one of the seven sacred oils {T14
W24 W24 W24 W1} [qsn] painful, painfully, irksome, troubled,
difficult, dangerous, wretched {T19 N35 G37}
[wHyt] village {T14 X1 O49}
[qsnt] trouble, misfortune {T19 N35 X1
[awt] goats {T14 X1 Z2 E1} G37 Z2}

[qmA] throw, create, beget, produce, carry out [gnwty] sculptor {T19 T19}
(teaching), hammer out (from metal) {T14 Y1v}
[gnwt] records, annals {T19 W24 X1 V12
[mnit] mooring - post {T14 Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian T - Warfare and Hunting 231

[waaw] privacy {T21 Z1 D36 G43 Z2}
[gnwty] sculptor {T19 X1 Z4 A24 A1}
[wai] be alone {T21 Z7 D36 Z1 G37}
[qs] bone {T19 Z1}
[sn] smell (perfume), breathe (air), kiss {T22
[waty] sole, single {T21 D36} D19}

[waaw] privacy, private apartments {T21 [sn Dt] person sharing in funerary offerings
D36 D36 G43} {T22 I10 X1 N16}

[waaw] private apartments {T21 D36 [sn Dt] person sharing in funerary offerings
D36 G43 O1} {T22 I10 X1 N35}

[wai] (v.) be alone {T21 D36 G37} [snwt] (pl.) flagstaff {T22 M17 M17 X1
M3 Z2}
[waty] captive {T21 D36 X1 A13}
[sn] brother {T22 N35 A1}
[waty] sole, single {T21 D36 X1 Z4
G37} [sn] husband {T22 N35 A1}

[wa] one, unique, one only {T21 D36 Z1} [sn] smell (perfume), breathe (air), kiss {T22
N35 D19}
[wa Hr xw .f] unique {T21 D36 Z1
D2 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 I9} [snsn] (v. trans.) agree to (action) {T22
N35 T22 N35 Y1v}
[wa im nb] every one of them {T21
D36 Z1 M17 G17 V30} [snw] companion, fellow, equal,
counterpart, dual contestants (in Court of Law)
[wa nb] everyone, each one, each {T21 {T22 N35 W24 G43 A1 Z4A}
D36 Z1 V30}
[snwt] (collective n.) brethren {T22
[wa] one {T21V} N35 W24 G43 X1 A1 Z2 B1}

[waty] sole, single {T21V} [snwt] (pl.) flagstaff {T22 N35 W24
G43 X1 M3 Z2}
[waty] sole, single {T21 X1 X1}
[sniH] angler {T22 N35 W24 M17 V28}
[watt] royal uraeus {T21 X1 X1 I13}
[snw] jar {T22 N35 W24 W66}
[waty] sole, single {T21 X1 Z1}
[snwty] (dual) female companions {T22
[waty] goat {T21 X1 Z4 E31} N35 W24 X1 Z4A}

[wai] (v.) be alone {T21 Z1} [snw] contestants (in Court of Law) {T22
N35 W24 Z4A}
[wa] unique, one only, sole {T21 Z1}
[snw] companion, fellow, equal,
[wai] (v.) be alone {T21 Z1 D36} counterpart, (dual) contestants (in court of law)
{T22 N35 W24 Z7 A1 A1}
[waty] goat {T21 Z1 D36 E31}
[snw] two {T22 N35 W24 Z7 Z4A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian T - Warfare and Hunting 232

[snt] wife {T22 N35 X1 B1} [DbAw] payments, reward, compensation,

bribes {T25 D58}
[snt] sister {T22 N35 X1 B1}
[DbAw] payments, reward,
[snt] base (of statue) {T22 N35 X1 O39} compensation, bribes {T25 D58 G1 Z7 Y1 Z2}

[snt] festival of the 6th day of lunar [DbAw] floats (of net) {T25 D58 G43
month {T22 N35 X1 X2 W22 X4 Z2} M3 Z2}

[snsn] (v. trans.) be well diposed toward [DbAw] altars {T25 D58 G43 R40 R40
{T22 T22 N35 Y1} Z3}

[snwt] (pl.) flagstaff {T22 T22 T22} [DbAw] payments, reward,

compensation, bribes {T25 D58 G43 Y1 Z2}
[snwt] shrine {T22 T22 T22 N35 X1
O1} [DbA] mat of leaves {T25 D58 M2}

[snwt] shrine {T22 T22 T22 N35 [DbA] stop up, block {T25 D58 O36
X1 O19 O20} D40}

[snwt] shrine {T22 T22 T22 N35 X1 [DbA] (locality) Edfu {T25 D58 O49}
[DbA] garment (worn by god) {T25 D58
[snsn] (v. intrans.) be brotherly, fraternize, S27}
associate {T22 T22 Y1v}
[DbA] garment (worn by god) {T25 D58
[snsn] (v. trans.) mingle with, be well diposed S115}
toward, agree (to action) {T22 T22 Y1v}
[DbAt] robing - room, sarcophagus {T25
[snsn] (n.) brotherly affection {T22 T22 Y1v} D58 X1 O1}

[sngr] (locality) Babylonia {T22 W11 [DbA] repay, make repayment, replace,
D21 N25} restore, clothe, adorn, provide, pad {T25 D58
[snw] two {T22 W24 Z4A}
[DbAw] crowning {T25 G43 S4}
[snw] offerings {T22 W24 Z8 Z2}
[DbAt] robing - room {T25 X1 O1}
[snt] sister {T22 X1 B1}
[DbA] stop up, block {T25 Y1v}
[snt] flagstaff {T22 X1 Z1}
[sxt] stone for patching ? {T26 Aa1 X1
[aHwtyw] (pl.) cultivators {T24 O39}
G43 G4 D40 Z2}
[sxt] close (net) {T26 D36}
[aHwty] cultivator {T24 X1 A1}
[sxt] weave, mould (bricks) {T26 X1 Aa1
[aHwty] cultivator {T24 X1 N23 A1} Z9 A24}

[aHt] farm land {T24 X1 Z2} [sxtt Hr] spider {T27 X1 X1 D2 Z1}

[DbA] clothe, adorn {T25}

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian T - Warfare and Hunting 233

V28 D58 W3 N5 A1}

[Xrw] relatives (of family), underlings,
inhabitants (of land), household members {T28 [Xrt a] deceit {T28 D21 X1 D36 G37
A1 B1 Z2} Z2}
[Xr tp ra] (the spirits) who attend Re {T28 D1 [Xrt a] writing materials {T28 D21 X1
N5} D36 Y1 Z2}
[Xr] (preposition) at (head or foot), through (of [Xrt] possessions, belongings, share,
means), subject (to someone's actions) {T28 portion, requirements, due 9from), duty, skill
D21} {T28 D21 X1 Y1 Z2}
[Xr] (preposition) under, carrying, holding, [Xrw] base, lower part, underside {T28 D21
possessing {T28 D21} Z4}
[Xrw] relatives (of family), underlings, [Xry] which is under, lower, having,
inhabitants (of land) {T28 D21 A1 B1 Z2} possessing, suffering from (illness) {T28 D21
[Xry sA] the hindermost ? {T28 D21 Aa17
Z1} [Xry Xt] abdomen, under-side (of sky)
{T28 D21 Z4 F32 X1 Z1}
[Xr tp] under the head of, beside {T28 D21
D1 Z1} [Xr a] under the hand of, in the charge of {T28
[Xr Hr] under the control of, under the
supervision of {T28 D21 D2 Z1} [Xrtyw nTrw] (pl.) stone masons
{T28 R8 G4 A1 Z2A}
[Xr a] under the hand of, in the charge of
{T28 D21 D36 Z1} [Xrt] possessions, belongings, share, portion,
requirements, due 9from), duty, skill {T28 X1}
[Xry a] apprentice, assistant {T28 D21
D36 Z1 A1} [nmt] slaughter house {T29C O1}
[Xry a] halliard {T28 D21 D36 Z1 V1} [kbnt] (seagoing) ship {T30B Q3 N35
X1 P2G}
[Xrw] men {T28 D21 G43 A1 Z2}
[wst] sawdust {T30C}
[Xrwy] testicles {T28 D21 G43 D283}
[smA] kill, destroy {T30 D36}
[Xrw] base, lower part, underside {T28
D21 G43 N23 Z1} [dmt] knife {T30 X1 Z1}
[Xrwy] testicles {T28 D21 G43 Z4 [sSm] conduct (work, war) {T32}
[nmst] type of jar {T34 G17 Q1 X1 W22}
[Xrw] base, lower part, underside {T28
D21 N23 Z2} [nms] the (royal) Nemes head cloth {T34
G17 S29 S57C}
[Xr st Hr] supervision {T28 D21 Q1
X1 O1 D2 Z1} [nmHyt] free woman ? {T34 G17 V28
M17 M17 G37 X1}
[Xry Hbt] lector (priest) {T28 D21
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian T - Warfare and Hunting 234

{U1 G1 M17 D21 T12 G37 A1}

[nmst] type of jar {T34 Q1 X1 W22}
[mAir] misery {U1 G1 M17 D21
[nms] clothe with the head cloth {T34 S29 T12 G37 Z2}
[mAr] wretched man,
[nmHy] orphan, private person, freeman pauper {U1 G1 M17 D21 T12 M17 M17 G37
{T34 V28 A17} A1}

[mAi] lion {U1 G1 M17 E22}

[mA - HsA] fierce lion

{U1 G1 M17 E22 V28 S29 Aa18 G43 F18 Y1}

U - Agriculture and Crafts [mAi] lion {U1 G1 M17 F27}

[mAyt] sheath (of sword) {U1 G1

[mAx] sheaf {U1 Aa1 M182} M17 M17 Aa2 X1 M3}

[mAa] real {U1 Aa11 D36 G1} [mA - HsA] fierce lion {U1 G1 M17
V28 S29 F27}
[mAr] wretched man, pauper {U1A D21
T12} [mAqt] ladder {U1 G1 N29 X1 M3}
[mAx] burn {U1 G1 Aa1 Q7} [mAqt] ladder {U1 G1 N29 X1 P6}
[mAr] wretched man, pauper {U1 G1 [miAsw] spines {U1 G1 O34 T30A
D21 T12 G37 A1} T30A T30A}

[mAx] burn {U1 G1 F32 Q7} [mAst] knee (of man), hock (of
animal) {U1 G1 Q1 X1 D56}
[mAwt] rays (of light) {U1 G1
F40 X1 G43 Y1 Z2}
[mAs] kneel {U1 G1 S29 D56}
[mAwt] shaft (of spear) {U1 [mAmAw] (pl.) dom - palms
G1 F40 Z7 X1 T19B M3}
{U1 G1 U1 G1 Z7 M1 Z3A}

[mAA r] (v. intrans.) look [mAtryt] female mourners {U1

toward, take care of, take heed of {U1 G1 G1 G1 U33 D21 M17 M17 X1 B1 Z2}
D4 D21}
[mAtryt] female
[mAwt] rays (of light) {U1 G1 G43 mourners {U1 G1 U33 D21 M17 M17 X1 D56
X1 N8 Z3}
B1 D54 Z2}

[mAwt] new land {U1 G1 G43 X1 [mAH] wreath {U1 G1 V28 M2}
N21 Z2}

[mAH] pasture {U1 G1 V28 N23 Z1}

[mAwt] (adj. and v.) a new thing
{U1 G1 G43 X1 Y1}
[mAH] wreath {U1 G1 V28 V6}
[mAwy] (adj. and v.) new, be
renewed {U1 G1 G43 Z4 Y1} [mAT] proclaim {U1 G1 W7 V13
[mAr] wretched man, pauper
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 235

[mAT] granite {U1 G1 X1 O39} [mAwt] a new thing {U1 X1 Y1}

[mAwy] (adj. and v.) new {U1 G1 Y1v} [mAa] (v. trans.) lead, guide, direct, send,
despatch, throw out (rope from ship) {U2 Aa11
[mAwy] (adj. and v.) new {U1 G43} D36 D54}

[mAiw] (pl.) lions {U1 G43 E22} [mAa] (v. trans.) steer (ship), extend
(limbs), paddle (water) {U2 Aa11 D36 D54}
[mAwt] shaft (of spear), staff, stalk (of
corn), measuring-rod {U1 G43 X1 M195} [mAa] (v. intrans.) set out (on journey)
{U2 Aa11 D36 D54}
[mAr] wretched man, pauper {U1 M17
D21 T12 G37} [mAaw] breeze {U2 Aa11 D36
G43 H2 P5}
[mAi] lion {U1 M17 E22}
[mAaw] (adv.) aright {U2 Aa11 D36
G43 Y1v}
[mA - HsA] fierce lion {U1 M17 V28
S29 E22}
[mAa] temple (of head) {U2 Aa11 D36
[mAqt] ladder {U1 N29 X1 P6 M3}

[mAw] (pl.) oryx {U1 N33 N33 N33 [mAa] real {U2 Aa11 D36 H2A Y1v}
[mAa] bank (of river or lake) {U2 Aa11
D36 N23}
[mAs] kneel {U1 S29 D159}

[mAst] knee (of man), hock (of animal) [mAat] rightness, orderly management
{U2 Aa11 D36 X1 C10}
{U1 S29 X1 D56}

[mA - HD] oryx {U1 T3 E28} [mAatyw] just men, the

righteous (the blessed dead) {U2 Aa11 D36 X1
G4 Y1 A1 Z2}
[mAmA] dom-palm {U1 U1 M54}
[mAat] truth {U2 Aa11 D36 X1 Z5
[mAmA] dom-palm {U1 U1 M54A} Y1v}

[mAmA - n - xAnnt] dom- [mAa - xrw] (n.) justification, vindication,

palm {U1 U1 N35 M12 N35 N35 X1 M54} triumph {U2 Aa11 P8}
[mAT] acclaim {U1 V13 A30} [mA] oryx {U2 D4 F81 Z1}
[mAT] proclaim {U1 V13 W7} [mAr] dispossess (someone of ) {U2
D4 G1 D21 T12 A24}
[mAT] granite {U1 V13 W23}
[mAr] wretched man, pauper {U2 D4
[mAnw] (locality) the Western G1 D21 T12 G37 A1}
mountain {U1 W24 W24 W24 N25}
[mAw] aspect, appearance {U2 D4 G1
[mAT] granite {U1 X1 Aa2} G1}

[mAT] granite {U1 X1 W8} [mAA] (intrans.) look on (at event) ,

look (at ) {U2 D4 G1 G1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 236

look on {U3}
[mAA] (v. trans.) see, look upon,
regard, see to (the performance of a task),
[mArw] viewing place (in sun cult) {U3
inspect (work etc..) {U2 D4 G1 G1} D21 G43 D6 O1}

[mAw - Hr] mirror {U2 D4 G1 [mAa] lead, guide, direct, send, despatch,
G43 D2 Z1 N34}
throw out, steer, extend, paddle, set out {U4 D36
[mAiw] (pl.) lions {U2 D4 G1 G43
F27 Z2}
[mAa - xrw] deceased, be justified,
vindicated, true of voice {U5 D36 Aa1 D21 P8}
[mAA n] look at {U2 D4 G1 N35}
[mAa] (v.) present, offer, make presentation
[mAw] aspect, appearance {U2 D4 G43
Z2} (to) {U5 D36 D54}

[mAfdt] (divinity) Mafdet (a cat goddess [mAa] (adj.) fit to be offered {U5 D36 D54}
?) {U2 D4 I9 D46 X1}
[mAatyw] just men, the righteous (the
[mA - HsA] Fierce lion {U2 D4 V28 blessed dead) {U5 D36 G4 C10 Z2}
O34 G39 E22}
[mAaw] products, offering, tribute, gifts
{U5 D36 G43 N33 Z2}
[mAt] lioness {U2 D4 X1 E22}

[mAA] see, look upon, regard, see to, inspect, [mAaw] breeze {U5 D36 G43 P5}
look on {U2 D12 D12}
[mAa] bank (of river or lake) {U5 D36 H2
[mAmAw] (pl.) dom - palms {U2
U2 G1 G43 U26 Z2}
[mAa] bank (of river or lake) {U5 D36
N37 N21 Z1}
[imAt] charm {U2 X1 M46}
[mAaw] breeze {U5 D36 P5}
[imAt] charm, kindliness, graciousness {U2
X1 M46B}
[mAa - xrw] (adv.) deceased, be
[mAwt] shaft (of spear), measuring rod {U2 justified, vindicated (against someone), be
X1 M195} triumphant, true of voice {U5 D36 P8 G43 A2}

[mAwt] measuring rod {U2 X1 M195} [mAa - xrw] (n.) justification,

vindication, triumph {U5 D36 P8 G43 A2}
[mAtt] mandrake ? {U2 X1 X1 M2}
[mAat] (adv.) truth, right-doing,
[mAwy] (adj. and v.) new {U2 Y1} righteousness, justice, rightness, orderly
management {U5 D36 X1 H6 Y1 Z2}
[mA] stern (of boat) {U2 Z1}
[mAaty] (dual) judgement {U5 D36 X1
[mA .s HAt] its bow (of ship) {U2 Z1 Z4 H6 H6}
M3 S29 F4 X1}
[mAaty] (dual) judgement {U5 D36
[mA .s pHw ?] its stern (of ship) X1 Z4 H6 H6 I12 I12}
{U2 Z1 M3 S29 F22 G43}
[mAa] (adv.) truly, really, rightly {U5 D36
[mAA] see, look upon, regard, see to, inspect, Y1v}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 237

[mAa] (adj. and v.) rightful (of property), [mrrt] street, avenue (of statues) {U7
rightly belong (to), pleasing, be in order (of D21 D21 X1 O38}
balance) {U5 D36 Y1v}
[mry] fighting bull {U7 D21 D53 E2}
[mAa] (adj. and v.) true (of speech), real, just,
righteous, true (to), loyal (to) {U5 D36 Y1v} [mrt] throat, larynx {U7 D21 F10 X1
[mAa] (v.) present, offer, make
presentation (to), {U5 D36 Y1} [mrwryt] black stork {U7 D21
G43 D21 M17 M17 X1 G27}
[mAa] (adj.) fit to be offered {U5 D36 Y1}
[mrw] a type of wood {U7 D21 G43
[mAaw] products {U5 D36 Y1 Z2}
[mrwty] the well-beloved {U7 D21 G43
[mAa] bank (of river or lake) {U5 D36 M17 M17 X1 Z4}
Z4 H2 N23 Z1}
[mrw] harbours ? {U7 D21 G43 N23 Z2
[mAa] temple (of head) {U5 D36 Z5 Z1}
[mrw] desert {U7 D21 G43 N25}
[mAaw] type of wood {U5 D36 Z7 M3
[mrw snb] the coast is clear {U7
D21 G43 N25 S29 N35 D58 Y1v}
[mryt] (collective n.) crocodiles {U6
D21 D21 M17 M17 X1 I3 Z2}
[mrw] strip (of cloth) {U7 D21 G43
[mr wr] Mnevis Bull {U6 D21 G36 O5}
[mrwty] the well-beloved {U7 D21 G43
[mrw] a type of wood {U6 D21 M41} U33 M17}

[mri] (v.) love, want, wish, desire {U6 D21 [mrw] strip (of cloth) {U7 D21 G43 V1}
[mrwt] (n.) love, will, desire {U7 D21
[mryt] wife {U6 D21 X1} G43 X1 A2}

[mrwt] (n.) love, will, desire {U6 D21 X1 [ mrwty] the well-beloved {U7 D21
A2} G43 X1 Z4 A2 A1}

[mrwty] the well-beloved {U6 G43 X1 [mri] sounding - pole {U7 D21 M17 M3}
[mry] fighting bull {U7 D21 M17 M17
[mrw] a type of wood {U6 M17 M17 M3} D52 E2}

[mri] (v.) love, want, wish, desire {U7 D21 [mry] fighting bull {U7 D21 M17 M17
A2} E101}

[mrryt] lumps ? (of incense) {U7 [mrt] weavers, servants, underlings {U7
D21 D21 M17 M17 X1 Z8 Z2} D21 M17 M17 X1 A1 Z2 B1}

[mrrt] street, avenue (of statues) {U7 [mryt] (collective n.) crocodiles {U7
D21 D21 X1 O5 O1} D21 M17 M17 X1 I3 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 238

[mryt] bank, shore {U7 D21 M17 M17 [HqAti] double corn-measure (of 4.54
N21 X1 Z1} litres each) {U9 U9}

[mryt] height (of triangle) {U7 D21 M17 [HqAt] corn-measure (of 4.54 litres) {U9 X1
M17 N23 X1 Z1} Z1}

[mryt] bank, shore, sandbank ?, quay, {U7 [it] barley, (corn in general) {U10}
D21 M17 M17 N23 X1 Z1}
[HqAt] corn-measure (of 4.54 litres) {U11}
[mri] run aground (of ship) {U7 D21
M17 N35A D40}
[hb] (n.) plough {U13}
[mrwty] the well-beloved {U7 D21 N36 [rwyt] court of law, hall {U13 D21 M17
X1 X1}
M17 X1 O1}

[mr] bind {U7 D21 V1 D40} [prt] fruit, seed, (in sense of offspring,
posterity) {U13 D21 X1 N33AV}
[mryn] Syrian warrior {U7 D21 V1
M17 Z3 M17 N35}
[Snaw] storehouse, labour establishment
{U13 D36 O1}
[mr] bind {U7 D21 V1 S28}
[hbnt] a jar {U13 N35 X1 W24}
[mrH] (n.) decay (of buildings) {U7 D21
V28 G37}
[hbny] ebony {U13 N35 Z4 M3}
[mrHt] oil, grease {U7 D21 V28 X1
W24 Z2} [Snaw] storehouse, labour establishment {U13
[mr] milk jar {U7 D21 W23}
[Sna] labourer ? {U13 O1 A1}
[mrt] weavers, servants, underlings {U7
D21 X1 A1 Z2 B1} [prt] fruit, seed, (in sense of offspring,
posterity) {U13 X1 N33 Z2}
[mrt] (divinity) Meret (Musician
goddess) {U7 D21 X1 D6 G7} [tm] (negative) (negates the sentence)
{U15 G17}
[mrt] (divinity) Meret (Musician goddess)
{U7 D21 X1 D41} [itm] Atum {U15 G17 A40}

[mrt] street {U7 D21 X1 O1} [tm] perish, cease {U15 G17 G37}

[mrt] a type of boat {U7 D21 X1 P4} [biAt] gritstone {U16 X1 O39}

[mrwt] (n.) love, will, desire {U7 D21 X1 [bit] character, qualities {U16 X1 Y1 Z2}
[biAi] (v. infinitive) wonder, marvel (at)
[mrty] eyes {U7 D21 X1 Z4 D4 D4} {U16 X1 Z2}

[mrw] (pl.) canals, artificial lakes {U7 [biAyt] miracles, marvels {U16 Y1 X1
D21 Z7 N35A} Z2}

[HqAt] corn-measure (of 4.54 litres) {U9} [bi(A)w] wonders, marvels {U16 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 239

[grg] (v. trans.) settle (crown on king) {U17 [stp] strip (of cloth), rag {U21 Q3 V6}
[stp sA] palace {U21 Q3 V16 O1}
[grg] falsehood, lie {U17 G37}
[stpt] (collective n.) choice things (of
[grgt] catch (of fish) {U17 X1} food) {U21 Q3 X1 F51 Z2}

[grg] (v. intrans.) be ready, put one's trust (in), [stp] pick out, choose {U21 Q3 Y1v}
make preparation {U17 Y1}
[stp sA] protect, do escort duty {U21 V16}
[grg] (v. trans.) found (a land), establish (a
house), people (a place) {U17 Y1} [stp sA] palace {U21 V16 O1}

[grg] (v. trans.) furnish (waste lands with [stpt] (collective n.) choice things (of food)
veg), settle (crown on king), provide (for), set in {U21 X1 F51 Z2}
order, {U17 Y1}
[stpt] (n.) choice {U21 X1 Y1v}
[nwdw] unguents {U19 G43 M29
I10 Z2 Aa2} [stpw] the choicest, pick {U21 Y1}

[nwdw] unguents {U19 W24 [mnx] potent (of king etc...) {U22}
G43 I10 G43 M171 Z2 N33}
[mnxw] excellence, virtues (of someone) {U22
[nw] time {U19 W24 G43 N14 N5 Z4B} Z2}

[nwy] water, flood, pool {U19 W24 M17 [Abx] (v. trans.) join (a god) {U23 Aa1
M17 N36} D58 Z9 Y1}

[nwdw] unguents {U19 W24 M29 G17} [Abi] desire, wish for {U23 D58 A2}

[nwyt] pool {U19 W24 X1 N37} [Abx] unite, mix, link, mingle, be merged,
engage {U23 D58 Aa1 D36}
[nwt] adze {U19 Z1}
[Ab] (v. intrans.) tarry, stray {U23 D58
[nwt] adze {U20 W24 X1 U19} D54}

[nwt] yarn (for weaving), cord {U20 W24 X1 [Ab] (v. trans.) avoid, cease {U23 D58
V1 N33 N33 N33} D54}

[stp] cut up (animal) {U21} [Aby] panther {U23 D58 E24}

[stpt] (collective n.) choice things (of food) [Abw] (locality) Elephantine {U23
{U21 F51 F51 F51} D58 E26 G43 W6 N25}

[stpw] the choicest, pick {U21 G43 Y1v} [Abw] cessation {U23 D58 G43 D54}

[stp] (v.) be dismembered, ruined {U21 Q3 [Abw] elephant {U23 D58 G43 E26}
[Abw] ivory {U23 D58 G43 F18}
[stp] (n.) ruin {U21 Q3 G37}
[Abw] brand, scorch {U23 D58 G43 Q7}
[stp] strip (of cloth), rag {U21 Q3 S28}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 240

[Abw] ivory {U23 D58 G43 T19} [mr] sick man {U23 G17 D21 G37
[Abw] brand (slaves, cattle) {U23 D58
G43 T30} [mr Hr ib n] be displeasing to
{U23 G17 D21 G37 D2 Z1 F34 Z1 N35}
[Aby] panther {U23 D58 M17 M17
E24} [mr r] painful to {U23 G17 D21 G37
[Aby] panther {U23 D58 M17 M17 F27}
[mr ib n] have compassion on, be
[AbDw] a fish {U23 D58 N26 G43 sorry for {U23 G17 D21 G37 F34 Z1 N35}
K1 Z1}
[mr n] painful to {U23 G17 D21 G37
[AbDw] Abydos {U23 D58 N26 O49} N35}

[Abw] (locality) Elephantine {U23 D58 [mr] pyramid {U23 G17 D21 O24}
S24 O49}
[mrt] pains {U23 G17 D21 X1 G37
[Abw] ivory {U23 D58 T19} Z2}

[AbAb] be delighted {U23 D58 U23 D58 [mr] pyramid {U23 G17 O24}
[Abw] elephant {U23 G43 E26}
[Abw] (locality) Elephantine {U23 D58 W6
N25} [Abw] (locality) Elephantine {U23 G43
[Abt] (collective n.) family {U23 D58 X1
S24} [AbDw] (locality) Abydos {U23 N26 N24}

[Abt] family {U23 D58 X1 S24 A1 B1 [Abw] (locality) Elephantine {U23 W6 D58}
[Hmww] craftsman, expert, carpenter {U24
[Abt] (collective n.) family {U23 D58 A1}
X1 T30 A1 B1 Z2}
[Hmww] craftsman, expert, carpenter {U24
[Abt] (n.) brand {U23 D58 X1 Y3 G43}
[Hmww] craftsman, expert, carpenter
[Abt] brand {U23 D58 X1 Y4 S15} {U24 G43 G43 A1}

[iAby] left (hand), east, eastern, the left side [Hmwtyw] craftsmen {U24 G43
of {U23 D58 Z4 D41} G43 G4 D40 Z2 A1}

[Abw] (locality) Elephantine {U23 D58 [Hmwt] (collective n.) craftsmen {U24
Z7 Aa2 N25} G43 X1 A1 Z2}

[mr] (adv.) sorely {U23 G17 D21 C7} [Hmw] be skilled, skilful {U24 G43 Y1v}

[mr] (n.) pain, ailment {U23 G17 D21 [Hmw ib] ingenious {U24 G43 Y1 F34
G37} Z1}

[mr] (adj.) sick, ill, diseased, painful {U23 [Hmt r] etcetera, and so forth {U24 X1 D21}
G17 D21 G37}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 241

[Hmt] skill {U24 X1 Y1} [DAdw] audience hall {U28 G1

D46 G43 O1}
[Hmt] skill, craft (of sculptor) {U24 X1 Z1}
[DAdw] audience hall {U28 G1
[Hmwt] craftsmen {U24 X1 Z1 A1 Z3} D46 G43 O27}

[Hmt r] etcetera, and so forth {U24 X1 [DAbHw] type of fisherman

Z1 Y1 Z2 D21 Z1} {U28 G1 D58 V28 G43 D36 A1}

[Hmt r] magic - spell {U24 X1 Z1 Y1 [DAlm (DArm)] (fragrant

Z2 D21 Z1} African wood) Aspalathos {U28 G1 E23 G20
M2 Z2}
[Hmwy] work {U24 Z4A G43 Y1v}
[DAmw] young men {U28 G1 G17
T14 A1 Z2}
[wbA] open {U26}

[wbA] open up, explore (a region) [DAmw] young men, troops {U28
G1 G17 Z7 A17 A1 Z2}
{U26 D58 G29 G1 D54}

[wbAyt] maidservant {U26 D58 [DAw] night {U28 G1 G43 N2}

G29 G1 M17 M17 X1 B1}
[DAf] (v.) heat, burn {U28 G1 I9 Q7}
[wbAyt] maidservant {U26 D58
G29 G1 X1 Y1 B1} [DAytyw] opponents {U28 G1 M17
M17 G4}
[wbA] drill (stone), open, expose,
reveal, determined {U26 D58 G29 G1 Y1v} [DAyt] wrongdoing {U28 G1 M17
M17 X1 G37 Z2}
[wbA] butler {U26 D58 W23 D40}
[DAyt] robe {U28 G1 M17 M17 X1 V6}
[wbAt] opening {U26 D58 X1 Y1}
[DAyw] opponent {U28 G1 M17 M17
Z7 Z6}
[wbA] open up, explore (a region) {U26 D58
[DAis] dispute, argue, oppose (actions)
{U28 G1 M17 S29 A2}
[wbA] reveal (a matter) {U26 G29 Y1v}
[DAis] civil war {U28 G1 M17 S29
[wbA] open court (of temple) {U26 N1 O1} A211}

[DArw] need {U28 D21 Z7 Aa2 Z2} [DAisw] disputant {U28 G1 M17
S29 G43 A2 A1}
[DArw] need {U28 G1 D21 G43
A2} [DAis] argument, dispute {U28 G1 M17
S29 Z5}
[DArw] need {U28 G1 D21 G43
V32 A2} [DAw] mat {U28 G1 S28}
[DArt] bitter gourd {U28 G1 D21 X1 [DAis] dispute, argue, oppose (actions)
N33 Z2} {U28 G1 S29 A2}

[DArw] need {U28 G1 D21 Y1 Z2} [DADA] head, tip (of bow) {U28 G1
U28 G1 D1 Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 242

[DADAt] lyre {U28 G1 U28 G1 X1 [DAw] mat {U28 G43 S28}

[DADAt] magistrates, assessors
[DADAw] pot {U28 G1 U28 G1 Z7 {U28 I10 D12 X1 A1 A1 A1}
[DAis] argument, dispute {U28 M17 S29
[DAmw] young men, troops A24}
{U28 G1 W24 G43 D156 D156 D156}
[DAhy] (locality) part of Palestine and
[DAyt] wrongdoing {U28 G1 X1 Y2} Phoenicia {U28 O4 Z4 N25}

[DAi] (v.) extend (arm), oppose (oneself), [DAi] ferry (one across), cross (sky) {U28
pierce, transfix {U28 G1 Z9 D40} P1}

[DAi] (v.) reach out (of child's mouth [DADA] head, tip (of bow) {U28 U28 D1}
after milk), take (the breast to), devour (food),
provide (with), {U28 G1 Z9 D40} [DADAt] magistrates, assessors {U28
U28 W24 X1 Aa8 A1 Z2}
[DA r] be contentious {U28 G1 Z9
D40 D21 Z1} [DAmw] young men, troops {U28
W24 G43 D77 D77 D77}
[DA rd] impede {U28 G1 Z9 D40
D46 D21 D56} [DAyt] wrongdoing {U28 X1}

[DAytyw] opponents {U28 G1 Z9 [DAt] hand, handfull {U28 X1 D47}

G4 A59A Z3}
[DAt] crane {U28 X1 O39 G39}
[DA] fire - drill {U28 G1 Z9 M3}
[DAtt] estate {U28 X1 X1 Aa8}
[DAi] (v.) ferry (one across), cross (sky)
{U28 G1 Z9 P1} [DAyt] wrongdoing {U28 X1 Z9}
[DA tA] be busied, interfere (with) [DA] fire - drill {U28 Z1}
{U28 G1 Z9 P1 N16 N23 Z1}
[DAw] mat {U28 Z1 S28}
[DAi] (v.) extend (arm), oppose (oneself),
pierce, transfix {U28 G1 Z9 P4} [DAi] (v.) pierce, transfix {U28 Z9 D40}
[DAi] (v.) reach out (of child's mouth [DAi] (v.) reach out (of child's mouth after
after milk), take (the breast to), devour (food), milk) {U28 Z9 M17 M17}
provide (with), {U28 G1 Z9 P4}
[DAt] balance, remainder, deficiency {U29
[wDAw] well - being, prosperity {U28 G43} X1 Z2}

[wDA] (v.) remain over (of balance in [rtH] confine, restrain {U31}
calculations) {U28 G43}
[xnty] outer-chamber {U31 X1 O1}
[wDA] go, set out, proceed, attain (a rank),
set (of sun) {U28 G43 D54} [xnrt] prison, fortress, council-chamber
{U31 X1 O1}
[wDA] pectoral {U28 G43 L3}
[rtHty] baker {U31 X1 Z4 D36 A1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 243

[Hsmn] (v.) menstruate {U32 D26} [tHwy] pea {U33 V28 Z7 Z4 N33 Z2}

[Hsmn] bronze {U32 N33AV} [tHwy] pea {U33 V28 Z7 Z4 N33 Z2}

[Hsmn] bronze {U32 N34 N33A} [tit] pestle {U33 X1 Z1 O39}

[Hsmn] menstruation {U32 N35 D26} [tit] an amulet {U33 X1 Z1 V39}

[ti] (non enclitic part.) (not translated) {U33} [tiw] yes {U33 Z7 A2}

[tiSps] Cinnamon, a tree, (and its) spice ? [xsfw] (v.) sail upstream {U34 X1 D54}
{U33 A40B S29 M1A}
[xsf] (n.) punishment, disapproval {U35
[tiSps] Cinnamon, a tree, (and its) spice ? A24}
{U33 A50 S29 N33 Z2}
[xsf] (intrans. v. with following preposition)
[tiSps] Cinnamon, a tree, (and its) spice ? punish {U35 A24}
{U33 A51 M3}
[xsf] (v. trans.) drive away, ward off,
[Trt] willow {U33 D21 X1 M1} oppose, repel, repress (crime), redress (wrong)
{U35 A24}
[Tmsw] injury, harm {U33 F31 O34
G43 Y3 G37 Z2} [xsf] (v. trans.) reprove (words), drive
(cattle), divert (water), avoid (anger), prevent
[Tms] be besmeared {U33 F31 S29 Y3 {U35 A24}
[xsf Hr] defend {U35 A24 D2 Z1}
[tmsw] panelling {U33 F31 S29 Z7 M3
[xsf r] contend against {U35 A24 D21}
[Tms] red, ruddy, violet {U33 G17 S29
[xsf a] oppose, opposition {U35 A24
D36 Z1}

[TmHw] Libyans {U33 G17 V28 M17

T14 A1 Z2 B1}
[xsf .f n .f Ds .f] that he may
confute himself {U35 A24 I9 N35 I9 I10
O34 I9}
[twr] show respect to {U33 G36 D21}
[ xsfw .f] near him {U35 G43 D54
[ti] (non enclitic part.) not translated {U33 M17} I9}

[ity] sovereign {U33 M17 M17 A21A} [xsft] punishment {U35 X1 A24}
[tisw] quarterstaff {U33 M23 G43 M3} [Hm] servant {U36 A1}
[THnw] (locality) Libya {U33 V28 [Hm] Majesty {U36 A40}
N35 W24 Z7 T14 N25 Z2}
[Hmww] fuller (washer of cloth) ? {U36
[THnt] faience {U33 V28 N35 X1 N33 G43 G43}
[Hmww] fuller (washer of cloth)? {U36
[THnt] faience {U33 V28 N35 X1 S15} N35A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian U - Agriculture and Crafts 244

[Hmt] Majesty (of Queen) {U36 X1} [sTA] see under other entries for sTA {V2
X1 D54}
[Hmt] female servant {U36 X1 B1}
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA
[Hmt] female servant {U36 X1 Z1 B1} {V2 X1 G1 D54}

[Hmt] stand ? (for target) {U36 X1 Z1 M3} [stAt] roller (for moving ship) {V2 X1
X1 M3}
[Hm] Majesty (of king) {U36 Z1}
[stAt] aroura (of land), sheet (of metal)
{V2 X1 X1 N23 Z1}
[Hm] servant {U36 Z1 A1}
[stAt] aroura (of land), sheet (of metal)
[Hm] Majesty {U36 Z1 G7} {V2 X1 X1 O39}

[Hmw] servants {U36 Z7 A1} [stAw] injury {V2 X1 Z7}

[Xaqw] barber {U37 G43} [stAw] injury {V2 Z2}
[wTs] wear (crown) {U39I} [wAxi] be inundated (of land), be content (of
persons) {V4 Aa1}
[rs tp] be watchful, vigilant {U40 D6 D1
Z1} [wAx] flood {V4 Aa1 M15}
[mxAt] balance {U92 X1} [wAbt] high - lying agricultural land {V4
D58 X1 N23}
[sbA] surveying instrument {U97 Z2}
[wA] brood (on), conspire (against),
[mAT] proclaim {U120 W7} schemer {V4 G1 A2}

[wA] far (from), long ago, for a long time

past, go {V4 G1 A24}

[wAxi] be inundated, be content {V4

G1 Aa1 M15}
V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth
[wAx] (n.) flood {V4 G1 Aa1 M15
M2 Z2}
[St] one hundred {V1}
[wAxy] columned forecourt {V4
[SnT] sheriff {V1 A1} G1 Aa1 M15 O1}

[Snt] anger {V1 X1} [wAxy] columned forecourt {V4

G1 Aa1 Z4 M15 O1}
[SnT] sheriff {V1 X1 A24 A1}
[wArt] draw - rope (of clap-net) {V4
[sTA] see under other entries for sTA {V2 G1 D21 X1 V1}
[wAaw] captain ? (of ship) {V4
[stAw] injury {V2 F51 Z2} G1 D36 G43 D40}

[stAw] injury {V2 X1 Aa2} [wA] fall (into a condition) {V4 G1 D54}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 245

[wAb] root (of plant), socket (of eye,
leg, tooth) {V4 G1 D58 M2} [wAg] Wag festival (a religious
festival) {V4 G1 W11 W4}
[wAb] rooted (to the spot) {V4 G1
D58 M2}
[wAg] Wag festival (a religious
festival) {V4 G1 W11 X4H}
[wAb] cloth ?, swaddling - clothes {V4
G1 D58 V1}
[wAtw] conspirators ? {V4 G1 X1
G43 A482 Z2}
[wAbt] high-lying agriculural land {V4
G1 D58 X1 N23}
[wAt] road, way {V4 G1 X1 N31}
[wAbt] body of the Red Crown {V4
G1 D58 X1 Z2} [wAt] cord {V4 G1 X1 V1}

[wAm] bake ? {V4 G1 G17 Q7} [wA] far (from), long ago, for a long
time past, go {V4 G1 Z7 Z7 N31 D54}
[wAw] wave (of the sea) {V4 G1
G43 N35A} [wADDt] vegetation {V4 I10 I10
X1 M13}
[wADt] bow (of ship) {V4 G1 I10 X1}
[wADw] green eye - paint {V4 I10
M13A G43 D7 N33A}
[wAi] roast ? (grain) {V4 G1 M17 Q7}

[wA] fall (into a condition) {V4 G1 N31} [wAD] (adj.) fortunate, happy {V4 I10

[wA] far (from), long ago, for a long time

[wADw] green eye - paint {V4 I10 N26
past, go {V4 G1 N31} D7 N33A}

[wAS] be honoured, be strong, [wAxy] columned forecourt {V4 M15

honour {V4 G1 N37 A28} O27}

[wAi] roast ? (grain) {V4 G1 Q7} [wA] far (from), long ago, for a long time
past, go {V4 N31}
[wAsi] be ruined, decayed {V4 G1 S29
S40} [wA] fall (into a condition) {V4 N31}
[wAwA] take counsel {V4 G1 V4 [wAS] (n.) honour {V4 N37 A30 Y1v}
G1 A2}
[wAs] sceptre {V4 S29 S40}
[wAwAt] fiery one ? {V4 G1
V4 G1 X1 Q7}
[wAwAi] (locality) Wawat {V4 V4
M17 M17 X1 N25}
[wAH] (see entries under wAH) {V4
G1 V28 V29 A24}
[wAwAt] Wawat (Northern Nubia) {V4
V4 X1 N25}
[wAHw] necklace {V4 G1 V28 V29
[wAwAt] cord {V4 V4 X1 V1}
[wAg] shouting {V4 G1 W11 A2}
[wAwAt] cord {V4 V4 X1 V20}
[wAg] a religious festival {V4 G1 W11
[wAHw] wreath, garland {V4 V28 S11
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 246

M2 M2 M2}
[Ss] alabaster, vessels of alabaster {V6 W3}
[wAHwt] oblations {V4 V28 V29
G43 X1 X4 Z2} [Sst] alabaster {V6 X1}

[wAHwt] oblations {V4 V28 X1 R33} [sSrw] corn {V6 Z1 U9 Z2}

[wAg] Wag festival (a religious festival) [Snw] circuit, circumference {V7 M17 M17}
{V4 W11 W3}
[Snw] circuit, circumference {V7 N35 D12}
[wAt] road, way {V4 X1 N31}
[Sna] constable, policeman {V7 N35
[snT] measure out (land), found (a house etc), D36 D40 A1}
form (limbs), refix (eyes of the dead) {V5 X1}
[Sna] turn back, repulse, repel, police
[sntt] foundation, plan {V5 X1 X1 N23} (district), detain, dart about (of fish) {V7 N35
D36 D54}
[Ss] alabaster, vessels of alabaster {V6}
[Sna] turn back, repulse, repel, police
[Ss] rope {V6} (district), detain, dart about (of fish) {V7 N35
D36 E23 D54}
[SsAw] bubalis antelope {V6 F40 E103}
[Sna] breast {V7 N35 D36 F51}
[wADt] green linen {V6 M14 Z2}
[Snaw] policing {V7 N35 D36 G43
U13 D54}
[Ss] alabaster, vessels of alabaster {V6 N37}
[Sna] turn back, repulse, repel, police
[Ssr] utter, express {V6 O34 D21 A2}
(district), detain, dart about (of fish) {V7 N35
D36 M17 M17 A24}
[Ssr] tongue {V6 O34 D21 F20}
[Snaw] police {V7 N35 D36 U13
[sSrw] things, actions, course, G43 A1}
manner (of action) {V6 O34 D21 G43 Y1 Z2}
[Sna] storm - cloud {V7 N35 D36 U13
[Ssm] be bloodshot (of eyes) {V6 O34 N4}
G17 D4}
[Sna] turn back, repulse, repel, police
[Ssm] leather roll ?, baton {V6 O34 G17 (district), detain, dart about (of fish) {V7 N35
F27} D36 U31 O1}

[Ssmt] malachite {V6 O34 G17 X1 O39} [Snat] detention {V7 N35 D36 X1 A24}
[Ss] bier ? {V6 O34 Q19} [Snaw] storehouse, labour
establishment {V7 N35 D36 Z7 U13 O1}
[Ssr] arrow {V6 S29 D21 T11}
[SnDwt] kilt, apron {V7 N35 D46
[Ssr] utter, express {V6 S29 D21 Y1} M17 M17 X1 S28}

[Ss] rope {V6 S29 V1} [Sndt] Nile acacia tree {V7 N35 D46 X1
[ggwy] stare {V6 V6 G43 X1 D4 Z2}
[Snbt] breast {V7 N35 D58 G11 X1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 247

[Snbt] breast {V7 N35 D58 X1 F51} [Sni] (v.) inquire into (a matter), question
(someone), litigate {V7 N35 V1 A2}
[Sn wr] ocean {V7 N35 G36 D21
N35A N36} [Sni] (v.) cover (diseased eye) {V7 N35 V1
[Sn wr] ocean {V7 N35 G36 D21
N36} [Sni] (v.) encircle, enclose, surround, {V7
N35 V1 D40}
[Sni] (v.) suffer in (oneself), suffer from
(something) {V7 N35 G37} [Sni] (v.) encircle {V7 N35 V1 D54}

[Sn] be infested with crocodiles {V7 N35 [Sni] (v.) encircle {V7 N35 V1 Z8}
[SnT] sheriff {V7 N35 V13}
[SnDty] wearer of a kilt {V7 N35 I10
X1 A1} [SnT] revile (God), oppose (someone),
punish (crime) {V7 N35 V13 A24}
[Sndt] Nile acacia tree {V7 N35 I10 X1
[SnT ib] be angry {V7 N35 V13 A24
F34 Z1}
[SnDty] wearer of a kilt {V7 N35 I10
X1 Z4 A1}
[SnTw] strife, quarrel {V7 N35 V13
G43 A2}
[Sn] tree {V7 N35 M1}
[SnTt] strife, quarrel {V7 N35 V13 X1
[Snwt] entourage {V7 N35 M17 M17 D249}
X1 A1 Z3}
[SnTt] strife, quarrel {V7 N35 V13 X1
[Snwt] entourage {V7 N35 M17 M17 V1}
X1 A20 A1 Z2}
[SnTw] strife, quarrel {V7 N35 V13 Y2}
[Snyt] storm {V7 N35 M17 M17 X1 N4}
[Snw] enquiry {V7 N35 W24 G43 A2}
[Sni] dispel (strife) {V7 N35 M17 N4}
[Snw] troubles, need {V7 N35 W24
[Snyt] storm {V7 N35 M17 X1 N33 N33 G43 G37 Z2}
[Snw] circuit, circumference {V7 N35
[Sns] a cake or loaf {V7 N35 S29 Z8} W24 G43 V1}

[SnTw] strife, quarrel {V7 N35 U33 [Snw] cartouche {V7 N35 W24 G43 V9}
M17 M17 A2}
[Snw] circuit, circumference {V7 N35
[SnTw] strife, quarrel {V7 N35 U33 W24 G43 V10}
M17 M17 A14}
[Snwt] entourage {V7 N35 W24 G43
[Snty] quarrelsome man, foe (of king), X1 A40 Z3}
courtier {V7 N35 U33 M17 M17 A24}
[Snw] hair, grass {V7 N35 W24 Z7 D3}
[Sni] (v.) curse, utter (sedition), exorcise,
conjure (sickness) {V7 N35 V1 A2} [Snw] net, meshes (of net) {V7 N35 W24
Z7 V1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 248

[Snw] cartouche - amulet {V7 N35 W24 [pxA] decking (of ship) {V11 M3}
Z7 V10 O39}
[diwt] shriek {V11 M17 M17 X1 A2
[Snwt] entourage {V7 N35 W24 Z7 Z2 Z1}
X1 A20 A1 Z2}
[diwt] shriek, bellow {V11 X1 G43 A2
[Snw] enclosure {V7 N35 W24 Z8} Z2}

[SnT] revile (God), oppose (someone), [fx] (v. intrans.) set out, depart (to) {V12 D54}
punish (crime) {V7 N35 X1 A24}
[arqy] last day of the month {V12 M17
[Snty] quarrelsome man, foe (of king), M17 N5}
courtier {V7 N35 X1 A24 A1}
[arq] don (a garment) {V12 N29}
[SnT] sheriff {V7 N35 X1 V1}
[arq] swear {V12 N29 A2}
[SnT] sheriff {V7 N35 X1 V1}
[arqy] last day of the month {V12 N29
[Snt] spell, conjuration, curse {V7 N35 M17 M17 N5}
X1 V1 A2}
[arq ib] clever {V12 N29 Y1 F34 Z1}
[SnT] revile (God), oppose (someone),
punish (crime) {V7 N35 X1 V1 A2} [T] (suffix prn.) you, your {V13}

[SnTt] strife, quarrel {V7 N35 X1 X1 [rmT] (collective n.) man, men, mankind,
V1 G37} Egyptians {V13 D21 A1 B1 Z2}

[Snty] heron {V7 N35 X1 Z4 G31} [Trm] wink {V13 D21 G17 D6}

[Sni] (v.) curse {V7 N35 Z4 A2} [Tryt] complaint {V13 D21 M17 M17
X1 A30}
[Snw] hair, grass {V7 N35 Z4 D3 Z2}
[Trp] an edible bird (goose ?) {V13 D21
[Sny tA] fenugreek ? {V7 N35 Q3 G54}
Z4 D3 Z2 N16 N23 Z1 M2 M33}
[Trt] willow {V13 D21 X1 M1}
[Sns] a cake or loaf {V7 O34 X2}
[Tbw] sole (of foot) {V13 D58 G43
[Sns] a cake or loaf {V7 O34 X3} S33}

[Snsw] slab (for offerings) {V7 S29 R4} [Tbwty] (dual) sandals, soles (of feet)
{V13 D58 G43 X1 Z4 S33}
[Snwt] granary {V7 W24 X1 O51}
[Tbn] be quick {V13 D58 N35 D54}
[Snyt] storm {V7 X1 M17 N4}
[Tbhn] leap, prance (of animals)
{V13 D58 O4 N35 D56 D54 Z2}
[Sn wr] ocean {V8 G36 N36}
[Tbi] (v.) be shod, provide with sandals
[Snw] net, meshes (of net) {V8 N35 Z8} {V13 D58 S33}

[Snw] circuit, circumference {V8 W24 G43 [Tb] crate {V13 D58 U103}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 249

[tbtb] hoist {V13 D58 V13 D58 V1} [tni] old man, elder {V13 N35 M17 A20}

[Tbwty] (dual) sandals, soles (of feet) [Tni] basin {V13 N35 M17 V30}
{V13 D58 X1 S33 S33}
[Tni] (locality) Thinis {V13 N35 M17 Z4
[Twn] gore (with horn), stick (into) O49}
{V13 E34 N35 D40}
[Tnnt] sanctuary at Memphis {V13 N35
[Twn] gore (with horn) {V13 E34 N35 N35 X1 O1}
[Tni] (locality) Thinis {V13 N35 O49}
[Tms] red, ruddy, violet {V13 G17 S29
Y3} [Tni] (v.) lift up, promote {V13 N35
T14 G40 Y1v}
[TmH] Libyan {V13 G17 V28 T14
A1} [Tn] (int.) where ?, whence ? {V13 N35
T14 G41}
[Tw] (dependent prn.) you {V13 G43}
[Tni] (v.) lift up, promote, distinguish
[Tit] dais {V13 G43 O40} (from), be distinguised (of actions) {V13 N35
T14 G41}
[Twt] (ind. prn.) you {V13 G43 X1}
[Tn r] reminder, explanation {V13
[tf] saw {V13 M17 I9 G1 T31} N35 T14 G41 N35A D21 Z1}

[TiTi] trot {V13 M17 V13 M17 D54} [Tnw] number, counting,
numbering, each, every, every time that {V13
[tit] image, form, shape, figure, design, N35 T14 G41 W24 G43 Y1v}
(written) sign {V13 M17 X1 D17}
[Tn r] reminder, explanation
[Tit] dais {V13 M17 X1 O40} {V13 N35 T14 G41 Y2 W24 G43 D21}

[Tnnt] sanctuary at Memphis {V13 [Tni] (locality) Thinis {V13 N35 T14 M17
M22 M22 N35 X1 O1} O49}

[tn] (demon. prn.) this {V13 N35} [Tni] (v.) lift up, promote, distinguish
(from), be distinguised (of actions) {V13 N35
T14 Y1v}
[Tn] (dependent prn.) you, your {V13 N35}
[tnm] turn aside, go astray, err, deflect
[TnHr] hawk {V13 N35 D2 D21 W24
G39} (of balance), be confused (of roads) {V13 N35
T34 G17 D55}
[TnTAt] dais {V13 N35 G47 X1 O40}
[Tnwt] census (of cattle) {V13 N35
W24 G43 X1 E1 Z2}
[Tnf] enjoyment {V13 N35 I9 A2}
[Tnwt] quantity, number,
[Tnfyt] (n.) sail {V13 N35 I9 M17 M17 numbering, census (of cattle, prisoners, the
X1 S28}
dead) {V13 N35 W24 G43 X1 Y1 Z2}
[Tnft] bag {V13 N35 I9 X1 S28}
[Tnw] number {V13 N35 W24 G43
Y1 Z2}
[Tni] old man {V13 N35 M17 A20}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 250

[Tnw] distinction {V13 N35 W24 Z7 [Ts] vertebra, spine {V13 O34 S24 Z1}
T14 G41 A2}
[Ts] support {V13 O34 T14}
[Tnwt] (a religious festival) census
(of the dead) {V13 N35 X1 T14 G41 W3} [Ts] marshal (troops), levy (troops) {V13 O34
[Tnwt] (a religious festival) census (of
the dead) {V13 N35 X1 T14 G41 Y1v} [Tsi] (v.) be angry (with), bear a grudge
(against) {V13 O34 T14}
[Tnt] difference (between x and y) {V13
N35 X1 T14 G41 Y1} [Tst] station (in life) {V13 O34 T14 X1
[Tntt] sacred cattle {V13 N35 X1 X1 E1
Z2} [Tsi] (v.) be angry (with), bear a grudge
(against) {V13 O34 U39 A2}
[TnTAt] dais {V13 N35 X1 X1 O40}
[Tsi] (v.) raise, lift up, set up (ruined
[Tn] (suffix and dependent prn.) you, your {V13 walls) {V13 O34 U39 D36}
N35 Z2}
[Tsi] (v.) go up (to a place) {V13 O34 U39
[Tnr] eager, valour {V13 N35 Z2 D21 D54}
Z1 D40}
[Ts nmtt] undertake journeys {V13 O34
[Tny] (suffix prn. - dual) you two, your {V13 U39 D54 X1 D54 Z2}
N35 Z4}
[Tsi] (v.) raise, lift up {V13 O34 U39 Q4
[Tbhn] leap, prance (of animals) {V13 D40}
O4 D58 N35 D54 N33A}
[Ts] marshal (troops), levy (troops) {V13
[Thm] harry {V13 O4 G17 A2} O34 U39 Y1v}

[Thm] hunt {V13 O4 G17 D54} [Tsi] (v.) be angry (with), bear a grudge
(against) {V13 O34 U39 Y1v}
[Tsi] (v.) be angry (with), bear a grudge
(against) {V13 O34 A2} [Tsi] (v.) raise, lift up {V13 O34 U39 Y1v}

[Ts nmtt] undertake journeys [Ts] vertebra, spine {V13 O34 V1 Z1}
{V13 O34 D54 N35 T34 G17 X1 X1 D54 Z2}
[Tst] tooth {V13 O34 X1 F18}
[Tsm] hound, dog {V13 O34 G17
[Tst] complaint {V13 O34 X1 U39 Y1
[Tsm] hound, dog {V13 O34 G17 F27}
[tpr] breathe {V13 Q3 M17 D19}
[Tswrt] an offering loaf {V13 O34
G43 D21 X1 X6}
[TpHt] cavern {V13 Q3 V28 X1 N44}
[Ts] tie on (fillet) {V13 O34 S24} [TpHt] cavern {V13 Q3 V28 X1 N44 N89}
[Tst] ridge, range {V13 O34 S24 X1 [TpHt] cavern, hole (of snake) {V13 Q3
V28 X1 O1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 251

[Ts] sit {V13 S29 A7} [Ttf] flow down, overflow {V13 X1 I9
[THnw] (locality) Libya {V13 T14 V28
W24 W24 N18 W24} [Tt] (collective n.) staff, gang, partisans
{V13 X1 Z1 A1 Z2}
[TmA awy] strong - armed {V13 U1
D36} [Tt] board, woodwork {V13 X1 Z1 M3}

[TmA a .k] your arm is strong [Tt] table {V13 X1 Z1 R3P}

{V13 U1 D36 V31}
[iTi] take, take possession of,conduct,
[TmA] cadaster {V13 U1 S23} remove, arrest, conquer, spend, pass, move, rob
{V15 A24}
[TmA] cadaster {V13 U1 V19 N21
Z1} [iT Hpt] travel by boat {V15 A24
V28 X1 Q3 P10}
[twA] (v. trans. / intrans. and n.) lean
(on), support, sustain, hold up, set (crown on [iTi] (v.) take (for use) {V15 X1 D40}
head) {V13 V4 Y1v}
[iTw] thief {V15 X1 Z7 A24 A1}
[THw] (v.) rejoice {V13 V28 G43 A2}
[sA] cattle - hobble {V16}
[THw] (n.) joy {V13 V28 G43 A2}
[sA] protection {V16}
[THw] (n.) joy {V13 V28 G43 F18 Y1
Z2} [sAw] magician {V16}

[THw] (v.) rejoice {V13 V28 G43 F18 [sA] phyle (of priests), company, regiment
Z2} (of troops), troop (of animals) {V16 A1 Z2}
[THn] (v.) lance ? (an infected place) [sAw] guard, ward off, restrain, heed
{V13 V28 N35 D36} {V16 G1 D96}

[THn] meet, engage (with enemy) {V13 [sAwty] (locality) Asyut (Lycopolis) {V16
V28 N35 D54} G43 X1 O49}

[THn] gleam, glittering {V13 V28 N35 [sA] byre {V16 O1 Z1}
[sA tA] reverence ? {V16 Z1 N16 N21
[THnt] faience {V13 V28 S16 N35 Z1}
X1 N33A}
[sA] protection {V17}
[THH] exult {V13 V28 V28 F18 A2}
[sA] phyle (of priests), company, regiment (of
[THHwt] exultation {V13 V28 V28 troops), troop (of animals) {V17 A1 Z2}
X1 A2 Z3}

[sAw] magician {V17 G43 A1}

[THHwt] exultation {V13 V28 V28
X1 G43 Y1 Z2}
[sA] amulet {V17 Z1}
[Tnw] (pl.) number {V13 W24 Y2}
[sA] protection {V17 Z1 Y1 Z2}
[Tbt] vase {V13 X1 D58 W22}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 252

[mDt] byre {V19} [mHaw] flax {V22 D36 V28 Z5}

[XAr] sack, leather bag {V19} [mH] seize, lay hold of, grasp (instructions),
capture {V22 D40}
[TmA] cadaster {V19 Z1 N23}
[mH] cubit {V22 D42}
[mD] (the number) ten {V20}
[mHwnw] slaughter {V22 E34 N35 W24
[mabA] harpoon {V20 V20 V20} T30}

[mabAyw] the Thirty (a judicial body) [mHtyw] northerners {V22 G4 Z2}

{V20 V20 V20 A21 A1 Z2}
[mHy] guardian {V22 M17 M17 A40}
[mabAyt] House of the Thirty {V20 V20
V20 D58 M17 M17 X1 O1 Z3} [mHyt] (collective n.) fish {V22 M17
M17 X1 K1 Z2}
[mabAyt] House of the Thirty {V20
V20 V20 M17 M17 X1 O1 Z2} [mH tA] land cubit (one hundredth of one
aroura) {V22 N16}
[mabA] harpoon {V20 V20 V20 N34}
[mHn] the coiled one ( a serpent spirit)
[mabAyt] House of the Thirty {V20 V20 {V22 N35 I12}
V20 X1 O1}
[mHn] a board - game {V22 N35 I12}
[mD] deep {V21}
[mHn] (n. and v.) coil (of serpents) {V22
[mD] deep {V21 N35A} N35 I12}

[mDt] byre {V21 X1 O1} [mHnyt] (fem.) the Coiled one {V22
N35 M17 M17 X1 I12}
[mD] deep {V21 Y1v}
[mHn] (n. and v.) coil (of serpents) {V22
[mH] cubit {V22 D36} N35 W24}

[mHi] (v.) be concerned (for), take thought [mHi] inundate (land) {V22 V28 D117
(for), ponder (on) {V22 D36 A2}

[mHi] (n.) care {V22 D36 A2} [mHw] linen thread {V22 V28 G43 M2}

[mHy] guardian {V22 D36 M17 M17 [mHw] (n. and adj.) Lower Egypt,
A40} Lower Egyptian {V22 V28 G43 M15}

[mHy] guardian {V22 D36 V28 A40} [mHw] (n.) Lower Egypt {V22 V28 M15}

[mHy] guardian {V22 D36 V28 M17 [mHyt] (collective n.) fish {V22 V28
M17 A40} M17 M17 X1 K1 Z2}

[mHi] take thought (for), ponder (on) [mHyt] north wind, storm from the
{V22 D36 V28 Z4 F37B A2 Z3} north, 'norther' {V22 V28 M17 M17 X1 P5}

[mHy] flax {V22 D36 V28 Z4 F37B [mHyt] storm from the north
M2 Z2} {V22 V28 M17 M17 X1 P5 N35A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 253

[mHi] (v.) drown, bedrowned, overflow [mH] (v. intrans.) be full, be complete, {V22
(of Nile), inundate (land), swim {V22 V28 Y1}
[mH] (v. trans.) fill, be full of, pay in full,
[mHi] (v. trans.) launch (a vessel) {V22 make whole, complete, finish {V22 Y1}
V28 N35A}
[mH xft] act according to {V22 Y1 Aa1 I9
[mHw .s] Crown of Lower Egypt X1}
{V22 V28 N35A S29 A40}
[mH rdwy] hurry ! {V22 Y1 D21 D46
[mHyt] papyrus plant, clump of D56 D56}
papyrus {V22 V28 X1 M15 M2 Z3}
[mH ib] one who is trusted, confidant {V22
[mHw] hunter {V22 V28 Z7 P2 K1 Y1 F34 Z1}
[mH ib m] trust in {V22 Y1 F34 Z1
[mHty] (n.) North {V22 X1} G17}

[mHtyw] northerners {V22 X1 G4 [mH nfr] render good account {V22 Y1

N23 T14 A1 Z2} F35 I9 D21}

[mHyt] (collective n.) fish {V22 X1 K1 [mH m ] full measure {V22 Y1 G17}
[wDb] fold over, turn, turn back, revert,
[mHt] (locality) the Delta marshes {V22 X1 divert, direct, recur {V24 D58 F46 D54}
[wDb a] turn the hand away, desist,
[mHt] flood waters {V22 X1 N35A} compose oneself, turn oneself about {V24 D58
F46 D54 D36 Z1}
[mHyt] north wind {V22 X1 P5}
[wDb] turn (to) {V24 D58 N20}
[mHt] fan ? {V22 X1 S36}
[wDb] river bank {V24 D58 N20 N23 Z1}
[mHt] bowl {V22 X1 W10}
[wDb xt] divert (offerings), reversion-
[mHtt] north {V22 X1 X1} offering {V24 D58 N21 Aa1 X1}

[mHt] the complete eye (of Horus) {V22 [wDb rd] reversion (of offerings from
X1 Y2 D12} temple to tomb), a reversion offering {V24 D58
N21A D21 D46 D56}
[mHty] (adj.) northern {V22 X1 Z4 N23}
[wDb] turn {V24 D58 N21A D55}
[mHty] (n.) North {V22 X1 Z4 N23}
[wDb rd] reversion ( of offerings from
[mHt r] northward to {V22 X1 Z4 N23 temple to tomb), a reversion-offering {V24 D58
D21} N21A D56}

[mHt m] northward to {V22 X1 Z4 [wDb] river-bank, riparian-lands, sea-shore

N23 G17} {V24 D58 N21A Z1}

[mH] (v.) inlay {V22 Y1} [Hww] (ancient mis-spelling) cattle {V24
G43 G43 E1 Z2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 254

[wD] act as pilot, pilot, {V24 G43 I10 [wDb] riparian lands {V25 D58 G43
D40} F46 N21 Z2}

[wDb] turn back {V24 G43 I10 D58 [wDb] sea shore {V25 D58 N20 Z2}
Z5 D54}
[wDb xt] divert (offerings), a
[wD] stela {V24 G43 I10 O26} reversion offering {V25 D58 Z7 F48 Aa1 X1
Y1 Z2}
[wdHw] offering table {V24 G43
I10 V28 G43 R3} [wDi] depart, stray (of cattle) {V25 G43
[wD] (written) decree, despatch {V24 G43
O26} [wDt] (n.) command, decree {V25 G43
I10 X1 Y1}
[wD] (written) decree, despatch {V24 G43
V12 Z1} [wD] see other entries under wD
(command etc) {V25 G43 I10 Y1}
[wDH] (v.) wean {V24 G43 V28 D82}
[wDyt] campaign, expedition, journey
[wDt] command, decree {V24 G43 X1 Y1} {V25 G43 M17 M17 X1 D54}

[wD] (v.) allot, decree (something to), [wD] stela {V25 G43 O26}
commit, commend (someone to), entrust (a
matter) {V24 G43 Y1v} [wD] stela {V25 G43 O39}

[wD] (v.) command, make a command, enjoin [mtr] (v. trans.) instruct {V25 G43
(an instruction), decree (someone to) {V24 G43 O39 D52 X1 T14 T14}
[wD] inscription {V25 G43 V12}
[wD] (n.) command, (written) decree,
despatch, precept {V24 G43 Y1v} [wD] stela {V25 G43 V12 O26}

[wD tp] give orders ? {V24 G43 Y1 D1 [wD] jug {V25 G43 W70}
[wD] see other entries under wD (command
[wD mdw] command, control, govern {V24 etc) {V25 G43 Y1v}
S43 Y1 Z2}
[wD] stela {V25 G43 Y1v}
[wdHw] offering table {V24 V28 G43
R3} [wD mdw] (n.) command {V25
G43 Y1 S43 D46 G43}
[wDt mdw] (n.) command {V24 X1 S43
D46 Z7 Y1v} [wD mdw] (v.) command, control,
govern {V25 G43 Y1 S43 D46 G43}
[wDt mdw] command {V24 X1 S43 Y1v}
[wD] inscription {V25 G43 Y2}
[wD nkn] do harm, execute sentence
{V24 Y1V N35 V31 N35 D57}
[wDyt] campaign, expedition, journey {V25
M17 M17 X1 D54}
[wD] (v. trans.) pilot (someone) {V25 A200}
[wDyt] campaign, expedition {V25 M17
[wDb] folded cloth {V25 D58 F46} M17 X1 P1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 255

[wDH] wean, weaned child {V25 V28 A17} [aDyw] winnowers {V26 I10 M17 M17
Z7 A24}
[wDH] (n.) weaned child (of royalty) {V25
V28 A18} [aD] edge, margin (of cultivation) {V26 I10
N23 Z1}
[wdHw] offering table {V25 V28 G43
R3} [aD] fat, grease {V26 I10 O39 Z2}

[wdHw] offering table {V25 V28 G43 [aD] edge, margin (of cultivation) {V26 N23}
[aD] fat, grease {V26 W24 Z2}
[wDH] door of cast metal {V25 V28 O31}
[manDt] day - barque (of sun god) {V26
[wDH] cast (metal) {V25 V28 Q7} X1 P3}

[wdH] pour out, pour off {V25 V28 W24 [aD] be safe {V26 Y1}
[aD] spool, reel {V26 Z1 M3}
[wdHw] offering table {V25 V28 W24 Z7}
[aDt] slaughter, massacre {V27 X1 A15A}
[wDt] (n.) command, decree {V25 X1 G43
Y1v} [Hwi] surge up, overflow {V28 A24}
[wDt] (n.) command, decree {V25 X1 V12 [Hwi] surge up, overflow {V28 A24 D40}
[Hw ny r Hr] combat {V28 A24 N35
[wDt] (n.) command, decree {V25 X1 Y1} Z4 D21 D2 Z1 D40}

[wD] stela {V25 X1 Z1 Y1 O39} [Hwi] surge up, overflow, rain {V28
A24 Z12 A24 N35A}
[aD] fat, grease {V26 D46 O39}
[Hw ny r Hr] combat {V28 A24
[aD] hack up, destroy {V26 D46 U7 Z12 A24 N35 Z4 D21 D2 Z1 A24}
[Hwi] (v.) beat, srike, smite, defeat (in
[aD] hack up, destroy {V26 D46 U7 D40} argument), drive off (cattle) {V28 A25 A24}

[aD mr] administrator {V26 D46 U7 [Hwi] (v.) drive in (mooring post), flap
D40 N36} (wings), clap, gather (crops) {V28 A25 A24}
[aD] fat, grease {V26 D46 W24 Z2} [Hwi] (v.) thresh (corn),throw (against),
tread (road etc..), roam (the earth) {V28 A25
[aD] be safe {V26 D46 Y1v} A24}

[aD] perceive {V26 D46 Y1v} [Hwyt] (n.) rain {V28 A25 M17 M17 X1
[aD] fat, grease {V26 D46 Z4 N33 Z2}
[HAi] (v.) screech (of falcon) {V28 A28}
[aDw] Buri fish {V26 D46 Z7 K1 Z1}
[Hwi] surge up, overflow, rain {V28
[aD] fatten ? {V26 I10 A24} A90D Z12 A24 N35A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 256

[Hpw] Apis Bull {V28 Aa5 Q3 G39 [Ha] flesh {V28 D36 F51}
[Haw nb] all people {V28 D36 F51B
[Hr] terror, dread {V28 D2 D21 Aa19 V30}
[Haw] body {V28 D36 F51B Z2}
[Hr] (adj.) distant {V28 D2 D21 N31}
[Hwa] short {V28 D36 G37}
[Hr] (v.) be far (from) {V28 D2 D21 N31}
[Hai] (v.) rejoice {V28 D36 G43}
[Hryt] terror, dread, respect {V28 D2
D21 X1 A24 Z3} [Hwaw] short men {V28 D36 G43
D41 A1 Z2}
[Hryt] terror, dread, respect {V28 D2
D21 X1 Aa19 A24 Z3} [Haaw] ships {V28 D36 G43 G43
P1 Z2}
[Hapy] Nile {V28 D21 Q3 N37 A40}
[Haww] ships {V28 D36 G43 P3 Z2}
[Hapy] Nile {V28 D21 Q3 N37 A40}
[Hawt] joy {V28 D36 G43 X1 A28 Z3}
[HqAw] magic, magic spells {V28 D28
G1 A2 Z3} [Hai] (v.) rejoice {V28 D36 M17 M17
A28 Y1v}
[HqAw] magic, magic spells {V28
D28 G1 Z7 A2 Z3} [Ha] palace {V28 D36 O1}
[HkAy] magician {V28 D28 M17 M17 [Haww] ships {V28 D36 P3 Z2}
Y1 A40}
[Hapy] Nile {V28 D36 Q3 D21 N35A
[HkAw] god of Magic {V28 D28 Y1 Z3 N37 Z2}
[Hapy] Nile {V28 D36 Q3 N35A}
[HqAw] magic, magic spells {V28 D28 Z2}
[Hapy] Nile {V28 D36 Q3 Z4 N36}
[Hai] (v.) rejoice {V28 D36 A28 A2}
[Hapy] (divinity) Hapy (Nile god)
[Hai] (adj.) joyful {V28 D36 A28 A2} {V28 D36 Q3 Z4 N36 N35A A40}

[Hai] (v.) rejoice {V28 D36 A28 Y1v} [HaDA] (v.) plunder {V28 D36 U28
G1 A24}
[Haaw] rejoice {V28 D36 D36 A28}
[HaDA] (n.) robbery {V28 D36 U28
[Haaw] rejoice {V28 D36 D36 G43 G1 A24}
A28 Y1v}
[HadAwt] robbery {V28 D36
[Haawt] joy {V28 D36 D36 G43 X1 U28 G1 G43 X1 G37 A24 Z3}
[Hawt] joy {V28 D36 X1 A28 Z2B}
[Hba] play (draughts) {V28 D36 D58
D40} [Hat] wick (of lamp) {V28 D36 X1 V1}
[Hat] wick {V28 D36 D133 X1} [Hai] (v.) rejoice {V28 D36 Y1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 257

covering {V28 D58 S29 S28}

[Hdb] overthrow, be prostrate {V28
D46 D58 A15 D40}
[Hbs Hr] cover the head {V28 D58 S29
S28 D1 Z1}
[Hdb] sit (on), seat (oneself) {V28 D46
D58 D54}
[Hbs Hr] be inaccessible to pleas (cover
[Hdb] overthrow, be prostrate {V28 the face) {V28 D58 S29 S28 D2 Z1}
D46 D58 Z9 D40}
[Hbswt] cloth {V28 D58 S29 X1 G43}
[Hba] play (draughts) {V28 D58 D36
T14 T14 Y1v} [Hbsw] deception ? {V28 D58 S29
Z7 S28 Z2 Z1}
[Hbbt] water {V28 D58 D58 N21
N35A} [Hb] festival {V28 D58 W3}

[Hbbt] water {V28 D58 D58 X1 N35A} [Hb] mourn {V28 D58 W3 A24}

[HbAbA] waddle {V28 D58 [Hb] celebrate a triumph {V28 D58

G29 G1 D58 G29 G1 D54} W3 D32 D40}

[Hb] catch (of fish and fowl) {V28 D58 [Hb] celebrate a triumph {V28 D58 W3
G39 K1 Z2} D40}

[Hbw] target {V28 D58 G43 O39} [Hb] celebrate a triumph {V28 D58 W3 Y1}

[Hbw] target {V28 D58 G43 Z26} [Hb] festival {V28 D58 W4}

[Hby] be festal, make festival {V28 D58 [Hb] catch (of fish and fowl) {V28
M17 M17 W4} D58 W4 G39 K1 Z2}

[Hbyt] festival offerings {V28 D58 [Hby] be festal, make festival {V28 D58
M17 M17 X1 W4} W4 M17 M17}

[Hbyt] festival offerings {V28 D58 M17 [Hbyt] festival offerings {V28 D58
M17 X1 Y24 Z3A} W4 M17 M17 X1 Z2}

[Hbs] bear (flabellum) {V28 D58 O34 [Hbt] ritual book {V28 D58 X1 W3
S28 D40} V12}

[Hb sd] jubilee {V28 D58 S29 D46 [Hb] festival {V28 D58 Y2}
N21 W3 N5}
[Hbw] target {V28 D58 Z5}
[Hbsw] bundle ? {V28 D58 S29 G43
Aa19} [Hwn] child, young man {V28 E34 N35
[Hbsyt] wife {V28 D58 S29 M17 M17
X1 S28} [Hwn] (n.) youthful vigour {V28 E34 N35
[Hbs] clothe, be clothed, don (garment),
furnish (house), hide, cover up {V28 D58 S29 [Hwn] rib-roast {V28 E34 N35 F51}
[Hwn] child, young man {V28 E34
[Hbs] garment, clothes, clothing, cloth, N35 M42 A17}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 258

[Hw] food {V28 F18 Z2} [HmA] ball {V28 G17 G1 Y24}

[Ha .i] myself {V28 F51 F51 F51 A1} [Hmm] surgeon's knife ? {V28 G17
G17 N34 Z1}
[HA] (non enclitic part.) would that !, O!
{V28 G1} [Hnmmt] the sun-folk of Heliopolis,
mankind {V28 G17 G17 X1 Z2 N8}
[HAi] (v.) mourn, wail, screech (of falcon),
dance (at funeral) {V28 G1 A28} [Hmsi] (v. trans.) occupy (a place) {V28
G17 O34 A7}
[HAi] (v.) mourn {V28 G1 A73}
[mHi] inundate (land) {V28 G17 V22}
[HAab] a bad quality {V28 G1 D36
Z1 D58 A24} [HmAgt] carnelian {V28 G17 W11 X1
[HAd] (v.) lust {V28 G1 D46 D52}
[HmAgt] carnelian, garnet {V28 G17 W11
[HAd] fish trap, trap fish {V28 G1 D46 X1 Z2}
[Hwrw] speak ill ?, decry ? {V28 G36
[HAi] (v.) mourn {V28 G1 D81} D21 G43 A2}

[HAi] (v.) screech (of falcon) {V28 G1 [Hwrw] poor, humble man,
G41} despicable person {V28 G36 D21 G43 A17 A1}

[HAi] (v.) wail {V28 G1 M17} [Hwrw] poor, humble man,

despicable person {V28 G36 D21 G43 A17 G37
[HAy] be naked {V28 G1 M17 M17 A1}
[Hwrw] poor, humble man,
[HAmw] type of wine {V28 G1 N35A despicable person {V28 G36 D21 G43 G37 A1}
[Hwrw ib] poor of understanding
[HA] the desert god {V28 G1 N76A {V28 G36 D21 G43 G37 F34 Z1}
[Hwrw] the meanest of birds {V28 G36
[HAti] cloak {V28 G1 U33 M17 S28} D21 G43 G37 Z2}

[AHwt] (pl.) fields, arable lands, earth, [HsA] dough {V28 G39}
mould {V28 G1 X1 N21 Z2}
[HsAt] (divinity) a cow goddess {V28
[HAt] tomb {V28 G1 X1 O18} G39 X1 E101A}

[HAti] cloak {V28 G1 X1 S28} [Hww] proclaim {V28 G43}

[HAty] heart, central chest, thought {V28 [Hwy] (non enclitic part.) would that ! {V28
G1 X1 Z4 F34} G43}

[AH] bread {V28 G1 X4} [Hwi] (v.) drive off (cattle) {V28 G43 A24}

[AH] type of bread {V28 G1 Z8} [Hw] food {V28 G43 A40}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 259

[Hw] Authoritative Utterance {V28 G43 [HfAw] snake {V28 I9 G1 G43

A40} I14}

[Hww] beat (of wings) {V28 G43 D3 Z2} [HfAt] crawling posture {V28 I9
G1 X1 A16A}
[Hwa] short {V28 G43 D36 G37}
[HfAt] crawling posture {V28 I9 G1
[Hwa ib] apprehensive {V28 G43 D36 G37 X1 D54}
F34 Z1}
[HfAt] intestinal worm {V28 I9 X1
[Hww] a class of bulls, cattle (in I14}
general) {V28 G43 D52 E1 Z2}
[HDb] overthrow, be prostrate {V28
I10 D58 A15}
[Hw] food {V28 G43 F18 Y1}

[Hw] Authoritative Utterance {V28 G43 [HDi] (n.) damage, destruction {V28 I10
F18 Y1 A40}

[Hw] food {V28 G43 F18 Z2} [HDi] (n.) damage, destruction {V28
I10 Z9 G37}

[Hw] (royal) ordinance {V28 G43 G7} [Hn] go speedily, an attack {V28 M2 N35
[Hww] proclaim {V28 G43 G43}
[Hnbwt] confines (of district) {V28
[Hww] a class of bulls, cattle (in M2 N35 D58 X1 N23 Z2}
general) {V28 G43 G43 E1 Z2}
[Hnwt] horn {V28 M2 N35 F16}
[Hww] a class of bulls, cattle (in
general) {V28 G43 M17 M17 G43 E1 Z3} [Hnmmt] the sun-folk of
Heliopolis, mankind {V28 M2 N35 G17 G17 X1
[Hwtf] rob, plunder {V28 G43 X1 I9 A1 Z2 B1}
[Hnw] bowl {V28 M2 N35 G43 W10}
[Hwtf] rob, plunder {V28 G43 X1 I9
V1 D40} [Hni] (n.) rush {V28 M2 N35 M2}
[Hwy] (non - enclitic part.) would that ! [HnHn] hinder, detain {V28 M2 N35 M2
{V28 G43 Z4} N35 D54}

[Hww] proclaim {V28 G43 Z4A A2} [HnHnt] swelling {V28 M2 N35 M2
N35 X1 H8}
[Hw] food {V28 G43 Z8 Z2}
[Hni] (n.) rush (plant) {V28 M2 N35 M17
[HTA] type of bread {V28 G47 W10} M2}

[Hfd] sit {V28 I9 D46 A7} [Hnyt] spear {V28 M2 N35 M17 M17
X1 T80A}
[Hfd] climb {V28 I9 D46 D54}
[Hnn] penis, circumcised penis {V28 M2
[Hf] range (hills, of lion) {V28 I9 D54} N35 N35 D52}

[HfAw] snake {V28 I9 F40 G43 I14} [Hnn] phallus, circumsized penis {V28 M2
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 260

N35 N35 D53 F51B}

[Hnkyt] bed {V28 M2 N35 V31
M17 M17 X1 D39 O1 Z2}
[Hnn] hoe {V28 M2 N35 N35 M3}

[Hnsktyw] wearers of the [Hnkyt] bed, bier {V28 M2 N35

V31 M17 M17 X1 D41 S28}
side-lock (of hair) {V28 M2 N35 O34 V31 G4
D156 D156 D156 Z2}
[Hnkw] (diplomatic) gifts {V28 M2
N35 V31 Z7 D39 Z1}
[Hnskyt] she who has braided hair
{V28 M2 N35 O34 V31 M17 M17 D3 X1}
[Hn] encumber, obstruct {V28 M2 N35
[Hnskt] braided lock (of hair) {V28
M2 N35 O34 V31 X1 D3}
[Hn] control (one's mouth) {V28 M2
N35 V36 G37}
[Hnskt] braided lock (of hair) {V28
M2 N35 O34 V31 X1 D156}
[Hn] control (oneself) {V28 M2 N35 V36
[Hns] narrow, constricted {V28 M2 N35
S29 G37}
[Hngg] tonsils ?, salivary glands ? {V28
M2 N35 W11 W11 F51}
[Hns ib] meanness {V28 M2 N35 S29
G37 F34 Z1}
[Hnw] (military) Commanders
{V28 M2 N35 W24 G43 D40 A1 Z3}
[Hns] constricted {V28 M2 N35 S29
N31 G37}
[Hnw] jar, bowl, chattels, possessions,
[Hnsktyw] wearers of the goods {V28 M2 N35 W24 G43 W22}
side-lock (of hair) {V28 M2 N35 S29 V31 M17
M17 G4 D3 A40 Z3} [Hnw] (pl.) goods, chattels,
possessions {V28 M2 N35 W24 G43 Y1 Z2}
[Hnty] equerry (of foreign prince) {V28
M2 N35 U33 M17 M17 Z5} [Hnw] ribs {V28 M2 N35 W24 Z7 F51
[HnHn] hinder, detain {V28 M2 N35 V28
D55} [Hnw] barque of Sokar {V28 M2 N35
W24 Z7 M17 M17 P114}
[HnHn] hinder, detain {V28 M2 N35
V28 M2 N35 D55} [Hnw] canal {V28 M2 N35 W24 Z7
N35A N36 N23 Z1}
[HnHn] dawdler ?, cripple ?
{V28 M2 N35 V28 M2 N35 V36 D54 A1} [Hnty] be covetous, greedy {V28 M2 N35
X1 A24}
[Hnk] make offering (to) {V28 M2 N35
V31 D39} [HntA] porcupine ? {V28 M2 N35 X1
G1 F27 Z1}
[Hnkw] scale-pan (of a balance)
{V28 M2 N35 V31 G43 D39} [HntA] breastbone {V28 M2 N35 X1 G1
[Hnkw] scale-pan (of balance) {V28
M2 N35 V31 G43 U91} [Hnt] greed {V28 M2 N35 X1 I3}

[Hnkw] scale-pan (of balance) {V28 [Hnty] be covetous, greedy {V28 M2

M2 N35 V31 G43 V29} N35 X1 I3 A24}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 261

[Hnt] swampy lake, watercourse {V28 M2 [Hn] provide, equip, command, govern,
N35 X1 N37} control (oneself) {V28 M2 N35 Y1v}

[HntA] be in need {V28 M2 N35 X1 [Hns a] mean, ungenerous {V28 M2 S29

U30 G1 G37} D36 Z1}

[HntAsw] lizard {V28 M2 N35 [Hnt] greed {V28 M2 X1}

X1 U30 G1 M23 G43 I1}
[Hnwt] horn {V28 M3D N35 W24 X1
[Hnty] (dual) the two sides (of time), O120}
the two ends (of time), continually, eternity,
{V28 M2 N35 X1 U33 M17 Y2} [Htrw] lashings {V28 M6 D21 G43 V1
V1 V1}
[Hnt] occupation, craft, business,
services {V28 M2 N35 X1 V36 Y1 Z2} [HAd] fish-trap {V28 M16 G1 D46
[Hnt] occupation, craft, business, services
{V28 M2 N35 X1 Y1} [HAw] vintage {V28 M16 G1 G43
M43A Z3}
[Hnt] space (of time), lifetime {V28 M2
N35 X1 Y1} [HAq] carry off (captives) {V28 M16
G1 N29 A24}
[Hnty] (dual) the two sides (of time), the
two ends (of time), eternity {V28 M2 N35 X1 [HAp] (adj.) secret, mysterious {V28
Z4A V36} M16 G1 Q3 Y1}

[Hnti] porcupine ? {V28 M2 N35 X1 Z4 [HAti] bleariness (of eyes) {V28 M16
F27} G1 U33 M17 D5}

[Hnty] (dual) the two sides (of time), [HAti] bleariness (of eyes) {V28
the two ends (of time), eternity {V28 M2 N35 M16 G1 U33 M17 N4}
X1 Z4 N31}
[HAwty] naked man {V28 M16 G1
[Hnty] be covetous, greedy {V28 M2 X1 A1}
N35 X1 Z4 V36 A24}
[HAw] wealth, increase {V28 M16 G43
[Hnty] the two sides/ends (of time) Y1 Z2}
{V28 M2 N35 X1 Z4 V36 V36}
[HAg] be glad {V28 M16 W11 A2}
[Hnty] the two sides / ends (of a space),
{V28 M2 N35 X1 Z4 V36 V36} [Hwn] be rejuvenated, refreshed, youthful
vigour {V28 M42 N35 A17}
[Hnty] (dual) the two sides, the two
ends (of space) {V28 M2 N35 X1 Z4 V36 V36 [Hwn] child, young man {V28 M42 N35
N31 N31} A17D}

[Hnt] swampy lake, watercourse {V28 [Hwnt] maiden {V28 M42 N35 W24
M2 N35 X1 Z5 N36 N23} X1 A17 B1}

[Hn] charge (someone with task), commend [Hwnt] pupil (of eye) {V28 M42 N35 X1
(someone), occupy (oneself) {V28 M2 N35 Z1}
[Hwnt] maiden {V28 M42 X1 N35 A17}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 262

[nHH] eternity, for ever {V28 N5 V28} [Hnmnm] creep {V28 N35 T34
G17 T34 G17 D54}
[nHH] eternity {V28 N5 V28}
[Hnk] to present (someone), offer
[Hb] festival {V28 N5 W3 D58} (something), make offering, be burdened {V28
N35 V31 D39}
[Hqr] (v.) be hungry {V28 N29 D21 A2}
[Hnkt] offerings {V28 N35 V31 X1
W24 D39 W24 W24}
[Hqr] hungry man {V28 N29 D21 A2
[Hnkyt] bed {V28 N35 V31 X1 S28}
[Hqr] (n.) hunger {V28 N29 D21 G37}
[Hnwt] mistress {V28 N35 W24 X1 B1}
[Hqr] be hungry, hunger {V28 N29 D21
G37} [Hnty] (foreign) commander {V28 N35
X1 G43 M17 M17}
[Hqr] hungry man {V28 N29 D21 G37
A1} [Hnty] (foreign) commander, equerry
(of foreign prince) {V28 N35 X1 U30 M17 M17
[Hqt] (divinity) Heqat (frog goddess) {V28 D40}
N29 X1 B1}
[Hnt] cup {V28 N35 X1 W10}
[Hqt] Heqat (frog goddess) {V28 N29 X1
I7} [Hmw] steering-oar {V28 N41 G17
G43 M3}
[HqAt] sceptre {V28 N29 X1 S38}
[Hmwst] female counterpart of the KA
[Hnqt] beer {V28 N29 X1 W22} {V28 N41 G43 S29 X1 T62}

[Hnqt] beer {V28 N29 X1 W22} [Hmsi] sit, sit down, dwell (in), seat
(someone) {V28 N41 S29 A7}
[Hqt] (divinity) Heqat (frog goddess)
{V28 N29 X1 Z5 G7} [Hms Hr] besiege (town) {V28 N41
S29 A7 D2 Z1}
[Hna] together with, and {V28 N35}
[Hmsi] sit down {V28 N41 S29 A285}
[Hna] together with, and, therewith, together
with them {V28 N35 D36} [Hms] penis {V28 N41 S29 D52}

[Hna] together with, and, therewith, together [HaAw] children {V28 O29 D36 G1
A17 A1 Z2}
with them {V28 N35 D36 Z2}

[Hnb] convey (land) {V28 N35 D58 Z7 [HaAw] children {V28 O29V D36
G43 A17 A1}

[Hnyt] spear {V28 N35 M17 M17 X1 [HaAw] children {V28 O29V G1 G37

[Hnn] hoe {V28 N35 N35 U8 Z1} [HsA] dough {V28 O34 G39}

[Hns ib] meanness {V28 N35 S29 F34 Z1} [HsA] milk, mucus, dough {V28 O34
G39 G1 N35A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 263

[Hsp] garden {V28 O34 Q3 N24} [Hptw] cross-timbers (of door-leaves),

ribs (of boat) {V28 Q3 X1 G43 M3 Z2}
[Hsmn] natron {V28 O34 Y5 N35 R9}
[Hpt] oar {V28 Q3 X1 P8}
[Hsmn] (type of ) food {V28 O34 Y5 N35
X4 Z2} [Hpt] oar {V28 Q3 X1 P10}

[Htm] (v. intrans.) perish, be destroyed [Hptt] course (of sun and moon) {V28 Q3
{V28 Q1 Aa15 G37} X1 T9 X1 D54}

[Htm] (v. intrans.) perish, be destroyed {V28 [Htp] (v. intrans.) be at peace, peaceful,
Q1 X1} become calm {V28 R4 X1 Q3}
[HsAt] (divinity) a cow goddess {V28 Q1 [Htp] (v. intrans.) be pleased (with), be
X1 E101A}
happy, be gracious (to), pardon (someone) {V28
R4 X1 Q3}
[Htm] provide {V28 Q1 X1 G17 G39
[Htpw] peace, contentment, good pleasure
{V28 R4 X1 Q3}
[Htmt] chair {V28 Q1 X1 M3}
[Htp] (v. trans.) satisfy, make content,
[Htm] (v. intrans.) perish, be destroyed pacify, occupy (throne), rest in (tomb), assume
{V28 Q1 X1 U15}
(titulary) {V28 R4 X1 Q3}
[Hpy] (divinity) Hapy (one of the four sons
[Hs] be cold {V28 S29 A359}
of Horus) {V28 Q3 Aa5 M17 M17}
[Hs] be cold {V28 S29 A361}
[Hpd] open (mouth) {V28 Q3 D46 D25}
[Hs] excrement {V28 S29 Aa2 Z2}
[Hpw] Apis Bull {V28 Q3 G43 Aa5
[HsA] mucus {V28 S29 Aa17 G1
[Hapy] Nile {V28 Q3 N36}
[Hsw] minstrel {V28 S29 D41 G43
[Hapy] Nile {V28 Q3 N36} A1}

[Hpgt] a leaping dance {V28 Q3 W11 X1} [Hst] (fem.) minstrel {V28 S29 D41 X1
[Hpt] oar {V28 Q3 X1 Aa5}
[Hsb] breaak, smash {V28 S29 D58 Aa2}
[Hpt] embrace, armful {V28 Q3 X1 D32}
[Hsb] count, reckon, reckon with
[Hpt] (v. and n.) embrace {V28 Q3 X1 D32 (offenders) {V28 S29 D58 Aa2 Y1}
[Hsb] a type of bread {V28 S29 D58 Aa2
[Hptt] course (of sun or moon) {V28 Q3 X1 X4 Z1}
D32 X1 D54}
[Hsbw] reckoning, account {V28 S29
[Hpt] travel {V28 Q3 X1 D54} D58 G43 Aa2 Y1}

[Hptw] cross-timber (of door leaves), [Hsb] break, smash, fracture {V28 S29 D58
ribs ? (of boat) {V28 Q3 X1 G43 D32 M3 Z2} Z9}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 264

[Hsi] (v.) sing {V28 S29 D207} [Htm] (v. trans.) destroy,
(enemies), quench (thirst) {V28 U15 G17 G41
[Hsq] cut off (head etc), cut out (heart etc), G37}
behead {V28 S29 N29 T30}
[Hts] bring to an end, complete (period of
[Hsqt] chopper {V28 S29 N29 X1 T30} time), celebrate (festival) {V28 U33 S29 Aa30}

[Hsp] garden {V28 S29 Q3 N23 Z1} [HwA] foul, offensive, rot, putrefy,
smell offensive, spoil (enjoyment) {V28 V4 G1
[Hsmn] menstruation {V28 S29 Y5 Aa2}
N35 U32 D26}
[HwAAt] putrefaction {V28 V4
[Hsmn] natron, bronze, amethyst {V28 G1 G1 X1 Z2 Aa2}
S29 Y5 N35 U32 Z2 N33}
[HwAAt] putrefaction {V28 V4 G1
[Hwi] (v.) flap (wings) {V28 T2} G43 Aa3 X1}

[HD] white, bright {V28 T3 I10 N8} [Htr] tax, levy, provide (a temple
with.......) {V28 V13 D21 M17 M5B}
[Xry Hbt] lector (priest) {V28 T28 D58}
[Htr] yoke (of oxen) {V28 V13 D21
Z5 E1 Z3}
[Xry Hbt] lector (priest) {V28 T28 D58}

[HmA] ball {V28 U1 G1 H8} [HTT] carry under the arm {V28 V13 V13
[HmAgt] carnelian, garnet {V28 U1
G1 X1 W11 Z2 N33} [HTT] armpit {V28 V13 V13 X1 D41}

[HmAt] salt {V28 U1 G1 X1 U32 [HTTt] armpit {V28 V13 V13 X1 F51B}
N33 Z2}
[HTt] hyena {V28 V13 X1 E17}
[HmAt] salt {V28 U2 X1 N33 Z2}
[Htt] mine, quarry {V28 V13 X1 O1}
[Hnw] barque of Sokar {V28 U8 N35
W24 G43 P60C} [Htt] (n.) mine (building) {V28 V13 X1
[Hnw] jar {V28 U8 N35 W24 G43
W23} [wdHw] offering table {V28 V25 G43 R3}

[Hnwty] servant {V28 U8 N35 W24 [wDH] pour out {V28 V25 W24 D36}
Z7 X1 Z4A A1}
[HH] breaking the force ? (of a wave in
[Hnty] (dual) the two sides (of time), the wreck) {V28 V28 A21 A24}
two ends (of time), eternity {V28 U8 N35 X1
Z4 D54} [HHy] (v.) seek, search for, be missing (from)
{V28 V28 D54}
[Htm] (v. trans.) destroy (enemies),
quench (thirst) {V28 U15 D35 G39} [HHy] seek, search for, be missing {V28 V28
Z4 D54}
[Htm] (v. intrans.) perish, be
destroyed {V28 U15 G17 G41 G37} [Hkn] acclaim (someone) {V28 V31
N35 W24 G43 A2}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 265

[Hknw] praise (to king / god), [Hsw] spell (for protection against
thanksgiving {V28 V31 N35 W24 G43 A2} water) {V28 W14 O34 G43 P1 N35A}

[Hknw] a sacred oil {V28 V31 N35 [Hswti] (adj.) favourite {V28 W14 O34
W24 Z7 N33 Z2} G43 U33 M17}

[Hkn] be joyful, acclaim {V28 V31 N35 Y1} [Hsy] favoured one, praised one {V28
W14 O34 M17 M17 A2 A1}
[Hknw] a sacred oil {V28 V31 W24 W1}
[Hst] (fem.) minstrel {V28 W14 O34 X1}
[Hknw] praise (to king / god) {V28 V31
W24 Y1v} [Hst] (n.) favour, praise {V28 W14 O34
X1 A2}
[Hnty] be covetous, greedy {V28 V36
S3 X1 I3} [Hst] (n.) praise {V28 W14 O34 X1 Y1v}

[Hb] celebrate a triumph {V28 W3 D58} [Hsi] (v.) sing {V28 W14 O34 Z4 A2}

[Hb] festival {V28 W3 D58} [Hsi] (v.) sing {V28 W14 S29 A2}

[Hb] catch (of fish and fowl) [Hs] be cold {V28 W14 S29 P5}
{V28 W3 D58 G39 Z2 K1 Z2}
[Hst] water jar {V28 W14 S29 X1 W24}
[Hnsk] tie up ? {V28 W10 N35 O34
V31 V1 D40} [Hsi] (v.) turn back, turn away (the evil
doer0 {V28 W14 S29 Z4 D54}
[Hgg] saliva ? {V28 W11 W11 F51}
[Hsty] (n.) praise {V28 W14 X1 Z4A A2}
[Hst] (fem.) minstrel {V28 W14 M17 M17
X1 D41}
[Hnwt] mistress {V28 W24 X1 B1}
[Hsyt] concubines {V28 W14 M17 M17 [Hnwt] mistress {V28 W24 X1 I12}
X1 Z2}

[Hsw] minstrel {V28 W14 O34} [Hts] bring to an end, complete (period of
time), celebrate (festival) {V28 X1 Aa30 S29}
[Hsy] favoured, praised one {V28 W14 O34
A1} [Ht] become entangled (of hair) {V28 X1
D3 D40}
[Hsi] favour / praise (someone) {V28 W14
O34 A2} [Htr] yoke (of oxen) {V28 X1 D21 E1}

[Hsi] turn back, turn away {V28 W14 O34 [Htr] span (of horses), chariotry {V28 X1
D54} D21 E6}

[Hs Hr m] face (an enemy) {V28 W14 [Htr] span (of horses), horses, chariotry
O34 D54 D2 Z1 G17} {V28 X1 D21 E6A}

[Hs Hr .f] courageous {V28 W14 O34 [Htrw] span (of horses), horses,
D54 D2 Z1 I9} chariotry {V28 X1 D21 M6 E6A Z2}

[Hsy] favoured, praised one {V28 W14 [Htr] tax, levy, provide (a temple) {V28
O34 G43 A2} X1 D21 M6 Y1v}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 266

[Htr] tax, levy, provide (a temple [wAH] (see entries under wAH) {V29}
with.......) {V28 X1 D21 M7A A2}
[skw] troops, companies {V29 A1 Z1 Z2}
[Htr] bind together, be contracted (medical)
{V28 X1 D21 V1} [wAH] fillet (of gold) {V29 G43 S12}

[Htr] tax, levy, provide (a temple with.......) [wAHw] wreath, garland {V29 M2}
{V28 X1 D21 Y1}
[wAHyt] corn {V29 M17 M17 X1 U9}
[Hwt a] extending the arm {V28 X1 D36}
[wAH] (see entries under wAH) {V29 V28
[Hta] bed {V28 X1 D36 M3 Z1} D36}

[Hwt] stroke (of falcon) {V28 X1 D40} [wAHyt] corn {V29 V28 M17 M17 X1
[Htw] bowls {V28 X1 G43 W10 Z2}
[wAHyt] temenos {V29 V28 M17 M17
[Htyt] throat {V28 X1 M17 M17 X1 X1 Z2}
F10 F51}
[wAHw] necklace {V29 V28 S11B}
[Htm] (v. trans.) destroy (enemies),
quench (thirst) {V28 X1 U15 D35} [wAHyt] corn {V29 V28 X1 U9 Z2}

[Htm] (v. intrans.) perish, be [wAH] live long, endure, be patient {V29 V28
destroyed {V28 X1 U15 G17 G37} Y1v}

[Htm] (v. trans.) destroy (enemies), [wAH] leave aside, overlook, ignore, institute,
quench (thirst) {V28 X1 U15 G17 G39} enter, pitch, wait, permit {V29 V28 Y1v}

[Htm] provide (with) {V28 X1 U15 Y1v} [wAH] set down, lay down, apply, stack, stow,
store up, lay aside, discard {V29 V28 Y1v}
[HtAw] wrinkles ? {V28 X1 U30 G1
G43 G37 Z2} [wAH tp] bow the head {V29 V28 Y1 D1
[HtA] sail, awning {V28 X1 U30 G1
P5} [wAH ib] be kindly, patient, clemency,
benevolence {V29 V28 Y1 F34 Z1}
[HtA] sail, awning {V28 X1 U30 G1
S28} [wAHw] wreath, garland, necklace {V29 V28
Z7 M2}
[HtA] shabby, threadbare, wrinkled {V28
X1 U30 G1 V6} [wAHt] processional station {V29 X1 O1}
[HTt] hyena {V28 X1 X1 E17} [nb] any, every, all {V30}
[Htt] windpipe, throat {V28 X1 X1 F10} [nb] lord, master, owner {V30}
[Htt] mine, quarry {V28 X1 X1 O1} [nb] husband {V30 A1}
[Hty] smoke {V28 X1 Z4 Q7} [nb] Lord, Master, Owner {V30 A1}
[Hwi] surge up, overflow {V28 Z7 A24} [nb Hnt] craftsman {V30 A1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 267

V28 M2 N35 X1 V36 Y1 Z2}

[nbt] lordship, authority (of king) {V30 X1
[nb] Lord, Master, Owner {V30 A40}

[nb anx] Lord of life {V30 A40 S34} [nbwt] the isles (of the Aegean) {V30 X1

[nb tm] Lord - of - All {V30 A40 X1 [k] (suffix prn.) you, your {V31}
U15 G17}

[nb irt xt] Lord of Action {V30 D4 Aa1 [ksw] bowings {V31 A16 Z3}
[krp] scrape out (inscription) {V31 D21
Q3 D51 D40}
[nb irt xt] Lord of Action {V30 D4 X1
Aa1 X1}
[kbn] (locality) Byblos {V31 D58 N35
[nb r Dr] Lord-of-All {V30 D21 M36
D21 A40}
[kbnt] (seagoing) ship {V31 D58
N35 X1 P1}
[nb r Dr] Lord - of - All {V30 D21 M36
D21 G7}
[kA] (non - enclitic part.) so, then {V31
[nb] Lord, Master, Owner {V30 G7}

[nbwy] The Two Lords (Horus and Seth) [kAi] (v.) think about, plan {V31 G1
{V30 G7C G7C}

[nb anx] sarcophagus {V30 S34 A54} [kA] (non - enclitic part.) so, then {V31
G1 A2}

[nb anx] sarcophagus (Lord-of-Life)

{V30 S34 N35 Aa1 A54} [kA .f] he will say {V31 G1 A2 I9}

[nb anx] sarcophagus (Lord-of-Life) [kAr] shrine {V31 G1 D21 O21}

{V30 S34 N35 Aa1 Q6}
[kAr] shrine {V31 G1 D21 V19 O1}
[nbwt] the isles (of the Aegean) {V30 V30
V30} [kAmw] vineyard, orchard {V31
G1 G17 G43 O1}
[nbt] lady, mistress {V30 X1}
[kAw] sycomore figs {V31 G1 G43
[nbt] lady, mistress {V30 X1 B1} N33 Z2}

[nbt tA] queen (Lady of the Land) [kAwty] builder's workman, porter
{V30 X1 B1 N16 N23 Z1} {V31 G1 G43 X1 Z4 A9}

[nbt r Dr] Mistress-of-All {V30 X1 [kAi] boat (of Nubian type) {V31 G1
D21 M36 D21 I12} M17 P2H}

[nbt pt] Lady of Heaven {V30 X1 I12 [kAS] (locality) Kush {V31 G1 N37
Q3 X1 N1} N25}

[nbt pr] wife {V30 X1 O1 Z1} [kAhs] be harsh, overbearing {V31

G1 O4 S29 A2}
[nbt Hwt] (divinity) Nephthys (goddess)
{V30 X1 O6 X1 O1 G7} [kAhs] be harsh, overbearing
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 268

{V31 G1 O4 S29 E21 A24} D49 D40}

[kAS] (locality) Kush {V31 G1 O34 [kfa] (v.) make requisition {V31 I9 D36
N25} V1 D40}

[kAp] hut, hide (of fowler) {V31 G1 [kf] strip away (of sail), clear (of sky),
Q3 Aa19 O1} gather (flowers) {V31 I9 D40}

[kApAp] (v.) cover {V31 G1 Q3 [kf] uncover, unclothe, doff (clothes), strip,
G1 Q3 M44} deprive, despoil {V31 I9 D40}
[kApw] Bittern {V31 G1 Q3 G43 [kf] strip away (of sail), clear (of sky),
A4 G67}
gather (flowers) {V31 I9 F22 Y1}
[kApw] Bittern {V31 G1 Q3 G43 [kf] uncover, unclothe, doff (clothes), strip,
A4 G228}
deprive, despoil {V31 I9 F22 Y1}
[kApwt] covers {V31 G1 Q3 X1 M44
N33A} [kfA] flow forth {V31 I9 G1 D26}

[kApwt pt] covers the sky {V31 [kfA] hinder - parts (of bird), bottom
G1 Q3 X1 M44 N33A N1 Q3 X1} (of jar), base (of abscess) {V31 I9 G1 F22}

[kAp] fumigate (patient) {V31 G1 Q3 [kf] strip away (of sail), clear (of sky),
Z5 D40} gather (flowers) {V31 I9 G1 F22 D54}

[kApw] crocodile {V31 G1 Q3 Z7 [kf] uncover, unclothe, doff (clothes),

I3} strip, deprive, despoil {V31 I9 G1 F22 D54}

[kAS] (locality) Kush {V31 G1 S29 [kf] strip away (of sail), clear
T14 N25} (of sky), gather (flowers) {V31 I9 G1 F22 S28
[kAt] thought, plan, device, plot {V31
G1 X1 A2} [kf] uncover, unclothe, doff
(clothes), strip, deprive, despoil {V31 I9 G1
[kit] shout of acclaim {V31 G43 X1 Y2} F22 S28 D40}

[kfa] shoot at (traget) {V31 I9 D36 D40} [kfA] be discreet {V31 I9 G1 F22
[kfa] (v.) make captures {V31 I9 D36
D40} [kfA ib] trustworthy {V31 I9 G1
F22 Y1 F34 Z1}
[kfa] booty, captures {V31 I9 D36 D49}
[kfA ib Hr] trust in {V31 I9 G1
[kfa] (v.) make captures, make requisition F22 Y1 F34 Z1 D2}
{V31 I9 D36 D49}
[kftyw] (locality) Crete ? {V31 I9 G4
[kfaw] warrior {V31 I9 D36 D49 N25}
[kff] suck, flow forth {V31 I9 I9 D26}
[kfa] (v.) make captures {V31 I9 D36
D272 D40} [kf] strip away (of sail), clear (of sky),
gather (flowers) {V31 I9 M17 M17 S28}
[kfaw] warrior {V31 I9 D36 G43
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 269

[kf] uncover, unclothe, doff (clothes), [knn] Sweet flag {V31 N35 N35 M3}
strip, deprive, despoil {V31 I9 M17 M17 S28}
[kns] pubic region ? {V31 N35 S29 F51}
[kf] obsidian {V31 I9 N17}
[knmtyw] they who dwell in
[kf] strip away (of sail), clear (of sky), darkness (name of a conquered people) {V31
gather (flowers) {V31 I9 S28} N35 T34 G17 X1 G4 Z2 N25}

[kf] uncover, unclothe, doff (clothes), strip, [knmt] darkness {V31 N35 T34 G17
deprive, despoil {V31 I9 S28} X1 N2}

[kftyw] (locality) Crete ? {V31 I9 [knHw] darkness {V31 N35 V28 G43
U33 G43 N25} N2}

[kftiw] a type of sea - going ships [knH] dark, darken {V31 N35 V28 N2}
{V31 I9 U33 G43 P1 Z2}
[knkn] lash out (with tail) {V31 N35
[kft] gash {V31 I9 X1 T30} V31 N35 F22}

[kft] trustworthiness {V31 I9 X1 Y1 [knt] dislike (of someone) {V31 N35 X1

Z2} G37 Z2}

[kf] strip away (of sail), clear (of sky), gather [kAS] (locality) Kush {V31 N37 N25}
(flowers) {V31 I9 Y1}
[khb] harm (someone), be violent,
[kf] uncover, unclothe, doff (clothes), strip, roar, howl {V31 O4 D58 E21 A24}
deprive, despoil {V31 I9 Y1}
[khA] raise (the voice), utter (a bellow),
[ki] cry out {V31 M17 A2} rage furiously {V31 O4 G1 A2}

[ky] (masc.) other, another {V31 M17 M17} [khA] utter (a bellow) {V31 O4 G1
[ky Dd] otherwise said {V31 M17 M17
D46 I10} [khA] raise (the voice) {V31 O4 G1
[ky] monkey {V31 M17 M17 E32}
[ksi] (v.) bend down, bow down, be
[kit] shout of acclaim {V31 M17 M17 X1} prostrate {V31 O34 A16}

[kit] shout of acclaim {V31 M17 X1} [ksi] (v.) bend down, bow down, be
prostrate {V31 O34 A16 D41}
[knm] wrap (in) {V31 N35 G17 F27}
[ksi] (v.) bend down, bow down, be
[kni] (n.) sullenness {V31 N35 M17 A2} prostrate {V31 O34 A20}

[kni] (v.) be sullen {V31 N35 M17 A2} [ks] (v.) pose {V31 O34 F9}

[kni] (n.) sullenness {V31 N35 M17 A30} [ksm] defy, browbeat, profane (temple)
{V31 O34 G17 D41 D40}

[kni] (v.) be sullen {V31 N35 M17 D19}

[ksm] defy, browbeat {V31 O34 G17
D41 G37}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 270

G43 Z4}
[kAp] burn (incense) {V31 Q3 R5}
[knanw] Canaanites {V31 Z4 N35 D36
[ksw] bowings {V31 S29 G43 A16} N35 U19 W24}

[ksw] bowings {V31 S29 G43 A20} [arf] (n.) bag {V33}

[kHkH] become old {V31 V28 V31 [sSrw] linen bags {V33 D21 G43 V33
V28 A20} N33A}

[kHkHt] hacking (of cough) {V31 [gbb] earth {V33 D58 D58 N21 Z2}
V28 V31 V28 X1 A2}
[gbtyw] (locality) Koptos {V33 D58 G4
[kkw] darkness {V31 V31 G43 N2} O49}

[kkw smAw] twilight {V31 V31 [gbgb] (v. trans.) fell (enemy) {V33 D58
G43 N2 F36 G43 N2} V33 D58}

[kk] be dark (of child about to be born) [gsA] (locality) Apollonopolis (Kus)
{V31 V31 N2} {V33 S29 Aa17 G1 O49}

[kkw] darkness {V31 V31 N2} [ggwy] stare {V33 V33 G43 D6}

[kt] (fem.) other, another {V31 X1} [gsA] (locality) Apollonopolis {V33 V33
S29 Z4 O49}
[kAt] thought, plan, device {V31 X1}
[sSrw] linen {V33 Z1 S28}
[kt xtw] others {V31 X1 Aa1 X1 Y1 A1
Z2} [sSrw] corn {V33 Z1 U9 Z2}

[kt xtw] others {V31 X1 Aa1 Z4 A1 Z2 [sSrw] things, actions, course, manner (of
B1} action) {V33 Z1 Y1 Z2}
[kt] pettiness {V31 X1 G37} [Hn] occupy (one's hands with business)
[kit] shout of acclaim {V31 X1 G43}
[Hnty] (dual) the two sides, the two ends (of
[ktwt] cauldrons {V31 X1 G43 X1 space) {V36 V36}
W10 Z2}
[Hnt] occupation, craft, business, services
[ktkt] quiet {V31 X1 V31 X1 A2} {V36 X1 Y1 Z2}

[ktkt] (v.) quiver {V31 X1 V31 X1 Z9 [Hnty] (dual) the two sides (of time), the two
D54} ends (of time), eternity {V36 X1 Z4}
[ktt] small, trifling, a trifle {V31 X1 X1 [idr] herd {V37 D21 E1 N33A}
[idryt] punishment {V37 D21 M17 M17
[ktt] girl {V31 X1 X1 G37 B1} X1 G37}

[kt] pettiness {V31 X1 Z1 G37} [tit] an amulet {V39 X1 Z1}

[kywy] (masc. pl.) other, another {V31 Z4 [nmtt] stride, journeys, movements,
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth 271

actions, (legal) procedure {V84 X1 X1 D54 Z2}

[Xnm] (v. intrans.) be united, associated
(with), be provided, endowed (with) {W9 G17

[Xnm] (v. trans.) join, unite with, enclose,

enfold, protect, take, enter, wear, receive,
enrich, endue, lie on {W9 G17 Y1}
W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels
[Xnmw] (divinity) Khnum (god) {W9
[bAst] (locality) Bubastis {W1 X1 O49} G17 Z7 C4}

[bAstt] (divinity) Bastet {W1 X1 X1} [Xnmw] (divinity) Khnum (god) {W9
G17 Z7 E11}
[bAstt] (divinity) Bastet {W1 X1 X1 B1}
[Xnmw] (divinity) Khnum (god) {W9
G17 Z7 F7}
[bAstt] (divinity) Bastet {W1 X1 X1 C164}
[Xnmw] (divinity) Khnum (god) {W9
[mrHt] oil, grease {W1 Z3} G17 Z7 G7}

[Hb] festival {W3} [Xnmw] (divinity) Khnum (god) {W9 G43}

[Hbyt] festival offerings {W3 X1 Z2} [Xnmw] citizens, dependants, married
couple ? {W9 N35 G17 A1 Z2}
[Hb] festival {W4}
[Xnmw] citizens, dependants, married
[Hby] be festal, make festival {W4 M17 M17} couple ? {W9 N35 T34 G17 A1 Z2}
[Hbyt] festival offerings {W4 M17 M17 [mrHt] unguent {W9 X1}
[Xnmt] (n.) well, cistern {W9 X1 N35A}
[Hb sd] jubilee {W4 S29 D46 N21
[Xnmt] (n.) well, cistern {W9 X1 N36}
[Hbt] ritual book {W4 X1 Y1}
[Xnmt] (n.) well, cistern {W9 X1 N42
[Xry Hbt] lector (priest) {W5}
[Xnmw] citizens, dependants, married
[Xry Hbt] lector (priest) {W5A A1}
couple ? {W9 Z7 A1 Z2 B1}
[Xnm] (v. intrans.) be united, associated (with),
[bA] soul, BA {W10A G29 Z6}
be provided, endowed (with) {W9}
[Hnt] cup {W10 X1}
[Xnmw] citizens, dependants, married
couple ? {W9 A1 Z2}
[Hnwt] mistress {W10 X1}
[Xnmt] (dry) - nurse {W9 B1}
[wsxt] hall, court {W10 X1 O1}
[Xnm] herd {W9 G17 F27 Z2}
[wsx] extensive (of riches) {W10 Y1}
[Xnmt] (n.) well, cistern {W9 G17 X1
N37} [gsty] (scribe's) palette {W11 Aa13 U33
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels 272

[gAw] (v. trans.) deprive (of) {W11 D19} [grt] (enclitic part.) moreover, now {W11
D21 X1}
[grw] (adv.) also, further, any more {W11 D21}
[grt] (adv.) either {W11 D21 X1 A2}
[gs] (v.) be silent, be quiet, be still, cease,
desist (from) {W11 D21 A2} [gnn] (v.) be weak, be soft {W11 D35
N35 A7}
[grw] (adv.) also, further, any more {W11
D21 A2} [gbA] arm {W11 D58 D41}

[gs] (n.) silence {W11 D21 A2} [gb] (divinity) Geb (the Earth god) {W11
D58 D58 A40}
[grw] the silent man {W11 D21 A2 A1}
[gbtyw] (locality) Koptos {W11 D58 G4
X1 O49 Z1}
[grw] (adv.) also, further, any more {W11
D21 G43}
[gbA] arm {W11 D58 G29 G1
[grw] the silent man {W11 D21 G43
A2 A1}
[gbA] side (of room) {W11 D58
G29 G1 D41 N23 Z1}
[grg] falsehood, lie {W11 D21 U17 A2}

[grg] falsehood, lie {W11 D21 U17 G37 [gb] goose {W11 D58 G38}
[gbgb] (v. trans.) fell (enemy)
{W11 D58 W11 D58 A7 G37}
[grgy] liar {W11 D21 U17 M17
M17 G37 A1}
[gbgb] be lame {W11 D58 W11
D58 A7 G37}
[grg] (v. intrans.) be ready, put one's trust
(in), make preparation {W11 D21 U17 Y1}
[gbgb] be lame {W11 D58 W11 D58
Z9 A24}
[grg] (v. trans.) found (a land), establish (a
house), people (a place) {W11 D21 U17 Y1} [gb] deficiency, deprivation {W11 D58 Z9}
[grg] (v. trans.) furnish (waste lands with [gb] deprivation {W11 D58 Z9 G37}
veg), settle (crown on king), provide (for), set in
order, {W11 D21 U17 Y1} [gAw] (v. intrans.) be narrow,
constricted, languish, lack, be lacking {W11 G1
[grg] (n.) hunter {W11 D21 U17 Z7 Aa2 G37}
[gAw] (v. trans.) deprive (of) {W11 G1
[grg] (v.) snare (wildfowl), hunt {W11 Aa2 G37}
D21 U17 Z7 A24}
[gAw] (v. trans.) deprive (of) {W11 G1
[grH] (v.) complete, finish off, be satisfied D19}
(with) {W11 D21 V28 D41 Y1}
[gbA] arm {W11 G1 D58 D41}
[grH] (n.) end, cessation {W11 D21 V28
D41 Y1} [gbA] arm {W11 G1 D58 D41}
[grH] night {W11 D21 V28 N2} [gAw] lack {W11 G1 G43 Aa2 G37
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels 273

away, abandon {W11 G43 N37 D55}

[gAw] lack {W11 G1 G43 V32 G37}
[gwS] become askew, bent, twisted,
[gAf] monkey {W11 G1 I9}
turn away, abandon {W11 G43 N37 Z9 D40}
[gAf] monkey {W11 G1 I9 E53}
[gwS] become askew, bent, twisted,
turn away, abandon {W11 G43 N37 Z9 G37}
[gAp] (v.) lance (an infection) {W11 G1
Q3 T30}
[gwg] shout (at) {W11 G43 W11 A2}
[gs] anoint (someone with), smear on
(unguent) {W11 G1 S29 W22 A24} [gf] long - tailed monkey {W11 I9 F27}

[gAti] shrine {W11 G1 U33 M17 M3} [gfn] rebuff {W11 I9 N35 D19 A2}

[gAH] be weary {W11 G1 V28 A7} [giw] Cyperus sedge {W11 M17 G43 M2
[gAw] (v. intrans.) be narrow,
[gif] monkey {W11 M17 I9}
constricted {W11 G1 V32 G37}
[gif] monkey {W11 M17 I9 E32}
[gAgA] cackle {W11 G1 W11 G1
[gy] an offering - loaf {W11 M17 M17 X6}
[gAwt] dues, tribute {W11 G1 X1
G43 V32 V32 V32} [gnbtw] a foreign people from
Pwenet {W11 N35 D58 X1 G43 D3 A40 Z3}
[gAwt] (n.) lack, want {W11 G1 V32
X1 G37} [gnX] serve (someone) {W11 N35 F32
[gAwt] (n.) lack, want {W11 G1 Z7
X1 Aa2 G37 Z2} [gnX] mount (poles in gold) {W11 N35
F32 N34}
[gmHsw] hawk {W11 G17 V28 M23
G43 G158} [gnXt] star {W11 N35 F32 X1 N14}

[gmgm] tear up (books) {W11 G17 [gfn] rebuff {W11 N35 I9 D20 A2}
W11 G17 Z9}
[gnn] (v.) be weak, be soft {W11 N35 N35
[gmt] black ibis {W11 G17 X1} A7}

[gAwt] dues, tribute {W11 G43 Aa2 Z2} [gn] stand (for ritual bowl) {W11 N35 R88}

[gw] class of bull {W11 G43 E1} [gmHsw] hawk {W11 N35 V28 S29
G43 G158}
[gwf] monkey {W11 G43 I9 E32}
[grg] falsehood, lie {W11 N35 W11 M5
[gwS] become askew, bent, twisted, turn A2}
away, abandon {W11 G43 N37 D4}
[gng] falsehood {W11 N35 W11 M5 A2}
[gwS] become askew, bent, twisted, turn
away, abandon {W11 G43 N37 D54} [gnwt] records, annals {W11
N35 W24 G43 X1 T19 T19 T19 Y1 Y1 Y1}

[gwS] become askew, bent, twisted, turn

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels 274

[gnwt] (n.) records, annals {W11 [gwA r] beseige (a city) {W11 V4

N35 W24 G43 X1 T19 V12 N33A} G1 D1 D40 D21}

[gnwt] records, annals {W11 N35 W24 [gwAwA] strangle - hold {W11
X1 T19 T19 T19} V4 G1 M17 M17 Z8 Z5 D1}

[gnwy] suet {W11 N35 W24 Z7 F51 [gwAt] chest {W11 V4 G1 D1 X1

Z2} M3}

[gnw] branches (of trees) {W11 N35 [gwAwA] strangle - hold {W11 V4 O50
W24 Z7 M3 Z2} Z4A D1}

[gnwy] suet {W11 N35 W24 Z7 M17 [gAH] be weary {W11 V28 A7}
M17 F51 Z2}
[gHs] gazelle {W11 V28 S29 D56 F27}
[gnnwt] weakness {W11 N35 W24
Z7 X1 A7 G37 Z2} [gHs] gazelle {W11 V28 S29 E28}
[gnwt] records, annals {W11 N35 X1 T19 [ggwy] stare {W11 W11 G43 D6}
Y1 Z2}
[ggwy] stare {W11 W11 G43 Z4 D6}
[gs] anoint (someone with), smear on
(unguent) {W11 O34 D36} [ggt] kidney ? {W11 W11 X1 F51}
[igp] be overcast (of sky) {W11 Q3 N4} [grt] (adv.) either {W11 X1}
[gp n mw] cloudburst {W11 Q3 N35A [nst] seat, throne {W11 X1 O1}
N35 N35A}

[nst] seat, throne {W11 X1 Q2}

[gs] side, border (of land), half, half -
aroura {W11 S29 Aa13}
[gtH] be tired {W11 X1 V28 A7}
[gst] speed, run, course {W11 S29 Aa13
X1 D54} [nst] seat, throne {W11 X1 Z1}

[gsA] favourite {W11 S29 Aa17 G1 [gb] deficiency {W11 Z1 D58}

[Hsi] (v.) favour (someone), praise (someone0
[gsA] favour (someone with) {W11 S29 {W14}
Aa17 G1 F51}
[Hsi] spin (yarn) {W14}
[gsA] tilt, favour (someone with)
{W11 S29 Aa17 G1 O37} [qbHt] libation vase {W14A X1}

[gsA] (locality) Apollonopolis {W11 [Hsw] minstrel {W14 G43}

S29 Aa17 G1 V110}
[Hsyt] (fem.) favoured, praised one {W14
[gmA] temple (of head) {W11 U1 G1 M17 M17 X1}
[Hsi] (v.) turn back, turn away {W14 S29
[gwA] pull tight, be choked {W11 V4 D54}
G1 D1 D40}
[Hsy] favoured, praised one {W14 S29
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels 275

M17 M17 A1}

[xntyw S] tenants ? {W18 G4 N37 N21
[Hst] (n.) favour {W14 S29 X1 A2}

[Hswti] (adj.) favourite {W14 W14} [xnti ib] be glad of heart, outstanding
of mind {W18 N35 U33 M17 F34}
[Hswt] (n. - pl.) favours {W14 W14 W14}
[xnt] (adv.) first (in time) {W18 N35 X1}
[Hst] (n.) favour {W14 X1}
[xntw] (adv.) before, earlier {W18 N35
[Hst] water jar {W14 X1 Z1}
[xnt] (preposition) in front of, among,
[Hsi] (v.) favour (someone), praise (someone) from, out of {W18 N35 X1}
{W14 Y1v}

[qbb] cool, cold, cooling, calm, quiet, be [xnty] foremost, pre-eminent in, principal,
purified,take one's ease {W15B Y1v} protruding {W18 N35 X1}

[qbHw] cold water {W15 N35A} [xnty] who / which is in front of, southern,
south of, who is at the head of {W18 N35 X1}
[qbH snw .f] (one of the Four sons of
Horus) Qebehsenuef {W15 T22 N35 A40 Z2 [xnt] face, brow {W18 N35 X1 D19}
[xnty Xty] (divinity) Khenti-Hety
[qbH snw .f] (one of the Four sons (god) {W18 N35 X1 F32 U33 Z4 G7}
of Horus) Qebehsenuef {W15 T22 N35 W24
G43 Z2 I9} [xnty Xty] eleventh month of year
{W18 N35 X1 F32 U33 Z4 G7}
[qbH snw .f] (one of the Four sons
of Horus) Qebehsenuef {W15 T22 T22 T22 I9 [xnty] foreland, south, southern part
A40} {W18 N35 X1 G4 N23}

[qbH] fountain ? {W16} [xntw] (adv.) before, earlier {W18 N35

X1 G43 Y1v}
[qbH] death {W16 A55}
[xnt tA] (locality) the
[qbHw] libation vase {W16 G43} Southland {W18 N35 X1 N16 Z1 N21 N25}

[qb] (v. intrans.) pour a libation (to) {W16 [xnty] foreland, south, southern part
{W18 N35 X1 N21 Z1}

[xnti] (v.) sail upstream, travel

[qbbwt] cold water {W16 N35A}
southward {W18 N35 X1 P2}
[xnty] who is at the head of, foremost {W17}
[xnt] rack (for jars), sideboard {W18
N35 X1 Q38}
[imy xnt] chamberlain {W17 G17}
[xntyt] (infinitive) southward
[xnti] (v.) sail upstream, travel voyage {W18 N35 X1 U33 M17 M17 P1 X1}
southward {W17 N35 X1 P2}
[xnt Hn nfr] (locality) Nubia {W18
[xnty] outer-chamber {W17 X1 D19 O1} N35 X1 V36 F35 N25}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels 276

[xnty] foremost, pre-eminent in, [miat] loom ? {W19 M17 D36 X1 O1}
principal, protruding {W18 N35 X1 Z4}
[mi m ] (int.) how ? {W19 M17 G17
[xnty] who / which is in front of, D36}
southern, south of, who is at the head of {W18
N35 X1 Z4} [miw] cat {W19 M17 G43 E13}

[xnty] outer-chamber {W18 N35 X1 [miw] cat {W19 M17 G43 F27}
Z4 D19 O1}
[my] (adv.) likewise, accordingly {W19 M17
[xnty] principal (of offices) {W18 N35 M17}
X1 Z4 D19 O1}
[miw] cat {W19 M17 M17 X1 F27}
[xnty] Khenti (a crocodile god)
{W18 N35 X1 Z4 I3 G7} [myt] a drink {W19 M17 M17 X1 W24
[xnty] principal (of offices) {W18
N35 X1 Z4 O1} [mi qi] according to {W19 M17 N29 M17
A53 Y1v}
[xntyw tA] Southerners {W18 X1
G4 N16 N21 Z1} [minA] here, hither, like this, accordingly
{W19 M17 N35 G1 A2}
[xnt S] garden (with trees) {W18 X1
N37 Z1 N21} [mint] type of land {W19 M17 N35 X1
N23 Z1}
[xnt S] (locality) Lebanon {W18
X1 N37 Z1 N21 N25} [mint] daily fare {W19 M17 N35 X1
W24 Z2}
[xnt] rack (for jars), sideboard {W18 Z2}
[miswt] crown of Upper Egypt {W19
[mi] (preposition) like, according as {W19} M17 O34 X1 Z5 I12}

[mibt] axe {W19 D58 X1 T7} [mist] liver {W19 M17 S29 X1 F51 Z1}

[mibt] axe {W19 F34 X1 T7} [miHat] chapel {W19 M17 V28 X1 O1}

[miAsw] spines {W19 G1 O34 Z5 [mity] equal to, similar to {W19 M17 X1}
Z5 Z5}
[my] (adv.) likewise, accordingly {W19 M17
[mi] (preposition) like, according as {W19 M17} Y1v}

[mi] (adv.) the equal (of someone) {W19 M17 [min] today {W19 N35 N5}
[min mAwt] anew this day {W19
[ mi xt] the like {W19 M17 Aa1 X1 Y1 N35 U1 U1}
[min mi mAwt ???] anew this day
[mi qd] in every respect {W19 M17 Aa28 {W19 N35 W19 U2 X1}
D46 D12 Y1}
[miswt] crown of Upper Egypt {W19
[mi qd .f] entire {W19 M17 Aa28 D46 O34 G43 X1 S2}
D12 Y1 I9}
[maHat] tomb, cenotaph (above ground
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels 277

level) {W19 P6 X1 O1}

[nnw] primaeval waters, Nun (god) {W24
W24 W24 N1 A40}
[maHat] tomb {W19 P6 X1 O1}
[nnw] primaeval waters {W24 W24 W24
[mit] copy (of document) {W19 X1} N1 N35A}

[mity] equal to, similar to {W19 X1 M17 [nnw] primaeval waters {W24 W24 W24
M17} N1 N35A}

[mitt] the like {W19 X1 X1 Y1} [nwt] Nut (sky - goddess), the sky {W24
W24 X1 W24 N1 B1}
[mitt iry] the like thereof {W19 X1 X1
Y1 M17 D21 Z4} [nwt] (divinity) Nut (goddess) {W24 X1 N1
[mity] likeness {W19 X1 Z4 A51}
[nwt] (divinity) Nut (sky - goddess), the sky
[mity] equal to, similar to {W19 X1 Z4 Y1v} {W24 X1 N1 B1}

[mitw] (n.) equal {W19 X1 Z7 Y1 A1} [nwt] cord {W24 X1 V1 Z2}

[Hnkt] beer {W22} [nw] (genitival adj. pl.) of, belonging to {W24
[anw] (locality) Ainu ? (source of
Limestone) {W24 D36 D8} [nw] (masc. pl.) of, belonging to {W24 Z1}

[wdpw] cupbearer {W24 G43} [wdpw] butler, cook {W24 Z7 A1}

[wdpw] butler, cook {W24 G43 A24 A1 [ini] bring, fetch, carry off, bring away, bring
Z2} about, remove (something) {W25}

[wdpwyt] serving maid {W24 G43 M17 [ini] overcome (trouble), reach, attain (a place),
M17 X1} buy, appoint, use {W25}

[m Xnw] within {W24 N35A} [inyt] refrain (of song) ? {W25 M17 M17
X1 A2}
[Xnw] (n.) interior, home, abode, Residence
{W24 N35A} [in Hrt] (divinity) Onuris {W25 N1 A40}

[wdpw] butler, cook {W24 Q3 G43 M17 [in Hrt] (divinity) Onuris {W25 N31 G7}
M17 A415}
[ini] bring, fetch, carry off, remove, overcome,
[wdpw] butler, cook {W24 Q3 G43 M17 reach, attain, buy, appoint, use {W25 N35}
M17 A415}
[in m mH] carry off captive {W25 N35
[nwH] band (of metal) {W24 V28 V1} G17 V22 D40}

[ink] (ind. prn.) I am, belonging to me {W24 [inHAst] lotus-leaves ? {W25 N35
V31} M16 G1 S29 X1 N33 Z2}

[kAmw] vineyard {W24 V31 M43} [in Hrt] Onuris {W25 N35 V28 D2
D21 X1 N31 G7}
[nnw] primaeval waters {W24 W24 W24
G43 N1 N35A}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels 278

[inw] matting {W25 N35 W24 G43 [txtx] crumple (papers) {X1 Aa1 X1 Aa1
V19 Z3} V1}

[inw] produce (of region),quarry (of [txt] drunkenness {X1 Aa1 X1 W24}
hunter) {W25 N35 W24 G43 Y1 Z2}
[txy] the second month {X1 Aa1 Z4 W3}
[inw] tribute (of subject lands), gifts
(from palace),dues (to be paid), {W25 N35 W24 [tit] image, form, shape, figure, design,
G43 Y1 Z2} (written) sign {X1 D17}

[inw] produce (of a region), tribute, gifts, [trw] (pl.) seasons {X1 D21 G43 M4
quarry {W25 W24 Z2} N5 Z2}

[trwy] (dual) seasons {X1 D21 G43 M6

N5 N5}

[tr] (enclitic part.) forsooth, pray {X1 D21

M6 A2}
X - Bread
[tr] respect (someone), greet respectfully,
worship (god), show respect {X1 D21 M6 A30
[t] (suffix prn.) you, your {X1} Y1v}

[T] (suffix prn.) you,your {X1} [tr] time, season {X1 D21 M6 N5}

[DHwty] (divinity) Thoth (god) {X1 A40} [trwy] (dual) seasons {X1 D21 M6 N5 N5}

[txb] immerse, irrigate {X1 Aa1 D58 [tr] respect (someone), greet respectfully
N35A} {X1 D21 M6 Y1v}

[txw] drunkard {X1 Aa1 G43 W24 A1} [twr] reed {X1 D21 M17 M5 M2}

[txi] (v.) drink deep {X1 Aa1 N35A} [tr] time, season {X1 D21 M17 M6 N5}

[txn] injury (to eye), injure (eye), pierce [trwy] (dual) seasons {X1 D21 M17
(the sky of pylons) {X1 Aa1 N35 D5} M6 Z4 G43 N5 N5}

[txn] obelisk {X1 Aa1 N35 O25} [tryt] (n.) respect {X1 D21 M17 M17 A30}

[tx] plummet (of balance) {X1 Aa1 T55} [tr] show respect {X1 D21 M17 M17 A30}

[txi] (v.) be drunk, drink deep {X1 Aa1 W24} [tryt] (n.) respect {X1 D21 M17 M17 X1
[tx] plummet (of balance) {X1 Aa1 W24}
[Trp] an edible bird (goose ?) {X1 D21
Q3 G41}
[txi] (v.) be drunk {X1 Aa1 W24 A24}

[txtx] disorder (hair), crumple (papers) {X1 [tkAw] (the rite of) torch - lighting {X1
D28 G1 G43 Q7}
Aa1 X1 Aa1 D3}

[txtx] disorder (hair) {X1 Aa1 X1 Aa1 [tkA] (v.) illumine {X1 D28 G1 Q7}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian X - Bread 279

[tkA] (v.) illumine {X1 D28 Q7} [TmHw] Libyans {X1 G17 V28 T14
A1 Z2}
[tkA] (n.) torch, taper, flame {X1 D28 Q7}
[Axt] what is good, profitable, useful {X1
[Tbwy] (dual) soles (of feet) {X1 D58 G25 Aa1}
G43 S33 S33}
[Axt] arable land {X1 G25 Aa1 N23
[Tbwty] (dual) sandals, soles (of feet) Z1}
{X1 D58 M17 M17 X1 S33 S33}
[Axty] horizon - dweller {X1 G25
[tby] pay {X1 D58 M17 M17 Z9} Aa1 Z8 Z8 A40}

[tbn] bone - marrow ? {X1 D58 N35 Aa2} [twr] (v. trans.) cleanse {X1 G36}

[Tbi] (v.) be shod {X1 D58 S33} [twr] (v. intrans.) be clean {X1 G36}

[tbtb] hoist {X1 D58 X1 D58 V1 [twr] (v. intrans.) be clean {X1 G36 D21
D40} A24}

[Tbwt] sandal, sole {X1 D58 X1 S33} [twr] (v. trans.) cleanse {X1 G36 D21
[tbt] payment, reward {X1 D58 X1 Z9
Y1 Z2} [twr] show respect to {X1 G36 D21 A30}

[twn] rise, raise {X1 E34 N35 E1 [twr] (v. trans.) cleanse {X1 G36 D21
A24} M17 A1}

[sTit] (divinity) Satis {X1 F29 X1} [twr] (v. intrans.) be clean {X1 G36 D21
M17 A1}
[Tms] red, ruddy, violet {X1 F31 S29
Y3 Y1v} [twr] show respect to {X1 G36 D21
M17 T19 A2}
[tA] (demon. and def. art.) this, the {X1 G1}
[twr] (v. trans.) cleanse {X1 G36 D21
M17 T19 Y1v}
[tAy .i] (pos. adj.) my {X1 G1 M17
M17 A1}
[twr] show respect to {X1 G36 D21 M17
T19 Y1v}
[tAy .f] (pos. adj.) his {X1 G1 M17
M17 I9}
[twr] (v. intrans.) be clean {X1 G36 D21
M17 T19 Y1v}
[tAy .k] (pos. adj.) your {X1 G1 M17
M17 V31}
[twr] reed {X1 G36 D21 T19}
[Hr nbt] Falcon of Gold {X1 G8}
[twr] (v. intrans.) be clean {X1 G36 D21
T19 A2}
[mwt] (divinity) Mut (goddess) {X1 G16B}
[twr] (v. trans.) cleanse {X1 G36 D21
[t imy tA] a type of bread (used in ritual T19 A2}
offerings) {X1 G17 N16}
[tw] you {X1 G43}
[Tms] red, ruddy, violet {X1 G17 S29
Y3 Y1v}
[tw] (demon.) this, that {X1 G43}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian X - Bread 280

[tw] (indef. prn.) one {X1 G43} [tfnt] (divinity) Tefnet {X1 I9 N35 X1
[tw] (dependent prn.) you, your {X1 G43}
[tf] saw {X1 I9 T31}
[tw .i] (compound prn.) I {X1 G43 A1}
[tfnt] (divinity) Tefnet {X1 I9 W24 X1
[twy] (demon. adj.) this, that {X1 G43 M17 I12}
[tr] (enclitic part.) forsooth, pray {X1 M6}
[Twtn] (prn.) you {X1 G43 V13 N35 Z2}
[tS] smash (heads), grind (corn), split
[tw .k] (compound prn.) you {X1 G43 (wood) {X1 M8 Z9 D36}
[tit] image, form, shape, figure, design,
[twt] statue, image, figure, likeness {X1 (written) sign {X1 M17 D17}
G43 X1 A23H}
[tiA] acute pain {X1 M17 G1 F18}
[twt] statue, image, figure, likeness {X1
G43 X1 A53} [tiA] shriek {X1 M17 G1 F18 A2}
[Twt] (ind. prn.) you {X1 G43 X1 A53 [tit] (written) sign {X1 M17 X1 D15}
[tit] image, form, shape, figure, design,
[Twt] (ind. prn.) you {X1 G43 X1 A53 (written) sign {X1 M17 X1 D17}

[twt] be pleased, assembled, united, be in [titi] trample on (foe) {X1 M17 X1 M17
accord, full, entire, complete {X1 G43 X1 A53
[titi] trample on (foe) {X1 M17 X1 M17
[twt] like (to), suitable, fitting, natural
(to), fair, pleasing {X1 G43 X1 A53 Y1v} [titi] trample on (foe) {X1 M17 X1 M17
[it] father {X1 I9}
[titi] trample on (foe) {X1 M17 X1 M17
[tf] (demon. adj.) that (over there) {X1 I9} D56}

[tfi] (v.) leap {X1 I9 D56 D54} [dwAw] dawn, morning {X1 N14 G1 N5}

[tf] (demon. adj.) that (over there) {X1 I9 [Tn] (dependent prn.) you, your {X1 N35}
[tn] (demon. prn.) this {X1 N35}
[tf] (demon. adj.) that (over there) {X1
I9 G1 N31}
[tni] (n.) old age {X1 N35 A20}
[tfi] (v. infinitive) leap {X1 I9 M17 [tnbX] turn aside, swerve, shrink (from),
M17 X1 D56 D54 Z2}
run at random (of cattle) {X1 N35 D58 F32
[tfn] orphan {X1 I9 N35 G37 A1}
[t nbs] a type of bread (used in ritual
[tfnt] (divinity) Tefnut {X1 I9 N35 X1 offerings) {X1 N35 D58 S29}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian X - Bread 281

T34 G17 G43 N2}

[TnTAt] dais {X1 N35 G47 O41 X1
[tnmw] beer {X1 N35 T34 G17 Z7
W24 Z2}
[tni] (n.) old age {X1 N35 M17 A20}
[tnT] spur - winged plover {X1 N35 V13
[tni] (v.) grow old {X1 N35 M17 A20} G23}

[tni] (external) signs of old age {X1 N35 [tn] (int.) (variant of Tn) where ?,
M17 Aa2 Z2} whence ? {X1 N35 W24 G43 T14 G41}
[tni] (v.) grow old {X1 N35 M17 T14 [Tn] (int.) where ?, whence ? {X1
A20 Aa2} N35 W24 G43 T14 G41}

[Tnnt] sanctuary at Memphis {X1 [Tnw] distinction {X1 N35 W24

N35 M22 M22 N35 X1 O1} G43 T14 G41 Y1v}

[Tnmt] a Memphite sanctuary {X1 [tnw] (variant of Tnw) distinction

N35 M22 M22 N35 X1 O1} {X1 N35 W24 G43 T14 G41 Y1v}

[tn] (int.) (variant of Tn) where ?, whence [Tnwt] census (of prisoners) {X1
? {X1 N35 T14 G41} N35 W24 G43 X1 Y1 Z2}

[Tni] (v.) be distinguised (of actions) [tnwt] (variant of Tnwt) quantity,

{X1 N35 T14 G41 A2} number, numbering, census {X1 N35 W24 G43
X1 Y1 Z2}
[tn] (int.) (variant of Tn) where ?,
whence ? {X1 N35 T14 G41 N31} [Tnw] (pl.) number {X1 N35 W24 G43
Y1 Z2}
[Tn] (int.) where ?, whence ? {X1
N35 T14 G41 N31} [tnw] (n.) (variant of Tnw) number
{X1 N35 W24 G43 Y1 Z2}
[Tni] (v.) lift up, promote, distinguish
(from), be distinguised (of actions) {X1 N35 [rTnw] Retenu (Syria) {X1 N35
T14 G41 Y1v} W24 Z7 T14 G41 N25}

[tnw] (variant of Tni) lift up, promote, [tnw] (n.) (variant of Tnw)
distinguish, be distinguished (of actions, speech) number {X1 N35 W24 Z7 T14 G41 Y1 Z2}
{X1 N35 T14 G41 Y1v}
[Tnw] number {X1 N35 W24 Z7
[tnm] turn aside, go astray, err, deflect T14 G41 Y1 Z2}
(of balance), be confused (of roads) {X1 N35
T34 G17 D55} [tn] you, your {X1 N35 Z2}

[tnm] deflect (of balance) {X1 N35 [Tn] (suffix and dependent prn.) you, your {X1
T34 G17 G37} N35 Z2}

[tnmw] darkness, gloom {X1 N35 [tnw] (variant of Tni) lift up, promote,
T34 G17 G43 D54} distinguish, be distinguished (of actions, speech)
{X1 N35 Z4A T14 G41}
[tnmw] darkness, gloom {X1 N35
T34 G17 G43 F27} [Tni] (v.) be distinguised (of actions) {X1
N35 Z4A T14 G41}
[tnmw] darkness, gloom {X1 N35
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian X - Bread 282

[tn] (int.) (variant of Tn) where ?, [thi] (v. intrans.) transgress {X1 O4 G1
whence ? {X1 N35 Z4 T14 G41 N31} D56 D54}

[Tn] (int.) where ?, whence ? {X1 N35 [thm] destroy {X1 O4 G17 D56 D40}
Z4 T14 G41 N31}
[thm] perforate, penetrate, incite,
[tS] spit out {X1 N37 D26} destroy, undertake (works), drive (cattle), knock
(on door) {X1 O4 G17 D56 D54}
[tSi] (v.) desist (from) {X1 N37 D54}
[thm] perforation, puncture {X1 O4 G17
[tSi] (v.) be missing (from) {X1 N37 D56 D56 Y24}
[thi] (v. trans.) falsify (account) {X1 O4
[tSb] smash {X1 N37 D58 Z9} G37}

[tSw] deserter {X1 N37 G43 A1} [thr] a Syrian warrior {X1 O4 G43
D21 A1}
[tStS] crush {X1 N37 X1 N37 Z9
D40} [thw] transgressor {X1 O4 G43 D56
D54 A1}
[tSi] (v.) be missing (from) {X1 N37 Z4
D54} [mDt] depth {X1 O289 N35A}

[tS] smash (heads), grind (corn), split [tpr] breathe {X1 Q3 D21 D20}
(wood) {X1 N37 Z9 D40}
[tpr] breathe {X1 Q3 M17 D19 D40}
[tAS] fix the limits of {X1 N37 Z9 D54}
[tpr] breathe {X1 Q3 M17 D19 D40}
[tSi] (v.) be absent (from), be missing
(from), desist (from) {X1 N37 Z9 D54} [tpiw] ox {X1 Q3 M17 D19 E1}

[tAS] boundary {X1 N37 Z9 N21 Z1} [tpiw] ox {X1 Q3 M17 G43 E1}

[thi] (v. intrans.) go astray {X1 O4 D54} [tpnn] cummin {X1 Q3 M22 M22
N35 N35 N33 Z2}
[thi] (v. intrans.) attack (with) {X1 O4 D56}
[tpnn] cumin {X1 Q3 N35 N35 N33 Z2}
[thi] (v. trans.) impugn (one's character),
falsify (account) {X1 O4 D56 D54} [TpHt] cavern {X1 Q3 V28 X1 O1}

[thi] (v. trans.) lead astray, mislead, [ptr] (int.) who ?, what ? {X1 Q3 Z4 M6
overstep (path), disobey {X1 O4 D56 D54}

[thi] (v. trans.) neglect (appointed [it nTr] god's father {X1 R8}
dates),reject (petitions), violate (corpse) {X1 O4
D56 D54} [iAbty] east, eastern, left - hand, the East
{X1 R15 Z4}
[thi] (v. intrans.) go astray, transgress,
[xAwt] altar {X1 R36A Z1}
trespass, attack (with), err {X1 O4 D56 D54}
[tmA] mat {X1 U1 G1 G17 V19
[thw] transgressor {X1 O4 D56 D54 A1} Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian X - Bread 283

[tmAyt] mat {X1 U1 G1 G17 [tA ib] hot temper {X1 U30 G1 A24
X1 M2 Z2} F34 Z1}

[tmAyt] mat {X1 U1 G1 M17 M17 [tAmw] worm, bane {X1 U30 G1
X1 V19} G17 Z7 I14}

[tmA] mat {X1 U1 G1 V19} [tAyt] (divinity) goddess of weaving

{X1 U30 G1 M17 M17 X1 I12}
[TmA] cadaster {X1 U1 G17 V19 Z1}
[tAyt] shroud {X1 U30 G1 M17
[tmA] mat {X1 U1 S23} M17 X1 O16}

[tmAyt] mat {X1 U2 X1 Z5} [tAyt] shroud {X1 U30 G1 M17 M17
X1 S28}
[tm] (negative) (negates the sentence) {X1
U15} [tAyt] (divinity) goddess of
weaving {X1 U30 G1 M17 M17 X1 S28 B1}
[tmw] totality of men, everyone {X1 U15
A1 B1 Z2} [tAyty] the shrouded one (of
Osiris)(title of Vizier) {X1 U30 G1 M17 M17
[itmw] (divinity) Atum {X1 U15 Aa15 X1 Z4 O16}
G43 A40}
[tAS] boundary {X1 U30 G1 N37 Z9
[tm] perish {X1 U15 D35 G17} N23}

[tmw] totality of men, everyone {X1 [tA] kiln {X1 U30 G1 O1}
U15 D54 A1 B1 Z3}
[tAw] heat {X1 U30 G1 Q7}
[tm] be complete, complete, entire,
everything, the universe {X1 U15 G17} [tA] hot, hot - tempered {X1 U30 G1 Q7}

[tm] (negative) (negates the sentence) {X1 [tAH] mischief - maker {X1 U30
U15 G17} G1 V28 G41 A2 A1}

[tm] close (the mouth), to hush {X1 U15 [tAH] mischief - maker {X1 U30
G17 A2} G1 V28 G41 D54 A1}

[tm] (negative) (negates the sentence) [tAHt] lees, dregs {X1 U30 G1 V28
{X1 U15 G17 D35} X1 W24 Z2}

[tmw] totality of men, everyone {X1 [tAw] heat {X1 U30 G1 Z7 Q7 Y1

U15 G17 G43 A1 Z2 B1} Z2}

[tmt] sledge {X1 U15 G17 X1 M3} [tAw] heat {X1 U30 G1 Z7 Q7 Z3}

[tms] turn (the face to someone) {X1 U15 [tAS] boundary {X1 U30 N37 N21}
O34 D54}
[tAS] boundary {X1 U30 N37 Z9}
[tmt] sledge {X1 U15 X1 Z1}
[tSi] (v.) be missing (from) {X1 U30 N37 Z9
[tA] kiln {X1 U30} D54}

[twA] poverty {X1 V4 A4}

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian X - Bread 284

[twA] (n.) claim {X1 V4 G1 A2} [twt] full, entire {X1 X1}

[twA] (v.) put a claim (on), claim from [twt] fair, pleasing {X1 X1 A53}
(someone), appeal to (someone) {X1 V4 G1
A2} [twt] suitable, fitting {X1 X1 G43 Y1v}

[twA] (v. intrans.) lean (on) {X1 V4 [twt] fair, pleasing {X1 X1 Y1}
G1 A20}
[twt] full, entire {X1 X1 Y2}
[twA] (n.) hold up, set (crown on
head) {X1 V4 G1 A20} [t] bread, loaf {X1 X2}
[twA] (v. trans.) support, sustain {X1 [t ] (cryptic writing of DHwty NOT
V4 G1 A20}
transliterated as t) Thoth {X1 X2 A40}
[twA] (n.) claim {X1 V4 G1 A20 [DHwty] (divinity) Thoth (god) {X1 X2 A40}

[t n tp r] bread for the mouth {X1 X2

[twA] (v.) put a claim (on), claim from N35 D1 Q3 D21 Z1}
(someone), appeal to (someone) {X1 V4 G1
[t HD] white - loaf (used in offerings) {X1 X2
T3 M44}
[twAw] man of low station, inferior
{X1 V4 G1 A30 A1}
[t] bread, loaf {X1 X2 Z8 Z2}
[twA] (n.) hold up {X1 V4 G1 D40}
[ty] (enclitic part.) forsooth, pray {X1 Z4}
[twAw] man of low station,
[twtt] likeness {X1 Z7 X1 X1 A53 Y1
inferior {X1 V4 G1 M17 M17 Z7 A30 A2 A1} Z2}

[twAwt] one of the seven sacred oils {X1 [t] bread, loaf {X2 Z8 Z2}
V4 G43 X1 W10B}

[pAwt] primaeval time {X6 X1}

[twAwt] one of the seven sacred oils {X1 V4
X1 W9}
[wnm] eat {X7 X7 A2}
[tkr] opponent {X1 V31 D21 A1}
[wnm] eat {X7 X7 A2}
[tkn] be near, approach, draw near, attack
(someone), border (on) {X1 V31 N35 D54} [wnmyt] devouring flame {X7 X7 M17
M17 X1 Q7}
[tknw] neighbours {X1 V31 N35
W24 Z7 D54 A1 B1 Z2} [aHaw] (pl.) heaps {X7 X7 X7}

[tks] pierce {X1 V31 S29 D54} [rdi] give, put, place, appoint, cause, permit,
grant {X8}
[tkkw] attackers {X1 V31 V31 Z7
A223 Z2} [spdw] Sopd (god) {X8 G13}

[tkk] (v.) violate (frontier), attack [dqrw] fruit, fruit - tree(s) {X8 N29}
(someone) {X1 V31 V31 Z7 D40}
[di pr] cut away (a joint of meat) {X8 O1
D21 D54}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian X - Bread 285

[di anx] given life {X8 S34} [sS kdwt] painter, draughtsman {Y3
Aa28 D46 W24 X1 Y1v}
[di anx] given life {X8 S34}
[naa] undecorated {Y3 Y1}
[di rs tp] foreman {X8 T13 D1 Z1 A1}
[snaa] (causative) make smooth, polish {Y3
[di rs tp] foreman {X8 T13 D4 D1 Z1} Y1}

[dt xn] beating time {X8 X1 Aa1 N35 [sS] (v.) write, inscribe, paint, draw, enrol
D41} (troops) {Y3 Y1}

[Ddw] (locality) Busiris {X8 X8 G43 [sS] (n.) writing, depiction, record, papyrus roll,
O49} letter, document {Y3 Y1}

[di] provisions {X8 Z1 U9 Z2} [mnTw] Bedouin {Y5 G4 A49 Z3}

[mnw] trees, plantation {Y5 M1 M1 M1}

[mnx] be joyful ? {Y5 N35 Aa1}

[mnx m] be joyful over ? {Y5 N35 Aa1

Y - Writing, Games, Music G17}

[mnxw] excellence, virtues (of

[dmD] total {Y1} someone) {Y5 N35 Aa1 G43 U22 Y1 Z2}
[Tt] (collective n.) staff, gang, partisans [mnx] (n. and v.) chisel {Y5 N35 Aa1 U22}
{Y1 X1 A1 Z3}

[mnx] potent (of king etc..) {Y5 N35 Aa1

[mDAt] chisel {Y1 X1 Z1} U22 D40}

[mDAt] papyrus roll, book, letter, dispatch [mnx] (adv.) thoroughly {Y5 N35 Aa1
{Y1 X1 Z1}
U22 Y1}

[mDAt] chisel {Y1 X1 Z1 N34} [mnxw] excellence, virtues (of someone)

{Y5 N35 Aa1 U22 Y1}
[mDAt] papyrus - roll {Y1 X1 Z1 V12}
[mnx] lavish (of worship), excellent (of
[mDAt] letter, dispatch {Y2 Z1} occasions), well famed, well established, {Y5
N35 Aa1 U22 Y1}
[Tms] be besmeared {Y3}
[mnx] potent (of king), trusty (of
[sS] scribe {Y3 A1} officials), efficacious (of commands) {Y5 N35
Aa1 U22 Y1}
[sS qdwt] draughtsman {Y3
A1 Aa28 D46 W24 G43 X1 Y1 Z2} [mnx] well disposed, devoted, splendid
(of buildings), costly (of material) {Y5 N35 Aa1
[sS dnit] scribe of distribution {Y3 U22 Y1}
A1 D46 N35 F21 X1 Y1v}
[mnx n] go well with (affairs) {Y5 N35
[sS Sat] secretary {Y3 A1 N37 D36 Aa1 U22 Y1V N35}
X1 V12}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Y - Writing, Games, Music 286

[mnx] string (beads) {Y5 N35 Aa1 V1 [mnDt ] (n.) cheek {Y5 N35 D46 X1
D40} F51}

[mnxt] the third month {Y5 N35 Aa1 X1} [mn nfr] (locality) Memphis {Y5
N35 F35 I9 D21 O24 O49}
[mnxt] type of fabric, clothing {Y5 N35
Aa1 X1 S27} [mnTw] Bedouin {Y5 N35 G4 T14
A14 Z2}
[mnxt] type of fabric, clothing {Y5 N35
Aa1 X1 S28} [mn] be ill, suffer, be ill of, suffer from,
suffer in (part of the body), be troubled about
[mnxt] willingness (of heart) {Y5 N35 Aa1 {Y5 N35 G37}
X1 U22}
[mn] sick man {Y5 N35 G37 A1}
[mnxw] excellence, virtues (of someone)
{Y5 N35 Aa1 Y1} [mnw] pain {Y5 N35 G37 Z2}

[mnx] potent (of king etc..) {Y5 N35 Aa1 [mnw] (divinity) Min (god) {Y5 N35
Y1} G43 G7}

[mnx ib] pleasing to the heart {Y5 N35 [mnTAt] pottery vessel {Y5 N35 G47
Aa1 Y1 F34 Z1} G1 W22 X1}

[mni] act as herdsman {Y5 N35 Aa20 M17} [mnfrt] band (for arm or ankle) {Y5
N35 I9 D21 X1 M29}
[mnay] (n.) (male) nurse {Y5 N35 D27
D36} [mnfrt] band (for arm or ankle) {Y5
N35 I9 D21 X1 S107}
[mni] (v.) nurse {Y5 N35 D36 B5}
[mnfAt] trained soldiers, assult
[mnat] (v.) nurse {Y5 N35 D36 D27A} troops, infantry, soldiers {Y5 N35 I9 G1 X1
A1 Z2}
[mnat] (n.) (male) nurse {Y5 N35 D36
X1 A352} [mnfAt] trained soldiers, assult
troops, infantry, soldiery {Y5 N35 I9 G1 X1
[mnat] (n.) nurse {Y5 N35 D36 X1 B1} A12 Z3}

[mnat] (n.) nurse {Y5 N35 D36 X1 [mnfAt] trained soldiers, assult troops,
D27} infantry, soldiers {Y5 N35 I9 M17 M17 X1
A20 Z3}
[mnat] milch cow {Y5 N35 D36 X1
D27 E1} [mnfAt] trained soldiers, assult troops,
infantry, soldiers {Y5 N35 I9 M17 X1 M17
[mnat] milch cow {Y5 N35 D36 X1 A12 Z3}
[mnfAt] trained soldiers, assault
[mnay] (n.) (male )nurse {Y5 N35 D36 troops, infantry, soldiery {Y5 N35 I9 X1 A1
Z4 D27} Z3}

[mnD] breast {Y5 N35 D46 D27} [mnfAt] trained soldiers, assault troops,
infantry, soldiery {Y5 N35 I9 X1 A21 Z3}
[mnDt ] (n.) cheek {Y5 N35 D46 X1
D27 F51} [mnD] breast {Y5 N35 I10 D27}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Y - Writing, Games, Music 287

{Y5 N35 M17 X1 Aa28 M3}

[mnDt ] (n.) cheek {Y5 N35 I10 X1
[mnit] necklace (sacred to Hathor) {Y5
N35 M17 X1 S18}
[mni] death {Y5 N35 M17 Aa28 A54}
[mni] (v. intrans.) die {Y5 N35 M17 Z6}
[mni] death {Y5 N35 M17 Aa28 A55}
[mni] jar, measure of capacity {Y5 N35
[mni] (v. intrans.) die {Y5 N35 M17 M17 Z9 W24}
Aa28 P1}
[mnDm] basket {Y5 N35 M29 I10
[mni] (v. trans.) moor (ship), marry (to), G17 V19}
attach (to), endow (with) {Y5 N35 M17 Aa28
P1} [mnDm] basket {Y5 N35 M29 V19}
[mni] (v. trans.) save (the drowning), [mnDr] stomach {Y5 N35 M36 D21 F51}
revive (the dead) {Y5 N35 M17 Aa28 P1}
[mnqb] chapel {Y5 N35 N29 D58 O1}
[mni] (v. trans.) moor (ship) {Y5 N35
M17 Aa28 Y2}
[mnqb] fan {Y5 N35 N29 D58 S36}
[mni] death {Y5 N35 M17 Aa28 Z6} [mnqb] cool place, {Y5 N35 N29
D58 W15 O1}
[mni] (v. trans.) endow (with) {Y5 N35
M17 D40}
[mnq] come to an end {Y5 N35 N29 V12}
[mniA] a part of the arm {Y5 N35 [mnqt] jar ? {Y5 N35 N29 X1 W23}
M17 G1 D41}

[mniwt] harbour {Y5 N35 M17 G43 [mnnw] fortress {Y5 N35 N35 W24
G43 O1}
X1 Aa28 O49}

[mny] corvee {Y5 N35 M17 M17 A9 [mnnw] fortress {Y5 N35 N35 W24 O1}
A1 Z2}
[mnn] Wood pitch {Y5 N35 N35 W24 Z2}
[mny] (dual) thighs {Y5 N35 M17 M17
D56 D56} [mnS] cartouche {Y5 N35 N37 V10}

[mnwt] pigeon {Y5 N35 M17 M17 X1 [mnSt] ochre (red or yellow ?) {Y5
G39} N35 N37 X1 N33 Z2}

[mnyt] root, root (of disease) {Y5 N35 [mnhD] scribe's palette {Y5 N35 O4
M17 M17 X1 M3} D46 Y3}

[mniw] herdsman {Y5 N35 M17 U58 [mnhD] scribe's palette {Y5 N35 O4
G43} I10 Y3}

[mni] jar, measure of capacity {Y5 N35 [mnst] lack ? {Y5 N35 S29 X1 G37}
M17 W23}
[mnTw] (divinity) Montu (god) {Y5
[mnit] mooring post, whipping post {Y5 N35 V13 G43 A40}
N35 M17 X1 Aa28}
[mnTw] (divinity) Montu (god) {Y5 N35
[mnit] mooring post, whipping post V13 G43 C7}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Y - Writing, Games, Music 288

[mnTw] Bedouin {Y5 N35 V13 [mnt] (n.) swallow (bird) {Y5 N35 X1
G43 T14 A1 Z2} G37}

[mnsA] jar (for liquids) {Y5 N35 V16 [mnt] malady, what is harmful, suffering
W14} {Y5 N35 X1 G37 Z2}

[mnHw] froth ? (on lips) {Y5 N35 V28 [mnwt] pigeon {Y5 N35 X1 G41}
G43 Z3}
[mnit] necklace (sacred to Hathor) {Y5
[mnH] papyrus plant {Y5 N35 V28 M2} N35 X1 S18}

[mnH] wax {Y5 N35 V28 N33 Z2} [mntt] diorite {Y5 N35 X1 X1 O39}

[mnH] papyrus plant {Y5 N35 V28 [mnt] content (of receptacle) {Y5 N35 X1
Z4 M15 M2} Y1}

[mnkrt] bull's tail (worn by king) {Y5 [mnt] the like {Y5 N35 X1 Y1}
N35 V31 D21 F27 X1 Z1}
[mnTw] (divinity) Montu (god) {Y5 N35
[mnw] pigeons {Y5 N35 W24 G43 X1 Z7 G7}
G39 M33A}
[mnt] malady {Y5 N35 X1 Z9 Z2}
[mnw] trees, plantation {Y5 N35 W24
G43 M1} [mn] (v. intrans.) be firm, established,
enduring (of king) {Y5 N35 Y1}
[mnnw] fortress {Y5 N35 W24 G43
[mn] (v. intrans.) be fixed, stick fast (in), be
attached (to), remain (in), dwell (in), be vested
[mnnw] fortress {Y5 N35 W24 G43 (in) {Y5 N35 Y1}

[mnw] monuments {Y5 N35 W24 G43 [mn] (v. trans.) establish, press (with fingers)
{Y5 N35 Y1}
Y1 Z2}

[mn] so - and - so, someone {Y5 N35 Y1

[mnw] type of stone, quartz ? {Y5 N35 W24 A1}

[mn iry] a sample thereof {Y5 N35 Y1

[mnw] thread {Y5 N35 W24 V1} A1 M17 D21 Z4}

[mnwt] pigeon {Y5 N35 W24 X1 G39} [mnmn] move quickly (of person), move
about (of army), (earth)quake, be shifted (of
[mnw] pain {Y5 N35 W24 Z7 G37 Z2} boundary) {Y5 N35 Y5 N35 D54}
[mni] jar {Y5 N35 W27B} [mnmnt] cattle {Y5 N35 Y5 N35
X1 E1 Z3}
[mnt] (fem.) so-and-so, someone {Y5
N35 X1 B1}
[mni] jar, measure of capacity {Y5 N35 Z9
[mnt] thigh (of man), haunch (of ox) {Y5
N35 X1 D56}
[mnw] type of stone, quartz ? {Y5 W24}
[mnt] haunch (of ox) {Y5 N35 X1 F114} [mnw] monument {Y5 W24 W24 W24}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Y - Writing, Games, Music 289

[mnw] trees, plantation {Y5 W24 W24 [snw] companion, fellow, equal, counterpart,
W24 M1A} dual contestants (in Court of Law) {Z4A W24
[mnw] trees, plantation {Y5 W24
W24 W24 M1 M1 M1} [sfxw] seven {Z4A Z4A Z2}

[mnwy] abundant of monuments [xmntyw] a ship {Z4A Z4A Z4A

(epitaph of King) {Y5 W24 W24 W24 M17 M17 Z4A N35 X1 G4 P1}
[xmntyw] a ship {Z4A Z4A Z4A Z4A U33
[mnit] mooring post, whipping post {Y5 X1 P1}
[wxr] dockyard {Z7 Aa1 D21 O1 O1}
[mnTw] Bedouin {Y5 X1 G43 C248
Z3} [wxdt] pain {Z7 Aa1 D46 X1 Aa2}
[ibA] draughtsman {Y6} [wxdw] pain {Z7 Aa1 D46 Z7 Aa2 Z2}
[sxm ir .f] potentate {Y8 G17 A24 [wan] juniper {Z7 D36 D21 Aa2 M1}
D4 I9 A44}
[wDb] fold over {Z7 D46 D58 F46

[wdnt] offering {Z7 D46 N35 U32 Y1


Z - Strokes and Figures [wdnw] offerings {Z7 D46 N35 W24

Z7 U32 Y1 Z2}

[xmnyw] Ogdoad {Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1

Z1 Z1 Z1 M17 M17 G43 A40 Z3}
[wdH] pour out, pour off {Z7 D46 V28

[xmnw] (locality) Hermopolis {Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1

Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 W24 O49}
[wx] night {Z7 G1 M12 N2}

[xmt nw] third {Z2 W24} [wdf] be sluggish (of wound) {Z7
I10 I9 G1 G41 D54}

[snt] festival of the 6th day of lunar month

{Z2 Z2 N35 X1 W3} [wSA] fatten {Z7 M8 G1 D51 D40}

[snt] festival of the 6th day of lunar month [wxA] be foolish, act stupidly {Z7 M12
{Z2 Z2 N35 X1 W4} G1 G37}

[sis] six - weave linen {Z2 Z2 S28} [wxA] full blast (of storm) ? {Z7 M12
G1 P5}
[psDt] group of nine {Z2 Z2 Z2 X1}
[w] district, region {Z7 N23}
[diwt] five parts {Z2 Z4A X1 G43
Z2} [wSm] mix {Z7 N37 G17 A24}

[snnw] second (ordinal number), twin, equal [wsS] (v. intrans.) urinate {Z7 N37 N37
{Z4A W24} D53}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Z - Strokes and Figures 290

[wsty] letter {Z7 S29 X1 V12} [sDt] fire, flame {Z9 X1 Q7}

[wDA] storehouse {Z7 U28 G1 O1} [wp st] specify it (details of it) {Z9 Y1 S29
[wHyt] family, kindred {Z7 V28 Z7 X1
T14 A1 B1 Z2} [xbsw] ploughlands {Z9 Z2}

[wgs] cut open, gut (fish etc) {Z7 W11 [imy] who is in, which is in {Z11}
G1 S29 T30A D40}
[wnm] eat {Z11 A2}
[wgiw] ribs (of ship) {Z7 W11 G1 Z7
F18 M3} [wnm] fattened ox {Z11 A2 U9 N33
Z2 E1}
[wgyt] jaw {Z7 W11 M17 M17 X1 F19}
[wnmw] food, sustenance {Z11 Aa15 U9
[wgyt] jaw {Z7 W11 X1 F19} Z2}

[wt] bandage {Z7 X1 Aa2} [wnDw] short horned cattle {Z11A N26 Z7
E1 Z2}
[w] (suffix prn.) they, them, their {Z7 Z2}
[imy xnt] chamberlain {Z11 D19 X1}
[Hsb] one quarter (number), one quarter of an
aroura {Z9} [imy] who is in, which is in {Z11 G17}

[Sbn] mixed, various {Z9} [wnm] eat, feed on, consume {Z11 G17
[swA] break, cut (throat), cut off, cut down {Z9
D40} [imy rn .f] list of names {Z11 G17
D21 N35 I9 A1 Z2}
[swA] (causative) pass (on road), escape (from),
surpass (someone), pass away, transgress, occur [imi] 'negates the verb' {Z11 G17 D35}
{Z9 D54}
[imy bAH] who is in the presence, who
[kA Sbn] rabble ? {Z9 E1} existed aforetime, ancestor {Z11 G17 D53}

[xbsw] ploughlands {Z9 G43 N21 Z2} [imy HAt] who, which is in front, which
was before {Z11 G17 F4 X1 Z1}
[swA] (causative) pass (on road), escape
(from), surpass (someone), pass away, [imy HAt] pattern, mould (of conduct)
transgress, occur {Z9 N31} {Z11 G17 F4 X1 Z1}

[Sbn] mixed, various {Z9 N35} [imy Xt] viscera {Z11 G17 F32 X1
[Sbnw] various {Z9 N35}
[imy wrt] starboard (of ship) {Z11 G17
G36 D21 X1}
[Sbnw] various {Z9 N35 W24 G43}
[imy wt] name of Anubis-fetish {Z11
[Sbnw] various {Z9 N35 W24 Y1 Z2} G17 G43 X1 Aa2}

[swA] break, cut (throat), cut off, cut down [wnmyt] devouring flame {Z11 G17
{Z9 T30 D40} M17 M17 X1 Q7}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Z - Strokes and Figures 291

[imy st a] acolyte, helper {Z11

G17 Q1 X1 O1 D36 Z1 A1}
Aa - Unclassified
[imytw] between, in the midst of {Z11 G17
[xw] exception, except {Aa1 Aa1 Aa1}
[imt HAt .f] Royal Uraeus (she
who is on his front) {Z11 G17 X1 F4 X1 Z1 [xwi] exempt (from dues) {Aa1 Aa1 Aa1
I9 I13} D40}

[imt nDst] stern (of ship) {Z11 [xx] neck, throat {Aa1 Aa1 F10}
G17 X1 N35 I10 S29 X1 G37}
[xAx Hr] impatience {Aa1 Aa1 M12 D54
[imy pr] will, testament {Z11 G17 D2 Z1}
X1 O1 Y1 Z2}
[xm] shrine {Aa1 Aa15 D35 O1}
[wnmt] food, fodder {Z11 G17 X1 X4
Z2} [xr] (non-enclitic part.) and, further {Aa1 D21}

[imt pt] will, testament {Z11 G17 X1 [xr] (auxillary v.) so says {Aa1 D21}
Y1 Z2 O1 Z1}
[xr] (preposition) with, near, under (a king),
[imy rn .f] list of names {Z11 G17 Z4 speak (to), by (of agent), {Aa1 D21}
D21 N35 I9}
[xr] fall (in military sense) {Aa1 D21 A15}
[imy hrw .f] sentry, who is on
duty for the day {Z11 G17 Z4 O4 D21 Z7 N5 [xrw] enemy {Aa1 D21 A15}
Z1 I9}

[imytw] between, in the midst of {Z11 [xr] (non-enclitic part.) and, further {Aa1
D21 A15}
G17 Z4 X1 Z7}

[imy wrt] the West {Z11 G36 D21 X1 [xrw] low - lying land {Aa1 D21 A15 N23

[imy wrt] designation of priestly phyle [xrw] low - lying land {Aa1 D21 E23 Z2}
{Z11 G36 D21 X1 O1}
[xrw] enemy {Aa1 D21 G43 A15}
[imy sA] attendant {Z11 V17 A1}
[xrw] enemy {Aa1 D21 G43 A15 A14}
[imy sA] attendant {Z11 V17 A1}
[xrw] low - lying land {Aa1 D21 G43
A15 N23 Z1 Z3}
[imy xmt] chamberlain {Z11 W17 A1}

[wnm] eat of, feed on {Z11 Y1} [xryt] butchery {Aa1 D21 M17 M17 X1
E1 Z2}

[imyw xtw] those of later

[xrS] bundle {Aa1 D21 N37 M181}
times, posterity {Z11 Z2 G43 M3 Aa1 X1 D54
A1 Z3}
[xr] tomb (belonging to reigning King),
necropolis ? {Aa1 D21 O1}

[xrw .sn] so say they {Aa1 D21 P8 A2

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 292

S29 N35 Z2}

[xwd] rich, wealthy {Aa1 D36 G43
D46 O38 Y1}
[xrw] voice, noise {Aa1 D21 P8
E23 G43 A2}
[xww] baseness, wrongdoing {Aa1 D36
G43 G37}
[xrwy] enemy {Aa1 D21 P8
E23 Z7 M17 M17 A24 A1}
[xwsi] build, construct {Aa1 D36 G43
S29 A24}
[xrw .fy] says {Aa1 D21 P8 I9 Z4}

[xrwyt] war {Aa1 D21 P8 M17 M17 [xai] rise (of sun), appear in glory (of god
X1 A24} or king), be shining (of kings) {Aa1 D36 N28}

[xrw .sn] so say they {Aa1 D21 P8 S29 [xwsi] build, construct {Aa1 D36 O34 Y1}
N35 Z2}
[xwi] protect {Aa1 D43}
[xrp] drive (cattle), lead, get ahead (with
work), undertake (works) {Aa1 D21 Q3 D44} [xwdt] wealth of timber {Aa1 D43
G43 D46 X1 M3 Z2}
[xrp] govern, control, administer, act as
controller, direct (someone) {Aa1 D21 Q3 D44} [xww] baseness, wrongdoing {Aa1
D43 G43 G43 G37 Z2}
[xrp] bring, provide, make offering of,
[xw] fan {Aa1 D43 G43 S37}
dedicate {Aa1 D21 Q3 D44}
[xwi] protect, exclude, exempt, set aside,
[xrp] controller, administrator {Aa1 D21
Q3 D44} avoid,prevent {Aa1 D43 G43 Y1}

[xrp ib] having authority {Aa1 D21 Q3 [xwi bAq] The Bright
D44 F34 Z1} Protected One (the reigning king) {Aa1 D43
G43 Y1 D58 G29 G1 N29 M1 A48}
[xrpw] mallet {Aa1 D21 Q3 G43 M3}
[xw] protection {Aa1 D43 G43 Y1 Z2}
[xrpw] mallet {Aa1 D21 Q3 G43 U22}
[xwsi] pound, beat up {Aa1 D43 O34}
[xrpt] dues, taxes {Aa1 D21 X1 Q3 D44
Z2} [xwsi] build up (of bricks) {Aa1 D43
S29 A34 D40}
[xrt] state, condition, affairs, concerns,
requirements, products (of a place) {Aa1 D21 [xwt] sanctuary {Aa1 D43 X1 O1}
X1 Y1 Z2}
[xwt] protection {Aa1 D43 X1 Y1 Z2}
[xrt ib] wish, desire, favour {Aa1 D21
X1 Y1 Z2 F34 Z1} [xwi] protect {Aa1 D43 Y1 Z4 G43}

[xamw] throat {Aa1 D36 G17 F10 [xwd] richman {Aa1 D43 Z7 D46
F51} N34 Y1 Z2 A1}

[xamw] throat {Aa1 D36 G17 Z7 F10 [xdDw] waterfowl {Aa1 D46 N26 Z7
F51} G39 Z2}

[xwdw] class of fishermen [xwd] rich, wealthy {Aa1 D46 O38}

{Aa1 D36 G43 D46 G43 D36 A1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 293

[xwd] rich {Aa1 D46 O38} [xbbt] jar {Aa1 D58 D58 X1 W22}

[xdi] travel downstream, northwards, flow [xbwt] (fem.) dancers {Aa1 D58
(of water), North {Aa1 D46 P1} G29 G1 M17 M17 X1 Z4 Z2 B1}

[xdt] land - register {Aa1 D46 X1 Y1} [xbA] destroy, lay waste, ravage,
subvert (law) {Aa1 D58 G29 G1 U7 D36}
[xmt] intend, plan, take thought (for), expect,
anticipate {Aa1 D52} [xbA] destroy, lay waste, ravage,
subvert (law) {Aa1 D58 G29 G1 U7 G37}
[xmt] intend, plan, take thought (for),
expect, anticipate {Aa1 D52 Aa15 X1 D35} [xbA Hr] downcast {Aa1 D58
G29 G1 U7 G37 D2 Z1}
[xmt] intend, plan, take thought (for), expect,
anticipate {Aa1 D52 X1} [xbw] dancers {Aa1 D58 G43 Z9 A1
[xmt] intend, plan, take thought (for), expect,
anticipate {Aa1 D52 X1 A2} [xbA] destroy, lay waste, ravage, subvert
(law) {Aa1 D58 G225}
[xmt] treble {Aa1 D52 X1 N35A D35}
[xbD] (n.) displeasure, disfavour {Aa1 D58
[xmt] treble {Aa1 D52 X1 Z1A Z4B}
[xbD] (v. intrans.) be hateful, what is
[xmt] three {Aa1 D52 X1 Z2} hateful {Aa1 D58 I10}
[xmt] (v.) do for third time, treble [xbD] (v. trans.) be displeased with {Aa1
(revenues) {Aa1 D52 X1 Z2} D58 I10}

[xmt] intend, plan, take thought (for), [xbD] (n.) displeasure, disfavour {Aa1
expect, anticipate {Aa1 D52 X1 Z2 D35} D58 I10 Z9 G37}

[xmt] intend, plan, take thought (for), [xbyt] carnage {Aa1 D58 M17 M17 X1
expect, anticipate {Aa1 D52 X1 Z2 Y1} A14 Z2}

[xmt] intend, plan, take thought (for), expect, [xbn] be distorted (of character) {Aa1 D58
anticipate {Aa1 D52 X1 Z3} N35 A24}

[xmt] intend, plan, take thought (for), [xbnty] criminal {Aa1 D58 N35 X1
expect, anticipate {Aa1 D52 X1 Z3 A2} Z4 A1}

[xmt nw] third {Aa1 D52 Z2 W24} [xbnty] criminal {Aa1 D58 N35 X1
Z4 Z9 G37}
[xbi] (v.) dance {Aa1 D58 A32}
[xbnty] criminal {Aa1 D58 N35
X1 Z4 Z9 G37 A1}
[xbD] (v. trans.) displeasure, disfavour
{Aa1 D58 D46 G37}
[xbnt] crime, accusation {Aa1 D58
N35 X1 Z9 G37 Z2}
[xbD] (v. intrans.) be hateful, what is
hateful {Aa1 D58 D46 X1 G37 Z2} [xbn] distort (speech), be distorted (of
character / voice) {Aa1 D58 N35 Z9}
[xbb] (n.) dance {Aa1 D58 D58 A32}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 294

[xbn] distort (speech), be distorted (of [xbi] (v.) dance {Aa1 D58 Z9 A32}
character / voice) {Aa1 D58 N35 Z9 G37}
[xbi] (v.) reduce, lessen {Aa1 D58 Z9
[xbswt] beard {Aa1 D58 O34 G43 X1 D40}
[xbi] (v.) reduce, lessen {Aa1 D58 Z9 U6}
[xbs] hack up (earth) {Aa1 D58 O34
U7 D40} [xbi] (v.) waste (time) {Aa1 D58 Z9 Y2}

[xbst] tail {Aa1 D58 O34 X1 F33} [xrw] low - lying land {Aa1 E23 N23 Z2}

[xbsw] ploughlands {Aa1 D58 O34 Z9 [xA] office, bureau {Aa1 G1 O1 Z1}
[xm] exclude {Aa1 G17 A24}
[xbstyw] bearded ones {Aa1 D58
S29 G1 D3 T14 A40 Z3}
[xm] harm (someone) {Aa1 G17 A35E
[xbsw] ploughlands {Aa1 D58 S29
G43 N23 Z2}
[xm] (v.) know not, be ignorant of, be
unconcious of, ignorance {Aa1 G17 D35}
[xbst] tail {Aa1 D58 S29 M17 M17 X1
F33B Z2}
[xm] ignorant man {Aa1 G17 D35
[xbs] hack up (earth) {Aa1 D58 S29
[xmxt] ignoramus {Aa1 G17
D35 Aa1 X1 Y1 Z2 A1}
[xbA] destroy, lay waste, ravage, subvert
(law) {Aa1 D58 U7 D40} [xm Dt] swoon {Aa1 G17 D35 I10
X1 Z1}
[xbt] (n.) dance {Aa1 D58 X1 A32}
[xma] seize, grasp, penetrate (water, of
[xbt] deduction, exaction, lessening (of staff), collect (of people), drive off {Aa1 G17
moon / mouth) {Aa1 D58 X1 Z9} D36 D272}

[xbt] place of execution {Aa1 D58 X1 Z9 [xmat] butt, grip (of oar) {Aa1 G17
O1} D36 X1 M3}

[xbn] be distorted (of speech ), (be found [xm] wild (of animals) ? {Aa1 G17 D54}
guilty) {Aa1 D58 Z5 N35}
[xm] (passive participle) know not, be
[xbnt] accusation {Aa1 D58 Z5 N35 ignorant of {Aa1 G17 G17 D35}
[xm] (v.) be unconcious of (one's limbs)
[xbA] destroy, lay waste, ravage, subvert {Aa1 G17 G37}
(law) {Aa1 D58 Z9}
[xmw] dust {Aa1 G17 G43 P5 Z3}
[xbi] (v.) deduct, subtract, reduce, lessen,
waste (time), damage (tomb), exact (dues), be [xmy] sand - flea {Aa1 G17 M17 M17
hushed (of voice), {Aa1 D58 Z9} G39}

[xbi] (n.) exaction {Aa1 D58 Z9} [xm] demolish (buildings), harm
(someone), debar (from), exclude {Aa1 G17
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 295

O37 D40}
[xft] (prep.) in front of, in accordance with, as
[xm] be dry {Aa1 G17 P5} well as, corresponding to {Aa1 I9 X1}

[xm] warm {Aa1 G17 Q7} [xfty] enemy {Aa1 I9 X1 Z4 Z6}

[xtm] valuables ? {Aa1 G17 X1 S20} [xf] (v.) plunder {Aa1 I9 Z9 D40}

[Axt] arable land {Aa1 G25 X1 N21} [xDy] riches {Aa1 I10 M17 M17 Y1 Z2}

[Axt] what is good, profitable, useful [xAa] despatch (messages) {Aa1 L6 D36}
{Aa1 G25 X1 Z2}
[xAa] cast off (bonds) {Aa1 L6 G1 D36}
[xwi] prevent {Aa1 G43}
[xAx] hasten, hurry {Aa1 M12 G1 Aa1
[xwd] rich, wealthy {Aa1 G43 D46 Aa9 D54}
[xAx Hr] impatience {Aa1 M12 G1
[xwd] rich, wealthy {Aa1 G43 D46 Aa1 D54 D2 Z1}
O38 Y1}
[xAx r] quick of speech {Aa1 M12 G1
[xwdw] class of fishermen {Aa1 G43 Aa1 D54 D21 Z1}
N26 G43}
[xAa] harpoon (hippopotamus) {Aa1
[xwsi] pound, beat up, beat flat, build up, M12 G1 D36 D40}
build, construct, stir {Aa1 G43 S29 A34}
[xAb] be bent (of arm) {Aa1 M12 G1
D58 Z9}
[xft] (preposition) in front of, in accordance
with, as well as, corresponding to {Aa1 I9}
[xAm] bend (arm in respect), bow
[xft] when, according to, at the time of, when, down {Aa1 M12 G1 G17 D41}
(speech) to (someone) {Aa1 I9}
[xAwy] night {Aa1 M12 G1 G43 N2}
[xfxf] (v.) flood {Aa1 I9 Aa1 I9
Z5 N35A} [xAwt] hide (of animal) {Aa1 M12
G1 G43 X1 F27}
[xfa] (n.) booty {Aa1 I9 D36 D49}
[xAwt] altar {Aa1 M12 G1 G43
X1 R1}
[xfa] (v. and n.) grasp, make captures (in
war) {Aa1 I9 D36 D49} [xAw] thousands {Aa1 M12 G1 G43
[xfa] (v.) fist {Aa1 I9 D36 D49 Z1}
[xAi] measure, examine (patient) {Aa1
[xfa] a cake {Aa1 I9 D36 X6} M12 G1 U9}

[xfAAt] banks (of waterway) [xAw] bowl {Aa1 M12 G1 W10 Z1}
{Aa1 I9 G1 G1 X1 Y1 Z2}
[xAyt] disease {Aa1 M12 G1 X1 Aa2}
[xfAt] food {Aa1 I9 G1 X1 X4 Z2}
[xAtb] have pity (on) {Aa1 M12 G1
[xft] when, according to, at the time of, when, X1 D58 D40}
(speech) to (someone) {Aa1 I9 X1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 296

[xAst] hill country, foreign land, desert [xndw] throne {Aa1 N35 D46 G43
{Aa1 M12 S29 X1 N25} O40}

[xy] child, be a child {Aa1 M17 M17 A17} [xndw] throne {Aa1 N35 D46 G43
[xyt] shelter {Aa1 M17 M17 X1 O1}
[xndw] throne {Aa1 N35 D46 O40}
[xni] (v.) play music {Aa1 N35 B47}
[xnd] bend (wood), twist together (flower-
[xnr] harem {Aa1 N35 D21 B1 Z2} stems) {Aa1 N35 D46 U7}

[xnrwt] women of the harem [xnr] reins {Aa1 N35 E23 F27}
{Aa1 N35 D21 G43 X1 A1 B1}
[xnms] type of beer {Aa1 N35 G17 S29
[xnr] restrain {Aa1 N35 D21 M17 D19 W24}
[xni] (v.) alight (from flight), stop, halt,
[xnrwt] women of the harem {Aa1 rest (on) {Aa1 N35 G41}
N35 D21 M17 M17 X1 Y1 Z2}
[xn] (n.) rebel {Aa1 N35 G41 A1}
[xnr] criminal, prisoner {Aa1
N35 D21 M17 U31 A2 A1} [xni] (v.) play music {Aa1 N35 G41
[xnr] criminal, prisoner {Aa1 N35
D21 M17 U31 G37} [xn] speech, utterance, matter, affair
{Aa1 N35 G41 A2}
[xnr] criminal, prisoner {Aa1 N35
D21 U31 A2 A1} [xn n mdt] proverb {Aa1
N35 G41 A2 N35 S43 D46 X1 A2}
[xnrt] harem {Aa1 N35 D21 X1 U31
B1} [xni] (v.) play music {Aa1 N35 G41
[xn] clap (hands) {Aa1 N35 D41}
[xni] (v.) alight (from flight), stop, halt,
[xni] (v.) play music {Aa1 N35 D44} rest (on) {Aa1 N35 G41 D54}
[xnd] tread (ways etc), tread down (foes), [xn] scowling (of face) ? {Aa1 N35 G41
offend ? {Aa1 N35 D46 D54} Y1v}

[xnd] tread (ways etc), tread down (foes), [xn] direct (one's hand against), drive
offend ? {Aa1 N35 D46 D56} (cattle) {Aa1 N35 I3}

[xnd] lower part, calf of leg {Aa1 N35 [xnfA] arrogance {Aa1 N35 I9 G1
D46 D56} A1}

[xnd] tread (ways etc), tread down [xnfw] a cake {Aa1 N35 I9 G43 X3}
(foes), offend ? {Aa1 N35 D46 D56 D54}
[xnD] shin of beef {Aa1 N35 I10
[xnd] lower part, calf of leg {Aa1 N35 F44}
D46 D56 F51}
[xnr] restrain {Aa1 N35 M17 D19 D40}
[xnD] shin of beef {Aa1 N35 D46 F44}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 297

[xni] (v.) alight (from flight), stop, halt, [xnmw] (n.) smell {Aa1 N35 T34
rest (on) {Aa1 N35 M17 M17 G41} G17 G43 D19 Z2}

[xnwwt] female musicians {Aa1 [xnms] (v. and n.) be friendly with,
N35 M17 M17 X1 G41 D54 Z2 B1} friendship {Aa1 N35 T34 G17 S29 A7}

[xnr] restrain {Aa1 N35 M17 U31 D54} [xnms] friend, relative {Aa1 N35
T34 G17 S29 A21 A1}
[xnsw] Moon-god Khonsu {Aa1 N35
M23 G43 A40} [xnms] mosquito {Aa1 N35
T34 G17 S29 A21 G41 Y1 Z2}
[xnsw] Moon-god Khonsu, tenth
month of the year {Aa1 N35 M23 G43 G7} [xnms] (v.) be friendly with {Aa1
N35 T34 G17 S29 A21 Y1v}
[xnS] (v.) stink {Aa1 N35 N37 K1
G37} [xnms] friend, relative {Aa1 N35
T34 G17 S29 B3 A1}
[xns] (v.) traverse (region), travel, spread
(of illness) {Aa1 N35 O34 D54} [xnmst] friend {Aa1 N35 T34 G17
S29 X1}
[xns] move in two directions {Aa1 N35 O34
E177} [xnmtt] (n.) nurse {Aa1 N35 T34
G17 X1 B5}
[xns] (v.) traverse (region), travel,
spread (of illness) {Aa1 N35 O35 P4} [xnmt] prostitute {Aa1 N35 T34
G17 X1 D19 B1}

[xnp] receive (semen) {Aa1 N35 Q3 D19} [xnmtt] (n.) nurse {Aa1 N35 T34
G17 X1 X1 B1}
[xnp] snatch, catch (ball), steal, pour
(water), present (offering) {Aa1 N35 Q3 D40} [xnms] type of beer {Aa1 N35 T34 S29}
[xnsyt] scurf ? {Aa1 N35 S29 M17 [xnmtt] (n.) nurse {Aa1 N35 T34 X1 X1
M17 X1 Aa2 Z2} B1}

[xnmw] (n.) smell {Aa1 N35 T34 [xnw] child {Aa1 N35 W24 G43 A17}
Aa15 Z4 R7 Z2}
[xnw] musicians {Aa1 N35 W24 G43
[xnmw] (n.) smell {Aa1 N35 T34 A338 Z3}
Aa15 Z4 R7 Z2}
[xnw] resting - place, abode {Aa1
[xnmw] (n.) smell {Aa1 N35 T34 D19 N35 W24 G43 G41 O1}
[xnw] resting - place, abode {Aa1 N35
[xnm] belabour (with blows), glad, W24 G43 O1}
gladden {Aa1 N35 T34 G17 D19 A2}
[xnws] midge, gnat {Aa1 N35 W24
[xnm] breathe (air), smell (odours), G43 S29 G37}
make sweet-smelling {Aa1 N35 T34 G17 D19
A2} [xnws] gnat, midge {Aa1 N35 W24
G43 S29 G37}
[xnm] make sweet-smelling {Aa1 N35
T34 G17 D19 Aa2} [xnwwt] female musicians {Aa1 N35
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 298

W24 G43 X1 B1 Z3}

[xrS] bundle {Aa1 N37 D21 V1}
[xnwt] female musician {Aa1 N35
W24 G43 X1 B47} [xA] office, bureau {Aa1 O1}

[xnt] (preposition) in front of, among, from, [xA] office, bureau {Aa1 O27}
out of {Aa1 N35 X1}
[xAsyt] bryony ? {Aa1 O34
[xnty] who is at the head of, foremost {Aa1 Aa18 G1 M17 M17 X1 Z2 M2}
N35 X1}
[xAsyt] bryony {Aa1 O34 Aa18
[xnwt] female musician {Aa1 N35 X1 B47} G1 M17 M17 X1 Z2 M2}

[xnrt] council-chamber {Aa1 N35 X1 D19} [xsy] bribe {Aa1 O34 Aa18 Z4 Z4 Z4
[xnt] festival outlay ? {Aa1 N35 X1
G41 Y1 Z2} [xsr] dispel, drive away (darkness, evil
etc ), clear (a road), remove (dirt) {Aa1 O34
D21 V29 A24}
[xnwwt] female musicians {Aa1 N35 X1
G41 Z2}
[xsr] dispel, drive away (darkness, evil
[xntS] orchard ? {Aa1 N35 X1 N37 etc ), clear (a road), remove (dirt) {Aa1 O34
D19 N36} D21 V29 D40}

[xntS] have enjoyment (of), be glad, [xsr] dispel, drive away (darkness, evil etc
make glad {Aa1 N35 X1 N37 D19 Y1} ), clear (a road), remove (dirt) {Aa1 O34 D21
V29 V12 D40}
[xntS ib m] delight in, delight
over {Aa1 N35 X1 N37 D19 Y1 F34 Z1 G17} [xsmt] cow {Aa1 O34 D52 X1 E1}

[xntS] walk about freely {Aa1 N35 X1 [xsbD] lapis lazuli {Aa1 O34 D58 D46
N37 D54}

[xntS] orchard ? {Aa1 N35 X1 N37 [xsm] shrine {Aa1 O34 G17 D35 O1}
[xsm] shrine {Aa1 O34 G17 O1}
[xnt] household {Aa1 N35 X1 O1}
[xsm] (locality) Letopolis {Aa1 O34 G17
[xnty] outer-chamber {Aa1 N35 X1 O1}

[xnti] (v.) sail upstream, travel southward [xAs] creek ? runnel ? {Aa1 O34 N21 Z1}
{Aa1 N35 X1 P2}
[xs] creek {Aa1 O34 N21 Z1}
[xn nfr] good {Aa1 N35 Y1 F35}
[xsy] bribe {Aa1 O34 Z4 M2}
[xn nfr] benefactions {Aa1 N35 Y1 F35
I9 D21} [xpi] die {Aa1 Q3 A14}

[xni] (v.) resting (herd) {Aa1 N35 Z4 [xpr] exist, be, come into being, become,
G41} change (into), occur, happen, come to pass {Aa1
Q3 D21}
[xrS] bundle {Aa1 N37 D21 M2}
[xpr] take place, be effective, go by, be past,
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 299

continue (of action) {Aa1 Q3 D21}

[xpS] schimetar, battle-axe {Aa1 Q3 N37
[xprr] dung beetle, scarab {Aa1 Q3 D21
D21 L1}
[xpS] be effective ? {Aa1 Q3 N37 Y1}
[xprw] form, shape {Aa1 Q3 D21 G43
Y1 Z2} [xpp] stranger {Aa1 Q3 Q3 A13}

[xpr] exist, be, come into being, become, [xppwt] strange things {Aa1 Q3 Q3 G43
X1 Z2}
change (into), occur, happen, come to pass {Aa1
Q3 D21 L1}
[xpp] (pl.) strange {Aa1 Q3 Q3 M17 M17
A2 Z3}
[xpr] take place, be effective, go by, be past,
continue (of action) {Aa1 Q3 D21 L1}
[xpp] strange {Aa1 Q3 Q3 Y1}
[xpdw] buttocks {Aa1 Q3 D46 G43 F51
Z2} [xpyt] death {Aa1 Q3 X1 A55}

[xpi] (v. intrans.) travel {Aa1 Q3 D54} [xpyt] death {Aa1 Q3 X1 Z6}

[xpi] (v. trans.) encounter (someone) {Aa1 Q3 [xm] shrine {Aa1 R22 G17 O20}
[xm] shrine {Aa1 R22 O1}
[xpw] journeys {Aa1 Q3 G43 D54 Z2}
[xnrtt] conspiracy ? {Aa1 S3 D21
[xpw] journeys {Aa1 Q3 G43 X1 D54 X1 X1 A14}
[xsr] dispel, drive away (darkness, evil etc )
[xpr] exist, be, come into being, become, , clear (a road), remove (dirt) {Aa1 S29 D21
change (into), occur, happen, come to pass {Aa1 D40}
Q3 L1 D21}
[xsbD] blue, blue-black (of hair) {Aa1
[xpr] take place, be effective, go by, be S29 D58 D46 N33 Z2}
past, continue (of action) {Aa1 Q3 L1 D21}
[xsbD] blue, blue-black (of hair) {Aa1 S29
D58 I10 D12}
[xprr] (divinity) Khopri {Aa1 Q3 L1
D21 M17 M17 A40}
[xsbD] lapis lazuli {Aa1 S29 D58 I10
N33 Z2}
[xpyt] death {Aa1 Q3 M17 M17 X1 A14}
[xsf] (intrans. v. with following
[xpS] foreleg, thigh, arm {Aa1 Q3 N37
F23} preposition) punish {Aa1 S29 I9 U34 A24}

[xpS] strong arm, strength, power {Aa1 Q3 [xsf] (v. trans.) drive away, ward off,
N37 F23 A24} oppose, repel, repress (crime), redress (wrong)
{Aa1 S29 I9 U34 A24}
[xpS] constellation of the Great Bear
{Aa1 Q3 N37 F23 N14 A40} [xsf] (v. trans.) reprove (words), drive
(cattle), divert (water), avoid (anger), prevent
[xpS] strength, power {Aa1 Q3 N37 F24 {Aa1 S29 I9 U34 A24}
[xsf] (n.) punishment, disapproval {Aa1
[xpS] battle - axe {Aa1 Q3 N37 T7B} S29 I9 U34 A24}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 300

[xsft] punishment {Aa1 S29 I9 X1 [xftw] (adv.) accordingly {Aa1 X1 I9}

[xft] when, according to, at the time of, when,
[xsf] spin (yarn) {Aa1 S29 U34} (speech) to (someone) {Aa1 X1 I9}

[xsf] opponent {Aa1 S29 U34 I9} [xft] (preposition) in front of, in accordance
with, as well as, corresponding to {Aa1 X1 I9}
[xsfw] (v.) sail upstream {Aa1 S29
U34 I9 G43 X1 P1} [xfty] enemy {Aa1 X1 I9 A1}
[xsfw] (v.) sail upstream {Aa1 S29 U34 [xfty] enemy {Aa1 X1 I9 A13}
I9 P4}
[xfty] enemy {Aa1 X1 I9 A90}
[xsfw] (v.) sail upstream {Aa1 S29
U34 I9 X1 P1}
[xft Hr] in front of, in the presence of {Aa1
X1 I9 D2 Z1}
[xsfw] (v.) sail upstream {Aa1 S29
U35 M17 M17 X1 P1}
[xftw] (adv.) accordingly {Aa1 X1 I9
[mAxw] (pl.) sheaf {Aa1 U1 G43}
[xt] fire {Aa1 X1 Q7}
[xmAA] shrink {Aa1 U2 D4 G1
G1 A17}
[xtm] (n.) seal {Aa1 X1 S20}
[xti] (v.) carve, engrave {Aa1 X1 D51 D40}
[xtA] creep up to {Aa1 X1 U30 G1 D54}
[xtmy] seal - maker {Aa1 X1 G17
M17 M17 S20 A1} [xtA] (locality) Hatti {Aa1 X1 U30 G1
[xtmyt] sealed chamber {Aa1 X1
G17 M17 M17 X1 S20 O1} [Xtt] pluck (plants) {Aa1 X1 X1}

[xtm] fort {Aa1 X1 G17 O1} [Xtt] pluck (plants), to prey on {Aa1 X1 X1}

[xtm] (n.) seal {Aa1 X1 G17 S20} [xtt pr] house - servant {Aa1 X1 X1 D54
O1 Z1}
[xtm] (v.) seal, put a seal (on), contract
(with someone), close (doors), include, mix [xtt pr] house - servant {Aa1 X1 X1 O1
(ingredients) {Aa1 X1 G17 S20}
[xtt] (fem.) fiery {Aa1 X1 X1 Q7}
[xtm] (v.) seal {Aa1 X1 G17 S20 D40}
[xt] things, offerings, possessions, property,
[xtm] chest, storehouse, fort {Aa1 X1 matter, affair, something, anything {Aa1 X1 Y1
G17 S20 O1}

[xtm] (n.) contract {Aa1 X1 G17 S20 [xt] thing(s), offerings, possessions, property,
matter, affair, something, anything {Aa1 X1 Y1
[xtmt] (n.) contract {Aa1 X1 G17 X1
S20 Y1}
[xt m st] all well and good {Aa1 X1
Y1 Z2 G17 Q1 O1 X1}
[xtmt] (n.) contract {Aa1 X1 G17 X1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 301

[xt pr] property {Aa1 X1 Y1 Z2 O1 Z1} [Hsb] workman {Aa2 Z1 A1}

[xt nbt] everything, anything {Aa1 X1 [wxdw] pain {Aa2 Z2}

Y1 Z2 V30 X1}
[Xpw] figures (inlaid in metal) {Aa2 Z2}
[xt mnt] something {Aa1 X1 Y5 N35 Y1
X1} [wt] wrappings {Aa2 Z2}
[x] placenta ?, child, be a child {Aa1 Z1 A17} [Hpw] Apis Bull {Aa5A Q3 E1}
[xy] what ? {Aa1 Z4} [Hpt] oar {Aa5A Z2}
[xy ....... xy] {Aa1 Z4 Aa1 Z4} [Hpy] (divinity) Hapy (one of the four sons
of Horus) {Aa5 Q3 A40}
[xy qd .k] how are you ? {Aa1 Z4 Aa28
D46 D12 Y1 V31}
[Hpwty] runner {Aa5 Q3 G43 X1 Z4
[xwd] richman {Aa1 Z7 D46 Aa9 Y1
[Hpy] (divinity) Hapy (a son of Horus)
{Aa5 Q3 M17 M17 A40}
[xt] things, offerings, possessions, property,
matter, affair, something, anything {Aa1 Z8 [Hpt] oar {Aa5 X1 P8}
[Hpt] oar {Aa5 X1 Z1}
[wt] bandage, bind {Aa2 D36}
[sqr anx] captive, living prisoner {Aa7
[wt] embalmer, bandager {Aa2 D36 A1} S34 A223}

[Hsbw] doom {Aa2 G43 A14} [Ts] sandbank {Aa8 N23 Z1}
[aS] cedar {Aa2 M1} [DAtt] estate {Aa8 N23 Z1}
[wt] bandage, bind {Aa2 X1 A24} [qn] mat {Aa8 N35 Aa19}
[wt] embalmer, bandager {Aa2 X1 D40 [qn] (v. intrans.) be provided (with) {Aa8 N35
A1} Y1}

[wHAtyw] oasis - dwellers {Aa2 [qn] (n.) first quality, best quality {Aa8 N35
X1 G4 T14 A1 B1 Z2 N25} Y1}

[wt] mummy - wrapping {Aa2 X1 G43 V6} [qn] (v. trans.) complete, accomplish, cease
{Aa8 N35 Y1}
[wHAt] oasis, oasis - region {Aa2 X1 N25}
[qn] mat {Aa8 N35 Z28}
[wHAt] oasis, oasis region {Aa2 X1 T14
N25} [smyt] desert, necropolis {Aa8 X1 N25}
[Hsb] count, reckon {Aa2 Y1} [DAtt] estate {Aa8 X1 O49}
[Hsb] account {Aa2 Y1} [DAtt] estate {Aa8 X1 X1}
[Hsb] (n.) fracture {Aa2 Z1} [spAt] district, nome {Aa8 X1 Z1}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 302

[mAa] true {Aa11} [mar] fortunate, successful {Aa15 D36

D21 D46 V29 Y1v}
[mAa - xrw] deceased, justified {Aa11 D36
P8H} [mSdt] ford {Aa15 D36 F30 D46 N21
X1 Z1}
[mAa] lead, guide, direct, send, despatch,
throw out, steer, extend, paddle, set out {Aa11 [mk] boat {Aa15 D36 V31 P1}
[mgA] skirmisher ? {Aa15 D36 W11
[mAa - xrw] deceased, justified {Aa11 P8H} G1 F29}

[mAat] truth {Aa11 X1 Y1} [mTn] road, way {Aa15 D36 X1 N35
T14 N31 D54}
[mAa] true, loyal {Aa11 Y1}
[ms] bring, present, bring away booty,
[gs n bHs] side of veal {Aa13 N35 E3} extend (hand), take (aim) {Aa15 D38 O35 D58
[gs pr] administrative district, temple {Aa13
O1 Z1} [mgA] skirmisher ? {Aa15 D39 W11
G1 T14 A14}
[gs pr] administrative district {Aa13 O1 Z1
O49} [mgA] skirmisher ? {Aa15 D39 W11
M17 A17}
[gsgs] regulate {Aa13 O34 Aa13 O34}
[mSrw] evening {Aa15 N37 D21
E23 G43 N2}
[gsi] (v.) run {Aa13 O34 D54}
[imsti] (one of the Four sons of Horus)
[gsty] (scribe's) palette {Aa13 O34 U33
Imseti {Aa15 O34 U33 M17 A40}

[gs] anoint (someone with), smear on [imHt] netherworld {Aa15 V28 X1 O1}
(unguent) {Aa13 O34 W23 A24}
[mgg] cluck (of bird) {Aa15 W11 W11}
[gst] speed, run, course {Aa13 O34 X1
D54} [imt] wine of Imt {Aa15 X1 W10}

[gsty] (scribe's) palette {Aa13 O34 X1 M3} [im] form, shape {Aa15 Z1}

[gsw] ointment {Aa13 O34 Z7 W24 Z2} [sA] byre {Aa17 Z1}

[gs] side, border (of land), half, half - aroura [sA] back {Aa17 Z1}
{Aa13 Z1}
[sAi] (v.) be wise, prudent {Aa18 A2}
[gs Hry] top, upper part {Aa13 Z1 D2
D21 N1} [sngr] (locality) Babylonia {Aa18 N35
W11 D21 Z1 N25}
[gsy] neighbour {Aa13 Z1 M17 M17 A1}
[sA] back {Aa18 Z1}
[gsty] (scribe's) palette {Aa13 Z1 U33
M17 M3} [sAsA] drive back, repel {Aa18 Z1 Aa18
Z1 D54}
[mxAt] balance {Aa15 Aa1 X1 U92}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 303

[sngr] (locality) Babylonia {Aa18 Z1 [wDa mdw] judge, litigate, have

N35 Z2 W11 D21 N25} judgement (against), judgement {Aa21 S43 D46
G43 A2 Z3}
[sA] byre {Aa18 Z1 O1}
[wDa mdw] judge, litigate (with) {Aa21
[swtwt] walk about, journey, travel, go S43 Y2}
forth {Aa18 Z1 X1 G43 O50 Z4 D54}
[wDat] divorced woman {Aa21 X1 Y1
[Hryt] terror, dread, respect {Aa19 M17 B1}
M17 X1 Z2}
[wDa rwt] (v. and n.) judge {Aa22 D21
[STyt] sanctuary of Sokar {Aa19 X1 O1} Z1 M17 X1 M17}

[Hryt] terror, dread, respect {Aa19 X1 Z2} [mDd] press on (with orders) {Aa23 D46
[aprw] sailors {Aa20 Aa20 Aa20
A1 A1 A1} [mDd] press on {Aa23 Y1v}

[aprw] jewellery {Aa20 D21 G43} [smA] priest (who clothed the god) {Aa25
[aprw] sailors, workmen {Aa20 D21
G43 A1 Z2} [nD] (v.) save, protect {Aa27}

[aprw] equipment {Aa20 D21 G43 Y1 [nD Hr] greet {Aa27 D2}
[nDt Hr] gifts {Aa27 I10 D2}
[aprw] jewellery {Aa20 D21 N33A}
[nD xrt] greet {Aa27 I10 W24 Aa1 D21
[aprt] type of jar {Aa20 D21 X1 W22} X1}

[apr] provide, equip, acquire, incur, man (a [nDwt r] counsel {Aa27 I10 X1 D21 Z1}
vessel) {Aa20 D21 Y1}
[nD] (v. intrans.) take counsel, ask advice
{Aa27 W24}
[aprw] jewellery {Aa20 G43 N33A}

[wDa] (epithet of Seth) he who is judged [nD] (v. trans.) enquire about (something)
{Aa27 W24 A2}
{Aa21 A40}

[nD xrt] greeting ! {Aa27 W24 A2

[wDa] be parted (of lips of wound) {Aa21 Aa1 D21 X1 Y1 Z2}
D36 Y1}

[wDa rwt] (v. and n.) judge {Aa21 [nD Hr] greet {Aa27 W24 A2 D2 Z1}
D36 Y1 D21 M17 M17 X1 Y1}
[nD r] take counsel, consult, question,
[wDayt] shell (to hold ink ?) {Aa21 G43 greet {Aa27 W24 A2 D21 Z1}
D36 X1 Z5}
[nDnD] (n.) advice, counsel {Aa27 W24
[wDayt] mussel ?, shell (to hold ink?) Aa27 W24 A2}
{Aa21 M17 M17 X1 H8}
[nD] save, protect, guard against (magic),
[wDa mdw] (v.) judge, litigate (with) {Aa21 make good (harm), protection, protector {Aa27
S43 D36 Y2} W24 D36}
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 304

[nD] grind {Aa27 W24 D36} [qd] use the potter's wheel {Aa28 D46 W24}

[nDw] miller {Aa27 W24 G43 A143A} [qd] build, fashion (men) {Aa28 D46
W24 A30 A24}
[nD] thread {Aa27 W24 S28}
[qd] potter (as epitaph of Khnum) {Aa28
[nDt Hr] gifts {Aa27 W24 X1 D2 Z1} D46 W24 C35}

[nDtt] protectress {Aa27 W24 X1 X1} [qd] (v. and n.) sleep {Aa28 D46 W24 D4}

[nDtyw] maidservants ? {Aa27 W24 X1 [qd] go round {Aa28 D46 W24 D54}
Z4A B1 Z3}
[qdwt] drawings {Aa28 D46 W24
[nDty] protector {Aa27 W24 X1 Z4 G43 X1 Y1 Z2}
[qdtm] praying mantis {Aa28 D46
[nD] (n.) protection {Aa27 W24 Y1} W24 X1 G17 L17}

[nD Hr] protect {Aa27 W24 Y1 D2 Z1} [qdtt] a conifer (from Syria) {Aa28 D46
W24 X1 X1 M1}
[nD] flour {Aa27 W24 Z2}
[qd] go round {Aa28 D46 W24 Y1}
[nD] flour {Aa27 W24 Z7 U9 Z2}
[qd] form, nature, reputation, character,
[nDwt r] counsel {Aa27 X1 G43 D21 disposition, extent {Aa28 D46 W24 Y1 Z2}
[qdwt] drawings {Aa28 D46 X1 Y1 Z2}
[qd] form, nature, reputation, character,
disposition, extent {Aa28 D12} [qdwt] drawings {Aa28 G43 X1 Z2}

[qd] build, fashion (men) {Aa28 D46 A35} [qd] builder {Aa28 O36 A1}

[qd] build, fashion (men) {Aa28 D46 D12 [qd] builder {Aa28 O36 A24 A1}
[qdt] kite (weight of one tenth of a deben)
[qd] form, nature, reputation, character, {Aa28 X1 O39}
disposition, extent {Aa28 D46 D12 Y1}
[Xkrw] insignia {Aa30}
[qdd] (n.) sleep {Aa28 D46 D46 D6}
[Xkrw] panoply, insignia {Aa30 Y1V Z2}
[qddw] characters (of people) {Aa28
D46 D46 G43 D12 Y2 Z2} [Xkrw] ornaments {Aa30 Z3}

[qdd] (n.) sleep {Aa28 D46 D46 W24 D7} [styw] Nubians {Aa32 X1 G4 T14 A1
[qdw] men of Kode {Aa28 D46 G43
A13 Z3} [sty] Nubia {Aa32 X1 N25}

[qdf] gather (flowers, sayings) {Aa28 [styw] Nubians {Aa32 X1 N25 T14 A1
D46 I9 D51 D40} N33A}

[qd] pot {Aa28 D46 W24} [sty] Nubian mineral (ochre ?) {Aa32 X1
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Aa - Unclassified 305

Z4 N33 Z2}

[sty] Nubia {Aa32 X1 Z8}

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