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Date Class Activities Homework

2.13 MC visit Share ideas with group

New flashcards for stems list 24 members and bring all
Idea generation and explanation for PSA materials to film Wednesday
Skills: Create a PSA about a social issue currently happening in the world 1/3 of classic novel due Friday
that needs awareness and change.
2.15 PSA research and storyboard 1/3 of classic novel due Friday
Skills: Create a PSA about a social issue currently happening in the world
that needs awareness and change.
2.17 Filming/editing PSA films due at the end of
ISTEP practice test class today!
Skills: Create a PSA about a social issue currently happening in the world
that needs awareness and change.

Lifelong Readers: You are required to have an independent novel with you each day in class and in Core+. You should be reading a MINIMUM of 20
minutes, 5 days a week.

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