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Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:11 PM

Ghoul-Today at 3:12 PM
who is this?
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:13 PM
my name is Ralph Brandback
you don't know me but I do know you a little
I read the conversation between you and Cuauhtemoc with greath interest
I am Cuauhtemoc's natural enemy and can offer you revenge in exchange for some information
Ghoul-Today at 3:15 PM
dont really want revenge, just dont want to play videogames with that guy cuz he's boring me to death
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:15 PM
I feel you
I don't play ARK and don't know much about it
Ghoul-Today at 3:16 PM
i get 30 minute lectures a day on the virtues of life for doing stuff in ark without his approval, it's boring as fuck
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:16 PM
but I'm an IT-specialist in real life
Ghoul-Today at 3:16 PM
how did u get that conversation if u dont play ark?
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:16 PM
I infiltrated your discord channel
from the shadows and you were writing in the public chat
Ghoul-Today at 3:17 PM
ok, were you sent by the kremlin? :p
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:17 PM
I cannot go into the details
but do you know his IP-adress?
and can you give me all info you've got on the servers that he is using?
how can I track Cuauhtemoc in ark?
Ghoul-Today at 3:18 PM
no idea, don't really care, i'm just leaving everytime someone in the clan invites him in
and coming back everytime he's kicked out
today was the last time probably cuz it's all wasted time i could spend on playing somewhere else where i'm guaranteed that whining little bitch won't
stalk me
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:19 PM
so he's stalking you?
we could arrange an IP-tracker with a supplied link
Ghoul-Today at 3:19 PM
when there's nobody else online he lectures me to death and lies about it not happening the next day
5-10 minutes a day for 3 weeks, now it's half an hour, boring faggot just sucking all the fun out of it, we can only assume because he has virtually no life
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:20 PM
isn't it time then then to introduce some justice? xD
you can provide extremely essential information as an insider
than can make the internet a better place
think about it... I'm here for the whole day xD
don't tell anybody that you spoke with me
Ghoul-Today at 3:22 PM
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:22 PM
ip to the servers that he is currently using would be a good first step
Ghoul-Today at 3:22 PM
did he bore you out of a videogame you love as well or smth?
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:22 PM
if you are willing to help
no xD
Ghoul-Today at 3:22 PM
then what is it
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:23 PM
he is running from me all the time
and the things he says to you
are bad parodies of what I once told him
we once played league of legends but he started to create fights within the team
so we had a fight and he lost and left
later, we played a game named Trove
he was leader of a clan there
but was put down by me and two others
Ghoul-Today at 3:24 PM
did he like fucking lecture you until you didn't feel like playin anymore?
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:24 PM
Ghoul-Today at 3:24 PM
cuz u were bored out of ur mind?
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:25 PM
he doesn't stand a chance against me
in written text
because I am an INTJ
but he should go around the internet and fuck with the innocent
I will chase him down from the shadows xD
Ghoul-Today at 3:26 PM
that's some trippy stuff man
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:27 PM
yes, I am a werido
Ghoul-Today at 3:27 PM
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:27 PM
but he went to far against you
and here you have your chance for revenge
Ghoul-Today at 3:27 PM
i honestly don't give a shit about revenge, i just don't enjoy my favorite game with a whining partypooper :p
revenge would imply i give a shit, i dont
if the other guys prefer a whining bitch that contributes next to nothing over me they're wrong and it's their every right to make wrong choices.
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:28 PM
I see
but now when you are not around anymore
you can let it all fall xD
I have read what you have said almost everyday
in the chat
you are the most commited and active on the server
from perspective
Ghoul-Today at 3:29 PM
probably true
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:29 PM
even if you don't care about it
I will do it for you xD
this is my specialty
let me do my craftmanship
Ghoul-Today at 3:30 PM
i do care about it, i care about ark, the other guys in our tribe, this server, i just don't care enough to be forced to play games with a whining vegan cuck
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:30 PM
I could even help you conquer back your position
and get you as a leader
I already did it twice against him
in two different games
Ghoul-Today at 3:31 PM
I don't care about that either :p ham can be tribe owner, i don't give a shit, i just wanna play without someone whining over discord until i wanna rip the
hair from my head and throw my headphones out the window
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:31 PM
it's just that this will be extra hard without your cooperation xD
I see
can you help me get in touch with Ham?
what is it short for?
Ghoul-Today at 3:32 PM
idk man, his discord name is Greatcocojoe
but i dont think he'll like this trippy stuff
Ralph Brandback-Today at 3:32 PM
his relanship is with cuahtemoc is very good at the moment?
Ghoul-Today at 3:34 PM
i dont know, he's trying to get us to play together while never talking to eachother again, that's nice and all but since I give 0,72% of one shit, I wont do
that. Besides, as soon as people log off, simon is going to whine until my ears bleed and then lie about it the next day :p

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