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Based on the novel Sing To The Dawn By Minfong Ho,write about a theme that is

potrayed in the novel.Support your response with evidence from the text.

Based on the novel Sing To The Dawn by MInfong Ho, a theme that is potrayed
in the novel is gender discrimination.In this novel,Dawan is a fourteen year old Thai girl

who wins a scholarship to study in a city high school but her father does not let her
accept it because she is a girl. He wants her brother Kwai to go in her place as she is
second in the examination.

In this novel, girls like Dawan and Bao are discriminate against and denied the
right to education.The society has the primitive thinking that a girls place is at home
and they need not go to school.That is why Dawan was not sent to school.Her parents
allowed her to go after her brother Kwai persuaded them.Thus,she is in the same class
as Kwai.

In school,the teacher too practises double standards.He encourages Kwai to

study hard and go to the city because he hopes that Kwai will be able to improve life in
the village.However,he does not treat Dawan in the same manner although she is also an
excellent students.Before announcing the winner of the scholarship,he even
underestimates Dawan and questions her capability to improve the lives of the farmers
in their village with a fair system.

Furthermore Vichai,Baos brother,bullies and discriminates against girls too.He

is selfish and fights with Bao to get what he wants.He is indeed violent and has no
respect for his sister.Even in public,at the market place,he slaps and boxes her when he
discovers that she has allowed some customers to set his caged sparrows free without
collecting money from them.

In conclusion, I believe that discrimination against girl and women is intolerable

and no one has the right to deny girls the right to education.Society and education play
an important role to change the perception of these men.
Based on the novel Sing To The Dawn By Minfong Ho,write about a
theme that is potrayed in the novel.Support your response with evidence
from the text.

Based on the novel Sing To The Dawn by MInfong Ho, a theme that
is potrayed in the novel is gender discrimination.In this novel,Dawan is a
fourteen year old Thai girl who wins a scholarship to study in a city high
school but her father does not let her accept it because she is a girl. He
wants her brother Kwai to go in her place as she is second in the

In this novel, girls like Dawan and Bao are discriminate against and
denied the right to education.That is why Dawan was not sent to school.Her
parents allowed her to go after her brother Kwai persuaded them.Thus,she
is in the same class as Kwai.

In school,the teacher too practises double standards.He encourages

Kwai to study hard and go to the city because he hopes that Kwai will be
able to improve life in the village.

In conclusion, I believe that discrimination against girl and women is

intolerable and no one has the right to deny girls the right to
education.Society and education play an important role to change the
perception of these men.

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