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Resumen en Ingles:

The Canterville Ghost book about an American family (the Family Otis) to be moved to England,
in that place many believed in ghosts.

For years no one lived in the house they were moving because they said it was haunted but the
Otis family did not care and moved there.

At home there was only the housekeeper named Umney, she told them that the house was
haunted and no one took more than a night there. After Mrs. Otis was the housekeeper and the
library saw a spot of blood, fainting housekeeper but none of the family was scared and just
cleaned the spot but the next night was again the bloodstain but were still afraid.

The Canterville Ghost decided to scare them better at night and made noises with his chains but
not scared Otis Lord only gave an oil to put him to his chains and no longer make much noise so I
could sleep, felt the ghost very disappointed.

After a week the ghost attempts to frighten the twins but I can not scare them, the ghost began
to despair because he could not scare anyone and besides made fun of him, except Virginia.

The ghost decided to ask for help from Virginia so he could rest in peace since it was said that he
had murdered his wife.

Virginia decided to help. The Ghost could rest in peace. The Otis family and the family of Lord
Canterville made a funeral to him and virginia put red and white flowers to him in his tomb.

Resumen en espaol:

El libro del fantasma de Canterville trata de una familia Americana (la Familia Otis) que se van a
vivir a Inglaterra, en ese lugar crean mucho en los fantasmas.

Desde hace aos nadie viva en la casa que ellos se iban a mudar porque decan que estaba
embrujada pero a la familia Otis no les importo y se mudaron ah.

En la casa solo estaba la ama de llaves que se llamaba Umney, ella les dijo que la casa estaba
embrujada y que nadie duraba ms de una noche ah. Despus la seora Otis iba con la ama de
llaves y en la biblioteca vieron una mancha de sangre, la ama de llaves se desmayo pero
ninguno de la familia se asusto y solo limpiaron la mancha pero a la siguiente noche estaba otra
vez la mancha de sangre pero seguan sin asustarse.

El Fantasma de Canterville decidi asustarlos mejor en la noche e hizo ruidos con sus cadenas
pero el Seor Otis no se asusto solo le dio un aceite para que le pusiera a sus cadenas y ya no
hicieran tanto ruido y as podra dormir, el fantasma se sinti muy desilusionado.

Despus de cmo una semana el fantasma intento asustar a los gemelos pero no logro
asustarlos, el fantasma se empez a desesperar porque no poda asustar a nadie y aparte se
burlaban de l, excepto Virginia.

El fantasma decidi pedirle ayuda a Virginia para que pudiera descansar en paz ya que se deca
que l haba asesinado a su esposa.

Virginia decidi ayudarlo. El Fantasma pudo descansar en paz. La familia Otis y La familia de
Lord Canterville le hicieron un funeral y Virginia le puso flores rojas y blancas en su tumba.

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