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ture Notes for Dis rete Stru tures 1

Sandeep Sen

Mar h 28, 2006

2 Department of Computer S ien e and Engineering, IIT Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India.

1 Preliminaries 1
1.1 Relations and Fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Counting and omparing in nite sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Prin iple of Indu tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Basi Counting 5
2.1 Permutation and Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Distribution problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Introdu tion to Graphs 11
3.1 Representation of graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Rea hability in graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.1 Tours and y les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.2 Conne tivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.3 k- onne tivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3 Some spe ial lasses of graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.4 Problem Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4 Counting te hniques 17
4.1 The pigeon hole prin iple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Prin iple of In lusion and Ex lusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3 The probabilisti method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4 Problem Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.5 Some basi s of probability theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5 Re urren es and generating fun tions 25
5.1 An iterative method - summation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.2 Linear re urren e equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2.1 Homogeneous equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2.2 Inhomogeneous equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

5.3 Generating fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.3.1 Binomial theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.4 Exponential generating fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.5 Re urren es with two variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.6 Probability generating fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.6.1 Probabilisti inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.7 Problem Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6 Modular Arithmeti 38
6.1 Divisibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6.2 Congruen es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.3 Problem Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
7 Appli ation of probability: Information and Coding theory 44
7.1 Quantifying information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
7.2 Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7.2.1 Hu man ode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7.3 Relative information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
8 Sorting and Sear hing 50
8.1 Skip Lists - an alternative to bala ed BST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
8.1.1 Review of Skip-lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
8.1.2 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
8.2 Trieps : Randomized Sear h Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8.3 Lower bounds for sear hing and sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
9 Universal Hashing 57
9.1 Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
9.2 Collision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
9.3 Universal Hash Fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
9.4 Example of a Universal Hash fun tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Abstra t
The following pages ontain preliminary version of the le tures and problems on
Dis rete Stru tures. The notes are likely to ontain errors, in parti ular typographi .
I will endeavour to update this every week.
Chapter 1
A set is a olle tion of obje ts. The obje ts of a set are alled members or elements.
Two sets are equal i they have the same members. Usually we do not ount repeated
elements more than on e - when we do they are alled multisets. Sets may ontain
nite or in nite number of elements. A set that does not have any element is alled
empty and is denoted by . Some ommon set identities are
 Idempoten y
 Asso iativity
 De Morgan's Laws
The power set of a set A is the olle tion of all distin t subsets of A (in luding
phi) and is denoted by 2A. A partition of A is a olle tion of subsets A1 ; A2 : : : su h
that [i Ai = A and Ai \ Aj =  for all i 6= j .

1.1 Relations and Fun tions

A Cartesian produ t of two sets A and B denoted by A  B is the set of all ordered
pairs (a; b) with a 2 A and b 2 B . A binary relation R is a subset of A  B .
The de nitions for Cartesian produ t and relations have natural extensions to k-fold
Cartesian produ t and k-ary relation.

De nition 1.1.1 A relation R  A  A is re exive if for all a 2 A, (a; a) 2 R.
A relation is symmetri if (b; a) 2 R whenever (a; b) 2 R. A relation is anti-
symmetri if (b; a) 2 R then (a; b) 2= R. A relation is transitive if (a; ) 2 R
whenever (a; b) 2 R and (b; ) 2 R.
De nition 1.1.2 A binary relation that is re exive, symmetri and transitive is
alled a equivalen e relation.
A binary relation that is re exive, antisymmetri and transitive is alled a partial
A partial order is a total order if for every pair of distin t elements a; b, either (a; b)
or (b; a) belongs to the partial order.
We often use the notation a  b to denote that a; b are related under the equiv-
alen e relation . For a 2 S , the set of elements [a = fx 2 S jx  ag is alled the
equivalen e lass of a.
Theorem 1.1.3 The equivalen e lasses of an equivalen e relation on a set S on-
stitute a partition of S .
Proof: Sin e a  a; a 2 [a. If [a and [b are two distin t equivalen e lasses where
b 2= [a, we must show that [a \ [b = . Suppose 2 [a \ [b, then a  and  b and
therefore from transitivity a  b. This implies that b 2 [a whi h is a ontradi tion.
A fun tion f is de ned from a set of obje ts alled domain to another set alled range
or o-domain. Intuitively, f asso iates for ea h element of the domain a unique
element of range. Often we represent a fun tion by f : A ! B and f (a) to denote
the element (of the range) to whi h a 2 A is mapped by f . Sometimes f (a) is alled
the image of a (under f ) or a as the inverse image of f . The de nition of a fun tion
also naturally extends to k-ary fun tions, i.e., f has k arguments. Another view is to
think of A as a set of ordered k tuples.
De nition 1.1.4 A fun tion f : A ! B is onto if ea h element of B is an image
of at least one element of A. f is one-to-one if for two distin t a; a0 , f (a) 6= f (a0).
A fun tion f is a bije tion if it is one-to-one and onto.
Bije tions are espe ially useful for ounting problems, For example, if we an nd
a bije tion between ( nite) sets A and B , then the number of elements in A equal
that in B . The use of one-to-one fun tions are even more useful for omparing the
number of elements in in nite sets.

1.2 Counting and omparing in nite sets
The motivating question for this topi is "Are there more reals numbers than rationals
?" Both sets R (set of Real numbers) and Q (the set of rationals are in nite sets, so
how an we distinguish between the sizes of these sets. Similarly, we may want to
nd the ompare the set of integers with rationals.
De nition 1.2.1 Two sets A and B are alled ardinally equivalent, i there is a
bije tive fun tion f : A ! B and this will be denoted by #(A) = #(B ).
Example 1.2.2 : Let A be a nite non-empty set, then there exists a unique
integer n su h that A is ardinally equivalent to f1; 2; : : : ng. Then we say that A has
n elements.
Example 1.2.3 : Let E be the set of even positive integers. Then #(E ) = #(Z+)
where Z+ is the set of all positive integers using the fun tion f : #(E ) ! #(Z+)
where f (n) = n=2. This fun tion is bije tive, so intuitively the number of integers is
the same as the number of even integers.
De nition 1.2.4 A set S is ountably in nite i #(S ) = #(Z+). A set is ountable
i S is nite or ountably nite.
Theorem 1.2.5 Every subset of a ountable set is ountable. A ountable union of
a ountable set is ountable.
Proof: For the rst part, renumber the integers whose images are in the subset (i.e.
the subsequen e of f1; 2 : : : ng). For the se ond part, simply onstru t a sequen e
that traverses the subsequen es "diagonally." 2
Lemma 1.2.6 The set of reals, R is un ountable.
De nition 1.2.7 If there exists an surje tive (onto) fun tion f : A ! B , then
#(A)  #(B ). Equivalently there is an inje tive (1-1) mapping g : B ! A.
If #(A)  #(B ) and #(A) 6= #(B ), then #(A) < #(B ).
Example 1.2.8 : If A  B , then #(A)  #(B ). Consider the subsequen e of the
identity map(it is an onto map).
Theorem 1.2.9 If S any set then #(S ) < #(2S ), i.e. there is no bije tion between
a set and its powerset.

1.3 Prin iple of Indu tion
One of the most useful proof te hniques in dis rete stru tures is the prin iple of
indu tion. There are two well known (equivalent) formulations of this. To distinguish
between these we will give them di erent names.
Prin iple of Mathemati al Indu tion
Let P (i) denote a predi ate that is de ned for an integer i. If P (0) is true
and for all i, P (i + 1) is true whenever P (i) is true, then P (i) is true for
all integers i.
Prin iple of Complete Indu tion
Let P (i) denote a predi ate that is de ned for an integer i. If P (0) is true
and for all i P (i +1) is true whenever P (j ) is true for all j  i, then P (i)
is true for all integers i.
Remark Although these are equivalent, we will nd the se ond form easier to apply
in most situations.
Problem Set
1. Let S = f(x; y)jx; y are realsg. If (a; b) and ( ; d) belong to S , de ne (a; b)R( ; d)
if a2 + b2 = 2 + d2. Prove that R is an equivalen e relation.
2. Let S be the set of real numbers. If a; b 2 S , de ne a  b if a b is an integer.
Show that  is an equivalen e relation.
3. Let S be a set of integers. If a; b 2 S , let aRb, if a  b  0. Is R an equivalen e
relation on S ? How about the relation R0 where aR0b if a + b is even ?
4. Give examples of relations that are
 re exive and symmetri but not transitive
 re exive and transitive but not symmetri
 symmetri and transitive but not re exive
5. Show that for every positive integer n, show that 22n 1 is divisible by 3.
6. Show that for every positive integer n and every real number . ( os  + i sin )n =
os n + i sin n.
7. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmeti Every integer greater than 1 is a
prime or a produ t of primes and the produ t is unique up to the order of the
fa tors. Prove the existen e part using indu tion.
8. Show that the set Q  Q is ountable.
Chapter 2
Basi Counting

2.1 Permutation and Combinations

A fundamental problem involving dis rete stru tures is ounting the number of ob-
je ts/events satisfying some property. This in ludes the possibility if su h a subset
exists at all (existen e problem). A more di ult version is hoosing the best a ording
to some riterion, namely optimization.
Two elementary rules are extensively used for ounting, namely the Addition
Prin iple and the Multipli ation prin iple.
De nition 2.1.1 [Addition Prin iple If one event an o ur in m ways and another
in n ways then there are m + n ways in whi h one of the two events an o ur.
Note that the two events annot o ur simultaneously.
De nition 2.1.2 [Multipli ation Prin iple If one event an o ur in m ways and
another event an o ur in n, independently of ea h other, then there are m  n ways
in whi h both events an o ur.
Example 2.1.3 : To hoose two books of di erent languages among 5 books in
Latin, seven books in Greek and 10 books in Sanskrit, there are 5  7+5  10+7  10 =
155 ways sin e there are 57 ways to hoose a Latin and a Greek book (multipli ation
prin iple), 5  10 ways to hoose a Latin and a Sanskrit book and 7  10 ways to
hoose a Greek and a Sanskrit book. Finally, we must hoose only one of the pairs,
so the answer follows from the Addition prin iple.
It is not di ult to formally prove the two prin iples. We an use indu ion in the
following manner to prove the Addition Prin iple.
Indu tion Hypothesis For m of events of type 1 and i events of type 2, i  0, the

number of events of either type is m + i.
Proof: By indu tion on i. The base ase is learly true, i.e. when there are no events
of type 1. Suppose it is true for k events of type 2, namely there are m + k eents.
When there are k +1 events of type 2, then there are two distin t possiblities - either
k + 1st event o urs or it doesn't. Theefore, by invoking the indu tion hypothesis,
the total number of possibiliies is n + k + 1. 2
Similarly one an prove the Multipli ation Prin iple as well as the following gen-
eralizations given in exer ises.
De nition 2.1.4 [Permutation and Combination A permutation of n distin t
obje ts is an arrangement or ordering of the n obje ts. An r-permutation of n
distin t obje ts is an arrangement using r out of the n obje ts. An r- ombination
of n distin t obje ts is an unordered sele tion (subset) of size r.
We will denote r-permutation and r- ombination of n obje ts by P (n; r) and C (n; r)
respe tively.
From the multipli ation prin iple, we obtain
P (n; 2) = n(n 1) P (n; 3) = n(n 1)(n 2)
P (n; n) = n(n 1)(n 2) : : : 1 = n! (nn!fa torial)
P (n; r) = n(n 1) : : : (n r + 1) = (n r)!
To obtain a formula for r- ombination, we will make use of an indire t te hnique.
For every distin t r-subset, there are P (r; r) distin t arrangements. Let us number
the distin t r-permutations in some order say 1 ; 2 : : : t where t = P (n; r). We an
group them in a way su h that ea h group orresponds to a distin t r-subset. From
the previous observation, ea h group has P (r; r) members. Therefore
P (n; r) n!
C (n; r) = =
P (r; r) (n r)!  r!
Caveat We ould have invoked multipli ation prin iple, but we have to be areful
about setting up the events appropriately. One of the most ommon pitfalls of ount-
ing problems is the temptation of applying the formulae arelessly. The formulae are
usually simple but one must be areful about the appli ability in a spe i situation.

2.2 Distribution problems

The problem of ounting the number of ways to distribute r obje ts in n ells shows
up in di erent ontexts and is also referred to as o upan y problems. Let us onsider
the following ases depending on distinguishable and distinguishable obje ts. The
ells are distin t and an be numbered as C1; C2 : : : Cn.
We will rst onsider the distinguishable obje ts ase and further separate out
the situations where there an be at most one obje t per ell or the unrestri ted
ase (any number). In the unrestri ted ase, there are n hoi es for every ball and
sin e these are independent, the number of possibilities is nr from the multipli ation
prin iple. In the restri ted ase, i.e. at most one obje t per ell, suppose r  n.
Any distribution orresponds to an arrangement of r labels from the set f1; 2 : : : ng,
namely, the labels of the o upied ells, where the i-th label indi ates the pla ement
of the i-th obje t. This is learly P (n; r). If n  r, then ea h distribution orresponds
to an arrangement of n labels from the set f1; 2; : : : rg, namely the obje ts that are
alloted to ells C1 : : : Cn. This is the same as P (r; n).
If the obje ts are indistinguishable, then in the unrestri ted ase, two distribu-
tions are equivalent, if the number of obje ts in ea h ell remains same (although the
labels of the balls may be di erent). Ea h on guration an be des ribedPasna ve tor
(x1 ; x2; : : : xn ) where xi denotes the ontent of the i-th ell. Moreover i xi = r.
Consider n 1 markers and look at any on guration of r balls and n 1 markers.
Interpret the number of obje ts between the j and j + 1st marker as the ontent of
the j -th ell (make appropriate adjustments for the end markers). Noti e that by per-
muting the (indistinguishable) markers among themselves and the (indistinguishable)
obje ts among themselves the ell- ontents do not hange. So the number of distin t
distributions (where two distributions are di erent if they di er in one or more ell
ontents) is given by PP(n(n+1;nr 11);n+Pr (r;r1) ) = C (n + r 1; r). The above argument an be
made more rigorous by invoking the Addition and Multipli ation Prin iples.
In the restri ted ase (at most one per ell), the orresponding formulae for r  n
is C (n; r). Let us formalise the arguments sin e these have a very intuitive onne tions
with the orresponding gures of the distinguishable ase. Let us onsider the set of
distin t distributions for the distinguishable obje ts when r  n. As noted above,
these an be represented as strings of length r over the labels f1; 2 : : : ng. Two
strings s1 ; s2 : : : sr and s01 ; s02 : : : s0r represent identi al distribution for indistinguishable
obje ts if one an be permuted into the other, i.e., they ontain the same labels.
Therefore, we an group the strings into equivalen e lasses, where a lass orresponds
to strings over the same labels.
Claim 2.2.1 The number of lasses is equal to the number of distribution of indis-
tinguishable obje ts. Moreover ea h lass ontains exa tly r! strings.
Proof: Sin e the set of labels are di erent for two lasses, the number of possible
distributions is not less than the number of lasses. Moreover, ea h distribution
orresponds to set of labels, so the number of distribution annot ex eed the number
of lasses. Therefore they are equal. (Basi ally x  y and y  x implies x = y).
For the se ond part of the laim, note that ea h distin t permutation of (a xed set
of) labels represent a di erent distribution for distinguishable obje ts. 2
From the above laim it follows that the number of distributions for distinguishable
obje ts equals r! times the number of distributions for indistinguishable obje ts. This
gives us the required result as P (n; r) = C (n; r)  r!.
A new situation emerges if we x the number of ea h type of obje ts (as opposed
to having an P unlimited number of ea h obje t). Suppose we have ri obje ts of type
i, su h that i ri  n. Note that the ri obje ts are indistinguishable. Then the
possible distributions is equal to
C (n; r1 ; r2 ; : : : rk ) =
r1 !  r2 !  : : : rk !  (n r1 r2 : : : rk )!
This follows from the observation that for the r1 obje ts of type 1, the number of
hoi es for pla ements is C (n; r1), for obje t 2, the number of hoi es is C (n r1; r2)
and so on. The result follows from the Multipli ation prin iple.
Remark 2.2.2 Note that the value of the above expression does not depend on the
order in whi h the types are hosen.
Problem Set
1. If there are k events E1; E2 : : : Ek , where Ei has ni possibilities then show that
 There are n1 + n2 : : : nk ways in whi h one of Ei an o ur.
 There are n1  n2 : : : nk ways in whi h all the events an o ur (if they are
independent of ea h other).
2. Show that C (n; r) = C (n 1; r 1) + C (n 1; r).
Instead of applying the formula, you may want to argue using the addition
prin iple. Consider all distin t subsets that ontain a xed obje t and those
subsets that do not ontain this xed obje t. The above is an example of
a re urren e equation that will be addressed later in the ourse. The above
identity an be used to derive a formula for C (n; r) thus inverting the pro ess.
3. In how many ways an you hoose r obje ts out of n di erent kinds where there
are unlimited number of obje ts of ea h type ?
4. How many ways are there to pla e two identi al queens on an 8  8 hess board
so that the queens are not in a ommon row, olumn or diagonal.

5. How many di erent re tangles an be drawn on an 8  8 hess board (re tangles
an have lengths 1 through 8 and two re tangles are di erent if they ontain a
di erent subset of squares).
6. What is the probability that a 4-digit telephone number has one or more re-
peated digits ?
7. There are six Fren h books, eight Russian books, and ve di erent Spanish
books. How many ways are there to arrange the books in a row with all books
of the same language onse utively arranged ?
8. How many ways are there to assign 10 students to 10 out of 20 se tions ?
9. A man has n friends and invites a di erent subset of four of them to his house
for a year (365 nights). How large must n be ?
10. What is the probability that the di eren e between the largest and the smallest
numbers is k in a subset of four di erent numbers hosen from 1 to 20 ( 3 
k  19) ?
11. How many points of interse tion are formed by the hords of an n-gon (a regular
polygon with n sides) assuming that no three hords meet at a ommon point ?
How many line segments are formed by the interse tions - note that if a hord
has k interse tion points then it has k + 1 segments.
12. How many integer solutions are there to the equation x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 12 ,
with xi  0 ? How many solutions are there with xi  1 ?
13. In how many ways an you distribute 20 distin t ags into 12 distin t agpoles
if in arranging the ags on the poles, the order from the ground up makes a
di eren e ?
14. In how many ways an you distribute r identi al balls into n distin t boxes with
the rst m boxes olle tively ontaining at least s balls ?
15. Eleven s ientists are working on a se ret proje t. They wish to lo k up the
do uments in a abinet su h that the abinet an be opened if and only if six
or more s ientists are present. What is the smallest number of lo ks required ?
What is the smallest number of keys that ea h s ientist must arry ?
16. In how many ways an three numbers be sele ted from the numbers 1; 2 : : : 300
su h that their sum is divisible by 3 ?
17. Show that (k!)! is divisible by (k)!(k 1)!.
18. A binary string is a sequen e of 0's and 1's. How many binary strings of length
n ontain an even number of 0's ? If strings are over the alphabet f0; 1; 2g, then
show that the number of strings where 0 appears an even number of times is
(3n + 1)=2.
19. A boolean fun tion an be represented using a tabular form where all the n-digit
binary numbers are listed along with the fun tion values. How many boolean
fun tions are possible ?
A self-dual boolean fun tion is a table whi h remains un hanged if all the 0's
and 1's are swapped. How many self-dual boolean fun tions are there ?
A symmetri boolean fun tion is one that remains un hanged for any permuta-
tion of the n input olumns. How many symmetri boolean fun tions are there
20. A system onsists of four identi al parti les. The total energy in the system is
4Eo where Eo is a positive onstant. Ea h of the parti les an have an energy
level equal to kEo ( k = 0; 1::4). A parti le with energy kEo an o upy one
of the k2 + 1 distin t energy states at that energy level. How many di erent
on gurations (in terms of energy states o upied by the parti les) an the
system have ?

Chapter 3
Introdu tion to Graphs
A graph G = (V; E ) onsists of a nite set V of verti es and a set E of edges whi h are
ordered pairs of verti es. S hemati ally, we represent graphs using a set of points that
denote verti es and edges by an ar joining the two de ning verti es with an arrow
indi ating the ordering of the verti es. An undire ted graph doesn't have dire tions
asso iated with an edge. If we think about the edges as roads onne ting verti es
then in the undire ted ase we an traverse the edge in either dire tion where as the
(dire ted) graph is like one-way streets. Unless stated otherwise a graph will be used
to imply the undire ted version.
There are several generalization of the basi de nition. If the set of edges form a
multiset, i.e., some edges have multiple instan es, then it is a multigraph. One way
to represent a multigraph is to label the edges with an integer denoting the number
of o urren es of the edge. This may be regarded as a weighted graph, where ea h
edge has an asso iated (integral) weight. In some ases, we will allow weights to be
arbitrary real numbers.
A more ompli ated stru ture is a hypergraph where the edges orrespond to ar-
bitrary subsets of verti es (and not ne essarily pairs of verti es). The hoi e of a
ertain lass of graphs depends on the appli ation.
Graphs an be used to model very omplex problems and some of the most intu-
itive examples are problems related to ommuni ation networks. A ow hart an be
thought of as a graph where the nodes represent instru tions and the edges indi ate
the ow of ontrol.

3.1 Representation of graphs

Graphs an be represented as a list of edges asso iated with every vertex. If there
are m = jE j edges and n = jV j verti es then the size of the representation is roughly

m + n (Why ?).
Another representation is using matri es of dimensions n  n. If AG is the matrix
orresponding to graph G = (V; E ), then Ai;j = 1 if (i; j ) 2 E and 0 otherwise. Here
we are assuming that the vertex set is f1; 2; : : : ng. The size of this representation is
n2 irrespe tive of the number of edges.
The motivation for having a good representation of graphs is to use omputer
programs for solving graph problems. The above two representations an be easily
onverted into appropriate data-stru tures.

3.2 Rea hability in graphs

The neighbourhood of a vertex v 2 V is the set of verti es W  V su h that for all
w 2 W; (v; w) 2 E . The number of verti es in the neighbourhood N (v ) of a vertex
v is alled the degree of v .
De nition 3.2.1 A path is a sequen e of verti es (x1 ; x2 : : : xk ) su h that xi ; xi+1 is
an edge of the graph. A path is simple if there is no repetition of verti es. If x1 = xk
then the path is alled a y le.
3.2.1 Tours and y les
A y le that visits every vertex exa tly on e is alled a Hamiltonian y le. It is an
extremely hard algorithmi problem to dete t if a Hamiltonian y le exists.
A y le that visits every edge exa tly on e is alled a Euler's path. Histori ally,
the origin of the problem is known as the Konigsberg bridge problem. Two islands
and two banks of the river Pregel were onne ted by seven bridges (see Figure ?? )
and the problem is to make a tour passing through every bridge exa tly on e. Euler
gave a very simple ne essary and su ient ondition for su h a tour to be feasible,
namely every vertex should be of even degree. In the ase of dire ted graphs, the
equivalent ondition is that for every vertex, the indegree equals the outdegree.
3.2.2 Conne tivity
One of the basi problems in graphs is onne tivity, namely if there exists a path
between every pair of verti es. We will assume that a vertex is onne ted to itself.
De nition 3.2.2 A set of verti es C form a onne ted omponent if for every
u; v 2 C there is a path from u to v . Moreover for all x 2= C , C [ fxg is not a

onne ted omponent, i.e. C is maximal. If C in ludes all verti es in the graph, then
the underlying graph is onne ted.
Remark Note that for dire ted graphs, a path of u to v is not the same as a path
from v to u.
There are several algorithms for verifying if a given graph is onne ted, the most
notable being Depth First Sear h and Breadth First Sear h. Among other onse-
quen es of these sear h te hniques, they produ e Spanning Forest, whi h is a spe ial
kind of a sub-graph.
De nition 3.2.3 A subgraph S = (W; F ) of a graph G = (V; E ) is graph su h
that W  V and F  E . A subgraph is a tree if it is onne ted and removal of any
one edge dis onne ts some pairs of verti es, i.e. it is a minimal onne ted graph. A
set of disjoint trees is alled a forest.
Lemma 3.2.4 The number of edges in a tree, m is related to the number of verti es
n by the formula m = n 1.
Corollary 3.2.5 If there are k trees in a forest with m edges and n verti es then
m = n k.
Lemma 3.2.6 In a tree, there is a unique path between every pair of verti es.
Remark This is equivalent to saying that there are no y les in a tree.

3.2.3 k- onne tivity

A measure of how well- onne ted a graph is related to the following question -
Does the graph remain onne ted if any subset of k verti es is removed ?
This is learly motivated by the problem of node-failures in a ommuni ation network
where we may have to nd alternate routes. The same question an be posed with
respe t to a set of edges.
De nition 3.2.7 A graph is k vertex- onne ted if removal of any k 1 verti es
does not dis onne t the graph. A graph is k edge- onne ted if the graph remains
onne ted after removing any set of k 1 edges.
A lassi theorem on k- onne tivity an be stated as follows
Theorem 3.2.8 (Menger) Let s and t be distin t verti es of a graph G. Then the
minimal number of verti es that must be removed to separate s from t is the maximum
number of vertex-disjoint paths between s and t.

Remark The same holds true for edge-disjoint paths and edge- onne tivity. The
minimum number of verti es (edges) that must be removed to dis onne t a graph is
alled the vertex (edge) onne tivity of the graph and is usually denoted by  ().

3.3 Some spe ial lasses of graphs

A graph is alled bipartite, if its verti es an be partitioned into two sets V1; V2 su h
that there there are no edges between the verti es in V1 (respe tively V2 ).
Lemma 3.3.1 A graph is bipartite if and only if all the y les are of even length.
A mat hing in a graph G = (V; E ) is subset M  E su h that no two edges
share an endpoint. A mat hing M is maximal is there is no mat hing M 0 su h that
M  M 0 . A mat hing is maximum id there is no larger mat hing. A mat hing is
perfe t if all verti es are mat hed.
Let M be a mat hing. A path P is alled an M -alternating path if its edges
alternate between edges in M and E M . An M -alternating path is an M -augmenting
path if P starts and ends with verti es that are not mat hes in M .
Theorem 3.3.2 (Berge) M is maximum i there is no augmenting path.
In a bipartite graph, if all the verti es in V1 are mat hed then these verti es are
Theorem 3.3.3 (Hall) In a bipartite graph G = (V1 [ V2 ; E ), there exists a mat hing
that saturates all verti es in V1 i for all S  V1 , jN (S )j  jS j where N (S ) is the set
of all verti es in V2 that are onne ted to S by edges in E .
A graph is planar if it an be drawn on a plane without the edges rossing. (Stri tly
speaking, if the graph an be embedded on the sphere without edges rossing). It
is known that every planar graph has a straight line embedding (i.e. all edges are
straight line segments).
Lemma 3.3.4 (Euler's formula) If G is a onne ted planar graph, then any plane
graph embedding of G that has v verti es, e edges, and r regions satis es v + r e = 2.
A very elegant theorem due to Kuratowsky, gives a ne essary and su ient on-
dition for a graph to be planar.
Theorem 3.3.5 (Kuratowski) A graph is planar i it doesn't ontain any subgraph
homeomorphi to K5 (the omplete graph on ve verti es) or K3;3 ( omplete bipartite
graph on 6 verti es).

De nition 3.3.6 A olouring of a graph assigns olours to verti es su h that no
two adja ent verti es have the same olour. The minimal number of olours required
for a graph G is alled the hromati number and is usually denoted by (G). An
edge- olouring of a graph is a olouring of the edges su h that no two edges that are
in ident on the same vertex get the same olour.
Clearly bipartite graphs are two olourable. One of the lassi olouring theorems
on ern planar graphs.
Theorem 3.3.7 (four- olour theorem) Every planar graph is 4- olourable.
There are many natural problems that an be modelled as graph oloring.
Example 3.3.8 : In a s hool ea h tea her has to tea h a ertain number of
lasses and ea h lass must be taught by a ertain number of tea hers. The obvious
onstraints about s heduling the lasses is that a tea her annot tea h two lasses
simultaneously and a lass annot be taught by two tea hers. We are interested in
s heduling the lasses in a way that takes minimum number of hours (the duration
of a le ture). It is not di ult to see that a valid s heduling orresponds to olouring
the edges. So the answer to this problem is the minimum number of olours required.
The following is an important result on edge- olouring.
Theorem 3.3.9 (Vizing's Theorem) If the maximum degree of a graph is d, then
we need d or d + 1 olours to olour the edges.

3.4 Problem Set

1. In a graph that has exa tly two verti es of odd degree, there is a path onne ting
these verti es.
2. Prove or disprove
The union of any two distin t paths (not ne essarily simple) joining two verti es
ontains a y le.
3. A graph is onne ted if and only if for any partition V into two subsets V1 and
V2 , there is an edge joining a vertex in V1 with a vertex in V2 .
4. In a onne ted graph, any two longest paths have a point in ommon.
5. If a graph G is not onne ted, then the omplement of G, G is onne ted.
(G = (V; E ), where (v; w) 2 E i (v; w) 2= E )
6. If is the minimum degree of a vertex and  and  are the vertex and edge
onne tivity, show that     .
7. Show that any graph has two verti es of equal degree.
8. P
Show that d1  d2  : : : dn is the degree sequen e of a tree i d1  1 and
i di = 2n 2.
9. Show that a tree is 2- olourable.
10. Let G = (V; E ) be a dire ted graph A. A overing is a partition of the ar s
and in paths and y les su h that E = [iEi where Ei is a path or a y le and
Ei \ Ej =  for i 6= j . A overing minimum k is alled a minimal overing.
Prove that if the graph is a dire ted onne ted Euler graph then it has a unique
minimal over, namely the Euler y le.
Hint: First show that the over an ontain only y les and then show that it
has exa tly one y le (by merging y les).
11. A onne ted graph has an Euler ir uit if and only if it an be partitioned into
simple y les.
12. There are n teams in a round-robin tournament. Show that they an be ordered
a ording to their winning re ords su h that ea h team immediately pre edes a
team that it has beaten. (This ordering is not unique).
13. Eleven students plan to have dinner together for several days. They will be
seated in a round table and the plan alls for ea h student to have di erent
neighbors ea h day. How many days are needed ?
14. If a graph has maximum degree d then show that it an be oloured using d +1
olours. pAlso show that if a graph has O(jV j) edges then it an be oloured
using O( V ) olours.
15. Show that the verti es of any graph an be partitioned into two sets su h that
for every vertex, the set of neighbours is equally distibuted into the two groups.
16. If every vertex has degree at least jV j=2 then there is a simple y le onsisting
of all verti es.

Chapter 4
Counting te hniques
The basi methods of ounting using permutations and ombinations are sometimes
not adequate or are too omplex to apply in many situations. There are many te h-
niques that have been developed for spe i problems whi h have grown from ad ho
to fairly general prin iples. We dis uss three su h te hniques in this hapter - namely
pigeon-hole, prin iple of in lusion and ex lusion and one of the most su essful
in re ent years alled the probabilisti method.

4.1 The pigeon hole prin iple

It is based on a very simple observation that if more than n items are distributed in
n pigeon-holes then at least one of them will have more than one item.
Example4.1.1 : At least two verti es in a graph have the same degree. (Exer ise
problem in previous hapter)
Sin e there are n verti es and all the degrees must be in the range [1; 2 : : : n 1, at
least two verti es must fall in the same value of the range.
A lot of geometri pa king problems fall under this ategory.
Example 4.1.2 : Show that ve points annot be pla ed in an unit square su h
that every pair is at least unit distan e apart.
A very ommon usage of this prin iple is that if the weighted sum of n items is w
then no more than a k1 of them an ex eed k times the average weight (k is a positive
integer). This is often known as Markov's inequality for expe tation.
A lassi appli ation of the pigeon-hole is to the following problem also known as
the Erdos-Szekeres theorem.
Theorem 4.1.3 In any sequen e of more than (r 1)  (s 1) di erent numbers
there is an in reasing subsequen e of r terms or a de reasing subsequen e ofs terms

or both. Roughly speaking, in a psequen e of length n there is an in reasing or a
de reasing subsequen e of length d ne.
Proof For ea h number ni of the sequen e, let us label with (xi ; yi ) whi h are the
lengths of the largest in reasing/de reasing subsequen e beginning/ending at ni. If
there is no in reasing/de reasing subsequen e of length r/s, 1  xi  r 1 and
1  yi  s 1. Sin e there are more than (r 1)  (s 1) numbers, some pair must
be repeated - say xi = xj and yi = yj for j > i. If ni < nj then xi > xj , else yj > yi.

4.2 Prin iple of In lusion and Ex lusion

This is easier to understand in terms of sets of obje ts. It is very easy to show that
for sets X and Y
jX [ Y j = jX j + jY j jX \ Y j
In general suppose there are N obje ts that have various properties numbered
f1; 2; : : : kg (for onvenien e). Ea h obje t has none or many of these properties. Let
Ni be the number of obje ts with property i and NS be the number of obje ts that
have properties S  f1; 2; : : : kg. If we use N0 to denote the number of obje ts that
have none of the properties then
N0 = N ( Ni ) + ( Ni;j ) ( Ni;j;k ) : : : + ( 1)k N1;2;3::k
i i;j i;j;k
The proof of this an be worked out along the following lines. If an obje t does
not satisfy any of the properties, then it ontributes exa tly 1 to both sides. Consider
an obje t that satis es exa tly r  1 properties. Then it ontributes r to the rst
summation, C (r; 2) to the se ond summation, ( 1)iC (r; i) to the i-th summation.
Therefore it is
1 C (n; 0) + C (n; 2) : : : ( 1)k = 0
whi h is exa tly what it ontributes to the left hand side.
Example 4.2.1 : Euler's totient fun tion Let m be a positive integer whose
distin t prime fa tors are p1; p2 : : : pn. Then the number of integers that are relatively
prime to m (i.e. no ommon fa tors other than 1) is
(m) = m 1
1 1
1 p ::: 1 p 1
p 1 2 n

Example 4.2.2 : Show that the number of permutations of f1; 2; : : : ng su h that

for all i; i does not map to the position i (also alled derangement) is
1 1 n1
2! 3! : : : ( 1) n!
4.3 The probabilisti method
Consider an experiment where there are a number of possible out omes that we all
the sample spa e. An event orresponds to a subset of the sample-spa e S; that is
it orresponds to some out omes of the sample-spa e. Histori ally Lapla e de ned
probability of an event E as
Probability of E = jjES jj
where j:j denotes the number of out omes. This de nition is appli able where all
out omes are equally likely. The above formula an be used to ount the number of
out omes of E if we know the probability. This method is parti ularly useful when
we are interested in a bound on jE j rather than the exa t ount whi h is harder to
The notions of independent events and onditional probability are very useful in
this regard. We give a very brief a ount of the basi s of probability theory at the
end of this hapter.
We motivate the use of the probabilisti method with the following problem.
Given six people, where every pair of persons either know ea hother or they are
strangers, show that there always exists a set of three people who are mutually known
or mutually strangers.
We do a ase analysis from the perspe tive of any of the six persons (say person
1), he knows at least three others or doesn't know at least three persons among the
remaining ve. Consider the ase that he knows three (the other ase is symmetri ),
say X; Y; Z , we an easily argue that either X; Y; Z are mutually strangers or at least
two among them know ea hother (and of ourse know person 1).
The above problem an be posed as an equivalent problem in edge olouring,
where in K6, if we two olour the edges, then there is a mono hromati (all edges
with same olour) triangle. The drawba k with the previous solution is that it is very
di ult to argue similar properties with somewhat larger number of verti es, even
10, using ase analysis. You an try to onvin e yourself by trying to showw that in
K18 there is a mono hromati K4 .
We now show the appli ation of a new method based on probabilisti arguments.
Example 4.3.1 : Let R(k; t) be the minimal n su h that when omplete graph
Kn is edge oloured using blue and red olours, either there is a red Kt or a blue Kk .
Using ase analysis, one an show that K5 ontains either a red triangle or a blue
For larger values of n, ase analysis be omes intra table. Here is an alternate
argument. Suppose we olour the edges of Kn red and blue hoosing ea h olour with
equal probability. So the sample spa e onsists of all possible olourings of Kn. The
probability that a set S of k verti es is mono hromati is pk = 2 1 orresponding
to the twoP olours. The probability that any of the C (n; k) Kk are mono hromati is
1+C (k;2)

less than pk  C (n; k). (Note that the probability of the union of events is no more
that than the sum of the probabilities of the individual events). If this probability is
less than 1, it implies that among the sample spa e of all possible olourings of Kn,
there exists some olouring where all the C (n; k) liques are not mono hromati ,
i.e. R(k; k) > n.
Our next example is an important problem in graph theory. A dominating set U
of an undire ted graph G = (V; E ) is a subset U  V su h that every vertex has a
neighbour in U . The problem of omputing a minimum ardinality dominating set
is very hard (algorithmi ally intra table. But we an prove some interesting bounds
using the probabilisti method.
Example4.3.2 : If the minimum degree of a graph is , then there is a dominating
set of size at most n  (1 + log( + 1))=( + 1).
Pi k every vertex independently with probability p = log( +1)=( +1) and let X
denote this sample. Let Y be the set of verti es in V that do not have a neighbour in
X . The probability that a vertex v does not have a neighbour in X is the probability
q that neither v nor any of the neighbours were pi ked in the sample whi h is
(1 log( + 1)=( + 1))+1
So the expe ted size of Y is nq expe ted size of X is np and using the linearity of
expe tation E [X + Y = n(p + q) whi h works out to be  n  (1+log( +1))=( +1).
This means that there is some hoi e of X for whi h there is a dominaing set (X [ Y )
of the required size. In fa t we an laim something stronger that by hoosing the
verti es randomly the probability that the dominating set ex eeds twi e the stated
bound is less than half (Markov's inequality).

4.4 Problem Set

1. There are n letters whi h have orresponding n envelopes. If the letters are put
blindly in the envelopes, show that the probability that none of the letters goes
into the right envelope tends to e as n tends to in nity.

2. How many 1-1 fun tions exist between f1; 2; : : : mgtof 1,2, ...n g (for n  m)

For n  m, show that the number of onto fun tions is given by
nm C (n; 1)(n 1)m + C (n; 2)(n 2)m : : : ( 1)n 1 C (n; n 1)1m

3. There are 10 pairs of shoes in a loset. In how many ways an eight shoes be
hosen su h that no pair is hosen ? Exa tly one pair is hosen ?
4. Given n + 1 di erent positive integers  2n, show that there exists a pair that
adds upto 2n + 1.
5. Prove that in any n + 1 integers there will be a pair whi h di ers by a multiple
of n. Using this or otherwise show that there exists some subset of n arbitrary
positive integers that whose summation is a multiple of n.
6. Given an equilateral triangle T , show that it is not possible to over T with
three ir les ea h of diameter less than 3 .

7. Show that in a planar graph G = (V; E ), there is a onstant < 1 (independent

of the number of verti es or edges) su h that there are at least jV j verti es of
degree less than 12.
8. Show that among 23 people, the probability that all their birthdays are distin t
is less than 0.5. Assume that for ea h person all birthdays are equally likely.
Remark You an think of this as a probabilisti analogue of the pigeon-hole
for whi h there had to be 367 persons to guarantee (with probability 1) that
there was some ommon birthday. In literature this is known as the birthday
9. What is probability that when 50 balls are thrown into 100 bins that these fall
into 10 or less bins ?
10. What is the probability that when you throw m balls in n bins, that (at least)
one of the bins is uno upied ?
11. Consider the experiment of tossing a fair oin till two heads or two tails appear
in su ession.
(i) Des ribe the sample spa e.
(ii) What is the probability that the experiment ends with an even number of
tosses ?
(iii) What is the expe ted number of tosses ?

12. A ho olate ompany is o ering a prize for anyone who an olle t pi tures of
n di erent ri keters, where ea h wrap has one pi ture. Assuming that ea h
ho olate an have any of the pi tures with equal probability, what is the ex-
pe ted number of ho olates one must buy to get all the n di erent pi tures
13. In a temple, thirty persons give their shoes to the aretaker who hands ba k
the shoes at random. What is the expe ted number of persons who get ba k
their own shoes.
14. Imagine that you are lost in a new ity where you ome a ross a rossroad.
Only one of them leads you to your destination in 1 hour. The others bring you
ba k to the same point after 2,3 and 4 hours respe tively. Assuming that you
hoose ea h of the roads with equal probability, what is the expe ted time to
arrive at your destination ?
15. Gabbar Singh problem Given that there are 3 onse utive blanks and three
onse utive loaded hambers in a pistol, and you start ring the pistol from a
random hamber, al ulate the following probabilities. (i) The rst shot is a
blank (ii) The se ond shot is also a blank given that the rst shot was a blank
(iii) The third shot is a blank given that the rst two were blanks.
16. A gambler uses the following strategy. The rst time he bets Rs. 100 - if he wins,
he quits. Otherwise. he bets Rs. 200 and quits regardless of the result. What
is the probability that he goes ba k a winner assuming that he has probability
1/2 of winning ea h of the bets.
What is the generalization of the above strategy ?
17. Three prisoners are informed by the jailor that one of them will be a quited
without divulging the identity. One of the prisoners requests the jailor to divulge
the identity of one of the other prisoner who won't be a quited. The jailor
reasons that sin e at least one of the remaining two will not be a quited, reveals
the identity. However this makes this prisoner very happy. Can you explain this
18. Show that R(s; g)  (s 1)  (g 1)+1 using expli it onstru tion, i.e. des ribe
a olouring on K(s 1)(g 1) .
19. Verify that R(k; k) > 2k=2 using the probabilisti method. Note that this is a
mu h superior bound ompared to the previous problem.

20. Let W (k) be the least n su h that if the set f1; 2; : : : ng is two- oloured, there
exists a mono hromati arithmeti progression of k terms. Show that W (k) >
2k=2 using the probabilisti method.

4.5 Some basi s of probability theory

The sample spa e
may be in nite with in nite elements that are alled elementary
events. For example onsider the experiment where we must toss a oin until a head
omes up for the rst time. A probability spa e onsists of a sample spa e with a
probability measure asso iated with the elementary events. The probability measure
Pr is a real valued fun tion on events of the sample spa e and satis es the following
1. For all A 
; 0  Pr[A  1
2. Pr[
= 1
3. For mutually disjoint events E1 ; E2 : : : ; Pr[[iEi = Pi Pr[Ei
Sometimes we are only interested in a ertain olle tion of events (rather the entire
sample spa e)a, say F . If F is losed under union and omplementation, then the
above properties an be modi ed in a way as if F =
The prin iple of In lusion-Ex lusion has its ounterpart in the probabilisti world,
Lemma 4.5.1
Pr[[iEi = Pr[Ei Pr[Ei \ Ej + Pr[Ei \ Ej \ Ek : : :
i i<j i<j<k

De nition 4.5.2 A random variable (r.v.) X is a real-valued fun tion over the
sample spa e, X :
! R . A dis rete random variable is a random variable whose
range is nite or a ountable nite subset of R .
The distribution fun tion FX : R ! (0; 1 for a random variable X is de ned as
FX (x)  Pr[X = x. The probability density fun tion of a dis rete r.v. X , fX is given
by fX (x) = Pr[X = x.
The expe tation of a r.v. X , denoted by E [X = Px x  Pr[X = x.
A very useful property of expe tation, alled the linearity property an be stated
as follows
Lemma 4.5.3 If X and Y are random variables, then
E [X + Y = E [X + E [Y

Remark Note that X and Y do not have to be independent !
De nition 4.5.4 The onditional probability of E1 given E2 is denoted by Pr[E1 jE2
and is given by
Pr[E1 \ E2
assuming Pr[E2 > 0.
De nition 4.5.5 A olle tion of events fEi ji 2 I g is independent if for all subsets
Pr[\i2S Ei = i2S Pr[Ei
Remark E1 and E2 are independent if Pr[E1 jE2 = Pr[E2 .
The onditional probability of a random variable X with respe t to another random
variable Y is denoted by Pr[X = xjY = y is similar to the previous de nition with
events E1 ; E2 as X = x and Y = y respe tively. The onditional expe tation is de ned
as X
E [X jY = y = Pr x  [X = xjY = y
The theorem of total expe tation that an be proved easily states that
E [X = E [X jY = y

Chapter 5
Re urren es and generating
fun tions
Given a sequen e a1; a2 : : : an (i.e. a fun tion with the domain as integers), a ompa t
way of representing it is an equation in terms of itself, a re urren e relation. One of
the most ommon examples is the Fibona i sequen e spe i ed as an = an 1 + an 2
for n  2 and a0 = 0; a1 = 1. The values a0 ; a1 are known as the boundary onditions.
Given this and the re urren e, we an ompute the sequen e step by step, or better
still we an write a omputer program. Sometimes, we would like to nd the general
term of the sequen e. Very often, the running time of an algorithm is expressed as
a re urren e and we would like to know the expli it fun tion for the running time to
make any predi tions and omparisons. A typi al re urren e arising from a divide-
and- onquer algorithm is
a2n = 2an + n
whi h has a solution an  2 ndlog2 ne. In the ontext of algorithm analysis, we are
often satis ed with an upper-bound. However, to the extent possible, it is desirable
to obtain an exa t expression.
Unfortunately, there is no general method for solving all re urren e relations. In
this hapter, we dis uss solutions to some important lasses of re urren e equations.
In the se ond part we dis uss an important te hnique based on generating fun tions
whi h are also important in their own right.

5.1 An iterative method - summation

As starters, some of the re urren e relations an be solved by summation or guessing
and verifying by indu tion.

Example 5.1.1 : The number of moves required to solve the Tower of Hanoi
problem with n dis s an be written as
an = 2an 1 + 1
By substituting for an 1 this be omes
an = 22 an 2 + 2 + 1
By expanding this till a1, we obtain
an = 2n 1 a1 + 2n 2 + : : : :: + 1
This gives an = 2n 1 by using the formula for geometri series and a1 = 1.
Example 5.1.2 : For the re urren e
a2n = 2an + n
we an use the same te hnique to show that a2n = Pi=0 log2 n2in=2i  + 2na1.
Remark We made an assumption that n is a power of 2. In the general ase, this may
present some te hni al ompli ation but the nature of the answer remains un hanged.
Consider the re urren e
T (n) = 2T (bn=2 ) + n
Suppose T (x) = x log2 x for some onstant > 0 for all x < n. Then T (n) =
2 bn=2 log2bn=2 + n. Then T (n)  n log2 (n=2)+ n  n log2 n ( n)+ n  n log2 n
for  1.
A very frequent re urren e equation that omes up in the ontext of divide-and-
onquer algorithms (like mergesort) has the form
T (n) = aT (n=b) + f (n) a; b are onstants and f (n) a positive monotoni fun tion
Theorem 5.1.3 For the following di erent ases, the above re urren e has the fol-
lowing solutions
 If f (n) = O(nlog a ) for some onstant , then T (n) is (nlog a).
b b

 If f (n) = O(nlog a ) then T (n) is (nlog a log n).

b b

 If f (n) = O(nlog a+) for some onstant , and if af (n=b) is O(f (n)) then T (n)

is (f (n)).

Example 5.1.4 : What is the maximum number of regions indu ed by n lines
in the plane ? If we let Ln represent the number of regions, then we an write the
following re urren e
Ln  Ln 1 + n L0 = 1
Again by the method of summation, we an arrive at the answer Ln = n(n2+1) + 1.
Example 5.1.5 : Let us try to solve the re urren e for Fibona i, namely
Fn = Fn 1 + Fn 2 F0 = 0; F1 = 1
If we try to expand this in the way that we have done previously, it be omes unwieldy
very qui kly. Instead we "guess" the following solution
Fn = p n n

p p
where  = (1+2 5) and  = (1 2 5) . The above solution an be veri ed by indu tion.
Of ourse it is far from lear how one an magi ally guess the right solution. We shall
address this later in the hapter.

5.2 Linear re urren e equations

A re urren e of the form
0 ar + 1 ar 1 + 2 ar 2 : : : + k ar k = f (r )
where i are onstants is alled a linear re urren e equation of order k. Most of
the above examples fall under this lass. If f (r) = 0 then it is homogeneous linear
re urren e.

5.2.1 Homogeneous equations

We will rst outline the solution for the homogeneous lass and then extend it to the
general linear re urren e. Let us rst determine the number of solutions. It appears
that we must know the values of a1; a2 : : : ak to ompute the values of the sequen e
a ording to the re urren e. In absen e of this there an be di erent solutions based
on di erent boundary onditions. Given the k boundary onditions, we an uniquely
determine the values of the sequen e. Note that this is not true for a non-linear
re urren e like
ar 2 + ar 1 = 5 with a0 = 1

This observation (of unique solution) makes it somewhat easier for us to guess some
solution and verify.
Let us guess a solution of the form ar = A r where A is some onstant. This may
be justi ed from the solution of Example 5.1. By substituting this in the homogeneous
linear re urren e and simpli ation, we obtain the following equation
0 k + 1 k 1 : : : + k = 0
This is alled the hara teristi equation of the re urren e relation and this degree
k equation has k roots, say 1 ; 2 : : : k . If these are all distin t then the following is
a solution to the re urren e
ar (h) = A1 1r + A2 2r + : : : Ak kr
whi h is also alled the homogeneous solution to linear re urren e. The values of
A1 ; A2 : : : Ak an be determined from the k boundary onditions (by solving k simul-
taneous equations).
When the roots are not unique, i.e. some roots have multipli ity then for mul-
tipli ity m, n; n n; n2 n : : : nm 1 n are the asso iated solutions. This follows from
the fa t that if is a multiple root of the hara teristi equation, then it is also the
root of the derivative of the equation.
5.2.2 Inhomogeneous equations
If f (n) 6= 0, then there is no general methodology. Solutions are known for some
parti ular ases, known as parti ular solutions. Let an(h) be the solution by ignoring
f (n) and let an(p) be a parti ular solution then it an be veri ed that an = an(h) + an(p)
is a solution to the non-homogeneous re urren e.
The following is a table of some parti ular solutions
d a onstant B
dn B1 n + B0
dn2 B2 n2 + B1 n + B0
ed , e; d are onstants
n Bdn
Here B; B0; B1; B2 are onstants to be determined from initial onditions. When
f (n) = f1 (n) + f2 (n) is a sum of the above fun tions then we solve the equation
for f1 (n) and f2 (n) separately and then add them in the end to obtain a parti ular
solution for the f(n).

5.3 Generating fun tions
An alternative representation for a sequen e a1 ; a2 : : : ai is a polynomial fun tion
a1 x + a2 x2 + : : : ai xi . Polynomials are very useful obje ts in mathemati s, in parti ular
as "pla eholders." For example if we know that two polynomials are equal (i.e. they
evaluate to the same value for all x), then all the orresponding oe ients must
be equal. This follows from the well known property that a degree d polynomial
has no more than d distin t roots (unless it is the zero polynomial). The issue of
onvergen e is not important at this stage but will be relevant when we use the
method of di erentiation.
Example 5.3.1 : Consider the problem of hanging a Rs 100 note using notes
of the following denomination - 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1. Suppose we have an in nite
supply of ea h denomination then we an represent ea h of these using the following
polynomials where the oe ient orresponding to xi is non-zero if we an obtain a
ertain sum using the given denomination.
P1 (x) = x0 + x1 + x2 + : : :
P5 (x) = x0 + x5 + x10 + x15 + : : :
P10 (x) = x0 + x10 + x20 + x30 + : : :
P20 (x) = x0 + x20 + x40 + x60 + : : :
P50 (x) = x0 + x50 + x100 + x150 + : : :
For example, we annot have 51 to 99 using Rs 50,so all those oe ients are zero.
By multiplying these polynomials we obtain
P (x) = E0 + E1 x + E2 x2 + : : : E100 x100 + : : : Ei xi
where Ei is the number of ways the terms of the polynomials an ombine su h that
the sum of the exponents is 100. Convin e yourself that this is pre isely what we are
looking for. However we must still obtain a formula for E100 or more generally Ei,
whi h the number of ways of hanging a sum of i.
Note that for the polynomials P1; P5 : : : P50 , the following holds
Pk (1 xk ) = 1 for k = 1; 5; ::50 giving
P ( x) =
(1 x)(1 x )(1 x10 )(1 x20 )(1 x50 )
We an now use the observations that 1 1 x = 1 + x2 + x3 : : : and (1 x1)(1x x ) = 5

1+ x2 + x3 : : :. So the orresponding oe ients are related by Bn = An + Bn 5 where

A and B are the oe ients of the polynomials 1 1 x and (1 x)(11 x ) . Sin e An = 1,
this is a linear re urren e. Find the nal answer by extending these observations.

Let us try the method of generating fun tion on the Fibona i sequen e.
Example 5.3.2 : Let the generating fun tion be G(z ) = F0 + F1 x + F2 x2 : : : Fn xn
where Fi is the i-th Fibona i number. Then G(z) zG(z) z2 G(z) an be written
as the in nite sequen e
F0 + (F1 F2 )z + (F2 F1 F0 )z 2 + : : : (Fi+2 Fi+1 Fi )z i+2 + : : : = z
for F0 = 0; F1 = 1. Therefore G(z) = 1 zz z . This an be worked out to be

G(z ) = p
1 1
5 1 z 1 z
where  = 1  = 21 1 5.
5.3.1 Binomial theorem
The use of generating fun tions ne essitates omputation of the oe ients of power
series of the form (1 + x) for jxj < 1 and any . For that the following result is very
useful - the oe ient of xk is given by
 ( 1) : : : ( k + 1)
C ( ; k) =
k  (k 1) : : : 1
This an be seen from an appli ation of Taylor's series. Let f (x) = (1 + x) . Then
from Taylor's theorem, expanding around 0 for some z,
f 00 (0) f (k) (0)
f (z ) = f (0) + zf 0 (0) +  z + z 2 + : : : zk :::
2! k!

= f (0) + 1 + z2 ( 2! 1) + : : : C ( ; k) + : : :
Therefore (1 + z) = P1i=0 C ( ; i)zi whi h is known as the binomial theorem.

5.4 Exponential generating fun tions

If the terms of a sequen e is growing too rapidly, i.e. the n-th term ex eeds xn for
any 0 < x < 1, then it may not onverge. It is known that a sequen e onverges i
the sequen e janj1=n is bounded. Then it makes sense to divide the oe ients by a

rapidly growing fun tion like n!. For example, if we onsider the generating fun tion
for the number of permutations of n identi al obje ts
p p p
G(z ) = 1 + 1 z + 2 z 2 : : : i z i
1! 2! i!
where pi = P (i; i). Then G(z) = ez . The number of permutations of r obje ts when
sele ted out of (an in nite supply of) n kinds of obje ts is given by the exponential
generating fun tion (EGF)
 1 r
p1 p2 2 n nx X n r
1+ z + z ::: = e =
1! 2! r!
Example5.4.1 : Let Dn denote the number of derangements of n obje ts. Then it
an be shown that Dn = (n 1)(Dn 1 +Dn 2). This an be rewritten asn D2n nDn 1 =
(Dn 1 (n 2)Dn 2. Iterating this, we obtain Dn nDn 1 = ( 1) (D2 2D1).
Using D2 = 1; D1 = 0, we obtain
Dn nDn 1 = ( 1)n 2 = ( 1)n :
Multiplying both sides by xn! , and summing from n = 2 to 1, we obtain

1 1 1
X Dn n X
nDn 1 n X
x =
( 1) n
n! n=2
n! n=2
If we let D(x) represent the exponential generating fun tion for derangements, after
simpli ation, we get
D(x) D1 x D0 x(D(x) D0 ) = e x (1 x)
or D(x) = 1e x .

5.5 Re urren es with two variables

For sele ting r out of n distin t obje ts, we an write the familiar re urren e
C (n; r) = C (n 1; r 1) + C (n 1; r)
with boundary onditions C (n; 0) = 1 and C (n; 1) = n.
The general form of a linear re urren e with onstant oe ients that has two
indi es is
Cn;r an;r + Cn;r 1 an;r 1 + : : : Cn k;r an k;r : : : C0;r a0;r + : : : = f (n; r)

where Ci;j are onstants. We will use the te hnique of generating fun tions to extend
the one variable method. Let
A0 (x) = a0;0 + a0;1 x + : : : a0;r xr
A1 (x) = a1;0 + a1;1 x + : : : a1;r xr
An (x) = an;0 + an;1 x + : : : an;r xr
Then we an de ne a generating fun tion with A0 (x); A1(x)A3 (x) : : : as the sequen e
- the new indeterminate an be hosen as y.
Ay (x) = A0 (x) + A1 (x)y + A2 (x)y 2 : : : An (x)y n
For the above example, we have
Fn (x) = C (n; 0) + C (n; 1)x + C (n; 2)x2 + : : : C (n; r)xr + : : :
X 1
X 1
C (n; r)xr = C (n 1; r 1)xr + C (n 1; r)xr
r=0 r=1 r=0
Fn (x) C (n; 0) = xFn 1 (x) + Fn 1 (x) C (n 1; 0)
Fn (x) = (1 + x)Fn 1 (x)
or Fn(x) = (1 + x)nC (0; 0) = (1 + x)n as expe ted.

5.6 Probability generating fun tions

The notion of generating fun tions have useful appli ations in the ontext of proba-
bility al ulations also. Given a non-negative integer-valued dis rete random variable
X with Pr[X = k = pk , the probability generating fun tion (PGF) of X is given by
GX (z ) = pi z i = p0 + p1 z + : : : pi z i : : :

This is also known as the z-transform of X and it is easily seen that GX (1) = 1 =
i pi . The onvergen e of the PGF is an important issue for some al ulations
involving di erentiation of the PGF. For example,
dG (z )
E [X = X jz = 1

The notion of expe tation of random variable an be extended to fun tion f (X )
of random variable X in the following way
E [f (X ) = pi f ( X = i )

Therefore, PGF of X is the same as E [zX . A parti ularly useful quantity for a
number of probabilisti al ulations is the Moment Generating Fun tion (MGF)
de ned as
MX () = E [eX
Sin e
X 2 2 X k k
eX = 1 + X + + ::: :::
2! k!
E [X k k
MX () = 1 + E [X  + : : : :::
from whi h E [X k also known as higher moments an be al ulated. There is also
a very useful theorem known for independent random variables Y1; Y2 : : : Yt. If Y =
Y1 + Y2 + : : : Yt , then
MY () = MY ()  MY ()  : : : MY ()
1 2 t

i.e., the MGF of the sum of independent random variables is the produ t of the
individual MGF's.
5.6.1 Probabilisti inequalities
In many appli ations, espe ially in the analysis of randomized algorithms, we want to
guarantee orre tness or running time. Suppose we have a bound on the expe tation.
Then the following inequality known as Markov's inequality an be used.
Markov's inequality
Pr[X  kE [X  1 k
Unfortunately there is no symmetri result.
If we have knowledge of the se ond moment, then the following gives a stronger
Cheby hev's inequality
Pr[(X E [X )2  t  (5.6.2)
where  is the varian e, i.e. E 2[X E [X 2 .

With knowledge of higher moments, then we have the following inequality. If
X = Pni xi is the sum of n mutually independent random variables where xi is
uniformly distributed in f-1 , +1 g, then for any > 0,
Cherno bounds
Pr[X    e E [eX (5.6.3)
If we hoose  = =n, the RHS be omes e =2n. 2

5.7 Problem Set

1. Find a re urren e for the number of ways a frog an jump n stairs if ea h step
overs either 1 or 2 or 3 stairs.
2. Find a re urren e for the number of n-digit binary sequen es with no onse utive
1's. Repeat the same for ternary sequen es.
3. Find a re urren e for the number of n digit ternary sequen es in whi h no 2
appears anywhere to right of any 1.
4. Find a re urren e for te number of ways to pi k k obje ts with repetition from
n types.
5. Find a re urren e relation for the number of permutatins of the rst n integers
su h taht ea h integer di ers by one (ex ept for teh rst) from some integer to
the left of it in the permuation.
6. Find a re urren e for omputing the number of spanning trees in the "ladder"
graph with n rungs (2n verti es).
7. Gossip is spread among r people via telephone. Spe i ally, in a onversation
between A and B , A tells B all the gossip he has heard and B does the same.
Let ar denote the number of alls among r people su h taht the gossips will be
known to everyone and write a re urren e for ar .
8. Let ar denote the number of partitions of a set of r elements. Show that
ar+1 = C (r; i)ai
where a0 = 1.
9. Let ar denote the number of subsets of the set f1; 2; : : : rg that do not ontain
two onse utive numbers. Determine ar .
10. In predi ting future dis overies of oil, the assumptin is that the teh amount
dis overed next year will be average of te amount dis overed this year and the
last year. Write a re urren e for an and solve it.
11. In a singles tournament, 2n players are paired o in n mat hes and f (n) is the
number of ways in whi h this is done. Write a re urren e for f (n) and solve it.
12. If Fn is the n-th Fibona i number, nd a simple expression for F1 + F2 + : : : Fn
whi h invoves Fp for only one p.
13. Consider a variation of the Tower of Hanoi problem where we have to move
disks from A to B su h that no disk an be moved dire tly from A to B . What
is the minimum number of moves.
14. What is the number of disti t spanning trees of omplete graph ? (Two distin t
spanning trees will have di erent edge sets).
Solution We will prove that it is nn 2 , n  2, whi h was rst proved by Cayley.
We will rst prove the following laim The number of spanning trees with degree
sequen e (d1; d2 : : : dn) =
(n 2)!
d1 1!d2 1! : : : dn 1!
where the degree sequen e orresponds to i-th vertex having degree di.
Proof: basis for n=2, it is 1.
Suppose it is true upto m 1  2. Given a tree on m nodes, we know that there
is at least one vertex of degree one, say vj and it is onne ted to vertex vi. If
we plu k out vj , then we are left with a m 1 verti es and degree of vi is di 1.
We an now apply the indu tive hypothesis to the graph with m 1 nodes, i.e.,
(m 3)!
d 1!d 1!:::d 1!:: . Sin e the degree 1 node an be atta hed to any of the verti es,
we have the same number of trees for ea h of the m 1 edges. We are in essen e,
1 2 i

looking at the degree 1 verti es atta hed to all possible nodes - v1 tovm 1 and
by addition prin iple we an add then up. Noti e that the degree sequn es are
di erent in ea h ase. If more than one vertex has degree 1 onne ted to vj ,
note that it su es to onsider any one of them, sin e there is only one way
that an be onne ted. Summing over all instan es of di we obtain
X (m 3)!
(d 1)!(d2 1!) : : : (di 2!)::(dj 1) : : :
d 1 1
Multiplying by numerator and denominator di 1, we obtain
(m 2)!  (di 1) :
d1 1!d2 1! : : : di 1!::
Summing over all degree sequen es
X (n 3)!di 1
d 1!d2 1! : : : di 2!::(dj 1) : : :
d 1 1

Sin e Pi(di 1) = 2(m 2) + 1 (m 1) = m 2, the indu tion proof is

omplete. 2
Now we add up the previous bounds over all degree sequen es to obtain
X (n 3)!di 1
2 1 2 n
d 1!d2 1! : : : di 2!::(dj 1) : : :
d ;d 1;d +d :::d =2(n 2) 1

This is a multinomial whi h gives us nn 2.

15. What is the average root-leaf distan e of an oriented rooted tree with n nodes
Proof: The path length an be viewed as lengths of internal path I ( on erning
internal nodes) and external path E (pertaining to the leaf nodes). We an
write E = I + 2n where n is the number of internal nodes in luding the root
node sin e there are two external nodes for every terminal internal node. We
will make use of a two dimensional re urren e
B (w; z ) = = bn;pwpzn

where bn;p is the number of binary trees with n nodes and internal path length
For example (by brute for e al ulation)
B (w; z ) = 1 + z + 2wz 2 + (w2 + 4w3 )z 3 + : : :
Clearly B (1; z) = generating fun tion for number of (oriented) trees with n
bn;p = bk;r bl;s
k+l=n 1;r+s+n 1=p
It follows that zB 2 (w; wz) = B( wz) 1.
By taking the partial deriuvative wrt z we obtain
2zB (w; wz)(Bw (w; wz) + zBz (w; wz)) = Bw (w; z)
Let H(z) is the generating fun tion for the total internal path length with n
nodes, then X
H (z ) = Bw (1; z ) = hi z n :
Moreover H (z) = 2zB (z) = (H (z)+ zB 0 (z):) Using the formula for B (z) (Cata-
lan numbers),  
H (z ) =
1 1 1 z
1 4z z sqrt1 4z 1
hn = 4n
3n + 1 C (2n; n)
The average value of total internal path length is hn=bn and average
p value of
path length of a node is hn=nbn . The asymptoti value of this is n 3+ O(1).

Chapter 6
Modular Arithmeti
In this hatper, we will dis uss some useful properties of numbers when al ulations
are done modulo n, where n > 0. In the ontext of omputer s ien e, n is usually a
power of 2 sin e representation is binary.

6.1 Divisibility
De nition 6.1.1 An integer b is divisible by an integer a (a 6= 0), if there is an
integer x su h that b = ax. This will be denoted by ajb.
We begin by formalising some elementary observations about integer division.
Theorem 6.1.2 1. ajb implies ajb for any integer .
2. ajb and bj implies aj .
3. ajb and aj implies ajbx + y .
4. if m 6= 0 then ajb  majmb.
Theorem 6.1.3 (Divison Algorithm) Given integers a and b with a > 0, there
exist unique integers q and r su h that b = qa + r, 0  r < a.
De nition 6.1.4 The g d of two numbers a and b is the largest among the ommon
divisors of a and b. If this is 1 then a; b are relatively prime.
The following properties of g d(x; y) are known
Theorem 6.1.5 1. If is a ommon divisor of a; b, then jg d(a; b).
2. g d(x; y ) = minfax + by g where x; y are integers, su h that ax + by > 0.

3. m  g d(a; b) = g d(ma; mb).
4. If g d(a; m) = g d(b; m) = 1 then g d(ab; m) = 1.
5. If jab and g d(b; ) = 1 then ja.
6. g d(a; b) = g d(a; b qa)for any q
The beginning of number theory goes ba k to Eu lid's algorithm that exploited
some of the properties of divisibility to ompute the g d of two integers.From property
6, it follows that to ng g d of a and b we an nd g d of a and b-qa(repeatedly). If
ajb,then learly a is the g d, so that an be used as a terminating ase. Computing q
an be done using the division algorithm whi h is how Eu lid's algorithm works. In
addition, it also omputes numbers x and y su h that g d = ax + by. For this, we
maintain an invariant that axi + byi = ri where ri is the remainder in the i-th iteration
with initial values x0 = 1 and y0 = 0. And this is what is known as Extended Eu lid's
algorithm. The orre tness of the algorithm follows from indu tion.
Prime numbers (with no divisors other than 1 and the number itself) are extremely
important in number theory.
Theorem 6.1.6 (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmeti )
Every positive integer an be expressed as produ t of primes and this fa torization is
unique ex ept for the order of the prime fa tors.
Proof: We know that if pjq1q2 where p is prime then either pja or pjb or both. 2
The fa t that number of primes is in nite was given in an elegant proof of Eu lid.
Extending his argument it an be shown that there are arbitrary gaps between two
primes. The nprime number theorem says that among the rst n integers there are
very nearly ln n prime numbers.

6.2 Congruen es
De nition 6.2.1 If an integer m, not zero, divides the di eren e a b, we say that
a is ongruent to b modulo m and is denoted by a  b(modm).
(Sin e mj(a b) is equivalent to mj(a b), we will always assume that m > 0.)
The following properties follow from the de nition.
Theorem 6.2.2 1. a  b(modm) is the same as a b  0(modm).
2. a  b(modm) and b  (modm) implies a  (modm). (transitive - infa t
 (modm) is an equivalen e relation).
3. If a  b(modm) and  d(modm) then ax + y  bx + dy (modm)
4. If a  b(modm) and  d(modm), then a  bd(modm)
5. If a  b(modm) and djm, d > 0, then a  b(modd).
The degree of a polynomial (with integral oe ients) modulo m is the highest
power of x for whi h the oeent is non-zero modulo m. For f (x) = a0xn + a1 xn 1 +
: : : an , if f (u)  0(modm) then we say that u is a solution of the ongruen e f (x) 
0(modm). It is known that
Theorem 6.2.3 If a  b(modm), then f (a)  f (b)(modm)
An important problem is the solution of ongruen es and in parti ular linear (degree
1) ongruen e. Any su h ongruen e has the form
ax  b(modm)
For the spe ial ase that g d(a; m) = 1, we have a solution x1 = a(m) 1 b, where (m)
is the totient fun tion (de ned by Euler). It is the number of integers less than m
that are relatively prime to m (if m is prime then (m) = m 1). This follows from
the following theorem of Euler.
Theorem 6.2.4 If g d(a; m) = 1, then a(m)  1(modm).
Another way of viewing the solution is to multiply both sides by a number a 1 su h
that a  a 1  1(modm). We have the following equivalent of an ellation laws
Theorem 6.2.5 1. If ax  ay (modm) and g d(a; m)  1(modm) then x 
y (modm).
2. ax  ay (modm) i x  y (mod g d(ma;m) ). (generalization)
The remaining solutions (when g d(a; m) = 1) are of the form x1 + jm for any integer
j . In other words there is a unique solution modulo m. For the other ase (when a
and m are not relatively prime), the solutions are des ribed by the following theorem.
Theorem 6.2.6 Let g = g d(a; m). Then ax  b(modm) has no solutions if g does
not divide b. If g jb, it has g solutions x  (b=g )x0 + t(m=g ); t = 0; 1 : : : g 1, where
x0 is any solution of (a=g )x  1(mod(m=g )).
Algorithmi ally, in both ases, we an use the (extended) Eu lid's algorithm to
ompute x1 or x0 .
AnQalternate method
Qk is to solve a set eof simultaneous ongruen es by fa torising
m = i=1 pi = i=1 mi where mi = pi . Sin e mi are relatively prime in pairs,
ki e i

it an be shown that solving the ongruen e ax  b(modm) is the same as solving
the ongruen es ax  b(modmi ) simultaneously for all i. Suppose the individual
ongruen es have solutions
axi  b(modmi )
Then these an be ombined using a result alled Chinese Remaindering Theorem.
Theorem 6.2.7 The ommon solution is given by
X m
x0 = bj xj
j =1
m j

where bj is given by solutions to (m=mj )bj  1(modmj ).

6.3 Problem Set

1. Prove that an integer is divisible by 9 i the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.
2. Prove that an integer is divisible by 11 i the di eren e between the sum of the
digits in the odd pla es and the sum of the digits in the even pla es is divisible
by 11.
3. Give an easy test for divisibility by 7.
4. If p is a prime > 5, then prove that it divides in nitely many of the integers
9,99,999,9999 ...
5. For what integer values of n, 2n + 1 is divisible by 3 ?
6. Is any prime of the form 3k+1 is of the form 6k+1 ?Justify.
7. Prove that if 2n +1 is a prime then n is power of 2 and if 2n 1 is a prime then
n is a prime.
8. Prove that there an be arbitrary gaps between two onse utive primes.
9. Given any positive integer k,prove that there are k- onse utive integers divisible
by a square> 1.
10. Given n > 2,prove that there exists a prime p su h that n < p < n!.
11. A positive integer is said to be a square-free if it is produ t of distin t primes.What
is the largest number of onse utive square-free positive integers ?
12. Find the g d of 2613 and 2171 by Eu lidean algorithm.
13. Find two integers x and y su h that g d(841,160)=841x+160y.Are these x and
y unique?
14. Find x and y su h that
(a) 243x + 198y = 9
(b) 71x 50y = 1
( ) 6x + 10y + 15z = 1
15. For what integer values of d,exist two integers x and y su h that 21x +35y = d?
16. Find all the solutions to the ongruen es
(a) 13x  4(mod25)
(b) 5x  2(mod26)
( ) 9x  12(mod15)
(d) 6x  3(mod210
17. Solve 17x  9mod276 ,by using Chinese Remainder Theorem.
18. Find an integer x su h that19x  103mod900 and10x  511 mod 841.
19. Find all integers that give the remainder 1,2,4 when divided by 3,5,4 respe -
20. When eggs in a basket are taken out 2,5,9,23 at a time,there remain respe tively
1,3,7,19 eggs.Find the smallest number of eggs in the basket.

Part II
Appli ations

Chapter 7
Appli ation of probability:
Information and Coding theory

7.1 Quantifying information

Information is entral to solving problems and designing algorithms. The e ien y
of algorithms is basi ally de ned by how qui kly it an gather information about
the input. Although the term information is mostly used in an abstra t des riptive
sense, there exists a formal hara terization of the term whi h was rst de ned in the
ontext of designing and transmitting odes.
The amount of information is identi ed with the element of un ertainity. A state-
ment doesn't onvey any information if we already knew (or dedu ed) the ontents.
A generalization of this is asso iating probability Pr(E ) of an event E with the infor-
mation I (E ) it onveys.
1. If Pr(E ) is 1, then (it is ertain) I (E ) = 0.
2. If Pr(E ) = 0 then I (E ) = 1.
3. If Pr(E1)  Pr(E2 ), then I (E1)  I (E2).
4. If E1 and E2 are independent, i.e., Pr(E1 \ E2 ) = Pr(E1 )  Pr(E2 ), then knowing
about one doesn't divulge any information about the other. So I (E1 \ E2 )
should be I (E1 ) + I (E2).
Therefore I (E1) = logb( Pr(1E ) ) is a natural hoi e that satis es all the above
properties and the base b is hosen to be 2 be ause of te hni al onvenien e. A very

useful quantity is the expe ted amount of un ertainity alled entropy. For example,
a oin that has a probability p of heads and q(= 1 p)of tails has entropy
p log(1=p) + q log(1=q )

and it an be veri ed that this is maximised when p = q = 1=2 and equals 0 when
the out ome is ertain (p = 0 or p = 1).
For a general probability spa e
= (E1 ; E2 : : : En), the entropy is de ned as
= pi log(1=pi); pi = Pr(Ei )
The entropy of a dis rete random variable X is similarly de ned
H (X ) = Pr(X = i)  log(1= Pr(X = i)
One an verify easily that entropy is maximised when all events are equally likely
(maximum un ertainity).

7.2 Codes
Given a nite set of symbols X , a oding of this is a fun tion from X to strings nite
set of strings over a (usually) small set of alphabet . For example X = f1; 2; 3; 4g
an be mapped to f0; 10; 110; 111g over alphabet  = f0; 1g. The length of a ode is
the number of symbols in the string. A sequen e of symbols from X is en oded as
the on atenation of the odes for the sequen e of the symbols. For example 132 will
be en oded as 011010. The set of all strings over a nite alphabet S will be denoted
by S +
A ode is uniquely de ipherable if the mapping X + ! + is a 1-1 fun tion, i.e. every
string from X + is mapped to a unique string in +. In other words, these strings an
be de oded unambiguously.
A ode is alled a pre x ode, if no odeword is a pre x of another odeword.
Clearly a pre x ode is uniquely de ipherable. The above example is a pre x ode.
The following result hara terizes the uniquely de ipherable odes very elegantly.
Theorem 7.2.1 (Kraft-M Millan) For any uniquely de ipherable ode over f0; 1g,
the lengths of the odewords must satisfy
2 l 1

where li is the length of the i-th odeword. Moreover, if a given set of odewords satisfy
the above inequality, then there exists a pre x ode with these odeword lengths.
We will only prove the rst part for pre x odes. We an represent the pre x ode
using a trie where ea h leaf node orresponds to a odeword. If the maximum length
of a odeword is h, then it follows that the number of leaves of a omplete binary tree
of depth h is greater than the number of leaf nodes of the subtrees rooted at ea h of
the nodes orresponding to the odewords. In parti ular,
2h l  2hi

whi h when divided by 2h gives us the required inequality.

If we are given the probability of o uren e of ea h symbol in X , then the expe ted
length of a ode is de ned as X
Pr(x)  l(x) (7.2.1)
where l(x) is the length of the odeword of x. An important problem in designing
odes is to minimize the expe ted odelength. Intuitively, we should hoose a smaller
odeword for a symbol that has a larger probability. Also it should satisfy the previous
theorem, sin e we are interested in U.D. ode.
Let J (l1; l2 : : : ln) = Pi pi  li +  Pi 2 l where  denotes Langrange's multiplier.

Di erentiating with respe t to ea h li, we get the following equations for ea h i

pi 2 l ln2 = 0

This yields 2 l = p =(ln2) and using P 2 l = 1, we obtain  = 1=ln2, given

i i

i p i = 1. Substituting this value in the previous equation, we have an interesting

result, namely 2 = pi or li = d log2 pie. Without the integrality ondition it
i l
satis es KraftM Millan's inequality and more importantly the expe ted ode length
of a ode is lower bounded by the the entropy. Therefore, the entropy or the quantity
of information is an important determinant for minimizing average odelength or
more generally determines if data an be ompressed.
There is a fairly simple and e ient algorithm for designing optimal ode, namely
Hu man ode.

7.2.1 Hu man ode

If we have prior knowledge of the probability of the frequen y of all symbols, then
we an design odes that are optimal in the sense of equation 7.2.1. If pi is the
probability of o uren e of ai , then hoose the smallest two symblos pis,say pj and
pk . Also asso iate a probability pk + pj to it. Make them leaf nodes of a new node
bn and assign a probability pi + pk to bn . Repeat his pro edure with the symbols
fa1; a2 : : : ang and we termnate when there is only node. By assigning labels 0 abd 1
to the left and right bran h, we obtain odes for all the symbols ai. We are leaving
the proof of orre tness to the reader as an exer ise.
Note Although Hu man oding is near optimal, it does not adapt to lo al hanges,
and onsequenly the Ziv-Lempel s heme is more ompa t whi h uses a sliding window
method to en ode, Consider a s enario where the text onsists of a large number of a's
followed by b's et . Clearly the adaptive s heme will be superior to Hu man although
Hu man's en oding is globally optimal.

7.3 Relative information

If X and Y are two random variables with pdf Pr(X = xi ) = pi and Pr(Y = yj ) = qj ,
then the joint entropy of X; Y
Pr(X = xi ; Y = yj ) log Pr(X = x1 ; Y = y )
H (X; Y ) =
i;j i j

It follows from the above de nition that if X; Y are independent, i.e., Pr(X = xi; Y =
yj ) = Pr(X = xi ) Pr(Y = yj ) then the reader an verify easily that
H (X; Y ) = H (X ) + H (Y )
The marginal entropy of X is the entropy of the distribution Pr(X jY = yj ), i.e.,
Pr(X = xijY = yj ) log Pr(X = x1 jY = y )
H (X jY = yj ) =
i i j

Can it happen that H (X jY = yj ) > H (X ) ?

The onditional entropy of X given Y is the expe tation of the marginal entropy
over all values of Y
" #
H (X jY ) = E [H (X jY = yj =
X X 1
Pr(Y = yj ) Pr(X = xi jY = yj ) log Pr(X = x jY = y )
j i i j

Theorem 7.3.1 (Chain rule of entropy)

H (X; Y ) = H (X ) + H (Y jX ) = H (Y ) + H (X jY )
The relative entropy or Kullba k-Leibler distan e between two distributions p; q of
a random variable X
DKL (pjjq ) =
X (p )
pi log i
so it is not symmetri .
Theorem 7.3.2 (Gibb's inequality)
DKL(pjjq )  0
Proof We will apply Jensen's inequality whi h is given by E [f (X )  f (E (X ) for
any random variable X and onvex fun tion f 1 The inequality is reversed for on ave
fun tions like log.
Let X = pi=qi. Then from Jensen's inequality and the fa t that log is a on ave
fun tion we obtain X X
pi log(qi =pi )  log( (pi  qi =pi ))
i i
By negating both sides and noting that the RHS is 0, we obtain
X (p )
pi log i = 0:
An useful appli ation of Gibb's ineuality is in the proof of the following useful in-
Corollary 7.3.3
H (X jY )  H (X )
i.e. un ertainity an only de rease with more information. Therefore
H (X; Y )  H (X ) + H (Y )
where equality holds if X and Y independent.
Proof We an show that H (X ) H (X jY )  0 using the previous de nitions. The
following is a very important result that we will exploit repeatedly.
Theorem 7.3.4 It follows that if Z = f (X1 ; X2 : : : Xn ) then
H (Z )  H (X1 ) + H (X2) : : : H (Xn )

Proof: X
H (f (X )) = Pr[f (X ) = a logPr[f (X ) = a
H (X ) = Pr[X = x log Pr[X = x = Pr[X = x log Pr[X = x
x a x:f (x)=a
1 A fun tion f (x) is onvex if for all x1 ; x2 and 0    1, f (x1 +(1 x2 )  f (x1 )+(1 )f (x2 ).

Now ompare term by term:
Pr[f (X ) = a log Pr[f (X ) = a versus Px:f (x)=a Pr[X = x log Pr[X = x.
Using the on avity of the fun tion log x :
(Pr[X = x= Pr[f (X ) = a) logPr[X = x)
x:f (x)=a
 log( (Pr[X = x= Pr[f (X ) = a) Pr[X = x)
a x:f (x)=a

 log( Pr[X = x) = log Pr[f (X ) = a sin e Pr[X = x= Pr[f (X ) = a  1:
x:f (x)=a

By negating both sides of ea h term and then summing over all terms, we obtain the
desired result.
Example 7.3.5 : [fake oin problem Suppose we are given n oins and one of
them is ounterfeit. We are told that ounterfeit has a di erent weight and we are
allowed to use a simple balan e. How many weighings are ne essary ?
For instan e if it is 3 oins, then we an identify using at most 2 weighings. In
the beginning, the entropy is H (1=n:1=n : : : 1=n)  log n. Ea h weighing an have 3
out omes - right > = < left, or right equals
left. Hen e we an get atmost log3 bits
of information. This implies that at least log 3 weighings are ne essary.
We leave it as an exer ise about how lose we an ome to this gure to a tually
identify the fake oin.
Our next example is the well known result of sorting.
Example 7.3.6 : If we want to sort n elements, i.e., permute them into a non-
de resing order. If all permutations are equally likely, then the information ontent is
log n!. In a omparison, the number of out omes is two implying that the entropy is
log 2 = 1. If the minimum number of omparisons is m, then H (f (X1; X2 : : : Xm )) 
log(n!) where Xi are random variables orresponding to ea h omparison. From
theorem 7.3.4 H (X1) + H (X1 : : : H (Xm)  log(n!) whi h implies m =
(n log n).

Chapter 8
Sorting and Sear hing

8.1 Skip Lists - an alternative to bala ed BST

Skip-list is a data stru ture introdu ed by Pugh [? as an alternative to balan ed
binary sear h trees for handling di tionary operations on ordered lists. The underlying
idea is to substitute omplex book-keeping information used for maintaining balan e
onditions for binary trees by random sampling te hniques. It has been shown by
Pugh [? that, given a ess to random bits, the expe ted sear h time in a skip-list of
n elements is O(log n) 1 whi h ompares very favourably with balan ed binary trees.
Moreover, the pro edures for insertion and deletion are very simple whi h makes this
data-stru ture a very attra tive alternative to the balan ed binary trees.
Sin e the sear h time is a sto hasti variable (be ause of the use of randomization),
it is of onsiderable interest to determine the bounds on the tails of its distribution.
Often, it is ru ial to know the behavior for any individual a ess rather than a hain
of operations sin e it is more losely related to the real-time response.
8.1.1 Review of Skip-lists
We brie y review the basi data-stru ture proposed by Pugh. This data-stru ture is
maintained as a hierar hy of sorted linked-lists. The bottom-most level is the entire set
of keys S . We denote the linked list at level i from the bottom as Li and let jLi j = Ni.
By de nition L0 = S and jL0 j = n. For all 0  i, Li  Li 1 and the topmost level, say
level k has onstant number of elements. Moreover, orresponden es are maintained
between ommon elements of lists Li and Li 1 . For a key with value E , for ea h level
i, we denote by Ti a tuple (li ; ri ) su h that li  E  ri and li ; ri 2 Li . We all this
tuple straddling pair (of E ) in level i.
1 Note that all logarithms are to base 2 unless otherwise mentioned.

The sear h begins from the topmost level Lk where Tk an be determined in
onstant time. If lk = E or rk =TE then the sear h is su essful else we re ursively
sear h among the elements [lk ; rk L0 . Here [lk ; rk denotes the losed interval bound
by lk and rk . This is done by sear hing the elements of Lk 1 whi h are bounded by
lk and rk . Sin e both lk ; rk 2 Lk 1 , the des enden e from level k to k 1 is easily
a hieved in O(1) time. In general, at any level i we determine the tuple Ti by walking
through a portion of the list Li. If li or ri equals E then we are done else we repeat
this pro edure by des ending to level i 1.
In other words, we re ne the sear h progressively until we nd an element in S
equal to E or we terminate when we have determined (l0; r0 ). This pro edure an
also be viewed as sear hing in a tree that has variable degree (not ne essarily two as
in binary tree).
Of ourse, to be able to analyze this algorithm, one has to spe ify how the lists
Li are onstru ted and how they are dynami ally maintained under deletions and
additions. Very roughly, the idea is to have elements in i-th level point to approxi-
mately 2i nodes ahead (in S ) so that the number of levels T is approximately O(log n).
The time spent at ea h level i depends on [li+1 ; ri+1 Li and hen e the obje tive is
to keep this small. To a hieve these onditions on-line, Pugh [? uses the following
elegant method. The nodes from the bottom-most layer (level 0) are hosen with
probability p (for the purpose of our dis ussion we shall assume p = 0:5) to be in the
rst level. Subsequently at any level i, the nodes of level i are hosen to be in level
i + 1 independently with probability p and at any level we maintain a simple linked
list where the elements are in sorted order. If p = 0:5, then it is not di ult to verify
that for a list of size n, the expe ted number of elements in level i is approximately
n=2i and are spa ed about 2i elements apart. The expe ted number of levels is learly
O(log n), (when we have just a trivial length list) and the expe ted spa e requirement
is O(n).
To insert an element, we rst lo ate its position using the sear h strategy des ribed
previously. Note that a byprodu t of the sear h algorithm are all the Ti's. At level
0, we hoose it with probability p to be in level L1 . If it is sele ted, we insert it in
the proper position (whi h an be trivially done from the knowledge of T1 ), update
the pointers and repeat this pro ess from the present level. Deletion is very similar
and it an be readily veri ed that deletion and insertion have the same asymptoti
run time as the sear h operation. So we shall fo us on this operation.
8.1.2 Analysis
To analyze the run-time of the sear h pro edure, we look at it ba kwards, i.e., retra e
the path from level 0. The sear h time is learly the length of the path (number of
links) traversed over all the levels. So one an ount the number of links one traverses
before limbing up a level. In other words the expe ted sear h time an be expressed
in the following re urren e (from [? )
C (k) = (1 p)(1 + C (k)) + p(1 + C (k 1))
where C(k) is the expe ted ost for limbing k levels. From the boundary ondition
C(0) = 0, one readily obtains C (k) = k=p. For k = O(log n), this is O(log n). The
re urren e aptures the rux of the method in the following manner. At any node of
a given level, we limb up if this node has been hosen to be in the next level or else
we add one to the ost of the present level. The probability of this event ( limbing
up a level) is p whi h we onsider to be a su ess event. Now the entire sear h
pro edure an be viewed in the following alternate manner. We are tossing a oin
whi h turns up heads with probability p - how many times should we toss to ome up
with O(log n) heads ? Ea h head orresponds to the event of limbing up one level in
the data stru ture and the total number of tosses is the ost of the sear h algorithm.
We are done when we have limbed up O(log n) levels (there is some te hni ality
about the number of levels being O(log n) but that will be addressed later). The
number of heads obtained by tossing a oin N times is given by a Binomial random
variable X with parameters N and p. Using Cherno bounds from Theorem ??, for
N = 15 log n and p = 0:5, Pr[X  1:5 log n  1=n2 (using  = 9=10 in equation 1).
Using appropriate onstants, we an get rapidly de reasing probabilities of the form
Pr[X  log n  1=n for ; > 0 and in reases with . These onstants an be
ne tuned although we shall not bother with su h an exer ise here.
We thus state the following lemma.
Lemma 8.1.1 The probability that a ess time for a xed element in a skip-list data
stru ture of length n ex eeds log n steps is less than O(1=n2 ) for an appropriate
onstant > 1.
Proof We ompute the probability of obtaining fewer than k (the number of levels
in the data-stru ture) heads when we toss a fair oin (p = 1=2) log n times for some
xed onstant > 1. That is, we ompute the probability that our sear h pro edure
ex eeds log n steps. Re all that ea h head is equivalent to limbing up one level
and we are done when we have limbed k levels. To bound the number of levels, it
is easy to see that the probability that any element of S appears in level i is at most
1=2i, i.e. it has turned up i onse utive heads. So the probability that any xed
element appears in level 3 log n is at most 1=n3. The probability that k > 3 log n is
the probability that at least one element of S appears in L3 log n. This is learly at
most n times the probability that any xed element survives and hen e probability
of k ex eeding 3 log n is less than 1=n2.
Given that k  3 log n we hoose a value of , say 0 (to be plugged into equation 1
of Cherno bounds) su h that the probability of obtaining fewer than 3 log n heads in
0 log n tosses is less than 1=n2 .The sear h algorithm for a xed key ex eeds 0 log n
steps if one of the above events fail; either the number of levels ex eeds 3 log n or we
get fewer than 3 log n heads from 0 log n tosses. This is learly the summation of the
failure probabilities of the individual events whi h is O(1=n2). 2.
Theorem 8.1.2 The probability that the a ess time for any arbitrary element in
skip-list ex eeds O(log n) is less than 1=n for any xed > 0.
Proof: A list of n elements indu es n + 1 intervals. From the previous lemma,
the probability P that the sear h time for a xed element ex eeding log n is less
than 1=n2. Note that all elements in a xed interval [l0; r0 follow the same path in
the data-stru ture. It follows that for any interval the probability of the a ess time
ex eeding O(log n) is n times P . As mentioned before, the onstants an be hosen
appropriately to a hieve this. 2
It is possible to obtain even tighter bounds on the spa e requirement for a skip list
of n elements. From Pugh [? it is known that the expe ted spa e is O(n). Moreover
it is lear that it does not ex eed O(n log n) with probability 1 1=n2 (no element
survives more than O(log n) levels with this probability from the previous lemma).
One an obtain a mu h stronger bound by viewing the entire skip list stru ture as a
sto hasti experiment ea h node orresponds to a Bernoulli trial that turns up heads
(similar to obtaining the obtaining the query bound). Ea h element is repli ated
till the the trial turns up tails. Sin e there are n elements, the number of nodes
orresponds to the number of Bernoulli trials required to obtain n tails. This is
a negative binomial distribution and one an use Cherno bounds (Theorem ??)
dire tly to obtain the following result.
Theorem 8.1.3 For any onstant > 0, the probability of the spa e ex eeding 2n +
 n, is less than exp
( n) .

8.2 Trieps : Randomized Sear h Trees

The lass of binary (dynami ) sear h trees is perhaps the rst introdu tion to non-
trivial data-stru ture in omputer s ien e. However, the update operations, although
asymptoti ally very fast are not the easiest to remember. The rules for rotations
and the double-rotations of the AVL trees, the splitting/joining in B-trees and the
olor- hanges of red-bla k trees are often omplex, as well as their orre tness proofs.
The Randomized Sear h Trees (also known as randomized trieps) provide a pra ti al
alternative to the Balan ed BST. We still rely on rotations, but no expli it balan ing
rules are used. Instead we rely on the magi al properties of random numbers.
The Randomized Sear h Tree (RST) is a binary tree that has the keys in an in-
order ordering. In addition, ea h element is assigned a priority (Wlog, the priorities
are unique) and the nodes of the tree are heap-ordered based on the priorities. Si-
multaneously, the key values follow in-order numbering. It is not di ult to see that
for a given assignment of priorities, there is exa tly one tree. If the priorities are
assigned randomly in the range [1; N for N nodes, the expe ted height of the tree is
small. This is the rux of the following analysis of the performan e of the RSTs.
Let us rst look at the way sear h time using a te hnique known as ba kward
analysis. For that we (hypotheti ally) insert the N elements in a de reasing order
of their priorities and then ount the number of elements that Q an see during the
ourse of their insertions. This method (of assigning the random numbers on-line)
makes arguments easier and the reader must onvin e himself that it doesn't a e t
the nal results. Q an see an element Ni if there are no previously inserted elements
in between.
Lemma 8.2.1 The tree onstru ted by inserting the nodes in order of their priorities
(highest priority is the root) is the same as the tree onstru ted on-line.
Lemma 8.2.2 The number of nodes Q sees is exa tly the number of omparisons
performed for sear hing Q. In fa t, the order in whi h it sees orresponds to the
sear h path of Q.
Theorem 8.2.3 The expe ted length of sear h path in RST is O(HN ) where HN is
the N -th harmoni number.
In the spirit of ba kward analysis, we pretend that the tree- onstru tion is being
reversed, i.e. nodes are being deleted starting from the last node. In the forward
dire tion, we would ount the expe ted number of nodes that Q sees. In the reverse
dire tion, it is the number of times Q's visibility hanges ( onvin e yourself that
these notions are identi al). Let Xi be a Bernoulli rv that is 1 if Q sees Ni (in
the forward dire tion) or onversely Q's visibility hanges when Ni is deleted in the
reverse sequen e. Let X be the length of the sear h path.
X= Xi
E [X = E [ Xi = E [Xi
We laim that E [Xi = 2i . Note that the expe tation of a Bernoulli variable is the
probability that it is 1. We are omputing this probability over all permutations of
N being equally likely. In other words, if we onsider a pre x of length i, all subsets
of size i are equally likely. Let us nd the probability that Xi = 1, onditioned on
a xed subset N i  N . Un onditioning is easy if probability that Xi = 1 does not
depend on N i itself. So, given a xed N i, all N i 1 are equally likely, so the probability
that Xi = 1 is the probability that one of the (maximum two) neighboring elements
was removed in the reverse dire tion. The probability of that is less than 2i whi h
is independent of any spe i N i . So, the2 un onditional probability P is the same
as onditional probability - hen e E [Xi = i . The theorem follows as i E [Xi =
2 Pi 1i = O(HN ).
The Xi's de ned in the previous proof are independent but not identi al. So, we
an apply Cherno -Hoe ding bounds to to obtain strong tail-estimates for deviation
from the expe ted bound. From Theorem ?? , it follows that
Theorem 8.2.4 The probability that the sear h time ex eeds 2 log n omparisons in
a randomized triep is less than O(1=n).
A similar te hnique an be used for ounting the number of rotations required for
RST during insertion and deletions. Ba kward analysis is a very elegant te hnique
for analyzing randomized algorithms, in parti ular in a paradigm alled randomized
in remental onstru tion.

8.3 Lower bounds for sear hing and sorting

We often take for granted that the best time to sear h in a set of N elements is
O(log N ), namely. by using a binary sear h kind of pro edure. Of ourse we have
seen that hashing allows us to sear h in O(1) expe ted time for any subset of the
universe. We will now give a formal argument that when the uiverse is very large,

(log n) probes are indeed ne essary.

For this we will make use of a Ramsey-kind of theorem that generalises it to more
than two olours.
Theorem 8.3.1 For any k; t; r, tere exists a nite number R(k; r; t) su h that for a
set S; jS j  R(k; r; t), if we olour the family of r element subsets of S , then there
exists a set k  r su h that all its r-element subsets have the same olour.
By hoosing k = 2n 1; r = n :t = n!, we on lude that all n-element subsets of
2n elements with the same order type have the same olour (whi h denotes an order
type). We shall now show that given a xed ordered type we will need at least log n
omparisons for sear hing in a table of n elements. Let f (n:m) denote the minimum
number of probes (usually omarisons) reqired to sear h for an element in a sorted
table of size n and an universe of size m. In parti ular we will show it for m = 2n 1.
Basis n = 2, m= 3 . we an show by ase analysis that at least two probes are
required. Let it be true for all n < no (and m = 2n 1. For n = no. Suppose the
rst probe is at position p, p  dno =2e. Let the element be p. So the key an be
anywhere between dno =2e and no. Therefore after one probe, the table an ontain
any of the p + 1; : : : 2  no 1 elements in the remaining no p positions. Therefore
the indu tive hypothesis an be invoked giving at least 1 + log(bno =2 + 1) probes.
Lemma 8.3.2 f (2; 3)  2

Chapter 9
Universal Hashing

9.1 Notations
 Universe : U
 Set of elements : S also jS j = n
 Hash lo ations : f0; 1; :::; m 1g usually, n  m

9.2 Collision
If x; y 2 U are mapped to the same lo ation by a hash fun tion h.

h (x; y ) = 1 : h(x) = h(y); x 6= y
0 : otherwise
h (x; S ) = h (x; y )

Hash by haining: The more the ollision the worse the performan e. Look at a
sequn e O1(x2 ); O2(x2 ); :::; On(xn ) where Oi 2 fInsert; Delete; Sear hg and xi 2 U
Let us make the following assumptions
1. jh 1(i)j = jh 1(i0 )j where i; i0 2 f0; 1; :::; m 1g
2. In the sequen e, xi an be any element of U with equal probability.

Claim: Total expe ted ost = O((1 + )n) where = mn (load fa tor).
Proof: Expe ted ost of (k + 1)th operation = expe ted number of elements in
lo ation  1 + k( m1 ) assumingPall the previous operations were Insert.
So total expe ted ost  nk=1 1 + mk = n + n(2nm+1) = (1 + 2 )n. This is worst ase
over operations but not over elements. 2

9.3 Universal Hash Fun tions

De nition 9.3.1 A olle tion H  fhjh : [0:::N 1 ! [0:::m 1g is -universal
if for all x; y 2 [0:::N 1,
jfhjh 2 H and h(x) = h(y)gj  jH

for some small onstant . Roughly Ph h(x; y)  jmH j

1 X
1 + h(x; S )  1 + mn
jH j h2H
where jS j = n.
Proof: LHS
= jH1 j 1 + jH1 j

h2H h y2S

= 1 + jH1 j
h (x; y )
y h

 1 + jH1 j j j

= 1 + m n

So expe ted ost of n operation = P(1 + m i )  (1 + )n 2

9.4 Example of a Universal Hash fun tion

H 0 : ha;b ; hab (x) ! ((ax + b) mod N ) mod m where a; b 2 0:::N 1 (N is prime).
If hab (x) = hab (y) then for some q 2 [0:::m 1and n; s 2 [0::: Nm 1
ax + b = (9 + rm) mod N
ay + b = (9 + sm) mod N
This is a unique solution for a; b on e q; r; s are xed. So there are a total of m( Nm )

solutions = Nm . Also, sin e jH 0j = N 2 , therefore H 0 is "1" universal.



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