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The writing process

1. Brainstorm
2. Pre-write
3. Drafting (sloppy Copy[ies])
4. Edit and revise
5. final draft

1. Brainstorm
a. Put your thoughts down on paper
2. Pre-write
a. Organize your thoughts
3. Drafting (sloppy Copy [ies])
a. Bring together your ideas. Dont be concerned about spelling, grammar, or
punctuation conventions (Rules).
4. Edit and revise
a. Edit this can be done by you, your peers, the instructor, or any combination
of the three
i. To move text around, make shore you are using complete sentences.
b. Revise
i. Check Grammar, spelling punctuation, style Ect.
5. Final draft
a. rewrite the assignment with corrections

Six traits
1. Ideas
2. Organization
3. Voice
4. Sentence Fluency
5. Word Choice
6. Conventions

1. Ideas
a. Message
b. Clarity of Message
c. Did I make it interesting
2. Organization
a. How does my paper start and end
b. Do things happen in the right order (sequencing)
c. Am I on topic?
3. Voice
a. Do I like the way the paper sounds?
i. Does the paper sound like I wrote it?
b. Does the reader fell like I want them to?
c. What is my favorite part?
4. Sentence Fluency
a. Do I use Sentences?
b. Do I start my Sentences differently?
c. Do I very my Sentence length and structure?
5. Word Choice
a. Did I use words that I love?
b. Do I use new words?
6. Conventions
a. Did I fallow rules pertaining to spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation?
b. Is my paper legible?


What is a sentence?
A group of words that express a thought.

What is a complete sentence?

A group of words that express a complete thought must contain a subject and a verb.

What must the subject and the verb do?

Must obey spelling, grammar, and punctuation conventions (Rules).
Added 9/11/2007


Can contain either 3-5, 5-8, or 5-10 Sentences
Starts with an indent {tab}
Is most often on one idea
(in mutli-paragraph writings) has a transition after the closing Sentence

Types of Sentences
Statement (.)
Command (.)
Question (?)
Exclamation (!)

Indefinite Pronouns


All Each Many One
Any(root) Either More Others
Anyone Every(root) Most Some (root)
Anything Everything Nobody Something
Anybody Everyone No one Someone
Both Everybody None Somebody

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