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J O U R N A L O F M AT E R I A L S S C I E N C E : M AT E R I A L S I N E L E C T RO N I C S 1 4 ( 2 0 0 3 ) 1 4 9 1 5 6

Comparison of electronic structures of doped ZnS

and ZnO calculated by a rst-principle
pseudopotential method
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), AIST Tsukuba
Central 5, Higashi 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8565, Japan
Hokkaido Industrial Technology Center, 397, Kikyo-cho, Hakodate, 041-0801, Japan

Electronic band calculations of doped and undoped ZnO and ZnS have been done using
density functional theory under the local density approximation so as to clarify the reason of
the difference in behaviors of doped ZnO and ZnS. The reason why the electrical conductivity
of ZnS is difcult to be increased by doping was discussed. In the case of doped ZnS, an
impurity level was generated at deep position below the bottom of the conduction band of
the host ZnS lattice and Fermi level was located at this impurity level. On the contrary, the
shape of the density of states curve and the band structures of doped and undoped ZnO are
alike with each other and the donor band is hybridized with the conduction band of the ZnO
host material. This seems to result in contribution of doped electrons to electrical current in
the case of doped ZnO.
# 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers

1. Introduction 3610 2 O cm has been reported in Al-doped ZnS under

There has been increasing attention to the wide and direct the very limited deposition conditions [9].
band gap semiconductor materials for blue and ultra- Since Al-doped ZnO shows negative temperature
violet optical devices. Among them, ZnO and ZnS are dependence of the conductivity [10] and Al-doped ZnS
promising because they are comprised of very abundant shows positive dependence [7], one may consider that the
elements and can be readily deposited as a thin lm by marked difference in resistivity is related with the so-
several methods. called Mott transition, metalinsulator transition accom-
The crystal structures of both are related with each panying an abrupt rise in conductivity as a particular
other in that ZnO, wurtzite structure, can be considered parameter is varied such as impurity concentration.
as two interpenetrating hexagonal close-packed lattices However, the screening constant in the electron-hole pair
of Zn and oxygen, while ZnS, zincblend structure, can be (exciton) in ZnO and ZnS lattice must not be so different
considered as two interpenetrating face-centered cubic since it is determined by m* =es, where es is the dielectric
(fcc) lattices. Both have a tetragonal arrangement of four constant of the lattice (ZnO or ZnS) and m* is the
equidistant nearest neighbors. However, the behaviors of effective electron mass in the lattice in case the electron
those to the control of conduction type and conductivity concentration, n, is xed. Their numerical values are as
are different with each other. follows; m* =m0 is 0.28 for ZnO and 0.34 for ZnS, where
ZnO has a direct bandgap of 3.4 eV at room m0 and m* is the free electron mass and the effective
temperature [1] but is known to show n-type conduction electron mass in the lattice [1]. es =e0 is 8.75 for ZnO and
owing to its native donor defects such as oxygen 8.5 for ZnS, where e0 and es is the dielectric constant of
vacancy. Addition of a small amount of IIIa elements free space and the lattice [1].
impurities such as aluminum (Al) cause a marked Therefore, simple models do not seem to be able to
decrease in resistivity to about 3610 4 O cm [25] account fully for the big difference in conductivity of
and has been used as transparent conductive lms, doped ZnO and ZnS. This state of affairs has provided
varistor, and solar cell window. On the other hand, ZnS, a the motivation for the present work, the purpose of which
semiconductor with a direct bandgap of 3.7 eV [1], has is to calculate the electronic structures of doped ZnO and
been investigated as a light emitting diode (LED) and ZnS so as to understand the difference. The results of the
there has been a difculty in growing low resistivity ZnS rst-principle calculation of the doped ZnO and ZnS will
by conventionally used growth methods. Typically, lm be shown in the present paper.
resistivities of ZnS doped by IIIa elements are in the The paper is organized as follows: in the next section,
range 1100 O cm [68], though resistivity as low as the calculation method is described. The results of the
09574522 # 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers 149
calculation are presented and discussed in Section 3. 0.07 eV full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) on a grid
Finally, the summary of the results are presented in the of k-points generated by Monkhorst-Packe scheme [18].
last section. In the case of Zn27 S27 or Zn26 Ga1 S27 , the spacing of the
sampled k-points in the reciprocal space was 0:4 nm 1 ,
which makes fourteen k-points sampled from the
2. Methods irreducible part of the Brillouin zone. However, we are
The calculation has been done using Cambridge serial obliged to use the spacing of 0:5 nm 1 , which makes
total energy package (CASTEP) developed by Payne et four k-points sampled in case of Zn54 O54 or Zn53 Ga1 O54 .
al. [11], which is a rst-principle pseudopotential method Only one k-point could be sampled in case of
based on the density-functional theory (DFT) describing Zn63 Ga1 S64 .
the electronelectron interaction, a pseudopotential All the angular momentum projection (s, p, d, . . .) on
description of the electroncore interaction, and a all the atoms are also performed to give a partial density
plane-wave expansion of the wavefunctions. This code of states (PDOS). Calculations of the band structure (BS)
has been successfully applied for the calculations of the along several high-symmetry lines in the Brillouin zone
electronic structures of non-stoichiometric or doped iron- have also been conducted.
disilicides [12, 13]. The pseudopotential used is the
ultrasoft pseudopotential generated by the scheme of
Vanderbilt [14] which is bundled in the Cerius2 graphical
user interface1. The Zn3d (and Ga3d) states were 3. Results and discussion
explicitly treated as a part of the valence. Local density At rst, we conducted the calculations for undoped ZnO
approximation (LDA) with generalized gradient and ZnS using their primitive cells (Zn2 O2 and Zn1 S1 ,
correction (generalized-gradient-corrected local density respectively) so as to compare the present calculations
approximation; GGA) [15] was used for the method of with the previous ones. The results are given in Fig. 1(a)
approximation to the exchange-correlation term of the and (b). Those results are in good agreement with the
DFT. previous calculations for ZnO, using empirical pseudo-
As for the crystal structures for calculation, the lattice potential method [19], and for ZnS using modied
parameters and atomic arrangements of undoped ZnO orthogonalized plane wave method [20].
and ZnS have been collected from the literatures [16, 17]. Both have similar features. The valence bands extend
Since the zincblend structure (cubic ZnS) results from down to about 10 eV below the Fermi level, shown by the
the diamond structure when Zn atoms are placed on one broken lines in the total DOS curves (located at 4.0 eV
fcc lattice and S atoms on the other fcc lattice, primitive for ZnO and at 4.5 eV for ZnS), and can be divided into
cell of ZnS contains one Zn atom and one S atom two main parts. The conduction bands are rather gently-
(Zn1 S1 ). On the contrary, wurtzite structure (ZnO) sloping.
derives from the hexagonal closed packed structure Partial DOS of Zn4s, Zn4p, Zn3d, S4s, S3p, O3s, and
consisting of two interpenetrating simple hexagonal O2p components have also been calculated. The results
lattice. Therefore, the primitive cell of wurtzite structure are roughly shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b) by arrows which
consists of two Zn atoms and two O atoms (Zn2 O2 ). present the range of the main contribution of each PDOS
As a doping element for calculations, we adopted to the total DOS. The deepest valence band is mainly
gallium (Ga) because it is widely used as a doping composed of O3s or S4s orbital. The upper valence band
element of ZnS for LED use. Preliminary calculations is divided still more into two parts; a peak with high DOS
using a different doping element, namely Al, did not values which is located at about 2.5 eV and a rather
bring about big difference on the results. We constructed gently-sloping part with relatively low DOS value. The
a supercell by doubling, triplicating, quadruplicating, . . . former is composed of Zn3d orbital and the latter is of
each primitive translation vector of the primitive cells of Zn4s, 4p and O2p or S3p orbitals. The conduction band is
undoped Zn2 O2 or Zn1 S1 to make cells of Zn16 O16 , composed of Zn4s, Zn4p and O2p or S3p.
Zn8 S8 , Zn54 O54 , Zn27 S27 , Zn64 S64 , and so on. Then, It should be noted that O2p orbital in ZnO is rather
replacing one of the zinc atoms by an impurity atom (Ga) sharp and not broadened by overlapping of wavefunc-
produced the model of doped ZnO or ZnS. That is, the tions with other orbitals, compared to the case of S3p
calculations of the doped ZnO or ZnS were done for orbital in ZnS. This implies that electrons from O2p
Zn53 Ga1 O54 or Zn26 Ga1 S27 , and so on. No relaxation for orbital are bounded at the oxygen atom and not
substitution of the atom has been considered. contribute so much to the bottom of the conduction
Calculations on ZnO or ZnS for more dilutely doped band. This can be expressed numerically by the Mulliken
states could not be done because of the limited population analysis [21], presented by Table I. The net
computational resources. charge of Zn in ZnO is 0.82 whereas that in ZnS is 0.5.
Expansion of the valence electronic wavefunctions in This suggests that bond in ZnO is more ionic than that in
a plane-wave basis set up to an energy cutoff of 250 eV. It ZnS. Bond overlap population between Zn and O is much
has been conrmed preliminarily that the pseudopoten- smaller than that between Zn and S.
tial used here is soft enough to obtain well-converged The detailed representation for the partial DOS near
shape of the DOS curves and the relative position of the their Fermi level are presented in Fig. 2(a) and (b). As is
Fermi level in the DOS curves if the above value of an clearly seen, the uppermost valence bands are mainly
energy cutoff is used. composed of S3p or O2p whereas the lowermost
The DOS curves were obtained by broadening discrete conduction bands are of Zn4s and Zn4p in ZnO and
energy levels using the Gaussian smearing function of Zn4s, Zn4p, S3p, and S4s in ZnS. Contribution from O2p
T A B L E I Mulliken population analysis of undoped ZnO and ZnS

(a) ZnO Partial population Atomic Net charge

population in e units

3s 2p
O 1.85 4.97 6.82 0.82
4s 3p 3d
Zn 0.62 0.59 9.97 11.18 0.82

Bond overlap population Length (nm)

O-Zn 1.09 1.975

O-Zn 0.31 1.988

(b) ZnS Partial population Atomic Net charge

population in e units

4s 3p
S 1.82 4.68 6.50 0.50
4s 3p 3d
Zn 0.84 0.68 9.98 11.50 0.50

Bond overlap population Length (nm)

S-Zn 1.86 2.331

2.2 eV for ZnS. This calculated value for ZnS is about

60% of the measured value (3.7 eV) as is often
experienced in the LDA calculation, while that for ZnO
is as small as 30% of the measured value (3.4 eV) though
the reason of the discrepancy is not claried.
When one of the eight atoms of Zn in Zn8 S8 is
replaced by an impurity atom (Ga), that is, when a
composition of the unit cell is Zn7 Ga1 S8 , the Fermi level
shifts upward into the conduction band as shown in Fig.
3. It should be noted that donor band is not resolved and
is hybridized with the conduction band of the ZnS host
materials. This might be due to the fact that the present
cell with a GaGa distance of 0.76 nm is smaller than the
exciton wavefunctions of the shallow state which can be
roughly estimated to extend up to a* es =e0
m0 =m* aB 1:33 nm where aB is the Bohr radius.
However, this is not the case when concentration of
doped element is smaller. The BS and the DOS of
Zn26 Ga1 S27 are shown in Fig. 4, where one of the twenty-
seven atoms of Zn in Zn27 S27 is replaced by an impurity
atom (Ga). Here, BS along high-symmetry lines in the
Brillouin zone is shown by the right gure and the total
DOS is shown by the middle gure. Partial DOS of Ga is
shown by the left gure. As shown by the middle gure
representing the total DOS, the Fermi level exists isolated
from the bottom of the conduction band, which is
different from the previous case of Zn7 Ga1 S8 . For
comparison, the total DOS and the BS of the undoped
Zn27 S27 are shown in Fig. 5. The isolated energy level of
Zn26 Ga1 S27 derives from the 244th band of Zn27 S27 .
Fermi level is located just on this band. This new 245th
band of Zn26 Ga1 S27 is composed mainly of Ga 4s orbital
Figure 1 Total densities of states, left, and band structures, right, of
Zn2 O2 in wurtzite structure, (a), and of Zn1 S1 in zincblend structure, and the atomic orbitals from neighboring S atoms, as
(b). Broken lines in these and succeeding gures show the positions of well as neighboring Zn atoms. The left gure in Fig. 4.
Fermi level. Units in the DOS curves are electrons/(cell eV). which shows the partial DOS of Ga atom, indicates that
the energy of Ga4s is located at this level. Among the
and O3s to the lowermost part of the conduction band of whole amount of contribution to the Fermi level, the
ZnO is scarcely observed. contribution of each atomic orbital, calculated from the
The calculated direct band gap is 1.0 eV for ZnO and local DOS values of atomic orbitals of all atoms, is as
Figure 2 (a) Total density of states (DOS) and Zn 4s, 4p, 3d and O 3s, 2p partial DOS of Zn2 O2 in wurtzite structure. (b) Total DOS and Zn 4s, 4p, 3d
and S 4s, 3p partial DOS of ZnS in zincblend structure. Units in this and succeeding DOS gures are electrons/(cell eV) for total DOS and electrons/
(atom eV) for partial DOS.

follows; 27% from Ga4s, 1% from Ga4p, 21% from the and can act as electron trap. Contribution of the electrons
S3p orbital of the four nearest-neighboring S atoms (Ga at this level to the electric current would be small.
S distance; 0.233 nm), 3% from the S4s orbital of them, Therefore, doped ZnS is considered to be not metallic.
10% from the Zn4s of the twelve nearest-neighboring Zn The same could be concluded using the model of more
atoms (GaZn distance; 0.381 nm), and 10% from the dilutely doped Zn63 Ga1 S64 , though not shown here, and
Zn4p of them. Contribution from orbitals of other 37 the congergence with respect to dilution of dopants could
atoms (23 of S and 14 of Zn) is less than 30% when be conrmed.
totaled. Thus, orbitals of doped Ga in ZnS lattice interact The results of the doped ZnO are quite different. The
mainly with those of the nearest four S atoms in the host results for Zn53 Ga1 O54 are presented in Fig. 6. For
lattice as well as those of the nearest twelve Zn atoms and comparison, results for undoped Zn54 O54 are given in
make a new energy band. Fig. 7. Though splitting of the degenerate states by Ga
As the atomic sites of the doped Ga are randomly doping (for example, the 487th band and the 488th band
distributed in the host ZnS lattice, so-called Anderson at A0 0 0.5 and M0 0.5 0 and the 488th band and the
localization [22] of the wavefunction may proceed and 489th band at G0 0 0) could be observed, the shape of
the electronic energy might not be presented by the the DOS and BS are not varied so much from those of
continuous curves, such as shown by the middle of Fig. 4. undoped ZnO. The donor band is not resolved and it
However, the present calculation could clearly show the hybridizes with the conduction band of the ZnO host
generation of the impurity levels below the bottom of the lattice. Though the convergence with respect to dilution
conduction band of the host ZnS lattice. The energy of dopants could not be conrmed because of limitation
difference of the Fermi energy and the bottom of the of the computational resources used, it is unlikely to
conduction band (the 246th band) is about 0.6 eV at G, affect the present results signicantly, judging from the
17% of the calculated gap between the 243th and the following considerations: (1) The spatial overlap (SO) of
246th band. Thus, the Fermi level is located rather deep the exciton wavefunction would not be different so much
donor level of Zn53 Ga1 O54 to too short distance between
doped atoms in Zn53 Ga1 O54 .
The Ga partial DOS curve, shown left, indicates that
the energy of Ga 4s orbitals are broadened, which is
different from the case of Zn26 Ga1 S27 . This suggests that
electrons from the doped Ga atoms occupy the conduction
band of the host ZnO lattice and contribute to the electric
current, resulting in metallic behaviors of the doped ZnO.
This is contrary to the case of doped ZnS where orbitals
due to excess electrons from Ga in ZnS lattice interact
with S4s or S3p orbitals in the host lattice and make a new
energy band which can act as an electron trap, resulting in
little contribution of electrons to the electric current.
Thus, the present calculations could clearly show the
difference of the electronic structures of doped ZnO and
doped ZnS which would cause the difference in the
conductivity of doped ZnO and ZnS. One may consider
that this difference is caused by the difference in the
crystal structure. As stated in the Introduction, ZnO and
ZnS have different symmetry. This structural difference
may cause the different character of doped element.
Therefore, additional calculations for hexagonal ZnS and
hypothetical cubic ZnO have been done.
Figure 3 Total density of states and Ga 4s, 4p partial densities of states As for the hexagonal ZnS, crystal data of high
of Zn7 Ga1 S8 . temperature phase (a 0.3823 nm, c 0.6261 nm) [23]
have been used. For the hypothetical cubic ZnO, lattice
constant of 0.4567 nm was assumed so that the volumes
for ZnO and ZnS since SO can be estimated to extend up per ZnO are the same as that of real hexagonal
to a* eS =e0 m0 =m* aB and a* for ZnS and ZnO do ZnO( 0:0238 nm3 ).
not differ so much if calculated using the values stated The results for the hypothetical cubic ZnO (Ga-dope,
above; (2) Convergence with respect to dilution is Zn26 Ga1 O27 ) are presented in Fig. 8. The DOS curve is
conrmed for doped Zn27 S27 as described above; (3) alike that of Zn53 Ga1 O54 and Ga4s partial DOS extend
The average separation distance between doped Ga well above the Fermi energy, indicating metallic
atoms in Zn53 Ga1 O54 is 1.09 nm, which is larger than that behavior. On the contrary, the DOS curve of
of Zn26 Ga1 S27 of 1.02 nm. Therefore, it would be Zn53 Ga1 S54 in hexagonal modication, shown in Fig.
unreasonable to attribute the reason of the unresolved 9, is like that of Zn26 Ga1 S27 in cubic zincblend structure.

Figure 4 Total density of states, middle, Ga 4s, 4p partial densities of states, left, and band structures (BS), right, of Zn26 Ga1 S27 . Plotted in the BS
gures in this and succeeding gures are the numbers which express the order countered from the bottom of the valence band. It should be noted that
Zn3d and Ga3d states are explicitly treated as a part of the valence.

conduction bands. Thus, excess electrons introduced by
doping enter into these conduction bands and are able to
move almost freely, resulting in contribution to electric
conduction. On the other hand, orbitals introduced by
doping into ZnS do hybridize with S3p and S4s orbital
and make a new energy band well below the conduction
band. Excess electrons introduced by doping are trapped
at this level.
It should be stated here that the present speculation is
based on the electronic structure of doped materials with
an assumed concentration of dopants. Numerous
attempts to understand the maximum doping limits in
semiconductors from a different point of view have been
explored such as self-compensation theory [24].
According to this, the donor impurities doped in ZnS
introduce Zn vacancies which act as acceptors and hence
they are easily compensated. This theory states that the
formation of charged native defects becomes more
pronounced as the band-gap increase. One may consider
that this is the reason for the ineffectiveness of doping of
ZnS to improve conductivity. However, this theory
Figure 5 Total density of states, left, and band structures, right, of
Zn27 S27 in zincblend structure. seems not to be sufcient to explain the different
behavior of doped ZnO and ZnS since both have nearly
the same band gap and the formation of charged native
Ga4s partial DOS is energetically localized. Thus, the defects would not differ in both cases.
different behaviors between ZnO and ZnS are not due to Recent theory for doping limit in semiconductors in
the crystal structure but must be due to the anion of the terms of the amphoteric defect model [25] is attractive
host material. since this explains experimentally observed trends in
As described above, O2p and O3s orbital do not carrier saturation in semiconductors. This adopts the idea
contribute so much to the bottom of the conduction band of the position of the Fermi level stabilization energy
of ZnO. Orbitals introduced by doping of Ga atom into deduced from the empirically determined Fermi energy
the ZnO host lattice do not interact with orbitals from position in a heavily damaged semiconductor and
oxygen atoms since the energy levels of Ga 4s and O3s or Schottky barrier height. The relation of this model and
O2p are so much different. They can hybridize only with the quantum dynamical calculations of doped system
orbitals derived from atomic orbitals of Zn and make such as discussed here are left to future study.

Figure 6 Total density of states, middle, Ga 4s, 4p partial densities of states, left, and band structure, right, of Zn53 Ga1 O54 .

Figure 7 Total density of states, left, and band structure, right, of Figure 9 Total density of states and Ga4s,4p partial densities of states
Zn54 O54 . of Zn53 Ga1 S54 with a wurtzite type structure.

level was located at this impurity level. The contribution

of the electrons at this level to the electric current was
considered to be small. On the contrary, the shape of the
curve of the density of states and the band structure of
doped and undoped ZnO are alike with each other and the
donor band is hybridized with the conduction band of the
ZnO host lattice. This seems to result in a contribution of
doped electrons to increased electric current in doped

The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to
Dr. Masaaki Sugie of the National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology, Japan (AIST) for his
kind technical assistance during the calculations. They are
also grateful to TACC (Tsukuba Advanced Computing
Center), AIST, for the nancial support.

1. Cerius2 is a trademark of Accelrys Inc.

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