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SELF-DEFINED PROJECT 1| Identity Proposal


- Respond to the work other artists, while recognizing the intellectual and
emotional elements of specific artists world view
- Articulate your vision for the subsequent photographic project in terms of
physicality, motivation, and context
- Make stylistic and technical decisions about the future direction of your work
based on an analysis of professional work and practice

PROPOSAL: Getting started is sometimes the hardest part of the project. You need
to have a plan. Please consider these questions and plan on sharing your ideas in

1. MOTIVATION: Why do you want to make these photographs? Why would we
be interested in looking at them?
Be specific. How does this come out of your own personal narrative,
perspective? Why have you been attracted to this specific subject? Do
you want to make the viewer feel deeply moved by compassion,
understanding, insight, etc.?
Please also note I want you to think beyond things being just beautiful
or for the sole purpose of making the viewer happy. There are a lot of
ways to do this. If you choose beauty or happiness you must be very
specific in how this will be accomplished.
2. What will you be photographing? Landscape, portrait, still life, etc.
3. PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES: How will you be photographing your subject?
Consider these points:
Composition: Closely cropped, wide and expansive
Point of View: what is the relationship between the camera and the
Lighting: Will the lighting be soft or have high contrast? Will the light
be from an artificial source or from natural light (if so what kind
would be ideal?), How will you control the light to best suit your
Aperture and Shutter Speed: Do you envision a soft fuzzy background
or a hyper sharp image? How will this enhance the photographs? How
will your lighting affect your choices for shutter speed and aperture?
4. CONTEXT: Include examples of at least THREE other artists work (at least 1
must be a photographer) that is similar to what you want to create. Describe
specifically how your work relates to theirs (motivations, physically,
contextually). Include 3-5 images from each photographer (9-15 images
total). Feel free, before your presentation, to talk with me about what artists
you might want to look at.
5. Load your project to your website- it may either be typed into the website
dialog or presented as a Power Point.
6. You will introduce your idea in class by showing us your website post. Your
classmates and I will give you feedback.

Dedication to work: .......
~Presented on website in a neat and orderly way
~Images are clear (not pixelated)
~Text size is easy to read and your writing is grammatically correct
The Text.........
~Each section listed above should be addressed: physicality, motivation,
~Describes how the artists perspective (culture, politics, values, etc.) has
informed the work
~Demonstrates an understanding of the content of the work
The Images (at least 3 images per artist)...............
~Images are well documented (artist and title)
~Images correspond with ideas presented in text

..______/10pts ~Offered constructive feedback to peers (able to clearly
talk about motivation, context, and
worldview, and communicate these using photographic terms)


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