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Week 1 Unit 2: Hadoop & Spark

Hadoop & Spark

Common Types of Big Data

New types of data

Sentiment Clickstream Sensors Geographic Server Logs Unstructured
Understand how your Capture and analyze Discover patterns Analyze location- Research logs to Understand patterns
customers feel about website visitors data in data streaming based data to manage diagnose process in files across millions
your brand and trails and optimize automatically from operations where they failures and prevent of web pages, emails,
products right now your website remote sensor and occur security breaches and documents

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Public 2

Hadoop & Spark
Hadoop as part of Software Ecosystem

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Hadoop & Spark
HDP and Hadoop Frameworks

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Hadoop & Spark
Overview of Hadoop Cluster

Hadoop cluster is made of master and worker nodes

Master nodes manage the infrastructure
Worker nodes contain the distributed data and perform processing
YARN is used to manage and allocate resources like CPU, memory

Master Nodes Name/Node, ResourceManager, Standby Name Node, HBase Master

Master Node 1 Master Node 2 Management Node
NameNode ResourceManager Ambari Server
Oozie Server Standby NameNode WebHCat Server
ZooKeeper HBase Master JobHistoryServer
HiveServer2 ZooKeeper

Worker Nodes NodeManager, DataNode, HBase RegionServer

Worker Node 1 Worker Node 2 Worker Node 3 Worker Node n
DataNode DataNode DataNode DataNode
NodeManager NodeManager NodeManager NodeManager
H RegionServer H RegionServer H RegionServer H RegionServer

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Hadoop & Spark
Hadoop Management Tools

Admin tools like Apache Ambari, Cloudera Manager, and MapR Control System are used to administer and
monitor the Hadoop landscape

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Hadoop & Spark
Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for DataFrames ML Pipelines

large-scale data processing
Spark has an advanced DAG execution engine that Spark
Spark SQL MLlib GraphX
supports cyclic data flow and in-memory computing Streaming

Spark powers a stack of libraries including SQL and

DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX, Spark Core
and Spark Streaming. You can combine these
libraries seamlessly in the same application Data Sources

The Data Sources API provides {JSON} MySQL

a pluggable mechanism for Applications
HBRSE elasticsearch.
accessing structured data
though Spark SQL Spark

Environments Data Sources Open Source Ecosystem

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