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Annual Report 2016

of the
Independent Presbyterian Church
Table of Contents
In Memoriam 1

Senior Minister (Terry L. Johnson) 2

Summary of Senior Pastors Work 6
Weddings Baptisms New Members 9
Transfers of Membership Moved Out of Town Removed from Rolls 11
Communing and Noncommuning Membership & Attendance 13

Associate Minister (Ronald H. Parrish) 14

Associate Minister (Timothy P. Foster) 15

Staff Updates 16

The Clerk of Session 18

Memberships and Committees 19

Christian Education Committee 20

Youth, College, and Career Committee 22

Missions Committee 24

Congregational Growth and Care Committee 27

Finance and Administration Committee 29

Summary of Revenues and Expenses 30
Statement of Net Worth 31
Capital Campaign and Renovation 32

Personnel Committee 33

Building Committee 34

The Diaconate 35

The Trustees 37

Point Pleasant Corporation 38

Independent Presbyterian Church
In Memoriam 2016

Katherine Crutcher Chisholm February 1, 2016

Ian Shepherd Hazeltine June 29, 2016

Joan Ann Herbst August 12, 2016

Donald Irving Knoche Sept. 3, 2016

Etta Huffman Hannaford Oct. 26, 2016

Silas Dobbs McCaslin Nov. 10, 2016

Senior Minister
Terry L. Johnson

Thirty Years

Thirty years as the senior minister of the Independent Presbyterian Church were completed as of
December 31, 2016. It has become clich to lament how the time passes so quickly. Thirty years is a long
time. Yet to me, it doesnt seem so long ago. Can it really be 30 years ago that Emily and I were married?
That we candidated for the pulpit of I.P.C? That the pulpit committee, Session, and Trustees voted
unanimously to call a 31 year-old assistant minister and his 20 year-old bride to lead the congregation?
How young we were, and nave, and foolish and grateful.

Looking back
The early years in Savannah were both exciting and rough. We grew rapidly, adding lots of new
members. Yet I have also termed these the seven years' war. We weathered those storms, brought five
children into the world, nurtured and educated them, and now our nest is empty. About what am I most
thankful? I trust you wont think me vain for listing them, as all the glory goes to God and none to his
feeble servants.
* tone that after 30 years I.P.C. is essentially a happy and healthy congregation. Though trials and
disappointments have and will continue to come, we are a growing and God-honoring church.
We are blessed with an exceptional concentration of merciful, gracious, thoughtful, sensitive,
loving people.
* attendance that we have raised the average Sunday morning attendance from the low 200s to
over 500, and tripled and quadrupled the Sunday School and Sunday evening attendance.
Attendance is only one measure of impact, but it is an important one. It is unsatisfactory that
weve been on the Sunday AM 500 plateau for eleven years, but it is a healthy number.
* means that we have placed Gods word at the center of our congregational assemblies:
weve preached 46 books of the Bible
weve read a chapter of the Bible in each service, having now read together 63 of 66
books of the Bible
weve sung at least one psalm in every service, two every Sunday
weve administered the Lords Supper monthly
weve been content to have a simple, unostentatious, word-centered ministry
* church planting that we have planted or played a significant role in planting seven churches in
our area (Golden Isles, Pooler, Richmond Hill, Kirk, Grace Church, Beaufort, Bluffton) and five
elsewhere in the nation. The Savannah area churches had a combined Sunday morning of 750 in
2016, 50% attendance greater than ours downtown. This may somewhat explain our own
attendance plateau.
* auxiliary ministries
that we started RUF at SCAD back in the fall of 1996 when we approached the presbytery
asking, We want to do college ministry through RUF. Are you interested? They jumped at the
opportunity, we provided much of the funding, and the ministry thrived, especially under Tom
Cannon and Michael Gordon. Still today RUF is reaching about 50 students a week with the
gospel and we continue to partner with them by providing funding and facility use. Our hope is
that this ministry will continue to grow and prosper.
that we have encouraged the efforts of Veritas Academy to provide a classical Christian
education in Savannah since it started in 1997, channeling Jenkins foundation funds in its support
and allowing use of our facilities. After a failed attempt by some of our members to start a
Christian school in the late 1980s and early 1990s (the old Westminster School) and after
Providence School eliminated its tie to the Reformed Faith, it is encouraging to see Veritas
thriving today. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the existence of the Habersham

School (since 2013) and the Savannah Classical Academy (a public charter school started in
2013) are confirmation of the vision of Veritas founders, who were almost entirely members of
our church.
* facilities
We opened the current Administration Building in 1994 and have renovated it twice; we built
the Whitaker Street Building in 2011; and weve renovated and reconfigured the Education
Building, Telfair Hall, and the Courtyard several times in order to meet the changing needs of our
congregation. We also built the current Point Pleasant facility in 1990 and its reconstruction is on
the drawing board.

This year
This year I made some slight adjustments, anticipating the need to slow down, at least a bit. After 19
years, I taught my last Chatham Bible Study in May. It has been a great run, and I resigned with
considerable reluctance. Yet I have found my weekly pace is far less hectic without the need to have a
Bible Study ready on Wednesday noon after spending all day Monday on Sundays sermons and all day
Tuesday in the church office taking care of business. Life is a marathon, as is ministry. There will be
other things that Ill need to surrender in the coming years. Still, opportunities to minister have opened in
other directions even as Ive stepped back.

Seminaries and others

I was privileged to teach on my favorite subject (worship, of course) first at Westminster Theological
Seminary California in January, team-teaching with David Hall; then at Chinese Theological in Taipei,
Taiwan in June; finally at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte in July, this for D. Min. students.
I was honored in May to address the graduates of Greenville Theological Seminary at their
Commencement exercises, in April to preach for the building dedication of the Sovereign Grace PCA in

Your church staff has been discussing the need to focus on the men of the church. The women of the
church have their weekly Bible studies and circles. The men have nothing targeting them. So for the
fourth year we aggressively solicited participation in what we now call the Dead Theologians Society,
which met monthly either on Wednesday night, Thursday for breakfast, or Thursday for lunch. An
average of 22 men met for the 12 months of 2016 for rich conversation and fellowship stimulated by
classic Christian books. December we followed up with a Sunday School class for men focusing on
marriage and family. Weve averaged 60 studying in what appears to be matters of vital concern for our

A book published per year has been the pace for the past several years. This year it was a Mentor
Commentary on 1-3 John, consisting of my sermons on Johns epistles. I have wondered, however, as
part of my 30-year reflections, if I have spent too much time writing, writing at the expense of other
important activities. Writing borders on the compulsive for me. Writing helps me to think through ideas
and helps organize and clarify my thoughts. Still, has writing robbed time away from other pastoral
duties, or, in the end, will writing prove to have done as much good as preaching or teaching? Only
judgment day will tell.

I was called on twice in 2016 to take part in civil ceremonies. The first was in January at the inauguration
of our Deacon Eddie DeLoach as Mayor of Savannah. It was a happy moment for me, as I couldnt be
prouder of Eddies desire to make a difference in Savannahs political life. Then in February I was asked
to be Chaplain of the Day, which means preach and pray for the Georgia State House of Representatives

at the opening of the legislative day 15. It was gratifying to see that so many of our state legislators are
open to receiving spiritual input at the opening of their work days.

Looking back over the decades, one comes to realize ones indebtedness to others, particularly the role
they have played in molding ones character and convictions. Two of the most important of my spiritual
mentors passed from the scene in 2016. Dr. Hughes O. Old, who basically taught me everything I know
about worship, died in May. First his books, then his classes at Erskine Theological Seminary, 2004-08,
in Due West, S.C., were invaluable resources as I plunged deeper and deeper into the subject of Reformed
worship. Worshipping with Calvin (2014) and Serving with Calvin (2015), Contemporary Worship (2014)
and Reformed Worship (2015) all owe a huge debt to Dr. Old.

Rev. J. Alec Motyer, the Principle of Trinity College, Bristol, England, and Lecturer in Old Testament
while I was a student there in 1977-79, died in August. I have never known a more godly man, or one
who loved Gods word more (especially in Hebrew) than did Mr. Motyer. I wrote remembrances for both
of them for the Reformation21 website (you can find them at:

2016 was another year of milestones for the Johnsons. Ben, our youngest, turned 21; our oldest, Drew,
married Caroline Boatright in January; Abby, our second daughter, graduated from the Univ. of GA in
May and took a teaching job in Atlanta at the Wesleyan School; Sam, our Marine, returned from
deployment in Kuwait in April; our first grandchild, Audrey Boone Girgis, was born in Milwaukee in
July to Sally and Peter, whom I was privileged to baptize in October. Most milestonish of all, Emily
turned 50 in March!

Looking ahead
After 30 years I still feel the need to fully utilize our facility. We have a thousand seats. We should fill
every one of them. For me, its a matter of stewardship. We are centrally located to all of greater
Savannahs 250-300,000 people. We have a beautiful, large meeting house. We have well-ordered
worship services. Lets fill our church.

The rising generation is proving to be challenging. They, more than any other demographic, have been
shaped by the blessings and curses of the internet and social media. Tim Shaws ministry to our post-
college career group through the Thursday night Bible study and New Covenant Sunday School class has
been heartening. He is reaching 30 to 40 20-somethings every week. Still, more needs to be done if we are
to continue to grow or even maintain our ministry in the 21st century. We must reach young singles and
couples if we are to survive as a church.

We continue to struggle in this area. We support the local RUF financially, facility use and otherwise, but
the undergraduate attendance has waned in recent years and we still desire a greater impact on local
campuses. We find ourselves surrounded by 13,000 SCAD students further afield are Savannah State,
Armstrong, South, and others. We continue to pray for wisdom and guidance as we seek to do this work.
As a matter of stewardship, if nothing else, we must reach these students with the gospel and see them
incorporated into the life of the church.

Impacting Savannah
When I was interviewed by the pulpit committee in 1986, I asked, Who is doing the John MacArthur-
type verse-by-verse preaching in Savannah? The answer they gave was, no one. This was only partially
correct because there was some expository preaching going on in the PCAs four churches. What about

Reformed ministries? I asked. Are there Calvinists in Savannah? Outside of those in the PCA, I was
told, Calvinism was unknown.

Today the Coastal Empire Reformed Fellowship consists of about two dozen churches. Expository
preaching is practiced in a number of the popular non-Presbyterian churches. Most surprising, Calvinists
abound. Between the six new PCA churches and ten Calvinistic non-Presbyterian churches, a total of 16
Reformed churches are now in greater Savannah. Perhaps we can say that our ministry has had a positive
leavening impact on Savannah-area Christianity. We see considerably more serious preaching and
considerably more Reformed, that is, biblical thinking than was the case 30 years ago. For this we can be
thankful and build upon as we look to the future.

Summary of Senior Minister=s Work B 2016
Preaching and Teaching

Inquirers Class 14
Chatham Bible Study 16
Veritas Academy-History 65
Catechism Sunday School, Gr. 5-8 15
New Covenant Sunday School 1
Career Bible Study 1
Officers Review/Exam 1
Dead Theologians Society (average attendance 22) 36
Prayer Meeting Devotional 42
Monthly Intern Teaching/Discussion 4
Westminster Theological Seminary CA Reformed Worship course, Jan. 11-14 4
Reformed Worship Conference, Christ Church of the Carolinas The Purpose of the Temple, Sing the
Word: What the Church Should Sing, + Panel discussion, Jan. 22-23 2
China Reformed Theological Seminary Reformed Worship course, Taipei, Taiwan, June 6-10 30
Chaplain of the Day, Georgia Legislature, Feb.3 1
History class on Christianity at Savannah Co. Day School, Mar. 23 1
Pastoral Ministry session at Metropolitan Baptist Church Pastors Retreat @ I.P.C. 1
Reformed Theological Seminary Charlotte Reformed Worship D. Min. course, July 25-29 31
Officers Class, Reformed Worship at 1st Scots Presbyterian (PCA), Beaufort, SC, Oct. 18 1
Reformed Worship Conference, Midway Presbyterian, Powder Springs, GA, Oct. 20-22 7
SKPE Interview/Discussion with students about Leading in Worship, Queensland Theological College, St. Lucia
Australia, Oct. 27 1

Total 274

AM Preaching
Luke 21:5-24:27 (CLVIII-CLXXXVII) 30
The Spiritual Meaning of the Supper Jn 6:25-40, Jan. 3 1
What Is It to Be Human? Gen. 1:26-28, Sanctity of Life Sunday, Jan. 17 1
Our Two Great Needs Titus 3:3-7, Easter Sunday, Mar. 27 1
The Shepherds Psalm Ps 101, Kirkin O the Tartan Sunday, May 1 1
The Life Worth Living Phil 3:3-9, June 6 1
Texts that Transform One Way Rom 12:16-18, July 17 1
Texts that Transform Justifying the Ungodly Rom 4:1-5, Aug. 21 1
The City of God Ps 46, Oct. 16 1
An Ordinary Means Church 1 Cor 2:1-5, Stewardship Season, Oct. 23 1
What Christians Want 1 Tim 1:1-2, Election Day Sermon 1
The Character of Officers Acts 6:1-7, Officer Installation Service 1

PM Preaching
The Identity and Attributes of God (XLVIII-LXV) 18
Why Did Jesus Die? Maundy Thursday, Mar. 24 1
In Everything Give Thanks 1 Thess 5:18, Nov. 27 1
Lessons and Carols Meditation, Dec. 11 1
Immanuel: God With Us Mt 1:18-25, Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 1
Carols and Christmas Lk 2:8-15, Christmas Day, Dec. 25 1
Other Preaching
Second Presbyterian Church of Yazoo City, MS A Refuse for the Afflicted Isa 14:32; 1 Tim 3:15 and
Continue 2 Tim 3:1-4:5; Ordination Service for Nick Bullock, Jan. 10......2

Funeral service for Katherine Chisholm, Feb. 4 1
Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA), Charlotte, NC, Apr. 24..1
Providence Presbyterian Church, Edwardsville, IL Our Ministry Today Isa 14:32; 1 Tim 3:15, May 22..1
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Greenville, SC Commencement Address, May 21 .1
Memorial Service for Ian Hazeltine, July 1 ...1
Memorial Service for Donald Knoche, Sept. 9 ..1
Memorial Service for Silas McCaslin, Nov. 12 .1
Opening prayer for Savannah City Council Meeting, Oct. 29 ...1

Total Sermons 74

Total Teaching/Preaching 348


Books/Magazine Articles: # of Pages

Exposition of John in Lectio Continua Expository Commentary Series, Tolle Lege Press, June 2016 248
Hughes Oliphant Old: A Personal Remembrance Reformation21 Blog post, May 30, 2016 6
A Troubling Turn General Assembly 2016 Reformation21 Blog post, June 29, 2016 5
J. Alec Motyer: A personal remembrance Reformation21 Blog post, Aug. 30, 2016 4

I.P.C. Newsletter Articles:

Christian Motivations 6 You Were Bought with a Price March 3
The Romans Road April 7
Christian Motivations 7 Truth and Lies May 5
Christian Motivations 8 Dead Faith June-August edition 10
Calvinistic Child-Rearing September 3
China and the Reformed Faith October 4
Too Nice Parenting November 3
John Knox and Worship December/January 4


CLVIII.CLXXXVI Luke 21:5-24:7 297
The Identity and Attributes of God, (5 copies) ..178
One Way Texts that Transform (10 copies) ..70
Justifying the Ungodly Texts that Transform (8 copies) ...56
Baptismal Vows and Childrearing (20 copies) ...520

Total number of pages (new writing) 1423

The Grace Debate 25
Why Plant and Grow PCA Churches? 15
Fathers: Teach Your Children 15
Shorter Catechism 50
Who We Are 50
Our Order of Service 225
The Nurturing of Christian Piety 50
Living Wisely 35
The Stones Cry Out 175
An Evangelical and Reformed Faith 30
Saved Through Childbearing 25

Total number of pamphlets (reprints) 695

Pastoral Contacts
Counseling 77
Hospital/home visits 19
Hospitality at Home 110
New member interviews 39

Total 245

Boards, Committees, and Organizations

Coastal Empire Reformed Fellowship (CERF)
MNA Committee, Savannah River Presbytery
Savannah River Presbytery
Steering Committee of the Twin Lakes Fellowship
Board member Westminster Theological Seminary California
Lecturer Westminster Theological Seminary California
Lecturer Reformed Theological Seminary Charlotte
Lecturer China Reformed Theological Seminary Taipei, Taiwan
Reformation Worship Conference Steering Committee
Confessional Church Planting Fellowship

Weddings B Baptisms B New Members 2016
(*Members of I.P.C.)
*Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Billings Johnson (nee Caroline Waters
Boatright) Jan. 2, 2016
*Mr. and Mrs. Howard Howie Paul Pavlo
(nee Margaret Molly Emily Ragen) May 19, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. *William D. James (nee Alex Rogers) Chapin, SC July 16, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. *William Breck Van Puffelen II
(nee Hannah Elizabeth Cooke) Statesboro, GA Nov. 27, 2016

Anders McCarthy Isaac Ward January 31, 2016
Ava Anne Foster March 13, 2016
Victoria Elizabeth Barlow March 13, 2016
Catherine Katie Rose Spencer May 29, 2016
Virginia Greer Moody August 7, 2016
James Levi Shaw August 21, 2016
Blythe Allison Butcher September 11, 2016
Ellis Matthew Reid November 27, 2016
Evangeline Love & Faith Regine Espinosa November 27, 2016
Eleanora Sparrow Corbitt December 18, 2016

New Members *under age 16

Mr. William Will Ryon Rambo III (POF) January 31, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. Ali Fakharian (Romina Izadi) (POF/Baptism) February 28, 2016
*Mr. John Harvard Heritage (POF) February 28, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Brown (Ranae) (TOL) April 17, 2016
*Zachary Joseph Richard Brown (N/C)
Miss Qi Angel An (ROF) May 15, 2016
Miss Gi-Yun Chung (TOL) May 15, 2016
Dr. Alan M. Harvey (TOL) May 15, 2016
Dr. Doris K. Cope Harvey (TOL) May 15, 2016
Mrs. Lanny Key (Emily) (TOL) May 15, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Patterson (Faye) (ROF) May 15, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Reid (Laura) (ROF) May 15, 2016
CPT E. Grace Smitham (ROF) May 15, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. Neill Stevens (Kayron) (POF) (TOL) May 15, 2016
*Mr. John William Posegate Oliver III (POF) May 22, 2016
Miss Anna Liebing (TOL) June 5, 2016
Mr. Donald J. Pease (TOL) June 5, 2016
*Miss Margaret Ella Murns (POF) June 5, 2016
Mr. Michael Aaron Eugene (TOL) June 26, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. Gage Henry (Laura) (ROF) June 26, 2016
Miss Larissa White (TOL) July 31, 3016
Miss Adeline E. Barrett (POF) September 25, 2016
Miss Mabel G. Brown (POF) September 25, 2016
Mr. Conner C. Fennell (POF) September 25, 2016
Miss Sarah Blake Rodgers (POF) September 25, 2016
Miss Simmons Key (POF) October 23, 2016
Mr. Allen B. Childress (ROF) *Assoc. member November 27, 2016
Mrs. William L. Downs (Carolyn) (TOL) November 27, 2016
Mr. Brian P. Finnegan (TOL) November 27, 2016
Mrs. Harriet C. Gonzalez (TOL) November 27, 2016
Capt. and Mrs. Richard Hill (Marcie) (TOL) November 27, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Immel (Jennifer) (TOL) November 27, 2016

*Mr. William James Immel (TOL) November 27, 2016
*Mr. Rex Amos Immel (TOL) November 27, 2016
Mrs. Louis G. Marlow (TOL) November 27, 2016
Mrs. Mearl C. McArthur (TOL) November 27, 2016
Dr. Victor W. Rosenfeld (POF) November 27, 2016
Miss Mary V. Warnell (TOL) November 27, 2016
Miss Caroline Wood (POF/Baptism) November 27, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Austin (Chamblee) (TOL) December 11, 2016
Dr. and Mrs. C. Wayne Holley (Lori) (TOL) December 11, 2016

Transfers of MembershipBMoved OutofTown 2016
(C = communing; N/C = noncommuning)
(*children, under 16 yr.)

Transfers of Membership/ Letter

Outof town transfers:
Mr. Patrick G. Forrester Feb. Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA), Charlottesville, VA
CPT and Mrs. Brian J. Hottel (Ruth Ann)
John (Jack) N/C Feb. Redeemer Church (PCA), Hudson, OH
Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. Chen (Carol) Feb. Austin Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (PCUSA),
Austin, TX
Miss Amy Carol Rustine Apr. Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA), Statesboro, GA
Miss Elise Susanne Rustine Apr. Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA), Statesboro, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Rocker III (Tara)
Ford and Isabelle N/C Apr. Lake Oconee Presbyterian, Eatonton, GA
Mr. Charles H. Moore III June Atlanta Westside Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill (Ginger) Aug. Faith Presbyterian (ARP), Merritt Island, FL
Mr. Matthew M. Mullininx Aug. Oceanside United Reformed Church, Oceanside, CA
Mrs. Jennifer L. Copeland
John and Sarah N/C Aug. Peachtree Presbyterian Church (USA), Atlanta, GA
CPT and Mrs. Benjamin R. Field (Hannah) Aug. Faith Orthodox Presbyterian, Long Beach, CA
Mrs. Ann C. Johnson Aug. Dennis Union Church, Dennis, MA
LT and Mrs. Daniel Lawton (Jessica) Aug. Westwood Presbyterian Church, Dothan, AL
Mr. and Mrs. Gilberto Ruiz (Donna) Aug. Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA), Huntsville, AL
Mr. Amos Crew Oct. Harvest Bible Chapel, Fairfax, VA
Mrs. Peter P. Girgis (Sally Boone) Nov. Christ Church Milwaukee (PCA), Milwaukee, WI
Mrs. Helen R. Steward Dec. Peachtree Presbyterian Church (USA), Atlanta, GA

Sub-total: 24 communing adults & 5 non-communing children

In-town transfers:
Miss Regina M. OConner Apr. Grace Church of the Islands (PCA), Savannah, GA
Mrs. Soren Kornegay (Emma)
Malcolm Dean (Mal) N/C Aug. First Presbyterian (PCA), Pooler, GA
Mrs. Aaron Soutar (Stefani) Nov. Kirk O the Isles Presbyterian (PCA), Savannah, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Clark M. Bristol
Cole, Nathan, Jack N/C Dec. Grace Church of the Islands, Savannah, GA

Sub Total: 5 communing adults & 4 non-communing children

TOTAL Transfers: 29 adults (communing) & 9 children (non-communing)

Moved Out-of-Town (members)

Mr. Thomas C. Hartridge Apr. Austin, TX
CPT R. Nathan Adams (Jamie) May Alexandria, VA
Miss Kathryn S. Steward August no address
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Sagar (Kristen) June Nashville, TN
Elizabeth Anne (Ella) N/C
Charlotte Lee N/C
Luke Patton N/C
CW3 & Mrs. Michael W. Spencer (Sarah) June Ft. Belvoir, Washington, DC
James Michael N/C
Elizabeth Anne (Eliza) N/C
Gabriel Timothy (Gabe) N/C
Catherine Rose (Katie) N/C
Mr. Arthur M. Fairley July Columbia, SC

Miss Abigail B. Johnson July Peachtree Corner, GA
Miss Meredith L. Brewer August Charlotte, NC
Mrs. Daniel Sharpless (Elissa Hunter) August Lafayette, IN
Mr. Ali Fahkarian
Romina Izadi, spouse August Austin, TX
Mr. Clay H. Gibson September Atlanta, GA
Lt Col and Mrs. C. Breckenridge Paris (Mattie)
Jack, communing September Statesboro, GA
Miss Mary H. Carpenter November Augusta, GA
Mrs. Thomas Bowman (Carol)
Rev. Thomas (spouse) *clergy
Thomas, Jr., communing December Milbrook, AL
Miss Jessica L. Wiggins December Trujillo, Peru

Total: 22 adults + 6 children (non-communing)

Members Removed from Roll

In-Town Members Removed

Mrs. Amy R. Henderson
James David (Jack), N/C
William Thomas , N/C
Mr. Clayton M. Hostettter
Hayes Burton, N/C
Selleck Elizabeth, N/C
Mrs. Rebecca Borgelt Ince
Mrs. Patricia K. Thomas
Richard Charles, N/C
AP Adam C.Woernle
Miss Bethany Woernle
Miss Hannah J. Cleveland
Mrs. Tallulah McGee Trice

Sub-Total: 8 adults + 5 non-communing children = 13

Out-of-Town Members Removed

Miss Dana A. Bailey
Mr. Joseph C. Bauer
Mrs. Grace Cannon Converse
Mr. Timothy J. Copeland, Sr.
Mr. Robert A. Jones
Mr. David W. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Mathis (Stephanie)
C. Harrison, N/C
Emma Grace, N/C
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Sasnett III (Taite)
Richard Borden IV, N/C
Dr. David P. Vandenberg
Mr. Daniel M. Wall

Sub-Total: 12 adults + 3 non-communing children = 15

TOTAL: 20 adults & 8 non-communing children = 28

Members Restored to Roll - NONE

Moved Back to Town NONE

Communing and Noncommuning Membership and Attendance 2016
(adults and children, communing and noncommuning [n/c])

Births 12
Professions of Faith 14 (9 adults; 5 children)
Reaffirmations of Faith 8
Associates 1
Transfers of Letter 28 (25 communing adults; 3 n/c
Added back to rolls 0

Sub-total 63 (48 adults, 15 n/c children/infants)

- 15
Total Communing Members 48

Transfers (in-town) 9 (5 communing adults & 4 n/c children)
Transfers (out-of-town) 29 (24 communing adults & 5 n/c children)
Deaths (in-town) 6 (5 communing adults; 1 n/c child)
Deaths (out-of-town) 0
Removed from Rolls (in-town) 13 (8 communing adults & 5 n/c children)
Removed from Rolls (out-of-town) 15 (12 communing adults & 3 n/c children)

Total (in-town) -28 (18 communing adults & 10 n/c children)

Total (out-of-town) -44 (36 communing adults & 8 n/c children)

Net Gain In-Town

Communing Members +30 48 in-town gained 18 in-town lost

2016 Total In-Town Communing 781


2015 Total In-Town Communing Membership 751

Associate Minister
Ronald H. Parrish

At the conclusion of 2016, I completed my 21st year as one of your Associate Pastors. My particular areas
of responsibility are Christian Education and Pastoral Care. In the area of education, I oversee the
program of Christian education and work closely with Chairman, Jody Lanier, and the Christian
Education Committee. In this capacity I am pleased to be able to work with Mrs. Jane Boatright, Director
of Nursery and Womens Program; Mrs. Amy Martin, Director of Childrens Program; and Mrs. Kathryn
Van Eck, Director of Music. These are talented leaders who with a host of others provided important
leadership for these ministries throughout the year. In the area of Pastoral Care, I seek to provide Pastoral
Care to members (by means of calls and visitation) and especially the hospitalized and shut-ins.

The two Session Committees that I particularly work with are Congregation Growth and Care, and
Christian Education Committee. I refer you to their reports for what was accomplished in 2016. I want to
thank their chairman, John Garnett (CG&C), Jody Lanier (CE) and the members of the committees for
their support and encouragement.

As a Teaching Elder I am thankful for the opportunities that I had to teach, preach and to assist in
worship. I taught this past year throughout the Sunday School, the Garmer weekly Bible Study and
monthly for the Transitional Bible Study.

It is a joyful privilege to serve with my colleagues Terry Johnson, Tim Foster, Frankie Daniell, Amy
Martin, Tim Shaw, Josh Espinosa, Kathryn Van Eck and Paul Rodgers. I value and respect each one for
their gifts and the way our differing gifts are blended to work as an effective team.

In addition, I am privileged to labor along with faithful and supportive Elders and Deacons. A special
thanks of appreciation goes to J. Dennis Boatright, Clerk of Session and Wallace T. Milling, Chairman of
the Diaconate for their faithful leadership and service.

I am very thankful to God for giving me a very supportive wife in Donna and four children who are now
engaged in the pursuit of careers. Matthew is the Director of Advancement for Sigma Phi Epsilon
Fraternity in Richmond, VA. Leighann is employed with Savannah Neurology Specialists. Andrew is the
Director of Communications for Sigma Phi Epsilon and lives with wife, Claire in Richmond, VA. David
is employed with Savannah Neurology Specialists. Donna completed 21 years in 2016 at Candler
Hospital as a mother/baby nurse.

The Parrish family was very pleased to announce that in July, Leighann became engaged to Dr. Victor W.
Rosenfeld, a neurologist practicing in Savannah. An April 29, 2017, wedding is being planned.

At the end of September Donna was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer. Surgery followed in October,
and shortly after an aggressive regimen of chemo-therapy began. The last quarter of 2016 has been very
difficult for Donna, but the prayers and support of the congregation have been a great source of strength
and encouragement as she continues to battle this disease. We are very thankful for the many acts of love
and support from the members of the congregation. It means more than I could ever express. Thank you
for allowing me to serve this wonderful congregation.

Associate Minister
Timothy P. Foster

My tenth year at I.P.C. has been filled joys and challenges. I am regularly amazed by the privilege I have
to serve a congregation that loves, encourages, and prays for its ministers. I am also grateful for the
opportunity to serve alongside a wise and seasoned pastoral staff. Here are a few highlights from my
ministry in 2016.

Preaching During my Sunday evening preaching, I continued to lead us through a series on 1 Timothy.
I also helped lead our Wednesday Bible Study. Due to the extensive renovations, the Wednesday
midweek service was temporarily suspended from January-August 2016. We restarted the service in
September 2016 with a new location (the beautiful and elegant Telfair Hall) and a new format. This brief
30-minute Bible study provided a rich opportunity for spiritual encouragement and fellowship in the
middle of a busy week. Thank you to all those who participated.

Teaching In addition to teaching several of our adult Sunday school classes through the Book of
Judges, I also taught one of our elective classes. It was the third time I conducted the seminar I developed
for my doctoral work. The seminars title was Accepted in the Beloved: How Jesus Redeems Our Guilt,
Fear, and Shame. The main purpose of the class was to discover how the security of the gospel (i.e., our
union with Christ) helps us process our negative, threatening emotions. Thanks to those who attended and
gave valuable feedback.

Pastoral I also served on the Congregational Growth and Care committee, provided pulpit supply at
area churches, conducted hospital visitation, offered pastoral counseling, attended the Dead Theologians
Society, and participated in a variety of ministries connected to our church (Savannah River Presbytery;
PRIMES; Christian Counseling & Educational Foundations Annual Conference in Chattanooga, TN). I
also worked extensively with our Bluffton church plant. Much effort and prayer went into forming a
pulpit committee, communicating with the local pastors and presbytery in the Lowcountry, and
organizing evening services. We are pleased that a veteran church planter and pastor, Rev. Dr. Ron
Gleason, will lead our Bluffton Presbyterian Mission. Services are scheduled to begin in early 2017.

Study I have finally completed the class and thesis work for the Doctor of Ministry degree at
Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). I am grateful to the church leadership for allowing me
to take this valuable course of study. If I am successful in defending my dissertation (Spring 2017), then I
hope to graduate in May 2017.

Personal Caroline and I are grateful for all your prayers, encouragement, and support for our growing
family. One of the highlights of the year was baptizing my daughter Ava Anne Foster on March 13. I was
especially moved by the outpouring of love and prayers during my recent health issues in November.
Thank you for your ongoing concern and commitment to intercede for us. We look forward to what the
Lord will do in 2017.

Staff Updates

Jane H. Boatright:
In January of 2016 our daughter Caroline married Drew Johnson. In April our daughter and son-in-law
Emily and Ryan Moody welcomed their fourth child, Virginia, into their home. Our daughter Anna Gross
dealt with a number of health problems and was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and
began treatment for that condition.

Francis V. Daniell
The Daniells are thankful for Gods goodness in 2016. Judy continues to teach Pre-K at Veritas Academy
two days a week. She is also involved in and blessed by the Womens Bible Study on Tuesdays at I.P.C.
Jennifer entered her senior year at UGA in the fall of 2016. She plans to enroll in graduate studies in
Linguistics at Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand, after graduation. She plans to go there in July
of 2017.

Joshua M. Espinosa
In January of 2016 things were going as smooth as it could go for a family of five. THEN February came,
and Lauren and I found out that she was pregnant. A few weeks later, we found out that she was not only
pregnant, but pregnant with TWINS, and not only pregnant with twins, but pregnant with twin GIRLS!
On September 22, 2016, Faith and Evangeline were born. We celebrated Joshua turning 11, Caleb turning
9, and Isaac turning 5. Caleb and Isaac joined their big brother at Veritas Academy. Our second
anniversary of our being at I.P.C. rolled around in June. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to be in
Savannah and especially be a part of the warm, hospitable family at Independent Presbyterian Church. So
how was 2016 for us? HA. It has been adventurous.

Amy R. Martin:
Conrad is in his senior year of college at Birmingham-Southern College majoring in Business Marketing.
Rebecca and her husband Jimmy are also living in Birmingham, Alabama. Jimmy is a Financial Analyst
with Regions Bank, and Rebecca has started her own design studio. Charlie accepted a position with
Wayne Brothers in the fall of this year, which allowed him to return to the concrete construction industry.

A. Paul Rodgers:
My family and I are very thankful that in 2016 we completed our third year at our church. Independent
means so much to us.
There were several firsts for our family in 2016. Our oldest daughter completed her first year of high
school. Sarah Blake attends the Savannah Arts Academy. Sarah Blake also had her first job by serving as
a counselor for Fresh Air Home. In the fall, our third child, sixth-grader Marley, came under my
supervision in the student ministry. With Marley accompanying older sister Sarah Blake and older brother
Drew, this means for the first time more of our kids are with me, than with their mother, during student
ministry events. William, our caboose as we often call him, is in the third grade at Veritas Academy. Jan
began her fourth year as the fifth-grade teacher at Veritas Academy.

I am also very thankful to God for the love shown to her and to my children by the congregation of I.P.C.
Your encouragement to us, your affection shown to us and your prayers for us are not taken for granted.
These graces are evidence of your love for our Savior and His love operating through you. For such
grace, we are eternally grateful. Thank you.

Timothy D. Shaw:
The Shaw family is so happy to be at I.P.C. Our family is loved and encouraged and cared for so well by
this congregation. Over the last year, Annie turned two, Levi was born, and we have become committed
to staying here beyond our original plan. Abby has loved the Women's Bible Study and all the
opportunities for fellowship and ministry that we enjoy. Please continue to pray for us in this new year as

I will still be working toward ordination, Abby will be finishing her degree from Westminster, and of
course, our children continue to develop and grow.

Kathryn Van Eck

The Year 2016 was a very good year for me, personally. I still find true delight in my work at
Independent Presbyterian, and I am constantly encouraged by working with our choirs. Since my knee
replacements five years ago, I am forced to spend many more hours a week practicing, which is
something I enjoy. I enjoyed several trips to New York over the course of this past year to visit children
and my two precious granddaughters, and I was privileged to be in New York when Bridget (Birdie) was
born in May. This Christmas was a very special one for me and my children, and I feel as a family we are
growing stronger. May God receive the glory! I look forward to this next year, knowing that whatever
lies ahead, I am in Gods hands. My lifes goal is to serve Him in whatever circumstances I am.

J. Dennis Boatright

At the beginning of two thousand and sixteen, the Session was composed of eleven ruling elders and three
teaching elders. The Session customarily conducted its business through monthly regular scheduled
meetings (except for June and July) that were held on the next-to-last Monday of the month and during
special called meetings as required. Joint meetings with the diaconate were held monthly. Mr. Marc
Biemiller and Mr. Wallace Milling were elected at the November congregational meeting to the class of
2022. They will begin their duties on January 1, 2017.

The Session continued to conduct its business through these committees:

Christian Education
Congregational Growth & Care
Family, College & Youth
Finance & Administration

The activities of these committees are summarized later in the annual report. The Session is grateful to
the church officers and members of these committees who volunteered their time and talents to further the
work of the church.

As we review 2016, Im so thankful for Gods wonderful blessings toward us as part of His church. My
prayer for us at I.P.C. is that we would continue to be faithful to our great God and to continue to use the
Word of God, the sacraments and prayer as our weapons to fight the spiritual battles that God calls us to
fight as members of His church. On behalf of the Session, I extend a special thank you to Elder Lanier
for his six years of service on the Session and to the full-time and part-time staff members whose
dedicated work give direction and meaning to the ministry of Independent Presbyterian Church.

The Ad Hoc Security Committee was established in 2016 to evaluate the overall safety and security of
the congregation and its facilities. This committee will continue its work into 2017 and make
recommendations as to security policies for the church.

Membership and Committees

Class of 2016 Class of 2020

Marion T. (Jody) Lanier III J. Dennis Boatright
Richard B. Mullininx, Jr.
Class of 2017 William D. Brodmann, Jr.
Francis V. Daniell
John W. Garnett Class of 2022
Marc C. Biemiller
Class of 2018 Wallace T. Millings, Sr.
Timothy A. Barrett
David B. Gross

Class of 2019
David D. Gobel
Charles C. Martin, Jr.
W. Gregory Brunson

Christian Education I Missions Committee

Marion T. (Jody) Lanier III (Chairman) David D. Gobel (Chairman)
Jane H. Boatright Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Carpenter (Cindy)
W. Gregory Brunson Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Daniell (Judy)
Amy R. Martin Deacon: Eddie DeLoach
Ronald H. Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Martin, Jr. (Amy)
John Rigby Julie E. McDougall
Kathryn Van Eck Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Moore (Kathy)
Cynthia M. Sutlive
Youth, College & Career Committee
Timothy A. Barrett (Chairman) Financial and Administrative
Lucy B. Biemiller Richard B. Mullininx, Jr. (Chairman)
Carol S. Dusek William D. Brodmann, Jr.
Charles C. Martin, Jr. Joshua M. Espinosa
Megan R. Mullininx Stephen E. Jackson, Jr.
A. Paul Rodgers Seth L. Murray
K. Wilbur Wiggins
Congregational Growth and Care Richard B. Mullininx, Jr. (Chairman)
John W. Garnett (Chairman) Timothy A. Barrett
Carol N. Bowman J. Dennis Boatright
Neal A. Cope, Sr. Joshua M. Espinosa
Timothy P. Foster John W. Garnett
David B. Gross David D. Gobel
Patrick C. Kenard Marion T. (Jody) Lanier III
Ron H. Parrish
Rosemary T. Taylor Clerk of Session
J. Dennis Boatright

President Pt. Pleasant Corporation

Timothy A. Barrett

Christian Education Committee
Marion T. Jody Lanier

The Christian Education Committee is responsible for all the educational and music programs of the
church. The work of this committee is delegated to various paid and volunteer individuals (Director of
Nursery and Womens Program, Director of Childrens Program, and Director of Music) as determined
by the Session. The areas of responsibility include: Nursery, Junior Church, Leadership Training, Sunday
School, Training of Church Officers, Women of the Church, Music Program and Choirs.

There were five Adult Sunday School classes led by class presidents and taught by a combination of the
churchs three ministers, pastoral apprentice and lay teachers. Our lay teachers this year were J. Dennis
Boatright, David D. Gobel, Edward A. Forester, Rick B. Mullininx, Jr., Tim Shaw, and Jeff H. Sutton.

Average Sunday School attendance was 290 (280 last year).

Nurseries: Mrs. J. Dennis Boatright (Jane) serves as Director of Nursery.

Each week members of our church faithfully volunteered to care for the nursery children of the church.
We need about 22 volunteers each Sunday in order to staff the 4 different nursery rooms. In addition, we
had paid nursery workers that helped with our children on Sunday evenings, Tuesday morning ladies
Bible studies, the Wednesday mid-day service, and during the special services or programs of the church.
Our happy news in 2016 was that we had 11 babies born into the church.

Childrens Ministries: Mrs. Charlie Martin (Amy), Director of Childrens Program.

Sunday School teachers who served this year in our elementary classes were: Carol Dusek, Candace
Sutlive, Linden Helmly, Sue Hinely, Charlie Martin, Kirstine Flannigan. The teaching of The Shorter
Catechism and Catechism for Young Children was a special emphasis in 2016.

Memorization program: A total of 109 children have completed Level I since 1994. (Lords Prayer,
Apostles Creed, Ten Commandments). In 2016, they were Caroline Nix, Mary Kendrick Oliver, Elliot
Oliver, Lucy Kelly. A total of 34 children have completed Level II (The Catechism for Young Children)
since 1993. In 2016 they were Lucy Kelly. Thirty-five children have passed Level III (The Shorter
Catechism) since 1996. In 2016 they were Caroline and Rollins Nix.

Childrens Church meets weekly during the morning worship service and was led by a faithful number of
church members.

Egg Hunt & Pancake Breakfast Friday, March 25, youth prepared for the breakfast and helped host the
event with over 250 in attendance on Saturday, March 26.

Fall Family Night was held on Monday, October 31, with approximately 300 in attendance. The youth
set up and hosted the event. The highlights were several new games, the bull and the Big Bon Pizza

Read-A-Louds continued during the dinner hour with a variety of members volunteering to read to the

Women of the Church: Mrs. J. Dennis Boatright (Jane) also serves as our Director of Womens

The year began with our Winter Retreat in Hilton Head Island. 70 women attended to enjoy an extended
time of fellowship and to hear Mary Beth McGreevy teach on the subject of A Christians
Contentment. In March our women gathered for our Womens Missions Luncheon as part of our World
Missions Conference. In September the women of our church worked together to plan our Annual W.O.C.
Meeting and Tea. 175 women of all ages attended this meeting from middle-school age and up. In
November we were together for Holiday Hospitality.

Many of our women participated in Tuesday morning weekly Bible studies and monthly circles. Peggy
Marting taught the Tuesday morning Bible study for 8 years before she and husband Richard moved to
South Florida in December. Others who taught were Liz Brodmann, Linda DePue, Carol Dusek, Terri
Fruit, Tevis Garnett, Annette Hartley, Emily Moody, and Sally Robyn.

Music Ministry: Mrs. Kathryn Van Eck, Director of Music.

The Sanctuary Choir consisted of 32 members. On April 7, they enjoyed a choir banquet with the
Handbell Choir at the Mighty Eighth hosted by Mrs. Steve Bell (Teri). In July the choir had a party/baby
shower for Mrs. Josh Espinosa (Lauren) at the home of Doris Cope and Alan Harvey.

In August, Mrs. Van Eck hosted a party for 6th and 7th grade students that were eligible for Youth Choir.
The Youth Choir had 20 members, 6th-12th grade, and experienced a wonderful choir trip on the weekend
of April 8-10, to Covenant Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville, GA. This is the church home of former
members Ron and Delyn Barksdale. The Youth Choir finished their spring season on May 29 by singing
at Point Pleasant for our annual opening services for the summer.

There were no Chapel Choir rehearsals from January-May due to renovations. Chapel Choir began in
September with 34 members. Chapel Choir was once again accompanied by Mrs. John Garnett (Tevis).

The Handbell Choir had approximately 14 members and regularly contributed to worship services. It was
directed by Mrs. Greg Brunson (Edith).

Family worship and learning of Psalms and Hymns were encouraged through the newsletter, completing
in 2016 our 24th year of this program.

For a seventeenth year the congregation participated in Operation Christmas Child which was organized
by Neal Cope.

Jody Lanier, Chairman

Jane Boatright, Director of Nursery and Womens Program
Greg Brunson, Elder
Amy Martin, Director of Childrens Program
Ron Parrish, Associate Pastor
John Rigby, Deacon
Kathryn Van Eck, Director of Music

Youth, College and Career Committee
Timothy A. Barrett

Two thousand sixteen was a unique and eventful year for I.P.C.s youth, college, and career ministry.
Several items directly impacting this reality include how our building renovations affected our
programming schedules, continuity of leadership with our career demographic, an open door for ministry
on a local university, and changes in our student ministry.

In 2016 we completed our first full year with sixth graders as part of the student ministry. When we
started the fall of the year, the full plan for integration of sixth graders would be implemented. This
change had been talked about for years. It seems the integration of the sixth graders into the Student
Ministry has occurred with minimal disruption and to the pleasure of most; for this we are grateful.
There were several highlights of the year for our student ministry. Early in the year the theme for the
Winter Retreat was The Greatest of These, taken from 1 Corinthians 13. Thirty-one students and eight
chaperones studied this chapter at Camp Glisson in Dahlonega, Georgia. In June, twenty-two middle
school students and chaperones attended The EDGE conference at Covenant College. This was our third
consecutive year attending. In July, we held our third Mission Savannah in the community. The theme
for this event was First, taken from Matthew 6:33. Ministries and organizations we served during
Mission Savannah included Coastal Jail Ministry Transitional Program, The Dream Campaign, and
Fresh Air Home.
Teaching series included:
Learning to Pray from the Apostle Paul (high school)
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (middle and high school)
Biblical Conflict Resolution (high school)
Relating & Dating (high school)
The Word on the Word (middle school)
The Westminster Confession of Faith (high school Sunday School)
The Shorter Catechism (middle school Sunday School)
Believing God by R.C. Sproul, Jr. (high school)
Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges (middle school Sunday School)
We enjoyed hosting a Friday morning Chick-fil-A Prayer Breakfast for our youth and collegians at Point
Pleasant in the summer. Nearly seventy I.P.C. youth and family members spent a day of recreation at
Wassaw beach, and our youth had the opportunity to serve our church family and community for several
days cleaning up debris left from Hurricane Matthew. All in all, it was a very busy and exciting year to be
a part of I.P.C.s ministry to our youth.
In the spring of 2016 we said goodbye to Caroline Johnson as our Youth Assistant, and in the summer we
welcomed Kirstie Brodmann into this role. We also enjoyed the labor of Youth Summer Interns
Nathaniel Mullins and Larissa White. The ministry was also made possible by a large team of volunteers
who taught Sunday School, led small groups, served as chaperones, cooked meals, and much more. I
speak not only as chair of this committee but for Paul Rodgers and all in our church family in thanking all
volunteers for their service. May the seeds youve sown reap a harvest greater than you could ever

College Ministry:
We began the year with a mid-week Bible study to 12-15 baseball players at Armstrong State University.
This study was taught by both Paul Rodgers and our intern, Kyle Brent. We were able to retain Kyle
through the summer to continue to teach our own collegians through a mid-week Bible study. Summer
and December holiday Sunday School classes were taught by Paul Rodgers. Volunteers continued to
serve our collegians through creating and sending care packages to each of them in the fall.

Your twenties can be a transient time of life, and we have had many come in and out of our fellowship,
but the Lord has provided several godly lay leaders in that group for whom we are grateful. We still
average between 30 and 40 on Thursday nights, but these leaders have helped to establish several other
important aspects of the ministry. For one, there is more organic social interaction; not set up by Tim
Shaw. But there are events that are organized that spin off of and out of our group. For another, we have a
Tuesday Night Mens Small Group that studies the book of Isaiah and discusses life. Several of our young
women have made it a priority to attend and bring others to the Womens Circle that meets in the
evenings once a month at Anne Portells house. Besides this, others have gotten involved with Urban
Hope and have been a helpful conduit to getting us more connected there. This has all been going on
along side our planned monthly events (serving Urban Hope dinners, going to a Bananas game, paddling
the Ebenezer, etc.).

But not only has this been happening among the single Twenties, but there has been good lay leadership
among the Twenties young couples as well. They have organically made an effort to get together to watch
football games and have meals. The New Covenant Sunday School Class was re-launched in an effort to
get these young couples more involved, and overall it has been a success. We now average around 25-35
in the New Covenant Sunday School class.

Besides teaching and organizing this demographic (20s), Tim Shaws regular duties include hospital
visitation, preaching on Wednesdays and Sundays, speaking in chapel at Veritas Academy and Savannah
Christian School, and teaching the Drug Court Bible Study a couple times a month.

Missions Committee
David D. Gobel

The Missions Committee selects local and foreign missionaries and organizations for financial and prayer
support; planting new churches or supporting church planting initiatives; organizing short-term mission
opportunities for members of the congregation; overseeing the I.P.C. Day Camp, and hosting an annual
Missions Conference. We are very pleased to be supporting one of our own members, Jessica Wiggins,
who will be serving as a nurse with PeruMission in Trujillo, Peru. The committee also oversees the
activities of the subcommittee on Moral Concerns. Below is a list of persons, organizations, events and
projects supported by the Missions Committee in 2016.

The members of the Missions Committee for 2016 were: David Gobel (Chairman), Paul and Cindy
Carpenter, Frankie Daniell (Missions Director), Judy Daniell, Eddie Deloach, Julie McDougall, Charlie
and Amy Martin, Chuck and Kathy Moore, John Rigby, and Cindy Sutlive (Chairman, Moral Concerns

Church Plants
1. Bluffton, SC Ron Gleason, church planter
2. First Asian Indian Presbyterian Church, Fairfax, VA - Jegar Chinnavan, organizing pastor
3. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Aaron Halbert
4. Berlin Presbyterian Church, Berlin, Germany Johannes Mller, organizing pastor
5. First Scots Presbyterian, Beaufort, SC Alex Mark, organizing pastor
6. Grace Harbor Church, Tokyo, Japan Jon Pfeil, organizing pastor

Local Missions
Bill Maxey Ministries
Christian Medical Association
Coastal Empire Right to Life
Coastal Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Coastal Jail Ministries
Covenant Care Services
HIS Radio Jody Robinson
International Seamans House
Living Vine Christian Maternity Home
Savannah Care Center
Savannah River Presbytery
Savannah United Ministries
Urban Hope
Veritas Academy

Home Missions
Al Baker, Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship
Christian Counseling and Education Foundation
Chaplin Ministries, MNA
Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, GA
The Gideons
Palmer House for Children, Columbus, GA
Reformed Youth Movement
Reformed Worship Conference, Midway, Georgia
Twin Lakes Fellowship
World Missionary Press

Reformed University Fellowship:
Savannah College of Art and Design Soren Kornegay
Georgia Institute of Technology Michael Phillips
Georgia Southern University Ro Taylor
University of Georgia Justin Clement
Appalachian State University Chris Horne
Greenville Presbyterian Seminary, Greenville, SC
Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS
Reformed Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, PA
Westminster Theological Seminary, Escondido, CA
Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA

World Missions
Peter & Diane Bakelaar Church Planting, Japan
Wes & Jami Baker Church Planting, PeruMission
Vic Bernales Davao, Philippines
John & Sue Burch MTW Missionary Mentoring
Chinese Reformed Theological Seminary Taipei, Taiwan
Henry & Wendy Clay Navigators, Columbia, SC
Wayne & Ann Curles Pastor Training, Eastern Europe
Dale & Susan Ellison Medical Ministry, PeruMission
Joe & Bev Fitzpatrick Pastor Training, Puerto Rico
James & Rachael Grant MTW Madrid, Spain (fundraising)
Sebastian Heck Reformation 2Germany, Heidelberg, Germany
David and Natalie Holsten Mission Aviation Fellowship, Indonesia
Dan & Carol Iverson Church Planting, Japan
Jonathan & Maggie Iverson Church Planting, India
Gary & Linda Johnson International Xchange Organization
Jerry Knight Instructor, African Bible College
Matt Lamos Belgium
Marc & Aline Mailloux MTW, Caribbean Islands
Coby & Pamela McGinty University Ministry, South Africa
Mission India Church Planter Training
Jon & Sarah Pfeil Church Planting, Japan
The Puritan Project Reformed Literature Publishers
Alonzo & Esther Ramirez Church Planting, PeruMission
Dr. Nickolay Revtov Evangelism Explosion Eurasia
Mark & Barbara Rustine Wycliffe Bible Translators, Dallas, Texas
Bill Schweitzer Gateshead Presbyterian Church, Newcastle, England
Roger & Diane Smalling Bible training in Latin America
Hermes & Alleen Toms Administration & Short Term Coordinator, PeruMission
Bruce & Barbara Wannemacher Theological Training, South Africa
Benjamin & Anna Wontrop Bury St. Edmunds, England
Jessica Wiggins PeruMission, Trujillo, Peru

Note: Certain missionaries supported by I.P.C. are not listed here because of the sensitive nature of their

Short Term Missions

Our annual Peru Day Camp trip took place Jan. 1-9, 2016, with great participation from I.P.C., Twin
Lakes Camp, and the PeruMission churches. Approximately 140 children were served. The fall medical

and construction trip to Peru was cancelled because of Hurricane Matthew. Many of those participants
worked that week in I.P.C.s relief efforts here in Savannah. This was very productive not only in terms
of work done, but in building the fellowship and care in our church.

Missions Conference (March 2023, 2016)

The theme of the 2016 Missions Conference was, What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you,
taken from I John 1:3. Conrad Mbewe, pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia, was the
keynote speaker. Missionary guests included Tim Mares, ministering to immigrant communities in
Atlanta, Joe Fitzpatrick, training pastors in Puerto Rico, David Harrell, co-director of Camp Joy, a
ministry to special-needs children sponsored by the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in South
Carolina, and two of our local missionary speakers: Evelyn Singleton with the Seamans House and Lori
Irish, serving with the Coastal Jail Ministry.

I.P.C. Day Camp at Point Pleasant

2016 had the highest enrollment ever in the Day Camp. 651 campers were served (92 I.P.C. members and
559 non-members) over the 8 one-week sessions. The camp employed 33 high school and college staff
and 9 of I.P.C.s middle school students participated in the volunteer program. Approximately 60 parents
and friends attended each Fridays closing ceremony. Staff meetings were held each Monday night. The
staff did a Bible study on David As a Type of Christ over the eight weeks.

Moral Concerns Subcommittee

The Moral Concerns Committee led the congregation in our efforts to stand for life. In the spring and fall
of 2016, we participated in the "40 Days for Life" prayer campaigns. In October, we stood alongside other
churches in the "National Life Chain." Our attendance at the "March for Life" was cancelled due to
inclement weather.

Congregational Growth and Care Committee
John W. Garnett

The Growth and Care committee is responsible for implementing the I.P.C. Care Groups, and also
providing general oversight of several special events during the year to nurture the growth and fellowship
of our congregation.

Care Groups

During 2016 Care Groups at I.P.C. served the needs of our congregation through such tangible acts as
taking meals to members, assisting with physical needs of members, sending cards of encouragement,
calling on the sick and elderly, gathering for social fellowship and events, and then providing clean-up
assistance at Sunday evening meals. While these visible actions are how we witness the body of Christ in
action, there are many, many acts of kindness that occur without being recognized which demonstrate
how members of our church express the love of Christ, as we fulfill His command to "bear one another's
burdens" (Gal. 6:2). As a committee, we are truly gratified to see and hear of those who have been
blessed by the often unknown acts of kindness of an I.P.C. member.

One of the most visible opportunities of assisting our members during 2016 was the clean-up in the
aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, which struck Savannah on Friday, October 7. Several work teams of
I.P.C. members and staff were mobilized by Josh Espinosa and traveled as needed to assist church
members with cutting and clearing downed trees, and hauling limbs to curbs for pickup both in the
Savannah and Bluffton/Hilton Head areas. During the immediate days after the hurricane struck, and over
several weekends afterwards, the homes of about 20 families were assisted with debris removal; 150
brown-bag lunches were assembled by the youth and adult volunteers and distributed to SCAD students,
church families, our community and utility workers; and many gallons of water were distributed as needs
were encountered. The positive, energetic and servant attitude of those who participated on the teams left
an indelible impression on both church members and others, providing a strong witness to those in the
community of the body of Christ working in action to meet the needs of its people.

The Care Group ministry continues to be a vital and integral part of our church and provides an
organizational method of caring for the members of our congregation. Led by an Elder and several
Deacons assigned to each group, the Care Groups operate under the following core values below, which
serve as a constant reminder to our church leaders and serve as the impetus for their actions. To provide
accountability, each month a Care Group is reviewed during the joint portion of the Diaconate and
Session meeting by discussing any specific needs or on-going prayer requests, while a picture of each
individual/family is displayed in that Care Group.

C: Comprehensive where every member should know that they are cared for at I.P.C.
A: Accountable we are responsible for caring for our members.
R: Relational - there should be regular member contact thru the elders and deacons.
E: Energetic church leaders should be engaged and pro-active in shepherding our flock.

As in the previous year, the Deacons and Elders of I.P.C. gathered on January for an Officers Retreat to
focus on shepherding the flock that we have been given and to spend time in prayer and to review the
needs of members of our church. Rev. Dr. Neil Stewart was the guest speaker and spoke on several
passages from Titus on the role of leaders in the church. Part of the time was spent in prayer, reviewing
the needs of the individual groups as well.

Special Events

During 2016, there were several events for congregational participation and spiritual growth. By
participating, attendees were able to grow deeper in their faith, while also enjoying the fellowship and
benefits of being in the company of fellow believers.

Special events during 2016 included:

Sanctity of Life Sunday was observed on January 17, and included a sermon entitled What It
Means to be Human based on Genesis 1:26-28. Our church annually sponsors a bus load of
people to the "March for Life" event in Washington D.C in January; however, this years trip was
canceled due to bad weather. We participated in the city-wide Life Chain on October 2, as we do
each year.

Georgia Heritage Day and the Kirkin of the Tartan, traditional events in the history of I.P.C., were
held on February 7 and May 1, respectively. Many thanks to those in our congregation who
assisted in the preparation for these two services.

Maundy Thursday was observed on March 24, with a service of Lessons and Psalms, followed by
observing the Lords Supper. A brief devotional message was given by Mr. Johnson.

Our 5th Communion Season was held August 4-7, featuring Rev. David Filson, pastor of Christ
Presbyterian Church, Nashville, Tennessee. The sessions culminated with observing the Lords
Supper during morning worship on August 7.

Our annual observation of Reformation Sunday occurred during the morning worship on October
30. The title of Mr. Fosters sermon was "The Sufficiency of Christ," based on Hebrews 13.

A Veterans Appreciation Lunch was sponsored by I.P.C. at Pt. Pleasant on November 19, to
recognize the men and women who currently serve and have served in our nations armed services.
This was the third year an outreach event such as this had been organized, and approximately 110
were in attendance, including several I.P.C. members who are veterans from World War II, Korea,
and Vietnam. Brigadier General Richardson from the 3rd Infantry Division was the speaker.
Special thanks to Dexter Brewer and his committee of I.P.C. members who did an outstanding job
of organizing this event this year.

Our annual Thanksgiving service was observed as part of evening worship on November 27.
Pastor Johnsons sermon was In Everything Give Thanks, based on 1 Thess 5:18.
Thank you to each member of I.P.C. for everything that you do and for your continued prayer and support
of our church. Serving on the Congregational Growth & Care Committee in 2016 were Carol Bowman,
Neal Cope, Tim Foster, John Garnett, David Gross, Patrick Kenard, Ron Parrish, and Rosemary Taylor.

Finance and Administration Committee
Rick B. Mullininx

The F&A committee is responsible for the overall operational matters of the church. We also work with
Mr. Espinosa, Director of Administration, in support of his administrative duties. Our committee
prepares the annual budget based on input from committee chairs, reviews monthly spending, and reports
to the Session.

Members of the 2016 F&A committee were Rick Mullininx (Chairman), Will Brodmann, Seth Murray,
Steven Jackson, and Josh Espinosa.

1. Total tithes and offerings was $1,960,197.67. Adding funds from Trustees, Trusts, Foundations,
and other revenues brought the total income for 2016 to $2,898,165.83.
2. We gave a total of $504,342.63 to mission causes outside the church.
3. Established the 2016 Trustee Reserve Fund target of $2,500,000.
a. Capital replacements - $1,341,000
b. Insurance deductibles - $435,000
c. Essential budget - $418,000
d. New personnel expenses - $47,000
e. Market risk - $259,000
4. Funded webcast capabilities for the sanctuary consisting of two cameras and control board for
recording and streaming live video.
5. Funded sanctuary dome painting in the amount of $50,000.
6. Supported meal price increase of $1.00 to $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for children, $16.00 max per
7. Please see the Financial Statements.

We are a blessed congregation to have such a fine staff and the financial means to support our ministry
and maintain our facilities.

Summary of Revenues and Expenses 2016
General Budget Account $ 1,960,197.67
(Pledges, General Offerings, Sunday School, World
Missions, and Loose Plate)

Trusts and Foundations (Jenkins, Hollis, Nevitt, Hostetter) $664,488.33

Other Revenues $273,479.83

(Interest, Rental of Church, Memorials,
Food Service)

TOTAL REVENUE $ 2,898,165.83

Church Extension $504,342.63

(Missions, Church Planting)

Personnel and Benefits $1,236,527.42

(Salaries, Benefits)

Christian Education Work Area $104,926.89

(Activities, Youth, Nursery, W.O.C.)

Congregational Growth $ 26,109.10

(Congregational Care, Fellowships)

Food Service $ 42,543.48

(Food, Supplies, Equipment, Repairs)

Building and Grounds $607,248.81


Office expenses $376,466.50

(Office Operations, Utilities, Insurance, PP support, Misc.)

TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,898,164.83

INCOME $ 1.00

Statement of Net Worth (12/31/16)
Cash (General Operating Account) $ 58,992.43

Designated Funds 388,343.84

Glasgow (Missions) 145,126.21

Trustees SunTrust $1,897,415.66

Stewart Memorial $ 2,875.00
Glasgow Investment Fund $ 21,827.58

Total $1,922,118.24

Capital Campaign & Renovation $ 52,327.70

Bookshop $ 739.60

Point Pleasant Corporation $1,256.14

Day Camp $132,872.82


Victoria Jenkins Charitable Foundation

2004 received $285,000

2005 received $225,000
2006 received $291,801
2007 received $313,487
2008 received $302,152
2009 received $159,201
2010 received $218,904
2011 received $222,823
2012 received $193,092
2013 received $381,940
2014 received $305,754
2015 received $296,223
2016 received $208,494

2016 Summary
Not spent Church planting---------> $ 155,043.00
Not spent Maintenance-------------> $ 38,387.00
Not spent Education---------------- > $ -0-

Capital Campaign and Renovation Report
December 31, 2016

Beginning Balance 2016

Checking $ 486,227.00

Income Received for 2016

Glasgow $1,845,436.28
Gifts from Congregation 420,505.20
Trustees 150,000.00
Interest 567.74

Total income $2,416,509.22

Fellowship Hall 1,964,759.75
Pews 40,561.18
Lane Renovation 803,952.59
Sanctuary Floor 24,430.00
Point Pleasant Assembly Hall 955.00
Carriage House 13,350.00
Choir Room 2,400.00

Total Expenses $2,850,408.52

Net loss for 2016 $ 433,899.30

Ending Balance 2016

Checking $ 52,327.70

Personnel Committee
Rick B. Mullininx

The Personnel Committee has oversight responsibilities for church staff and polices.

Members of the 2016 committee were: Rick Mullininx (Chairman), Dennis Boatright, Tim Barrett, David
Gobel, Jody Lanier, John Garnett, and Josh Espinosa

1. Initiated a search to replace Dale Hinely who resigned in December as Financial Secretary after 9
years of service.

2. Started a search to replace Cheryl Murray who will depart in spring of 2017.

3. Established a waiver risk wavier/release for youth program activities.

4. Hired Tim Shaw as a full-time Assistant Pastor effective June 2017.

Building Committee
Rick B. Mullininx

The Building Committee provided oversight and direction for several major projects completed in 2016.

1. The Oglethorpe Lane renovation was started in 2012 with initial architectural work and
completed in 2016 for a total amount of $1,098,040.60. The church received positive recognition
from the local community for the beautification of city property.

2. The Fellowship Hall, chapel and garden remodeling started in 2013 and completed in 2016 for a
total amount of $2,226,821.51.

3. The sanctuary floor and pews were cleaned and refinished for a total amount of $55,321.

4. Initial work has begun to refurbish the 21 W Oglethorpe Lane property purchased in 2016.

The Diaconate
Wallace T. Milling

Twenty-three deacons had the privilege of serving the Lord's congregation at I.P.C. and the local
community in 2016.

Deacons serve the church through the following standing and ad hoc committees each led by a chairman
and vice chairman.

The Worship Assistance Committee - The entire Diaconate including men from the congregation, with
Session approval, supported this crucial committee through ushering and security services during the
weekly worship services. Will Black and Jody Robinson generously volunteered to establish the ushering
schedule for 2016. Chairman, David Wade, maintained and executed it for the fifty-two Sunday services,
which require twelve men for each morning service and four men for each evening service, along with
offering collection and counting. Four additional men are required on communion Sundays for
setup/cleanup of the communion elements, and all available ushers/deacons put away tables and benches
after AM services. In addition, deacons support ushering needs for all the special services such as
Missions Conference, Communion Season, Lessons and Carols, and funerals. All married deacons serve
in children's church at least once during the year.

The challenges posed by renovation work on the Lane, the Fellowship Hall, Mary Telfair Chapel and
courtyard garden were met with great flexibility and attentiveness by this committee.

The Mercy Committee, chaired by Neal Cope, ministered resources to those in need, both in the
congregation and the local community. Through Neals leadership, this vital committee expressed God's
love and care for His people during trying circumstances such as Hurricane Matthew. One mercy project
was the provision of transportation for a member in need, and another was a much-needed home repair
project for a local non-member shut-in.

The Hospitality Committee, chaired by Patrick Kenard, encourages the officers and congregation to
warmly welcome visitors, follow up with them, and encourage visitors to become members. The
committee also organizes meal cleanup for some of the large annual events: Point Pleasant BBQ, Low
Country Boil, and the Lessons and Carols Service.

The Stewardship Committee was chaired by Seth Murray, who also served on the Finance &
Administration Committee. This committee works to encourage material giving within the congregation,
and to lead members in wise and generous stewardship of their time and talents.

The Maintenance Committee was chaired by Clay Nolen, and supported by many of the deacons, in
particular Clark Gibson, Kevin Heritage, William Van Puffelen, Sr. and William Van Puffelen, Jr, and
Clark Rookstool. Maintaining the historic buildings of I.P.C.'s downtown campus along with the Point
Pleasant property on Talahi Island is a continuous effort, where wood, masonry, and steel structures in the
southern coastal environment require constant attention and significant resources. Painting, tree removal,
debris clean up, grounds maintenance, roof repair, air-conditioning maintenance, cleaning, etc., are never-
ending tasks. The Diaconate supports the Director of Administration and sexton, Josh Corbitt, with
contractor selection, obtaining bids, scheduling, oversight, and, in some cases, performance of the tasks.
Continual updates to the reserve study by this group provides the ability track and avoids unexpected
maintenance costs related to maintaining the vast facilities with which our congregation has been granted.

The Ad Hoc HVAC Committee
In February 2016 a new Carrier air-conditioning chiller was installed. Since then, we have seen a power
and cost savings compared with previous years. Based on the results since the new chiller was installed,
and compared with the average power usage from 2013-2015, the new air-conditioning chiller will reduce
our yearly power consumption by 342,169 kWh and save us $28,311 per year.

In 2016 the Diaconate organized and participated in the following efforts/ events:

Officers Retreat
Moving out of Fellowship Hall for renovations
Moving back into Fellowship Hall after renovations
Communion Season Services
Missions Conference events
Pt. Pleasant cleanup for Pancake Breakfast
Pt. Pleasant cleanup for Womens Tea and Veterans Day event
103 Regular worship services of the church
12 regularly scheduled monthly meetings

The class of 2016, composed of Wallace T. Milling, Mark W. Dusek, Thomas D. MacMillan, William
B.Van Puffelen, Sr., David M. Wade and Edward W. DeLoach completed their four-year service and
rotated off the Diaconate, where their service and fellowship will be greatly missed.

The Diaconate welcomed Andrew G. Gibson, Andrew B. Johnson, Andrew W. Brodmann, Sr., Patrick L.
Brodmann, Garry W. McKee II, W. Ryon Rambo and H. Dax Williams aboard as the class 2020.

The Diaconate is blessed with men who selflessly committed to serving the Lord at I.P.C. with their time
and abilities, while balancing the demands of their families and careers, for God's glory.

Class of 2016 Class of 2019

Eddie W. DeLoach Kenneth C. Crowe
Mark W. Dusek Stephen E. Jackson, Jr.
Kevin J. Heritage Roy R. (Rob) Kelly IV
Thomas D. MacMillan Clark M. Rookstool
Wallace T. Millings, Sr. William (Breck) B. Van Puffelen II
William B. Van Puffelen
David M.Wade Class of 2020
Andrew W. Brodmann, Sr.
Class of 2017 Patrick L. Brodmann
Neal A. Cope Andrew G. Gibson
Clark W. Gibson Andrew B. Johnson
Patrick C. Kenard Garry W. McKee II
Ryan B. Moody Francisco Orellana
Jody P. Robinson W. Ryon Rambo
Roy C. Thompson III Peter M. Schenk
K. Wilbur Wiggins H. Dax Williams

Class of 2018
William J. Black
Michael D. Hazeltine
G. Clay Nolen

The Trustees
William J. Monroe

The beginning balance of the Trustee account on 1/1/16 was $2,680,779.10.

The total income added to the account from reinvestment was $58,332.39.

The Trustees paid out expenses in the amount of $56,967 which included paying out $2000 to Christian
education and paying the church property insurance.

The balance of the account the Trustees manage for I.P.C. was $1,897,425.66 as of 12/31/2016.

Trustees of I.P.C. are:

William J. Monroe, Chairman (2017)
Frank Chisholm, Jr. (2018)
William D. Brodmann, Sr. (2019)
G. Ronald Morris (2020)
Marion T. (Jody) Lanier III (2021)

Point Pleasant Corporation
Frankie V. Daniell

Point Pleasant continued to be used throughout 2016 for worship, day camp, Missions Conference,
Mission Savannah, RUF functions, Sunday School functions, and several other ministry oriented
events. The property received significant tree damage during Hurricane Matthew 40 large trees
downedand we are slowly recovering and rebuilding. A new (and upgraded) pump house and very nice
tractor and equipment shed has been built to replace facilities that were destroyed in the storm. The tree
house was also destroyed and a new one is being built.


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