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Paper No.


Diane K. Lysogorski
Center for Marine Materials
Florida Atlantic University Sea Tech Campus
101 North Beach Road
Dania Beach, FL 33004

William H. Hartt
Center for Marine Materials
Florida Atlantic University - Sea Tech Campus
101 North Beach Road
Dania Beach, FL 33004


A recently proposed, first-principles based potential attenuation equation for pipelines and risers with
multiple, equally spaced, identical superimposed spherical (bracelet) galvanic anodes that incorporates all relevant
resistance terms (anode, coating, polarization, and metallic return path) has been modified for situations where
anodes are displaced. The equation is solved numerically using the Coordinate Mapping Based Finite Difference
Method, and potential versus distance plots are provided for several examples with accuracy being proven by
independent calculations. The solutions are compared with those of the classical equation of Uhlig, and it is
concluded that the latter is overly conservative in situations where the pipeline or a portion thereof lies in the
potential field of the anode. It is demonstrated further how the equation can be employed for pipelines polarized
by impressed current anodes.

Key words: Cathodic protection, pipelines, inclusive equation, attenuation, offset anodes.


Safe, reliable operation of pipelines, both onshore and off, is critical to the positive functionality of a modern
society. An important aspect of assuring and maintaining pipeline performance is adequate control of corrosion,
internal as affected by product and external in conjunction with exposure to soils and waters. While such
resistance can be achieved by selection of a corrosion resistant alloy pipe material of construction, economic
considerations usually dictate for situations of relatively large pipe diameter and product transport distances that
some grade of structural steel be used, in which case additional corrosion control measures are required. Thus,
internal corrosion is normally managed by product pretreatment with inhibitors and external by a combination of

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coatings and cathodic protection (cp). Nonetheless, a recently completed study has placed the annual direct cost
of pipeline corrosion in the United States alone at approximately seven billion dollars (1). With consideration of
indirect costs (for example, loss of product, environmental and property damage, and loss of life) this figure
becomes much higher.

A dual approach for control of external pipeline corrosion is necessary because coatings invariably exhibit
defects; and even if this barrier layer can be certified as defect-free at the time of construction, deterioration with
time leads to localized exposure of the substrate steel. While cp could, in theory, function as a stand-alone
corrosion control method, it is only practical when employed in conjunction with a coating. In effect, the cp need
only provide protection at coating defects. Consequently, the pipe current demand is low compared to the bare
metal case; and so anode or anode ground bed spacing can be relatively large. For example, cp systems for
marine pipelines are normally designed assuming several percent coating bare area and utilizing galvanic bracelet
anodes spaced about 150-250 m apart. Here, limitations on the size of bracelet anodes that can be deployed from
a lay barge and cp design life are controlling. For the on-shore buried counterpart, on the other hand, higher
coating quality in conjunction with impressed current (ic) cp, which is the type normally employed here, is such
that metallic path ground return resistance is controlling and anode ground bed spacings can be as great as 50-100
km. Figure 1 schematically shows the potential profile that results in each of these two cases. Thus, for marine
pipelines and risers with galvanic bracelet anodes (Figure 1a) potential is constant except within the field of the
anode with the magnitude of polarization being determined by electrolyte resistivity, anode dimensions, and pipe
current demand. Local positive potential excursions may occur, however, at coating defects. Buried pipelines
with iccp and large anode/anode bed spacings, on the other hand, exhibit continued polarization decay with
increasing distance beyond the field of the anode (Figure 1b). These features reflect four cp circuit components as
the resistance associated with 1) anode, 2) coating, 3) pipe polarization, and 4) metallic path return. A critical
design aspect in either case (offshore or buried onshore) is projection of pipe current demand. For buried
pipelines with iccp, anode bed design and spacing are also important.

For 1) marine pipeline cp retrofits, 2) marine pipelines deployed by reeling with subsequent anode sled
placement, and 3) buried onshore pipelines with iccp systems, anode spacing is designed to be as large as feasible
and, consequently, metallic path resistance may be significant, if not controlling. For this circumstance, potential
attenuation is commonly projected using the classical equations of Morgan (2) and Uhlig (3). Accordingly, for
pipelines polarized by identical, equally spaced anodes,

2rp Rm 1 / 2
E c (z ) = E b cosh (z L ) or

2r R
1/ 2

p m
E a = E b cosh
L , (1


Ea, Eb, and Ec(z) are the magnitudes of polarization at the drainage point, the mid-anode spacing, and
distance z from the drainage point,
rp is the pipe radius,
Rm is the pipe resistance per unit length,
k is the current density demand, and
L is the half anode spacing.

A difficulty, however, is that anode resistance does not appear explicitly in these expressions. Consequently, if
the pipe or a portion thereof lies within the anode potential field, an inaccurate projection of the potential-distance
relationship is likely to result. Numerical methods such as Boundary Element Modeling (BEM) accommodate

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anode resistance and the fact that pipe potential, c, is a function of z; however, they do not take into account
metallic path resistance.

Recently, a first principles based equation that projects potential attenuation along a pipeline or riser
protected by multiple, equally spaced, identical superimposed (bracelet) anodes and which incorporates all four
resistance terms (anode (electrolyte), coating, polarization, and metallic path) was derived (4,5). This has as its
governing equation the expression,

E c (z ) = U m'' (z ) U e'' (z ) ,

where, Um(z) and Ue(z) are potentials in the metallic pipe and electrolyte, respectively, at z. The Ec(z) term was
addressed by assuming a linear relation between the polarized pipe potential, c and cathode current density, ic,
according to,

E c ( z ) = ic ( z ) , (3


is the polarization resistance, and

is the total-to-bare pipe surface area ratio (reciprocal of the coating breakdown factor).

Substitution of this and a modified version of the differential equation that yielded Equation 1 (2,3),

Rm 2 rp
U m'' ( z ) = Ec ( z ) , (4

into Equation 2 yielded what has been termed an inclusive attenuation equation for polarization of a uni-
dimensional system,

H 2H L
E c (z ) + ( ) E c (t ) dt ,
+ B E c z = (5
z z3 z


e rp Rm 2r p
H = and B = with

e = electrolyte resistivity.

The equation is unique compared to preexisting alternatives in that, as noted above, it incorporates all relevant
resistance terms (coating, polarization, and metallic path return resistances are included explicitly and anode
(electrolyte) resistance implicitly as the integral), whereas other expressions (2,3) preclude the anode resistance
and numerical modeling the metallic path term. Accuracy and utility of the equation for cp modeling and for
design of marine pipelines with bracelet anodes has been demonstrated, and example solutions have been
provided (4,5). The purpose of the present paper is to extend Equation 2 to the more general case where equally
spaced anodes are displaced from the pipeline.

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Consider a pipeline that is cathodically polarized by identical, equally spaced, equally displaced anodes and
two points thereon that are separated by a distance z, as shown in Figure 2. The potential difference between the
two points is,

U e = I e ( z ) Re , (6

where Re is the resistance between the two points and the current remaining in the electrolyte, I e ( z ) , is,

4 rp L
I e ( z ) 2 2 rp ic (t ) dt = E (t ) dt . (7

Further, the resistance between the surface of a spherical anode and a point p on the pipeline is given by,

e 1 1
Rra p = r p , (8
4 a

where p z 2 + OF 2 with OF being the distance by which the anode is offset from the pipe. Similarly, the
resistance between the surface of the anode and a point p+p (Figure 2) is given by,

e 1 1
Rra p + p = r p + p . (9
4 a

The difference between the two resistances, Re, is determined by subtracting the former from the latter which,
upon simplification using binomial expansion, yields,

2 3
p p p
R e = 1 (1 + K) , (10
4 p p p p

and, upon substitution into Equation 7,

2 3
p p p
U e = I e ( z ) 1 (1 + K) . (11
4 p p p p

Dividing both sides by p and taking the limit for p approaching zero then gives,

dU e e
= I e (z ) . (12
dp 4 p2

Further, the derivative of p with respect to z produces,

( )
= z 2 + OF 2 2
z; (13

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and, upon combining this with Equation 12,

dU e e z
U e' (z ) = = I e (z ) . (14
4 z 2 + OF 2 )
dz 2

Taking the derivative of Equation 14 with respect to z then yields,

d d
e z
+ (I (z )) e z
U e'' (z ) = I e (z ) , (15
dz 4 (z 2 + OF 2 ) 2 dz ( )
3 e 3
4 z 2
+ OF 2 2

and, upon substituting Equation 7,

e rp z e rp
U e'' (z ) = E (z ) +
( )
z + OF 2 2 2

1 3 z2 L
z E (t ) dt . (16
(z 2 + OF 2 ) 2 (z 2 + OF 2 ) 2
3 5

Lastly, upon combining Equations 2-4 and 16,

H z L
E c" (z ) + B + E (z ) = H Q E (t ) dt ,

z 2 + OF 2 ) 32


3 z 2
where Q = .
z 2 + OF 2 ) 3
z + OF
2 2
Using an offset distance (OF) of zero, which is synonymous with the anode being superimposed, it can be shown
that Equation 17 reduces to Equation 5. Thus Equation 17 encompasses Equation 5 and is presented as a more
general expression, based on first principles, for pipelines protected by identical, evenly-spaced, equally displaced


Solutions to Equation 17 were obtained using a Coordinate Mapping Based Finite Difference Method
(CoMB-FDM) numerical procedure, similar to what was employed in conjunction with Equation 5 (5). As for the
superimposed anode case, this numerical solution requires also that the drain-point potential, dp, be known. In
addition, since Equation 5 was developed for galvanic anode (ga) cp, its application to pipelines with iccp systems
necessitates that potential of an equivalent galvanic anode that provides the same polarization as the ic one,
a(eq), be determined. This equivalent anode potential can be calculated from the expression (6),

E = a (ic ) a ( eq ) , (18

where E is the rectifier voltage and a(ic) is the potential of the ic anode. A series of models was created
assuming a rectifier voltage of 10 V, an ic anode potential of 1.5 VAg/AgCl, and the parameters listed in Table 1.
The radius of a spherical galvanic anode, ra(eq), the resistance of which is equivalent to that of the ic one, was
calculated using McCoys formula (7) such that,

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ra ( eq ) = 0.282 Aa , (19

where Aa is surface area of the ic anode. Knowing a(eq) and ra(eq), the equivalent spherical anode was
superimposed on the pipeline; and potential at the first node was set equal to a(eq). The total anode output
current, IA, was then numerically calculated from the potential profile generated from the CoMB-FDM based
FORTRAN program. This current was used to calculate dp according to the expression,

I A e 1 1
dp = a (eq) + I A Rr = a ( eq ) + . (20
a ( eq )OF 4 ra (eq ) OF

Table 2 lists values of anode current output and dp for the various combinations of parameters in Table 1, the
rectifier and anode parameters listed above, and offset distances of 25, 100, and 500 m. Correspondingly, Figures
3-5 present plots of potential versus distance for = 17,500 m2, e = 100 m, and OF = 25, 100, and 500 m.
For each offset, three values for the native (corrosion) potential (corr, see Table 2) are shown. Also, each profile
determined using Equation 17 is compared with the corresponding one calculated from Equation 1. In each case,
potential progressively attenuates, albeit at an ever decreasing rate, with increasing distance from the anode, as
projected schematically in Figure 1b. Also, the magnitude of attenuation increases in proportion to corr (greater
attenuation the more positive corr). However, while the anode potential field contributes to a majority of the
attenuation in the shortest OF case (Equation 17 solution in Figure 3), this progressively moderates as OF
increases and is nil for OF = 500 m. Because Equation 1 does not incorporate the anode potential field, it yielded
a more negative potential-distance projection in the cases where this factor contributes meaningfully to
attenuation (OF = 25 m and, to a lesser extent, 100 m). However, where this field was negligible (Figure 5, OF =
500 m), the profiles projected by both equations essentially superimpose. This, coupled with the fact that
accuracy of the anode potential field projection has been documented in the case of Equation 5 (5) and is here
first-principles based (Equation 6), confirms accuracy of Equation 17. In all cases, polarization at the mid-anode
location (z = L) was approximately 100 mV.

Figures 6-8 show potential attenuation plots for = 1,750 m2 (a ten-fold reduction in pipe current
demand compared to Figures 3-5 but with other parameters the same). In each case, the profiles are more flat than
where current demand was greater (Figures 3-5); and the distinction between the Equation 17 and 1 solutions is
significant only for z 2,500 m and OF = 25 m. However, polarization at the mid-anode location is in all cases

Figures 9-11 provide attenuation plots for the same conditions as in Figures 3-5 but with e = 25 m
(relatively high pipe current demand but four-fold greater electrolyte conductivity). Comparison of these results
with those in Figures 3-5 indicates, first, a reduced effect of the electrolyte upon attenuation and greater influence
from the metallic path and, second, closer agreement between the Equation 17 and 1 solutions in the e = 25 m
cases, as should be expected intuitively. Polarization at the mid-anode position exceeds 300 mV in all cases.

Lastly, Figures 12-14 show attenuation plots for the lower pipe current demand ( = 1,750 m2), lower
electrolyte resistivity (e = 25 m) case. The results here are comparable with those in Figures 6-8 except that
attenuation in the anode field is less and metallic path contribution greater in Figures 12-14. Here also, however,
polarization at the mid-anode position is essentially nil.

The mid-anode potentials for each of the profiles in Figures 3-14 are listed for the Equation 17 solutions in
Table 3 and for the Equation 1 ones in Table 4. Correspondingly, Table 5 shows the mid-anode potential
difference between Equations 17 and 1, and Table 6 lists the mid anode polarization predicted by Equation 17 for
each of the examples.

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1. A first principles based equation that incorporates resistance terms associated with the anode (electrolyte),
coating, polarization, and metallic path return was derived that describes potential attenuation along a pipeline
cathodically polarized by identical, evenly-spaced, equally offset spherical anodes as,

'' H z L
E c (z ) + B + E (z ) = H Q E (t ) dt ,

z 2 + OF 2 )


e rp Rm 2r p 1 3 z 2
where H = , B= , and Q = .
z 2 + OF 2 )
( 5
z 2 + OF 2 2

2. Potential attenuation plots determined from Coordinate Mapping Based Finite Difference Method numerical
solutions to this equation indicate that it provides a more accurate representation than the classical equations
of Morgan and Uhlig for situations where the pipeline or a portion thereof lies within the potential field of the


The authors are indebted to member organizations of a joint industry project, including Chevron (now
ChevronTexaco), ExxonMobil, Equilon Pipeline Company, Texaco (now ChevronTexaco), and the Minerals
Management Service for financial sponsorship of this research and for permission to publish. Also appreciated is
the technical guidance and assistance from members of the Technical Advisory Committee which included Fred
Corsiglia, Russell Lewis, Mark Mateer, Steve Smith, Neill Strickland, and Robert Smith.


1. Corrosion Costs and Preventive Strategies in the United States, Report No. FHWA-RD-01-156, Federal
Highway Administration, Washington DC, March, 2002, pp. 24,25.

2. J. Morgan, Cathodic Protection, Macmillan, New York, 1960, pp. 140-143.

3. H.H. Uhlig and R.W. Revie, Corrosion and Corrosion Control, Third Ed., J Wiley and Sons, New York,
1985, pp. 421-423.

4. P. Pierson, K. Bethune, W.H. Hartt, and P. Ananthakrishnan, Corrosion, Vol. 56, 2000, p. 350.

5. D. Lysogorski, W.H. Hartt, and P. Ananthakrishnan, A Modified Potential Attenuation Equation for
Cathodically Polarized Marine Pipelines and Risers, paper no. 077 to be presented at CORROSION/03.
submitted to Corrosion.

6. W.H. Hartt, The Slope Parameter Approach to Marine Cathodic Protection Design and Its Application to
Impressed Current Systems, in Designing Cathodic Protection Systems for Marine Structures and Vehicles,
Ed. H. Hack, Special Technical Publication 1370, Am. Soc. For Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken,
PA, 1999.

7. J.E. McCoy, The Institute of Marine Engineers Transactions, vol. 82, 1970, p. 210.

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Table 1: Model parameters.
Pipe Outer Radius, m 0.136
Pipe Inner Radius, m 0.128
Anode Spacing, m 100,000
Anode Radius, m 0.374
Anode Length, m 2.677
Equivalent Spherical Anode Radius, m 0.749
Polarization Resistance, , -m2 17.5
Pipe bare area, percent 0.1, 1.0
Corresponding, , -m2 1,750, 17,500
Pipe Corrosion Potential, VAg/AgCl -0.650, -0.500, -0.300
Electrolyte Resistivity, -m 100, 25
Metallic Resistivity, -m 1.70E-07

Table 2: Predicted anode current outputs and drain point potentials: (a) = 17,500 m2; e = 100 m, (b) =
17,500 m2; e = 100 m; (c) = 1,750 m2; e = 25 m; (d) = 1,750 m2; e = 25 m.

Drainage Point Potential, dp, VAg/AgCl

Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl Anode Current, A OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 0.709 -1.188 -1.019 -0.974
-0.500 0.723 -1.049 -0.876 -0.830
-0.300 0.741 -0.862 -0.686 -0.638

Drainage Point Potential, dp, VAg/AgCl

Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl Anode Current, A OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 0.738 -0.893 -0.717 -0.670
-0.500 0.752 -0.748 -0.569 -0.521
-0.300 0.771 -0.554 -0.370 -0.321

Drainage Point Potential, dp, VAg/AgCl

Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl Anode Current, A OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 2.568 -1.884 -1.731 -1.690
-0.500 2.617 -1.758 -1.602 -1.560
-0.300 2.682 -1.589 -1.429 -1.387

Drainage Point Potential, dp, VAg/AgCl

Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl Anode Current, A OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 2.829 -1.210 -1.041 -0.996
-0.500 2.883 -1.071 -0.899 -0.853
-0.300 2.955 -0.885 -0.709 -0.662

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Table 3: Mid-anode potential values predicted using Equation 17: (a) = 17,500 m2; e = 100 m, (b) =
17,500 m2; e = 100 m; (c) = 1,750 m2; e = 25 m; (d) = 1,750 m2; e = 25 m.

Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m

-0.650 -0.748 -0.752 -0.754
-0.500 -0.600 -0.604 -0.606
-0.300 -0.403 -0.407 -0.408
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 -0.650 -0.650 -0.650
-0.500 -0.500 -0.500 -0.500
-0.300 -0.301 -0.300 -0.300
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 -0.989 -0.991 -0.995
-0.500 -0.846 -0.848 -0.851
-0.300 -0.655 -0.656 -0.660
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 -0.640 -0.653 -0.653
-0.500 -0.504 -0.503 -0.503
-0.300 -0.304 -0.303 -0.303

Table 4: Mid-anode potential values predicted using Equation 1: (a) = 17,500 m2; e = 100 m, (b) =
17,500 m2; e = 100 m; (c) = 1,750 m2; e = 25 m; (d) = 1,750 m2; e = 25 m.

Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m

-0.650 -0.828 -0.772 -0.757
-0.500 -0.682 -0.625 -0.609
-0.300 -0.486 -0.428 -0.412
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 -0.652 -0.650 -0.650
-0.500 -0.502 -0.501 -0.500
-0.300 -0.302 -0.301 -0.300
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 -1.059 -1.008 -0.995
-0.500 -0.916 -0.865 -0.851
-0.300 -0.727 -0.674 -0.660
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 -0.640 -0.653 -0.653
-0.500 -0.504 -0.503 -0.503
-0.300 -0.304 -0.303 -0.303

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Table 5: Mid-anode potential difference projected by Equation 17 compared to Equation 1: (a) = 17,500 m2;
e = 100 m, (b) = 17,500 m2; e = 100 m; (c) = 1,750 m2; e = 25 m; (d) = 1,750
m2; e = 25 m.

Pipe corr, VAg/AgClOF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m

-0.650 0.080 0.020 0.003
-0.500 0.082 0.021 0.003
-0.300 0.083 0.021 0.004
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 0.002 0.000 0.000
-0.500 0.002 0.001 0.000
-0.300 0.001 0.001 0.000
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 0.070 0.017 0.000
-0.500 0.070 0.017 0.000
-0.300 0.072 0.018 0.000
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.300 0.000 0.000 0.000
Table 6: Magnitude of the mid-anode polarization predicted using Equation 17: (a) = 17,500 m2; e = 100
m, (b) = 17,500 m2; e = 100 m; (c) = 1,750 m2; e = 25 m; (d) = 1,750 m2; e = 25

Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m

-0.650 -0.098 -0.102 -0.104
-0.500 -0.100 -0.104 -0.106
-0.300 -0.103 -0.107 -0.108
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.300 -0.001 0.000 0.000
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 -0.339 -0.341 -0.345
-0.500 -0.346 -0.348 -0.351
-0.300 -0.355 -0.356 -0.360
Pipe corr, VAg/AgCl OF = 25m OF = 100m OF = 500m
-0.650 0.010 -0.003 -0.003
-0.500 -0.004 -0.003 -0.003
-0.300 -0.004 -0.003 -0.003


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Anode Potential

Anode IR Drop

+ Potential -

Pipeline Free Corrosion Potential

Anode (2)


+ Potential -

Anode IR Drop

Pipeline Polarized
IR Drop Pipeline

Anode Pipeline Free Corrosion Potential




Figure 1: Schematic illustration of potential profiles that arise from (a) galvanic cp of marine pipelines with
bracelet anodes and (b) impressed current cp of buried pipelines.


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Drainage Point

Figure 2: Illustration of offset (displaced) anode cathodic protection system.


-0.20 Equation 17, OF=25m


Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)





0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 3: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 17,500 -m2, e = 100 -m,
and Offset of 25 m.


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-0.20 Equation 17, OF=100m



Potential, V (Ag/AgCl) -0.60




0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 4: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 17,500 -m2, e = 100 -m,
and Offset of 100 m.


-0.20 Equation 17, OF=500 m


Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)





0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 5: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 17,500 -m2, e = 100 -m,
and Offset of 500 m.


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Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)


-1.00 Equation 17, OF=25 m



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 6: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 1,750 -m2, e = 100 -m,
and offset of 25 m.



Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)



-1.00 Equation 17, OF=100 m



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 7: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 1,750 -m2, e = 100 -m,
and offset of 100 m.


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Potential, V


Equation 17, OF=500 m

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 8: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 1,750 -m2, e = 100 -m,
and offset of 500 m.


Equation 17, OF=25m
-0.40 Uhlig

Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)







0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 9: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 17,500 -m2, e = 25 -m,
and offset of 25 m.


Rached Ben Ayed - Invoice INV-1122637-Z8G6H7, downloaded on 12/16/2016 10:10AM - Single-user license only, copying/networking pr

Equation 17, OF=100m
-0.40 Uhlig


Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)






0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 10: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 17,500 -m2, e = 25 -m,
and offset of 100 m.



-0.40 Equation 17, OF=500 m

Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)







0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 11: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 17,500 -m2, e = 25 -m,
and offset of 500 m.


Rached Ben Ayed - Invoice INV-1122637-Z8G6H7, downloaded on 12/16/2016 10:10AM - Single-user license only, copying/networking pr




Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)



-1.40 Equation 17, OF=25m



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 12: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 1,750 -m2, e = 25 -m,
and offset of 25 m.




Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)




-1.40 Equation 17, OF=100m



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance, m

Figure 13: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 1,750 -m2, e = 25 -m,
and offset of 100 m.


Rached Ben Ayed - Invoice INV-1122637-Z8G6H7, downloaded on 12/16/2016 10:10AM - Single-user license only, copying/networking pr




Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)




-1.60 Equation 17, OF=500 m

-1.80 Uhlig

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Distance from anode, m

Figure 14: CoMB-FDM solution to Equation 17 and solution to Equation 1, = 1,750 -m2, e = 25 -m,
and Offset of 500 m.


Rached Ben Ayed - Invoice INV-1122637-Z8G6H7, downloaded on 12/16/2016 10:10AM - Single-user license only, copying/networking pr

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