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Sarah Baczanski

From horror to hope Essay

Have you ever done a chore or had a job you did not like doing? , we all have.

Bad jobs can range from wearing a rat suit to hanging chickens in a market. In this essay

I will tell you about one horrid task I was assigned while volunteering at a local medical

center. In my first paragraph I will discuss where I worked, what my job was, and what

tasks where involved in my job. In my second paragraph I will discuss the conditions I

worked in, my co-worker and observer. In my third paragraph I will discuss the attitude

of my supervisor along with co-worker and what made the job unbearable. Lets ring the

bell with where I worked, what my larger job was, and the details of my job.

Some school districts allow high school juniors and seniors to get out into the

community and volunteer at job sites, in MPS this is called CATP. When I had to the

task Im writing about I was working at St Josephs Regional Medical Center

(S.J.R.M.C) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The task I was given was in Food Service as a

Table Assistant which is like a bus-person. My job initialed that I wash tables, with

bleach water, straiten out tabletops and chairs and pick up anything that was left behind

by the tables last occupants. Now class we will begin with discussing the working

conditions, the person I worked with and the person that was observing me.

The environment I normally worked in at S.J.R.M.C was very tedious even

though it was usually full of activity. Like I said in the paragraph above the task I was

given was in Food Service which meant that I worked in the cafeteria. Despite that the

conditions where clean, well the floor at least. Since CATP is a school to work program I

was working with a student from another school. The supervisors assistant, Ms. King,
was watching us clean the tables. I also had about 50 or so strangers watching me. Lets

continue with the attitude of my supervisor along with co-worker and what I did not like

about the job.

The attitude of my supervisor, Ms. Nokovic, was very present everyday when we

got in to her office she always asked how we where doing. The altitude of my coworkers

was not always so amiable. The student I worked with did not always have the best

attitude, she hounded me. One qualm I had about this job instead of warring hair bonnets,

like I wore in my department (Sterile Processing), we had to wear hairnets. Another

qualm I had, was being watch constantly. Now its time to bring class to an end with a


To conclude working in food service, washing tables, is not my cup of tea.

Although doing CATP was a fun experience and working at S.J.R.M.C was great, Id

much rather do Sterile Processing. I told you my job horror story, do you have any?

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