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Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154

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Numerical modelling of ax short bre reinforced and ax bre fabric

reinforced polymer composites
Janis Sliseris a, Libo Yan b, c, *, Bohumil Kasal b, c
Riga Technical University (RTU), Kalku Street 1, LV-1658, Riga, Latvia
Department of Organic and Wood-Based Construction Materials, Technical University of Braunschweig, Hopfengarten 20, 38102, Braunschweig, Germany
Centre for Light and Environmentally-Friendly Structures, Fraunhofer Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut WKI, Bienroder Weg 54E, 38108, Braunschweig, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The ever-increasing demand of ax short bre-reinforced and ax bre fabric-reinforced polymer
Received 10 October 2015 composites in various engineering applications calls for accurate predictions of their mechanical be-
Received in revised form haviors. In this study, numerical methods to generate and simulate mechanical properties of ax short
17 November 2015
bre-reinforced and ax bre fabric-reinforced polymer composites are proposed. The microstructures
Accepted 28 November 2015
Available online 14 December 2015
of short ax bres with different bre length-to-diameter ratios are generated by algorithm taking ber
defects (e.g. kink band) and ber bundles into account. Bidirectional ax fabric is generated and dis-
cretized by tetrahedron 4-node nite elements. A brittle material law for bre defects and interfacial
A. Discontinuous reinforcement
zones of bre bundles is proposed. Flax short bre/polypropylene and ax fabric/epoxy composites are
A. Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs) modeled by a non-linear plasticity model considering an isotropic hardening law and non-local con-
C. Finite element analysis (FEA) tinuum damage mechanics. The numerical modelling results are compared with the experimental results
of these composites. This study shows that the simulation can capture the main damage mechanisms of
the composites such as bre breakage initiated at the ber defects, damage of polymer matrix and the
bre debonding at bre/matrix interface accurately. In addition, the simulation results exhibit good
agreements with the experimental results in the aspects of elastic properties and nonlinear tensile
stress-strain behavior of the short bre and bre fabric reinforced polymer composites.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction potential combination of low cost, light weight, and high strength
and stiffness for structural application [3,11,13,14], which is a
Because of an increasing environmental concern, it is urgent for promising alternative to glass bre in engineering applications,
the development of light-weight, cost-effective and sustainable such as civil [8,15e21] and automotive [22e25]. Most recently, ax
materials as alternatives to conventional materials. In recent years, bres are also used with other bres in hybrid structures for
the use of bio-bres to replace glass bres as reinforcement ma- different engineering applications. The studies on hybridization of
terials in polymer composites has gained popularity for various ax bres with basalt [46], carbon [47] and glass bres [48e51]
engineering applications [1e8]. Natural bres are widely available show promising structural performance of ax bre reinforced
in most countries and are cost-effective with low density. They are polymer composites in the aspects of durability, mechanical
biodegradable, renewable, non-hazardous and non-abrasive. In properties and re performance. To better utilize natural bre
addition, their specic mechanical properties are comparable to reinforced polymer composites (i.e. ax) in engineering elds, a full
those of synthetic glass bres used as reinforcement materials understanding the knowledge of the mechanical properties of their
[9e12]. Among all the natural bres, ax bre offers the best composites will be necessity, which can be achieved with a help of
computer simulation [26]. The use of numerical simulation can
create different components using such materials in shorter time
and less expensive, if appropriate numerical models can be created.
* Corresponding author. Department of Organic and Wood-Based Construction Since the natural bres (i.e. ax) are embedded in the polymer
Materials, Technical University of Braunschweig, Hopfengarten 20, 38102,
matrix in their composites, it is quite difcult to measure the crack
Braunschweig, Germany. Tel.: 49 531 220 7725.
E-mail addresses: (J. Sliseris), l.yan@tu-braunschweig. initiation and propagation, damage development and failure
de, (L. Yan). mechanisms by experimental studies on a micro-scale level, thus,
1359-8368/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
144 J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154

the use of simulation tool will be helpful to determine the pro- of ax bre cross section was modeled by randomized version of
gressive failure of the composites [27]. the Fourier expansion of its complex coordinate function. In addi-
Flax short bre is one of the most commonly used congura- tion, two bre interface models were developed by using cohesive
tions in polymer composites. Flax short bre reinforced polymer zone elements. However, the model [33] was very computationally
composites made by extrusion, resin transfer and injection molding intensive and worked ne only on few bre models, which cannot
techniques have become popular in automotive industry for represent the actual stochastic microstructure of ax bre rein-
different components mainly because of their light-weight, excel- forced polymer composite. Moreover, for short ax bre reinforced
lent energy absorbing properties, sustainability and low costs polymer composites produced injection molding, the bre orien-
[13,14]. For example, ax bre reinforced polypropylene (PP) tation is governed by ow direction, which does not form a periodic
composites were produced by injection molding using short ax microstructure. Thus, appropriate constitutive models for ax bre,
bers with length up to 25 mm and average diameter about 30 mm interface zones, bre bundles and matrix were not well docu-
[13]. Tensile tests show that the failure mechanisms of short ax/PP mented in the literature.
composites on micro-scale are ber breakage, bre debonding, Flax fabric is another conguration which is widely used in
matrix cracking and split of ber bundles [28e30]. Semi-analytical polymer composites because the woven fabric allows the control of
approach with orientation averaging technique has been used to bre orientation and quality control, good reproducibility and high
numerically model the mechanical properties ax bers and their productivity [34]. For ax fabric reinforced polymer composites,
short bre reinforced composites [31]. In this method, it was several numerical modeling studies can be found in the literature,
necessary to create a unit-cell single ber nite element model. e.g. Refs. [35,36]. Liang et al. [35] modelled the tensile properties of
Then, the result of single ber model was used to obtain the me- unidirectional ax fabric reinforced laminates. Poila ^ne et al. [36]
chanical behavior of multi-ber model by orientation averaging modelled the viscoelastic behavior of unidirectional ax fabric
technique. This technique did not include the effects such as split of polymer composite successfully. In addition, the simulation of vi-
ber bundles, bre interlocking, bre defects and multi-axial stress bration damping of multi-layer ax-carbon composite in the frame
state in the modeling program. To have a more accurate modelling of plate theory was also documented by Assarar et al. [37]. Flax
result, indeed, it is important to take the randomness in micro- bres and PP or epoxy matrix have highly nonlinear material
structure and the actual geometry with defects of the bres into behavior. Even for small strains the experimental results show a
account. In the work done by Mattrand et al. [32], the randomness nonlinear stress-strain curve [30]. In despite of many attempts to

Fig. 1. Flow chart of representative volume element (RVE) generation for short ax ber reinforced polymer composite, where N(x,y)e random number according to normal
distribution with mean value x and standard deviation y, U(x,y)e random number according to uniform distribution in interval [x,y]. Only ber bundle generation algorithm is
shown explicitly. However ber and ber defect generation algorithm is analogical.
J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154 145

Fig. 2. Tetrahedron discretization of ax ber composite.

model ax fabric reinforced polymer composites, a consistent non- short bre reinforced polymer composite. Fibres are not allowed to
linear numerical model on micro-scale level cannot be found in the overlap. Fibre length and bre diameter are specied with normal
literature. distribution functions as input parameters. A random defect on the
In this study, we develop micromechanical numerical model for ax bre is generated, where the average distance between defects
both ax short bre-reinforced PP composite and ax bre fabric- are specied. The algorithm generates the necessary number of
reinforced epoxy composite, respectively. The numerical model bres and bre bundles by specifying the bre solid volume frac-
consists of stochastic bre generator, including bre defects and tion (SVF). The bre bundle always consists of seven bers with a
bre bundles effects. Appropriate constitutive models for ax - ber diameter of 23% of bundle diameter. This geometry of bre
bres, interface zones and matrix are also proposed. To avoid non- bundle allows to avoid poor mesh problems, if the distance be-
convergence and mesh dependency problems, the non-local the- tween adjacent bers is too small.
ory is applied. The geometry is discretized by 4-node tetrahedron nite ele-
ments (Fig. 2). The mesh quality is controlled by limiting the
2. Methods maximal aspect ratio of tetrahedron to 5. The aspect ratio is pro-
portional to the ratio of maximal edge length and radius of tetra-
2.1. Finite element model hedron [38]. The tensile load is applied by applying a constant
displacement at one side of the sample and the opposite side is
The stochastic structures of ax bre are generated by algo- xed. The symmetry conditions are used for the representative
rithm, which generate bres, bre bundles and bre defects volume element of ax/epoxy composite.
randomly. Fig. 1 gives the ow chart of representative volume Geometry of short ber reinforced composites and ax fabric
element (RVE) generation for short ax bre reinforced polymer reinforced composites is generated by creating a python script
composite and Fig. 2 shows the tetrahedron discretization of ax within Salome-Meca 2015 software [38]. Fig. 3 shows the geometry

Fig. 3. Geometry of ax ber and ber bundle.

146 J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154

The resins are modeled by Von Mises plasticity model [42] with
isotropic hardening given by curve of tension. The deformation
consists of elastic, plastic and temperature caused parts:

e p th (1)
The rate of plastic deformation is calculated by solving the

3 e s 1
_ p p_ _  A_ s  _ th ; (2)
2 seq

seq  Rp  0; (3)

p_ 0; if seq  Rp < 0; (4)

Fig. 4. Material models for resin-, ber- and ber defects-damage in a ber cell wall.
p_  0; if seq  Rp 0; (5)

where p cumulated equivalent plastic strain, R(p) hardening func-

of ax ber and ber bundle. The geometry module in this software q
generates primitives-points, lines, surfaces and solids. Afterwards, tion, e
s s  13 skk dij deviatoric stress, seq 32 e
sij esij equivalent
the crop, cutting and gluing operation with primitives have been stress of Von Mises, A elasticity tensor.
done. To specify different material properties and boundary con- The hardening function is dened as below:
ditions, a specic group for each geometrical object is assigned. The
nonlinear, quasi-static mechanical problem is solved by Code_Aster si1  si
Rp si p  pi ; p2pi ; pi1 : (6)
solver STAT_NON_LINE [39]. This solver search for balance of in- pi1  pi
ternal and external forces. The nonlinear system of equation is
The tangential matrix is obtained by solving equation
solved by using NewtoneRaphson method [40].

s_ eq  Rp 0: (7)
2.2. Non-linear material models Defects of ax bers and interface between ber bundles are
modeled by using a brittle material law with the continuum
The main non-linearity in mechanical behavior of ax bre damage mechanics. The state of material can be characterized by
reinforced polymer composite comes from the material non-linear the strain and damage d [42]. In the case of totally damaged
behaviors of ax bre and the resins. According to previous study material d 1, and in the case of non-damaged d 0.
[41], PP or epoxy resins can be modeled with a non-linear plasticity The stressestrain relationship of ax ber and ax ber defects
model. However, the tensile test of single ax ber showed a brittle is linear and the stiffness is reduced linearly by damage variable d
behavior and the damage usually occurs in the ber defects [30].
The ax ber bundles tend to split in separate bers, when the
s 1  dE : : (8)
tensile transversal load is applied to ber bundle [30]. These in-
uences are taken into account in the development of material In addition, the evolution of the damage is always increasing
constitutive models in this study (Fig. 4). and controlled by the following function threshold:

Table 1
Mechanical properties of ax bers and matrix.

Material Parameter Value Material Parameter Value

Flax ber Constitutive law Linear elastic, isotropic Polypropylene Constitutive law Plasticity with isotropic hardening
Young's modulus 54 GPa [8] E 1.627 GPa [30]
Poisson's ratio 0.2 Poisson's ratio 0.35 [29]
Defects of ax bers Constitutive law Brittle material law sy 1.627 MPa [30]
E 54 GPa s1,1 5.227, 0.005a
Poisson's ratio 0.2 s2,2 7.927, 0.01a
ET 2000 MPab s3,3 9.927, 0.015a
sy 50 MPab s4,4 11.427, 0.02a
Lc 1.0 s5,5 12.427, 0.025a
Interface zones in ber bundles Constitutive law Brittle material law s6,6 12.927, 0.03a
E 1.627 GPa
Poisson's ratio 0.35
ET 300 MPab
sy 2 MPa
Lc 1.0
Obtained by tting experimental data shown in Ref. [30].
Values obtained by tting experimental data [44] of single ber tensile test and also taking into account numerical convergence issues that does not allow to use too big
negative Young's modulus.
J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154 147

Z (   2 )
 2 1 2 1 v v v
1 1g Q min  Lc dU; (13)
f ; d : E :  w ; (9) 2 2 vx vy vz
2 1gd U

where coefcients w and g are both material characterization where Lc the characteristic length, U is the volume which is po-
constants. They can be obtained directly from tensile stress-strain tential localization of cracks and the non-local theory is applied. In
curve of single ber. this case, U is volume, where brittle material law is dened e de-
The coherence conditions completely determines the rate of fects of ax bres and the interface between bre bundles. The
damage: higher value of characteristic length the less local behavior is

f ; d  0; (10) 3. Results and discussion

In Sections 3.1e3.3, the simulation results of ax short ber

d_  0; (11) reinforced PP composites are presented. The effects of ax ber
orientation, ber length and diameter ratios on the material
properties of the short ax/PP composites are analyzed. The
_ ; d 0: simulation results of ax fabric reinforced epoxy composites are
df (12)
presented in Section 3.4.
The progressive damage and plastic deformation growth in
matrix or bers can lead to serious numerical convergence prob- 3.1. Effect of ber orientation
lems. The progressive damage growth and negative Young's
modulus (negative slope in the stress-strain curve) can lead to loss The numerical parameters and mechanical properties of ax
of ellipticity in inelastic problems of ax composite. The damage ber and matrix used for ax short bre/PP composites are listed in
variable is computed in discrete integration points that leads to Table 1.
mesh dependency. To avoid of these problems, we use a nonlocal Fiber orientation plays a crucial role in the mechanical proper-
formulation with regularized strains [43]. ties of ax short ber reinforced polymer composite. The random
The regularized strains are computed by solving additional microstructures with different ber orientations are generated as
minimization problem: shown in Fig. 5. The size of representative volume elements (RVEs)

Fig. 5. Microstructures of short ax bres in matrix: (a) orientation coefcient 0.32, (b) orientation coefcient 0.59, (c) orientation coefcient 0.72 and (d) orientation coefcient
148 J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154

Fig. 6. Young's modulus of short ber reinforced ax/PP depending of ber orientation.

is 2 mm, which is larger than the maximal length of the ax ber of function of the ber orientation for short ax/PP composites by
1.9 mm, by doing so, there are no bers that completely cross the injection molding. We also plot the experimentally measured
RVE. The average diameter of ax ber used is 73.4 mm [30] and the Young's modulus for the bre reinforced polymer composite at the
ax ber solid volume fraction is 13.7%. skin and core layers given in Ref. [30]. Fig. 6 indicates that the ber
The ber orientation is measured as the ratio of ber orientation orientation coefcient at the core layer is around 0.46 and that at
vector projections on coordinate axis (Figs. 3 and 5). The isotropic the sink layer is 0.63, respectively.
orientation corresponds to an orientation coefcient of 0.33. If the Then, the microstructure with ber orientation coefcient of
bers are completely oriented in Z direction, then the orientation 0.63 is generated, corresponding to the skin layer and after that the
coefcients in X,Y,Z directions are 0, 0, 1, respectively (we specify nonlinear tensile stress-strain curves of the short ax bre/PP
only the main orientation, so the orientation coefcient is 1 for this composites is plotted and given in Fig. 7. As shown in the gure,
microstructure). there is a good agreement between the simulated and the experi-
In short ax bre reinforced polymer composites, a precise mental tensile stress-strain curve of the short ax/PP composites
measurement of the ber orientation is impossible due to the presented in Ref. [30].
complicated shape of the bre in the polymer matrix. However, it
has shown that the short ax/polymer composites manufactured 3.2. Effect of ber length/diameter ratio on stiffness
by injection molding have more oriented bers at skin layers and
less at the core due to the directions of the main streamlines [30]. The ratio of ber length-and-diameter also has a great impact on
Fig. 6 shows the Young's modulus (in linear elastic case) as a mechanical properties of short ax ber reinforced polymer

Fig. 7. Flax/PP composite with oriented bers in skin layer (experiment values obtained from Ref. [30]).
J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154 149

Table 2 3.3. Progressive failure and plastic strains

Properties of ax ber and microstructure representative element.

L/D D (mm) L (mm) RVE size (mm) Orientation SVF To design ax bre reinforced polymer composites with favor-
10 30 300 600  600  600 0.18:0.19:0.63 0.1379
able properties, it is important for researchers to have a good un-
25 30 750 600  600  1500 0.19:0.20:0.61 0.1364 derstand on its damage initiation, development and failure
50 30 1500 400  400  3000 0.21:0.18:0.61 0.1367 mechanisms. In reality, it is impossible to record the cracking
initiation, damage development, and plastic deformation of ax
bre reinforced polymer composites by experimental study on a
composites. As this ratio decreases, the mechanical properties of microscale level because the bres are embedded in the polymer
the composites also decrease. Up to a certain level, there is an in- matrix. Hence, the numerical results of damage and plastic de-
crease in mechanical properties with an increase of length-to- formations of short ax bre reinforced polymer composites are
diameter ratio [13]. Stochastic microstructures with ax bres presented. Figs. 9e11 show the different damage mechanisms of
with various ber length-to-diameter ratios are generated. The the short ax/PP composites using the numerical modelling.
geometry of bers, dimensions of RVEs, ber orientation and solid Generally, it is realized that the plastic deformation of the short
volume fraction of bers are shown in Table 2. The relationship ax/PP composites initiates at the ber endings and around the
between the Young's modulus of the composites and ber length- ber defects [30]. As shown in Figs. 9 and 10, these failure mech-
to-diameter ratios is illustrated in Fig. 8. The considered micro- anisms are successfully captured by the simulation.
structures of the ax bres have following length-to-diameter ra- Natural bres such as ax have many defects and imperfections
tios: 10, 25 and 50. As illustrated in Fig. 8, the comparison with the along the ber length [13,28,45]. Normally, the damage of bre
experimental results [30] show a good agreement in the modulus of initiates at the defect points of the bre [13,28]. To capture this
elasticity. effect, the randomly distributed ber defects are generated in the

Fig. 8. Modulus of elasticity depending on ratio of ber length and diameter.

Fig. 9. Failure mechanisms 1: plastic strains at ber endings: (a) at 0.6% strains, (b) at 1.8% strains, (c) at 3% strains.
150 J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154

Fig. 10. Failure mechanism 2: damage in ber defects (SEM photo is reproduced from Ref. [30]).

numerical simulation. The brittle material constitutive law is used The conguration of ber bundles also has an inuence on the
in the simulation of ber defects. The average distance between deformation mechanisms of short ax/PP composites. Experi-
ber defects are studied by Andersons et al. [45] and this value is mental investigations shown that ax ber bundles can be easily
used as input parameter to the random ber generator in this cracked [30], as shown in Fig. 11. In the numerical model, the ber
study. The ber defects are shown in Fig. 10(b). bundles consist of seven individual bers. The interface zone be-
tween the bers are modeled by a brittle material law. As shown in

Fig. 11. Failure mechanism 3: split of ber bundles.

J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154 151

Fig. 12. Microstructure failure mechanisms at different stress-strain states in the tensile response of short ax/PP composite. The red color is ber and ber bundle damage and the
blue color indicates plastic deformation growth. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

the modeling result, the damage of interface zone in the ber

Table 3 bundles is clear, further damage and plastic deformation growth in
Mechanical properties of epoxy and ax fabric based on [4].
matrix near the ber bundles are observed.
Properties Epoxy Flax fabric Fig. 12 shows the damage development at different strain-stress
Tensile modulus, GPa 3.89 16.25 states of short ax/PP composites. The rst damage appears at a
Tensile strength, MPa 78 145.55 strain of 0.1% due to the ber and ber bundle defects. Afterwards,
Tensile strain at failure, % 3.5 3.15 with an increase in applied load, plastic deformation in the matrix
Poisson's ratio 0.35 0.2 near ber damage and ber endings is developed.

Fig. 13. Stressestrain plot of single ax yarn and epoxy.

152 J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154

Fig. 14. Finite element model of ax-epoxy composite.

Table 4
Simulation and experimental results of ax fabric/epoxy composite.

Value Experimental results Simulation results Difference (%)

Tensile modulus, GPa 8.7 8.738 0.4

Tensile strength, MPa 108.0 118.7 9.9
Transversal Young's modulus, GPa e 5.7
In-plane shear modulus, GPa e 6.3
Out of plane shear modulus, GPa e 4.0
In-plane Poisson's ratio e 0.24
Out of plane Poisson's ratio e 0.37

3.4. Flax fabric/epoxy composite of 550 g/m2 and a yarn diameter of 1 mm. Flax yarns are virtually
generated and simulated. The ax yarn middle line is assumed to be
The numerical simulations of ax fabric reinforced epoxy com- a sinusoidal function. Flax yarns have circular cross section. In the
posites are based on the experimental investigations done by Yan contact zones of ax yarns, a little overlapping of yarns is allowed.
et al. [4]. The ax fabric has a plain weave structure with a density Other parameters of the ax fabrics and the epoxy resin are shown

Fig. 15. Experimental and simulated tensile stress-strain curves of ax fabric/epoxy composites.
J. Sliseris et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 143e154 153

ax bre and ax fabric reinforcements are modeled by a non-

linear plasticity model with an isotropic hardening law. The nu-
merical results can capture the main damage mechanisms such as
ber breakage at ber defects, matrix damage and damage of the
cohesive zone quite well. Good agreements between simulation
results and experimental results of elastic properties and non-
linear tensile stress-strain curves up to ultimate strains are


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