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This section analyses the results of the experiment. The experiment went as expected with no
unusual events that would have introduced error. The experiment that we conducted will only
test out three types of inorganic ions found in the sample which are Chloride, Sulphate and
Nitrate ions.

Chlorine Test

Chlorine in both samples react with mercuric thiocyanate to produce mercuric chloride and
free thiocyanate ions. The thiocyanate ions react with ferric ions to form ferric thiocynate
complex which will indicate orange in colour. The amount of ferric thiocynate complex
formed is proportional to the chloride concentration in the sample.

Hg (SCN)2 (Mercuric Thiocyanate) + 2Cl HgCl2 + 2SCN

Fe3+ + 3SCN Fe (SCN)3 (Red-orange)

It can be tell by their colour changes after adding Mercuric Thiocynate solution and Ferric
Ion Solution into both samples. Aquarium water was turned from colourless to orange colour
while tap water was turned from colourless to brownish solution after adding these two
solutions. According to table 1, it is clearly showing that the concentration of chlorine level

found in Aquarium water (after dilution, 16.35 mg/L Cl ) is higher than tap water (4.0

mg/L Cl ). Based on the research has done by Government of Western Australia

Department of Health, the safety level of chlorine concentration in our drinking water should
not exceed 5mg/L (or 5 parts per million). Therefore, tap water is still in the safety range of
chlorine level in drinking water but not for aquarium water.

Nitrate Test

The cadmium metal is used to reduce nitrate (NO3-) in both samples to Nitrites (NO2-). The
Nitrite ion is then reacted with sulfanilic acid to produce an intermediate called diazonium
salt. At last, the diazonium salt is reacted with gentistic acid to form an amber coloured
solution. The colour intensity of this product is proportional to the concentration of nitrate
level found in the sample.

NO3- + Cd + 2H+ ---> NO2- + Cd+2 + H2O

sulfanilic acid diazonium salt

diazonium salt gentisic acid (amber colored species)

There was a significant colour changes in aquarium water after adding NitraVer5 Nitrate
Reagent Power Pillow into the sample. The aquarium water was turned from colourless to
dark yellow solution while tap water was turned into pale yellow solution after shaking it
vigorously. The darker the colour changes, the higher the concentration level of nitrate in the
sample. Based on the result in table 2, the concentration of nitrate level found in Aquarium

water (after dilution, 6.4 mg/L NO3 ) is much higher compared to tap water (0.8 mg/L

NO3 ). According to Environment Protection Agency (EPA), they have set the safety level

of nitrate concentration in our drinking water at 10 mg/L (or 10 parts per million). The
excessive amount of nitrate can cause a potentially fatal blood disorder in infants who is
under the age of six months and it is also known as methemoglobinemia or blue-baby. The
haemoglobin in the blood will transform into methemoglobin which will eliminate the ability
of blood cells to transport oxygen in their body. As a result, tap water and aquarium water are
still within the safety range of nitrate concentration level.

Sulphate Test

The sulphate ions in both samples react with barium in the SulfaVer 4 powder pillow to
produce insoluble barium sulphate. The barium sulphate forms cloudy precipitate in the
sample and shows a cloudy appearance which is called turbidity. The concentration level of
sulphate present is directly proportional to the amount of turbidity formed. The turbidity will
then measure by spectrophotometrically due to the restricted light passing
through the sample caused by the cloudiness.

Ba2+ + SO42- --> BaSO4

There is not much different between the colour changes in both samples. The aquarium water
and tap water were turned from colourless to cloudy after adding SulfaVer 4 powder pillow.
However, aquarium water has a slightly cloudy appearance compared to tap water. From the
table 3, the concentration level of sulphate found in aquarium water (26.0 mg/L SO 4 ) is

slightly higher than tap water (19.0 mg/L SO 4 ). According to Minnesota Department of

Health (MDH), the safety range of sulphate concentration level is around 250mg/L (or 250
parts per million). There is no significant effect when drinking excessive sulphate content of
water. They might experience dehydration and diarrhea for those who are unacclimated to
elevated levels of sulphate. Therefore, these samples are safe within the range of sulphate
concentration level.

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