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<title> AMENDS </title>
<body bg img src="ALAIZA/16425630_1404714472872959_1560765552_n" width="400" hei
<h1 align="center"> <b> <font face="copperplate gothic bold"> AMENDS </font> </b
> by <i><font face="french script mt" size="16"> Lang Leav </i> </font> </h1>
<p align="center"><font face="times new roman" size="5">
I wonder if there will be a morning when you'll wake up missing me.<br>
That some incident in your life would have finally taught you the value of my wo
And you will feel a surge of longing, <br>
When you remember how I was good to you.</p>
<p align="center">When this day comes I hope you will look for me.<br>
I hope you will look with kind of conviction I'd always hoped for, but never had
from you. <br>
Because I want to be found. <br>
And I hope it will be you <br>
who finds me. </p>
<center><img src="ALAIZA/picture.jpg" width="400 px" height="300 px"></c
<ol><center><font face="arial" "size="1">
<li> What does the author tries to convey?
<li> What do you think is the poem's significance?
<li> What emotion was expressed? How do you say so? </li>
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