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APPSC ASOs in A.P. Economics & statitical Sub Service - 2012 A www.eenadupratibha.nét COMPUTER SCIENCE Paper Il Time : 150 Minut fax. Marks : 150 3% INSTRUCTIONS Please check the Test Booklet and ensure that it contains all the’ questions. If you find any defect in the Test Booklet or Answer Sheet, please get it replaced immediately. ‘The Test Booklet contains 150 questions. Bach question carries one mark. ‘The Test Booklet is printed in four (4) Series, viz. [D). The Series, [A] or [B] or [D), js printed on the right-hand corner of the cover page of the Test Booklet. Mark your Test Booklet Series [AJor [B]or[C] or [D]in Part C on side. 1 of the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle with Blue/Black Ball point pen. Example_to fill.up the Booklet Series If your Test Booklet Series is A, please fill as shown below: ®® OO If you have not marked the Test Booklet Series at Part C of side 1 of the Answer Sheet or marked in a way that it leads to discrepancy in determining the exact ‘Test Booklet Series, then, in all such cases, your Answer Sheet will be invalidated without any further notice. No correspondence will be entertained in the matter. Bach question is followed by 4 answer choices. OF these, you have to select one correct answer and atl it on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate cirele for the question. If more than ‘fe circle is darkened, the answer will not be valued at all. Use Blue/Black Ball point pen to make heavy black marks to fill the circle completely. Make no other stray marks. : eg. : Ifthe answer for Question No. 1 is Answer choice (2), it should be marked as follows : (ofe[o]o) OSAV643 (2) 10. Mark Paper Code and Roll No, as given in the Hall Ticket with Blue/Black Ball point pen by darkening appropriate circles in Part A of side 1 of the Answer Sheet. Incorreet/not encoding will lead to invalidation of your Answer Sheet, Example : If the Paper Code is 027, and Roll No. is 95640376 fill as shown below : Paper.Code Roll No. SOSSOOOS|= @@0@e@90006| ©OQOQOOOOOE|> Q©OQOSOOe@OO|* @Q©®@©OQHOOOCO©|~ @Q©O@QHOOLOO|* @@QOQOLEOLOO|+ ©OQOOQ©QHOOOE|° @Q@QOOQOOSEOOO|+ @©@©@OQOOHOOOO|~ ©©QO@QHOOOO} > Please get the signature of the Invigilator affixed, in the space provided in the Answer Sheet. An Answer Sheet without the signature of the Invigilator is liable for invalidation. ‘The candidate should not do rough)work or write any irrelevant matter in the Answer Sheet, Doing so will lead to invalidation, Do not mark answer choices on the ‘Test Booklet. Violation of this will be viewed seriously. Before leaving the examination hall, the candidate should hand over the original OMR Answer ‘Sheet (top sheet) to the Invigilator and carry the bottom sheet (duplicate) for his/her record, failing which disciplinary aetion will be taken. Use of whitener is prohibited. If used, the answer sheet is liable for invalidation. . OSA643 (a) A 1. What is tho value of ‘x, if xq) = 202y0) 7 [8 According to De Morgan's theorem, @ 412 Boolean equation Y = AB is equivalent to @ 32 oo @ m2 a @ m2 ee @ yoA+B 2 What is the BCD equivalent for Gray @ YsA+B number 1110 ? aM “001.0001 7. How many bits are there in 4 nibbles ? (2) 0001 0000 M4 (3) 0001 0010 @ 8 (© 0001 0100 @) 16 Gin 32 3. According to Boolean Algebra, Bubbled AND gate is equivalent to 8. What ie the ASCII code of ‘W'? ce @) ono Cues @) igo meter (@) “1100110 aes (4) 1111001 4: How many nibbles are’ there inly ey y and Z are a caabiae, stupa 2 then which of the . following Boolean oe ‘equations is true ? a @) X.8e1 @ 6 (2) X+XZ=X @ 8 (3) XV +2) = K+ YK+D (@) X+Y=¥e2 the simplified Boolean equation for G+ ABC +ABC+ABC? 10. Which of the following is not weighted @ y-A+o) coda _ (1) Hexa-decimal-system oo Bxcess-3-code @ y=5 (8) Binary system @ vst (4) "None of the above 1. 10 OsAi643 ( st 12, 13, 4. 15. ‘Truth table of any Boolean circuit can be represented by (1) sum of product form expressions (2) product of sums form of Boolean expressions of * Boolean (3) Karnaugh map (4) All of the above How, many number of columns in a state table are required for a sequential circuit with ‘m’ flip-flops and ‘n’ inputs ?, @ amen @ m+20 (@) 2m +2n @ men ‘The output state of J-K flip-flop is in ‘toggle’ condition, when () ifJ=0 and K = (2) ifJ=00ndK= (3) ifJ=1andK=0 ) ifJ=lendK=1 Which of the following) logic circuits has one input and many outputs ? (2) Multiplexer (2) Demultiplexer (3) Half adder (4) Full adder What is the 2's complement of 0101H1010 ? (10100101 (2) 10100110 (3) o1010110 (4 1010101 4) 16, 17. 18. 19, What is the sum of 4,6) + Cus? ® OMG ® Nas @) a6) (4) 1246) What is the maximum ‘clock frequency that can be used with a master-slave flip-flop having” propagation delay of 15 ns? () 1341 MHz @) 132 ME2 (3) 13:3 MHz @ 134 Mie The addressing mode used in an instruction’ of the form SUB A.B is (D Absolute (2) Immediate (8) Index (4) Indirect Which of the following is, characteristics of a RISC machine ? (2) Instructions microprogfams typical interpreted by (2) Instructions taking multiple cycles (3) Highly pipelined (4) None of the above The number construct a binary Modulo-N Counter is a log, N 7 @) NP (4) Nel of flip-flops required to wey we of an Osaie43 at. “A computer has a 32-bit wide databus 4K x 8 static RAM memory chips. Then the smallest memory this computer can have is () 64 Kb @) 24 Kb (3) 48 Kb (4) 16 Kb, Which of the following registers holds the address of the next instruétion to be executed by the CPU ? (1) Instruction register (2) Program counter (8) Data register (4) Stack pointer What is the length of address bus, if the memory unit capacity of! 4096 words ? (1) B-bits (2) 10-bits (8) 12bits w has’ a What is the Register-reference basie computer ? (000 2) 001 @) 019 @ 11 value of sop code in instruction format of Which” of the following instructions transfers. the content of accumulator into the memory word’ specified by the effective ‘address ? (@ ta @) Load (3) BSA (STA (5) 26. Al In DMA mode of data transfer, the process of allowing the DMA controller to transfer one data word at a time and after which it must return’ the control of the buses to the CPU is known ‘as (Q) cycle stealing (2) process stealing (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) None of the above In which interrupt, the branch address of service routine is assigned to a fixed location ia, memory ? (1), Vectored interrupt (2) Non-vectored interrupt (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) None of the above Tn. which method of cache writing, only the cache location is updated during the write operation of cache ? (1) Write-back method (2) Write-through method (3) Write-forward method (4) None of the above In Direct Mapping of cache memory method, among 15-bits of CPU address, the ledist significant 9-bits are called as (1) tag field 2) word field (3) index field (4) byte field A memory unit can be accessed in Associative memory by : () address 2) content (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) None of the above osa/e43 ai. 34. In cache memory, Hit Ratio means (1) the ratio of number of hits divided by number of misses (2) the ratio of number of misses divided by number of hits (8) the ratio of number of hits divided by the total number of hits plus misses (4) the ratio of number of misses divided by the total number of hits plus misses ‘The number of that are needed to add ‘n’ numbers and store the result in memory using only one address instructions instruction is (Don @ a (3) n-1 @ net If the cache needs an time of 20 ns and the main memory 120 ns, then access: the average access time. of a CPU is _ and assume hit-ratio is 80%. () 30ns (2) 35 ns (3) 40 ns (4) Programming in a language that actually controls the path of signals or data within the computer is called (1) Machine language programming 2) Assembly language programming (3). Systems programming (4) Micro programming (6) 35. What will be the output after executing following ‘C’ code ? # include int main() { char ch=821; printit“#ed %c", eh, eh); return 1 (3a # 2) 654 3) 66B 321! 136. What will be the output after executing the following ‘C’ code ? # include int main ( float x = 2:2, y = 3:5; if (x==y) printf(‘x and y are equal”); else printif(“ and y are not equal”); return 0; 1 () xand y are not equal (2 xandy are equal (3) It will print nothing (4) Runtime error OSAI643 (7) fa] 31." Which function is used to release the|41. Which of the following operators in ‘C allocated memory space ? takes only integer operands ? (1). deallocate() a % (2) release) @ * (8) free) @ + (4) drop OM 88, An array contains group of elements of 142, If ‘switch’ feature is used, then (1) different datatypes (1), “default? case must be present (2) int and char datatype (2) ‘default’ case, if used, should be the last (3) similar datatype ease (4) object datatypes (3) ‘default’ case, if used, can be placed anywhere (4) None of the above 39. What are the range of values that can. be accommodated in an ‘int’ datatype ? (1) 82768 to + 32767 A pointer variable can (2) 256 to +255 pointer variable can be (8) 0 to 255 (1), passed to a function as argument (2) changed within a function (4) 0 to 65535, (@) Both (1) and (2) (© returned by a funetion 40. BCPL, stands for (1)""Basic Compilation and Programming ‘Language 44, ftell (@ Basic . Combined Programming 0 Language (1) isa function (@) Basie ‘C' and Programming Language (2) gives the current file position indicator (4) “Basie Combined Professional Language (8) can be used to find the size of a file (4) All of the above osale43 45, 41. 48, (a) Function overloading concept is useful (1) to write too many functions with similar function name (2) to write too many functions with different names (3) to. write too many’ functions with different languages (4) to write too many functions using different loops , By default, all members of a class have access for all its members, (1) private 2) public (9) "protected (4) Both (1) and (3) How would you read the expression XvY 7 (1) Member X of object Y (2) Both X and Y are interfélated objects (3) Member Y of object X (4) Both (1) and (2) 4if oF #elif\can be used to evaluate (1) constant expressions (2) macro expressions (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) all expressions 51. What is a virtual member ? (1) A member of a friend class that ean be redefined in its derived classes, (2) A member of a virtual class that cannot bbe redefined in its derived class (3) A member of a static class that) cannot be redefined in its derived class (4) A member of a class ‘that can be redefined in its derived lass Under which» condition a destroys an object ? () ‘Scope of existence has finished (2) Whenever the. compiler creates object code (8), Program is terminated (4) Both (1).and (2) destructor Which type of class has only one unique value for all objects of that same class ? () this @) friend (8). statie (dynamic In Computer Science, to describe the way of an algorithm under optimal co is known with the term (1) Worst case performance (2) Best case performance ions. (8) Average case performance > (4) All of the above Osal643 V9) 53, can be used to test |57. bipartiteness. (1). Linear search (2) Binary search tree (8) Breadth first search (4) Doubly linked list 54. A Depth First Search (DFS) is an se, algorithm for traversing or searching () A tree structure 2) Graph (8) Both (1) and (2) (4) None of the above A self-balancing binary search tree can be called as (D) Depth-first search tree (2) AVL tree (3) Bread-first search tree (4) Complete binary tree The process\/of visiting each node in @ tree, exactly once is called (1) Tree Visit 2) Node visit (3). Generic tree (4) Tree traversal ‘The sequence. of visiting nodes in’ Binary search tree, while implementing post order is (1) node, left, right @) (3) Oy left, right, node right, left, node All the above What is the worst-case time complexity to insert am) clement in AVL tree by using big-O-notation)? @ 0m) Ota) (@) Om) @, Odog n) ‘The process of inserting element at the top of stack is called (insert (2) pop @) w push Peep A two-dimensional matrix, in which the Tows represent source vertex and coloumns represent destination vertices is called a (2) @) w Adjacency matrix Incident mattix Adjacency list Tncideney list ‘OSA/643 41. ‘ ‘The depth of a complete binary tree with ‘n! nodes is (1) logg(n + 1) =1 2) log,fn) (8) login - 1) +1 4) login) + 1 Which of the following traversal techniques lists the nodes of a binary search tree in ascending’ order ? () Post-order @) Incrder (3) Preorder (4) None of the above ‘The minimum number of edges in a connected cyclic graph on ‘n’ vertices is @n-1 @ on @) nel (4) None of the above In circular linked list, insertion of a record involves the modification of (),. 3 pointers 2) 2 pointers (3) 1 pointer (A) No pointer (10) les. e7. iy The number of edges in a regular graph of degree ‘d? and ‘n’ vertices is (1) maximum of n, d @ md (@) nd nae Which of the following algorithms solves all-pair shortest path problem ? (1) Dijkstro's Algorithm (2) Floyd's Algorithm (8) Prim’s Algorithm (4) Warshall’s Algorithm An abstract data type is (1) built-in data type 2) combination of structure and union (8) a mathematical model for a certain class of date-structure that have similar behaviour (4) All the above “A Queue thet allows the elements can only be added to or removed from the front or back is called (1) Cireular Queue @) Priority Queue (8) Both (1) and (2) (4) Double-ended Queue Which technique is used to speed up the communication between CPU and slow devices ? (1) Swapping 2) Sharing @) Processing ©) Caching OsA/e43. ‘ie. 1. 2. 3. 4, A processor is a @ @) @ a hardware device itt is capable of interpreting instructions ‘useful to perform indicated operations All of the above Which of the following provides a path for the data to flow between W/O devices and main memory ? (1) Registers (2) VO channels (3) O) Memory stack All the above A. response to an asynchronous or ‘exceptional event is called () TEST YO (2) START VO @) a Interrupt Both (1) and (2) A Boot-strap program can be stored on (RAM (2) "Registers (3) ROM (A) Disk-tapes ‘The CPU scheduling algorithm which uses all. the requests closer to the. current head Position is called () First Come — First Serve @ @) “ Shortest Seek Time First Look scheduling Sean scheduling (my 75. 76, 77. 78. 79. “@) Page fetch can also be called as (1). Page failure (2). Page fault (8) Page usage (4) Both (1) ‘and (2) ‘The ow necessary condition for deadlock ‘Hold and wait Mutual exclusion @) @ Circular wait All the above ‘The time Tequited for disk arm to move the heads to the cylinder containing the desired sector is known as ()_ * Rotational latency (2) Moye time (8) Seek time (4) Response time Benefits of multi-threaded programming is (1) Responsiveness (2) Resource sharing ® of multiprocessor (4) All the above A deadlock is a situation (1) , resources requesting process and process not available (2). process requests resources and resources are not available (3) waiting resources never changing their state (4) All the above Process creation is a cycle of @ 2), @) “ process operation with I/O status processes start, test and halt operations CPU execution and 1/0 wait CPU. execution and saving data in memory OsA/643, 81. : Memory was divided into partitions prior to the processing of any job in (1) Dynamic partition specification (2) Static partition specification (3) Random partition specification (4) Both (1) and (2) ‘An operating system as manager, it maintains (1) keep track of resources @ @) ® a resource allocating the resources reclaim the resources All the above Poor utilization of memory among the below is in (2) Single contiguous allocation (2) Partitioned allocation (8) aged allocation (4) Segmented allocation File control block (FCB) contains the information about (1) File permissions @) ® CO) File ownership Size of the file All of the above ‘The motivation’ to develop /O processors is in (1) the disparity between the speed of 10 devices and CPU the diaparity between the speed of memory and VO channels the disparity between the speed of registers and main'memory : the disparity between the speed of secondary-and primary memory devices (2 @) a (12) \e8. E-R modeling technique is a a (2) @ “ Bottom-up approach Left-to-right approach ‘Top-down approach Right-to-left approach ‘The column of a table is referred to as 1) tuple (2) attribute ® “ degree name Which of the following belonging to Data Definit (a) Select (2) (3) (4) commands is yn Language ? ‘Truncate Delete Insert Which constraint is useful to restrict the ‘values before inserting into a table ? @ @ @) @ Primary key Not NULL Check - Unique key Which of the following commands is related to Data Manipulation Language ? Alter 2) Drip (3) Commit (4) Update “o. 94, OSA/643 7 Ip a relational model terminology, a table is called a (1) tuple (2). relation @) domain (@ schema ‘Tha concurrency control is needed to solve (Q) the last update problem 2)" the temporaty update problem (8) the incorrect summary problem (4) All the’ above When the transaction ends, it moves to the __ tate. Q) committed (2) partially committed (3) terminated (A) failed Af every non-key attribute’ is functionally dependent on the primaryykey, then the relation will be in (2) First normal form (2) Second normal form (8) Third: normal form (4) Fourth normal form Iman E-R diagram, ellipses represent (2) attributes (2) entity sets (3) relationship among entity sets (4) Tink between attributes and entity sets 13) 96. 98. 99. 100. Al Which inormal form takes the step of removing columns that are not dependent upon the primary key ? (INF . (2) 2NF (3) 3NF (4) BCNF ‘An attribute of one table matching the primary key of another tablé.is known as (1) Primary Key) @) Foreign key (8) Setondary key (@) Candidate key ‘The highest level in the hierarchy of data organization is called (1) data bank (2) database (3) data file (4) data record Which of the following schemes are used for ensuring atomicity ? (1) Log with deferred modification (2) Log with immediate modification (8) Shadow paging (4) All the above A search tree of order ‘P’ is a tree such ‘that each node contains atmost search values. @ P-1 @ Pet (3) P/2 a Pre, OsA/643 (4) 101. The data collected in survey is called (1) secondary data (2) primary data (9) random numbers (4) grouped data 102. A set of values can be ‘statistical data’ if (1) values are random nuimbers @) its mean is computable (3) it contains some information (4) : grouping is possible 108. A grouped frequency distribution with uncertain first or last classes is known as (1) exclusive class distribution (2) inclusive class distribution ~ (8). open end distribution (4) discrete frequency distribution 104, The column headings of a table are known | * (QD) stubs (2) subtitles (3) reference notes (4) captions 105. A selection procedure of a sample without using’ probability concepts is, known as (1) Purposive sampling (2) Judgement sampling (3) Subjective sampling (4) All the above three methods: 106. The errors in a survéy other, than+ sampling errors are called 107. 108. 109. 110. aw 2) @) @ non-sampling errors planning errors formulation errors None of the above Sampling frame means a @ @ @ a list of voters a list of “sampling units in the population a list of households 4 list of random numbers Characteristic of a good questionnaire is a @ @) w questions should be without ambiguity all questions should be mutually exclusive peréonal questions should not be put All the above three Lorenz curve is an indicator of the distribution of two factors which are wo @ @ @ equal not equal Both (1) and (2) cannot say Pictograms’are shown by @ @ (3) “ Fert oswe43 (18) a 111 What is the percentage of values that lie |116.. If a distribution is positively skewed, then between 24" and 54" percentiles ? extreme values lie in the (15% (1) anywhere oe (2) middle aaa (3) left tail 40% - (4) right tail 112, If two observations are 10 and ~10; then aes 117, Inter quartile range is \ @ 10 @M @&-Q o @o @ Q+q oe @ \=Q, to . WH &+Q 118. The AM and GM of two numbers are 65 118. Which of the following statements is true and 6 respectively. The two numbers are ives eatin’ for dispersion measures ? 96° . (2) It provides’ basis for control of @ 95 variability @ 49 (2) Teprovides a link between skewness and @ 16 kurtosis | (8) It is least affected by extreme values 114, Which of the following measures of | (4) None of the above statements is true | dispersion can attain negative value ? } (1) Range 119, A symmetric distribution is always | (2) Mean deviati (2) mesokurtic (8) Standard deviation @ leptokurtic (4) Variance (3) _platykiurtic (@ cam be any one of the above three 118. If each value! of a series is divided by 8, then its coefficient of variation is reduced 120, The relation between mean and mode of a by positively skewed distribution is a), 8% (2) mean < mode (2) 18%, | @),_ mean > mode (3) 16% (3) mean = mode 5 (4) 0% (4) there is no relation OsAl643. qa. 122. 123. 124, 125. Mean deviation is minimum when it is measured from o @ @) a) median mode arbitrary value Coefficient of skewness for a symmetric distribution is ao (2-1 (@) +1 ® 3 For a symmetric distribution @ Q-Q>Q,- @ Q-@ 5 = 0 and 2X + 3Y-8=0 are the two regression lines and V(X) then Wor) M 4 @ 16 @ 8 2 None of the above two positive negative wero 47) 136, 137. 138, 139. 140. a If the correlation between x and y is unity, it is known as @ ® @ @ perfect correlation perfect positive correlation both (1) and (2) perfect negative correlation ‘The sales of a departmental store on Dussehra and Diwali‘Yare associated with which component of time series ? @ @ 6) « Secular trend. Seasonal variations Irregular Variation All.the above three Adjustment of time series data before its analysis is called () Scaling (2) Tabulation (3) Grouping (4) Editing ‘The business cycles are @ factors responsible for occurrence of scientific developments and technological 2) @) “ likes and dislikes of people social customs Alll the above three A time series is affected by a @ @ Oy Economic factors Non-economic factors Both (1) and (2) Neither (1) nor (2) OSA/643 Mi. 142, 143, 144. 145. Dearess allowance is calculated based on (1) Price index number (2) @) “ Quantity index number Cost of living index number Volume index number An ideal index number has to satisfy wo @ @) Oo) unit test and time reversal test time reversal and factor reversal test factor reversal and circular test circular test and unit test Most. preferred type of average for index numbers is w @ @ @ Arithmetic mean Geometric mean Harmonic mean Any of the above three Indices computed using chain base are almost free from M @ @ ® rigidity of weights, seasonal variations hosiogeneity error ‘All the above three Fisher's satisfy @ (ay @ “) ideal index number does not time reversal test. factor reversal test circular test, unit test (18) 146, 147. 148) 149, 150. Deflated wage means a @) @ w real wage money wage inflated wage None of the above Base year for an index number should be @ @ Gy @ any year normal. year ‘any Year in distant past an abnormal year Data should be collected from for index numbers computation w @ @ (4) the retailers wholesale dealers the selected group of people the shopkeepers from whom most of the customers purchase items Index numbers measure w @ @ a price changes scientific changes ‘economic changes trade changes ‘One of the limitations in the construction of index numbers is a *2) 8) “ choice of the type of average choice of investigators choice of the variables to be studied All the above three

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